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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (10/31/23)

Happy Halloween!



Who wins the biggest treat of all?

NXT Halloween Havoc is almost over, and it’ll end with the epic tiebreaker between Ilja Dragunov and Carmelo Hayes for THE NXT Championship!


  • Tables, Ladders & Scares: The Creed Brothers w/ Ivy Nile VS Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo; The Creeds win.
  • Tiffany Stratton VS Fallon Henley; No Contest.
  • NXT North American Championship: Dominik Mysterio w/ Rhea Ripley VS Nathan Frazer; Dom wins and retains the title.
  • Bron Breakker VS Robert Stone; Bron wins.
  • WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Chelsea Green & Piper Niven VS Jacy Jayne & Thea Hail w/ Chase U; Chelsea & Piper win and retain the titles.
  • 2023 NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament Finals: Kelani Jordan VS Lola Vice w/ Elektra Lopez; Lola wins and has the right to challenge for the NXT Women’s Championship.
  • NXT Championship: Ilja Dragunov VS Carmelo Hayes; Dragunov wins and retains the title.


The Ghostbusters are pulling up?

Nope, it’s just Shotzi & Scarlett in their newest cosplay! Time for Halloween Havoc! Who you gonna call? New Years Day opens things again with their song “Hurts Like Hell!”


Tables, Ladders & Scares: The Creed Brothers w/ Ivy Nile VS Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo!

Julius & Brutus got a big win on Monday Night Raw, and they’re looking to keep that momentum going! But will they be courageous in this spooky, scary No Disqualification tag team match? Or will the former Lotharios show their vicious sides tonight?

The Creeds don’t wait, though! They go after Angel & Humberto at the ramp! The bell rings as the brawl is on and the fans fire up! Brutus UPPERCUTS Humberto, Julius gets a TABLE! The Creeds set that up, but Garza & Carrillo hit back! Fans rally, the Creeds get the edge and they put Carrillo on the table so Julius can carry Garza up the steps! Julius DEATH VALLEY DRIVERS Garza through Carrillo and the table! The fans lose their minds, the Creeds put Carrillo in the ring, and cover, TWO!! Carrillo survives, but Julius wrenches and whips. Brutus fireman’s carries, Julius runs, but into a CHAIR SHOT from Garza!!

Carrillo rolls Brutus, Brutus rolls through and ducks a roundhouse but not the ENZIGURI! Garza hits Julius, Carrillo stomps Brutus, and they fetch a ladder and a few chairs. Garza SMACKS Julius’ leg! Carrillo DROPKICKS Brutus! Garza joins Carrillo in the ring and they set up chairs together, to then put the ladder on them as a makeshift table! They then go out, but the Creeds RAM them down with a ladder! Julius presses the ladder down on the cousins, and Brutus brings another ladder over, to SLAM down on the cousins! Fans fire up as the Creeds drag the cousins out of the wreckage. Fans fire up as another TABLE is here!

Brutus sets this table up, and Julius fetches another table! The fans are thunderous for “TABLES! TABLES!” The tables are put together, Garza POSTS Brutus! Julius and Carrillo are up top, Garza rearranges furniture, and Carrillo throws body shots! Garza CLUBS Julius, Julius fights Carrillo but he’s getting mugged up top! They DOUBLE ROCKET LAUNCHER Julius onto the ladder bridge!!! Julius writhes and fans are thunderous again! Carrillo ROCKS Brutus, Garza DROPKICKS him, and then they hook Brutus up! GORY BOMB NECKBREAKER through the tables!!! The fans lose their minds again as NXT goes picture in picture!

The ref checks everyone, and they’re all somehow okay to continue! Julius drags himself out of the ring but look at that welt on his back! Garza CLUBS Brutus’ leg with a piece of the busted table! Brutus writhes, but Garza traps that leg, to SMASH it with more busted table! Carrillo drags Julius up, he and Garza RAM him into barriers! They then put another ladder in the ring, and go looking for more goodies. They find another table! As if three wasn’t enough already, here’s a fourth!

Carrillo KNEES Brutus, but Julius SMACKS him with a chair! And he SMACKS Garza! Carrillo CLUBS Julius down, Garza throws a piece of table and then SMACKS the table into Julius with a chair! Carrillo puts Brutus in, Garza clears some space, and they drag Brutus over to ropes. Garza puts the chair there, to KNEE it into Brutus! Brutus writhes but Carrillo beats him down! Julius crawls over and he BOOTS Carrillo. Garza goes after Julius, DDT onto a CHAIR! Julius is dazed, the fans fire up, but Garza doesn’t cover. Garza finds another chair, uses that to stand up, and NXT returns to single picture.

Julius and Garza stare down, each man armed with a chair. They swing and SMACK each other! And again! And again! Garza misses, but he SMACKS the chair out of Julius’ hands! Brutus SMACKS the chair out of Garza’s hand! Garza gives Brutus a chair to hold, and Carrillo springboards to GAMANGIRI the chair into Brutus’ face!! All four men are down and the fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!” The teams regroup, Carrillo & Garza get a ladder, “This is Awesome!’ as they wedge that in a corner the long way. Julius fires off on Carrillo, Carrillo hits back and throws him out. Carrillo JAMS Brutus, to SMACK him down!

Carrillo sits the chair up, makes Brutus take a seat, and Garza MISSILE DROPKICKS Brutus down! Cover, JULIUS breaks it! The Creeds regroup, but Carrillo sunset flips! Julius sits down to rain down shots on Carrillo! Julius drags Carrillo up, runs in, but Carrillo sunset flips again, to deadlift and POWERBOMB on the ladder!!! The ladder breaks, and maybe so does Julius! Carrillo covers, TWO!!! Garza keeps Brutus down, fans rally up, and the cousins coordinate. But Brutus JAMS Carrillo! Garza TOSSES Julius but Brutus JAMS Garza! And JAMS Carrillo! And repeat! Brutus picks up a ladder and he puts it on, Terry Funk style!

Fans fire up as the LADDER copter starts up! Garza and Carrillo get hit a couple times! Brutus then hoists the ladder up to CHUCK it! Then he WRECKS Carrillo & Garza with a dropkick! He has that ladder, but the cousins DOUBLE CHAIR SHOT the copter down!! They JAM the ladder into Brutus, but Julius FLIES out onto them both!! Fans are thunderous again as Julius gets Brutus up, and they get another table!! This is FIVE now! But then they get ANOTHER! That’s six tables in one match! Julius clears space in the ring so he and Brutus can set these tables up. The tables are side-by-side at center, and Julius CLUBS Carrillo.

Julius puts Carrillo in, brings him around, and Brutus climbs! Fans fire up, but Garza YANKS Brutus down! They brawl, Carrillo fires hands on Julius! Julius drops to his knees, fans rally up, and Brutus DECKS Garza! Garza falls through the table! Then Brutus goes up and Julius stands!! BRUTUS BALL through the tables!!!! Cover, the Creeds win!!

Winners: The Creed Brothers, by pinfall

That was human demolition derby right there, and the Diamond Mine boys stand tall! Will nothing break Julius & Brutus in their pursuit of tag titles?


Shotzi & Scarlett use a Ouija board.

The spirits are unsettled tonight. Is there a ghost host here to guide the foolish mortals into another night of Halloween Havoc? A hand reaches out to say yes. It’s Isla Dawn & Alba Fyre! There has been a “disturbance” that requires some immediate attention. Best not keep the sprits waiting, or things could get a lot worst. And Shotzi & Scarlett, you’ve had your hands full at the reins of all this terror! Please, let them take over for the night. They’ve got this? Oh, they’ve got this. Shotzi & Scarlett head out, and Dawn says it is Halloween Night! Now they are in control! Fyre wants to sew chaos, mischief and misfortune on All Hallows Eve! It’s gonna be so much fun!


Backstage interview with Tiffany Stratton.

The Bride of Chucky is already annoyed given her match is up next, but McKenzie Mitchell just wants a reaction to Fallon Henley’s spot-on impersonation of Tiff. Even THE Tiffany has to admit, the resemblance was pretty good. Tiffany seethes, storms off, and looks to settle things with “Tiffallon Henley,” after the break!


Joe Gacy speaks.

“I’ve made mistakes. I’ve done a lot of unspeakable things. I’ve enjoyed watching people suffer, and I’ve seen horrors. I like it. I like it because I understand it. I had to go through my own pain and suffering to be where I am today. And I’m not justifying my actions, I’m just telling you. I mean, I’m only human, right? I’ve made mistakes, just like anybody else, nobody’s perfect. But still… Still. Peers, friends, strangers, all stab me with their judgmental eyes day after day. I mean, is it me? Am I the problem? I’m not asking for forgiveness, I know there’s a darkness inside of me, built because of my past.

“Once upon a time, I was tethered to society, binded by society, but now… Now, there’s no strings on me. And maybe you’re the kind of person that believes in fairytales, but then again, maybe you’re not.” Just what is growing in the absence of The Schism’s Tree?


Tiffany Stratton VS Fallon Henley!

The Center of the Universe can dish it out but she can’t take it, which is why Fallon poking fun at her got under her skin so badly. But will Tiffany get back at the Cowgirl for Halloween? Or will it be #YEEHAWB*TCH?

Wait, Tiffany attacks Fallon from behind! The brawl starts, fans boo, and Tiffany kicks low! Tiffany RAMS Fallon into barriers, then POSTS her! The ref reprimands but Tiff stands Fallon up and POSTS a leg! Tiff ties Fallon’s legs up for a HANGING FIGURE FOUR!! The ref reprimands, other refs rush out and Tiff lets off. Tiff laughs at Fallon’s pain and soaks up all the heat. Tiffany ruins Fallon’s night and everyone’s fun, but will Daddy’s Little Rich Girl ever face the consequences?


The Meta Four is heading to the haunted house.

And rather fittingly, they’re dressed as Mystery Incorporated, aka Scooby-Doo and the gang. For that matter, Noam Dar is Scooby, Oro Mensah is Shaggy, Lash Legend is Velma and Jakara Jackson is Daphne, but no Freddy? The gate is locked, that’s a sign, right? Dar says no, the cup is in there! They can Scooby-Doo this. Then how do they get in? The gates open on their own…! Dar says that’s just an automatic gate, okay? It means they’re welcome to come in. They walk around, the decorations are pretty spooky, and then there’s a zombie bride! RUN~! Wait, was that Scarlett?

The gang makes it to the Haunted House itself, and Oro hates Halloween. What? Then why did he still dress up? Dar has the group move on, and Lash says Akira is probably not even here, he’s with Alpha Academy. A THANK YEW~! But then a voice beckons to them. What? What’d it say? No idea, but it can’t be good. Doesn’t anyone here speak Japanese? She just said she can’t be good! Dar shouts “TOZAWAAAA~! I want my cup back!” Lightning strikes and Tozawa says, “Come and get it.” Dar says they have no choice. They’re going in!

Cobwebs, skulls in cages. Oro says don’t split up! Great idea. That’s why he’s Dar’s main man. They are Meta Four Strong. Stay together. But then PUMPKIN HEAD scares them all into different directions! To be continued~!


NXT North American Championship: Dominik Mysterio w/ Rhea Ripley VS Nathan Frazer!

Dirty Dom has this title back after Judgment Day helped him cheat Trick Williams, but now the Jersey Island Rocket might get himself a nice treat. Will Frazer clean up this title’s reputation? Or will there still be many tricks up Dom’s sleeves?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if Dom gets what wants, or just what he deserves!

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Dom throws Frazer but Frazer holds on. Frazer throws Dom but Dom holds on. Dom throws Frazer again and gets free, and he soaks up the heat. The two tie up again, Frazer headlocks, but Dom powers up and out. Things speed up, and Dom hip tosses hard! Frazer gets right up but Rhea still laughs at him. Dom and Frazer circle, tie up, and they go around. Dom puts Frazer in the corner, the ref counts, and Dom ROCKS Frazer! And again! And stomps Frazer down! Dom whips corner to corner but Frazer goes up and over and handsprings away. Frazer then slides under Dom to arm-drag! And arm-drag again!

Frazer hip tosses, then DROPKICKS! Dom bails out and fans fire up! Frazer watches Dom while Rhea checks him. Dom goes to the apron but he backs off, so Frazer sits cross-legged and eggs Dom on. Dom rushes in but Frazer springs up to dodge and headlock. Dom powers out, Frazer goes up and backflips over! Things keep moving, Frazer redirects and redirects and does it again, to duck ‘n’ dodge and CLOBBER Dom!! Fans fire up as Dom bails out again, and NXT goes picture in picture.

Rhea coaches Dom, Dom catches his breath, but Frazer doesn’t look away. Dom takes his time since he has Champion’s Advantage, but Frazer rushes out! Rhea stands in his way, of course, but Frazer gets around her to chase Dom down. Frazer puts Dom in the ring, rushes up, but Dom kicks low! Dom stomps Frazer, then springboard stomps at the ropes! Dom soaks up the heat, has Frazer in a corner, and he drags Frazer out for more stomps! Dom whips corner to corner hard and Frazer tumbles up then down the buckles! Dom covers, TWO! Dom clamps on with a chinlock and he grinds Frazer down.

Frazer endures and fans rally up. Rhea tells them not to bother, but Frazer fights up. Frazer throws body shots, whips Dom to a corner, but Dom slips out! Frazer hits buckles again, and Dom HOTSHOTS Frazer down! Rhea applauds while Dom soaks up more heat. Dom slingshots to SENTON! Cover, TWO! Dom clamps onto Frazer with another chinlock and grinds him back down. Frazer still endures, fights up, and he throws body shots. Dom throws Frazer down by his hair! Rhea cheers and Dom sits Frazer up to clamp on another chinlock. Frazer endures all over again, and he fights up to his feet.

NXT returns to single picture as Frazer throws body shots. Dom knees low, then snap suplexes. Uno Amigo! Fans boo as Dom hits Dos Amigos! And then Dom gives some Latino Heat, blows a kiss to Mami, but Frazer hits a BRAINBUSTER! Fans fire up and Rhea freaks out! Frazer and Dom stir, fans rally up, and both men stand. Frazer throws haymakers om Dom! Dom wobbles, Frazer throws body shots and ROCKS him! Frazer CHOPS, whips, but Dom reverses to SLAP! Dom says he runs NXT, but Frazer TACKLES Dom! Frazer fires off and fans fire up! Dom gets away, Frazer CHOPS him in the corner!

Frazer runs corner to corner, blocks a kick, but not the ENZIGURI! But then Frazer ENZIGURIS back! Frazer runs, QUEBRADA to REVERSE DDT! Cover, TWO! Dom is still in this but Frazer keeps cool. Dom goes to the apron, Frazer storms up but Dom HOTSHOTS him! Frazer staggers back, but he WRECKS Dom with a dropkick! Frazer then builds speed to DIVE, but Dom moves! Frazer lands on his feet, Rhea taunts him, and Dom runs in to SUPERKICK! Fans boo but Rhea just smiles. Dom puts Frazer in the ring, Rhea pats him on the cheer, but then Frazer DIVES! Down goes Dom!!

Frazer puts Dom in, hurries up the corner, and PHOENIX SPL- NO, he rolls through as Dom moves! Dom pops Frazer up to crotch him on the ropes! Frazer flops down, Dom goes up the corner! Dom gives some Latino Heat, but Frazer goes up! SUPERPLEX!! Roll through and FALCON ANARCHY! Cover, TWO!! Dom survives and Rhea is relieved. Rhea throws her Women’s World Championship to Dom, but Dom fumbles! Rhea freaks out again as Frazer rolls Dom up! TWO!!! Dom gets up, blocks a superkick band ducks the Dragon Whip! DROPKICK! Frazer is on ropes, Dom builds speed, but Frazer SUPERKICKS first!!!

Both men are down and the fans are thunderous! “This is Awesome!” “NXT! NXT!” Rhea panics, shouts to Dom, and Frazer goes up. Dom SHOVES Frazer and Frazer hits the desk! Dom drags Frazer up and into the ring, then he goes up! FROG SPLASH!! Cover, Dom wins!

Winner: Dominik Mysterio, by pinfall (still NXT North American Champion)

Dirty Dom gets help from his Mami like always, and that’s why he is still champion. Will Dom be the forever champion at this rate? WAIT! WES LEE SUPERKICKS DOM!! And he CLOBBERS Dom! And CLOBBERS him! Wes drags Dom away from his Mami to DOUBLE STOMP him! Dom sputters, Rhea gets Dom out of the ring, but Wes picks up the belt! Is the Cardiac Kid going to put Dom under cardiac arrest and take the belt back?


Jacy Jayne talks with Andre Chase.

She has to admit, the NXT Tag Team Championship looks good on him. And hey, congrats! He finally knows what it feels like to be a champ! He should be happy! And he should be thanking Jacy? Thank Jacy? Uh yeah, she scratches his back, he scratches her. Uh, last he checked, she tried to cheat to help them. Thea Hail & Duke Hudson walk in, and they ask what the other two were talking about. Nothing much. Just congrats to the Professor for winning. Duke asks if Chase understands the power of these title belts. Duke hasn’t paid for lunch all week! This is awesome! And when Jacy & Thea win the Women’s Tag titles tonight, they won’t be Chase U anymore.

No, no, they will be as the CHAMPIONSHIP UNIVERSITY! Yeah, and to keep that momentum, Jacy & Thea will beat Chelsea & Piper fair and square. Jacy says sure. Jacy says she and Thea have to finish getting ready, but then she signals that she’s keeping her eyes on Chase. The ladies head out, and then Tony D’Angelo & Channing Lorenzo walk in. Tony tells Mr. Chase there are two kinds of wrongs: the wrongs we do and the wrongs done to us. And The D’Angelos will get even on both. Last week went Chase U’s way, so things are a little different. Yes, sir. Wait, “sir?” Duke, relax. Stacks says Mr. Chase owes them.

Duke says they can relax, they will get their title rematch. Yeah. That, too. Tony & Stacks head out, Duke is confused but Chase says he’ll handle it. Fyre & Dawn pop out from the shadows as Poison Ivy & Harley Quinn, and they’re loving this. Poor, naive Thea. She doesn’t realize everyone that touches those titles suffers pain and misfortune. Almost as if they hold the most frightful curse. The wicked witches laugh, but will that curse strike tonight?


NXT checks in with Meta Four.

Jakara Jackson runs away from something, but then calms herself down. She is Miss Jackson, she about that action! She’s ready to fight whatever fright is coming for her! Though she’s not really for the musty, dusty wardrobe selection. SPOOKY HAND! She runs through this maze of 90s fashion, but there’s a spooky tailor! She can’t find her way out~! Then a doll face lady is there, and she just faints. Oro looks for the others, he ends up outside, and turns around to see a spooky butler! Oro takes a step, but the butler takes a step! Oro backs away, into a shed with a zipper face! Oro does his best to hold it together, but he sees these are just dummies.

Wait, there’s a man in a hood! Oro smacks him with his sandwich! Oh hey, Tozawa. WAIT! Tozawa!? Tozawa fires off punches and then throws Oro into a wall! “TAKE HIM AWAY~!” Tozawa’s spooky minions drag Oro into the shadows. Lash lost her glasses, but she sees something under a blanket. Oh, it has to be the cup! She lifts the blanket, and… Nope, just a generic trophy. False alarm. Wait, there’s something else behind this curtain. SPOOKY FAES! PUMPKIN MAN! Lash BOBS the guy with a cookie tray! Lash screams and runs, but into another PUMPKIN MAN! They drag her away into the shadows, too! To be continued, again!


Bron Breakker VS Robert Stone!

“Badass Bron” feels no remorse for what he did to Von Wagner, because he might truly be #MeanerThanEvil. But will he end up doing even worse to Suit Man Stone? Or will Stone avenge his best friend in the best way possible?

The bell rings and Bron dares Stone to do something. The fans rally behind Stone, but Bron’s already cornered him. Stone slips away from Bron, but Bron smirks. Bron corners Stone again, puts him in the corner but Stone throws a haymaker! Bron is mad now, and he chases Stone out and into the ring! Stone ducks ‘n’ dodges but Bron still CLOBBERS him! Fans are torn but plenty bark it up. Bron storms up on Stone, drags him up by his shirt and rips the shirt away! Stone flails and fights but Bron drops him. Bron drags Stone up, to TOSS him across the way! Stone writhes but Bron smirks.

Fans boo but Bron stalks Stone to ropes. Bron stands Stone up, says he won’t have to visit Von at the hospital anymore, because he’s just gonna send Stone there! But Stone SLAPS Bron! Bron SHOVES Stone, runs in but Stone dodges to roll Bron up! TWO!! Fans fire up but Bron gets up and under to TOSS Stone again! Stone writhes, Bron storms up on him, and drags Stone to a corner. Bron brings the straps down, says it’s over, and he takes aim. Stone staggers up, into a SPEAR!! Cover, Bron wins!

Winner: Bron Breakker, by pinfall

Bron isn’t done with the victory, he drags Stone out of the ring! And he goes to the steel steps! Fans boo and the ref reprimands but Bron drags Stone over to set him in place. Bron has the top half, but wait! VON IS HERE?!? Even Bron is stunned to see Von, bandage around his head, run up on him! The big men throw hands, and Von chases Bron into the ring! Von clothesline Bron up and out! Fans fire up and Von keeps after Bron on the outside! Von choke grips, to CHOKE SLAM Bron onto the steel steps! Fans fire up, but Von wobbles. Von steadies himself, and he gets the steps!! But Bron avoids the SMASH!

Security rushes out, fans want to “LET THEM FIGHT!” but Bron gets away. Is karma coming for Bron in the worst way possible?


NXT looks back at Becky VS Lyra.

A truly historic night last week on Halloween Havoc Part 1, and while only one could win, “Ireland would celebrate both of its daughters long into the night.” Becky told Lyra herself that she is happy the one to beat her was Lyra. They hugged it out backstage, and now Lyra carries the torch as the NXT Women’s Champion. She doesn’t just carry that belt or this brand, but the hopes and dreams of an entire nation. She even got to be on Ireland AM via video chat. Destiny was changed, and we bare witness the glorious ascent of The Morrigan, Lyra Valkyria!


#OutTheMud speaks.

Scrypts says he should have had faith that we’d understand him. They actually thought he was sipping wine, or that he was part of some traveling circus. That was the part he played just to fit in with the WWE Universe. But then he met these two men, Lucien Price & Bronco Nima. They reminded him of who he really is. Yeah, he’s Reggie. But where he comes from in St. Louis, they all know him as Scrypts. He’s been locked up, shot at, and watched his uncle die in his bedroom when he was just 11 years old. But just like Price & Nima, they cut from that same cloth.

The streets they grew up on, you Brawling Brutes don’t know a thing about the culture! The grind! The struggled! You just cookie cutter people who ain’t hip to it. You wouldn’t last one week on their block. But then you go and cost OTM their chance at gold. So, Brutes, you are who you are in this world, and that’s one of two things: a somebody, or a nobody! Let’s see which ones the Brutes are. Because OTM, they are somebody!


WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Chelsea Green & Piper Niven VS Jacy Jayne & Thea Hail w/ Chase U!

The Hot Mess & Scottish Viper may have just mocked the wrong girls. Things have already been wild in NXT the last couple weeks, will it only get wilder when all of Chase U has gold? Or will Chelsea & Piper make it back to Monday Night Raw still on top?

But wait, Jacy & Thea don’t even wait for introductions, they attack at the ramp! Fans fire up as the brawl is on! Jacy THRWOS Chelsea but Piper fires off on Thea! Jacy puts Chelsea in the ring, the bell sounds, and then Jacy goes out to save Thea from Piper! They RAM Piper into the steel steps! Jacy hurries in after Chelsea but Chelsea rolls her up, TWO! Chelsea stands but into a kick! Jacy whips Chelsea to a corner, runs in to back body block, then snapmares! Chelsea ducks a kick but not the mule kick! Tag to Thea, and Jacy sends her in to back elbow! Thea arm-drags, but the Chelsea avoids the next. Chelsea drags Thea up but Thea arm-drags her after all!

Thea runs in at the corner, Chelsea puts her on the apron but Thea does the splits to dodge! Thea ROKS Chelsea, but cartwheels away as Chelsea runs back in. Thea rushes Chelsea at the ropes but Chelsea dumps her out! Chelsea runs, and slides, but Thea dodges the dropkick! Thea builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit and fans fire up! Thea sees Piper coming, dodges her, and CROSSBODIES! Piper catches her, but then Jacy CANNONBALLS! The Chase U girls take the champs down, and NXT goes picture in picture!

Jacy & Thea say “SUCK IT!” then they get Chelsea up and into the ring. Thea tags Jacy, then they drag Chelsea up again. They double suplex high and hard! Cover, TWO! Jacy paces around, she drags Chelsea up to SMACK her off the mat! Jacy CLUBS Chelsea, tags Thea, and they mug Chelsea. Thea headlocks, Chelsea powers out and Piper tags in. Thea jumps over Chelsea but Piper KICKS her! Chelsea CODE BREAKERS and holds Thea down, for Piper to ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! Piper stalks Thea, drags her around, and whips her to a corner. Piper runs in to SPLASH, and Chelsea tags back in.

Chelsea runs side to side to BOOT WASH! Chelsea soaks up the heat, tags Piper back in, and Piper ELBOW DROPS again! Cover, TWO! Thea is still in this but Piper drags Thea up. Thea throws hands but Piper has the COBRA CLUTCH! Thea endures as Piper leans on her. Thea throws hands, fights up, and throws body shots! Piper ripcords to scoop, but Thea has a crucifix! Piper stays up so Thea tries to sunset flip! Piper drags Thea right up to HEADBUTT her down! Piper puts Thea in the corner, CLUBS her, then tags in Chelsea. Chelsea digs her boot in, the ref reprimands and counts, but Chelsea lets off at 4.

Tag to Piper and she clamps the COBRA CLUTCH back on! Thea endures, Piper sits her down and leans on the hold, and NXT returns to single picture. Fans rally as Thea endures, and Thea fights up. Thea throws body shots, but Piper ripcords and whips her to a corner. Piper runs in, but into a BOOT! Thea goes up, CROSSBODY! But Piper catches her! Piper pops Thea around, for a SHOULDER BUSTER! Thea writhes and flounders to a corner. Piper runs corner to corner, but Thea avoids the CANNONBALL! Fans fire up as Thea crawls, then leaps up to get a KIMURA! Piper stays up as Thea pulls on the arm!

Piper powers Thea around, but Thea spins that to DDT!! Fans are thunderous as Thea and Piper crawl! Hot tag to Chelsea, and she drags Thea away from Jacy! But Thea avoids the elbow drop! Fans fire up, Thea slips under Chelsea to hot tag Jacy! Jacy rallies on Chelsea, DECKS Piper, then fires off on Chelsea! Fans fire up as Jacy ENZIGURIS! Piper storms in but Jacy sends her into Chelsea! Then Jacy SUPERKICKS Piper down! Jacy shrieks and CANNONBALLS Chelsea! Cover, TWO! Jacy sneers but she aims. Chelsea voids the kick, ripcords and HAYMAKERS! Underhooks, but Jacy powers out to SPINEBUSTER! High stack, PIPER BREAKS IT!

Fans rally up, Thea runs in to RAN- NO, Piper blocks, swings Thea back up, and FACEBUSTERS! Jacy KNEES Piper down! Chelsea is up to SUPER- NO, Jacy blocks! But then Chelsea blocks back! They both FOREARM! And they both BOOT! All four women are down and the fans are thunderous! Duke & Chase pound the apron, the fans clap along, they’re all hyped! Duke distracts the ref by being on the apron, and Chelsea wants to use one of the men’s title belts! Chase says NO, that’s not how they do this! But Chelsea chicken wings and I M PRETTIER!! Cover, Chelsea & Piper win!

Winners: Chelsea Green & Piper Niven, by pinfall (still WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions)

Duke is stunned, Thea is distraught, and Jacy is furious. Chase just wanted them to do this the right way, but now he’s in the wrong? But while Chelsea & Piper think they’re safe, Fyre & Dawn, now dressed as Chucky & Tiffany Valentine, wave hi to the champs. And the wheel starts to spin! Is it only a matter of time before the Unholy Union comes back for those belts?


Backstage interview with Lexis King.

McKenzie says he had a very impressive debut last week, and King welcomes her to his very first interview. Hopefully the first of many. Yes, and how pleased is he with the impact he has had so far? King says he is always pleased with his performances. And he is very pleased that his name, Lexis King, has created quite the buzz around here. See, everyone has an opinion on him. Don’t get him wrong, he’s used to that. It just comes with the territory of being a star. But one thing is for sure: this is his life, and he will do things his way. And about that impact, well just wait and see what he does next. Or better yet, what he’s already done.

What does he mean by that? Well, you’ll just have to wait and see. But wait, where is she going? They just started building their chemistry. Have some snacks. Thanks, but no thanks. Well, you do you. Will King do King all the way until he is atop NXT?


2023 NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament: Kelani Jordan VS Lola Vice w/ Elektra Lopez!

While she’s dressed as Cleopatra, the Queen of the Gym isn’t in da Nile about her skills. And the MMA Mamacita feels very much the same considering she punched and kicked her ticket to this match! But there can only be one, so who will win and Breakout?

The bell rings, the two circle and feel things out. They tie up, Lola waistlocks but Kelani switches. Kelani goes to ropes., Lola bucks the O’Conner to KICK the leg! Lola swings, Kelani dodges to headlock, but Lola powers out. Kelani tilt-o-whirls to backslide, TWO! Lola swings, Kelani blocks and slips around to trip Lola up! Cover, TWO! Lola gets up, Kelani runs to swinging arm-drag! But then Lola SWATS the dropkick! Lola runs up to fire off fast kicks from all sides! Kelani sits down in a corner, Lola runs in to HIP ATTACK! Lola smiles while Kelani bails out. Lola shakes and shimmies while NXT goes picture in picture.

Lola goes out to fetch Kelani, and she SMACKS her off the apron! And again! But then Kelani SMACKS Lola off the apron! Lola still throws Kelani into the ring, then snapmares her into ropes! Kelani clutches her legs, hobbles up, and Lola snapmares her into more ropes! Kelani flounders, drags herself up, but Lola snapmares her into ropes again! Kelani clutches her legs, and Lola AX KICKS Her down! Cover, TWO! Kelani stays in this but Lola stays focused. Lola grabs the leg to wrap around ropes! Kelani BOOTS her away! Lola comes back, Kelani shoves her away, but Lola clinches. Kelani fires hands, but Lola trips Kelani!

Lola has a standing toehold and she pushes on the leg. Kelani endures and keeps her shoulders up, but Lola steps through for a spinning toehold. Kelani endures, keeps her shoulders off the mat as she fights around, but Lola turns her over! CALF KILLER! Kelani endures, reaches back, and she grabs Lola for a chinlock! Lola rolls free to CLUB the arm! And KICK the leg! Lola stalks Kelani to a corner, digs her boot in, but the ref counts. Lola lets off, drags Kelani up and trips her, to go back to the standing toehold. Kelani endures, even as Lola pushes that leg. Kelani keeps her shoulders up, flails and fights, and NXT returns to single picture.

Fans rally, Kelani kicks at Lola, but Lola spins through. Kelani makes it a cradle! TWO!! Kelani DROPKICKS Lola down! Cover, TWO! Kelani clinches but Lola powers out to kick low! Kelani goes to a corner, Lola runs in, but Kelani dodges! Lola hits buckles, Kelani keeps moving, and she blocks a kick to step over and WHEEL KICK! Fans rally up, Lola stands, and she runs in, but Kelani rallies on her with forearms! Kelani handsprings to ELBOW! And then she kips up! Fans fire up as Kelani SOMERSAULT LEG DROPS! Cover, TWO! Kelani doesn’t lose cool, she hammerlocks and hooks Lola with a leg, but Lola slips free!

Lola kicks, Kelani ducks, but Lola SOBATS! Cover, TWO!! Kelani is still in this and the watch party is going wild! Lola storms up on Kelani, whips, but Kelani handsprings and clinches, COMPLETE SHOT! Then Kelani hooks Lola up, OVERDRIVE!! And then she goes up and up, but Elektra is there! Kelani BOOTS Elektra away! Kelani MOONSAULTS but Lola moves! Kelani FLOPS on the mat, stands up, and into the HEEL KICK! Cover, Lola wins!

Winner: Lola Vice, by pinfall (2023 Women’s Breakout Star)

Elektra was Lola’s insurance policy, and that helped Lola finish Kelani off! It was a good night tonight, but when and where will Lola strike at the NXT Women’s Championship?


NXT checks in with Meta Four.

Ruh roh, it’s really just down to Noam-Dooby-Dar. Hello, hello, is anyone there? Anyone seen the cup? Big, beautiful and it has Dar’s name on it. Tozawa!? Worst Halloween ever… Wait! There it is! Dar says it’s the best day ever! Wait, where’s Tozawa? Dar tastes it, and it’s the real deal! Dar says the cup doesn’t know what he’s been through to get her back. But he told Tozawa he would! Dar would come and get the cup every time! They are the champion! FREEDOM~! But then all the spooks show up. Dar whimpers. Hey, guys, c’mon. Whatever Tozawa is paying them, he can pay double! He can get them whatever they need! A family! A home!

But then someone snatches the cup back! It’s Tozawa! Dar says he’s done! Look at him! Please give him the cup back. Tozawa says all he wants is a Heritage Cup match. WHAT? No way! He didn’t even get a single point in the Global Heritage Invitational! The spooks shout and Dar says okay! He’s got the match! Next week! Just make it stop! Tozawa hands the cup over and Dar is happy. Dar says he’ll see Dar next week. Now go. The spooks chase Dar off into the night! Will the Scottish Supernova only have the cup back for another seven days? Or can Dar end the madness inside the ring?


Fyre & Dawn talk backstage.

Dawn, as the Wicked Queen from Snow White, tells Fyre, who is Maleficent, that tonight, the spirits are joyous again! Shotzi & Scarlett have settled the disturbance in the other realm while they have kept the balance in this one. What a perfect night! But then Von and Stone barge in. Von told Stone that Bron will pay. Bron got his win tonight but Von wants their rematch next week! Stone tells Von that it’s great to have him back, but he can’t get that match. Von is not ready! Von doesn’t care! Stone wants Von to understand. Everything Von is doing in rehab is great, but he is just not ready yet! Von again says he doesn’t care! Stone stepped up for Von, and now Von wants to end this!

Von gets a headache and Stone asks if he is alright. Von says yeah, he’s good. He just wants the match made. Stone says okay. But is this too much too soon for Von? Or will his miraculous recovery be joined by a miraculous victory?


NXT Championship: Ilja Dragunov VS Carmelo Hayes!

The first chapter had controversy at the Great American Bash. The second chapter had no Trick at No Mercy. And now, this trilogy finishes here on Halloween Havoc! Will there be no tricks and just treats for HIM? Or will the Mad Dragon simply punctuate this rivalry with #UNBESIEGBAR?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and one way or another, this feud reaches its finale!

The bell rings and the two rush in! Melo dodges a boot, but Dragunov blocks a boot to CHOP! Melo CHOPS back! Melo leaps but Dragunov catches the leg! Dragunov has Melo down but Melo boots him away! Melo runs up to ENZIGURI, but then Dragunov JUMP KICKS! They both keep going, Dragunov waistlocks to GERMAN SUPLEX! Melo is up to BOOT! Dragunov springs up but Melo ducks the Pele, to waistlock and GERMAN SUPLEX! Dragunov staggers up to his feet, waistlocks, but Melo fights with elbows. Melo CLUBS away on Dragunov, ROCKS him, but Dragunov ROCKS Melo back! Fans rally as the forearms go back and forth!

Both men wobble, Dragunov SLAPS! Melo SLAPS! Both men SLAP! And both men ROUNDHOUSE! Both men fall and fans fire up as NXT goes picture in picture.

Melo and Dragunov go to opposite ends, stand, but then flop over. They crawl towards each other, Melo stands Dragunov up, but Dragunov ROCKS him first! And CHOPS! And clinches to CLUB Melo on the neck! But Melo CLUBS Dragunov in return! Melo KNEES Dragunov against the ropes! Melo drags Dragunov up, CHOPS him again, and Dragunov goes to the far side. Melo storms up to CLUB Dragunov to a corner, but Dragunov BOOTS back! Dragunov runs to BOOT Melo down! Dragunov fires up, storms around, and he KNEES Melo down! And then PENALTY KICKS! Dragunov KICKS Melo again!

Melo flounders, but he gets up to TACKLE Dragunov! Melo fires off furious fists! Melo drags Dragunov around by an arm, stomps him again and again, then drags him up. Dragunov reels Melo in to RAM him down! And drop a KNEE! Melo flounders away but Dragunov pursues. Dragunov CLUBS Melo and Melo goes to ropes. Melo comes back to CHOP! Both men lean on ropes, and Dragunov runs in to BOOT Melo down! Dragunov shouts at Melo, drags him up, and NXT returns to single picture as the forearms fly again! Fans rally up as the shots go after and faster! Dragunov UPPERCUTS, fires off more elbows, then spins, but Melo ducks the backhand!

Melo boots but Dragunov goes Matrix! Dragunov stands up to BACKHAND, then he CHOPS the leg! And ENZIGURIS Melo to ropes! Melo rebounds into a GERMAN SUPLEX! Dragunov holds on, fans fire up, and Dragunov drags Melo up. For another GERMAN SUPLEX! Dragunov then drags Melo up as fans want that “One More Time!” Melo fights it, though, REAR HEADBUTTS, and springboards, FADEAWAY- NO, Dragunov wrenches out, and he sweeps the leg! Dragunov runs to KNEE Melo down! Fans fire up with Dragunov and he hauls Melo up. Dragunov gets Melo up to POWERBOMB! High stack, TWO!!

Melo is still in this and Dragunov is a bit surprised. Fans rally up, Dragunov rises up, and he builds speed, but into a SUPERKICK! Melo runs to SUPERKICK again! Dragunov rebounds , into a BOOT! But Dragunov springs back up to LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Melo survives again and Dragunov is again surprised. “This is Awesome!” as Dragunov  stands. Dragunov stomps Melo, drags him up, and throws knees! Dragunov ROCKS Melo, but Melo fires a forearm back! They go back and forth, Dragunov tiger feints, but Melo tilt-o-whirls, LA MISTICA! Cover, TWO! Dragunov is tougher than that but Melo tells him to stay down.

Fans rally up, Melo goes to a corner and he climbs. Now Melo says to get up, and Dragunov rises. But Dragunov stops Melo and TOSSES him down! Now Dragunov goes up the corner, but Melo choke grips! And SLAPS! And GAMANGIRIS! Fans fire up as Dragunov tumbles to the floor! Melo drags Dragunov up onto the apron, and slingshots to APRON DDT!! Fans lose their minds as Dragunov writhes and twitches! But Melo shows no mercy and he puts Dragunov in the ring. Melo climbs, aims, FROG SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!?!? Melo is furious that Dragunov survives! Both men clutch their ribs while fans rally for “NXT! NXT!”

Melo clamps onto Dragunov, CLUBS him, then sits him up again. Dragunov stands to CLUB Melo, Melo throws body shots, the fans fire up as they scrap! Melo CLUBS away on Dragunov, then runs up, but into a LARIAT! Dragunov SENTONS, then he drags Melo up! Clinch and URENAGE! Cover, TWO!! Melo toughs it out, but Dragunov drags Melo up. Dragunov SLAPS Melo, Melo BOOTS back! Dragunov leans on the ropes and he fires back up! Dragunov runs in to BOOT Melo! Then he wrenches, whips, and BOOTS again! Melo comes back to LARIAT! Dragunov H BOMB FOREARMS! Both men are down and fans fire up again!

Dragunov drags Melo up, reels him in, but Melo fights the suplex! Melo throws body shots, suplexes, but Dragunov fights that off. Dragunov SLEEPERS, then CHOPS Melo on the neck!! Melo wobbles, Dragunov runs, but Melo BOOTS Dragunov in the ropes!! “This is Awesome!” as Melo brings Dragunov back up in the ropes. Melo slingshots, but Dragunov stops that DDT to fireman’s carry! Fans fire up as Dragunov APRON DEATH VALLEY DRIVERS!! Melo writhes but both men are down on the floor! “This is Awesome!” and Dragunov scuffs Melo in the face! Dragunov roars and the fans fire up, as he clears off the desk!

Dragunov says this what the fans want, and he drags Melo up. Dragunov CHPOS Melo into being on the desk! Then Dragunov tosses the commentary chairs around so he has room to get up on the barriers! Fans are thunderous as Dragunov aims, FLYING H BOMB through the table!!! The fans lose their minds all over again! Both men writhe in the wreckage of the desk, but then Dragunov drags Melo up and into the ring. Fans cheer as this continues, and Dragunov BOOT WASHES Melo! Dragunov doesn’t stop there, he drags Melo up to DECK with a forearm! Melo ends up in another corner, and Dragunov roars!

Dragunov goes up a corner, and he takes aim! Dragunov blows a kiss, and goes COAST2- NO, Melo hits the FIRST 48!! Or maybe not, as Dragunov hauls Melo up!! Dragunov pops Melo up to a fireman’s carry, but Melo slips free and shoves Dragunov into a corner! CODE BREAKER!! H BOMB OUTTA NOWHERE!!! Cover, TWO?!?! Melo survives again and fans hope they “FIGHT FOREVER!” But this has to end somehow, and Dragunov goes back up a corner. Dragunov reloads, to FLYING- CODE BREAKER!!! Melo intercepts Dragunov and he goes up the corner now! Melo takes aim, but wait! Is that Trick Williams?!

Fans chant “WHOOP DAT TRICK!!” Melo’s seen a ghost here on Halloween, but Dragunov SWATS Melo! Dragunov goes up to get Melo, for a SUPERPLEX!! Roll through, and “UN! BE! SIEG! BAR!!” TORPEDO MOSCOW!!! Cover, DRAGUNOV WINS!!

Winner: Ilja Dragunov, by pinfall (still NXT Champion)

And with that, the trilogy is complete! The Czar is still the champion, long may he reign, but who will be next? As for Trick Melo Gang, Melo is still down as Trick joins him in the ring. Trick walks over to Melo, then stands over him. Melo looks up, but Trick stands him up! Trick stares Melo down, but wait! Something is happening right backstage! CORBIN ATTACKS DRAGUNOV! Mr. No BS is telling Dragunov that he warned him! Keep your head on a swivel! Fans boo as refs back Corbin off. Well, we know who is next now. Will Corbin #BurnTheShips and finally be NXT Champion? Or will he just get burned by the Mad Dragon’s rage?

My Thoughts:

An awesome end to Halloween Havoc here, but I think we should’ve all expected the status quo to stay. But as I have said before, if that’s how you go with it, you gotta make it good. For the most part, NXT did that. Awesome North American Championship match but of course Rhea helps Dom retain. But hey, great to see Wes back and go right after Dom, that’ll be an awesome match for Deadline where I swear Wes better win. And very good Women’s Tag Team Championship match, but of course the Face-Heel dysfunction between Jacy and Chase costs Jacy and Thea. But at the same time, I knew Fyre & Dawn were coming for those belts, so they’ll get a great match for like, a SmackDown on the road to Survivor Series or something.

Speaking of, Fyre & Dawn taking over for Shotzi & Scarlett was an interesting move. Did Shotzi & Scarlett need to film spooky things for their YouTube series and this was the way to get them off TV to do that? But hey, great promos and costumes from Fyre & Dawn here. And I like what’s building with Andre Chase and the D’Angelos. Was there some backdoor deal cut off camera at some point? Is this gonna be mafia gag stuff like Tony helped Chase get money for the university? Well, pretty sure the tag title rematch is for Deadline, and that could go either way depending on how the story unfolds.

Great “TLS” match, with some really rough landings. Julius had a real good welt after that first ladder spot, but what a great win for the Creeds. I was a bit surprised by that, I would’ve thought Garza & Carrillo would finally get going with their new presentation, but seems they’re still waiting. Good promo from OTM to call out the Brutes, they’re going to have a good tag match at some point, even though the Brutes are building to something with Pretty Deadly on SmackDown at the same time. And decent promo Lexis King, I guess his character is arrogant yet chill. I am intrigued to see what he meant there about what he’s already done. Maybe he’s gotten HBK to already have his name in the mix for the Iron Survivor match this year?

Decent promo from Tiffany Stratton, and good attack on Fallon to “cancel” their match. Fallon’s “leg injury” might be to keep her out of the Iron Survivor talks so that she can then attack Tiffany and cost her in that match. Bron of course beat Stone, and I felt Von was gonna make the “miraculous comeback” to save Stone after. I also like that Von is still not 100% but that he is powering through. But what was really interesting about Von’s promo with Stone backstage that Boa and Dante Chen were talking. Boa still had his warpaint on, probably to help us realize it was him since it’s been so long, but I’m hoping Boa & Dante become a team since they both need something to do.

Joe Gacy had a good promo, he seems to be moving from cult leader to 90s style grunge rock loner. He even had a plaid shirt on, unbuttoned. Great stuff from Meta Four and Tozawa with this year’s haunted house bit, and of course this is giving us the Heritage Cup match of Dar VS Tozawa. I don’t think Tozawa wins but he could really push Dar to his limits, as well as the limits of the time constraints. And good vignette to give us the aftermath of Becky VS Lyra. It really is great to know the Irish wrestling scene, and even just Ireland as a country, is so happy to have seen this happen, and it definitely helps everyone else see Lyra as a star.

And of course, an amazing main event of Dragunov VS Melo. This was worth of the third in a trilogy, this was practically PPV/Premium Live Event worthy, and what a great moment for Trick to return and just scare Melo like that. Now of course Dragunov wins, and of course Corbin is next, but I’m a little disappointed Corbin attacked Dragunov as the closing moment. Not for the attack itself, but because it took us away from Trick confronting Melo. For all we knew, Trick was gonna straight up expose Melo as the one who did it. But I guess we gotta wait a week on that now.

If Melo really was the guy, then Melo VS Trick should happen at Deadline, keeping both guys out of the Iron Survivor. Well, I guess they could both be in that match to fight it out, but a match like Melo VS Trick should really be given spotlight all it’s own, lots of room for them to really explore things, no one else in the way.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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