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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (10/12/23)

Step onto the Proving Ground!



ROH Wrestling 2023

GooMerasKipThe champions of ROH look to test themselves!

Eddie Kingston and Athena both still reign over ROH as the world champions, but who will face them in tonight’s Proving Ground matches?


  • ROH World Championship Proving Ground: Eddie Kingston VS Serpentico w/ Angelico; Eddie wins and denies Serpentico a title opportunity.
  • The Gates of Agony w/ Prince Nana VS Fresco & Watson; The Gates win.
  • ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Ground: Athena w/ Billie Starkz VS Mazzerati; Athena wins and denies Mazzerati a title opportunity.
  • AAA Latin American Championship Match: QT Marshall VS Daga; QT wins and retains the title.
  • The Infantry VS Shane Taylor Promotions; Shane Taylor Promotions wins.
  • Angelico VS Martin Casaus; Angelico wins.
  • Mercedes Martinez w/ Diamante VS Lady Frost; Mercedes wins.
  • Leyla Hirsh VS Willow Nightingale; Willow wins.
  • Gringo Loco VS Action Andretti; Action wins.
  • Billie Starkz w/ Athena VS Rachel Riveter; Billie wins.
  • Kip Sabian w/ Penelope Ford VS Anthony Henry w/ JD Drake; Kip wins.
  • Ethan Page VS Christopher Daniels; Ethan wins.
  • Darius Martin VS Scorpio Sky; Scorpio wins.


Backstage interview with Serpentico.

Dasha is with #SNAKEMAN and says he has a lot to prove in the Proving Ground match against Eddie Kingston. Serpentico says Eddie is a grand campeon in ROH, but Serpentico isn’t the same as he was two years ago when they first faced off. Dasha, what are the parameters of a Proving Ground match? Well, there’s a ten minute time limit- Exactly! All Serpentico has to do is last ten minutes and he earns his title shot. And Serpentico has made it his mission ever since ROH came back that he’d put it all on his back, rebuild it brick by brick and minute by minute. “Eddie, ten minutes, that’s all it takes. Your life changes, and so does mine. See you out there, bud.”

Dasha wishes Serpentico luck tonight, but will all Serpentico need is the will to survive? We find out, next!

ROH World Championship Proving Ground: Eddie Kingston VS Serpentico w/ Angelico!

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings and we’re on the clock. Fans rally, Eddie even shakes Angelico’s hand, and he circles with Serpentico. They tie up, are in a deadlock, so they let off. Serpentico CHOPS, dodges, then CHOPS again! Then dodges and CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! Serpentico uses MACHINE GUN CHOPS! Fans fire up as Serpentico whips but Eddie reverses. Eddie runs in but into BOOTS! Serpentico then RANAS, and COMPLETE SHOTS! Cover, TWO! Eddie is still in this but Serpentico hurries to a corner. Fans rally up as Eddie rises, and Serpentico leaps, into a clinch! EXPLODER!

Fans fire up as Eddie rises, and he reels Serpentico in, SAIDO! Cover, TWO! Serpentico survives but Eddie puts on the STRETCH PLUM!! Serpentico taps, Eddie wins!

Winner: Eddie Kingston, by submission (denies Serpentico a title match)

SNAKEMAN talked about surviving ten minutes but that was only five! Angelico gets in to check on his teammate, but Eddie gets a mic. “Hey. Hey. Move, let me shake his hand. Dawg, so what I hurt him? It’s part of the deal!” Eddie and Angelico stare down, but Serpentico accepts the Code of Honor. Eddie asks if Angelico wants a shot, or if he’s going to stab Eddie in the back first. They’re supposed to be friends, aren’t they? Angelico asks if Eddie’s talking to him, and Eddie says yeah, who else would he be talking to? “Ya stupid mofo!” Eddie asks if he wants that shot, yes or no!

Angelico snatches the mic and says Eddie’s messed up now. Next time, we find out that when it comes to hold for hold wrestling, Angelico’s afraid of no man. Then Eddie wants Angelico to show it! Next time, Eddie VS Angelico for the ROH World Championship! They shake on it, but is the Mad King getting himself into trouble taking on the South African Stud?


The Gates of Agony w/ Prince Nana VS Fresco & Watson!

Toa Liona & Bishop Kaun have a battle with Blackpool Combat Club tomorrow on Rampage, so that means they need a warm-up. Will they Open the Gates here in Salt Lake City? Or will it be #LightsCameraFaction on ROH TV?

The Code of Honor is upheld, then the teams sort out. Liona starts against Fresco, but the whole team chants “CUUUT~! CUUUT~!” Fresco says “CUUUT~!” right to Liona, making a cutting hand motion. Liona grabs the hand to BITE it! The ref reprimands, Liona CLOBBERS Fresco, then roars at the team. Tag to Kaun, the Gates mug Fresco then double scoop to SLAM! Fresco scrambles to tag in Watson but the Gates TOSS him in! The Gates double whip, Watson holds ropes to then KICK Kaun and KNEE Liona! The Gates don’t budge, and they DOUBLE SPINEBUSTER! Watson flounders to a corner while fans fire up.

Kaun SLAPS Liona, whips him in, but Watson BOOTS Liona! Kaun runs in but only gets buckles! Fresco returns but Kaun dodges him and Fresco hits buckles. Kaun LARIATS Fresco down! Watson fires off, UPPERCUTS, and roars, only to run into Liona’s POUNCE! The rest of LCF check Watson as he flops out of the ring, but the Gates go out to flank them. The Gates TOSS Ice Williams & Joe Braxton in, and then block double kicks to double ATOMIC SLAM! Watson flounders up but Liona is right on him! They OPEN THE GATES! Cover, The Gates win!

Winners: The Gates of Agony, by pinfall

Liona & Kaun are dominant once again, but will they be able to do this to the BCC? Or will Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta make these giants bleed?


Backstage interview with Daga.

Dasha says tonight, he has a huge opportunity. This is his ROH debut, and he’s facing QT Marshall for the AAA Latin America Championship. Daga thanks Dasha and says he is super happy to show everyone what he is capable of. Tonight, as a former AAA Latin American Champion, he wants QT to understand that he is here and he is coming for that gold! Will El Jefe take back this title at the expense of God’s Gift to Wrestling?


ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Ground: Athena w/ Billie Starkz VS Mazzerati!

The Fallen Goddess is again leading by example in teaching her Minion, while still giving a Future Star of Wrestling an opportunity. But will nothing stop Athena’s ROH undefeated streak? Or will she be taken for a 10 minute ride by Mazzerati?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and we’re on the clock. Mazzerati gets around to roll Athena up, TWO! Mazzerati hooks legs, rolls and ghost pins, TWO! Mazzerati wrenches, wristlocks, but Athena slips around to wrench back. Athena wrenches again, wristlocks, but Mazzerati rolls, spins and slips under. Fans cheer and Mazzerati cheers herself, but Athena SHOTGUNS her down! “This is MY show!” Athena runs in at the ropes but Mazzerati drops down. Athena stops from tumbling out and she drags Mazzerati up for a GOURD BUSTER! Fans fire up as Athena looms over Mazzerati.

Athena drags Mazzerati up to CLUB her back down! Billie cheers the champ as Athena puts Mazzerati in ropes. Athena CLUBS away but Mazzerati shoves Athena down! Mazzerati leaps from the apron, but the rana is blocked! Athena POWERBOMBS Mazzerati to the floor! The fans lose their minds and Billie is stunned! Athena drags Mazzerati up to SLING into the railing! Athena taunts Mazzerati to get up, then puts her in the ring. Mazzerati flounders, Athena stalks her, and Athena kicks her down. Athena drags Mazzerati up to SLAM her, then DOUBLE KNEE DROP! Athena then rains down fists!

Athena drags Mazzerati into the motorcycle stretch, her knee digging into Mazzerati’s back. Fans rally, Mazzerati reaches out, but Athena turns her from ropes. Mazzerati fights up, throws elbows, but Athena KNEES low! Athena whips Mazzerati to ropes, but Mazzerati holds ropes to then HEEL KICK! Athena wobbles, Mazzerati tilt-o-whirls and RANAS, but Athena handsprings through! Athena DECKS Mazzerati!! Cover, TWO!! Mazzerati survives but Athena just scowls at her. Athena tells the ref to stop telling her what to do, then she scoops Mazzerati to put her in the Tree of Woe. For some KICKS to the back!

Athena lets off to cheer herself as Mazzerati flops out of the Tree. Athena then runs in, but Mazzerati dodges! Mazzerati returns to KNEE, roll, and SPLASH! Mazzerati snapmares Athena, fires off forearms, then an ELBOW! Mazzerati’s made it five minutes, she springboards, but into a BOOT! Athena clamps on a HEAD ‘N’ ARM TRIANGLE, then rolls it into a top wristlock triangle combo!! Mazzerati taps, Athena wins!

Winner: Athena, by submission (denies Mazzerati a title match)

The ref says stop, and Athena says okay, but then she goes into a CROSSFACE! The ref reprimands, Athena lets go, and she parades around with the belt, but Billie drags Mazzerati out! Billie gets Mazzerati under the ring to hide her from Athena! Athena asks where Mazzerati went and Billie says she ran away. Who knows where to! Athena says Billie better not be lying. Billie finds a way to spare another victim, but will Athena only do worse to the next opponent to make up for it?


Backstage interview with Lee Johnson.

Lexi Nair is with Big Shotty and says he had a competitive showing against Darius Martin, but came up short. What’s next for him? But before Johnson can say anything, in steps Shane Taylor Promotions. Shane Taylor says, “Competitive, close, but you lost. Aren’t you tired of hearing that?” Moriarty says they don’t have this problem. Six on two is like three on one, but you saw how easy it was for them to win last week’s Fatal 4, right? So why doesn’t Johnson get with the baddest fight team in ROH, and show your true potential just like Moriarty did. Or Johnson  can keep losing and hold onto these moral victories. It’s up to him.

Shane & Moriarty leave, but what will Big Shotty’s decision be?


AAA Latin American Championship Match: QT Marshall VS Daga!

Though he’s been away from AEW and QTV, God’s Gift to Wrestling has made a name for himself in Mexico. But now, returning to the USA with this belt, will QT still be a star? Or will El Jefe be El Campeon once again?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is the face of Latin America!

But wait, QT gets the mic. He has the music cut, and he says, “Don’t listen to these idiots. QT Marshall, Latin American Champ, good to meet you. Mucho gusto.” Daga is amused, and QT says “Daga” is dagger. But here’s what it doesn’t mean: champion. And it sure doesn’t mean “the greatest luchador of all time.” And QT knows he isn’t the best at Spanish, but when he goes to AAA shows in arenas all over Mexico, they chant “CULERO! CULERO!” Yeah, that’s good, right? He just doesn’t know what it means, so maybe Daga can help him. Please translate so he knows what his fans are trying to tell him.

Daga takes the mic and fans chant it now, “CULERO!” Well, see, what everyone is saying, and Daga agrees with it, QT is an a-hole. Then Daga ROCKS QT with a right! The bell rings and the match is on! Daga fires off on QT, then whips him to ropes. QT stops to KICK Daga, then runs in, but Daga spins him and ROLLING LARIATS! Fans fire up as QT sits up in a daze. Daga drags QT up, underhooks, and Canadian Racks but QT slips free! QT goes to a corner, Daga runs in but is put on the apron. Daga counter punches then GAMANGIRIS! Daga slingshots but QT DECKS him! Fans chant “CULERO! CULERO!” but QT scowls.

QT goes out to fetch Daga, and SMACKS him off railing! Fans boo, the ring count climbs, but QT CHOPS Daga against railing! QT puts Daga in, then slingshots to SENTON! QT does a pretty bad Latino Heat and that just gets fans to boo more. Cover, TWO! QT says to count “Uno Dos Tres!” but the ref says it was just dos. The fans keep chanting at QT as he drags Daga up. But Daga fires off hands! Daga runs, but into a DROPKICK! QT goes up a corner to smile and soak up all the heat. QT goes back for Daga, says he’s nothing but a loser. QT pie faces, says the fans don’t care about Daga, they only care about QT.

But Daga fires up and fans rally behind him. QT keeps pie facing Daga, so Daga ROCKS QT! And again! And again! Daga whips, QT reverses but Daga CLOBBERS him! And again! Daga keeps going, he shoots around, full nelson and pop-up to a GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans fire up as Daga runs in to SPLASH QT! Then another whip for a DROPKICK! QT wobbles into the suplex, BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! QT survives but fans rally harder for Daga. QT crawls away but Daga storms over. Daga drags QT up but QT HOTSHOTS Daga! QT springboards, but Daga dropkicks the legs! QT is stuck, Daga runs to DRAPING BACKSTABBER! Cover, TWO!!

QT survives the dagger to the back, and now Daga argues tres but it was dos! Fans fire up for Daga as he goes to the corner but QT anchors the legs. Daga drags QT up to CLUB him, but QT blocks the suplex! They fight, QT gets Daga up but Daga slips out. QT ELBOWS Daga, goes up and TORNADO DDTS!! Cover, feet on the ropes, TWO!!! Then the ref sees the feet! QT says no, that was tres! The ref says no, dos, and that this is QT’s warning. QT frowns, brings Daga up, and says this is the end! But Daga turns suplex to cradle! TWO!! QT escapes, swings, but Daga gets around to backslide! TWO!!! QT gets Daga, rolls him, but Daga kicks and sweeps to SUPERKICK!

Fans fire up with Daga and he gut wrenches! Deadlift to the DOCTOR BOMB!! Cover, TWO!!! QT survives and fans can’t believe it! But the fans rally for Daga as hard as they can as he goes to the corner. Daga climbs, QT stands, and Daga CROSS- DIAMOND CUTTER!! QT gets Daga, then suplexes for the DIRT SHEET DRIVER!! QT grins and brings Daga around, La Casita Magistrol! QT wins!

Winner: QT Marshall, by pinfall (still AAA Latin American Champion)

That last wasn’t even needed, but it was a message sent to lucha legend, Negro Casas! Negro Casas is now AAA, will he have something to say about QT’s reign?


Dalton Castle speaks.

“It demands so much of me. It says, ‘Give me more,’ and I give and I give until I give so much that I’m empty inside. But then I dig deeper and I give ’em more! I give the people exactly what they want because they believe in me. They believe. Nobody else here believes. I’m not on the posters, I’m not on the trucks, I don’t have any new merchandise! But the people, you believe in me. You chant my name when I walk out there, which is why I dig deep and I give you exactly what you demand, and that is a television program that you can sink your teeth into.” Castle finally runs out of breath, but will he never run out of fuel?


The Infantry VS Shane Taylor Promotions!

Two teams hungry for that top spot, hungry for the ROH World Tag Team Championships and everything after that, but still with a way’s to go now collide here in Salt Lake City! Will Captain Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo march up the ranks? Or will #TAIGASTYLE & Big Bad Shaney T run things?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the teams sort out, and Moriarty starts with Bravo. Bravo shouts, “HOORAH!” and the fans reply, “HOORAH!” Bravo and Moriarty tie up, Moriarty headlocks and hits a takeover. Moriarty mocks “HOORAH!” but Bravo headscissors. Moriarty kips free and the two tie up again. Moriarty trips Bravo, steps over the legs to cover, ONE! But Moriarty has a KIMURA! Bravo scrambles to the ROPEBREAK, and Moriarty lets off slowly, to cheap shot with an elbow! Moriarty rope-a-dopes on turbo speed, then circles with Bravo. Bravo gets around and spins Moriarty to ROCK him!

Bravo mocks Moriarty, wrenches an arm, then tags Dean. The Infantry double whip then double atomic drop! They then double hip toss, and DOUBLE FIST DROP! Fans rally, Shane runs in but the Infantry dodge! They block a kick, ENZIGURI then NECKBREAKER! Fans fire up again and Bravo salutes. Dean drags Moriarty up, but Moriarty wrenches, traps the arm, and TWEAKS it! Moriarty swings, but Dean dodges to CHOP! And CHOP! Dean brings Moriarty around to ROCK him with a forearm! Fans rally, Dean whips but Moriarty reverses to wrench and wristlock to whip. Dean uses that to ROCK Shane!

But Moriarty BOOTS Dean down! Fans boo but Moriarty tags Shane and Shane drags Dean up to short arm LARIAT! And then another short arm LARIAT! Shane short arm LARIATS again! Shane whips and runs in to clothesline in the corner! Dean wobbles, Shane reels him in to scoop and SLAM! Tag to Moriarty and he covers, TWO! Dean survives but Moriarty wrenches the arm, isolates it, and STOMPS the elbow! Tag back to Shane and he drags Dean up. Fans rally, Dean throws body shots, forearms and fans fire up! Dean kicks, Shane blocks to HEADBUTT! Dean wobbles, Shane reels him in, URENAGE!

Shane runs to SPLASH! Cover, TWO!! Dean survives but Shane tags Moriarty. Cover, ONE!! Moriarty clamps onto the KIMURA! Dean fights up, RAMS Moriarty into a corner, but Moriarty holds the arm! Dean RAMS Moriarty in again, then arm-drags free! Fans fire up, but Moriarty keeps Dean from Bravo! Moriarty RAMS him into a corner, runs in again, but Dean goes up and over! Hot tag to Bravo! Bad News & Tattoos dodges Moriarty to BLAST Shane! Then he DECKS Moriarty! And again! Bravo whips, Moriarty reverses but Bravo turns hip toss into BNT!! Moriarty flounders from the sidewinder DDT and fans fire up with Bravo!

Bravo has the fans shout “HOORAH!” Bravo runs in, Moriarty puts him on the apron, but Bravo HOTSHOTS! Bravo SUPERKICKS Shane, then slingshots in to COMPLETE SHOT!! Cover, TWO!! Moriarty survives but Bravo tags Dean. The Infantry get Moriarty up, time for BOOT- NO, Shane trips Bravo and SMACKS him off the apron! Moriarty wrenches an arm to ELBOW BREAKER! But Dean spins Moriarty to BUTTERFLY BACKBREAKER! Cover, SHANE BREAKS IT! Shane drags Moriarty over, tags himself in, but so does Bravo. Shane blocks Bravo’s kick, shoves him down, but Bravo rolls back.

Bravo dodges in the corner, Shane hits buckles! Bravo runs in, jukes and ROCKS Shane! The Carlie Crush hits once, Bravo wants to knock Shane out! But Shane URENAGES Bravo down, then DECKS Bravo!!! Cover, Shane Taylor Promotions wins!

Winners: Shane Taylor Promotions, by pinfall

Bravo called his shot, but THAT was a knockout! Will that right hand be exactly what brings Shane back to the top of the mountain?


Backstage interview with Billie Starkz.

Lexi is excited for her “Minion In Training Bestie” having a match tonight, and Billie is, too. But… Billie wants to talk about their previous training session. Lexi said Billie sucks?! Lexi defends that she just felt Billie could work on some things. Mercedes Martinez & Diamante walk in and they both confirm, Lexi said Billie sucks. Her cardio was horrible, that she’s not a good wrestler, that Lexi is the bestie, and that Billie isn’t even a real minion. Billie IS a real minion! So she’s proud of being called that? How long as she even been hanging with Athena? Because any second now, she’s gonna turn on you.

Mercedes says Athena is no good, because she’s known her for a long time. Athena’s turned her back on Mercedes lots of times. Billie says that’s her family Mercedes is talking about! Oh, really? Well who here has the “bestie” shirt? Lexi says they’re making one for her. Diamante then snatches Billie’s fanny pack! They steal the fanny pack! Lexi says to not let them get in her head, and good luck tonight. Billie thanks Lexi, and grumbles at the bullies. Will Billie prove that even a minion can be too much for an OG Badass?


Angelico VS Martin Casaus!

This match-up may look familiar from a certain underground wrestling promotion, but no, this is still ROH. That said, will the South African Stud be rolling into his title match with The Mad King? Or will this crazy moth get in the way?

The Code of Honor is upheld and the fans rally for Marty. Seems Salt Lake likes moths. Marty does Angelico’s dance, but Angelico shows him how to really Bernie Lean. Marty does his own dance moves, but Angelico shows off the string move! Marty no like! Marty kicks but Angelico blocks to JAB! Marty does like that. Angelico JABS, and JABS and JABS and JABS! Angelico whips, Marty reverses but jumps into an atomic drop! Marty seems to really like that… But then Angelico DECKS Marty! Marty wobbles around, Angelico whips him to ropes, but Marty reverses, only for Angelico to reverse.

Angelico drops but Marty STOMPS him! Marty laughs, brings Angelico up but Angelico stops the buckle bump to backhand, JAB and buckle bump! Marty says he loves it, let’s do that again. So Angelico JABS and bumps, JABS and bumps! Marty fires up, shoves Angelico, and says “This is how it’s done!” Marty rams his own head into the buckle again and again! Fans count all the way to nine, Marty really winds up, but Angelico rolls him up! TWO, and Marty shoves Angelico to then CLOBBER Angelico with a headbutt to the chest! Cover, TWO! Marty drags Angelico, Angelico swings, but into a full nelson SLAM! Cover, TWO!

Angelico survives but Marty has a wild look on his face. Marty stalks Angelico, hoists him up, NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Marty gets frustrated and he storms up in the corner. Angelico BOOTS Marty, but Marty comes back. Angelico BOOTS again, then runs to LARIAT! And LARIAT again! And again! Angelico dodges Marty to LEAPING LARIAT! Salt Lake is salty but Angelico sweeps to EDDY GORDO KICK! Angelico pushes Marty to a cover, TWO! The moth lives and fans rally up. Marty crawls, rises up, but Angelico slips under to grapevine and trip, to then hook the legs! NAVARRO DEATH ROLL!! Marty endures, but taps, Angelico wins!

Winner: Angelico, by submission

Angelico showed Eddie Kingston what he meant about being the best in technical style, but will he show Eddie in person next week?


Mercedes Martinez w/ Diamante VS Lady Frost!

The OG Badass and Cuban Diamond just got done talking down to Lexi & Billie backstage, but will Mercedes bully the Coolest Wrestler You Know? Or will she end up frostbitten instead?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the two circle. Fans rally, the two tie up, and Mercedes trips Frost to stomp her on the back! And she stomps her again! Mercedes stands Frost up just to UPPERCUT! Frost drops to her knees, but Mercedes stands her up to UPPERCUT again! Mercedes whips, Frost reverses but Mercedes ROCKS her! Mercedes scoops and back suplexes but Frost lands on her feet to roll Mercedes up! TWO, and Frost KNEES Mercedes! Frost throws knees, runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges then handsprings back, but Mercedes blocks to KICK Frost in the chest! Fans fire up and Mercedes CLUBS away on Frost’s chest!

Mercedes pushes Frost down, covers with a smile, ONE! Mercedes frowns now and drags Frost up to bump off buckles. Mercedes stomps Frost, the ref counts but Mercedes digs her boot in. The ref counts, Mercedes lets off, and then she just stomps and rains down forearms! The ref counts again, Mercedes lets off, and Diamante gets as cheap shot! Fans boo but Mercedes storms up. Frost pushes Mercedes, throws body shots, then fires forearms! Fans rally but Mercedes pokes Frost in the eyes! Mercedes scrapes Frost’s face off ropes! Mercedes throws forearms, goes corner to corner, but Frost BOOTS her down!

Frost runs, handsprings and SHOTGUNS Mercedes in the back! Mercedes ends up in a corner, Frost runs in but Mercedes sends her hard into buckles! Mercedes hauls Frost up to BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Mercedes covers again, TWO! Mercedes argues with the ref then drags Frost up again. Mercedes scoops but Frost slips free to kick! Mercedes ducks one but not the HEEL KICK! Frost runs, but Mercedes ROCKS her! And again! Frost UPPERCUTS back! Frost puts Mercedes in the corner to RAM into her, handspring back and RAM in again! Fans fire up for Frost and she runs in again, to GAMANGIRI!

Frost pushes Mercedes down, climbs up and fans fire up again. TORNILLO VADER! Cover, ROPEBREAK!! Mercedes survives by a literal foot but Frost drags her around to the drop zone. Frost goes back up, and to the very top this time! But Mercedes crawls away and Diamante distracts! The ref reprimands, Diamante hops down, but Mercedes CLUBS Frost! And again, and again! Mercedes drags Frost into the crucifix, for a RAZOR’S EDGE DOMINATOR FUSION!! Cover, Mercedes wins!

Winner: Mercedes Martinez, by pinfall

The bullies break the ice queen, these two might be the coldest wrestlers in ROH. But will Mercedes get the AEW Women’s World Championship back?


Mark Sterling and Josh Woods speak.

Smart Mark says he wanted to talk with The Technical Best in front of cameras because he’s excited. Woods has been running through opponents week after week, he’s on a roll. Next week, we have a great list of opponents, nothing’s been finalized yet but it’s looking good. So what Mark thought they’d do is raise it up a notch, and now Woods has a coach! This man has coached champions and the best in the business. It’s Pat Buck! Mark is sure this will be great stuff. Pat walks in, thanks Mark for this chance, and says it’ll be great working with them. Woods asks why he needs a coach. He’s forgotten more things than this man knows!

Woods is a national champion! A four-time All American! What is Pat gonna teach him? That’s the problem. Woods thinks he knows everything. If he did, he’d be champion already. Pat is insulted, he no longer wants to be Woods’ coach. So instead, Woods is going to face Pat! In Pure Rules! Woods wrestlers great but Pat’s a great wrestler. See you next week. Woods says that’s cute. Is this really what Woods needs, Mark? Mark’s plan fell apart faster than a house of cards, will Pat make Woods fold?


Leyla Hirsh VS Willow Nightingale!

After a great showing against Athena last week that resulted in her first loss in ROH, Leyla might be wondering if she’s still LEGIT. Will she redeem herself here tonight? Or will the Babe with the Power have too much power for even Leyla to bring down?

The Code of Honor is upheld, though reluctantly by Leyla. The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up and Leyla drop toeholds, but Willow stays up. Willow gets away and fans cheer as the two reset. They go again, Leyla waistlocks but Willow switches. Leyla switches, ankle picks then waistlocks but Willow fights around. Leyla wrenches an arm, wristlocks, but Willow scoops to SLAM! Fans fire up and Willow runs Leyla over! Willow runs, Leyla drops but Willow rolls. Things speed up and Willow hip tosses Leyla! Fans fire up and Willow puts Leyla in a corner to bump her off buckles. Willow ROCKS Leyla, then fires point-blank lariats!

Fans fire up and Willow brings Leyla around to suplex. Leyla slips out to have a SLEEPER! But Willow RAMS her into buckles! Willow snapmares Leyla, goes up the corner, but Leyla ROCKS Willow, then YANKS her down! Willow hits buckles on the way down and then the mat! Leyla pushes to a cover, TWO! Willow goes to ropes but Leyla kicks her! Leyla CHOKES Willow on the ropes, lets off, and then mocks Willow’s smile before she CLUBS Willow down. Leyla SLAMS Willow’s arm off the mat, then drops knees on it! Leyla pulls on the arm, and she makes Willow clap with her, before she drops another knee!

Fans rally but Leyla soaks up the heat. Leyla storms up but Willow throws body shots! Leyla ROCKS Willow back! Leyla runs, but Willow clinches to URE- NO, arm-drag! And SHOTGUN! Leyla covers, TWO! Leyla clamps onto the KIMURA! Willow endures, fights around, and fans rally up as Willow stands. Willow lifts Leyla but Leyla gets body scissors! Willow reaches out for ropes, but then powers out to SUPLEX Leyla away! Both women are down and the fans fire up! Leyla and Willow rise, Willow goes to a corner, and Leyla runs in. Willow dodges and Leyla hits buckles! Willow runs in to back body block, then clothesline!

Willow snapmares Leyla to then BOOT her down! Willow whips and SPINEBUSTERS! High stack, TWO! Leyla survives but Willow throws down headbutt after headbutt! Fans rally and Willow lets off to smile again. Willow drags Leyla up, fireman’s carries, but Leyla fights free to waistlock. Willow fights the lift, bucks the O’Conner, but Leyla gets around to waistlock and GERMAN SUPLEX! Willow stands, into a LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Willow survives and Leyla is frustrated, but then Leyla steps on Willow. Leyla goes up a corner, but Willow CLUBS her first! Willow brings Leyla off the corner, but Leyla slips free!

Leyla CLUBS Willow, runs, but into an URENAGE! Cover, TWO!! Fans rally while Leyla flounders to a corner. Willow runs in to CANNONBALL but only into buckles! Leyla gets up to jump, only for Willow to BOOT! And then POUUUNCE~! PERIOD! The fans fire up as the straps come down and Willow roars! Willow hauls Leyla up, reels her in, gut wrench and BABE WITH THE POWER BOMB!! Cover, Willow wins!

Winner: Willow Nightingale, by pinfall

And that’s Leyla’s second lose in ROH! So she CLOBBERS Willow! Leyla’s a LEGIT sore loser! She throws down shots on Willow, stomps her, but here comes Skye Blue! Skye is Willow’s friend, she won’t let this bullying happen! But then Leyla just TACKLES Skye! But Skye turns it around to rain down furious fists! Fans fire up as Skye then SUPERKICKS Leyla! Leyla bails out, will she have to find some back-up to get back up? Will that back-up be Maria Kanellis?


Gringo Loco VS Action Andretti!

The Crazy White Boy and the Sight to See are certainly among the top young fliers today, but this could truly be a fast and furious match-up. Who flies highest here in Salt Lake?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and fans rally up. Action and Gringo tie up, Gringo wrenches and wristlocks, but Action spins and flips and wrenches back. Action hammerlocks, Gringo switches it, but Action puts Gringo on ropes. Action then jumps to flying-mare, and things speed up. Action handsprings over the dropdown to then arm-drag! Action has an armlock, Gringo fights up, but Action wrenches and whips. Gringo goes up and over and handsprings away! Fans cheer and Gringo grins. Action and Gringo speed up, Gringo handsprings again, but then Action handsprings, too!

The two rush in, Action trips Gringo to cover, ONE! Gringo covers, ONE as Action goes Matrix! Action then floats all around, hooks an arm and pushes to a ghost pin, TWO! Gringo runs up but into an arm-drag! Fans rally, Gringo fights up, but Action whips. Gringo reverses, Action elbows back, then goes up and jumps onto Gringo’s shoulders, SPINNING RANA! But Gringo handsprings through! Fans fire up, Gringo dodges, Action dodges, and both men stop as they show haymaker. Fans fire up for the exchange while the two reset. Action offers another handshake, and Gringo takes it, to then CHOP Action down!

Fans are torn but Gringo soaks up the cheers and jeers. Gringo stomps Action to a corner, soaks up more cheering, then he brings Action up. Gringo whips but Action kicks him back! Action runs but Gringo pops him up to a FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Action survives but Gringo keeps his cool. Gringo gets Action’s legs, ties them up, and he hooks an arm to photo op. Then Gringo CLAWS Action’s ribs! The ref reprimands but Gringo lets off. Action CHOPS! And throws body shots! And forearms! Gringo knees low, whips, but Action reverses. Action then spins Gringo but Gringo pokes eyes!

The ref reprimands but Gringo hits a GABLE GRIP SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Action survives being flipped by Gringo, and Gringo brings Action up. Gringo says he’s gonna end this but Action fires off forearms! Action runs, to CLOBBER Gringo! And again! Action whips, Gringo reverses but Action turns pop-up into DROPKICK! Action kips up and fans fire up! Action dodges Gringo, gives back the eye poke, and then runs in to clothesline Gringo up and out! Action slingshots and ASAI MOONSAULTS! Direct hit and down goes Gringo! Action hauls Gringo up and into the ring, then aims to springboard and 450!

Gringo moves, Action bails out, Gringo runs in but into a SPANISH FLY! Cover, TWO!! Gringo survives and Action grows frustrated. Fans rally as Action stalks Gringo to a corner. Action climbs up and rains down fists! The fans count to four but Gringo shoves Action down! Gringo goes up, springboards and FLYING CUTTERS! Direct hit and cover, TWO!! Fans lose their minds and fire up again as Gringo rises. Gringo drags Action to a drop zone, says he’s gonna kill Action, and then goes up. Fans fire up but Action kips up! PELE! Action then runs to leap right up, and SUPER STEINER! Fans fire up for the SHOTGUN!

Gringo is down, Action goes up, SPLIT LEG MOONSAULT! Cover, Action wins!!

Winner: Action Andretti, by pinfall

That finishing sequence was definitely a sight to see! And best of all, Action and Gringo keep the Code of Honor. Action is flying at top speed, will he soon find himself heading for gold?


Backstage interview with Ethan Page.

Dasha is with All Ego and says he’s had a lot of success in ROH as of late. But now he faces ROH icon, Christopher Daniels. Ethan says he is very happy. Last week, he spoke to everyone and “demanded” competition. That is now given to him in the former ROH World Champion, the fallen Angel, Christopher Daniels. Ethan respects Daniels, he is one of the greatest to ever step foot in the ring. Ethan will give Daniels every ounce of respect he has earned by shaking his hand both before and after their match.

But last week, Ethan also told the locker room to pay close attention to Ethan, especially ROH World Champion, Eddie Kingston. If Eddie’s planning on watching the match tonight, Ethan plans on ending it with his hand raised and finally getting five wins in a row. Ethan will give Daniels the utmost respect, but will be damned if he loses. So good luck, and may the best man win.


Billie Starkz w/ Athena VS Rachelle Riveter!

The Minion is again having Coach Athena all on her case with the whistle and the orders, but Billie is still her upbeat and energetic self. Will Billie be able to use the best of both worlds to get this win? Or will the Fallen Goddess have to step in again?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings and the two circle. The fans rally, the two tie up, and they go around. Billie puts Rachelle in the corner, lets off as the ref counts, and cheers her self a la Athena. Fans cheer but Rachelle BOOTS Billie down! Rachelle runs in, Billie goes up and over and ELBOWS, KNEES and LARIATS! Fans fire up as Billie flexes again. Athena says that’s good but stay on Rachelle. Billie reels Rachelle in but Rachelle fights out. Billie blocks the kick to KNEE! And then the underhooks, lift, and STAR 10!! CROSSFACE! Rachelle taps, Billie wins!

Winner: Billie Starkz, by submission

Athena is proud as her Minion is learning to do it her way! She still does it all better, but it’s a start. Billie wants a high five but only gets blows of the whistle. Wait, Mercedes & Diamante attack at the ramp! They beat down Billie, and then Diamante hits a DDT to the stage!! Mercedes says, “This is your friend?! This is your trainer?!” Diamante DECKS Billie! Fans boo as these bullies leave the champion and her sidekick down and out! Is it only a matter of time before Mercedes comes for that Women’s World title?


Kip Sabian w/ Penelope Ford VS Anthony Henry w/ JD Drake!

This episode just got Superbad! Kip is back after five years away, will he start a journey towards the top of ROH? Or will the Saint of Augusta prove he can even put in the work as a singles guy?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the two circle. Henry stays low, using his leg guard, but Kip stays away. They feel things out, knuckle lock, and go shoulder to shoulder. Kip kicks an arm, wrangles Henry with the other and has a top wristlock cover, TWO! So Kip isolates the arm to STOMP it! But Henry comes back to tie up, and then monkey flips! Henry rolls back, Kip jumps up to monkey flip! Double cover, ONE as each man gets an arm up! Another double cover, ONE as they get the other arms up! Double cover, DOUBLE BRIDGE! Fans fire up as Kip and Henry talk trash while upside-down!

The two stand, fight for control, and Henry pops Kip down into an ARMBAR! Kip scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Penelope cheers, as do the fans, and Henry lets off slowly. Kip stays by ropes, Henry rushes in, but Kip puts him on the apron. Kip ROCKS Henry, then goes out to PENALTY KICK from the apron! Fans fire up for the ARABIAN PRESS but JD takes the hit! Kip hurries to ROCK Henry, whip, but Henry reverses! Kip hits railing hard! Fans fire up and Henry runs around the way, full lap before the SHOTGUN BOOT! Fans fire up and Henry puts Kip in the ring. Henry goes up top, to DOUBLE-

NO, Kip moves, and he SHOTGUNS Henry down! Fans fire up again and Kip runs corner to corner to CANNONBALL! Direct hit and fans fire up! Cover, TWO! Henry hangs tough but Kip drags him up. Kip cravats for a neck wrench and he snapmares to then step over an arm. Kip pulls the arm, bends the fingers and twists the wrist, but Henry shifts around. Henry kicks at legs but Kip kicks low. Kip snapmares to KICK Henry in the back! JD says that’s the biggest mistake Kip could make, and Henry CHOPS back! And CHOPS! Kip CHOPS, Henry CHOPS, repeat! Kip shoves, victory rolls, STOMP 182! Cover, TWO!

Penelope argues the count but it was a fair one. Kip frowns and he brings Henry up. Kip clamps onto an arm again, then hooks Henry’s head with a leg, not quite Koji Klutch. Henry fights around, reaches out, and ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Kip lets go at 4, and fans rally up. Penelope says Kip’s got this but Henry fires off fast hands! Henry whips, Kip reveres but Henry ducks ‘n’ dodges and GAMANGIRIS! Henry hurries to waistlock, but Kip grabs a rope! Henry KICKS that arm, then dropkicks the legs out! PENALTY KICK! Fans fire up with Henry and he drags Kip back up. Fisherman and suplex, but Kip slips free!

Kip half nelsons, Henry spins around to try again, AOI SHOUDO!! Cover, TWO!! Kip survives, JD and Henry each fire up, and Henry goes up the corner! Penelope distracts! Fans boo, the ref reprimands, but Henry hops down. Henry runs in, Kip trips him into buckles! Kip drags Henry into the torture rack, for DEATHLY HOLLOWS!! Cover, Kip wins!

Winner: Kip Sabian, by pinfall

A huge win for Superbad, and a hard fought one. How much harder will Kip have to fight if he wants to finally be  a champion?


Backstage interview with Griff Garrison.

Dasha is with the Ivy League MVP and says he’s had some “unfortunate” losses, and a rough couple of weeks. How is he planning on moving forward? Griff admits, it has been rough. He and Cole Karter aren’t on the same page, and if you saw Dynamite against Wardlow, well… Maybe he’s just not ready for singles competition yet. Maria and Karter walk in and they both saw that match with Wardlow. Karter, who is now wearing a “Hot Moms <3 Professional Wrestlers” shirt, says Griff should’ve just followed their lead. Griff says yeah, he can accept that, because he hasn’t been doing his best.

But uh, Karter was the one who lost the match. He was too busy looking at the hot mom over here. Maria appreciates the compliment, and to be honest, Griff should be worried. They both need to get on the same page, Griff & Karter both need to work together. She sees so much potential here, and they both have the same goal: winning championships. Isn’t that why we’re here? But she doesn’t have time for this, and they need to figure this out. Maria leaves and Karter tells Griff, “What do you not get, man?” Everywhere Maria has been, she has led people to success. They can do that! Maria is the greatest manager of all time!

Plus, on top of all that… Karter looks around before saying, “She is the hottest mom ever, and we get to look at her every-” Griff stops him there. Karter’s made that point abundantly clear. But Maria is right: Griff & Karter may not be alike, but they both want to be ROH World Tag Team Champions. And they can do that. So if Karter has Griff’s back, Griff has Karter’s. They shake and then head out, will they finally be top team Maria’s been looking for?


Ethan Page VS Christopher Daniels!

All Ego said his piece earlier on, and now the Fallen Angel will respond with actions! Will Ethan make it to 5-0 in ROH and get Eddie Kingston’s attention? Or will the former ROH World Champion turn that 5-15 record around?

The Code of Honor is upheld, as Ethan promised, and the bell rings. The two circle as the fans rally up. They tie up, Ethan puts Daniels in a corner, but lets off as the ref counts. Ethan shows that sportsmanship and respect he mentioned, and Daniels nods. The two go again, tie up, and Ethan headlocks. Daniels fights the hold but Ethan clamps it on tighter. Daniels keeps fighting, but Ethan holds on. Daniels chinbars, powers up, but can’t power out as Ethan holds on even tighter. Fans rally, Daniels brings Ethan to a knee and pops out the back to get a headlock of his own. Fans rally as Daniels grinds and grinds and grinds with his biceps.

But then Ethan powers up! Daniels fights to stay grounded, but Ethan powers out. Things speed up and Ethan CLOBBERS Daniels! Fans fire up and Ethan stalks Daniels to ropes. Ethan scoops to TOSS! Ethan drags Daniels up, suplexes high and lands hard! Daniels writhes and fans fire up while Ethan paces around. Ethan drags Daniels up, wrenches, and whips, but Daniels reverses. Ethan KICKS Daniels, runs, but Daniels ducks to RAM into Ethan! Daniels whips and RAMS Ethan again! Fans rally while Ethan sputters, and Daniels snapmares to then drop a BIG elbow! And another! And then he steps on Ethan!

Daniels mocks Ethan’s cheeky smile, then he brings Ethan up. Daniels puts Ethan in a corner, whips corner to corner hard, and Ethan hits buckles chest first! Daniels then runs in to KNEE Ethan down! Cover, TWO! Daniels is frustrated but he may’ve been a bit lax. Daniels clamps on a rear bearhug and he squeezes tight! Fans rally and Ethan endures. Daniels leans on Ethan, fans rally up, and Ethan throws body shots and elbows! Ethan is free and he ROCKS Daniels with a right! And another! Ethan whips, but Daniels catches Ethan to a COBRA TWIST! Daniels shouts “WRESTLING~!” and fans cheer.

Ethan throws elbows into Daniels’ leg, is free and he hip tosses Daniels away! Daniels is in the corner, Ethan runs in but only gets buckles again! Roll up, TWO! STO! Fans fire up as Daniels snarls and rises again. Daniels vows to end this, and he points to a corner! Fans fire up as Daniels brings Ethan up, but Ethan fights the urenage. So Daniels arm-drags, only for Ethan to come back with a BOOT! Fans fire up again as Ethan stands back up. Daniels drags himself up and Ethan throws hands! Haymaker after haymaker, then a whip. Daniels reverses but Ethan LEAPING LARIATS! And then a forearm in the corner!

Ethan keeps moving, Daniels dodges but Ethan scoops to a POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up, Ethan says he’s gonna end it, and he drags Daniels up. Daniels fights, trips, and jackknife bridges, TWO! Ethan sunset flips, TWO! Daniels cradles, TWO! Ethan ghost pins, TWO! Both men stand, Ethan run sin but Daniels dumps him out! Daniels says he’s smarter than that, but Ethan RAMS into him! And step in, but Daniels catches Ethan toa backslide! TWO, but Daniels knees low! Daniels underhooks but Ethan back drops free! Ethan runs in to SPLASH at the corner! And then Canadian Rack, EGO’S EDGE!! Cover, Ethan wins!

Winner: Ethan Page, by pinfall

And that’s five! But then Mark Sterling has to ruin the celebration! Sterling has Tony Nese with him as he tells Ethan that he’s impressed. Ethan’s strung together a nice little win streak here in ROH, looks pretty good, so here’s Mark’s idea. Ethan is the perfect person to join the Premier Athlete Brand. It will be difficult, and Ethan cannot quit like he has everything else, from his vlog, to his various tag team partners, to his part in American Top Team. But if Ethan sticks with them, they can take him to the next level.

Ethan gets a mic to say hold on. What they’re offering is to get ahead? Guaranteed? Yes! Ethan asks Salt Lake what they’d think and they say “NO!” Wait, hold on, do they think he should join that Premier Athlete Brand? “NOOO~!” Well, alright. Ethan hasn’t been a man of the people very long, but he understands them. That is a hard FREAKIN’ NO, ya d-bags! Nese tells Ethan no, his answer is irrelevant! Because what makes Mark think Nese wants to partner with “this soft, disgusting body,” huh? What makes Mark think Ethan deserves to stand next to Nese? Hell, Ethan doesn’t deserve to stand in that ring!

Ethan should be in the crowd with the fat disgusting trash of Salt Lake City! In fact, Ethan should be out there every single week participating in Nese’s Group Training! Ohhh~ the offer’s changed! They’ve upped the ante. Now Ethan doesn’t have a manager, he has a personal trainer! And hold on, to address something real quick, sitting in this crowd with these fans sounds like a better way to spend his time than talking to a-holes like Nese! Fans cheer that! But listen, Ethan and the fans know that personal training costs a lot of money. So let’s have a “one on one session” in this ring!

And since Nese is just a meathead, Ethan will spell it out for him so he can understand 1+1=2. Ethan VS Nese, in a match, on ROH TV next week! Nese says deal! Sterling’s second idea blows up in his face, will the All Ego streak continue to six? But then Ethan has everyone hold on. He may be new to ROH, but he knows this tradition goes back to before he ever laced up a pair of boots. They shake hands for the Code of Honor, but Ethan says no, he still has the mic, he dictates how this goes. Give it up for one of the greatest to ever do it, Christopher FREAKIN’ Daniels! The fans cheer Christopher Daniels and Ethan raises Daniels’ hand.


Darius Martin VS Scorpio Sky!

Air Wolf is in singles action again, ready to keep pace with his teammate, Action Andretti. But The Closer has just gotten some momentum going and he isn’t going to let it stop now! These two are high fliers of the highest caliber, but who will get highest of all in the main event?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings and fans rally as the two circle. They tie up, go around, and Darius wrenches an arm to a wristlock. Scorpio rolls, rolls and spins to then wrangle Darius with a top wristlock. Darius rolls back, slips around, waistlocks, headlocks and hits the takeover. Scorpio headscissors but Darius kips free. Roles reverse as Scorpio hits a headlock takeover, but then he denies the headscissors. Darius rolls to a cover, TWO! Darius pops out of the headlock to hook Scorpio and turn him over, lateral press, ONE! Scorpio runs in but escapes a takedown, only for Darius to arm-drag!

Fans cheer the exchange, and Scorpio fights up. Scorpio whips Darius away, hurdles, then drops to trip and has a toehold! Darius fights free but Scorpio KICKS Darius down! Scorpio scrapes his soles off Darius’ face, and fans are a bit torn. Scorpio storms up on Darius, ROCKS him in the corner with forearms and knees, then he hits a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Darius shakes out his arms and the fans rally up. Scorpio drags Darius up, scoops him, and storms around for a BACKBREAKER! Darius writhes and Scorpio glares at him. Fans want more of that but Scorpio stomps Darius to the corner.

Scorpio digs a knee in, lets off as the ref counts, and he then drags Darius up. Scorpio RAMS Darius into buckles, then snapmares to a neck wrench. Darius endures, fights up, and he throws elbows and body shots! But Scorpio kick slow, runs, and KNEE LIFTS! But Darius comes back to DROPKICK! Both men are down and fans rally up. Scorpio hobbles up but Darius fires off haymaker after haymaker! Darius whips, Scorpio reverses, but leaps into an atomic drop! Darius runs to HOTSHOT BULLDOG, then GAMANGIRI! Then step in COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, TWO! Scorpio hangs tough but Darius drags him up.

Darius suplexes but Scorpio blocks. Scorpio fights that, waistlocks, but Darius switches. Scorpio elbows free, runs, but Darius dodges to SNAP GERMAN! Darius runs, but into a SKY HIGH! Cover, TWO!! Darius survives but Scorpio doesn’t lose focus. Scorpio drags Darius up, whips him to a corner, but Darius reverses. Darius runs in but Scorpio BOOTS! Scorpio fireman’s carries but Darius holds ropes. Scorpoi upts Darius on the apron but Darius GAMANGIRIS! Scorpio is down, Darius goes up, FROG SPLASH onto knees! Fireman’s carry and T K O!! Cover, Scorpio wins!

Winner: Scorpio Sky, by pinfall

A strong match to finish the night, and leave it to The Closer to come out on top! Scorpio shows Darius respect with the Code of Honor, will both men look to Reach for the Sky?

My Thoughts:

Another good ROH, but it was another two hours when it didn’t have to be, and I’m starting to think I need to treat ROH like I do most NJPW events: only covering title matches and the most obvious of important story matches. Especially when ROH itself doesn’t know how to organize their own card. No offense to Scorpio and Darius, but while their match was good, it wasn’t main event material. For me, it should’ve been the match right before it where Ethan and Daniels give a great match, and it has Ethan and Nese set up a match for next week while also Ethan praising Daniels. I would’ve at least swapped those two.

Kip VS Henry was outta nowhere and filler, as was Gringo VS Henry, but still good stuff. Mercedes beating Lady Frost was also kinda filler, but given the story building between her, Diamante, Billie and Athena, the match should’ve happened before the promo that then foreshadowed the Heels attacking Athena & Billie after Billie’s match. At least Billie won her match on her own this week. And I liked that Billie confronted Lexi on what she said during the “training.” At the same time, this implies that Athena might watch back this episode and be upset Billie saved Mazzerati from Athena’s wrath.

Honestly, all the important, story based matches were the first half. Good Proving Ground matches, and I was a little disappointed Serpentico didn’t get to the time limit. But I like that they set up Angelico VS Eddie for the title next week. And I really like that we got Lucha Underground in ROH with Angelico VS Marty. Eddie will of course retain against Angelico but it will be a great match that I of course will cover regardless of the rest of the show. Good win for Shane Taylor Promotions, good win for Gates of Agony, and great stuff for the AAA Latin American Championship. I kinda wish QT VS Daga was saved for something on TV but oh well.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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