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Mitchell’s WWE Money in the Bank Results & Report! (7/1/23)

London calling…!



Money in the Bank in the UK!

WWE brings another Premium Live Event to the United Kingdom as Money in the Bank is live from the O2 in London! Whose careers will change when they win the briefcases here tonight?


  • Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Ricochet VS Shinsuke Nakamura VS Damian Priest VS Pete Dunne VS Santos Escobar VS LA Knight VS Logan Paul; Priest wins and is the 2023 Mr. MITB.
  • Undisputed WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Ronda Rousey & Shayna Baszler VS Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez; Liv & Raquel win and become the new Undisputed WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions.
  • WWE Intercontinental Championship: GUNTHER VS Matt Riddle; Gunther wins and retains the title.
  • Cody Rhodes VS Dominik Mysterio w/ Rhea Ripley; Cody wins.
  • Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Becky Lynch VS Trish Stratus VS Zoey Stark VS Bayley VS Iyo Sky VS Zelina Vega; Iyo wins and is the 2023 Ms. MITB.
  • WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Seth Rollins VS Finn Balor; Rollins wins and retains the title.
  • Bloodline Civil War: Roman Reigns & Solo Sikoa w/ Paul Heyman VS The Usos; The Usos win.


It’s the Money in the Bank Kickoff Show!

Join Jackie Redmond, Matt Camp and Peter Rosenberg in discussing, analyzing and predicting all the action happening across the pond.


Kayla Brackston is backstage.

Kayla is outside Roman Reigns’ locker room, hoping to get a word with the Tribal Chief. Granted, he isn’t the one who answers the door, but tonight being Money in the Bank, anything can happen. Kayla knocks, but of course, it is the Wise Man who answers. Kayla asks Paul Heyman that of all the years they’ve worked together, she’s never seen him so stressed. Is the Bloodline Civil War- Heyman looks up and she stops there. Heyman says, “I’ve never seen him like this.” Heyman has tears in his eyes as he says he made a suggestion for a game plan to Roman and Roman says he will throw Solo the scraps. And even Heyman will get a scrap of the Usos’ carcasses.

Heyman has been in this business 40 years, has known the Usos since they were 4 years old. Heyman knows what they’re all capable of. Tonight, we will not see the Tribal Chief, the Head of the Table. Tonight, we see a warrior who was trained by the Wild Samoans themselves. It’s not gonna be enough for Roman to prove that the Usos are not the greatest team in history. He will wipe them off the face of the WWE, expunge their names from the history books… And the next family role call, they will not be welcomed. The beating Roman vows to put on the Usos will violate the terms of “sports entertainment.”

There won’t be any fun to be had to watch this. Heyman apologizes to the world for what they’re about to see. It will be smashed, stacked, pinned, and shipped out of the WWE… permanently. And there’s nothing Heyman can do to stop it. Heyman returns into the private suite, is this Civil War about to be more than just a title?


MITB Productions presents:

“London. Good to see you again, old friend. It’s been quite some time, hasn’t it? Well, things are about to get really interesting. You see, this is a high stakes, high risk, high reward situation we have here. And as they say, time is money. So, I suppose we ought to get to it.” Opportunity is the mission. But there are many eyes on the prize. The Judgment Day is approaching, and a battle for the future of a Bloodline is upon us. Who’s in? Who’s out? And who’s prepared to be shaken and stirred? This is MITB in the UK.


Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Ricochet VS Shinsuke Nakamura VS Damian Priest VS Pete Dunne VS Santos Escobar VS LA Knight VS Logan Paul!

In a match that can elevate careers and create new legends, we get a fresh crop of superstars who have never been Mr. MITB! Then will it be the King of Flight, the King of Strong Style, the Punisher, the Bruiserweight, the Emperor of Lucha or the ImPAULsive Maverick that has their first time with the briefcase?

The bell rings and Logan is already talking trash. But then he sees he’s surrounded 6 to 1. Fans fire up as everyone fires off on Logan! They beat him down 6 to 1! Priest ROCKS Logan, Dunne clotheslines Logan out! And then everyone else fires off on each other! Things spill out of the ring, Knight has Nakamura. Escobar DORPKICKS Priest outta the ring, but Dunne drags Priest out. They brawl, Escobar DECKS Dunne, but Logan gets up and puts a ladder in. Kind of a small one, but he still stands it up. Nakamura goes after Logan! Nakamura knees and bumps Logan off buckles, to give him GOOD VIBRATIONS!

Fans fire up but Priest runs in to ROUNDHOUSE Nakamura! Priest takes Logan’s little ladder and RAMS Nakamura with it! Escobar grabs the ladder, then Ricochet joins in. They power Priest to a corner and Dunne adds on, too! They CLAP the ladder closed on Priest’s hands! Then they mug him 3v1! Dunne & Escobar get on the ladder to stomp Priest! Ricochet then SUPERKICKS Priest! Priest is stuck, but Knight shoves Ricochet into Escobar and DDTS Dunne! Fans fire up for Knight! Nakamura slides in to ROUNDHOUSE and WHEEL KICK Knight, though! Nakamura then gives Priest GOOD VIBRATIONS!

Nakamura goes up the ladder to GUILLOTINE KNEE Priest down! Ricochet runs in, dodges and RANAS Nakamura! Dunne gets in, Ricochet dodges to RAN- NO, Dunne and Nakamura DOUBLE KICK him down! Fans fire up for King of Strong Style and Bruiserweight to stare down! They fire off fast hands! Nakamura ROCKS Dunne, Escobar CROSSBODIES Nakamura! Escobar dodges Dunne to RANA him out! Logan returns to fire hands on Escobar! And RAMS him into the ladder! Logan gets that ladder up, fans boo as he sets it up, but Ricochet gets in. Ricochet smirks as he taps Logan on the back.

Logan sees he’s surrounded gain as Dunne, Knight and Nakamura return. They mug Logan 4v1! Then they go after each other! Dunne goes out, looks under the ring, and brings out a TABLE! The fans have even more reason to cheer their hometown hero now! Dunne brings out a SECOND TABLE! And a CRICKET PADDLE! Dunne gets in to CLUB and SMACK Nakamura, and then Ricochet, and then Knight! Dunne climbs the ladder, but Priest yanks him down. Priest puts the ladder aside, runs in at Dunne, but Dunne dumps him out. Priest drags Dunne out and BELL CLAPS! Then spin and ROLLING ELBOW!

Logan wants mercy as Priest storms up on him. Logan says he and Priest can work together cuz they’re the tallest guys here. Logan wants Priest to help him with tables, and for now, Priest helps. The tables are put side by side near the ring, fans chant “OH~ Logan’s a Wanker~!” Logan says that’s good stuff. Priest CLUBS Dunne, Logan wants a high-five. Priest DECKS Logan instead! Priest drags Logan up to TOSS into steel steps! Fans chant “YOU DESERVE IT!” Escobar then DIVES onto Priest! Knight gets the ladder! But Ricochet chops him away. Knight reverses, Ricochet DIVES through the ladder to take out Dunne and Escobar!!

But that means Knight has the ladder! But then Logan returns, so Knight kicks him away. Logan goes up to SUPER RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Logan hurries to the ladder, folds it up, and he SLAMS it on Knight! And he RAMS Dunne off the apron! Logan puts that ladder in the corner but Priest returns. Logan HOTSHOTS then WRECKS Priest, then SLINGSHOT- HAYMAKER from Priest! Fans cheer as Priest pulls steel steps apart! Priest brings the base around, and makes a ladder bridge between it and ring. The others are brawling while Priest drags Logan up. Priest goes up the little steps, and fans fire up as he suplexes!

But Dunne mule kicks Priest down! And STOMPS the hands! BUZZSAW! Nakamura knees Dunne, BOOTS Priest, and he hauls Priest onto the ladder bridge. Nakamura CLUBS away on Priest, climbs up, and fans fire up, only for Logan to anchor Nakamura’s leg and trip him up! Nakamura falls to the floor and Logan aims at Priest. FROG SPLASH onto the ladder! The ladder doesn’t break but Priest and Logan sure felt that one. Fans chant “YOU STILL SUCK!” at Logan, and he probably regrets that move. Nakamura grabs a tall ladder and brings it in. Ricochet joins in to set up the ladder, but then fires off on Nakamura!

Ricochet has Nakamura against the rungs as he KICKS and KICKS! Ricochet then gets a shorter ladder, and runs in! Nakamura avoids it, we have another ladder bridge! Nakamura puts Ricochet on that, then runs to SLIDING GERMAN! Ricochet flounders out, Knight returns! Nakamura fireman’s carries Knight, to then DDT! Nakamura kicks Ricochet away before climbing up the ladder. But so is Escobar! They brawl up top, Nakamura grabs an arm through the rungs! But Escobar pulls hair! Escobar CLUBS and shoves Nakamura down! Dunne returns and gets up on Escobar! Dunne has a SLEEPER!

Escobar goes down a few rungs, and rests on the ladder bridge. Ricochet springboards, 450 ON THE LADDER!! Fans lose their minds as all three men fall off but the ladder stays together! “This is Awesome!” as all seven men are back in the ring. All seven men stand, and they all see the one ladder. They all roar, an d the brawls are on again! Logan gest mugged, Dunne makes a break for it! Priest drags him down, FLATLINER! Priest adjusts the ladder and climbs! Everyone sees him, Knight goes up after him! SUPER SAIDO!! Knight hurries up the rungs but Logan is on the corner! Logan springboards, FLYING BLOCKBUSTER!

Ricochet SHOOTING STARS Logan! Ricochet climbs but Escobar YANKS him down, fireman’s carry to the PHANTOM DRIVER!! Escobar climbs but Nakamura is there! YANK and down goes Escobar! Nakamura climbs but has to kick Escobar away. FLYING KNEE takes Escobar out! Nakamura is alone and he hurries back up, only for Dunne to drag him out! Dunne ROCKS Nakamura, BOOTS Ricochet, and goes for an even taller ladder! Dunne climbs it, with Knight, Dunne, Priest, Escobar and Nakamura all lined up! ARIHARA MOONSAULT onto them all!! Fans lose their minds again as they all go down!!

Dunne hurries back in and hurries for the ladder, but here comes Logan! Logan yanks Dunne down, ONE LUCKY RIGHT! Logan climbs, but Ricochet returns! Ricochet yanks Logan down, fires off kicks, but Logan ducks one! ONE LUCKY RIGHT!! Logan says thank you, London, and he climbs up. But Escobar yanks him down! Logan blocks a kick, Escobar ducks the haymaker to CALF KICK! “L! W! O!” JUMP KNEE! Logan falls outta the ring, and Escobar climbs! Escobar paws at the briefcase but Nakamura drags Escobar down! Nakamura ROCKS Escobar, climbs up, but so does Escobar! They again brawl up top!

Knight returns with a ladder of his own! He JAMS Nakamura, then sets up right beside the first ladder. Knight climbs, catches up to Escobar and throws hands. But Nakamura returns from the other side. Knight throws hands, “YEAH!” but Escobar hits back. SUPER RANA!! Both men go down and fans fire up as Nakamura keeps climbing! Escobar hurries to return, but Logan and Ricochet both get to the apron. Nakamura and Escobar both pull hair, both Logan and Ricochet springboard to the ladders! They fight Nakamura off, then fight each other! Nakamura returns, he and Escobar keep fighting!

Ricochet grabs the hook but the others stop him! They’re all brawling, and Knight tips a ladder! Down go Escobar and Nakamura! Ricochet and Logan keep brawling, but now Knight goes after them! Logan and Ricochet kick him away, but he tips their ladder over! Ricochet and Logan are stuck up on the top rope, so Ricochet says to hell with it! SUPER SPANISH FLY through the tables!!! Fans lose their minds again and refs check Logan and Ricochet! Knight is still in the ring, but now Dunne returns! They brawl all the way up! Fans are torn, but Knight SMACKS Dunne off the top! And then brings Dunne up, but Dunne bends fingers!

Dunne tortures Knight, and SNAPS the fingers!! Knight falls to the floor, but Priest returns! Dunne works on the hook but Priest fires hands! Priest reaches up, but Dunne gets those fingers! Priest choke grips Dunne! SUPER SOUTH OF HEAVEN onto a ladder!! But Knight drags Priest down, and TOSSES him! But Escobar returns to run at Knight !Knight gets him for B F T!! Nakamura returns, but Knight TOSSES him out!! Knight hurries up top, fans are thunderous, because Knight- NO, Priest choke grips! Knight fights Priest off, grabs at the case, but Priest hits him low! SUPER BROKEN ARROW!!!

Priest hurries back up, grabs the briefcase, and WINS!!

Winner: Damian Priest (NEW Mr. Money in the Bank)

Senor Dinero en el Banko, the Punisher of Judgment Day! Will this guarantee that no matter what, the Judgment Day will have the World Heavyweight Championship?


Undisputed WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Ronda Rousey & Shayna Baszler VS Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez!

The Baddest Women on the Planet only just became the unified WWE & NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions, and they’re already putting their belts up against some familiar foes. Will Ronda & Shayna stay golden after their trip to the UK? Or will Morgan & Rodriguez once again be #LivingLarge?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who is truly undisputed in the Women’s Tag Division!

The teams sort out and Liv starts against Shayna. The two circle, tie up, and Shayna wrenches to a wristlock. Shayna throws Liv with the double wristlock, isolates that arm, but Liv avoids the stomp! Roll up, Shayna rolls through so Liv SHOTGUNS her down! Liv then drags Shayna up, whips, but Shayna reverses. Liv ducks ‘n’ dodges to RANA! Shayna bails to the apron, fans fire up with Liv and she storms over. Liv brings Shayna up to bump Shayna off buckles, then goes the other way to triangle jump ENZIGURI! Shayna falls to the floor, Ronda runs in but Raquel runs in to clothesline her out!

Liv and Raquel coordinate, Liv goes up Raquel to be the HUMAN WEAPON! The bomb takes out Ronda & Shayna and fans fire up! Liv puts Shayna in, Ronda runs up but Liv elbows her down! Shayna arm-drags Liv down and STOMPS that arm! Liv clutches the arm, the one she’s recovering from, but she’s somehow still okay to continue. Shayna tags in Ronda and Ronda storms up on Liv. Ronda sayanagis Liv all around! Ronda taunts Raquel, keeps Liv from her, and mocks Raquel’s back lats. Ronda throws Liv around, tags Shayna in, and then SAYANAGI to SLIDING KICK! Cover, TWO!

Liv is toughing it out but Shayna is after the arm. Top wristlock, but Liv fights up. Shayna wrangles her back down, but fans rally up. Liv fights up again, throws body shots, and then arm-drags Shayna away! Shayna comes back, Liv jumps but gets caught! Shayan RAMS her into the corner! Shayna tautns Raquel, runs back in, but Liv BOOTS her! Shayna tries again, but Liv dodges Shayna and Shayna htis buckles! Liv crawls but Shayna drags her away. Liv BOOTS Shayna away, Ronda tags in! Ronda gets a leg! ANKLE LOCK! Ronda leans on the leg, Liv endures, reaches out, but Ronda taunts her.

Liv fights, turns, KICKS Ronda and rolls her up, TWO!! Ronda stands, into a CODE BREAKER! Hot tag to Raquel! Big Mami Cool rallies on Ronda & Shayna! Ronda dodges one lariat but not the SOUTHPAW! Shayna runs in, into a FALL AWAY SLAM! Raquel POWERSLAMS Ronda! Cover, TWO! Ronda survives but Raquel whips her to a corner. Ronda reverses, runs in, but Raquel BOOTS her! Raquel goes up but Ronda fires off hands! Ronda climbs, gets the arm, HANGING ARMBAR! The ref counts, but Raquel powers up to SUPER POWERBOMB!! Cover, Shayna breaks it! Fans fire up as Shayna crawls back to her corner.

Raquel and Ronda crawl now, Liv returns. Fans rally up, hot tags to Liv and Shayna! Liv goes up the corner to CROSSBODY! Shayna rolls through and has the bad arm! FUJIWARA ARMBAR!! Ronda BLASTS Raquel, and gets an ANKLE LOCK!!! Liv endures, Raquel CLOBBERS Ronda & Shayna! Fans are thunderous as everyone goes for their corners. Shayna grabs a leg, Liv ENZIGURIS her away! Ronda goes after Raquel from the outside and gets her off the apron! Then POSTS her! The fans boo, the ref reprimands, but Liv runs at Shayna! Shayna avoids ObLivion to GERMAN SUPLEX! KIRAFUDA KLUTCH!!

Liv endures, but she’s caught! Liv sputters, fans rally, and Liv fights a second wind! Liv stands up, to JAWBREAKER! Shayna tumbles away, Ronda tags back in. Ronda stalks Liv, fans boo as she fires up. But SHAYNA ATTACKS RONDA?!?! Shayna beats Ronda down and the fans can’t believe it!! KIRAFUDA KLUTCH!!! Ronda is OUT! Fans are thunderous and Liv is confused as all get out! Ronda sits up, sputters, and is also confused by why her friend would do this. Raquel tags in, then drags Ronda up. TEXANA BOMB!! Liv tags in, OBLIVION!! Cover, Liv & Raquel win!!!

Winners: Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez (NEW Undisputed WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions)

Just as Ronda & Shayna were dominating all of the WWE, the Queen of Spades turns on Ronda! What will Ronda do in response to this betrayal? Liv & Raquel are back on top, will this be their biggest reign yet?


Backstage interview with Damian Priest.

Kayla welcomes the new Mr. MITB, and he wants us to get it right that it is Senor MITB. Then congrats, Senor. What are his plans now? There are a lot to think about. He could cash in to become Intercontinental Champion, United States Champion, World Heavyweight Champion, or Universal Champion! But one thing that is for sure is that Priest will be un campeon. The Punisher heads out, will he take his shot here tonight?


WWE Intercontinental Championship: GUNTHER VS Matt Riddle!

Der Ring General does not respect the Original Bro, or any Americans, really. He once vowed no American wrestler would take this title from him, but could that change here in the UK? Or will Gunther keep the mat sacred?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who brings the title back to the states!

The bell rings and the two circle. Riddle goes for a leg, Gunther blocks but Riddle shifts to a facelock. Gunther fights up, puts Riddle in a corner, but Riddle avoids the chop to KICK! Riddle then goes for an arm, HOVERBOARD! Gunther powers out with a scoop and SLAM! Riddle gets right up and jumps on for a SLEEPER! Gunther powers Riddle to a corner, throws elbows, but Riddle gets him for a HANGING TRIANGLE! Riddle lets off at 4, gets back in and KICKS! And KICKS! And KICKS! Gunther blocks but Riddle CHOPS! Gunther CHOPS Riddle off his feet! Fans fire up and Gunther drags Riddle around.

Gunther kicks Riddle down, then looms over him. Gunther drags Riddle up, UPPERCUTS him, then talks some trash. Gunther CHOPS Riddle in a corner, CHOPS him again, and talks more trash. Riddle fires forearms in return! And CHOPS! Gunther shoves, Riddle catches him for a spin and PELE! Riddle kips up, fans fire up, and Riddle forearms in the corner! Riddle goes side to side, another forearm! But Gunther blocks the exploder, CLUBS Riddle, and turns him, but Riddle drops to get the KNEEBAR!! Gunther fights up, powers out of the hold and stomps Riddle down! And SLAPS him around!

Fans fire up as as Gunther throws more slaps and drops a knee! Riddle gets away, Gunther stalks him, but Riddle fires back! Riddle KICKS and CHOPS and KICKS, but Gunther blocks to sweep the bad ankle! Gunther gets that leg, and he rips the tape off! Gunther drops a knee on the ankle! Riddle writhes, and Gunther stomps the foot! Riddle clutches the ankle while Gunther looms over him. Gunther stomps Riddle in the shoulders now, then drags Riddle by the ankle. Another knee drop to the leg! Gunther stands Riddle up, but Riddle KICKS! Gunther just blocks, so Riddle KNEES Gunther!

Gunther staggers, but gets around Riddle, and GERMAN SUPLEXES! Gunther gets the leg for a HEEL HOOK! Riddle endures, fans rally and duel, and Riddle CHOPS! Gunther pulls on the leg but Riddle CHOPS! Gunther CHOPS, but Riddle kicks with the good leg! Riddle gets free, then clinches, BROSPLODER! And then BROTON! INTO A SLEEPER!! Gunther has Riddle caught! Riddle pries at the hold, opens the body scissors, roll back to a cover, ONE!! Gunther gets around, GERMAN SUPLEX! Riddle lands on his feet! But the bad ankle slows Riddle down! LARIAT from Gunther!! Cover, TWO!!!

Riddle survives, but Gunther hauls him up! But Riddle slips outta the bomb, FINAL FLASH KNEE! Ripcord, ANOTHER KNEE!! Cover, TWO!! Gunther is still in this but Riddle runs, PENALTY KICK! Riddle hurries up the corner and fans fire up. FLOATING BRO!! Cover, TWO!!! Gunther survives and Riddle is beside himself! Fans rally harder and Riddle brings Gunther up. “This is Wrestling!” as Gunther fights the scoop. Riddle KNEES Gunther, tries again, but Gunther slips down to CHOP Riddle down!! Gunther then goes up, GENERAL SPLASH into a TRIANGLE HOLD!!!

Gunther is caught now, fights up, and he deadlifts Riddle! GENERAL BOMB! Cover, TWO!! But into a HALF CRAB! Riddle crawls, claws, reaches out, but Gunther drags him back! Riddle turns over, kicks away at Gunther, but Gunther CHOPS the bad foot! And again! And again! HEEL HOOK!!! Riddle flails, and TAPS! Gunther wins!!

Winner: Gunther, by submission (still WWE Intercontinental Champion)

Der Ring General wins because he had a target already put on Riddle’s body. With chess master level thinking, will he ever be dethroned? Wait! DREW MCINTYRE IS HERE!! London goes wild for the Scottish Warrior, and he storms right into the ring. McIntyre stares Gunther down, and then steps to him. Gunther shoves McIntyre, so McIntyre HEADBUTTS Gunther down! Fans fire up and McIntyre fires up! McIntyre is in the corner, he counts it down! “THREE! TWO! ONE!” CLAYMORE!! And a kip up! Fans are thunderous and McIntyre picks up the title. Will this be the scene further down the line this Summer?


Cody Rhodes VS Dominik Mysterio w/ Rhea Ripley!

The American Nightmare and the Prodigal Son are both second generation stars, but they couldn’t be any different from each other. Cody respected his father’s legacy, Dom besmirches his. Cody does things straight up, Dom hits then runs to hide behind Mami. But will Cody’s way get him the win? Or will it be another win for The Judgment Day?

The bell rings and fans fire up for Cody. Cody and Dom circle, but Dom soaks up the heat from the fans. Dom blows a kiss to Mami, then circles with Cody again. They approach, Dom dodges and sucker punches! Cody stays up and shrugs it off, to circle with Dom again. Dom escapes Cody but Cody dodges the sucker punch! Dom runs away from Cody’s punch and fans boo. Cody chases Dom, they go back in, Dom slides under and he SLAPS Cody! Dom grins but Cody scowls. Rhea laughs at Cody but Dom sees he’s in trouble. Cody rips off the cast!? They run up the ramp! Cody chases him down, and brings him back by his ear!

Cody throws Dom into the ring, and kicks low! RHODES UPPERCUT! Cody DECKS Dom, stomps away in the corner, and fans fire up! The ref counts, Cody lets off at 4, and fans fire up with Cody. Cody brings Dom up, scoops him and carries him around. POWERSLAM! Dom writhes, Cody pounds the mat and fans rally with him. Dom stands, into the dragon sleeper! Dom drops, bails out, and goes to Mami. Fans boo and Dom wants over the barriers? Cody pursues into the crowd! Cody grabs Dom again to TOSS him over the barriers! Dom hurries back into the ring and Cody drags him out, to suplex, but Dom slips free!

Rhea shields Dom and the ref tells her to back off. Dom gets in the ring, fans taunt him, but Dom unties buckle pads. Cody gets back in the ring, ROCKS Dom, but Rhea trips Cody up! Fans boo, but Dom DIVES and sends Cody into the desk! Dom POSTS Cody, then hurries into the ring. Rhea cheers Dom on as the ring count climbs. The count is 5 of 10 as Cody stands. Cody slides in, and Dom beats him down! Dom rains down fists and stomps away! Rhea cheers but the fans boo. Dom drags Cody up to TOSS him out! Dom goes out after Cody to SMACK him off the desk! And again! And again! And again!

Dom leaves Cody behind to get in the ring. Fans chant “OH~ DOM IS A WANKER~!” Cody stands up at 7 of 10 and slides in at 8! But Dom fires off haymakers! Dom whips Cody to a corner, runs in, but Cody sends him into buckles! Back suplex, but Dom lands on his feet! Dom CLOBBERS Cody! Cover, ONE!! Rhea argues the count but Dom clamps on with a chinlock. Cody fights up, reaches out, fans sing for him and Rhea tells them to shut up. Cody fights up, fights free, but Dom knees low! Dom reels Cody in, Uno Amigo! Then Dos Amigos! Rhea fans herself, she loves that Latino Heat. THREE- NO, Cody turns it around! GOURD BUSTER!

Cody swings on Dom, ROCKS him again and again, then whips. Dom reverses but Cody CLOBBERS him! Cody baits Dom into a corner, goes up and over and POWERSLAMS! Fans fire up with Cody and he feels the power! Cody springboards, BEAUTIFUL DISASTER KICK! Cover, TWO! Dom is still in this, he is still his father’s son. Fans get even more into it as Cody aims again. Springboard, but Rhea is in the way! Dom rolls Cody up! TWO!! Dom dodges, runs back in, DROPKICK and Cody is on the ropes! Dom dials it up, 619 blocked! Cody drags Dom into the Alabama lift, for an ALABAMA SPIN, to an ALABAMA SLAM!

Fans fire up more as Cody springboards, CODY CUTTER! Fans are thunderous as Dom staggers around, into the dragon sleeper! Rhea freaks out as Cody hits CROSS RHODES!! Cover, Cody wins!

Winner: Cody Rhodes, by pinfall

Rhea can’t believe it! Her Dom-Dom just lost! She drags Dom outta the ring and to the back, the Judgment Day breaks even for now, will it all be on Finn Balor to get them back up? As for Cody, he’s rolling through the Summer, will he be able to #FinishTheStory?


JOHN CENA is here?!

London goes nuts over this surprise appearance! The sixteen time world champion shows off the G.I. Joe inspired gear and he slides into the ring. Cena gets the mic, and says, “Surprise! I think I’m the one that’s surprised. Cuz I’m used to hearing you sing ‘John Cena Sucks.’ You flipped it around, you were like, ‘My time is now!'” Cena wants us to look around. Did they know that this is the first Premium Live Event in London in over 20 YEARS! He feels the energy, hears the noise, and asks himself, “What the hell took us so long to spend some time in London?” Fans cheer that, and then chant for “CENA! CENA!”

Then it hit Cena. It isn’t up to him, but it is up to the decision makers. Fans boo those decision makers. Cena says those guys don’t know how to feel about London. Fans boo again but Cena says this isn’t anything we don’t know. The managers think this is a “hostile environment.” That sometimes the fans are a distraction. And that the fans even try to take over the shows. Fans cheer that! See that? The managers don’t know what they’re talking about! The fans are the voice and the heartbeat of the show. They aren’t taking over the show, they ARE the show! Fans cheer that, too!

Cena goes back to why he is here. Fans chant “WELCOME BACK! WELCOME BACK!” Cena says he is here on behalf of them. He knows the world is watching, and he wants the world to know that the London fans are underappreciated. He is here to say that he is big on respect. And he is here because all these fans, over these 20 years, have earned his respect. They chant “THANK YOU, CENA!” Cena says another thing the managers don’t get it is that superstars allow the fans to speak up. But how much fun does that make a night like this? Fans cheer, chant, and they care. In Cena’s mind, there is not a more exciting audience than in the UK.

So Cena is here to advocate WrestleMania in London. The fans go wild! Cena says that struck a nerve. He isn’t here for #OneMoreMatch, but that when people hear the trumpets, it means something. He wants to give the audience, to show the world and the decision makers what we already know. Take a moment right now, let ’em see, let ’em feel, let ’em hear what Mania London would sound like! The fans go wild again, but wait. Here comes Grayson Waller. Waller says, “Wow. John Cena. It’s an honor, mate.” The fans chant “Who are ya?” Waller would introduce himself, but everyone knows the Aussie Icon!

So Waller hopes Cena doesn’t mind him interrupting. Waller has respect for Cena, and loves everything about him. Jorts are awesome! Waller is a man of style. The movies? Fans tell Waller to shut up, but Waller wants Cena to know he’s a fan of the movies. Cena’s performance in Fast 9 moved him. Waller says what he loves most is the whole Hustle, Loyalty, Respect. Which is why it saddens Waller to see him out here like this. He’s here for these people? And WrestleMania: London? You gotta be kidding, lad! We all know this is a hole. The people cheer who they’re supposed to dislike, hate the people they’re supposed to like, it’s all “cutting edge~!”

Nevermind the fact that it’s the Summer, the last few days have been cold and rainy. If Mania is going overseas, it should be somewhere beautiful. Good weather, nice beaches, good looking girls in swimsuits. If Mania goes international, it should be… in Australia! Aw, he thought Brits had manners. But Waller can see it now: Mania Australia! “AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE!” Fans boo. Waller says don’t stress, h e thinks he could get Cena a spot on that show. He knows things haven’t been going so well for Cena. Last we saw Cena, he lost to Austin Theory. And before that was Roman Reigns. and uh, The Fiend at another WrestleMania. That was meta.

But the people here are simple. They only remember the last thing they saw. Fans cheer Cena and tell Waller to shut up. Oh, this is supposed to be classy England? Well all Cena needs is a viral moment, and Waller knows viral moments. Let Waller be Superman now. Cena’s helped so many and done so much, let Waller help Cena help himself save his career. Think about it! The biggest Grayson Waller Effect of all time! With John Cena as the guest! At WrestleMania Australia! Fans boo all of that. Waller isn’t asking the fans, he’s asking Cena. That’d be the Waller rub for Cena. Fans say “NO! NO! NO!”

Cena says no Mania London, and then go to Australia, to get a “rub” from Waller? Uh, yeah. Cena will pass. But wait, hold on! Waller stands in Cena’s way and says no one says no to him. Say again? No one says no to Grayson Waller. How about him hanging out with his friends? Cuz Cena and his friends were saying Mania should be in London! Waller DECKS Cena! And CLUBS away on him! Fans boo even harder now as Waller JABS Cena! Waller throws off his shirt, shows off the drop step, but Cena fireman’s carries! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! Waller bails out and Cena says you can’t see him. So will we get WrestleMania 41 in London?


Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Becky Lynch VS Trish Stratus VS Zoey Stark VS Bayley VS Iyo Sky VS Zelina Vega!

The Man doesn’t want to say #ThankYouTrish, she wants vengeance on Trish and her new protégé. But there’s also the Role Model, the Evil Genius and La Muneca to worry about if she wants to finally check off the briefcase on her Big Time Bingo card. Will Becky pull off a huge comeback for the summer? Or will another snipe this opportunity and aim for the top?

Stark rushes Becky at the ramp! The bell rings and the match is on! Becky SMACKS Stark off ladder, then she DECKS Trish! But Becky gets mugged 2v1! As does Zelina against DMG CTRL! Bayley fetches a ladder but Zelina goes out to METEORA Bayley down! Stark & Trish still beat up on Becky, Iyo RAMS Zelina down with a ladder! Zelina is stuck, Bayley and Iyo stomp away! But then Stark and Trish go after Bayley and Iyo! Iyo is sent into rungs, Bayley is RAMS into them! Stark SPINNING BUZZSAWS Bayley down! Iyo returns but Trish & Stark whip her at the ladder. Iyo jumps up, kicks Stark into Trish, and then goes up the ropes!

But Stark drags Iyo down and SMACKS her off the ladder! Stark & Trish hurry to bring another ladder up out from under the ring, but Becky SMACKS them into it! Becky throws the ladder down but Trish & Stark dodge! Becky whips Trish onto the ladder that traps Zelina, but Stark SUPERKICKS Becky down! Trish gets up and into the ring, Stark passes her the ladder. Stark stomps Zelina, Trish sets the ladder up, and Stark helps her. Stark plays defense while Trish climbs, but DMG CTRL ram into Stark and tip the ladder over! Trish HOTSHOTS off ropes, DMG CTRL mugs Stark! Zelina KNEES Stark down!

DMG CTRL goes after Zelina! Bayley pushes Stark away, Zelina clubs Iyo down, and fans sing for Bayley. Bayley ignores them, pushes the ladder out of the ring, then gets a taller ladder! Bayley tells fans to shut up but Zelina DROPKICKS Bayley down! Zelina climbs the ladder, but has to fight Iyo off. FLYING RANA! Zelina hurries up the ladder, but Bayley drags her down. Bayley SMACKS Zelina off rungs, then Iyo YANKS her into them! Bayley and Iyo pinball Zelina inside the ladder until she falls over! Bayley and Iyo keep the ladder steady, but they argue over who climbs. They both climb, but Becky MISSILE DROPKICKS Bayley!

Becky YANKS Iyo down, positions the ladder just right, and she climbs! Fans fire up but Stark yanks Becky down! Becky ROCKS Stark and SMACKS her off the rungs! Bayley puts Stark through rungs to Kawada Kick away on her! Fans fire up and Becky then SMACKS Stark off the mat! Becky climbs, but Stark grabs at her legs. So Becky has the DISARM-HER inside the rungs! But STRATUSFACTION sends Becky away! Trish climbs, but Bayley storms up! So Trish gets her for STRATUSFACTION! Trish tries again but Iyo drags her down and CLUBS her! Zelina has a small ladder but Iyo SMACKS her off it!

Iyo climbs up, but so does Trish! Iyo YANKS Trish into rungs! Trish KICKS Iyo down! Zelina has her ladder set up, she CLUBS Trish and climbs. They brawl, kick, and then Zelina reels Trish in to make her a bridge! Zelina transfers ladders and goes up! But Stark intercepts! Bayley drags Trish up in a fireman’s carry, Becky moves ladders around. SNAKE EYES for Trish! Iyo drags Stark down, SHOTEI! Becky DECKS Zelina off the ladder, climbs, but Bayley grabs at her! They scrap, Bayley SMACKS Becky off the ladder, then MACHO ELBOWS! Fans fire up while they writhe, and now Iyo climbs! Fans cheer Iyo on as she reaches out!

But Stark and Zelina work together to scoot the ladder away from the briefcase! Then they brawl with each other! Stark again scoots the ladder, but Iyo kicks her away! Iyo climbs, and she aims not for briefcase, but for the ARIHARA MOONSAULT! Everyone else goes down!! Fans fire up for Iyo again, but she’s down just like the others. Wait! Trish is the only one not in that cluster! She’s setting up the ladder, she’s climbing up the ladder! But Becky hurries in, and she is right up the ladder! Trish freaks out and Becky fires haymakers! They brawl, fans fire up more, and then Becky SMACKS Trish off the top!

Becky brings Trish up, has to kick Stark away, but Trish drops away! Stark drags Becky, Becky kicks Stark and AX HANDLES her! Becky TOSSES Stark, Zelina sneaks in! Becky grabs at Zelina, Zelina CROSSBODIES Becky and Trish! Fans fire up as Zelina DECKS Becky! Iyo ROCKS Zelina, kicks at her, then springboards, but Zelina dodges! Zelina tosses Iyo out and climbs! Fans fire up but Becky and Trish are ironically working together! They DOUBLE POWERBOMB Zelina! Becky then glares at Trish, fans fire up, and the two fire off fast hands! Becky SMACKS Trish off buckles! Becky tips one ladder, throws more hand on Trish, but Trish hits back!

The two brawl all around, but DMG CTRL has a new ladder. They ROCK Becky and Trish, both step in, and they make a ladder bridge. Becky SMACKS Iyo off rungs, then JUMP KICKS her down! Trish has Bayley for STRATUSFACTION ion the ladder! And the brawl is back on!! Stark drags Becky out, SUPERKICK!! And then Stark POSTS Becky! Stark finds HANDCUFFS?! Fans boo but Stark and Trish beat down Becky! Trish even CHOKES Becky! Stark opens the cuffs, and puts them on Becky, but she fights back! Becky ROCKS Trish, ROCKS Stark, TOSSES Trish, and TOSSES Stark!

Fans fire up with The Man and she pulls the desk apart! But Stark & Trish attack 2v1 again! Stark SMACKS Becky off the desk, and she helps Trish pick up a ladder. Becky ducks the ladder attack, it’s now a bridge! Becky TOSSES Trish over the desk! And FLAPJACKS Stark on the ladder! Becky makes sure the bridge is ready, and she puts Stark back on it. Becky then goes onto the desk, but Trish attacks! They brawl on top of the desk! Becky hits a MANHANDLE SLAM onto the ladder! Trish slumps off the steel, but Stark FLYING CUTTERS Becky!! Those three are down, the main ladder is still up!

Stark crawls to the ring, but Zelina goes up the ladder! “This is Awesome!” as Zelina nis up top, but Stark meets her there! They brawl, Zelina SMACKS her with LA CHANCLA! Stark ROCKS Zelina, tosses the sandal, but Zelina hits Stark back! SUPER CODE RED onto the ladder bridge!!! Fans are thunderous and losing their minds! All six women are down around ringside, and Iyo returns! Iyo pushes the ladder bridge outta the way and hurries up the main ladder. Iyo climbs, eyes on the prize, but BAYLEY tips it on her! No friends here, every woman for herself! Fans boo as Bayley screws Iyo over and stands the ladder back up!

Bayley climbs, but BECKY returns! Becky climbs up, and she ROCKS Bayley! And CUFFS HER MOUTH! Bayley’s like a fish on a hook as Becky drags her down! Becky climbs back up, but Bayley is after her! She grabs that arm, Iyo drags Becky down! Becky BOOTS Iyo, then climbs back up! But Bayley is back up! She trips Becky up and Becky slides down a few rungs, but then Iyo grabs the cuffs to CUFF BAYLEY AND BECKY!! They’re trapped! Iyo returns the favor! Iyo climbs over Bayley to get up top! Iyo kicks Becky away, and has the briefcase! IYO WINS!!

Winner: Iyo Sky (NEW Miss Money in the Bank)

Or in this case, the Evil Genius in the Bank! Fans chant “YOU DESERVE IT!” Will Iyo use this same level of genius to find the perfect opportunity to cash in on a women’s champion?


WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Seth Rollins VS Finn Balor!

Seven years, this has been stewing in the background. Seven years, one man got better while the other got bitter. That bitterness has become a poison, and the Prince is the snake that’s spitting it. Will he bring down the Visionary not just to become champion, but to avenge the past? Or will nothing stop Seth Freakin’ Rollins from being the workhorse of the WWE?

Fans of course sing “WHOA~ OHH~ OHHHH~!” for Rollins as he makes his entrance. Rollins revels in it for a good dozen rounds, and then steps into the ring. The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is truly better after these seven long years!

The bell rings and the two stare down. The fans fire up, sing Rollins’ song, and that makes Rollins smile and Finn frown. They rush in, Rollins TACKLES Finn and rains down fists! Finn turns it around to throw hands, but Rollins turns it back around! Finn kicks Rollins away, then kicks those bad ribs! Finn CLUBS Rollins again and again and throws shots on those ribs, only for Rollins to RAM him into a corner! Rollins DUMPS Finn out, then builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit into the desk! Fans fire up and Rollins takes a breath before going after Finn. But Finn RAMS Rollins into the apron!

Finn fires off haymakers, Rollins SMACKS Finn off the desk! Rollins claws at Finn’s face, but Finn pushes back. Rollins headlocks, throws some hands, but Finn pulls hair and shoves Rollins. Rollins stops from hitting steps, and he comes back to LARIAT Finn! Fans fire up while Rollins snarls. Rollins storms up on Finn, pulls on his ears, and puts him in the ring. But Finn runs up, only for Rollins to GUILLOTINE LEG DROP! Finn staggers away, comes back, but Rollins blocks to pop him up! Finn throws down elbows to get free, and he trips Rollins. Rollins avoids the double stomps! Roll up, but Finn avoids THE stomp.

Rollins kicks low, underhooks, but Finn trips Rollins to DOUBLE STOMP! Fans fire up while Rollins goes to ropes. Finn stomps Rollins more, and springboard stomps! The ref counts, Finn lets off, and he stalks Rollins to ropes. Finn fires off more body shots, then drop toeholds so he can hammer Rollins on the back. Finn clamps on a chinlock and he stretches Rollins, to then drop an elbow! Cover, ONE!! Finn snarls, he stands Rollins up but Rollins CHOPS and fires forearms! Finn clinches, knees low, and bumps Rollins off buckles! Rollins falls back, fans rally, and Finn throws body shots into Rollins.

Finn has Rollins int he ropes, pulls him back, and has a chinlock. The ref counts, Finn lets off, and Finn ROCKS Rollins in the back with forearms! Finn then runs to BOOT the ribs! Rollins bails out, fans sing for him, but Finn goes out to drag him around. Finn KICKS Rollins against the desk! And again! And again! The ref reprimands, the ring count starts, but Finn soaks up the heat. Finn puts Rollins in and then hurries after him. Finn RAMS Rollins into a corner, and again, and again, and again! Finn throws more body shots on Rollins’ ribs, then whips him corner to corner. Finn runs in to RAM Rollins again!

Finn whips back the other way, but Rollins BOOTS Finn! Rollins DISCUS LARIATS! Fans fire up while both men are down! Rollins and Finn rise, the fans sing for Rollins again, and Finn storms up. Finn fires forearms but so does Rollins. They go back and forth, they trade body shots and now uppercuts! Rollins ROCKS Finn over and over and over and fans fire up! Rollins knees Finn low, then gives him Kawada Kicks! Finn wobbles, Rollins reels him in, BACKBREAKER! Rollins runs to KNEE Finn down! Fans fire up as both men are on the mat again. Rollins stands and the fans sing as he paces around.

Rollins goes to a corner, takes aim, and runs in, but Finn wheelbarrows to victory roll! TWO, and Finn gets around Rollins to CLUB his back, FINAL CUT! Cover, TWO!! Rollins roars and Finn is shocked! Fans fire up again and Finn BOOTS Rollins! Finn HAMMERS and KNEES away on Rollins’ ribs, shoulders, head and back again! Finn goes to a corner while fans rally up. Rollins rises, Finn runs in, SLINGBLADE! Finn goes to the other corner, takes aim, but Rollins SUPERKICKS! Fireman’s carry to a pop-up, BUCKLE BOMB! Finn falls, Rollins goes up the corner! FROG SPLASH onto knees!!

Rollins clutches his ribs, and Finn SHOTGUNS him into buckles! Rollins falls into the drop zone and now Finn goes up top! Fans rally as Finn rises, but Rollins gets up after Finn! Finn SUPER GOURD BUSTERS in return! Finn adjusts, aims again, COUP DE- NO, Rollins moves! CURB_ NO, Finn dodges and rolls Rollins. Rollins rolls through but Finn ducks under the kick to victory roll! TWO, ROLLING ELBOW from Rollins! Mule kick from Finn! PELE from Rollins! PELE from Finn, but Rollins blocks! Rollins gets Finn in the PEDIGREE!! But Rollins can’t cover from the pain in his ribs! Rollins crawls, covers, TWO!!!

WAIT! HERE COMES PRIEST!! Will he use it now?! Or is he just teasing? Rollins watches Priest closely, fans want him to “CASH IT IN! CASH IT IN!” But Finn rolls Rollins up! TWO!! SUPERKICK from Rollins! Both men fall, and Finn flops out of the ring. Rollins watches Priest and asks if he’s gonna do it. Fans still want it, but Priest just stands by the timekeeper’s area. Priest takes a seat to keep Rollins distracted. Finn SHOTGUNS Rollins into barriers! And RAMS him into the corner of the desk! And then climbs up to COUP DE GRACE to the floor!! Just like a few weeks ago on Raw!

Fans are thunderous as Finn goes up the steel steps to COUP DE GRACE again!!! Finn puts Rollins in, takes aim, SHOTGUN!! Rollins hits buckles, ends up in the drop zone, and Finn climbs up! But Priest stands up!? Now Finn is distracted. COUP DE- NO, Rollins dodges! CURB STOMP!!! Cover, Rollins wins!!

Winner: Seth Rollins, by pinfall (still WWE World Heavyweight Champion)

The Punisher seems to show no remorse for costing Finn, but why did he do it at all? Will he still go for it tonight? Rollins is watching, but Priest stands still. Finn argues with Priest over what just happened, is Finn’s bitterness only going to get worse now?


Kayla Braxton interviews Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn.

The Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions are in the VIP skybox and are enjoying the show. Could Kayla get a quick word from them? Fans cheer seeing Kevin & Sami, and she congratulates them for the win last night on SmackDown. Kevin says it has been great being here in London. Big things have been happening, such as their title defense, and everything tonight in MITB. And the crowd has been electric to say the least. Yes, and there is one more match left to go. These two are surely watching closely as the Bloodline Civil War is here. Sami says yeah, it is a match that has been personal for him, one he’s been waiting to see for a long time.

Fans chant for Sami, and he says that tonight is the night Roman gets exactly what’s coming to him! Fans like the sound of that! Will Sami be proven right as we see Tribal Chief and Enforcer of the Island take on their own family?


Bloodline Civil War: Roman Reigns & Solo Sikoa w/ Paul Heyman VS The Usos!

These last three years, the Tribal Chief and his cousins have gone from fighting each other to fighting together to dominate the WWE. But Roman’s ego, his anger, and his paranoia have pushed things too far, and now Jimmy & Jey are taking a stand. Will they win, even if it means taking down their own blood? Or will Roman prove he is the ONLY one worthy of being Head of the Table?

Roman of course has the pyro when he raises his finger, and then he, Solo and The Wise Man continue to the ring. Then Roman holds up the Undisputed Universal Championship belt for more pyro. The introductions are made, the stakes are raised, and we see who really runs things.

Jey says it’s go time, Uce! The ref wants this to settle down to 1v1, the teams sort out and fans chant “F YOU, ROMAN!” Roman is upset by this, but he tells Solo to handle this. Solo starts against Jimmy, the bell rings, and fans fire up. Jimmy stares down with Solo, fans rally for the Usos and even sing for “OH~ SOLO SIKOA~”, and that all upsets Roman more than the other chant. Jimmy and Solo circle, tie up, and Solo shoves Jimmy away! Solo glares at Jey but Jimmy shrugs it off. Jimmy goes over to Jey and they talk strategy. Jimmy and Solo reset, Jimmy grins at Roman over the chants, and he ties up with Solo again.

Solo scoops to SLAM Jimmy, and he roars! Jimmy scrambles away and fans boo. Roman soaks up the heat while Solo dares his brothers to come back and bring it. Jimmy and Jey talk strategy again, and Jimmy circles with Solo again. They approach again, Jimmy gets around and CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! But Solo ROCKS Jimmy, CLUBS him, then CHOPS him! Solo whips, Jimmy reverses but Solo holds ropes. Solo BOOTS back, but Jey ENZIGURIS! Jimmy UPPERCUTS Solo, tags Jey, and Jimmy RAMS Solo to a corner for Jey to forearm smash! Solo staggers away, and fans rally for “UCE! SO! UCE! SO!”

Jey eggs Solo on, but then Roman shouts, “SOLO! NO!” Jey says listen to “Daddy,” but fans sing “OH~ Roman’s a Wanker!” Roman demands a tag, Solo is conflicted, and then Solo stares Roman down. Solo tags Roman in, and fans boo. Roman smirks as he and Jey circle. Jey throws off the armbands and even takes off the shirt, he’s getting serious now! Fans fire up as Jey and Roman circle. Fans rally behind “JEY! JEY! JEY!” and that angers Roman. They tie up, go around, and Roman headlocks. Roman mocks Day One, but Jey powers up and out. Roman runs Jey over, and he says, “The ONLY One! You understand?!”

Roman pie faces Jimmy but the ref keeps Jimmy back. Jey kicks Roman, throws hands, and backs Roman down. Jey whips, Roman reverses and ELBOWS Jey down! Roman says Jey’s got nothing. Roman threatens Jimmy and even the ref to back off, and Roman throws hands. Fans taunt Roman with  more singing, but Roman bends Jey against ropes. The ref counts, Roman lets off, and Roman brings Jey around to HEADBUTT! Jey flops to the apron, but then back into the ring. Roman soaks up the heat, says this is too easy, and he brings Jey up. Roman whips, Jey holds ropes, and Jey ELBOWS back!

Jimmy tags in, and Roman bails out before the superkicks! Roman takes a breather but the fans boo. The fans chant “TRIBAL WANKER!” Solo reinforces Roman. Heyman asks if Roman wants his sons sitting at the Usos’ table. That’s what they’re trying to take from Roman! Roman is Head of the Table! Roman is now motivated, Jey tags back in. They circle again as fans keep chanting and taunting. Jey and Roman tie up, Roman clinches to put Jey in the corner and he fires off haymakers! The ref counts, Roman tells him not to touch him. Roman cools off, goes back to Jey, and ROCKS him! Jey UPPERCUTS back!

Jey puts Roman in the corner to rain down fists! Fans count as Jey goes to seven, but Solo runs in! Jey DECKS Solo, but Roman UPPERCUTS Jey! Jey flounders and fans boo but Roman tells the fans to shush. Roman stomps Jey at the ropes again and again, lets off as the ref counts but threatens the ref. Solo CHOKES Jey behind the ref’s back! Fans continue to taunt Roman, but Roman tags Solo in. Solo waits on Jey to get up, and he HEADBUTTS Jey down! And again! And again! Solo taunts Jey, then clamps on a claw! Jey endures as Solo digs his fingers into the shoulder, and the fans continue to rally with song.

Jey fights up, throws body shots, and JAWBREAKERS back! Hot tag to Jimmy and he baits Solo in. Solo runs into buckles, then DOUBLE GAMANGIRI! Jimmy goes up, Solo ducks the jump, Jimmy keeps moving but Solo CLOBBERS him! The ref checks Jimmy as Solo looms over him. Roman says Solo’s win is his win, but Jimmy stirs. Jimmy is somehow still in this, so Solo paces. Fans sing, “If you hate Roman, stand up!” and everyone stands up! Roman is upset again, tells everyone to sit down, but Solo stalks Jimmy to a corner. Roman sits down, because he doesn’t hate himself.

Roman tells Heyman this is the dumbest place, the fans are all idiots. Solo rains down fists on Jimmy, the ref has him back off, but Solo goes back in for more! Fans then change it to “If you hate Roman, sit down!” The fans all sit back down, so Roman stands up. Roman tells Solo to end this, and Solo goes to the corner. Solo runs corner to corner, to HIP ATTACK! Solo roars and fans boo but Roman grins. Solo looms over Jimmy as he crawls, and Jimmy drags himself up. Solo HEADBUTTS Jimmy back down! Jimmy ends up on ropes, and Solo CHOKES him! The ref counts, Solo lets off at 4, and Solo tags Roman.

Roman goes around the way, soaks up the heat, and runs in to DRIVE-BY DROPKICK! Jimmy falls over and Roman soaks up more heat. Roman goes in, covers, TWO! Roman is annoyed by that but he looms over Jimmy. Fans go back to “F YOU, ROMAN!” and “TRIBAL WANKER!” but Roman stomps Jimmy around. Jimmy goes to a corner, and Roman stands him up for the point-blank LARIATS! Roman lets off to run, and he BOOTS Jimmy down! Cover, TWO! Tag to Solo, he storms up on Jimmy as Jimmy sits up in a daze. Solo clamps that claw into Jimmy’s shoulder now! Jimmy endures and fans rally up.

Jimmy fights up, throws body shots, and shoves Solo away, Roman tags in. Jimmy tosses Solo, and Roman runs in to keep Jimmy from Jey! Jey and Jimmy still reach out, but Roman reels Jimmy in! Jimmy lands out of the back suplex, slides under, but Roman grabs a leg! Jimmy fights, kicks Roman away, but Solo trips Jey! Fans boo and the ref reprimands but Roman clotheslines Jimmy in the corner! Fans boo more but Roman soaks it all up. Roman tosses Jimmy out, but the ref keeps him from going out. Solo CLOBBERS Jimmy instead! Fans still taunt Roman but Roman fetches Jimmy into the ring.

Roman goes to a corner while Jimmy goes to the other. Roman raises the finger, then locks ‘n’ loads. Roman aims, runs in, but Jimmy ducks! Jimmy CROSSBODIES Roman and himself out of the ring! They hit the floor and the fans chant for “USO! USO!” Jimmy drags himself up and into the ring, then crawls for his corner. The fans rally and Jey reaches out. But Roman gets in, too, hot tags to Jey and Solo! Jey fires off hands, shoutout to The Rock with that one! Solo whips, pops up but Jey lands on his feet to mule kick! UPPERCUT! Solo blocks a kick but not the DRAGON WHIP! Solo goes to a corner and fans fire up again!

Jey runs in but Solo puts him on the apron. Jey GAMANGIRIS back! Jey goes up, CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Jey keeps focus and fans rally up again. Solo is in a corner and Jey goes to the opposite. Jey gets fans to join in on “UCE! SO!” Jey runs in, HIP ATTACK! Jey holds up the finger and fans fire up as he goes again. But Solo fireman’s carries Jey! Jey fights free, shoves Solo, Roman sneaks a tag. Solo runs back in but Jey dumps him out. Jey clotheslines Roman out anyway! And Jey DIVES! Direct hit into the desk! Jey gets back in, to build speed and DIVE on Solo at the ramp! Fans fire up as Jey just keeps going!

Jey DIVES but into a SUPERMAN PUNCH!! Roman gets back in, he reloads, SUPERMAN PUNCH! Roman says it’s done now, but fans boo. Roman is rabid as he aims at Jey, “OOOAH~!” But Jimmy tags in! DOUBLE SPEAR from the Usos!!! Cover, Solo breaks it in time!! Fans are thunderous as Solo saves his Tribal Chief and all four men are down! “This is Awesome!” as the teams regroup. They all stand and the fans rally as hard as they can. The ref wants this to go back to 1v1, but Roman shakes his head. Jey says this is it. The brawl is on! Jey throws hands with Solo, Roman throws hands with Jimmy!

Jey and Solo go outside, Roman ROCKS Jimmy! Jey POSTS Solo, Jimmy UPPERCUTS Roman! Roman ROCKS Jimmy, Jimmy kicks, but Roman blocks! Roman ducks the Dragon Whip to SUPERMAN PUNCH! Cover, TWO!! Roman is shocked and fans fire up again. Roman gets mad, he storms around and tells the fans to shut up, he’s tired of them. Roman aims at Jimmy from the corner, “OOOAH~!” Roman runs in, into a SUPERKICK! And another SUPERKICK! Roman is down, Jimmy hurries up top! Fans are thunderous again for the USO SPLASH into the GUILLOTINE!!! Roman has Jimmy caught!!

Fans fire up as Jimmy endures and fights the hold. But he’s fading!! The ref checks, but Jimmy gets a second wind!! Jimmy fights up, lifts Roman up, and he RAMS Roman into the corner! Jey tags in as Roman keeps on the guillotine. Roman ROCKS Jey, but Jimmy kicks! Roman blocks, to GUILLOTINE! They RAM into the ref!! The ref tumbles out and Jey SUPERKICKS! ONE AND DONE!!! But the ref is down, there’s no one to count the cover! The Usos would’ve won three times over! But they coordinate, and they each take a corner. But Solo trips Jimmy up! Roman dodges Jey, Solo clinches Jey! Roman has Jimmy! DOUBLE URENAGE!!

Solo roars and he drags Jimmy up! SAMOAN SPIKE!! And then Solo grabs Jey, Roman nods, “OOAH~!” SPEAR SPIKE COMBO!!! Solo drags Jimmy onto Jey to stack them like Roman wanted. And now the ref’s back! Fans call BS, but THE USOS KICK OUT!??!? Roman is shocked and London is loving it!! Heyman has no idea what to say about this, either, other than try again. Solo looks at his brothers, and then at Roman. Roman is distraught, so Solo rains down fists on Jey! The ref reprimands, he isn’t the legal man! But Roman gets back into things and he rains down fists.

Solo kicks Jimmy out, then whips Jimmy into steel steps! Roman tells Solo to clear the table, they’ll finish this now. Solo does as told, and then Solo SUPERKICKS Jimmy onto the desk. Solo then clears commentary out of the way so he can go up the barriers. Solo nods to Roman, runs in and FLYING SPLASHES onto just desk!!! Jimmy dodges in time and now Solo is the one taking out! Roman is freaking out again, Jey SUPERKICKS him! Roman SUPERMAN PUNCHES, but Jey SUPERKICKS again! Roman SPEARS!! Cover, TWO!??! With a sneaky low blow a la Roman! That’s karma right there!

Fans are thunderous for “USOS! USOS!” as Roman clutches his island of relevancy. Jey tells Roman this is what happens. Tag to Jimmy, and they SUPERKICK! And SUPERKICK! And DOUBLE SUPERKICK!! Roman flounders, Solo returns, but he gets DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! DOUBLE SUPERKICKS for Roman!! Tag back to Jey and he goes up top, to USO SPLASH!!! Cover, USOS WIN!!!

Winners: The Usos, by pinfall

London is electric and even the Usos need a second to let this sink in! Without them protecting him, Roman loses! He is pinned for the first time since December of 2019!! The fans sing “We’ve Been Down Since! Day One Ish!” because the Usos are the ones! Jey tells Jimmy to let Roman soak in this for a moment. Roman is completely at a loss for what just happened, is he about to lose the title of Tribal Chief?

My Thoughts:

An awesome MITB, and as John Cena’s promo would say, a large part of that was because of the UK crowd. They were rowdy the entire three hours and 40 minutes, with great chants and the like. Cena wanting Mania London, Waller wanting Mania Australia, both sound great to me, an American. I especially like they idea of London because just like with MITB here, it’s done and I still have the evening to do whatever else I want. But also it seems like Waller and Cena now have a feud building, they could probably have it for SummerSlam to give Waller more time for his leg to recover, and for Cena to get into match shape.

Great move opening with the Men’s MITB, but boy was it rough with some of those spots. No ladders broke despite people falling on them, but maybe WWE decided it’s safer this way? The table spot could’ve been done better, but imagining a spot and doing it in reality are always different. I would think Logan is okay, he can still feud with Ricochet on Raw or LA Knight on SmackDown over how Logan and Ricochet parallel in athletic ability while Logan and Knight parallel in mic abilities. And it was great stuff for Knight and Priest to be the last two in the ring at the end, as they were certainly my top two choices.

Priest winning made sense given the story they ended up telling tonight during Seth VS Finn. Great match out of Seth VS Finn, but a little surprising Priest came down to the ring to mess with both men. It ended up “costing” Finn, and now Finn and Priest are going to end up more divided. This could/should be the perfect opening for Finn to bring in JD McDonagh. They kick Priest out, Rhea & Dom probably side with Finn with how Finn can spin Priest being the real traitor, and then Priest can be face in his feud. And since the MITB briefcase can now be used on any champion, Priest could aim for Heel Gunther or Heel Austin Theory and their midcard titles. Even though that’d technically be a letdown from aiming for the top titles.

Speaking of the Intercontinental Championship, great stuff out of Gunther and Riddle, but with Riddle’s beat up foot, it makes sense Gunther used that to beat him. Drew McIntyre returning to confront Gunther was awesome stuff, and I suppose McIntyre VS Gunther for that title could happen at SummerSlam since they just need a month to build it. Priest could cash in during that, maybe not, but McIntyre feels like the one guy right now who could take that title off Gunther. Gunther is great, but he set the record for this “era,” and while he’s just a month away from passing Randy Savage at 414, he’d have to go another 40 days past that, aka 70 days from today to surpass Honky Tonk Man, which is also past Payback in September. I suppose Gunther could do it, but will he?

Really fun stuff out of the Undisputed Women’s Tag Team Champions, but I did NOT expect Shayna to turn on Ronda like that. Apparently, where Ronda was wearing a Majin Vegeta cosplay outta DBZ, Shayna was cosplaying a Warhammer 40K character known for betrayal. I suppose the nerdiest among us would’ve realized this was coming, but Ronda is apparently not that nerdy since she went with a DBZ reference. Raquel & Liv winning was still good stuff, and they can be the ones going all around Raw, SmackDown and NXT to defend these belts while Ronda VS Shayna is headed for SummerSlam.

Also good stuff out of Cody VS Dom, but it was surprising we didn’t see more cheating from Dom, and no Brock Lesnar at all. Maybe Lesnar will attack Cody on Raw this Monday to set up things for SummerSlam, but it just seemed like missed opportunity here. Judgment Day goes 1-2 on the night, there will be a lot of tension on Raw, all the more reason to bring in new guy McDonagh. And great stuff out of the Women’s MITB. Good team work stuff from DMG CTRL and Trish & Zoey for most of the match, but just as I was hoping, push came to shove with Bayley and Iyo. There wasn’t a full on fallout, but how clever for Bayley to almost cost Iyo, and then Iyo uses the cuffs to trap Becky and Bayley in the ladder. Iyo can get in on what’s building with Charlotte, Bianca and Asuka, but there’s half a chance Bayley costs Iyo to make her the one woman who hasn’t cashed in successfully. Actually, I hate that, why’d I have to think that?

But pretty sure everyone loved how the main event went! What an awesome tag match, with great story, and more of that rowdiness from the UK crowd. Roman does a great job playing off the crowd so he had plenty to work with here. And I love that as the Usos survived being spiked, speared and stacked, with Roman losing hope, Solo looked like he was questioning Roman’s ability to lead. It all feeds into the Usos saying they’d rather have Solo as Tribal Chief than Roman, and that is great stuff. And as such, Usos winning was the right move, this pushes things towards SummerSlam. Whether it’s a match for the Universal title or just for the spot as Tribal Chief, it’ll be awesome stuff.

My Score: 9.1/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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