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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (8/17/23)

Will The Boys become men?



ROH Wrestling 2023

Will the Tate Twins take the fight to Samoa Joe?

While Samoa Joe is preparing to defend his ROH World Television Champion, he looks to thwart the threat of Dalton Castle…’s BOYS! Will Brandon & Brent come through for The Peacock?


  • Gravity VS Gringo Loco; Gravity wins.
  • Pure Rules Match: Josh Woods w/ Mark Sterling VS Silas Young; Woods wins.
  • ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Ground: Athena VS Brittany J; Athena wins and denies Brittany J a title opportunity.
  • Samoa Joe & Stokely Hathaway VS “The Boys” Brandon & Brent Tate; Joe & Stokely win.
  • The Gates of Agony w/ Prince Nana VS Matt Sydal & Christopher Daniels; The Gates of Agony win.
  • Madison Rayne VS Dani Mo; Rayne wins.
  • Six Man Tag: The Dark Order VS Isaiah Broner, Lord Crewe & Corey Calhoun; The Dark Order wins.
  • Cole Karter VS Griff Garrison; Cole wins.
  • Billie Starkz VS Charlette Renegade w/ Robyn Renegade; Billie wins.
  • Lee Moriarty & The Workhorsemen VS Lee Johnson, Action Andretti & Darius Martin; Johnson, Action & Darius win.
  • Trish Adora VS Lady Frost; Frost wins.
  • Leyla Hirsch VS Rachael Ellering; Leyla wins.
  • Dalton Castle VS “Pretty” Peter Avalon; Castle wins.
  • Tony Nese w/ Ari Daivari VS Metalik; Metalik wins.


Gravity VS Gringo Loco!

The Astronaut of Lucha may not be going after Samoa Joe’s ROH World Television Championship, but he can still climb the ladder in the rankings. But the same can be said for the Crazy White Guy he’s facing tonight. Who will fly higher and reach that next level?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the two circle, and fans rally up for both luchadores. They tie up, Gravity waistlocks but Gringo switches to ripcord and wrench, then he chinbars to spin and arm-drag! Gravity gets up, dodges, elbows and runs, to roll and arm-drag back! Fans fire up and Gravity runs in. Gringo puts him on the corner but Gravity FLYING RANAS! Fans stay fired up as Gravity keeps going and he Arabian Press arm-drags, but Gravity handsprings through! Fans cheer as the two stand off. Then they rush in, Gravity trips Gringo and then PLANKING SPLASHES! Cover, TWO! Both men get up, Gravity dodges, blocks, but Gringo blocks a kick!

Gringo flips Gravity but he lands on his feet to arm-drag again! Gravity kips up and fans cheer the slow-motion space walk. Gringo is annoyed, fans still rally for him, and he CHOPS Gravity down! Gringo mocks the space walk, drags Gravity up and whips him to a corner. Gravity boots back, Gringo rolls back, Gravity runs in but into a trophy lift! Then FALL AWAY SLAM! Cover, TWO! Fans rally, Gringo drags Gravity around and ties up the legs. Gringo has the deathlock then he grabs Gravity’s arm, to BITE the fingers! The ref reprimands but Gringo shifts into a modified Bow ‘n’ Arrow! Gravity endures so Gringo lets off.

Gringo drags Gravity up and fans rally. Gringo CHOPS Gravity back down, then tells the fans, “Lemme hear ya!” Fans fire up and Gringo drags Gravity up. Gringo brings Gravity around to a corner and CHOPS him! Gringo whips corner to corner, Gravity goes up and flips, then catches Gringo for a POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Gringo is still in this and fans rally up. Gravity goes up the corner, but Gringo SHOVES him down to the floor! Fans rally, Gringo climbs, and he jumps up to the top rope to ARIHARA MOONSAULT! Direct hit at the ramp and fans fire up! Gringo grins and he drags Gravity back up into the ring. Cover, TWO!

Gringo is annoyed but he keeps after Gravity. Gringo drags Gravity to a drop zone, fans fire up and Gringo goes up. Gringo’s feeling it, BEST SWANTON EVER! Cover, TWO!! Gravity survives that jump-and-turn senton but Gringo keeps after him. Gringo pulls at the mask to put Gravity in a corner, and he CHOPS! Gringo goes corner to corner and back again, but into a BOOT! And then another! Gravity eggs Gringo on, puts him on the apron, and DECKS him! Fans fire up as Gravity runs at the corner, to tumble up and to the corner, to LEAP FROG FLYING RANA!! Fans are thunderous for that, and Gravity space walks away.

Gravity brings Gringo up, snapmares him and sets him down. Gravity goes up the ramp, runs down, handsprings off the apron to IMPLODER PLANCHA! Fans fire up and Gravity puts Gringo back in the ring. Gravity then puts Gringo in a drop zone and he stomps Gringo to space walk. Gravity then headstands on the corner again, another IMPLODER PLANCHA! Cover, TWO! Gravity is frustrated but he just resets on the corner. Gravity goes way up, to 450- NO, he has to bail out as Gringo moves! Gravity runs in, into a STANDING SPANISH FLY! Cover, TWO! Gringo hurries to whip Gravity but Gravity rolls to SUNSET BOMB!

It wasn’t the cleanest and both men end up down on the mat. Fans rally up as the standing count starts. Gringo and Gravity each crawl to corners, and they run in to DOUBLE LARIAT! Both men stay up, Gravity runs in but is put on the apron. Gringo ROCKS Gravity, then says he’s gonna kill him!? Gringo goes up but Gravity ROCKS him and GAMANGIRIS! Gravity goes up but Gringo CHOPS! And HEADBUTTS! Gringo stands on the very top, but Gravity joins him! They fight for control, and Gringo has a SUPER SPINNING RACK BOMB!!! Fans lose their minds, Gringo crawls to a cover, TWO!!! Gravity survives!?

Gringo is stunned as he sees Gravity crawling away from this crash landing. Gringo puts Gravity in a corner, Electric Chair Lifts him to the top, and CLUBS him on the back. Gringo then goes outside to climb from the apron. Gringo slashes his throat, but Gravity grabs Gringo for a fireman’s carry! SUPER SAMON DROP! Gravity hurries right up top, to SUPER PLANKING SPLASH!! Cover, Gravity wins!

Winner: Gravity, by pinfall

The Astronaut wins big, and he’s reaching for the stars! Will he bring down some gold when he returns to Earth? Gringo shows Gravity respect with the Code of Honor handshake, what will it take for Gringo to get going in his own right?


Pure Rules Match: Josh Woods VS Silas Young!

The Technical Beast wants to get the goods back, and so he is parting ways with the Varsity Athletes, though keeping Smart Mark Sterling as his manager. And now he faces his old tag team partner in the Last Real Man! Will Woods show Silas that he isn’t the last real man? Or will Silas show Woods who really has the goods?

Our judges for this match are Jerry Lynn, Jimmy Jacobs & Pat Buck. The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and we’re on the clock. The two circle, feel out a grapple, go around and clinch, then Woods headlocks. Silas powers out, drops, but Woods is ready and he headlocks again. Silas tries to power out but Woods throws knees. Silas waistlocks, Woods switches and spins Silas to scoop but Silas slips free. Silas fireman’s carries, Woods slips free and shoves Silas. Silas avoids the spinning powerslam, but Woods avoids the arm-drag, and Silas handsprings up. Fans cheer and Silas mockingly applauds.

Silas and Woods reset, Silas wants another handshake, but Woods leaves him hanging to smooth his hand through his hair. Woods grins but Silas applauds that. The two tie up again, go around, and Woods waistlocks. Fans rally, Silas wrenches but Woods spins to hammerlock. Silas spins, wrenches, and hammerlocks, but Woods spins to hammerlock back. Silas moves around, spins but Woods spins him around and around and around! Silas drop toeholds, Woods grabs ropes! That’s his first ropebreak! Silas got the better of Woods there but we’re only two minutes in. Silas rubs it in, though, and then returns the hand-through-hair.

Woods and Silas circle, Woods gets an ankle pick and trips Silas! Woods spins Silas and waistlocks, keeps with him as he tries to get away, and the two stand for a SLAM by Woods! Woods scuffs Silas a bit, giving Silas a bit of his own medicine. Fans boo but Woods brings Silas up. Silas wrenches, Woods wrenches, repeat! They go back and forth, Silas has the knuckle lock but Woods powers up. Silas twists the wrist again, but Woods spins, waistlocks and powers Silas to a corner. O’Conner Roll, CHAOS- NO, Silas victory rolls it! TWO, and Woods has the legs, but Silas pushes back! TWO, and Silas wrenches to wrangle Woods!

Woods fights up, moves around, and he powers the armlock onto Silas. Silas powers it onto Woods, and they go back and forth on armlock control. We pass four minutes, Silas tries to wrangle Woods but he whips. Silas reverses but Woods brings Silas along to HOTSHOT him! Fans cheer and Woods blows kisses, then storms back in on Silas. Woods hammerlocks and RAMS Silas’ arm into buckles! Silas sputters, Woods brings him up and around, to CLUB the arm! Woods hammerlocks to RAM Silas again! Silas sits down, Woods drags him back up, and he’s after that arm. Woods steps over to ARM TWIST!

Silas writhes but Woods pushes him to a cover, TWO! Woods keeps the arm, stands on it, and he stomps the elbow! And again! And again! Woods stomps a mudhole into that arm! Fans boo as Woods lets off, and Silas bails out to the apron. Woods drags Silas up, but Silas HOTSHOTS him back! Woods staggers, but he KICKS the bad arm! Silas hobbles while clutching the arm, and Woods hammerlocks it. Silas blocks the buckle bump to elbow Woods away! Woods grins and runs back in but only gets buckles! Woods keeps after Silas, Silas rolls him up! TWO, but Silas trips Woods to a jackknife bridge, TWO!

Woods stands, Silas wrenches and whips but Woods reverses. Silas goes up and sunset flips, TWO! Woods stands, into a headlock takeover! Woods headscissors, Silas kips free, and he hits another takeover! Another headscissor, another kip, another takeover! Woods ROCKS Silas with a closed fist! That’s his one freebie, and Woods suplexes to CORNER ANARCHY!! Cover, Woods wins!

Winner: Josh Woods, by pinfall

“Twisted Woods” is a fitting name for that move, because this is a twisted Josh Woods, using everything he learned from Silas, both good and bad, to get the win. And he still gives Silas the Code of Honor handshake. Will Woods continue to bend the rules if it means he breaks back into the title scene?


Maria Kanellis-Bennett speaks.

“You don’t have to have real power to have real power. In all my years in this business, I’ve realized that sometimes, power in name is not as powerful as power of influence. Been doing this for 19 years, broken bones, I’ve messed up my neck. Starved, been homeless, spent time away from my kids, fought my husband’s addictions. But still, this business, the wrestling business, continues to ask for more. Here in ROH, I built a Kingdom. But now, I’ve been scouting for an army to protect that Kingdom, to protect my legacy. Because if this business is gonna continue to ask me to sacrifice, it’s gonna have meaning.

“And as far as Leyla is concerned-” Leyla walks in and asks what about her? What about her? When she came back, she did Maria a favor. Maria gave her money and Leyla took it. But since then, Leyla’s been running through this division. And yet Maria is scouting her? For what? Maria got Leyla a match last week, it was a breeze. So the question is, what does Maria think she can give or do for Leyla that she can’t do for herself? Opportunity. Leyla, you asked for more competition, she got it against Rachael Ellering. Good luck. Then about damn time. Will the LEGIT One be able to trump the Queen of Strong Smile?


ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Ground: Athena VS Brittany J!

Speaking of running through this division, the Fallen Goddess is practically untouchable as she continues her ROH win streak. But will she continue to be spotless on her show? Or will the #SadHooligan cheer up by getting a golden opportunity?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and fans rally up as the two circle. Then Athena pushes past Brittany to get the fans to fire up. But Brittany rolls her up! ONE, but Brittany Oklahoma Rolls! ONE, and Athena swings! Brittany dodges and dodges then ROCKS Athena! Brittany talks some trash and says Athena’s finally getting real competition! Athena says yeah right, and she storms up, only for Brittany to dump her out! Fans fire up for Brittany and she goes to the apron. Brittany runs up but Athena blocks to YANK Brittany right down! Athena paces around Brittany, drags her up, and SWINGS her into railing!

Athena gets all fired up and asks where’s a rap for her! HUH!? Willow gets a rap, where’s one for her?! She gets right in Ian Riccaboni’s face even! Athena goes back to get Brittany up and into the ring. Athena grins as she brings Brittany up, but Brittan ROCKS her again! And again! Brittany runs, tilt-o-whirl and rana, but Athena handsprings through! Things keep moving, Athena POP-UP POWERBOMBS Brittany! Then rolls her to her feet, to DECK her! Cover, Athena wins!

Winner: Athena, by pinfall (denies Brittany J a title match)

And that’s a wrap! Athena’s glare becomes a grin, and she celebrates. But then the RENEGADES attack!? Well, Athena did go after them both last week on her way to almost beating down Billie Starkz, so now they’re going after her in return! Fans boo as Charlette & Robyn beat Athena down, but she fights her way up! Fans fire up but Athena gets thrown! But wait, speaking of Billie, here she comes! Billie is returning the favor on the sorta save last week, but the Renegades slip away. Charlette will have no choice but to fight Billie later tonight, will Billie go 2-0 against these twisted sisters?

Billie helps Athena but Athena shoves her away! Athena storms off and Billie asks what’s her problem. Is the Fallen Goddess gonna have to learn about respect one way or another?


Samoa Joe & Stokely Hathaway VS “The Boys” Brandon & Brent Tate!

The King of Wrestling Television knows Shane Taylor is coming for the title, as is The Peacock. But in an attempt to prove a point to everyone, he and “Big Boss Stoke” look to take down Castle’s pawns. Will Joe & Stokely be a dominant force? Or will this be more like Joe + Stoke: a joke?

Stokely has a mic, and he has it all stop! “Give it up for one of the greatest ROH World Television Champions of all time!” Fans do cheer for Joe, and Stokely says Joe wanted to send a message to Castle and his little Boys. He could’ve teamed with anyone backstage, but he chose the Ruff Rider of ROH, #BigStoke! RUHRUHRUHRUH!! Fans bark along, and Stoke says since Joe is the best of all time, Stoke will be here on the apron if he needs him. Respect. Fans chant for “JOE! JOE! JOE! JOE!” as he keeps the Code of Honor with The Boys. The Boys then sort out, and then attack Joe together!

Fans fire up as the bell rings, and Joe shoves The Boys back to run them both over! Fans fire up and Brent flops out of the ring. Joe drags Brandon up, CHPOS him right down, and Stokely laughs at him. Joe puts Brandon in the corner, fires off JAB after JAB but lets off as the ref counts. Joe tags in Stokely?! Stokely is wary, it’s not like he’s all that much bigger than Brandon. Stokely runs, wheelbarrows, and arm-drags!? Fans fire up as Stokely shows what he can do! Stokely is fired up, he runs in, but Brandon dodges! Stokely hits nothing but buckles, Brandon ROCKS him with a right, then he tags in Brent.

Brandon whips, he drops and Brent hurdles, then back the other way for Brandon to DROPKICK Stokely! Fans fire up and Brent covers, TWO! Brent keeps on Stokely but Stokely JAWBREAKERS! Stokely ROCKS Brent, grins and suplexes, but Brent fights that to snap suplex Stokely! Tag to Brandon for a slingshot SENTON! Fans cheer and Brandon brings Stokely around. Stokely claims something is hurting and the ref checks him. Joe CLOBBERS Brandon behind the ref’s back! Stokely then crawls to tag Joe, and Joe runs up to LARIAT Brandon! Brent runs in but Joe LARIATS him, too!

Joe JABS and JABS and JABS Brandon until he sits down, then he runs in to back elbow and PELE! Brandon falls, Joe back elbows and PELES Brent! Brent falls, Joe drags him up, and fans rally up. Joe puts Brent in a corner, then puts him up top, and tucks him in! But then Stokely says he feels okay! Joe says okay, he HEADBUTTS Brent and drags him down! Stokely goes up, leaps, but Joe moves Brent away! Stokely belly flops, and then Joe puts the COQUINA CLUTCH on Brent! Brent taps, Joe & Stokely win!

Winners: Samoa Joe & Stokely Hathaway, by submission

Stokely looks to be out cold this time, and Joe leaves him be. Will Joe be ready for Shane Taylor’s challenge? Will he have to worry about Dalton Castle coming back for revenge? And for that matter, what of Joe’s challenge to CM Punk? Perhaps the answers to these and more, next time on ROH!


Backstage interview with Billie Starkz.

Lexi Nair is with the young star and asks her about what is going on with her and Athena. Billie will be completely honest, she has no idea what is going on with her and “this crazy woman.” Billie tries to help Athena and- Oh, she wants to talk about crazy? The Renegades walk in and Charlette says, “Wait until you get a load of this double trouble coming your way.” Robyn also wants to talk about their deal with Athena. They put the champ down on the mat, easy, breezy, beautiful, without breaking a sweat. And Billie’s next. Oh is that so? Robyn keeps things from going down now. They’ll handle the Care Bear later. The Renegades head out, will they end the night on top?


The Gates of Agony w/ Prince Nana VS Matt Sydal & Christopher Daniels!

The mouth of the Mogul Embassy is back safe and sound after a run-in with Sting, but Toa Liona & Bishop Kaun are no longer spotless in the year 2023 after facing Darby Allin & Nick Wayne. Will they rebound here tonight? Or will the Third Eye Reborn and Fallen Angel be adding on to their miseries?

The Code of Honor is upheld, though with tension. The teams sort out and fans fire up for Daniels as he circles with Liona. Nana talks trash on Daniels, he and Liona approach then Daniels gets around to a waistlock. But Liona throws Daniels right off! They reset, Daniels makes sure he has dry hands, and the two circle again. They tie up, Daniels gets around to waistlock then headlock, and he grinds the hold. But Liona lifts Daniels up! Daniels holds onto the headlock but Liona powers out, then runs Daniels over! Nana cheers but fans boo as Liona looms over Daniels. Liona bumps Daniels off buckles then tags in Kaun.

Kaun stomps Daniels, CLUBS him, then ROCKS him with a right. Kaun throws body shots and forearms against ropes, but the fans rally for Daniels. Kaun whips, Daniels slides under and then drop toeholds! Fans fire up as Daniels hurries to tag in Sydal! Daniels scoop SLAMS Kaun, Sydal scoop SLAMS Daniels on Kaun! Then STANDING MARIPOSA! Cover, ONE!! Sydal keeps on Kaun with a facelock but Kaun pushes him away. Sydal KICKS the leg, KICKS it again, “One more!” But then he QUESTION MARK KICKS! Tag to Daniels, they double whip Kaun, and then drop toehold and basement dropkick!

Fans fire up and Daniels drags Kaun back up. Daniels puts Kaun in a corner, RAMS into him, and RAMS him again! Daniels CHOPS, fans fire up for that, and Daniels says one more! CHOP! Fans “WOO~!” but Kaun turns it around! Only for Daniels to dodge, and CHOP again! Daniels whips, Kaun reverses but he runs into a BOOT! Daniels then dodges Kaun, clinches, but Kaun throws elbows! Liona CLOBBERS Daniels from the ropes! The ref reprimands, Kaun covers, ROPEBREAK! Kaun CHOKES Daniels, then brings him up. Tag to Liona, and Kaun CHOPS! Liona RAMS into Daniels, Kaun CLUBS him, repeat!

The fans boo, the ref reprimands, but Nana likes what he sees! The Gates let off at 4, Liona scoops Daniels to SLAM! Then he runs to FALLING HEADBUTT! Cover, TWO! Liona clamps onto Daniels and fishhooks Daniels’ face! Fans rally, Liona lets off and he stalks Daniels to ropes. Liona tags Kaun, the Gates stomp mudholes into Daniels, then Kaun whips Daniels into the corner. Kaun sits Daniels in the corner facing buckles, tag to Liona, and DRAPING BACKSTABBER! Kaun holds on so Liona can ELBOW DROP! Cover, Sydal breaks it! Liona TOSSES Sydal out, then he storms back to Daniels.

Liona stands on Daniels’ hand, then stomps the arm! Tag to Kaun as Nana laughs. The Gates drag Daniels up to mug him, and Kaun ROCKS Daniels with a forearm! And then DECKS him! Kaun fishhooks Daniels’ nose, runs, then slides into the chinlock! Fans rally for Daniels and Daniels fights up to throw elbows! Daniels runs, but Kaun clinches to IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Kaun drags Daniels over, tag to Liona, and Liona steps on Daniels on his way to run, SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Liona is frustrated with the ref, as is Nana, but the ref says it was all fair! Liona drags Daniels up to a BEARHUG!

Fans rally as Daniels endures, and Daniels throws elbows! Daniels then BITES Liona’s forehead! Fans fire up, Nana protests, but Linoa runs in. Liona only gets buckles, and then a COMPLETE SHOT! Hot tag to Sydal! The Gates rush in as Sydal goes up, and Sydal leaps over Liona to METEORA Kaun! Then Sydal SUPERKICKS Liona, goes Matrix to avoid the lariat, and JUMP KNEES! Liona comes back, catches the wheel kick, but Sydal sunset flips! Liona HIP DROPS but flops as Sydal moves! Sydal runs to SHINING WIZARD! Fans fire up with Sydal and he BUZZSAWS! Cover, ONE?!?! And with mustard, too!

Sydal BUZZSAWS again, but then Kaun ROCKS Sydal! The ref reprimands, the Gates double whip but Sydal KICKS Liona, dodges Kaun, sends him into Liona, dodges again, but Liona CLUBS Sydal! DOUBLE LARIAT SANDWICH! Cover, Daniels breaks it! Fans fire up as the ROH icons are hanging in there. But Kaun tags back in, he and Liona get Sydal up, but Sydal slips free of the Gates to then dodge them, hot tag to Daniels! Daniels fires off CHOPS on both Kaun and Liona, back and forth, but Kaun kicks low! The Gates double whip, but Daniels reverses to send Kaun away. Kaun comes back but Daniels dodges, the LARIAT sends Liona out of the ring!

Daniels kicks Kaun low and underhooks! ANGEL’S WINGS!! Cover, but Liona breaks it! Sydal CLUBS Liona again and again, but Liona fireman’s carries! SAMOAN DROP! Liona runs in, DISCUS LARIAT for Daniels! Nana says to finish this, and Kaun fireman’s carries, to the GUTBUSTER DROP! Cover, the Gates win!

Winners: The Gates of Agony, by pinfall

Still unstoppable in ROH, Nana cheers his guys on. Will nothing stop the Mogul Embassy from running ROH?


Madison Rayne VS Dani Mo!

The Queen Bee returns to ROH, and wouldn’t you know? We get an Ohio VS Michigan rivalry match here as #DinoMite makes her ROH TV debut! Will Dani rain on Madison’s parade? Or will the hometown hero have a victorious homecoming?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the two circle, and fans rally up. They tie up, Dani wrenches and wristlocks but Madison rolls, breaks the grip, and wrenches back. Madison hammerlocks but Dani elbows free! Dani waistlocks but Madison bucks the O’Conner. Dani eggs Madison on, Madison runs in, but Dani gets around to hook the arms and backslide! ONE, Madison dodges to roll Dani up, ONE! Madison trips Dani to jackknife bridge, and it’s deep! TWO! Dani staggers up, Madison whips but Dani reverses. Dani runs in at the corner, into a BOOT! Dani comes back, Madison slips out to the apron, but Dani blocks buckle bump to give buckle bump!

Fans boo Dani but she storms up on Madison. Dani ROCKS Madison, ELBOWS her, then ROUNDHOUSES! Dani snapmares Madison to then cartwheel and KNEE! Cover, TWO! Dani keeps her cool but fans boo. Dani drags Madison up, brings her around, and fireman’s carries. Madison fights out, then ENZGURIS! Madison eggs Dani on now, CHOPS and ROCKS and repeat! Dani staggers, Madison runs back in and spins her, cravat KNEE SMASH, then a NECKBREAKER! Fans fire up and Madison wrenches Dani to reel her in, NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Dani is still in this but Madison is still on her.

Madison dragon sleepers, but Dani pulls hair! Fans boo and the ref reprimands but Dani wrenches to ROCK Madison! And KICK! And CHOP! And then feint high, to KICK low! Madison drops to a knee, but she avoids the next kick to knee Dani in the back! Dragon sleeper, CROSS RAYNE! Cover, Madison wins!

Winner: Madison Rayne, by pinfall

Columbus cheers Ohio’s queen, will she look to once again be a women’s world champion?


Six Man Tag: The Dark Order VS Isaiah Broner, Lord Crewe & Corey Calhoun!

Evil Uno, Alex Reynolds & John Silver continue to put out the call for everyone to #JoinDarkOrder or get out of the way. But will they give their opponents a choice tonight?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the trios sort out, and Uno is right in Isaiah’s face. The bell rings, Uno nods and pats Isaiah on the shoulder, before he SLAPS him! Fans fire up, and Uno CHOPS! And bumps Isaiah off buckles! And CHPOS and stomps a mudhole! The ref counts, Uno lets off but he’s all fired up! Fans cheer but Isaiah CHOPS and ROCKS and CHOPS back! But Uno throat chops! And regular CHOPS! And again! And then he DECKS Isaiah! Tag to Reynolds, and they both run to BLAST Crewe & Calhoun! Uno SPLASHES Isaiah and then feeds him to Reynolds’ LARIAT! Fans fire up with the Dark Order as Reynolds rain down fists!

Reynolds fires up and storms around. Reynolds drags Isaiah up, but Isaiah scoops! Reynolds slips off to CHOP BLOCK! Then DOUBLE STOMP! Isaiah sputters and Reynolds scuffs his sole off Isaiah’s face. Tag to Silver and fans fire up for the Meat Man! Silver sits Isaiah up to KICK! Fans chant “JOHNNY HUNGY!” and Silver flexes. Silver KICKS, then runs to PENALTY KICK! “I’m freakin’ jacked, baby!” Cocky cover, ONE! Silver bumps Isaiah off boots! Tag to Uno, and he runs in to CHOP! Uno drags Isaiah up to snap suplex! Tag back to Reynolds and he drags Isaiah around, to KNEE DROP on the head! And again!

Reynolds taunts Isaiah while standing on his face and doing the #JoinDarkOrder hand. But then wait, is that Stu Grayson? Is the Righteous not done with The Dark Order? Reynolds asks what Stu’s doing out here, and Silver says the Dark Order already kicked his ass. But wait, Isaiah tags in Calhoun! Calhoun runs up to roll Reynolds up! ONE!! POP-UP KNEE from Reynolds! Calhoun falls over, tag to Uno, then tag to Silver. The Dark Order see Crewe running in, send him into the corner, and that starts up the WOMBO COMBO! GAMANGIRI, ROLLING ELBOW, ENZIGURI, STUNNER and BOOT to GERMAN SUPLEX! Ooh, Wombo Combo Plus!

Fans fire up for the Dark Order and they get Calhoun up. PENDULUM BOMB! Cover, The Dark Order wins!

Winners: The Dark Order, by pinfall

Calhoun finds himself in the #DarkerRealm, but Uno does shake his hand for the Code of Honor. Stu is watching with… a proud smile? We know The Righteous wanted to unleash this fury within the team, and then Silver PUNTS Isaiah in the head! Stu likes that even more! He applauds and says “Good job!” Will there be another chapter between the Dark Order and The Righteous? Will wrestlers #JoinDarkOrder just to avoid being victims?


Claudio Castagnoli speaks.

“I hear the whispers. I see the writing. ‘Where’s the world champion? Why’s he not on the show? Does he not care?’ Well, I do care. And I am here. Just because you don’t see me doesn’t mean I’m not watching, doesn’t mean I’m not scouting, doesn’t mean I’m not training, doesn’t mean I’m not taking this seriously. Eddie Kingston, I told you you’re not worthy. Mark Briscoe, I told you you’re not ready. Pac, bastard, I told you you’d pay for this. You just didn’t know how dearly.

“See, when I won this ROH World Championship a little bit over a year ago, it was my first world championship. And I was so proud. I loved it. It’s an achievement after 20+ years of wrestling. And I thought, ‘I love ROH. I love wrestling. I’m gonna be the best champion possible.’ Then I lost it to Chris Jericho, and he didn’t give a damn about ROH. He couldn’t care less. Then I beat him and became two-time champion. But I learned something from him. I wasn’t as naïve as I was before. I wasn’t going in all bushy-tailed and bright-eyed, or whatever the saying is. I was going in knowing that I had a job. A simple job.

“Don’t get me wrong. Just because it’s simple doesn’t mean it’s easy to do. Because what it meant was let go of the thing you love. Now, what is it that you love? What is it that you worked your whole life for? What is it that you left everything for? Imagine having to let that go, having to let that die, to take the next step. Because I had to realize, for all the passion and love I have for wrestling, it was nothing but a burden. It was my job to be the ROH World Champion and to keep people like Eddie Kingston, like Mark Briscoe, and like Pac and so many of you on this roster  away from this!

“Because there’s not many people on this world that can do what I can do. There’s not many people that can wrestle in Blood & Guts, and then two days later, defend this championship like nothing happened. There’s not many people that can take a 48-hour-plus travel to Japan, have 30 seconds to get ready, and then take on three of the best wrestlers in the world, and take them to their limit. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying this to brag. I’m not saying this to get a pat on my shoulder. No. I know what I’m capable of, and I know what’s asked of me. And sometimes, when I think about that me, it frightens me.

“Because I know what I have to do to hold onto this. And if you step in the ring with me… I’m in the Blackpool Combat Club. I’ve stepped in the ring with my friends, and I’ve stepped in the ring with my enemies. I’ve stepped in the ring with people I respected, and I’ve stepped in the ring with people I don’t respect. And there’s only one thing, and that is competition. And at the end of the day, for me, you may think it’s sad, but it’s a relief for me. I have no personal attachment. This is just a job. But not just any job, it’s my job. And I am really, really, really good at my job! So if you want to take this from me, you simply have to be better than me. Good luck.”

The Swiss Cyborg has spoken, will anyone ever be able to dethrone him again?


Cole Karter VS Griff Garrison!

The diamond in the rough has the eye of the First Lady of Wrestling, wanting to prove he’s worth his weight in gold. But will he be able to outshine the Ivy League MVP? Or will Griff drop the dime on Cole?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Griff waistlocks and he SLAMS Cole down! Cole fights up and RAMS Griff to a corner, the ref counts, and Cole lets off. But Griff avoids the cheap shot! Then he CHOPS! Griff CHOPS again, but then Cole throat chops! Cole CLUBS Griff, whips, but Griff reverses. Griff hurdles, drops then hip tosses hard! Cole staggers up, into a BOOT! Cole goes to a corner, Griff runs in to STINGER SPLASH! And then facelock to a suplex, FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO! Cole survives and fans rally up for Griff. Griff watches from the corner, Cole stands, and then Cole scrambles away!

Griff storms up on Cole, Cole YANKS him into buckles! Cole runs in to DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Cole keeps cool and he drags Griff up. Cole whips and ELBOWS Griff down, then soaks up the heat. Cole says they know he’s good, and he clamps on a chinlock. Griff endures the knee in his back and fans rally up. Griff fights up, pries the hold open, and he body shots hard! And forearms hard, too! Griff fires shots, whips, but Cole reverses to POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Griff toughs it out but Cole keeps his cool. Cole goes up a corner to soak up more heat and points to fans. Cole goes back to Griff, snap suplexes, then struts around.

Fans boo as Cole blows kisses to the camera. Cole drags Griff up, reels him in, and then he snap suplexes again! Cole just keeps soaking up the heat and he goes back to Griff. Cole reels Griff in a third time, grins, but Griff fights the third to cradle! TWO!! Cole escapes, Griff ROLLING ELBOWS!! Fans are thunderous for Griff and he fires up again! Griff brings Cole up, torture racks, but Cole claws his face! Cole then LEG LARIATS! Griff wobbles and Cole reels him in, Canadian Rack to a AK47! Cole isn’t done there, though, he reels Griff in to Canadian Rack, CLIFFHANGER DDT! Cover, Cole wins!

Winner: Cole Karter, by pinfall

Maria appears now, strutting down the ramp. Cole claps and waves hi. She whispers something to him, and he nods. Cole shows Griff respect with the Code of Honor, then pats him on the shoulder. Then Cole follows Maria to the back. Is Cole going to join The Kingdom’s army to protect their territory?


Billie Starkz VS Charlette Renegade w/ Robyn Renegade!

We saw these young stars get at each other earlier tonight, both in the ring and in the back, but now they’re going to have it out! The Prodigy of Honor shocked quite a few people by beating Robyn, will she surprise the rest by going two for two? Or will the Renegades ruin the win streak before it begins?

The Code of Honor is upheld, but then Charlette DECKS Billie right at the bell! Charlette rains down fists, the ref reprimands, and Charlette drags Billie up to a fireman’s carry. Billie fights with elbows and is free, then taunts Charlette. Charlette runs in, Billie gets around but Charlette holds ropes! Charlette elbows Billie, then dodges the dropkick! Billie slips out to the floor where Robyn waits to distract her. Billie talks trash with Robyn, and Charlette DIVES to take Billie down! A rough landing on the ramp but Charlette puts Billie in. Billie swings but Charlette TACKLES her! Charlette gives more ground ‘n’ pound!

Charlette then turns Billie over, and puts her in a CAMEL CLUTCH! But she fishhooks Billie’s nose! The ref reprimands, Charlette lets go and feels gross for having touched Billie’s nostrils. Charlette storms up to put Billie in a corner, and RAM her with a shoulder! The ref counts, Charlette lets off, and Billie ELBOWS her! And BOOTS her! Billie kicks but Charlette blocks, and Charlette throws the feet away, only for Billie to JUMP KICK in return! Billie then goes up top, but Charlette distracts the ref and Robyn anchors Billie’s foot! Charlette then storms up on Billie, the ref reprimands Robyn, but Charlette SUPERPLEXES!

Roll through! But Billie GHOSTBUSTERS!? Cover, TWO!! Charlette survives Billie turning things around and fans rally up. Billie smacks Charlette off the mat and she goes to the apron. But Robyn is there, so Billie BOOTS her! Billie goes up the corner, Robyn reaches into the ring, the ref reprimands but Robyn still drags Charlette out of the way, and Billie Swanton Bomb FLOPS on the mat! Billie writhes, the ref reprimands Robyn, but Charlette fireman’s carries! LANDSLIDE!! Cover, TWO!??! Billie survives and shocks the Renegades! Charlette drags Billie up, runs, but Billie back elbows! KNEE LIFT! LARIAT!!

Billie rolls Charlette through to get her up, tuck and C R 2!! Cover, BILLIE WINS!

Winner: Billie Starkz, by pinfall

And Robyn CLOBBERS her for it! Robyn stomps away on Billie for beating her and her sister, but here comes ATHENA! She SPEARS Robyn! Fans are thunderous, Charlette goes after Athena and they scrap! Billie staggers up, Athena ROCKS Charlette and Billie ROCKS Robyn! They brawl with the Renegades, Billie ROCKS Robyn and BOOTS Charlette! Athena glares at Billie, but then ROCKS Robyn! Athena TOSSES Robyn out and the Renegades are in retreat! Athena then stares Billie down, and Billie is a bit wary. But then Athena steps forward, the two nod, and they both build speed! DOUBLE TOPE takes out the Renegades at the ramp!

Fans fire up and Athena gives Billie a bit of a shove. But they seem united on this front. Athena holds up the belt, then tells Billie to tie up with her? Is this an impromptu match? Billie offers a handshake first, Code of Honor and all. Fans chant “SHAKE HER HAND! SHAKE HER HAND!” Athena leaves Billie hanging! “C’mon, minion, let’s go!” What? Athena is saying Billie’s her sidekick or something? Is this her backhanded way of showing Billie respect? Billie follows her anyway, will the Prodigy soon have a shot at the Fallen Goddess’ gold?


Backstage interview with The Varsity Athletes.

Lexi Nair is with Tony Nese & Ari Daivari, the latter doing jumping jacks right now, and brings up that week after week, Nese tries to get fans to participate in group training. What exactly is he trying to achieve here? Daivari stops doing jumping jacks as Nese asks Lexi if she’s ever even looked around at the audiences in the arenas they go to. Has she looked out and seen these supposed pro-wrestling fans? Everyone talks about making wrestling better, but he is worried about making the fans better! Into premier athletes like him and Daivari. But every time he tries, he gets interrupted! ROH management assures him every single week that he has the floor, and yet he gets interrupted!

But Mark Sterling, being the great lawyer he is, assures us that this week, Nese finally has the floor. Have you seen the health statistics of North Carolina? It is staggeringly depressing. These people need him. So tonight, North Carolina is finally having a full group training session the fans need badly! And Lexi, you better show up, you need it, too. The Varsity Athletes head out, will they really get through the full set tonight?


Lee Moriarty & The Workhorsemen VS Lee Johnson, Action Andretti & Darius Martin!

#TAIGASTYLE joins forces with JD Drake & Anthony Henry in a rare Six Man Tag outing for him, and against Big Shotty, The Sight to See, and the Air Wolf! Who will establish themselves as a new force in the ROH Trios Division?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the teams sort out, and we get Lee starting with Lee! Moriarty and Johnson circle, tie up, and Moriarty waistlocks but Johnson switches but then Moriarty goes for an arm but then Johnson slips away! Fans cheer this already fast and furious technical showdown. The two reset, circle, and feel out a knuckle lock. Moriarty breaks, wrenches, spins around and trips Johnson to have the armlock. Moriarty drags Johnson up, Johnson rolls through but Moriarty whips, only for Johnson to reverse. Moriarty goes up and over, things speed up, and Moriarty ducks, Johnson hurdles, and Johnson DROPKICKS!

Fans fire up and Johnson arm-drags! Johnson has the armlock, grinds the shoulder, then stands Moriarty up. Johnson brings him over, tag to Darius. Darius goes up and he DOUBLE STOMPS Moriarty’s arm! Darius wrenches, tags Action, and they double whip Moriarty. Moriarty KICKS Action, whips Darius but Darius reverses. Moriarty goes out, BOOTS in, but slingshots into an atomic drop! Action clotheslines Moriarty up and out! Henry runs in but is sent out, and then Action HANDSPRING HEEL KICKS him down! JD runs in, into a CHOP, KICK, double snapmare and then KICK and basement DROPKICK!

Fans fire up, Moriarty returns but into a DOUBLE HIP TOSS! Action gets help from Darius, HIP TOSS SENTON! Cover, TWO! Action drags Moriarty up, brings him over, and tags in Johnson. They mug Moriarty, Johnson keeps him from the Workhorsemen, then CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Johnson whips, Moriarty reverses and Henry gets a cheap shot in! Johnson DECKS Henry for that, ELBOWS Moriarty, but then Moriarty distracts the ref so JD can CLOBBER Johnson! Moriarty tags JD and JD slingshot SENTONS! Henry BLASTS Action, SPLASHES Johnson, and feeds him to the SCRAPBUSTER! Cover, TWO!

JD is annoyed with the ref but he keeps on Johnson. JD pulls on Johnson’s ear, ROCKS him with a forearm, then puts him in the corner. JD CHOPS Johnson and he almost falls over! Tag to Moriarty, he drags Johnson up to knee low. And knee again! And then SNAP HALF HATCH! Bridging cover, TWO, but Moriarty keeps on Johnson. Moriarty bumps Johnson off Henry’s boot, then tags Henry in. The Saint of Augusta snapmares to PENALTY KICK Johnson on the back! Johnson writhes, Henry taunts Action & Darius, then KICKS Johnson in the chest! And again! And then Henry eggs “Big Shotty,” so Johnson CHOPS!

Henry fires off fast hands and he fisherman’s, but Johnson slips free! Duck down, hot tags to Moriarty and Action! Action dodges Moriarty to ROCK JD and GAMANGIRI Henry! SNAKE EYES for Moriarty, to a SWINGING NECKBREAKER! Action kips up, fans fire up, and Action DIVES to take out Henry! Fans fire up more as Action goes back up, springboards in, but has to roll through as Moriarty moves! Moriarty runs in, but into a SPANISH FLY! Cover, Henry DOUBLE STOMPS it apart! Darius runs in, Henry whips him away but Darius holds ropes. Darius BOOTS Henry into Action’s SHOTGUN that sends him back into a GERMAN SUPLEX from Darius!

Fans fire up but JD storms in. JD LARIATS Darius but Action ducks ‘n ‘dodges and hops up to SPINNING- NO, JD denies the rana to run and SHOTGUN BOOT! Cover, TWO!! Darius survives but JD tags Henry. They get Action up but he BOOTS Henry away and slips free of JD’s grip. Henry ROUNDHOUSES, they reset, ASSISTED POP-UP BOMB! Cover, but Johnson breaks it! Moriarty runs in, spins Johnson around, HAMMERLOCK NECKBREAKER! And then Moriarty swings on Darius but gets a GAMANGIRI for it! And a STEP-IN COMPLETE SHOT! JD gets Darius for a butterfly to SILENCER!

But Action springboards, FLYING CHUCK on JD! Henry rolls Action up with tights, TWO!! Action ducks a kick, torture racks, but Henry slips off! Henry CLUBS, O’Conner Rolls, but Action turns it around and bridges through! Action’s team wins!!

Winners: Lee Johnson, Action Andretti & Darius Martin, by pinfall

In the blink of an eye, Action turns the tables and takes the victory! Will he, Darius & Johnson climb up to a trios championship shot just as fast?


Backstage interview with Athena.

Lexi is with the AEW Women’s World Champion and Athena says, “What’s up, bestie?” But then she also has Billie join in. Athena has them both around the shoulders and says this is a special occasion. She has her bestie and her loyal follower here. For all of Billie’s faithful service to the “Forever Champion” of the ROH Women’s Division, Athena will give Billie a number. She will be Minion 400,237 and 3/4ths. Um, Athena, that’s not what’s important right now. What about the Renegades? What about them? Billie has an idea! Next week, Athena & Billie VS The Renegades in a tag team match!

Athena says no no no no no. Billie does not think. Athena does the thinking, Athena does the fighting, that is why Athena is the champion! Bestie, tell her! Uh… What Athena says goes. Good. They’ll talk about this later, but chop chop, Minion, you’re driving her to the mall! Billie says she’s not a minion! But she still follows Athena anyway. But Billie put it out there, will management decide to team them up against Robyn & Charlette?


Trish Adora VS Lady Frost!

The Afro-Punk looks to fire up towards the title, but the Coolest Wrestler You’ll Ever Meet wants to end the heatwave. Will Adora march right up the rankings? Or will Frost put her and the rest of this division on ice?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Adora wrenches to wristlock, but Frost uses ropes to flip through and she wrenches back. Adora wrenches back, suplexes, but Frost turns it to a cradle! TWO, and Adora storms up. Frost wrenches, arm-drags to a cover, ONE! Adora Oklahoma Rolls, ONE! Both women go for facelocks but Adora hits the takedown to a cover, ONE! The two stand off and fans cheer. They approach, Frost waistlocks but Adora switches to then ripcord and whip. Frost goes up and over and handsprings, then comes back, but into only buckles! Adora RONDHOUSES, then snapmares.

Adora has Frost’s arms and stands over her for a deep motorcycle stretch. Then Adora doe the splits to sit on Frost for an even deeper motorcycle stretch! Fans cheer as Adora bounces on Frost, then turns her over to another kind of cradle, TWO! Frost goes to the apron and Adora shrugs. Adora asks what’s up, then runs in. She avoids the shoulder to KNEE Frost down! Adora then runs side to side but Frost avoids the dropkick! Adora tumbles out of the ring, but she sees Frost on the apron. Frost handsprings over the sweep, but Adora blocks the kick! Adora throws Frost but Frost flips through! And then CANNONBALLS to take Adora down!

Fans fire up with Frost and she shows she can twerk! Frost puts Adora in the ring, covers, TWO! Frost keeps cool and she storms up on Adora. Adora ROCKS Frost, then POLISH HAMMERS! And BACKHANDS! And BOOTS! Then CROSSBODIES! Fans fire up with Adora and she brings Frost up. BASEMENT GERMAN! Bridging cover, TWO! Frost escapes but Adora storms back up on her. Adora drags Frost up, reels her in, and hoists her up onto the top rope, for a LONDON TOWER! Cover, TWO!! Frost survives and Adora grows frustrated. Fans rally behind Adora as she pumps up that arm.

Adora aims at Frost as she rises, but Frost ducks the lariat to roll Adora up! Cover, TWO! Frost spins, SCREW HIGH KICK! Adora flops down, Frost puts her in a drop zone! Frost goes up, fans fire up, FROSTBITE! Cover, Frost wins!

Winner: Lady Frost, by pinfall

Adora tried to melt Frost but ended up with a cold snap! Frost shows Adora respect with the Code of Honor, will Frost prove she is worthy of bringing this cold to the gold?


Backstage interview with Kiera Hogan.

Lexi says Kiera has had quite a run in both AEW and ROH, but it would seem she was watching Frost during that match. Does she want to say something to her? Kiera says Lexi is right, she has had a good run in AEW and ROH, including multiple matches with ROH Women’s World Champion, Athena. Which in their last match, a Street Fight, she held her own, though ultimately losing. So she’s gonna put it to Lady Frost like this. When you put fire against ice, fire always comes out on top. And The Hottest Flame plans on putting that icy b*tch in her place. And that’s all, PERIODT! Kiera heads out, is she going to blaze a trail to the top?


Leyla Hirsch VS Rachael Ellering!

The First Lady of Wrestling said this was Leyla’s opportunity to prove herself against some legit competition and Leyla is all for it. But will winning here mean anything towards Leyla joining The Kingdom’s army? Or will this just be Leyla stepping up and over another opponent on her way to the top?

The Code of Honor is not upheld as Leyla kicks Rachael’s hand away. The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Rachael headlocks, but Leyla powers out and trips her up at the same time! Then waistlock and gator roll, the two fight up, and Rachael switches out to scoop and SLAM! Fans fire up, Rachael runs to SENTON! Rachael drags Leyla up to CHOP her! And CHOP again! And again! MACHINE GUN CHOPS, then Rachael runs, btu Leyla dodges! Leyla slips around, sunset flips, but Rachael rolls through, and Leyla KICKS the arm! Leyla wrenches and WRINGS that arm, then she boots Rachael down.

Leyla grabs the arm to SLAM it on the mat, and then again! Leyla drops elbows on the arm, then looms over Rachael. Rachael sits up, Leyla KICKS the arm again! Leyla grabs at the arm, CLUBS it, hammerlocks it, then RAMS Rachael right into buckles! Leyla drags Rachael out to a FUJIWARA, but Rachael clasps hands! Fans rally, Rachael rolls this to a cover, TWO! Leyla holds onto the arm, still wants the Fujiwara, but Rachael resists. Leyla settles on just a standard armlock to grind that shoulder, but fans rally up. Rachael fights up, rolls, but that puts her in the LEGIT ARMBAR!! Rachael hurries to push through to a stack! ONE as Leyla shifts!

Rachael deadlifts Leyla, but Leyla lets go! Rachael still WRINGS Leyla out, and SLIDING BOOTS! Fans fire up and Rachael goes to a corner. Leyla runs in, but Rachael BOOTS her away! Rachael runs to UPPERCUT Leyla down! And then she THROWS Leyla down! Rachael drags Leyla up, fisherman’, AOI SHODOU!! Cover, TWO!! Leyla survives and fans rally up for Rachael. Rachael shakes out the bad arm, grimaces as she drags Leyla up, and she CHOPS! And CHOPS! But Leyla CLUBS Rachael back! Rachael ROCKS Leyla, whips her corner to corner, but Leyla goes up and over and piggybacks for a SLEEPER!

Rachael fights but the bad arm makes that tricky! Leyla turns this into an IRON OCTOPUS!! Rachael fries free, throws Leyla away, but Leyla comes back! Into a SCRAPBUSTER! Cover, TWO into ghost pin! TWO!! LEGIT ARMBAR!! Rachael taps, Leyla wins!

Winner: Leyla Hirsch, by submission

Rachael gave Leyla a fight, but Leyla still found a way to win! She is LEGIT, but is she going to stand with The Kingdom? Or will she stand on her own when she takes that women’s title?


Dalton Castle w/ “The Baby Chicks” VS “Pretty” Peter Avalon!

The Peacock saw his Boys put up a valiant effort against Samoa Joe, and technically Stokely, too… But now, Castle is in action to prove he is the uncrowned and rightful king of wrestling television! Will this get ugly for Pretty Peter?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings and the two circle. Castle says he’s gonna set the ring on fire! Fans fire up for that, but Avalon tries to calm Castle down with a swivel of the hops. But Castle gets in his face and says you don’t do that! Do that again and he’ll rip your face off! Avalon is taken aback, but the two tie up. They clinch, Castle puts Avalon in a corner, and then he lets off. Avalon shoves Castle, so Castle shoots in to waistlock and SLAM! Fans fire up as Castle waistlocks again. Castle squeezes tight with a bearhug but Avalon fights up. Avalon RAMS Castle into buckles, the ref counts, and the two let off. But Avalon gets a cheap shot in!

Avalon and Castle reset, Castle ankle picks to a gator roll to a rear mount. Avalon fights up, switches, headlocks, goes up the corner, TORNADO TAKEOVER! But Castle rolls it to get free, only for Avalon to DROPKICK Castle! Fans fire up, Avalon runs in, but Castle Alabama Lifts! Avalon kicks free to avoid Bangarang, then he BOOTS Castle away! Avalon runs in, but Castle clinches to T-BONE SUPLEX! Fans fire up and Castle runs to JUMP KNEE in the corner! Clothesline, whip and Alabama Lift! BANGARANG! Cover, Castle wins!

Winner: Dalton Castle, by pinfall

Castle says you wanna collude against him, ignore him? He’s the greatest thing ROH has! He’ll win so many Emmys and break so many hearts! Will Castle return to the ROH World Television Championship and dethrone Samoa Joe?


Backstage interview with Shane Taylor.

Speaking of the ROH World Television Championship, Lexi is with the #1 Contender and says that last week, he won the Contender Eliminator Tournament. How does he feel going into this match-up? Shane says it’s been six years. Six years that Shane was the man in ROH. The most dominant ROH TV Champion of all time. The most dominant ROH World Six Man Champion of all time, as CEO and captain of the most dominant crew of all time, Shane Taylor Promotions. Is she seeing the pattern here? Yes, she sees it.

Shane continues to say that no matter what he did to establish himself here, all anyone wanted to talk about was the old guard. Claudio, Danielson, Punk, Joe! Now, there was nothing he could do about it back then, because he couldn’t fight them then. But he can fight them all now. Signed, sealed and delivered, Samoa Joe VS Shane Taylor for the ROH World TV Championship! A fight that not only has the crowd hyped, but even the pros! Shane tells Joe that he better worried. Shane isn’t gonna try and pin Joe, or submit Joe. He’s gonna beat him down and knock him out! Shane puts Joe to sleep, takes back HIS ROH World TV Championship and back to making HIS history and solidifying HIS legacy, getting back to being Big Bad Shane T, the baddest man you’ve ever seen.

Shane has said all he needs to say, will his fists do the rest of the talking when he finally gets to throw down with Samoa Joe?


Tony Nese w/ Ari Daivari VS Metalik!

The Premier Athlete said he’d get his moment tonight, but he still has a match scheduled with the King of Ropes. Daivari hands the mic over and Nese tells North Carolina that normally, he likes to start things off with a joke to loosen things up, but he saw the statistics of this state, looking at their physical health, and there is nothing funny about it. In fact, it’s rather disgusting. It seems they’d rather eat their cookout or drink their terrible wine instead of actually putting something healthy like a vegetable int heir mouths! Fans cheer that, and Nese tells them that since he is a personal trainer, and every time he tries this, he gets interrupted, he had Sterling take care of things.

Nese now has the assurance of ROH management that tonight, we are finally going to have a GROUP TRAINING SESSION! Everyone, stand up on your feet! Stand up, you fat people, and start stretching! Reach up as high as you can! Let those armpits breath! But then someone walks out saying, “Tony. Tony, Tony, Tony.” Jerry Lynn is back! And he says that while he has no idea what that ambulance chaser, Mark Sterling, has told Tony, but Tony doesn’t just get to cancel matches and ruining our nights with a bogus cash grab. Tony Khan is fed up with it, too, so here is someone Nese should be familiar with. A blast from the past, so to speak.

The King of the Ropes makes his entrance and fans fire up! It’s time to see who is the better wrestler under 205, live!

The Code of Honor is not upheld as Nese just refuses. The bell rings, the two tie up, and Nese headlocks. Metalik throws body shots, powers out, but Nese runs him over! Nese does jumping jacks, Daivari joins in, and Nese kicks Metalik around. Things speed up, Metalik hurdles, Nese leaps over, then Metalik ducks ‘n’ dodges and handspring arm-drags! Fans fire up, Metalik runs in but Nese dodges. Metalik BOOTS back, goes up to BOOT again, then tightrope walks to FLYING ARM-DRAG! Fans fire up as Nese bails out! Fans rally, Metalik builds speed, and he fakes Nese out with the handspring!

Metalik flexes on Nese and fans cheer but Nese tells them to shut up. Metalik does jumping jacks, Nese runs in but Metalik dodges to mule kick! Nese sputters, Metalik eggs him on, then Metalik runs. But Nese distracts the ref and Daivari hooks Metalik’s foot! Nese then runs in to slide and trip Metalik! Then drags him out to dump on the floor! Fans boo but Daivari applauds. Nese drags Metalik up, puts him in, and stomps him around. Nese looms over Metalik, stomps him more, then mocks the fans who keep jeering. Nese drags Metalik up but Metalik fires body shots! Nese knees low, whips, but Metalik sunset flips!

Nese rolls through, SOBAT! Cover, TWO! Metalik is tougher than that but Nese is still frustrated. Nese drags Metalik up to put him on the top rope, and then in a Tree of Woe. Nese soaks up the heat, goes corner to corner, but then sits down to do AB CRUNCH KICKS! Fans boo, Daivari does his best ab crunches on the apron, and Nese lets off. He says that’s how you get the eight pack. Nese dumps Metalik down out of the Tree, and then he steps on Metalik. Cocky cover, TWO! Nese stomps Metalik again, then puts on the body scissor squeeze! Metalik endures, but Nese CHOPS him! Fans rally, Metalik fights around, and throws elbows!

Nese lets Metalik go but then goes to a rear bearhug! Metalik endures again, fights up to his feet, and fans rally as Metalik throws elbows. Metalik CHOPS, but Nese throws him out! Metalik GAMANGIRIS Nese, BOOTS Daivari, then jumps over Nese’s slide to ASAI MOONSAULT at the ramp! Both men are down and fans fire up! Metalik holds his foot, the spot that hit Nese right in the head. Nese crawls over and drags himself into the ring. Metalik hobbles up to the apron, goes up the corner, and Metalik CROSSBODIES! Metalik bounces off the cover, but he counter punches and CHOPS! Metalik whips, Nese reverses and runs in, into a BOOT!

Metalik runs, SLING-DOG! Fans fire up, Metalik goes up and along the ropes, to MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Metalik is a bit surprised, but he drags Nese up. Metalik fireman’s carries, but Nese fights free! Nese waistlocks, Metalik throws elbows! Metalik roars, runs, but Nese ROCKS him with a left! Nese reels Metalik in, to SITOUT POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Metalik survives and fans fire up! Nese drags Metalik up, fireman’s carries, but Metalik fights with elbows again! Metalik puts Nese in a corner, Nese blocks a boto and schoolboys Metalik into buckles! Metalik is down. Nese runs side to side, but Metalik is up?! SUPERKICK!!

Fireman’s carry, METALIK DRIVER!! Cover, METALIK WINS!!

Winner: Metalik, by pinfall

grand win for Metalik, and he humbles the Premier Athlete here tonight! But will Metalik bring the fiesta to the champions of ROH? Will Nese give up on group training to focus on wrestling?

My Thoughts:

A pretty good episode of ROH here, though a rather bloated two hours and 14 minutes. All good matches but quite a few unadvertised ones that were honestly filler. Gravity VS Gringo Loco, Gates of Agony VS Sydal & Daniels, Madison Rayne VS Dani Mo, and the Six Man of Moriarty & Workhorsemen VS Johnson, Action & Darius. Though, I suppose Madison returning to ROH is the point of that one, as was the “getting back on track” nature of Gates of Agony winning. I do appreciate that they made Adora VS Frost into something a bit more meaningful with Kiera Hogan calling out Frost. I’m honestly surprised we haven’t gotten Kiera VS Frost before this, and that should be a good match.

A little surprised at what was the main event, too. Nese VS Metalik was really good stuff, given their history from WWE 205 Live and NXT, but again, Nese having a backstage promo was redundant when he says the same stuff in front of the fans. And also, left hand not knowing what right hand doing, they spoiled Metalik’s appearance by giving us the match graphic when it was supposed to be treated as a surprise. I really hope Nese stops with the group training gag, it isn’t going to go anywhere, and his character is even self-aware that people show up just to interrupt it. We got a great look at Woods being serious again in that really good Pure Rules match with Silas, maybe we get something like that from Daivari & Nese next.

Good Six Man of Dark Order squashing those jobbers, and it ended up meaning something when Stu Grayson showed up to apparently show his approval. But, didn’t we get that in the post Death Before Dishonor promo? What really needs to happen next is the Dark Order actually getting new members since they’re supposed to be looking to rebuild their numbers. Heck, The Kingdom is adding as Maria is recruiting to this “army” she mentioned. She’s got Cole Karter hook, line and sinker after he had a good win over Griff. And Leyla had a good match with Rachael Ellering, but I feel like Leyla’s gonna be defiant about joining up in any capacity, even if Maria were to somehow get her a title match.

And speaking of the title, great stuff from Athena, Billie and the Renegades. Athena is definitely being some kinda two-faced with making Billie into a “minion.” It could be a case of “keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.” Athena knows Billie is good, but instead of making her an enemy and having multiple matches with her a la Willow Nightingale and Kiera Hogan, she’ll keep Billie under her thumb by pretending she’s taking Billie under her wing. But at the same time, the tag match idea felt like the right move. Billie & Athena will surely win, and then we’ll see if Athena VS Billie happens for some important episode down the line.

For that matter, same should happen for Samoa Joe VS Shane Taylor. Great promo from Shane, he is going to have a great match with Joe, but probably after we get past All In and All Out in the next few weeks. Dalton Castle VS Peter Avalon was also good, and not really filler since Castle called out Joe again. And while Joe & Stokely VS The Boys was of course going to go Joe’s way, it was pretty funny how Stokely actually got into the action. It wasn’t necessarily a strong match so I can see why it wasn’t the main event, but c’mon, it’s still Samoa Joe, and it helps create synergy between ROH and AEW.

Claudio had a really good promo of his own, though it felt maybe a line or two longer than it needed to. He probably could’ve trimmed it down around the “it frightens me” part, saving some of those other good lines he used for another promo later. I do wonder who they have planned for his next challenge as he made it seem like he’s moved past Eddie Kingston for now. Even though clearly he hasn’t because that’s what All In is setting up with the 6v6 Stadium Stampede match.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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