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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (10/30/23)

Trick or treat, eat defeat!



Things that go bump in the night!

Crown Jewel is Saturday, but Halloween is tomorrow, so Monday Night Raw’s getting spooky! Will Natalya win her Trick or Street Fight with Chelsea Green?


  • Dominik Mysterio w/ Rhea Ripley VS Ricochet; Dom wins.
  • The Alpha Academy w/ Maxxine Dupri & Akira Tozawa VS The Creed Brothers w/ Ivy Nile; The Creeds win.
  • DIY VS Imperium; DIY wins.
  • Candice LeRae w/ Indi Hartwell VS Xia Li; Xia wins.
  • Seth Rollins VS JD McDonagh; Rollins wins.
  • Trick or Street Fight: Natalya VS Chelsea Green w/ Piper Niven; Chelsea wins.
  • Sami Zayn VS Damian Priest w/ The Judgment Day; Priest wins, by disqualification.


Rhea Ripley is here!

Mami leads Dom Dom and the Irish Ace out to the ring, and she gets the mic to welcome us to Monday Night Raw, “the show that The Judgment Day runs.” But it’s not just a saying anymore, they’ve taken care of every single superstar that has stood in their way. Last week, Damian Priest absolutely shattered Cody Rhodes’ ankle! Fans boo but Rhea says that’s just the beginning. Tonight, her Latino Heat, which fans boo, is gonna put down Ricochet and remind him not to disrespect The Judgment Day. And then we have JD McDonagh, who will remind Seth Freakin’ Rollins exactly what it feels like to be an enemy of the Judgment Day.

As for Seth and McIntyre, they’ve got some decisions to make. And whichever one decides to make the right choice, then it really comes down to who walks out of Crown Jewel a loser like all of the fans, or as the World Heavyweight Champion! And speaking of Crown Jewel, Rhea has her own match, against four of the baddest women in the WWE. “But to me, that’s just another opportunity to prove to every single one of you who is the MOST DOMINANT woman in the WWE, and why Mami is always on top!” But then Sami Zayn shows up! Fans fire up as the Great Liberator makes his way out, and goes right to the ring.

Fans cheer Sami on, he apologizes for coming out when not invited, but he is so sick of hearing Rhea talk. He is so sick of her talking about power and how Judgment Day has all the titles, and how they run Monday Night Raw. But let him explain something about himself, in case they haven’t figured it out themselves. Sami’s entire career, his entire life, he has fought people like Judgment Day. People who think like the Judgment Day, that think that all that matters is power. And as long as you’re chasing power, you can do whatever you want! Be ruthless, cutthroat, rule with an iron fist, as long as it’s in the name of power!

So if that’s the name of their game, fine! But in that case, he isn’t Sami Zayn! He is rebellion! He is resistance! And he will fight, 1v1, 2v1, 3v1, 4v1, 5v1!! As long as he has breath in his lungs, he will fight, fight, FIGHT!! Fans fire up for Sami, and Sami says he will fight them and everything they stand for until the Judgment Day is no more. Rhea laughs, and tells Sami that it’s hilarious. Sami can resist all that he wants, it doesn’t matter! The Judgment Day doesn’t need numbers when it comes to him. So if management says it’s okay, why doesn’t Sami go 1v1 against… Damian Priest! Fans cheer that, and Dom says y’know what?

Fans boo Dom, but Dom continues by saying they should teach Sami a lesson right now! The mics drop, Sami is ready, but wait! Here comes Ricochet! The King of Flight has a fight with Dom tonight anyway, so he’s here now! Rhea bails out, but then JD rushes in! Ricochet DUMPSM JD, then swings on Dom! Dom falls back, but he’ll have to fight Ricochet anyway, after the break!

Dominik Mysterio w/ Rhea Ripley & JD McDonagh VS Ricochet!

Raw returns and Ricochet dodges Dom to RANA! Fans fire up as Ricochet DROPKICKS! Cover, TWO! Ricochet brings Dom around, CHOPS him to a corner, and then ROCKS him! Dom staggers around, Ricochet ROCKS him again, then CHOPS again! Rhea is frustrated but Ricochet whips. Dom holds ropes to stop himself, then Ricochet runs in, Dom puts Ricochet on the apron, blocks a boot and YANKS Ricochet into rope! Then Dom DROPKICKS Ricochet down! Rhea is happy now but fans boo. Rhea taunts Ricochet, Dom goes out, but fans chant “YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!” Dom SMACKS Ricochet off the desk!

Dom soaks up the heat, Rhea & JD cheer him on, and Dom pushes Ricochet into the ring. Dom storms up on Ricochet, RAMS him into the corner, and again! Then Dom whips corner to corner hard, and Ricochet bounces off buckles. Fans taunt Dom but he just ignores them to bring Ricochet up. Dom stomps Ricochet, the ref counts, and Dom stands on the corner to soak up heat. Dom taunts the fans, then he stomps Ricochet back down. Dom drags Ricochet up, whips him corner to corner hard, and Ricochet falls! Fans continue to boo but Dom storms up on Ricochet. Dom throws hands, throws body shots, then whips.

Ricochet goes up and out and Dom hits buckles! Ricochet bumps Dom off buckles, then KICKS Dom away! Fans fire up and Ricochet springboards, but Dom gets under. Dom runs in but into a Tiger Wall Kick, and ENZIGURI! Fans fire up with Ricochet and he NORTHERN LIGHTS! Roll through to deadlift and BRAINBUSTER! Rhea panics as Ricochet STANDING SHOOTING STARS! Cover, TWO! Rhea can breathe again, and Dom gets out of the ring. Dom flops over and JD fans him off. Ricochet has the fans behind him, and Ricochet runs to DIVE! Direct hit on Dom! Fans are thunderous, Rhea freaks and JD seethes as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Dom has Ricochet down with a chinlock. Ricochet fights up, throws body shots, and then he ROCKS Dom with a right! And another! Dom kicks low, snap suplexes, and that’s Uno Amigo! Fans boo as Dom hits Dos Amigos! Fans boo more as Dom hits THREE AMIGOS! Rhea & JD like it as Dom gets the legs to CATAPULT Ricochet onto ropes! Dom dials it up, 619 MISSES as Ricochet ducks! Ricochet handsprings to BACK ELBOW! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Ricochet sits up first, Dom crawls to ropes, and both men stand. Dom swings but Ricochet counter punches! Ricochet fires off, whips, but Dom reverses.

Ricochet RAANS Dom down, then handsprings up! Fans fire up as Ricochet runs corner to corner to RAM into Dom! Ricochet goes tot he apron, springboards and CROSSBODIES! Then LIONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Dom survives and Rhea is again relieved. Ricochet drags Dom up, fireman’s carries, but Dom claws the eyes! Dom then runs to NECKBREAKER! Rhea cheers as Dom goes up a corner. Dom aims, but Ricochet avoids the splash! SUPERKICK! Rhea panics again as Ricochet drags Dom to a drop zone! Ricochet goes up and fans fire up, but Rhea distracts! JD runs up but Ricochet avoids him!

JD avoids the superkick! Dom rolls Ricochet up! With tights and the rope!! DOM WINS!

Winner: Dominik Mysterio, by pinfall

But Ricochet SUPERKICKS JD after all! And hits Dom with RECOIL!! Rhea is furious but that’s what her boys deserve! Ricochet goes up the corner but Rhea drags Dom to safety! Dom has to get ready for Halloween Havoc tomorrow night, will Nathan Frazer find a way past Mami to take that North American title?


Raquel Rodriguez speaks.

“I am going up against four of the most dominant women in this division. The biggest, the baddest, the best that this company has to offer. Not one of them has the fight that I have. The drive that I have. So they can consider me the underdog, they can put a chip on my shoulder. It’s okay. It’ll make it that much sweeter when I take each and every single one of them down. At Crown Jewel, I will show the entire world why I am the most dominant woman on Raw when I become Women’s World Champion.”


The Alpha Academy w/ Maxxine Dupri & Akira Tozawa VS The Creed Brothers w/ Ivy Nile!

In order to prove they’re still tag title worthy, Chad Gable & Otis put out an open challenge to any team from any brand! As such, NXT’s Julius & Brutus accepted! Will the Diamond Mine win big on their Raw debut? Or will Gable & Otis SHOOOOSH~ the doubters and get back to the tag titles?

Raw returns and the Creeds make their entrance. The teams sort out and Julius starts against Gable, They tie up, Gable wasitlocks but Julius slips around, They go facelock for facelcok, waistlock for waistlock, and Gable SLAMS Julius down! Gable brings Julius back up, but Julius arm-drags free. Julius shoots in to waistlock and SLAM! Julius brings Gable up, he slips free, and arm-drags! Julius arm-drags! The two stand off and the fans cheer the exchange. Gable and Julius shake hands, tie up, and Gable headlocks. Gable spins, spins and drop toeholds! Gable facelocks, but Julius deadlift suplexes from the floor!

Brutus tags in, he takes the handoff, and Brutus marches around with Gable! Brutus SLAMS Gable down! Fans fire up for the strength, and Brutus brings Gable up. Gable shoves to hip toss but Brutus handsprings through! Brutus fireman’s carries for the takeover! Gable hurries to his corner, tag to Otis! Fans fire up as those legs start shaking. Otis and Brutus tie up, Brutus waistlocks but Otis is too big! Otis throws Brutus away! Otis powers Brutus to a corner, the ref counts but Brutus gets away.

Otis runs to RAM Brutus down! Otis whips Brutus to a corner, runs in, but Brutus dodges! Otis hits buckles, Brutus pushes him away and leaps, DOUBLE AX HANDLES! Otis stays up but Julius tags in. The Creeds double whip Otis to the corner but Otis comes back to DOUBLE LARIAT! Fans fire up, Gable DOUBLE CROSSBODIES! Then the Academy DOUBLE EXPLODER! Fans fire up, the Academy says, “A THANK YEW~!” and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns, Brutus has Gable’s arm but Gable reaches out. Otis reaches but Brutus keeps them apart! Brutus whips, Gable ducks ‘n’ dodges and rolls to get a leg, ANKLE LOCK!! Brutus scrambles, fans fire up, Brutus victory rolls! TWO, and Gable runs up, but Brutus catches him! Fireman’s carry and SAMOAN DROP! Cover, TWO! Gable is still in this and Maxxine is relieved. Brutus snarls, watches Gable rise, and Brutus runs in at the corner, but Gable gets around! GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans fire up and Gable crawls for the corner! Brutus crawls, too, hot tags to Julius and Otis! Fans fire up as Otis runs through the double clotheslines!

Otis rolls under to come back and DOUBLE LARIAT! The fans are thunderous as Otis scoops and SLAMS Julius! And scoop SLAMS Brutus! Short arm LARIAT for Julius! Maxxine says go off, Otis! Otis SPLASHES Julius down, and he has a target! Otis rips the shirt off, and he starts up the CATERPILLAR ELBOW! Cover, TWO!! Julius survives, but Otis scoops. Julius slips free, JUMP KNEES, and he tags Brutus! Brutus goes up, to DOUBLE AX HANDLE! Down goes Otis, Julius STANDING SHOOTING STARS! Brutus STANDING MOONSAULTS! Cover, Gable breaks it! Gable dodges Julius and CROSSBODIES Julius and himself out of the ring!

Brutus and Otis stand and fans fire up! Otis runs up, Brutus dodges, DOUBLE LARIATS collide! Brutus tries again but Otis stays up! Brutus LARIATS again but Otis just fires up! They run in again, Brutus ducks and goes up, to then CROSSBODY, but Otis catches him! WORLD’S STRONGEST SLAM! Cover, Julius 450 SPLASHES it apart!! But Gable’s up top, to MOONSAULT the pile!! Fans are thunderous as all four men are down! Maxxine gets on the apron but Ivy yanks her down! Ivy gets on the apron, but Maxxine yanks her down! Tozawa tells he ladies to relax, but Ivy just GERMAN SUPLEXES him for it!

Gable is distracted, Brutus DUMPS him out! Julius tags in, Otis CLOBBERS Brutus! Otis goes up but Julius CLUBS him! Julius gets Otis in an Electric Chair Lift?! Brutus goes up, for the BRUTUS BALL!! Cover, CREEDS WIN!!

Winners: The Creed Brothers, by pinfall

Gable can’t believe it! He put out the challenge, only to lose! But Gable still shows the Creeds respect. Julius & Brutus have a Tables, Ladders & Scares match tomorrow night, will they survive to have a solid spot here on Raw waiting for them?


The Judgment Day talks backstage.

Finn Balor & Damian Priest are discussing things, but then someone knocks on the door. “Trick or Treat!” What?! Trick or treat! It’s the New Day! They’re cosplaying as the NEW~ Judgment Day! Trick or treat! Put the candy in the- Wait, what is that? Priest doesn’t know? It’s the Money in the Bank Briefcase! No candy? But the light’s on! Lame. They’ll just go to the next house. But as they exit, Rhea and Dom walk in. Woods says hi to Mami, but Kofi tells him to move along. Dom is confused, Finn asks if he’s okay. Good win but what happened after was no bueno. Ricochet needs to pay! And he would’ve, if the entire Judgment Day was out there.

Hey, Dom still won, it is fine. They need to focus on business, okay? Speaking of which… Priest has a lot to focus on. He has Cody at Crown Jewel, and he might even cash in on a broken down Seth Rollins, or even on Drew McIntyre. Maybe even on Roman Reigns! Or he gives LA Knight the shortest title reign of all time. But uh, we’re all equals here, right? No leaders? Finn says yeah, no leaders. Then did Priest miss a meeting where they decided they could make matches for each other? Priest looks at Rhea and Rhea asks if what Cody said last week is bothering him. There are no leaders here, they’ve been through that.

But Rhea made the match for Priest VS Sami is because Priest is the Punisher of the Judgment Day! He takes care of everyone in their way! It’s what he does! Right, guys? Yeah! Okay, okay, take it easy. Then let’s not make tonight about Priest, but about the Judgment Day! They’re gonna show the world who runs this, right? YEAH! JD puts his hand in and the others tell him stop. Right, sorry. But let’s do it! The team is united and Rhea says they run Raw. But will Sami Zayn be just the rebel needed to bring them down?


Nia Jax speaks.

“Ever since my return to Raw, I did everything I said I was gonna do. I’ve squashed everyone. Shayna Baszler: squashed. Zoey Stark: squashed. Raquel Rodriguez: squashed. On my very first night back, I squashed the most dominant women’s champion, Rhea Ripley. At Crown Jewel, I’m gonna show the world that I am the most dominant woman on Raw, and become the next Women’s World Champion.”


The Miz is here!

The Hollywood A-Lister is ready to host perhaps the most prestigious episode of MizTV yet, as he has the WWE Intercontinental Champion, Gunther! We find out what Miz has in store for Der Ring General, after the break.

Raw returns and Miz has the mic to welcome us back to the Most Must-See WWE Talk Show, and says it is a very special Halloween edition. After the announcement of Bash in Berlin, Miz secured one of the biggest guests in MizTV history. And this is the very first time this man has been on any WWE talk show, so please welcome the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion in WWE history, THE RING GENERAL, GUNTHER! … Well, wait, where’s the music? Miz says it is Gunther’s first time, he must not know the protocol. Miz announces the guest, the guest comes out.

So once again, please welcome THE RING GENERAL…! GUNTHER! Still nothing. Does Miz have to say it in German? But Ludwig Kaiser comes out saying “Nein nein nein…!” He hates to break it to The Miz, but Der Ring General isn’t just gonna walk down because Miz tells him to! Ludwig & Vinci join Miz in the ring and Ludwig says especially not The Miz. The Miz is everything that is wrong with the WWE Universe today! The fans boo but Ludwig says Miz is the “embodiment of what we absolutely despise! You are nothing but a clown, Miz!”

Miz says he’s been called a lot of things, but he’s been another man’s sidekick like Ludwig. And that must make Vinci the third wheel! Vinci’s sorry, but wasn’t Miz Maryse’s sidekick on Total Divas? Miz takes his sunglasses off and says, “He talks! With such a deep voice! He said something! Give a round of applause, ladies and gentlemen! He spoke!” And um, it’s Miz & Mrs. And Vinci wishes could be yelled at by someone as hot as his wife, instead of being yelled at by Ludwig. By the way, Ludwig let Vinci talk? Isn’t he supposed to be in charge? Vinci says he talks when he wants to talk, but then Ludwig says Vinci talks when either Gunther or Ludwig wants him to!

But speaking of Gunther, here he comes! Gunther storms his way to the ring, belt on his shoulder as he wears a clean suit. Miz finally introduces us to Gunther! And he welcomes Gunther to the show and offers him a seat. Gunther does not sit, he just takes a mic. Since Miz didn’t understand the message, Gunther will say it: he is not Miz’s guest. He is here to make two things clear to Miz. First, it is the year 2023 and Miz wants to run a talk show? Second, this ring is SACRED to Gunther. And everything Miz does is beneath him. In fact, MIZ is beneath Gunther. Gunther does not respect Miz. Fans boo but Miz says that was one way to break the ice.

Miz says it’s also not the first time he’s heard all that, nor will it be the last. Miz will explain something to Gunther now: Miz interviewed Invisible John Cena, and that was more entertaining than Gunther. And he also explains that from movies to TV to this ring, Miz is the biggest star that WWE has! Gunther says see, this is Miz’s issue. Once the bell rings, it doesn’t matter how “entertaining” Miz is, when things get serious, the only thing that matters is how good of a wrestler you are! And that is why Miz is a talk show host, and Gunther is the GREATEST Intercontinental Champion of all time! Fans are a bit torn there.

Miz says if we’re talking serious, then he can be serious when he wants. He was serious when he beat Randy Orton to earn his first WWE Championship. Miz was serious when he beat John Cena in the main event of WrestleMania! Miz was serious when he won his SECOND WWE Championship over a decade later! And he wants Gunther to really understand this, so Miz will go slowly. Miz was very, very serious when he made the title on Gunther’s shoulder the most relevant title in ALL of WWE! Fans fire up for that one! And Miz has no problem doing it again. Gunther is amused now. Is Miz serious? Fans chant “YES HE CAN! YES HE CAN!”

Gunther says he gets it. Miz is one of the greatest sports entertainers of all time, he’s all about making moments. So why not create a MizTV moment we’ll never forget? Gunther tells Ludwig & Vinci in German what to do, and Ludwig takes one of the Jack O’ Lanterns. The one with the upside-down WWE logo that represents The Miz. Ludwig SMASHES it! Fans boo and Gunther asks what Miz is gonna do. Like always, NOTHING. Vinci & Ludwig get the chairs out of the ring, but Miz DECKS Ludwig and TOSSES Vinci! But Gunther CHOPS Miz down! Gunther looms over Miz and asks who he thinks he is! He is NOT in Gunther’s league.

Gunther takes his leave but Miz fires off haymakers! Fans fire up but the others are back for Gunther to BOOT Miz down! Fans boo as Miz is the one sent out of the ring. But wait! Here comes DIY! Gargano & Ciampa are going to face Ludwig & Vinci, will they get payback by proxy for Miz?


The Miz finds Adam Pearce in his office.

Miz asks if Pearce saw that out there. He has never been so disrespected and humiliated in his career! Is he sure about that? Not the point! Miz asks if Pearce is going to let Imperium do that to a future first ballot Hall of Famer. Pearce can’t imagine that felt good. No it did not! So Miz wants a match with Gunther for the Intercontinental Championship! Why should he do that? Does he need to rattle off the accolades? Two-Time Grand Slam Champion. EIGHT-Time Intercontinental Champion. EIGHT-Time Tag Team Champion. Yes, Miz, we know the credentials, but Pearce can’t just give Miz a title match!

If Miz will calm down, Pearce can give Miz the chance to earn one. In fact, Pearce is supposed to be meeting with someone who also has that in mind. Who? “ME!” Bronson Reed!? Unless Miz has a problem with that. Didn’t Bronson get his shot? Well, okay, Miz says it’s fine. Just know Miz is the one who takes that title off Gunther. Pearce and Bronson talk, what big plans are in store for the Intercontinental Championship scene?


DIY VS Imperium!

Raw returns and the teams sort out. Gargano starts against Vinci and they circle. They tie up, Vinci headlocks but Gargano powers out. Vinci runs him over, things speed up, and Gargano leaps, but into Vinci’s arms! Vinci scoops but Gargano slips free. Gargano ducks ‘n’ dodges to RANA Vinci to the corner! Gargano CHOPS, then tags Ciampa. Gargano whips Vinci back into the corner, Ciampa taunts Ludwig before he and Gargano coordinate, DOUBLE KICK COMBO in the corner! Ciampa snapmares Vinci, stomps him down, then tags Gargano back in. Gargano dropkicks Vinci, then brings him around to tag Ciampa back in.

DIY mug Vinci, and Ciampa headlocks. Vinci claws the eyes, puts Ciampa on ropes, and he ROCKS and UPPERCUTS Ciampa. Fans chant “D I Y! D I Y!” as Vinci whips. Ciampa kicks but Vinci blocks to short arm LARIAT! Tag to Ludwig and Imperium stomps Ciampa to a corner. Vinci ROCKS Ciampa, Ludwig runs up, but blocks a boot! “NEIN!” UPPERCUT! Ludwig soaks up the heat, drags Ciampa up to whip but Ciampa ducks ‘n’ dodges. Gargano sneaks a tag, Ciampa CHOPS, Gargano CLUBS, Ciampa JAWBREAKERS! Gargano wrenches an arm, Ciampa LARIATS! Gargano runs, Vinci grabs him but Ciampa KNEES Vinci down!

Fans fire up as Gargano builds speed. Ciampa holds the ropes open and Gargano DIVES onto Vinci! They sit on the apron to applaud and pat themselves on the back! Fans cheer, Gargano ROCKS Vinci but Ludwig UPPERCUTS Gargano! Ludwig slides in, Vinci APRON BACK SUPLEXES Gargano, and Ludwig DROPKICKS Gargano back out! Fans boo but Imperium taunts Ciampa as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Ludwig grinds Gargano down with a chinlock. Fans rally, Gargano fights up and throws body shots. Ludwig whips Gargano, scoops with a gut wrench and SLAMS him! Tag to Vinci, and Ludwig whips Gargano, only for Gargano to TOSS Ludwig out! Gargano DUMPS Vinci, and hurries for his corner! Fans fire up, but Vinci drags Gargano back. Gargano ENZIGURIS Vinci, but Ludwig YANKS Ciampa down! Fans boo but Vinci pops Gargano up for a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Vinci taunts Gargano, drags him back up, and SLAPS him! Vinci eggs Gargano on, so Gargano SLAPS back!

Vinci knees low, reels him in, but Gargano turns powerbomb into DDT! Fans fire up while both men are down! Gargano and Vinci crawl, hot tags to Ludwig and Ciampa! The Psycho Killer rallies on Ludwig! Then on Vinci! Then a clothesline in one corner! Clothesline in another corner! Then he ducks ‘n dodges and DOUBLE LARIATS! Fans are thunderous for Ciampa and he whips Ludwig. THESZ PRESS and fast hands! Ciampa then gets around, ripcord and FOREARM! REVERSE DDT! Cover, TWO! Fans rally as Ciampa drags Ludwig up. Ciampa reels Ludwig in, underhooks, but Ludwig wrenches out to HAYMAKER!

Ciampa fires haymakers back, but Ludwig shoves him away. Ciampa rebounds, into the ROLLING DEATH VALLEY! Cover, Gargano breaks it! Vinci runs in but Gargano rolls him up, SCHOOLBOY KICK! But Ludwig PENALTY KICKS Gargano! Ciampa rolls Ludwig up, TWO! Both men scramble up, Ciampa BOOTS! Ciampa runs, into a DISCUS LARIAT! Fans boo but Ludwig huffs and puffs. Tag to Vinci, Ludwig goes up. Vinci brings Ciampa in, but Ciampa resists the bomb to back drop Vinci! Ludwig still leaps, into a SUPERKICK from Gargano! Ciampa sits on Vinci, TWO! Vinci has the sunset, TWO!

Vinci CHOPS, UPEPRCUTS and whips! Ciampa reverses, Vinci goes up and up and MOONSAULTS but FLOPS as Ciampa dodges! PSYCHO KNEE! Tag to Gargano, and they take corners! They MEET IN THE MIDDLE!! Cover, DIY wins!

Winners: DIY, by pinfall

Their first match together in three YEARS, and it’s like they never missed a beat! Will Gunther be furious with his men over this? Will DIY prove they are tag title worthy?


Shinsuke Nakamura speaks.

“I am still looking for the next sacrifice. Where are you? Do you want me to choose you? Or will you choose for me? Go ahead. Step forward. Awaken me. What are you afraid of? Poke the lion. That is what a strong, brave hero does. DO it! Show yourself! I am waiting.”


Xia Li speaks.

“A mighty warrior has their own way of fighting. Don’t turn away from your fears, embrace them. Destiny whispers softly in my ear, saying, ‘You cannot withstand the storm.’ I answer, ‘I AM the storm!'”

Candice LeRae w/ Indi Hartwell VS Xia Li!

The Poison Pixie is still trying to find her way to the top, but The Exterminator will not stop until she is the one standing over everyone! Will Candice show Xia all she’s earned is a Wild Ride? Or will this be Xia’s first step towards the title?

Raw returns as Xia makes her entrance. The bell rings and Xia rushes in! Candice dodges to fire off haymakers! Fans fire up but the ref counts. Candice lets off, runs in and back body blocks! Candice snapmares Xia, then step-up SENTONS! Cover, TWO! Candice CLUBS Xia out of the ring, goes after her at the apron, but Xia drags Candice out. Xia spins Candice to ROCK her, and CHOP her! Xia then smothers Candice with the apron skirt and KNEES her in the back! Fans are torn as Candice gets away and the ref reprimands. Xia runs in but into a BOOT! Candice ELBOWS Xia, rolls her up, ONE! Xia JUMP KNEES back!

Candice rebounds, into a SPINNING ROUNDHOUSE! Fans boo and the ref checks Candice. Xia wants after Candice but the ref keeps her back. Fans rally, Candice does manage to stand but on shaky legs. The ref checks with Candice, again has to keep Xia back, and the ref calls it!

Winner: Xia Li, by referee stoppage

Indi checks on Candice while Xia smiles triumphantly. If Xia is that dangerous, will anyone be able to stop her? As for Candice, medics check her but she insists she is fine. But is she really? Or will she have to be very careful the next time she’s in the ring?


Jey Uso finds Sami backstage.

They say what’s up and Jey loves the passion! He’s all fired up, too! But he also wishes Sami good luck against Priest, Sami has this. Sami thanks Jey, but then in walks Jackie Redmond. She wants a quick word with Jey. Sami says that’s fine, he’s gotta bounce. Yeet! Jackie asks Jey about Judgment Day. Yes, she knows that’s a sore subject, especially with Finn Balor costing Jey against Damian Priest. Jey says he’ll slide on Finn soon, and Sami’s gonna handle business tonight. Cody will handle business at Crown Jewel. But Jey thinks he and Cody can get those titles one more time. And then, we’ll see how Mami feels about it. YEET.


Shayna Baszler speaks.

“You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do. And what I plan on doing is ripping and tearing, limb by limb, four women who parade themselves around on Monday Night Raw as if they’re worthy competition. But not of them truly understand the pain that I am capable of inflicting. And at Crown Jewel, I’m going to show the world that I am the most dominant woman on Raw, and that I am the next Women’s World Champion.”


Candice gets checked backstage.

DIY is there for her, as are Kayden Carter & Katana Chance. Candice has an ice pack on her shoulder and is getting checked for a concussion. What will be the state of the Poison Pixie after tonight?


Drew McIntyre speaks.

The Scottish Warrior sits in the Performance Center. “One of the most memorable moments of my career happened during a time in history that nobody wants to remember. I find myself looking back and asking, ‘Was the sacrifice worth it?’ Of course. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t angry. Before the age of 30, I was named The Chosen One. Failed, then fired, forced to reinvent myself. And ultimately, I took my second chance. Finally, after 20 years of giving absolutely everything to this industry, I won the Royal Rumble. I had the fans behind me. There was gonna be a stadium full of people screaming my name when I slayed the Beast in the main event of WrestleMania.

“Then, everything changed overnight. WrestleMania was gonna be in front of nobody? You gotta be freakin’ kidding me. The Pandemic shut the world down. And although the WWE carried on, I was all alone. I beat Brock Lesnar, became WWE Champion, in this very building. The biggest moment of my career, with no one there to celebrate. Still, I did what I’ve always done: my job. I defended my title against the very best the WWE has to offer. Put my body through absolute hell. I needed to be a champion to be proud of. And when everybody finally returned, my moment had past.

“For years, I fought and clawed my way to get it back. When the WWE returned to the UK once again, everything aligned. I was gonna beat Roman Reigns for the WWE Universal Championship with 60 thousand people screaming me on. Only for The Bloodline to cheat and take it all away from me. Unlike everyone else, I won’t forgive the Bloodline, I can’t erase the past. But at Crown Jewel, I can make it right. For Seth Freakin’ Rollins, this is just another defense in a Hall of Fame career. But for me, this is everything. We both live for this. Seth is willing to break his back to keep his championship. And I’m willing to break his back to take it from him.

“I need this. No more broken dreams. 2020 Seth Rollins was my first title defense. And at Crown Jewel, I will be his last.” The Scottish Warrior is ready, will he slay the Visionary?


Zoey Stark speaks.

“This match, this Fatal 5 Way match, is for me. See, when I’m inside that ring, I’m the Hunter. And the females that are standing in there with me, they’re my prey. Because I was born for this, this is my destiny, I am unstoppable! So at Crown Jewel, I am going to prove to the world that I am the most dominant female on the Raw roster, and become your new Women’s World Champion.”


Seth Rollins VS JD McDonagh!

Speaking of that Visionary, speaking of that Revolutionary, speaking of that WWE World Heavyweight Champion, he is here and ready to #BurnItDown! Will Rollins be rolling into Crown Jewel? Or will he be trumped by the Irish Ace?

Raw returns and Rollins revels in the fans singing his song, “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!” Rollins then has the mic to tell Greenville, “Welcome to Monday Night Rollins!” He is the Visionary, he is the Revolutionary, he IS Seth Freakin’ Rollins! And Greenville, he is feeling like getting a little loose out here tonight. So he graciously agreed to beat the bejeezus out of the Judgment Day’s bag boy here tonight, And he will do that in preparation for Saturday, Crown Jewel, Seth Rollins VS Drew McIntyre for the World Heavyweight Championship! And Rollins is a fan of McIntyre, so Rollins says this as respectfully as he can after hearing what McIntyre had to say earlier.

“Boo freakin’ hoo! Cry me a river, ya big Scottish baby! Nah, you wanna flashback to 2020, right? All of us were suffering in some way, alright? All of us were fighting our battles in some way! There were a lot of people who had it worse off than you did, okay? They didn’t know when they were gonna get their next paycheck. They didn’t know when they were gonna get their next batch of groceries. They didn’t know when they were gonna see their loved ones again. Some of them didn’t get to! So excuse me for not feeling sorry for you that you didn’t get to win the WWE Championship the way you dreamt it.”

Rollins says McIntyre wants to blame everything else on The Bloodline, his failures and shortcomings, again cry me a river and get in line! Look at Sami Zayn! At Cody Rhodes! You don’t hear those guys asking for pity, now do ya? But Rollins will say this: McIntyre was a hell of a champion. And Saturday at Crown Jewel, if McIntyre can take this title from Rollins, if he can pry it from Rollins’ waist, then Rollins will be the first man to shake McIntyre’s hand and call him the champ, just like he did back in 2020! Fans cheer that. But Rollins ain’t the same guy McIntyre beat back then. The Monday Night Messiah is long gone, he is not the Architect. There’s a reason the fans sing his song!

There is a reason- JD ATTACKS FROM BEHIND! Fans boo as JD stomps away on Rollins! The ref tries to stop him but JD fires down fists! JD lets off to take off his jacket and wants the match to start! The ref check with Rollins, and Rollins is fuming. Fans chant “YOU SUCK!” at JD, Rollins says do it. The bell rings, JD runs in, and Rollins BOOTS him down! Rollins TOSSES JD out, goes out after him, and fires haymakers! And CHOPS! And CHOPS again! Rollins keeps JD from running away into the crowd, and CHOPS him again! Rollins SMACKS JD off the apron, brings him around, and then RAMS JD into barriers!

Fans fire up with Rollins, Rollins puts JD in the ring, and JD wants him to show mercy. Fans sing the song, Rollins storms up, and he blocks the kick to CHOP! And CHOP! Rollins CHOPS JD in the corner, stalks him to another corner, but JD turns it around, JD swings, misses, and Rollins CHOPS JD down! JD crawls away while Rollins smiles. Fans rally and Rollins puts JD in a corner. Fans chant “WHOOP THAT TRICK!” as Rollins runs and RAMS JD into buckles! Rollins whips JD to then back drop him! Fans fire up while JD writhes, and Rollins storms up to drag Rollins up. “How do you like it, kid?”

Rollins whips JD to a corner, JD tumbles up and out and trips Rollins, to then slingshot and TORNILLO SENTON! JD snarls while Rollins goes to a corner. JD CHOPS Rollins, digs his boots in, but the ref counts. JD lets off at 4, Rollins sputters and JD CHOKES Rollins! The ref counts, JD lets off at 4 again, but fans rally for Rollins. JD drags Rollins up to DECK him! And DECK him again! Rollins hits back with haymakers! And a CHOP! Rollins storms up but into a JAWBREAKER! JD drags Rollins up, whips him to ropes, but Rollins holds ropes. Rollins ELBOWS JD away, JD runs in but Rollins TOSSES him up and out!

Fans fire up as JD hits the ground hard! Rollins builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit and JD is sent over the announce desk! The fans are thunderous and singing Rollins’ song as we go to break.

Raw returns and JD has Rollins down in a rear bearhug. Fans rally as Rollins endures, and Rollins fights up to throw elbows. JD shoves Rollins into a corner, runs in, but into a BUCKLE SHOT! JD sputters, Rollins catches his breath. Rollins ROCKS JD with haymakers, CHOPS, and repeat! Rollins fires CHOP after CHOP after CHOP and has JD against ropes! The ref counts, Rollins lets off but whips JD. JD reverses but Rollins reverses back to rally with clotheslines! Rollins mule kicks, front kicks and DISCUS LARIATS! Fans fire up and sing while JD goes to a corner. Rollins runs corner to corner, to forearm smash!

Rollins whips but JD dodges, only for Rollins to still LARIAT him down! Rollins hurries to get JD up, to suplex, but JD slips free! O’Conner Roll, TWO! JD goes to a corner, comes back, but into a SLINGBLADE! Rollins hurries to run and KNEE JD down! Cover, TWO! Rollins is frustrated but the fans continue to rally. Rollins aims from a corner, JD sits up, and Rollins run sin. But JD avoids the stomp! Rollins kicks first, underhooks, but JD slips under to then HEADBUTT Rollins down! Rollins flounders, JD goes up a corner! JD MOONSAULTS but has to roll through as Rollins moves! Rollins kicks low, underhooks, but JD trips and jackknife bridges! TWO as Rollins bridges up!

JD wrenches out of the underhooks and then ripcords, but Rollins KNEES JD down! Rollins runs, but JD gets him for a SPANISH FLY! Cover, TWO!! Rollins survives and JD is furious! JD hurries around, drags Rollins up and in, but Rollins slips free to get JD up! BUCKLE BOMB! JD falls, Rollins goes up! Fans fire up but here comes Damian Priest! Rollins still FROG SPLASHES, into knees! JD cradles, TWO!! Rollins sputters, Priest has his own ref! Could he cash-in tonight!? JD goes up, but Rollins trips him! Priest smirks as Rollins goes up, and JD throws elbows! Rollins falls, fans rally for him, and Rollins springs back up!

Rollins gets JD up for a SUPER BACK SUPLEX!! Both men are down but Rollins fires back up! Priest still smirks and Rollins dares him to make his move. JD kicks Rollins and underhooks! But Rollins back drops! JD sunset flips, Rollins rolls through and flips JD into the PEDIGREE!! And then the CURB STOMP!! Cover, Rollins wins!

Winner: Seth Rollins, by pinfall

The Visionary stares Priest down, but Priest still smirks. Rollins then storms out to stare Priest down face to face. Rollins again dares Priest to make his move. Priest holds up the briefcase, and says it is inevitable. Be careful what you wish for. Rollins says Priest better not waste it. Will the Punisher take down whoever it is that holds onto the World Heavyweight Championship on Saturday?


Ricochet talks with Pearce backstage.

Ricochet knows Pearce saw, just as everyone did, what happened out there with Dominik. Pearce did, but Ricochet still had a great showing. Here’s a way to make it up for him. Ricochet can earn a shot at the Intercontinental Championship. Well, that does sound good, but Ricochet still has a bone to pick with Dom. Pearce feels that. Ricochet heads out, and then in storm Chelsea & Piper, cosplaying Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart. Chelsea is furious that her match with Natalya is a Trick or Street Fight! Is he for real? Are they for real in this get-up? He has no time to discuss this, Hitman & Anvil. He has a lot on his plate. Yeah, he does! And cute costume.

What? He turns around and sees The Viking Raiders! Sarah Logan says the gods demand they speak about the Intercontinental Championship. See you in your office. Ivar & Sarah head out, and Pearce says he needs a drink.


BREAKING NEWS for Crown Jewel!

As part of the Crown Jewel Kickoff Show, it will be Sami Zayn VS JD McDonagh! The Great Liberator said he would rebel against the Judgment Day, but will he be able to get through JD?


Backstage interview with Becky Lynch.

Jackie Redmond is with The Man, and says it has been a few days since the epic battle in which Becky lost the NXT Women’s Championship. What’s Becky’s takeaway looking back at that title reign? Well, she’s a little lighter around the waist and a little heavier in the heart. But if anyone was gonna take that title from her, it had to be someone passionate, hungry and eats, sleeps and drinks this business, and that is Lyra Valkyria. But Becky isn’t afraid of losing, because that doesn’t keep her down and never will keep her down. In just 42 days, Becky defended her title more than Rhea Ripley has all year! More than Roman!

Becky is the catalyst for change, and is the reason why everyone who wanted their shot got one. Becky doesn’t need a title, the title needs her. But then in walks Xia. Xia asks if Becky is so scared that she lost the title so she wouldn’t have to face Xia. What’s she doing? Becky says if Xia wants to fight, we can do that here and now. Xia says they will fight, on her time. Her time? It’s been three weeks! When is it her time?


Trick or Street Fight: Natalya VS Chelsea Green w/ Piper Niven!

The Queen of Harts may not be a platinum recording artist, but she’s looking like bad bunny tonight. Will she quite literally whip the attitude out of the Hot Mess? Or will Chelsea look to establish herself as the best there was, the best there is, and the best there ever will be?

Raw returns and Chelsea makes her entrance, using the Bret Hart music! Natty is not amused. The bell rings and Chelsea kicks low then throws Natty by her bunny ears! Piper fetches a pie and Chelsea PIE FACES Natty! Then Chelsea dribbles Natty off the crust! But Natty trips Chelsea to get the legs! Chelsea kicks her away, BOOTS her down, then hurries out to get some candy bowls. Chelsea puts those in one at a time, and even a kendo stick and some chairs. Natty rushes out to kick Chelsea! Natty SMACKS Chelsea with the kendo stick! And DISCUS LARIATS her into the timekeeper’s area!

Fans rally as Natty hops up and over the railing, but then Chelsea SMACKS her down with a trash can lid! Piper fetches more items and Chelsea SMACKS Natty down again! The tag champs move the table closer and fans like that! Another SMACK with the trash can lid, and Chelsea puts Natty on the table. Piper helps Chelsea go up onto the barriers, and Chelsea grins as SENTONS through the table, but no Natty!! Natty avoided disaster, and she puts Chelsea in the ring. Chelsea hurries away but Natty pursues up the ramp! Natty drags Chelsea back to DUNK in the apple tank! Fans fire up as Chelsea sputters, but then Natty dunks her again!

Piper runs up but Natty SLAPS her! And trips her! Natty has the legs, but Chelsea runs up! Natty trips her, and has them both! But they both BOOT Natty into the POST! Piper tells Chelsea to keep on Natty, and Chelsea stomps Natty down. Chelsea drags Natty up to SMACK off the apron. Natty hits back, and has a pumpkin! Chelsea BOOTS Natty down first! Chelsea picks up the biggest pumpkin, something’s under it so Chelsea puts it back. Wait, what was under it? Chelsea picks that one up, and it’s NIKKI CROSS’S HEAD!? Chelsea freaks out, the pumpkin falls onto her head! She blindly staggers around and falls over!

Chelsea sits up, sees Nikki again and freaks outa gain! Natty dribbles Chelsea off the table! Natty whips, Chelsea reverses and Natty hits steel steps! Piper tells Chelsea to keep going and she puts Natty in the ring. Chelsea hoists Natty up top, Piper gets a black bag! Chelsea empties the bag out, to reveal CANDY CORN! Chelsea goes up the corner, but Natty slips under! POWERBOBM onto the candies!! Cover, TWO!!! But Natty gets the legs! SHARPSHOOTER!! Fans fire up, but Piper shouts at Natty! Natty runs up to ROCK Piper! Piper grabs Natty, Chelsea runs in, but Natty moves! The pie hits Piper! Natty runs in, Chelsea sends her into Piper!

Piper falls but Chelsea doesn’t care, she chicken wings for the I AM PRETTIER on the candy!! Cover, Chelsea wins!

Winner: Chelsea Green, by pinfall

The Hot Mess makes a mess of everything, but she still gets a win thanks to her tag partner! Will Natty ever live this down? Will Chelsea & Piper make it through Halloween Havoc and their tag title defense?


Rhea Ripley speaks.

“Every woman in this match thinks that this is their chance to make a name for themselves. Well, the reality is, it’s not. It’s nothing to do with them. It’s to do with me. This is MY chance to beat every single one of the top females here in this division all at once. To claim this as Mami’s show. And at Crown Jewel, I will prove to the world that I’m the most dominant woman here on Raw. And I will stay your Women’s World Champion.”


BREAKING NEWS for next week’s Raw!

To determine the next contender to the Intercontinental Championship, a Fatal 4 Way has been created! The Miz, Bronson Reed, Ricochet and Ivar will all battle it out, who will stand tall to challenge Der Ring General?

And to prove himself to Coach Gable, Akira Tozawa is accepting the somewhat open challenge put forth by Shinsuke Nakamura! Can the Stamina Monster defeat, let alone survive, the King of Strong Style?


Sami Zayn VS Damian Priest!

So long as the Judgment Day, or any force, thinks themselves the unstoppable dictators of the WWE, the Great Liberator vows to be there to stop them! Will he stop Senor Money in the Bank from rolling into Crown Jewel? Or will the Punisher make an example out of Sami Zayn?

Raw returns, the bell rings, and the two tie up. Priest powers Sami to a corner, the ref counts, but Priest lets off. Fans sing “OLE~ OLE OLE OLE~” for Sami but Priest ROCKS then DECKS Sami! Priest TOSSES Sami back to the corner, but Sami dodges to CHOP! CHPO! And fire haymakers! Sami bumps Priest off buckles, goes up and AX HANDLES him down! Cover, ONE! Priest bails out but Sami follows. Priest knees low, whips Sami at the barriers, but Sami goes up to QUEBRADA! Direct hit and fans fire up! Sami drags Priest up, puts him in the ring, and fans rally behind Sami. Sami runs in but Priest JUMP KICKS!

Priest snarls, soaks up the heat, and drags Sami up. Priest whips Sami to ropes, then DECKS him! Priest eggs Sami on as he paces around, then he drags Sami up to KICK him in the chest! And again! Then he ROCKS Sami with a forearm! Sami goes to a corner, Priest whips him corner to corner then runs in to STAGE DIVE ELBOW! Priest suplexes to BROKEN ARROW! Cover, TWO! Priest is annoyed but he stalks Sami back to the corner. Priest runs in, but into an ELBOW! Priest is annoyed, but Sami BOOTS him! Sami spins and wrenches to knuckle lock and CHOP! Sami goes up and up and TORNADO DDTS!

Fans fire up as Priest bails out. Sami takes aim, builds speed, but he has to stop as Priest moves. Sami goes out to rush Priest, but Priest catches him! APRON CHOKE SLAM! Sami writhes and fans boo as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and the forearms are flying! Fans fire up, Priest ROCKS Sami, then kicks him low. Priest soaks up the heat, whips Sami to ropes, but Sami goes up and over. Sami then LARIATS Priest down! Fans fire up, but here come Dom & Finn! Fans boo, Sami swipes at them, but then Priest choke grips again! SOUTH OF- NO, Sami wheelbarrows to victory roll, TWO!! Priest gets up, but runs into a BOOT! Dom gets up, Sami DECKS him! Sami storms up on Priest but Priest kicks low. Priest dragon sleepers, RECKONING!! AKA the Cross Rhodes! Priest grins and brings down the straps as he sends a message to the American Nightmare.

Priest goes back for Sami, hoists him up to a crucifix, but Sami slips free! Sami dodges the splash and Priest hits buckles! Finn gets on the apron to distract the ref, Dom DECKS Sami! Fans boo, but here comes JEY USO! Main Event Jey is gonna make sure his dawg has a fair fight, so he CLOBBERS Dom! And UPPERCUTS Finn! Dom gets up, Jey brings him around, but the ref reprimands them all. Jey lets Dom go so he can get in at Priest. Priest grabs at him, Jey SUPERKICKS Priest!

Winner: Damian Priest, by disqualification

Jey saves Sami but hands Priest the win. And now Finn & Dom attack anyway! Fans boo the 3v2 mugging, and Priest taunts Jey about where Cody went. But wait, here comes Cody! Priest says he’ll handle this! Cody runs in, and he fires hands with Priest! Fans fire up as Cody ROCKS then BOOTS Priest! Cody goes out to SMACK Priest off the desk! And again! And again! The brawl is now 3v3, and Jey DECKS Finn! Sami fires off on Dom! SUPERKICK for Dom, then Sami clotheslines Dom up and out! Sami & Jey nod, build speed, and they DOUBLE TOPE to take out the Judgment Day! Cody gets Priest and POSTS him!

Cody clears the desk! Fans fire up and Cody drags Priest onto the desk. But JD makes the save! Fans boo as Priest gets away, but a HELLUVA KICK hits JD!! Fans fire up again as Cody calls to Sami to set JD up. Sami says okay! They put JD on the desk, Cody drags him up, CROSS RHODES!! The Irish Ace suffers for sticking around the Judgment Day, and fans want that “One More Time!” Cody says why not!? Cody drags JD back up, for another CROSS RHODES!! Cody gets a mic to shout, “Hey, Damian! Last week, you took a steel chair, you wrapped it around my ankle and you tried to take me out. You were unsuccessful!

“I got back up, because that’s why my story is: the guy who gets knocked down and gets back up! What’s your story? 6’6″, 20 year pro, you’ve got a briefcase that you are this close, within a whisper of immortality, and yet you are not the leader of the Judgment Day? It’s because you’re a walk-behinder! You walk behind Finn Balor, you walk behind Rhea Ripley, and you even walk behind DOMINIK MYSTERIO! When you think it’s somebody else, when you’re like, ‘Oh, maybe, maybe it’s not Cody Rhodes.’ You gotta know something, Damian Priest. It’s ALWAYS me! I’m back on my path, and this Saturday at Crown Jewel, my path goes straight through you!!”

Fans are fired up with the American Nightmare, will he ruin everything for The Judgment Day this Saturday? Or can The Punisher still cash-in on the top champions to return stateside as a top champion?

My Thoughts:

A great episode for Raw, but being a go-home, it still had that go-home vibe that can kinda kill momentum. Great promos from all five women in the Fatal 5, but uh, Rhea’s was a bit redundant since she already talked to open the show. Also nice of them to give everyone the same closing line about being the most dominant woman and becoming champion over Rhea. Great promo out of Sami with that fire. He already experienced and fought against one faction that tried to be the top of the mountain at all costs, he ain’t gonna stand for it here.

And Rhea making the main event of Sami VS Priest was great for feeding Priest’s promo. There continues to be tension within the group, but it’s shifting from “Who is top champ?” to “Who is on top?” aka the leader. They all claim there isn’t a leader but clearly Rhea acts like it. Hell, take a cue from Shayna’s favorite saying, “You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.” Rhea takes charge, figures things out, comes up with a plan, she clearly wants to be a leader. Sami had a good promo with Jey and Jey had a good promo to say he still wants tag titles. That main event was great stuff, Jey makes a great save, as does Cody. Great momentum for Cody but I wonder if this means Priest wins their match now so he’ll be better primed for a cash-in.

Speaking of that, McIntyre had a great promo to reflect on his title history, and Rollins also had a great response. I see both sides, which is why the title match feels like it can go either way. Rollins VS McDonagh was great, as was Priest showing up to remind Rollins of the MITB. Now, the looming factor of Priest cashing in could be exactly what gets someone to lose. If McIntyre tries to stop Priest from cashing in, that could cost him against Rollins, but so could the reverse. Rhea said she’s just waiting for one of them to accept the offer, that could also come into play.

Pretty good stuff in the Trick or Street Fight, with Chelsea & Piper cleverly being the Hart Foundation to taunt Natty. Could’ve been a bit better, and maybe if Tegan Nox was healthy, Natty would’ve had her helping in this match. They didn’t really do a good job of that Nikki Cross under the pumpkin bit, and I don’t think fans are that into the black bag fake out. I believe AEW just did that on Saturday for their Fright Night Fight. But maybe with Nikki still hanging around, she and Natty will find a way to make this work to be a team. Great promo from Nakamura, and Tozawa is definitely getting destroyed, but Tozawa isn’t going to be that mysterious someone Nakamura needs to “awaken.”

Great tag match of Alpha Academy VS Creed Brothers, and I was really surprised the Creeds won. But at the same time, the Creeds easily could’ve been on RawDown by now, but maybe that moment is coming closer and closer. There’s half a chance Garza & Carrillo win tomorrow’s TLC tag match, sending Diamond Mine off to Raw in epic fashion. Really good MizTV segment with Miz standing up to Imperium as a Face of sorts, and great stuff setting up that Fatal 4 Way #1 contender’s match. On paper, Bronson and Ivar feel like top choices, but those guys work Heel and Miz can be rather opportunistic, I feel like Miz is going to find a way to win.

Great tag match from DIY VS Imperium, and great win for DIY. The Raw side of the tag division is getting really strong, there are plenty of teams that could take the Judgment Day on for. For that matter, I really liked New Day dressed up as Judgment Day to poke fun. I kinda wish Big E was at least traveling with Kofi & Woods, he could really add to moments like this. Candice VS Xia was good but I do appreciate them making Xia look strong with that knockout kick. And just as I figured last week after Becky lost to Lyra, Xia was gonna rub that in Becky’s face before they still have their own match. Becky’s promo was great, calling out Roman and Rhea, Becky will definitely be waiting on the other side of Crown Jewel.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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