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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (10/2/23)

Rev up your engines!



Get ready to pull into the Fastlane!

Fastlane is this Saturday, so Raw is tuning things up! But will Seth Rollins be in any shape to take on Shinsuke Nakamura in their Last Man Standing match? Or will the King of Strong Style have an ace up his sleeve?


  • Nia Jax VS Shayna Baszler; No Contest?
  • Jey Uso VS Damian Priest w/ The Judgment Day; No Contest?
  • The Alpha Academy w/ Maxxine Dupri VS Imperium; Imperium wins.
  • NXT Women’s Championship: Becky Lynch VS Tegan Nox; Postponed.
  • Bronson Reed VS Cedric Alexander; Reed wins.
  • Xavier Woods w/ Kofi Kingston VS Ivar w/ Sarah Logan; Woods wins.
  • Tegan Nox VS Chelsea Green w/ Piper Niven; Tegan wins.
  • Drew McIntyre VS The Miz; McIntyre wins.
  • WWE Intercontinental Championship: GUNTHER w/ Imperium VS Tommaso Ciampa; Gunther wins and retains the title.


Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler are brawling!

They were supposed to open with their match but neither wanted to wait! Nia throws Shayna down the ramp, then RAMS her into the apron! Nia puts Shayna in the ring, the refs want them to stop, but Shayna fires off on Nia! Shayna jumps on with a SLEEPER! The fans fire up but Nia flails and RAMS Shayna into a corner! And again, and again, and again! Fans boo but Nia roars! But wait! Here comes RAQUEL RODRIGUEZ! Big Mami Cool is coming after the Irresistible Force and she fires off hands! Nia shoves back, Raque BOOTS but hits Shayna by accident! Nia CLOBBERS Raquel, but wait! RHEA RIPLEY is here!

Fans fire up as The Eradicator TACKLES the Annihilator! Fans are thunderous, they’re all scrapping now because none of them like each other! Fans fire up, security rushes in to stop this, but fans want to “LET THEM FIGHT! LET THEM FIGHT!” Rhea CLOBBERS security! RIPTIDE!! Fans love that! The Women’s World Champion shouts at all her challengers, and then Shayna chases Nia to the back! Producers rush out to try and stop this, but the fans are on Mami Rhea’s side! Rhea then gets a mic to shout, “Mami’s back on Monday Night Raw!” San Jose cheers and Rhea says she ain’t done yet! She’s staying here to handle business!

Rhea tells the rest of Judgment Day to get out here so they can talk. Mami will have to wait a minute, but does this mean she saw No Mercy on Saturday…? Dominik Mysterio sulks his way out, wearing Rhea’s title, and Damian Priest is with him. They enter the ring, but where is Finn Balor? Guess we’ll hear everyone out, after the break.

Raw returns and Rhea tells the fans to show respect to Damian and Dom! Fans boo instead. Rhea says now that she got all that off her chest, she has Judgment Day business to attend. We all know that there is no leader in the Judgment Day, right? Right? Right. But they each have their own responsibilities to handle. And someone has to come up with a game plan so things don’t go downhill. Right, Dom? R-Right… So what happened? Mami got taken out by Nia Jax and things start falling apart! Because Mami is the one that makes the plans. But in the end, her being out, she left that responsibility to someone and they disappointed her.

Mami left that responsibility… to Priest. Fans are a little stunned. Rhea was gone, and Priest couldn’t handle the job. After the brawl last week, Finn is out injured, and Priest isn’t even cleared to compete against Jey tonight! And what else? Huh? Dom loses his NXT North American Championship to Trick Williams at No Mercy! Fans cheer that, but she tells ’em to shut up! She puts it on Priest for not being there to help Dom like Rhea said to. And now there’s this Cody and Jey situation. They don’t fear the Judgment Day. And why? Because there’s tension! Because the Judgment Day isn’t a threat! And now they’re gonna try and take those tag titles away!

What is Priest gonna do about it? Nothing? Priest says with all due respect, she is not saying anything he doesn’t already know. Yeah, Cody and Jey are coming for these tag titles. But when push comes to shove, Priest will push harder. And with that said, SCREW Cody Rhodes! SCREW Main Event Jey Uso! And while we’re at it, all these talks about Judgment Day falling apart, screw that, too! But the way Priest sees it, he has his titles. And he has his MITB contract. He’s not pointing fingers or nothing, but… “Mami, where’s Dom Dom’s title?” Fans love Priest turning the tables! Rhea then looks over her shoulder at Dom, and Dom sulks again.

Fans chant “WHERE’S YOUR TITLE?” and Rhea asks Dom, she’s his Mami, right? So what does that make Dom? That makes him Papi. So tomorrow night, on NXT, Dom has a rematch with Trick. “You’re welcome.” Fans boo, but Rhea warns Dom that if he doesn’t come home with that title, then don’t bother coming home at all. Fans go wild hearing the ultimatum. But then here comes Jey! San Jose fires up and bounces along with the beat as Main Event Jey heads down to the ring. Jey then gets in the ring and he gets a mic for himself. Fans chant, “UCE! OH! UCE! OH!” and Jey smiles as he looks Judgment Day in the eye.

Jey says hey, first and foremost importantly, let’s welcome back Ms. Rhea Ripley. “We missed you. We all missed you.” But it looks like there’s a new Tribal Chief on Mondays, and she apparently has bigger balls than Roman Reigns ever did. Priest tells Jey that he is real tired of Jey opening his mouth. Priest tells Jey in Spanish that he’s gonna shut it, but then Dom steps up? Fans boo as Dom lifts the mic, and Dom says, “Damian… You’re not medically cleared to handle Judgment Day business. So I’m gonna take care of business, for Mami.” Dom wants Jey! Priest says that’s a great idea, go ahead.

Priest and Rhea argue but Priest says if Dom wants to be Papi, let him be Papi. Fans chant “WHOOP HIS ASS!” as Jey and Dom square off. Priest and Rhea drop back, and then Dom swings! Jey dodges to SUPERKICK Dom down! But then JD MCDONAGH attacks! The Irish Ace CLUBS away on Jey, helps Dom up, but Jey fires haymakers on McDonagh! But then Dom DECKS Jey! Dom & McDonagh stomp away on Jey, haul him up, and they mug Jey! Priest nods and steps back in, briefcase at the ready. But then here comes Cody! The American Nightmare rushes in, he fakes the Irish Ace out and Jey SUPERKICKS McDonagh down!

Cody kicks Dom to RHODES UPPERCUT! Priest just watches as Jey SUPERKICKS Dom into the CROSS RHODES! Cody and Jey stare Priest down, but Adam Pearce storms out. Enough chaos tonight! We resolve this at Fastlane as Cody & Jey take on Finn & Priest! And just so everyone understands, that match WILL BE for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships! Priest is furious, and Finn isn’t even here to be upset! How will the Punisher & Prince prepare for this high stakes match going into Indianapolis?


The Alpha Academy w/ Maxxine Dupri VS Imperium!

Chad Gable came oh so close and yet is still oh so far away from holding the Intercontinental Championship. But he and Otis won’t stop fighting to get to the top, will they SHOOOOOSH Ludwig Kaiser & Giovanni Vinci? Or will Gunther’s goons keep Gable down?

Raw returns and Imperium makes their entrance. The teams sort out and Ludwig starts against Gable. They tie up, are in a deadlock, and Ludwig powers Gable back. Ludwig swings, Gable dodges and arm-drags! Gable has the armlock, fans rally as Gable headlocks, but Ludwig powers up and chinbars free. Ludwig headlocks, Gable powers out but Ludwig runs him over! Ludwig dusts himself off while fans boo, but Ludwig clamps onto Gable’s arm. Gable endures, fans rally, and Gable fights up. Gable rolls, bridges, handsprings, and spins to headlock, spin, drop toehold and armlock! Fans cheer but Ludwig fights up.

Ludwig throws Gable down by his hair, then PENALTY KICKS Gable down! Fans boo but Ludwig tells Vinci to handle this. Tag and Vinci runs up to stomp a mudhole! Vinci CHOPS, UPPERCUTS, and then headlocks Gable to grind him down. Gable endures, fights up, powers out, and things speed up. Gable goes up to “A THANK YEW~” headscissor! Vinci staggers around but he fights the waistlock. Vinci shoves Gable, Gable rolls and has the leg, ANKLE LOCK! Vinci has had leg problems before, he rolls but that sends Gable into Ludwig! Ludwig goes down, Vinci back suplexes but Gable lands on his feet!

Gable clinches to EXPLODER! Fans fire up with Gable, “A THANK YEW~!” Gable goes up but Ludwig drags Vinci out of the ring. Ludwig gets mad at Vinci, but then Otis gives Gable a boost to FLY! Direct hit on Vinci! Ludwig is fuming but the fans are loving this as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Ludwig CLUBS Gable down. Gable CHOPS in return! Ludwig is stinging, but Gable CHOPS him again! Ludwig runs to UPPERCUT! Gable flops out of the ring, Ludwig keeps the ref busy and Vinci goes to get Gable. APRON BACK SUPLEX! Otis protests but Ludwig WRECKS Gable with a dropkick! Gable falls to the floor, Imperium looms over him, and then they cool off. The ref starts a ring count but Ludwig puts Gable in at 4 of 10. Ludwig drags Gable up to DECK him, but fans rally up. Vinci tags in, he stomps Gable, and then brings Gable up. Vinci UPPERCUTS Gable down, then UPPERCUTS him down again!

Gable flounders, gets upset, but Vinci UPPERCUTS into a backslide! TWO, and Vinci blocks a kick to short arm LARIAT! Fans boo but Ludwig tags in now. Vinci thought he was doing good but this is Ludwig wanting to get some credit. Ludwig blocks a boot, says “NEIN!” and he DECKS Gable! Cover, TWO! Ludwig keeps on Gable with a cobra clutch and he grinds Gable down. Fans rally, Gable fights up and throws hands, but Ludwig CLUBS him down! Ludwig whips, Gable reverses but Ludwig sunset flips, only for Gable to roll through! ANKLE LOCK! Ludwig BOOTS Gable away, but Gable BLASTS Vinci off the apron!

Ludwig swings, Gable gets under to GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans fire up as Gable crawls, and Ludwig sees he has no one to tag! Hot tag to Otis! Otis BLAST through the lariat, BLASTS through the uppercut, rolls under and DISCUS LARIATS! Fans fire up as Otis ELBOWS Vinci! Otis scoops Ludwig to OVERHEAD SUPLEX! Fans fire up as Otis SPLASHES Ludwig and down he goes! Fans fire up, but Vinci runs in! Otis catches the springboard, to POWERSLAM Vinci! Off comes the shirt! CATERPILLAR ELBOW! Ludwig goes to the apron but Otis puts him on the top rope! Otis then climbs, hauls Ludwig up, but Vinci trips Otis! Ludwig falls on Otis in a CROSSBODY!

But then Gable CANONBALLS Vinci! Ludwig ENZIGURIS Otis! Cover, Imperium wins!!

Winners: Imperium, by pinfall

Vinci did his job, and he wants Ludwig to know that. Ludwig nods, but this is just night one. Will the Pride of Italy still do his job for the glory of Der Ring General?


Becky Lynch posts a picture.

It is a rather nasty laceration on her arm, which happened during the course of her Extreme Rules match with Tiffany Stratton on Saturday. She types, “The Man brought Tiffany to the main event but she brought it to The Man. Respect.” Becky got ELEVEN stitches to close that wound up, but sadly that means her match with Tegan Nox will be postponed.

Adam Pearce talks with Tegan.

He apologizes about the NXT Women’s Championship match being postponed, and she understands. But then Chelsea Green walks in and says she has an amazing idea! Pearce says they’re in the middle of a conversation. With who? Her? Aw, she heard about Becky and is complaining? Honestly, the audacity of people. Chelsea just cannot. Tegan, you need to suck it up. If she were Tegan, Chelsea would be happy. She would almost want it cancelled so that she wouldn’t lose to Becky. Tegan is good, but some people just aren’t championship material.

Now, back to Chelsea’s idea! Tegan has an idea of her own now, actually. Now that her schedule is wide open, Tegan wants a match with… this. They can find out who really is championship material. Pearce says that’s a great idea! That idea is official! Chelsea is going to talk to management. She storms out but uh, Pearce is management. Will Chelsea just have to complain to everyone else after she loses to the Girl with the Shiniest Wizard?


Bronson Reed VS Cedric Alexander!

Auszilla is rolling after his literally massive win over Otis, but he isn’t stopping yet! Will this Tsunami take him all the way to a title match? Or can PRIMED Alexander survive?

The bell rings and Cedric runs in to fire off on Reed! Reed shoves Cedric, Cedric comes back to fire off hands, but Reed HEADBUTTS him down! Reed runs in but only gets buckles! Cedric goes up and leaps to MISSILE DROPKICK! Reed tumbles out and fans rally for Cedric as he WRECKS Reed with another dropkick! Cedric runs and DIVES! Reed falls but gets up fast, so Cedric FLIES! Direct hit at the ramp and down goes Reed! Fans rally up and Cedric brings Reed up. Reed shoves Cedric away, then ELBOWS him! The ring count is climbing as both men get in the ring. Cedric triangle jumps but into a LARIAT!

Cedric crawls, Reed drags him up and whips, but Cedric ducks ‘n’ dodges and NEURALIZER! Cover, TWO! Cedric doesn’t stop, he goes up top! But Reed choke grips him! And trophy lifts him! Cedric slips free, dodges again, but Reed BODY CHECKS! And SENTONS! Reed drags Cedric to the drop zone and goes up. Fans fire up for the TSUNAMI! Cover, Reed wins!

Winner: Bronson Reed, by pinfall

Cedric was not war ready like Reed was tonight! Will nothing stop the Colossal Aussie from bulldozing towards a title?


Adam Pearce is on the phone.

Everything is lining up great for Fastlane. But uh, hold on, he’ll call back. Drew McIntyre is there and he tells Pearce he is not going to be on MizTV this week. McIntyre just did one last week because he felt the fans deserved to see him, but no, he’s out. Pearce says okay, he gets it. Miz wanted to give McIntyre an open forum, that’s why he requested it. Oh, Miz requested? Then absolutely not. McIntyre will still go out there to say what he has to say, but if Miz pokes his head out there, he will regret it. Pearce will send along the message. But um, Pearce hopes he isn’t overstepping, is McIntyre good? He just seems off.

Oh, is Pearce gonna come down on him for not doing the “right thing?” McIntyre doesn’t recall anyone doing “the right thing” when the Bloodline was beating McIntyre down. A fair point. But will the Scottish Warrior be able to get everything off his chest without someone interrupting?


Adam Pearce is in the ring.

He welcomes us to the contract signing for the Intercontinental Championship. Introducing first: the challenger, Tommaso Ciampa! The fans cheer as The Blackheart makes his entrance. Then the champion, Der Ring General, GUNTHER! The longest reigning Intercontinental Champion of all time smirks as he makes his way out to the ring. Pearce says they discussed the specifics, but we all know how this works: two signatures makes this match official. Ciampa takes a pen, opens the folder, and then looks at Gunther. Ciampa picks up a mic to says, “Hey. Yeah. What I’m setting out to do with you, that’s even beyond my own imagination.

“The morning I wake up to fight for that championship, the air is gonna taste different. The sun is gonna shine a little bit different. And there’s only two people in this world that’re gonna matter, and I’m one of ’em! You wanna know what the difference is between you and me? Ever since you came to the WWE, you’ve been served five course meals, opportunity after opportunity after opportunity. That doesn’t happen for guys like me! We’re served roadkill and we’re expected to turn it into filet! And when we do that, we do that enough times, then we get an opportunity. But that’s okay with me. I don’t need 100 chances. Boy, look at me when I’m talking to you!”

Gunther smirks as Ciampa says that when his music hits, when he fights for that Intercontinental Championship on next week’s Monday Night Raw, a title Ciampa has dreamed of holding since he was five years old, Ciampa will have his family ringside to watch him make history. But make no mistakes about it, Ciampa fights for him. Not for mom and dad, not for brother and sister, not for his wife or even his baby girl. No, next week, when that bell rings, Ciampa fights for that five year old boy who has dreamed about this moment his entire life as he wrestles with his entire heart! And in the end, he will be the NEW Intercontinental Champion!

Fans fire up and Ciampa signs his name. Then he shoves the contract at Gunther. Gunther takes the mic to say, “First of all, this is an official contract signing for the most important championship in this sport today, and you choose to show up like this? That tells me everything I need to know about you. But… You talk about your family, fighting for the right things, standing up for yourself. I respect that. Very noble motives. I fight for what’s near and dear for myself. You know what’s near and dear to me?” Fans ask “WHAT?” Gunther says this title is what means the most to him! Gunther IS the greatest and longest reigning Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion of all time!

Fans are torn and Ciampa sarcastically applauds. Gunther tells Ciampa to take a good look. Ciampa says Gunther seems so damn confident for someone whose entire world will crumble when Ciampa takes his most prized possession. Now sign the damn contract! Gunther tells Ciampa that Ciampa will never, ever interrupt Gunther again. Ciampa asks if he means like this. Gunther says once he is done with Ciampa, Ciampa can go home, hug his family real tight, and keep on dreaming. Because this is the closest Ciampa will ever get to this great championship! Well, if he’s so damn confident yet he hasn’t signed the contract, there’s still time.

They’re both standing here, Pearce is here, maybe they can change some words in this contract. In fact, there are cameras and people all around here in San Jose that would love to see history made tonight! They don’t need to wait until next week or even Fastlane! Ciampa would love to make Gunther tap out TONIGHT!! Fans love that idea! Gunther scowls, but then says, “Mr. Pearce, I think he should prove it.” Gunther signs his name, but does that mean what we think it means? Well then, it is official! This match takes place TONIGHT!! Fans are loving that, but then Gunther SLAPS Ciampa! Ciampa brushes that off, to LEAP onto Gunther!

Fans fire up as the brawl is on! Gunther TOSSES Ciampa over the table, then TOSSES the table! But Ciampa CHUCKS a chair at Gunther! And gets Gunther down, SICILIAN STRETCH!! Gunther flails, gets free, and is furious! But the match is tonight’s new main event, will the Psycho Killer take Gunther’s “Goldie” from him?


The Judgment Day regroups.

Priest says it’s that kind of night. He cannot wrap his brain around this! He can’t beat anybody up tonight, but they have to put up the Undisputed Tag Titles on the line at Fastlane?! He just doesn’t understand Pearce! McDonagh wants him to calm down but Priest asks why McDonagh’s even talking! Rhea has them both calm down and McDonagh has a point. They don’t want Cody, Jey, Sami or Kevin on the same page. Remember what it took for Sami & Kevin to be champions? Kevin already doesn’t like Jey, so how do you think he’s gonna feel about Jey going for the tag titles? This might be the very thing the Judgment Day can use to divide them.

And then, Judgment Day can divide and conquer. Rhea and McDonagh are in agreement, but Priest says he’ll think it over. Not a bad idea, though. Priest walks away, and McDonagh breathes a little easier. Will Senor MITB learn to finally accept the Irish Ace?


Xavier Woods w/ Kofi Kingston VS Ivar w/ Sarah Logan!

The New Day were busy with Drew McIntyre, and that allowed the War Beard to attack outta nowhere! Will Woods be better prepared now that this battle is head on? Or will the raid still run through them?

Raw returns and Kofi has joined commentary while the Viking Raiders make their entrance. The bell rings and Woods SHOTGUNS Ivar! Woods fires off hands and CHOPS, but Ivar shoves him away. Woods KNEES Ivar, CHOPS and ROCKS him again, then whips. Ivar reverses, Woods goes up an dover but Ivar hits the SEATED SENTON! Fans boo but Ivar soaks up the heat. Ivar storms up on Woods, whips him to ropes, but Woods reverses. Ivar reverses back to clinch and EXPLODER! Woods flounders, Ivar runs in at the corner, BRONCO BUSTER! Ivar drags Woods to a cover, TWO! Ivar frowns but he drags Woods up.

Ivar CLUBS Woods, CLUBS him some more, but Woods gets away. Fans rally but Ivar TOSSES Woods to a corner. Woods BOOTS him, HONOR ROLL, but Ivar dodges to back suplex! Woods lands on his feet, but he tries to fireman’s carry!? Ivar is too big for that, and he CLUBS Woods again. Ivar whips Woods to ropes, but Woods ducks ‘n’ dodges and slides to SUPERKICK! Woods runs in to clothesline Ivar up and out! Fans fire up with Woods and he builds speed, to WRECK- NO, Ivar catches Woods to RAM him into the apron! Ivar then runs to SPLASH but only gets apron! Fans fire up and Kofi says here goes!

Woods tightrope walks the barriers to DROPKICK! Kofi is fired up, as is San Jose, as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Woods fires CHOPS and haymakers! Ivar kicks low, reels him in to underhook, but Woods fights free of the bomb to kick, KICK and then duck to mule kick, kick and ROLLING ELBOW! Ivar wobbles, and Woods fireman’s carries?!? He actually does it!! Fans are thunderous as Woods hits a DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!! Cover, TWO!! Ivar survives but Kofi says Woods IS a powerhouse, do not doubt him! Ivar rolls, Woods storms up, only for Ivar to scoop and BACKBREAKER! And SLAM! Ivar goes to the corner, climbs up, and fans fire up again. But Woods CLUBS Ivar first! And again!

Woods turns around to bring Ivar off the corner for- NO, Woods collapses under Ivar’s weight! A bomb was one power move too far, and Ivar goes back up. VIKING SPLASH FLOPS as Woods moves! Woods Oklahoma Rolls, TWO!! Ivar is up, kicks low, and reels Woods in. POWER- NO, BACKWOODS CRADLE! Woods wins!!

Winner: Xavier Woods, by pinfall

Kofi and San Jose are all fired up, but Ivar CLOBBERS Woods! Fans boo the sore loser but Kofi storm sin! Ivar runs up but into a GAMANGIRI! Kofi goes up to FLYING AX HANDLE! But Ivar is up to HEEL KICK! HEEL KICK for Woods, too!! Fans boo but Ivar drags Kofi around. Ivar reels Kofi in, underhooks, and TIGER DRIVERS Kofi onto Woods! And then Ivar goes up the corner! Fans boo as Ivar VIKING MOONSAULTS!! A two-for-one on The New Day and fans lose their minds! If Ivar can do this on his own, how much more destructive will The Viking Raiders be when Erik is back to 100%?


Michael Cole is in the ring.

And he introduces the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, The Visionary, Seth Freakin’ Rollins! Fans sing “WHOA~ OHH~ OHHH~!” as Rollins makes his entrance. Rollins swaggers out in his brown ‘n’ white triangle plaid suit, and he gets the mic to say “SAN JOSE! Welcome to Monday Night Rollins!” And give it up for the Voice of WWE, the one and only Michael Cole! Fans cheer for Maggle, and Rollins welcomes him to the party. Then let’s get right to it. Cole has had the honor and privilege of calling most of Rollins’ WWE career, and they’ve known each other for a very long time.

Cole has even helped come up with those great nicknames: Architect; Visionary; and even Great Manipulator and Puppeteer. But this time, it seems like Rollins is the puppet. Whoa, whoa, whoa, Michael! C’mon! After that great intro, this is how Cole treats him? Like Cole said, they go back a long ways. What show has he been watching? Rollins has been asking Nakamura for this rematch for weeks, and finally, he gave it to Rollins! Cole asks Rollins what he’s doing. Rollins has accomplished everything, is a first ballot hall of famer for sure. Rollins has never been in a Last Man Standing match, so does he understand what’s about to happen?

This is one of the most brutal match types in wrestling. Everything and anything can be used as a weapon, with only one rule: you must beat your opponent down so badly, that they cannot answer a ten count. That could be Rollins! It has been well-documented that Rollins’ back is hanging on by a thread. He could be days away from his career ending! His livelihood going away! So why the hell is Rollins doing this? The sunglasses come off so Rollins can be serious. The fans sing his song, but Rollins says “Michael, I’m gonna be honest with you. I don’t really know how to put it into words, man. But let me ask you a question real quick.

“How many years have you been sitting at that commentary desk, Michael?” 26 years! Wow. And how many shows has he missed? Um, just two. JUST TWO in 26 YEARS! Rollins then says Cole gets it. He’s addicted to this. This is a compulsion! And most importantly, he loves this. That is what it is for Rollins in this ring. That is what it is for Rollins to be in front of the fans. Rollins needs this, he loves this. He has an honor and responsibility and a duty. This ring has given Rollins everything. It put a roof over his head, food on his table, and how he met his wife, Becky, and they have a beautiful baby girl.

And when you are World Heavyweight Champion, all that responsibility gets amplified. You have to be an even bigger example. You have to BE the change! And if that responsibility takes Rollins to Fastlane for one last ride, his back gives out and he can’t do it anymore, that doesn’t matter. What matters is that Rollins left it all in the ring! Fans cheer that! Rollins says he will have then fulfilled his responsibility and be an honorable man and honorable example to his daughter. So you want a reason why? It’s that. It isn’t words, it’s a feeling. And tell you what, it feels right. But then Shinsuke Nakamura speaks on the tron!

“Seth Rollins! I am tired of listening to your nonsense. No one believes you anymore. Did I plan this perfectly? Or did you? Is your back injury just a lie to get sympathy? We all know you’re a liar! You say nothing will keep you down. You want the world to feel sorry for you? Well you can thank me when I make that happen.” And then Nakamura appears from the crowd to CLOBBER Rollins!! Fans boo as Nakamura hits a BLINDSIDE KINSHASA!!! The King of Strong Style struts around as his tron persona counts. Rollins flounders about at 5 of 10, drags himself up with ropes at 8, so Nakamura JAMS him with a chair! And SMACKS him on the back!!

Rollins writhes, but Nakamura SMACKS him again! Nakamura struts around, then SMAKCS Rollins again and again and again!! Nakamura then uses the chair to take a seat while the count restarts. Rollins writhes and spasms from the pain, Nakamura’s count passing 5 of 10. Rollins pushes himself up at 8, but Nakamura stomps him back down! Nakamura KNEES Rollins in the gut, ROCKS him with a right, throws more knees, then scoops to FULL METAL BACKBREAKER!! Rollins writhes from hitting the seat of the chair! Nakamura aims again, KINSHASA!!! Nakamura picks up Rollins’ mic to count this for himself!  It’s a bit fast, but Nakamura gets to TEN!

Nakamura picks up the world title while fans boo. Will Rollins be able to rise up and get his revenge? Or is exactly how it’ll happen this Saturday at Fastlane?


Becky Lynch talks with Tegan backstage.

The Man wishes she could’ve put her NXT Women’s Championship on the line against Tegan tonight, but after wrecking her arm, she isn’t cleared to compete. Tegan wouldn’t be facing the best version of Becky anyway. But when Becky is cleared, Tegan better be ready for a fight. No worries there. But then Natty steps in Becky’s way. The Queen of Harts tells Tegan that she’s sorry. Losing this title opportunity, Natty knows what it is like to be disappointed. But they got off on the wrong foot. Natty has a different level of respect for Tegan after last week, and is genuinely proud of Tegan. Tegan will get her title opportunity against Becky again, and she will nail it.

So Natty wanted to get that off her chest. Tegan appreciates that. Natty heads out, but will the Welsh Firecracker keep making her proud? Or will she not be able to clean up the Hot Mess?

Tegan Nox VS Chelsea Green w/ Piper Niven!

Raw returns as Tegan makes her entrance. The bell rings and Tegan runs in, but Chelsea BOOTS her down! Chelsea says high five, and Piper gives her the high-five. But then Tegan rolls Chelsea up! TWO, and Chelsea CLUBS Tegan. Chelsea runs but into an UPPERCUT! Cover, TWO! Tegan runs up but Chelsea duck to roll her up! Tegan rolls through but Chelsea SLAPS her! Chelsea hooks the arms, but Tegan powers out to HEADBUTT! Both women wobble and Chelsea SUPERKICKS! Tegan falls out, Chelsea tells Piper to do something. Piper says no, Chelsea’s gotta do something. Chelsea runs, slide, but Tegan dodges!

Tegan runs into the ring, builds speed, but Chelsea gets on the apron. Tegan SLAPS Chelsea down! Piper catches Chelsea, stands her up, but Tegan CANNONBALLS Chelsea down! Fans rally and Tegan puts Chelsea in the ring. Tegan and Piper stare down, and then Piper distracts Tegan. But here comes Natty! Chelsea SLAPS Tegan, but Natty hurries to stop Piper! Chelsea is distracted, Tegan fires hands and GOURD BUSTERS Chelsea! Tegan hits a MOLLY-GO-ROUND! Then the SHINIEST WIZARD! Cover, Tegan wins!

Winner: Tegan Nox, by pinfall

The Queen of Harts gives Tegan the assist against the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions! Will this momentum help Tegan be more than ready for her shot at The Big Time?


Backstage interview with Jey Uso.

Byron Saxton asks Main Event Jey how he is feeling right now. Jey says he doesn’t really know. When Cody invited him to Raw, it was for a fresh start. When Jey was with Bloodline, Cody was the enemy. But then Judgment Day put them in the situation. Jey will throw hands with Judgment Day any time, any where. If it’s at Fastlane, good. If it’s for the tag titles, good. Main Event Jey & American Nightmare are good. Full speed ahead, y’all. YEET.


Drew McIntyre heads to the ring!

The Scottish Warrior is doing this on his own, no need for the Hollywood A-Lister and his “Must-See Talk Show.” What will McIntyre have to say about everything that’s been going on with him lately? We find out, after the break.

Raw returns and McIntyre asks San Jose, “Whaddya wanna talk about?” A shot at Cody there… But McIntyre says everyone wants an explanation, “What’s going on, Drew? Why’ve you changed? You’re not the same guy!” He doesn’t have to explain a damn thing to anybody! The only ones he answers to are his fans! The ones who have been with him since he was 22! The ups, the downs, the firings, the titles, all the way until right now. And the truth is… McIntyre is gonna stop being the savior, stop getting into fights he didn’t start. He’s been doing it for years, from his business to everyone else’s business. McIntyre is showing up, fighting at less than 100%, and he is done with it!

He knows everyone’s noticed that he isn’t stepping up to save the day, but neither are they, so they’re a bunch of hypocrites! Except Cody, but we covered him, right? he’s cleaning up his own mess, he has his ego, this is like the Codyverse or something! Cody just does what he wants, says what he wants, McIntyre is at a loss. But here’s the deal: forgiveness for Jey is weakness, not strength! And another thing! “AWESOME~!” The Miz is here… Did he not get the memo? Miz says this must make Miz really strong because he doesn’t forgive McIntyre for what he did last week! Or that he cancelled this week!

Miz gave McIntyre an open platform to talk about whatever he wanted, and McIntyre just sat there! So what did Miz do? Out of the kindness of his heart, Miz told McIntyre’s story, did a good job of it, and- “Shut up, Miz.” Miz was warned to NOT come out here. So bugger off and let McIntyre finish what he was saying. You gotta stand up for yourself cuz no one is gonna do it for you. And MIZ is standing up for McIntyre! Miz was the one looking out for McIntyre! What’d he do? He told him to shut up! Just like he did here! McIntyre had 10 THOUSAND people telling Miz to shut up! And he has just as many more saying it tonight.

Miz tells McIntyre, “Ya think you’re justified, don’t you?” All edgy, taking a stand. Then why not embrace who you really are, McIntyre? “Shut up, Miz.” Fans echo that again. But does Miz want McIntyre to be the bad guy? Attack Rollins and his bad back to take the title off him? Maybe screw Jey at Fastlane? No, that is not how McIntyre operates. He gets the wins, he earns the shots, but since Miz is here, maybe McIntyre can get another W. Let’s fight, unless those balls are still tiny. Fans chant “TINY BALLS!” Oh, they want to see Miz VS McIntyre here and now? “YES!” Well, they are not dressed for a match.

Miz is in a suit, McIntyre is in a skirt. And you don’t think Miz knows what this is? McIntyre is painting himself as the hero, pandering to the fans, wanting them to think maybe, just maybe, he feels bad for what he’s done. But in reality, McIntyre is self-absorbed. McIntyre is selfish! McIntyre is “Good Drew,” but if someone gets beaten down, he’ll be the real Drew. This isn’t the Batman of WWE, this is Two Face! He just picks a side that benefits himself! McIntyre suggests Miz actually shut up. Miz doesn’t shut up, he grows up, and when he looks at McIntyre, he throws up! BLEEEH~! McIntyre says Miz is an idiot. Miz says McIntyre isn’t worth his time.

Well then, guess what? Time’s up. Time to fight. Whoa whoa whoa whoa, wait a second! McIntyre throws everything off and has his tights ready! Mama Miz always taught him that the bigger man walks away from a fight. So instead of playing the hero, Miz will actually be the hero. Miz steps out of the ring, fans boo, and McIntyre shakes his head. But then Miz rushes in when McIntyre turns around! Miz cheap shots McIntyre out of the ring! But McIntyre is still on his feet. McIntyre runs in, Miz stomps, but McIntyre RAMPS Miz into a corner! And then fires off windmill haymakers! Refs rush in and Miz gets away! Is Miz gonna have to fight McIntyre after all?

Drew McIntyre VS The Miz!

Raw returns and yes! Miz does have to fight McIntyre, and he’s the only one not dressed to compete! The bell rings and Miz bails out! Fans boo but McIntyre storms out after Miz! They run around the way, Miz slides in and stomps away on McIntyre! The ref reprimands but McIntyre drags Miz in to RAM him into barriers! And into the apron! And barrier! And apron! Miz writhes and McIntyre fires up. The ring count climbs to 5 of 10 but McIntyre CHOPS Miz! McIntyre scoops but Miz slips free to POST McIntyre! Miz gets in the ring, he wants the count to finish this! McIntyre slides in at 4 of 10 but Miz stomps away on him!

Miz claws at McIntyre’s face, the ref counts, and Miz lets off. Miz stomps McIntyre while fans taunt his “TINY BALLS!” Miz runs in, but McIntyre catches him! Miz begs for mercy but McIntyre THROWS him overhead! And then clinches to OVERHEAD SUPLEX again! Miz staggers up, swings, but McIntyre dodges to NECKBREAKER! And kip up! Fans fire up and McIntyre is having fun now! McIntyre kicks low, underhooks, but Miz slips free. McIntyre ROCKS Miz, but Miz dumps McIntyre out! Miz KNEES McIntyre int he ropes, to hit a DRAPING CODE BREAKER! Miz then wants the ref to check McIntyre.

The ref checks, but this is all so Miz can untie a buckle pad! The ref catches that, reprimands Miz, and McIntyre stands to GLASGOW KISS HEADBUTT! Miz falls over, and McIntyre goes to the corner. Fans fire up and McIntyre starts the countdown! “THREE! TWO! ONE!” Miz barely gets up, though. McIntyre decides to bring out the REAL Claymore!! The ref says no, no swords! McIntyre says fine, and gives that over. Then McIntyre finishes untying the buckle pad?! And he SMACKS Miz off the steel!! And then FUTURE SHOCK!! Cover, McIntyre wins!

Winner: Drew McIntyre, by pinfall

McIntyre gives Miz a taste of his own medicine, even though he didn’t need to. McIntyre gets the mic and says he was doing some serious thinking. He’s not the man he was 30 seconds ago. He is sorry for what he did. And now that he’s said it, he is forgiven! YEAH! McIntyre moves on from The Miz, will he dominate all the way back to the top of WWE?


Backstage interview with Trick Williams.

Jackie Redmond is with the NEW NXT North American Champion, and she congratulates him on the win at No Mercy. But tomorrow, he defends this title in a rematch against Dominik Mysterio. Yes, and may he just say it is an honor to meet Jackie here on Monday Night Raw. Allow him to introduce himself to her and the WWE Universe. He is Trick Williams. He is 6’4″, 240 pounds of muscle, with gold in his ear, gold on his wrist, and most importantly gold around his waist. He is your NEW NXT North American Champion, believe it! And tomorrow, he defends his title against Dirty Dom.

But speaking of, Dom walks in with Rhea & McDonagh, and he tells Trick to keep his name out of his mouth. Trick says Dom sure is more confident now that he has his Mami with him. Dom says keep talking trash. Rhea says tomorrow, Trick won’t have to worry about just Dom, because he won’t be walking in alone. And Dom will be walking out with his North American Championship. So keep it clean for him. The Judgment Day heads out, but will Trick Willy be ready for whatever tricks Dirty Dom tries to play?


Raw returns and Jackie Redmond is on stage.

She welcomes out her guest, the American Nightmare, Cody Rhodes! San Jose fires up as Cody walks out on stage, “WHOA~ OH~!” Cody hugs the fans in the front row, and then stands with Jackie. Jackie says hi, and says that earlier tonight, it was announced that he and Jey Uso are going to face Finn Balor & Damian Priest for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships at Fastlane. Does Cody feel that maybe he was backed into this situation? Cody will be honest, he never anticipated or planned on tagging with Jey Uso. But the Judgment Day are the ones who backed themselves into this situation.

It is the Judgment Day that has backed themselves into this fight. Their hyena like fashion of running around Raw, and now they wanna be on SmackDown this Friday. Great, because guess what? Cody will be there, too. And he won’t be alone! Jey will be with him, and they will march into Fastlane, win the Undisputed Tag Team Championships, and come back for a very different Monday Night Raw. Cody thanks everyone for their time, then heads out. Will the American Nightmare & Main Event Jey take away the gold from Finn & Priest? Or will the Judgment Day have something up their proverbial sleeves?


The Alpha Academy regroups.

Otis is upset but Gable says he doesn’t need to apologize. Gable could never be disappointed in his number one guy. But what Gable is disappointed in is all the clowns they keep running into who gotta keep cheating just to win! But rest assured, Gable’s keeping track of ’em all in his big golden brain. They’ll get to them eventually. And as for Gunther, he peaked! Gable hasn’t begun to peak! When he peaks, everyone will know! All those idiots will pay for what they’ve done! SAVAGES! IDIOTS! SAVAGES!! Master Gable is all fired up, but will he burn out before he reaches his peak?


WWE Intercontinental Championship: GUNTHER w/ Imperium VS Tommaso Ciampa!

What was meant to be a battle for this title next week ended up a match for this week! The Blackheart didn’t want to wait another seven days, but will he be able to end Der Ring General’s reign at 479 days? Or will the historic reign only continue to grow?

Raw returns and Ciampa makes his entrance. The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if no one will survive!

The bell rings and the two circle. Fans rally up, Ciampa and Gunther approach, and Ciampa fires off fast hands! Gunther ends up in a corner, the ref counts, but Gunther turns things around to swing on Ciampa. Ciampa dodges to CHOP! They clinch, go along the ropes, and Ciampa wants an arm! Gunther resists the takedown, puts Ciampa on ropes, and the ref backs him off. Ciampa dodges another cheap shot to fire off haymakers! Gunther staggers, Ciampa clotheslines him against ropes! And again! But Gunther shoves, swings, but misses! Ciampa jumps but Gunther catches him to SLAM him down!

Gunther has the legs, turns Ciampa over, BOSTON CRAB! Fans fire up as Ciampa fights around, pries at the leg, and gets free. But Gunther stomps Ciampa! And KICKS him in the back! Ciampa bails out, Gunther follows, and Gunther scoops, only for Ciampa to slip free and POST Gunther! And then THESZ PRESS! Ciampa rains down fast hands, but Gunther pushes Ciampa away. Gunther gets in the ring, Ciampa pursues and goes for the arm! SICILIAN STRETCH!! Gunther scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Ciampa lets go and fans boo as Gunther bails out, but Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Gunther has Ciampa’s arm. Gunther grinds the shoulder but Ciampa fights up. Gunther CHOPS Ciampa down! Gunther drags Ciampa up, fans rally and duel, and Gunther eggs Ciampa on. Ciampa ROCKS Gunther! And ROCKS him again! And again! But Gunther scoops to SLAM Ciampa! Fans fire up while Gunther dusts himself off. Gunther looms over Ciampa, taunts him, and then brings him up. Gunther SLAPS Ciampa and Ciampa goes to ropes. Gunther CHOKES Ciampa on the ropes, but the ref counts. Gunther lets off, the fans duel, and Gunther wipes some sweat from his forehead.

Ciampa goes toa  corner, Gunther storms over, but Ciampa CHOPS! Gunther scoops to put Ciampa up top but Ciampa fights with fists! Ciampa LARIATS, but Gunther stays up! Ciampa swings again but Gunther gets around to SLEEPER! Gunther brings Ciampa down to the mat! Ciampa endures, pries the hold open, but Gunther changes his grip to an almost Bully Choke! Ciampa is turning red, he’s reaching out, but Gunther lets off to KNEE him in the side! Gunther headlocks but Ciampa fights up. The phones come out as fireflies but Gunther has the SLEEPER again! Ciampa endures, and JAWBREAKERS free!

Ciampa goes to ropes, Gunther runs in to BOOT him down! Cover, TWO! Gunther puts the SLEEPER back on! Ciampa endures all over again, pries at the hold again, and fans rally. Ciampa stands, but Gunther thrashes him around! Ciampa runs to a corner to RAM Gunther into buckles! Ciampa is free, he wrangles Gunther down, SICILIAN STRETCH!! Gunther endures and reaches out as fans fire up! Gunther moves around, but Ciampa HAMMERS fists into Gunther! SICILIAN STRETCH, but Gunther gets the ROPEBREAK! Ciampa lets go, and Gunther uses that to drag Ciampa out to CHOP!

Gunther RAMS Ciampa into the barriers, CHOPS him again, then hits an APRON BACK SUPLEX! Ciampa sputters and fans boo but Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Ciampa CHOPS! Gunther puts him in the corner to CHOP! Ciampa pushes Gunther to CHOP and CHOP and CHOP, but then Gunther CHOPS! And CHOPS! And scoops to put him up top, to CHOP! Ciampa hangs on upside-down, but then Gunther STANDS on Ciampa! The ref counts, Gunther lets off and Ciampa flops to the floor! Fans fire up while Ciampa crawls, and Gunther goes out after him. Gunther stands Ciampa up, talks trash, then CHOPS him against the barriers! The fans felt that one! Ciampa staggers around, goes to the desk, but Gunther stalks him. Gunther grins, runs up, but Ciampa dodges and the chop hits desk!

Fans fire up as Gunther clutches his hand! The ring count is 8 of 10 but Gunther hurries up, into a KNEE from Ciampa! Ciampa goes out and takes aim, to FLYING KNEE Gunther down! Fans fire up as Ciampa SMACKS Gunther off the steel steps! And SMACKS that bad hand on the desk! And again! And again! The ring count is past 5 of 10 again, Ciampa slides in to refresh, but Gunther CHOPS Ciampa with his left hand! The ring count starts again, and Gunther looms over Ciampa. Gunther puts Ciampa in the ring, goes up, but Ciampa gets him in the ropes! WILLOWS BELL!! Cover, TWO!!

Gunther survives and Ciampa is beside himself! Ciampa grits his teeth, brings Gunther up and in, underhooks, but Gunther fights the lift! Ciampa KICKS the bad hand, KICKS it again and again and again, keeping it in place with a knuckle lock! Gunther sits down, Ciampa stomps away on him! Fans are thunderous but the ref backs Ciampa off! Ciampa has a wild look in his eye, and he brings down the kneepad. But Gunther SHOTGUNS Ciampa first!! Cover, TWO!! Ciampa survives and Gunther can’t believe it! Fans fire up while both men are down. Gunther shakes out the bad hand, he stands up, and he storms over to Ciampa.

Gunther drags Ciampa up, reels him in, but the bad hand gives up on the lift! Ciampa runs up, Gunther scoops him, but Ciampa slips free to REVERSE DDT! Fans fire up as Ciampa aims from a corner! PSYCHO KNEE!! Cover, TWO!! Gunther survives and Ciampa can’t believe it! Both men are down again and San Jose rallies up! Ciampa rises and he stomps Gunther around. Ciampa brings Gunther up and in, underhooks, but Gunther wrenches out to CHOP! But that’s the bad hand! Gunther still SLEEPER SUPLEXES!! Cover, TWO!! Ciampa is still in this and Gunther grows frustrated! Gunther shakes out the bad hand while fans declare, “This is Awesome!”

Gunther aims as Ciampa rises, Gunther runs, but Ciampa SWATS the lariat! Takedown, SICILIAN STRETCH!! Gunther rocks it to a cover, TWO! SICILIAN STRETCH!! Ciampa HAMMERS Gunther’s face! SICILIAN STRETCH!!! Gunther endures, fights his way around, reaches out with a foot, but he has to kick forward! ROPEBREAK!! Gunther’s toes save him! Ciampa lets go in frustration but Gunther is still hurting. Ciampa nods as the fans rally up, and Ciampa stands up again! Gunther stands, into a CHOP! CHOP! Gunther CHOPS! But that was the bad hand! Ciampa CHOPS!

Ciampa has Gunther in a corner for more CHOPS! CHOP CHOP CHOP, but Gunther CHOPS through the pain! Ciampa blocks one! BOOT! Then the fireman’s carry! But Gunther clubs free, and hoists Ciampa up, GUNTHER BOMB!! And then a DEADLIFT GUNTHER BOMB!! And then a deadlift SLEEPER!! Ciampa flails, sputters, foams at the mouth, and Gunther squeezes tight!! Ciampa fades out, GUNTHER WINS!!

Winner: Gunther, by submission (still WWE Intercontinental Champion)

Der Ring General makes it to 480 days! But then Ludwig & Vinci get in to beat up Ciampa! They pick the bones as if this is to teach Ciampa a lesson for pushing Gunther this far! Gunther smiles and walks away, but wait! IS THAT JOHNNY GARGANO!? IT IS!! Johnny Wrestling is back, and he SLINGSHOT SPEARS Ludwig! Gargano fires fists off on Vinci, SUPERKICKS Ludwig, and then SUPERKICKS Vinci!! Fans are thunderous as Gargano & Ciampa are reunited! Ciampa grins, is DIY about to take over the WWE?

My Thoughts:

A great episode for Raw, especially as the go-home to Fastlane. Also, good improvisation after Becky was not cleared to compete rather legitimately given the nasty gash on her arm. Granted, the fans did not care anymore when it was Tegan VS Chelsea, but hey, good win for Tegan. Natty supporting Tegan feels very two-faced, like she wants to get in good with Tegan just so she can get herself close to a title match. And the opening brawl of Nia and Shayna that then had Raquel and Rhea join in was a great opening segment. I can sense it now that Rhea, Nia, Shayna and Raquel will compete in a huge title match at some point after Fastlane.

That opening was a great segue to Judgment Day story, with Rhea bringing down the hammer on the others. Priest did a really good job of deflecting, and Rhea putting Dom in the hot seat is great. Trick being here was great, which also made sense since all three brands have been in California this four day weekend. Good promo with him and Judgment Day, but I would hope that NXT superstars help counter the Judgment Day trying to screw Trick. For one, Melo should want to support his friend. For another, there’s Dragon Lee, Axiom and Lyra Valkyria who have also had beef with Judgment Day.

Good stuff with Judgment Day with Jey Uso and Cody Rhodes, too, as we are now getting a tag title match for Fastlane. Cody of course had a “suit and tie on stage” promo on top of the brawl tonight, but he literally lets us know there will be one more go-home segment for this on SmackDown since Finn & Priest are going to show up. And I like the subtle detail that Rhea is no longer against McDonagh while Priest still is, all because McDonagh is helping get things done. Priest also bringing up having his MITB briefcase, Fastlane has to be where he cashes in. Rollins and Nakamura had amazing promos tonight, and that was an awesome ambush from Nakamura. Now, go-home math would suggest Nakamura loses, but it is a Last Man Standing match so Priest could easily go after Rollins.

Bronson Reed gets a good win off Cedric Alexander, who is still here after the cuts because I guess there still needs to be a bottom of the card. I don’t know which singles title Reed should be going after, but he should be going after a title after Fastlane. Really good promos from McIntyre and Miz, and a really good match from them, especially with Miz in a suit, not his gear. Great win for McIntyre here, especially with him truly riding that Tweener line where he says he’s gonna do things the right way, but shows that it is only for himself. McIntyre himself deserves to get back to a title, maybe he can find his way to the World Heavyweight Championship.

We got great stuff from the Alpha Academy and Imperium, and it is adding to both stories. Gable is all fired up while Vinci managed to avoid looking like the weak link. Great contract signing segment with Gunther and Ciampa, and I like the improvising of putting that match on tonight. We weren’t getting a title match from Becky and Tegan, so why not have the Intercontinental Championship now? That match was awesome stuff, but I figured that with it being on TV, not a PPV/Premium Live Event, there was no title change in mind. Ciampa still looked awesome, and best of all, Gargano is back! DIY is back! These guys can take the fight to Imperium, maybe even to Judgment Day and take those tag titles, assuming Cody & Jey don’t, I’m really excited for that.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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