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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (8/18/23)

On this day…!



Edge celebrates his 25th WWE Anniversary on FIGHT NIGHT!

For the first time ever, The Rated R Superstar takes on Sheamus in a 1v1 match! Will Edge truly be celebrating on this, his 25th Anniversary in WWE?


  • WWE United States Championship #1 Contender’s Match: LA Knight VS Austin Theory; Theory wins and will challenge Rey Mysterio for the title.
  • Damage CTRL w/ Dakota Kai VS Charlotte Flair & Bianca Belair; Charlotte & Bianca win.
  • The Street Profits VS The Good Brothers w/ Mia Yim; The Profits win.
  • Edge VS Sheamus; Edge wins.


SmackDown opens with the Grayson Waller Effect!

The Aussie Icon, the Dynamite from Down Under, the Moment Maker is already in the ring and on set, and he welcomes us to his show in Toronto, celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Edge! Waller can’t wait until later tonight when Edge says thanks to Waller for making him relevant again. Okay, calm down, Beth. Waller loves hot moms. But enough about Edge, we’ll hear about him tonight plenty. But first, let’s get to who is getting the Waller rub! Welcome Santos Escobar, and the NEW WWE United States Champion, Rey Mysterio! Fans fire up as The LWO’s leading men make their way out to the ring.

Rey holds up the title belt and Escobar walks as best he can in that heavy knee brace, and the two head to the ring. They join Waller at his desk, and Waller says Rey is a legend and a Hall of Famer still making moments. How is he feeling? Rey thanks Waller for that, and he thanks the fans for cheering him on. Rey has to admit, it feels great to be US Champion once again. Oh, Waller can imagine it feels incredible. Right, Santos? Santos can imagine it. Hah, funny. But what Austin Theory did was try to cook up a plan, but one that Santos and Rey ruined. Oh, so they worked together. Are they co-champions?

No, but it doesn’t matter who won it. The fact is, the US title is with the L W O! Okay, okay. Waller is just confused. He thought there’d be tension since Rey stole that opporutnity. Rey didn’t steal anything! Waller paints a picture here: Santos, on the roll of his life, takes on some of the biggest stars week after week- Escobar says Waller included. Well, yes. And he beat Rey, too! But when it was Santos’ big night, his own mentor not only stole the opportunity, he- Rey again defends he didn’t steal anything! Waller says this is what legends do, right? It wasn’t enough that Rey had it once before, he wanted it again! Rey’s reluctant to pass the torch!

Escobar keeps Rey calm as Waller says Rey hordes it all. Escobar then tells Waller to callete, aka shut up! Escobar says, “Excuse me, perro,” but the only person Escobar is livid with is that “lowlife good-for-nothing Austin Theory.” Waller gets that. Santos gave Rey his blessing because he has the utmost respect, which Waller has none, for the man, the myth, the legend, his mentor, Rey Mysterio! Fans cheer that and Escobar makes sure Waller hears it. Escobar says Waller’s play isn’t gonna work on familia. Now, Theory got what he deserved! And hear Escobar out. Once he is fully healed…

Wait, here comes Austin Theory. Waller claims this isn’t on him. Fans boo as Theory makes his way to the ring. He has a mic to say “congratulations” to Rey on becoming a three-time US Champion. That’s great and all, but where’s the Father of the Year award? Who’s even running this show?! What happened last week was a tragedy! Theory got played! Escobar and his one leg wasn’t man enough to step up to the GREATEST US Champion! Fans boo more but Theory tells them to shut up. Theory says Rey was not supposed to have that match! Pearce is gonna hand Theory back what is rightfully his!

Fans boo as Theory shouts for Adam Pearce, and he says he is not playing around. But Pearce says he figured this would happen. No one wants to hear Theory complain tonight! Wait, LA KNIGHT is here! Fans are thunderous for the Mega Star as he struts past Pearce, and he says, “LEMME TALK TO YA!” Knight says that he did NOT just hear Theory say he is the greatest US Champion of all time. Theory says he DID just say that! Well if Knight recalls, Theory once in three months defended his title, and what’d he do? He fumbled the ball! Here’s an idea. Theory is talking about what he deserves, Knight congratulates Rey on the win.

But it doesn’t matter who’s the champion, whether Theory, Rey or Escobar, some time or another, that title’s coming home with Knight! So Theory talks about being the greatest, but Knight hasn’t tasted that gold. But what he did was go through 20 other men at the SummerSlam Battle Royal, so it ain’t gonna be a problem going through Theory! So what he sees is Theory is dressed to fight, Knight’s dressed to fight, so here’s a little something. Rey is there with the US Championship and Knight thinks to himself, what if it was for a shot at the title? Theory VS Knight, YEAH! Fans like it, and Pearce thinks it over.

Fans chant for “L A KNIGHT! L A KNIGHT!” and Pearce can’t argue with that. In fact, the only thing that makes it better is to do it right now! YEA!H That means that cross-eyed halfwit has a first class ticket to a BFT! With everybody saying “L! A! KNIGHT!” YEAH! Knight moves Waller’s ferns aside, will he also toss Theory aside to get after the gold?

WWE United States Championship #1 Contender’s Match: LA Knight VS Austin Theory!

SmackDown returns and THE MIZ shows up? The Hollywood A-Lister teased he might show up here, and so he has! The Miz has beef with Knight after the SummerSlam Battle Royal, is he looking to settle things tonight?

The bell rings and Theory goes right after a distracted Knight! Fans boo but Theory RAMS into Knight, then throws elbows and stomps! Theory lets off, but he ROCKS Knight and throws point blank lariats! Miz joins commentary as Theory hits a FALL AWAY SLAM! Theory storms up on Knight and Miz denies he is jealous of Knight, because Knight has not had all the titles in WWE like Miz has. Theory stomps and whips corner to corner, but Knight comes back to LARIAT! Fans fire up, Knight suplexes high and hard, then he goes up a corner. Fans spell it out, “YEAH!” and Knight elbow drops! Cover, TWO!

Knight drags Theory up, whips him to ropes, but Theory kicks him away! But Knight still gets Theory for a POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Knight stalks Theory to a corner as fans fire up even more. But then Theory YANKS Knight out of the ring! Theory goes out but Knight kicks him low! Theory hits back, SMACKS Knight off the apron, and Miz cheers as Theory throws hands. Theory smacks Knight off the barriers, mocks LA Knight’s mannerisms, then CLUBS him. Theory puts Knight in the ring then kicks him back out. Fans fire up as Knight hits Theory and SMACKS him off the desk! And he does it again and again and again!

Miz talks trash on Knight but the fans “YEAH!” every time! Miz says Knight is just a catchphrase but Knight says Miz better watch himself. But then theory dropkicks Knight! Knight blocks the bump to SMACK Theory off the desk again! Knight glares at Miz, brings theory around, and THROWS him into Miz!! Fans fire up as The Now and the A-Lister both fall over! Knight has control as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Theory has a chinlock, but Knight fights up. Knight throws hands, runs, then runs Theory over! Things keep moving, Knight sunset flips, TWO! Theory staggers to the corner, Knight runs in but Theory drop toeholds him into buckles! Theory then somersault SHOTGUNS Knight down! Cover, TWO! Miz says he’s still here, despite what happened. Theory stalks Knight, has a wristlock then stomps him. Theory drags Knight up to short arm LARIAT! Miz says he’s gonna be the reason SmackDown gets big ratings but Michael Cole says those will be about Edge.

Theory aims, slingshots in, but Knight catches him for a BIG back suplex! Fans fire up as both men are down! Knight and Theory go to corners, stand up, and Theory run sin, Knight throws counter punches! Knight whips corner to corner, Theory bounces off buckles, so Knight whips him into more buckles! And more buckles! And hits a JUMPING NECKBREAKER! Fans fire up and Knight stands Theory up again. Theory swings, but into a RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Knight runs to BASEMENT BOOT! Cover, TWO! Knight stalks Theory to a corner, and starts stomping a mudhole in! Fans chant “YEAH!” with each one!

The ref reprimands and counts, Knight lets off and then runs corner to corner, to KNEE Theory down! Fans fire up as Theory sputters up. Knight waits, reels him in, but Theory slips out of the back suplex! Theory CHOP BLOCKS, then ROCKS Knight with a left! Theory calls his shot, fireman’s carries, but Knight slips free! Knight shoves, scoops, and SLAMS! Fans fire up with Knight but Miz gets on the apron! Knight runs him off and fans boo. Theory runs up, but Knight kicks him for a BIG DDT!! Knights then chases after Miz! Miz slides into the ring. swings but misses, and Knight clotheslines Miz up and out!

Fans fire up but Theory rolls Knight up! With tights! Theory wins!!

Winner: Austin Theory, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contender to the WWE United States Championship)

Knight is upset because he knows he should’ve known better. Will Knight make sure Miz gets all the spotlight he wants when he comes for revenge?


Superstars speak on Edge’s anniversary.

“Edge! This is your archnemesis, John Cena, saying congratulations on 25 years in the WWE. We are amazed by your professional dedication and passion.” Sheamus says that from the day he walked in the WWE, Edge has been nothing but a mentor and someone he’s looked up to. Edge is a legend, and a friend. Natalya says Edge is one of the best to ever do it, and is only getting better. She thanks him for being such a dear friend to her. The Miz says that before he was awesome, Edge reeked of awesomeness. Congratulations!

Charlotte Flair was 21 when she was in the front row to see Edge VS Ric Flair in a ladder match. That was one of her most memorable experiences, and now she’s here in her own wrestling gear, wishing him a happy 25th. Sami Zayn says it is a true testament to the kind of person Adam Copeland is when people speak more about who he is as a person rather than how he’s done it all in the WWE. So Edge, Adam, thank you for being you. Thank you for inspiring us all.


WWE looks back at 25 years of Edge.

They have footage from a Canadian talk show where a young, mullet-sporting Adam Copeland asked Bret Hart how to crack into the business. Bret told him to get experience, and just never say never. “Embrace the Edge.” Booker T says that from the beginning, it was clear Edge was a major star. Paul Heyman says even Edge will tell you, that he lives to perform. The Brood, the E & C Connection, the first ever TLC match, the five second poses, winning tag titles, playing on kazoos. Mick Foley says Edge was the perfect mix of athlete and showman. Edge mocking Flair, The Rock, Kurt Angle, and taking the fight to them, too.

Stone Cold says Edge has always tried to give fans more. Cena admits to being in awe watching Edge. The Undertaker knew Edge was someone willing to risk it all to entertain the fans. Becoming the first Mr. Money in the Bank, the first ever cash-in, becoming “The Rated R Superstar,” the Hardcore match with Mick Foley and that burning table! Creating Rated RKO with Randy Orton, winning the Royal Rumble, facing The Undertaker at WrestleMania, and then… His forced retirement 11 years ago.

Edge himself says, “If someone took away the thing that you loved the most, and after that, you started a beautiful family, you did all of these things, but someone dangles that carrot of ending it the way you want to, how many people are gonna say no?” His return at Royal Rumble 2020, creating The Judgment Day and everything that came with that. Batista says Edge is the rockstar of WWE. Everyone loves doing the Edge entrance with the rock ‘n’ roll fingers. Hulk Hogan says Edge has left a mark on this business. He created a masterpiece fans will look back on forever. #ThankYouEdge.


Damage CTRL w/ Dakota Kai VS Charlotte Flair & Bianca Belair!

Just last week, The Role Model and the NEW WWE Women’s Champion took the fight to former champion, Asuka, and The Queen, Charlotte Flair. The EST returns to get back in the ring and to get back at DMG CTRL, will Belair & Flair be able to take them down? Or will DMG CTRL still be in control?

As DMG CTRL makes their entrance, Bayley has a mic to say now now, turn the music down because they have something beautiful for you! Even though the Toronto “dum-dums “aren’t worthy, they will be graced with a champion! She knows they aren’t used to seeing those, either! Bayley introduces the Evil Genius of the Sky, the one and only IYO SKY! Iyo makes her entrance now, and the trio continues down to the ring. Will Iyo & Bayley continue the momentum from the SummerSlam cash-in? We find out, after the break.

SmackDown returns and Bianca makes her entrance first, followed by Charlotte. The teams sort out and Bayley starts against Bianca. Fans rally up, the two circle, and Bayley wants that bad leg. Bianca stays back but Bayley still shoots in. Bianca waistlocks but Bayley stomps the bad foot! Takedown and cover, ONE! Bianca kips up, that leg is fine now. Fans rally and the two go again. Bianca waistlocks, SLAMS, and keeps on Bayley. Bianca headlocks, Bayley fights up, and fans sing. Bayley powers out, Bianca goes up and over then RAMS into Bayley! Bianca reels Bayley in to snap suplex! Bianca kips up again and fans cheer.

Bianca stalks Bayley to the corner, tags in Charlotte, and the two mug Bayley as fans “WOO~!” The ref counts as Charlotte stomps a mudhole. Charlotte bumps Bayley off buckles, then CHOPS her off her feet! Fans “WOO~!” again and Charlotte tells Iyo that she sees her. Charlotte whips but Bayley sunset flips! Charlotte rolls through to BASEMENT BOOT! Charlotte drags Bayley up, scoops her, but Bayley slips off to throw Charlotte by her hair! Bayley tells fans to shut up about Charlotte, and then tags in Iyo. DMG CTRL mugs Charlotte, Iyo CHOPS like a Flair! But then Charlotte BOOTS Iyo, ELBOWS Bayley and CHOPS Iyo!

Fans fire up, Charlotte SPLASHES Iyo in the corner! Then throws her to the apron! Charlotte runs up to BOOT Iyo down! Fans fire up as Charlotte goes to the apron, and she CANNONBALLS Bayley & Iyo down! Toronto fires up for The Queen while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Bayley has Charlotte in a chinlock. Fans rally and “WOO~” and Charlotte fights up. Charlotte throws body shots but Bayley knees low. Bayley whips Charlotte to a corner, runs in, but into a BACKBREAKER and BUCKLE SHOT! Fans fire up as Charlotte goes up! But Bayley ROCKS Charlotte first! Bayley TOSSES Charlotte down, then covers, TWO! Bayley points to Iyo then tags her in. DMG CTRL mugs Charlotte, Dakota says that was chef’s kiss quality. Iyo clamps on a headlock and she grinds Charlotte, but Charlotte fights up. Fans rally, Charlotte back suplexes, but Iyo slips free!

Iyo shoves, ducks ‘n’ dodges, then tilt-o-whirls to LA MYSTICA! CROSSFACE!! Charlotte flails, reaches out, powers up and arm-drags free! Iyo stays between her and Bianca, then sunset flips! But Charlotte rolls through! Iyo kicks low, reels Charlotte in and underhooks, but Charlotte fights the lift! Charlotte back drops Iyo away! Fans fire up as both women crawl! Bayley says don’t tag, attack! Iyo changes course and she BLASTS Bianca! Iyo drags Charlotte up, and CHOPS her! Charlotte crawls, Bayley directs traffic and Iyo stands Charlotte up. Iyo whips, Charlotte holds ropes but Iyo DROPKICKS her down! Cover, TWO!

Iyo keeps on Charlotte but Charlotte FLAPJACK HOTSHOTS her down! Charlotte and Iyo crawl, now Bayley wants the tag! But Bianca tags in first! The EST rallies on Iyo with big shoulders and a DROPKICK! Then a spin and facelock, for a stalling suplex, before the SLAM! Bianca kips up and fans fire up! Bianca runs in and RAMS Iyo, then goes up to rain down fists! Fans count along and Bianca goes to TEN! Bayley runs in, Bianca flips up and over! Then scoop and BACKBREAKER! Iyo runs in, into a SPINEBUSTER! Then Bianca HANDSPRING MOONSAULTS but only gets Bayley! Iyo dropkicks the bad leg!

Fans rally, Bayley calls to Iyo now, and Iyo drags Bianca all the way over. Tag to Bayley and she takes that bad leg, to DDT the foot! Cover, ONE!! Bianca is hanging tough but Bayley drags Bianca up by her ponytail! Th ref reprimands, Bianca fights, kicks free, and then turns Bayley, but Sky runs in! Bianca kicks her, NECKBREAKER DDT COMBO! Fans are thunderous as Bianca crawls past Bayley & Iyo, hot tag to Charlotte! Charlotte goes up to DOUBLE CROSSBODY! Fans fire up and Charlotte CHOPS Iyo! And CHOPS Bayley! CHOPS back and forth! Then an EXPLODER on Iyo! Bayley runs in, Charlotte dodges and scoops, FALL AWAY SLAM!

Fans are thunderous again as Charlotte handsprings corner to corner to LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Bayley survives but fans rally as Charlotte goes up again. But Bayley SHOVES Charlotte down! Bad landing against barriers and Charlotte clutches her foot! Bayley WRECKS Bianca with a dropkick, then distracts the ref so Iyo can stomp away on Charlotte! Bayley goes out after Charlotte, puts her in, then covers, TWO! Charlotte is still in this but Bayley drags her to a drop zone! Tag to Iyo and she goes up top! OVER THE MOON- NO, Charlotte manages to move! But a SHOTEI rocks Charlotte!

Fans fire up as Iyo runs in, but Charlotte moves and Iyo POSTS herself! Bayley tags in, has the bad leg, lets out a “WOO~!” but Charlotte DECKS her for it! Tag to Bianca! Bayley dodges Bianca but Charlotte BOOTS her! Bayley staggers back into a torture rack! KISS OF DEATH!! Cover, Belair & Flair win!

Winners: Charlotte Flair & Bianca Belair, by pinfall

Charlotte has a bit of a bloody nose, but she smiles through it as she and The EST just took down DMG CTRL! Will one or both of them be heading towards a title opportunity in the near future?


More superstars send messages to Edge.

Cody Rhodes says that Edge has had an incredible run. AJ Styles says Edge is an inspiration. Dolph Ziggler says thank you, and Bobby Lashley thanks Edge for all the memories. Bayley congratulates Edge, as does Ricochet. Cody recalls when Edge learned about the condition of his neck, and that Edge still went overseas with the others, Cody being among them. Edge still made sure that all those fans got to see him, even though he couldn’t compete. You can count on only so many hands how many people are special like Edge.

Kevin Owens says that he had a list of people, if he ever got to WWE, he would want to wrestle. Edge was one of them, and he can’t put into words how much it meant to him to have Edge back. Becky Lynch thanks Edge for looking out for her and the whole roster. He is a hell of a leader and a hell of a man. Rey Mysterio says Edge knows how much he loves him. Happy 25th Anniversary! Kurt Angle congratulates Edge on making it to 25 years. He is definitely one of the greatest of all time. Oh it’s true, it’s damn true.


Backstage interview with Bianca Belair.

Cathy Kelley is with the EST to talk about how DMG CTRL has been a thorn in her side again. But was tonight any sense of payback- OH NO! Bayley SMACKS Bianca in the back with a chair!! And then Iyo RAMS her into road cases! The braid gets trapped by the lid! Bayley CLUBS away on Bianca, gets her braid free, and says that’s what she gets! Iyo CHOKES Bianca with the chair, and Bayley puts another around Bianca’s leg! Bayley holds Bianca down so Iyo can CON-CHAIR-TO the leg!!! A very Edge-esque move tonight, is Bianca going to be out of action because of this?


The Street Profits VS The Good Brothers w/ Mia Yim!

Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins not only have a new wardrobe of suits and slacks, they have new ring gear! Will they make Bobby Lashley proud with a win here tonight? Or will Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows make Toronto just too sweet?

SmackDown returns as The OC make their entrance. The teams sort out, Ford starts against Big LG, and he fires off fast hands! But Gallows YAKUZA KICKS! Gallows HAMMERS away on Ford, puts him in a corner, and he throws heavy body shots! Then an UPPERCUT! Tag to Anderson and the Good Brothers double whip Ford, for a SPLASH in the corner, and a JUMP KICK! Cover, TWO! Anderson keeps on Ford as he UPPERCUTS and CHOPS! Anderson runs, but Ford follows then LARIATS! Fans fire up as Ford tags in Dawkins and they get Anderson up to mug him! They hammer away, stomp away, and the ref counts!

Ford lets off, Dawkins drags Anderson up and whips him to a corner. Dawkins runs in but Anderson BOOTS him away! Anderson CHOPS, ROCKS and then runs up, but Dawkins catches him for a half nelson FALLA WAY SLAM! Dawkins DECKS Gallows for good measure! Tag to Anderson, SILENCER on the Machine Gun! Ford goes up, FROM THE HEAVENS!! Cover, Gallows breaks it! Dawkins runs in, Gallows UPPERCUTS, but Dawkins TOSSES Gallows! Ford tags Dawkins back in, then Dawkins Electric Chair Lifts Anderson. Anderson slips free, Ford leaps over as Anderson POSTS Dawkins! SPIENBUTSESR for Ford!

Tag to Gallows and the Good Brothers get Dawkins up. BACK SUPLEX NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Tag back to Anderson, they drag Dawkins up to MAGIC- NO, Dawkins BOOTS free! And dodges Gallows! ENZIGJURI is enough to rock Gallows, and Ford clotheslines Gallows up and out! Anderson whips, Ford doges and FLIES to take Gallows out! Dawkins whips Anderson but Anderson SHOTGUN BOOTS! Ford sneaks a tag, Anderson whips Dawkins. Dawkins reverses, SKY HIGH NECKBREAKER!! Cover, The Profits win!

Winners: The Street Profits, by pinfall

New look, new attitude, and a new finisher even! And then Bobby Lashley makes his way out on stage to celebrate with them! Will this new chapter for the Profits be the mightiest one yet?


Backstage interview with Paul Heyman.

Kayla Braxton hopes for an update on the current state of The Bloodline. Heyman says no. Well, alright. What about the headspace of Roman Reigns? Kayla has been hearing rumors- Oh, rumors? Rumors? Kayla is coming at Heyman, about rumors? What rumors does she have? Something about Roman Reigns’ cousin, Jey Uso? The Jey Uso that abandoned the WWE Universe? That quit? The Jey Uso that quit the Bloodline, quit SmackDown and quit the WWE? Or maybe passing rumors about Roman’s family? What about Kayla’s family, huh? Let’s talk about those rumors. How’s her mom? Is she good? Heard from her lately? Heyman’s heard rUmOrS~!

Heyman’s heard stuff about her dad, too! Been on a daddy-daughter date lately? Have a nice time? Or maybe her cousins? But no, she doesn’t wanna talk about those. She wants to talk about the Tribal Chief. She’s not even coming to him to ask about Edge! The celebration of 25 years! How about Austin Theory and his victory over this “wannabe flash int he pan,” L A KNIGHT. No no no. She can’t ask about that. She wants to ask about… Heyman says “As they say in Quebec, which is a real province.” Actually, what do they say? A call comes in on Heyman’s phone and he says oh no, nothing’s going on, just an interview on live television.

Heyman’s snark stops as whoever it is tells him something. Really? Well, thank- Hello? They hung up. Well, bye to you, too. Kayla asks if he cares to share this with us. Why yes he does. And it’s not a rumor, it’s a fact that this is a spoiler: Jimmy Uso will be live here on SmackDown next week! Care to share the source? Oh, he’d “love” to share that. But even Heyman wouldn’t dare. The Special Counsel heads out, what happens when the Last Uso Standing returns to SmackDown?


Edge VS Sheamus!

The Rated R Superstar owes much of his 25 years to SmackDown, and he owes the Celtic Warrior for inspiring his return! But in their very first 1v1 showdown, will Edge “thank” Sheamus by defeating him on FIGHT NIGHT?

SmackDown returns and Toronto goes wild as Edge makes his entrance! He hugs wife, Beth Phoenix, and his daughters in the front row, then high-fives the rest of the front row before getting in the ring. The fans are already thunderous as he stands there across from Sheamus. The bell rings, the two shake hands, and they circle. Fans fire up, the two tie up, move around, but are rather even. Edge headlocks, Sheamus powers out, but Edge runs Sheamus over! Fans fire up again while Sheamus stands up. They circle again, tie up, and Sheamus wrenches to a headlock. Edge powers out, but Sheamus runs him over now!

Edge shakes that off, fans chant “This is Awesome!” already as the two tie up again. Edge whips and KNEES Sheamus against ropes, then whips again. Sheamus wrenches, clinches, and hits an IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! Fans boo The Fella as he stands over The Rated R Superstar, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Edge throws body shots on Sheamus! Then he throws a forearm! Edge runs, ducks ‘n dodges, and manages to springboard for a back elbow! Both men are down, fans rally and Edge goes to ropes. Edge rallies with big clotheslines, then an EDGE-O-MATIC! Cover, TWO! Edge stands and snarls as he brings Sheamus in. Sheamus shoves Edge away, runs in, but Edge dumps him to the apron! Edge then slides under, to POWERBOMB Sheamus to the floor! Fans lose their minds, the ring count starts, and Edge brings Sheamus back up. Edge puts Sheamus in, then climbs a corner.

Fans rally for Edge as he aims at Sheamus, and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Sheamus is still in this but Edge crawls over to keep on him. Fans rally, Edge steps through the legs, but Sheamus kicks Edge away hard! Fans boo, both men stand, and Sheamus scoops to POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Edge is hanging tough now and he rolls to the ropes. Sheamus storms over that way as Edge crawls to the apron. Fans rally, Sheamus drags Edge up, and Sheamus has Edge against the ropes! Fans boo but here come the BEATS OF THE- NO, Edge blocks the first one! Edge fires haymakers and fans count along with that! Edge gets TEN!

Edge steps in, has the arms wrapped around the ropes, and he throws knees! The ref counts but fans count along, too! Edge stops at five knees and Sheamus flops down. Edge runs to then SPEAR Sheamus off the apron! Fans fire up and even The Glamazon is loving this as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns once again and Sheamus has Edge in the CLOVERLEAF! Edge reaches out and fans fire up, but Sheamus drags him away from the ropes! Sheamus sits deep on the hold but Edge still endures. Fans rally even harder, and Edge fights his way onto his side, so he can CLUB away on Sheamus’ legs! Sheamus lets go of the hold, and then Edge CLUBS Sheamus down into a facelock! Sheamus fights but Edge powers him down for the CROSSFACE! Sheamus endures now, reaches out, powers his way over, and has the ROPEBREAK! Fans boo and Edge lets go more out of exhaustion than anything.

Fans rally up as Edge and Sheamus crawl. Sheamus goes to a corner, Edge stands, and Edge runs in, but into BOOTS! Edge is down, and Sheamus skins the cat to the top rope! Sheamus steadies himself, but Edge hurries to BOOT him! Edge then hurries up after Sheamus, brings him to the very top, SUPER DUPER PLEX!! And then a roll through?! To an IMPALER!! Cover, TWO!!! Sheamus survives the Edge-o-cution and fans are thunderous! They tell Edge, “You Still Got It!” and Edge goes up the corner! But Sheamus BOOTS Edge in return! Edge is stuck up top, Sheamus goes up after him, but Edge throws hands!

Sheamus ROCKS Edge and throws body shots! Sheamus goes up, fireman’s carries, and hits a SUPER WHITE NOISE!! But Sheamus isn’t done there, he hauls Edge up to a crucifix! CELTIC CROSS!! Cover, TWO!!! Edge survives and the fans are electric! Sheamus is shocked, and he watches Edge flounder his way to the apron. Sheamus drags Edge up, has him against ropes, and fans boo as the BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN start! Sheamus goes all the way to TEN! Edge wobbles. Beth and the girls look worried, but Edge flips Sheamus off! So Sheamus ROCKS Edge, for MORE BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN!

Sheamus goes past ten, all the way to TWENTY! Edge flops back down and fans boo but Sheamus soaks it all up. Sheamus says Edge asked for this and he warned him about it. But then Edge SLAPS Sheamus! Sheamus staggers, snarls, but then Edge LARIATS him down! Fans fire up again and Edge has a wild look in his eyes! Fans are electric again as Edge goes to the corner! Edge takes aim as he has so many times before! But Sheamus KNEES Edge first! Then BROGUES!!! Cover, TWO!?!?! Edge survives and Beth is almost in tears from shock! Fans boo as Sheamus says thumbs down, and he aims from the corner now.

Sheamus runs in, but Edge avoid the Brogue to roll Sheamus up! TWO, and SPEAR!!! Cover, TWO!?!?! No one can believe it, but both men have survived the other’s best shot! Edge crawls his way back to a corner, as does Sheamus. Fans chant “This is Awesome!” as both men stand. Edge runs in again, to SPEAR!!!! Cover, EDGE WINS!!

Winner: Edge, by pinfall

Toronto erupts as their hometown hero finds a way to win! And of course, Edge gets his pyro! It’s a standing ovation for The Rated R Superstar, and he even hugs it out with Sheamus! Edge has made it 25 years in the WWE, but is it 25 years and counting?

My Thoughts:

A great SmackDown, especially with all the love shown to Edge. Great bits and pieces of messages to Edge put together, and just a great career retrospective on his 25 years. Edge VS Sheamus was an awesome main event, and they were busting out stuff I didn’t think they would. Of course Edge wins, and of course Toronto loved it. It sounds like tonight was Edge’s last match under contract, so it is totally up to him if he renews the contract or at least makes a deal to do something at WrestleMania 40. He checked off an opponent he hadn’t faced yet in Sheamus, not sure what Edge would do for a retirement match now.

This was one of the first SmackDown in years where there was little done with The Bloodline. However, Heyman still gives us a great promo, and he teases Jimmy returning, so we’ll be getting another big step in the story next week. And of course, something has to lead to Jey coming back, even though he kayfabe quit. Great tag match from Profits VS Good Brothers, pretty good new gear for the Profits though teal/aqua isn’t really the best color to me. That Sky High Neckbreaker combo is a great finisher, too. Lashley, Ford & Dawkins need to officially come up with a name for the trio so we can start saying “[that trio] is gonna take over SmackDown,” because they should.

Really good tag match from Flair & Belair getting one over on DMG CTRL, and pretty wild backstage ambush from DMG CTRL on Bianca. I would think this leads to a match at Payback since Cathy said the word “payback.” But at the same time, that con-chair-to to the knee could be used to keep Bianca away, she returns closer to Fastlane in October, maybe even joins Lashley & Profits cuz she and Ford are married. Plus, Asuka can step back into this story, Shotzi still needs her blowoff with Bayley, and it’ll come down to either Charlotte, Asuka or both going after Iyo Sky for the title.

Pretty good Grayson Waller Effect, and of course Santos picks up on Waller trying to drive a wedge between him and Rey over how the US Championship situation went. Theory and Knight getting in on the segment was also good, and it turning into a #1 contender’s match was a good move. Miz showing up to be why Theory wins was fine, too, as Knight VS Miz is the clear path for this next part. Plus, there’s a chance that during Rey VS Theory, Escobar gets involved. And then, whether Escobar costs Rey or actually helps him win, maybe there really can be tension between them. The former is obvious, Escobar apologizes but he really is glad Rey lost since Escobar wants to be champion.

In the latter, Rey can get upset that he didn’t wanna win by bending the rules and Escobar doesn’t understand why. Sure, that comes off a little like a rehash of the Judgment Day dysfunction between Finn and Priest, but it can still work since they’d actually be winning.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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