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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (7/24/23)

Big Time BET!



Paving the road to SummerSlam!

Tensions on Raw are high, and so are the stakes! If Becky Lynch loses to Zoey Stark again, she must TATTOO #ThankYouTrish on her chest! But if she wins, she gets a match with Trish Stratus at SummerSlam!


  • Big Time Stakes: Becky Lynch VS Zoey Stark w/ Trish Stratus; Becky wins and will face Trish at SummerSlam.
  • NXT North American Championship: Dominik Mysterio w/ Rhea Ripley & Damian Priest VS Sami Zayn w/ Kevin Owens; Dom wins and retains the title.
  • Tommaso Ciampa VS Bronson Reed; Reed wins.
  • Liv Morgan VS Rhea Ripley w/ Dominik Mysterio; No Contest.
  • Damian Priest VS Apollo Crews; Priest wins.
  • Drew McIntyre VS Ludwig Kaiser w/ Imperium; McIntyre wins.


The Judgment Day is in the ring.

At least, Rhea Ripley, Damian Priest & Finn Balor are. Fans are torn, but Priest welcomes us to the show, and tells us to ALL RISE for the Judgment Day! And he says tonight, they’re in Tampa! And Rhea says they don’t just run Raw, they run ALL of the WWE! Finn says that’s because they have the unbeatable Women’s World Champion in Rhea! They have Senor Money in the Bank in Damian! And yours truly, the next World Heavyweight Champion in Finn. But before they get to the man of the moment, let’s take a look at what he achieved just last week! They of course mean last Tuesday on NXT when Dominik Mysterio stole- er, won the North American Championship.

The video package at least shows it without bias or editing: the Judgment Day all helped Dom win the match, Wes Lee couldn’t withstand a 4v1 attack like that. In the present, Rhea takes the honor of introducing the NEW NXT North American Champion, “the hardest man I know, my Latino Heat, Dirty Dominik Mysterio!” Fans boo as Dom makes his way to the ring and shines up the belt as he holds it up. Dom says he IS your “fighting” NXT North American Champion! And to celebrate his greatness, they have another video package! It’s all highlights of Dom as he says “I’m not afraid of anyone in the world.”

Fans boo even more but the Judgment Day all smiles. Fans chant “YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!” but Dom repeats he is the NEW NXT North American Champion! But wait, who is this? It’s KEVIN OWENS & SAMI ZAYN! Fans cheer the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions, and Kevin says, “Correct me if I’m wrong, but… I’m almost sure we did this last week, didn’t we? They came out, they stood in the ring and tried to look all menacing and scary, and they talked for awhile. And then the one with the mullet, Dom I think is his name, he tried to talk and nobody wanted to listen to him, right? I didn’t dream that, right?” Fans cheer, Kevin is remembering correctly.

Kevin then says that what really upsets him about this is when people don’t learn. When you teach them a lesson and they still don’t learn. THEY DIDN’T LEARN, so Kevin is gonna say this again: No one cares what Dom has to say, EVER!! Dom is so desperate for respect, so passionate about this industry, he has videos to convince people, but if he wants to help this industry is to shut his mouth forever! Dom say she will NOT be disrespected! He is a champion now! Sami says that is a good point. Dom is being disrespected, yes. But… That’s only because no one here respects him. It’s an easy thing to grasp!

But here’s a way Dom can win respect. SHUT UP! No, hold on. What if Dom went 1v1 with one half of the Undisputed Tag Team Champions tonight? Dom VS Sami in Tampa here tonight! Fans like the sound of that, and Dom says okay, Sami wants some of Dirty Dom. Then come get some, “Baby Rojo!” Oh, okay, just a reminder, though. When they all had a tag team match, the Judgment Day made a whole stink about how the tag titles weren’t on the line. So if Dom is a fighting champion, the way he just said he is, then he’d put his title on the line tonight. Fans REALLY like that idea!

Rhea says Dom accepts! Dom looks worried, though. Will his reign still be cut short at just six days? Or will the Judgment Day again have his back?


Big Time Stakes: Becky Lynch VS Zoey Stark w/ Trish Stratus!

The Man wants a fight with the legend, but she has to go through the protégé to get it! Will Becky win big time to force Trish into a rematch? Or will Becky lose and be forced to tattoo herself with three awful words, “Thank You Trish?”

Raw returns and Stark makes her entrance, Trish by her side. The bell rings and the two rush in! Becky sends Stark into a corner, fires off haymakers and stomps! The ref backs Becky off but then Becky fires off more fists! Stark shoves Becky, Becky dodges and CLOBBERS Stark! Cover, ONE! Becky goes for an arm but Zoey scrambles out of the ring! Fans boo and Becky is fired up. Stark goes to the apron but Becky DECKS Her! Becky runs, slides, but Stark dodges the dropkick! Becky still ROCKS Stark with forearms, then puts her in the ring. Tampa rallies behind Becky as she clinches but Stark goes up a corner!

Becky CLUBS Stark on the back, but Stark fights off the bomb. Stark mule kicks Becky away, hops down then springboards to MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Trish argues the count but Stark drags Becky up. Stark ROCKS Becky, runs, but Becky dodges the knee! Stark runs in but is sent into buckles! Becky KICKS then CLOBBERS Stark, cover, TWO! Stark goes to the apron, and she HOTSHOTS Becky to then throw her by her air! INSIDE-OUT ARABIAN SENTON! Cover, TWO! Becky is still in this and Trish looks worried as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Becky throws Stark into barriers! And again! And again! Trish complains, the ring count climbs, but Becky puts Stark in at 5 of 10. Becky climbs and fans fire up, for the MAN’S LEG DROP! Cover, TWO! Trish is relieved but Becky knows that means she’s worried. Fans rally for Becky and she drags Stark up and around. Stark whips, Becky BOOTS her! Stark comes back, but Becky puts her in the ropes to ROCK, UPPERCUT and SOBAT! Becky goes to the corner, but Stark avoids the guillotine leg drop! Becky ROCKS Stark again to dropkick the legs out! And then FLYING FOREARMS from the apron!

Becky puts Stark in but Trish HEADBUTTS Becky!! Trish shoves Becky in and Stark SUPERKICKS! Cover, TWO!! Becky survives and fans are thunderous! Trish is furious her screw job didn’t work! Stark hammers Becky and tells fans to shut up as they cheer Becky on. Stark scoops Becky but Becky blocks Z360 to hit a BECKSPLODER! Fans fire up, Becky runs in but misses in the corner! Stark GAMANGIRIS, goes up top, but Becky ROCKS Stark first! Becky climbs up after Stark, brings her up, and hits a SUPERPLEX! Roll through tot he ARMBAR!! Stark flails, kicks around, stacks Becky, and deadlifts for a POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!!

Becky survives and Trish is worried again. Fans continue to rally behind Becky but Stark drags her to a drop zone. Stark goes up the corner, to PHOENIX- NO, she has to roll through as Becky moves! She returns, MANHAN- NO, Stark victory rolls! TWO, Becky has it, TWO! INTO THE DISARM-HER!! Stark flails, but Trish throws her mask into the ring! Becky DECKS Trish, but Stark rolls her up! TWO!!! Becky escapes but now Stark wants an arm! Becky spins to throw Stark out, but Stark HOTSHOTS her away! Stark then springboards, but Becky catches her! MANHANDLE SLAM!! Cover, Becky wins!!

Winner: Becky Lynch, by pinfall (will face Trish Stratus at SummerSlam)

Trish is furious that none of her tricks stopped Becky! Now she has no choice but to face Becky one more time! Will this big some big time payback for The Man in Motor City?


Cody Rhodes is here!

Tampa fires up for the American Nightmare and sings his song, “WHOA~ OH!” The pyro goes off, but Cody keeps his left arm close to him after Brock Lesnar tried to break it just last week. Cody then goes to the ring and climbs up on the corner, “WHOA~ OH!” for more pyro. Cody then gets a mic and says, “So, Tampa Bay… Whaddya wanna talk about?” His friends at home should forgive him, he has to turn around to see everyone here tonight. Fans cheer as Cody looks at the crowd opposite hard cam. Cody then turns back to bring up we’ve all seen the clip of Lesnar beating him up. With a chair. In front of Cody’s own mother.

Admittedly, Cody didn’t have that on his 2023 bucket list, but is he surprised? No. If anything, Cody is impressed. We’re talking about Brrrock…. Lesnar…! Who hasn’t even had five professional fights before winning the UFC Heavyweight Championship. Who hadn’t even played football before and made it on an NFL team. And a man who is simultaneous with SummerSlam. So surprised? No. Impressed? Yes. You wanna know who wasn’t impressed? Cody’s mom, Michelle Runnels. She wasn’t impressed. Remember, she is the same lady who watched Terry Funk throw fire at Dusty’s face. Who was drinking with Gordon Solie at the Colombia!

Fans fire up and Cody says if anything, Brock and Cody’s mother know what Cody’s about to say, and that is that Brock made a mistake. The mistake wasn’t beating Cody up in front of his friends and family. It was that he left Cody breathing! Cody takes a deep breath, and says now, he doesn’t wanna just go to SummerSlam to win a tiebreaker. he wants to embarrass Lesnar! Cody knows there are a bunch of people freaking out over Cody saying that! Cody’s poking the bear! No, he’s SLAPPING the bear across the face and saying come and get it!

Fans fire up and cheer Cody on as he continues to say that he doesn’t just wanna beat Lesnar because of the positive ramifications it’ll have on Cody’s life and career. He doesn’t wanna beat Lesnar just because this is personal. Cody wants to beat Lesnar because it’s what Lesnar deserves! So when Cody is old and grey, smoking a Fuente 858, he can open the chapter about him and Lesnar, he’ll know it wasn’t pretty, but he’ll know he penned the final paragraph! So then, Lesnar, at SummerSlam, Cody ends this! The American Nightmare is fired up and Tampa is fired up with him! Will Cody tear down Suplex City when he arrives in Motor City?


Backstage interview with Ricochet.

Jackie Redmond catches up with The One and Only to ask him his thoughts on Logan Paul showing up tonight on Raw. Ricochet says he is thrilled that Logan actually accepted the invitation. But Ricochet doesn’t get Logan, though. Logan shows up late, comes and goes as he pleases, why? Because he’s a YouTube star? Hilarious. But when Logan does show up, there is business they’ll take care of. So everything Ricochet is going to say to Logan, he’ll wait to say to Logan’s face.


NXT North American Championship: Dominik Mysterio w/ Rhea Ripley & Damian Priest VS Sami Zayn w/ Kevin Owens!

The Judgment Day all but handed this title to Dirty Dom last Tuesday, and Mami even helped him hold onto it last Tuesday. Can Dom gain respect by doing this on his own for once? Or will he call upon Rhea and Damian to save him against Sami, too?

Raw returns as Dom makes his entrance, the Judgment Day by his side. The introductions are made, the NXT belt is raised, and we see if Dom survives his first week!

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Dom headlocks and grinds Sami down. Sami fights up, powers out, then drops and hurdles and arm-drags! Sami has the armlock but Dom fights up. Dom pulls hair and has Sami on the ropes. The ref counts, Dom whips but Sami reverses. Dom holds ropes but Sami clotheslines him up and out! Sami then builds speed to FLY! Direct hit on Dom and the Judgment Day is furious as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns again and Sami fires off on Dom in the corner! Rhea tells fans to stop chanting for Sami but the ref counts. Sami lets off at 4, then climbs up to rain down fists! Fans count all the way to TEN, and fire up as Sami brings Dom around. Sami scoops to SLAM Dom, then he goes up the corner. But Rhea distracts and Priest SHOVES Sami down! But Kevin CLBOBERS Priest! Fans fire up but the ref sees Kevin on the apron! Kevin explains what was going on but the ref doesn’t hear it, he EJECTS Kevin! Fans boo as the wrong person gets punished, but then he says Mami & Priest are ALSO EJECTED!

Fans cheer as the ref is being fair, and Dom freaks out! Dom turns around, into a MICHINOKU DRIVER! Cover, TWO! Dom survives but Sami keeps his cool. Dom goes to a corner, Sami runs corner to corner, but Dom bails out! Fans boo but Sami is after Dom. Dom HOTSHOTS Sami away! Dom runs in to DROPKICK Sami to ropes! Dom dials it up, but Sami LARIATS Dom inside out! Cover, TWO! Dom survives again but Sami stays focused. Sami drags Dom to a drop zone and he goes up the corner. Fans rally, but Dom rises to ROCK Sami first! Dom climbs up, CLUBS Sami again and again, then ROCKS him with haymakers!

Dom stands Sami up, but Sami blocks and throws body shots! Sami HEADBUTTS Dom down! Dom staggers up and Sami adjusts, but Dom DROPKICKS Sami outta the sky! Cover, TWO! Sami is still in this and Dom is furious! Dom stomps Sami, rains down fists, and fans boo. Dom soaks up heat and says he’s the man around here! Dom stomps Sami, goes to the apron, and slingshot SENTONS! Sami staggers up. Dom DROPKICKS him back down! Dom then brings Sami around, gives us some Latino Heat, but Sami slips free and waistlocks! Dom ELBOWS away on Sami, runs, but Sami reels him in! BLUE THUNDER- RANA!

Dom has Sami on ropes again, and he redials! But Sami ducks the 619 to get Dom! BLUE THUNDER BOMB!! Cover, TWO!! Dom survives and shocks Tampa! Sami storms up on Dom but Dom wants mercy. Fans boo, and Sami sure doesn’t trust that. But then Dom scrambles away! So Sami drags him back in! Dom kicks at Sami, and DROPKICKS him back onto ropes! Dom redials again, 619!! Cover, TWO!!! Sami survives and now Dom is shocked! Dom pounds the mat in frustration, Sami sits up to shake out the stars, and fans rally. Dom brings Sami up to ROCK him with haymaker after haymaker!

Dom eggs Sami on, says HE’S the champion, but Sami fires haymakers in return! Sami whips, Dom reverses to kick and suplex! Uno Amigo! Then DOS AMIGOS! Dom gets Sami up again, THREE AMIGOS complete! Dom goes up the corner, to FROG SPLASH onto knees!! Sami goes to a corner, Dom staggers up, into a CORNER EXPLODER! Sami then goes to the far corner, fans are thunderous as Dom drags himself up, but Rhea & Priest are beating Kevin up on the ramp! Sami is distracted, Dom rolls Sami up! Dom wins!!

Winner: Dominik Mysterio, by pinfall (still NXT North American Champion)

Sami runs Priest & Rhea off but the damage has been done! Dom’s team comes through for him, will he soon set his own record as North American Champion? As for Kevin, did the Judgment Day just bring down the tag team champions without needing a match?


Raw returns as Kevin gets checked by medical.

The concern seems to be his right arm and ribs on that side. Will Kevin be able to #JustKeepFighting against the Judgment Day and their punk tactics?


Ricochet finds Shinsuke Nakamura backstage.

Ricochet asks if Nakamura’s seen Logan Paul around. No, he hasn’t. Of course, that guy… But let him know if you do, alright? Nakamura nods, but then turns around into Tommaso Ciampa. Ciampa says the loss last week was on him, and that kick to the face, well, Ciampa will let it slide. But this ain’t charity. You get one free one. Tonight, Ciampa will settle things with Bronson Reed, so he better not see Nakamura out there. And if Ciampa does, then they will have a problem. Understood? Nakamura just smirks so Ciampa says, “Good talk.” The Psycho Killer leaves, but will the King of Strong Style have a more physical response?


The Judgment Day regroups backstage.

Dom says they just put a whooping on the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions. But then they pass by Apollo Crews and Akira Tozawa, and Dom wants some respect. Crews says he was just standing here. Priest says yeah, is that a problem? Rhea asks Tozawa if they have a problem, and Tozawa says nope, then leaves. Crews says this is typical of them. They walk around and pick on people. What he’d love to see is Priest try that with him. Oh really? Crews is stepping to the most dangerous man in the WWE? Okay. They’ll do that tonight. And Crews will receive his punishment. The Judgment Day heads out, Tozawa returns to say Crews has this. Does he?


Tommaso Ciampa VS Bronson Reed!

Raw returns and Ciampa makes his entrance. Auszilla cost Ciampa against The Miz in that No Disqualification match, will Ciampa make sure Reed pays for that himself?

The bell rings, the two rush in and Ciampa fires off fists! Reed HEADBUTTS Ciampa down, but Ciampa is right up! Reed CLUBS Ciampa, suplexes him, and holds him, but Ciampa knees free! Reed ELBOWS Ciampa, brings him around and throws him out of the ring! Reed storms out but Ciampa CHOPS him first! Ciampa fires hands, Reed throws them back! Ciampa CHOPS and CHOPS but Reed CLUBS Ciampa! They brawl, Ciampa BOOTS, and then tries to fireman’s carry!? Reed is too big and he CLUBS Ciampa! Then Reed fireman’s carries, but Ciampa fights free. Reed ROCKS Ciampa, but Ciampa KICKS Reed in the ropes!

Ciampa fires hands, stomps a mudhole in, but the ref counts. Ciampa lets off, goes side to side, and he KNEE WASHES Reed’s face! Ciampa pushes Reed around, blows a kiss, and runs again, but into a scoop! Reed RAMS Ciampa into buckles, then hits a POWERSLAM! Oklahoma Stampeded with an Aussie twist, and Reed covers, TWO! Reed looms over Ciampa, kicks him to ropes, and then stands on him! The ref counts, fans rally, and Reed steps off at 4. Fans cheer Ciampa on but Reed scoops. Ciampa slips off to get a SLEEPER! Reed sputters and drops to a knee, and Ciampa shifts his position for a BULLY CHOKE!

Reed endures, and he gets a second wind! Reed picks Ciampa up, BACKPACK SENTON! Ciampa sputters now while both men are down! Reed stands, he drags Ciampa up, and Reed whips Ciampa to then BODY CHECK! And ELBOW DROP! Ciampa writhes and crawls out of the ring, but Reed goes to the apron. FLYING SHOULDER into a JUMP KNEE!! Ciampa takes Reed outta the sky and Raw goes to break!

Raw returns again and Ciampa endures a BEARHUG! Fans rally up and Ciampa fights to his feet. Ciampa throws elbows, gets free, but Reed CLUBS him down! Reed ripcords to “CYCLONE” POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Ciampa crawls away, Reed runs in, but into a BOOT! Ciampa leaps, but into Reed’s arms! Reed RAMS Ciampa into buckles, but then Ciampa slips around to REVERSE DDT! Both men are down again and fans rally up. They rise, and Ciampa CHOPS! Reed CHOPS, but Ciampa CHOPS and forearms! Reed ROCKS Ciampa, Ciampa ROCKS Reed! Reed shoves, Ciampa ducks ‘n’ dodges and ROCKS Reed!

Ciampa ROCKS Reed again, has him in a corner, and runs in to forearm smash! Ciampa keeps going to clothesline! And again! Ciampa keeps moving, and he slides under Reed’s body check! BOOT! ROLLING ELBOW! KOTARO KRUSHER! Cover, TWO!! Reed survives the onslaught and Ciampa grows frustrated. Ciampa drags Reed up, underhooks the arms, but Reed fights the lift! Reed lifts Ciampa, but Ciampa sunset flips! So Reed DROPS onto Ciampa! Cover, TWO!! Ciampa survives being squashed but Reed drags him to a drop zone. Reed grins but Ciampa anchors him! Ciampa kicks away but Reed stomps and SENTONS!

Ciampa sputters but Reed drags him back up. Reed gives a thumbs down and he hauls Ciampa up. Ciampa slips out, bobs ‘n’ weaves, ROCKS and CHOPS and SLAPS and ROCKS, but Reed CHOPS in return! Reed runs, into a BOOT! Ciampa brings kneepads down, runs again, but Reed LARIATS! But Ciampa is right back up!? Fans fire up as the two go forehead to forehead, and then forearm for forearm! Ciampa ROUNDHOUSES, ROLLING- HEADBUTT from Reed! Reed huffs and puffs and runs, but into a JUMP KNEE!! And then fireman’s carry!? For the AIR RAID CRASH!! Fans are thunderous for the cover, TWO!?!?

Reed survives and no one can believe it! And wait, here comes Nakamura! The King of Strong Style swaggers his way to the ring as Ciampa wants after Reed on the apron. But then Ciampa sees Nakamura and tells him to go backstage. Nakamura says Ciampa should watch out., Ciampa turns around, into the FLYING SHOULDER from Reed! Reed puts Ciampa in the ring and goes up top, TSUNAMI!! Cover, Reed wins!

Winner: Bronson Reed, by pinfall

The Colossal Aussie keeps his momentum going, but Nakamura did have something to do with it. Will Ciampa shift gears and look to settle things with Nakamura now?


Backstage interview with Liv Morgan.

Byron Saxton asks Liv her reaction to everything last week. It would seem Raquel Rodriguez suffered a severe knee injury during that brawl with Rhea Ripley. Liv says yes, Raquel is hurting, but she is a big, strong girl and will be back soon to take care of Rhea. But as far as tonight goes, Rhea is all Liv’s! Not only did Rhea take out Raquel, but she is also why Raquel & Liv lost the Women’s Tag Team Championships. Rhea walks around like she can do whatever she wants because she thinks no one can stop her. And Liv doesn’t know if anyone remembers, but Liv is the very last person to defeat Rhea.

So tonight, Liv and Rhea go toe to toe. Maybe Liv gets beat up, maybe she doesn’t. But there’s no way Liv is going down without a fight. #WatchMe! But then in walk the new Undisputed Women’s Tag Team Champions, Sonya Deville & Chelsea Green. And they would like something explained to them: Why is Byron so stupid as to interview Liv instead of them!? Well, respectfully, champions, he interviewed them last week after they won. And Liv has a match later tonight against Rhea. Oh, classic deflection. If it’s not about Liv, it’s about Rhea, and if it’s not about Rhea, it’s about Liv. The whole Raw roster revolves around-

Rhea! Hey! They were just saying that Raw does revolve around you! As it should, champ! They’re all champs! #ChampThings, only they can understand. Speaking of, they gotta do their own champ things so see you around. Love what you do with leather, though. Sonya & Chelsea leave, and Rhea says she warned Liv & Raquel to stay out of her way. They chose not to listen. So Rhea took Raquel out, and Liv is next. You see a pattern forming, Byron? He nods and Rhea leaves. Will the Eradicator be the one to send Morgan in to ObLIVion?


Liv Morgan VS Rhea Ripley w/ Dominik Mysterio!

Raw returns as Liv makes her entrance, ready to exact revenge! But then Rhea CLOBBERS Liv from outta nowhere! And she THROWS Liv into barriers! “How’s that feel, huh!?” Rhea then gets Liv up to POST her! And throws her into more barriers! Fans boo but Rhea grins and goes around the way to drag Liv onto barriers, to HOTSHOT an arm! Liv falls, and Rhea gets a chair! Liv scrambles into the ring but Rhea stalks her. Rhea storms up to HEADBUTT Liv! Rhea then drags Liv over to put the chair around that arm! Rhea says this is what Liv gets for getting in her business. Rhea STOMPS the chair!!

Rhea says Liv is dead to her! “Done! Finished! Bye-bye, Liv! Get outta MY business! I warned you!” A ref and a medic rush out and Rhea holds up her title. Rhea says Liv means NOTHING to her, “have fun in rehab.” Liv writhes and cries in pain, but then Rhea grabs the chair again! The ref tells Rhea no but Rhea puts the chair back on the arm!! Fans boo as Rhea STOMPS the chair again!! If the arm wasn’t broken, it might be now! Rhea says this is HER division, and now she leaves Liv alone. Will anyone stop the ruthlessness from the Judgment Day?


Medical has moved Liv backstage.

They check her arm, but she can barely even raise it before it hurts. Adam Pearce has a lot on his hands all because of Judgment Day, will there be any consequences for these vicious thugs?


The Alpha Academy meets backstage.

Chad Gable paces and says “congrats” to the Viking Raiders. They won their own little Viking Rules Match. But the problem is, no one knows what “Viking Rules” actually are! But how about this? How about an ACADEMY RULES match? You wanna put Gable’s head through shields? How about they go through some freakin’ chalkboards?! A THANK YEW~! Maxxine has Gable calm down and says she has this. Listen, “Val,” Maxxine doesn’t get what your deal is or why you’re so obsessed with her, but she has been embarrassing you week after week! Then Sarah Logan gets one up on Maxxine and thinks she’s just gonna fall off?

Sis, hate to bring the bad news, but no one puts the Alpha Queen through tables. They handle this Maxxine’s way: 1v1, her and Valhalla, in her first singles match ever! See you next week. OOOOH YEEEEH! Will Erik, Ivar & Sarah all fall down when the tables are turned?


Ricochet heads to the ring.

The One and Only is about to have his ImPAULsive face-to-face with the Maverick, assuming Logan is even really here in Tampa. Ricochet gets the mic to say, “Logan, where you at, homeboy?” Ricochet knows Logan is here, so it is time to come out to the ring and show his stupid face! No? Where are you, Logan? Ricochet knows Logan isn’t hanging out because there is a locker room full of guys who know Logan doesn’t belong. They’re here in Tampa in an arena full of people who know Logan doesn’t belong here! Fans cheer that! And there is one man in this ring right now who knows Logan doesn’t belong here.

It isn’t because Logan isn’t good or doesn’t put in the work. Ricochet admits, Logan has done that. And Logan is good, maybe even “special.” Maybe. But Ricochet is Ricochet, he is special every time he gets in the ring every damn week! Fans cheer that, too! Ricochet says it isn’t about ability that Logan doesn’t belong. No. “Simply put, it’s because you are an arrogant little prick.” And Logan doesn’t even respect anything the wrestlers do! Ricochet and the others dedicate their lives to this. They go days, weeks, months without seeing their families for even just a small chance that they actually get to fight for something bigger than themselves.

Logan doesn’t understand that and he never will! But sure, he can go around, show up when he wants, leave when he wants, that’s okay. Because where Logan is right now, Ricochet is here to say one thing: Ricochet wants a match at SummerSlam! Logan goes around, runs his mouth, talks about fights. If he wants a fight, then a fight- AMBUSH!! Logan cheap shots Ricochet then just shrugs. Logan then picks up the mic, takes out his phone, and selfie videos this for Ricochet to say he accepts the challenge. That’s right, Tampa! He’s gonna show all of you why HE is the best in the WWE! That’s right, guy with the mustache. Smile, you about to be famous. You need to get laid, ya virgins.

Logan laughs and says they all look stupid, But Ricochet KIPS UP AND SUPERKICKS Logan down!! And then STANDING SHOOTING STARS! Ricochet tells Logan, “See you at SummerSlam!” That should shut Logan up for tonight, but will Ricochet shut Logan up and kick him out for good in Detroit?


Backstage interview with Shayna Baszler.

Jackie asks Shayna’s feelings about everything with her and Ronda Rousey. Shayna says she is so sick and tired of hearing “that name.” To always have her name brought up in everything Shayna does, she is just tired of it! Talking hasn’t settled it, a match won’t settle it, Shayna plans on settling this in the only way it can be: at SummerSlam, in a language only she and Ronda know best. At SummerSlam, Shayna will fight Ronda Rousey. Will the Queen of Spades finally trump Rowdy Ronda as the Baddest Woman on the Planet?


Logan Paul storms backstage.

Byron finds him and wants a comment but Logan asks if Byron saw what just happened. “That was unprofessional as hell.” He feels that was inappropriate, and he feels victimized. But none of that matters, because next week, he’ll be in Houston for Raw, and he’ll make sure to pop Ricochet in his “stupid bald head.” No offense, Byron. Logan heads out, but will even payback be bigger in Texas?


Damian Priest VS Apollo Crews!

Senor Dinero En El Banco considers himself the most dangerous man in the WWE today, and he certainly is that for anyone holding a title. But will he prove he doesn’t need back-up to back up his words? Or will Apollo’s return to Raw be humbling for Priest?

Raw returns as Apollo makes his entrance. The bell rings and Priest BOOTS Crews down! Priest soaks up the cheers and jeers, then drags Crews up to TOSS him to a corner! Priest ROCKS Crews, then brings him around, but Crews hits back! Priest knees low, whips Crews to ropes, but Crews ducks ‘n’ dodges and slides under to waistlock and O’Conner, only for Priest to buck that. Things speed up, Crews drops then DROPKICKS Priest! Fans rally up as the two stare down. Priest rushes in but Crews dumps him out! Crews goes out, avoids the leg sweep and mule kicks! Then ASAI MOONSAULTS!

Fans fire up as Crews takes Priest down, then gets him back into the ring. Crews then climbs, leaps, CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Crews says he’ll raise the roof and fans fire up. Crews lifts Priest, Priest slips free to BELL CLAP! And DECK Crews! Priest then puts Crews in a corner, to run in and STAGE DIVE ELBOW! Then BROKEN ARROW! Cover, TWO! Crews is hanging tough but Priest keeps his cool. Priest calls his shot and fans rally. Crews rises, into the choke grip! SOUTH OF- NO, Crews slips free! And JUMP KNEES! And ENZIGURIS! Crews runs, but into a ROLLING ELBOW! Priest drags Crews right up, wrenches, hammerlocks, PEPSI TWIST!

Priest brings down the straps and fans fire up. Priest waits on Crews, and then choke grips, for the SOUTH OF HEAVEN!! Cover, Priest wins!

Winner: Damian Priest, by pinfall

Crews’ return to Raw, ruined by the Punisher. But it was fair and square, so will Priest prove he is the strongest member of the Judgment Day?


Becky Lynch storms around backstage.

She says she told us she’d do it! She even puppets a little skull doohickey to say it. Jackie finds Becky and congratulates her. She must be ecstatic! Yeah, Becky was so focused on not getting a tattoo, that she never got a chance to say The Man has come around to Tampa! And now that she has her rematch with Trish, she’ll say it here: “It ain’t over ’til I win.” Becky hurries off to continue celebrating, will she bring Detroit into the Big Time?


The Viking Raiders speak.

Erik says, “It is known throughout the Nine Realms that no one loves to fight more than Vikings.” Ivar says, “And the gods are pleased when we do battle in their name.” Sarah tells Maxxine, “It is with a glad heart that I accept your foolish challenge. Because after all, the gods do smile upon brave women. But let me offer you one piece of advice: consult those gods, Maxxine. You’re gonna need them.”


Imperium heads to the ring.

Der Ring General leads his soldiers out, ready for a face to face with the Scottish Warrior. But will Gunther, Giovanni Vinci & Ludwig Kaiser keep things civil with Drew McIntyre? We find out, after the break.

Raw returns as McIntyre makes his entrance and Tampa fires up! McIntyre has his pyro and he storms right down to the ring. McIntyre gets a mic, Gunther has one already, and McIntyre says, “Alright, Gunther, I heard what you had to say last week when I wasn’t here, issuing challenges to Drew McIntyre. I’m here, I’m dressed, I see the Intercontinental Championship. Why don’t we do this right here and now?” Fans like the sound of that! But Gunther says, “So, after all that happened, you want me to put the Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship on the line, here tonight?” Fans cheer and McIntyre says, “Did I studder?!”

Gunther says Drew wants him to put this title on the line, here in Tampa, Florida. Yes, he DARES him! Gunther says he put prestige back on this title and raised it to a level never seen before, and yet McIntyre wants him to defend it in front of these “degenerates?” Fans boo as Gunther says that is unacceptable. But it makes sense, though. Gunther sees why the fans connect with McIntyre. Because like them, McIntyre’s done nothing in life. McIntyre failed at Clash of the Castle, was humiliated by Gunther at WrestleMania. Gunther grins and tells McIntyre that if he wants to ride on the coat tails, then he accepts. And Gunther will just humiliate McIntyre again at SummerSlam.

McIntyre says okay, if we’re talking about Mania, here’s a quick story. When Sheamus and McIntyre first met, McIntyre was 19 and Sheamus was 42. They wanted to get to a match at Mania, and this past year, they had that! It was over 10 minutes of Brogues, Claymores, top rope dives, and at their weakest, Gunther picked the bones to win the match, as he should have. The personal issue got in the way of a Triple Threat, but now, this will be 1v1. And Gunther will find out why they called McIntyre the Chosen One, the Psychopath, the Scottish Warrior, and when he’s done beating Gunther’s ass, the NEW Intercontinental Champion!!

Fans cheer that, but Ludwig takes up a mic to say nein, nein, nein. Scottish Psycho, Chosen One, wahtever Drew calls himself, how DARE he speak to Der Ring General like that! McIntyre says “I actualyl like you,” Ludwig. Yeah, he has charisma and more exciting than Gunther. Gunther’s like watching paint dry half the time. McIntyre thinks LUDWIG should be the leader of Imperium! Gunther lets Ludwig continue and Ludwig says he is not going to stand here for such disrespect! Oh, well, then since Gunther won’t do something, they’re all dressed to go… How about McIntyre and Ludwig fight right now?

Ludwig gets in McIntyre’s face, so McIntyre calls for a ref. Will the Scottish Warrior wreck the Impeccable German as an example to what’s coming for Gunther?


Drew McIntyre VS Ludwig Kaiser w/ Imperium!

Raw returns and this match is official! The bell rings and the two circle. They stare down as fans rally up for McIntyre. They tie up, are in a deadlock, but McIntyre uses his size to put Ludwig in a corner. McIntyre backs off, Ludwig storms up, but McIntyre shoves him back to the corner! And then again! The ref counts, McIntyre lets off slowly, but Ludwig throat chops! Fans boo but Ludwig kicks low, CLUBS him, and then headlocks. McIntyre powers up and powers out. They RAM shoulders, but McIntyre doesn’t budge! Ludwig kicks low, CLUBS McIntyre again, then headlocks, only for McIntyre to power out again.

McIntyre dodges Ludwig to then CLOBBER him! McIntyre scoops Ludwig to SLAM him! Ludwig staggers up, and McIntyre clotheslines him up and out! Fans fire up as McIntyre goes out, and he backs Gunther down. McIntyre then storms up to CHOP Ludwig! Ludwig is stinging, and then McIntyre POSTS him! And CHOPS again! McIntyre puts Ludwig in the ring, but Ludwig bails out the side. McIntyre storms up on Ludwig again, to CHOP again! Ludwig throws haymakers in return but McIntyre CHOPS him off his feet! McIntyre drags Ludwig up to RAM him into barriers! McIntyre tells Gunther this is what he’s gonna get. And then he CHOPS Ludwig again!

The ring count is 6 of 10 but McIntyre puts Ludwig into the ring. But Vinci distracts, and Ludwig GAMANGIRIS! Ludwig POSTS McIntyre now! And then drags him in, only for McIntyre to fireman’s carry! Ludwig claws the eyes and slips free, then he POSTS McIntyre again! Ludwig ties McIntyre up in the ropes, runs side to side, and he DROPKCIKS McIntyre to the floor! Imperium stands tall but fans boo as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Ludwig is up top, but McIntyre CHOPS him first! And ROCKS him with a haymaker! McIntyre climbs up after Ludwig, to SUPER WHITE NOISE!! Shoutout to Sheamus and both men are down! McIntyre drags himself up the ropes, fans rally and McIntyre starts to rally on Ludwig! McIntyre whips to OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY! Ludwig staggers up, into another OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY! And then a NECKBREAKER! Both men are down again, but McIntyre kips up! Fans fire up as McIntyre watches Ludwig stand. Ludwig fights the underhooks to UPPERCUT, but the GLASGOW KISS knocks him down!

McIntyre aims from a corner as Ludwig rises. “THREE! TWO! ONE!” CLAY- GAMANGIRI!! Cover, TWO!! Ludwig almost had McIntyre there but Gunther coaches him up. Ludwig drags McIntyre up, and Ludwig fires off forearms! But McIntyre shoves him back, only for Ludwig to UPPERCUT and ENIGURI! Ludwig urns, into a CLAYMORE!! Cover, McIntyre wins!

Winner: Drew McIntyre, by pinfall

Vinci storms up onto the apron, but it’s Gunther who rushes in! Gunther GERMAN SUPLEXES McIntyre, and Imperium mugs him! Fans boo, but here comes RIDDLE! Matt Riddle gets in, Vinci is after him but Riddle boots him away then FINAL FLASH KNEES! But Gunther BOOTS the Bro, to then get him up, GENERAL BOMB!! Gunther then goes out after McIntyre to BOOT him down! Fans boo but Gunther talks trash on McIntyre! Gunther then clears off the desk and fans fire up! Gunther drags McIntyre up, but McIntyre fights the bomb to back drop Gunther! And then McIntyre brings Gunther up! POWERBOMB through the desk!!

Fans are thunderous as the Intercontinental Champion is down! McIntyre holds up the belt, will he be taking it home after these two battle at SummerSlam?


Backstage interview with Ronda Rousey.

Jackie asks Ronda about Shayna’s comments, that it will be less a match but a fight at SummerSlam. What’s her response? Uh, a fight? Shayna can’t challenge Ronda to “a fight.” Ronda doesn’t get in “a fight.” Whenever Ronda fights, it’s THE fight. So challenge accepted! Does this mean the stakes are raised on an already explosive encounter between them?


Finn Balor heads to the ring.

The Prince makes his way back out here, because it is time to sign on the dotted line. A rematch from Money in the Bank, a battle at SummerSlam, where this all started seven YEARS ago. But will it be as easy as writing their names? Or will the Judgment Day continue to do whatever they want here on Raw?

Raw returns once more and Finn is at the table. Finn opens the folder, take a mic, and says, “Ladies and gentlemen, Adam Pearce was supposed to be here to oversee this contract signing, but due to the chaos The Judgment Day have caused tonight, he seems to somewhat have his hands full. But alas, I’m a professional.” Fans already sing “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!” and Finn says that Seth Rollins is a professional. Seth wants this match, Finn wants this match, so they can handle this like gentlemen. So Seth, how about you come out here, sign this contract, and they can make this match for SummerSlam official.

“BURN IT DOWN!” The fans fire up as Rollins makes his entrance, swaggering in a pearl white suite, belt around his waist. Fans sing again, “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!” as Rollins steps into the ring and swaggers to the table. Rollins takes a pen, finds his spot in the contract, and signs his name. Then he spins that around and slides it to Finn before taking a seat and putting his feet up. Finn takes the other pen, finds his spot in the contract, and Rollins says, “Oh… Well looky here, Tampa. Finn Balor finally figured out what we all have known for a long, long time, and that’s that you have absolute ZERO chance of walking out SummerSlam as a World Heavyweight Champion!”

Now the most obvious scenario is Rollins beats Finn’s ass, Finn mopes away, and the whole world sings his song! “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!” But miracles happen every day, and so if someway, somehow, Finn IS the better man, Finn’s World title reign will end up even shorter than his Universal title one, because his boy, Damian Priest, is just gonna cash in on Finn right then and there! Rollins knows it, and he knows Finn knows it, because Finn would do the exact same thing to Priest. So keep chasing the ghosts, Finn. Because SummerSlam won’t be the coronation of the Judgment Day, no no. It will be the END of the Judgment Day!

Rollins drops the mic and fans cheer, but Finn smirks. Then the smirk becomes a grin, and Finn signs the contract. Finn then takes the mic back up and says Rollins sure thinks he has it all figured out. Rollins thinks he is just so smart. Seth Freakin’ Rollins, the Architect, thinks he runs this place. But he doesn’t. The Judgment Day runs Raw now. And see, Rollins said if Finn loses, he loses. And he also said, if he wins, he loses. But wait, here comes the Judgment Day from all sides! Finn says he’s been losing for seven YEARS, and it has slowly been driving him insane. And it’s all because of ROLLINS.

Priest, Dom and Rhea reach the ring from the three sides, and Finn says, “Y’know what that insanity feels like? It feels like an itch. IT feels like an itch that you just can’t scratch. It feels like a seven year itch. But at SummerSlam, I’m gonna make you my seven year B*TCH!” Rollins smirks as he is now surrounded. But he TOSSES the table at Priest! And then fires off on Finn! Dom gets in, but Rollins gives him some! Rollins TOSSES Dom, but Priest CLOBBERS Rollins with the briefcase! And then both he and Finn look at it. But before either says a word, here comes Sami and a chair!

Sami gets in, he dodges Priest to JAM Finn! And then he JAMS Priest, and SMACKS him! And JAMS Dom, but Rhea stops Sami! Finn TACKLES Sami and rains down fists! Fans boo as Finn stomps away, and the Judgment Day now drag Sami up. They clear furniture out, almost hitting referees! SOUTH OF HEAVEN for Sami!! Dom kicks Sami out, then the Judgment Day buries Sami under the furniture! Rollins gets up, throws his jacket off, but he’s in another 4v1 scenario. So he just goes for Finn! The Judgment Day beats Rollins down, not listening to the refs! Finn rips Rollins’ shirt open, feeds him to Priest, and Priest hits RAZOR’S EDGE!!

Finn drags Seth to a drop zone and Dom goes up, FROG SPLASH!! Then Finn adds COUP DE GRACE!! Fans boo as the Judgment Day stands tall, and Finn says that Rollins better enjoy what time he’s got left. At SummerSlam, this seven year grudge is OVER! Will Judgment Day truly run Raw and the entirety of WWE?

My Thoughts:

A great Raw here, though something about the flow felt off by the last hour. Granted, they sprung a great match on us with McIntyre VS Ludwig, and great win for McIntyre to then also get in a brawl alongside Riddle. Riddle goes down but McIntyre takes out Gunther, so as it stands, it feels like McIntyre ain’t winning at SummerSlam. Gunther will make it past Macho Man Randy Savage on the single-reign rankings, and hopefully they build the IC title as a start attraction for Payback in September, where Gunther is going to be at the doorstep of eclipsing Honky Tonk Man. I honestly can’t think of who it’ll be, though, but there’s a way to give us something huge.

In relation to the episode’s flow problem, there just seemed to be a lot of promos tonight, like they were trying to fill time. Now, I really liked the little bits we got from Shayna and Ronda to go from “match” to “fight,” and maybe we get some kind of MMA Rules thing, or the first Women’s Fight Pit match, something to relate how these two are legit. And I like that we’re not just getting Maxxine VS Sarah Logan 1v1 but potentially getting the first “Academy Rules” match, aka a Street Fight that’s school themed with chalkboards, individual student chair-desks, textbooks, maybe an old pointer stick in place of a kendo stick, I’d love to see that.

Good stuff from Nakamura and Ciampa, and a great match from Ciampa VS Reed, but of course Nakamura costs Ciampa. Nakamura VS Ciampa needs to be as amazing as we know it can be, but I do have this weird feeling that while Gargano returns to team with Ciampa for DIY reunited, we’re now getting #Mizuke as Nakamura actually sides with Miz on this issue. Or maybe Nakamura and Reed team up, that’d be better. And Ricochet had a solid promo, and of course Logan attacks. But great move that Ricochet gets up after the sucker punch to give something back. These two are definitely going to have a highly athletic match, perhaps a show-stealer kind.

Great match of Becky VS Stark, with Trish trying and failing to screw Becky over again, which is what was expected. Becky VS Trish at SummerSlam is going to be so good, and I can only hope Lita returns to keep Stark from helping Trish so that this can finish and Becky can move on to the title or something like that. And of course, a great promo from Cody Rhodes to fire up the fans, and he puts more of that Cody Rhodes passion into the build towards this blowoff with Brock. I don’t think Cody will actually “embarrass/humiliate” Brock but this has to be the best of their matches.

And perhaps more than past weeks, the Judgment Day was truly all over Raw tonight. I do appreciate them just inflating Dom’s ego more with the individual entrance and the various video packages, that is all good stuff. And of course Sami & Kevin confront them again, with a great promo of their own. Great NXT North American Championship match so Dom gets a second defense on his record. With Great American Bash next Sunday, before SummerSlam, I do hope Dom defends the title against Wes and Ali, and a Triple Threat can be the way he loses the belt after just two weeks without taking the pin.

And of course Dom wins here with that distraction of Kevin getting beat up. Kevin is said to have a real injury, though nothing so bad as to keep him away, but this beatdown was the kayfabe way for giving him time. Similarly, Liv getting injured by Rhea in place of a match, perhaps that is a way to help Liv take time off with a kayfabe reason. And Priest gets a “surprise” match with Apollo Crews. Poor Crews. I thought he was hitting his stride in his NXT “callback” and then he gets drafted back to Raw just so he can fill out the roster and take a loss like this. Maybe he should’ve been put on SmackDown so he could feud with Austin Theory instead.

But Judgment Day helped Raw close out strong with that contract signing segment that of course turned into a brawl. Great promos from Finn and Rollins, great move for Sami to go after the Judgment Day only to be beat down, but there was also a great moment where Finn and Priest did seem to question if they really were going to stick to Finn VS Rollins. But the match at SummerSlam is going to be awesome, there will probably be references to SummerSlam 2016 just like at MITB this year, and because Priest is Mr. MITB, it really is hard to predict what will happen, and that makes this fun.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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