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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (9/5/23)

It’s Tiffy Time!



NXT White 'n' Gold Era

Will Tiffany Stratton still be the Center of the Universe?

Tiffany Stratton may be picking a fight with Becky Lynch on Raw, but she has to defend her NXT Women’s Championship against Kiana James tonight! Will the Calculator have the solution to ending Tiffy Time?


  • NXT Women’s Championship: Tiffany Stratton VS Kiana James; Tiffany wins and retains the title.
  • Ilja Dragunov VS Oro Mensah w/ The Meta Four; Dragunov wins.
  • NXT Global Heritage Invitational Tournament, Group B: Nathan Frazer VS Duke Hudson w/ Andre Chase; Frazer wins.
  • Tyler Bate VS Dabba-Kato; Bate wins.
  • NXT North American Championship #1 Contender’s Match, Dominik Mysterio as Special Guest Referee: Mustafa Ali VS Dragon Lee; wins and will challenge Dominik Mysterio for the title at NXT No Mercy.
  • NXT Global Heritage Invitational Tournament, Group A: Pete Dunne VS Axiom; Time Limit Draw.
  • Gigi Dolin VS Thea Hail w/ Jacy Jayne; Thea wins.
  • No Disqualifications: Von Wagner w/ Robert Stone VS Bron Breakker; Bron wins.


NXT Women’s Championship: Tiffany Stratton VS Kiana James!

Tiffy Time wastes no time getting to the action! Will the Pro-Wrestling Barbie be unstoppable? Or will the Calculator be too much for the Center of the Universe?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and tonight kicks off with gold!

The bell rings and fans rally as the two circle. The two tie up, they both pull hair! The ref reprimands, Tiff knees low and headlocks, but Kiana pulls hair to power out. Tiff runs Kiana over, things speed up and Tiff handsprings over. Tiff then goes Matrix to dodge Kiana, and she kips up. The fans fire up but Kiana rushes in. They tie up, Tiff wrenches but Kiana rolls, handsprings and wrenches to a wristlock. Tiff rolls, handsprings, and WRINGS Kiana, but Kiana handsprings through! Fans cheer but Tiff says whatever. The two tie up again, Kiana wrenches and hammerlocks, but Tiff gets the ROPEBREAK!

The ref counts, Kiana lets go at 4, and Tiff trips her! High stack, feet on the ropes! Th erf sees that and tells Tiff no! Kiana then rolls Tiff up, but with tights! The ref sees that, too, and says no! Tiff CLOBBERS Kiana and then runs, to HIP ATTACK at the ropes! Cover, ONE!! Tiff is annoyed, she drags Kiana up to bump her off buckles. Tiff stomps Kiana, then brings her around, but Kiana bumps Tiff off buckles first! Kiana ROCKS Tiff, RAMS her, then RAMS her again! Kiana handsprings back and RAMS into Tiff again! Kiana then short arm LARIATS, covers, TWO! Kiana KNEES Tiff in the back, then KNEES her again!

Kiana has the arms, she pulls Tiff into a motorcycle stretch and fans duel. Tiff endures, fights up, and powers up, and puts Kiana in the motorcycle stretch! Kiana endures, fights up, and fans duel again as Kiana turns things around on Tiff! Tiff flips through to kip up and arm-drag free! Tiff then runs in, Kiana gets around her, but Tiff buckles the O’Conner Roll! Tiff grins but Kiana runs back in and runs Tiff over! And then BOOTS her! Tiff goes to a corner, but uses ropes as a defense. The ref keeps Kiana back and Tiff sucker punches Kiana! Tiff puts Kiana in the corner, handsprings and back elbows!

Tiff snapmares, runs and DOUBLE- NO, Kiana turns stomps into sunset flip! TWO, and Tiff jackknife bridges! TWO as Kiana bridges up! Kiana turns things around but Tiff fights the backslide. Tiff whips, Kiana ducks ‘n ‘dodges, and DOUBLE LARIATS collide! Fans fire up while both women are down, but Tiff goes for Kiana’s purse? Kiana drags her back but Tiff BOOTS her! Tiff gets the bag, but Kiana ducks it! To 401K!!! Cover, TWO!??! Tiff survives and Kiana is furious! Kiana sits Tiff up but Tiff CLAWS Kiana’s eyes! The ref was busy with the bag! Tiffany hits the ROLLING SENTON, then the PRETTIEST MOONSAULT EVER! Cover, Tiff wins!

Winner: Tiffany Stratton, by pinfall (still NXT Women’s Champion)

Tiffany found a way to snatch this one away from Kiana, there’s still time on her reign! But wait! Becky Lynch is on the tron! Becky congratulates Tiff on the win. But everyone’s been asking what is next for The Man, and seeing as Becky’s won almost everything but one title other than the one Tiffany has… And seeing as how Tiff has been hanging around Raw, it’s about time The Man comes around to NXT! Becky knows Tiff wants challengers, so here’s one: Becky! Tiff VS Becky for the NXT Women’s Championship in next week’s main event! Tootles. Tiff shakes her head, but this is what she gets for running that mouth of hers. Will Tiffy Time be replaced by The Big Time?


Carmelo Hayes arrives.

But on his way in, he crosses paths with Wes Lee. Melo shakes his head and walks past Wes, will this not be the last time these two cross paths here tonight?


The Diamond Mine is back in their dojo!

Ivy Nile is glad to have Julius & Brutus back, it wasn’t the same without them. Julius agrees. But no more drama, no more goofing off. Instead, they’re inviting the entire tag team division to the dojo so everyone knows what they want. It has been a year since they’ve had those titles, so the Creeds are ready to rise to the top of the mountain! But Tony D’Angelo & Channing Lorenzo walk in. They joke their ears are ringing. The Creeds spruce up the place and act like they’re already getting titles shots. Invite them out to dinner first. Oh, a spicy meatball! Hey, don’t talk to Mario & Luigi like that. Just kidding!

But Julius does wanna thank Tony & Stacks for watching Ivy’s back while the Creeds were out. But hold on, Edris & Malik walk in and say that they’ve been back a week and think they deserve a shot. They can claim whatever they want, but while they were pretending to be away in Fiji, Malik & Edris were putting in work. And while the Creeds were on top in the past, that was the past. And Malik & Edris aren’t gonna let the Creeds climb past them. They all argue, and Tony & Stacks feel like sticking around to watch this go down. What is going to happen as more and more teams join the party?


Ilja Dragunov VS Oro Mensah w/ The Meta Four!

The Mad Dragon was calling out the NXT Champion, but he got interrupted by the NXT Heritage Cup Champion instead. And instead of getting a fight with the NXT Heritage Cup Champion, he has to deal with Noam’s Main Man, Mensah! Will The Czar do to Mensah what he wants to do to Dar? Or will Oro prove no one is UNBESIEGBAR?

NXT returns as Meta Four makes their entrance. The bell rings and fans rally as the two circle. They tie up, Dragunov wrenches and hip tosses Oro down! Dragunov eggs Oro on but Oro goes to a corner. Dragunov creeps up, Oro gets around and throws body shots. Oro headlocks but Dragunov hip tosses free! Dragunov rains down fists and fans fire up! Dragunov headlocks, Oro fights up to his feet, and Oro pulls hair to put Dragunov in the corner. The ref counts, Oro lets off but with body shots! Oro ROCKS and CHOPS, but Dragunov ROCKS Oro back with a flurry! Oro kicks low, whips, but Dragunov reverses to JUMP KNEE!

Dragunov snapmares Oro down, goes up, and KING KONG KNEE DROPS! Fans fire up and Dragunov waistlocks. Oro powers Dragunov back into a corner, fires elbows off, then swings, but Dragunov BOOTS! And JUMP KICKS! Oro flounders and fans fire up! Dragunov waistlocks, Oro holds ropes, but the ref counts. Oro turns things around to headlock punch! Dragunov staggers, Oro springboards, QUEBRADA! Cover, TWO! Dragunov is tougher than that but Oro PENALTY KICKS him in the back! Fans boo Oro as he scowls, but Dragunov just eggs him on. Oro stomps Dragunov, but Dragunov hits back with forearms!

Fans rally as the two brawl, and Dragunov gets the edge! But Oro kicks low, forearms, then avoids the Pele! Oro shoves Dragunov, but Dragunov goes in the ropes, CONSTANTINE- SUPERKICK! Oro takes Dragunov down and Meta Four barks at him like a pack of dogs. Fans fire up for Dragunov but Oro stomps a mudhole in the corner. The ref counts, Oro storms around, and he storms back up on Dragunov. Oro clinches, to EXPLODER! Oro and Meta Four taunt Dragunov as NXT goes picture in picture.

Fans rally but Oro drops knees on Dragunov. Oro sits Dragunov up, CLUBS him down, then stalks him while talking trash. Oro throws down an elbow, but Dragunov stands up at the ropes. Oro CHOPS, but Dragunov UPPERCUTS! Oro kicks Dragunov low! Cover, TWO! Dragunov is still tougher than that so Oro BOOTS him! Dragunov staggers up and goes to a corner, but Oro talks trash. Dragunov CHOPS back! Oro kicks low again, whips Dragunov to a corner, and runs in, only to be put on the apron! Oro grabs Dragunov to grind him against ropes! Dragunov pushes fere, but Oro springboards to MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO!

Oro grows frustrated but then he grinds his forearm into Dragunov’s face! The ref counts, Oro lets off and he soaks up the heat. Oro drags Dragunov up to chinlock and bend him against a knee. Dragunov endures, fans rally, Dragunov fights up and pries the hold open! Dragunov ROCKS Oro again and again, but Oro dodges the kick! Dragunov blocks a kick and flips Oro but Oro hits a ROLLING KICK! High stack cover, TWO! Meta Four coaches Oro to keep on Dragunov and Oro stalks Dragunov to ropes. Oro stomps Dragunov, sits him up and wraps on another chinlock. Dragunov endures, even as Oro twists the hold.

Oro drops back to add body scissors to the hold, but Dragunov pries the chinlock open. Dragunov pushes back to cover, TWO! But Oro kicks the leg! And then kicks Dragunov in the face! And then PENALTY KICKS! High stack cover, TWO! Dragunov is still tougher than all that but Oro kicks him again! And again! Oro talks trash, drags Dragunov up by his ears, then clinches as N XT returns to single picture. Dragunov fights the lift and he throws elbows! Dragunov blocks another kick, avoids the flip kick this time, and he KNEES Oro down! Dragunov staggers around but he keeps his eyes on Oro.

Dragunov waistlocks, Oro fights with elbows, and Oro runs to QUEBRAD, but has to lands out! CONSTANTINE SPECIAL!! Fans are fired up with Dragunov and Dar is freaking out! GERMAN SUPLEX! GERMAN SUPLEX! “This is Awesome!” Oro fights the third German so Dragunov POWERSLAMS him! Cover, TWO!! Meta Four is freaking out as Dragunov reels Oro back in. Oro fights the lift so Dragunov CLUBS away on him! Dragunov hoists Oro up but Oro fights with fists! Dragunov drops to his knees, Oro HOOK KICKS him! And WHEEL KICK! Cover, TWO!! Dragunov is still tougher than that!

Oro goes to a corner, mocks “UN! BE! SIEG! BAR!” But Dragunov PELES Oro! Dragunov reels him in, to POWERBOMB!! Oro crawls to a corner, Dragunov says “UN! BE! SIEG! BAR!!” TORPEDO MOSCOW!! Cover, Dragunov wins!

Winner: Ilja Dragunov, by pinfall

Meta Four can’t believe it, but what did they expect from the raging Russian dragon? He is determined to achieve his destiny, will Dragunov become THE NXT Champion once and for all?

But wait! Here comes Wes Lee! Wes has a mic to cut the music and get in the ring with Dragunov. Normally Wes would wait until they’re in the back to do this, but he has to let Dragunov know. Dragunov’s date with destiny is delayed, Wes has next crack at Melo. Heatwave was too close, Wes has to prove himself, so he’ll get Melo and then Dragunov can have the first shot at Wes when he’s champion. Dragunov has a mic to tell Wes that he is courageous, and Dragunov likes that. But Wes is the one who is waiting because that title is Dragunov’s! Melo is Dragunov’s to fight! No more personal issues and roadblocks! Dragunov will rip everyone’s head off who stands in his way!!

Fans fire up with Dragunov but Wes says go and try! He has more heart and no hesitation in going through Hell again if it means getting at the champ! But speaking of the champ, here comes Melo! Melo has everyone hold on, because he knows two dudes whose jerseys are in the rafters aren’t talking about beating HIM. That’s crazy. Last week, Melo had a very important conversation with HBK, and HBK gave Melo all the advice he needed to hear. Melo joins the others in the ring, and fans are hoping for that. Melo says that despite everything he allowed in his head, there is NO asterisk next to that win at Great American Bash!  Dragunov took a risk, and Melo took advantage.

As for Wes, come up with whatever excuses you want, but the same goes for Heatwave. Wes took a risk, and Melo took advantage. There’s no doubt that these two are the two top ranked men here in NXT, but let’s see who the best is. HBK decided that next week, Wes Lee VS Ilja Dragunov! And it only gets better, because the winner faces Melo for the NXT Championship in Bakersfield! Melo hopes they show each other some mercy, but on September 30th, he shows the contender No Mercy! The Cardiac Kid takes on the Mad Dragon, who will be the one to once again step… to HIM?


Dominik Mysterio is backstage.

And he’s reading up on the 2023 edition of the WWE Rulebook for the “official in-ring rules, policies and procedures.” After all, he’s going to be  a special guest referee for the #1 contender’s match between Dragon Lee and Mustafa Ali. But he’s ripping out pages? He says those rules don’t even make any sense! Well, will Dirty Dom just come up with his own rules when it comes to tonight’s match?


Backstage interview with Nathan Frazer.

McKenzie Mitchell is with the British Rocket as he prepares for his second Global Heritage Invitational Tournament match. Does he feel he needs to make adjustments from last time? Frazer says we’ll address the elephant in the room. He went viral, which normally would be cool if it wasn’t for him taking his own head off with those ropes. But people keep telling him he goes too fast, he needs to slow down, but he says NEVER! He wants the Cup back so badly, it’s all he’s thinking about. But tonight is literally must win. He didn’t make it this far by holding back or slowing down, so he’s not starting now! Frazer zips off, will he get that critical first win in the round robin?


Jacy Jayne and Thea Hail hang out backstage.

Jacy is showing Thea some new lipstick shades and she’s loving them. And OMG, Becky Lynch is coming to NXT next week! Thea is so excited! Jacy says yes, it is exciting, but she doesn’t sound it. But more importantly, look at how good Thea looks right now! OMG she loves this, too! But then Gigi Dolin walks over. Classic Jacy, taking advantage of someone just because she’s no good on her own. Thea gets defensive but Jacy says this is classic Gigi, being jealous that Jacy can make new friends. But wait, Blair Davenport walks in. She has to agree with Gigi. This is a grown Women’s Division, and Thea is just a kid struggling to swim in shark infested water.

Well there’s classic Blair, bullying someone because they’re just smaller and weaker. Gigi better be careful what she says to Blair. Oh, gonna move to threats, huh? Gigi thought Blair only does that in the parking lot. Jacy prompts Thea into speaking up. Thea tells Gigi that she doesn’t need to “stand up” for Thea, she IS a grown woman. And coming in here, acting like you know her, is ridiculous cuz you don’t, okay? Gigi agrees, she doesn’t know Thea. But she does know Jacy. And Gigi wants Thea to be careful, because she is just warning her- Jacy says enough. Don’t talk to Thea like that, Thea is not some kid.

Thea says yeah, she’ll prove it tonight! Thea and Jacy head out, how did Gigi end up the bad guy in all this?


NXT Global Heritage Invitational Tournament, Group B: Nathan Frazer VS Duke Hudson w/ Andre Chase!

Frazer said himself this is must win, as he is 0-1 in a round robin of just three rounds. The Chase U MVP got his first round win on NXT Level Up, so if he wins here, he is that much closer to the finals. Will Duke win big for the U? Or will Frazer break even and also be one step away from the finals?

The bell rings and we’re on the clock! Noam, Lash & Jakara are watching from the Meta Four lounge, Oro clearly resting up backstage. Duke and Frazer tie up, Frazer headlocks but Duke powers out. Duke runs Frazer over, drags him up and headlocks. Frazer powers Duke to ropes, Duke lets go of the headlock, but Frazer headlocks back. Duke powers out, Frazer slides under and headlocks again. Duke powers out, Frazer goes up and over then headlocks again. Duke again powers out, but Frazer redirects, redirects, runs and headlocks, but Duke blocks the takeover! BIG back suplex! Fans fire up as Duke covers, TWO!

Duke whips but Frazer kicks back! Frazer speeds up, ducks ‘n’ dodges and ROCKS Duke! Then Frazer BLASTS Duke off the apron! Frazer hurries up top, aims, and SUPER CANNONBALLS! Fans fire up for that direct hit and Frazer puts Duke in the ring. Frazer hurries to run in at the corner, but Duke hits an URENAGE! Dar and Meta Four liked that, but they better hope Duke isn’t the contender. Duke asks Frazer if he’s good, but Frazer throws hands! Duke throws Frazer to a corner, to CHOP him! Duke whips Frazer corner to corner hard and Frazer falls in a heap! Duke drags Frazer up, reels him in, but Frazer fights the bomb!

Duke tries again, but Frazer slips out of the crucifix to RANA Duke into buckles! And then MULE KICK to the gut! Frazer goes up to PHOENIX SPLASH!! Cover, Frazer wins!!

Winner: Nathan Frazer, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Duke earns 0)

And there you have it! Frazer gets on the board and he brings Duke down! The only one without a win so far is Akira Tozawa, but there’s still time before the end! Will Frazer solidify his spot in the finals? Or will the Stamina Monster be a spoiler?

Here are the NEW Group B standings!

Joe Coffey: 1-0, 2 points
Nathan Frazer: 1-1, 2 points
Duke Hudson: 1-1, 2 points
Akira Tozawa: 0-1, 0 points


Hank & Tank have joined the Diamond Mine dojo party.

Hank Walker still can’t believe it. All you gotta do to be a real tag team is talk to one another! Do the Creeds ever talk? Uh, yeah, they’re brothers… Oh, right! Hank & Tank have also fought each other to become closer as a unit. Have the Creeds ever done that? Again, they’re brothers. Right! The newest team on the block, Bronco Nima & Lucien Price, walk in and say sup. They haven’t been properly introduced, but uh, hey, Hank & Tank only just met like a couple months ago. Bronco & Lucien have been boys since they were knee high. These two don’t play games, but if they did, they’d play to win.

No obviously, Bronco & Lucien want the same titles the Creeds do, but sabes que, best believe they’ll go through the Creeds! Hey, don’t act like Hank & Tank ain’t about that tag life! Well, they’re not! Reggie/Scrypts walks in to say that he also doesn’t believe Hank & Tank will make it. For Bronco & Lucien, this is more than just some common bond. And more than just brothers! The streets made them like this. And Scrypts can relate to that. Those three head out, but will Julius & Brutus get past the new guys to get back on top?


Tyler Bate VS Dabba-Kato!

The Big Strong Boi wants the Heritage Cup back but before he can focus on the tournament, he has to clear out the behemoth trying to break him down! Will Bate be rolling into his first round robin match? Or will Dabba be the one to eliminate Bate from the Global Heritage Invitational?

The second he’s in the ring, Bate rushes Dabba! Fans fire up as Bate fires hands! Dabba shoves Bate away, the bell rings, and Bate gets around. Dabba grabs Bate’s hair, scoops him, but Bate slips into a SLEEPER! Fans fire up for Bate but Dabba stays up. Dabba heads for a corner but Bate lets go to ENZIGURI! Bate tries to fireman’s carry Dabba!? But Dabba’s too big! Dabba CLUBS Bate, gut wrenches, but Bate slips free! Bate ducks ‘n’ dodges but the BOOT knocks him down! Dabba drags Bate into a COBRA CLUTCH, and THRASHES him around! Fans boo Dabba and chant “DABBA SUCKS!”

Bate fires hands, but Dabba ripcords and pops Bate up! SWINGING POWERSLAM! And then backbreaker rack! Bate endures but Dabba shifts to a vice grip! The ref reprimands as Dabba pulls hair, and fans rally up. Bate fights with kicks and knees, but Dabba brings him up to shove him to a corner. Bate ducks ‘n’ dodges and BOOTS! Bate goes up, FLYING UPPERCUTS, but Dabba stays up! Bop up, but Dabba blocks Bang! Bate dodges Dabba’s lariat to REBOUNDER! And REBOUNDER again! Bate tries again, but Dabba catches Bate! CHOKE- BANG! Bate hits the shot after all, and fireman’s carries!?!? Bate manages the AIRPLANE SPIN!!!

Fans are thunderous for the Big Strong Boi as he makes it around ten times before the SLAM! Bate goes to the corner, climbs up, “This is Awesome!” as Bate SKY TWISTERS!! Cover, BATE WINS!!

Winner: Tyler Bate, by pinfall

A HUGE win for the Big Strong Boi, and now he has big strong momentum! Will Bate uses this to beat the block and go to the finals?


Dom heads to gorilla.

And he spots Carmelo Hayes there on the phone. Dom tells him, “It’s hard being a champ. Am I right or am I right, Melo?” Yeah, something like that. Melo finds out his opponent for No Mercy next week, but Dom’s about to pick- Er, find out his right now. Dom heads out to be the special guest referee, how “down the middle” will this really be?

Lyra Valkyria, Roxanne Perez and others are watching backstage.

The Morrigan is so sick and tired of The Judgment Day. Roxie agrees there. But Lyra says if Dragon Lee can get past Ali, he’ll definitely beat Dom at No Mercy. Roxie agrees there, too, but she says Ali is tough. You never know what could happen. After all, Becky is coming to NXT next week! But then Kiana storms in and throws her ice pack in a fit of rage. Wow, real professional, Kiana. Oh shut up! What are any of them looking at? Lyra says challenging the title and winning it are two very different things, huh? Kiana says yeah, Lyra should know. Roxie tells Kiana to relax. She should be grateful she even got that opportunity.

Damn right Kiana got that shot. Cuz she took it right from Roxie. And she has no problems doing it again. And again. And again. Roxie ROCKS Kiana, Kiana hits back, the others rush in to stop the brawl! If Kiana isn’t careful, will the Prodigy’s new edge cut Kiana down to size?


Backstage interview with Baron Corbin.

McKenzie is with Mr. No BS and asks him about tonight’s main event of Bron VS Von, No Disqualifications. He’s had a run-in with each man, does he have a prediction? Does he have prediction? As he sees it, both guys have something to prove, to Baron. Bron talks about being the Alpha of NXT, so he should prove it! He has to go out there and end Von’s career. And as for Von, what is this “You’re getting tabled” stuff? Baron doesn’t understand it, but if Von wants to play with the big boys, then he has to get the win. As for who Baron thinks wins… He doesn’t care. He just wants to enjoy being out there at commentary, watching those two absolutely destroying each other!

And when it is all said and done, Baron might pick up the scraps. Who knows, we’ll just have to wait and see. Will Corbin be impressed by either man in tonight’s main event?


NXT Media catches up with Tiffany Stratton.

Kelly Kincaid brings up the official announcement of Becky Lynch VS Tiffany Stratton for the NXT Women’s Championship! Tiffany walks past and says no no no, get out of her face! Tiffany leaves, no comment on getting the fight she didn’t want.


NXT North American Championship #1 Contender’s Match, Dominik Mysterio as Special Guest Referee: Mustafa Ali VS Dragon Lee!

The Beacon of Light and the Wonder Boy can agree that they’re done being disrespected, that NXT deserves a North American Champion we can all be proud of, and that Dirty Dom isn’t that. But when push comes to shove, who wins their golden ticket to No Mercy?

Ali and Dragon shake hands to show respect, and fans cheer that. Dom rings the bell and the two contenders circle. Fans rally up, they chant “YOU STILL SUCK!” at Dom, but Dragon and Ali tie up. They break, tie up again, and Dragon waistlocks. Ali switches, trips Dragon, and then floats around to headlock. Dragon pops out the back, Ali rolls but Dragon covers, ONE as Ali slips free! Both men kip up and fans fire up as they reset. Dragon and Ali knuckle lock, go shoulder to shoulder in a test of strength, and Dragon pushes Ali down for a cover! Dom counts, ONE as Ali gets an arm up. Dragon pushes it down, ONE as Ali gets the other arm up.

Dragon pushes Ali down, jumps up but Ali uses that to go right up to the top rope! Ali backflips, runs, RANAS, and Dragon tumbles to a corner! Fans fire up, and Ali storms up to CHOP! And CHOP! Ali whips corner to corner, Dragon reverses and runs in to JUMP KICK! Leg sweep! Swinging DROPKICK! Combinacion Dragon! Cover, TWO! Dom says it was a fair count but was it really? Dragon CLUBS Ali but Ali throws elbows. Dragon kicks Ali, puts him in the corner, and runs in. Ali boots then ENZIGURIS! Ali goes up top but Dragon ROCKS him! And CHOPS him! And climbs up after him! Ali fights with body shots!

Ali HEADBUTTS Dragon down, handsprings to LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Dom’s count does seem rather fair after all, but Ali keeps on Dragon. Ali suplexes, but Dragon slips free to TOSS Ali! Ali hits the desk, Dragon builds speed and DIVES! Ali goes up and over the desk!! Fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!” as Dragon slides back in. Dom is hesitant to start his ring count, but that benefits Ali. Dom starts his count but Dragon goes out to get Ali. Ali handspring LARIATS again!! Fans fire up as both men are down! Ali drags Dragon up, Dom’s count keeps going, Ali puts Dragon in to go up top. TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO!!

Dragon survives, and Ali is frustrated, but he can’t criticize Dom’s count for it. Ali goes to a corner, he runs in, but Dragon pops Ali up into a headstand, and SUPERKICK! GERMAN SUPLEX, bridging cover, TWO!! Ali survives, and fans may argue “THAT WAS THREE!” it sure seemed fair. Dragon drags Ali up, reels him in, but Ali slips free of the bomb! Dragon runs in but Ali POSTS him! Ali drags Dragon up to put him on the top rope! SLINGSHOT JACKHAMMER!! Cover, TWO!! Ali is frustrated but he goes right back to the corner. Ali climbs, aims, 450- NO, Dragon dodges! Dragon runs in, slips around, gets Ali up, LAST RIDE!!! Cover, TWO!!!

Wait! Did Dom slow up at the very last moment? Dragon questions Dom’s count but Dom says he was doing it right! But then Ali get a victory roll, and Dom counts fast!! ALI WINS!!

Winner: Mustafa Ali, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contender to the NXT North American Champion)

Dom raises Ali’s hand in victory, but even Ali is rather surprised. Dom did Dragon dirty, but he might be forgetting that Ali doesn’t like him all that much either. In fact, Ali seems to realize that with the match over, Dom is no longer a ref. Ali DECKS Dom!! Fans fire up as Ali tells Dom that’s what he gets! Dragon and Ali shake hands all the same, and Ali leaves so he can prepare for No Mercy. Will Dom end up the real loser in the end? Or can he keep The Judgment Day golden in the Golden State?


Trick Williams is on the phone.

But then he sees Dragunov walking in and gets on his feet. Dragunov says this is just a conversation. Then what’s up? Dragunov meant every word when he said Trick is more than just an entertainer. Well, Trick appreciates that. But Dragunov says he might be lying if he said Trick was a best friend. What’s Dragunov getting at? Dragunov says that Trick said Melo could beat Dragunov. Yeah, Melo did it before, he can do it again. But that’s only if Dragunov beats Wes next week. Dragunov asks Trick if he’s sure about this. Trick says Dragunov is barking up the wrong tree with that nonsense. Dragunov says we all know he only barks the truth.

There’s one week left, because after Dragunov beats Wes next week, Trick can either keep lying to his best friend, or he can keep lying to himself. Dragunov leaves Trick with a lot to think about, what happens as Dragunov and Wes fight for the right to go to No Mercy?


Drew Gulak, Charlie Dempsey & Damon Kemp train.

They hand off wrenches and headlocks to each other, but then Myles Borne shows up. Gulak asks what he thinks he’s doing here, and he says he’s doing his job. Oh, his job? That’s rich. Is Myles sure he wouldn’t rather be joining his cowboy buckaroo buddies, Briggs & Jensen? Did Myles think they weren’t gonna find out? YEEHAW~! Thank you, Miss Fallon. (Blame NXT Anonymous for this one) Dempsey says Myles went behind their backs. Myles just wanted a chance to compete on NXT TV! Well guess what, Myles? You’re not ready. Because if you were, Gulak would’ve said. But next week, that might be Myles’ only opportunity to make a good impression. So he better make it count.

Gulak and the others leave Myles behind. Myles says he will make good. Does that mean what it sounds like?


NXT shares footage from after last week’s episode.

Eddy Thorpe was furious over his loss to Dijak, and he says he knew it! He was ready, he was on Dijak’s ass from the bell, but Dijak showed he can’t beat Eddy without a little extra something! First, the ring post. Then, an ambush on the ramp. And now, using his own belt! Eddy doesn’t know how, when or where they settle this, but Dijak best believe that he isn’t done with Eddy, because Eddy isn’t done with Dijak! The Alpha Wolf is ready to strike back, what will he do to bring down the corruption of #HighJustice?


NXT Global Heritage Invitational Tournament, Group A: Pete Dunne VS Axiom!

The Bruiserweight is back again, ready to all but guarantee himself a spot in the tournament finals. But will he be the first man to go 2-0? Or will the Undeniable Truth make his first round robin match mean so much more than just two points on the board?

NXT returns as Axiom makes his entrance. The bell rings and we’re on the clock! Fans rally as Dunne and Axiom step up. Axiom offers a handshake, Dunne just SLAPS him! Fans fire up and the two tie up! They go around, Dunne wrenches, but Axiom rolls, rolls and rolls free to get a leg and drag Dunne down to a HEEL HOOK! Dunne scrambles to the ROPEBREAK, and Axiom lets off quickly. The two go again, knuckle lock, and Dunne drags Axiom down to stand on one hand, and he twists the other! Dunne CLAWS and scrapes Axiom in the side, then spins him to pull those arms back! Axiom endures, rolls, but Dunne facelocks.

Axiom slips out, facelocks but Dunne rolls. Axiom rolls with Dunne, then pushes Dunne to a cover, ONE! Dunne facelocks again and he grinds Axiom down. Axiom endures, Dunne shifts to hook the arms, and he cradles Axiom, TWO! Dunne gets Axiom’s leg, Axiom rolls free, and the fans cheer the standoff. The two reset, knuckle lock again, and Dunne drops back to drop toehold. Dunne ties those legs up, has an INDIAN DEATHLOCK, then he shifts to have both legs hooked up. Fans rally as Axiom endures, but Dunne bends an arm back! Axiom endures even as Dunne hammerlocks that arm, to then STOMP Axiom’s head!

Fans rally, Dunne drags Axiom up, and look, Oro has rejoined the others of Meta Four in the lounge. Dunne facelocks, Axiom wrenches and ELBOW BREAKERS! Dunne powers up and whips Axiom away, things speed up, Dunne hurdles and trips Axiom to then CLOBBER him on the return! Fans fire up and Dunne stalks Axiom. Dunne drags Axiom up, wrenches and clinches but Axiom rolls through to springboard and FLYING ARM-DRAG! DROPKICK! Axiom reels Dunne in but Dunne X PLEXES first! Fans fire up and Dunne runs in, to SHOTGUN Axiom to the apron! Dunne then gets that arm and he wraps it around ropes!

Axiom endures, the ref reprimands, but Dunne still YANKS the other arm back! The ref counts, Dunne lets go at 4, and Dar is worried that Dunne could be the one. Dunne tells Dar he should be worried, and NXT goes to break.

NXT returns and Dunne is just raining down forearms on Axiom’s head! The fans fire up more and more, but then Dunne lets off. Meta Four doesn’t like where this is going as Dunne stalks Axiom. Axiom grabs at Dunne but Dunne SLAPS him down! Axiom shakes his head as he sits up, so Dunne SLAPS him again! Axiom shakes his head again and stands back up. Dunne SLAPS him again! Axiom goes to ropes, but he comes back to CHOP! And CHOP! And CHOP! Axiom fires off, eggs Dunne on, then RODCKS him! Dunne rebounds, Axiom dodges and DROPKICKS! Axiom fires up and the fans are with him!

Axiom runs in at the corner, GAMANGIRI! FISHERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Not quite perfect but both men are down! Meta Four talk some smack but fans cheer “This is Awesome!” Axiom hauls Dune up but Dunne bucks the O’Conner. Axiom kips up to NORTHERN LIGHTS! Roll through, STANDING MOONSAULT into a TRIANGLE HOLD! Axiom scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Dunne lets go, but then he kneels on Axiom, to SLAP him! And SLAP him again! Dunne has the wrists, for DRAGON STOMPS! Dunne then drags Axiom up but Axiom fires up! Axiom HEADBUTTS and HEADBUTTS and HEADBUTTS!

Axiom CHOPS! Takedown, omoplata! Cradle, TWO, and Dunne has Axiom’s arms now! RINGS OF- NO, Axiom TRIANGLE HOLDS! Dunne stacks, ONE, but Dunne shoves Axiom to ropes, to SNAP GERMAN! Dunne STOMPS the hands, but Axiom ducks the buzzsaw to ROCK Dunne! Dunne returns, into a ROUNDHOUSE! And GAMANGIRI! Dar likes what he sees, and we’re at the two minute warning! Axiom goes up, MOONSAULT- KICK!! Dunne reels Axiom in! SIT OUT POWERBOMB!! Cover, TWO?!?! Axiom survives and Dunne can’t believe it! Fans are thunderous but time is running out!

Fans rally for “NXT! NXT!” as both men slowly rise. Dunne goes to a corner and climbs up. MOONSAULT, but axiom gets clear to SUPERKICK! Dunne staggers around, Axiom aims, GOLDEN RATIO!! Cover, ROPEBREAK!! A slight miscalculation by Axiom, but he stomps Dunne! Axiom drags Dunne into an omoplata, and a RINGS OF SATURN! Fans rally up as Dunne endures! Dunne powers free of the hold, to get the fingers! SNAP!! Axiom clutches that hand, we’re under FIFTEEN SECONDS! Dunne pump handles for BITTER END!!! Cover, TWO!??! And time runs out!!!

Time Limit Draw; each man earns 1 point

Dar applauds, but only because now things are only harder for Dunne to come out of Group A as a finalist. Will Dunne still win out to be the man going to No Mercy?

Wait, here comes Tyler Bate! The Big Strong Boi waves hi to everyone, but especially Dar. Bate still has a table to run, will he do just that against Axiom, Dempsey and Pete Dunne?

Here are the NEW Group A standings!

Pete Dunne: 1-0-1, 3 points
Tyler Bate: 0-0, yet to compete
Axiom: 0-0-1, 1 point
Charlie Dempsey: 0-1, 0 points


Von Wagner speaks.

“Listen. I’m sorry about tonight. But this is gonna hurt me way more than it’s gonna hurt you. And ever since you’ve come into my life, everything has changed for the better. The birds are chirping, the fans are cheering, and it just makes me feel a certain type of way. But please understand, the last thing I would wanna do is hurt you or make you feel bad about yourself. But… Life with you is just so much more fun.” Von is talking to the NXT commentary desk, and Stone walks over to ask if Von’s ready for Bron. Von says hell yeah he is! “Breakker’s gonna get his ass tabled tonight!” Will Von come through on his word in tonight’s No Disqualifications match?


The Diamond Mine dojo party is still going.

Tony & Stacks review the guest list. They came here to size up the Creeds, but there are a lot of good teams here. Yeah, there’s a different look in the eyes of Malik & Edris. Bronco & Lucien with Scrypts could be a huge threat. But Tony & Stacks know the streets. As for “Hanker & Tanker,” well- But then in walk Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo. From one family to another, they’re looking forward to doing business. Well, sorry, but the D’Angelos don’t have their names in the books. Oh, don’t worry, they’ll put their names on those tag titles. Julius makes sure there’s no problem here, and Tony says no, no problem.

Tony then tells Garza & Carrillo that all due respect to their grandfather, but Garza & Carrillo can’t just walk in here and threaten The D’Angelos. Not a good look. Well, this isn’t about looks. This is about the glory! And they will claw the eyes out of anyone who tries to stop them. Well then why don’t they just claw their asses out here, or maybe Tony & Stacks will put some more scars on them. Garza ROCKS Tony and the fight is on! Everyone hits someone, even the Creeds! The NXT Tag Division is heating up, but who will get burned?


Gigi Dolin VS Thea Hail w/ Jacy Jayne!

Hell’s Favorite Flower was just calling a snake a snake, but the Toxic Traitor may already be poisoning Chase U’s top prospect. Will Gigi just have to show Thea the truth with actions? Or will Thea prove she a grown ass woman and handle things her way?

NXT returns as Thea makes her entrance, Jacy telling her to pull back on the pep. Thea agrees, and she even throws her Chase U rally cone away. The bell rings, the two tie up, and Thea wrenches to YANK the arm! And again! And again! Jacy nods, Thea kicks Gigi’s legs out to then step over and HIP DROP the arm! Thea SPLASHES the arm, then YANKS it! Cover, ONE!! Thea clamps onto Gigi with an armlock but Gigi fights up. Thea wrenches, wristlocks, but Gigi spins and headlocks. Fans rally and duel, Thea powers out but Gigi runs Thea over. Things speed up, Gigi blocks a hip toss to backslide Thea! TWO, and Thea runs in.

Gigi side steps to scoop, but Thea RANAS Gigi away! Thea runs in but Gigi sends her into ropes! Gigi runs to HIP ATTACK! Gigi keeps moving but Thea avoid the basement dropkick! Thea reels Gigi in to hit an EXPLODER! Fans fire up as Gigi goes to a corner, and Thea runs in, but Gigi catches her! Thea arm-drags free of the half nelson to CLOBBER Gigi! And again! Thea roars, runs in, back body blocks and then clinches! Gigi fights to wrench and kick Thea’s legs out! BUZZSAW! Gigi then SWITCH KICK! Cover, TWO!! Thea survives but Gigi drags her up. They go around and around and Thea whips Gigi away.

Thea gets around, floats over, KIMURA!! Gigi endures as Thea pulls on the arm! Jacy is loving this as her former friend suffers at the hands at… whatever Thea is to her! But Gigi fights her way over, reaches out, powers up, and has the ROPEBREAK! Thea lets go, Jacy says to stay on her, so Thea goes out to go for the arm. But Gigi spins her around to POST her! Gigi runs up to STO to the floor! Gigi puts Thea in, shakes the bad arm, but Jacy distracts the ref! Blair runs out, ARMBAR DDT!! Blair puts Gigi in, Thea has Gigi in the KIMURA!! Gigi shouts, flails, but TAPS! Thea wins!!

Winner: Thea Hail, by submission

If Jacy’s a snake, then so is Blair! And these vipers just brought Gigi down! But Thea is starting to believe in Jacy, is Thea going to start doing things the Toxic way?


The Diamond Mine dojo is a mess!

But the Creeds don’t seem to mind. Ivy asks what the hecc! Are they okay? Never been better! It feels good to be back! Well, will all that chaos only make the Creeds stronger in fighting back to the title scene?


Lyra Valkyria talks with Kelani Jordan.

Is Kelani doing alright? Yeah, thanks for checking on her. Well, with how crazy tonight has been… Yeah, Kelani is just frustrated about her loss! Lyra gets that. Always watching things back, obsessing over every little thing. But look, it is only Kelani’s fourth match in NXT! She can’t get so down on herself. Dana Brooke walks over and asks what Lyra is doing. Kelani says Lyra is helping her feel better cuz she felt she let the team down last week. Dana says don’t even worry about it! Though, Kelani could come along a bit faster. She’s just worried Lyra is filling Kelani’s head with things she doesn’t need! Why would Dana even say that?

UM, cuz Kelani is Dana’s friend, they’re a team, and Lyra will not break this up. But she wasn’t doing that! Dana stops Kelani there, and says that if Kelani wants to solve a problem, just let Dana handle it. Lyra doesn’t know what Dana’s problem is, but if she wants a fight, all she has to do is ask. Lyra wasn’t teaching Kelani anything, but maybe after Lyra gets through with Dana, Kelani will learn how to pick better friends. Lyra heads out, is the Flex Appeal about to get schooled?


Tiffany Stratton speaks.

She’s apparently in a better mood now so she tells NXT Media that yeah, Becky is the biggest opponent in Tiffany’s career, but that career only started two years ago! And Becky is one coming after Tiffany. Where was Becky’s career after two years? Nowhere! She was some service monkey flight attendant or whatever, not at the top of the industry like Tiffany is. But Tiffany tells Becky that she may be some WrestleMania main eventer, the number one star on Raw and SmackDown, and “Big Time,” but Tiffany is the Center of this Universe! And next week, her NXT Women’s Championship isn’t going anywhere. See you next Tuesday, b*tch! Tootles.


No Disqualifications: Von Wagner w/ Robert Stone VS Bron Breakker!

These two second generation superstars have been going back and forth, in and out of the ring, and now it all comes down to this! Will Von give Bron that reservation, table for one? Or will the self-proclaimed best spear in the business bring down big bad Von?

As promised, Baron Corbin is on commentary, and he’s more than happy to say what he wants about who he wants, when he wants. The bell rings and Bron avoids a boot! But Von comes back with haymakers! Bron puts Von in a corner, RAMS into him again and again, then whisp corner to corner. Von comes back but Bron runs him over! Fans fire up and duel as Bron clotheslines Von and himself out of the ring! And they’re already by the desk! Fans fire up, Booker T and Vic Joseph want to move but Corbin says don’t be scared. Von SMACKS Bron off the desk, and again, and again! Then he rains down fists!

Fans fire up as Von brings Bron around to TOSS over the desk! Bron hits an armchair, too! Von sees the desk, nods, and he starts clearing it off as Bron flounder! Fans fire up but Bron heads into the ring. Von grabs a leg but Bron kicks him away with the other. Von hurries in after Bron and runs him over! And then FLYING SHOULDERS! Fans fire up as Von clotheslines Bron and himself out of the ring! They’re by the ramp and Von is all fired up! Corbin is enjoying this, and Von stalks Bron, but Bron JAMS Von with a chair! But Von blocks the chair shot! Von swings, Bron dodges, and Bron GERMAN SUPLEXES Von to the floor!

Fans bark it up for Bron and Corbin says this is what he wanted to see. Bron grins and Von writhes while NXT goes picture in picture.

Bron watches Von but Stone rallies the fans behind Von. Bron puts Von int he ring, storms up but into a knee! Von CLUBS Bron, CLUBS him more, but Bron TACKLES Von! Bron rains down fists, looms over Von, then storms around. Bron stalks Von to ropes, whips him to a corner, and then he runs in, but into a KNEE from Von! Von runs to LARIAT! Stone is fired up, Von goes out and he looks under the ring. Von brings out more chairs! And a kendo stick! But Bron CLOBBERS Von! Bron brings out a TABLE! To then put it back! Bron tells the fans they ain’t getting tables! Bron stands Von up, but Von blocks the smack off the steps!

Von throws a body shot, tries to smack Bron off steps, but Bron blocks that! Bron hits back, but Von scoops to SNAKE EYES Bron off the steps! Bron staggers around and Von catches his breath. Von brings out another kendo stick and fans fire up as he takes aim. Von swings but Bron JAMS him with a chair! And SMACKS him! And then JAMS Von again! And again! And again! Bron storms around and NXT returns to single picture. Bron has a kendo stick, and he SMACKS Von on the back! Von writhes, Bron aims again, for another SMACK! And another SMACK! Corbin says Bron is doing what Corbin said, and is trying to END Von’s career!

Bron lines up a shot, to SMACK Von in the ribs! Von sputters, Bron takes aim again, and SMACKS Von down! Bron KNEES Von in the side, then gets a chair. Bron wedges that chair in the corner, goes back for Von, but Von blocks the kendo stick strike! Von slaps himself to fire back up, and he HEADBUTTS Bron again and again! Von reels Bron in to short arm LARIAT! And then another short arm- NO, Bron dodges to LARIAT back! Cover, TWO! Von is still in this but Bron CLUBS him in the ribs and in the side! Von keeps getting up so Bron gets another kendo stick. Bron aims and SMACK Von again! Von shoves Bron, but Bron SMACKS Von!

The kendo stick starts breaking so Bron lets that go to get the other. Bron SMACKS Von again! Cover, ONE!! Fans fire up as Von is gutting this out, but Bron wraps on a bearhug. Fans rally, Von fights up, and Von backs Bron down into his own chair in the corner! Von fires elbow after elbow, then runs, to BOOT Bron down! Von keeps going, he BOOTS Bron again! But then Bron blocks a boot to SIT OUT POWERBOMB!! Cover, TWO!!! Von survives and Bron is frustrated. Fans chant “WE WANT TABLES!” but Bron tells them to shut up. Von knees Bron low, CLUBS him, and fireman’s carries! But his back gives up!

Bron KNEES Von down, CLUBS away, and Corbin laughs at Von’s pain. Bron gets a chair, sets it down nearby, then he goes up the corner. Fans bark and howl with Bron, FLYING BULLDOG onto the chair!! The straps come down and Bron says he’s gonna end this! Bron adds a kendo stick to the STEINER RECLINER!! Von endures, bamboo in his mouth! But Von powers up!? Fans fire up as Von powers out of the stretch! Bon is freaking out as Von turns things around on him! Von smothers Bron with the kendo stick! But Bron RAMS Von into a corner! Bron arm-drags free but Von LARIATS! Bron LARIATS!

They go back and forth with LARIATS, but neither falls! Bron fireman’s carries, GUT BUSTER DROP!! Corbin likes the focus on the ribs. Bron says he’s gonna end Von, he runs in, but Von dodges and the spear hits chair!! Bron goes down in a heap and fans fire up for “TABLES! TABLES!” Von  sees Bron crawling for a chair, but Von stomps the chair down! Von has a kendo stick, and he waits for Bron to stand up. Bron says “Kiss my ass!” and he SPITS right in Von’s face! Von SMACKS Bron! Again and again, the kendo stick shatters!! Von CLOBBERS Bron with what is left! Von then gets that chair, to JAM Bron! And SMACK Bron!

Bron staggers, Von choke grips! CHOKE SLAM!! Cover, TWO!!! Bron survives but fans fire up! Bron bails out, but to the desk side of the ring! Von drags Bron up, Corbin wants Von to prove he’s a somebody. Von tells the timekeeper and ring announcer to move aside, and so they do. Von RAMS Bron through the wall!! Fans lose their minds and Von revels in it! Even Corbin is speechless from that one! Von then drags Bron out of the wreckage, and over to the desk! Booker, Vic and now even Corbin move aside, but Bron ROCKS Von! Von ROCKS Bron! Bron knees low! Von BOOTS hard! Bron runs in, into a POP-UP POWERBOMB through the desk!!!!

Fans are thunderous and Bron is writhing in pain! Von drags Bron up, into the ring, and then hauls Bron back up. Fireman’s carry, but Bron slips free! LOW BLOW!!! Bron grins, aims from the corner, and fans boo as Bron SPEARS!!! Cover, Bron wins!!

Winner: Bron Breakker, by pinfall

Corbin says, “You gotta get your hands dirty to get the job done.” But even for No Disqualifications, that wasn’t dirty handed, that was underhanded! But wait, Bron SMACKS Von with a chair!! Bron isn’t done with Von, he wants to make him pay! Bron JAMS Von, RAMS him into steel steps, and then pulls those steps apart! Bron puts Von’s head on the base, raises the top half, and SLAMS down on Von’s head!!! Cameras go black and NXT has to end here! Is there no low Bron won’t go just to prove he’s #MeanerThanEvil?

My Thoughts:

A great NXT, solid stuff from top to bottom. Opening with the NXT Women’s Championship was a surprise, but it was a really good showing from Kiana even though we all knew Tiffany was winning. Because whether you like it or not, Tiffany VS Becky is happening next week! Tiffany had a good immediate reaction to the news, and then a very good promo later after she “collected” herself. And as much as I don’t want another RawDown star taking an NXT title from NXT, I NEED Becky to shut Tiffany up hard, that is how powerful the Heel Heat is. I do not have a clue how they’re gonna get past this, but it’ll surely be fun.

Really good stuff with Diamond Mine and most of the major tag teams in NXT, a little surprised no Gallus but maybe they just want us focusing on Joe Coffey in the Global Heritage Invitational. We’re going to get a lot of tag matches out of those segments, and somehow, someway, a team will be named the contenders for No Mercy and that’ll be great stuff. I’m thinking it should be Garza & Carrillo given they’re they ones who threw the first punch on Tony & Stacks. And another team not at the party as Briggs & Jensen, but that’s probably because of the upcoming Six Man Tag. Myles had a good little promo with Gulak and team, and the way Myles said what he said, I really hope he fights Gulak with his all, as opposed to turning on Briggs & Jensen to stay loyal to the guys who just bully him. Bloodline has enough of the emotional dependency trope going on, let Myles man up and fight his bullies.

Great match from Dragunov and Mensah, and certainly Mensah’s best standard singles match. But duh, it’s Dragunov, he wins. Good stuff from Dragunov, Wes and Melo to set up a #1 contender’s match, even though fans were hoping for Triple Threat. To be fair, Triple Threat might be too much for No Mercy or even this situation, Melo needs a fair 1v1 match because the point is clearing out the doubt. Good promo with Dragunov and Trick, too, to really put it in Trick’s head that Melo might be in over his head. Maybe Trick tries to stop Dragunov from winning and that gets Melo upset with him, planting seeds of Melo VS Trick for down the line.

Really good stuff in the contender’s match of Ali VS Dragon with Dom as the ref. For one, the purple and black stripes actually looked really good on that ref shirt for Dom. And Dom playing it clean until the very end was a great swerve. However, I still hope Ali wins at No Mercy because Judgment Day will be too concerned about other things, like Fastlane just the week after. Then Ali and Dragon can feud over the North American title going into the late part of the year. And great little bit from Lyra and Roxie watching that match, only to get into it with Kiana James. And good bit from Lyra, Kelani and Dana, Roxie VS Kiana and Lyra VS Dana are going to be good matches.

Good bit from Gigi trying to talk sense into Thea but Jacy keeping Thea on her side. Blair also getting involved was a nice touch, as we can’t just have this be Gigi feuding with Jacy again. Gigi VS Blair can be some great stuff, and maybe Jacy & Thea hanging together is a way to get the Cavinder Twins in a story. They were already on screen helping Thea celebrate becoming #1 contender, so why wouldn’t they be the newest Chase U recruits? They can have a tag team feud with Jacy & Thea to help them get going while they rep Chase U and Thea starts to break away from it.

Bate VS Dabba was really good, and I was a little surprised Bate won. But I suppose this was a good way to build momentum going into the the Global Heritage Invitational, which also had great stuff tonight. Frazer VS Duke was great, with Frazer overcoming the literally biggest man in the tournament to get on the board. And then Dunne VS Axiom was as awesome as I thought it’d be, and I really like that they went with the time limit draw. Now, I am a little surprised not even is competing every week/night but I guess there’s still plenty of time before No Mercy and there’s also Level Up to shove a match onto. Coffey VS Tozawa is gonna be this week’s match-up, and Tozawa has to pull out the shocking upset if Frazer is to be the Group B finalist. Well, assuming they want Dar VS Frazer one more time. Bate could easily win his block and be the guy.

And while I was unsure about Bron VS Von being main event, even under No Disqualifications, that was a great match and Corbin did well on commentary. And at least Bron is overpowered as a Heel just like he was as a Face. He went through the wall, through the table, and still had power to low blow and spear Von down, AND then beat him up after the match. Speaking of which, what a wild ending. They cut to black as the steps were coming down so that we don’t have to see them not actually smash Von’s head in because duh, that’s not gonna happen. But Bron is definitely top Heel, and this can help build Von up as a Face through sympathy, as well as the courage to get back up after taking that kind of damage.

It’s rather wild to see these two second generation stars, who weren’t really all that interesting at the start of NXT 2.0 with Bron as “YEAH!” Face and Von as “Joe? Joe Blow?” Heel each turn it around and have some depth in their other roles. Born’s already had the top title a lot, he won’t/shouldn’t return to that scene, but he’s got possibilities. And Von is technically supposed to be a “free agent,” so maybe after this arc, he actually shows up on RawDown to have some fun feuds outside of NXT.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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