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Mitchell’s NJPW World Tag League Results & Report! (11/25/23)

Block A, round 3!



Can the United Empire make The Mighty kneel?

As Block A continues World Tag League, Great-O-Khan & Henare take on TMDK, with that top spot in the block on the line!


  • Kickoff Match – Yuto Nakashima VS Katsuya Murashima; Nakashima wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Atlantis Jr, Soberano Jr. & Boltin Oleg VS Lance Archer, Alex Zayne & Oskar Leube; Atlantis, Soberano & Oleg win.
  • 8 Man Tag: Ryusuke Taguchi, YOH & Bishamon VS Bullet Club; Raguchi, Yoh & Bishamon win.
  • 8 Man Tag: Master Wato, Tomoaki Honma, Yuji Nagata & Minoru Suzuki VS Just5Guys; Just5Guys win.
  • Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS ELP, Hikuleo & Jado; LIJ wins.
  • 2023 World Tag League, Block A: Shota Umino & Ren Narita VS The Gates of Agony; Shota & Narita win.
  • 2023 World Tag League, Block A: Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii VS Gabe Kidd & Alex Coughlin; Kidd & Coughlin win.
  • 2023 World Tag League, Block A: Kaito Kiyomiya & Ryohei Oiwa VS EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi; Kaito & Oiwa win.
  • 2023 World Tag League, Block A: TMDK VS Great-O-Khan & Henare; TMDK wins.


Here are the current A Block standings.

TMDK: 2-0, 4 points
The House of Torture: 1-1, 2 points
Shota Umino & Ren Narita: 1-1, 2 points
The United Empire: 1-1, 2 points
Kaito Kiyomiya & Ryohei Oiwa: 1-1, 2 points
War Dogs: 1-1, 2 points
Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii: 1-1, 2 points
The Gates of Agony: 0-2, 0 points


2023 World Tag League, Block A: Shota Umino & Ren Narita VS The Gates of Agony!

The Reiwa Musketeers are 1-1 but still hoping to lead the way into the future. However, they’re up against the 0-2 Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona, and they’re in a worse mood than usual. But will Kaun & Liona be able to Open the Gates? Or will Shota & Narita step back up to the front of the pack?

The teams get in each other’s faces, and then they start throwing forearms! Narita with Kaun, Shota with Liona, the ref has the bell ring to get this on record! Kaun TOSSES Narita, Liona throat chops Shota! Liona whips, Shota holds ropes and then dumps Liona out. Kaun ROCKS and CHOPS Narita while Shota RAMS Liona into the railing! Liona’s so big, he knocks Milano Collection AT out of his chair! Kaun storms over to go after Shota, and whips him into railing! Shota falls over, but Narita kicks Kaun and puts him in the ring. Fans rally as Narita and Kaun brawl. Kaun gets the edge, whips, but Narita ducks ‘n’ dodges and NECKBREAKER DROPS!

Fans fire up with Narita and he BOOTS Liona from the apron! Narita goes out to fire off on Liona, but Liona shoves him away. And Kaun PLANCHAS Narita down! Kaun then whips Narita into railing, then apron, then back again! And then into more railing! But Shota kicks Kaun, whips, but Kaun reverses to send Shota into railing! Then Liona POUNCES Shota up and over the railing! The Gates regroup in the ring as the count begins. Shota and Narita are still down at 10 of 20, and then 15! Narita drags himself up, Shota slides in, but Liona stomps him down. Liona stands on Shota’s face, but lets off as the ref counts.

Liona ROCKS Shota to the corner, tags in Kaun, and the Gates mug him. Liona sends Kaun in to elbow, then Liona SPLASHES! Feed to the drop toehold, and another SPLASH! Kaun covers, TWO! Fans rally as Shota hangs in there, but Kaun hauls him up to snap suplex! Uno Amigo, and then a wrench to a GERMAN SUPLEX! Kaun drags Shota up, Shota switches and they go to ropes, only for Kaun to BLAST Narita! Kaun switches with Shota and throws him away. Narita returns, into a BIG back suplex! Kaun then catches Shota for a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Kaun snarls but the ref’s count was fair, so he tags in Liona.

The Gates bring Shota up, but Shota fires forearms on them both! Fans rally but Kaun kicks low. Kaun whips Shota to a corner, then runs in, but he blocks boots to put Shota in the ropes. DRAPING BACKSTABBER, and then FALLING HEADBUTT from Liona! Liona covers, Narita breaks it! Liona TOSSES Narita out, then he storms around Shota. Fans rally for Shota but Liona shouts at them. Liona pushes Shota around, taunts him and the fans, but Shota stands to fire forearms! Shota roars, tries to scoop but can’t because Liona’s too big! Liona scoops but Shota slips free! Shota tries again but Liona CLUBS him down!

Narita coaches Shota on but Liona swipes at him. Shota dropkicks the legs out! And then SCOOP SLAMS Liona!! Fans fire up as both men are down! Shota crawls, hot tag to Narita! Narita runs up to BOOT Liona! And he BLASTS Kaun! Narita fires off on Liona in a corner but Kaun attacks from behind! The Gates double whip Narita, but Narita BOOTS Liona! Narita gets around Kaun to back suplex! Liona swings, into a waistlock! But he’s so big! Liona RAMS Narita into a corner, then runs back in, but Narita dodges! Narita runs in, to BACK ELBOW! And then Narita reels Liona in, but he’s too big for the half hatch!

Liona suplexes but Narita slips free to have a SLEEPER! Liona flails, reaches out, but Narita keeps him from ropes! Liona drops to a knee and starts to fade! But then he gets a second wind! So Narita shifts to a COBRA TWIST! Fans fire up and Liona reaches out, pries free and hip tosses Narita away! Narita runs back in, but into a SAMOAN DROP! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up but Liona is seething. Liona glares at the ref but the ref defends his count. Tag to Kaun, and the Gates storm up on Narita. They haul him up, to OPEN- NO, Narita fights free! And he dodges, to hot tag Shota! Shota runs to ROCK Kaun, then kick off Kaun to-

NO, Liona denies the Tornado! Shota dodges Liona to ROCK Kaun! Liona knees low, whips, and runs in, but Shota avoids the splash! Liona staggers back, into the TORNADO DDT! Fans fire up as Shota then gets Kaun for an EXPLODER! Shota aims at Kaun from the corner, BLAZE- NO, Kaun gets under! But Shota BOOTS him! Shota runs, Kaun LARIATS! Kaun fireman’s carries for the GUT BUSTER DROP! Cover, TWO!! Shota survives and Kaun is beside himself! Kaun roars, he calls to Liona, and the Gates get Shota up. DOUBLE LARIAT SANDWICH! Kaun covers, Narita breaks it! But Liona is after him!

Kaun full nelsons, pop-up and SPEAR from Liona!! The fans fire up as they haul Shota up, and OPEN THE GATES!! Cover, TWO?!?! Shota survives the Gates’ best shot!? Liona is furious, but Kaun says they just have to try again. They get Shota up but Narita makes the save! Narita fires off forearms, runs, but into a scoop! Double back suplex, but Narita lands out! Narita sends Liona into Kaun, to GERMAN SUPLEX Liona! Fans fire up but Kaun SHOTGUNS Narita! Kaun then kicks Shota, reels him in, but Shota wrenches out to ENZIGURI! And then he underhooks, to PARADIGM SHIFT! Cover, Shota & Narita win!

Winners: Shota Umino & Ren Narita, by pinfall (gain 2 points; The Gates of Agony earn 0)

The Roughneck takes down Kaun and now he and the Son of Strong Style are back up! And with an 0-3 start, will Liona & Kaun only be that much angrier in the fourth round?


2023 World Tag League, Block A: Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii VS Gabe Kidd & Alex Coughlin!

The Crown Prince & Stone Pitbull brought down the Gates of Agony, but the War Dogs took a bite out of Shota & Narita. Someone’s momentum ends short, so who will get run over in round three?

AHA! Turning the tables on the War Dogs, Yano & Ishii attack from behind! Yano CLUBS Coughlin, Ishii is after Kidd, and Yano even uses his red chair! The bell rings to get this on record as Yano brings Coughlin to the audio tech area, and Ishii THROWS railing at Kidd! Fans rally up, Yano brings Coughlin around and sends him into the wall! Kidd and Ishii fire forearms, Kidd ROCKS Ishii then HEADBUTTS him! But Ishii ROCKS Kidd back! They go to No Man’s Land while Yano brawls with Coughlin. Yano claws Coughlin’s eyes! The ref reprimands, Coughlin scrambles away, but Yano brings him along to ringside.

Ishii and Kidd brawl out in the open gap near the back! Kidd ROCKS and CLUBS Ishii, fires more shots, then eggs Ishii on. So Ishii DECKS Kidd! Yano whips Coughlin into railing, and Coughlin tumbles up and over! Ishii sends Kidd to ringside while Yano buries Coughlin under railing! Ishii whips Kidd into more railing! Yano drags Coughlin up, SMACKS him off the apron, and the ref reprimands that somebody has to get in the ring! Ishii ROCKS Kidd, Yano whips but Coughlin reverses, sending Yano into railing! Kidd fires forearms on Ishii and the ring count starts! Kidd whips, Ishii hits railing, but comes back to CLOBBER Kidd!

The count is 10 of 20, Coughlin fires off on Yano but Yano ROCKS Coughlin! Kidd and Ishii brawl, we’re at 15 of 20! The brawling just keeps going! We’re at 18!! 19!! EVERYONE runs in at 19.9!! Fans cheer and the brawling continues! Kidd UPPERCUTS Ishii, Ishii ROCKS Kidd! Coughlin rains down fists on Yano, then CHOKES him! The ref counts, Coughlin lets off, and Kidd drags Ishii out to whip him into railing! Coughlin stands on Yano at the ropes, lets off as the ref reprimands, and Kidd drags Ishii back to No Man’s Land! Kidd ROCKS Ishii into the open area, and ROCKS him again! They go deeper into the crowd!

Kidd CHOPS Ishii, sits him down in an open chair, and fires off hands! Kidd SLAPS Ishii, leaves him behind, and Coughlin keeps Yano down. Coughlin pie faces Yano, drags him up, and reels him in to then tag Kidd. The War Dogs mug Yano in the corner, and Kidd CHOKES him! The ref counts, Kidd lets off at 4, and he tags Coughlin back in. The fans rally, but Kidd rushes out to attack Ishii again! Kidd whips Ishii into more railing! Coughlin whips Yano to a corner, clotheslines, then CHOPS! Yano sputters, Coughlin CHOPS him again! And CHOPS him again! Yano falls, Coughlin stands on him at the ropes!

The ref counts, Coughlin lets off and taunts Yano while Kidd taunts the fans. The fans rally up, but Coughlin stands Yano up. Yano pulls hair! Coughlin whips Yano, Yano reverses, and throws Coughlin down by his hair! Yano crawls, hot tag to Ishii! Ishii runs, dodges, and then ROCKS Coughlin! Kidd runs in but is sent into Coughlin! Ishii whips Kidd into Coughlin at the corner, runs in but Kidd dodges, so the clothesline hits Coughlin! Kidd returns, but Ishii dodges, the clothesline hits Coughlin! Ishii then CLOBBERS Kidd, and he SAIDOS Coughlin! Fans fire up and Ishii brings Coughlin back up. Ishii CHOPS, and CHOPS, and CHOPS!

Coughlin roars and CHOPS, but Ishii roars! Coughlin fires forearms, whips, but Ishii reverses to ROCK Coughlin! Ishii runs, into a BOSS MAN SLAM! Fans fire up and Coughlin storms around. Fans rally as Coughlin drags Ishii up, waistlocks, but Ishii fights the German Suplex! Ishii facelocks, Coughlin wrenches out but Ishii blocks the clothesline to spin Coughlin back around. But Coughlin resists the suplex, and they fight for control! Coughlin suplexes Ishii! Ishii slips free, waistlocks, but Coughlin fights. Coughlin reaches back, pulls on the ears, and he drags Ishii up to THROW him down! Coughlin then deadlift GERMAN SUPLEXES!

But Ishii’s back up! And he GERMAN SUPLEXES Coughlin! Coughlin rises, roars, and LARIATS! Ishii stays up to HEADBUTT! Both men roar, they DOUBLE LARIAT! Both men stagger about, and fall over! Fans fire up, both men crawl, hot tags to Yano and Kidd! Yano dodges Kidd, claws his eyes, then unties a buckle pad! Fans cheer, Kidd runs in but Yano elbows him! Yano whips, Kidd reverses, but Yano stops from hitting buckles! Kidd runs in, but Yano sends him into buckles! And then roll up, TWO!! Kidd escapes, Yano brings him up but Kidd ROCKS him with a forearm! Kidd runs, Yano picks him up, but Kidd fights the atomic drop by pulling ears!

Kidd runs, REBOUNDER LARIAT! Ishii returns, Kidd ROCKS him, and Coughlin picks Ishii up for a FALL AWAY SLAM! The War Dogs drag Yano up, DOUBLE CHOKE SLAM! Cover, TWO!! Yano survives and the fans fire up! Coughlin is surprised but Kidd snarls. They whip him into a corner, Coughlin run sin but Yano dodges. Kidd runs in but is sent into Coughlin! Yano kicks Kidd, whips him, but Kidd reverses. Yano holds ropes, dodges Kidd, and Ishii LARIATS! Clinch and BELLY2BELLY! Cover, TWO!! Kidd is still in this but the fans fire up with Yano! Yano hauls Kidd up, reels him in, but Coughlin LARIATS Yano!

Ishii CLOBBERS Coughlin! Kidd swings, Ishii blocks and DECKS Kidd! The fans fire up again as Ishii drags Kidd up. Ishii reels Kidd in, but Coughlin waistlocks Ishii! Kidd runs in, into a BOOT! Yano SPEARS Kidd! Ishii ENZIGURIS Coughlin! Yano runs to CHOP BLOCK Kidd! Ishii traps Coughlin while Yano rolls Kidd up! But Coughlin BREAKS it! Ishii drags Coughlin out and Yano fires up again! Yano drags Kidd up, pops him up, ONI- NO, Kidd fights free! Yano claws Kidd’s eyes, runs, but Coughlin trips him! Kidd CHOPS Yano, Coughlin returns and they coordinate, LARIAT GERMAN SUPLEX COMBO! Cover, Ishii breaks it!!

Ishii ROCKS Coughlin, catches Kidd and spins him, but Kidd fights the suplex! Coughlin joins in, War Dogs DOUBLE FISHERMAN BUSTER Ishii! Yano shoves the ref into Coughlin! Atomic drop for Kidd! Yano swings on Coughlin, Coughlin waistlocks, but Yano LOW BLOWS! Kidd runs in, but is sent into Coughlin! Roll up, TWO!! Kidd escapes, and HAYMAKERS! Then the PILEDRIVER!! Cover, War Dogs win!

Winners: Alex Coughlin & Gabe Kidd, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Yano & Ishii earn 0)

The War Dogs out trick the trickster, and they’re just a step behind the pack leaders! Will Kidd & Coughlin take over and bring those trophies home to Bullet Club?


2023 World Tag League, Block A: Kaito Kiyomiya & Ryohei Oiwa VS EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi w/ Dick Togo!

The boys from Pro-Wrestling Noah were conquered by The United Empire, and the House of Torture could not make the Mighty kneel! Will the Green Supernova and his protege still #CreateTheFuture? Or will they learn Everything is Evil?

But of course the House attacks during introductions! Yujiro kicks Kaito out while Evil bumps Oiwa off buckles, and the bell rings to put this on record. Yujiro keeps after Kaito on the outside while Evil CHOPS Oiwa. Evil wrenches, wrenches, and CLUBS the arm! Evil then drags Oiwa up, whips him to ropes, but Oiwa ducks ‘n’ dodges and runs Evil over! Tag to Kaito and they double whip Evil to double arm-drag! And then double DROPKICK! Fans fire up as Kaito BLASTS Yujiro off the apron. Kaito stomps Evil, stomps him more, then wristlocks as he drags Evil up. Kaito wrenches and YANKS the arm, then CLUBS it!

Kaito clamps onto the arm, grinds the shoulder, and Evil reaches out. Kaito keeps Evil from ropes but Evil claws his eyes! Evil whips, and surprise! Bare buckles in the blue corner! Kaito hits steel and writhes while Evil BLASTS Oiwa! Yujiro drags Kaito out while Evil POSTS Oiwa! Yujiro claws the eyes, Evil has a chair to CHOKE Oiwa, and Yujiro sends Kaito into railing! Evil leaves Oiwa alone while Yujiro SMACKS Kaito with the buckle pad! Red Shoes reprimands, Yujiro puts Kaito in, and Evil stomps Kaito. Evil drags Kaito up to wrench and CLUB the arm. Evil CLUBS Kaito again, then pushes him to a cover, TWO!

Fans rally but Evil tags in Yujiro. Tokyo Pimp drags Kaito up to wrench and whip him into the bare buckles! Kaito writhes, Evil taunts him, and Yujiro drags Kaito back up. Yujiro scoops and SLAMS, then covers, TWO! Kaito hangs in there but Yujiro tags in Evil. Evil is being sneaky, and he gets Red Shoes to check Oiwa. Evil CHOKES Kaito with a House of Torture shirt! Evil lets off before he gets caught, then he CHOKES Kaito on the ropes! Red Shoes counts, Evil steps away, but then he CLAWS Kaito’s back! Evil drags Kaito up, wrenches an arm, and tags in Yujiro. Yujiro CLUBS Kaito’s arm, and then he throws haymakers!

Kaito eggs Yujiro on, Yujiro throws more shots, but then Yujiro claws the eyes! Yujiro throws Kaito down by his hair, drops a leg, and covers, TWO! Fans rally as Kaito hangs in there. Yujiro drags Kaito up, bumps him off buckles, then tags in Evil. Evil CLAWS Kaito’s back, then CHOPS him! And CHOPS again! And fakes a chop to claw at the eyes! Red Shoes reprimands, Evil lets off at 4, and Kaito writhes. Evil covers, TWO! Another cover, TWO! A third cover, TWO!! Evil is furious with Red Shoes but the fans rally up. Evil stalks Kaito, taunts the fans, and then goes up the corner to really egg them on.

The fans continue to rally for Kaito as Evil stands him up. Kaito ROCKS Evil! And ROCKS him again! And again! Evil knees low! Evil reels Kaito in to suplex, but Kaito fights it! Evil keeps trying, but Kaito suplexes Evil up and over! Fans cheer while both men are down. Kaito crawls over, hot tag to Oiwa! Oiwa rallies on Evil, but Yujiro runs in! The House mugs Oiwa, double whips, but Oiwa breaks through the double chops to DOUBLE SHOTGUN! The fans fire up as Oiwa drags Evil up, and sends him into Dick! Then a scoop and POWERSLAM, followed by a SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Evil is still in this but Oiwa stays focused.

Oiwa drags Evil up with a waistlock! Evil fights the suplex but Oiwa CLUBS him! Oiwa whips Evil to a corner, but Evil BOOTS back! Evil calls to someone, everyone looks, but Evil CLUBS Oiwa! Evil faked us out on Sho & Kanemaru showing up! Evil then throws Oiwa out and gets in Red Shoes’ face so Dick can sucker punch Oiwa! Dick puts Oiwa in, Evil covers, but Red Shoes wants to make sure Sho & Kanemaru really aren’t coming. Yujiro RAMS Kaito into railing! Evil drags Oiwa into a HALF BOSTON CRAB! Oiwa endures as Evil pulls on the leg! Evil sits deep, but the fans rally as Oiwa fights up! Oiwa powers his way forward, to the ROPEBREAK!

Fans cheer, but Evil holds on! Red Shoes reprimands and counts, Evil lets off at 4 to tag Yujiro. They split the wishbone! Yujiro stomps Oiwa, reels him in, but Oiwa fights the Incolle Slam with elbows! Then Oiwa GUT WRENCH SUPLEXES! Fans fire up while both men are down! Oiwa crawls, hot tag to Kaito! Galaxy View rallies on Tokyo Pimp with big elbows! Kaito whips Yujiro to ropes, and then DROPKICKS him down! Fans fire up with Kaito and he storms up on Yujiro. Kaito climbs up to rain down fists! Fans fire up as Kaito goes all the way to FOURTEEN! Then he whips corner to corner, but Yujiro reverses!

Kaito comes back to NECKBREAKER DROP! Cover, TWO! Kaito snarls, storms up on Yujiro, and chicken wings him! Yujiro resists, they go to ropes, and Evil gets a cheap shot in! Evil holds Kaito, Yujiro runs in to BOOT! Yujiro then reels Kaito in, FISHERMAN BUSTER! Cover, TWO! But then Evil BLASTS Oiwa! Evil drags Kaito around, he and Yujiro get Kaito up to double whip him to a corner, and Yujiro runs in to BOOT! Evil runs in to clothesline! Snapmare and then they set Kaito up, and while Red Shoes is busy with Oiwa, Dick climbs up! DICK CHOP!! Fans boo as the House gets away with that! Yujiro covers, TWO!!

Evil is furious but the fans cheer that Kaito survives. Yujiro stands Kaito up, fireman’s carries, MIAMI SHINE! Cover, Oiwa breaks it! Evil CLUBS Oiwa, throws him out, then goes out after him. Yujiro drags Kaito up, talks trash, and reels him in, but no Pimp Juice! Kaito also blocks a boot, but Yujiro claws eyes! Yujiro whips, Kaito reverses, and Oiwa returns so they can DOUBLE DROPKICK! Evil runs in, Oiwa gets around, SINGLE LEG SUPLEX! Oiwa chases Dick down, dodges his sucker punch and CLOBBERS him! Oiwa calls to Kaito, but NOW Sho & Kanemaru appear! Fans boo as Sho hurries to distract Red Shoes!

Kaito and Oiwa get Yujiro up, Kanemaru WHISKEY MISTS Kaito off the corner! Yujiro escapes the Electric Chair, and Kanemaru distracts Red Shoes! Sho runs up to LOW BLOW Oiwa! Sho TOSSES Oiwa, Yujiro grins as he has Kaito in the corner. Yujiro slashes his throat to say this is it, and he drags Kaito up. PIMP- CRADLE!! But Evil drags Red Shoes back! Red Shoes reprimands, he counts again, ONE!! But Kaito gets around Yujiro to O’Conner Roll! Dick runs in to distract! Kaito would’ve won by now!! Fans boo and Kaito lets go. Red Shoes reprimands the House, but Yujiro turns backslide into backslide into PIMP JUICE!! Cover, TWO!!!

Fans fire up as Kaito survives! The House can’t believe it, but then Yujiro drags Kaito back up. BIG- NO, Kaito slips free to shove Yujiro into Evil, and Evil falls on the rest! Then Kaito shoves Yujiro into Sho! RANA COVER! KAITO & OIWA WIN!!

Winners: Kaito Kiyomiya & Ryohei Oiwa, by pinfall (gain 2 points; The House of Torture earns 0)

But then those sore losers attack! The House all stomp away on Kaito, and Dick uses the SPOILER CHOKER! But Oiwa attacks back! But he gets mugged, too! They set Oiwa up for the CANE- NO, Oiwa dodges and the cane hits Sho & Kanemaru! Evil fires off on Oiwa, whips, but Oiwa reverses to send Evil into bare buckles! Yujiro runs back in, but Oiwa dodges the cane again! GERMAN SUPLEX! Kaito rises, and he gives Evil the SHINING WIZARD! The fans are thunderous for the boys from Noah! If they can do this to the House of Torture, can Kaito & Oiwa truly #CreateTheFuture of pro-wrestling?


2023 World Tag League, Block A: TMDK w/ Kosei Fujita VS Great-O-Khan & Henare w/ Callum Newman!

Shane Haste & Mikey Nicholls lead the way after bringing down The Gates of Agony and the House of Torture! However, they now stand before the United Empire. Will The Mighty still not kneel? Or will the Dominator & Face of Fury take the top spot from them?

The teams sort out and Henare eggs on #MadMikey. But Khan has Henare stand down, and Shane does the same for Mikey. Khan and #HystericalHaste start instead, and the fans rally and duel. Shane and Khan circle, tie up, and Khan waistlocks, but Shane drops to get a leg. Khan goes for a seated stretch, Shane moves around, grabs a leg, but Khan rolls to bring Shane into a Triangle, only for Shane to slip out and facelock, but then Khan slips away. Fans cheer this opening exchange and the two reset. They feel things out, knuckle lock, and then Shane facelocks. Khan waistlocks, rolls to a cover, ONE!

Shane waistlocks, Khan pries free and trips Shane for a lateral press, ONE! Both men reset again and the fans cheer. Khan wags his finger, and then he backs away. Henare wants in, so Khan tags him in. Henare dares Mikey to get in here, so Mikey tags in. Fans rally as these old rivals circle, and they RAM shoulders! And RAM again! Then they fire forearms! Fans fire up as they go back and forth, faster and faster! They both roar, Mikey knees low and CLUBS Henare, then runs to RAM Henare! Henare rebounds to RAM Mikey, then ELBOWS him! But Mikey ELBOWS back! Mikey runs but Henare runs him over!

Fans fire up and Henare KICKS Mikey in the back! Mikey just frowns! Henare KICKS Mikey again but Mikey stands up. Mikey CHOPS, but Henare snarls to ROCK Mikey! The forearms go back and forth again, then Mikey headlocks. Henare powers out but Shane tags in. TMDK double whip to DOUBLE ELBOW, then SENTON FIST DROP COMBO! Cover, TWO! Shane KICKS Henare and shakes out the leg, but Henare snarls. Shane drags Henare up, UPPERCUTS, and snapmares to basement dropkick! Shane covers, TWO, but Khan is there. Red Shoes reprimands, Khan backs away, and Shane bumps Henare off buckles.

Henare just growls! Shane bumps him off buckles again, and again! Henare headbutts the buckles to fire up! Fans fire up with him, but Shane kicks low. Shane runs, Khan gets a cheap shot, and Henare CLOBBERS Shane out of the ring! Henare BLASTS Mikey off the apron, Khan goes out to get Shane and whip him into railing! Shane goes up and over and into Alex Zayne on English commentary! Henare fires off on Mikey and HEADBUTTS him! Mikey falls over, Khan goes out to fetch Shane and stomp him. Khan then puts Shane in for Henare, and Henare drags Shane up. Henare snapmares Shane to KICK him in the back, then SENTON!

Shane sputters and writhes but Henare tags Khan. Khan drags Shane up with the Iron Claw, and then throws him into the corner. Khan Mongolian Chops Shane, then turns him around to Mongolian Chop on the back! Khan hops up, to sit on his throne! Fans cheer but Red Shoes reprimands. Khan pulls back on Shane’s arms, but lets off as Red Shoes counts. Shane flops over, Khan pushes him to a cover, TWO! Khan drags Shane up, and clinches for HITSUJIGOROSHI! Shane endures, but Khan scoops for a BACKBREAKER! And then a scoop and SLAM! Cocky cover, TWO! Khan drags Shane back over and tags Henare.

Khan anchors a foot and Henare BLASTS Mikey! Mikey storms up but Red Shoes keeps him back. Khan twists Shane’s leg, has it on ropes, and Henare drags Shane back up. Henare KICKS Shane in the chest! Shane grits his teeth and eggs Henare on, so Henare KICKS him again! Shane again eggs Henare on but Henare KICKS! Shane blocks, CHOPS and ROCKS! Henare just snarls and ROCKS Shane in return! Henare whips, Shane holds ropes, and Shane BOOTS back! Shane runs to RANA Henare down! Fans fire up and Shane crawls, hot tag to Mikey! Mikey rallies on Henare, BLASTS Khan, then runs in at the corner to clothesline Henare!

Mikey whips Henare into the corner, runs up but Henare BOOTS! Mikey still clotheslines him! Mikey then brings Henare around, suplexes, but Henare fights it! So Mikey fires off forearms! Mikey reels Henare in, but Henare suplexes! Mikey slips free to waistlock, Henare switches, and Henare ducks Mikey’s elbow, only for Mikey to DDT him down! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up and Mikey sits Henare up to SLIDING- NO, Henare avoids the lariat and he ROCKS Mikey! Henare runs, but Mikey fireman’s carries, DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, TWO! Henare is still in this but Mikey drags Henare back up.

Mikey whips Henare, scoops, but Henare KNEES free! Mikey LARIATS, Henare stays up! Henare blocks a kick to step over WHEEL KICK! Fans fire up while both men are down! Henare crawls, hot tag to Khan! Khan storms up on Mikey to Mongolian Chop! And Mongolian Chop! And then standard CHOP! Khan whips corner to corner and clothesline from behind! But Mikey fights the torture rack! Khan UPPERCUTS, runs, but Mikey picks him up for a SPINEBUSTER! Fans rally, Mikey crawls, hot tag to Shane! Shane fires UPPERCUT after UPPERCUT! Khan shoves Shane but Shane KICKS and BOOTS!

Khan fights the back suplex and CLUBS Shane! Khan runs, into Shane’s DROPKICK! The fans fire up and Shane puts Khan in a corner. Shane BLASTS Henare, then runs to UPPERCUT Khan! Shane keeps going, CANNONBALL! Cover, TWO! Khan is still in this but Shane hauls him up. Khan fights the suplex, powers Shane back, but Shane uses that to send Khan into the corner! Shane CHOPS, then hoists Khan up top! Shane climbs up, stands Khan up, but Khan fights with body shots! Khan uses the IRON CLAW and he shoves Shane away! But Mikey is there to UPPERCUT! Mikey gives Shane the boost, POWERBOMB SUPERPLEX COMBO!!

Fans fire up as Shane flounders over to Khan and covers, but Henare breaks it! Henare stands Shane up but Shane KICKS and runs. But into a BERSERKER BOMB! Mikey SLIDING LARIATS Henare! Khan NECKBREAKER DROPS Mikey! All four men are down and the fans fire up! Mikey and Henare flop out of the ring and Shane sits up. Khan also sits up, they go forehead to forehead. Then they throw forearm for forearm! They go back and forth, Shane CHOPS and then Khan CHOPS! Now they CHOP back and forth, but then Khan fires more forearms! IRON CLAW SLEEPER! Shane fights free, but Khan BOOTS!

Shane rebounds and BOOTS! Khan rebounds, DOUBLE LARIATS but neither falls! Shane UPPERCUTS! Khan throws an IRON RIGHT! Cover, TWO!! Shane survives and fans fire up! Khan IRON SLEEPERS, for the F G O PLEX!! Cover, TWO!! Shane survives again and shocks Khan! Henare steps in, they shout out Aussie Open, and they DOUBLE LARIAT SANDWICH! Then the ASSISTED BOMB! Cover, MIKEY BREAKS IT! Henare HEEL KICKS Mikey out of the ring! Then the Monster Rage boils over! The Empire drags Shane up, fireman’s carry and Khan runs, IMPERIAL- NO, Mikey trips Khan!

Shane UPPERCUTS Henare, Mikey clotheslines him up and out! Shane ROUNDHOUSES Khan, Mikey scoops! TANKBUSTER!! Cover, TMDK WINS!

Winners: TMDK, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Khan & Henare earn 0)

The Mighty Don’t Kneel, and the Empire falls again! Will Khan & Henare have to fight even harder to stay in the running?

As for TMDK, Shane gets the mic to say, “WHEW! That ride was for Australia there! This time, this time, this exact place, last year, those sons o’ guns beat us. Tonight, one year, revenge! TMDK will be A Block winners! TMDK will be World Tag League winners! TMDK will be IWGP Heavyweight (Tag Team) Championships of the World! JA MATTE NE~!” Another short and sweet message from Hysterical Haste, will he and Mad Mikey make good on the promise?


Here are the NEW A Block standings!

TMDK: 3-0, 6 points
Shota Umino & Ren Narita: 2-1, 4 points
Kaito Kiyomiya & Ryohei Oiwa: 2-1, 4 points
War Dogs: 2-1, 4 points
The House of Torture: 1-2, 2 points
The United Empire: 1-2, 2 points
Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii: 1-2, 2 points
The Gates of Agony: 0-3, 0 points

My Thoughts:

A great round for A Block, and great fifth day overall. I didn’t think Gates of Agony would go 0-3 but I suppose with this round, they were up against NJPW’s new favorites, so yeah, they were losing. Great move from Ishii & Yano to take the fight to the War Dogs, but I suppose War Dogs winning makes sense given how strong the faction has been going. Great win for Kaito & Oiwa over the House, even with all of the House’s tricks. And what was really wild was Kaito & Oiwa also took the fight to the House after, turning the tide to stand tall. And another great main event, with a great win for TMDK. TMDK being the only 3-0 team is great stuff, and as I said last time, they’re a great team and they really deserve some recognition.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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