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Mitchell’s NJPW World Tag League Results & Report! (12/2/23)

B Block, round 5!



Will Bishamon have to tranquilo?

The IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions fought to a time limit draw last round, will Hirooki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi be able to #GetBackUp this round? Or will Yota Tsuji & Zandokan Jr. sink their ship?


  • Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii VS Yuto Nakashima & Oskar Leube; Yano & Ishii win.
  • Six Man Tag: The United Empire VS The Gates of Agony & Boltin Oleg; The Gates of Agony & Oleg win.
  • 8 Man Tag: Bullet Club War Dogs VS The House of Torture; The House of Torture wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Master Wato, Shota Umino & Ren Narita VS TMDK; Wato, Shota & Narita win.
  • 2023 World Tag League, B Block: El Phantasmo & Hikuleo VS Bad Luck Fale & Jack Bonza; ELP & Leo win.
  • 2023 World Tag League, B Block: Taichi & Yuya Uemura VS Atlantis Jr. & Soberano Jr; Taichi & Yuya win.
  • 2023 World Tag League, B Block: Yuji Nagata & Minoru Suzuki VS Lance Archer & Alex Zayne; Nagata & Suzuki win.
  • 2023 World Tag League, B Block: Bishamon VS Yota Tsuji & Zandokan Jr; win(s).


Here are the current B Block standings.

Alex Zayne & Lance Archer: 4-0, 8 points
Taichi & Yuya Uemura: 3-1, 6 points
Atlantis Jr. y Soberano Jr: 2-1-1, 5 points
Yota Tsuji & Zandokan Jr: 2-2, 4 points
ELP & Hikuleo: 2-2, 4 points
Bishamon: 1-2-1, 3 points
Bad Luck Fale & Jack Bonza: 1-3, 2 points
Yuji Nagata & Minoru Suzuki: 0-4, 0 points


2023 World Tag League, B Block: El Phantasmo & Hikuleo w/ Jado VS Bad Luck Fale & Jack Bonza!

The Headbanga & Young Guerilla survived the murder grandpas but are still a long way from the front of the block. Though that’s a touch better than the Bullet Club’s Rogue Army, who only just got on the board! Will the NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions stay strong? Or will they end up on the bottom of the block?

Fans rally up as ELP builds up the energy to high five Leo! The teams sort out and ELP starts against the Red Commando, who mockingly builds up energy to salute the Rogue General. The bell rings, and the fans rally up while ELP swivels as he takes off his shirt. ELP and Bonza circle, tie up, and Bonza waistlocks. ELP switches, Bonza pries free to switch back and wrench to a wristlock. ELP rolls, trips Bonza, and then hooks up the legs to get Bonza in a BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Fans rally, Bonza pops free to a cover, ONE! Fans applaud as the two reset. Fans rally behind ELP but Bonza tells them to shut up. That only makes them chant harder!

ELP and Bonza reset, tie up, and Bonza headlocks. ELP throws body shots, powers out, but Bonza runs him over! Things keep moving, ELP avoids the elbow drop to hit an elbow drop, but Bonza makes it a ghost pin! TWO and ELP rolls Bonza up, TWO! ELP reels Bonza in, spins him but Bonza fights the backslide! ELP still gets the shoulders down, TWO! ELP stomps the hands! ELP knuckle locks, CHOPS, and goes up, up and jumps around, to FLYING RANA! Fans fire up and ELP handsprings to his feet. ELP CHOPS Bonza to the red corner, then CHOPS him again. Tag to Leo, and Leo hushes the crowd. But Bonza avoids the chop!

Bonza tags in Fale, and fans rally up as the big guys stare down. Leo offers a handshake, but Fale just pie faces Leo. So Leo fires forearms! Fale throws them back! ELP leads the fans in the “YAY! BOO!” as the two giants go back and forth! Leo gets the edge but Fale kicks a leg. Fale RAMS Leo, but Leo stays up! Fans rally up as they RAM again! Leo eggs Fale on, they RAM shoulders again! Leo then kicks low, and goes to scoop! But Fale’s so bulky! Leo gets Fale up!! But Bonza CHOP BLOCKS a leg and Leo falls back! Fale covers, TWO! Bonza drags Leo to the blue corner and Fale tags Bonza in. The Rogue Army mugs Leo in the corner!

Leo crawls, Bonza turns him over and keeps him from ELP. Bonza steps through, SPINNING TOEHOLD! Leo clutches the knee and Bonza talks some trash. SPINNING TOEHOLD! Bonza pie faces Leo, eggs him on, then mocks the heart hands. Leo CHOPS Bonza! Bonza kicks Leo down, stomps him around, then even springboard stomps him! Tag to Fale and Bonza rushes ELP. ELP avoids getting blasted off the apron, but Fale stays between ELP and Leo. Fale then stands on Leo as a surfboard! ELP CLUBS Fale, so Fale DECKS ELP! Fale tags Bonza, and Bonza CLUBS Leo down. Fans rally up but Bonza CLUBS Leo more.

Bonza drags Leo up, whips him to the corner, but Leo BLASTS Fale away! Leo then BOOTS Bonza, hurries for his corner, but Bonza dropkicks the legs out! Bonza snarls, backs ELP off, then he reels Leo in. Bonza finger guns and calls his shot, but Leo’s too big to bomb! Leo back drops Bonza away! Fans fire up while both men crawl, hot tag to ELP! ELP fires off on Bonza, whips him to ropes, but Bonza reverses. ELP ducks ‘n ‘dodges to CLOBBER Bonza! And kip up! Fans fire up as ELP atomic drops Bonza, then mocks his pain. Bonza swings, into another atomic drop! ELP hobbles, but he still hooks Bonza up, RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP!

ELP cartwheels to the corner, goes up and takes aim, FALLING AX HANDLE! Fans rally as ELP tunes up the band. SUDDEN- NO, Bonza blocks, then DISCUS LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Bonza is frustrated but he drags ELP up and calls another shot. Bonza suplexes, holds, but ELP kicks free to DDT! Fans fire up again as Bonza and ELP crawl. ELP drags Bonza from Fale, straitjacket and torture rack, then tag to Leo. Leo BLASTS Fale, BOOTS Bonza, into the BRAIN SALAD! Leo covers, TWO! Bonza survives being scrambled but the fans rally with E-Leo-P! They coordinate, tune up, and Bonza rises. But Fale CLOBBERS Leo!

Bonza ROCKS and KNEES ELP, into a GERMAN SUPLEX! Fale runs corner to corner to SPLASH Leo! And then fireman’s carry, SAMOAN DROP to MACHO ELBOW! Cover, ELP breaks it! Fans fire up but Fale kicks ELP. Fale drags ELP up but he fires forearms and CHOPS on the Rogue Army! ELP runs, but into double shoulders! Leo rises while ELP flounders out of the ring, and the Rogue Army mugs him at the ropes. The Rogue Army double whips, but Leo breaks the line to DOUBLE LARIAT! Only Bonza falls, but Leo roars as he SPLASHES Fale in a corner! Leo scoops?! AND SLAMS!! Fans fire up with Leo as the alpha giant!

Leo drags Bonza up, choke grip, but Bonza knees free! SUDDEN DEATH! Choke grip, and ELP DIVES onto Fale! Leo hits GODSEND!! Then ELP climbs onto Leo’s shoulders for the SUPER THUNDER KISS 86!! Cover, ELP & Leo win!

Winners: El Phantasmo & Hikuleo, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Rogue Army earns 0)

Just as Fale & Bonza were locked and loaded, they misfire and fall back down! Will they have to shift into spoiler mode in the tournament’s second half? As for the NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions, do they still have an outside shot at those WTL trophies?


2023 World Tag League, B Block: Taichi & Yuya Uemura VS Atlantis Jr. & Soberano Jr!

The Holy Emperor & Heat Storm took a loss to Monster Sauce, but they’re still near the front of the block! But the sons of lucha libre are right behind them! Will this match go a long way to determining B Block’s finalists?

The teams sort out and Soberano starts against Yuya. The fans rally up as Soberano offers a handshake. Yuya reaches out but then Soberano leaves him hanging. The two circle, tie up, and are in a deadlock. Yuya waistlocks, but Soberano wrenches out to wristlock. Soberano YANKS the arm, but Yuya rolls, wrenches, hammerlocks and he brings Soberano around. Soberano rolls, drop toeholds and then has the legs tied up to go after the arms. Soberano has a modified Queen Angelito but Yuya fights up. Soberano stands on Yuya’s shoulders for a modified motorcycle stretch, to then shift to a headlock.

Fans rally as Yuya fights up but Soberano grinds the hold. Yuya pries free, but Soberano pulls hair! The ref reprimands but Soberano snapmares Yuya. Yuya gets right up and the fans applaud. Yuya and Soberano reset, circle, and feel things out. They knuckle lock, but Soberano steps on an arm and double wristlocks the other. Soberano then spins Yuya, arm-drags him, but Yuya arm-drags back! Soberano sweeps and covers, ONE! Yuya hits a headlock takeover, but Soberano headscissors, so Yuya kips free. Both men stand back up and fans applaud the standoff. Soberano offers the handshake for real and Yuya takes it.

Fans applaud the sportsmanship as the two then back down, and they tag in Taichi and Atlantis. The KOPW Champion and NWA World Historic Light Heavyweight Champion RAM shoulders again and again! Then Atlantis runs to RAM Taichi! Taichi rebounds to BOOT! Atlantis rebounds to CHOP! Atlantis eggs Taichi on, so Taichi CHOPS back! Fans fire up as Taichi eggs Atlantis on, and he comes back to CHOP! Fans cheer more, and Taichi CHOPS again! Atlantis CHOPS, it’s a CHOP fight! They go back and forth faster and faster, but Taichi sputters. Atlantis eggs him on, so Taichi KICKS and KICKS!

Atlantis blocks a kick, dodges the forearm and RANAS! Fans fire up while Taichi goes to a corner. Atlantis runs in, but Taichi puts him on the apron. Atlantis counter punches then goes up top to CROSSBODY! Atlantis is right back up to run in, but Taichi BOOTS him! Atlantis returns but Taichi sends him into the corner for the GAMANGIRI! Yuya then runs in to BLAST Soberano! Fans rally up as Yuya coaches Taichi. Taichi and Atlantis rise, but Taichi brings Atlantis around to bump off buckles. Tag to Yuya and he CLUBS Atlantis down. Yuya whips Atlantis to ropes, DOUBLE CHOPS him down, then covers, TWO!

Fans rally as Yuya keeps cool. Yuya brings Atlantis around, snapmares and CLUBS him! Yuya then clamps onto an armlock and he grinds that taped shoulder down. Atlantis reaches out, but Yuya drags him from ropes to keep on that arm. Atlantis endures, Yuya floats to a cover, TWO! Yuya keeps on the arm with a double wristlock now but Atlantis continues to endure. Atlantis fights up, reaches out, ROPEBREAK! But Taichi tags in, and he CLUBS Atlantis on the back. Taichi snapmares Atlantis to KICK him in the back, and fans rally up. Taichi drags Atlantis around for Kawada Kicks, egging him on at the same time.

Atlantis stands right up to fire off forearms! Taichi kicks low and gives more Kawada Kicks! Atlantis sits up, and blocks the buzzsaw! He dodges the Ax Bomber to SUPERKICK! Both men are down and the fans rally back up! Atlantis crawls, hot tag to Soberano! Soberano goes up and CROSSBODIES Taichi down! Soberano then runs corner to corner, but into a BOOT! Taichi runs, Soberano dodges, goes up and over and dodges a boot to ENZIGURI! Fans fire up, and Yuya CLUBS Soberano. Yuya runs, but into a SOBAT! Step-up FAMOUSER! Soberano TOSSES Yuya, sidesteps Taichi, and SPIN POWERSLAMS!

Soberano sets Taichi in the middle of the ring to LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up as Taichi stays in this, and Soberano keeps his cool. Soberano stomps Taichi, drags him up, and fireman’s carries. Taichi fights free but Soberano kicks low again. Soberano talks some trash, runs but into a BOOT! Soberano comes back, but Taichi gest around, only for Soberano to fight the saido! Soberano whips, Taichi reverses and avoids the handspring to AX BOMBER! Both men are down and fans fire up again! Soberano and Taichi crawl for their corners, hot tag to Yuya and he stops Soberano! Yuya CHOPS but Soberano eggs him on!

Yuya CHOPS again, whips, but Soberano reverses. Yuya FLYING FOREARMS! And arm-drags! And DOUBLE CHOPS! Fans fire up with Yuya and he drags Soberano up again. Yuya whips to a corner, runs in and SPLASHES! Then BULLDOGS! Cover, TWO! Yuya looms over Soberano, stands him back up, and he traps the arms! But Soberano fights the suplex with knees! Yuya CHOPS, runs, but Soberano DROPKICKS him down! Fans fire up again as both men crawl! Yuya goes to a neutral corner, Soberano hot tags Atlantis! Atlantis runs to BLAST Taichi, then he runs to kick Yuya! Atlantis whips, Yuya reverses!

Atlantis dodges Yuya in the corner, and he SPIN POWERSLAMS! Cover, TWO! Yuya hangs in there but Atlantis stays focused. The fans rally up, Atlantis whips and Soberano joins in, TU LO SABE! Cover, Taichi breaks it! Soberano kicks Taichi out then goes out after him. Yuya goes back to a neutral corner and Atlantis storms over. Soberano dribbles Taichi off the apron as Atlantis stands Yuya up and scoops. Yuya fights free, and he CHOPS! Taichi sends Soberano into railing! Atlantis CHOPS Yuya! Yuya CHOPS Atlantis! They go CHOP for CHOP, the fans rally up, and Yuya sputters. But he dodges to waistlock!

Yuya sends Atlantis into Taichi’s RIDGEHAND! Yuya CHOPS again! Taichi SOBATS! Yuya BULLDOGS! Cover, TWO! Atlantis survives the assault and fans rally up. Yuya fires up and he climbs a corner! CROSS- NO, Atlantis moves and Yuya has to roll through! But then Soberano CROSSBODIES! Taichi storms in to kick Soberano, but Atlantis scoops to BACKBREAKER! Taichi bails back out and Soberano builds speed! FOSBURY FLOP! Direct hit and fans fire up! Atlantis scoops Yuya, MICHINOKU DRIVER! Atlantis hurries up top, FROG SPLASH! Cover, TWO!! Yuya survives and Atlantis is furious!

The fans fire up for Yuya but Atlantis refocuses. Atlantis vows to end this and he drags Yuya back up. Atlantis whips, Yuya holds ropes to BOOT back! Atlantis scoops Yuya and then gut wrenches, but Yuya RANAS free! Atlantis stands, into an arm-drag! Ghost pin, and Taichi keeps Soberano out! JUST5GUYS WIN!

Winners: Taichi & Yuya Uemura, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Atlantis & Soberano earn 0)

Taichi is so proud of Yuya! Not only did he win this for the team, he just pinned the NWA World Historic Light Heavyweight Champion! Too bad he’s just outside the weight requirements to challenge for that belt. But that aside, will this help Yuya & Taichi secure a shot at the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions?


2023 World Tag League, B Block: Yuji Nagata & Minoru Suzuki VS Lance Archer & Alex Zayne!

In a shocking twist, Blue Justice & The Meanest Man in the World are 0-4 this deep into World Tag League! But will Nagata & Suzuki finally make it work at the halfway point? Or will Monster Sauce continue their hot streak and be the only 5-0 team in the entire tournament?

Surprisingly, the Murderhawk Monster doesn’t maul Young Lions at ringside. But perhaps that is because he is saving all his energy for Suzuki. As such, he doesn’t even budge as Suzuki steps into the ring for “KAZE NI NARE~!” The former boss and subordinate stare down, so Nagata and Zayne let them start. The fans cheer as Archer brings out a Suzuki-Gun shirt! Archer then throws the shirt aside as he tells Suzuki, “Tonight, we fight. So you better bring it our I’m gonna knock your teeth out! Let’s go, Suzuki!” The bell rings and the fans fire up with Archer! Suzuki ROCKS him with a forearm already!

Suzuki eggs Archer on, and Archer grins as he comes back. Archer ROCKS Suzuki right back! Suzuki staggers, stays standing, and he also grins! Archer laughs, he and Suzuki start trading forearms! The fans fire up as the shots keep going! Suzuki gets the edge, then BOOTS! Archer wobbles but he BOOTS right back! Down goes Suzuki! Fans cheer, Suzuki stands up, and Nagata tags himself in. Zayne also tags in, and now fans rally as these two circle. They tie up, Zayne waistlocks but Nagata wrenches to a wristlock. Zayne spins, wrenches, wrangles Nagata, but Nagata kicks him away. The fans cheer as the two reset.

Nagata and Zayne tie up, Zayne headlocks, but Nagata throws body shots. Nagata powers out but Zayne runs him over! Things speed up, Zayne IMPLODER KNEE DROPS onto Nagata’s dropdown! Then he STANDING MARIPOSAS! Fans fire up and Zayne drags Nagata up. Zayne puts Nagata in a corner, tags to Archer, and he taunts Suzuki with “You Suck!” Suzuki says shut up, but Archer stomps away on Nagata. Red Shoes counts, Archer lets off and says Suzuki’s next. Suzuki says to still shut up, but Archer snapmares Nagata. Archer continues to taunt Suzuki then he CLUBS away on Nagata’s chest! Cover, TWO!

Archer is mad at Red Shoes, and Suzuki steps in just to flip Archer off. Archer tags Zayne, and scoops him to SLAM him onto Nagata! Cover, TWO! Zayne stays between Nagata and Suzuki, then bumps Nagata off buckles. Zayne ELBOWS Nagata, tags Archer, and Archer CHOPS Nagata! Nagata eggs him on so Archer CHOPS again! Even Zayne felt that one. Nagata still eggs Archer on, but Archer eggs Nagata on, so Nagata fires forearms! Archer knees low, whips Nagata to a corner, then runs in, but Nagata BOOTS him! Nagata fakes the dropkick high to dropkick low! Archer hobbles, Nagata tags in Suzuki!

Fans rally up as Suzuki fires forearms on Archer. Suzuki backs Archer down, but Archer tells him to hit harder! Suzuki fires off even more shots and he sits Archer down in a corner! Suzuki growls and the fans fire up. Suzuki knees low, whips corner to corner, then runs in to BOOT! Suzuki cravats but Archer fights the snapmare. Archer whips Suzuki to a corner, ELBOWS him, “Ichi!” Archer keeps moving to ELBOW again! “NI!” Archer keeps going, “SAN!” Hattrick achieved, and then a KNEE DROP! Cover, TWO! Archer ROCKS Suzuki, puts him on the top rope, and then lifts with the inverted crucifix!

But Suzuki fights free! Archer choke grips, but Suzuki breaks free to ROCK Archer! Archer ROCKS Suzuki! Suzuki laughs as they trade forearms back and forth again! Fans rally up, Suzuki keeps laughing, but both men ROCK the other! Fans fire up as Archer and Suzuki stand back up! They egg each other on, and the forearms fly again! They go back and forth, faster and faster! Archer wobbles, Suzuki taunts him, but then the forearms start up again! Suzuki gets the edge but Archer ROCKS him! Suzuki rises right up to ROCK Archer! Both men fall over and the fans are thunderous! Suzuki and Archer crawl, hot tags to Zayne and Nagata!

Now Zayne and Nagata trade forearms! Nagata ROCKS Zayne, KICKS him, and KICKS him! And KICKS again! Zayne ends up in a corner, Nagata fires up and whips corner to corner. BOOT! Zayne fights the clinch, suplexes, but Nagata fights that. Nagata suplexes Zayne, for MAGIC SCREW! And then an EXPLODER! Cover, TWO! But into CROSSFACE! Suzuki intercepts Archer into a SLEEPER! Monster Sauce endures stereo submissions! The fans rally, Suzuki keeps adjusting his grip, but Archer fights up! Archer storms over to BOOT Nagata, then he RAMS Suzuki into buckles! Zayne gets the boost, HIP TOSS CANNONBALL!

Archer ELBOWS Nagata down, then Zayne runs in, tilt-o-whirl RANA CANNONBALL for Archer! Fans fire up as Archer gets Zayne, CHOKE SLAM SAULT! SENTON! Cover, TWO!! Nagata survives but Archer BLASTS Suzuki back down! Zayne goes up and gets as lift from Archer, but Suzuki stops the Blackout Swanton! Suzuki DECKS Zayne, Archer knees Suzuki and TOSSES him! But Suzuki gets Archer’s legs! APRON KNEEBAR! Archer endures, Nagata cradles but Zayne smothers it into his own cover, TWO!! Nagata is free again, but Zayne kicks low. Zayne straitjackets but Nagata fights free!

Zayne fires boxing elbows, back elbow, mule kick, only to run into a WHEEL KCIK! SAIDO BRIDGE! MURDER GRANDPAS WIN!!

Winners: Yuji Nagata & Minoru Suzuki, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Monster Sauce earns 0)

The top team finally falls, and it was to the two most grizzled and experienced men in the whole tournament! Suzuki tells Archer & Zayne to still take this thing, and they fist bump as the old Suzuki-Gun theme plays. Will Monster Sauce still burn B Block and head for those trophies?


2023 World Tag League, B Block: Bishamon VS Yota Tsuji & Zandokan Jr!

Hirooki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi have been struggling, but they always #GetBackUp. Will they be able to #TurnItAllAround and make the threepeat a reality? Or will Gene Blast & The King of the World make the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions tranquilo?



Here are the NEW B Block standings!

Alex Zayne & Lance Archer: 4-1, 8 points
Taichi & Yuya Uemura: 4-1, 8 points
Atlantis Jr. y Soberano Jr: 2-2-1, 5 points
Yota Tsuji & Zandokan Jr: 2-2, 4 points
ELP & Hikuleo: 3-2, 6 points
Bishamon: 1-2-1, 3 points
Yuji Nagata & Minoru Suzuki: 1-4, 2 points
Bad Luck Fale & Jack Bonza: 1-4, 2 points

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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