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Mitchell’s NJPW Super Jr. Tag League Results & Report! (10/25/23)

Time for Round 3!



Will #DespeWato be anything but tranquilo?

Master Wato & El Desperado are a truly dysfunctional duo, but can they pull together to still take over the Super Junior Tag League? Or will Bushi & Titan rebound from their own defeat?


  • Six Man Tag: Shota Umino, Ren Narita & Boltin Oleg VS The United Empire; Shota, Narita & Oleg win.
  • Hiromu Takahashi & Yota Tsuji VS Taiji Ishimori & Gedo; Hiromu & Tsuji win.
  • Six Man Tag: Tomohiro Ishii, Hiroshi Tanahashi & Oskar Leube VS Just5Guys; J5G wins.
  • 2023 Super Junior Tag League: Ryusuke Taguchi & The DKC VS Robbie Eagles & Kosei Fujita; Taguchi & DKC win.
  • 2023 Super Junior Tag League: YOH & MUSASHI VS Catch 2/2; Yoh & Musashi win.
  • 2023 Super Junior Tag League: DOUKI & Taka Michinoku VS SHO & Yoshinobu Kanemaru; Sho & Kanemaru win.
  • 2023 Super Junior Tag League: Intergalactic Jet Setters VS Clark Connors & “Drilla” Dan Moloney; Intergalactic Jet Setters win.
  • 2023 Super Junior Tag League: Master Wato & El Desperado VS Bushi & Titan; Wato & Desperado win.


Here are the current Super Junior Tag League Standings.

Clark Connors & Dan Moloney: 2-0, 4 points
Catch 2/2: 1-1, 2 points
Yoh & Musashi: 1-1, 2 points
Master Wato & El Desperado: 1-1, 2 points
Ryusuke Taguchi & The DKC: 1-1, 2 points
Bushi & Titan: 1-1, 2 points
Sho & Yoshinobu Kanemaru: 1-1, 2 points
Intergalactic Jet Setters: 1-1, 2 points
Robbie Eagles & Kosei Fujita: 1-1, 2 points
Douki & Taka Michinoku: 0-2, 0 points


2023 Super Junior Tag League: Ryusuke Taguchi & The DKC VS Robbie Eagles & Kosei Fujita w/ Zack Sabre Jr!

Both these teams got great first wins to get on the board, but now one team’s momentum has to end! Will the Funky Weapon & Dylan Kyle Cox survive round three? Or will they be shot down by the Sniper of the Skies & Ichiban Sweet Boy?

Eagles mocks DKC with a crane stance while Taguchi seems confused by Fujita’s haircut. The teams sort out and DKC starts against Fujita. They circle, fans rally up for “FU-JI-TA!” and the two tie up. Fujita waistlocks, full nelsons, spins and hammerlocks DKC. DKC drop toeholds, floats to a headlock but Fujita wrenches out. DKC spins, wrenches, and wrangles Fujita, but Fujita rolls, handsprings, wrenches and hammerlocks to a headlock. Fans cheer the technical exchange, but DKC powers up and out. Fujita runs DKC over and fans cheer. Things speed up, Fujita jumps over DKC but DKC blocks hip toss to a takedown! Cover, TWO!

DKC runs up but Fujita sweeps to cover, ONE! Both men dropkick but those cancel out, and then both men handspring up! Fans cheer as the two reset. Fujita and DKC look to their senpai, tags to Eagles and Taguchi. Fans join in on “ROBBIE ROBBIE ROBBIE!” “OI OI OI!” Taguchi tries a “KETSU KETSU KETSU! <BUTTS BUTTS BUTTS!>” And the fans join in! “KETSU KETSU KETSU!” “OI OI OI!” Fans cheer as Taguchi shows his pink flamingo undies! Where’d he even get those? Eagles and Taguchi circle, tie up, and Taguchi headlocks. Eagles powers out, Taguchi runs him over, but Eagles kips up!

Fans cheer as things speed up, and Taguchi rolls over the drop down, only for Eagles to arm-drag! Taguchi arm-drags, Taguchi avoids Eagles’ dropkick to then basement dropkick! DKC gets in and Taguchi dropkicks Fujita down! Taguchi & DKC double whip, double elbow, and “OSU!” They CHOP and CHOP and CHOP Eagles like he’s bricks. Both men run to DOUBLE TOMAHAWK! Cover, ONE!! Eagles is still in this but Taguchi gives him a point-blank hip attack! And another! And another! Eagles goes ropes, Fujita sneaks a tag as Taguchi whips. Eagles reverses, TMDK DOUBLE ELBOW, then get the legs to SMASH both knees!

Eagles BLASTS DKC for good measure as Fujita brings Taguchi up. Fujita CHOPS, then reels Taguchi in to scoop and SLAM! Cover, TWO! Taguchi sputters but Fujita drags him over. Tag to Eagles, he takes the leg and drops an elbow on the knee! Tag to Fujita, he drops an elbow on the knee! Tag back to Eagles, he drops a leg on the leg! Fujita tags in to drop a leg on the leg! Eagles tags back in, SPINNING TOEHOLD! Eagles tortures that leg but Taguchi endures and scrambles for the ROPEBREAK! Eagles lets go but drops a knee on the knee! He “apologizes” and then calls his shot. Eagles steps through, but Taguchi kicks him away.

Eagles frowns and comes back but Taguchi CHOPS! And CHOPS! Eagles kicks the leg out! Eagles copies the point blank hip attack! And again! Fans rally and Eagles hip attacks again! Eagles says kiss this as he runs, but Taguchi somersaults to HIP ATTACK! Fans fire up and both men crawl, hot tag to DKC! DKC CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS Eagles! Eagles ducks the roundhouse, but not the mule kick! DKC kicks low then BICYCLE KICKS! Fujita runs in but DKC dodges and hits the DKCANNONBALL! Fans fire up a DKC stands Eagles up, “D K FIRE!” He CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS away on Eagles!

Fans fire up as DKC chops more and more, then CLOBBERS Eagles! DKC runs to SOMERSAULT SENTON! Cover, TWO! Eagles is still in this but DKC stays focused. DKC wrenches but Eagles CLUBS DKC. DKC throws Eagles away and ROUNDHOUSES him to the corner! DKC runs in but Eagles dodges, to come back, into a boot! He still BASEMENT 619s! And springboard MISSILE DROPKICK to the legs! Fujita tags in, TMDK fire up and HIGH LOW KICK COMBO! Cover, Taguchi breaks it! Eagles tosses Taguchi, he and Fujita vow to end this! But DKC CHOPS away on them both! DKC fires up, but gets double kicks! And a DOUBLE CHOP!

TMDK double wrench, lift, but DKC fights to DOUBLE DDT! Everyone is down, fans fire up as DKC hot tags Taguchi! Taguchi HIP ATTACKS Fujita in a corner, then goes corner to corner to HIP ATTACK again! Taguchi runs but has to dodge Fujita. Fujita dodges the hip attack! WHEEL KICK! Fujita ROCKS Taguchi, UPPERCUTS him, then CHOPS him in the corner. Fujita whips corner to corner, runs in, but Taguchi puts him on the apron. Fujita ducks the right to ROCK Taguchi, and springboard MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Taguchi is still in this but Fujita vows to end this! Fujita drags Taguchi up, but Taguchi blocks the suplex!

Fujita throws body shots, suplexes, but Taguchi slips free, and feeds Fujita to DKC’s CALF KICK! Fans rally up as Taguchi & DKC get Fujita up. They double whip corner to corner, DKC runs in to back body block! Taguchi runs in to HIP ATTACK! Taguchi scoops, DKC goes up, a spin and LEG DROP SIDEWALK SLAM COMBO! Cover, Eagles breaks it! DKC drags Eagles up, duck sone kick, avoid the other, and URAKENS! Then DKC run sin, but Eagles slips around to ASAI DDT! Eagles runs in but Taguchi puts him on the apron. Eagles GAMANGIRIS first! Eagles springboards, into ANTI-AIR HIP!

Fans fire up as Taguchi styles his hair like Fujita’s as best he can. Fujita CHOPS, Taguchi ENZIGURIS! Chicken wings and DODON- VICTORY ROLL! TWO! Taguchi has it, TWO! Fujita has it, TWO!! OH MY GAH ANKLE!! Fujita rolls right free! And gets around to O’Conner BRIDGE! TWO!! Taguchi body scissors, tucks and GEDO CLUTCH! TAGUCHI & DKC WIN!!!

Winner: Ryusuke Taguchi & The DKC, by pinfall (gains 2 points; TMDK earns 0)

Incredible! Not only have Taguchi & DKC won twice in three rounds, but he didn’t need to use the panties! Will the Funky Weapon keep it clean to keep things going? Will Eagles & Fujita reload to do better next round?


2023 Super Junior Tag League: YOH & MUSASHI VS Catch 2/2!

#MUSAKO is on track but there’s still a long road ahead in this round robin. Likewise, the Public Enemy & Nova Fireball were knocked down by Clark Connors & “Drilla” Moloney, can TJP & Francesco Akira rebound in a big way? Or will Mr. Direct Drive & The Dream Follower keep their own momentum going?

The teams sort out and Akira starts against Musashi. Fans rally for Akira as he circles with Musashi. They tie up, Musashi waistlocks but Akira sits down to then wrench and wristlock. Musashi rolls, wrenches, wristlocks back, but Akira rolls and wrenches to hammerlock. Akira headlocks, Musashi powers out to facelock. Akira spins out to facelock back, but Musashi spins to facelock. Akira spins, Musashi trips and covers, ONE! The two stand off and the fans cheer. Akira and Musashi reset, Akira trips Musashi then things speed up. Musashi hurdles, Akira ducks the elbow to whip Musashi to a corner, but Musashi goes up and over.

Musashi arm-drags Akira, Akira arm-drags back. Musashi sweeps and covers, ONE! Akira sweeps and covers, ONE! Dropkicks cancel out and fans fire up as both men stand back up. Akira nods, then DROPKICKS Musashi down! Akira says he’s smarter and he brings Musashi up. Akira CHOPS, then whips, but Yoh tags in as Musashi reverses. They bypass, drop toehold, and basement dropkick! Fans cheer and Yoh brings Akira around to cover, TWO! Yoh stomps Akira, fans duel, and Yoh brings Akira up. Yoh CHOPS, Akira eggs him on, so Yoh stomps and whips corner to corner. Yoh runs in to back elbow!

Yoh underhooks, BUTTERFLY BRIDGE! TWO, and fans applaud while Yoh stomps Akira. Yoh ROCKS Akira, whips him to ropes, but TJP tags in. Akira shoves Yoh, Catch 2/2 double hip toss! Then “Take Picture!” But TJP’s neck and back give up! So Akira improvises, STEP-UP SENTON! TJP covers, TWO! TJP clutches that neck, he drags Yoh up, and he whips Yoh to a corner. TJP runs in to back body block, then he BLASTS Musashi off the corner! Fans fire up as TJP scrubs Yoh’s face! TJP runs side to side to BOOT WASH! Fans want that “One More Time!” so TJP says okay. TJP drags Yoh back into the corner, but Yoh fights back!

Yoh CHOPS TJP and TJP wobbles. Yoh whips, TJP goes Spider-Man but Yoh handspring kicks him down! PLANCHA on the outside! Fans fire up as Yoh walks around through the crowd. Yoh fetches TJP, brings him up and puts him in the corner. Tag to Musashi, and they double snap suplex! Cover, ONE! Musashi ELBOWS Akira off the apron, then brings TJP up. Musashi CHOPS TJP, puts his legs in the corner, and he goes corner to corner to SHOTGUN TJP in the chest! TJP falls, Musashi drags him to a cover, TWO! Fans rally up, Musashi bumps TJP off buckles, and he tags in Yoh.

Yoh brings TJP around to CLUB the neck. Yoh brings TJP around to a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Yoh clamps on a chinlock but Akira attacks. Musashi goes after Akira, he and Yoh CLUB Catch 2/2. They whip Catch 2/2 to corners but Catch 2/2 BOOT back! Catch 2/2 storms up but #Musako both wrench and wristlock! They both go up corners for the Shinobi Tightrope! DOUBLE OLD SCHOOL! And then Yoh UPPERCUTS TJP! Musashi UPPERCUTS Akira! Cover on TJP, TWO! Yoh wrenches, tags Musashi, and Musashi goes up to AX HANDLE! TJP clutches the arm but Musashi is after him with a CHOP!

Musashi whips TJP to the corner but TJP SHOTGUNS Yoh! Musashi runs in but TJP goes up and over and reels Musashi in, TORNADO DDT! Fans fire up as both men are down! TJP crawls, gets past Musashi, hot tag to Akira! Akira dodges to ENZIGURI then whip! Musashi reverses but Akira RANAS! Fans fire up with the Fireball and he runs corner to corner to clothesline! Akira keeps going, UPPERCUT! And then Akira says “IKU ZO!” Fans cheer as Akira goes up top, to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Fans rally behind Akira and he brings Musashi up. Akira ROCKS Musashi, but Musashi ROCKS him back!

Akira ROCKS Musashi again, but Musashi ROCKS him back! They go back and forth, and Musashi CHOPS! Musashi runs, Akira follows to wheelbarrow, but Musashi blocks that! TJP hops in to SUPERKICK Musashi! Akira then chicken wings, TIGER FIRE PLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Musashi survives but fans fire up for Akira. Akira drags Musashi up, hooks arms, but Musashi slips free of Speedfire. But then Akira ducks the enziguri! Akira runs, but into an EXPLODER! Fans fire up while both men are down! Akira and Musashi crawl, how tags to TJP and Yoh! Yoh dodges TJP, the foraerms start flying and fans rally!

Yoh gets the edge, runs, but into a JUMP SOBAT! TJP runs, into an UPPERCUT! Yoh runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, but TJP hits a THESZ PRESS! TJP hurries up top, MAMBA CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! TJP pounds the mat, fans clap for “CATCH! NI-NI!” TJP runs in, tilt-o-whirls, and he has the IRON OCTOPUS! We hit 15 minutes but Musashi CLUBS TJP down! Akira ROCKS and tosses Musashi then hurries out after him. TJP drags Yoh up, fireman’s carries, but Yoh slips free to GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Yoh calls to Musashi and he gets in, SUPERKICK FALCON ARROW! Cover, Akira breaks it!

Fans fire up but Musashi TOSSES Akira out. Yoh fires himself up and brings TJP up. Yoh underhooks, but TJP fights free. Yoh ROLLING ELBOWS! Akira SUPERKICKS Yoh! Musashi ENZIGURIS Akira! Musashi runs, but Akira victory rolls, STOMP 182! Fans fire up as Akira sees Yoh get up. Akira runs in, gets around, shove, and ALLEY-OOP! They set up from the corners, 2 BY 2!! Cover, MUSASHI BREAKS IT! Akira KICKS Musashi out of the ring, then he and TJP regroup. Akira climbs, TJP Electric Chair Lifts, but the neck gives up! Musashi SHOVES Akira down! Then he and Yoh regroup, to DOUBLE SUPERKICK TJP!

Akira gets up, to get DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! Musashi PLANCHAS Akira down! Yoh drags TJP up to suplex, DNV!! Cover, TWO!?!? TJP survives the needle on the vinyl but Yoh fires up! Yoh drags TJP up again, underhooks, DIRECT- NO, CRADLE COUNTER! TWO!!! Yoh escapes, hurries up, but TJP blocks the kick to fireman’s carry! But the neck! Yoh RIPCORD KNEES! Yoh fires up again, underhooks, DIRECT DRIVE!!! Cover, #MUSAKO wins!

Winners: Yoh & Musashi, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Catch 2/2 earns 0)

In a roundabout way, give the assist to Bullet Club for brutalizing TJP. Is Catch 2/2 doomed to fail already? Or can TJP defy the odds to get this team to the finals? Will #MUSAKO keep on rolling to meet them in that finals match?


2023 Super Junior Tag League: DOUKI & Taka Michinoku VS SHO & Yoshinobu Kanemaru!

Japones Del Mal & The Blue Playmaker are feeling really blue going 0-2, and now they’re up against the Murder Machine & Heel Master! Will Just5Guys be able to thwart all the tricks up the proverbial sleeves? Or will the House of Torture continue to stack the deck?

The teams sort out and Kanemaru starts against Douki. Fans rally as the former tag partners circle, and they’re on Douki’s side. But then Sho attacks from behind! Kanemaru BLASTS Taka, then he and Sho mug Douki, They double whip, Kanemaru runs in but Douki dodges to arm-drag Sho! Douki avoids Kanemaru again to then FLYING HEADBUTT! Fans fire up and Douki tags Taka in. Taka stomps Kanemaru, headlocks, and holds on tight as Kanemaru tries to power out. Kanemaru tries again but Taka still holds on. Kanemaru throws body shots, powers out, but Taka wrenches and headlocks to a takeover!

Taka then shifts to JUST FACELOCK! Sho runs in, Taka kicks his legs out! Taka puts Sho in a TRIANGLE HOLD! Sho taps but he’s not legal, and Kanemaru gets the ROPEBREAK! Taka lets go, he drags Kanemaru up, and Taka knees low. Taka SHOTEIS, runs, but Sho swipes at him! Kanemaru runs in but Taka dumps him out! Taka runs, stops, PLANCHA but he lands on the apron as Kanemaru moves. Kanemaru blocks Taka’s mule kick to YANK him down! Fans boo but Kanemaru RAMS Taka into barriers! Sho goes after Douki while Kanemaru SLAMS Taka’s hand against the barriers! Sho uses a J5G banner to CHOKE Douki!

Fans boo but Sho talks trash on J5G. Kanemaru drags Taka up to hammerlock and POST that arm! Fans boo more but Kanemaru storms up on Taka. Kanemaru hammerlocks, scoops and SLAMS Taka on the floor! The House stands down but Sho goes after Taka for a double wristlock! Sho then wrenches, puts Taka in the ring, and Kanemaru stomps the arm! Kanemaru drops knees on the arm again and again! Kanemaru pulls the arm, drags Taka up and tags Sho in. Kanemaru wrenches and Sho CLUBS Taka’s arm! Sho knuckle locks Taka to then wrench and bend the arm, then ELBOW BREAKER!

Tag to Kanemaru but fans rally for Taka. Kanemaru wrenches, hammerlocks, scoops and SLAMS Taka! Then he BOOTS Douki down! Kanemaru drags Taka up, wrenches the arm to a hammerlock then wrangles Taka to KNEE the arm! And again! Kanemaru grins as he tortures his former friend with the hammerlock half nelson combo! Fans rally as Taka endures, “pirate crucifix” cover, TWO! Taka is still in this but Kanemaru still has the arm. Kanemaru wrenches the double wristlock, tags Sho, and Sho CLUBS the arm. Sho wraps the arm around ropes, the ref counts, but Kanemaru claws Taka’s face!

The ref reprimands, the House lets off, and Sho brings Taka around to a cording hold. Sho wrenches, has both arms trapped, and then he trips Taka to throw him down. Sho taunts Taka, stands on the bad arm, but fans rally up. Sho taunts Taka and kicks him around. Sho mocks Taka’s pain but Taka fires body shots. Fans rally for Taka as hard as they can and Taka fires hands. UPPERCUT! Sho gets around, pop-up into ARMBAR! Kanemaru BLASTS Douki but Taka fights his way around, ROPEBREAK! Sho lets go as the ref counts 4, and Sho tags Kanemaru. Kanemaru stomps Taka’s bad arm, then drags Taka up. Taka CALF KICKS Kanemaru down!

Fans fire up as Taka crawls, reaches out, hot tag to Douki! Fans fire up as Douki kicks and whips. Kanemaru reverses, Douki ducks ‘n’ dodges and RANAS! Sho returns to kick and CLUB Douki, then he and Kanemaru double whip. Douki springboards, to DOUBLE BACK ELBOW! Fans fire up as Douki has Kanemaru in a drop zone. Douki goes up to DIVING DOUBLE STOMP! Cover, TWO! Fans rally as Douki keeps cool and goes to the apron. Douki slingshots, but Kanemaru BOOTS him down! Kanemaru knows Douki’s moves too well for that to work. Kanemaru runs in but into a BOOT! Douki runs, spins and drops, ITALIAN STRETCH #32!

Fans fire up as Kanemaru endures the “Douki Chokey!” Kanemaru reaches out, but Douki rolls him away, but Kanemaru makes that a stack cover! TWO!! Douki gets free, kicks low then runs, but Kanemaru dropkicks the legs out! Kanemaru grabs the leg to SMASH the knee on the mat! Then he stands Douki up to SHINBREAKER! Step through, but Douki boots Kanemaru away! Douki gets around, Kanemaru switches but Douki elbows free. Kanemaru keeps Douki from running, but Douki gets free to ENZIGURI! Kanemaru ENZIGURIS back! Douki rebounds to LARIAT! Both men are down and fans fire up!

Douki and Kanemaru crawl, they reach out, hot tags to Sho and Taka! Fans fire up but Sho hits low! Sho rakes eyes, runs, but Taka goes the other way! Taka redirects and BOOTS Sho down! Fans fire up and Taka brings Sho up. Sho bends fingers! Taka pokes eyes! Taka runs, but Sho uses the ref as a shield! Then he SPEARS Taka down! Kanemaru has his whiskey! But that’s just a decoy because Sho gets the Murder Tool! Douki runs in to ENZIGURI! Taka BOOTS Kanemaru! Taka & Douki go out to DOUBLE ASAI MOONSAULT! Fans fire up for the hangtime alone! Taka roars and he drags Sho up and into the ring.

Taka sets Sho up for Douki to RAM! KNEE! DAYBREAK!! Taka runs to SHINING WIZARD!! Cover, TWO!! Sho survives but Taka is right on him, JUST FACELOCK!! Sho flails, Douki intercepts Kanemaru with a HELL STAB! The Whiskey Mist goes flying, and then Douki gets Kanemaru in the ITALIAN STRETCH!! Fans are thunderous for the stereo submissions! SHO TAPS but Kanemaru KICKS the ref!! Taka lets go to check on the ref, and Sho LOW BLOWS!! Sho gets the wrench to CLOBBER Taka! But now Sho needs the ref to call the cover! Sho hauls Taka up, tucks the arms, SHOCK ARROW!! Cover, House of Torture wins!

Winner: Sho & Yoshinobu Kanemaru, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Catch 2/2 earns 0)

If ya blinked, ya missed it! The Heel Master is a master of misdirection! Will the House of Torture be able to bust out new tricks thanks to that old dog? Will Douki & Taka ever get going as a team?


2023 Super Junior Tag League: Intergalactic Jet Setters VS Clark Connors & “Drilla” Dan Moloney!

Kushida & Kevin Knight almost got the tag titles back in Ryogoku, but in a way, this is their second chance. Can the former champs fly high and grab those golden tickets? Or will “The Cowboy & The Criminal” just give them a repeat of Destruction?

The teams sort out and Knight starts against Connors. Fans rally up as Knight and Connors circle. They feel things out, clinch, Knight waistlocks but Connors trips him. Knight avoids the rear mount but Connors still front mounts. Knight slips out to get a leg, but Connors rolls free. The two reset, circle, and fans applaud. They tie up, are in a deadlock, but Knight waistlocks to SLAM Connors down! Knight waistlocks, Connors fights up and switches, but Knight pries free to drop toehold and facelock. Knight rolls with Connors, but Connors fights up to wrench. Knight rolls, kips and wrangles Connors to then handstand and he drops a knee on the arm!

Fans cheer and Knight twists the arm. Knight stands Connors up, wrenches, and tags Kushida. Kushida takes the handoff but Connors rams Kushida to a corner. Drilla tags in, Kushida gets free but Drilla avoids the leg guard. Drilla grabs at Kushida but Kushida gets the arm to wrench it. Kushida hammerlocks, then trips Drilla to get the legs and turn hi mover! Drilal resists but Kushida SLAPS his back and gets the arms, SEATED SURFBOARD! Fans cheer the shoutout to Liger, and then Kushida stands on Drilla! Kushida stands Drilal up, wrenches, and tags Knight. They whip Drilla, drop toehold and SPLASH!

Fans cheer and Knight swaggers up on Drilla. Knight UPPERCUTS Drilla back down and says “Tsuyoi, baby!” Knight UPPERCUTS, Connors sneaks a tag and Drilla reverses the whip. Drilla hurdles then drops, then he rushes Kushida, only to get dumped out! And Knight LEAPS over the Pounce! Scoop and BACKBREAKER! Fans fire up and Knight aims at Drilla. PLANCHA, but Drilla dodges! Drilla swings, misses, Knight jumps back to the apron! Knight jumps the sweep to mule kick! Connors goes out to APRON SPEAR to the floor! Drilla CLOBBERS Kushida and Connors drags Knight up into the ring. Cover, TWO!

Fans rally up but Drilla DECKS Kushida! Connors stomps Knight, stalks him to a corner, and TOSSES him across the way! Knight writhes and Connors shouts “WHAT!?” Connors stalks Knight to the corner, tells fans to shut up, and he tags Drilla. Bullet Club stomps Knight, Drilla CHOPS Knight, but Knight CHOPS back! And CHOPS! Drilla UPPERCUTS Knight down! Drilla digs his boots in, Connors tags in and he BLASTS Kushida for good measure. Bullet Club drags Knight up to CHOP! Connors follows Knight along the way, CHOPS him in another corner, and he brings Knight out to snap suplex!

Drilla & Connors talk trash while fans boo, and Connors drags Knight up. Connors UPPERCUTS Knight, bumps him off buckles, then tags Knight. They Too Sweet but Knight fires off forearms and CHOPS! Drilla kicks low, Connors adds on, and they double whip. Knight leaps the line, but they avoid the Pele! SUPERKICK and POUNCE! Drilla BLASTS Kushida then covers, TWO! Knight is still in this but Drilla drags him into a CROSSFACE! Knight endures, pushes his way around, but Drilla clinches. Knight ROCKS Drilla but Drilla ROCKS Knight! They go back and forth, Drilla eggs Knight on and Knight fires forearm after forearm!

Drilla ROCKS Knight, Knight ROCKS Drilla, and they pick up speed! Fans fire up as the shots keep going, and Knight gets the edge! Knight ROCKS Drilla, but Drilla CHOPS! Drilla spins, Knight dodges, SKY HIGH! Fans fire up while both men are down! Drilla and Knight crawl, hot tags to Connors and Kushida! Kushida FLYING CHOPS Connors! And KICKS away on the arm! Kushida whips, Connors reverses but Kushida CROSSBODIES! And then PELE! Kushida whips Connors to hip toss, cartwheel and basement dropkick! Fans fire up as Connors flounders, and Kushida brings him up. Kushida puts Connors up top them climbs.

Kushida SUPER- NO, Connors holds ropes to fight the Steiner! Knight runs in, FLYING SPEAR takes him down! Connors hauls Kushida up, feeds him to Drilla, BRAINBUSTER! Drilla drags Kushida back up, Connors climbs, but Kushida has the FUJIWARA! Connors AX HANDLES Kushida! Connors & Drilla double whip, Kushida handsprings to DOUBLE BACK ELBOW! Fans fire up with Kushida and he runs in at Drilla, SHOTEI! Kushida then SHOTEIS Connors! Kushida sends Connors into Drilla, DOUBLE SHOTEI! Kushida sits them down, Knight wants to hit this! Kushida helps give him the boost, COAST2COAST!!

Fans fire up and Kushida drags Connors up! HAMMERLOCK PLEX! Bridging cover, Connors fights, and Kushida pushes the shoulders down. ROPEBREAK! Connors survives by a literal foot, but Knight tags in. Kushida Electric Chair Lifts, but Drilla drags Knight out! Connors gets free and Drilla GORES Kushida! Knight returns, but into a ripcord CHOP, UPPERCUT and ENZIGURI! Then feed to the POWERSLAM! Bullet Club locks ‘n’ loads, they aim at Knight, DOUBLE GORE!! Cover, TWO!! Knight survives and fans fire up! Connors calls to Drilla, he tags in, and Drilla drags Knight up. Connors climbs, but Knight slips free of the suplex!

Knight shoves Drilla into Connors! Knight tags Kushida, before using Drilla as a step, and he FLYING SHOTGUNS Connors off the top!! Connors tumbles to the floor and Knight goes back for Drilla. Drilla swings, misses, and Knight dodges to FLY onto Connors! Kushida pokes Drilla in the eyes! Kushida KICKS and KICKS, but Drilla SPINEBUSTERS and DOUBLE STOMPS! Drilla pushes Kushida around, but Kushida FASTBALLS! Kushida whips, Drilla reverses and he catches Kushida’s handspring! DRILLA K- NO!! Kushida lands on his feet! Kushida high stacks, TWO!! Drilla sunset flips, TWO! Kushida sits on it, JET SETTERS WIN!!!

Winners: Intergalactic Jet Setters, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Connors & Drilla earn 0

Revenge is sweet for the former IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions!! Fans are thunderous as Knight & Kushida have those golden tickets in their back pockets! Will they solidify their title shot by winning the whole tournament? Or will Bullet Club reload and hit harder next round?


2023 Super Junior Tag League: Master Wato & El Desperado VS Bushi & Titan!

The Way of the Grandmaster & The Rogue Luchador are the most odd “odd couple” in a long time for NJPW, while the Black Mask & El Inmortal were fingertips away from last year’s finals. However, both teams stand at 1-1 and are main eventing the third round. Who comes away with a much needed rebound victory?

As they make their entrance, Wato insists Desperado tries on the #DespeWato shirt. Desperado takes the shirt, and throws it to the fans! Free souvenir! Wato says okay, at least someone will wear it. The teams sort out and while Titan calls out Wato for a rematch of Best of the Super Juniors finals, Desperado says he is Titan’s opponent. LIJ fist bump, fans cheer, and then Wato wants a high-five. Desperado stares at the hand, sighs, and just leaves Wato hanging. Titan starts with Desperado as a rematch of the BOSJ semifinals. Fans rally as the two circle, and Desperado offers a handshake. Titan accepts and fans cheer the sportsmanship.

Desperado and Titan circle more, fans seem to duel between them, and the two tie up. They break, tie up again, and Desperado waistlocks. Titan spins around but Desperado switches. Desperado full nelsons, snapmares, and chinlocks, but Titan grabs a leg to trip Desperado. Titan has a toehold but Desperado rolls to get a rear mount, then an armlock. Desperado drags Titan up, headlocks, but Titan powers his way to a facelock. One fans leads a “DES-PE-RADO!” chant but the fans still clap clap, clap clap clap. Titan rolls, handsprings and arm-drags free, then handsprings again! Fans fire up as the two stare down.

Desperado applauds and the two reset. Wato wants a tag, Desperado obliges and Titan also goes to his corner. They tag and now fans cheer as Wato and Bushi circle. They tie up, are in a deadlock, but Bushi pushes Wato to ropes. Wato turns it around, Bushi turns it around, repeat. Red Shoes calls the break, Wato lets off, but then CHOPS! Bushi scowls, then CHOPS back! They CHOP and CHOP, fans fire up as things speed up, and then they get forehead to forehead! Titan and Desperado step in to do the same. Then the CHOP fight is multiplied! Fans fire up, everyone shouts at each other, and then they all go outside!

Titan and Desperado fire more CHOPS, as do Wato and Bushi! Red Shoes reprimands, but all four men decide to go to the orange seats! Fans cheer as they all go up the steps and the lights come up! The CHOPS continue to go back and forth! Desperado gets the edge, as does Wato. DespeWato coordinate, they send LIJ in, but Titan leaps over! Titan SUPERKICKS Wato and Bushi ROCKS Desperado! And now Titan sees the ledge! Titan and Bushi each climb up, and they both SUPER CROSSBODY Wato & Desperado! Fans are thunderous for the daredevil stunt! LIJ coordinates and they get Wato up.

Red Shoes reprimands, he wants this back in the ring. Titan & Bushi oblige and head back to the ground floor. Fans fire up with LIJ, but then Bushi storms up on Wato! Bushi brings Wato down the rest of the way, puts him in the ring, and Titan drags Wato up. LIJ double whips, SOBAT, dropkick to the legs and a basement dropkick to the face! Bushi covers, TWO! Fans rally, Bushi stomps Wato, and he stands Wato up. Wato CHOPS, Bushi CHOPS! Bushi bumps Wato off buckles, DOUBLE CHOPS, then he stomps Wato. Desperado is back and he goes after Bushi, but Titan helps get Desperado! Titan CHOPS Desperado!

Titan tosses Desperado out, Bushi drags Wato up, and Bushi hits a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Fans rally, Bushi tags Titan, and Bushi wrenches Wato. Titan climbs up to DOUBLE STOMP the arm! Wato clutches the elbow but Titan KICKS and SOBATS him into a corner. Titan wrenches, whips, then runs in, but into BOOTS! Wato BULLDOGS but Titan handsprings through!? And basement dropkicks Wato down! Fans fire up again as Titan whips. Wato reverses and CALF KICKS! Both men are down and fans rally up again! Wato hot tags Desperado! He DECKS Bushi, runs Titan over, then ELBOWS Titan down!

Desperado whips, Titan holds ropes to BOOT back, but Desperado scoops for a BIG back suplex! Fans fire up more and Desperado is feeling it! Desperado drags Titan up, reels him in, gut wrenches, but Titan fights that! Titan wrenches to SOBAT, fires up, and he runs, but into an ELBOW! Desperado whips, Titan reverses, then goes Matrix to CALF KICK! Both men are down again and fans fire back up! We pass 10 minutes, Titan sits up and he heads for Desperado. Titan roars and he drags Desperado up. Titan reels Desperado in but Desperado fights the lift! Desperado wrenches out to ROCK Titan!

Desperado whips, Titan reverses to TORNADO- NO! Desperado blocks that to suplex and BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Titan is still in this and fans fire up again. Desperado is frustrated but he roars and brings Titan back up. GUITARRA- NO, Titan slips out, shoves, and hits the TORNADO DDT! Fans are thunderous again with both men down! Wato and Bushi rise, and their partners crawl for the corners! Hot tags to Wato and Bushi! Wato swings, misses, and Bushi ROCKS him! Wato ROCKS Bushi back, and now they go back and forth with forearms! Fans rally as these two throw shot after shot!

Bushi gets the edge on Wato, ROCKS him to a corner, then ROCKS him again! Bushi whips, Wato reverses but Bushi puts Wato on the apron. Wato blocks the haymaker to GAMANGIRI! Springboard and MISSILE UPPERCUT! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up with Wato and he drags Bushi up. Wato wrenches, clinches, but Bushi fights the lift! Bushi wrenches out but Wato SOBATS! Wato runs, but Bushi dropkicks the legs out! Bushi drags Wato around, hooks up the legs, and has a TRAILER HITCH! Wato endures and fans rally up as he crawls around. Wato reaches out, ROPEBREAK! Bushi puts pressure on until Red Shoes counts 4.

Bushi lets Wato go, stomps the legs, then drags Wato up. Bushi FISHERMAN- NO, Wato slips out to ROUNDHOUSE! Fans fire up and Wato stands Bushi up. Wato wrenches, hooks, RECIENTEMENTE! Cover, Titan breaks it! Desperado stomps Titan for that, and he coordinates with Wato. DespeWato double whip, but Titan ducks the lariats to shove Wato into Desperado! Then he knuckle locks and CHOPS Wato, to go up and up and tightrope walk, ESCALARA RANA on Desperado! Fans fire up as Titan ducks ‘n’ dodges Wato to then FLY out onto Desperado! Oleg has to take the hit to save the fans!

Bushi catches Wato to a DDT! Then he drags Wato up to reel him in, suplex and he hangs Wato out to dry! Titan is on the corner! Titan GUILLOTINE KNEE DROPS! Bushi aims as we pass 15 minutes, and Titan pounds the mat. Fans rally up, Wato staggers up, Titan takes off the elbow pad! LOCO LARIAT! CODE BREAKER! ANGEL INMORTAL!!! Cover, DESPERADO BREAKS IT!! Fans are electric as all four men are down! Titan & Bushi regroup, they dropkick Desperado and drag him up. They double whip, Desperado holds ropes and then KICKS Titan out of the ring! Desperado ELBOWS Bushi, but Bushi DROPKICKS Desperado!

Fans rally up as Bushi roars! Bushi brings Wato up, but Wato CHOPS! And CHOPS! Bushi knees low, CLUBS away on Wato, then brings him around to whip. Wato reverses, Desperado hits a SPINEBUSTER! Feed to the TSUTENKAKU!! Bridging cover, Titan KICKS it apart! Desperado TOSSES Titan, shouts to Wato, then he builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit and now Yuto Nakashima has to save the fans! Wato drags Bushi up, wrenches and hammerlocks, but Bushi slips free to backslide! Wato rolls through to spin, RECIENTEMENTE DOS!!! Cover, DESPEWATO WINS!!

Winner: Master Wato & El Desperado, by pinfall (gains 2 points; LIJ earns 0)

Incredible! Almost miraculous, even! LIJ falls to the oddest duo in the team, but wait, Desperado is bailing out? He’s not sticking around to close this out? Wato is a bit confused, too, but at least they won. LIJ heads out, will they be able to get on track to where they were last year?

As for Wato, he gets the mic to speak after all. They finally got this to work and got another win. Wato’s so happy he and Desperado pulled off the Spinebuster to Tsutenkaku he pitched the other day. And now, little by little, as a team, a duo, Wato & Desperado will take Super Junior Tag League! Wato leaves it at this, and he bows thanks to the fans. Will #DespeWato end up taking this tournament as the dark horses of Super Junior Tag League?


Here are the NEW Super Junior Tag League Standings!

Intergalactic Jet Setters: 2-1, 4 points
Clark Connors & Dan Moloney: 2-1, 4 points
Yoh & Musashi: 2-1, 4 points
Ryusuke Taguchi & The DKC: 2-1, 4 points
Sho & Yoshinobu Kanemaru: 2-1, 4 points
Master Wato & El Desperado: 2-1, 4 points
Bushi & Titan: 1-2, 2 points
Catch 2/2: 1-2, 2 points
Robbie Eagles & Kosei Fujita: 1-2, 2 points
Douki & Taka Michinoku: 0-3, 0 points

My Thoughts:

Another great round for Super Junior Tag League, and we got some great upsets this round. Yoh & Musashi getting theirs off a less than 100% TJP made sense. That damage done by Connors & Moloney is going to hold Catch 2/2 back from here on, but that makes for great drama as the rounds go on. And then Intergalactic Jet Setters winning over Connors & Moloney was an awesome move. The champs won’t be perfect in the round robin, and now Jet Setters can get a title match before WrestleKingdom without having to also win the tournament. And given that awesome main event, DespeWato getting that awesome win probably foreshadows that they’ll win the tournament and challenge whoever (probably Bullet Club) at WrestleKingdom.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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