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Mitchell’s NJPW World Tag League Results & Report! (11/20/23)

Get ready to tag in!



World Tag League returns and it’s bigger than ever!

NJPW World Tag League 2023 is so big, it has two eight-team blocks! Block A gets opening night, will the Reiwa Musketeers, Umino & Narita, start off strong?


  • Kickoff Match – Oskar Leube VS Shoma Kato; Leube wins.
  • DOUKI & Taka Michinoku VS Atlantis Jr. & Soberano Jr; Atlantis Jr. & Soberano Jr. win.
  • 8 Man Tag: Bullet Club VS Alex Zayne, Lance Archer, Yuji Nagata & Minori Suzuki; Zayne, Archer, Nagata & Suzuki win.
  • Six Man Tag: Just5Guys VS BUSHI, Yota Tsuji & Zandokan Jr; Just5Guys win.
  • Six Man Tag: Chaos VS El Phantasmo, Hikuleo & Jado; ELP, Hikuleo & Jado win.
  • 2023 World Tag League, Block A: TMDK VS The Gates of Agony; TMDK wins.
  • 2023 World Tag League, Block A: Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii VS EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi; Evil & Yujiro win.
  • 2023 World Tag League, Block A: Kaito Kiyomiya & Ryohei Oiwa VS Gabe Kidd & Alex Coughlin; Kaito & Oiwa win.
  • 2023 World Tag League, Block A: Shota Umino & Ren Narita VS Great-O-Khan & Henare; Shota & Narita win.


2023 World Tag League, Block A: TMDK w/ Kosei Fujita VS The Gates of Agony!

Shane Haste & Mikey Nicholls, the OG Mighty, are up against some strong competition in from AEW. Will Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona fail to make The Mighty kneel? Or will they Open the Gates on Hysterical Haste & Mad Mikey?

The teams sort out and Kaun starts against Shane. The fans rally up with the bell and Shane circles with Kaun. They tie up, go around, and Kaun puts Shane in a corner. The ref counts, Shane and Kaun both pull hair, but they both let off at 4. Kaun lets Shane out of the corner and the two reset. Shane gets around to waistlock, Kaun switches, but Shane switches back. Kaun wrenches out, Shane rolls, kips and UPPERCUTS! Fans cheer and Shane whips Kaun to ropes. Shane drops, hurdles, but Kaun shoves so he can hurdle and drop. Kaun ELBOWS Shane down and fans cheer. Kaun then powers up, to SENTON!

Kaun drags Shane up and whips him to the corner. Shane CLUBS Liona, but Liona just roars! Kaun SPLASHES Shane, tags Liona, and Liona BLASTS Mikey! Liona shoves Kaun and Kaun SLAPS Liona to fire each other up, and then Kaun sends Liona in to SPLASH Shane! Liona feeds Shane to Kaun’s forearm, then Liona HEADBUTTS Shane! Kaun full nelsons and Liona grabs the legs, for a POWERBOMB BACKSTABBER COMBO! Cover, TWO! Shane survives and fans fire up. Liona drags Shane over, tags Kaun back in, and the Gates haul Shane up. But Mikey makes the save and ROCKS Kaun! Liona KNEES and TOSSES Mikey!

Liona pursues, runs in, but is sent into railing! Mikey then distracts Kaun, Kaun swings and misses, and Shane DROPKICKS Kaun down! Mikey drags Kaun out to whip him into railing! And then more railing! And then back into the ring for Shane to snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Fans rally as Shane tags in Mikey, and Mikey stomps Kaun. Mikey drops a knee, then slaps Kaun around. Mikey drags Kaun up but Kaun ROCKS him! And CHOPS him! And ROCKS again! Mikey knees low, whips him to the corner and tags Shane. TMDK get Kaun up to double whip, kick, and then whip again. They DOUBLE ELBOW, then FIST DROP SENTON COMBO!

Liona takes a swipe at Mikey while Shane covers Kaun, TWO! Fans rally, Shane has Kaun’s arm, and KICKS him in the back! Shane shakes out that leg, then he covers, TWO! Shane drags Kaun up, fans rally again, and Mikey tags in. TMDK mugs Kaun, stomp him down, then Mikey snapmares for a chinlock. Kaun endures, the fans rally up, and Mikey BITES Kaun’s forehead! The ref reprimands, but Mikey lets off. Mikey ROCKS Kaun, whips him back to the corner, but Kaun ELBOWS Mikey and DECKS Shane! Mikey returns, Kaun dodges and returns to LARIAT! The fans fire up while both men are down!

Mikey and Kaun crawl, hot tag to Liona! Liona CLOBBERS Mikey! And CLOBBERS him again! Liona whips then back drops Mikey! Shane returns to kick and whip, but Liona blocks! Liona whips but Shane KICKS! Liona LARIATS in return! Fans fire up while Liona seethes. TMDK is in opposite corners, Liona SPLASHES Shane, then SPLASHES Mikey, repeat! Liona keeps going back and forth, SPLASH after SPLASH, then he TOSSES Shane! Mikey staggers into a fireman’s carry, but he fights free! Mikey runs, but Liona POP-UP SAMOAN DROPS! Cover, TWO! Mikey survives and the fans rally while he goes to a corner.

Liona goes to the other end, roars and runs, but Mikey avoids the hip attack! Hot tag to Shane and Shane KICKS and BOOTS and UPPERCUTS! Liona stays up so Shane throws more UPPERCUTS! Again and again and again! Shane roars, but Liona grabs him with both hands! Liona TOSSES Shane to a corner, runs in, but Shane ducks! Liona’s splash sends him tumbling up and out! Shane then aims to SLINGSHOT DIVE! Direct hit and down goes Liona! Fans fire up with Shane and he hurries to get Liona up. Shane puts Liona back in, and fans rally up as he stands Liona up. Shane fireman’s carries, but Liona slips free!

Shane elbows Liona, swings, but Liona spins around to GUT WRENCH SUPLEX! Fans fire up again and Kaun tags in. The Gates haul Shane up, to OPEN- NO, Shane fights free and throws hands! Shane sunset flips but Liona stays up. Shane avoids the fist drop, but Liona avoids the roundhouse! Kaun SHOTGUNS Shane down! The Gates reset, to DOUBLE FACEBUSTER! Kaun covers, Mikey breaks it! Fans fire up, but Liona TOSSES Mikey out! Liona then pursues, but Kaun drags Shane up. Mikey sends Liona into railing, btu Liona’s right back! Kaun has Shane up top, climbs up to join him, but Shane fires forearms!

Shane UPPERCUTS Kaun down but Liona TOSSES Mikey at the ropes, tripping Shane up! Kaun then hurries back up after Shane, for a SUPER DUPER PLEX! Both men are down and the fans fire up again! Kaun crawls to the cover, TWO!! Shane survives and Kaun grows frustrated. Kaun roars and Liona returns! They haul Shane up, to OPEN THE- NO, Shane RANAS Liona and Mikey dumps him out! Mikey RAMS Kaun, Shane ROUNDHOUSES, scoop and TANKBUSTER!! Cover, TMDK WINS!

Winners: TMDK, by pinfall (gains 2 points; The Gates of Agony earn 0)

A wild opening match on opening night, but The Mighty didn’t kneel! Will Shane & Mikey use this strong start to go all the way to the finals? Will Kaun & Liona be able to slam the gates shut on their next opponents?


2023 World Tag League, Block A: Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii VS EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi w/ Dick Togo!

The Crown Prince & Stone Pitbull reunite for this year’s WTL, but they’re up against the King of Darkness & Tokyo Pimp. Will Yano be able to pull out more tricks than the whole House of Torture? Or will Darkness Fall on the opening round?

But before the introductions are over, Evil & Yujiro attack! Evil goes after Ishii while Yujiro is after Yano, and the ref reprimands as the House TOSSES them out of the ring! The bell rings to get this on record and Evil CLUBS Ishii down. The ref reprimands, but Yujiro whips Yano. Yano reverses and sends Yujiro hard into railing! Yano puts Yujiro in the ring, Ishii storms up to stomp him, then Yano joins in. They drag Yujiro up to double whip and run him over! Evil slides in but Ishii gets him to bail back out. Ishii throws his shirt at Evil, Evil rushes back in, but then Ishii chases him back out. Yujiro distracts the ref, Dick CLUBS Ishii!

Fans boo as Evil & Dick whip Ishii into railing! Yujiro kicks and whips Yano, but Yano holds ropes. Yano then dodges Yujiro, SLAPS him, then says he’s too smart for them. Yano runs but Dick trips him and drags him out! The fans boo but Dick slips away. Yujiro then goes out to kick Yano, and RAM him into railing! Evil RAMS Ishii into more railing, the ref reprimands them all, and the House focuses on Yano. They put Yano back in, Yujiro stomps him, and then Yujiro drags Yano up to bump off buckles. Tag to Evil and Evil tells the ref to check Ishii. Evil then CHOKES Yano with a House of Torture shirt! The ref has to keep Ishii back because Ishii’s mad!

Evil lets off, covers Yano, TWO! Another cover, TWO! A third cover, TWO!! Evil is frustrated with the ref but the fans cheer. Evil CLUBS Yano, tags Yujiro, and Yujiro sits Yano up for a chinlock. Yujiro claws the eyes, runs, and SLIDING BOOTS! Cover, TWO! Fans rally as Yano hangs in there, but Yujiro kicks him around. Yujiro drags Yano up, knees low, and ROCKS him with a forearm. Yujiro stands Yano against ropes, but Yano blocks the boot! Yano clinches to BELLY2BELLY! Fans fire up while both men are down! Yano crawls, hot tag to Ishii! Ishii dodges, blocks a boot, then runs to CLOBBER Yujiro!

Evil runs in, Ishii dodges him and CLOBBERS him now! Fans fire up as Ishii storms over to Yujiro. Ishii reels Yujiro in but Yujiro fights the back suplex. Yujiro whips, Ishii reverses, BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! The fans rally up as Ishii brings Yujiro up and reels him in. But Yujiro BITES Ishii’s hand! The ref reprimands, Yujiro CLUBS and whips Ishii, but Ishii reverses. Yujiro grabs ropes, Ishii runs in but Yujiro dodges and Evil anchors Ishii! Yujiro BOOTS Ishii, then hits a REVERSE DDT! Fans rally for Ishii but Yujiro drags him up. Yujiro reels Ishii in, FISHERMAN- NO, Ishii fights free to suplex high and hard!

Fans fire up while both men are down, and the two crawl for their corners. Hot tags to Evil and Yano! Yano dodges, pulls hair, but Evil kicks and whips. Yano reverses to throw Evil by his hair! Yano unties a white buckle pad! Evil runs in but gets bare buckles! Roll up, TWO! Yano fires up and he stands Evil up. Evil blocks a kick, hands it to the ref, then mule kicks Yano! Evil runs, but Yano hits an atomic drop! And a trip, to CATAPULT Evil into the bare buckle! Ishii returns, but Yujiro trips him! Yujiro drags Ishii out to throw into railing, then runs in. Yano kicks first, whips, but Yujiro reverses! Yano hits bare buckles!

Evil & Yujiro storm up to whip Yano corner to corner. Yujiro BOOTS, Evil clotheslines, and then FISHERMAN BUSTER to SLIDING BOOT! Cover, Ishii breaks it in time! Yujiro fires forearms on Ishii but Ishii ROCKS him! Evil kicks Ishii, sends him into bare buckles, but Ishii just comes back! Evil LARIATS Ishii down! Yujiro distracts the ref so Dick can get in! MAGIC KILLER on Yano!! Cover, TWO!!! Yano survives and shocks Evil! The fans fire up but Evil slashes his throat. Evil drags Yano up, spins him around, EVERYTHING- NO, Yano slips free, and throws him into Dick! Yano pushes the ref aside so he can LOW BLOW Evil!!

Yano rolls Evil up, but Yujiro YANKS the ref out! Fans boo as Dick gets in to stomp away on Yano! Dick drags Yano up, Yujiro has his cane, but Yano dodges! CANE SHOT to Dick! Yano grabs the pimp cane to CHOKE Yujiro! But Kanemaru & Sho are here! WHISKEY BOTTLE to Yano! Ishii CLOBBERS Kanemaru! Sho kicks Ishii and has his Murder Tool! But Yano dodges and then shoves Sho, only for Sho to CLOBBER Ishii! Evil LOW BLOWS Yano! And then WHISKEY MIST from Kanemaru! Fans boo as Evil shouts to the ref. The ref crawls in, Evil drags Yano up, EVERYTHING IS EVIL!! Cover, The House wins!

Winners: Evil & Yujiro Takahashi, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Yano & Ishii earn 0)

The Clown Prince couldn’t counteract all the tricks the House had, but Ishii rushes them! Ishii gets mugged, and then Sho CLOBBERS Ishii with the Murder Tool! Will all of Block A have to watch out for these snakes?


2023 World Tag League, Block A: Kaito Kiyomiya & Ryohei Oiwa VS Gabe Kidd & Alex Coughlin!

The Green Supernova and his new protege team up to go for the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championships, but these War Dogs are hunting after them, too! Will Pro-Wrestling NOAH be making waves in NJPW? Or will #WarReady and the Dreadnought bring bodies to The Rebel’s door?

Kidd does his best Lance Archer impersonation by knocking down a Young Lion during his entrance. Kidd also wants after Kaito after their G1 Climax draw, and Kaito eggs him on. Red Shoes restores order with the help of the other Young Lions, but it doesn’t last as Kidd gets loose! Kidd and Kaito throw hands and the bell rings to get this on record! Fans fire up as the forearms keep flying, and then they start shoving! The forearms fly again, Kidd has the edge, and he ROCKS Kaito! Kaito shakes that off and fans fire up as he comes back with more! They go back and forth again, but Kidd claws the eyes!

Kidd puts Kaito in a corner, Red Shoes reprimands, but Kidd whips corner to corner. Kaito comes back to CLOBBER Kidd! Fans fire up and Kaito tags Oiwa. They double whip Kidd, to DOUBLE DROPKICK! Fans fire up as Coughlin runs in, into DOUBLE ARM-DRAGS! And then DOUBLE DROPKICKS! The fans fire up with the Noah duo, and then Kaito goes out to stomp away on Kidd. But Coughlin CHOKES Oiwa, then CLUBS him! Oiwa throws body shots in return while Kaito whips Kidd hard into railing! Coughlin waistlocks but Oiwa throws elbows to get free. Coughlin CLUBS Oiwa but Oiwa CHOPS back!

Sounds like Kaito whips Kidd into more railing while Coughlin CHOPS Oiwa! And SLAPS! And SLAPS! Oiwa just CHOPS in return! And again! Coughlin kicks and UPPERCUTS, Kidd comes around to SMACK Oiwa! Coughlin waistlocks Oiwa, Kidd runs up and they LARIAT GERMAN SUPLEX COMBO! Kidd flips off the fans while they boo, turns out it was Kaito who was sent into railing. Coughlin stomps Oiwa while Kidd goes back to Kaito. Coughlin CLUBS away on Oiwa while digging his knee into his chest. Then Coughlin CHOPS Oiwa! Kidd is in the ring and Red Shoes starts the count. Coughlin puts Oiwa in at 9 of 20 and Kidd stands on Oiwa’s face.

Kidd digs his boot in, taunts Oiwa then steps off. Kidd KICKS Oiwa in the side, throws forearms, but Oiwa eggs him on. Oiwa then ROCKS Kidd with forearm after forearm! Kidd SMACKS Oiwa back down! Tag to Coughlin and he drags Oiwa up. Coughlin scoops and carries Oiwa with one arm. Then he flips Kaito off before he SLAMS Oiwa! Cover, Kaito kicks Coughlin! Coughlin ROCKS and TOSSES Kaito, Kidd goes right after him! Kaito is sent into more railing! Coughlin CHOKES Oiwa, stomps him, then drags him up. The fans rally up for Oiwa but Coughlin kicks him around. Oiwa gets mad and stands back up to CHOP!

Coughlin brushes that off, so Oiwa CHOPS! And CHOPS! Coughlin CHOPS, then CHOPS! Oiwa falls over and Coughlin looms over him. The fans rally up, Coughlin stands Oiwa up and RAMS him into the corner! Then Coughlin HIP TOSSES Oiwa! Cover, TWO! Coughlin drags Oiwa back up with a gut wrench! Oiwa fights and flails, so Coughlin ROCKS Oiwa! Then GUT WRENCH, but Oiwa slips free! GUT WRENCH SUPLEX from Oiwa! Fans fire up while both men are down! Oiwa and Coughlin crawl, hot tag to Kaito! Kaito BLASTS Kidd, then he whips Coughlin to CLOBBER him! And again! Kaito whips again to DROPKICK!

Fans fire up with Kaito and he climbs up on Coughlin in a corner. Kaito rains down fists! He goes all the way to TEN, then whips corner to corner. Coughlin reverses but Kaito comes back, NECKBREAKER DROP! Cover, TWO! Kaito keeps cool and he drags Coughlin back up. Kaito runs, but Kidd trips him! Coughlin drops an ELBOW! Coughlin tags Kidd and Kidd storms up on Kaito. Kidd bumps Kaito off buckles, fires off forearm after forearm, but Red Shoes has Kidd stop. Kidd shoves Red Shoes so he can rain down more shots on Kaito! Fans boo but Kidd soaks it up. Red Shoes reprimands and the fans rally behind Kaito.

Kidd SPITS at Kaito, so Kaito TACKLES Kidd! Kaito rains down fists and forearms on Kidd from all sides! Coughlin drags Kaito away, GERMAN SUPLEX! Oiwa is in and he SINGLE LEG SUPLEXES Coughlin! Kidd ROCKS Oiwa and reels him in for a SAIDO! Kidd storms up on Kaito, SLAPS and SLAPS and SLAPS him, then SLAPS him on the back! Kaito stands right up to SLAP Kidd down! And then chicken wing, TIGER SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Fans fire up with Kaito and he roars! Kaito runs in, but Coughlin FLYING SHOULDER TACKLES! Oiwa returns, Coughlin kicks and CLUBS, but Oiwa ROCKS him!

Oiwa runs to clothesline Coughlin and himself outta the ring! The fans are thunderous as now it’s just Kidd and Kaito in the ring! Kidd rises up, grits his teeth and storms over to Kaito. But Kaito ROCKS Kidd first! And again! And again! Kaito runs, jumps, but Kidd blocks! Kidd BITES Kaito’s forehead! Red Shoes reprimands, but Kidd suplexes to a BRAINBUSTER!! Cover, TWO!! Kaito survives and the fans are thunderous again! Kidd seethes, and then he stands back up. Kidd has Coughlin pull up floor mats! The fans boo, they don’t like where this is going. Kidd puts Kaito on the top rope, and SHOVES him down!

Kaito tumbles to the apron then the floor, and then Kidd goes to the apron. Coughlin hauls Kaito up but Oiwa DROPKICKS Kidd down! And Kaito fights the gut wrench! Coughlin CLUBS Kaito, but Kaito back drops him to the bare floor!! The fans go wild as all four men are down at ringside. Red Shoes starts the ring count, Kidd crawls after Kaito to CLUB him! Kidd CLUBS Kaito again and again, but Oiwa goes after Kidd! Coughlin goes after Oiwa, the brawling continues! Coughlin whips but Oiwa reverses to send him into and over railing! Kidd and Kaito still brawl while we hit 15 of 20! Kidd has a chair! He swings, but Kaito ducks and the chair hits post!

Oiwa DROPKICKS Kidd down! The count is 18 of 20!! Kaito hurries in to break it, and his team wins!!

Winners: Kaito Kiyomiya & Ryohei Oiwa, by count-out (gains 2 points; War Dogs earn 0)

Kidd is furious, and he attacks Kaito anyway! Fans boo but Young Lions have to drag Kidd off Kaito! Coughlin is after Oiwa, but more Young Lions drag him away. Kidd has a chair! He CHUCKS it at Kaito! Oiwa goes after Coughlin! Kidd drags Kaito out, whips, but Kaito reverses to send Kidd into railing! But Kidd comes back for more! The Young Lions get him back, Kaito SHOTGUNS Kidd down! The brawling goes to the back, even! The War Dogs can’t accept this embarrassing start, will they just have to redeem themselves next round? As for Kaito & Oiwa, will this first win help them #CreateTheFuture?


2023 World Tag League, Block A: Shota Umino & Ren Narita VS Great-O-Khan & Henare w/ Callum Newman!

Two of the three Reiwa era Musketeers are teaming up to see if their clash of styles can create tag team success. But they’re up against the United Empire, emphasis on “united.” Will the Dominator & Face of Fury bring down these pillars of NJPW’s future? Or will the Roughneck & Son of Strong Style use their rivalry to become a powerful team?

The teams sort out, but then Khan and Shota stare down while Narita and Henare stare down. Then the forearms start flying! The bell rings, Henare backs Narita down and Khan does the same to Shota, but Shota and Narita both CLUB away on them. Shota tosses Khan out, Narita and Henare go back and forth with forearms, and Shota whips Khan into railing! Henare ROCKS Narita, but Narita knees low. Narita whips, Henare reverses but Narita BOOTS him down! Fans fire up and Narita CLUBS Henare on the neck! Narita bumps Henare off buckles, but Henare just snarls. Narita bumps Henare off buckles again, but Henare just headbutts the buckle over and over!

Henare roars, Narita UPPERCUTS! Narita whips corner to corner, but Henare comes back to CLOBBER him! Fans fire up and Henare sits Narita up. Henare KICKS Narita, but he stands up to fire off fast hands and a KNEE! Then HALF HATCH BRIDGE! TWO, and Narita stalks Henare to ropes. Narita stomps Henare, brings him up and bumps him off buckles. Tag to Shota, Narita throws knees and Shota stomps. They double whip to DOUBLE ELBOW, then Narita SENTONS and Shota SOMERSAULT SENTONS! They shake hands for a DOUBLE ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! Narita BLASTS Khan and Shota drags Henare up.

Shota UPPERCUTS Henare, UPPERCUTS again, and has him in a corner. The fans rally for Henare as Shota UPPERCUTS and whips. Shota runs in but Henare ELBOWS him! And goes up to FLYING CHUCK! Henare then BLASTS Narita, and Khan is there to attack! Khan CHOPS Narita down, and Henare sits Shota up. Henare KICKS Shota in the back! Shota writhes but Henare KICKS him again, then SENTONS! Cover, ONE!! Henare is frustrated but he stalks Shota to ropes. Henare drags Shota up, CLUBS him and has him in the corner. Henare elbows then whips Shota corner to corner hard!

Fans fire up while Shota writhes, and Henare drags him back up. Henare bumps him off buckles then tags in Khan. Khan Mongolian Chops Shota on the back, then does it again! And again! Khan stands Shota up, and fans fire up as Khan sits on his throne! Red Shoes reprimands and Shota flails, but Khan waits until 4 to stand up. Khan sits back down, Red Shoes counts again, and Khan hops off. Khan brings Shota around to scoop and SLAM, then he covers. Narita breaks it, but Khan Mongolian Chops him down! Khan kicks Narita out of the ring literally, then he drags Shot up. IRON CLAW SLEEPER! Henare steps in to throw body shots!

Khan Mongolian Chops and Henare KICKS Shota down! Khan drops an elbow, covers, TWO! The fans rally up while Shota writhes. Khan looms over Shota, drags him back up, and goes to make Shota kiss his foot! Shota refuses, and he fights his way up. Shota throws body shots, then forearms! Shota reels Khan in and turns him, but Khan fights free. Khan swings but Shota spins him to the NECKBREAKER! Fans fire up and Shota crawls for his corner. Hot tag to Narita! Narita BOOTS Khan down, stalks him to a corner, then fires off forearms! Henare CLUBS Narita, CLUBS him again, and The Empire double whips.

Narita ducks the lariats to DOUBLE LARIAT! Fans fire up again and Narita brings Khan up. Narita whips Khan to a corner, runs in and BACK ELBOWS! Then HALF HATCH BRIDGE! Cover, TWO! Fans rally and Narita drags Khan back up. Narita clinches but Khan fights. So Narita trips him! Khan reaches for ropes, but Narita rolls him away! DOUBLE HEEL CLOVERLEAF! Khan flails and reaches out, but Narita sits deep! Khan has the ROPEBREAK! Narita lets go, drags Khan up, and reels him in for a COBRA TWIST! Khan resists, fights free, and claws at Narita’s ear! Khan then switches things around, IRON CLAW COBRA TWIST!

Narita fights the hold but Khan gut wrenches to a GUT BUSTER! And then a spinning GUT WRENCH SUPLEX! Cover, TWO!! Narita survives and the fans fire up again! Khan drags Narita up, copies Ospreay’s call, and he runs the ropes. But Narita gets around to SAIDO! But Khan’s right up! IRON CLAW for the F G O PLEX! But Narita’s back up, GERMAN BRIDGE!! TWO!! Khan escapes but Narita roars! But Khan CLOBBERS him! Both men fall over and the fans fire up again! Khan crawls, hot tag to Henare! Henare storms up on Narita, and he drags Narita up to KICK him to a corner! Henare then storms up on Narita, but Narita throws forearms!

Henare eggs Narita on so Narita throws more shots! Henare just KNEES him low! Narita sputters and flops over, and Henare brings down the kneepad! Henare runs up again, but Narita avoids the Wizard! Narita clinches, Henare fights it with HEADBUTTS! Narita wobbles, Henare runs, into the WHEEL KICK! The fans fire up and Narita crawls, hot tag to Shota! Fans fire up as Shota whips but Henare reverses. Shota CLOBBERS Henare! Fans rally as Shota whips Henare to a corner, then runs in to UPPERCUT! And FISHERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Not quite perfect but Shota shrugs it off as he stands Henare up.

Shota clinches, Henare fights the lift and throws down elbows! Henare HEADBUTTS Shota, runs, but Shota pops him up for a KNEE! And then EXPLODER! The fans fire up again as Henare goes to ropes and Shota takes aim. Shota calls it a la Ospreay, to SLINGSHOT APRON DDT! Narita BOOTS Khan and fans fire up with Shota! Narita whips Khan hard into railing, and Khan tumbles up and over! The ring count starts, Shota drags Henare up at 10 of 20 to put him in at 12. Shota then goes up a corner, Henare is in the ropes, GUILLOTINE MISSILE DROPKICK! Shota then takes aim as Henare rises, IGNITION!! Cover, TWO!!

Henare survives but Shota doesn’t let that bother him. Fans rally, Shota drags Henare up to half nelson. Henare fights with elbows! Shota still tries but Henare elbows free! Henare staggers and Shota throws a forearm! Henare wobbles, Shota throws another forearm! Henare throws a shot in return! Shota throws another, so Henare gives it back! Fans rally as the forearms start flying faster and faster! Shota has the edge, but Henare just fires himself up! Henare swings, Shota blocks, ROCKS and ROLLING ELBOWS! Henare CHOPS, CHOPS, SLAPS and SLAPS! Shota CHOPS! And swings, but Henare BODY BLOWS!

Shota sputters, Henare whips, and scoops but Shota slips free! Shota shoves, runs up, but Henare denies the DDT to SLAM! Shota avoids the Penalty Kick to kick and whip! But Henare avoids the dropkick! Henare runs up but Shota ducks again. Henare whips, Shota reverses and DROPKICKS! Henare rebounds to RUGBY KICK!! Cover, TWO!! Shota survives but the fans are rallying behind Henare! Henare powers himself up, drags Shota to his feet, and whips again. Shota reverses to TORNADO DDT! Shota aims, Henare rises, and Shota runs in, but Henare scoops! BERSERKER BOMB!! Both men are down and the fans are thunderous!

Henare and Shota crawl, hot tag to Khan! Khan BLASTS Narita into railing! Khan drags Shota up, clamps on and whips him to the corner, to also clothesline! And then torture rack! Khan storms around, and he swings Narita for the GORILLA PRESS NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Shota survives but Khan clamps on, HEAD ‘N’ NECK TRIANGLE! Shota flails, reaches out, but Khan shifts to the IRON CLAW SLEEPER! Shota fights with elbows, but Khan CLUBS him! And then underhooks?! BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Cover, TWO!! Shota survives and fans are thunderous! Khan snarls and shouts that this is over!

Khan drags Shota back up, reels him back in, and scoops, but Shota slips free! Shota trips Khan into the STF! Khan endures, Narita intercepts Henare for a COBRA TWIST! The Empire endures stereo submissions, but Khan fights his way forward! Khan reaches out, but Shota pulls back! Khan still fights and has the ROPEBREAK! Shota lets go of Khan, Narita lets Henare go. Narita fires Shota up and brings Khan around. Narita whips Khan to a corner, then Shota runs in to ELBOW! Narita runs in to JUMP KICK! Feed to Shota’s forearm! Narita BOOTS, Shota ROLLING ELBOWS, Narita BOOTS again! Shota hoists Khan up, Narita runs, HART ATTACK!! Cover, TWO!!

Fans fire up again as the Musketeers coordinate. Shota drags Khan up, whips him to Narita, EXPLODER! Shota then aims as Khan is in the corner, BLINDSIDE KNEE! HALF ‘N’ HALF! Cover, Henare barrels in to break it! Narita TOSSES Henare, and Shota calls his shot! Shota aims from the apron while Henare sends Narita into railing! Khan ducks Blaze Blade! Henare SHOTGUN BOOTS Shota down! Fans fire up as the Empire’s Monster Rage boils over! They drag Shota up, double whip corner to corner, and then Khan runs in to clothesline! Henare runs in, SHINING WIZARD! And then feed to the DOUBLE BOOT COMBO!

Khan sits Shota up for RUGBY KICK! HITSUJIGOROSHI! FUBUKI! MARINE!!! Cover, NARITA BREAKS IT!! Henare hauls Narita up to HEEL KICK him down! The Empire drags Shota up again, ASSISTED BOMB!! Cover, TWO?!?! Shota survives and shocks The Empire! Khan & Henare go forehead to forehead, the Monster Rage reaches a new level! They drag Shota up, Henare fireman’s carries and Khan runs, but Shota slips free! Shota shoves Henare into Khan, then kicks off Khan to TORNADO DDT Henare! Narita has Khan in a SLEEPER! Khan flails, but he pries Narita’s arms open to SAYANAGI!

Khan snarls as he storms over to Shota and clamps on the IRON CLAW! Khan aims for Narita, but Shota slips free! DOUBLE ENZIGURIS hit! And then the BLAZE BLADE!! But Shota’s not done there, he gets Khan up for DEATH RIDER!!! Cover, Shota & Narita win!

Winners: Shota Umino & Ren Narita, by pinfall (gains 2 points; The United Empire earns 0)

The Dominator & Face of Fury could not conquer the youth movement and are off to a rough start. Will they be able to rebound and still show the Empire’s power?

As for the Reiwa Musketeers, Shota gets the mic first to say, “We took our first win in World Tag League!” The fans cheer that, and Shota continues to say that there was some frustration for them. Back when they were just Young Lions, Shota was in WTL 2018, and he lost every single match. Shota remembers that frustration, so now he knows the sweet taste of victory, thanks to Narita. Shota says that they are the new generation and the future of NJPW. They will remind you of that, and you will not forget this main event. Shota is happy that the new generation won here in Korakuen Hall, but he is a little upset that the arena wasn’t sold out.

Shota promises that very soon, you will see him and Narita make sure NJPW sells out every stop, with them on top! The fans rally behind Shota, and Shota says that the changing of the guard has only just begun, and vows that he and Narita will sweep WTL to go on to Tokyo Dome! Then they will “create our Paradigm Shift,” so don’t take your eyes off them! Fans cheer the mic drop, but will The Roughneck & The Son of Strong Style truly lead the way into the future?


Here are the current A Block standings.

TMDK: 1-0, 2 points
The House of Torture: 1-0, 2 points
Kaito Kiyomiya & Ryohei Oiwa: 1-0, 2 points
Shota Umino & Ren Narita: 1-0, 2 points
The United Empire: 0-1, 0 points
War Dogs: 0-1, 0 points
Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii: 0-1, 0 points
The Gates of Agony: 0-1, 0 points

My Thoughts:

A great event to start World Tag League, and A Block is going to be really wild. I should’ve figured The Gates of Agony wouldn’t win their opener, but that was a great showing. And I should’ve figured The House of Torture would cheat super hard to win, because duh, it’s The House of Torture. Getting boring at this point but in such a strong block, maybe the House’s cheating only works on so many teams. Kidd and Kaito constantly going after each other was logical given how their G1 Climax match went, and it was pretty smart for the War Dogs to lose by count out. They don’t look that weak but they still lose out on points, so great for Kaito & Oiwa.

And of course, great main event. I was a little surprised Henare was getting cheered so much but I do appreciate that the fans appreciate Henare’s talent. I do wonder how fans in Japan are reacting to Ospreay joining AEW now, with WrestleKingdom 18 being the last event he does as an NJPW wrestler. And chances are, someone like Khan or Henare will have to step up in the group to be the proper leader while Ospreay is in the US with AEW, so this WTL could help bring that out of these guys. But Shota & Narita winning made a lot of sense, NJPW is strongly behind these guys, just as Ospreay criticized NJPW for. I don’t know about sweeping the block like Shota said, but he and Narita are definitely top choices for A Block finalists.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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