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Mitchell’s NJPW World Tag League Results & Report! (11/24/23)

It’s Block Friday!



Can the NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions stay strong?

El Phantasmo & Hikuleo started off World Tag League with the biggest win possible, but will they continue on and dominate B Block?


  • Kickoff Match – Katsuya Murashima VS Oskar Leube; Leube wins.
  • Six Man Tag: The Gates of Agony & Yuto Nakashima VS Master Wato, Shota Umino & Ren Narita; Wato, Shota & Narita win.
  • 8 Man Tag: Ryusuke Taguchi, YOH, Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii VS Bullet Club War Dogs; Taguchi, Yoh, Yano & Ishii win.
  • Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS The House of Torture; The House of Torture wins.
  • Six Man Tag: TMDK VS The United Empire; TMDK wins.
  • 2023 World Tag League, B Block: Bad Luck Fale & Jack Bonza VS Atlantis Jr. & Soberano Jr; Atlantis & Soberano win.
  • 2023 World Tag League, B Block: Yuji Nagata & Minoru Suzuki VS Yota Tsuji & Zandokan Jr; Tsuji & Zandokan win.
  • 2023 World Tag League, B Block: Bishamon VS Lance Archer & Alex Zayne; Archer & Zayne win.
  • 2023 World Tag League, B Block: El Phantasmo & Hikuleo VS Taichi & Yuya Uemura; Taichi & Yuya win.


Here are the current B Block standings.

ELP & Hikuleo: 1-0, 2 points
Atlantis Jr. y Soberano Jr: 1-0, 2 points
Alex Zayne & Lance Archer: 1-0, 2 points
Taichi & Yuya Uemura: 1-0, 2 points
Bishamon: 0-1, 0 points
Yota Tsuji & Zandokan Jr: 0-1, 0 points
Bad Luck Fale & Jack Bonza: 0-1, 0 points
Yuji Nagata & Minoru Suzuki: 0-1, 0 points


2023 World Tag League, B Block: Bad Luck Fale & Jack Bonza VS Atlantis Jr. & Soberano Jr!

The Bullet Club Rogue Army got burned by Monster Sauce while the second generation stars of CMLL shined against the grizzled murder grandpas! Will the Rogue General & Red Commando be able to bring down the sons of lucha libre? Or will they just get burned again?

The teams sort out but they also talk a little trash. Bonza & Fale Too Sweet, then they pie faces the luchadores! So the luchadores DOUBLE DROPKICK! Atlantis then feeds Bonza to Soberano’s SUPERKICK! The bell rings, the luchadores wheelbarrow Bonza for an ENZIGURI FACEBUSTER! The fans rally up as the luchadores fire off KICK after KICK on Fale! Soberano then hops up onto Fale to use him as a step into the FAMOUSER! Fans fire up and the luchadores high five. Soberano CLUBS Fale, CLUBS him again, and then hammers away! Fale doesn’t budge, and he knocks Soberano down! Fale then stands Soberano up for a BODY BLOW!

Soberano doubles over but Fale whips him to ropes. Soberano dodges, goes to the apron, and then GAMANGIRIS! He SUPERKICKS Bonza but Fale CLOBBERS him! Atlantis runs in but Fale ROCKS him first! Bonza whips Soberano into railing while Fale tosses Atlantis out. Fans rally up as Fale stares Atlantis down. Bonza puts Soberano in, Fale drags him up, and Fale scoops to SLAM Soberano! Soberano writhes, Fale stands on him at the ropes! The ref reprimands but fans cheer as Fale gives Soberno the “Bullet Club back massage.” Fale steps away as the ref counts, and he tags in Bonza. Bonza storms up on Soberano and throws his shirt at him.

Bonza then hauls Soberano up, and into a GORY ESPECIAL! Soberano endures as Bonza bends the arms back! And bends! Then Bonza makes it a backslide, TWO!! Soberano activates that core and he sits back up, only for Bonza to POWERBOMB him! Cover, TWO! Fans applaud as Soberano survives, but Bonza tags Fale. Fale drops a BIG elbow on Soberano’s back! And then another BIG elbow! Soberano crawls but Fale drags Soberano back. Tag to Bonza and he drops an elbow! Not as big as Fale’s but hey. Fale throws up the Too Sweet, then drags Soberano up. Soberano CHOPS, then he ELBOWS Fale, and he CHOPS again!

Soberano tilt-o-whirls and fans fire up, but Bonza turns rana into ANKLE LOCK! Soberano endures, flails, but Bonza steps onto the legs. Bonza digs his knuckles into the ribs to get the arms, and he says “Uno! Dos! Tres!” ROMERO SPECIAL! Fans applaud that Bonza pulls it off! Fale then tags in, and he picks Soberano up to SLAM him down! Bonza then BLASTS Atlantis off the apron, and Fale stands on Soberano again. Fale uses Soberano as a normal surfboard! Atlantis runs in to CLUB Fale, but the ref has him back off. Fale tags Bonza back in, and Bonza drags Soberano up to CHOP him back down!

Bonza stalks Soberano to a corner, Soberano eggs him on, so Bonza DECKS him! Bonza digs his boot in, the ref counts and Bonza lets off. Bonza stands Soberano up to whip corner to corner, then he runs in, but into a BOOT! Soberano hops on, CODE RED! Fans fire up while both men are down! Soberano and Bonza crawl, hot tag to Atlantis! Fans rally as Atlantis ducks ‘n’ dodges Bonza to RAAN! Atlantis ROCKS Fale, whips Bonza, and then hits a SPINEBUSTER on Bonza for a cover. TWO, and Atlantis has a HALF CRAB! Bonza endures, fans rally, and Bonza crawls forward. ROPEBREAK! Atlantis lets go but keeps his cool.

Atlantis drags Bonza up to scoop and SLAM him into a drop zone! Fans rally as Atlantis climbs, and he aims to DIVING- NO, Bonza dodges! Atlantis comes back, but Bonza drop toeholds him into buckles! Then Bonza gator rolls to COFRNER HALF HATCH! Cover, TWO! Atlantis survives and the fans rally up. Bonza paces, then he brings Atlantis up to ROCK him with a forearm! Atlantis ROCKS Bonza back, but Bonza ROCKS him! Atlantis ROCKS Bonza, Bonza ROCKS Atlantis, they go back and forth! Bonza knees low, runs, but Atlantis SUPERKICKS! Fans fire up and Atlantis runs, but into an ELBOW!

Bonza whips, and DISCUS LARIATS! Bonza stands Atlantis up, reels him in, but Atlantis suplexes! Atlantis tries to hold Bonza up but he’s pretty bulky, so he just SLAMS Bonza down for Soberano to SPLASH onto! Atlantis covers, TWO! Fale storms in to stomp Atlantis, then he runs. The luchadores dodge the double lariats to DOUBLE DROPKICK Fale onto ropes! Fans fire up as they also dial it up together, 619 DROPKICK COMBO! Soberano hurries up top to MISSILE DROPKICK Fale out of the ring! And Soberano just keeps going, to then FOSBURY FLOP! Direct hit and fans fire up! Bonza runs in but is put in a corner!

Bonza rebounds but into Atlantis’ POWERSLAM! Atlantis then goes up, fans rally again, FROG SPLASH! Cover, the luchadores win!

Winners: Atlantis Jr. & Soberano Jr, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Rogue Army earns 0)

The NWA World Historic Light Heavyweight Champion scores another two points for this team, and they’re leading the block! Will CMLL conquer the WTL to become the top team in NJPW?


2023 World Tag League, B Block: Yuji Nagata & Minoru Suzuki VS Yota Tsuji & Zandokan Jr!

Both teams fell in the first round, one to the sons of lucha libre and the other to two-fifths of Just5Guys. Which team rebounds and finally gets on the board?

The teams sort out and Suzuki argues with Nagata about who starts. Just like last time. But then Tsuji & Zandokan attack! The bell rings, the teams brawl, and Nagata tosses Tsuji out. Suzuki fires off forearms on Zandokan while Nagata goes out after Tsuji. Suzuki ROCKS Zandokan, whips him, but Zandokan runs him over! Zandokan stomps away on Suzuki, then has him at the ropes. Zandokan drags Suzuki up but Suzuki grabs him for a HANGING ARMBAR! The ref reprimands, Suzuki lets go, and then he drags Zandokan out to whip him into railing! Nagata KICKS Tsuji and keeps after him as he goes around the way.

Suzuki wrenches Zandokan’s arm, CLUBS it, and then stalks him. Nagata KICKS Tsuji, they go to the ramp, and Suzuki drags Zandokan up to wrench his arm, and wrap it around railing! The ref reprimands, but Suzuki BOOTS the railing to jam up the arm! Suzuki stalks Zandokan, Tsuji hits Nagata back, but Nagata kicks low. Suzuki ROCKS Zandokan, Tsuji and Nagata brawl in No Man’s Land, and then Nagata sends Tsuji into railing. Suzuki puts Zando in the ring, wrenches and BOOTS the arm, and Zando falls over. Suzuki laughs as he drags Zando back up, to double wristlock! Tag to Nagata, and he takes the handoff.

Nagata wrenches to an ELBOW BREAKER! And then another! Zando falls over, Nagata stomps him down. Nagata stomps Zando more, drags him back up, and wrenches again, only for Suzuki to tag in. Suzuki stomps Zando, headlocks then wrenches the arm to YANK it! Zando flounders while he clutches the arm, but Suzuki puts him in the corner. Tag to Nagata, though rather roughly, but Nagata stands Zando up. Nagata YANKS the arm, YANKS it again, then CLUBS Zando down. Nagata BOOTS Tsuji down, drags Zando back up, and he CLUBS the bad arm. Nagata has a double wristlock, but Suzuki frowns and tags in.

Nagata lets Zando for Suzuki to stalk him to ropes. Suzuki drags Zando up, but Zando CHOPS! Suzuki just eggs Zando on, so Zando CHOPS! Suzuki laughs and then ROCKS Zando! And again, and again! Suzuki whips Zando, Zando reverses to LARIAT! Both men are down and the fans applaud. Zando crawls, hot tag to Tsuji! Tsuji runs to BLAST Nagata! Then he runs up to fire forearms on Suzuki. Tsuji whips, Suzuki reverses but Tsuji runs him over! And basement dropkicks! Tsuji stands Suzuki up to suplex high and hard! Cover, TWO! Tsuji stands Suzuki up, Suzuki fires off forearms, but Tsuji just grins.

Tsuji swings but Suzuki counter punches! Suzuki ROCKS Tsuji, whips him to a corner but Tsuji reverses. Tsuji runs in to SPLASH! Tsuji runs, but Suzuki dodges, gets around, and has the SLEEPER! Nagata tags in, they mug Tsuji, and Nagata KICKS! And KICKS! And KICKS! Nagata fires up, whips corner to corner, but Tsuji dodges the boot! Tsuji kicks and whips corner to corner, runs in, but Suzuki intercepts to SLEEPER! Then feed to an EXPLODER! Fans cheer the teamwork and Nagata covers, TWO! Suzuki intercepts Zando with a SLEEPER, and Nagata puts Tsuji in a CROSSFACE! Tsuji endures, fans rally up, and Zando is fading!

Tsuji fights around, reaches out, and has a ROPEBREAK! Nagata lets Tsuji go, Suzuki drags Zando out to send him into railing! Tsuji fights the saido, Nagata knees low, and tries again! Tsuji counters with a headlock takeover! Nagata gets up and Tsuji V-TRIGGERS! Nagata ENZIGURIS! Nagata suplexes, for a BRAINBUSTER! Cover, Zando breaks it! Fans fire up, Nagata brings Zando up to ROCK him with forearm after forearm! Nagata runs, into a SUPERKICK! Nagata wobbles, Tsuji SUPERKICKS! Tsuji & Zando get Nagata up for THE ANCHOR! Cover, Suzuki breaks it! Fans fire up as Zando tosses Suzuki out.

Zando goes out after Suzuki, MISSILE DROPKICK off the apron! Tsuji drags Nagata to a drop zone as fans fire up with Zando! Zando tags in, climbs up, and DIVING SPLASHES! Cover, Suzuki breaks it again! Tsuji tosses Suzuki out now, then BLASTS him off the apron! Suzuki hits railing, Tsuji cheers Zando on. Zando drags Nagata up, but Nagata fires off forearms! Nagata CHOPS, Zando HEADBUTTS! Zando drags Nagata up, scoops him, and SLAMS him! Zando sets Nagata up in the drop zone and he tags Tsuji! Tsuji goes up and stands on Zando’s shoulders! VAMOS AMIGOS SPLASH!! Cover, #GenePirates win!

Winners: Yota Tsuji & Zandokan Jr, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Nagata & Suzuki earn 0)

A rather surprising start for the murder grandpas! The Meanest Man in the World is furious so he just leaves Blue Justice behind! Is the World Tag League no country for old men? Will Gene Blast & The King of the World sail on until they have the treasure?


2023 World Tag League, B Block: Bishamon VS Lance Archer & Alex Zayne!

In a first round shocker, the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions lost in the main event! Will there be another shocker in a second round loss? Or will they #GetBackUp by bringing down the Monster Sauce?

The teams sort out and Hirooki Goto steps up against Zayne. The bell rings, the fans rally up, and the two circle. They tie up, go around, and Goto waistlocks. Zayne wrenches out, wristlocks, then wrenches to an ELBOW BREAKER! Zayne wristlocks again, but Goto rolls, wrenches and wristlocks to a hammerlock then full nelson. Goto spins Zayne to a cravat, then a headlock. Zayne powers up and out, but Goto runs him over! Fans cheer but Zayne sits up. Goto runs, but he fakes Zayne out to stomp him! Goto headlocks again but Zayne throws body shots. Zayne powers up and out again, then gets around to roll him up!

Goto rolls through, he ducks the Eddy Gordo kick, then waistlocks. Zayne elbows free, runs, but Hashi jumps in, Bishamon double shoulder tackles! Zayne is down, Hashi runs and Goto hip tosses him, ZANMAI! Archer run sin but into double kicks. Bishamon HAMMERS away! But Archer explodes out! Archer swings, Bishamon dodges double lariats, and they run in to double shoulder tackle! And then ZANMAI for Archer! Fans rally, Bishamon has Zayne, and they HAMMER away on him! Fans cheer as Hashi flexes, and Goto storms up on Zayne in a corner. Goto stomps then fires forearms. Goto CLUBS Zayne, then whips corner to corner.

Archer slips in as Goto runs at Zayne. Zayne avoids the splash, Archer hits an elbow, and then Zayne returns, HIP TOSS CANNONBALL! Archer BLASTS Hashi, then CLOBBERS Goto! Zayne covers, TWO! Zayne keeps cool and he tags Archer in. Monster Sauce drags Goto up, Archer winds up for a big body shot! Archer bumps Goto off buckles, then fires more body shots! And a CHOP! Fans applaud and Archer whips Goto corner to corner hard! Archer mocks the “Se~ no!” Fans applaud and Archer steps to Hashi. Hashi backs off, Archer drags Goto up. Fans rally, Archer short arm LARIATS Goto down! Cover, TWO!

Archer is annoyed but Red Shoes defends his count was fair. Archer drags Goto away to tag in Zayne. Fans rally behind Zayne and he drags Goto up. Zayne reels Goto in, CLUBS him down, but Goto snarls. Zayne wrenches Goto and CHOPS! Goto snarls more, so Zayne CHOPS him again! Fans fire up for that one, and Zayne says that’s finger lickin’ good. Goto eggs Zayne on, so Zayne throws a forearm. Goto CHOPS and CHOPS, but Zayne knees low! Zayne whips Goto corner to corner, but Goto reverses. Goto runs in, but into a BOOT! Zayne runs, but Goto follows, to LARIAT! Fans fire up while both men are down!

Goto crawls, hot tag to Hashi! The Headhunter runs Zayne over! And ELBOWS him down! And whips him to a corner, but Zayne reverses. But Hashi comes back to CHOP! Zayne wobbles, Hashi mule kicks and turns him, NECKBREAKER! Hashi dropkicks Archer off the apron and fans fire up more. Hashi runs at Zayne to CHOP again! Hashi then hangs Zayne out to dry, fans rally up and Hashi runs side to side to DROPKICK Zayne down! Cover, TWO! Zayne hangs in there but Hashi keeps his cool. Hashi drags Zayne up, reels him in, FISHERMAN- NO, Zayne fights the lift! Zayne throws body shots but Hashi keeps trying!

Zayne throws more shots, then suplexes in return! Hashi lands out of the gourd buster! He swings, Zayne spins him and LARIATS! But Hashi’s right back up!? To LARIAT Zayne down! The fans rally up as both men crawl for their corners. Hot tag to Goto, and he BLASTS Archer! Goto hauls Zayne up, fires off forearms in a corner, then whips corner to corner. Goto runs in, MURAMASA! And then SAIDO! Cover, TWO! Zayne is still in this and the fans cheer. Goto drags Zayne up, fireman’s carries, but Zayne fights free with elbows. Zayne scoops, but Goto fights with elbows. But Zayne still hits BAJA BLAST! And then Archer BLASTS Hashi!

Zayne kips up and Archer says to finish this! Zayne says “ITADAKIMASU~!” Zayne drags Goto up as the fans rally, and Zayne straitjackets and pump handles! TACO DRIVER!! Cover, Hashi breaks it! Archer hauls Hashi up to choke grip! Hashi breaks free, dodges the lariat, and dropkicks the legs! Hashi keeps moving, BLOCKBUSTER! Fans fire up with Hashi but Zayne scoops him! BAJA- NO, Hashi slips free to SUPERKICK! Hashi fires up and he calls to Goto! Half nelson, pump handle, but Zayne fights Karma! Hashi still powers up, but Zayne fights harder! Hashi body shots, feeds Zayne to Goto, but Zayne sends Goto into Hashi!

Zayne runs in, but into the HIDDEN GAP! And then fireman’s carry, FIERCE FLASH! Hashi calls the shot and the fans fire up! They get Zayne up, dragon sleeper and the leg hold, SHOTO!! Cover, ARCHER BREAKS IT! Fans fire up, Archer ROCKS Hashi and tosses him out! Archer drags Zayne to the corner and then tags in! Archer picks Zayne up to then THROW at Hashi!! Zayne and Hashi go down and the fans fire up! The Murderhawk Monster storms around and he drags Goto up. But Goto fires off forearms! Archer just roars and BOOTS! Goto roars and swings, into a spin, but Goto still suplexes first! Cover, TWO!

Fans fire up as Archer stays in this. Goto drags Archer up, dragon sleepers, but Archer spins around to suplex! Goto slips free, waistlocks, but Archer elbows free. Archer runs in at the corner, but Goto dodges! Goto runs in but Archer puts him up top! And then STEP-UP KNEES! Goto wobbles, Archer lifts him in the inverted crucifix! BLACKOUT BOMB!!! Cover, MONSTER SAUCE WINS!!

Winners: Lance Archer & Alex Zayne, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Bishamon earns 0)

It IS another shocker! The IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions lose two in a row!! Now they owe golden tickets to two teams! Is this a sign that Bishamon’s time on top could be coming to an end? Archer grabs the belts so he and Zayne can hold them up! Will this be what we see at WrestleKingdom 18?


2023 World Tag League, B Block: El Phantasmo & Hikuleo w/ Jado VS Taichi & Yuya Uemura!

In a shocker, the NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions beat the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions in the first round’s main event! But will their momentum be cut short already? Or will they be able to bring down the Holy Emperor & Heat Wave?

ELP & Leo copy J5G by walking through the crowd to give fans some photo ops with the champs. The teams then sort out, and ELP gets the fans fired up for the main event. The fans chant and clap “E L P! E L P!” ELP then jumps to high-five Leo, and Leo offers to J5G. They decline, and ELP steps up for the team. Yuya insists, and Taichi accepts. Fans rally up as the bell rings and ELP stares Yuya down. They circle, and ELP takes off the shirt to then throw it to Leo. Leo misses and apologizes. ELP gets the fans to rally up again, and he ties up with Yuya. ELP wrenches, wristlocks, but Yuya rolls, wrenches, hammerlocks, headlocks, spins, hammerlocks, spins, cravats and armlocks!

Fans cheer, and ELP scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Yuya lets go quickly and the fans again. ELP and Yuya reset, and ELP gets the fans fired up again. ELP puts up his dukes, he and Yuya circle, and they feel things out. They knuckle lock, Yuya wrenches but ELP rolls, handsprings, wrenches, hammerlocks, spins Yuya to a cravat and then headlock takeover. Yuya headscissors but ELP kips free, and the fans cheer again. ELP shoves Yuya, Yuya shoves back. ELP eggs Yuya on, Yuya fires up, and they tie up again. ELP headlocks, Yuya powers out, and ELP runs Yuya over! ELP flexes while fans cheer, and things speed up.

Yuya hurdles, ELP shoves, then ELP hurdles, and Yuya leaps over. They both dropkick, those cancel out, and fans cheer as both men kip up! ELP backs off, and Leo reaches out. ELP tags Leo in, so Yuya goes to his corner. Leo waits, and Yuya tags Taichi. The fans rally up for the KOPW Champion and he steps in. Leo takes a sumo stance? Fans cheer, but Taichi isn’t so sure. Leo gets a “TAI~CHI! TAI~CHI!” chant going, and then hits the sumo stance again. Taichi nods and steps up, to then BOOT Leo! Taichi CLUBS Leo and stomps him, but Leo just stands up! Taichi KICKS the leg again and again, but Leo choke grips!

Taichi breaks free, and choke grips in return! But Leo choke grips again! And Leo’s arms are longer! Taichi can’t reach, so he just breaks free and KICKS! But Leo runs Taichi over! Then he BLASTS Yuya! Leo stomps Taichi, paces, and he drags Taichi up. Leo tosses Taichi out, and ELP is there to whip Taichi to railing. Taichi stops himself, ELBOWS ELP away, and then storms up. ELP dodges Ax Bomber to go up and ASAI MOONSAULT! Direct hit and fans fire up! ELP puts Taichi in the ring and Leo covers, TWO! The fans rally, Leo drags Taichi up, and Leo whips Taichi to ropes, to ELBOW him down!

Leo then runs to drop a BIG elbow! Cover, TWO! Taichi stays in this but Leo sits him up for a chinlock. Taichi endures, the fans rally, and Taichi fights up. Leo squeezes tight but Taichi throws body shots. Leo CLUBS Taichi down, then drags him back up. Fans cheer with ELP, “BOOT! BOOT!” and Leo bumps Taichi off ELP’s boot! Tag to ELP, and they sit Taichi down. ELP stomps a mudhole, then calls for a boot! ELP brings Taichi around, Leo puts his foot up, but Taichi turns things around and sends ELP into Leo’s boot! Leo hobbles back, but ELP manages to dropkick Taichi first! ELP BLASTS Yuya, too!

ELP puts Taichi in the corner to RAM into him! And again! And again! Red Shoes reprimands, ELP tags Leo, and ELP traps Taichi so Leo can CHOKE him! ELP lets off, Leo ROCKS Taichi, and Leo pushes Taichi to a cover, ROPEBREAK! Taichi’s foot saves him, but Leo drags him back up. Fans rally, Leo choke grips, but Taichi CHOPS! And kicks! And KICKS the leg! Leo eggs him on, Taichi kicks more but Leo kicks low. Leo whips Taichi to a corner, runs in but Taichi dodges to GAMANGIRI! Fans rally up as Taichi falls over. Taichi and Leo crawl for their corners, hot tag to Yuya, and he dodges Leo to BLAST ELP!

Yuya DROPKICKS Leo, Leo stays up, so Yuya DROPKICKS again! Leo still stands, ELP runs in but Yuya sends him into Leo! Then Yuya arm-drags ELP! And then DOUBLE CHOP! Leo runs up, and he blocks the arm-drag! Leo whips Yuya to a corner, but Yuya goes up to CROSSBODY! Leo rises, but Yuya arm-drags! Fans fire up with Yuya and Leo goes to a corner. Yuya runs in to forearm smash, then he whips. Leo reverses, runs in, but Yuya ELBOWS! Yuya goes up, FLYING BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Leo is still in this but Yuya stays focused. Yuya fires up, goes up a corner, but he has to leap over Leo! Leo comes back to BOOT Yuya down!

Fans fire up and Leo tags ELP. Leo drags Yuya up, they double whip Yuya to a corner, then Leo sends ELP in. ELP FLYING ELBOWS, then he feeds Yuya to Leo’s SIDEWALK SLAM! ELP goes up, LIONSAULT but onto knees! Yuya saves himself, the fans rally up, hot tag to Taichi! Taichi storms up on ELP, kicks him and then gives him Kawada Kicks! ELP goes to a corner, Taichi runs in and BOOTS him! Taichi keeps moving, but ELP dodges Ax Bomber to mule kick. ELP whips, Taichi reverses to wrench and HOOK KICK! Fans fire up, Taichi stands and he brings ELP around. Taichi reels ELP in but ELP fights with elbows!

ELP straitjackets but Taichi fights the torture rack. So ELP waistlocks! But Taichi breaks free to PELE! ELP runs up to BOOT! Taichi AX BOMBERS! Fans fire up, and Taichi BLASTS Leo for good measure! Then OFF COME THE PANTS! Taichi aims from the corner, ELP rises up, into TENSHO- NO, ELP dodges to ENZIGURI! Taichi wobbles, and he GAMANGIRIS! Both men are down again and the fans fire back up! Taichi crawls, hot tag to Yuya! Yuya BLASTS Leo, drags ELP back up, and Taichi hops back in. Yuya whips ELP to a corner, then runs in to SPLASH! Feed to a RIDGE HAND CHOP! Yuya CHOPS, then Taichi BOOTS!

ELP wobbles, into a BULLDOG from Yuya! Cover, TWO! ELP survives and fans rally up. Taichi & Yuya stand ELP up, double back suplex, but ELP lands out! ELP dodges Yuya, slides under Taichi but Taichi grabs a leg! ELP BOOTS Taichi into Yuya! Hot tag to Leo! Leo UPPERCUTS Yuya, Taichi dodges but Leo still BOOTS him! Leo scoops Yuya, SNAKE EYES! Leo runs to run Yuya over! Leo waits on Taichi, choke grips him, and then Leo choke grips Yuya! But they break free, mug Leo and double whip. But Leo breaks the line to DOUBLE LARIAT! Fans fire up again and Leo waits on Yuya. Yuya grits his teeth as he stands, into a choke grip!

Leo lifts but Yuya fights with elbows! Yuya runs, into a scoop! POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Yuya survives but Leo calls his shot! Leo drags Yuya up with the choke grip, and GOD- NO, Yuya victory rolls and then has an arm! TRIANGLE HOLD! Taichi catches ELP into SEITEI JUJIHO!! ELP & Leo endure stereo submissions, but Leo reaches out with his long legs! Leo fights and fights, ROPEBREAK! Yuya lets go and Taichi sends ELP out. Yuya fires back up and he drags Leo up. Yuya traps an arm, then traps the other. But Leo is just too tall for the suplex! Leo breaks free with a HEADBUTT! Then he choke grips!

Yuya breaks free but Leo UPPERCUTS! And choke grip! GOD- SATELLITE DDT!! Both men are down again and the fans fire back up! Yuya and Leo crawl, but they have to go past each other! Yuya rolls, hot tag to Taichi! Taichi storms up on Leo, to KICK! Leo shakes his head, so Taichi KICKS him again! Leo grits his teeth and stays up, so Taichi KICKS again! Leo just fires up! And he blocks a kick! Leo swings, Taichi dodges, to SOBAT! Taichi runs, but into the SPINNING POWERSLAM! Fans fire up again as Leo crawls, hot tag to ELP! ELP steps up the ropes, to springboard THUNDERKISS 86!! ELP bounces off the cover but makes it back, TWO!!

ELP is frustrated, but he coordinates with Leo. The fans rally up as ELP straitjackets and torture racks. Leo runs in, BOOT UFO, into BRAIN SALAD!! Cover, YUYA BREAKS IT!! Fans are thunderous as Yuya CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS on Leo! Leo CHOPS back and Yuya falls! Leo & ELP coordinate, they tune up the band, and Taichi slowly rises. SUDDEN- NO, Taichi dodges! Taichi runs in, but into the choke grip! But then Taichi whips Leo into SUDDEN DEATH!! And then a trip and GEDO CLUTCH!! TWO?!?! ELP escapes and the fans are thunderous again! Yuya returns, he runs in to DROPKICK ELP in the corner!

Yuya then runs at Leo, to clothesline Leo and himself out of the ring! But wait, Yuya skins the cat! Fans fire up as Yuya then PLANCHAS to take Leo down! Taichi roars, aims, TENSHO- NO, ELP dodges! Trip and GEDO CLUTCH!!! TWO?!?!? ELP hurries to tune up and aim, but TENSHO JUJIHO hits first!!! Taichi hauls ELP up, Alabama Lift and tuck, BLACK MEPHISTO!!! Cover, J5G wins!!!

Winners: Taichi & Yuya Uemura, by pinfall (gain 2 points; ELP & Hikuelo earn 0)

A wild main event has a wild ending! The NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions have lost, but they still show Taichi & Yuya respect by offering a handshake. Yuya & Taichi accept, and the fans cheer. Will ELP & Leo owe golden tickets to J5G after this is all over?

As for J5G, Taichi gets the mic first to thank the fans here in Yamanashi for coming out tonight. And Taichi says he can’t be sure if it was just circumstances or bad timing, but today is not the only live broadcast today. Well, even if it wasn’t, this isn’t Taichi’s YouTube, it’s NJPW World. But regardless of a live livestream or not, professional wrestlers still fight with all their might. Fans cheer that! Taichi thanks the crowd again and is amazed at how many of them are supporting the pro-wrestlers. The fans cheer that, too, and then Taichi looks to Yuya. The fans start chanting for Yuya, so Taichi hands over the mic!

Yuya takes the mic, then lets his hair down. Yuya holds up the mic, the fans applaud, but then he just stands there. The fans chant his name again, and he finally speaks. He agrees with Taichi, it has nothing to do with livestreaming. He is just happy to see everyone who came here. Fans cheer that, and he thanks them, too. Yuya vows to “create excitement through pro-wrestling and change the world.” For he is the Heat Storm! This run has only just begun, but it will accelerate and grow, and they will return to Yamanashi. The fans cheer that, and Yuya says he will never forget this moment. After winning WTL, Yuya Uemura and Just5Guys will continue to rise! Thank you very much!

The fans applaud and Yuya returns the mic to Taichi. Taichi says that is right. He has left a lot of things behind, but winning WTL just seems like a no-brainer. He definitely wants to win this time. In fact, they of Just5Guys will be competing on December 23rd as part of Taichi’s first fan event. The deadline for tickets is today! Don’t hesitate, click here to apply! Thank you very much! Mic drop and the fans cheer. Will NJPW soon belong to Just5Guys?


Here are the NEW B Block standings!

Taichi & Yuya Uemura: 2-0, 4 points
Alex Zayne & Lance Archer: 2-0, 4 points
Atlantis Jr. y Soberano Jr: 2-0, 4 points
ELP & Hikuleo: 1-1, 2 points
Yota Tsuji & Zandokan Jr: 1-1, 2 points
Bishamon: 0-2, 0 points
Bad Luck Fale & Jack Bonza: 0-2, 0 points
Yuji Nagata & Minoru Suzuki: 0-2, 0 points

My Thoughts:

An awesome fourth day of WTL and a second round for B Block. What wild results even just this early, with Nagata & Suzuki 0-2, and the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions also 0-2! Awesome wins for Tsuji & Zandokan and Monster Sauce from those matches. And a great main event, with a great win for Taichi & Yuya. I really like the three teams we’ve got at 2-0 right now, and I like all of their chances of making it to the finals. NJPW fans still really like Archer, and they also like Zayne, they could have a great match with whoever wins out of A Block.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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