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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (9/15/23)

The Champ! Is! HEEEERE~!



Will John Cena endure the Grayson Waller Effect?

John Cena returns to SmackDown, to be a guest on Grayson Waller’s talk show! What will the Aussie Icon have to ask the Greatest Of All Time?


  • AJ Styles VS Finn Balor w/ The Judgment Day; Finn wins.
  • The Street Profits w/ Bobby Lashley VS Cruz Del Toro & Joaquin Wilde w/ The LWO; The Profits win.
  • LA Knight VS The Miz; Knight wins.
  • Bayley w/ Dakota Kai VS Asuka; Asuka wins.


Pat McAfee is here!

Denver is all fired up but Corey Graves is upset that Pat is back! He gets the mic to say, “Mile High City, I love you~! Y’know, I was just up the road in the Rockies for College Game Day covering Deion Sanders and the Colorado Buffalos, and when I looked online to keep up with the greatest wrestling show to ever grace television, WWE SmackDown, I saw that it was an hour away in this gorgeous city. And there was ZERO percent chance I wasn’t gonna take the ride down here to feel the greatest universe on Earth, the WWE Universe!” Fans cheer that!

Pat then says the greatest crowds of all crowds, and so it is his honor to welcome us to Friday Night SmackDown! But wait, here comes Austin Theory… Pat is no stranger to The Now, and Theory makes his way to the ring as fans boo. Theory has a mic now and he tells Pat, “This isn’t SmackDown! This is Austin Theory Live!” Fans boo more but Theory says look what the cat dragged in. Fans cheer for Pat but Theory says a lot of the people living here don’t get a lot of oxygen because we’re so high up. But hey, they gotta boo Theory, he’s only 26 years old and he’s everywhere. Pat at 26 was getting mug shots while Theory is on mugs, shirts and backpacks!

Theory tells the fans to shut up but they boo harder. Theory says he is here for Pat. They have unfinished business! Theory doesn’t know who Pat thinks he is, having his private jet and his news desk to talk about college football all day. But Theory has something real special. He’s gonna job Pat in a few seconds, and then what happens? Pat is gonna go back to his show, sit there all hurt and unable to do a damn thing, just like Aaron Rogers! Fans boo and they’re not even Jets fans! But Pat says Theory’s the one not gonna do a damn thing but Pat is pumped Theory is dressing like him and acting like him.

Theory says dawg, when he wears a black tank top, he looks like a Greek god! When Pat wears one, he looks like he should be flipping fries. Pat tells the Greek god to listen up. Pat’s not gonna fight Theory now, he’s enjoying the local laws here, wink wink. But uh, what was that about this not being SmackDown but what? Austin Theory Live! Get used to it, loser! Oh, well this is the biggest problem with Theory. Theory is so disrespectful to not just the business as a whole, but to all the people in the crowd. Fans cheer but Theory says he doesn’t care about them! Pat tells Theory this will never be HIS show, this is the people’s show.

And y’know what that means? IF YA SMELLLL~! Fans go nuts as yes, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson makes his epic return to SmackDown! The Rock smiles as he soaks it all in. Then he makes his way down the ramp! Fans fire up even more as The Rock gets up on the corner for his signature pose. Then The Rock steps into the ring with Pat and Theory, and The Rock of course bro hugs it out with Pat. The fans chant for “ROCKY! ROCKY!” and he smiles as he soaks it in again. The fans lose their minds even, which Fox has to censor. Theory says, “You know whose ring you’re in? It’s been a long time, Rock. A long time.

“But let me-” “Shut your b*tch ass up!!” Rock stops Theory in his tracks with that! Theory clearly does NOT know how all this works. The Rock takes off the jacket to show off the guns, and then he throws the jacket to the crowd for a free souvenir! “Finally, The Rock has come back to Denver…!” Fans fire up for that one, and chant for “ROCKY! ROCKY!” again. Theory says he will try. “Finally-” The fans boo over Theory but he says the ignorant people finally get to see The Rock and Austin in the ring again, one last time. But it won’t be boring old Stone Cold, it’ll be a real ass kicker! The Austin that’ll go on to be so great, he’ll be the entire Mount Rushmore!

The Rock says- “IT DOENSN’T MATTER WHAT THE ROCK SAYS!” Theory beat Rock to the punch on that one, but The Rock says it does matter what The Rock says. And it does matter what the people say. You bring up Stone Cold, that’s The Rock’s boy. But if Stone Cold were here instead, this is what he would say. “If you wanna see me beat this Jabroni’s ass, gimme a ‘Hell yeah!'” “HELL YEAH!!” The roof blew off the place because they are live, this is The Rock’s show, and it matters what the fans say. So hearing how hot the fans just got, Theory wants to talk trash about The Rock, talk trash about Pat, about the fans…

The Rock says this is Austin Theory, right? Damn right! And he’s from… A-Town? Right? Damn right! Well, something else The Rock is right about is that Theory is an A-Hole. And oh, The Rock is gonna show you live how much of an A-Hole Theory is. In about three seconds, this side is gonna chant “You Are.” And then the other side chants “An A**hole!” Three, two, one. “YOU ARE!” “AN A**HOLE!” And they do!! It gets censored again but oh well. The Rock has everyone stop, because that was amazing! Denver cheers themselves and The Rock has goosebumps. But this is the people’s show, let’s flip it around!

Three, two, one! The fans go again, “YOU ARE!” “AN A**HOLE!!” Theory gets so mad and he shouts for them to stop! Shut up! Enough! He is not that! But the fans won’t stop! The censoring can’t even keep up! Pat says this is a two hour show, we gotta get going. Right, but we’re having fun, aren’t we? The fans cheer that. The Rock tells Theory that he doesn’t know who Theory is, but he knows what Theory is, and clearly you’re an a-hole. But Theory, The Rock has a theory of his own: Theory comes out here on The Rock’s Show, the People’s Show, and runs down the people. They’re the reasons why this all happens.

So the theory is, in three seconds, The Rock whoops Theory’s candy ass all over Colorado. Fans fire up as The Rock counts down, but Theory fires hands first! Theory whips, The Rock reverses and hits a SPINEBUSTER! And we know what that means! Fans are thunderous and Pat clears space for this one! The Rock sets Theory up, runs side to side, for the PEOPLE’S ELBOW!! The Rock then welcomes Pat to try something. Pat gets up on Theory, fans are thunderous for it, and Pat runs side to side, for the MCAFEE ELBOW! Theory’s shoe comes off! The Rock throws it to the fans, another free souvenir!

If this is how the night is starting, just what madness is going to happen here in the Mile High City?


AJ Styles VS Finn Balor w/ The Judgment Day!

The Phenomenal One wanted to get after Solo Sikoa for going after him when he went after Jimmy Uso, but who would’ve guessed The Prince would feed his frenemy to the Enforcer? Will Styles get payback on Finn and clear a path to the Bloodline? Or will having Damian Priest & Dominik Mysterio with him help Finn put Styles down?

SmackDown returns and Styles makes his entrance, minus The OC. Gallows is hurt, so no Good Brothers at all tonight. The bell rings, the two circle, but then Priest creeps up. Styles senses it but Finn fires off in the distraction! Finn fires off hands in the corner, the ref counts, but Finn stomps a mudhole! Finn backs off but he brings Styles back up. Finn whips, but Styles blocks hip toss. Finn blocks hip toss but Styles clinches for a RUSSIAN ELG SWEEP! Then a scoop and BACKBREAKER! Styles storms up, whips, but Finn reverses. Styles sunset flips, Finn rolls through to basement dropkick! Cover, ONE! Finn keeps on Styles with ELBOWS to the neck and shoulders!

Finn clamps on a chinlock, he grinds Styles down, but fans boo. Styles endures, fans rally, and Styles fights up. Styles throws elbows and body shots, blocks a shot to ROKC Finn! Styles runs, but Finn SOBATS! Finn runs but Styles hurdles, drops and DROPKICKS! Then a scoop and BACKBREAKER! Finn bails out and regroups with his boys, fans fire up with Styles, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Styles fights a chinlock to JAWBREAKER! Finn staggers, Styles CHOPS him then whips. Finn reverses but Styles ducks ‘n’ dodges, DOUBLE CROSSBODIES collide! Even Dom and Priest are hurting from that. Fans rally while both men are down, Styles sputters as he sits up, and Finn goes to ropes. Finn swings but Styles counters to fire off the Phenomenal Blitz! Then SLIDING FOREARM! Fans fire up with Styles and he runs in at the corner to clothesline! Fireman’s carry, but Dom distracts! Finn CLAWS Styles’ eyes, then swings, but into an atomic FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!!

Dom and Priest are relieved but Styles drags Finn up. Styles bumps Finn off buckles, puts him up top, and Styles climbs up after him. Styles throws hands and fans fire up, but Finn slips free of the Super Steiner! Finn stands, but Styles trips him up! Fans fire up as Styles drags Finn off the top, into the STYLES- NO, Finn kicks the Clash! But Styles deadlifts and fireman’s carries, USHIGOROSHI! Finn flops out of the ring and the Judgment Day is there. Styles slingshots to FLYING FOREARM! Down goes Finn! The ring count climbs, Styles has Dom and Priest back down. Styles puts Finn in, Dom runs up but Styles CLOBBERS him!

Styles hops up onto the apron, but Priest goes after him! The ref spots that, so he EJECTS Priest & Dom! Fans fire up as justice is served! Styles ROCKS Finn, springboards, but Finn gets under! So Styles kicks Finn, reels him in, but JIMMY USO is here! Styles CLOBBERS Jimmy but Finn rolls Styles up! FINN WINS!!

Winner: Finn Balor, by pinfall

The Judgment Day still get away with one, all because Jimmy “I’m Still In” Uso returned the favor! Will The Tribal Chief take Jimmy back after this? Or will Jimmy just have Styles gunning for him even harder?


Pat and The Rock talk backstage.

That “You Are An A-Hole” thing was amazing. It could’ve gone on, and on, for all two hours! Pat then points out there’s a guy you can’t see here. The Rock turns around and it’s John Cena! These old rivals step up, and they catch each other trying not to smile. They shake hands and hug it out, and Cena heads on.


Jimmy Uso spots Paul Heyman.

Jimmy wants to talk with OG, but then Finn walks up and thanks Jimmy for the assist. Jimmy says this wasn’t about The Judgment Day. As Jimmy sees it, he’s simply returning the favor for last week. They’re even now. Oh? Okay. Yeah, it’s just payback for everyone who did Jimmy wrong. Okay, okay. That’s cool. But Finn’s seen Jey on Raw. Jimmy must miss his brother. Jimmy says he doesn’t know what Finn means. Finn says he misses his brothers, surely Jimmy misses Jey. Finn talked with Jey about joining Judgment Day, and Jey didn’t say no, so… Finn got to thinking, and maybe…

What if both the Usos joined The Judgment Day together? That’d take care of all these issues he’s got going on right now! Jimmy appreciates the offer but he’s good, Uce. Okay, just wanted to put it out there. Because the thing about Judgment Day, there’s no leaders, Uce. Y’know what that means? There’s no Roman Reigns. Finn heads out, and now Heyman walks over to talk with Jimmy. Jimmy doesn’t say anything, but is The Prince on to something?


The LWO is in the ring.

Rey Mysterio has the United States Championship on his shoulders and his team around him as they’re given the official introduction. Rey asks Denver what’s good, and says there’s nothing but love and respect here to the fans, and to his familia, the Latino World Order. When Rey came to SmackDown a year ago, not only was his career at a crossroads, but he was personally going through the hardest time in his life. Without going into detail, Rey truly felt devastated and heartbroken. But then, the LWO reminded Rey of who he is, and what familia really means. And now, Rey is the US Champion once again. And he has a united family that is stronger than ever.

Santos Escobar tells Rey that this family is a family of champions. When Austin Theory attacked Escobar and took him out, Rey stepped up. Escobar is so happy Rey did it. Rey took Austin down, and he became WWE United States Champion, like the legend he is! Fans cheer, Escobar says his dream has always been to face his idol, Rey, with a title on the line. So Rey, would you do Escobar the honor of facing him for the US Championship? Fans fire up for that, and Rey asks if Escobar is serious. After all they’ve been through, Escobar wants a title opporutnity? Escobar has nothing but love and respect for Rey and Rey knows that.

Then Escobar knows Rey feels the same way. So of course he accepts! They hug it out and Escobar says Rey had him going there. But wait! Bobby Lashley & The Street Profits are here! Denver cheers for their own Rocky Mountain Machine and he has a mic to say, “This is what I was telling you, fellas. We’ve got tag teams crumbling, falling apart. And then we got tag teams having this awkward love fest in the middle of the ring. A few weeks ago, we said we were taking over. And from the looks of it, this is gonna be easier than I ever imagined.” Dawkins says he ain’t lying! Santos is asking for opportunities, Rey is giving away opportunities like he Oprah!

Montez Ford starts on the Oprah Meme, but LWO stops them right there! Cruz Del Toro says they all talk a good game, when they’re 50 feet away! Vaminos, get in the ring! Joaquin Wilde says they’re always ready for a fight, so let’s go! The Profits VS Cruz & Wilde happens after the break!

The Street Profits w/ Bobby Lashley VS Cruz Del Toro & Joaquin Wilde w/ The LWO!

SmackDown returns as the match is already underway, and Wilde drags Dawkins up to whip. Wilde ELBOWS Dawkins down, drops an ELBOW, then covers, but Ford breaks it! Ford snarls, but Cruz GAMANGIRIS him back! Cruz runs at Dawkins but Dawkins TOSSES him right out! Wilde BOOTS Dawkins, BOOTS again, then goes up the corner! FROG- NO, he has to bail out as Dawkins moves! Ford sneaks a tag, and then Wilde runs into the REVELATION! Cover, Profits win!

Winners: The Street Profits, by pinfall

Ford & Dawkins make quick work of Cruz & Wilde, and Lashley talks with them. SHOW them who they are! So Ford & Dawkins beat up on Wilde & Cruz! Escobar & Rey run in to get them off the LWO, but Lashley CLOBBERS Escobar! Rey is stunned, but Ford anchors Rey’s foot and Dawkins DECKS him! The Almighty and his Profits head out, will anyone survive the hostile takeover?


LA Knight VS The Miz!

Is the Mega Star in the midst of a meteoric rise? YEAH! Did he defeat the Hollywood A-Lister at Payback? YEAH! Is the Miz furious about that? YEAH!! So here is the rematch to placate Miz’s anger, but will he get even with Knight? Or will he be forced to admit, whose game is it?

The bell rings and fans fire up for Knight. Knight and Miz circle, Miz fires himself up and they tie up. Knight powers Miz to a corner, Miz pulls hair to get out of the corner! Miz headlocks, Knight powers up and out, but things speed up and Knight runs Miz over! Fans fire up while Miz is fuming. Knight says “YEAH!” and the fans echo it. The two circle, tie up, and Miz waistlocks. The fans taunt Miz’s “TINY BALLS!” while Knight elbows out. Knight headlocks, Miz powers out but Knight runs him over! Knight then dodges Miz and shows haymaker but Miz scrambles to a corner! The ref wants Knight to stay back but Miz YANKS Knight into buckles!

Fans boo as Miz stomps a mudhole into Knight. Fans again bring up “TINY BALLS!” but Miz says they’re massive! Miz CHOPS Knight, “MASSIVE!” Another CHOP! Miz argues with the ref, but Knight spins to CHOP! And CHOP! And CHOP! Knight whips, scoops and POWERSLAMS! Cover, TWO! Knight storms up on Miz, scoops him again but Miz slips off to waistlock. Knight bucks the O’Conner Roll to SWINGING NECKBREAKER! Miz staggers up, Knight runs in but Miz sends him out! Knight RAMS into Miz, then SLINGSHOT SHOULDER TACKLES! Stack cover, TWO! Knight whips, Miz reverses and kitchen sink knees Knight down!

Fans boo but Miz soaks up the heat. Miz runs to basement BOOT! Fans rally for Knight while Miz paces around. Miz drags Knight into a HIP DROP! Miz says he is the gatekeeper! He takes down the newbies every time! But Knight throws hands! Miz shoves Knight, Knight swings but into a back suplex! Knight manages to land out and he shoves Miz into a corner! JUMPING NECKBREAKER! Knight goes up to FLYING BULLDOG! Then Knight runs to SLIDING BOOT! Cover, TWO! Miz is still in this but Knight smirks. Knight stalks Miz as he crawls for the apron. Knight drags Miz back in but Miz messes up the apron skirt!

The ref fixes the skirt and misses Miz RAKE the eyes! Miz runs in at the corner, A-LIST LARIAT! Miz says “GOOD KNIGHT!” and DRAPING COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, TWO!! Miz is frustrated but the fans rally for Knight, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and fans boo as Miz paces around Knight again. Miz says watch this! Miz runs to PUNT Knight in the side! Then he KICKS Knight down, KICKS Knight in the side, then KICKS him in the chest! Miz runs, to BOOT Knight down! Fans boo but Miz soaks it up as he runs again, to SLIDING KNEE! Cover, TWO! Knight is still in this and Miz is losing his cool. Miz stalks Knight, shouts “MASSIVE!” Full nelson, but Knight elbows and arm-drags free! Knight is in a corner, Miz runs in but Knight ROCKS him first! But Miz kicks low! Miz whips, Knight reverses but Miz KICKS back! Miz runs, into a LARIAT!

Knight then clinches, RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Kick and DDT! Miz ends up in a corner, fans cheer as Knight stomps the “YEAH!” into Miz! Knight runs corner to corner, to KNEE WASH! Miz flops, Knight covers, TWO! Miz is still in this but Knight keeps cool. Knight paces around Miz now, drags him up and suplexes, but Miz slips free to full nelson! Knight drops down to victory roll, TWO! Miz has the cover, with tights! TWO!! Miz kicks low, BASEMENT- NO, Knight holds ropes to deny the DDT! Miz flounders, Knight shakes his head and slingshots in, to RAM into Miz, then slingshot again, into a BOOT!

Miz has Knight in the ropes, runs side to side to KNEE LIFT! And then DRAPING CODE BREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Knight survives and Miz is shocked! Denver fires up as Knight sits up. Miz gets mad at the ref, but then he aims at Knight. Miz winds up, Knight ducks to roll Miz up! Miz rolls through but Knight ROCKS him with haymakers! Miz kicks a leg out! Miz runs, but Knight FLAPJACK HOTSHOTS! Fans spell it out, “L! A! KNIGHT! YEAH!!” B F T!! Cover, Knight wins!

Winner: LA Knight, by pinfall

And that’s 2-0 against The Miz! No excuses, either, because this was a normal referee! Knight gets the mic, and after hearing the fans chant for him, he says “LEMME TALK TO YA! From the day I set foot in SmackDown, I told everybody, I said I am coming for gold! So I look at the top of this mountain here in the WWE, and I see all the different options. And I gotta tell ya, it doesn’t matter if it’s Rey Mysterio, it doesn’t matter if it’s Gunther, it doesn’t make a difference if it’s Seth Rollins, and it damn sure doesn’t matter if it’s Roman Reigns!” Fans like the sound of that part!

Knight wants us to understand, this ain’t a catchphrase. He is easily top two, and he ain’t ever second place, YEAH! Because whose game is it? With everybody saying, “L! A! KNIGHT! YEAH!!” The Mega Star wants to be the Mega Champion, who will he get after first?


Paul Heyman & Solo Sikoa are watching this.

And neither looks happy. Heyman looks at Solo and Solo says he will handle this Knight problem, but Heyman wants Solo that order can only come from The Tribal Chief. And the Tribal Chief hasn’t given that order yet. What they need to focus on, with all due respect, is Solo’s brother, Jimmy. Jimmy is cutting deals with Judgment Day, and when that all falls apart, Solo will have to fight that fight. Jimmy is picking fights with John Cena, and when Cena comes around, Solo will have to fight that fight. Jimmy thinks he’s in The Bloodline, and Heyman understands Jimmy’s “in,” but he’s not IN The Bloodline!

They can only make moves like that when The Tribal Chief calls and gives that order. And then, then Solo can handle that business. Solo says he already knows what he needs to do, and he will finish this. Tonight. Heyman fears what that means but he can’t stop Solo from leaving. Heyman hurries to call Roman Reigns, but will Roman be able to call The Enforcer off in time?


Pretty Deadly startle Adam Pearce.

Kit Wilson pushes Elton Prince’s wheelchair in rather fast, but he thanks them for coming by. Pearce sees Elton’s shoulder is healing nicely, so that means they can be back int he ring in no time. In no time? Oh, Elton isn’t so sure, though! He’s a shell of his former self! The memory of Ridge Holland injuring Elton’s shoulder is stuck in his mind, he cannot get over it! The same intensity and clarity of a freshly bloomed flower on a warm Spring day, and yet, he can still hear the sound of his bones breaking, and he can still see that dumb look on Ridge’s dumb face as he smiles at the misfortune! The horror! The horror!!

Pearce doesn’t care about that, but medical says the shoulder is- Wait, if it’s his shoulder, then why is Elton in a wheelchair? The audacity, Pearce! There are some scars you just can’t see! Kit has Elton take a deep breath. Maybe he is being to hard on himself. Maybe with the perfect training regimen, Elton can be back before he knows it, they can be in the ring before they know it, and they will become the best tag team int he WWE! Now give us a “Yes Boy.” Elton pumps up, and they both shout YES BOY~! Elton vows to make his return after all, and they head out. Pearce sighs, when and where will the tastiest comeback begin?


Bayley and Dakota Kai talk backstage.

The Role Model says Iyo Sky has to win next week! Dakota agrees, and that’s why Iyo is off training alone. Bayley says that’s good and all but Bayley planned everything out perfectly from the day they debuted together to when Iyo cashed in that Money in the Bank contract. Iyo hasn’t been 1v1 with Asuka (in the WWE), so Bayley doesn’t know why Iyo challenged Asuka to a match! But Dakota says Bayley will have to be the one to face Asuka tonight. Uh, yeah, easy for Dakota to say since she’s still recovering. Dakota says she still has Bayley’s back, but she’s been so distracted by Shotzi, the real question is: is Bayley ready for Asuka?

Bayley has something to think about that, but little time to prepare. That match is after the break!


The Judgment Day talks backstage.

Rhea Ripley is resting at home after Nia Jax pancaked her, but the boys seem to be handling business. Will they break through to get either Uso on their side? And what about JD McDonagh’s status?


Bayley w/ Dakota Kai VS Asuka!

SmackDown returns as DMG CTRL make their entrance. The bell rings, the two tie up, and Asuka powers Bayley back a few steps. Bayley turns it around but Asuka puts Bayley in the corner. They start shoving, then Asuka SMACKS Bayley! Bayley swings, Asuka ducks but Bayley stomps a foot! Bayley throws hands, whips, but Asuka reverses to wrench, KICK and SOBAT! But Bayley trips Asuka to headlock! Only for Asuka to slip out and wrench Bayley. Bayley rolls, drags Asuka down to a cover, TWO! Bayley avoids a roundhouse! Fans cheer as Asuka stares Bayley down. Bayley uses ropes as defense, then she grabs Asuka’s hair to throw her down!

Bayley throws down fists, drags Asuka up and whips, but Asuka reverses. Asuka runs in, Bayley puts her on the apron, but Asuka ROCKS her back! Asuka goes up, and MISSILE DROPKICKS! Fans fire up, Bayley bails out and Asuka goes to the apron. Asuka runs, Bayley avoids the kick and trips Asuka! Bayley POSTS Asuka and Asuka falls to the floor! Bayley grins and Dakota cheers her on while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Bayley has Asuka in a chinlock. Asuka endures the knee in her back, Bayley smudges the face paint, but Asuka fights her way around. Fans rally, Asuka fights up, and Asuka throws body shots! Fans rally and Asuka JAWBREAKERS free! Bayley still throws Asuka to the apron, to HOTSHOT in the middle rope! Bayley runs to KNEE LIFT Asuka down! Cover, TWO! Bayley grows frustrated and she watches Asuka stand. Asuka staggers, Bayley runs in to sunset flip, but Asuka turns that into an ARMBAR! Bayley flails, kicks around, stacks, TWO! Asuka let Bayley go, and then she ELBOWS Bayley from the corner!

Asuka BOOTS Bayley, runs up, blocks a kick and slips around to GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans fire up for Asuka while Dakota coaches Bayley. Both women are down, they stir, and Asuka sits up first. Fans rally, Bayley runs in but Asuka dodges to then KICK her down! Asuka runs up to ELBOW in the corner! Bayley holds ropes to fight the suplex, and she elbows back. But she runs into a pop-up KNEE! SLIDING KICK! Cover, TWO! Bayley is still in this but Asuka refocuses. Asuka KICKS and kicks but Bayley ducks! Bayley shoves, Asuka mule kicks! Asuka runs up, CODE- NO, Bayley stops that to stomp Asuka down!

Bayley stomps again but Asuka gets that leg! ANKLE LOCK! Bayley scrambles up to her one free foot, and she rolls to send Asuka to a corner! Asuka goes up, FLYING CODE BREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Bayley survives, but Asuka has the ARMBAR!! Bayley scrambles, moves around, rolls, and they end up on the apron. They go to the floor, Bayley hoists Asuka up to FLAPJACK off the apron! Bayley then drags Asuka up and around to RAM her into barriers! Bayley clears off the desk! Fans fire up and Bayley storms back over to Asuka. Bayley drags Asuka up, but SURPRISE! Shotzi is there! Bayley freaks out as Shotzi jumps the barriers!

Bayley runs away into the ring, but Asuka is there now! Asuka gets the arms, backslides, ASUKA WINS!

Winner: Asuka, by pinfall

Shotzi laughs at Bayley, then scares her out of the ring! The Wild Child chases Bayley all the way to the back! Will Bayley ever get over her fears? Shotzi wants a fist bump but Asuka says… Sure. Will The Empress of Tomorrow take her title back next week? Or will the Evil Genius come back with a master plan?


It’s an all new Grayson Waller Effect!

The Dynamite From Down Under, the Moment Maker, the Aussie Icon is already in the ring, and he says he has had the honor of having some great guests on the GWE. Hall of Famers, social media superstars, and men and women who think they’re The GOAT. But that really only fits one person, and that is his guest tonight. Waller is so glad to have this person here. Because despite headlining WrestleMania after WrestleMania, winning championship after championship, starred in Hollywood blockbuster after blockbuster, this star is fading quicker than his hairline. But don’t worry, the rise back tot he top starts tonight, courtesy of the Waller Rub.

Ladies and gentlemen, THE Greatest Of All Time, JOHN CENA! Denver goes wild as Cena makes his way out! Cena can tell, even after everything tonight, Denver still has energy left to give! Cena slides into the ring, fans fire up even more, and even Waller gets in on throwing up the threes. Cena joins Waller at the desk, and Waller says this is like a dream. It must be a real honor for Cena to finally be on the GWE. But when Waller talks to grown-ups, he takes off his hat like his mother taught him. Fans boo Waller being passive aggressive but Waller says he watched Payback. As a host, Waller feels Cena needs some help.

Cena needs some advice because he was out there stealing the spotlight. Cena needs to be more like Waller. Just sit back, and let the stars shine. Cena nods and picks up his mic, but Waller says Cena couldn’t help himself. He had to make it all about Cena one more time. In fact, he got back in the ring. Not as a competitor, no. But as a special guest referee. And then Cena has the audacity to come here and lie to the people! The truth is, we all know it, Cena doesn’t wanna be an in-ring competitor anymore. The truth hurts, right? And there is no doubt that Cena IS the GOAT. But there’s also no doubt that Cena is no longer the greatest today.

Cena hasn’t been the same since Mania, right? When Waller’s boy, Theory, beat Cena! Just like he beat up The Rock here tonight! Fans boo, that is an outright lie. Cena throws his hat off, and then his shirt! Fans fire up and Waller wants Cena to calm down. This is a talk show! Go ahead and speak. Cena composes himself, but here comes Jimmy Uso! Cena is confused but Waller jams out to the music. Jimmy steps into the ring and Cena has a feeling Waller set this up somehow. Waller sits back, just as his “advice” suggested, as Cena steps to Jimmy. But then Jimmy snatches Cena’s mic! Jimmy says Kangaroo Jack has a point!

Jimmy says no one wants Cena here! Nobody! He told him two weeks ago, the fans are all here to see JIMMY USO! Fans boo, that’s a lie, too. They chant for “CENA! CENA!” Jimmy says sure, they love Cena here. But if Cena tries to embarrass Jimmy like he did two weeks ago… If not, then get the hell outta Jimmy’s ring. But before Cena can respond, here comes Solo! Heyman walks with Solo to the ring, still not sure what Solo is planning on doing. Solo gets in the ring with Jimmy, Cena and Waller, but goes right up to Cena! Jimmy says okay, okay! Jimmy says 2v1, what’s Cena gonna do now?

But then Solo grabs Jimmy! And prepares the thumb!! But then he SUPERKICKS Cena!! It was a fake-out! Waller applauds and Jimmy smiles. Fans boo but Jimmy wants a high-five. Solo just throws hands on Cena! So Jimmy joins in with stomps! But here comes AJ STYLES! Styles has beef with The Bloodline so he runs in to fire off on Jimmy! Solo goes after Styles but then Cena fires off on Solo! Cena TOSSES Solo, Styles PELES Jimmy! Cena says “YOU CAN’T SEE ME!” FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE! And then Jimmy staggers up into a fireman’s carry! Heyman says save Jimmy so Solo drags Jimmy out of the ring!

Fans boo the Bloodline, but then cheer as Cena & Styles stand tall. They high-five, will they be united in taking down what’s left of The Bloodline? What will The Tribal Chief have to say about this?

My Thoughts:

A very good episode for SmackDown here, with a great surprise to open the show! Pat McAfee and The Rock putting Theory in his place was some wild stuff, definitely a moment to remember. Great opener with Styles VS Finn, but natural move for Jimmy to screw Styles over. I did like Finn trying to recruit each Uso so that they’d have one on each brand, and good reaction from Heyman to that. Of course Jimmy interrupts the Grayson Waller Effect since Cena’s there, and then Solo and Styles getting up, that could be a really interesting tag team match for Fastlane, to mostly take some of the pressure of Cena getting back in action like this.

Also good stuff of Solo not happy with Knight winning the rematch against The Miz. To be fair, I was surprised it went down like that, but I suppose they don’t need to extend the feud to Fastlane. Knight wants a title, he names all the names, not just SmackDown’s, but you can bet Knight will want his shot at Roman more than anything else. LWO had a good segment to point things towards Rey VS Escobar, and then good promo from Lashley & The Profits to set up a tag match. I’m rather shocked it only got so much screentime, but I bet the match had to be cut short because of the opening segment with The Rock’s “You Are An A-Hole” going long. I would think Lashley faces whoever wins in Rey VS Escobar.

Great bit out of Pretty Deadly with Elton being so dramatic, mostly so Kit can reencourage him. They’ll have a fun little return, and sounds like they’ll keep their feud with The Brawling Brutes going. Then great stuff in the ongoing DMG CTRL stories. Iyo being away “training” is a nice little touch, and Bayley VS Asuka was great stuff. Shotzi showing up to scare and cost Bayley was just what Dakota was worried about, and I would think we get Bayley VS Shotzi soon, though maybe not on Fastlane. Iyo VS Asuka next week is going to be great stuff, though that makes me think this women’s title will be off Fastlane so there’s room for the women’s world title.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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