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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (9/8/23)

Friday is FIGHT NIGHT!



Will even SmackDown belong to the Judgment Day?

The NEW Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions are on SmackDown, ready to conquer every brand! But will The Brawling Brutes defend FIGHT NIGHT from Judgment Day?


  • Charlotte Flair & Shotzi Blackheart VS Bayley & Iyo Sky w/ Dakota Kai; Charlotte & Shotzi win.
  • LA Knight VS Austin Theory w/ Grayson Waller; Knight wins.
  • Finn Balor & Damian Priest w/ Dominik Mysterio VS The Brawling Brutes; Finn & Priest win.
  • Jimmy Uso VS AJ Styles; Styles wins.


Charlotte Flair & Shotzi Blackheart VS Bayley & Iyo Sky w/ Dakota Kai!

The Queen is in Boston, and she’s bringing some pretty crazy reinforcements! Will Charlotte and the Wild Child bring down the Role Model & Evil Genius? Or will Damage CTRL continue to be in control of the SmackDown Women’s Division?

As if Bayley hasn’t upset Shotzi enough in the past, Bayley kicks and stomps the tank! The teams sort out and Charlotte starts against Bayley. Fans “WOO~!” as Bayley talks trash. Bayley shoves Charlotte, but Charlotte shoves Bayley! Charlotte then dodges Bayley, BLASTS Iyo and CHOPS away on Bayley! Iyo gets in but Charlotte ROCKS her! Bayley ambushes Charlotte, Shotzi runs in, it is a brawl! Charlotte TOSSES Bayley, Iyo CLUBS Shotzi, and Charlotte goes out to RAM Bayley into barriers! Iyo TOSSES Shotzi out, but Charlotte helps her up. Iyo gets them both with an ASAI MOONSAULT! Direct hit and fans fire up as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns and Iyo has Shotzi down with a chinlock. Fans rally up, Shotzi fights to her feet and she arm-drags free! Shotzi leaps but into a FLAPJACK! Iyo tags Bayley and DMG CTRL drags Shotzi from Charlotte. They then surround Shotzi, run in, and DOUBLE BOOT Shotzi down! Bayley covers, TWO! Charlotte was there on standby but Bayley shoos her away. Bayley drops an elbow on Shotzi, then CHOKES her on the ropes! The ref counts, Bayley lets off at 4, and she mocks the fans. Bayley has Shotzi in the corner and stomps her down. Bayley stands Shotzi up but Shotzi throws hands! Bayley knees low then CLUBS Shotzi down!

Fans rally but Bayley clamps on a Camel Clutch! Shotzi fights up, fans rally, and Shotzi reaches out. Bayley holds her back by an arm, kicks a leg out, then wags her finger at Charlotte. Bayley whips Shotzi to the corner, runs in but into an ELBOW! Shotzi elbows Iyo down, too, then ENZIGURIS Bayley! Fans fire up as Shotzi hurries, but Bayley grabs a foot! Shotzi hops up, fights free and KICKS, then QUESTION MARK KICKS! Hot tag to Charlotte! Charlotte goes up, to DOUBLE CROSSBODY DMG CTRL! Fans fire up as Charlotte CHOPS Bayley! And CHOPS Iyo! And repeat! Bayley gets more CHOPS, and the fans “WOO~!”

Fans fire up as Charlotte then runs, but Bayley dodges! Charlotte scoops Bayley, to FALL AWAY SLAM! And kip up! Fans fire up even more now as Charlotte aims from a corner. Handspring and LARIAT! Iyo runs in but into a kick! Charlotte hits an EXPLODER! Charlotte then gets Bayley’s legs, steps through, but Bayley cradles! TWO!! Charlotte escapes and trips Bayley to step through again! FIGURE FOUR! Bayley endures, Iyo METEORAS! Bayley is free now and she pushes Charlotte to the corner. Tag to Iyo and they hoist Charlotte up top. Iyo climbs up, Bayley tags back in, SUPER STEINER sets Charlotte up in the drop zone!

Bayley climbs, but wait, ASUKA sneaks up on Dakota! And she snatches the belt from her! Iyo is freaking out, Charlotte BOOTS Bayley down! Fans fire up as Charlotte tags Shotzi back in! Charlotte BOOTS Iyo! Asuka grins, Charlotte is a little unsure about this, but Shotzi gives Bayley the FISHERMAN DDT! Cover, Shotzi & Charlotte win!

Winners: Charlotte Flair & Shotzi Blackheart, by pinfall

The Empress of Tomorrow is VERY happy that DMG CTRL just lost this one! She holds up the belt to taunt Iyo, but Iyo steps into the ring with her. Fans fire up as these two old rivals meet again. The belt is put aside, the two talk trash and egg each other on. Fans want to see a fight, but Asuka takes her leave for now. Will the Evil Genius have to study very hard to be ready for Asuka?


Paul Heyman is on the phone.

He’s been asking and asking, but- Oh, Jimmy Uso walks in. And he tells “OG” that stress ain’t even word, Uce. He was told by John Cena that “the wrong Uso” quit, and then little brother Solo said Jimmy ain’t out the Bloodline unless they say he out the Bloodline. So, OG, nobody told him about being out, so guess what? He in. #WeTheOnes. What’s the strategy for AJ Styles? Heyman says first off, Solo isn’t here tonight. And neither is The Tribal Chief. But always represented. And yeah, if you’re not out, then you’re in. But there’s like, in, and then there’s in. Yeah, and Jimmy is in, so let’s go!

No, Jimmy isn’t in until Roman Reigns says you’re in, BUT! He did authorize Jimmy the house and the car and the yacht. Jimmy, do yourself a favor. Handle business in the ring with AJ Styles, and Heyman will handle the business with the Bloodline. And before Jimmy knows it, Heyman will bring this family back together. Right, good. Jimmy wants a handshake but Heyman hurries away. Heyman is stressing, but then he crosses paths with AJ Styles. Styles sees Heyman, and Heyman says he was just talking about Styles. Doesn’t Styles think he has enough problems in his life before deciding he wants to tangle with Heyman?

Styles backs Heyman up against a road case! Styles asks Heyman who he thinks he is! Heyman has zero clout around here without Roman! But then Jimmy attacks Styles from behind! And sends him over road cases! Jimmy grins and says he just handled that business, OG. YEET. Heyman nods and gets back on his phone. “Call Roman Reigns.” Is the Wise Man about to put in a good word for Jimmy like he promised?


Damage CTRL regroups backstage.

Bayley can’t believe this keeps happening! What is wrong with people? Kayla Braxton walks over, apologizes for interrupting, and says Asuka certainly made her presence known tonight. Yeah, no duh, Kayla! And y’know what? Asuka is NOT the champ anymore, so she should mind her own business. Otherwise, DMG CTRL puts her on the shelf like they did Bianca Belair. So is that a challenge? Iyo says yeah, she IS ready for Asuka, this is the challenge! And for the title!! DMG CTRL heads out, is the Evil Genius making a foolish decision?


LA Knight is here!

Boston fires up for The Mega Star who is coming off a mega win over The Miz last week at Payback! But now, he wants to get even with a certain other big ego in The Now. Knight gets the mic, but he hears the crowd go wild first before he says, “LEMME TALK TO YA!” Fans go even wilder, and he says he isn’t sure if everyone saw The Miz’s “scintillating performance on Raw,” but let’s go ahead and dissect it. How’s his song go? I Came To Play? Well, if Knight was a complete moron, he’d say we look at the adjective. But he is NOT a moron, so let’s look at the verb. “Play.” Knight came here to walk straight to the damn top, and anybody who stands in his way, you already got a taste.

But Miz here, he plays dress-up. Then he plays make-believe. And Miz whines and cries about Knight winning because of John Cena. Right? “YEAH!” “NAH NAH!” Knight didn’t ask for Cena, didn’t need Cena, or even needs Cena’s endorsement. Knight’s endorsed himself for 20 years and is standing right here. Knight has all the respect in the world for what Cena’s done, but in the end, Cena just counted the three. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, Miz, but you will swallow it. But if you wanna be a roach that hangs on until it gets stomped out again, then consider that challenge- Wait, here comes Grayson Waller.

Fans boo as the Moment Maker swaggers on stage, and he wants everyone to hold on. Waller asks “La Knight” if this is a good idea after Miz “ran through John Cena” on Raw like he wasn’t even there. So Waller and his associate Theory were backstage talking, and well, he’ll just bring Theory out so they can both talk about it. Theory makes his entrance, and Waller says they were talking about their win last week against the Hall of Famer, Rey Mysterio, and his stepson, Santos Escobar. In fact, that means they’re the only tag team on the roster that is undefeated! And realistically, the greatest tag team of all time!

Fans boo, it’s a 1-0 record. Knight says they must be proud of themselves. They’re clearly fan favorites for getting all these boos. But why’re they telling Knight? If she’s not too sick of it, go tell mommy. And also, tell her Knight said hi. Waller says Knight’s clearly talking about Theory’s mom. Theory then mockingly says, “Lemme talk to ya.” Fans boo but Theory asks who is the ref that beat Knight? Oh right, the Greatest Of All Time, John Cena. The man that THEORY beat! Waller mocks “Yeah!” Then this is the Mega Star, who Theory’s also beaten! Yeah! So Waller, isn’t he, at only 26 years old, already two-time United States Champion? YEEEEAH~!

Fans boo more but Theory says Knight is, uh… Well, he’s just been here. And glad to see it, because Knight can soak in his 15 minutes of fame. When Theory’s done with Knight, Miz won’t even waste his time! Knight says these two are “cute” together. If they’re done boring everyone, why not let Knight show the incels how it’s done? Who’s the one on the right? A mush-mouth moron. YEAH! And the one on the left? A cross-eyed halfwit. YEAH! But hey, if you two crotch goblins wanna get served, we can make it happen right now! Because the TD Garden stands on Legends Way.

And in a very legendary way, Theory, at just 26 years old, he can get his keister kicked! With everybody saying “L! A! KNIGHT! YEAH!!” Fans are all fired up, will they get even louder as Knight takes Theory to school?

LA Knight VS Austin Theory w/ Grayson Waller!

SmackDown returns and Waller joins commentary and informs us that next week, John Cena returns to be the guest on The Grayson Waller Effect! Let’s just hope that’s more real than The Miz having Cena on MizTV. Anyway, the bell rings, Knight and Theory tie up, and they go around. Theory headlocks, Knight rolls and throws Theory away but Theory headlocks. Knight powers out, but Theory runs him over! Fans rally for Knight but Theory talks trash. The fans chant “THEORY SUCKS!” Knight and Theory reset, circle, and tie up. Theory headlocks, Knight powers up and out, but Theory runs him over again!

Things speed up, Knight CLOBBERS Theory! Theory flounders to a corner, Knight whips Theory but Theory reverses, only for Knight to hit a SWINGING NECKBREAKER! Knight kicks Theory, brings him up and scoops but Theory slips out to shove Knight into a corner. Theory RAMS into Knight, fires off elbows, then digs his knee in! The ref counts, Theory lets off, only to drag Knight up for a snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Theory grins and mocks the “YEAH!” but fans boo. Knight goes to the apron, Theory storms up but Knight holds ropes! Knight suplexes but Theory fights free. Theory rushes in but Knight moves to KNEE Theory back!

Knight slingshots to FLYING SHOULDER TACKLE! Theory tumbles all the way out but Knight hurries after. Waller is a bit worried, and Knight SMACKS Theory off the desk! And again! And again! Fans fire up as Knight dribble Theory as good as any Boston Celtic! Knight then leaves Theory behind to refresh the count, then he comes back to put Theory in the ring. Knight sends Theory into a corner and runs in to clothesline! Knight then whips back the other way, but Theory tosses Knight up to HOTSHOT him down! Fans boo as Theory puts Knight on the apron, for a DRAPING NECKBREAKER to the floor!

Fans boo but Waller cheers the baller combo, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Theory has Knight in a chinlock. Knight fights up, throws body shots, and kicks low. Theory blocks, ducks the enziguri, but Knight avoids the elbow drop! Theory staggers up, swings, but into counter punches! Knight CLOBBERS Theory, dodges and clinches, RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Fans fire up as Knight hits a DDT! Theory staggers to ropes, fans fire up, and Knight stomps a mudhole in! “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” Knight runs corner to corner to KNEE WASH! Fans fire up and Knight fireman’s carries Theory. Theory slips free, but Knight blocks a boot. Theory ROCKS Knight with a left forearm!

Theory somersaults to BLOCK BUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Fans rally up while Theory grows frustrated. Theory scowls and shakes his head as fans rally for Knight. Theory runs in but Knight TOSSES him out! Knight builds speed to WRECK Theory with a dropkick! Boston fires up more as Knight storms around Theory. Knight drags Theory up but Theory fights the suplex. Theory suplexes Knight to the floor! Waller sees that with the ref distracted, he hurries to untie buckle pads! Theory sees that, nods to Waller, and then he gets Knight in the ring. Theory drags Knight up, whips him in, but Knight stops himself!

Theory back suplexes, Knight lands on his feet to shove Theory, scoop and POWERSLAM! Fans fire up and they spell it out with Knight! “L! A! KNIGHT! YEAH!!” ELBOW DROP! Knight waits on Theory, Waller distracts him! Knight swipes at Waller but he gets away, so Theory rolls Knight up! TWO!! Theory hurries and gets around, but Knight switches and shoves Theory! Theory stops from hitting the bare buckle! Knight catches him in B F T!! Cover, Knight wins!

Winner: LA Knight, by pinfall

For the first time ever, Boston is happy LA wins! But Waller sneaks in, only for Knight to catch him first! Waller tries to explain he was just checking on Theory, and then he runs away. Will Knight take this momentum and turn it into gold?


Backstage interview with AJ Styles.

Cathy Kelley is with the Phenomenal One as he checks his teeth, and she asks that after the attack, does Styles feel he is in any condition to compete tonight? He’s still standing, ain’t he? And if he’s standing, he can fight. Jimmy Uso can jump Styles as many times as he wants, but nothing is gonna stop Styles from tearing Jimmy’s head off tonight. Styles heads out, will he personally make sure Jimmy’s not back in the Bloodline?


Paul Heyman talks with Adam Pearce.

He says that no one, not even AJ Styles, should be putting their hands on the Wise Man. And Pearce needs to handle this, after he tells us who SmackDown is getting from Raw in return for Jey Uso. Pearce says Heyman can keep asking, but he knows as well as Pearce does that such decisions come from much higher up. But in walks LA Knight saying that we heard from Miz on Monday, and we heard from Knight tonight. Make the match, Knight VS Miz round 2! If Miz wants his chin checked one more time, Knight will do it! Pearce says they’ll do it next week. Knight likes that idea. Then consider it official.

Knight looks at Heyman and Heyman says they’ve never been formally introduced, have they? His name is Paul Heyman, and he is a huge admirer of Knight’s work. Really? Yeah! See? Get it? Catchy! Heyman loves it! The fans have the shirts, and they say the things. Heyman wants to help Knight in another way: the next time the guy outside the door tells Knight that Heyman is in here doing business, do yourself a favor and knock first. Are we clear? “Yeah.” Heyman smirks and says okay, and then leaves. Is Heyman the one who should be careful about knocking on that door?


Finn Balor & Damian Priest w/ Dominik Mysterio VS The Brawling Brutes!

Mami Rhea is away in India for Superstar Spectacle, but she’s trusting her boys to handle this on their own. Will The Prince & Punisher, Prodigal Son in their corner, prove that the Judgment Day runs ALL of the WWE? Or will Ridge Holland & Pete Dunne defend the honor of FIGHT NIGHT?

SmackDown returns and Priest has the mic to say, “All rise for the crew that has all the gold! And ALL RISE for the Judgment Day!” Fans are torn but Finn then asks, “Who’s better than us?” “Nobody!” “That’s right! Nobody! So SmackDown, take a look at Senor Money in the Bank and Grand Slam Finn, your Undisputed Tag Team Champions!” Fans are again torn, but Finn says they’re still celebrating the one year anniversary AND being NXT North American Champion, Dirty Dom! Dom starts speaking, but the fans boo all together now. Dom says they can’t forget Mami, who is halfway across the globe in India, proving she’s the most DOMINANT Women’s World Champion!

Priest says they are all proud of Rhea Ripley! Yes, PROUD. But speaking of being proud, they’re proud that they accomplished something not even The Bloodline could do. In fact, they did something not even Roman Reigns could do. They not only beat Sami Zayn & Kevin Owens, they took these tag titles from them! Dom tells Jey Uso, which gets fans to boo him again, but Dom says that there’s always a place here for Jey in the Judgment Day. They are all equals! And they are the most DOMINANT group in all the WWE! But wait, here come the Brawling Brutes! Fans fire up as Dunne has a mic, and he tells Boston, “IT’S FIGHT NIGHT!!”

Fans fire up as Ridge takes the mic to ask Butch, “I couldn’t hear because Dom was being booed so loud, but did he say that these guys are the most dominant group in WWE? Well, the Brawling Brutes are here, and we’re looking to put on a banger here in Bean Town!” Judgment Day looks so proud with their shiny new belts, but they couldn’t have picked the worst first opponents. Ridge has made a habit of breaking fellas like them! But, but, but… It’s not Ridge you should worry about. It’s Dunne! Finn laughs and asks if the others heard this. They need to worry about this guy? Finn doesn’t care about Dunne!

But Dunne grabs Finn’s fingers and SNAPS them! Then Dunne dodges Priest! Ridge clotheslines Priest out, then the Brutes double whip Finn! Finn stops himself, bails out, will he and Priest be able to regroup and get back at the Brutes for that?

SmackDown returns and the match is already underway, and Dunne runs in at the corner, only for Priest to DECK him! Priest drags Dunne up, tags Finn, and they mug Dunne. Finn sits Dunne up to ELBOW him in the head again and again! The ref reprimands, Finn shakes out the beat up fingers, and then he clamps on a cording hold to grind Dunne. Dunne fights up, wrangles Finn and isolates the arm, to STOMP the arm! Fans fire up and Dunne brings Finn around. Dunne double wristlocks Finn, Ridge tags in, and Dunne feeds Finn to Ridge’s facelock SWING! Fans fire up as Ridge then shifts to a stalling BUTTERFLY SUPLEX!

Ridge drags Finn up again, scoops, but Finn claws eyes! Tag to Priest, Ridge runs in but into a KICK! Priest runs to RAM Ridge, but Ridge rebounds to RAM Priest! Priest runs Ridge over! Fans fire up, Priest brings Ridge in, and Ridge fireman’s carries! Priest CLUBS free, then tries again, only for Ridge to try again! Priest CLUBS away on Ridge, taunts Dunne, and he brings Ridge in, but Ridge fireman’s carries once more! Finn rushes in, but Ridge just adds him to the pile! DOUBLE BACK DROP! Fans fire up as Ridge takes aim, and he waits on Priest to stand up. But Dom distracts! Ridge swipes at Dom, he gets away, and Priest CLOBBERS Ridge!

Priest rains down fists on Ridge, then he tags Finn in. Pretty Deadly is watching backstage, Elton Prince still in a wheelchair even though it was his arm that got injured. Finn & Priest double whip Ridge to mule kick, front kick, low kick and then SCISSOR KICK! Cover, TWO! Finn CLUBS Ridge on the neck, then clamps on a chinlock. Finn grinds Ridge down, fans rally up, and Ridge fights up to his feet. Finn facelocks to keep Ridge from Dunne, but Ridge powers up! Ridge makes it a few steps but Finn knees him low! Ridge tries again, but Finn throws another knee. Fans rally, Ridge powers up, and he gives one last gas to TOSS Finn away!

Hot tag to Dunne and fans fire up as he dodges Finn to GAMANGIRI Priest! Then Dunne dodges Finn to GAMANGIRI again and again! Dunne snapmares to then drop KNEES on Finn’s arm! And then SHINING WIZARD! Finn bails out but Dunne goes up and out, then up the corner! ASAI MOONSAULT takes both Finn & Priest down! Boston is thunderous for the Bruiserweight as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns again and Dunne has Finn up top! SUPER DUPER PLEX! Dunne fires up, fans are with him, and Dunne pump handles! BITTER- NO, Finn slips out for EYE OF THE HURRICANE! Both men are down and fans rally. Pretty Deadly is watching intensely as we get hot tags to Priest and Ridge! Ridge fires off forearms, Priest BELL CLAPS! And KICKS! And KICKS! And KICKS! ROLLING HAYMAKER! Ridge rebounds to block the haymaker! And the other! OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY! Fans fire up as Ridge runs in, SPLASH! Tag to Dunne, and Ridge scoops Priest, SHOTGUN NORTHERN LIGHTS BOMB! Cover, TWO!!

Priest survives and Dom coaches him but Dunne aims from across the way. Dunne runs in, but Priest hits a JUMP KICK! Cover, TWO!! Dunne survives and Priest snarls. Priest drags Dunne up, winds up and UPPERCUTS! Then a JUMP KICK for Ridge! Priest hauls Dunne up, DIRTY DEEDS!! Cover, TWO!?! Dunne survives again and Priest is furious! Priest drags Dunne up but Dunne brings his hands down, to STOMP them! And BASEMENT DROPKICK! Priest flounders away, Finn tags in! But Dunne dodges Finn to SNAP GERMAN SUPLEX! Dom distracts again, but Dunne grabs him by his mullet! For BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN!!

But Finn rolls Dunne up! TWO!! Finn runs up to SLINGBLADE! Finn aims, SHOTGUN! Dunne hits buckles and flops into a drop zone! Finn goes up, CUOP DE- NO, Dunne dodges and ghost pins! TWO!! ENZIGURI! PELE!! Dunne rebounds and Finn hurries to tag Priest! Priest runs up to choke grip! SOUTH OF- ENZIGURI! Hot tag to Ridge! Fans fire up as Ridge POUNCES Priest! Dunne goes up a corner, Ridge reels Priest in to a Canadian Rack! Finn SHOVES Dunne down! Priest slips free to choke grip Ridge, SOUTH OF HEAVEN SLAM!! And then SOUTH OF HEAVEN of Dunne onto Ridge!!

Tag to Finn and he goes right up! COUP DE GRACE!! Cover, Judgment Day wins!

Winners: Finn Balor & Damian Priest, by pinfall

The tag team champions definitely got a fight from the Brutes, but Dirty Dom was enough to tip the scales when needed. The Judgment Day stands tall on Fight Night, but wait! BOBBY LASHLEY is here, with the Street Profits! The All Mighty leads Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford to the ring, and they stare down Judgment Day. Fans fire up as Lashley has a mic and he stares Priest down. “You guys are right about one thing, The Bloodline is crumbling,. But it ain’t the Judgment Day taking over. It’s gonna be us!” Fans like the sound of that! Will the Almighty and his Profits tear down The Prince, the Punisher and the Prodigal Son?


The OC talks backstage.

They’re watching videos on a smart phone, Mia Yim and Karl Anderson get Luke Gallows to do his Finkel impersonation. Styles walks over, still in no mood. Do they have any idea what’s going on? Yeah, he’s got that big main event match with Jimmy! Does he want them out there? Oh, good to see they’re on top of things. So did they see Jimmy jump Styles from behind? Oh, right, sorry. Styles slaps Karl’s phone down!! They’re sorry!? Karl says hey, they told him not to get involved in this Bloodline business! Styles gets upset and says the OC has ALWAYS had each other’s back! Right or wrong, they ALWAYS had each other’s backs!

Styles says if this is the way things are going to be, he doesn’t need them anywhere near ringside tonight. Styles storms off, will Michin & The Good Brothers figure out how to get right?


SmackDown shares highlights from Superstar Spectacle.

Earlier today, though 7:30 PM India Standard Time, the WWE finally held this event in India! Seth Rollins, John Cena, Sami Zayn, Drew McIntyre, Matt Riddle, Shanky, Indus Sher and even The Great Khali were there in Hyderabad! Will this spectacle only be even bigger next year?


Asuka speaks.

First she rants in Japanese that she’s supposed to be afraid of Damage CTRL? HAH! Then in English, Asuka says “They forgot about me. They forgot I was the champion, and never got a match. Iyo has MY title!” She goes back to tearing into Iyo in Japanese, and says that in two weeks, that Asuka is taking it back. “Iyo-chan, NO ONE is ready for Asuka!” The Empress is more than ready, will she show the Evil Genius that she’s been the biggest fool of them all?


Jimmy Uso VS AJ Styles!

First, he said he was out and no one could tell him what to do. But then he said he was more than ready to come back to the table. He wants Heyman to keep his word and get him back in, but will he fail to hold up his part and handle AJ Styles? Or will the Phenomenal One handle this issue himself and take Jimmy out?

SmackDown returns and Styles makes his entrance. The bell rings and Jimmy rushes in! Styles dodge the superkick, then fires off on Jimmy in the ropes! The ref counts, Styles lets off, to SWEEP the leg! Jimmy falls hard and then falls out of the ring! Styles goes out after him, chases him back into the ring, and Jimmy cradles! TWO!! Jimmy gets around, rolls Styles up, with feet on the ropes! The ref sees that, stops the count, Jimmy is upset, but Styles DECKS him! Styles brings Jimmy up, bumps him off buckles, and then CHOPS him! Fans “WOO~!” and Styles snap suplexes! Jimmy grits his teeth while he writhes.

Styles looms over Jimmy, stalks him to a corner, and fans rally behind Styles as he stomps Jimmy! Styles then scoops Jimmy for a BACKBREAKER! Jimmy grits his teeth again and Styles stalks him. Styles has Jimmy in a corner but Jimmy CHOPS! Styles ENZIGURIS! Styles eggs Jimmy on, then drops a knee on Jimmy’s face! Styles drags Jimmy up, Jimmy pushes him away and the ref checks Jimmy’s face. But Styles KICKS Jimmy to the corner! Styles reels Jimmy in, but Jimmy gets away before The Clash! Fans boo and Styles is annoyed, but Jimmy takes his time returning. Styles eggs Jimmy on as Jimmy goes around the outside.

The ring count climbs, Styles says Jimmy ain’t nothing! Jimmy keeps going around the outside, the count is 6 of 10, and Jimmy rushes in. They tie up, Styles throws hands, but Jimmy shoves Styles to UPPERCUT him down! Jimmy storms up, brings Styles around and HEADBUTTS him down! Cover, ONE! Jimmy brings Styles up, whips, but Styles reverses. Jimmy holds ropes, bails out, and fans boo again. Jimmy holds up the finger, #HeTheOne here, but Styles DROPKICKS Jimmy down! Styles then goes out, SLIDING- SUPERKICK from Jimmy! Wait, Heyman walks out with Solo even though he said Solo wasn’t here?

Heyman smirks and Jimmy grins, confident that he has their backing now. Jimmy brings Styles over to SMACK him off the steel steps! Styles slumps down, Jimmy holds up the one, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns once again and Styles throws hands on Jimmy! Styles backs Jimmy down, CHOPS him, then CHOPS again! Styles whips, Jimmy reverses and back drops high and hard! Solo and Heyman are even closer to ringside now and Styles goes to a corner. Jimmy storms up and he throws down hands. The ref reprimands and counts, Jimmy lets off, and Jimmy grins as he goes to the far corner. Fans boo as Jimmy aims and starts up the “UCE! SO!” Jimmy runs in to HIP ATTACK! Cover, TWO! Styles survives but Jimmy just grins. Jimmy watches Styles sit up, then brings him around into a chinlock.

Styles endures as Jimmy grinds him down. Fans rally up, Styles fights to his feet, and Styles throws body shots! But Jimmy throws Styles down by his hair! Fans boo and the ref reprimands but Jimmy frowns. Jimmy sits Styles up to grind forearms in Styles’ face, and even fishhook the nose! The ref reprimands, Jimmy clamps on another chinlock, and he grinds Styles again. The fans rally up, Styles fights to his feet, and he throws body shots! Styles wrenches, gets around, and hits a BIG back suplex! Both men are down and Heyman frowns now. Both men rise, and Styles has Jimmy first, but Jimmy pushes him away.

Jimmy talks trash but Styles eggs him on. Jimmy SLAPS Styles! Styles SLAPS back! They stand, SLAP back and forth, harder and harder, then Styles blocks a kick! Styles spins Jimmy but the DRAGON WHIP hits! Jimmy grins but Styles PELES back! Fans fire up while both men are down again but Heyman starts to yawn. Styles and Jimmy stir, and Styles goes to ropes. Styles glares at Jimmy, runs in and clotheslines him up and out! Jimmy is at Solo’s feet, but Solo steps back. Styles slingshots, FLYING FOREARM takes Jimmy down! Styles puts Jimmy in, takes aim again, and he springboards, but Jimmy gets under!

Jimmy runs in but into a fireman’s carry! USHIGOROSHI! Cover, TWO! Jimmy is still in this and Styles grits his teeth. Styles aims at Jimmy, runs in at the corner, clothesline! Styles fireman’s carries again but Jimmy slips off to mule kick and UPPERCUT! Cover, TWO! Jimmy is frustrated, and Heyman doesn’t look any happier, as Styles is still in this. Jimmy fireman’s carries but Styles slips off to fire the PHENOMENAL BLITZ, only for Jimmy to block the lariat! HEADBUTT! And then a whip, but Styles reverses to backslide! Jimmy rolls through, into a DDT! Cover, TWO!! Jimmy survives and Styles is growing frustrated.

Styles says he’ll end it now and he goes back to the apron. But Solo steps closer, so Styles goes to the other side. But Jimmy SUPERKICKS Styles down! The minor distraction was enough, and Jimmy now CHOKES Styles on ropes! The ref counts, Jimmy lets off, and then he CHOKES Styles again! The ref counts, Jimmy lets off again, and Styles crawls to the apron. Jimmy watches as Solo walks around Styles. Jimmy goes out, he asks what’s up, but Solo turns his back on Jimmy! Styles ROCKS Jimmy! And PELES Solo! Heyman backs away this time, and Styles POSTS Jimmy! Styles puts Jimmy in and reloads! PHENOMENAL FOREARM!! Cover, Styles wins!!

Winner: AJ Styles, by pinfall

Solo storms into the ring but Styles gets away! Only for the Judgment Day to attack!? Finn has had his beef with Styles in the past, now he and Priest puts Styles in the ring for Solo! Fans boo but Heyman is intrigued. Solo stands Styles up to SAMOAN SPIKE! Solo stares Finn & Priest down, but Finn smiles. Is the Judgment Day securing their own place at the table?

My Thoughts:

A really good SmackDown here, with great progress made in the faction warfare. Judgment Day of course shows up because the Undisputed Tag Team Championships allow Finn & Priest to go anywhere they want. Really good promo from them to lead into a really good match with Brawling Brutes, and good showing for the Brutes even though they lost. And great move to have Lashley & The Profits confront Judgment Day. Great stuff out of this building story of Bloodline and OC, as well. Good promos from Heyman, Jimmy and Styles, and then Styles bringing out that Pitbull mentality he once punched Vince with. I do hope The OC gets back in gear now that Judgment Day is gonna also be on SmackDown.

Really good main event match from Styles VS Jimmy with Solo & Heyman showing up. But then good surprise for Styles to still win, only for Judgment Day to attack Styles. I feel like this is a very early seed for Survivor Series. Judgment Day can team with Jimmy & Solo in a traditional 5v5 against The OC, Jey Uso, and possibly Cody Rhodes, who may end up traded to SmackDown as discussed on Monday. Or we end up with some form of WarGames so that we can get the various factions involved, like Almighty Profits VS Judgment Day VS The OC with Bloodline hanging back because Roman ain’t getting in on that.

Great stuff out of LA Knight here on SmackDown. Good promo battle with him, Theory and Waller. I can’t even begin to describe how I laughed at Knight inventing the phrase “crotch goblin.” Knight VS Theory was a great match, even with Waller getting involved a bit. Knight then has a great encounter with Heyman that plants a seed for Knight possibly feuding with The Bloodline and Roman Reigns, but probably a long way down the line. Knight VS Miz Round 2 so soon, and happening on TV, I am pretty sure Miz wins that with shenanigans. Then that gives us a reason for round 3, probably at Fastlane.

Nice highlights from Superstar Spectacle, which ends up with a downgrade from the original for me because it ends up just a very nice house show for India and not a show uploaded to Peacock. But great stuff from the Women’s Championship story. They had a great opening tag match with Asuka costing DMG CTRL, so great momentum for Charlotte and Shotzi. And Asuka VS Iyo for the title in a couple weeks is awesome stuff. But much like Knight VS Miz, this being on TV probably means Iyo wins through shenanigans. I hope Iyo still gets a Fastlane title match, she was left off Payback so she should get another match on the Premium Live Event. And honestly, that could be when Bianca returns to get revenge for DMG CTRL taking her out of action.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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