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Mitchell’s NJPW G1 Climax 33 Results & Report! (8/10/23)

It’s the G1 Climax Quarterfinals!



Who will be one step closer to the G1 Climax Championship?

An Elite Eight will soon become a Final Four as NJPW’s 33rd G1 Climax enters the quarterfinals! Will Kazuchika Okada continue towards a threepeat?


  • Young Lion Gauntlet: Yuto Nakashima VS Boltin Oleg, Oskar Leube & Ryohei Oiwa; Yuta draw with Oiwa & Leube, loses to Oleg.
  • Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS TMDK; LIJ wins.
  • 8 Man Tag: Shota Umino, El Phantasmo & The Guerrillas of Destiny VS Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Team Strong Style; Shota, ELP & The Guerillas win.
  • 8 Man Tag: Taichi, Yoshinobu Kanemaru, Taka Michinoku & DOUKI VS Bullet Club; Bullet Club wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Hiroshi Tanahashi, Tomohiro Ishii & Eddie Kingston VS The United Empire; Tanahashi, Ishii & Eddie win.
  • G1 Climax 33 Quarterfinals: Hikuleo VS Tetsuya Naito; Naito wins and advances to the semifinals.
  • G1 Climax 33 Quarterfinals: Will Ospreay VS David Finlay; Ospreay wins and advances to the semifinals.
  • G1 Climax 33 Quarterfinals: Sanada VS EVIL; Evil wins and advances to the semifinals.
  • G1 Climax 33 Quarterfinals: Kazuchika Okada VS Zack Sabre Jr; Okada wins and advances to the semifinals.


G1 Climax 33 Quarterfinals: Hikuleo w/ Jado VS Tetsuya Naito!

Hikuleo was certainly a dark horse candidate out of A Block, but he is here to prove he is ready for the next level! However, the Uncontrollable Charisma, fresh off trumping The Ace of the Universe, will not stop until he main events WrestleKingdom! Will Naito make Hikuleo tranquilo? Or will this be a Godsend for the Young Guerilla?

Fans rally for Naito already as he takes his time with his entrance attire. Hiku is patient as he stares Naito down. Naito finally puts it all aside, and the bell rings. Fans rally up again as the two stare down. They slowly start to circle, feel things out, but then Naito backs away. Hiku is annoyed but he and Naito reset. They approach, but then Naito backs off again. Naito tells Hiku to relax, and they reset again. They tie up, and Hiku powers Naito to ropes. The ref counts, Hiku lets off, and he smacks Naito on the shoulders. Naito SPITS at Hiku! Hikus wings, Naito dodges and he fires off forearms! Naito kicks and CLUBS and fires off more!

Hiku stands up and glares at Naito, then ROCKS him with a right! Hiku scoops and spins, but Naito slips free! Naito dumps Hiku out to the apron, then dropkicks the legs out! Hiku goes to the floor, and Naito builds speed, to fake Hiku out and tranquilo! Fans cheer and Hiku grimaces as he shakes his legs out. Hiku goes around the way and wants Naito to back off. The ref has Naito step back and fans applaud. Hiku steps up and in, then Naito dropkicks the legs out! Hiku crawls and Naito basement dropkicks! Naito grabs a leg to drop an elbow on the knee! Naito pulls on the leg for a toehold but Hiku CLUBS him!

Naito pulls harder on the leg but Hiku sits up to reach out, and Hiku has the ROPEBREAK! Naito lets go to stomp the bad leg. Naito drags Hiku around, steps through, and then has a TRAILER HITCH! Hiku endures again, and Naito drags him from ropes! Hiku reaches out again, so Naito shifts position to have a DEATHLOCK! Hiku still endures, but Naito drops back to TWEAK the lock! Hiku still endures, claws his way forward, and has the ROPEBREAK! The ref helps Naito undo the leglock and we pass five minutes. However, there is NO time limit on this match, so Naito is in no hurry.

Naito stomps Hiku’s leg, has him in a corner, and he wraps the bad leg around ropes! The ref counts, Hiku CHOKES Naito on the ropes! The ref reprimands them both, Naito lets go of the leg so Hiku lets off of Naito’s head. And then Naito throws shots! The ref reprimands but Naito ROCKS and whips Hiku corner to corner. Naito runs in, but he blocks a boot! Hiku ELBOWS Naito back, then scoops him, but Naito slips off! Naito dropkicks the legs out again! Fans rally up as Hiku sits down, clutching the knee. Naito drags Hiku around and stomps the bad leg. Naito runs, but into a fireman’s carry! But Naito slips out, NECKBREAKER to BASEMENT DROPKICK! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally as Naito gives toying kicks. Jado coaches Hiku but Naito throws hands. Fans rally, and Hiku CHOPS! Naito staggers around, and Hiku CHOPS again! And UPPERCUTS! Naito goes to a corner, Hiku runs in but Naito dodges! Naito returns, but into a scoop! SNAKE EYES and LARIAT! Fans fire up and Hiku takes aim from a corner. Naito rises up, Hiku runs in and SPLASHES! Then he suplexes high and hard! Cover, TWO! Naito is still in this but Hiku stomps him down. Hiku drags Naito up, and CHOPS him again! Naito staggers around, Hiku CHOPS him again! Fans rally up and Hiku whips Naito to ropes.

Naiot holds ropes to avoid the powerslam, but Hiku storms up to throw forearms! Naito throws those back, runs, but he fakes Hiku out on the powerslam! Then he BASEMENT DROPKICKS again! Fans rally up as Naito brings Hiku around. Naito throws heavy back elbow after heavy back elbow, and he has Hiku staggering to the ropes. Naito dropkicks the leg again! Naito goes up the corner, he brings Hiku up and ESP- NO, Hiku catches Naito for an OKLAHOMA STAMPEDE! They’ve lasted 10 minutes, and now Hiku waistlocks. Naito throws elbows but Hiku shoves him away, to then BOOT him down!

Hiku hauls Naito up but Naito fights free of the bomb! Naito kicks the bad leg, goes up the corner, but Hiku blocks the tornado DDT! LAST RIDE POWERBOMB!! But Hiku has to crawl to the cover! TWO!! Naito survives, his plan of targeting the leg paying off! Fans fire up and Hiku choke grips Naito! Hiku drags him up, GOD- NO, Naito victory rolls! TWO!! Hiku escapes, Naito spins him around and throws more heavy elbows! But Hiku ducks that to choke grip! Naito breaks fere and ENZIGURIS! Hiku staggers, Naito runs in, POWERSLAM!! Hiku then drags Naito up, GODS- SATELLITE DDT!! Fans are thunderous as both men are down!

Naito and Hiku stir, and the fans rally up with Jado pounding the mat. Naito and Hiku rise, and Naito is in the corner. Naito runs, CORRIENDO- NO, Hiku blocks to pop up SPINEBUSTER! And then Hiku drags Naito back up, for GOD- DESTINO!!! Naito turns it around at the last second! Naito then drags Hiku back up, wrenches, tilt-o-whirl, DESTINO!!!! Cover, Naito wins!

Winner: Tetsuya Naito, by pinfall (advances to the semifinals)

Hikuleo was so close, but victory slipped through his fingers! Naito wants to make WrestleKingdom 18 his destiny, will he succeed?


G1 Climax 33 Quarterfinals: Will Ospreay w/ The United Empire VS David Finlay w/ Bullet Club War Dogs!

The IWGP United States Champion is B Block’s number two. The NEVER Openweight Champion, is C Block’s number one. But those records no longer matter when it’s one and done! Will the United Empire conquer The Rebel? Or will nothing stop Finlay from taking over NJPW?

Fans are already fired up for Ospreay. The bell rings and fans fire up even more for Ospreay. Finlay just smirks as he circles with Ospreay. They tie up, are in a deadlock, but Ospreay uses his height advantage as leverage. But then Finlay pulls hair! The ref reprimands, but then Ospreay pulls Finlay’s hair! The ref still reprimands but Ospreay puts Finlay on the ropes. The ref calls for the break, wedges himself between them, but Ospreay still shows punch! Finlay uses the ropes as defense, Ospreay backs off, and then Finlay SLAPS Ospreay! Finlay headlocks, Ospreay powers out and BOOTS Finlay down!

Fans fire up as Finlay flounders around, and Ospreay bumps him off buckles. Ospreay goes right up to rain down fists! Ospreay stops at 8 to whip corner to corner, then he back drops Finlay high and hard! Fans fire up as Finlay writhes. Ospreay looms over Finlay, drags him up, and ROCKS him with a right. Finlay staggers away, but he throws body shots. Ospreay DECKS Finlay, and then drags him back up. Ospreay whips Finlay to a corner, runs in, but Finlay puts him on the apron. Ospreay ROCKS Finlay, slingshots, but Finlay SHOVES him down! Ospreay crashes into railing and the War Dogs talk trash.

Finlay goes out to stand Ospreay up, and RAM him into railing! And then RAM him in again! The ref reprimands as Finlay CLUBS Ospreay down. Finlay stomps Ospreay down, but the ref reprimands. Finlay storms around, goes to the timekeeper’s table, and just CHUCKS stuff off it! Finlay takes the entire table for his own, brings it around the way, but the ref reprimands. The United Empire protests, too, but Finlay CLUBS away on Ospreay. Finlay brings Ospreay around, but Jeff Cobb snatches the table away! Fans cheer as Cobb tells Finlay he ain’t doing that here. Finlay SPITS at Cobb! Cobb SHOVES Finlay!

The ref has Cobb stay back, the War Dogs all bark at him, but the ref EJECTS Cobb!? Khan protests, and then the War Dogs stomp away on Ospreay! Fans boo as Bullet Club gets away with breaking rules and the Empire gets punished. Gabe UPPERCUTS Ospreay and Finlay puts Ospreay in the ring. Cover, the ref returns, TWO! Ospreay is still in this but he only has Khan as a cornerman. Finlay UPPERCUTS Ospreay in the back! Ospreay staggers to a corner, but he kicks Finlay and throws a forearm. Finlay fires off body shots in return! Finlay whips corner to corner hard and Ospreay falls back!

Gedo likes what he sees and Finlay dusts off his hands. Finlay taunts Ospreay, Khan coaches Ospreay, but Finlay rains down headbutts! Finlay stands on Ospreay at the ropes! Fans boo and the ref counts, so Finlay steps off. Finlay whips Ospreay hard into another corner and Ospreay falls as we reach five minutes. Cover, TWO! Finlay keeps cool and the fans rally up. Finlay sits Ospreay up but Ospreay throws a forearm. Finlay BOOTS Ospreay but Ospreay stands. They fire forearms, Ospreay gest the edge, but Finlay reverses the whip. Only for Ospreay to catch Finlay to a COBRA TWIST! Fans fire up, but Finlay rakes eyes!

Finlay switches to have the Cobra Twist on Ospreay! Fans rally as Ospreay endures, even as Finlay digs knuckles and his elbow into the ribs. Ospreay powers up to hip toss free! Ospreay drags Finlay up but Finlay throws body shots! Finlay whips Ospreay to the corner, but Ospreay comes right back to LARIAT Finlay down! Fans fire up as both men are down. Khan coaches Ospreay, Gedo coaches Finlay. Both men rise and the fans rally back up. Ospreay swings, but into a clinch! Ospreay throws elbows but Finlay HEADBUTTS! Finlay runs, but into a Tiger Wall Kick! Ospreay ENZIGURIS, then whips! Finlay reverses, Ospreay handsprings, NEURALIZER!

Fans fire up for Ospreay again as he goes to the apron. Ospreay aims and springboards back in, PIP PIP CHEERIO! Cover, TWO! Finlay is hanging tough but Ospreay keeps his cool. Ospreay clutches his side, but he stands Finlay up. Ospreay scoops and SLAMS Finlay to a drop zone, then goes up the corner. But Finlay anchors a foot! And then YANKS Ospreay down! Ospreay hits buckles on the way, and Finlay brings him around. Canadian Rack, Ospreay slips out but Finlay throws elbows! Ospreay CHOPS! Finlay RAKES eyes! The ref reprimands, Finlay lets off, to then BITE Ospreay’s forehead! Fans boo and the ref counts!

Finlay lets off and argues with the ref, but Ospreay BOOTS him! And GERMAN SUPLEXES! Fans fire up and Ospreay calls his shot! Springboard, but Finlay goes up with him! FLYING RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Fans fire up while both men are down, and Finlay aims. Ospreay rises, Finlay runs in, into a SPANISH FLY! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up as Ospreay prepares the elbow! Ospreay aims from a corner, but Finlay SPEARS him down! Canadian Rack, DOMINATOR! Cover, TWO!! Ospreay is still in this and fans fire up while Finlay seethes. We pass 10 minutes, Finlay goes out and finds the table!

Finlay puts the table at ringside again, then drags Ospreay over. Khan protests, Finlay gets on the apron with Ospreay. Finlay reels Ospreay in but Ospreay fights the lift! Finlay CLUBS away on Ospreay, lifts him up, but Ospreay slips off! HOOK KICK! Ospreay aims, goes up the corner, APRON OSCUTTER!! Fans are thunderous as both men fall to the floor! Gedo is worried as Ospreay sees the table! Ospreay grins and fans fire up! Ospreay repositions the table and puts Finlay on it! Ospreay hurries up the corner, but Gabe drags Finlay away. Fans boo but Ospreay just hops down, to PLANCHA!

Gabe gets Finlay out of the way again, but Ospreay lands on his feet, and then SUPERKICKS Gabe down! Fans cheer but Finlay DRIBBLES Ospreay off the apron! And then reels him in, but Ospreay fights the bomb! Ospreay gets Finlay up, POWERBOMB through the table!!! Fans are thunderous as Finlay tastes his own medicine! Ospreay leaves Finlay behind and the ring count starts. Finlay stirs in the wreckage, sits up slowly but is still down at 10 of 20. Finlay flounders, Gedo shouts at him to get up, but we hit 15! Finlay still flounders, stands at 18, and slides in at 19! COAST2COAST DROPKICK! Cover, TWO!!

Ospreay fires up, fans rally behind him, and he springboards, OSCU- NO, Finlay blocks to inverted suplex! Ospreay slips out, dodges, OSCUTTER!! Cover, TWO!!! The War Dogs breathe easier, but Ospreay has Finlay in a drop zone! Ospreay goes up, LEAP OF FAITH but Finlay used the ref as a shield!! And now the War Dogs attack! Fans boo as Gabe & Coughlin stomp away on Ospreay! But Khan gets in to go after them! That’s still 2v1 and the War Dogs beat Khan down! Khan shields Ospreay, but COBB RETURNS! The War Dogs attack him, double whip, but he crisscrosses them into each other! DOUBLE SINGLE LEG PLEX!!

Fans are thunderous as Cobb & Khan regroup, and then clothesline the War Dogs up and out! We pass 15 minutes and Khan builds speed!? Cobb gives him a boost so he can FLY! Khan takes out the War Dogs!! The fans are electric as the Empire keeps the War Dogs down. But Finlay runs in at Ospreay! Ospreay gets around, to HOOK KICK! Ospreay aims from the corner, runs in, HIDDEN- SHILLELAGH!!! Finlay’s ace in the hole! Fans boo as Finlay calls for a ref. Sato runs in since Marty is still down. POWERBOMB! High stack, TWO!?!? Ospreay survives all that and Finlay is foaming at the mouth!

Finlay drags Ospreay up, BANG and ROLLING ELBOW!! The kneepad comes down, Finlay slashes his throat, and brings Ospreay up! INTO- STUN DOG MILLIONAIRE!! Ospreay powers up, the fans are electric again, HIDDEN- BACKSLIDE! Roll through, INTO- Ospreay slips out! HIDDEN BLADE!!! Ospreay drags Finlay up, for STORMBREAKER!!! Cover, OSPREAY WINS!!

Winner: Will Ospreay, by pinfall (advances to the semifinals)

The Rebel tried trick he had, but he could not stop the Aerial Assassin from hitting the target! Will nothing stop Ospreay from adding the G1 Climax Championship to his treasures?


G1 Climax 33 Quarterfinals: Sanada VS EVIL w/ Dick Togo!

The Cold Skull, the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship, is walking in here with a spotless 7-0 record as the number one seed in the A Block! Meanwhile, the King of Darkness had to throw every trick in the book at Shingo Takagi just to get here. Will the deck be stacked against Sanada, too? Or will Sanada prove not Everything is Evil?

Surprisingly, there is no sneak attack, and then Evil dismisses Dick so this can truly be 1v1? Fans cheer this apparent show of respect and sportsmanship, but how long will it last? The bell rings and fans rally as the former tag partners circle. They feel things out, tie up, but Evil kicks low! Evil headlocks, grinds the hold, but Sanada fights up. Sanada endures as Evil thrashes the hold, and throws body shots. Sanada powers out but Evil runs him over! Fans applaud, and things keep moving. Sanada hurdles, runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges and dropkicks a leg! Evil stays up so Sanada DROPKICKS him down! Evil bails out, Sanada PLANCHAS!

Fans fire up and Sanada gets them to get louder. Fans chant for “SA-NA-DA! SA-NA-DA!” and he puts Evil back in the ring. Evil suddenly wants mercy. Then he waves to someone? Sanada turns around, but no one is coming, that itself is the trick! Evil kicks but Sanada blocks, and then he trips Evil! Evil knows what’s coming, and Sanada ties him up! Wait, NOW Dick is storming back out here! Sanada lets off Evil, and CLUBS him and throws him out! Eivl then CLAWS Sanada’s back, and RAMS him into the timekeeper! Abe-san goes down and Evil puts one out with Dick. Evil drags Sanada up and brings him into the crowd!

Fans move out of the way before Evil SMACKS Sanada off chairs! Evil then grabs a chair, folds it up, and JAMS Sanada with it! Fans rally for Sanada but Evil JAMS him again! And again! Evil CHOKES Sanada with the chair, Red Shoes reprimands, and Evil lets off. Evil goes back to the ring while fans boo, and then fans rally up for “SA-NA-DA!” Sanada rises and storms his way back to ringside as the count begins. Sanada takes his time as he has to catch his breath, but he’s in at 15. Evil throws him back out! And then BLASTS him off the apron, sending Sanada back into the timekeeper’s area! Abe-san suffers again!

Fans boo as the Young Lions again have to help Abe-san pick himself up. Evil soaks up the heat from the fans, and eventually, the ring count returns. Sanada stirs at 4 of 20, sits up at 11, and stands at 14. Sanada rolls in at 15, Evil drags him back up! Evil whips him into the corner, and surprise, the blue buckle pad is gone! Sanada hits bare buckles and suffers the Bullet Club Special! Evil laughs but Red Shoes reprimands. Evil covers, but Red Shoes says no, too many shenanigans. Evil stomps Sanada, covers him, TWO! Evil is upset with Red Shoes but he stands on Sanada’s face. Evil steps off and then kicks him around.

Fans rally up but Evil drags Sanada up. Sanada CHOPS! Evil shouts in pain, so Sanada CHOPS again! And again! Evil knees low, whips, but Sanada stops from hitting bare buckles! Evil runs in, but is sent into bare buckles! And then Sanada DROPKICKS Evil down! Sanada kips up and fans fire up! Sanada drags Evil around, but Dick gets on the apron. Sanada CLUBS Dick and drags him in! Dick wants mercy but fans say no way! Sanada trips Dick up and ties him up in Paradise! Fans fire up, Evil runs in, but Sanada drop toeholds him into Dick! Dick falls out of Paradise, and Sanada hits a BIG back suplex on Evil! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally and Saanda keeps his cool. Sanada drags Evil up into the dragon sleeper! Evil fights, slips free, fireman’s carries, but Sanada slips off! Evil runs in, into a fireman’s carry! TKO! Cover, TWO! Sanada hurries up the corner! ROUNDING BODY- NO, he has to land out as Evil moves! Evil bails out and Sanada is annoyed. Sanada goes to the apron, then after Evil, but Evil hits low! Evil whips Sanada into railing, and then whips him into more railing! And then even more- NO, Sanada reverses! Only for Evil to reverse! Sanada hits railing yet again! Both men are down and fans rally up for Sanada.

Evil storms over to Sanada, drags him up, and puts him back in the ring. Evil steps through, but Sanada fights the Sharpshooter! Sanada throws hands and Evil staggers away. Evil kicks low, throws Sanada out, and now Dick RAMS Sanada into railing! Dick puts Sanada in, Evil steps through, SHARPSHOOTER! Sanada endures, even as Evil sits deep on the hold! Fans rally, Sanada fights forward, and he has the ROPEBREAK! Fans cheer but Evil holds onto the hold! Red Shoes counts, Evil lets off at 4. Evil tells Red Shoes to check Sanada but he isn’t done yet. Evil storms over and drags Sanada up to a fireman’s carry!

Sanada pops free to the dragon sleeper! Evil throws hands, but Sanada holds on! He even shifts around to hold from the other side! Evil endures, but Sanada gives him a SKULL SWING! Dick gets on the apron again, so Sanada shoves Evil into him! Down goes Dick, and Sanada has the dragon sleeper again! But Evil snapmares free, only for the SHINING WIZARD to come back! Sanada then clinches, DEAD- NO, Evil shoves Sanada at Red Shoes! LOW BLOW!! EVERYTHING- NO, Sanada shoves Evil at Red Shoes! And then LOW BLOWS in return!! Fans cheer the turnabout being fair play!

Sanada O’Conner Rolls, and BRIDGES! But DICK drags Red Shoes out! And then he CLOBBERS Sanada! Fans boo but Dick has the SPOILER CHOKER!! Fans boo more as Sanada suffers! Dick then drags Sanada up, and feeds him to Evil, for them to MAGIC- NO, Sanada kicks Dick away, and hits MAGIC SCREW on Evil! SHINING WIZARD for Dick! SHINING WIZARD for Evil! Fans fire up and Sanada calls to Red Shoes. Red Shoes hobbles back in and fans fire up as Sanada drags Evil up. Scoop and SLAM, then Sanada goes up the corner. ROUNDING BODY PRESS!! Cover, TWO!!! Evil survives but Sanada is not deterred!

Sanada drags Evil up, clinches, DEAD- NO, Evil claws Sanada’s eyes! Red Shoes reprimands but Sanada lets Evil go as we pass 15 minutes. Evil sits up first, and he goes to a corner. Evil runs in but Sanada dodges to DROPKICK! Sanada ROCKS Evil, ROLLING ELBOWS, then runs, but into a LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Evil is furious but he drags Sanada back up. EVERYTHING IS- NO, Sanada fights free to ENZIGURI! And SHINING WIZARD again! Sanada then hauls Evil up, clinches, but Evil sips free again! Clinch, EVERYTIHNG IS EVIL!!! Cover, EVIL WINS?!?!

Winner: Evil, by pinfall (advances to the semifinals)

Impossible! Evil actually beats the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion?! Will the King of Darkness soon be the king of NJPW?


G1 Climax 33 Quarterfinals: Kazuchika Okada VS Zack Sabre Jr. w/ Kosei Fujita!

The Rainmaker wasn’t spotless but he was undeterred in making it here, as was the Front Man of TMDK. Okada is still chasing history and a Threepeat in the finals, will he take the next step here tonight? Or will he #JustTapOut?

The bell rings and fans rally up as the two stare down. There are plenty of “ZAKKU! ZAKKU!” chants as he and Okada circle. They tie up, are in a deadlock, but Okada manages to push ZSJ to ropes. ZSJ turns it around, has Okada’s arms in the ropes, but then lets off with pats to the shoulder. Okada storms up, puts ZSJ on the ropes this time, and then he lets off slowly. Okada swings, but ZSJ dodges to UPPERCUT! Okada kicks low, headlocks, but ZSJ powers out. They RAM shoulders and ZSJ eggs Okada on. Okada runs, RAMS ZSJ but ZSJ BOOTS! And BOOTS again! Fans fire up as ZSJ stands tall!

ZSJ snapmares Okada, KICKS him on the back, then KICKS him again! And again! Okada just scowls as he rises. ZSJ throws more kicks but Okada blocks to CLUB the leg then toss ZSJ out! Okada goes out to whip ZSJ hard into railing, and then immediately whips him into more railing! Fans rally, Okada brings ZSJ around to scoop. But ZSJ fights and slips free into No Man’s Land, to ROCK Okada! ZSJ gets Okada in a RAILING ASSISTED OCTOPUS! Red Shoes reprimands, ZSJ lets off quickly, and he makes some space before he drags Okada up. Okada fights the suplex, but ZSJ uses the railing for leverage!

Fans fire up as Okada continues to fight! Okada throws body shots, then has ZSJ on the railing, for a DRAPING DDT to the floor! Fans rally as Okada stands back up. Okada leaves ZSJ behind to go into the ring. Red Shoes checks and ZSJ is okay to continue, so the ring count starts. ZSJ sits up at 8, leans against railing, and hobbles his way back over to slide in at 13. Okada drags ZSJ up, turns him, and hits a NECKBREAKER! Cover, ONE!! ZSJ is hanging tough but Okada keeps his cool. Okada drags ZSJ up, bumps him off buckles, and ZSJ falls right over. We pass five minutes and Okada brings ZSJ up to ROCK him with a forearm.

ZSJ goes to the corner, and Okada ELBOWS him down! Okada digs his boots in and Red Shoes reprimands. Red Shoes counts, Okada lets off at 4. Okada paces, stalks ZSJ, and he brings ZSJ up to bump off more buckles. Okada ELBOWS ZSJ again and again and again! ZSJ flops out to the apron and fans rally up. Okada paces while ZSJ sits back up in the corner. Okada storms back up and brings him around. ZSJ UPPERCUTS back! Fans fire up but Okada knees low. Okada whips corner to corner, runs in, and FLYING BACK ELBOWS! Then kick and- NO, ZSJ WRINGS the arm to deny the DDT!

Fans rally as ZSJ drags Okada up. Okada knees low again, whips, but ZSJ blows past the boot to catch Okada to a COBRA TWIST! Okada moves around and blocks an arm, to then hip toss free! Okada brings ZSJ up, but ZSJ bridges to snapmare Okada down! NECK TWIST! And then a basement dropkick to the back! Fans rally up while both men are down. ZSJ rises, he drags Okada up, and he goes for the full nelson. Okada resists, so ZSJ spins him to a cravat! Okada endures the neck wrench, tries to break free but ZSJ avoids the clubbing arm to cravat again! Okada arm-drags free, then runs in at the corner, but ZSJ dodges!

ZSJ returns but Okada picks him up! Only for ZSJ to GUILLOTINE FACELOCK! Okada endures, powers up and puts ZSJ on the top rope. ZSJ lets Okada go, and he BOOTS Okada away before Okada can dropkick! ZSJ then FLYING UPPERCUTS Okada down! Fans fire up and ZSJ gets a leg to drag Okada around. SPINNING TOEHOLD! ZSJ then wraps up the legs into a Butterfly Deathlock and he pushes on the knees! ZSJ then sits Okada up and has his arms, it’s almost A Long Way From Home! Okada endures as ZSJ twists the wrist and bends the fingers, then hammerlocks the arm! Red Shoes checks but Okada refuses to give up.

Okada gets his head free, but only for a moment before ZSJ drags him down into TESCO MEAL DEAL! Okada keeps fighting, ZSJ shifts around, and has a mounted armlock! They end up in the ropes, and ZSJ lets go. Fans rally as Okada crawls away. ZSJ stands, runs corner to corner, but Okada ELBOWS him away! ZSJ returns but Okada pops him up! Alabama Lift, but ZSJ uses that to have an INVERTED OCTOPUS! We pass 10 minutes as Okada reaches out. Fans rally, Okada powers up to hit the REVERSE NECKBREAKER! Both men are down and fans rally up. Okada stands, wrenches ZSJ, and puts on the MONEY CLIP!

ZSJ powers Okada back, but Okada sends ZSJ into the corner! Okada then puts ZSJ up top, but again ZSJ boots him away! ZSJ leaps, into the DROPKICK! Okada counters the counter and he drags ZSJ up with a wristlock. Okada short arm LARIATS, but he drags ZSJ back up! Short arm- NO, ZSJ ducks, waistlocks, but Okada throws elbows! ZSJ BOOTS, but Okada eggs him on! ZSJ BOOTS again, and again! Okada dodges the next, spins, but ZSJ gets under to GERMAN SUPLEX! Cover, TWO!! Okada survives and fans fire up! ZSJ goes to a corner and watches Okada rise. ZSJ runs in but Okada blocks the kick!

ZSJ fires off forearms but Okada eggs him on! So ZSJ fires off forearm after forearm, but Okada gets around to GERMAN SUPLEX! Okada holds on, ripcords, but ZSJ ducks the lariat to run, into the DROPKICK! Okada scoops, ZSJ slips free to IRON OCTOPUS!! Okada endures but ZSJ drags him down, GROUND OCTOPUS! Okada endures, ZSJ shifts to keep him down, and then ZSJ grabs a leg! TRIPLE LOCK PENSION! Okada endures again, ZSJ has both legs now, and he turns things over to have the deathlock. ZSJ wants the arms, Okada resists, so ZSJ shifts to get just the arms, RINGS OF SATURN!

Okada endures, ZSJ shifts, omoplata into ARMBAR!! Okada scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! ZSJ lets go in frustration while fans cheer. We hit 15 minutes but ZSJ seems to be hitting his stride. ZSJ drags Okada up, but Okada fights the scoop! Okada CLUBS ZSJ, ZSJ gut wrenches, but Okada fights again! Okada CLUBS ZSJ, but ZSJ UPPERCUTS! Okada staggers, ZSJ storms up but Okada fires forearms. ZSJ UPPERCUTS Okada again! Fans rally, ZSJ brings Okada around but Okada fires forearms. ZSJ just UPPERCUTS again! Fans fire up and ZSJ brings Okada up to UPPERCUT again! Okada falls and ZSJ fires up!

ZSJ stands Okada up to UPPERCUT again and again! ZSJ runs, into a DROPKICK! Okada scoops, LANDSLIDE! Fans fire up with Okada and he ripcords, but ZSJ ducks the lariat, but Okada scoops! ZSJ slips free and spins Okada, to scoop and SABRE DRIVER!! ZSJ can’t make the cover! Fans fires up as both men are down again! ZSJ stirs, fans rally, and ZSJ sits up. ZSJ crawls over to Okada, sits up him, and ROCKS him with a forearm! Okada ROCKS ZSJ back! ZSJ ROCKS Okada again! Okada ROCKS ZSJ again! They go forehead to forehead, and then throw forearm after forearm, faster and faster and faster!

Fans fire up as the two stand, and then ZSJ UPPERCUTS! Okada UPPERCUTS! ZSJ takes a moment, comes back, and UPPERCUTS again! Fans rally up, ZSJ SLAPS Okada on the back! Okada UPPERCUTS, ZSJ UPPERCUTS, repeat! Fans fire up as ZSJ gets the edge, but Okada backslides! Roll through, ZSJ LARIATS OKADA!! ZSJ drags Okada up and fans fire up, but Okada ducks the lariat to Alabama Lift! Back drop, sit down! TWO, and ZSJ sunset flips! TWO, and Okada jackknifes, but ZSJ blocks it!! TWO!!! Even Okada is surprised he escaped! We hit 20 minutes, and Okada SHOTGUNS! But ZSJ rolls through to PENALTY KICK! Cover, ONE?!?

Okada is up, ZSJ keeps moving, but Okada DROPKICKS again! But ZSJ is up!? ZSJ staggers around, he may be moving more on instinct! ZSJ SLAPS, Okada SLAPS, repeat! Fans fire up for the SLAP fight! ZSJ SLAPS and SLAPS, but Okada SLAPS and SLAPS and SLAPS and SLAPS! ZSJ swings, Okada dodges, DISCUS LARIAT!! Fans fire up, Okada ripcords, but ZSJ ducks again, IRON OCTOPUS!!! Okada is caught as ZSJ bends his arm and twists the wrist! Okada endures, powers out, gut wrench and EMERALD FLOWSION!! And then ripcord, RAINMAKER!!! Cover, Okada wins!!!

Winner: Kazuchika Okada, by pinfall (advances to the semifinals)

The Front Man could not outlast the rain, and he has been washed away! Will ZSJ ever add a G1 trophy to his accolades?

As for Okada, he gets the mic to say the support was hot again today, and he thanks the fans for that. Okada also thanks Zack for the match. Okada takes a second to catch his breath and he says that this match went past 20 minutes, and if this was the round robin, it’d be a draw. The people here got to see something they couldn’t over the last month. The G1 Climax is the best, isn’t it? Fans cheer that! Okada says he has two more matches to get his Threepeat. Ospreay, Naito, no matter who comes out of that, Okada will win to get that history third consecutive G1 Climax win. Okada again has to take a breath and fans rally up.

Okada continues to thank the fans, and says this heat will continue! He will return their support in spades, this hot Summer is gonna continue for two more nights! Okada vows he’ll be back here as the G1 Climax winner! And at that time, he’ll MAKE IT RAIN! Fans are ready, will Okada go from Rainmaker to history maker?

My Thoughts:

Awesome quarterfinal round for the G1 Climax, and with a bit of a shocker in Evil beating Sanada. At the same time, so much cheating, and also Sanada didn’t need to win the G1 with him as THE world champion. Evil promised to beat Sanada, and though he cheated, he did what he said. Naito VS Hikuleo was a great match, but I figured Naito would win that. As I said before this, Hikuleo is doing great and will definitely get up to the next level on the card, maybe going for the NEVER Openweight Championship or something like that.

Ospreay VS Finlay was awesome stuff, especially with how they booked the overbooking of Bullet Club and United Empire getting involved. Ospreay winning was the right move, and Naito VS Ospreay is going to be awesome next round. And of course, awesome main event from ZSJ VS Okada. I like that we already got a match that pushed past 20 minutes now that there’s no time limit. You could tell it really did take a toll on Okada, but he powered through to give his closing promo. Pretty sure he overlooked Evil there, and I’m thinking Evil’s gonna do what he can to make him pay for that. But between the two, I’d rather see Okada get to the finals. Whether or not he’s going to get that threepeat, him being close to it is the perfect underline for that match.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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