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Mitchell’s NJPW Super Jr. Tag League Results & Report! (10/26/23)

Time for Round 4!



Who gets (un)lucky in the fourth round?

The IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions have already lost once this Super Junior Tag League, can Clark Connors & “Drilla” Dan Moloney keep from losing again? Or will they end up tranquilo against Los Ingobernables de Japon?


  • Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Honma VS Oskar Leube & Yuto Nakashima; Makabe & Honma win.
  • Shota Umino & Ren Narita VS Callum Newman & Great-O-Khan; Shota & Narita win.
  • Six Man Tag: Chaos VS The House of Torture; Chaos wins.
  • 2023 Super Junior Tag League: Intergalactic Jet Setters VS Ryusuke Taguchi & The DKC; Intergalactic Jet Setters win.
  • 2023 Super Junior Tag League: DOUKI & Taka Michinoku VS Catch 2/2; Catch 2/2 wins.
  • 2023 Super Junior Tag League: YOH & MUSASHI VS SHO & Yoshinobu Kanemaru; Sho & Kanemaru win.
  • 2023 Super Junior Tag League: Bushi & Titan VS Clark Connors & “Drilla” Dan Moloney; Connors & Moloney win.
  • 2023 Super Junior Tag League: Master Wato & El Desperado VS Robbie Eagles & Kosei Fujita; Wato & Desperado win.


Here are the current Super Junior Tag League Standings.

Intergalactic Jet Setters: 2-1, 4 points
Clark Connors & Dan Moloney: 2-1, 4 points
Yoh & Musashi: 2-1, 4 points
Ryusuke Taguchi & The DKC: 2-1, 4 points
Sho & Yoshinobu Kanemaru: 2-1, 4 points
Master Wato & El Desperado: 2-1, 4 points
Bushi & Titan: 1-2, 2 points
Catch 2/2: 1-2, 2 points
Robbie Eagles & Kosei Fujita: 1-2, 2 points
Douki & Taka Michinoku: 0-3, 0 points


2023 Super Junior Tag League: Intergalactic Jet Setters VS Ryusuke Taguchi & The DKC!

Kushida & Kevin Knight got the biggest win so far in the tournament when they pinned the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions! Will they be unstoppable all the way to the finals? Or can the Funky Weapon & “The Eternal” Dylan Kyle Cox manage to slow them down?

The teams sort out and Taguchi starts against Kushida. The fans rally as the two circle and Taguchi avoids Kushida’s shoot in. They knuckle lock, go around, clinch, and then Kushida facelocks. Taguchi fights back to a clinch, goes to fireman’s carry but Kushida rolls through that. Kushida wants an arm but Taguchi fights that to go for a leg. Kushida slips free and Taguchi tries the leg guard. Kushida stays back, but Taguchi shoots in to get an arm then the drop toehold. Kushida stays up and lateral presses, but Taguchi gets up quickly. Kushida is after the arm, Taguchi rolls but can’t get free as Kushida shifts around.

Kushida wants the chinbar but Taguchi wrenches. Kushida wrenches back so Taguchi rolls and wrenches again. Kushida flips to kick Taguchi away, and the fans cheer the standoff. Knight and DKC tag in and fans rally as the kouhai circle. Knight tries the leg guard like Kushida but DKC waistlocks. Knight switches, DKC trips him and has the leg, but Knight reels DKC in. Fans applaud as Knight has the headlock and takeover. DKC moves around, headscissors and even hooks an arm. Knight moves side to side and then hops and hops to get free! Fans cheer as Knight has the headlock back on.

DKC keeps his shoulders up, fights to his feet, and waistlocks. Knight switches, DKC rolls to have the leg! Knight stays up, slips fere of the grapevine, but DKC wheelbarrows and arm-drags! Knight comes back, DKC gets around but Knight fights the crucifix takedown. DKC shifts to sunset flip, TWO! But DKC drags Knight into the crucifix! Knight fights, rocks and rolls, then fireman’s carries DKC! But DKC slips free of the swing! Knight UPPERCUTS DKC down! Fans applaud this exchange, and Knight wrenches an arm. Tag to Kushida and he goes up to AX HANDLE the arm! Kushida wrenches but DKC fires forearms!

Knight storms in, DKC CHOPS him but Knight knees low! Knight whips, DKC reverses, but Kushida gives him the BOOST! Direct hit with the crossbody! Knight then scoops DKC to SLAM him! And SPLASH! Taguchi runs in but into a scoop and SLAM! Kushida hops on, “SUPER MARIO~!” SPLASH! Kushida covers but Taguchi isn’t legal. Kushida drags DKC up, bumps him off buckles, then stomps him down. Kushida CHOPS DKC, then wrenches to snapmare. Kushida steps over to drop knees on the arm! Tag to Knight and he brings DKC up by that arm. Knight wrenches to an ELBOW BREAKER, then a snapmare.

Knight runs to SLIDING SHOULDER! Cover, Taguchi breaks it! Knight brings DKC up, wrenches an arm, then he  tags Kushida. Knight puts DKC in a corner, the arm is wrapped around the rope, and Kushida KICKS it! Kushida keeps on DKC with an armlock but the fans rally. DKC fights up, throws body shots, but Kushida KICKS him down! Tag to Knight and he taunts DKC. Knight brings DKC up, wrenches and UPPERCUTS the arm! Another wrench, another UPPERCUT! Another wrench, but DKC ROCKS Knight! Knight wrenches, DKC ROCKS him! Knight wrenches, DKC fires a flurry of forearms!

Fans rally, Knight DECKS DKC! Knight drags DKC up, swings but misses, and DKC DROPKICKS Knight down! Fans fire up as both men are down! They crawl for their corners, but then Knight reaches for DKC. Too late, hot tag to Taguchi! HIP ATTACK for Knight! HIP ATTACK for Kushida! Fans fire up with Taguchi and he HIP ATTACKS Knight at the ropes! Then Kushida! Then back to Knight! One more for Kushida! Taguchi slides out to APRON HIP Knight! Fans cheer and Taguchi springboards to MISSILE HIP Knight down! Cover, TWO! Taguchi keeps cool and he drags Knight up. Knight breaks free, ducks the haymaker and hits an atomic drop!

Wait, Knight’s knee gets hurt by those buns of steel! Taguchi then runs to dropkick Knight’s legs out! Taguchi grabs a leg for OH MY GAH ANKLE! Knight scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Taguchi leans on the leg but lets off as the ref reprimands. Taguchi stomps the leg, brings Knight up, and suplexes. Knight slips free, but Taguchi mule kicks. Kushida sneaks a tag as Knight reverse the whip! They bypass, but Taguchi avoids the dropkick to SLIDING HIP! Kushida runs in, Taguchi waistlocks but Kushida elbows free. Kushida runs, Taguchi follows, but Kushida gets around to waistlock. Taguchi elbows free, but fakes Kushida out on the run!

Kushida rebounds into Taguchi’s HIP ATTACK! Fans fire up and Taguchi hot tags DKC! DKC whips Kushida to DROPKICK! DKC fires up for “D K FIRE!” He clinches and CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP! Fans fire up, but Knight gets in! So DKC gives him some CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP! DKC CHOPS Knight down, then runs to SOMERSAULT SENTON! But Kushida spins DKC to ROCK him! The Jet Setters double whip but get the DK CANNONBALL! Fans fire up as Taguchi returns. Taguchi whips DKC in at Kushida, big back body block! Taguchi adds his HIP ATTACK!

Taguchi calls his shot and scoops Kushida while DKC climbs. SUPER DK FIRE! Cover, TWO!! Kushida survives, Knight TOSSES Taguchi out. Knight whips DKC but DKC RAN- NO! Knight blocks the rana to get DKC up! DKC slips free, ducks ‘n ‘dodges, and tries again, BIG RANA! Fans fire up and Taguchi returns. Taguchi & DKC power up, and they unleash the PUNCH SANDWICH! They punch and punch and punch Kushida from all sides until he falls! Taguchi & DKC then bring Kushida up to double whip, but he slides out! Knight springboards in to DOUBLE FLYING LARIAT! Fans fire up as Knight shows his own karate skills.

Kushida coordinates with Knight, they CLOTHESLINE ENZIGURI COMBO on DKC! Knight then PLANCHAS Taguchi! Kushida PENALTY KICKS DKC’s arm! But DKC URAKENS! DKC whips, Kushida handsprings to BACK ELBOW! Fans fire up as Kushida jumps on, HOVERBOARD!!! DKC taps, Jet Setters win!

Winners: Intergalactic Jet Setters, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Taguchi & DKC earn 0)

The Jet Setters are leading the way with six points! Will they be the ones to reach the destination that is the tournament finals? Can Taguchi & DKC come up with a winning game plan for next time?


2023 Super Junior Tag League: DOUKI & Taka Michinoku VS Catch 2/2!

Japones Del Mal & The Blue Playmaker are having a horrible time of it at 0-3, but TJP is in rough shape himself. Is this the chance Douki & Taka need to get on the board? Or can Public Enemy & Nova Fireball still pull out a win?

The teams sort out and despite all the tape on his neck, TJP insists. Akira says okay, and TJP starts against Douki. Fans rally up for TJP as he circles with Douki, and the two tie up. TJP waistlocks, Douki pries free to wrench and wristlock, but TJP rolls, spins, cartwheels and brings Douki down for the TWISTING RANA! But that hurts TJP’s neck, too! Fans rally but Douki headscissors back. Douki pushes up to put on pressure and TJP flails! TJP fights around, but he can’t headstand on the bad neck! TJP turns Douki over, traps legs with legs and powers out. Fans cheer as TJP sweeps and covers, ONE! TJP avoids the sweep to dropkick Douki!

Fans applaud, Akira tags in, and Catch 2/2 double whip. SOBAT, KICK, trip and SHOTGUN! Cover, TWO! Akira keeps on Douki with a turn and NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Akira drags Douki up, ROCKS him with forearms, then whips him corner to corner. Akira runs in but into a BOOT! Douki runs but into a mule kick! Akira runs, Douki dodges and springboards to BACK ELBOW! Douki BLASTS TJP for good measure before he tags Taka. Taka stomps Akira, then he and Douki double whip. They DOUBLE CHOP, then DOUBLE ELBOW DROP! Then they flip Akira over, Camel Clutch and Taka runs to basement dropkick! Cover, TWO!

Taka drags Akira up, headlocks, and Taka holds on tight as Akira tries to power out. Akira tries again but Taka wrenches and headlocks for the takeover, then right into a headscissor necklock! Taka makes it a cover, TWO! Taka keeps on Akira with a facelock and some knees. Taka then SHINING WIZARDS in the corner! Tag to Douki and Taka BLASTS TJP! Douki trips Akira, ties up the legs and has the arms, to pull Akira up into a HANGING BUTTERFLY STRETCH! Akira endures, Taka keeps TJP back, but TJP powers through to stomp Douki down! Taka CLUBS TJP and tosses him out, then Douki drags Akira up.

Akira throws forearms but his arms are hurting. Douki CHOPS, runs, but Akira follows to wheelbarrow and victory roll, STOMP 182! Fans fire up while both men are down! Akira and Douki crawl, hot tag to TJP! TJP BOOTS Taka, then atomic drops Douki. TJP whips, Douki ducks ‘n’ dodges, but TJP hits a THESZ PRESS! TJP goes to a corner, he runs in at Douki, and he BACK ELBOWS! Fans fire up as TJP gives Douki the scrubbing! TJP then runs side to side to BOOT WASH! TJP pushes Douki out of the corner, climbs up top, FLYING FOREARM! Fans fire up with “T! J P!” as he aims again, and runs in to tilt-o-whirl and IRON OCTOPUS!

Douki endures so TJP shifts his hold, GROUND OCTOPUS! But Taka stomps him! Akira fires off on Taka but Taka ROCKS Akira! Taka waistlocks, Akira fights the lift, and then Akira ducks so TJP’s SUPERKICK hits Taka! Akira then PLANCHAS Taka down! TJP dodges Douki, and TORNADO DDTS! Fans fire up as TJP hurries up top. MAMBA- NO, TJP has to roll through as Douki dodges. Douki then spins TJP to pick him up in a Bow ‘n’ Arrow! Douki spins for the FACEBUSTER! And then ghost pin, TWO!! TJP survives but Douki has him for ITALIAN STRETCH #32!! TJP endures the Douki Chokey, which hurts more cuz of the bad neck!

TJP scoots back, btu Douki rolls him from ropes! But TJP slips free to step through! But Douki turns that into a cradle! TWO, and DOUBLE CROSSBODIES collide! Fans fire up while both men are down! TJP and Douki crawl, hot tags to Akira and Taka! Akira dodges Taka to ENZIGURI! Akira whips, Taka reverses but Akira RANAS! Fans fire up and Akira runs in at the corner to clothesline! Then he comes back, to UPPERCUT! Fans fire up with Akira as he goes up to second rope MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Fans rally as Akira stands Taka up, but Taka wrenches out of Speedfire! Akira ROCKS Taka then whips, but Taka reverses for a takedown! JUST FACELOCK!!

Akira scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Taka lets off, Akira fires forearms then runs, but Taka goes the other way to BOOT him down! Cover, TWO! Back to JUST FACELOCK! TJP runs in, Taka kicks the legs out, TRIANGLE HOLD! Douki is back, so Taka kicks TJP over to him, ITALIAN STRETCH!! Catch 2/2 endures stereo submissions! Akira scrambles again, ROPEBREAK! Taka pulls back once more before letting go. Douki lets TJP go, then he and Taka have Akira. Akira CHOPS and forearms them as fans rally up. Taka runs, into a BOOT HEADBUTT COMBO! Douki wheelbarrows Akira, Taka runs in but Akira BOOTS him!

TJP returns to SOBAT Douki! Then TJP PLANCHAS Douki on the outside! Akira runs in, Taka dodges to SUPER K! Scoop and- NO, Akira slips free, reels Taka in, SPEEDFIRE! Cover, TWO!! Taka survives but Akira rallies the fans. TJP joins in, they aim from the corners, 2 BY 2!! Cover, Catch 2/2 wins!

Winners: Catch 2/2, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Douki & Taka earn 0)

TJP & Akira rebound in a big way to break even here at 2-2. But will they be able to fight through the pain and grab those trophies? Will Douki & Taka ever get on the board after going 0-4 like this?


2023 Super Junior Tag League: YOH & MUSASHI VS SHO & Yoshinobu Kanemaru!

#MUSAKO and the House of Torture are both going up with 2-1 records, but this one’s gonna be about the unending grudge between the two men that were Roppongi 3K. Will Direct Drive and his new partner tear down the House? Or will the Murder Machine & Heel Master once again ruin the fun for everyone else?

Sho gets the mic to talk trash on Yoh, but also on being back in Saitama. Sho didn’t like being here last time, he of course doesn’t like being here again, and the fans boo because the feeling is mutual. Yoh snatches the mic from Sho and says his partner’s the real trash! So yeah, their “friendship” shirt is still going on sale, ya bastard! Sho & Kanemaru attack! They even CHOKE Musashi & Yoh with those shirts before tearing them up. Sho stomps Yoh, Kanemaru stomps Musashi, and the ref rings the bell to get this on record. Sho throws Yoh out and Kanemaru CLUBS Musashi. The House boys double whip but Musashi crisscrosses them!

Musashi CHOPS Kanemaru, swings on Sho but Sho gets around. Musashi switches with Sho to shove him into Kanemaru! Then Musashi ENZIGURIS but Sho ducks! Sho snarls, drags Musashi up and ROCKS him with a forearm, then whips him to ropes. Musashi reverses, Yoh returns, they bypass, drop toehold and basement dropkick! Kanemaru runs in but into double hip tosses! Fans rally up for MUSAKO and Musashi drags Sho up. Yoh has Kanemaru, they wrench and knuckle lock, and they go to the corners! Fans cheer the STEREO SHINOBI WALK! But wait, Evil shows up to SHOVE Yoh down!

Fans boo as Yujiro gets away with the same on Musashi, all cuz of that damn Dick Togo! Sho stomps Musashi, Kanemaru drags Yoh out, and Kanemaru POSTS Yoh! Sho kicks Musashi out, CLUBS him on the back, then brings him over. Kanemaru SMACKS Yoh off the timekeeper’s table! Sho slides in to distract the ref, letting the rest of the House stomp Musashi! Fans boo but Evil puts Musashi back in for Sho. Cover, TWO! Sho is angry about the count but he tags in Kanemaru. Kanemaru scrapes his sole off Musashi’s face, then CHOKES him! The ref counts, Kanemaru lets off and brings Musashi up.

Kanemaru bumps Musashi off Sho’s boot, then Sho sits Musashi down so Kanemaru can BOOT him! Kanemaru slaps Musashi around, taunts him and stomps him, then stands him up. Musashi ROCKS Kanemaru! And ROCKS Sho! Musashi fights but Kanemaru claws his eyes! The ref reprimands, Sho tags in, and he stomps Musashi. Musashi goes to another corner, Sho stomps him and digs his boots in, but the ref counts. Sho lets go at 4 then tags Kanemaru. Sho drags Musashi up, puts him on ropes, and Kanemaru drags Musashi out to scoop and SLAM him on the floor! Evil taunts Musashi before Kanemaru puts him back in.

Kanemaru whips and back drops Musashi! Then he gets the legs for a BOSTON CRAB! The House goes after Yoh while Musashi endures! Fans rally up, Kanemaru sits deep on the hold, but Sho has Yoh in a chinlock to keep him down! Musashi still fights his way to the ROPEBREAK! Kanemaru lets go and fans cheer, but Dick gets a shot in as the ref is busy with everyone else! Kanemaru stomps Musashi, tags Sho, and they stomp away on Musashi. Sho stands on Musashi’s neck but the ref reprimands. Sho steps away, stomps Musashi some more, then Sho stalks Musashi while taunting Yoh.

Sho kicks Musashi around, fans rally up for him, but Sho just grins as he kicks Musashi more. Musashi glares up at Sho, stands and CHOPS! Sho snarls, Musashi CHOPS him again! Fans fire up as Musashi CHOPS again! Sho kicks back in anger! Sho suplexes, Musashi blocks it! They fight for control as the fans rally, and Musashi suplexes Sho! But Sho pulls hair! The ref reprimands and fans boo, but Sho whips. Musashi reverses, clinches, and EXPLODERS! Fans fire up while both men are down! Sho and Musashi crawl, reach out, hot tag to Yoh! Yoh steps off Sho to BLAST Kanemaru! Then Yoh dodges Sho, and CLOBBERS him with forearms!

Fans fire up as Yoh goes out and aims, to PENALTY KICK Sho down! Then Yoh CANNONBALLS the rest of the House! Yoh ROCKS Dick, scoops him, and SLAMS him on Evil! Fans fire up with Yoh as he is running on all cylinders. Yoh then stomps Sho down, brings him up, and puts him in the ring. Yoh drags Sho up, scoops and SLAMS him to a drop zone, then goes up and up to TWISTING VADER! Cover, TWO! Yoh stays fired up as the fans rally, and he brings Sho back up. Yoh reels Sho in, suplexes, but Sho fights free. Sho bends the fingers! Yoh breaks free, kicks and runs, but the ref is a shield! SPEAR!

Sho hurries to tag in Kanemaru! Kanemaru whips Yoh to a corner, then runs in to BOOT! Kanemaru brings Yoh in to suplex, but Yoh blocks it! Kanemaru throws body shots, tries again, but Musashi makes the save! Kanemaru claws Musashi’s face, but Musashi avoids the boot to dropkick the legs, then DROPKICK the head! Yoh HANDSPRING KICKS Sho down! Yoh & Musashi tune up together, but Kanemaru grabs the ref! Evil drags Musashi out, the ref is sent into Yoh! ENZIGURI! Yoh falls, and Kanemaru gets his whiskey! Kanemaru takes aim, but Yoh ducks the bottle to JUMP KNEE! Now Yoh has the whiskey!

Yoh takes a big swig, Sho runs in but Yoh dodges the Murder Tool! Kick and- NO, Sho covers Yoh’s mouth so he can’t sit! Yoh breaks free to Whiskey KISS Sho!? Fans can’t believe how far Yoh is willing to go for revenge! Musashi DROPKICKS Evil & Yujiro off the apron! Sho sputters while Musashi PLANCHAS Evil! Yoh then takes aim at Kanemaru! SUPERKICK! Fans fire up as Musashi is back! Yoh drags Kanemaru up, but Kanemaru slips free! Kanemaru shoves the ref to LOW BLOW Yoh! Dick anchors Musashi and Kanemaru RAMS Yoh into him! Kanemaru then rolls Yoh up with tights! The House wins!!

Winners: The House of Torture, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Yoh & Musashi earn 0)

Of all the teams to go 3-1, why does it have to be these guys!? Will anyone ever wise up to the tricks they play? Will Sho ever get the taste of whiskey and Yoh out of his mouth? Will Yoh & Musashi be able to get back on track after being derailed like this?


2023 Super Junior Tag League: Bushi & Titan w/ Tetsuya Naito VS Clark Connors & “Drilla” Dan Moloney!

Los Ingobernables de Japon has lost to two odd couples back to back, and now they’re up against the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions! However, “The Cowboy & The Criminal” are rebounding from their first defeat since getting the titles. Will Black Mask & El Inmortal be able to get their own golden tickets? Or will these Abunai Gaijin be anything but tranquilo?

Wait, Bullet Club attacks the second they’re in the ring! Drilla is after Titan, Connors is after Bushi, and things spill out of the ring! The ref rings the bell to get this on record, and Drilla chokes Titan while Connors throws hands down on Bushi. Connors then POSTS Bushi, and Drilla CHOPS Titan! Fans rally for LIJ but Drilla stalks Titan. Drilla puts him in the ring while Connors tells fans to shut up. Titan has a leg guard but Drilla stomps through it. Drilla kicks Titan while Connors throws Bushi into railing! Drilla UPPERCUTS Titan, UPPERCUTS him again, then chokes him at the ropes. The ref counts, Drilla lets off, and then Drilla wants the mask!

The ref reprimands and counts, Drilla lets off, then he stalks Titan to the corner. Drilla stomps Titan, tags Connors, and they both dig their boots in! The ref counts, Connors lets off, and he drags Titan up. Titan fires a forearm but Connors UPPERCUTS! Titan flops against ropes, and Connors bends him back! Drilla aims finger guns while the ref counts, and Connors lets off at 4. Connors BLASTS Bushi off the apron, then goes back to Titan. Connors UPPERCUTS Titan, but Titan CHOPS! Connors CHOPS, then he whips. Titan reverses, goes Matrix, then CALF KICKS! Connors wobbles and fans applaud.

Titan hurries to tag in Bushi! Connor is still wobbly, and Bushi goes up to MISSILE DROPKICK! And Bushirooni! Fans fire up and Bushi ROCKS Drilla for good measure. Bushi kicks Connors, knees him low, CLUBS him down, then whips. Connors reverses and Drilla gets a cheap shot in! Drilla storms up and Bullet Club double whip. Bushi ducks the double lariat to to shove Connors into Drilla! Then Bushi DOUBLE RANAS! Fans fire up and Bushi brings Connors up. Connors ROCKS Bushi, UPPERCUTS him, then CHOPS! Connors runs, but Bushi dumps him out! Fans fire up as Bushi builds speed, but Drilla trips Bushi!

Fans boo as Connors ROCKS Titan and Drilla drags Bushi out. Drilla knocks Bushi down while Connors POSTS Titan! Drilla drags Bushi up, claws at the mask, and the ref reprimands. Drilla CLUBS Bushi on the back, Connors slides back in the ring, and Drilla puts Bushi in for him. Cover, TWO! Fans rally up for Bushi and Connors mocks their applause. Connors drags Bushi up, UPPERCUTS, then whips Bushi to ropes to ELBOW him down! Connors mocks the fans cheering Bushi on, and he covers, TWO! Connors clamps onto Bushi with a full nelson, but Bushi endures. Bushi reaches out, but Connors even hooks a leg to keep him down.

Fans rally, Bushi keeps fighting, and now it’s just a half nelson. But Drilla pulls the rope away! The ref reprimands, Drilla stops, and Bushi has the ROPEBREAK! Connors CLUBS Bushi as he lets off, then tags Drilla in. Drilla drags Bushi up, whips him to a corner, then Drilla runs in to forearm smash! Drilla snapmares Bushi down, covers, TWO! Fans rally up while Drilla is annoyed. Drilla pushes Bushi around, stomps him, taunts him, then brings him up. Bushi hits back but Drilla CLUBS and whips him to a corner. Drilla runs in but into a BOOT! Bushi goes up to FLYING RANA! Fans fire up as both men are down.

Drilla and Bushi crawl, hot tags to Connors and Titan! Titan springboards to CROSSBODY! Fans fire up as Titan SOBATS! Titan wrenches and whips but Connors reverses. Titan goes up and over and handsprings away. Connors run sin, Titan dodges to kick, kick and SOBAT! Fans fire up and Titan keeps moving, but Drilla is in! Titan dodges him, tilt-o-whirl on Drilla to TORNADO DDT Connors! Fans fire up as Titan has both Abunai Gaijin down! Bushi joins in, he helps Titan goes up and up and tightrope walk, to then DOUBLE MISSILE DROPKICK! Bullet Club bails out, LIJ builds speed! They DOUBLE TOPE! Direct hits at the ramp!

Fans fire up more as Bushi & Titan fire up! Bushi & Titan mug Connors, put him in the ring, and Titan covers. TWO, but Titan tags Bushi. They drag Connors up, double whip, and trip to basement dropkick! Titan then springboards to SPLASH! Bushi covers, Drilla breaks it! Titan whips but Drilla reverses to send Titan out. Drilla goes after Titan, and Connors fights Bushi’s fisherman. Bushi knees low, runs, but into a POWERSLAM! Connors tags Drilla, they SUPERKICK, UPPERCUT and SPINEBUSTER to the DOUBLE STOMP! Then Bullet Club locks ‘n’ loads, DOUBLE GORE! Cover, Titan breaks it! Fans fire up as all four men are down!

Connors tosses Titan and coordinates with Drilla. Drilla suplexes Bushi, Connors climbs, but Bushi slips free to shove Drilla into Connors! Titan is back and he LOCO LARIATS and DROPKICKS at the same time! Titan calls to Bushi to keep the combo going! Bushi runs in at Drilla, but Drilla blocks the Code Breaker! Drilla THROWS Bushi into Titan and Titan falls! GORE!! Drilla calls to Connors and he climbs back up. Drilla suplexes, FULL CLIP!!! Cover, Bullet Club wins!

Winners: Clark Connors & “Drilla” Dan Moloney, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Bushi & Titan earn 0)

Connors says they are the best team in the world, the best team in the company, and they’re gonna win the whole damn tournament! Will they shoot down everyone left on their schedule? Or will Bullet Club run out of ammo before the end? Can Bushi & Titan turn things back around before the end and finally reach the finals?


2023 Super Junior Tag League: Master Wato & El Desperado VS Robbie Eagles & Kosei Fujita!

The Way of the Grandmaster & The Rogue Luchador made it work and won big in last night’s main event while TMDK were the butt of the joke against Taguchi & DKC. Will #DespeWato keep this momentum going? Or will the Sniper of the Skies & Ichiban Sweet Boy shoot them down?

Desperado is still not going to wear the team shirt, even as Wato asks him to the entire time. Wato holds it out, Desperado tosses it away, so another free souvenir for fans, just like yesterday. The teams sort out and Wato starts with Fujita. Fans rally as the two circle, and the two feel things out. They tie up, Wato waistlocks, but Fujita rolls to throw Wato down. Wato rolls to a cover, ONE and Fujita headscissors. Wato kips free and the two stand off. Fans cheer and the two go again. They tie up and Wato waistlocks again, to then spin, cravat and snapamre. Fujita slips free to hammerlock an arm, but Wato fights up.

Fujita full nelsons and spins Wato around to headlock. Wato endures but Fujita then wrenches to a wristlock. Tag to Eagles, and Eagles takes the handoff to wrench and wristlock. Wato spins, wrenches, and wrenches again. Eagles goes to ropes, Wato wrenches again! Wato whips but Eagles blocks. Eagles shakes his head, Wato tries again but Eagles still holds on. Wato YANKS the arm and Eagles drops to his knees! Wato whips, Eagles reverses to go up and around and arm-drag! Eagles keeps going, he hurdles Wato to then RANA, but Wato cartwheels through! Eagles ducks the kick, rolls Wato up, but Wato rolls through.

They keep moving, Wato steps over the dropdown to roll Eagles into VENDAVAL! Desperado goes after Fujita on the outside while Eagles endures. Fans rally, Eagles fights to rock and roll and go to the ROPEBREAK! Fujita CHOPS Desperado but Desperado CHOPS Fujita! Wato lets Eagles go to stomp Eagles, then KICK him down! Wato drags Eagles to a cover, ONE! Wato drags Eagles up and over to bump off buckles. Tag to Desperado and fans cheer as he stomps Eagles down. Desperado digs his boots in, lets off as Red Shoes counts, then he taunts Fujita. Red Shoes keeps Fujita back as Desperado scoops and SLAMS Eagles!

Eagles writhes, Desperado covers, ONE! Desperado drags Eagles up, and CLUBS him on the neck! Tag to Wato, and Wato drags Eagles into a chinlock. Eagles endures while Wato stares Fujita down. Fujita coaches Eagles but Wato BOOTS Fujita down! Wato goes back for Eagles but Eagles throws hands on Wato’s leg. Wato stomps Eagles down, then snapmares him for a KICK! Eagles writhes, Wato covers, TWO! Fans rally up, Wato offers a tag but Desperado says not yet. Wato drags Eagles up, bumps him off buckles, and now Desperado tags. Wato CLUBS Eagles, he and Desperado double whip, but Eagles holds ropes.

Eagles BOOTS Wato, UPPERCUTS Desperado, and hurries along ropes. Fans rally, Wato runs in, and Eagles TOSSES him out! Eagles crawls but Desperado DECKS Fujita! Desperado taunts Eagles, brings him up and back suplexes, but Eagles lands out to CHOP BLOCK! Eagles keeps moving to BLINDSIDE LARIAT! Fans rally, Fujita is back, and Eagles crawls over that way. Hot tag to Fujita! Fans fire up as Ichiban Sweet Boy fires off on Desperado! And CHOPS! Fujita whips, Desperado reverses but Fujita goes up and over to then O’Conner Roll, and CHAOS- NO, Desperado fights the suplex! But Fujita CHOPS him again!

Fujita snapmares Desperado, goes up and out, to then springboard and MISSILE DROPKICK! Fans fire up, Fujita covers, TWO! Fans rally as Fujita vows to end this. Fujita drags Desperado up, but Desperado fights the suplex! Desperado wants ropes but Fujita keeps him from them. Desperado fights the suplex again, and then suplexes Fujita! Fujita fights that to throw body shots, and he ROCKS Desperado! Fujita tries again, but Desperado suplexes high and hard! Both men are down and fans fire up! Hot tag to Wato! Wato storms up to KICK Fujita! And KICK! And KICK! Wato whips, Fujita reverses and DROPKICKS!

Both men are down again and fans rally back up. Eagles rises, Fujita heads for the corner! Hot tag to Eagles! The Sniper takes aim and he KICKS Wato! And KICKS! And KICKS, but Wato blocks! Wato CLUBS the leg, runs, but Eagles CALF KICKS! Fans rally and Eagles runs, to LEG LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Wato is still in this but Eagles pounds the mat. Fans rally up behind him, and Eagles runs in at the corner. But Wato BOOTS first! Eagles comes back but into more BOOTS! Wato goes out and GAMANGIRIS! Then springboard to FLYING UPPERCUT! Wato drags Eagles up and wrenches, but Eagles fights the clinch!

Wato KNEES Eagles low, then again, but Eagles fights the suplex! Eagles elbows free, Wato dodges the boot to ZIGZAG! Cover, TWO! Eagles is still in this and the fans rally up again. Wato fires up, he brings Eagles around and chicken wings, but Eagles arm-drags free! Eagles then rolls Wato up, with a bridge, TWO!! Wato SOBATS, chicken wings, but Eagles slips free again! ROUNDHOUSE! SUPERKICK! ENZIGURI! Wato staggers to a corner, Eagles runs in to DOUBLE KNEE! Wato sits down, Eagles DOUBLE KNEES again! Fujita BLASTS Desperado and coordinates with Eagles. They double wrench and PENDULUM BOMB! Cover, TWO!!

Eagles cravats to ASAI DDT! Cover, TWO!! Wato is still in this, but Eagles has the legs! RON MILLER SPECIAL! Fujita gets Desperado in a KIMURA! #DespeWato is in stereo submissions! Wato crawls, drags Eagles around with him, but Eagles drags Wato back! Wato keeps fighting, and he gets the ROPEBREAK! Fujita lets Desperado go and Eagles lets Wato go, but Eagles vows to end this! Eagles drags Wato up and round, picks him up, but Wato fights the backpack! TSUTEN- NO, Eagles kicks the leg! And BOOTS Wato in the face! Wato BOOTS back! Then he blocks Eagles’ boot to ROUNDHOUSE! Eagles SOBATS the bad leg!

Wato and Eagles are down and the fans fire up! They stir, head for their corners, and hot tag Desperado and Fujita! Fans fire up, Fujita dodges but Desperado dodges. Fujita blocks a kick, spins Desperado and CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Desperado eggs him on so Fujita UPPERCUTS! Desperado knees low, runs, but into a CHOP! Fujita brings Desperado around but Desperado wrenches and whips. Fujita reverses to DROPKICK! Fans fire up with Fujita and he storms up on Desperado. Fujita suplexes, but Desperado slips free! Fujita kicks, whips, but Desperado reverses to SPINEBUSTER! Stack cover, TWO, but into STRETCH MUFFLER!

Fujita endures, Desperado keeps him from ropes, but Fujita sits up to sunset flip! TWO!! Desperado is up, but he runs into a GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, ONE because Fujita’s leg couldn’t sustain the bridge! Fujita slaps his leg into working and the fans rally up. Fujita storms up on Desperado, drags him up, but Desperado trips him! STRETCH MUFFLER! Wato intercepts Eagles with a sunset flip, VENDAVAL!! TMDK endure stereo submissions now! Fujita fights, Eagles kicks free, and Eagles CLUBS Desperado down! Fans fire up as Wato KICKS Eagles out of the ring! Wato helps Desperado up and they get Fujita.

Fujita fires forearms on them both but Desperado KICKS the leg! Wato KICKS Fujita into Desperado’s BIG back suplex! Desperado feeds Fujita to RECIENTEMENTE! Wato then keeps Eagles out as Desperado hits the OLYMPIC SLAM! Cover, Eagles barrels in to break it! Fans fire up as Wato has to toss Eagles out again. Wato goes out after Eagles with more kicks, and Desperado vows to end this! Desperado drags Fujita up but Fujita throws body shots. There isn’t much to them but Fujita still has fighting spirit. Fans rally up, Desperado nods, and he reels Fujita in for PINCHE LOCO!! Cover, DespeWado wins!

Winners: Master Wato & El Desperado, by pinfall (gains 2 points; TMDK earns 0)

Two main event wins in a row and that puts the odd couple near the top of the block! Eagles is a bit salty about it, but will he and Ichiban Sweet Boy just have to reload and try again?

Desperado gets the mic this time, and he tells Robbie, “You take care here, no? Okay.” As for Fujita, “You went away two or three months to get some inspiration. Next time, I want you at an even more inspiring level.” Wato then gets too close and Desperado pushes him away. Desperado then tosses the mic to him and bails! Wato asks, “Hey, aren’t we plenty inspirational ourselves? You guys all think so, right?” The fans applaud as much. Wato says they’re the most exciting team here! Eagles throws his icepack at Wato and says Wato didn’t win this. Fans still cheer Wato on as now he’s all alone in the ring.

Wato says, “We got more teamwork in today, right? Just like yesterday, we’ll keep putting things together. And in Osaka, we’ll win the Super Junior Tag League!” Fans applaud and Wato takes a bow. Will the truly most functional dysfunctional team take the trophies? Or is this all just one wrong move away from falling apart?


Here are the NEW Super Junior Tag League Standings!

Intergalactic Jet Setters: 3-1, 6 points
Sho & Yoshinobu Kanemaru: 3-1, 6 points
Clark Connors & Dan Moloney: 3-1, 6 points
Master Wato & El Desperado: 3-1, 6 points
Yoh & Musashi: 2-2, 4 points
Ryusuke Taguchi & The DKC: 2-2, 4 points
Catch 2/2: 2-2, 4 points
Bushi & Titan: 1-3, 2 points
Robbie Eagles & Kosei Fujita: 1-3, 2 points
Douki & Taka Michinoku: 0-4, 0 points

My Thoughts:

Another great round for Super Jr. Tag League, and we’ve got a strong group at the top of the block. Jet Setters with the win over Taguchi & DKC makes sense, as they’re still rolling from their big win over Connors & Moloney. And likewise, Connors & Moloney having a win tonight to rebound makes sense. They can’t owe that many teams golden tickets, so they had to win this one. Catch 2/2 also has a strong rebound win because of course Douki & Taka are ending up the dead last team.

Yoh & Musashi VS Sho & Kanemaru was really good for the ongoing grudge, and no one saw Yoh using a “lip lock” to take Sho down. But because House of Torture gonna cheat all day every day, they steal that win and move up towards the top. And great main event from #DespeWato and TMDK. Still wouldn’t be surprised if Desperado & Wato are the winners of this whole thing because of how they’re so dysfunctional and yet are finding ways to make it work, which the fans seem to love.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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