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Mitchell’s NJPW Super Jr. Tag League Results & Report! (10/31/23)

Time for Round 7!



Will someone’s luck run out this round?

Master Wato & El Desperado, the unlikeliest of duos, is leading the Super Junior Tag League! But will round 7 be where the luck runs out?


  • Six Man Tag: Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma & Hiroyashi Tenzan VS Boltin Oleg, Oskar Leube & Yuto Nakashima; Makabe, Honma & Tenzan win.
  • Shota Umino & Ren Narita VS Callum Newman & Great-O-Khan; Shota & Narita win.
  • Six Man Tag: Chaos VS The House of Torture; Chaos wins.
  • 2023 Super Junior Tag League: Ryusuke Taguchi & The DKC VS YOH & MUSASHI; Yoh & Musashi win.
  • 2023 Super Junior Tag League: DOUKI & Taka Michinoku VS Bushi & Titan; Bushi & Titan win.
  • 2023 Super Junior Tag League: Intergalactic Jet Setters VS Robbie Eagles & Kosei Fujita; Jet Setters win.
  • 2023 Super Junior Tag League: Clark Connors & “Drilla” Dan Moloney VS SHO & Yoshinobu Kanemaru; Sho & Kanemaru win.
  • 2023 Super Junior Tag League: Master Wato & El Desperado VS Catch 2/2; Catch 2/2 wins.


Here are the current Super Junior Tag League Standings.

Master Wato & El Desperado: 5-1, 10 points
Clark Connors & Dan Moloney: 4-2, 8 points
Sho & Yoshinobu Kanemaru: 4-2, 8 points
Intergalactic Jet Setters: 3-3, 6 points
Bushi & Titan: 3-3, 6 points
Catch 2/2: 3-3, 6 points
Robbie Eagles & Kosei Fujita: 3-3, 6 points
Ryusuke Taguchi & The DKC: 2-4, 4 points
Yoh & Musashi: 2-4, 4 points
Douki & Taka Michinoku: 1-5, 2 points [ELIMINATED]


2023 Super Junior Tag League: Ryusuke Taguchi & The DKC VS YOH & MUSASHI!

With just three rounds left, both teams here are on the bubble! Will it be The Funky Weapon & The Eternal or #MUSAKO that survive for one more round at the other’s expense?

The teams sort out and DKC starts against Yoh. Fans rally up at the bell, and the two slowly circle. They tie up, Yoh waistlocks but DKC switches. Yoh pries free, wrenches and wristlocks, but DKC spins, drops, and drags Yoh down to tie up the legs. DKC then gets the arms, it’s a modified Queen Angelito stretch. Yoh endures, DKC shifts and shoots the half to a cover, TWO! Yoh gets around to waistlock then headlock for a takeover, but DKC headscissors. Yoh kips free and fans cheer the standoff. Yoh and DKC reset, circle, and then Yoh says forget it, and he tags Musashi. DKC tags Taguchi and fans applaud.

Taguchi and Musashi circle, tie up, and Taguchi headlocks. Musashi throws body shots, powers out, but Taguchi runs him over! Things speed up as Taguchi runs, springboards, and flying arm-drags! Musashi avoids the dropkick but then so does Taguchi. Taguchi fakes the double dropkick to then basement dropkick! Fans fire up and Taguchi brings Musashi up for point blank hips! And again! And again! OSU! Taguchi runs, but Musashi avoids the hip attack to dropkick the legs, then dropkick Taguchi! Musashi BLASTS DKC for good measure and fans applaud. Musashi stomps Taguchi, but Taguchi CHOPS back!

Musashi stomps Taguchi to the corner, tags Yoh, and he digs his boots in. Yoh adds his boots, the ref reprimands and counts, but #MUSAKO lets off. Yoh drags Taguchi up to snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Yoh keeps Taguchi down with a chinlock while fans applaud. Taguchi kicks and reaches out but Yoh clamps on a headscissors squeeze. Yoh thrashes Taguchi, but Taguchi rolls and rolls and rolls, to the ROPEBREAK! Yoh lets go as fans applaud, and Yoh wrenches to a wristlock. Tag to Musashi and he CLUBS the arm. Musashi drags Taguchi up to wrench and snapmare, then he clamps onto the armlock.

Taguchi endures, throws hands, but Musashi grinds the arm! Taguchi fights his way over, ROPEBREAK! Musashi lets go as fans applaud, and Musashi drags Taguchi up. Musashi bumps Taguchi off buckles, then sticks him in the ropes. Musashi punches Taguchi’s butt like a boxing bag! Fans fire up as Musashi then runs corner to corner to DROPKICK the butt! Taguchi groans as he falls out of the corner. Musashi drags Taguchi to a cover, TWO! Taguchi still groans but he’s still in this. Musashi sits Taguchi up but Taguchi CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Taguchi runs, HIP ATTACK into atomic drop!

Musashi runs, and he anticipates the hip attack to atomic drop! Musashi whips, Taguchi reverses, and he finally HIP ATTACKS! Fans fire up while both men are down! Taguchi still groans, but he crawls over to hot tag DKC! DKC SHOTGUNS Musashi, dodges Yoh and fires off straight punches! DKC snapmares, then he dropkicks a leg out! DKC keeps moving, BLINDSIDE DKCANNONBALL! Musashi runs up but into a KICK! Musashi swings, DKC blocks to wrench and NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Fans rally up while DKC grits his teeth. DKC aims as Musashi sits up, and he KICKS! And KICKS! And KICKS!

DKC fires up but Musashi blocks the kick to CLUB the leg, and CHOP! Musashi whips, DKC reverses and DROPKICKS! Fans fire up as DKC rises, and he waits on Musashi. Musashi rises, DKC runs in to crucifix but Musashi slips free. Musashi waistlocks, DKC switches, but Musashi fights him to the corner. Yoh tags in, BLASTS Taguchi, and then back body blocks DKC! Yoh sets up and Musashi runs in, POETRY IN MOTION! Feed to Yoh’s FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO! DKC is still in this and the fans rally up, but Yoh fires up! #MUSAKO tune up the band, but DKC ducks the double superkicks!

DKC sets up and Taguchi runs in, DOUBLE AX HANDLES IN MOTION! Then Taguchi sets up, DKC uses that to CROSSBODY IN MOTION! Fans fire up with DKC & Taguchi, and they say OSU! DKC calls for “DK FIRE~!” DKC has Yoh, Taguchi has Musashi, they CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP and- NO, Yoh & Musashi block the last ones to knuckle lock! They go up the corners as fans rally again, stereo Shinobi Walks! But wait, DKC & Taguchi drag them both down! Then they wrench and knuckle lock in return, and now Taguchi & DKC go to the corners. Taguchi pulls down his tights, he’s wearing mint green again!

Taguchi attacks Musashi with his buttocks again and again! Then Taguchi and DKC stereo Shinobi Walk! Musashi fights free and that trips Taguchi up! Yoh does the same to DKC! Yoh then drags Taguchi around, and wait, ties him up in Paradise?! When did Yoh learn that? Yoh gets DKC up, suplex, but DKC slips free to shove Yoh into Musashi! DKC tries to free Taguchi but the Paradise Lock is tricky! Yoh CLUBS DKC, he and Musashi double whip, but get hit by the DKCANNONBALL! DKC runs up on Yoh, CRUCIFIX DRIVER! Cover, TWO! DKC fires up and climbs a corner, but Taguchi asks someone help him arleady.

DKC leaps, Yoh gets under! DCK turns around into DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! Yoh gets DKC up, Musashi climbs, suplex for the FALCON GOROSHI and FROG SPLASH! But they’re not done there! Underhooks and DIRECT DRIVE!! Cover, MUSAKO wins!

Winners: Yoh & Musashi, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Taguchi & DKC earn 0)

Taguchi is still stuck, but the music lets him know his team lost. Will he and DKC just have to settle for being spoilers from here on out? Also, don’t worry, Milano Collection AT gets him out of Paradise safely. As for Yoh & Musashi, their bubble hasn’t burst yet, can they make it to the top after all?


2023 Super Junior Tag League: DOUKI & Taka Michinoku VS Bushi & Titan!

Japones Del Mal & The Blue Playmaker have the worst record of the league, they’re out of the running. But can they still ruin things for Los Ingobernables de Japon? Or will the Black Mask & El Inmortal stay tranquilo?

The teams sort out and after LIJ fist bumps, Titan starts against Douki. The fans rally as the two circle. They feel things out, and Douki trips Titan. Things speed up, Douki rolls over the dropdown and comes back. Titan bypasses Douki but Douki handsprings through the arm-drag to whip Titan to a corner. Titan goes up and over and handsprings away! Fans fire up, and then Titan goes Matrix to dodge and CALF KICK! Titan then PENALTY KICKS Douki, and drags him to the corner. Tag to Bushi, and LIJ splits the wishbone! Bushi stomps Douki to a corner, whips him corner to corner, then runs in to back elbow!

Bushi snapmares Douki and basement dropkicks him! Cover, TWO! Bushi stands Douki up but Douki fires forearms. Bushi kicks low, runs up, but Douki does the splits! Bushi tumbles out, Douki BLASTS Titan while Taka stomps Bushi down. Taka puts Bushi in, Douki tags Taka in, and Taka stomps Bushi. Taka headlocks, Bushi powers up but Taka holds on tight. Taka throws knees, then bumps Bushi off buckles. Taka wrenches, whips, and SHINING WIZARDS in the corner! Snapmare, cover, TWO! Taka sits Bushi up to SHINING WIZARD! Cover, TWO! Taka puts on the headscissor necklock and the double wristlock!

Bushi endures, kicks around, but Taka pushes him to a cover, TWO! Taka covers again, TWO! Fans applaud, and Taka drags Bushi up. Taka throws knees, has Bushi in a corner, and he tags Douki. Douki stomps Bushi, brings him around and scoops for a SLAM! Douki then runs to DOUBLE STOMP! Cover, TWO! Fans applaud while Douki brings Bushi up. Bushi throws elbows, but Douki UPPERCUTS! Douki whips corner to corner, runs in, but Bushi BOOTS him! Bushi goes up to FLYING RANA! Fans fire up while both men are down! Bushi and Douki crawl, hot tag to Titan! Titan runs in but Douki wrenches and whips him to a corner.

Douki runs in but Titan BOOTS! SOBATS! FRONT KICKS! Titan fires off palm strikes then a WHEEL KICK! Fans fire up and Titan runs, but Douki puts him on the apron. Douki swings but Titan blocks and GAMANGIRIS! Titan springboards to CROSSBODY! Titan stands up, Taka throws him down by his mask! Titan kips up to PELE Taka! Douki runs in, Titan spins him around, knuckle lock and CHOP, then he goes up and up, tightrope walks, and FLYING RANAS! Fans fire up and Titan runs, to FLY! Direct hit and fans fire up with Titan! Titan then goes back for Douki, stomps him, and puts him back in the ring.

Titan brings Douki up, reels him in and suplexes, to GOURD BUSTER and SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO! Douki is still in this and fans rally up while Titan pounds the mat. Titan waits on Douki to stand then reels him in. Canadian Rack, a spin, but Douki fights free! HELL STAB! Douki whips, Titan reverses and TORNADO- NO, Douki blocks! SAWAHARI SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Douki keeps cool while the fans fire up, and he goes to a corner. Douki climbs, leaps, but Titan avoids the double stomps! Titan tilt-o-whirls but Douki turns that around into his own takedown, only for Titan tot urn that around on him!

Douki turns thigs back around, cover, TWO!! ITALIAN STRETCH #32! Titan endures the Douki Chokey while Taka keeps Bushi on the outside! Titan fights towards ropes, Douki rolls him away, but Titan uses that to jackknife bridge! TWO, and both men stand! Douki ENZIGURIS! Douki whips, but Titan reverses to TORNADO DDT! Both men are down and the fans fire back up! Titan and Douki crawl, hot tags to Bushi and Taka! Taka runs up, Bushi dodges to fire off forearms! Bushi runs, but Taka goes the other way! Taka redirects and BOOTS! Cover, TWO, but into JUST FACELOCK! Bushi scrambles to the ROPEBREAK!

Taka lets go in frustration, he stomps Bushi and throws knees. Taka whips Bushi to a corner, runs in, but Bushi SWING KICKS him down! Bushi goes up to MISSILE DROPKICK! And Bushirooni! Fans fire up and Bushi runs in at the corner to elbow Taka! Taka swings, Bushi spins him around and DDTs! Cover, TWO! Taka is still in this but Bushi keeps his cool. Bushi brings Taka up, but Taka fights the fisherman! Bushi kicks low, whips, but Taka reverses to wrangle Bushi into JUST FACELOCK! Douki BLASTS Titan, then runs to DIVE! Direct hit and down goes Titan! Bushi still endures, but Taka rolls him from ropes!

Taka CLUBS away on Bushi, and pulls way back on JUST FACELOCK!! Bushi still endures, still fights forward, but Taka grabs that arm to pull it in, DICK KILLER!! Wait, what? Bushi endures, reaches out with his other arm, ROPEBREAK! Taka lets go, but slashes his throat as he vows to end this. Taka drags Bushi up, scoops, but Bushi slips free! Taka throws elbows, runs, but Titan trips him! Bushi runs to basement dropkick! Titan springboards to SPLASH! Bushi covers, Douki breaks it! Titan CLUBS Douki, tosses him out, then coordinates with Bushi. Off comes the elbow pad! FRAME OUT LARIAT! And CODE-

NO, Taka blocks the Code Breaker and Douki YANKS Titan off the apron! Taka throws Bushi down to UPPERCUT! Douki is on the apron, Taka whips Bushi into his shoulder. Taka BOOTS Bushi, but now Titan YANKS Douki down! Taka runs up but Titan GAMANGIRIS! Taka flops over, and Titan ASAI MOONSAULTS Douki down! Fans fire up as both men are down! Bushi ENZIGURIS Taka, runs and CODE BREAKERS! Titan is back to springboard, ANGEL INMORTAL!! Cover, LIJ wins!

Winners: Bushi & Titan, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Douki & Taka earn 0)

Well, no spoilers here, Douki & Taka are 1-6 with just two matches left. Will they be able to score anything more before the end of this? As for LIJ, they invite Tetsuya Naito into the ring. Naito isn’t sure. He steps in, steps out, steps back in, and finally joins Titan & Bushi. They all fist bump, and fans cheer. Will Bushi & Titan win those trophies so they can join Naito at WrestleKingdom 18?


2023 Super Junior Tag League: Intergalactic Jet Setters VS Robbie Eagles & Kosei Fujita!

Kushida & Kevin Knight are still airborne in this tournament, but they’re in the same boat as TMDK. Will the Sniper of the Skies & Ichiban Sweet Boy shoot these jets outta the sky? Or will they end up sunk as Kushida & Knight fly away?

The teams sort out and Fujita starts with Kushida. They go around, feel things out, and Fujita wants a leg but Kushida holds him off with a sprawl. Fujita keeps trying, but Kushida gets around to waistlock. They go around, Fujita switches but Kushida switches and rolls Fujita, but Fujita slips away to ropes. The fans applaud the exchange, and the two reset. They knuckle lock, Kushida wrenches and headlocks, but Fujita fights up. Kushida trips Fujita to have a toehold, and he traps the leg. Fujita endures so Kushida shifts to a standing toehold. Fujita turns over, reels Kushida in and headlocks. Fans applaud this newest exchange.

Kushida fights up, Fujita grinds the hold, and Fujita hits a takeover. Kushida rolls to a cover, ONE! Kushida headscissors, Fujita kips free and the fans applaud again. Kushida and Fujita reset, but Knight tags in. Eagles tags in, and he circles with Knight. They tie up, go around, and Knight headlocks. Eagles powers up but can’t power out as Knight holds tight. Eagles powers up again but still can’t power out. Eagles throws body shots, powers out this time, but then Knight runs him over! “Tsuyoi!” Knight drops on for the headlock but Eagles headscissors. Knight kips free, Eagles gets around and headlocks for a takeover.

Eagles floats to get the leg and steps in, but Knight kicks him away! Eagles handsprings through, and fans applaud as Eagles aims finger guns. Eagles runs in, Knight sidesteps but Eagles hurdles over. Eagles then RANAS but Knight handsprings through! They go again, Knight dodges a chop to arm-drag! And arm-drag again! Eagles flounders, Fujita runs in but Knight scoops him to SLAM! Knight then runs to SPLASH Fujita! Eagles runs in, he gets a scoop and SLAM! Kushida hops in to hop on Knight’s back, “SUPER MARIO~!” SPLASH! Fans fire up and Knight smiles as he brings Eagles up.

Knight wrenches, whips, but Eagles holds ropes to block! Knight tries again but Eagles still holds on. Knight UPPERCUTS, Eagles goes to a corner, and Knight whips. Eagles reverses, Knight goes up and over but Eagles trips him! Eagles steps through but again Knight kicks him away. Things speed up, Knight hurdles but Eagles avoids the dropkick! Fujita tags in and TMDK roll Knight back to DOUBLE SMASH the knees! Kushida runs in, but into DOUBLE DROPKICKS! Fans fire up with Eagles, and Fujita brings Knight up to scoop and SLAM! Cover, TWO! Fujita drags Knight by a leg and Knight wants mercy! Fujita instead gives him a HALF CRAB!

Knight endures, fans rally, and Fujita sits deep on the hold! Knight reaches out, but Fujita drags him away from the ropes! Fujita pulls on the leg, Kushida coaches Knight, and Knight keeps crawling! ROPEBREAK! Fujita lets off while fans cheer, and Fujita brings Knight over. Tag to Eagles, TMDK mugs Knight, and then they bring Knight around. Knight throws body shots and CHOPS! But Eagles CHOPS! Fujita CHOPS! TMDK DOUBLE CHOP! They double whip, but Knight leaps the double lariats to DOUBLE PELE! Fans fire up while they’re all done, and Knight crawls to a hot tag to Kushida! Kushida goes up to FLYING AX HANDLE!

Kushida KICKS away on Eagles’ arm, then whips. Eagles reverses, Kushida handsprings and back elbows! Fujita runs in to kick and run, but into the hip toss and handspring dropkick! Kushida brings Eagles up to wrench, but Eagles wrenches back! Eagles kicks, avoids the sweep, but Kushida avoids the superkick! Eagles avoids the Fastball to ROUNDHOUSE! SUPERKICK! But Kushida ducks the enziguri! PENALTY KICK to Eagles’ arm! Fans fire up and Kushida tags Knight. Kushida Electric Chair Lifts Eagles, Knight aims, but Eagles slips free to shove Kushida into Knight! Eagles cravats Kushida, kicks Knight and brings him in, DOUBLE ASAI DDTS!

Fans fire up while all three are down, and Eagles crawls. Hot tag to Fujita! Fujita rallies on Knight with shoulders and elbows, then he ducks ‘n’ dodges to RANA! Knight ends up in a corner and fans fire up again. Fujita runs in, Knight puts him on the apron but Fujita ROCKS Knight! Fujita springboards to MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up again and Fujita drags Kushida up. Fujita reels Knight in, suplexes, but Knight slips free to waistlock. Fujita ELBOWS free, runs, but Knight scoops to a BACKBREAKER! Fans rally, Knight runs up at Fujita, SATE- NO, Eagles makes the save! TMDK double wrench and MAX BOMB! Cover, Kushida breaks it!

Eagles TOSSES Kushida out, goes out after him and CHOPS! Fujita brings Knight up, suplexes, but Knight fights that! Fujita keeps trying, but Knight fights that, uppercuts, but into arm hooks! Fujita spins Knight but Knight rolls him up! Schoolboy bridge, TWO! Knight and Fujita clinch, Knight CLUBS Fujita down! Knight UPPERCUTS, runs, but Eagles is back to get around! Fujita runs up, DROPKICK SAIDO COMBO! Fans fire up as TMDK coordinate again. Eagles gives Fujita the boost, but Knight DROPKICKS Fujita outta the sky!! Eagles runs up, but Knight dodges! Eagles blocks the superkick, but Knight pushes free of the backpack!

Eagles rebounds, but Knight pops him up to SKY 2 HIGH!! Knight fires up and runs corner to corner to STINGER SPLASH! Knight puts Fujita up top, but Fujita LEAPS at Knight! GUILLOTINE!! Wait, HOVERBOARD!! Fujita has Kushida’s double wristlock on Knight! But Kushida runs in to get Fujita for the KIMURA! Fujita spins out, CHOPS, and he ducks Knight’s kick to CHOP! Fujita reels Knight in, but Knight suplexes Fujita onto the top rope! Fujita ROCKS Knight, but Knight jumps up, UPPER ROOM! Kushida HANDSPRING KICKS Eagles down! Knight runs up, SATELLITE DDT!! Cover, Jet Setters win!

Winners: Intergalactic Jet Setters, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Eagles & Fujita earn 0)

The Mighty may not kneel, but they can crash and burn! They fall this round, but can they recover before the end? As for Kushida & Knight, are they proving that it’s their time?


2023 Super Junior Tag League: Clark Connors & “Drilla” Dan Moloney VS SHO & Yoshinobu Kanemaru!

The IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions are just behind the top spot, but so are the Murder Machine & Heel Master. The War Dogs meet the House of Torture, will everything be Too Sweet? Or is this where mainline Bullet Club finally falls apart?

Wait a minute, wait a minute. While it is Halloween, are Connors & Drilla really coming out here as Yujiro Takahashi & Dick Togo? They’ve got the sunglasses, the pimp cane and Spoiler Choker, as well as the House of Torture merch shirts, but surely those are just good recreations, right? But all the same, Sho & Kanemaru say they’re basically teammates, so they should put one out together. Connors & Drilla agree, and fans applaud the show of sportsmanship. But then they all rush in! The four stop short, and say okay, they’re all just kidding around, right? Right. But then they all go for cheap shots, only to block each other’s cheap shots!

Connors and Kanemaru have each other’s legs, and then Sho and Drilla have each other’s legs. They all agree, set the feet down, but then they throw hands! Sho & Kanemaru block to throw counter punches! Sho & Kanemaru headlock, but Connors & Drilla power out to send them into each other! The ref finally says ring the bell and this is on record now. Connors kicks Kanemaru out of the ring while Drilla CLUBS SHo. But then Sho rakes eyes! The ref reprimands, Sho says clean break, and he apologizes. Sho whips, Drilla reverses and Connors trips Sho! Drilla gets Sho up for a BIG back suplex, and a FIST DROP! Cover, TWO!

Drilla keeps cool and now he says clean fight. Tag to Connors, and Drilla stands on Sho’s legs. Sho has the ropes, but Connors stomps Sho down. Connors drags Sho up, Drilla says, “Go, Yujiro-san!” Sho kicks Connors, reels him in, but Connors BITES the hand! That’s a very Yujiro move! Connors has Sho on ropes, runs up and BOOTS! Yujiro- er, uh, Connors snapmares Sho, to then run and drop a leg! Cover, TWO! Fans applaud and Connors stalks Sho. Connors drags Sho up to whip but Sho reverses, and Kanemaru trips Connors! Sho BLASTS Drilla, Kanemaru drags Connors out and TOSSES him! There’s no railing so Connors just tumbles on the floor.

Sho drags Drilla around into a chinlock, then brings him into the crowd! Sho SMACKS Drilla off a chair! Kanemaru does the same to Connors in another part of the crowd! Sho tells fans to clear out, and they do, but then Sho says just kidding. Sho goes back to the ring, Kanemaru stomps Connors, then puts Connors in for Sho. Cover, TWO! Sho argues with the ref, but he tags to Kanemaru. Kanemaru sits Connors up to ELBOW him in the head! Kanemaru puts Connors in the ropes to pull him back! The ref counts, Sho adds his boot digging in, but the House still lets off at 4. Drilla asks what happened to the clean fight!

Kanemaru stomps Connors, Sho digs his boots into Connors’ leg, but the ref reprimands. The House lets off, Sho says this is a clean fight, and Drilla barks back, “Clean fight desu ka?! <This is a clean fight?!>” Kanemaru stomps Connors, snapmares him and clamps on a headscissor squeeze. Connors endures but Sho holds the ropes back from him! Drilla protests, the ref sees, and Sho lets go. Connors gets the ROPEBREAK! Kanemaru tags Sho and Sho stands on Connors’ neck! The ref counts, Sho steps off at 4, and then he kicks Drilla! Sho throws Drilla down while still claiming this is a clean fight, for them!

Sho then distracts the ref so Kamemaru can BOOT Connors on the apron! Connors dangles over the floor, but Sho unhooks his feet so Connors slumps down. Sho argues with the ref, Connors fires back up and he gets back in. Sho kicks Connors down, scuffs him, and he tags Kanemaru. Kanemaru drags Connors up, but Connors throws body shots! Kanemaru rakes eyes! The ref reprimands, Kanemaru lets off, and Kanemaru stomps Connors back down. Kanemaru throws knee after knee, then he and Sho dig their boots in! The ref reprimands, counts, and the House lets off. Kanemaru tags Sho while Drilla starts a “YU-JI-RO!” chant.

Fans chant for Yujiro even though that’s Connors. Connors throws hands on Sho, but Sho claws Connors’ face! Sho puts Connors in the corner, the ref counts and Sho lets off. Sho whips corner to corner, runs in, but into an ELBOW! Connors runs up but into an ELBOW! Sho runs, but into a POWERSLAM! Fans fire up while both men are down! Sho and Connors crawl, hot tag to Drilla! Drilla rallies on Sho with big forearms! Drilal whips, Sho reverses but Drilla comes back to CLOBBER Sho! Kanemaru runs in, Drilla ducks and DROPKICKS! Fans fire up and Drilla scoops Sho to SLAM! Cover, TWO!

Drilla stays fired up and he brings Sho up. Drilla tags Connors, Connors says no more playing around! They’re War Dogs! BIG double suplex! Cover, TWO! Connors snarls, he drags Sho up, but Sho bends the fingers! The ref counts, but Connors knees low! Connors runs, but Sho uses the ref as a shield! But Connors kicks first! Sho blocks, and fakes a low blow! Connors defends his innocence to the ref, but then Sho smirks as he sneaks up behind. Connors BLOCKS that low blow! Now the ref argues with Sho! Connors rolls Sho up, TWO! Connors knees low, whips, but Sho reverses. Kanemaru gets a cheap shot in and Sho SPEARS!

Tag to Kanemaru and he drags Connors up to whip. Kanemaru dropkicks a leg, and then grabs that leg for a SHIN BREAKER! Kanemaru steps through but Connors kicks him into the ref! Connors crawls and grabs one of the title belts! Kanemaru gets his whiskey bottle! The ref is still up enough to see that and tells them both to stand down! Kanemaru backs away, Connors is reluctant, but the ref tug-o-wars with Connors over the belt. Kanemaru takes a swig! Connors tries to point that out but the ref’s focused on the belt! Connors still tries to swing on Kanemaru but Kanemaru dodges, to then WHISKEY MIST!

Connors flails blindly, runs back in, but Kanemaru brings the ref into the SPEAR!! The ref goes tumbling out of the ring so Drilla attacks! Kanemaru kicks him low, he and Sho double whip and then Kanemaru runs in! Drilla dodges to SUPERKICK Sho! Drilla then SUPERKICKS Kanemaru! Wait, here come the REAL Yujiro, Dick, and even Evil! And they don’t have the cane or choker, Connors & Drilla have the real ones!? They attack Drilla and stomp them down! Fans boo but they drag Drilla up. They double whip Drilla, Dick runs in to ELBOW! Yujiro runs in to BOOT! Evil clotheslines and snapmares! Evil & Yujiro set Drilla up for the-

WAIT, Gedo is here! And he PUNCHES Dick in the, well, dick! Fans fire up but then Gedo says hold on, guys, they’re on the same side, right? But then he tells Evil & Yujiro to turn around. They do, and they get SPEARED!! Fans fire up and Connors drags Kanemaru and Sho in. Gedo fetches chairs for Connors, and he grabs one to SMACK Sho on the back! And he SMACKS Kanemaru on the back! Drilla gets in and he uses the Spoiler Choker on Kanemaru! Kanemaru sputters, and then Connors chokes Sho with a chair! The War Dogs let off, then they drag Dick up. Drilla throws hands, then he sets Dick up for Gedo to ELBOW!

Drilla BOOTS, Connors clotheslines! They snapmare Dick, and then Gedo goes up! Fans cheer as Dick suffers the DICK CHOP!! Connors rips up the House of Torture shirt he was wearing, then he and Drilla get Kanemaru up. Connors takes a swig of the whiskey, because he’s 100 Proof! Gedo forces another ref to get up and in the ring to call this. Drilla and Connors lock ‘n’ load, DOUBLE GORE for Kanemaru! Then they set Kanemaru up, but Sho distracts the ref! Evil anchors Connors but Gedo pulls Evil’s hair! But Kanemaru sends Drilla into Gedo, LOW BLOW for Drilla! Evil shoves Connors into Kanemaru’s atomic drop!

Kanemaru rolls Connors up and the ref counts, THE HOUSE WINS!!

Winners: Sho & Yoshinobu Kanemaru, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Connors & Moloney earn 0)

Just as it looked like the War Dogs were gonna beat the House at their own game, the numbers caught up to them and the House steals another one! Yujiro takes back his pimp cane to CLOBBER Connors! And Dick gets back his Spoiler Choker, too! Will the House look to cash in these golden tickets should they lose the tournament? Can the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions still make it to the finals?


2023 Super Junior Tag League: Master Wato & El Desperado VS Catch 2/2!

The Way of the Grandmaster & The Rogue Luchador are continuing to shock the world, having built quite the streak and quite the bond in these main events. But Desperado said himself that Wato has a long way’s to go to become the new Ace. Will #DespeWato take that next step together? Or will they be burned down by the Public Enemy & Nova Fireball?

Well, “real team” or not, Desperado still refuses to wear the shirt Wato made. The teams sort out and Akira starts against Desperado. Fans rally up as the two circle. They talk a bit of smack before they tie up. Desperado puts Akira on ropes, Red Shoes counts and Desperado lets off, but he gives Akira a pie face. Akira shoves back! Desperado shoves, they throw hands, and fans fire up as they go back and forth. Desperado knees low, whips, but Akira reverses. Akira hurdles, but Desperado steps on the dropdown. Fans cheer but Akira is annoyed. Things speed up again, Desperado arm-drags then runs Akira over!

Fans cheer again, and Desperado paces around Akira. Akira gets up but Desperado CLUBS him on the neck. Desperado taunts Akira, whips him to ropes, but TJP sneaks a tag. Akira gets around to shove Desperado, they SOBAT, KICK and trip to SHOTGUN! Fans cheer, Wato runs in, but TJP hip tosses him! TJP pushes Wato down for Akira to FIST DROP and TJP to PENALTY KICK! TJP then drags Desperado up to snapmare and KNEE DROP! Cover, TWO! Fans rally, TJP pushes Desperado and has the legs. TJP steps through, DEATHLOCK! Fans fire up and TJP SNAPS the lock! And SNAPS! And SNAPS!

Desperado endures, TJP shifts, and TJP pulls Desperado into the BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Then a cradle, TWO! Desperado goes to ropes but TJP is on him. Fans rally as TJP stomps Desperado down. Fans rally as TJP gives Desperado scrubs! TJP runs corner to corner, to BOOT WASH! Fans cheer and want it “MOII KAI!” TJP gives more scrubs, then he runs side to side, but Desperado is up! TJP dodges the haymaker to kick and whip, but Desperado reverses to FLAPJACK HOTSHOT! Desperado DECKS Akira for good measure! Wato goes after Akira on the outside, then Desperado TOSSES TJP out.

Wato SMACKS Akira off the apron and Desperado SMACKS TJP off the apron. Desperado then drags TJP up, to CLUB TJP on the neck! TJP drops to his knees, and Desperado runs up to stomp him down! Wato CLUBS Akira down, the ring count starts, and Desperado puts TJP in at 3 of 20. Fans applaud as this continues in the ring, and Desperado bends TJP back with a chinlock stretch. TJP endures, fans rally, but Desperado brings TJP over to the corner. Wato tags in, he and Desperado mug TJP, and then Wato brings TJP up. Wato CLUBS TJP down, brings him back up, and CHOPS! TJP CHOPS back!

Wato eggs TJP on so TJP CHOPS again! And CHOPS again! Wato kicks low, then he stomps TJP down. Wato stomps TJP some more but fans rally. Wato clamps on a chinlock and digs his knee into the neck. TJP endures, Desperado storms up on Akira and they throw hands. Desperado TOSSES Akira, Wato bumps TJP off buckles. DespeWato dig their boots in, but let off as Red Shoes reprimands. Wato CHOPS TJP, CHOPS him again, then tags Desperado. Desperado taunts Akira, runs him off, then runs up but TJP BOOTS back! TJP elbows Wato, goes up and over Desperado and TORNADO DDTS!

Fans fire up while TJP and Desperado are down. TJP crawls to his corner, hot tag to Akira! Akira BOOTS Wato, dodges Desperado and whips him, to then run and SHOTGUN! Fans fire up with Akira and he runs in again to clothesline! And then UPPERCUT! Akira says he’s not done, he runs Desperado to the other corner! Akira fires off forearms, Desperado fires those in return! Akira fires more forearms! Red Shoes counts, Akira pushes him away and says “This mofo’s mine!” Akira runs in but Desperado gets around. Desperado runs up but Akira puts him right up top! And in a Tree of Woe! Akira gives scuffing kicks, then runs corner to corner to BASEBALL SLIDE!

Desperado falls out of the Tree but Wato goes after Akira. Wato whips, but Akira RANAS! Wato bails out and fans fire up with Akira! Akira goes up and out and up again, to ASAI MOONSAULT DespeWato down! Fans fire up more and Akira hurries to get Desperado in. Akira goes up the corner, to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up again as Desperado stays in this. Akira drags Desperado up, reels him in, and cravats for KNEE after KNEE! Desperado wobbles, Akira reels him in, but Desperado slips free. Akira dodges the haymaker to SUPERKICK Desperado down! Fans fire up with Akira again as he watches Desperado sit up.

Akira runs to SLIDING KNEE! Cover, TWO! Fans rally, Akira eggs Desperado on, and Akira gives Desperado scuffing kicks. Desperado shoves Akira, Akira fires a forearm! Desperado forearms but there’s not much behind it. Akira CHOPS, CHOPS but Desperado CHOPS! There’s some heat! Akira fires a forearm but Desperado fires a flurry! Akira ROUNDHOUSES Desperado, then BUZZ- NO, Desperado blocks and spins Akira around, but Akira fights the back suplex! Akira whips, Desperado reverses and scoops for a BIG back suplex! Desperado then suplexes to BRAINBUSTER! Both men are down and fans fire up!

Akira and Desperado crawl, hot tags to TJP and Wato! Wato springboards, TJP gets under, but Wato dodges the boot! They fire forearms back and forth, TJP gets the edge! TJP UPPERCUTS, runs, but Wato UPPERCUTS back! Wato runs, but TJP JUMP SOBATS! Wato goes to a corner, TJP runs in, but Wato BOOTS back! And BULLDOGS! Fans fire up with Wato and he brings TJP up. Wato KICKS and KICKS and then KICKS again! TJP flops against ropes but Wato whips. TJP reverses, Wato reverses, but TJP fights off Recientemente. Wato throws elbows, but TJP still shifts around to get an IRON OCTO-

NO, Wato fights out, dodges the haymaker and ZIGZAGS! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up while Wato keeps cool. Wato brings TJP up, TSUTEN- NO, TJP fights that! Akira SUPERKICKS Wato into TJP’s FINAL CUT! Fans rally, TJP goes up, MAMBA SPLASH! Cover, TWO!! Wato survives and fans fire up again. Akira calls to TJP, and TJP drags Wato up. Akira climbs, but Desperado anchors him! Wato victory rolls TJP, TWO! Desperado ROCKS Akira, Wato KICKS TJP down! DespeWato then go after Akira up top. But TJP drags Desperado down and shoves him under Wato! They’re using Desperado to Electric Chair Lift Wato, for the LEANING TOWER!! Cover, ROPEBREAK!!

Wato survives by a literal foot and TJP is beside himself! TJP drags Wato to center, then fans clap along, “CATCH! NI NI!” TJP & Akira take aim, run in, Desperado shoves Wato outta the way to take 2 BY 2!!! Fans fire up, Wato puts Akira on the apron but Akira ROUNDHOUSES! TJP dragon sleepers, Akira goes up, DOUBLE STOMP FINAL CUT COMBO!! Cover, TWO!!! Wato survives and fans are thunderous! TJP tags Akira, then TJP goes out to keep Desperado down. Akira aims, fans rally up, NOVA FIRE- NO, Wato ducks and rolls Akira up! TWO, but Wato comes back to SOBAT! FRONT KICK! SUPERKICK!

Akira SUPER- NO, Wato blocks, waistlocks, but Akira drop toeholds! STF, into PINOY STRETCH!! But Desperado scurries in! TJP anchors Desperado and puts him in an IRON OCTOPUS!! Wato endures, turns, pushes free, and he rolls Akira around into VENDEVAL!! And Desperado throws TJP down into STRETCH MUFFLER!! The submission hold tables have turned as now Catch 2/2 endures! Akira endures, fights around, reaches out, ROPEBREAK!! Now Akira survives by a foot, and DespeWato lets Catch 2/2 go. Fans rally up, Wato crawls over, hot tag to Desperado! Desperado storms up on Akira and drags him up.

Akira throws a chop, but there wasn’t much behind it. Desperado shakes his head, Akira CHOPS again! Still not enough! Akira fires a forearm, Desperado eggs him on, so Akira fires up and fires off shots! Desperado ROCKS Akira with one, then gut wrenches, GUITARRA DEL ANGEL! Cover, TWO!! Akira is still in this and fans fire up. Desperado drags Akira up, but he’s dead weight, so Desperado stomps him! Desperado hauls Akira up to OLYMPIC SLAM! Cover, TJP breaks it! Fans cheer and TJP goes after Desperado. JUMP SOBAT! Wato runs in, blocks a kick and ROUNDHOUSES back!

Wato calls to Desperado, they get TJP up and double whip. TJP DOUBLE SHOTGUNS them down! Fans fire up as all four men are down, and Wato tumbles out. Akira stirs, he crawls over to Desperado, and fans rally back up. Desperado heads for Akira, too, and they sit up. Akira throws a forearm, but Desperado shakes his head. Desperado throws a forearm, so Akira throws another. Desperado ROCKS Akira, they stand up, and Akira fires another forearm! Desperado fires a flurry but Akira comes back! They go back and forth, then Desperado HAYMAKERS! Tag to Wato, and Wato springboards to FLYING UPPERCUT!

Wato roars and fans fire up! Wato drags Akira in to TSUTEN- Victory roll! STOMP 182! Akira fires back up and the fans are with him! SPEED- NO, Wato slips free! TSUTENKAKU!! Bridging cover, TJP BREAKS IT! TJP stands, into Desperado’s SPEAR!! Desperado calls to Wato, fans echo him, and Wato flounders. Desperado roars, reels Akira in and underhooks, PINCHE- NO, Akira slips free and tilt-o-whirls to DDT! Fans fire up but Wato deadlifts Akira! TJP kicks Wato, Catch 2/2 double whip, but Wato reverses, only for Akira to DIVE onto Desperado! TJP fireman’s carries Wato for DETONATION KICK!

TJP & Akira coordinate and aim, 2 BY- NO, Wato ducks! But TJP sends Akira back for a FIREBALL!! And then 2 BY 2!!! Cover, Catch 2/2 wins!!!

Winners: Catch 2/2, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Wato & Desperado earn 0)

TJP may be a basketballer but that was quite the change-up there! DespeWato get struck out this time, but they’re still leading the league, can they hit it out of the park next time?

As for Catch 2/2, Akira gets the mic first and he tells DespeWato, “Happy Halloween, mofo. Take that trash backstage with you and GTFO of my ring, b*tch!” Wato took everything from Akira in the Best of the Super Juniors, even his soul! Akira gave his best to that tournament, but look at him now! Look at them now! Catch 2/2 defeated Desperado & Wato, the favorite boys, the heroes! But y’know what? Akira’s happy that they’re in NJPW, because they get to face each other many, many, many more times. Fans applaud that idea.

Then Akira addresses the crowd here in Toyama. “We, tonight, have a gift for you guys, okay? We have a gift for you.” Fans really like that idea! TJP says they have a present, yes. In the United States, Halloween is a very special holiday. His favorite, in fact. So today, they celebrate Halloween. Someone brings in candy, but why’re they hiding their face? Who is this? SUICIDE?! Oh, no, that’s just Callum Newman in his costume. Haha, good one. TJP says that for Halloween, here’s some candy! Newman and Akira start throwing pieces to the fans! Fans cheer, everyone wants candy! Even Great-O-Khan gets off commentary to join in.

TJP then gives the mic over to Khan, and he says he will deliver the message entrusted to him by TJP. In fact, it’s a message for Bullet Club War Dogs! Catch 2/2 hasn’t forgotten the “cowardly” way Connors & Drilla took those titles. So the champs won’t get candy treats, they’ll get the rotten tricks! And for that reason, Catch 2/2 will win the Super Junior Tag League! The fans cheer that! Khan then gives us the roll call. Callum Newman, Great-O-Khan, and tonight’s winners, Francesco Akira & TJP, “This is the power of the United Empire!” The former champs beat the dysfunctional dream team, will TJP & Akira get those trophies and then those belts?


Here are the NEW Super Junior Tag League Standings!

Master Wato & El Desperado: 5-2, 10 points
Sho & Yoshinobu Kanemaru: 5-2, 10 points
Intergalactic Jet Setters: 4-3, 8 points
Clark Connors & Dan Moloney: 4-3, 8 points
Bushi & Titan: 4-3, 8 points
Catch 2/2: 4-3, 8 points
Robbie Eagles & Kosei Fujita: 3-4, 6 points
Yoh & Musashi: 3-4, 6 points
Ryusuke Taguchi & The DKC: 2-5, 4 points [ELIMINATED]
Douki & Taka Michinoku: 1-6, 2 points [ELIMINATED]

My Thoughts:

Another great round, with only a few surprises in the results. Douki & Taka and now Taguchi & DKC are basically out of the running, they’ll look to be spoilers for those teams in those 3-4 and 4-3 spots. Bullet Club War Dogs VS House of Torture was great stuff, especially with the first part being Connors doing his best Yujiro impersonation. In fact, that was a great impersonation, he had the mannerisms down just right. And since fans love to hate House of Torture, War Dogs came off as the Faces by default. But I did not think the House would still win, those top three teams are the three losses Connors & Drilla have taken, put it on one of those three teams to win the tournament just so Connors & Drilla won’t owe that many title matches before WrestleKingdom.

And Catch 2/2 VS DespeWato was an awesome main event, and I figured the main event win streak had to end some time. Great win for Catch 2/2, and fun little closing segment with Callum wearing a Suicide mask and them giving out candy to the fans. Catch 2/2 already lost to Connors & Drilla in this tournament, so they only chance they have to get a title rematch now is if they win the tournament. Maybe we get Catch 2/2 VS DespeWato again in the finals, that’d be pretty epic stuff for an already stacked Power Struggle card.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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