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Mitchell’s NJPW Independence Day Results & Report! (7/4/23)

NJPW celebrates America!



The red, white & blue in the Land of the Rising Sun!

NJPW Strong brings a bit of Americana to Japan, and on top of title matches, there will be DOOMSDAY NO DISQUALIFICATION TAG MATCH! Are we about to see fireworks for the Fourth in Japan?


  • Kickoff Show – Six Man Tag: YOH, Ryusuke Taguchi & Oskar Leube VS Takahiro Katori, Dragon Libre & Kengo; Yoh, Taguchi & Leube win.
  • The DKC VS Bad Dude Tito; Tito wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Lance Archer, Alex Zayne & Ryohei Oiwa VS Team Filthy; Team Filthy wins.
  • Tom Lawlor VS Kosei Fujita; Lawlor wins.
  • Rocky Romero & Eddie Kingston VS KENTA & Gedo; Rocky & Kingston win.
  • Willow Nightingale & Momo Kohgo VS Giulia & Thekla; Willow & Momo win.
  • NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Championships: Bishamon VS Alex Coughlin & Gabe Kidd; Coughlin & Kidd win and become the new NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions.
  • IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championships: Catch 2/2 VS Clark Connors & Dan Moloney; Connors & Moloney win and become the new IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions.
  • Exciting Encounter Doomsday No Disqualifications Tag: El Desperado & Jun Kasai VS Jon Moxley & Homicide; Desperado & Kasai win.


Willow Nightingale & Momo Kohgo VS Giulia & Thekla!

Just 24 hours ahead of them facing off over the NJPW Strong Women’s Championship, the Babe with the Power and The Beautiful Madness call upon allies to battle! Will Willow and the Peach Star or Giulia and The Toxic Spider stand tall on Independence Day?

The teams sort out and fans rally up for Giulia as she starts against Willow. But she doesn’t respect the handshake offered! The two get in each other’s face but the ref has them back down. The fans rally up and the bell rings. Giulia and Willow circle, tie up, and Willow powers Giulia to ropes. The ref counts, Willow lets off quickly, and fans cheer. They go again, feel things out, and tie up again. Willow again powers Giulia back but Giulia turns things around. Giulia has Willow on ropes, but lets off slowly. Then she CHOPS! Fans cheer but Willow just brushes it off. Willow CHOPS back and eggs Giulia on.

Giulia CHOPS Willow, then eggs her on! Willow swings, but into an STO! Giulia keeps on the arm but Willow gets to a waistlock. Giulia wrenches out to a wristlock, but Willow scoops and SLAMS her! Giulia wants a second, and fans rally up. Willow and Giulia back off, tags to Momo and Thekla. Momo runs right in but Thekla avoids the dropkick to stomp away! Thekla whips, Momo reverses and hurdles, but Thekla stomps herself. Momo avoids the stomps, whips, but Thekla reverses but then Momo reverses only for Thekla to reverse again. Thekla runs in at the corner but Momo goes up and over!

Momo eggs Thekla on, things speed up, and Momo tilt-o-whirl arm-drags! Thekla ends up on ropes and Momo dials it up, but Thekla avoids the 619! Fans cheer the standoff and Thekla goes Spider-Woman to KICK Momo! Thekla whips, Momo ducks ‘n’ dodges, but double dropkicks cancel out! Momo kips up, but Thekla spider walks! Momo isn’t intimidated so Thekla stands. Thekla mule kicks, reels Momo in to scoop and POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Thekla drags Momo up and bumps her off buckles. Tag to Giulia and fans cheer as Giulia wrenches Momo’s hair! Giulia bumps Momo off buckles, then TOSSES her by her hair!

Giulia sucker punches Willow! Giulia goes corner to corner to ELBOW Momo, then sit her down to dig her boots in! The ref counts, Giulia lets off with her hands, but he doesn’t fall for that. Giulia lets off to drag Momo up, turn and NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Momo fights back with forearms but Giulia doesn’t flinch. Momo keeps throwing shots but Giulia DECKS her in return! Giulia runs, but Momo DROPKICKS her down! Fans fire up and Momo runs, 619! Direct hit! Cover, TWO! Giulia survives but Momo hot tags Willow! Willow rallies on Giulia with big clotheslines! Fans fire up and Willow back body blocks, then clotheslines!

Willow snapmares then BOOTS Giulia down! Willow drags Giulia up, whips, and SPINEBUSTERS! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up as Giulia survives and Willow brings her up. Giulia fires forearms on Willow over and over, and has her on her knees! Giulia runs, but into a fireman’s carry! Giulia shifts her way to get an IRON OCTOPUS! Thekla takes out Momo, but Willow powers Giulia to an AIR RAID CRASH! Cover, TWO and into RINGS OF SATURN! Thekla keeps Momo out but Willow shifts to a cover! TWO and Willow is free! Willow runs in but Giulia dodges! Giulia returns but Willow dodges to CLOBBER Giulia!

Giulia gets right up and she DROPKICKS Willow! Fans fire up as both women are down, and Giulia crawls to hot tag Thekla! Thekla runs, to BOOT WASH Willow in the ropes! Thekla brings Willow up, Willow swings but Thekla dodges! Tilt-o-whirl into the OCTOPUS! Momo goes after Thekla but Giulia goes after Momo. Giulia and Thekla coordinate, INVERTED HART ATTACK! Thekla brings Willow up but she clinches to URENAGE! Fans fire up again and Willow goes up the corner! But Thekla goes up to get her! But Willow sits Thekla down with forearms, and then puts her in a Tree of Woe!

But Thekla sits up! Thekla grins, ROCKS Willow, then ROCKS her again! SPIDER SUPERPLEX! Willow staggers up, Giulia is up top, MISSILE DROPKICK! Willow bails out, Thekla adjusts and Giulia sets Willow up, SUPER CROSSBODY! Fans fire up again as Giulia & Thekla get Willow in. Thekla aims, BUZZSAW! Cover, Momo breaks it! Giulia goes after Momo but Momo tosses her out! Thekla puts Willow in the SPIDER WEB! But Momo kicks it apart! Momo runs in but Thekla dodges in the corner! Thekla CHOPS, ROCKS, and Giulia join in. They double whip, Momo dodges and Willow DOUBLE LARIATS them!

Willow goes up, then Momo goes up onto Willow! SUPER ROCKET LAUNCHER! Down go Giulia & Thekla and fans are thunderous! Momo gets Giulia out to DROPKICK Thekla! Thekla sits, Willow runs in, CANNONBALL! Fireman’s carry, DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Thekla survives but Willow brings down the straps! Willow drags Thekla up, gut wrench, BABE WITH THE POWERBOMB! Cover, Willow & Momo win!

Winners: Willow Nightingale & Momo Kohgo, by pinfall

The NJPW Strong Women’s Champion and the Peach Star stand tall against the Artist of Stardom Champions! Giulia and Willow stare down at the end here, Willow holding up the belt. Giulia CHOPS Willow! So Willow DECKS Giulia! Willow tells Giulia you don’t mess with her! They settle this tomorrow! Will Willow hold onto her gold and win Giulia’s respect? Or will she lose it all against the Beautiful Madness?


NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Championships: Bishamon VS Alex Coughlin & Gabe Kidd!

Just as Hirooki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi won these and the IWGP Heavyweight Tag titles, out came Bullet Club’s newest recruits! The Android and Young Bull have now transformed into War Dogs, will they take a bite out of Chaos? Or will it be Lights Out for them instead?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and then Coughlin & Kidd snatch ’em to CLOBBER Goto & Hashi with them! Fans boo and Coughlin wants the bell! The ref says no but he’s bullied into it by the War Dogs! The bell rings, Kidd covers Hashi, TWO!! Fans cheer but Coughlin drags Goto out to throw him into railing! Kidd throws Hashi out and then throws him into railing! Coughlin throws Goto into more railing while Kidd claws Hashi’s face, right in front of the little children in the front row! Fans boo while Coughlin SMACKS Goto off the apron. Kidd lets off Hashi but Coughlin stands on Goto’s face.

Coughlin fireman’s carries Goto to SNAKE EYES him off the apron! Kidd digs his boots into Hashi! The ref counts, Kidd lets off, and the ref reprimands. Kidd soaks up the heat and then snatches a spare chair! But then Kidd drops the chair to flip everyone off. Fans boo more but Kidd drags Hashi up to CHOP him against the apron! Hashi flops right down, but Goto fights back on Coughlin! CHOP after CHOP, but Coughlin kicks low! Coughlin whips Goto into railing! Goto slumps down, then Kidd whips Hashi hard into railing! Hashi flops over, the ring count starts, but Kidd refreshes it. Kidd drags Hashi up, puts him in, and tags Coughlin.

The War Dogs drag Hashi up, and Kidd holds Hashi’s arms back so Coughlin can CHOP! Fans “WOO~!” for that but then boo as Coughlin & Kidd throw up the Too Sweets. Coughlin stands on Hashi’s neck but the ref counts. Coughlin lets off, tags Kidd, and BLASTS Goto off the apron! Kidd CHOPS Hashi off his feet! Coughlin sends Goto back into railing! Kidd digs his heels into Hashi’s head, but then tells the ref to back the F off! The ref reprimands, fans boo, and Coughlin tags back in. Coughlin swaggers around, eggs Hashi on, and gives him toying kicks. Kidd tosses chairs to ringside while Coughlin SLAMS Hashi!

Coughlin BOOTS Goto off the apron! Then Kidd whips Goto into railing! The War Dogs are isolating Hashi as Coughlin stands him up and SLAPS him! Coughlin talks trash on Hashi, brings him up, but Hashi fires forearms! Fans rally, but Coughlin kicks low! Hashi still throws forearms but Coughlin DECKS him! Coughlin looms over Hashi, but fans rally up. Coughlin suplexes but Hashi slips free to waistlock. Coughlin elbows free but Hashi SUPER- NO, Coughlin blocks to DECK him again! Coughlin eggs Hashi on, whips him to ropes, but Hashi dropkicks the legs out! Hashi turns Coughlin for a NECKBREAKER!

Fans rally up with Hashi and Coughlin down. Goto returns and Hashi hurries over! Hot tags to Goto and Kidd! The Fierce Warrior rallies on Kidd! Fans fire up but Kidd fires shots! Kidd runs, Goto follows and LARIATS! Fans fire up more and Goto storms up to whip Kidd to a corner. Goto then runs in to clothesline and snapmare! Fans fire up, Goto climbs, and he ELBOW DROPS! Cover, TWO! Kidd sputters but Goto drags him up. Goto fireman’s carries, but Kidd fights free! Kidd ROCKS Goto, but Goto ROCKS him back! They go forearm for forearm, fans rally up, and the shots just keep going! Both men wobble, but Goto gets the edge!

But Kidd CHOPS on return! They both run, DOUBLE LARIATS collide! Neither man falls so Goto runs, DOUBLE LARIATS collide again! They’re both still up so they DOUBLE LARIAT a third time! Goto roars but Kidd SLAPS! And SLAPS! Kidd eggs Goto on but Goto SLAPS! Kidd rebounds, into a fireman’s carry! USHIGOROSHI! Both men are down and fans fire up! Hashi returns to the corner! Kidd and Goto crawl, Goto tags in the Headhunter! Hashi runs in to CHOP Kidd in the corner! And ROCK and CHOP and repeat! The ref counts, Hashi keeps going and he CHOPS Kidd into sitting down!

Fans fire up behind Hashi and he drags Kidd up. Hashi turns Kidd but Kidd slips free to CLUB Hashi! Hashi DOUBLE CHOPS! Hashi runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, BLOCKBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Kidd survives but Hashi roars! Hashi drags Kidd back up, reels him in, fisherman and- NO, Kidd fights it! Kidd rakes eyes to get away! But Coughlin’s not there! Kidd runs back in but Goto CLOBBERS him! Goto fireman’s carries, Hashi helps out, FIERCE FLASH!! And they’re not done there! They drag Kidd back up, dragon sleeper and the legs lifted, but now Coughlin returns! Coughlin waistlocks but Hashi fights it!

Goto runs in, Hashi ducks, Hidden Gap Remix! Hashi gets Kidd up, feeds him to Goto, they give another FIERCE FLASH into SHOU- NO! Kidd kicks Hashi away to BRAINBUSTER Goto! Hashi runs back in but into a BOOT! HELL STAB UPPERCUT! Kidd CLUBS Hashi, runs, but into the SUPERKICK! Fans fire up for Hashi and he stalks Kidd. Hashi powers up, runs, but Coughlin gets a cheap shot in! Coughlin traps Hashi, Kidd runs in, but Hashi sends Kidd into Coughlin! Hashi rolls Kidd up, TWO! Kidd gets in the ref’s face, Coughlin SMACKS Hashi with a chair! Kidd rolls Hashi, Goto breaks it!

Goto ROCKS Coughlin, ROCKS Kidd, repeat! The War Dogs wobble, Goto blocks a boot but Coughlin catches him! Kidd joins in, DOUBLE CHOKE SLAM!! Fans fire up and the War Dogs vow to finish this! Kidd drags Hashi up, Coughlin joins in, they DOUBLE MUSCLE BUSTER! But that’s not all!? Kidd flips everyone off, and Coughlin slashes his throat! This will end it! Coughlin goes up, Kidd gut wrenches Hashi, HIGH JACK TOMBSTONE!!! Cover, War Dogs win!!!

Winners: Alex Coughlin & Gabe Kidd, by pinfall (NEW NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions)

Bullet Club takes the blue straps off Bishamon! And then Kidd adds insult to injury with a HALF CRAB on Hashi! The War Dogs fight off Young Lions, and then CLOBBER Hashi with a belt! And then they do the same to Goto! David Finlay made the right choice in bringing these two into his Savages Only Bullet Club. But then Kidd gets the mic to say, “Hey! What you’re looking at here is the NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions. And tomorrow, we become NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions and IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions! Say less. That’s my dog for real.”

Coughlin gets the mic to tell Hashi and Goto, “FUUUUUG YOU!” They flip everyone off again and finally take their leave. Will the War Dogs clean sweep by taking the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championships from Bishamon tomorrow? Or can Goto & Hashi still turn the lights out on Goto & Kidd?


IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championships: Catch 2/2 VS Clark Connors & Dan Moloney!

Just as TJP & Francesco Akira won these titles back off of the Intergalactic Jet Setters at Dominion, a sudden betrayal by #DaDrilla took them down! Will the United Empire make Moloney regret betraying them? Or will this pair of #AbunaiGaijin (Dangerous Foreigners) bring even more gold to Bullet Club?

The introductions are made, Red Shoes tries to keep the peace as TJP gets in Moloney’s face. TJP shoves Moloney but Moloney spits in TJP’s face! So TJP DROPKICKS Moloney! Connors DECKS TJP! Akira DROPKICKS Connors! The bell rings and another fight is on! TJP brawls with Moloney in the ring while Akira goes after Connors on the outside! Moloney knees low and tosses TJP out! Fans rally for TJP but Moloney TOSSES TJP over railing and at Japanese commentary! Fans boo but Moloney hops the railing to get TJP up. The brawling continues in the crowd! Connors beats up on Akira in the bleachers!

Fans boo as Moloney sits TJP in a chair and punches away on him! Connors soaks up the heat, drags Akira up, and RAMs him into the barriers! Moloney brings TJP over to RAM into railing, and reminds everyone that he is abunai! Connors has fans get outta the way, and he BOWLS Akira through their chairs! Connors gets in the faces of the fans, drags Akira up, and Moloney rips off the gate that leads up the back segment to beat on TJP up the stairs! Young Lions do their best to keep the fans safe but Moloney brings TJP around one side, Connors and Akira on the other. Bullet Club beats down Catch 2/2 as the house lights come up.

Connors ROCKS Akira, and goes all the way to the very back row! And he sends Akira into a door! Connors throws up the Too Sweet, the fans are torn, but Moloney ROCKS TJP! Red Shoes reprimands and wants this back in the ring. Connors & Moloney beat TJP down, then talk about where to bring him. They decide on down the stairs that lead to the backstage area! They double trophy lift, fans freak out, but TJP fights free! Akira LEAPS from the ledge to DOUBLE CROSSBODY them down!! Fans are thunderous for the Nova Fireball and Public Enemy! TJP CHOKES Connors with his shirt, and uses that to bring him back to ringside!

Akira has Moloney in a headlock, Connors is sent over railing! Moloney is sent into railing! TJP throws his shirt away, free souvenir! This finally gets back in the ring as TJP SMACKS Connors and puts him in. Fans rally for “CATCH! TWO TWO!” Boosted tilt-o-whirl RANA sends Connors out! Moloney returns but into an atomic drop, and then kick, kick, KICK and SHOTGUN! Fans fire up with Catch 2/2 and TJP tags Akira in. The champs coordinate again, “Take pictures! Take pictures!” Electric Chair- CHOP BLOCK by Connors! Moloney SPINEBUSTERS Akira, to then DOUBLE STOMP! Akira sputters and TJP goes to ropes.

Connors CHOKES TJP on ropes, Moloney joins in and they mug TJP against ropes. Moloney scrapes his forearm on TJP’s face to mock TJP’s boot scrubs. Moloney runs to CLOBBER TJP! Fans boo but the Abunai Gaijin just soak in it. Connors kicks Akira to the corner, but fans rally for “A! KI-RA!” Moloney CHOPS Akira, Connors holds him and Moloney CHOPS! Tag to Connors and he gets to CHOP Akira! Akira fights back but Connors knees low then sends Akira into buckles. Connors RAMS Akira again and again, then back drops him! Akira writhes but Connors mocks the fans cheering. The fans boo and Connors grins.

Moloney asks what these “pieces of sh*t” are saying. Connors runs to ELBOW DROP! Connors grins and paces around while fans boo. The fans rally for “A! KI-RA!” again but Connors smacks Akira off buckles. Tag to Moloney and they mug Akira. Moloney mocks the fans cheering for “this little bastard,” and then snap suplexes! Cover, TWO! Fans cheer but Moloney stays between Akira and TJP. Tag to Connors, and Connors runs, to sucker punch TJP! And then he RAMS into Akira! Tag back to Moloney, Bullet Club mugs Akira and double whip. Moloney whips Connors in but Akira BOOTS him! Moloney tripes but Akira dropkicks the legs!

Akira jumps off Moloney to SHOTGUN Connors! Akira reaches for TJP but Moloney hurries to bring Akira way. Moloney wheelbarrows but Akira uses that to victory roll, STOMP 182! Fans fire up while both men crawl! Hot tag to TJP! TJP runs to BOOT Connors! TJP then dodges Moloney, Moloney hits buckles, and TJP goes up to FLYING FOREARM! Fans fire up and TJP stands Moloney up to whip him to a corner. TJP runs in to back elbow! Moloney sits, and now TJP gives Moloney the real deal! Scrape the laces off the face, then the BOOT WASH! Fans want “MOIKAI! MOIKAI!” but Connors runs in, only for TJP to drop toehold him into Moloney’s driller!

TJP then scrubs Connors’ face! TJP runs to DOUBLE BOOT WASH! Fans fire up for that two-for-one special and TJP coordinates with Akira! “Take pictures! Take pictures!” Electric Chair CANNONBALL from the apron! Down go the dangerous gaijin! Fans chant “This is Awesome!” and TJP puts Moloney in the ring. Moloney staggers up, TJP springboards to DEEP IMPACT!! Cover, TWO!! But into a stepover, PINOY STRETCH!! Moloney endures, reaches out, Akira intercepts Connors with a FLYING GUILLOTINE! Moloney claws, reaches, but he’s caught! Connors gets a last gasp to SLAM Akira on TJP! Fans fire up as all four men are down!

The fans rally up, Akira grabs Connors and brings him up. But Connors ROCKS Akira! And ROCKS him again! But Akira catches him for a COMPLETE SHOT! Moloney grabs at Akira but Akira SUPERKICKS! But Moloney SUPERKICKS Akira back! Moloney runs, into DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! Catch 2/2 run, but into a TOSS and a POWERSLAM! TJP is stuck in the middle as Connors and Moloney take opposite corners! SPEAR GORE COMBO!! Cover, Akira breaks it!! Fans fire up again as Connors & Moloney drag Akira up. They TOSS Akira out, then Moloney tags Connors back in.

Moloney drags TJP up, fans rally behind TJP, and Connors climbs. Moloney suplexes TJP, but Akira anchors Connors’ leg! TJP slips free to shove Moloney into Connors! Catch 2/2 coordinate, TJP is the step stool for Akira’s ITALIAN DESTROYER!! Connors runs in but TJP shoves him, ALLEY OOP FACEBUSTER! SPEEDFIRE!! Akira DIVES to take out Moloney!! TJP covers Connors, TWO?!? Fans are thunderous for TJP, and he gets the beat going. “CATCH! TWO TWO!” Akira returns, he and TJP coordinate, 2 BY 2!!! Cover, Moloney breaks it!! All four men are down again but Akira throws TJP out.

Akira builds speed to slide, but Moloney RAMS him into railing! TJP hurries to put Connors in a drop zone and he climbs a corner. MAMBA- NO, Connors moves, TJP rolls through. Connors runs in, TJP goes up and over! TORNADO- NO, Connors powers out, Moloney ENZIGURIS! Bullet Club resets, but Akira runs in! He saves TJP and the GORE hits Connors!!! Akira gets Moloney up, SPEED- NO, Moloney wrenches out to the DRILLA KILLA!!! Fans are thunderous for “TJP! TJP!” as he and Connors stir. Moloney tags in, dodges TJP and SUPERKICKS! TJP wobbles, Moloney reels him in!

Moloney gets TJP up, DRILLA- NO, TJP slips free to O’Conner Roll! TWO and Connors gets him for NO CHASER!! Moloney drags TJP up, Connors climbs, suplex to FLYING SPEAR!! The Full Clip! Cover, BULLET CLUB WINS!

Winners: Clark Connors & Dan Moloney, by pinfall (NEW IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions)

The United Empire falls! Bullet Club has more gold! From Coughlin & Kidd to Moloney & Connors, to David Finlay’s NEVER Openweight title and Kenta with the NJPW Strong Openweight title, will all of NJPW belong to them?


Exciting Encounter Doomsday No Disqualifications Tag: El Desperado & Jun Kasai VS Jon Moxley & Homicide!

The Rogue Luchador and The Maniac have had a back and forth battle for a couple years now, and are looking to finally settle this! Tomorrow night is “Final Death,” so this is just an appetizer. Will the “Crazy Monkey” help Desperado get a leg up? Or will Moxley and the Notorious 187 win one for the USA?

There are already chairs waiting both teams in their corners, but Homicide brings a steel chain! Meanwhile, El Desperado, already wearing a torn-up mask, has a trash can full of kendo sticks! Moxley makes his way in from the crowd, bringing nothing but taped up fists. And last but not least, Jun Kasai’s entrance gets the fans off their feet to sing along as he brings out a board covered in metal forks! Is Jun’s bloodthirst about to be quenched tonight?

The fans are already thunderous for this as Desperado gets in Moxley’s face, and Kasai says long time no see to Homicide. And then the brawl is on! The bell rings, fans fire up, and Desperado tosses Moxley out. Kasai tosses Homicide out, and Desperado gets a kendo stick to SMACK Moxley! Kasai headlocks Homicide to bring him around the way and Desperado SMACKS Homicide with a trash can lid! Moxley sends Desperado into railing and then fights him towards the exit while Kasai SMACKS Homicide with that trash can lid! Fans fire up as Moxley punches Desperado up the bleachers!

Kasai brings Homicide up the other side! This is like what we just saw from Catch 2/2 and Bullet Club! Moxley and Desperado brawl, and even CHOKE each other! Homicide and Kasai brawl, Moxley reels Desperado in but Desperado back drops Moxley! Desperado CLAWS Moxley’s back! Homicide has the trash can lid to SMACK Kasai! Desperado claws Moxley’s face, Homicide SMACKS Kasai again! Kasai fires up, snatches the lid, and SMACKS Homicide with it! Moxley digs a FORK into Desperado’s forehead! Kasai SMACKS Moxley with the trash can lid! And then runs him into the wall!

Fans fire up as Desperado CLAWS Homicide’s eyes, and knees him low! But Homicide HELL STABS! And HELL STABS! Desperado CHOPS! Homicide CHOPS! Kasai and Moxley have returned to the floor level, but are fighting through the crowd! Moxley throws chairs at Kasai! Fans get away as Moxley throws more things at Kasai! Moxley suplexes Kasai but Kasai fights out. Homicide CHOKES Desperado with a camera cable! Kasai grabs a bottle of water, chugs, and then SPITS it all in Moxley’s face! And then SMACKS Moxley with the bottle! Moxley tumbles across the English commentary desk!

Fans rally for “KA-SA-I!” while Desperado SMACKS Homicide with a kendo stick! Moxley fires off on Kasai with haymakers, then CLAWS at his face. Then Moxley brings out another FORK!! FORK TO THE EAR!!! Homicide knocks Desperado down, Moxley is trying to remove ear from head! Desperado SMACKS Homicide’s legs with trash can lids! Desperado puts Homicide in the ring, and SMACKS him again! Desperado drags Homicide up, Moxley RAMS Kasai into railing. Homicide resists the lift to LOW BLOW MULE KICK! Moxley gets in the ring, he and Homicide get Desperado up to double whip, but Desperado holds ropes.

Moxley storms up, but into a BOOT! Kasai returns and CLOBBERS Homicide! Desperado TACKLES Moxley and rains down fists, while Kasai holds up a STRAIGHT RAZOR!!! Kasai goes after Homicide’s bald head with it!! Fans are freaking out as Kasai takes a taste! Desperado stretches Moxley, and claws at a bloody wound on the forehead. Kasai gets his fork board while Desperado puts Moxley in a corner. Kasai underhooks and lifts but Homicide resists! Homicide back drops Kasai onto his own forks!! And he gets one for himself! Homicide has a crimson mask and he digs into Kasai’s forehead!

Desperado ROCKS Homicide but Moxley kicks low! Moxley scoop SLAMS Desperado on the fork board! Fans lose their minds while Desperado writhes. Everyone’s ending up bloody, and Moxley says let’s see who has guts. He and Homicide JAM Kasai and Desperado with forks!! And again and again and again! Even into the eyebrows! Moxley then crossface forearms Desperado down while Homicide fishhooks Kasai with the fork! And then into the armpit?! Fans rally for Kasai but Moxley gets Desperado up, back suplex to the fork board! Homicide wipes the blood from his eyes and then gets his chain!

Homicide goes back to Kasai to LASH him with the chain! Moxley gets Desperado up again while Homicide CHOKES Kasai! PILEDRIVER on Desperado! Cover, ONE?!?!? How?!? Moxley doesn’t question it, he just grabs an arm and hammerlocks it. Then he gets the other arm, and Homicide fishhooks Desperado with the fork! And then into the armpit! Moxley lets off to KNEE Kasai out of the ring! Moxley keeps moving and he DIVES to take out Kasai! Desperado and Homicide fire CHOPS, then Desperado CLAWS Homicide’s face! Desperado throws hands, UPPERCUTS, but then Moxley CHOPS him!

Moxley runs Desperado right into a chair wedged in the corner! Homicide gets a fork, to JAM into Desperado’s groin!! Moxley puts on a FIGURE FOUR! Desperado endures, flips Moxley off, but Kasai and Homicide brawl outside! Desperado turns things over, the pressure is on Moxley now! Fans fire up but Moxley gets the ropes to pull himself free. Moxley whips Desperado corner to corner hard! Desperado sits down, Moxley grins and eggs Desperado on. Desperado gets up, CHOPS, and CHOPS, but Moxley ROCKS him! Desperado ROCKS Moxley again and again, but Moxley knees low!

Moxley whips Desperado to the corner, runs in, but into a BOOT! Desperado DECKS Homicide off the apron! But Moxley kicks low! Moxley whips, Desperado reverses and dropkicks the legs out! Fans fire up and Desperado crawls, hot tag to Kasai! Wait, there’re tags in this?! Kasai fires off forearms on Moxley but Homicide CLOBBERS him! Moxley & Homicide double whip corner to corner, Homicide runs in, but Kasai dumps him out onto trash can lids! Moxley runs in to clothesline! Moxley runs, but Kasai follows to clothesline! Kasai snap suplexes! Fans fire up as Kasai flexes, then covers, TWO!

Kasai gets his straight razor! And he DIGS It into Moxley’s forehead! Kasai lets off to go out after Homicide and puts him in. Kasai then looks under the ring, and brings out a plywood cross! It’s covered in razor blades! Kasai puts that in a corner, Desperado whips Homicide into railing, but Moxley BITES Kasai’s face! Moxley GERMAN SUPLEXES, but Kasai roars! GERMAN SUPLEX in return! Moxley goes to a corner and Kasai grins through his crimson mask. Kasai whips, Moxley stops himself, and Kasai runs in, but Kasai is set face first into the cross!! And then Moxley SHOTGUNS him back into it!

Kasai staggers, into the CURB STOMP!! Cover, TWO!??! Fans are thunderous and Moxley can’t believe it! Kasai sputters, Moxley drags him into HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! Moxley eggs Kasai on so Kasai says F YOU! Moxley drags Kasai up, DEATH- NO, Kasai wrenches out to ROCK Moxley! Moxley ROCKS Kasai! They go back and forth, but then Kasai HEADBUTTS! CUTTER from Moxley! Tag to Homicide and Moxley climbs. Homicide brings Kasai in, but Kasai fights off the inverted Gory Especial! And sends Homicide into Moxley! Kasai then LARIATS Homicide down! Fans are thunderous as Kasai crawls to his corner! Hot tag to Desperado!

Desperado rallies on Homicide with forearms and elbows! Homicide kicks and whips but Desperado reverses to SPINEBUSTER! Fans fire up as Desperado runs in, but Homicide dumps him out onto a trash can! Homicide builds speed to DIVE into the trash can! Desperado turns it around and gets Homicide up. Gut wrench, but Kasai BLASTS Moxley first! GUITARRA DEL ANGEL!! Cover, TWO!! Fans fire up as Kasai & Desperado double whip Homicide to a corner. Desperado clotheslines, Kasai clotheslines, then feed to another SPINEBUSTER! Kasai goes up, fans are thunderous as the goggles go on! Salute and MAD SPLASH!

Desperado adds on with PINCHE LOCO!!! Cover, Moxley breaks it!! Kasai fires off on Moxley but Moxley CHOPS him and CHOPS Desperado! And kicks, and elbows, and runs, but into a sobat! ENZIGURI! Desperado hits a BIG back suplex! Desperado holds Moxley up as Kasai brings out the BAMBOO SKEWERS!!! Right into Moxley’s head!!! Moxley is freaking out as he looks like a sadistic pineapple! Desperado puts a trash can down and he grabs Homicide. Underhooks and PINCH- NO, Homicide fights it! Homicide gets out, claws at Desperado’s face, then LOW BLOWS! Homicide calls for the end and fans duel!

Homicide fires up, says “SUCK IT!” then gets Desperado up. But now Desperado fights free, and LOW BLOWS! Desperado says “F YOU!” PINCHE LOCO!! Roll through and Desperado goes again, PINCHE LOCO onto the trash can!!! Cover, Desperado & Kasai win!

Winners: El Desperado & Jun Kasai, by pinfall

Words like “brutal” and “violent” don’t even fit how far these four went! Moxley is seething, a few skewers still stuck in his head. Will he end up in even worse shape in just 24 hours? Or can he bring out the true power of Death Jitsu?

As for Desperado, he gets the mic and puts his mask back together. “There are definitely some nerves associated with wrestling with the legends here tonight. Thank you, Homicide! I still remember when you threw Kasai off that balcony!” Fans cheer and Desperado catches his breath. Desperado says, “Whether you call this a deathmatch, No Disqualifications, ‘Hardcore,’ no matter what, it was an honor and privilege to team with Jun Kasai.” Kasai wants to take his leave but Desperado has him hold on. Desperado tells Kasai that since they have this “incredible situation,” why not let him send the people home?

Desperado gets the fans to chant “KA-SA-I!” so Kasai comes back. Kasai takes the mic, and he tells Desperado, “Were we even allowed to do this in the ring of the King of Sports, NJPW?” Fans love that! Kasai then says that hearing these people accept and love what they did, then hell yeah they can do this in NJPW! This was the best night he could’ve hoped for. And when you are chasing a high like this, Kasai sure hopes they can do this again. Kasai also wants Desperado to know that he’ll happily tag with him again. Desperado grins and the fans also hope for another go! Desperado says, “One more time, huh? Onegaishimazu! <Yes, please!>”

Fans chant “This is Awesome!” and Desperado says that if Kasai calls, he’ll answer. But for right now, Desperado’s hands are tied with Final Death tomorrow. He will take advantage of this energy, this motivation, and wipe the floor with Moxley! And then, Desperado will gladly be by Kasai’s side. They shake hands, and flip each other off out of respect. Will the Rogue Luchador and the Maniac go so hard in Final Death that it makes this all look like a picnic? When and where will we see the Crazy Monkey again?

My Thoughts:

A really good event for NJPW that was also part NJPW Strong. Yes, I skipped covering stuff but I skimmed through, and we got really good stuff in those other matches. Lance Archer interacting with JR Kratos was a great part of their Six Man Tag, and Team Filthy sweeping in the Six Man and in Lawlor VS Fujita was good stuff. Team Filthy VS TMDK feels like a great feud that NJPW should commit to. And good win for Rocky & Kingston so that Kingston has momentum going into the G1 Climax in 10 days. He probably won’t even be a semifinalist, aka a Block Winner, but Kingston will give every opponent great matches and he might end up with a winning record.

Great women’s tag to give us a preview of the NJPW Strong Women’s Championship match. Willow & Momo win but Thekla takes the loss so it keeps Giulia strong. Willow VS Giulia could go either way, but Giulia is already a champion in Stardom, she doesn’t need to be NJPW’s champion. Willow will look great winning off Giulia, and can use that momentum going into other things for her, like the Owen Hart Cup in AEW. Great tag matches out of both title matches, and I am really surprised both Bullet Club teams won. I had a feeling that Coughlin & Kidd would get those NJPW Strong titles, but this probably means they lose the IWGP Heavyweight title match. Connors & Moloney winning was the real surprise, and this really powers up this newest Bullet Club roster.

And we got some wild stuff in that No DQ tag match. A little disappointed NJPW didn’t make this a Tornado Tag, but they just love the hot tag trope. I was a little uneasy over how hard these guys went, I guess I’m not really a deathmatch type guy. I mean, chairs, tables, ladders, the stuff you’d see in AEW or even in WWE, is all well and good but this is GCW type stuff. The majority of the live crowd still loved it, but this is the stuff fans argue over about “When is it too far?” And yet, we’re only getting more in tomorrow’s main event. Desperado winning here with Kasai, I feel like that means Moxley wins the 1v1 to have momentum going into AEW’s Blood & Guts match in a couple weeks.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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