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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (11/2/23)

Who is ROH’s alpha female?



ROH Wrestling 2023

Will the Fallen Goddess truly fall?

Mercedes Martinez finally cashes in her rematch for the ROH Women’s World Championship, but will Athena still hold the gold?


  • The Righteous VS Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal; The Righteous win.
  • Leyla Hirsch VS Robyn Renegade w/ Charlette Renegade; Leyla wins.
  • Lee Moriarty VS Darius Martin; Darius wins.
  • Ethan Page VS Josh Woods w/ Mark Sterling; Woods wins.
  • Fatal 4 Way: Slim J VS Gringo Loco VS Metalik VS Angelico; Angelico wins.
  • Rachael Ellering VS LMK; Rachael wins.
  • Four Corner Survival Tag: The Gates of Agony VS The Wingmen VS The Iron Savages VS The Infantry; The Gates win.
  • Triple Threat: Nick Comoroto VS Action Andretti VS Lee Johnson; Action wins.
  • Kiera Hogan VS Charlette Renegade w/ Robyn Renegade; Kiera wins.
  • 8 Man Tag: Gravity, Dalton Castle & The Boys VS Cole Karter, Griff Garrison & The Workhorsemen; Gravity, Castle & The Boys win.
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Mercedes Martinez; Athena wins and retains the title.


ROH has footage from last night’s AEW Dynamite.

The ROH Board of Directors member, Stokely Hathaway, introduces himself while backstage on Dynamite, and he has some “interesting” news. We can see the AEW logos and yet there’s no Eddie Kingston. There will also be no Eddie on ROH, and even no Eddie on Rampage, because your ROH World Champion is temporarily suspended! Why? Because Eddie had the audacity, the temerity, words Stokely knows Eddie does NOT know, but Eddie thought he could just put his hands on Stokely! Stokely is of course referring to when Eddie pushed him aside to get in Jeff Jarrett’s face ahead of their Memphis Street Fight.

But Stokely says Eddie walks around here, telling the entire locker room that he’s going to beat Stokely’s ass? That’s crazy! Stokely fears for his life, so Eddie can’t get his hands on Stokely if Eddie isn’t at work. Eddie’s been in a lot of lines, from title opportunity lines to big match lines, but if Eddie tries to touch Stokely again, the next line he’s going to end up in is the unemployment line. Enjoy the show, everyone! #BigStoke has put out the ultimatum, will the Mad King behave himself when he’s back from suspension?


The Righteous VS Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal!

Vincent & Dutch are still in pursuit of the ROH World Tag Team Championships, but they have to fight their way back up to challenge MJF again. Will the Fallen Angel & Third Eye Reborn be sacrifices towards that goal? Or will these former tag champions show everyone they’ve still got it?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the teams sort out, and Dutch starts against Daniels. Fans rally up for Daniels but Dutch has that creepy smile on his face. They circle, tie up, and Dutch powers Daniels to a corner. The ref counts, Dutch lets off slowly, and he smooths fingers on Daniels’ face before flicking that tongue. Daniels gets around, kicks Dutch’s leg out and headlocks. Daniels grinds the hold, Dutch powers out, but Daniels RAMS him! Dutch stays up but Daniels kicks and kicks and kicks the leg. Daniels CLUBS away with elbows, then runs, but Dutch runs him over! Fans rally but Dutch taunts Sydal with the tongue.

Dutch scoops Daniels to SLAMS him! Fans rally but Dutch says death falls tonight in Connecticut. Dutch whips, but Daniels drop toeholds him onto ropes! And HIP ATTACKS! Tag to Sydal and he slingshots to KICK Dutch! And then he ROUNDHOUSES! And JUMP KICKS! Vincent tags in, Sydal dodges him to SUPERKICK! Fans fire up with Sydal and he KICKS Vincent in the leg! And again! Sydal wrenches, tags Daniels, and they double wrench to bring Vincent down. KICK, BLINDSIDE LARIAT, and STANDING MARIPOSA! Daniels covers, TWO! Daniels drags Vincent up, whips him to a corner hard and Vincent falls!

Daniels drags Vincent up, tags Sydal, and Daniels snap suplexes Vincent for Sydal to SLINGSHOT KNEE DROP! Cover, TWO! Vincent survives but Sydal stays on him with a whip. Sydal then runs in to BACK ELBOW! Vincent staggers, grabs at the ref, but Sydal drags Vincent up. Vincent shoves Sydal away, distracts the ref, and Dutch DECKS Sydal with that sucker punch! Vincent runs up on Sydal to CLOBBER him! Then he BLASTS Daniels for good measure. Fans are torn but Vincent soaks up the cheers and jeers. Vincent puts Sydal in the corner, tags Dutch, and Dutch throws body shots! And an UPPERCUT!

Tag to Vincent, Dutch whips Sydal in for a KNEE! Then Dutch ripcords to short arm LARIAT! Dutch sits Sydal up for Vincent’s SLIDING FLATLINER! Cover, TWO! Vincent is annoyed but he puts Sydal in the corner. Tag to Dutch, the Righteous whip Sydal into the corner, and again! Then feed to Dutch’s BODY CHECK! Dutch taunts Daniels, tags Vincent, and Vincent climbs. Dutch POWERBOMBS Sydal, Vincent hits the SWANTON! Cover, Daniels drags Vincent off! But Dutch TOSSES Daniels out! Vincent looms over Sydal, clamps onto Sydal’s head and squeezes! Fans rally, Sydal fights up and moves around, to then throw body shots!

Vincent still scoops Sydal, but Sydal fights free! Sydal dodges to then WHEEL KICK! Both men are down and fans fire up! Sydal and Vincent crawl, hot tag to Daniels! The Fallen Angel rallies on Vinnie, Dutch runs in but Daniels dodges to ROCK him! Daniels runs, to ROCK Dutch again! Dutch shoves Daniels to a corner, runs in, but only gets buckles! Daniels ENZIGURIS Dutch, headlocks, but Dutch powers out, so Daniels hits Vincent with an STO! And a COMPLETE SHOT for Dutch! Fans fire up as Daniels hauls Vincent up to a fireman’s carry, DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, Dutch breaks it!

Fans rally as Sydal fires off KICK after KICK on Dutch! Dutch blocks one to shove Sydal into Vincent’s KNEE! Then the BOSS MAN SLAM! But Daniels shoves Vincent into Dutch, rolls Vincent up, TWO! Daniels fires off JAB after JAB, then whips. Vincent reverses, Dutch ELBOWS Daniels, and the Righteous set up for AUTUMN SUNSHINE! Cover, The Righteous win!

Winners: The Righteous, by pinfall

MJF may be ROH World Tag Team Champion now, set to defend those belts against Austin & Colten Gunn, will The Devil survive Tinsel Town only to have a Final Battle with The Righteous? And speaking of The Gunns, can Daniels & Sydal rebound from here to be ready for them on Rampage?

Backstage interview with Ethan Page.

Lexi Nair is with All Ego, and he has his big match against Josh Woods. From her understanding, Ethan is still upset about how things went with him and Tony Nese. Yeah, he is still upset about that. And to be honest, old Ethan would’ve reacted in a very, very negative way, and done things he would’ve regretted. But in ROH, Ethan said that he is turning over a new leaf and is doing things the right way. So Ethan hopes and prays that Tony Nese is watching tonight, because he wasted and squandered that title opportunity he stole from Ethan after Ethan’s five match win streak!

If that was Ethan in there against Samoa Joe, as he rightfully deserved, ETHAN would be the ROH World Television Champion! But instead, he has a match with Josh Woods. “Good. Because everything I do to him tonight, Tony, I’ll be thinking of you. I will be envisioning you! Because right now, I dream of getting my hands on you! Enjoy the show, Tony Nese, because I’m gonna make sure I put one on for you. So yes, Lexi, I am still upset. But I’m excited for my match tonight.” Will All Ego tear down Woods to get his payback on the Premier Athlete?


Leyla Hirsch VS Robyn Renegade w/ Charlette Renegade!

Just as she was finally ready to accept Maria Kanellis-Bennett’s help, the First Lady of Wrestling said no. Will Leyla prove she is still a LEGIT prospect for The Kingdom’s Army? Or will this Renegade take her down?

The Code of Honor is barely upheld, and the bell rings. Robyn shoves Leyla, taunts her for her height, but Leyla trips her and fires off forearms! Fans fire up, Robyn gets away and bails out, but Leyla pursues. Charlette gets in Leyla’s way, but Leyla pushes her aside, only for Robyn to SUPERKICK! Charlette talks trash, Robyn puts Leyla in, and Robyn has Leyla in a corner for a CHOP! Robyn says one more, and she CHOPS again! Fans boo but Robyn talks trash. But Leyla puts Robyn in the corner to fire off forearms! Robyn CLUBS Leyla, puts her back in the corner and CHOPS again! Robyn whips, Leyla reverses and swings, but Robyn gets around!

Robyn half nelsons for a FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Robyn is annoyed but Charlette coaches her. Robyn stands Leyla up, waistlocks, but Leyla switches and goes to ropes. O’Conner and roll through, CHAOS THEORY! Fans fire up as Leyla SAYANAGIS Robyn into the LEGIT ARMBAR! Robyn TAPS, Leyla wins!

Winner: Leyla Hirsch, by submission

Charlette rushes in to stomp and CLUB Leyla! Fans boo, but here comes Rachael Ellering! Rachael beat Robyn Renegade last week and she won’t let the sisters bully anyone! The Renegades run off, but Leyla pushes Rachael away. Leyla doesn’t want anyone else’s help when it comes to being in the ring, but will that only hurt her progress back towards title opportunities?


Lee Moriarty VS Darius Martin!

Don’t adjust your screens or get your eyes checked, we are getting #TAIGASTYLE VS Air Wolf again, but there’s something very different from their last match. Shane Taylor is BANNED from ringside given his part in Moriarty’s win last week, will he have to find a way to win on his own? Or will Darius win now that this is a fair fight?

The Code of Honor is skipped and the bell rings. The two tie up, go around, and even roll on the mat. Moriarty waistlocks, Darius wrenches out to cravat, but Moriarty spins free. Fans applaud this opening exchange and the two reset. They knuckle lock, Darius kicks an arm and goes for a leg. Moriarty fights the takedown so Darius wrenches to a cording hold. Moriarty spins Darius, slips around, headlocks, but Darius powers out. Moriarty rolls over the dropdown, but then Darius hooks the arms. Moriarty spins Darius to kick low, then flexes and runs, and blocks a hip toss to hook arms! Darius slips under the backslide to trip Moriarty!

Darius wants to stack but Moriarty kicks Darius away. Darius rebounds off ropes, gator rolls Moriarty but Moriarty slips free and stops himself with ropes. Moriarty rolls Darius with arm hooks, makes it a backslide, TWO! Fans cheer, Moriarty runs in but Darius goes up and over to backslide! TWO! Darius says it was that close, and fans applaud. Moriarty gets up in a huff, takes a swing, but Darius arm-drags and DROPKICKS him down! Fans fire up and Moriarty goes to ropes. Darius runs up but Moriarty ELBOWS him back! Moriarty shouts, “Get outta my ring!” Moriarty then TOSSES Darius out but Darius is on the apron.

Darius ROCKS Moriarty, slingshots in, but Moriarty catches him for a facelock! And then Moriarty drapes Darius out, squeezes tight but lets go, and as Darius braces himself, Moriarty KICKS the arm out! Fans rally up while Moriarty flexes on the corner. Moriarty goes back to Darius, wrenches, and drops to TWEAK the arm! Darius goes to ropes, Moriarty whips but Darius holds on! Darius CHOPS, and CHOPS, and Moriarty CHOPS in return! Fans rally as the CHOPS go back and forth! Moriarty whips, Darius reverses but Moriarty goes up, under, baits Darius in and has the COBRA TWIST! Moriarty even digs his claws into Darius as he stretches him out!

Darius endures, pops free, but Moriarty spins him to snapmare and SNAP LOCK on the arm! Moriarty flexes again while Darius shakes out his arm. Moriarty taunts Darius, drags him up, and wrenches to hammerlock. Moriarty adds a facelock but Darius RAMS Moriarty into a corner! Darius is free, Moriarty storms up on him, but Darius JAWBREAKERS! Darius fires off haymakers, and he ROCKS Moriarty! Darius whips, Moriarty reverses and leaps, but into an atomic drop! Darius then runs to BULLDOG HOTSHOT! Fans fire up as Darius GAMANGIRIS Moriarty away! Then Darius steps in, COMPLETE-

NO, Moriarty shoves Darius away! Moriarty runs in, but into an ELBOW! Then Darius uses the corner to WALL KICK PELE! Cover, TWO!! Moriarty escapes and fans fire up! Darius goes up a corner, but Moriarty hurries to ROLLING ELBOW! Moriarty climbs up, grabs Darius’ arm for a double wristlock, but Darius throws body shots! Darius shoves Moriarty away, stands up, and leaps over as Moriarty returns! Darius comes back but Moriarty spins him, hammerlock and NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!! But Moriarty has the arm! FUJIWARA, then the chicken wing, BORDER CITY- NO, Darius fights the crossface, reaches out, but Moriarty rolls him!

BORDER CITY STRETCH!! Darius endures, powers his way to a ghost pin, TWO!! Moriarty still has the arm but Darius uses that to Oklahoma Roll! TWO, and Darius trips Moriarty! Moriarty BOOTS back, but Darius PENALTY KICKS on the rebound! And then Darius drags Moriarty up, only for Moriarty LIFTING FLATLINER!! Cover, TWO!! Darius survives and shocks Moriarty! Moriarty drags Darius up and in, lifts, but Darius fights and slips free. Mule kick! Front kick, but Moriarty blocks to SLAP! But Darius CHOPS! But Moriarty BOOTS! Darius goes to a corner, Moriarty DOUBLE KNEES!

Moriarty shoves Darius out of the corner, run sin, but into a GERMAN SUPLEX! BUZZSAW! Deadlift suplex! Darius goes up a corner, aims and FROG SPLASHES!! Cover, Darius wins!

Winner: Darius Martin, by pinfall

Revenge is sweet! No Shane as the insurance policy, but now that means they’re tied 1-1! When and where will Darius and Moriarty run it back for the tiebreaker?


Ethan Page VS Josh Woods w/ Mark Sterling!

We heard the fire inside All Ego, and it will not go out until he gets even with Tony Nese. Will that fire burn down Woods? Or will the Technical Beast extinguish Ethan on Nese’s behalf?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the fans rally up as the two circle. They tie up, Ethan wrenches to a wristlock, but Woods slips around and waistlocks to then spin and wrench Ethan back. Ethan cartwheels and wrenches to then wristlock. Woods waistlocks, rolls, TWO and Ethan has the arm. Ethan tells Mark to shut up, but Woods slips around to clinch. Ethan fights the lift, he headlocks, but Woods powers his way to a waistlock. Ethan wrenches out and whips, but Woods stops himself to then whip Ethan. Ethan ducks ‘n’ shoves and arm-drags! Fans fire up as Ethan has the cording hold!

Sterling coaches Woods, Woods fights up, and Woods whips Ethan to a corner. Ethan goes up but Woods sweeps the arms to stop Ethan from going over! Woods soaks up the heat, drags Ethan up and hammerlocks, to then ROCK Ethan with a body shot! Woods hammerlocks Ethan again, to RAM him into buckles! Fans boo while Ethan slumps down, but Woods doesn’t care. Woods hammerlocks, scoops, and SLAMS Ethan down! Cover, TWO! Woods stays cool, and he traps Ethan’s arm. Woods taunts the fans before he stomps away on the arm! Woods holds ropes to steady himself and the ref reprimands.

Woods lets off, Ethan writhes, and fans rally up. Woods mocks them by clapping along, then he drags Ethan up. But Ethan throws hands! Woods KICKS the bad arm! Woods whips Ethan to a corner hard and Ethan bounces off buckles! Sterling says to check the arm, it might be dislocated. Woods hauls Ethan up, hammerlocks that arm, but Ethan stops himself to ELBOW back! Ethan runs to RAM Woods down with his shoulder! Both men are down and fans fire up but Sterling is worried! Wait, Tony Nese makes his way out to ringside now. Ethan wanted him to watch this so Nese is here in person to do that.

Ethan and Woods rise, and Ethan counter punches Woods! And punches and punches and punches! Ethan whips, Woods reverses, and Woods ducks the shoulder tackle, only for Ethan to come back with a BOOT! Fans fire up with Ethan and he fires off in the corner. The ref counts, Ethan lets off at 4 and shouts, “I KNOW THE RULES!” Ethan is furious, he brings Woods up to whip, but Woods reverses. Ethan comes back to LARIAT! Ethan reels Woods in, but Woods wrenches out to whip. Ethan reverses, but Woods holds on to HOTSHOT Ethan’s arm! Woods gets in to UPPERCUT away on Ethan’s bad arm!

Woods wrenches, suplexes, but Ethan fights it! Ethan scoops to RUNNING POWERSLAM! Nese and Sterling both look worried as Ethan covers, TWO! Woods is still in this, but Ethan shouts, “HE’S DONE!!” Ethan tries to lift Woods but Sterling gets on the apron! Fans boo, Ethan and the ref both say to get down, but Woods storms up on Ethan! Ethan ROUNDHOUSES first! Fans fire up as Woods stumbles, and then Ethan reels him in for a small package! But Sterling is still distracting the ref! Nese gets in to push the cradle over in Woods’ favor! NOW Sterling shuts up, the ref counts, WOODS WINS!!

Winner: Josh Woods, by pinfall

The Premier Brand did it to Ethan again!! But while Sterling, Nese and Woods celebrate, is this just fuel on the fire for Ethan’s anger?


Fatal 4 Way: Slim J VS Gringo Loco VS Metalik VS Angelico!

The OG OG and the Crazy White Boy were just in a Fatal 4 Way last week, but neither won it. Will things be no different now that the King of the Ropes and the South African Stud are here? Or will someone ruin Angelico’s momentum as #1 contender?

The bell rings, the Code of Honor is upheld, but Slim is the only one hesitant. Angelico gets him to shake his hand, but then Slim uses that to get up and RANA Metalik! Slim swings on Gringo but Gringo back suplexes. Slim lands on his feet, Gringo avoids Angelico’s sweep and even the Eddy Gordo kick! Angelico blocks Metalik’s kick, flips him, but Metalik lands on his feet! The four stand off and fans fire up. Slim then sucker punches Metalik! Gringo fires off on Angelico, throws him out, but Slim kicks Gringo. Slim whips, Gringo reverses but Slim slides under the hurdle. Slim whips again, Gringo reverses but Slim DIVES onto Angelico!

Wait, Angelico catches Slim! But then Gringo FLIES to take them both down! Fans fire up and Gringo goes back to the ring. Metalik is there, he runs in, but Gringo puts him on the apron. Gringo runs, slides, but Metalik jumps over to TOP ROPE ASAI MOONSAULT! Metalik wipes out the other three! Fans fire up, Metalik puts Slim in but Angelico YANKS Metalik down! Angelico storms in after Slim and wrenches to a BIG back suplex! Cover, ONE!! Angelico keeps cool as he looms over Slim, and brings him up to trap both arms. Slim fights, pulls an ear, but Angelico cranks the arms! Angelico then trips Slim, turns him over, and stomps his back!

Fans rally as Angelico gets the legs and hooks them up. Angelico has the Deathlock, then turns over for a NO HANDS SURFBOARD! But Metalik stomps Angelico down! And CHOPS him in the corner! Metalik whips, Angelico reverses and runs in, but into a BOOT! Metalik hits a SLING-DOG! Then Metalik goes up and along the ropes to MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Angelico is still in this, Metalik rushes Gringo but Gringo RAMS into him! Gringo goes up but Metalik GAMANGIRIS! Metalik goes up the corner, tightrope and SUPER STEINER! Fans fire up, Metalik covers, but Angelico breaks it!

Fans rally while Metalik and Gringo go to corners. Angelico stomps Metalik then storms up on Gringo. Gringo BOOTS Angelico, goes up the corner, but Angelico GAMANGIRIS! Metalik runs in but Angelico BOOTS him away! Metalik stands, Angelico sunset flips, TWO! Gringo FLYING CUTTERS Metalik, Slim FLYING SPLASHES Angelico! Slim covers, Gringo breaks it up! Fans fire up as all four men are down! Metalik goes to a corner, Angelico goes to ropes, and Gringo stands Slim up to CHOP him! Gringo whips, Slim reverses to ENZIGURIS! Slim reels Gringo in, OVERDRIVE NECKBREAKER! Cover, Metalik sunset flips Slim! TWO!!

Slim gets up but Metalik fireman’s carries, METALIK DRIVER! Cover, Angelico rolls Metalik up in a ghost pin! TWO, but Angelico steps through to LA CASITA! Gringo breaks it! So Angelico just jackknife bridges Gringo! TWO!! Fans fire up, Gringo and Angelico rise, and Metalik runs in. Angelico dodges, Metalik dosidos with Gringo, and Metalik heads for Angelico in the corner. Angelico TOSSES Metalik up and out! Gringo runs in, Angelico BOOTS him! Slim springboards to FLYING SCREW KICK! Angelico wrenches Slim to a WRISTLOCK RUSSIAN SWEEP, and Angelico rolls Slim around into a NAVARRO MOUSE TRAP! ANGELICO WINS!

Winner: Angelico, by pinfall

The South African Stud has said he can go hold for hold with anyone, and he just did that against three men! Serpentico celebrates with his amigo, will Angelico be able to catch Eddie Kingston off guard?


Sonjay Dutt speaks.

“Twenty-some years ago, I met Jay Lethal for the first time, who went on to be my best friend in this world. A man that means more to me than anybody else here. And around that same time, Eddie, I met you. And I quickly figured out that you two were totally opposite. Two diametrically opposite people. Jay Lethal: a pure wrestler, one who could go in the ring with anybody, with any style, and excel. And you, Eddie Kingston, what do we call somebody like you? A garbage wrestler, Eddie. That’s all you’ve been, that’s all you’ve done your entire career. And now, you parade with that ROH World title.

“You try to bring honor to something which has no honor. You have no honor, Eddie Kingston.” Stokely steps in and says he agrees with Sonjay. Eddie has no honor at all. Stokely says Triple J did an excellent job whooping Eddie’s ass in that Memphis Street Fight. Sonjay says damn right they did. Stokely apologizes for not being there to see it, he was at the club. But next time, he will just like he’s supposed to be. They’ll talk. Stokely turns to leave but Sonjay grabs Stokely’s shirt and reels him back in. Stokely asks why he has to grab the shirt like that, but Sonjay asks if Stokely forgot something.

Oh, right! Jamar! Yeah- No. You do not call Lethal that. You do not call Lethal by his government name, Eddie. Right, sorry, Stokely meant Jay. But Sonjay wants Stokely to circle back to how Jeff Jarrett, “The King of Memphis,” beat Eddie. Stokely sings Jarrett’s theme and Sonjay says yeah, that’s his jam. But now, Lethal is owed that title shot. When and where is he getting it? Oh, right, that. Stokely says he’ll go back to the office, talk with his secretary, get the paperwork, because they’re busy hashing out health benefit stuff, but his secretary will email them the contract. What? Email? When did Stokely get Sonjay’s email!?

Stokely hurries away but Sonjay hurries after, will these two hash out the deal for the ROH World Championship match?


Four Corner Survival Tag: The Gates of Agony w/ Prince Nana VS The Wingmen VS The Iron Savages VS The Infantry!

While Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona are once again ROH World Six Man Tag Team Champions, they’re still hungry for THE ROH World Tag Team Championships. But they’re not the only ones who want their shot, can one of these other teams make it through the Gates? Or will the Gates slam shut on three teams in one match?

“Pretty” Peter Avalon gets the attention of the Mohegan Sun, and Ryan Nemeth says “We-” But then Captain Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo cut him off! Then Jacked Jameson says time to get pumped in the Savage Sanctuary! Avalon shouts at him to stop with the catchphrases, the WINGMEN are the ones with something to say! Jameson doesn’t hear him as he gets through “beefy and bulky, jacked and juicy!” Avalon says he is sick of the “swollen patrollin’!” Avalon has a question, but then The Mogul Embassy makes their entrance, Prince Nana accompanying his muscle. Will Avalon & Nemeth just have to let their actions speak for them?

The teams sort out and in this match, only two teams are legal at a time. Dirty Bulk Bronson starts against Pretty Peter, and they keep the Code of Honor. The bell rings, fans rally up, and Avalon tells to shut up about the Savages. Avalon and Bronson tie up, and Bronson THROWS Avalon down! Bronson wants to see that pretty ass, cuz he’s gonna motorboat! Avalon gets around to waistlock, shove and table top! Bronson gets up, Avalon runs to RANA! Avalon runs up but Bronson POWERSLAMS! “I’M GONNA BUST~!” SENTON! Cover, TWO! Avalon survives but Bronson tags Beefcake Boulder.

Fans chant “BEEF! BEEF! BEEF!” and Boulder storms up on Avalon. Avalon sees Boulder, runs, but Boulder scoops him! Boulder SLAMS Avalon, and then runs, only for Avalon to avoid the elbow drop! Avalon runs to SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Avalon is airborne but he lands back on Boulder! Cover, TWO and Avalon flies up to land back down! Cover, TWO and this time Boulder launches Avalon away from him! Avalon tags the Hollywood Hunk, but Boulder just back drops Nemeth! Boulder shows that beef, but Kaun tags in off him! Dean tags in off Nemeth, and he dodges Kaun to JAB! JAB! JAB! Kaun swings, Dean gets around to LARIAT!

Fans fire up with “OORAH!” but Kaun knees low! Kaun whips Dean to a corner but Dean BLASTS Liona! Dean ELBOWS Kaun, goes up, but Kaun SHOVES Dean down! Fans boo but Nana talks trash. “You see what I’m talking about?!” Nana says Dean is stupid, but Dean storms upon Nana. Liona runs in, Dean dodges but Kaun is there to CLOBBER him! Kaun puts Dean in, fans rallies, but Kaun CHOPS Dean down. But Avalon sneaks a tag off Kaun! Avalon storms up on Dean, ROKCS him, and bumps him off buckles. Tag to Nemeth, the Wingmen mug Dean but Dean fights back with elbows!

Dean kicks, Avalon blocks, and Avalon spins Dean to SUPERKICK him! Nemeth runs up to SATELLITE DDT! Cover, TWO! Dean hangs tough but Nemeth drags him over. Tag to Avalon as the fans rally, and the Wingmen mug Dean. Avalon whips Nemeth in, Dean goes up and Nemeth POSTS himself! Dean LARIATS Avalon down! Fans fire up, Avalon and Dean crawl, Avalon actually wants to tag the Gates now! But Nana says no, and the Gates step away! Avalon is stunned, Dean tags Carlie! Bad News & Tattoos rallies on Avalon, he BLASTS Bronson and avoids Boulder to SCISSOR KICK him in the ropes!

Avalon ROCKS Carlie, whips him, but Carlie FLYING UPPERCUTS! Fans fire up with Carlie, he BOOTS Boulder and shouts “OORAH!” Fans echo that, and Carlie jukes Avalon for the CROSSOVER! And the clinch, SIDEWINDER! Cover, but Liona drags him up to deadlift– NO, Carlie elbows free! Carlie loads up but Liona HEADBUTTS first! Kaun and Liona set up, BACKSTABBER to SAMOAN DROP! Fans are torn as Liona roars, and then Kaun rushes Avalon. Avalon DUMPS Kaun out, but Linoa doesn’t fall for that. So Nemeth DROPKICKS Liona up and out! Nana is furious but Dean tags in to kick Nemeth and BUTTERFLY BACKBREAKER!

Avalon runs up but Dean blocks the kick to ENZIGURI! Fans fire up with Dean and he brings Avalon up. Carlie runs, Boulder sneaks a tag before BOOT CAMP! Boulder runs in, the Infantry dodges, but they still run into DOUBLE FLAPJACKS! Fans are thunderous with the Savages! “BEEF! BEEF! BEEF!” Bronson hops onto Boulder’s back but Kaun sneaks a tag! And then Liona POUNCES both Savages!! The Gates haul Avalon up, they nod, and they OPEN THE GATES!!! Cover, The Gates win!

Winners: The Gates of Agony, by pinfall

“Pretty” Peter never got to ask his question, but we got the answer: nothing is going to stop the Mogul Embassy until they take over everything. Will they be primed to face whoever leaves Los Angeles as the ROH World Tag Team Champions?


Backstage interview with Leyla Hirsch.

Lexi congratulates Leyla on the win, but then brings up the Renegades attack her. Before Lexi can go on, Rachael walks over and apologizes for interrupting. Rachael just wanted to check if Leyla’s good. Oh, sorry, who are you? Leyla has had such a bad day today and the last thing she needed is someone like Rachael getting involved where she had no right to do. Rachael says fair. First, she’s Rachael Ellering, nice to see you again. Two, she couldn’t help that the one person Leyla wants help from was nowhere to be found. Leyla says yeah, Maria wasn’t here for her. But Leyla vows that next time, Maria will be.

Rachael says okay, but she wasn’t out there to be best friends or with some motive. She just thought it was the right and honorable thing to do. Leyla says Rachael was wrong. Leyla storms off, Rachael apologizes again to Lexi, but will Maria really look to help Leyla next time? Or is it not Rachael who is wrong?


8 Man Tag: Gravity, Dalton Castle & The Boys VS Cole Karter, Griff Garrison & The Workhorsemen!

The Astronaut of Lucha joins The Peacock and the Tate Twins in this big match, everyone hoping to gain some ground in the rankings! Will Gravity help Castle & The Boys fly high? Or will Maria’s “baby boys” work well with JD Drake & Anthony Henry?

Gravity is very colorful, not just for Dia de Los Muertos, but also to match Castle & The Boys! Maria shields her eyes from The Boys stripping the jumper off Castle, the Peacock must be too powerful even for her. The teams sort out and Gravity starts against Henry. The Code of Honor is upheld, but then Henry reels Gravity in! Henry shoves Gravity to a corner, runs in, but Gravity dodges and comes back to ARABIAN PRESS his way to the apron. Gravity then RAMS into Henry, slingshots up and over to roll him up, TWO! Gravity CHOPS, wrenches, and space walks to tag in Brandon. Brandon wrenches but Henry SOBATS!

Henry tags Karter and JD says to do something useful. But Brandon arm-drags, kicks low, and tags in Brent. The Boys double whip, leap frog, and UPPERCUT Karter! The Boys swarm Karter, cover, TWO! Maria coaches Karter, and he RAMS Brent into the corner! Griff tags in and SPLASHES Brent, to feed him to a KNEE from Karter! Wheelbarrow and FACEBUSTER! Cover, Brandon breaks it! Griff chases Brandon off, the fans rally for “BOYS! BOYS! BOYS!” Tag to Karter, whip and CALF KICK! Cover, TWO! Karter bumps Brent off buckles, tags in JD, and JD says he’ll do something now. CHOP!

JD taunts Castle, goes back to Brent, and he mocks the Peacock flapping his wings, to CHOP! The ref has to keep an angry Castle back, and Henry tags in. Henry drags Brent back up while Maria mocks the Boy’s pain. The Workhorsemen mug Brent with CHOPS and KICKS on repeat! Henry swings on Castle but Castle gets away. Brandon springboards in but Henry dodges, and JD BOOTS Brandon down! Henry runs in to forearm smash Brent, then feeds to JD’s shoulder! Henry CLUBS Brent into JD’s DDT! Cover, TWO! Henry stomps Brent, drags him over, and tags Griff. They mug Brent but fans rally.

Brent fires body shots and forearms but Griff shoves him back. Brent goes up and over, hot tag to Gravity! Gravity dodges Griff, to FLYING FOREARM! Gravity KICKS away on Griff and then spacewalk to BUZZSAW! Gravity whips, POWERSLAMS, and covers, ONE! Gravity goes up the corner, headstands, but JD distracts the ref so Henry can ENZIGURI Gravity down! Castle shouts at Henry, but Griff ROLLING ELBOWS Gravity down! Cover, TWO!! Gravity survives, Maria mocks Castle, and fans rally. Griff bumps Gravity off buckles but JD tags in. Karter says it was his turn, but JD CHOPS Gravity down.

JD tags Henry, Henry taunts Castle, and then the Workhorsemen mug Gravity. Henry dropkicks Castle down! Fans boo but JD brings Gravity up and throws him to Henry! Gravity RANAS Henry into JD! Fans fire up as Gravity dodges Henry, dodges again, and hot tags Castle! Henry runs in but Castle CLOBBERS him! And CLOBBERS Karter! And ROCKS Griff! Henry runs in but into an ELBOW! Castle DECKS Griff, Maria panics as Castle hits Karter with an EXPLODER! EXPLODER for Henry! EXPLODER for Griff! Fans fire up and Castle roars! Castle sees all the targets are outside, so “BRING ME A BOY~!”

Brent is in, Castle TOSSES him onto Karter! Brandon is in, Castle TOSSES him onto Griff! Maria freaks out but now Gravity wants to go for a ride! Castle says why not! But then JD drags Gravity out and CHOPS him down! Fans boo but Henry stalks Castle! O’Conner Roll, with tights! TWO and Henry collides with JD! Castle waistlocks Henry for a GERMAN SUPLEX! But then JD LARIATS Castle! JD reels Castle in, mockingly shouts, “BOYS~!” But then the Boys DOUBLE GIRI JD down! Fans fire up and Gravity is back! Castle says this time for sure! Fans are thunderous as Castle THROWS Gravity onto Griff and Henry!

Castle then Alabama Lifts JD, a feat unto itself! BANGAAAAAARANG!! Cover, Castle’s team wins!

Winners: Gravity, Dalton Castle & The Boys, by pinfall

Maria is disappointed but she and her boys put that loss on the Workhorsemen. As for The Peacock, with Gravity on his side, will they all be flying high? Will Castle make sure he becomes the true star of ROH Wrestling Television?


ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Mercedes Martinez w/ Diamante!

The Fallen Angel is the most dominant and longest reigning ROH Women’s Champion ever, but there’s only one OG Badass! This match isn’t just about the world title, this is about the intangible title of baddest in the division! Will Athena’s reign continue to make history? Or is this where the dominance ends?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is truly badass!

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and Athena ROCKS Mercedes! Athena cheers herself on, then she kicks Mercedes to a corner. Athena fires off furious forearms, the ref counts, and Athena shouts “YOU DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!” Athena then digs her boots in, lets off as the ref counts, and she brings Mercedes up. Mercedes throws body shots but Athena knees low. Athena throws Mercedes down, then stomps her to a corner. Athena digs her boots in, the ref counts, and Athena lets off. Athena drags Mercedes up to bring her around and TOSS her out! Athena says she does what she wants, then goes out to CLUB Mercedes!

Athena snatches a sign from Mercedes’ sister! And she rips it up! But Mercedes RAMS Athena into barriers! Mercedes says that’s for her sister. Mercedes drags Athena up to UPPERCUT, but Athena throat chops! Fans are torn but Athena says she does what she wants. Athena puts Mercedes in, stalks her, and drags her up to fire a forearm! Mercedes stumbles to a corner, but she avoids Athena’s attack to fire off palm strikes and an UPPERCUT! Mercedes whips, and hits the SPINEBUSTER! High stack, TWO! Athena is still in this but Mercedes keeps cool. Diamante coaches Mercedes and she stands Athena up.

Mercedes UPPERCUTS Athena, puts her in a corner and stomps away. Mercedes then hoists Athena up to the top rope backwards, then climbs up to CLUB away on her! Mercedes then reels Athena in for a SPIDER GERMAN! But Athena lands on her feet! Athena KICKS Mercedes in the back! But Mercedes claws Athena’s eyes! Mercedes gets loose, dodges Athena, but Athena goes up to FLYING CODE BREAKER! And then Athena runs, to handstand on Mercedes’ back, for SWINGING KNEES! Mercedes bails out but Athena WRECKS her with a dropkick! Fans rally and duel, Athena builds speed, and Athena DIVES! Mercedes hits the desk!

Fans fire up with Athena as she shouts “This is MY show!” Athena drags Mercedes up, thanks her fans for chanting, but Diamante steps forward. Athena glares and backs her down, but then Mercedes DECKS Athena! Mercedes drags Athena up, and suplexes her to GOURD BUSTER her into the timekeeper’s area! Mercedes then stomps Athena down in the gap! The ref reprimands and counts but Mercedes lets off. Mercedes takes a bow and the fans cheer. Diamante says she needs a chair, and she takes one from the timekeeper! Diamante sets that up while Mercedes beats Athena down. Then Mercedes makes Athena sit in the chair, upside-down!

Mercedes goes up the barriers while Athena’s in an almost Tree of Woe position! Mercedes aims, but Athena grabs an arm! She brings Mercedes into range for kicks! Mercedes wobbles, Athena stands up, and now the two brawl on the barrier’s edge! Athena fires HEABUTT after HEADBUTT, then she brings Mercedes up! SUPERPLEX to the floor! Fans lose their minds as both women writhe. The ref checks them both and they’re somehow okay to continue. A ring count climbs, fans rally up, but Champion’s Advantage is still in Athena’s favor. They’re both still down at 7 of 20, and then they stir at 9.

Fans rally, we pass 12 of 20, and then 13. Athena and Mercedes crawl over to the ring at 15, drag themselves up with the apron skirt at 17, and fans fire up at 18! Both women slide in at 19.5!! Fans cheer as this main event continues! Mercedes and Athena glare at each other, but fans cheer “RING OF HONOR!” for giving us this match. The forearms fly while both women slowly rise! Athena gets the edge but Mercedes returns those shots! Athena BACKHANDS, Mercedes ROLLING ELBOWS! Athena is furious and she fires another flurry! Mercedes gives them all back! Then blocks to palm strike after palm strike!

Mercedes UPPERCUTS, runs and KNEES Athena! Athena stays up so Mercedes runs in, but Athena spins her around to SOBAT! FRONT KICK! ENZIGURI! Mercedes flounders up, gets around Athena, and SAIDOS! Both women rise and roar, and Athena BOOTS first! Both women are down again and the fans rally up. Athena goes to a corner, Diamante coaches Mercedes, but Athena climbs. Mercedes crawls that way, but Diamante distracts Athena! Mercedes CLUBS Athena, then brings her around to a crucifix lift! OG DROP!! Cover, TWO!! Athena survives and Mercedes is furious! Mercedes grabs the legs, hooks them up, and wants the arms!

Mercedes pulls, pulls and PULLS Athena back! But Athena blocks the dragon sleeper, to BITE Mercedes’ arm!! Then she reels Mercedes into a CROSSFACE! Mercedes rolls it to a cover, TWO!! Athena boots from below but gets caught! Mercedes YANKS Athena up but Athena lands on her feet! Athena DECKS Mercedes! Fans rally up again as Mercedes goes to a corner. Athena runs in, is put on the apron, but she avoids the haymaker to HOTSHOT Mercedes! Athena climbs, fans fire up, O-FACE!!! Direct hit! But Diamante distracts the ref!! Fans boo, Athena would’ve won this by now! The ref reprimands Diamante, but Athena DECKS her!!

Athena goes out to scoop Diamante, Z360!! Then Athena gets back in, and she rips a buckle pad off!? The ref reprimands but Athena is done playing nice! But then Mercedes BOOTS Athena into the bare buckle!! FISHERMAN DRIVER!!! Cover, TWO?!?! Athena survives and “This is Awesome!” Mercedes is beside herself, but she drags Athena up. But Athena fights the lift, shoves Mercedes away and gets around, but Mercedes fights the lift! Mercedes wrenches, gets around, they go to ropes, O’Conner Roll, TWO! Someone BELT SHOTS Mercedes!! They’re wearing an AEW hoodie but who is that?!

Athena reels Mercedes in, Canadian Rack, WIGSPLITTER!! Cover, Athena wins!!

Winner: Athena, by pinfall (still ROH Women’s World Champion)

41-0 in singles competition, and the culprit of that belt shot… WAS BILLIE STARKZ!! Even after Athena tearing her down emotionally, The Minion saved her Overlord? Billie brings the belt into the ring, but she does look at it longingly. Athena is on guard, but Billie still kneels to present the belt to her. Athena takes the belt, and she has Billie stand. Now Billie is proving herself. But still no high-fives. Will Billie ever break away from the Fallen Goddess? Or will she make sure Athena reigns forever?

My Thoughts:

A very good episode of ROH, even for being short of two hours. That’s because it felt like more matches mattered than just last week’s episode, and the majority of the matches were just the right length. I did skip Ellering squashing LMK, Kiera beating Charlette and that Triple Threat, though I feel like I could’ve kept the Triple Threat over the opening match of Righteous beating Daniels & Sydal. Shane Taylor was watching the Triple Threat because he is still interested in Lee Johnson’s development for the sake of putting him in Shane Taylor Promotions. And therefore, Lee losing that is good stuff because Shane’s probably gonna get on Lee’s case.

Well, he’s also gonna get on Lee Moriarty’s case since he lost against Darius in the rematch. Moriarty VS Darius part 3 will be great stuff, and maybe we get Shane VS Johnson to bring this story full circle, and then we get Shane Taylor Promotions as a new trio with Shane and two Lees building momentum. Especially now with the ROH World Six Man Tag Championships back on Mogul Embassy. Great Four Corners tag, but of course Gates won. I bet they don’t even beat MJF for the belts because by the time we get to Final Battle, either Adam Cole is back or Samoa Joe is MJF’s substitute partner or something like that.

Good stuff with Leyla’s story, and it is interesting to me that it was Ellering making the save against the Renegades, not Kiera given Kiera was the one facing Charlette. But it does give Ellering something to do, which is great, and maybe somehow, someway, Ellering gets Leyla to understand Maria is no good for her. Plus, Leyla & Ellering VS Renegades is a good women’s tag match, even with no ROH Women’s Tag titles in existence. Or if that doesn’t work, Leyla VS Ellering with Maria essentially offering a spot in The Kingdom’s Army to the winner. And really good stuff in Ethan Page’s story, but sigh, of course Sterling’s group cheats to win. Maybe Ethan finds a friend to help get tag team revenge, and that could be Scorpio Sky since he’s also dabbled in ROH lately.

Great Fatal 4 singles match, but I figured Angelico would win that to keep his momentum up before going after Eddie Kingston. Stokely suspending Eddie is a fitting Heel authority move, but I also like that he isn’t really playing along with Lethal’s side, either. Stokely might make the ROH World title for Final Battle. They’re giving us Final Battle on Honor Club, no paywalls other than signing up for Honor Club, so if they’re making a push for subscriptions, put the biggest matches on that card. Eddie VS Lethal for world title, maybe Angelico tries to Money in the Bank cash-in his title match after Eddie makes it past Lethal.

Great 8 Man Tag and I really liked Gravity having parts of his gear match the usual purple pattering Castle and The Boys use. Great win for the Faces, too, and I appreciate Griff & Karter are meshing as a team. Much like we need Eddie VS Lethal on an ROH branded program like Final Battle, Samoa Joe VS Dalton Castle for the ROH World TV Championship needs to happen on ROH programming, and like, yesterday! They dragged this story out because they also want Joe to go after MJF and the AEW World Championship, THE top championship because ROH is AEW’s NXT now, not at all caring that Joe is still a champion in ROH.

And we got great stuff in the main event tonight, Athena and Mercedes were both equally Face, Heel and Tweener tonight because the Mohegan Sun is in Connecticut, where Mercedes is from, but Athena is super popular. What a wild move for Billie to start believing in the dark side and cheating on Athena’s behalf. Billie looking at the belt was a good tease that she could’ve turned on Athena then and there, but they’re extending this story a bit longer. Maybe Billie turns on Athena in time before Final Battle to set that up as a title match to make the card even bigger.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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