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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (9/7/23)

Enter the Proving Ground!



ROH Wrestling 2023

Big Shotty tugs at the Swiss Superman’s cape!

The champions of ROH are put to the test! Claudio Castagnoli takes on Lee Johnson in a Proving Grounds match while Athena defends the ROH Women’s World Championship against Allysin Kay!


  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena w/ Billie Starkz VS Allysin Kay; Athena wins and retains the title.
  • Tony Nese w/ Mark Sterling VS Silas Young; Nese wins.
  • Spanish Announce Project w/ Luther VS Adam Priest & Schaff; SAP wins.
  • Skye Blue & Willow Nightingale VS The Renegade Sisters; Skye & Willow win.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Proving Ground: The Mogul Embassy VS Griff Garrison, Metalik & Gravity; The Mogul Embassy wins and deny Griff, Metalik & Gravity a title match.
  • Kiera Hogan VS Leila Grey; Kiera wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Willie Mack & The Infantry VS Davey Bang, August Matthews & JAH-C; Mack & The Infantry win.
  • Leyla Hirsch VS Lady Frost; Leyla wins.
  • Eddie Kingston & Katsuyori Shibata VS Blake Christian & Gringo Loco; Eddie & Shibata win.
  • ROH World Championship Proving Ground Match: Claudio Castagnoli w/ Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Johnson; Claudio wins and denies Johnson a title match.
  • The Iron Savages w/ Jacked Jameson VS Wren Jones & Kaleb Konley; The Iron Savages win.
  • 8 Man Tag: Action Andretti, Darius Martin & Best Friends VS The Workhorsemen & The Outrunners; Action, Darius & Best Friends win.


ROH shares an interview from after AEW All Out.

Lexi Nair was with Athena and Billie Starkz, and asks what happened out there. Athena asks back, “What do you think happened? Billie screwed up! We had a match on Zero Hour, and what were you supposed to do, minion?” Billie thinks, and then says, “Cheer!” Athena says no, Billie was supposed to help Athena’s team win at all costs! So when Willow Nightingale POUNCED Athena into the railing, Billie should’ve helped “Diabla!” But Billie was helping Athena. No, no, no, Athena is not a child, she is the Forever Champion! She doesn’t need help! So…! Athena says Billie is an idiot! She is, Lexi, she is an idiot!

Allysin Kay storms in and asks if Billie is really gonna stand there and take that. Athena asks, “Who is you, porcelain?” Allysin tells Athena not to play like that, she knows who this is. So why don’t you pick on someone… Well, not her own size, as Allysin is taller. But someone of her caliber. If Athena wants a fight, fight Allysin! Billie says yeah! The ROH Women’s World Champ can take her! Athena says no, that is not how this works. Allysin is a porcelain hussy, who faces the other porcelain hussies to earn her way to a title match. So whatever pedestal Allysin came off of, it is not the one on Athena’s show.

Well, Allysin just wanted a plain old fight but they’re the ones making it about the title. Let’s just make it for the title! Nah, Athena’s head, neck and back- Billie asks if Athena is scared. Allysin says the “minion” has a point. Athena tells everyone to stop. But fine. Athena will give Allysin her match for the title on Athena’s show. Billie is excited, but Athena tells Allysin that when she beats the brakes off her, Athena does not wanna see Allysin on her show ever again. Let’s roll out, fam! Athena and Billie head out, Lexi tells Allysin way to go. Allysin says that was easier than she thought. But then Athena snatches “bestie” Lexi away. Will Allysin snatch the title away from Athena?


ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena w/ Billie Starkz VS Allysin Kay!

Why wait for this high stakes battle? Tonight opens with the Fallen Goddess taking on the ROH icon who is looking to bring her career full circle. Will Athena keep her Forever Reign going to 37-0? Or will she see AK don’t play?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see how long forever really is!

The Code of Honor is upheld though barely, and the bell rings. The fans rally up, Athena and Allysin circle, and Athena hears all her fans cheer. She hops up onto a corner to say hi to them, then she resets with Allysin. They approach but Athena ROCKS Allysin! Athena cheers herself on but Allysin storms up to pull Athena’s hair! Athena slips through to arm-drag and kip up, and cheer herself on again. Athena runs up but Allysin sidesteps then scoops! Allysin hits a FALL AWAY SLAM! Then she whips Athena to a corner, scoops her and hits a SIDEWALK SLAM! Athena staggers up, into a BOOT! Cover, ONE!!

Athena bails out and Billie asks if she’s okay. Allysin waits on Athena, the ring count climbs, but then Allysin goes out. Allysin says there’s no timeouts here. Allysin storms up but Athena uses Billie as a shield. Billie says hold on, calm down, she’s the nice one! Allysin tells Billie to get out of the way but it’s all Athena as she sneaks around to RAM Allysin into railing! Athena scowls and Billie is a bit horrified. Athena tells Billie to do her job and then slides into the ring. Athena distracts the ref, and Billie is hesitant to attack Allysin. Billie looks around, Athena can see she hasn’t done anything and is upset.

Allysin gets in the ring, Athena throws her down! And CLUBS her, too! Athena stomps a mudhole in the corner, the ref counts, but Athena tells him to leave her alone! Athena storms back to Allysin but Allysin kicks her! Athena drags Allysin up but Allysin puts her in the corner now, to CHOP! And CHOP! And then bump her off buckles! Allysin fires off forearms, but Athena turns things around to ROCK Allysin! Fans rally, Athena whips corner to corner and then runs in, but Allysin ELBOWS! Athena UPPERCUTS! Athena snapmares and KICKS Allysin in the back! “This is MY show!” Fans fire up with Athena as she looms over Allysin.

Athena drags Allysin up, brings her through ropes, and then CLUBS away on her! Athena counts, fans join in, and Athena goes all the way to nine, then winds up to KNEE Allysin down! Athena and Billie cheer, and Athena makes sure Billie keeps track of this stuff. Yeah, that was ten total. Athena drags Allysin up, fireman’s carries, but Allysin hits a crucifix takedown! TWO, roll-up! TWO, and Allysin runs, but into a fireman’s carry! WASTELAND SLAM! Cover, TWO! Allysin toughs it out and Athena grows frustrated. Athena drags Allysin around to rain down fists! The ref reprimands the ground ‘n’ pound but fans fire up!

Athena tells the ref to back off, then she drags Allysin into a STRETCH PLUM! Allysin endures, fights up, and fans rally as Athena shifts to a standard chinlock. Allysin fights up but Athena throws her down by her hair! The ref reprimands but fans rally behind Athena. Athena mocks “pinkies up,” but Allysin ROCKS her! Athena gets mad, runs in, but into a FLAPJACK off buckles! Allysin whips Athena to ropes, and LARIATS her down! Athena staggers back up and Allysin ELBOWS her down! And then wrench and wrench and NECKBREAKER! Fans fire up and Allysin whips Athena again. POP-UP, SKY HIGH!! Cover, TWO!!

Athena is still in this, this is why she’s 36-0! Fans rally and Allysin gets her own eyelashes out of her eye. She storms up on Athena but Athena YANKS her into buckles! And roll up, with tights! TWO!! Allysin kicks low, reels Athena in, AK47!! Then ANKLE LOCK!! Athena endures, reaches out, crawls her way over as Billie calls to her, but Athena wants her to push the ropes closer? Billie doesn’t wanna bend the rules, but now Allysin bends that leg!! Athena powers through to kick with her free leg! Athena is free, but Allysin gets both legs. Allysin YANKS Athena from ropes but Athena lands on her feet! And ROLLING ELBOWS!

Both women are down and fans fire up! Athena goes to a corner and she climbs up. Allysin stands, and ROCKS Athena first! Allysin climbs up, CLUBS away on Athena’s back, then lifts, but Athena fights the superplex! Athena throws body shots, then SUPER GOURD BUSTERS Allysin! Allysin staggers up, into the O FACE!! Cover, Athena wins!

Winner: Athena, by pinfall (still ROH Women’s World Champion)

Billie celebrates Athena pulling out the win all on her own! Athena hobbles but she holds the title up, now 37-0! Athena then calls Billie in, and Billie thinks she wants a high-five. No, Athena wants Billie to smash Allysin off the title belt! Fans are torn, but Billie says no, she doesn’t want to do that. So Athena SMASHES Allysin! Athena says BILLIE messed up! But Athena won! How did Billie do something wrong? Will Billie find a way to break away from the Fallen Goddess?


Tony Nese w/ Mark Sterling VS Silas Young!

If anyone can understand The Premier Athlete’s desire for a more physically fit audience, it’s surely the Last Real Man in Professional Wrestling, right? Sterling of course asks the fans to quiet down, and stop thinking about the mush on a plate with cheese and grease that Chicago calls “deep dish pizza,” because Nese here has something to say. Nese tells Chicago that it was almost three months ago that Nese was in this very ring, in this very building, and he gave them all the greatest advice they were ever given: get in shape! And when he found out they were coming back, he was so excited to see what they’d all done with that advice.

It’s all about progress, and so Nese spoke with ROH management, and finally tonight, we see what Chicago’s got! We’re all gonna do GROUP TRAINING! Stand up! Stretch! Reach for the sky! Get it? Oh, okay, starting to smell. Arms down. Now, let’s see how athletic they are! Jog in place! C’mon! What even is this? Stop, stop, this is just sad. the problem is that none of them can keep up with Nese’s training. To be honest, there is not a single MAN in this crowd! In fact, aside from Nese- WAIT! The Last Real Man makes his way out! Maybe he prioritizes how you conduct yourself over how you look! Will he whoop Nese’s ego into shape here tonight?

The Code of Honor is upheld, but Nese is talking trash the entire time. Nese then takes a swing, but Silas dodges! The bell rings, Silas fires haymakers and CHOPS! Nese gets away to a corner, then he YANKS Silas into the corner to fire body shots! Nese bumps Silas off buckles then fires up! “I’M the real man!” Fans boo but Silas CHOPS Nese back! Silas ROCKS Nese, CHOPS him again, then brings him around to whip to ropes. Nese reverses but Silas holds ropes to then toss Nese out, and triangle jump LARIAT! Fans fire up as Nese falls to the floor! Silas goes out after Nese and says it’s time to see who’s a real man now!

Nese tumbles over steps as he tries to get away. Sterling distracts Silas but backs down as Silas shows punch, and Nese POSTS Silas! Nese hammerlocks Silas’s arm and RAMS him into the apron! Then Nese puts Silas in the ring, stomps him, and talks trash to Chicago as he stomps Silas against ropes. The ref reprimands, Nese lets off, but Sterling pulls the bad arm! Silas breaks free but Sterling still gets away. Nese soaks up the heat, he brings Silas up but Silas throws hands and CHOPS! Nese knees low! And CLUBS Silas, then CLUBS away on that arm! HOTSHOT to the arm! Nese then hurries up the corner to MISSILE DROPKICK!

Silas writhes, Nese covers, TWO! Nese keeps on Silas’s arm, and drops a leg right on the shoulder! And again! Fans boo but Nese clamps onto the arm and steps over for a mounted armlock. Silas endures, fans rally up, and Silas fights to his feet. Nese wrenches but double wristlocks! Silas fights that with a knee! And another knee! And another! Nese lets go, Silas hits a back suplex but Nese lands on his feet! Nese waistlocks but Silas switches, and Silas shoves Nese to a corner. Silas runs in, Nese gets around and rolls Silas up! Silas rolls through but Nese SOBAT- NO! Silas blocks the kick and LARIATS Nese down!

Fans fire up for Silas but Sterling shouts to Nese to get up. Silas shakes out the bad arm as Nese goes to the ropes. Silas runs in but Nese tosses Silas to the apron! Nese gets that bad arm but now Silas HOTSHOTS! Silas gets back up, and he slingshots for the DOUBLE STOMP! And then DOUBLE STOMPS again, and again! Fans fire up as Silas runs to SENTON! Cover, TWO! Into a ghost pin! TWO, and Silas watches Nese! Fireman’s carry, but Nese slips free to yank the arm! Fireman’s carry, but Silas slips free to O’Conner Roll! TWO, and Silas is sent into the POST! Nese runs side to side, PREMIER KNEE!! Cover, Nese wins!

Winner: Tony Nese, by pinfall

Sterling celebrates with his client for finding a way to beat the Last Real Man! Sterling gives Silas his card, and Nese shows Silas respect with the Code of Honor. But will Nese learn to show some respect to fans?


Backstage interview with Dalton Castle.

Lexi is with The Peacock but points out he looks flustered. Castle says yes, he is exhausted! He has this goal, but there’s all these roadblocks, and it’s just so, so… Well, flustered is a great word, Lexi, that’s what’s going on. This smorgasbord of problems is preventing him from doing what he wants to do, and that is to do this for the fans! Does Lexi know what a smorgasbord is? She thinks. Well, he doesn’t mean charcuterie, or a hodge-podge. There’s a hummus ball of Samoa Joe, a gurken pickle of Stokely Hathaway, and they’re all colluding to impede what Castle is doing. And his Boys are sweet but they’re a handful to take care of!

And it’s so hard when people keep putting their hands all over The Boys! Castle takes a chug of water, and Lexi says he at least has a great looking new T-shirt for sale. Castle says he can’t even be happy about that, though, because all these distractions! He needs to EAT this smorgasbord of problems and put them in his belly! So what’s he gonna start with? He doesn’t know! He just doesn’t know! Well, flustered, bamboozled and distracted, will Castle be able to make it to the gold he wants?


Spanish Announce Project w/ Luther VS Adam Priest & Schaff!

Almost back to full power here, Angelico & Serpentico are getting back in action on behalf of SAP, looking to build their win streak to a whopping 3-0! Will the South African Stud and SNAKEMAN keep things rolling? Or will something get lost in translation?

The teams sort out and Angelico starts with Priest. They shake hands for the Code of Honor and the bell rings. Fans chant for “S A P!” Angelico and Priest tie up, Angelico wrenches an arm, but Priest rolls to wrench back. Priest wrenches again, wristlocks, but Angelico spins, slips through and has a standing armlock to a wrench and wristlock. Priest goes for a leg but Angelico twists the wrist. Priest goes after Angelico’s arm, wrenches and wristlocks, but Angelico slips around, spins Priest around, and then wrenches from another angle to arm-drag! Priest comes back but Angelico catches him to wrench and cording hold! Angelico gets both arms even!

Serpentico takes in, he and Angelico double wrench to double whip, then trip and ELBOW Priest down! Fans fire up as Serpentico wrenches but Priest knees low! Tag to Schaff and he CHOPS Serpentico down! Serpentico goes to a corner, Schaff ROCKS him, then goes corner to corner. SPLASH, and then Schaff stomps a mudhole in! The ref counts, Schaff lets off, but he goes corner to corner again to CANNONBALL! Schaff drags Serpentico up to suplex, hold, and TOSS! Fans fire up, Schaff SENTONS! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up as Serpentico goes to the corner, and Schaff runs in, only for Serpentico to move!

Schaff bounces off buckles, he staggers after Serpentico and back suplexes, but Serpentico lands on his feet! Serpentico BOOTS Schaff away, and then BOOTS him again! Schaff comes back but the senton misses! Hot tag to Angelico! Fans fire up as Angelico rallies on Schaff with LARIATS! UPPERCUT for Priest, but Schaff full nelsons. Angelico arm-drags free then BOOTS Schaff down! Fans fire up and Angelico aims. Schaff jumps the sweep but the EDDY GORDO KICK lands! Angelico then gets Schaff’s legs and ties them up, for the NAVARRO DEATHLOCK! Serpentico catches Priest to a GROUND COBRA TWIST! Schaff taps, SAP wins!

Winners: Spanish Announce Project, by submission

And the streak continues! SAP shows respect to Schaff & Priest, will they be vibing their way up to the ROH World Tag Team Championships?


Backstage interview with Kiera Hogan.

Lexi is with the fiery young star, and brings up her match with Leila Grey tonight. They used to be best baddies together, so is there any tension here? Kiera says to be honest, she and Leila didn’t have a problem. But if you want it, you can get it, though. Make sure you ready cuz she gives it, boo. But it doesn’t matter if it’s Leila Grey, Lady Frost, or any single woman in this locker room, and they’ll see why Kiera’s the hottest. If you can’t handle the heat, get up out the kitchen. And that’s all, PERIODT.


Skye Blue & Willow Nightingale VS The Renegade Sisters!

Chicago’s Own is back in action, and once again alongside the Babe with the Power. They’ve been a winning combination as of late, but can they keep it going and beat these sisters? Or will Robyn & Charlette show Illinois what Ohio’s all about?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the teams sort out, and fans rally up as Skye starts against Charlette. They circle, Charlette & Robyn are annoyed by the chants for Skye, and the two tie up. Charlette headlocks, grinds the hold, but Skye powers out, only for Charlette to run her over! Charlette mocks the fans but Skye kips up! Fans fire up and Skye trips Charlette. Things speed up, Skye cartwheels over to then SHOTGUN! Cover, TWO! Skye keeps on Charlette, tags in Willow, and Willow runs in to clothesline Charlette! Feed to a SWINGING NECKBREAKER, and Willow adds a SENTON! Cover, TWO!

Willow drags Charlette up to headlock, she tags Skye back in, and Skye boots Charlette! Skye runs, hops on, but Charlette shrugs Skye off to kick low! Charlette whips, Skye reverses but Robyn tags in. Charlette gets around Skye to waistlock but Skye switches. Charlette uses that to bring Skye into a GAMANGIRI from Robyn! Charlette LARIATS, and Robyn rains down shots! “This your girl!? This is Skye Blue?!” Fans boo but Robyn bumps Skye off buckles. Tag to Charlette and Robyn sends her in to back body block! Robyn runs in to add DOUBLE KNEES! Feed to Charlette for a FISHERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!

Charlette was great but not quite perfect, so she clamps onto Skye with a chinlock. Fans rally as Skye endures, and Skye fights up. Skye throws body shots but Charlette CLUBS her down! Charlette steps over to mockingly hold Skye’s arm out, then she brings Skye around to bump off buckles. Tag to Robyn, the sisters go side to side, and they show double boot but Skye puts up the guard! The Renegades wait it out, and then they stomp Skye down! Fans boo but Robyn covers, only to let up? Robyn says no no, Skye isn’t getting off that easy. Fireman’s carry, but Skye fights free! Skye ELBOWS Charlette, but Robyn catches her!

Robyn tosses Skye away, Skye dodges her to hot tag Willow! Fans fire up as Willow rallies on the Renegades! Willow CLOBBERS Charlette again and again, CHOPS and ROCKS, but Robyn storms up. Willow whips her away, runs and POOOOUNCE! PERIOD!! Charlette runs up, but into a SPINEBUSTER! High stack, TWO! The Renegades survive but Willow hauls Charlette up. Fireman’s carry, but Charlette fights free to waistlock. Willow switches, Charlette fights with elbows, JAWBREAKER and a tag to Robyn! Robyn runs, Renegades DOUBLE ROLLING ELBOW! Cover, TWO!! And Skye SUPERKICKS Charlette!

Skye TOSSES Charlette out, Robyn drags Willow up, but Willow powers out to RAM Robyn into the corner! Tag to Skye, and Willow hits a DEATH VALLEY DRIVER on Robyn! Skye runs up and hops on, CODE BLUE!! Cover, Skye & Willow win!

Winners: Skye Blue & Willow Nightingale, by pinfall

#NightSkye keeps on winning, they’re on a roll! But will they be heading for gold in the near future?


ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Proving Ground: The Mogul Embassy VS Griff Garrison, Metalik & Gravity!

Speaking of titles, Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona keep holding onto these titles, but the competition is getting closer and closer. Will the Ivy League MVP, the King of the Ropes, and the Astronaut of Lucha earn themselves a shot? Or will The Machine & The Gates of Agony slam the doors shut up them?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the trios sort out, and Griff starts against Kaun. The two circle, Griff avoids an early takedown, but then they tie up. Kaun headlocks, Griff powers out but Kaun runs him over! Things speed up, Griff hurdles but Kaun shoves him. Kaun hurdles, drops, and CLOBBERS Griff! Kaun drags Griff up, brings him over, and tags Liona. But Griff fights back with forearms and elbows! But Kaun hits a BACKSTABBER, and feeds Griff to a BELLY2BELLY! Liona snarls as he stalks Griff to ropes, and then CHOKES him! The ref counts, Liona lets off at 4, and Nana creeps over.

Liona tags to Cage, they double whip Griff to ropes, and then DOUBLE FLAPJACK! Cage flexes while fans are torn. Gravity y Metalik call to Griff but Cage ROCKS Griff to ropes. Cage stands Griff up to CHOP! Nana says this is what they do to skinny blondies! Cage whips, but Griff KIKCKS back! Griff runs, but into an UPPERCUT! Cage suplexes, Griff slips free and BOOTS! Cage goes down! Hot tag to Gravity! Gravity runs in to slip around, but Cage swings the crucifix, only for Gravity to cradle counter! TWO, and Cage swings! Gravity dodges, handsprings, but into a waistlock! GERMAN SUPLEX, but Gravity lands on his feet!

Gravity SUPERKICKS, tilt-o-whirls, and rolls Cage to then ENZIGURI! Cage leans on ropes and fans fire up. Gravity runs, but Cage LARIATS him down! But Metalik tags in! CROSSBODY! Metalik takes Cage down, GAMANGIRIS Liona and DECKS Kaun! Metalik ROCKS Cage, CHOPS, and then flexes on him. Metalik whips, Cage reverses but Metalik handsprings! Cage gets clear, kicks low and whips Metalik to a corner, but Metalik BOOTS back! Metalik runs up to SLING-DOG! Cage flounders, fans fire up and Metalik goes up and along the ropes, MISSILE DROPKICK! Fans fire up m ore as Metalik goes up the corner!

Metalik aims, tightrope walks, and he SWANTONS! Cover, Kaun breaks it! Gravity SUPER PUNCHES Kaun! Kaun puts Gravity on the apron and HOTSHOTS Gravity down! Griff ROLLING ELBOWS Kaun! Fans fire up with Griff and he runs corner to corner, STINGER- NO, he hits only buckles, then Liona POUNCES him out of the ring!! Metalik CHOPS Kaun, CHOPS Liona, repeat! Cage is up, Metalik runs into a SUPERKICK! ROCK-A-BYE- NO!! Metalik slips out of the cradling! Metalik SUPERKICKS Liona, swings on Kaun but is put into a full nelson! Cage helps hoist Metalik up and Liona is up top! HAMMOCK SPLASH BOMB!! Cover, The Embassy wins!

Winners: The Mogul Embassy, by pinfall (denies Griff, Metalik & Gravity a title opportunity)

Just when it seems like these monsters were being figured out, they level up! Will anyone ever stop these three from dominating the ROH Trios Division?


Kiera Hogan VS Leila Grey!

As she said earlier tonight, Kiera will take on anyone and show them they’re not as hot. Will she heat up her win streak by taking down her former baddie in arms? Or will Leila show us why she’s the Last Baddie Standing?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings and the two circle. Fans rally, the two tie up, and Kiera headlocks. Leila pulls tights to put Kiera in the corner! The ref counts, Leila lets off and they both argue their case to the ref. Kiera and Leila reset and tie up, and Kiera wrenches the arm to headlock again. Leila pulls hair and tights and whatever else she can grab! Leila puts Kiera in the corner again, the ref reprimands and Leila lets off, to ROCK Kiera with a sucker punch! Leila grins, shrugs, and then whips Kiera corner to corner. Leila runs in but Kiera goes up and over, things speed up, and Kiera slides under to then KNEE Leila down!

Leila goes to ropes, Kiera runs in to HIP ATTACK! Kiera YANKS the rope to jam Leila up, then STEP-UP LEG DROP! Cover, TWO! Leila goes to a corner, Kiera eggs her on and Leila says to chill out. But then Leila YANKS Kiera into the buckles! Leila stomps away, the ref has her back off. Leila says alright, fine. Leila drags Kiera up, whips her to ropes, and KNEES her low! Leila mocks Kiera’s pain, says “This is how Baddies do it, baby.” Leila ROCKS Kiera, TOSSES her across the way, then runs in to basement dropkick! Kiera flops against ropes, and Leila BRONCO BUSTERS! The ref counts and Leila lets off.

Leila stalks Kiera, drags her up, but fans duel as Leila CHOPS! Kiera goes to a corner, Leila CHOPS her again! Leila says one more, but Kiera CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Kiera whips, Leila reverses, and Leila BACK ELBOWS Kiera down! Leila soaks up the cheers and jeers, then kicks Kiera around. Leila stalks Kiera, runs in at the corner, but Kiera moves! Leila stops herself, comes back, spins Kiera and fireman’s carries, DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, TWO! Kiera hangs in there and fans rally up. Leila pushes Kiera around, toys with her, and swings, but Kiera counter punches! And again! Kiera fires off forearms and fans fire up!

Leila shoves Kiera. Kiera dodges and CLOBBERS Leila! Kiera fires up, rallies with more forearms, and then SHOTGUNS Leila down! Kiera runs in at the corner, HIP ATTACK! Kiera goes side to side, BOOT WASH! Kiera pushes Leila to a cover, TWO!! Leila is hanging tough and Kiera grows frustrated. Fans rally behind Kiera and she storms up on Leila. Kiera runs, but Leila SPEARS! Cover, TWO!! Kiera survives and Leila is furious! Leila storms around, grabs her little hand fan, and she folds it up so it’s solid. She swings, misses, and Kiera SUPERKICKS! The ref catches the hand fan as it goes flying!

Kiera reels Leila in, says that’s all, PERIODT! FISHERMAN SCREW! Bridging cover, Kiera wins!

Winner: Kiera Hogan, by pinfall

Kiera made Leila #FaceTheMusic, and Kiera’s on top! Will this fire burn even hotter though the Summer is over?


Backstage interview with Maria Kanellis-Bennett.

Lexi is with the First Lady of Wrestling, and brings up the opportunity Maria said she was offering Griff Garrison. Can she tell us more about that? Maria says the opportunity she thinks she’ll explain to Griff in person first. But she loves creating opportunities for younger wrestlers, and this particular opportunity is to protect the legacy. The legacy built by her Kingdom- Wait, Cole Karter all but pushes Griff on set and proudly proclaims he found Griff for Maria. Also, he’s wearing a “I ♥ Hot Moms” shirt… Yes, thank you, Karter… Hi, Griff. How you feeling? Not so good. Yeah, she saw the match, and the loss.

But Maria still believes Griff has so much raw potential. Karter echoes “Raw potential!” Maria says that’s only if Griff is surrounded by the right people. So she wants Griff to know The Kingdom are the right people. Just think about that, okay? Yeah, just think about it, Griff. Karter follows Maria out, what will Griff choose to do with his future?


Six Man Tag: Willie Mack & The Infantry w/ Trish Adora VS Davey Bang, August Matthews & JAH-C!

Not only is it the Return of the Mack, it’s the return of Captain Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo to active duty! Will this trio march their way into the Trios Division?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the trios sort out, and Carlie starts against Jah-C. They circle, fans rally up, and the two tie up. Carlie wrenches to a wristlock, then headlocks. Jah powers out but Carlie runs him over! Carlie wrenches and wrenches and tags in Dean. They double whip, Jah reverses and kicks, but Dean blocks to hand that off to Carlie, so then Dean can go around and ENZIGURI! Carlie then slips around to JUMP NECKBREAKER! Jah scrambles away, tag to August. Fans fire up as Dean points to Mack. Tag to Mack and fans rally up as Mack circles with one half of Team Bangin’. Mack swaggers up and eggs August on.

August goes for a leg but he can’t throw Mack over! Mack whips, drops, hurdles and rolls back. August leaps over but Mack HIP TOSSES hard! Mack then redirects August to GAMANGIRI! Cover, TWO! August scrambles away, tag to Bang. Mack tags Dean, Dean gets around Bang and JAB! JAB! JAB! Dean then spins and DECKS Bang! Fans fire up as Dean runs in to BIG BACK ELBOW Bang! Tag to Carlie, he runs in to juke and DECK Bang! Tag to Mack, feed to a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Bang survives but Mack says okay. Mack drags Bang up, says he’s gonna bang this bro, and he gets Bang up in a Canadian Rack.

Jah & August save Bang but Mack staggers into a tag. Jah, Bang & August regroup, but run into TRIPLE SUPERKICKS! Mack clears out Jah and August, and then Dean wrenches Bang. Carlie runs and the Infantry hit BOOT CAMP! Cover, Mack & Infantry win!

Winners: Willie Mack & The Infantry, by pinfall

Trish Adora celebrates with her boys, and Carlie is excited for this trio. Will they stick together to storm the Gates of Agony?


Backstage interview with Lee Johnson.

Lexi is with Big Shotty and brings up his ROH World Championship Proving Ground match. If Lee beats Claudio, he has a future world title match. That sounds great to Lee. Lee is back and hungry and feeling healthy! He feels like he can conquer any obstacle put in his way. “Claudio, tonight, you are that obstacle. And baby, I’ma shoot it to you straight like this. I am not here to take part, I am here to take over! So tonight, all I need is one shot.” Will Lee be able to bring down the Swiss Superman with that shot?


Leyla Hirsch VS Lady Frost!

ROH continues to be LEGIT with Leyla storming up the ranks, but she just ran into a cold front! Will Leyla still keep the win streak hot? Or will she fail to break the Coolest Wrestler You’ll Ever Meet?

The Code of Honor is not upheld as Leyla kicks the hand away! The bell rings, the two tie up and fans fire up as they go around. They break, tie up again, and go around again. They break again, and circle. Fans rally, the two tie up, and Frost powers Leyla back but Leyla turns it around. Frost fights out of the corner but Leyla arm-drags. Frost holds onto the collar ‘n’ elbow, and the two go around again. Frost drags Leyla down but Leyla drags Frost down. They stand, Leyla puts Frost in a corner but Frost goes up. Leyla arm-drags Frost away! The two reset, Frost gets around to waistlock but Leyla bucks the O’Conner, only for Frost to run her over!

Fans fire up and Frost runs. Frost jumps over Leyla’s dropdown, rolls back but into a KICK! Leyla drags Frost around, stomps the arm, and then drops knees on the elbow! Maria appears on stage, and Karter follows like the lovesick puppy dog he is, as Leyla is still Maria’s number one prospect. Frost endures as Leyla drops elbows on the elbow, then stomps the arm again! Leyla drags Frost around, then KICKS the bad arm! The ref reprimands, Leyla argues with him, but Frost rolls her up! TWO, and Leyla knees low! Leyla whips Frost to a corner, runs in and FOREARM SMASH! Leyla sits Frost down, runs and SWINGING DROPKICKS! Cover, TWO!

Frost is hanging in there but Leyla clamps onto that bad arm! Frost resists the Fujiwara but Leyla taunts her and rubs her forearm in Frost’s face. Maria likes what she sees but fans rally up. Frost fights to her feet, but Leyla wrangles her right back down! Frost endures, fights up again, but Maria smirks as Leyla still has control. Frost ROCKS Leyla, but Leyla gets that bad arm to WRING it! But Frost rolls through! Frost rallies on Leyla with elbows and clotheslines! Frost then dodges to kick a leg out, but Leyla ducks the buzzsaw! But the HEEL KICK hits! Leyla goes to a corner, Frost runs in, and she handsprings to CANNONBALL! Fans fire up, Frost covers, TWO!

Frost grows frustrated but Leyla is tough. Frost runs up again, SPIN- NO, Leyla avoids the kick by inches! And gets Frost for an EXPLODER! Fans fire up, Leyla drags Frost by the bad arm, LEGIT ARMBAR!! Frost taps, Leyla wins!

Winner: Leyla Hirsch, by submission

And the LEGIT win streak makes it to 10-0! Maria and Karter join Leyla in the ring, Karter holding the rope open for her. Not that she needed it but nice that he offered. Maria offers a handshake to Leyla, but Leyla just walks past Maria. Leyla says she doesn’t need anyone, she’s doing just fine all on her own. Maria says okay, but will she cook up something to prove Leyla wrong?


Eddie Kingston & Katsuyori Shibata VS Blake Christian & Gringo Loco!

The Mad King & The Wrestler made a powerful combo at All Out, but a minor miscalculation allowed Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta to win. Will the NJPW Strong Openweight and ROH Pure Champions redeem themselves on ROH TV? Or will All Heart & The Crazy White Boy get themselves some golden tickets in Chicago?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the teams sort out, and fans rally behind Eddie but Shibata starts with Blake. They circle, fans chant for Gringo. Shibata and Blake tie up, Shibata waistlocks but Blake pries the hold open. Shibata shifts to a full nelson, then he spins and snapmares Blake down to a chilock. Blake endures the knee in his back, bridges up to relieve some pressure, but Shibata gets a leg and ties Blake right up into a FIGURE FOUR! Blake endures, fans rally, and Shibata adds pressure by pulling on the foot. Shibata eggs Blake on, avoids his haymakers, and then pushes up for more pressure!

Blake scrambles and gets the ROPEBREAK! Shibata lets off fast, and he brings Blake up. Shibata bumps Blake off buckles, tags in Eddie and fans cheer as Eddie starts up the MACHINE GUN CHOPS! Fans fire up as Eddie tops it off, then tags Shibata. Shibata CHPOS, JABS and repeat! Fans fire up and the ref counts, Blake sits down and Shibata shakes out his hand. Blake’s got some busted and bloody blisters as Shibata tags Eddie back in. Eddie drags Blake up to clinch, and EXPLODER! Cover, ONE!! Blake is hanging in there but Eddie brings Blake up. Eddie suplexes, Blake slips free and duck sunder to handspring and NEURALIZER!

Blake hurries to hot tag Gringo! Fans fire up as Gringo steps to Eddie, and CHOPS! Eddie eggs Gringo on, so Gringo CHOPS again! Eddie brings down the straps and fans fire up. Gringo CHOPS again, but Eddie CHOPS, CHOPS and CHOPS! Eddie runs, into a CALF KICK! Gringo brings Eddie up to whip to ropes, but Eddie reverses, drops under, but Gringo stops to STANDING MOONSAULT! Gringo keeps moving to SENTON! Cover, TWO! Gringo says it was that close, and the fans rally up behind him. Gringo drags Eddie up, brings him over, and tags in Blake. Blake runs to BLAST Shibata, then he comes back to stomp Eddie.

Blake whips, Eddie reverses but Gringo puts Blake up top. Eddie runs in, into a SUPERKICK! Gringo goes up to join Blake and he fires the fans up! Gringo DOUBLE JUMP MOONSAULTS, and then Blake follows in kind with a 450 SPLASH! Cover, Shibata breaks it! Fans rally, Blake stomps Eddie then goes up again. FROG SPLASH onto knees! Eddie saves himself but that was a little double-edged! Fans rally up, Eddie and Blake crawl, hot tag to Shibata! Shibata runs to BOOT Gringo, then he storms up on Blake. Shibata runs Blake to the corner to then BOOT him! Shibata fires off forearms, runs corner to corner, HYDRAULIC DROPKICK!

Fans fire up and Shibata hauls Blake up, HALF HATCH! Cover, Gringo breaks it! Gringo CHOPS Shibata down, rallies the fans, and Gringo aims, but Eddie storms in. Eddie blocks a kick, spins Gringo, but Gringo DRAGON WHIPS! Eddie wobbles, but he URAKENS! Gringo goes down, Eddie swings on Blake but Blake blocks and snapmares, to basement dropkick! Fans fire up as Blake takes aim and builds speed, to FLY! Fosbury Flop takes Eddie down! Fans fire up as Blake hurries to put Shibata back in and aims from the apron. SPRINGBOARD 450, but he has to roll through as Shibata moves!

Blake runs back in to SOBAT! Blake handsprings, but into a SLEEPER!! Shibata squeezes tight, sits Blake down, and then runs to PENALTY KICK!! Cover, Shibata & Eddie win!

Winners: Eddie Kingston & Katsuyori Shibata, by pinfall

The champions win out this time, but they still show respect to Blake & Gringo. Who will be next to challenge The Wrestler for his Pure title? And will The Mad King get himself a shot at Claudio Castagnoli?


Backstage with Josh Woods & Mark Sterling.

Lexi is with The Technical Beast and Smart Mark, and says Woods has seen a lot of success since separating from The Varsity Athletes to focus on his own singles career. So then, what is next for him? Sterling says there has been a lot of success. We’re here in the United Center in Chicago, and Sterling says he got to thinking of the people here. The people of Chicago got to sit through Michael Jordan’s career, one of the greatest basketball players of all time, in his prime. Then Sterling thinks about the people around the world that some day will get to say, “I saw Josh Woods, the greatest wrestler of all time, live.”

And it is just unfortunate that Woods wasn’t doing that tonight here. Because the talent here in ROH is just not up to snuff for Josh Woods, the NATIONAL CHAMPION! So consider this an open challenge. Woods would like to take on the best of the best pure wrestlers from around the world. Because Woods is #DTF, Down To Fight! Any time, any where! Call Sterling at 347-SMART-40, and let’s see what we can do. Then who will answer the call by giving Sterling a call and take on the national champion?


ROH World Championship Proving Ground Match: Claudio Castagnoli w/ Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Johnson!

The Swiss Superman has been ignoring Eddie Kingston while calling out everyone else to step up. Big Shotty’s ready to step up, but will this be his shot? Or will he not even make it to the time limit?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and we’re on the clock. They tie up, Claudio puts Lee in a corner, but the ref counts. Claudio lets off and he pie faces Lee. So Lee SLAPS back! Claudio UPPERCUTS again and again and again! The ref counts, Claudio UPPERCUTS until Lee sits down, then even UPPERCUTS some more! The ref counts, Claudio lets off so as not to hand Lee this win. Lee sputters, crawls along the ropes, and tries to get up. Claudio brings Lee up to back suplex high and hard! Kneeling cover, ONE! Lee huffs ‘n’ puffs and fans rally, but Claudio drags Lee up to scoop and SLAM!

Lee writhes, Claudio stalks him to ropes, and fans rally up. Claudio gets the legs to YANK Lee up, but Lee lands on his feet! Lee slips under, rolls Claudio up, ONE!! Claudio runs in but into an ELBOW! Lee ENZIGURIS, then goes up and up and QUEBRADAS, but is caught! Claudio shakes his head, pops Lee around, but Lee swings it to a DDT! Cover, TWO! SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO! Claudio shakes his head but Lee pounds the mat. Fans rally up, Lee fires himself up, and he fireman’s carries! Claudio blocks, so Lee throws forearms! Claudio eggs Lee on, Lee runs, but Claudio UPPERCUTS him down! Cover, TWO!

Lee shakes his head, he is still in this. Claudio says okay, and he throws off the elbow pad! UPPERCUT into an arm hook! Claudio fights Lee’s backslide, flips things around, but Lee flips up and over. CRADLE! TWO!! Claudio escapes, to LARIAT Lee right down! Cover, TWO!?! Lee survives that shot and Claudio is surprised! Fans fire up but Claudio shakes his head. Claudio clamps onto Lee, for HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! The BCC special is rag-dolling Lee! The ref checks, but Claudio says no! He wants to finish this! POP-UP UPPERCUT!! Cover, Claudio wins!

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli, by pinfall (denies Lee Johnson a title opportunity)

Claudio “shows respect” with the Code of Honor handshake, but no one has even slowed him down. Will anyone come close to taking this title from him?


The Iron Savages w/ Jacked Jameson VS Wren Jones & Kaleb Konley!

As Jacked Jameson says himself, Dirty Bulk Bronson & Beefcake Boulder are beefy ‘n’ bulky, jacked ‘n’ juicy, LAAAARGE~ and in charge! They’re sippin’ sauce and livin’ hoss, will they make ROH the Savage Sanctuary?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the teams sort out, and Bronson starts against “The Midnight Son,” Kaleb Konley. The two circle, tie up, and Bronson shoves Konley down! Konley storms up to shove Bronson but Bronson shoves him back. Konley kicks, Bronson blocks and CLOBBERS him! And again! Bronson whips Konley, scoops and POWERSLAMS! Bronson drags Konley over, tags in Boulder, and Boulder scoops Konley. Konley slips free, tags to Jones, and Jones CHOPS! Jones fires up but Boulder doesn’t flinch! Boulder scoops Jones and catches Konley, SCRAPBUSTER SIDEWALK SLAM COMBO!

Boulder brings down the straps and fans fire up! Tag to Bronson, and Boulder hoists Bronson up! Electric Chair Lift, SAVAGE SPLASH!! Cover, The Savages win!!

Winners: The Iron Savages, by pinfall

A fast and furious win for these behemoths, and Bronson’s ready to bust! But will they bust through to the next level and get some gold?


Backstage interview with Athena and Billie Starkz.

Lexi is with the Fallen Goddess and her minion, and we’ve seen them as a duo. Is Athena satisfied with Billie’s, uh, “minionship?” Athena asks Lexi where is her shirt. Y’know, the custom made, 17 hours of work, rhinestone encrusted friendship shirt?! Lexi takes off her coat to show she has it on. Good. At least someone appreciates Athena. Athena then brings Billie in by her collar and tells her that Athena has done everything for her! Athena’s taken Billie under her wing and given her more passes than her own mother! Athena doesn’t know where she’s gone wrong! Three times, Billie has left Athena hanging. THREE TIMES!! WHY!?

Has Athena not been good to Billie? Billie defends she did everything she was supposed to. Everything…? Oh, well, Billie didn’t know! That’s it! Athena says they’ll give Billie some home training. Some minion training. Athena drags Billie off, just what kind of training is that going to be? Will Billie survive it?


8 Man Tag: Action Andretti, Darius Martin & Best Friends VS The Workhorsemen & The Outrunners!

The Sight to See and the Air Wolf join forces with The Kentucky Gentleman and #JustTrent to take on JD Drake, Anthony Henry, Turbo Floyd & Truth Magnum in a battle of friendship! Sorta. But then, which team of super friends comes out on top?

No Code of Honor here as Henry leads the attack! Henry knocks down Trent, JD and Truth mug Action, then Truth & Turbo go after Darius and Chuck! The bell rings, fans boo, but the brawling continues on! Turbo keeps Chuck in the ring, everyone else spills out, and fans rally up. Turbo then throws Chuck out, while the Workhorsemen whip Trent to ropes from the outside, and JD DECKS Trent on the rebound! Truth SMACKS Darius off the apron, Henry CALF KICKS Trent over the railing! Fans boo but the Outrunners soak up the heat. Henry slides in, JD drags Trent over the railing and sends him in.

Henry drags Trent up, scoops him, but Trent slips off! JD tags in before the O’Conner Roll so he can DDT Trent! Cover, TWO! JD drags Trent up, tags in Turbo and Turbo tags Truth. The Outrunners coordinate, POWERSLAM NECKBREAKER COMBO! Cover, Chuck breaks it! Fans fire up but Turbo BLASTS Action! Truth drags Trent over, tags Henry, and Henry whips Trent to a corner. Henry whips JD in, JD CANNONBALLS! Henry hurries up top now, JD BLASTS Chuck, Action & Darius! Henry DIVING DOUBLE STOMPS Trent! Cover, TWO!! Trent survives and Henry is furious, but he drags Trent over.

Fans rally, Henry taunts Trent and says they’re gonna finish this. Henry reaches out but Turbo snipes the tag from JD! JD is upset but Henry calms him down, they’re all the same team right now anyway. Turbo drags Trent up, tags Truth in, and they try again, but Trent slips free! Trent shoves Outrunners into each other! Fans fire up, Trent fights the Workhorsemen off, but The Outrunners keep Trent from his corner! JD wants them to hit Trent, but Trent ducks their double clothesline to hot tag Darius! Fans fire up as Darius rallies on The Outrunners with big forearms! Atomic drop for Truth, then a CHOP!

Darius whips Truth, Truth reverses but Darius BOOTS him back! Darius goes up, reels Truth in, and he gets Turbo at the same time, DOUBLE DDT COMBO! JD runs in to CHOP Darius! JD talks trash, ROCKS Darius with forearm after forearm, but Action runs in. Action ducks a chop, Darius gives him a boost into the wheelbarrow, and then they combine for a BULLDOG BASEMENT DROPKICK COMBO! But Henry PENALTY KICKS Action! And PELES Darius! Henry waistlocks but Darius switches. Henry ELBOWS free, only to run into a SHOTGUN GERMAN SUPLEX COMBO! Fans fire up but the Outrunners CLOBBER Action & Darius!

Action tumbles out, The Outrunners mug Darius, then they say they’re gonna go up! They double suplex Darius but Chuck makes the save! Darius hot tags Trent, and Chuck sends Outrunners into each other! Trent brings Turbo around, SOLE FOOD HALF ‘N’ HALF! Action & Darius return, fans fire up, and they GROUP HUG! You GOT to give the people- Oh, wait, Excalibur isn’t here. Then Action & Darius DOUBLE PLANCHA The Workhorsemen and Truth! Trent hauls Turbo up, Chuck climbs up, STRONG ZERO!! Cover, Best Friends and friends win!

Winners: Action Andretti, Darius Martin & Best Friends, by pinfall

A big win in the main event for these teams, and they’re ready to chase down those ROH World Tag Team Championships! But will it be Top Flight MKII or Best Friends that catch MJF & Adam Cole first?

My Thoughts:

A really good ROH here, though this was an hour and 43 minutes, a touch longer than they’ve been going lately. Good filler stuff like Skye & Willow getting another win together, SAP getting another win of their own, The Iron Savages getting on the winning side again, and Willie & The Infantry having a fun first win as a trio. Eddie & Shibata VS Blake & Gringo was also basically a filler match but also really good. I do like that Eddie & Shibata are sticking together, but it feels like this match was a test run for the All Out match with Claudio & Yuta (because duh, ROH is prerecorded). Still hoping that win at All Out then brings us around to Eddie VS Claudio, Winner Takes All.

Great stuff from the ROH Women’s World Championship story, with a really good promo to open the show and set up tonight’s title match. Really good title match, too, and I like that Athena is trying to force Billie into being a Heel like her and it not working. I would hope we get a vignette of this “minion training” for some fun and hilarious bits, but also this has to move Billie towards standing up to Athena and getting her own title match. Good match from Kiera VS Leila Grey, and good match from Frost VS Leyla Hirsch. Good story intertwining between all the prospects Maria Kanellis has her eyes on, and especially Leyla brushing Maria off.

Karter’s shirt is basically a sign he simps for Maria, and I really feel this is all going to blow up in his face. I don’t know if Griff takes Maria’s offer, but it would be funny if Maria passes on Karter for Griff. Nese of course keeps trying the Group Training but he at least gets a win tonight. Also good promo from Sterling to set up an open challenge, can’t wait to see who answers.

And really good 8 Man Tag main event, though also a bit of a filler in itself. Good win for the Faces, but there’s a lot of other stuff going on with the tag titles since MJF & Adam Cole have them. I would love if MJF & Cole actually showed up on ROH TV but HAH, like that happens with those two being such big names and ROH not being actually seen as a big deal. Because, duh, they put the tag titles on the two big names of AEW to add drama to their brochacho story.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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