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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (7/13/23)




ROH Wrestling 2023

Her grind is legitimate!

Leyla Hirsch is back and looking to take over ROH! Will she make a strong enough impression to then go for the gold?


  • “Big Bill” Morrissey VS Serpentico; Bill wins.
  • ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Ground Match: Athena VS Ava Lawless; Athena wins and denies Lawless a title match.
  • Six Man Tag: The Righteous & Stu Grayson VS Evan Rivers, Levi Knight & Michael Allen Richard Clark; The Righteous & Stu win.
  • Leyla Hirsch VS Bambi Hall; Leyla wins.
  • ROH World Television Championship Eliminator Tournament, Opening Round: Dalton Castle w/ The Boys VS Tony Nese w/ The Varsity Athletes; Castle wins and advances to the finals.
  • ROH World Television Championship Eliminator Tournament, Opening Round: Shane Taylor VS Shawn Dean; Shane wins and advances to the finals.
  • The Boys VS The Kingdom; The Kingdom wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championships: The Mogul Embassy w/ Prince Nana VS Christopher Daniels, Darius Martin & Matt Sydal; The Mogul Embassy wins and retains the titles.


Matt Sydal speaks.

“Out of respect for this business, out of respect for ROH, when Matt Sydal has a problem with somebody, I say hey, why don’t you come join me for some interview with, Prince Nana, Brian Cage. Come on in!” Nana & Cage do walk over, and Nana says this is the most ridiculous thing. What’s this about? Sydal says he was gonna get a graphic, but he wants to say that Cage beat him on Rampage, but he can’t beat him 1v1. Not now, not this Sydal. He’s better than ever! Cage & Nana have a laugh. Cage can’t beat Sydal? Look at him! Look at this title. The ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championships belong to him.

If Sydal wants to face Cage again, go find two partners. Oh, he’ll have no problem finding two guys who want those. If Cage wants to put the titles on the line, then he’s gonna lose them to Sydal and his partners. Nana says the saying goes, you wanna get down to business, find yourself a partner. Nana & Cage are money! Sydal’s ready to get down. Will he snatch away the belts right from under The Mogul Embassy’s noses?


“Big Bill” Morrissey VS Serpentico!

So what if MJF & Adam Cole found a way to win in the Blind Eliminator Tag Tournament? That just means the human tower can go back to focusing on what he’s been building here in ROH. Will Big Bill continue to dominate in singles competition? Or will SNAKEMAN be the David that slays Goliath?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings and Serpentico rallies up the fans. Serpentico fires himself up, eggs on Bill, and Bill says okay. They tie up, and then Bill SWINGS Serpentico before throwing him down! Bill raises his hand and fans rally up again. Serpentico gets up, eggs Bill on again, and Bill storms up, but into a headlock! Bill powers out and Serpentico goes tumbling out to the floor! The ref has Bill hold on, and Serpentico gets up and in. Bill rushes in but Serpentico dodges and mule kicks! Then Serpentico fires off palm strikes! And an UPPERCUT! Bill just scowls and that scares Serpentico.

Serpentico apologizes, runs, but Bill pursues! They go around the way, back into the ring, and Serpentico dropkicks Bill off the apron! Serpentico DIVES and he sends Bill into railing! Bill grimaces and fans fire up as he hobbles. Serpentico pursues, Bill goes into the ring and Serpentico climbs up. Serpentico leaps, Bill gets under, but Serpentico BOOTS him away! Serpentico runs but Bill catches him! Bill carries Serpentico around, cradles him like a baby, then FALL AWAY SLAMS! Bill swaggers and taunts, then he waits on Serpentico. Serpentico slowly rises, Bill looms over him, and Bill choke grips! CHOKE- NO, Serpentico silps free!

Serpentico dodges the boot, keeps moving, tilt-o-whirl RANA and Bill goes to a corner! Serpentico runs in to SHOTGUN! Serpentico fires off hands, climbs up to CLUB away on Bill, but Bill shoves him away! Serpentico flounders up, and he flips Bill off! So Bill BOOTS him down! Bill hoists Serpentico up, and puts him on the top rope to CLUB away on him! The ref counts, Bill lets off, but then Bill runs to BOOT Serpentico down! Serpentico flops to the floor and Bill goes out after him. Bill hauls Serpentico up and into the ring, then storms in after him. Bill gives toying kicks and Serpentico sits up.

Bill choke grips! And holds him up just to show off! SKYSCRAPER CHOKE SLAMS!! Cover, Bill wins!

Winner: “Big Bill” Morrissey, by pinfall

The rebound was easy for Bill, but will he soon be eyeing the top of ROH?


ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Ground Match: Athena VS Ava Lawless!

The Fallen Goddess is going to face Willow Nightingale tomorrow night on Rampage in the Women’s Owen Hart Cup, but she is still looking for a worthy contender. Will she find that here tonight? Or will she keep crossing names off the list?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the two circle. Athena revels in fans actually cheering for her, and she approaches Ava. Ava ROCKS Athena! That’s usually Athena’s opening move! Athena wobbles but steadies herself, and she nods. But then Ava DECKS her! Ava soaks up the cheers and she eggs Athena on. Athena rushes in, into a wrench and SLINGBLADE! Fans fire up for Ava but Athena kips up. Athena DECKS Ava! And SLIDING FOREARMS! Athena rains down shots, the ref has her back off and Athena tells him to get back! Athena runs in to UPPERCUT Ava in the corner!

Athena then goes side to side to forearm SMASH Ava! Athena whips and BOOTS Ava down, then cheers herself on. The fans cheer, too, as Athena clamps on a CROSSFACE! Ava endures, but TAPS! Athena wins!

Winner: Athena, by submission (denies Ava Lawless a title opportunity)

But Athena adds on the pressure to make Ava pay! INVERTED BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Athena lets go, and she holds up her belt as the undefeated 30-0 champion! But as is Athena’s way, she puts the belt down. She wonders if she should, thinks not to, but then decides yes, she’ll SMASH Ava off the belt!! The champion has little honor and no mercy, but will she be humbled by Willow tomorrow night?


Six Man Tag: The Righteous & Stu Grayson VS Evan Rivers, Levi Knight & Michael Allen Richard Clark!

Dutch & Vincent have truly brought Player Two into the fold, and they are looking to dominate ROH together. Will that dominance continue even in Stu’s home country of Canada?

The Code of Honor is upheld with some tension, but there is no sneak attacks from The Righteous this time. Stu starts against, Rivers, and Stu CLOBBERS Rivers at the bell! Stu CHOPS Rivers, ROCKS him, CHOPS him again, repeat! Stu then bumps Rivers off buckles, paces around, and he brings Rivers up to whip to ropes. Rivers holds ropes, BOOTS back, then runs, but into a clinch! OVERHEAD SUPLEX! Rivers flounders to his corner, Knight tags in! Knight runs in, but Stu catches him and RAMS him into the corner! Stu fires off shots, tags in Dutch, and Stu scoops Knight to SNAKE EYES off ropes! Dutch LARIATS Knight down!

Dutch flicks his tongue like the snake he is, and then tags Stu back in. Dutch scoops and SLAMS Knight, Stu paces around, but wait! Evil Uno appears on stage, chair in hand. Uno gets Stu’s attention as he goes down the ramp and fans cheer. Uno simply takes a seat at ringside, and Knight throws hands on Stu! Stu clinches Knight for an URENAGE! Stu warns Uno, tags in Vincent, and Vincent snaps his fingers and stomps Knight’s legs. Vinnie then sucker punches Rivers! Vinnie drops an elbow on Knight, grins at Uno, and fans rally behind “UNO! UNO!” Vinnie tags Stu back in and they drag Knight up.

Stu & Vinnie double whip to knee, KICK, sweep the legs, and SLIDING COMPLETE SHOT! Stu taunts Uno, “This is what it looks like, getting the job done!” Uno applauds, though maybe sarcastically. Stu tags Dutch, they haul Knight up, but Knight slips out of the double back suplex! Hot tag to Michael Allen Richard Clark! MARC dodges Stu, fires off on Dutch and Stu with big haymakers and uppercuts! DROPKICK for Dutch and fans fire up with The King of Push-Ups! But Stu KNEES MARC down! Then feeds him to Dutch’s POWERBOMB! Tag to Vinnie, he goes up, SWANTON BOMB! The Righteous & Stu all taunt Uno but he just sits there.

Rivers rolls in and somersaults, but into Dutch’s SCRAPBUSTER!! Nice try, Rivers. Knight gets in, Vinnie KNEES him down, and Stu gets Knight up for NIGHTFALL!! They all go back to the corner, Stu tags in to then tag Dutch. They circle around MARC, drag him up, INVERTED PENDULUM! Dutch covers, The Righteous win!

Winners: The Righteous & Stu Grayson, by pinfall

Uno applauds again, still not really genuine. But Stu wants him to get in the ring now! Uno stands up, has the chair, and he SMACKS Rivers!? Uno puts the chair in the ring and dares them to do something with it. Uno says Stu knows where he belongs, but Vinnie says Uno is finally being honest. Which side wins out at the end of this warfare?


Backstage interview with Matt Sydal.

Lexi Nair is with Third Eye Reborn, and says he was to find partners to fight for the Six Man Tag titles. What’s the status on that? Sydal says becoming ROH Six Man Tag Team Champions is his destiny, it is extremely important to him, and so he went on a vision quest. He looked to the elders for their wisdom and strength, and that brought him back around to Christopher Daniels. The Fallen Angel steps in, reuniting with his former ROH World Tag Team Champion partner. Sydal says his quest continued, he looked high and low, and he found a young innovator, one of the best high-fliers today, Darius Martin!

Sydal says this team will be your NEW ROH World Six Man Tag Team Champions! Sydal may see it, but will it be just a vision? Or can they make it a reality?


Leyla Hirsch VS Bambi Hall!

The Kingdom may have brought her in as a #LEGIT wringer, but she ditched them as soon as the job was done. Will Leyla dominate the division one match at a time?

The Code of Honor is upheld but barely by Leyla, and the bell rings. Leyla and Bambi circle, they tie up, and Bambi throws Leyla down! Fans cheer but Leyla gets up. Leyla checks her nose, and she nods, that power is legit. They tie up again, Leyla gets around, but Bambi fights the lift and hip bumps free. Bambi says kiss this then runs, but Leyla ROCKS her at the ropes! Leyla then WRINGS Bambi’s arm out, kicks her around, then puts her on ropes. Leyla CHOKES Bambi on the ropes, the ref counts, and Leyla lets off at 4. Leyla stands Bambi up, traps one arm with a hammerlock, and then just CLUBS away on Bambi from the other side!

Leyla throws Bambi down and soaks up the cheers and jeers. Leyla then stomps Bambi’s arm, taunts her and the crowd, and then brings Bambi up. Leyla whips Bambi to a corner, runs in and clotheslines! And again! And again! Leyla fires off but Bambi shoves her back! Bambi ROCKS Leyla with forearms! Bambi runs, into an ELBOW! Cover, TWO! Bambi is hanging tough but Leyla keeps her cool. Leyla mocks the fans rallying for Bambi and she kicks Bambi around. Bambi pushes Leyla but Leyla slaps Bambi. Leyla whips corner to corner, runs in, but Bambi ELBOWS her away! Bambi runs up, Leyla blocks a kick but not the KNEE!

Bambi keeps moving, and she SPLASHES Leyla in the corner! Bambi hauls Leyla up as a backpack, but Leyla throws elbows! Leyla rolls Bambi, gets up, and then gets around to SNAP GERMAN! And then she gets the LEGIT ARMBAR!! Bambi taps, Leyla wins!

Winner: Leyla Hirsch, by submission

Leyla keeps the Code of Honor by shaking Bambi’s hand again, and she’s ready to climb the ranks. Will she be a legit threat to Athena’s win streak?


ROH World Television Championship Eliminator Tournament, Opening Round: Dalton Castle w/ The Boys VS Tony Nese w/ The Varsity Athletes!

Samoa Joe is still the King of Wrestling Television, but he needs competition to justify his reign. So a two week tournament begins tonight! Will The Peacock or the Premier Athlete be the first candidate as contender?

Mark Sterling has a mic to say that Tony Nese has something to say. And Nese wants everyone to relax, he hasn’t even said anything yet. But Nese wants to say that ever since he showed up here, he’s seen nothing but “disgusting, out of shape Canadian trash.” Fans boo and Nese says they’re right to boo themselves. And to make it worse, this place smells worse than anywhere else in this country! But Nese has amazing news for everyone here. Being that he is a personal trainer, he is not only going to teach them all fitness, but personal hygiene! Because we all know no one likes a smelly Regina!

Fans boo but Nese continues to say that he’s canceling the rest of the show, so that for the rest of the night, they can do GROUP TRAINING! Get up on your feet, spread out a bit, and start with stretching. Follow along with Ari Daivari. Stretch to the sky, then lean to the left. Now the right. There we go, now we’re getting to it. Actually, no, put your arms down, it smells even worse now. But wait, here comes Castle! And he says he’s bringing the panache, the pizazz, and the drama! The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and Castle is ready to work up a sweat with Nese. They circle, talk some trash, and fans fire up with Castle!

Castle storms around outside the ring, gets back in the ring, and ties up with Nese to waistlock fast. Nese goes to ropes, the ref counts, and Castle lets off. Nese gets around to waistlock then he shoves Castle. Things speed up, Nese hurdles but gets caught! Nese flails and grabs ropes so Castle lets him down. Nese then throws an elbow! Castle staggers, Nese kicks him low and CLUBS him down. Nese ROCKS Castle with a haymaker but fans boo. Castle goes to a corner, shoves Nese back, and swings, but Nese dodges to go up and up and leap! Castle catches Nese to TOSS him overhead! Fans fire up while Nese goes to ropes.

Castle waistlocks Nese, SLAMS him down, and fans rally up. Castle waistlocks and rolls Nese around, and around, and around! Then a SPLASH to the back! Fans cheer but Sterling is upset, and Castle SPLASHES again! Castle drags Nese up, but Nese throws body shots and knees! Castle puts Nese in a corner to KNEE him down! Nese is in a drop zone and Castle goes up the corner! Fans rally up but Sterling distracts Castle. The ref reprimands, Castle hops down, but Nese gets up and grabs at both Castle and ref! Castle DECKS Nese, the ref is a bit flustered, and that distracts enough so Daivari can trip Castle up!

Castle kicks Daivari away but Nese HOTSHOT BULLDOGS! And then runs in to CLOBBER Castle! Fans boo but Nese stalks Castle to the apron. Nese goes out after Castle, drags him off the apron, but Castle throws hands! Castle scoops, Nese slips free but Castle switches. Nese holds the apron skirt to resist the German Suplex, and he RAMS Castle backwards into the post! Fans boo, Castle swings on Nese but misses. Castle tries again, but he only gets post! Daivari and Sterling laugh at Castle, Nese scares off The Boys, and Daivari taunts Castle with jumping jacks. Nese RAMS Castle into railing, then puts him into the ring.

Nese stomps and kicks Castle in the arm, but Castle gets to a corner. Nese is on Castle, he wraps the arm around ropes and pulls! Fans boo and the ref counts, but Nese lets off, to dropkick the arm! Fans rally and Castle scowls, he CHOPS! And CHOPS! And ROCKS, and fires off more shots with the good arm! Castle fireman’s carries but Nese hits the bad arm! Nese rolls Castle to SOBAT! Cover, TWO!! Castle survives but the Varsity Athletes are furious. Nese clamps on a top wristlock! Castle endures but refuses to give up! Castle fights up as fans rally, and Castle stands, only for Nese to use a chinbar to wrangle him!

Nese keeps on the arm while fans boo. Castle still endures, still fights, still throws hands, and still ROCKS Nese! Castle runs, but Nese trips him! Fans boo and The Boys try to fan Castle off but Daivari & Sterling applaud. Nese soaks up the heat, then PREMIER TRIANGLE MOONSAULTS, but FLOPS as Castle moves! Nese staggers up, storms back over, but Castle CHOPS! And ROCKS! And ROCKS Nese again! Castle whips with one arm but Nese reverses to WRING out the bad arm! Castle writhes, Nese storms up, but Castle clinches for an EXPLODER! Fans fire up while Nese and Castle rise.

Nese rushes in, but into another EXPLODER! Nese tries again, but Castle blocks the kick to SAIDO! Castle waistlocks, drags Nese up, DEADLIFT GERMAN! Fans fire up with Castle but Sterling again distracts. The Boys yank him down! And fire furious fists! The fans fire up, but Castle sees Daivari sneaking in! Daivari backs off, but Nese rolls Castle up with tights! TWO! Castle Alabama Lifts, for the BANGARANG!!! Cover, Castle wins!!

Winner: Dalton Castle, by pinfall (advances to the finals)

The Varsity Athletes tried all the tricks, but Castle and his Boys were ready! The Peacock is going to the finals, but will he be the one challenging Samoa Joe at Death Before Dishonor?


ROH World Television Championship Eliminator Tournament, Opening Round: Shane Taylor VS Shawn Dean!

We just saw Castle win his ticket to New Jersey, now we see who meets him there! Will Big Bad Shaney T. be heading back for a title he helped elevate? Or will The Captain be a step closer to gold?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the two circle. They approach, Dean avoids the haymakers, and Shane says that was close. Shane and Dean circle some more, Shane corners Dean, but then Dean dodges the haymaker to CHOP! And CHOP! And CHOP! Dean lets off as the ref counts and Shane storms up. Dean bobs ‘n’ weaves then dodges again to dropkick! Shane stays up, Dean storms up to whip, but Shane blocks! Shane whips but Dena holds ropes to stop. Shane storms up but into a BOOT! Shane still stays up, and he DECKS Dean! Dean flops out of the ring, and Shane talks some trash.

The ref checks Dean but he’s somehow okay to continue. Dean goes to a corner, and Shane throws heavy shots! Dean sputters and shouts in pain and Shane knows that one hurt. Shane taunts Dean, then DECKS him again! Dean flops against buckles and fans cheer on Shane. Shane storms up, stands Dean up, and CHOPS him! And then throws another heavy shot! Dean falls over, Shane taunts the fans a bit, then brings Dean up. Dean throws elbows and forearms, but Shane KNEES low! And again! And again! Dean falls over again and Shane paces. Fans rally while Shane looms over Dean.

Shane eggs Dean on, and Dean stands up to throw body shots of his own! And a CHOP! And another body shot! And a forearm! But Shane clamps on a BEARHUG! Shane squeezes Dean and Dean starts fading. Dean throws elbows but Shane thrashes him around. Dean BELL CLAPS! Shane still holds on, so Dean BELL CLAPS again! Fans rally as Dean continues to fight and endure! A third BELL CLAP and Dean is free! Dean fires off heavy forearms, then whips, but Shane reverses. Shane runs in at the corner but Dean dodges! GAMANGIRI! And GAMANGIRI again! Dean catches his breath, runs in, but into a choke grip!

Shane shoves Dean away, runs in, but into a JUMP KNEE! Shane goes back to the corner, Dean runs in, but into a clinch! URENAGE! Shane huffs and puffs and scowls as he storms around. Shane goes up the corner?! Fans rally up, and Shane FLYING SPLASHES, but FLOPS as Dean moves! Dean goes to the corner, runs out, around the world and DDT! Dean kips up! Fans fire up and Dean goes to the corner. Dean climbs up top, salute and FLYING SPLASH onto knees!! Shane saves himself and does even more damage to Dean! Shane tells Dean it wasn’t gonna be easy. He’s the baddest man- Dean ROCKS Shane!

Dean says he doesn’t care about none of that. Dean CHOPS, Shane eggs him on, and Dean CHOPS again! Shane choke grips! Shane says who does Dean think he is? But Dean UPPERCUTS! Fans fire up with Dean, he storms up, but now Shane bobs ‘n’ weaves, to HEADBUTT!! Dean sits down in a daze and Shane powers up that forearm. Fans rally, Shane takes aim, and Dean stands, into the RUN-UP!! Cover, Shane wins!

Winner: Shane Taylor, by pinfall (advances to the finals)

“The most dominant Television Champion of all time! Allow me to introduce myself! I’m Shaney T, boy!” Will Shane bulldoze Castle to then step to Joe’s throne at Death Before Dishonor?


The Boys VS The Kingdom!

We saw The Peacock win big tonight, and now it is up to Brandon & Brent Tate to carry their own weight! Will it be a huge night for Castle’s team? Or will Mike Bennett & Matt Taven prove the OGK is ROH?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the teams sort out, and Taven starts against Brent. They circle, feel things out, and tie up. Taven powers Brent to the corner, lets off with mocking pats on the shoulder, and Brent comes back. They tie up, Taven puts Brent back in the corner, and he pie faces Brent. Brent runs up but Taven CHOPS him! Taven whips corner to corner, Brent reverses but Taven goes up and over. Things keep moving, Brent hurdles but Taven DROPKICKS! “IIII’M! MATT TAVEN!” Taven kicks Brent around, taunts Brent, but Brent CHOPS! Taven CHOPS Brent! Taven whips but Brent reverses, only for Taven to reverse to a suplex! Cover, TWO!

Taven talks more trash on Brent, saying Daddy Castle isn’t around so Taven’s their daddy now. Taven kicks Brent, tells him to call him “Daddy,” but Brent SLAPS Taven instead! And then he TACKLES Taven! Brent fires off hands, Taven kicks him away, then HEEL KICKS him down! Taven tells the “Melvin” not to try that again, and he tags in Mike. Mike fireman’s carries, but Brent gets free! Hot tag to Brandon! Brandon and Mike circle now and Mike says hold on. Mike dares Brandon to give him a shot. Brandon CHOPS, and he lets out a “WOO~!” Mike eggs Brandon on so Brandon CHOPS again!

Mike says that’s not good enough, so Brandon winds up. Brandon CHOPS, but Mike just brushes it off! And Mike CHOPS Brandon off his feet! Brandon goes to a corner, Mike grins and swaggers over, and Mike whips corner to corner. Mike runs in to CHOP Brandon down! Mike whips corner to corner the other way, runs in and CHOPS again! Mike then hauls Brandon up for an URENAGE! Cover, TWO!! Mike brings Brandon up, suplexes, but Brandon slips free! Brandon fires off forearms! Miek shoves to CHOP again! Brandon fires forearms again! Mike shoves him away to CHOP again! But Brandon keeps hitting back!

Mike CHOPS Brandon down, but Brandon roars to his feet! And he fires off hands from all sides! Taven distracts, Mike DECKS Brandon with a sucker punch! And then a sucker punch for Brent! Tag to Taven, Mike trips Brandon, CATAPULT into GAMANGIRI! Taven goes up top, ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO!! Brandon is still in this and Taven is furious! Tag to Mike and Taven CHOKES Brandon. The ref counts, Taven lets off and Mike wrenches Brandon to UPPERCUT the arm! And again! And again! Mike then double wristlocks for a DDT! Cover, TWO! Mike is frustrated but he drags Brandon up.

Brandon fights the lifts and fans rally up. Brandon back drops! Mike sunset flips, Brandon rolls through, but Mike trips Brandon into a KIMURA!! Brandon endures, reaches out, moves around, ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Mike lets off at 4, but he still pats himself on the back and blows a kiss. Mike brings Brandon up again, wrenches the arm, but Brandon throws forearms! Mike ROLLING ELBOWS and Brandon falls down! Taven says Brandon hasn’t learned. Mike fireman’s carries, but Brandon fights free! Mike reels Brandon back in, back suplex, but Brandon lands on his feet! Hot tag to Brent!

Brent gets around Mike, waistlocks, shoves him into Taven and they both stagger! Brent then LARIATS Mike! And again! And then wheelbarrows, for the VICTORY FACEBUSTER! Taven rushes in, but is sent into the corner! Brandon runs in but Taven puts him back on the apron. Taven DECKS Brandon but Brent dodges! Brent suckers Taven in and Brandon GAMANGIRIS! Brent then rolls Taven up, Brandon slides in to shove Taven into a BOOT from Brent! Brandon cravats, STANDING SLICED BREAD! Mike gets in, Brent blocks a kick, Brandon SUPERKICKS! Brent ENZIGURIS!

The Boys wrench and crisscross Mike, STRAITJACKET NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Mike survives and Brent is frustrated. But Brandon rallies the fans and the fans rally for the Boys. Tag to Brandon and he goes up. But Mike fireman’s carries Brent, to RAM him into Brandon! DEATH VALLEY, to JUST THE TIP! But Brandon’s the legal twin! Taven argues that it doesn’t matter, they’re the same person! No they’re not, that’s not how twins work! Mike TOSSES Brent, Taven goes after Brandon but Brandon fires off forearms and CHOPS! Brandon roars, runs, but into a FOREARM! And then Mike pops Brandon up, ROCKSTAR SUPERNOVA! Cover, The Kingdom wins!

Winners: The Kingdom, by pinfall

Taven tells the Lucha Brothers to stop hiding! The Kingdom IS ROH, they’re going nowhere! So then, will they go to New Jersey and Death Before Dishonor to get those ROH World Tag Team Championships back?


ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championships: The Mogul Embassy w/ Prince Nana VS Christopher Daniels, Darius Martin & Matt Sydal!

The challenge was made and the challenge was accepted! Brian Cage, Toa Liona & Bishop Kaun have been dominant as champions together, but nothing lasts forever. Can the Fallen Angel and the Air Wolf help the Third Eye Reborn achieve greatness and topple these three titans?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see if destiny becomes reality!

The Code of Honor is upheld, the teams sort out, and fans rally for Daniels as he starts against Kaun. They circle, tie up, and Kaun powers Daniels to a corner. The ref counts, Kaun lets off but Daniels avoids the chop to CHOP! And forearm! Daniels headlocks, Kaun endures and powers out, then he runs Daniels over! Cover, ONE! Kaun keeps on Daniels with stomps, then DECKS him with a forearm. Daniels sits up but Kaun brings him around. Kaun runs, but into a back drop! Daniels ROCKS Kaun, Sydal and Darius get a shot in, and then Daniels hits a COMPLETE SHOT! Tag to Sydal and he brings Kaun up.

Sydal whips, Kaun reverses and scoops but Sylda slips free to arm-drag! Kaun comes back to kick low! Kaun whips, pops Sydal up but Sydal RANAS! Kaun staggers up and Sydal KICKS him in the leg! Tag to Darius and they double whip Kaun to ropes. They leap frog and DROPKICK! Fans fire up as Sydal STANDING MARIPOSAS! Darius covers, ONE! Darius keeps on Kaun but Kaun CHOPS him! Tag to Liona and he HEADBUTTS Darius! Liona clamps onto Darius and CLUBS him on the back. Liona whips, Darius stops himself and BOOTS back. Daniels tags in, Darius baits Liona into a corner, and Liona only gets buckles!

Daniels drop toeholds Liona, Darius DOUBLE STOMPS! Daniels covers, ONE! Daniels drags Liona up to CLUB away with his elbow! Fans rally, Daniels runs, but into a SAMOAN DROP! Liona roars while Daniels writhes, and Kaun runs in to BLAST Sydal & Darius! Cage tags in, he scoops Daniels and carries him around. Cage uses Daniels for bicep curls, and then just TOSSES Daniels away. Cage flexes, he says this is what a real man looks like. Cage bumps Daniels off buckles, tags in Liona, and Liona puts Daniels in the ropes. Tag to Kaun, and he hits a DRAPING BACKSTABBER! Cover, TWO!

Sydal & Darius coach Daniels but Kaun CHOKES him on the ropes! The ref counts, Kaun lets off, but Cage CHOKES Daniels now! Nana applauds as his monsters get away with it, and he taunts Daniels, “How’s it feel, old man?” Kaun covers, ONE, but he rains down fists! Kaun lets off to stare down Darius & Sydal. Kaun sits Daniels up to clamp on a chinlock. Kaun thrashes Daniels around but Daniels endures. Fans rally, Daniels endures, and Daniels fights up. Daniels throws elbows and body shots and he gets free! Daniels runs, into a LARIAT! Cage says that’s a home run! Though he also knows Canada wouldn’t understand, they like hockey.

Kaun has a cocky cover, ONE! Kaun stands on Daniels’ leg, tags Liona in, and they get Daniels up. They double whip Daniels to the corner, then Liona whips Kaun in for a SPLASH! Kaun whips Daniels but Daniels falls right over. Liona drags Daniels up but Kaun takes his time exiting. The ref reprimands Kaun, but he misses Daniels dragging Liona into a cradle! The fans freak out, Daniels would’ve won this by now! The ref finally sees it, ONE! Liona CLOBBERS Daniels! Fans boo, Sydal protests, but Liona CHOKES Daniels! The ref counts, Liona gets in his face, and Nana CHOKES Daniels now!

Fans boo again as Nana gets away with it all. Daniels flounders, Liona tags Cage, and Cage runs corner to corner to ELBOW and LARIAT and SAIDO! Cover, TWO!! Daniels survives and Nana is furious! Nana is sick of Daniels, but Cage tags Kaun. Kaun stomps Daniels, then stays between him and his team. Kaun puts Daniels in a corner to CHOP! Kaun CHOPS again, then whips corner to corner. Kaun runs in but Daniels drop toeholds! Kaun hits buckles and staggers up, into a GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans fire up as both men are down! Daniels and Kaun crawl, hot tag to Darius! And Darius BLASTS Cage!

Darius ducks Liona’s haymaker to UPPERCUT! Kaun storms up and Liona storms in, Darius fires off shots on both of them! ENZIGURI on Kaun, but Liona puts Darius in the corner! Darius BOOTS Liona way, hops up, and jumps to get both Gates of Agony! DDT REVERSE DDT COMBO! Fans fire up with Darius as he kips up! Darius then runs to BULLDOG HOTSHOT Liona! Liona flops out, Darius goes up, and Darius CROSSBODIES Kaun! Cover, Cage breaks it! Darius fights the waistlock, runs, but into a pop-up and SUPERKICK! Cage goes back to the Embassy corner, tags in, and he storms up on Darius.

Cage pump handles, lifts, but Darius lands on his feet! PENALTY KICK! Tag to Sydal and he goes up top! METEORA!! Sydal hobbles but keeps moving, he KICKS and KICKS and KICKS! Sydal is all fired up, the fans are with him, QUESTION MARK KICK! Cage drops to his knees, Sydal hits a BUZZSAW! Cover, TWO!! Sydal grows frustrated but Kaun runs in. Sydal ROUNDHOUSES him! Kaun comes back, and he CLOBBERS Sydal! Liona returns, too, and the Gates drag Sydal up. Nana wants this to end, DOUBLE LARIATS! Feed to Cage’s fireman’s carry, F5!! Cover, TWO?!?!

Fans fire up and the Embassy is shocked that Sydal survives! They put Sydal in a corner, Kaun SPLASHES! Kaun fires Liona up, Linoa SPLASHES! Feed to Cage, and he suplexes Sydal, but Darius & Daniels drag the Gates out of the ring! Sydal turns Drill Claw into RANA!! And a cover! TWO!!! Cage escapes and Sydal can’t believe it! Nana is freaking out as Sydal rises again. Sydal brings Cage up but Cage swings! Sydal goes Matrix and CALF KICKS! Cage goes to a corner, Daniels runs in to forearm smash! Darius steps in, FLYING COMPLETE SHOT! Sydal is up top, METEORA!!! Cover, Kaun breaks it!

Darius & Daniels go after the Gates but they beat Darius & Daniels down. Nana says “OPEN THE GATES!” so they haul Sydal up, but Daniels & Darius make the save! UPPERCUT and SUPERKICK, then TRIPLE KICK sends the Gates out! PLANCHA takes out Kaun! FLYING SHOULDER takes out Liona! Sydal tries again, but Cage catches his dive! But then Sydal cradles!! TWO!!! Cage escapes again, DISCUS LARIAT!! Cage reels Sydal in, suplex and DRILL CLAW!!! Cover, The Embassy wins!

Winners: The Mogul Embassy, by pinfall (still ROH World Six Man Tag Team Champions)

That was as close as any team has gotten, but it was still not anywhere close to a defeat for The Mogul Embassy. The dominance continues, will no team ever stop Cage, Kaun & Liona?

My Thoughts:

A really good ROH this week, and I really like that it was only 80 minutes. ROH needs to solidify on a timeframe, I am already dreading that next week’s go-home episode will be closer to three hours. The matches were mostly for story progress, and were all fairly good. Bill of course beats Serpentico, Leyla of course beats Bambi, and of course Athena wins the Proving Ground match. Leyla is a great possibility for facing the champ, but giving her the title match next week at Death Before Dishonor feels too soon, it really should be a rematch of Athena VS Willow.

Really good stuff out of this rather outta nowhere ROH World TV Championship contenders tournament, which wasn’t advertised at all even though it should’ve been. Just another problem we’re seeing in ROH under AEW. Castle and Shane Taylor make great choices for the finals next week, and I’d love to see either guy face Joe at the PPV. I still feel Mark Briscoe should’ve won the last time he faced Joe. And I wish ROH had done better in giving us Joe VS Zack Sabre Jr, TV Champ VS TV Champ. I say that because I don’t really see Castle or Shane taking the title from Joe, but it’ll still be a great match for the PPV.

Really good match from The Boys VS The Kingdom, but of course The Kingdom wins. The ROH World Tag Team Championships is another thing ROH could be booking better. Lucha Brothers have had 8 Man and Six Man Tag matches but haven’t done enough 2v2 to really give us good feuds. Maybe the go-home sees Penta & Fenix return, confront The Kingdom, and accept their challenge for DBD. Of course The Righteous & Stu win the squash match, but Evil Uno’s presence was the real highlight. There’s half a chance we get a Six Man Tag blowoff at DBD, but it still feels like there’s something more that needs to happen, so maybe they make that part of a bigger summer episode.

And the ROH World Six Man title story tonight was decent stuff, Sydal kinda stammering through his promos, but the match was really good. Of course The Embassy finds a way to win, though. I said it last time, but I have no idea who is supposed to dethrone them at this point. Maybe it’s the winners of Dark Order VS Righteous, but even that feels like it’d take another long build to make them look strong enough.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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