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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (12/5/23)

Time’s running out before the Deadline!



NXT White 'n' Gold Era

The only one that can destroy the dragon is the dragon himself!

Before they battle for THE NXT Championship, Ilja Dragunov and Baron Corbin will come face to face! Will they also go blow for blow?


  • Women’s Iron Survivor Challenger Last Chance Fatal 4 Way: Roxanne Perez VS Kiana James VS Fallon Henley VS Thea Hail; Fallon wins and advances to NXT Deadline.
  • Tatum Paxley VS Lola Vice w/ Elektra Lopez; Lola wins.
  • Mixed Six Tag: The Alpha Academy VS The Meta Four; The Academy wins.
  • Axiom VS Nathan Frazer; No Contest.
  • Men’s Iron Survivor Challenger Last Chance Fatal 4 Way: Tyler Bate VS Joe Coffey VS Eddy Thorpe VS Carmelo Hayes; Bate wins and advances to NXT Deadline.


Women’s Iron Survivor Challenger Last Chance Fatal 4 Way: Roxanne Perez VS Kiana James VS Fallon Henley VS Thea Hail w/ Jacy Jayne!

There’s still time before the Iron Survivor matches are locked in, and we already know two of the four here want to tear into each other! Will the Prodigy and the Calculator use their anger to win that final spot? Or will another take advantage of the distraction to get ahead?

The bell rings and Roxie goes right at Kiana! They brawl, the fans fire up, but Fallon & Thea drag Kiana up. Kiana DECKS Thea, switches with Fallon and shoves her into Roxie! Kiana then runs in, Fallon & Thea dodge to DOUBLE SHOULDER her down! Fans fire up with Thea and Fallon, and they see Roxie get up. The three circle, Lyra Valkyria watching, but Tatum Paxley watching Lyra… Thea, Roxie and Fallon triple knuckle lock for a triple test of strength! They go around, Roxie breaks one, wrenches the other, and now Roxie and Fallon are 2v1 on Thea. But Thea double arm-drags them away!

Thea then gets around Roxie, rolls her up, TWO and Fallon rolls Thea! TWO and Roxie sunset flips Fallon! TWO and Thea ghost pins Roxie! TWO, Fallon body scissor rolls Thea, TWO! Thea runs up, into an O’Conner Roll! TWO, Roxie wheelbarrows to victory FACEBUSTER! Cover, but Thea drags Roxie away! Thea RAMS Roxie into a corner, runs in but into a BOOT! Roxie goes out and up while fans are torn, but Kiana BLASTS Roxie down! But then Thea DECKS Kiana! Fans fire up with Thea as she dodges Fallon, tilt-o-whirls and RANAS! Fallon bails out and Thea takes aim.

But Kiana runs up to O’Conner, only for Thea to buck that. Drop toehold and Kiana ends up on ropes, for Fallon to ROCK her! Roxie ROCKS Fallon, then brawls with Kiana! Roxie DECKS Kiana, Thea DIVES onto Roxie! Fallon DECKS Roxie, Kiana ROCKS Fallon! Kiana gets her purse! She CRACKS Roxie on the back with it! Kiana then RAMS Roxie into barriers! Fans boo as Kiana stands tall while NXT goes picture in picture.

Roxie writhes while Kiana says SHE is the Iron Survivor. Kiana drags Thea up, SMACKS her off the apron, then SMACKS her off it again! Kiana stomps Fallon, puts Thea in the ring, then storms in behind her. Fallon gets on the apron but Kiana POSTS her! Then Kiana KNEES Thea, KNEES her again, then runs to BOOT her down! Cover, TWO! Kiana is frustrated and she sees Fallon get up again. Kiana BOOTS Fallon down, tells her off, and then goes back for Thea. Thea fires off haymakers! And a HEADBUTT! Thea runs, but Kiana catches her! Kiana RAMS Fallon using Thea, then she SLAMS Thea! Cover, TWO!

Kiana drags Thea around to throw down elbows! Cover, TWO! Kiana is frustrated, she tells Jacy to shut up, then brings Thea back up. Kiana dribbles Thea off buckles, then brings her around to throw her by her hair! Cover, TWO! Thea hangs tough and Kiana grows frustrated. Kiana clamps on with a chinlock, grinds Thea down, but Thea endures as fans rally up. Kiana talks trash to Jacy while she thrashes Thea. Thea fights up, the fans rally again, and Thea arm-drags free! Then mule kicks to run and ROLLING NECKBREAKER! Fallon returns to basement dropkick Kiana!

Kiana flounders around, Thea ELBOWS her in the corner! Fallon runs in as NXT returns to single picture and CLOBBERS Kiana! Thea runs in to MONKEY- NO, Fallon puts Thea up to and ROCKS her! Fallon climbs up, fans fire up, but Thea fights the superplex! Kiana joins in, TOWER OF DOOM!! Fans fire up as Kiana gloats and rises up. But Roxie is up top now to CROSSBODY! Then she comes back to SHOTGUN! Roxie kips up and the fans fire up! Roxie runs in to UPPERCUT! And FOREARM! Roxie fires off on Kiana but Fallon runs in, so Roxie hits her with fast hands! SOBAT! POP-

NO, Kiana THROWS Roxie off Fallon, then DECKS Fallon! Kiana puts Roxie in a corner, runs in, but Roxie slips out to SWING KICK! Kiana flops out of the ring, fans rally and duel, and Roxie clears off the desk! Fans fire up as Booker T and Vic Joseph move aside! Roxie brings Kiana up but Kiana RAMS Roxie! Kiana then scoops Roxie to aim for the desk! Roxie slips off and shoves Kiana into the armchairs! They brawl, Kiana SMACKS Roxie off barrier then goes up! The fans fire up and Roxie anchors Kiana! Roxie climbs up after Kiana, they brawl on the edge! Roxie gets the edge, then she SUPER CROSSBODIES Kiana through the table!

The fans lose their minds while both women are down in the wreckage! Fallon sees that and is also fired up. But Thea O’Conner Rolls! ONE and Fallon runs, SHINING COWGIRL!! Cover, FALLON WINS!!

Winner: Fallon Henley, by pinfall (advances to NXT Deadline)

Jacy is frustrated on Thea’s behalf, she really thought Thea had this one. But with Kiana and Roxie taking each other out, it’s Fallon who will be heading to the Iron Survivor Challenge! Will it be #YEEHAWB*TCH from start to finish in the final Premium Live Event of the year?


Backstage interview with Lyra Valkyria.

Kelly Kincaid is with the NXT Women’s Champion and notes we just saw four women put it all on the line for a shot at this title. The field is set, who does Lyra seeing at Deadline? Well, Fallon called her shot, she made it, fair play to her. But the Iron Survivor Challenge is so must-see, Lyra’s gonna fly out there to watch it herself. But then Elektra Lopez & Lola Vice walk in, and Lola says Lyra is getting ahead of herself. She’s worrying about the Iron Survivor when Lola can cash in her Breakout contract any time she wants. She might even go to Deadline to “watch,” too. Or, she might cash it in tonight.

Well, the power’s in your hands, Lola. Lyra is ready when Lola is. Lola says she’s always ready. Lopez says Lyra might get an early Christmas present and Lola will cash in for the tag titles instead. Oh, now that seems like a great idea! Tatum? Where’d you come from? Mind your own business. Oh, sounds like someone’s projecting. But let’s see if Lola IS always ready. Because Tatum is. Lopez has Lola stand down, wait for being in the ring. Tatum smiles and Lyra is confused. What is going on in Tatum’s twisted mind?


Wes Lee is walking in… on crutches?

The Cardiac Kid is supposed to be challenging Dirty Dom, but is he about to forfeit that opportunity? He’s headed to gorilla, we’ll find out after the break.


NXT returns with Wes Lee in the ring.

Fans cheer but Wes doesn’t look all that happy right now. “Look, y’all. We are four days away from Deadline. I was imagining smacking Dirty Dom all around the Total Mortgage Arena, hearing that one-two-three and then Alicia’s beautiful, angelic voice announcing, ‘AND NEW! NXT NORTH AMERICAN CHAMPION!’ But unfortunately, it won’t be happening like that. Now, I don’t say this out of uncertainty or doubt, because one-on-one, man to man, Dominik Mysterio cannot handle the heart from the King of the Wes Side. The same heart that will take on any and every opponent, under any circumstance!

“The same heart that all of you (in attendance), and all of you (at home) cheered and supported week in and week out, and gave me the strength to do things I never thought I could!” Fans cheer that! But that support won’t help Wes now… It won’t bring back the feeling to his leg. And it will not eliminate the excruciating pain he is in just by standing here right now. It’s gonna take surgery… and time… Wes cries as he says he is unsure when we will see Wes again, but just as he rose from the ashes to become one of the greatest champions in this NXT ring, he will return to further cement his legacy as one of the best to ever do this!

Fans cheer again, and Wes says this is not good-bye. And he is far from being done. “Let’s just say… for now, see you later.” The fans cheer for Wes, but wait! Here comes Dom! Fans boo as Dom mockingly says, “Aww… Look everyone! Wes Lee is going home! Again!” Dom steps into the ring with Wes, and he says he doesn’t doubt Wes needs surgery. It looks like Wes can barely stand. But he will tell Wes something. Imagine how Dom’s back feels from carrying ALL of the WWE the past two YEARS! While Wes is gone for another year recovering, sitting at home, like the rest of these people, watch what Dom does with this title.

And since Wes won’t be at Deadline, guess Dom has the night off to chill with Mami. Wes tells Dom whoa, pump the breaks. Dom will NOT have a match against Wes at Deadline. But he is still gonna defend the title. Don’t take Wes’s word for it. Take it from someone Dom is related to. Rey is on the tron!? Rey says sadly, Saturday is not a night off. Dom will be defending the title, and Rey will be there to be in the corner of the man who will take the title off Dom! And that man is… Rey’s brother, the future of lucha libre, DRAGON LEE!! Good luck, son. See you Saturday!

From one Lee to another, Dragon steps back into NXT for one more shot! Dom takes a swing but Dragon fires off first! Dragon whips, Dom reverses but Dragon CLOBBERS him! Dragon hauls Dom up but Dom gets loose! Dom runs away, but Dragon holds up the belt! Is the Boy Wonder going to finally humble Mami’s boy?


Kiana James enters the medical trainer’s room.

And she is not happy. But then in hurries Izzi Dame? She asks if Kiana is okay. Kiana says she knows Izzi has her back, but the next time they see Roxie, they will end her. Oh is that so? Roxie is just down the way, and she rushes up to attack! The refs back these two off, Ava Raine runs in and says this is enough! They want a solution, fine! Ava will make this official for Saturday! Whoa, since when was Ava in conflict resolution? And will Deadline be just the place for Roxie and Kiana to put this to bed?


NXT, great ready for the MEN’s Breakout Tournament!

Riley Osborne, “The Livewire!” Keanu Carver isn’t here to break out, he’s here to break bodies! Tavion Heights is ready to reach the top! Dion Lennox has the formula of competitive fury, ferocity, passion and work ethic unmatched! Luca Crusifino, the Legal Eagle, is ready to file a motion of victory! Myles Borne is the last of a dying breed, and he’s gonna make his mark. Trey Bearhill will change the landscape! Oba Femi is going to unleash his judgment! This tournament begins next week!


Tatum Paxley VS Lola Vice w/ Elektra Lopez!

While she’s standing by the NXT Women’s Champion, Tatum is also standing behind her and watching her from the shadows… But will she also stand in the way of those who want after Lyra? Or will the MMA Mamacita break through Tatum to cash in that Breakout contract?

The bell rings, the two tie up and Lola waistlocks. Tatum elbows free, then dodges the boot! Tatum spider-walks a bit, which does creep Lola out a little. Lola runs up, Tatum wrenches her arm and wrangles her down. BRIDGING FUJIWARA! But Lola ghost pins, TWO! Lola sweeps the leg, then booty bumps Tatum! Lola then drops on Tatum for a headlock and grinds her down. Tatum fights up, powers out, but Lola ducks to whip Tatum. Lola then gets a SLEEPER HOLD! Tatum powers out, but Lola SPINEBUSTERS! Tatum scrambles to the apron, Lola storms up but Taum RAMS into her!

Tatum then goes up the ropes to springboard MISSILE DROPKICK! Fans rally up, Tatum stalks Lola all the way to ropes. Tatum throws forearms but the ref has her back off. Tatum grabs Lola’s arms, CHOKES her on the ropes then stomps her down as she lets off! Tatum drags Lola to a cover, TWO! Tatum snarls, drags Lola up and bumps her off buckles! Tatum runs in, CROSSBODY in the corner! Lola stumbles, Tatum comes back, but into a TRIANGLE HOLD! Tatum powers Lola around to POWERBOMB her down! Fans rally and duel but Tatum stomps away on Lola!

Tatum CLUBS Lola, drags her around, then step-up SPLASHES! Cover, TWO! Lola hangs in there but Tatum wraps her up in body scissors. Lola endures, the fans rally, and Lola pries at the hold. Lola turns around to ground ‘n’ pound Tatum! Then TRIANGLE HOLD! Tatum stacks it to a cover, TWO! Tatum kicks low, brings Lola around, but Lola gets the leg! KNEEBAR!! Tatum flails, reaches out, ROPEBREAK! Lola lets go, to KICK Tatum! Tatum returns, but into a BODY BLOW! And an URAKEN! Lola kicks and SPIN BUZZSAWS! Then SPINNING SOBAT! Lola fires up, runs in, HIP ATTACK!

Lola drags Tatum to the cover, TWO! Tatum survives but Lola drags her up, HIP- ROLL-UP!! TWO!! Lola ROUNDHOUSES Tatum down! Cover, Lola wins!

Winner: Lola Vice, by pinfall

Buenas noches from Lola and she takes the win! Will she dance her way right to becoming NXT Women’s Champion?


NXT shares footage from last week after the show.

Axiom checks in on Nathan Frazer. Tough fight, huh? Yeah, you should see the other guy. Axiom did. It seems like Frazer pushed Dragunov’s buttons and paid for it. Maybe he needs this? A mask? No! Give him a heads up next time, too. Axiom says Frazer is a smart guy, he should’ve known better. Kinda got what he deserved. Oh, one fight ends and another begins, huh? No, Axiom isn’t picking a fight. But if Frazer wants to act like Axiom is responsible for how Frazer looks and wants to do something about it, then okay. They can go like they did back in the day.

Yeah, Frazer is ready for them to beat the hell out of each other. But then shake hands after. Yeah, then they can leave this behind them. Alright, but Frazer says fair warning, amigo. Axiom’s face is gonna look a lot worse after Frazer’s done with him. Oh no~, Axiom can’t afford to lose his money maker. The Undeniable Truth and the Jersey Island Rocket are going to go another round, who wins out in their friendly competition?


Baron Corbin arrives backstage.

Kelly Kincaid finds him first and says we are four days away from Deadline- Yes, four days until Corbin captures “the last piece of the puzzle.” Wait, isn’t he worried about the match? Dragunov is ready to snap! Doesn’t Corbin want security out there later tonight? Corbin chuckles and asks if Kelly really thinks he needs security. No, he has Dragunov right where he wants him: out of his mind and out of control. It will be so sweet to take that title off Dragunov this Saturday. Mr. No BS is feeling extremely confident, but is he really in control of the situation?


NXT Anonymous is watching.

More footage from October 17th! Trick Melo Gang was talking it out backstage, they were good, and Trick headed out. Melo then got on his phone and strated texting. But with who?


Joe Gacy is in the crowd?

And he’s shouting that everyone loves Vic Joseph! Big thumbs up from Joe, but uh… is he okay?


Mixed Six Tag: The Alpha Academy VS The Meta Four!

Chad Gable got so fed up with Noam Dar and his little friends cheating wins away, the challenge was made to go all out and leave the numbers game behind. Surprisingly, the Scottish Supernova accepted! Will Dar, his Main Man Mensah & Lash Legend win big going into Deadline? Or will Coach Gable, his number one guy, Otis, and Maxxine the Alpha Queen finally SHOOOOOSH them?

NXT returns as the Meta Four makes their entrance. The trios sort out and Gable starts against Dar. They circle, Dar kicks and kicks but Gable shoots in for a waistlock. Gable spins Dar, waistlocks again, rides him as Dar tries to scramble away, and they end up on ropes. Dar turns things around, the ref counts, and Dar lets off, to cheap shot! Just like in their Heritage Cup match! So Gable SPINEBUSTERS Dar! Cover, ONE, but Gable has the leg! ANKLE LOCK!! Dar flails, ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Lash protests, and Gable lets go. Dar tags out to Oro and he circles with Gable.

Oro taunts Gable, but Gable turns the Meta Four M into “A THANK YEW~!” Oro gets mad, takes a swing, but Gable CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! Gable whips corner to corner, Oro reverses but Gable goes up and over. Oro sweeps the legs! Fans boo but Oro clinches. Gable slips out, Oro bucks the O’Conner, but Gable avoids the sweep to arm-drag! And another arm-drag! Gable armlocks Oro, drags him around, but Oro reaches up. Gable blocks that kick, Oro stands and Gable says “SHOOOOSH~!” Oro ROLLING- NO, Gable blocks the kick again, and back to the ANKLE LOCK!

Oro flails, reaches out, tag to Lash! That brings in Maxxine and fans fire up! Wait, Otis, no, you stay out. Maxxine and Lash talk trash, then Lash ROCKS Maxxine! Lash whips Maxxine to a corner, but Maxxine BOOTS back! Maxxine runs, RAN- NO, Lash blocks that to get Maxxine up! But Maxxine RANAS after all! Cover, TWO! Maxxine kicks low, reels Lash in, but Lash fights the suplex! Maxxine still tries but Lash CLUBS her! Lash whips Maxxine, Maxxine leaps, but Lash catches her! Dar tags in, Lash TOSSES Maxxine! Otis storms in and fans fire up! Dar runs in to fire off on Otis!

Dar headlocks, Otis powers out and runs Dar over! Dar gets up, runs to BLAST Gable! Then he dodges Otis, baits him in, Otis hits buckles! Dar fires off, tags Oro, and they mug Otis! They try to suplex, but Otis DOUBLE SUPLEXES them! Fans fire up, Gable tags in! Gable goes up, DOUBLE FLYING CLOTHESLINES! The fans fire up as the Academy goes after Meta Four on the outside! The fans fire up even more as NXT goes to break!

NXT returns and Gable throws body shots on Dar. Gable then waistlocks but Dar elbows free. Gable ROCKS Dar, but Dar ducks to RABBIT PUNCH! Dar then whips, but Gable reverses to GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans fire up while both men are down! Dar and Gable both crawl, hot tags to Otis and Oro! They run in, Oro dodges Oro to POUNCE! Then a scoop and a SLAM! Otis stalks Oro, whips him to ropes, and WRECKER ELBOWS! Dar runs in but Otis choke grips! Otis POP-UP POWERBOMBS Dar! Fans fire up but Oro JUMP KNEES Otis! QUEBRADA, but Otis catches Oro to POWERSLAM!

Fans fire up with Otis, and he hits the CATERPILLAR ELBOW! Otis roars, Oro flounders! Hot tag to Lash! Lash steps to Otis and dares him to… Oh, well, not that jiggling and gyrating! Otis runs in, Lash dodges, and she scoops?! And she SLAMS Otis?!? No one can believe it! But while Lash fires up, Maxxine climbs up! FLYING RANA! And a ROUNDHOUSE! Maxxine reels Lash in, to snap suplex! Cover, Oro breaks it! The ref reprimands, but Maxxine fires off on Oro! Fans fire up more and then Gable clotheslines Oro up and out! Maxxine runs up to BOOT Lash into Otis’ arms! Otis smiles but Lash freaks out!

Oro BOOTS Otis, but Gable gives Maxxine a boost! SUPER CROSSBODY! Maxxine wipes out everyone! But Dar aims at Gable! NOVA- NO!! ANKLE LOCK!! GRAPEVINE!!! Dar flails, fans are going nuts, DAR TAPS!!! Academy wins!!

Winners: The Alpha Academy, by submission

And this time, Dar’s tap-out is on record! Will Gable get himself one more shot at the Heritage Cup? And will that shot be another victory for the Academy?


Gallus meets at the pub.

Joe Coffey points out some visitors. Hank ‘n’ Tank are here. Are they lost? They cdan leave through the doors, or the windows. Their choice. Oh…! This is their place? Duh, the banners, makes sense. They trying to be funny? No, not at all. Here, three beers, on Hank ‘n’ Tank. They wanna talk business. Well, alright. You two have until they’re done drinking. Well, Hank ‘n’ Tank were thinking: What’s gonna help them get to the next level as a tag team? They want it all! Glory, championships, everything! But they know they won’t get it overnight.

So they gotta pick a fight with the guys who’ve done it all, and no team in NXT is as decorated as Gallus. Whoa, you wanna face them? For real? Absolutely not. There are plenty of other teams that wanna slap Hank ‘n’ Tank around anyway. Oh, okay. Maybe they can put this in a language Gallus understands. Right, let’s get them haggis and watch a Glasgow rager! Okay, that’s it. Oh, see? Embrace that! Embrace the annoyance you feel dealing with them. But let’s not mess up this nice bar. They can do this in the ring. Next Tuesday. Oh, so if they get their match for next Tuesday, Hank ‘n’ Tank will leave? Yep.

Okay then. See you next week. But remember, learn to walk before you can run. Hank ‘n’ Tank go, but will they be in over their heads against the Gallus boys?


Backstage interview with Ava Raine.

She’s just come from HBK’s office and NXT media asks what the meeting was about. They’re four days away from Deadline, and things are out of control. We all saw what went down in the trainer’s room, right? So since Roxie and Kiana can’t keep away from each other, it is official: Roxie VS Kiana at Deadline, in a STEEL CAGE MATCH! Ava just helped solidify one powerful grudge match, who makes it out of the cage as the alpha female?


Byron Saxton is in the ring.

And with Deadline just days away, he is with the Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge field. Byron introduces them, from Tiffany Stratton to Lash Legend, to Blair Davenport, to Kelani Jordan, and lastly, Fallon Henley. Byron reminds us the winner of this match will be next in line to challenge Lyra for her NXT Women’s Championship. Tonight, they will all have a chance to tell us why they will be THE Iron Survivor. Byron talked with them beforehand, and they agreed to keep this civil. However, if someone does happen to mention another, that person is allowed to quickly respond.

With that said, Tiff is first. TIff says there’s no other way to start this, is there? It all starts and ends with the Center of the Universe. Besides, Tiff is the favorite going into the match. Not only because she’s the most gifted, talented and athletic, but c’mon, Charlotte Flair herself gave Tiff a shoutout as the future of the Women’s Division! Who else can say that? Ummm… No one. Besides, she’s the only one in this match who’s already held the NXT Women’s Championship, so it is only a matter of time before she reclaims the Tiffy Title to become Tiffy Two Time. All she sees is four participation trophies and one winner.

Yes, she is the most decorated in this match, but perhaps the one with the most potential is Kelani Jordan. Kelani, how do you plan on being the Iron Survivor? Kelani says Byron is saying things she already knows. Yes, she’s the new girl, the one with the least experience. She doesn’t know what to expect, but who does? Last time she checked, none of the others were in that match, either. If anything, she has prepped her entire life for this! Her outstanding gymnastics career has made her endurance top notch! So she knows how to go 25 minutes. And when she steps in there, she’ll cut a pace none of these girls could keep up with, even if they tried.

Tiff speaks up to say that for the record, she did gymnastics, too. Well, we’ll just see if Tiff can keep up. Don’t “Tiff” to Tiff, ew. Okay, please keep things on track. Moving on, Lash Legend! ‘Bout time, Byron! First off, Kelani, real cute. Too bad no one wants to hear you speak, okay? And second, Tiff claims to be the most athletic. Beg to differ. But Tiff was looking real athletic when she let Becky take the title, mm-hmm! So Tiff can say tootles to the title again. Now, since y’all wanna talk strategy, um, hello? Have you not seen her with Heritage Cup Champion, Noam Dar? So she thinks she’s learned a thing or two about multiple pinfalls, okay? So SKRRT!

If you wanna know the strategy, it’s simple: She bougie, and no matter how many others are in the ring, she’ll bully all y’all’s skinny asses into that penalty box! Thank you. Kelani asks what the excuse will be when the new girls ends HER ASS to the box? Lash says that ain’t gonna happen, rookie, tone it down. Byron says things are getting tense here. Blair gets a turn. Sorry, she’s not here to one-up everyone with witty one liners, that’s not her style. She doesn’t like anyone here in this ring, and she doesn’t really care about their opinions. But notice no one is coming at her because they are all afraid they will be on the shelf next to Nikkita Lyons and Sol Ruca!

Gigi tried but Blair took care of her, too. So if you all thought she was vicious before, you have- Fallon says we get it. She doesn’t care about anyone. Just like Fallon doesn’t care whose ass she’ll have to kick to become #1 contender. She might even knock Blair out in the box! And if “Lashy Poo” wants to take this to the Metaverse, no problem! And nothing would thrill Fallon more than knocking “Tiffy Wiffy” right off her high horse! And, Kelani, Fallon has no beef, but they’re after the same thing, and anything goes in this Iron Survivor Challenge. Fallon is all hyped up after her win tonight! And she’ll ride that momentum right to Deadline!

Lash wants to speak up but then Tiff speaks up over her, saying Fallon has NO chance in this match. It’s really a waste for the Last Chance to go to Fallon. What a tragedy! Lash hits the brakes extra hard on Tiff. Lash knows you didn’t just cut her off. Oh, she did. Get over it. Fallon says wasting a chance on her? Tiff better count her blessings- Byron has everyone stop! They said they weren’t gonna do this! Byron, y’know what they say? Well-behaved women seldom make history. So Tiffy… YEEHAW B*TCH!! Then she DECKS Tiff! The fight is on! Byron bails out, all five throw hands! Fans fire up, refs rush in, but will there be no stopping this once we’re on the clock?


Axiom VS Nathan Frazer!

These two have gone back and forth in the past, and they’re gonna go one more time around! But will Axiom just be adding insult to injury? Or will Frazer rebound after getting beat down by Dragunov?

The bell rings, Axiom avoids a kick but so does Frazer. Frazer waistlocks, Axiom elbows free! Axiom ducks ‘n’ ddoges and arm-drags, but Frazer deflects the dropkick! QUEBRADA, but Axiom snapmares! Axiom whips but Frazer reverses only for Axiom to roll. Frazer RANAS but Axiom handsprings through! Fans fire up as these two stand off, then they both BOOT! They’re so much alike, they were on the same wavelength there! Fans rally up, both men rise, and Frazer fires forearms! Axiom fires back! They go back and forth, Frazer swings but into a SLEEPER! Frazer hits an ELBOW BREAKER!

Frazer runs, Axiom CLOBBERS him! Axiom runs, Frazer SUPERKICKS! Frazer runs, but Axiom turns the Quebrada into SLIDING GERMAN!! Fans fire up and Axiom hurries up top! CROSS- SUPERKICK!! Cover, TWO!! Axiom survives, Frazer hurries to the corner. Frazer springboards but Axiom GAMANGIRIS! Frazer falls to the floor and Axiom goes up and up and GOLDEN TRIANGLE! Direct hit at the ramp and the fans fire up! Axiom hurries over to Frazer, but wait! The ladies are still fighting! They’re headed down to ringside so the fellas get in the ring! The refs rush out, the match is thrown out!

No Contest

The brawl continues, fans want to “LET THEM FIGHT!” and Blair slips away. Blair laughs at the chaos, but uh… NIKKITA LYONS IS BACK!! And she ROUND HOUSES Blair! Nikkita says this lion has the eye of the tiger! Fans fire up for Nikkita’s return, will Blair have to be careful even after Deadline?


Andre Chase talks with the students.

He thanks them for joining him at this assembly. Chase University is an establishment for shaping the young minds of future sports entertainers. Normally, these assemblies are to celebrate the accomplishments of one of their own. But as we all saw last week, this is anything but a celebration. The misuse of university funds and illegal gambling on campus have rocked this institution to its core. But to make one thing perfectly clear, the person responsible for putting this university into severe debt and compromising position… is Chase. What?! Thea & Jacy don’t seem as surprised.

Chase says as the founder, he fell short of the example he was supposed to set, and is disappointed for such continual lapses in judgment that led us to this delicate position. Now, the most important thing on everyone’s minds: how does this affect the students? Chase will come out and say it. Due to the results of the investigation, Chase U is now under academic probation. Thea says, “Oh, great!” Duke is surprised at her attitude, but Chase says sanctions have been placed on the school. This includes students who enrolled after the investigation, they cannot get financial aid.

Thea speaks up. Couldn’t it be easier to know what they have to do if Chase just told them the amount he owes? The others agree! Chase sighs, and says he owes… hundreds of THOUSANDS of dollars. And not just the loan, but also interest because he went through a third party. A loan shark? Way to go, Professor. Chase says after losing his own personal finances, he dug into university assets. Which in turn caused him to go to an organization he now can’t pay back. This puts himself and the university in a very compromising position. Wait, Tony D’Angelo’s cousin, Adriana Rizzo, is in the room…

Chase says he got them into this mess, so dammit, he’ll get them out of it! He will restore this university to its full glory as quickly and efficiently as possible! Duke asks that other than selling his MVP trophy, because he isn’t gonna, what else can they do to help? Chase opens the floor to ideas, and one student suggests a bake sale. Duke says no, that won’t work. Jacy has an idea but another student suggests a car wash. Better… Jacy still wants to go, but then- Wait, is that Riley Osborne? He suggests a crash course on avoiding financial crisis. He just thinks that’d spark ideas on how to get the school out of debt, while also being educational.

Thea looks love struck… Jacy snaps Thea out of it by throwing paper at her. Is she okay? Y-Yeah, she’s doing great. Chase thanks Riley for the idea, and says to the class that he knows this is unsettling. But they can get through this together. Thank you. Chase heads out, Adriana shakes her head. Is the D’Angelo Family not going to make it that easy on Professor Chase?


Trick finds Melo backstage.

And he asks what the hell, man! Melo knows what Trick is thinking, and it ain’t what he’s thinking. Then what was it? Melo says he’s locked in, he has the Last Chance, he needs to handle this. No, man, Trick needs answers. Melo sighs, but he says they can talk after. Trick rolling with him? No, dawg. This is Melo’s last chance with Trick. Melo heads out, will Trick Melo Gang both be going to Deadline with baggage?


Lexis King speaks.

“Man, ever since last week, my socials have been poppin’ off! Seems like the entire internet is talking about this leaked footage of me, saying I should be worried and that I’ve been incriminated. But I’m here to tell y’all the exact opposite. I’m just chilling right here on my throne. Heck, I should’ve known the cameras would find me. When you’re a big star like me, the camera always finds you. Ain’t that right, Carmelo Hayes? Now we got ’em talking. We got ’em talking about your match tonight. They’re talking about how Lexis King is supposed to interfere. But I wouldn’t do that. I wouldn’t interfere in my friend’s match and cost him an opportunity at Deadline.

“Now I know we’re not besties, we’ve had a bit of a rocky relationship, but I do think that we are gonna be on the same page very soon. Y’know why? Because I know for a fact that Melo Doesn’t Miss. And now Melo knows that Lexis King doesn’t miss, either. So good luck, my friend, because Deadline awaits. Man, I love it when a plan comes together.” Is King speaking out of both sides of his mouth? Or just his ass?


Men’s Iron Survivor Challenger Last Chance Fatal 4 Way: Tyler Bate VS Joe Coffey VS Eddy Thorpe VS Carmelo Hayes!

The Big Strong Boi, the Iron King and the Alpha Wolf all want their shot in the Iron Survivor Challenge, but none of them are HIM. Will Melo make good on going back to back at Deadline? Or will his issues with Trick keep him from making his shots?

NXT returns as Bate makes his entrance, followed by Coffey. Kelly is with Eddy backstage, and asks how his ribs are feeling. Not great. He’s nowhere near 100% thanks to Bron Breakker and then Drew Gulak and his goons. But tonight is too important! If Eddy wins, not only is he in the Iron Survivor, but he has a shot at the guy who hurt him in the first place in Dijak. Eddy makes his entrance and the bell rings. Coffey eggs everyone on, then he fires hands on Eddy! Eddy dodges Coffey in the corner while Tyler and Melo tie up. Eddy runs back in to ELBOW Coffey, then SAIDO! Melo rolls Eddy up, TWO!

Bate claims Melo pulled tights but Melo says what does it matter. But then Bate ROCKS Melo, Eddy reels Melo in, BIG back suplex! Fans are torn, but now Bate and Eddy step up. Bate ducks a haymaker to UPPERCUT and UPPERCUT! Eddy SOBATS, then runs up. Eddy blocks a boot but not the KNEE! Bate goes up to FLYING UPPERCUT! Bate then fireman’s carries, AIRPLANE SPIN! Fans fire up but Coffey stops the rotations! Coffey throws Eddy away, but Bate fireman’s carries Coffey to AIRPLANE SPIN! Fans fire up as Bate goes around and around, then SLAMS Coffey down!

Cover, but Bate gets away as Eddy ELBOW DROPS in! Coffey takes the hit, Bate SHOTGUNS Eddy! Melo runs up, throws hands and CHOPS! Melo whips, Bate handsprings and then DROPKICKS Melo down! Fans rally and duel, Bate ROCKS Coffey. Coffey blocks the whip, sends Bate to a corner, but he falls for the same boot to KNEE! Bate goes up, and he FLYING- NO, Coffey catches Bate to waistlock! Bate fights the lift, Melo runs in but Bate back drops him! Bate then wheelbarrows, but Coffey makes it a swing of his own! Then SLAM! Cover, Eddy breaks it! Eddy storms after Bate but Melo O’Conner Rolls!

Eddy shoves Melo away, things speed up, Eddy hurdles but Melo FLYING LARIATS! Melo bumps Eddy off buckles, puts him up then climbs. But Eddy shoves Melo away, so Bate joins in! Melo and Bate throw hands, climb up and bring Eddy up, but Eddy pushes them both away. But Bate GAMANGIRIS, then Melo GAMANGIRIS! They both go up again, and they get Eddy up, only for Coffey to run in! Bate & Melo get away but Eddy CROSSBODIES them both! Coffey POP-UP UPPERCUTS Eddy! Bate clinches Coffey for an EXPLODER! Bate kips up, but into a BOOT from Melo! Eddy SPINEBUSTERS Melo!

All four men are down and the fans fire up for “NXT! NXT!” as NXT goes picture in picture.

Bate goes to ropes, Eddy goes to the other side. Melo finds a side of his own, and Coffey goes to a corner. Coffey storms up, eggs everyone on, but they all pinball him around with haymakers! Bate DECKS Coffey, and then they all stomp Coffey! Coffey bails out, but then Bate sunset flips Melo! Eddy ghost pins Bate! TWO, Melo reels Eddy in for a cradle! TWO, Bate returns to kick and UPPERCUT Melo! Melo falls, Bate kicks and UPPERCUTS Eddy! Bate whips, Eddy reverses but Bate catches the dropkick! Bate turns Eddy over, BOSTON CRAB! Eddy endures, Melo adds on a CROSSFACE!

Eddy endures double submissions, so Bate gets Melo with an ANKLE LOCK! Melo flails, Eddy has Bate in a SLEEPER! Coffey CLOBBERS them all! Coffey whips Melo to a corner, then scoops him on the rebound for a BACKBREAKER! Coffey stomps away on Eddy’s ribs, then he drags Bate up. Coffey whips Bate to a corner, then scoops to SLAM! VADER ELBOW DROP! Bate flops out of the ring so Coffey pursues. Coffey RAMS Bate into steel steps, then flips the steps around! But Melo jumps off the steps to CLOBBER Coffey! NXT returns to single picture, Coffey clings to a post as Melo goes after a leg.

Melo lets Coffey go, puts Bate in the ring, but Eddy drops an elbow on Melo! Cover on Bate, Coffey breaks it up! Coffey UPPERCUTS Eddy, drags Bate up, but then Melo runs up! Melo ducks the double elbows, to then springboard, DOUBLE FADE AWAY! Melo hurries up but Eddy SHOTGUNS him down! All four men are down again and the fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!” Coffey rises first, he drags Eddy by his rib tape! Coffey waistlocks, Eddy endures and throws elbows! Eddy arm-drags free, Coffey returns but Eddy ducks to CROSSBODY! Melo runs in, but into a GERMAN SUPLEX!

Bate runs in, but into a spin and suplex, BRAINBUSTER! Cover, Coffey breaks it! Fans fire up again, Coffey drags Eddy up but Eddy ROCKS and CHOPS and KICKS Coffey! And then BOOTS Coffey out of the ring! Eddy builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit and Coffey hits the desk! Eddy then DIVES and hits Bate at the ramp! Fans fire up as Eddy BOOTS Melo, runs at Coffey, but Coffey SPINEBUSTERS Eddy on the steps!! The fans lose their minds, the ref checks and then calls the medics over. Eddy’s bad ribs might be broken after that slam! Back to the ring, Melo and Bate go face to face.

Melo says he needs this, but Bate throws hands! Melo hits back, but Coffey is up top! DOUBLE MISSILE DROPKICK! Those three are down, but Coffey hurries after Melo. Coffey puts Melo up top, UPPERCUTS, but then has to avoid Bate. Coffey waistlocks, Melo FLYING SUNSET FLIPS and that causes Coffey to GERMAN SUPLEX Bate! Fans fire up again as Bate is in a corner and Melo runs in. Coffey ALLEY-OOPS Melo into Bate, then gives them a DOUBLE GLASGOW SENDOFF!! Cover, Melo breaks it! Melo reels them both in, ANARCHY CUTTER lands Coffey on Bate’s knees!

Bate saves himself from Melo’s intended dunk, and then he back suplexes. Melo lands out of it, shoves, REBOUND- CODE BREAKER! Cover, Coffey breaks it! Fans fire up as Melo SUPERKICKS Coffey! FADE- GLASGOW SENDOFF!! Melo is sent to the apron and now Coffey and Bate fire hands! Bop up, BANG! But Coffey HEADBUTTS! “This is Awesome!” as Bate runs into a BOOT! Coffey goes up and up and CROSS- UPPERCUT from Bate! Melo is up top! Melo shoots, into an UPPERCUT! Bate has both men reeling, REBOUNDER on Coffey! Underhooks, TYLER DRIVER 97!!! Cover, TYLER WINS!!!

Winner: Tyler Bate, by pinfall (advances to NXT Deadline)

The Big Strong Boi shocks Melo, Melo really thought this was his match to win! But now, Melo has no golden ticket to Connecticut, and he might not even have a friend waiting him in the back. Has Melo truly lost it all?

As for Bate, he gets the mic to officially say it! He is the last man in the Iron Survivor Challenge at Deadline! And trust him, Bate knows what awaits him. This match is a match unlike any other! And usually, he’s all peace and tranquility, BUT TO HELL WITH THAT! Come Saturday, those four men aren’t gonna stand a chance against him! But then Dijak walks out here to tell Tyler Bate that his adrenaline must be through the roof. Because he’s about as delusional as Eddy. Speaking of Eddy, hold on. Dijak BOOTS Eddy down!! Fans boo as Dijak then says to take the trash out!

Dijak continues towards the ring to tell Tyler that he calls himself the Big Strong Boi. He must have a big strong heart, too. And that thing must be working in overdrive if he thinks he has a snowball’s chance in hell this Saturday! Bate says he has more than that. But wait, here comes Bron! And Bron says it seems that these two have no idea what they’re in for on Saturday. Bate and Dijak better hope and pray that Bron is last to enter, because if he’s not, they’re all going to the penalty box! And from where Bron’s standing, that’s the safest place to be. So his advice: stay in the box. Save yourselves and your careers.

But here comes Briggs! Another week of Badass Bron threatening people. Oh, you gonna interrupt Bron now, Briggs? Well what’s Bron gonna do? Come after him? Good, cuz he’s banking on it! And he knows the others are underestimating Briggs. But he likes it like that. Briggs has been waiting on this moment his entire damn life! And right now, he is betting on himself. At Deadline, Briggs will shock the world! Bron asks if he actually believes that, because that makes Briggs dumber than he looks. But wait! Here comes TRICK! Fans fire up with “Whoop Dat Trick!”

Trick says he’s not in the mood, so it’s straight to business: At Deadline, he’ll whoop dat trick, dat trick, dat trick, and- Dijak says the only trick that is getting whooped is his so-called best friend that- TRICK DECKS DIJAK! Fan sfire up and the brawl is on! Briggs is after Bron, Bate helps Trick with Dijak! Security rushes out here, fans chant “WHOOP DAT TRICK!” as the hands keep flying! Bron breaks free to LEAP onto everyone else! Will nothing stop these five from tearing down the ring this Saturday?


Melo talks with Ava backstage.

He can’t believe the nonsense King is speaking. Melo knows she’s been getting things done, so if Ava can do this for him, it’s on with him. Ava says consider it done. Ava heads out, but Trick walks in. Cut the crap, Melo. Yes or no, did Melo text King to take Trick out? Of course not! Why would he? Trick doesn’t know, because nothing makes sense anymore! Melo says Trick didn’t see who did it, but he knows in his heart it wasn’t Melo. And outside that it’s just noise. Then why are there videos of Melo and King working together? Melo would never work with that sucker. And to prove it, Melo is gonna whoop King’s ass on Saturday!

What’s Melo talking about? Melo just talked with Ava, and she’s gonna talk with HBK to get it done. Melo won’t just stand on his word, he’ll stan don business. Good, stand on business. Come Saturday, Melo opens the show, and Trick closes it. Trick heads out but that clearly doesn’t sit well with HIM. Will Melo put his pride aside to prove he is still Trick’s friend?


BREAKING NEWS for Deadline!

To make up for Axiom and Frazer not getting their rematch, they will try again as part of the Deadline Kickoff Show!


Ilja Dragunov and Baron Corbin are in the ring.

They sit across from each other at the table, and Corbin says he’ll start as he is the challenger. But Dragunov says no he will not! Dragunov stands up, throws his chair aside, and then tells Corbin, “You have turned this championship match into something more than just a battle for the title on my shoulder. A championship that you have actually failed to capture before, right? Baron, you brought my personal life into this. And guess what? You can mock my accent, you can mock my demeanor, you can question the fire and the intensity. I can handle that.

“But the sacrifices that I make for my son so that he can have a better life, that is a line that you have crossed! And this Saturday, your body will pay for this!” Corbin says, “Sacrifices, hmm? What you call sacrifices, I call excuses. If you wanted to bring your family, you could have. There’s always a way. But no, Ilja, you turned your back on your son, you walked out the door, you got on a plane, and you left. So those are excuses you tell yourself so you can go to sleep in that cold, lonely apartment at night.

“And Ilja, what you’re doing to your son right now… Well, that’s exactly what your father did to you.” Dragunov gets heated again and Corbin asks if that stung. The veins are popping out. Dragunov throws off the jacket and tie! Fans fire up and Corbin chuckles. Dragunov huffs and puffs and says he is trying. Trying to contain this. Because if he unleashes it now and not on Saturday, then there will be no NXT Championship match at Deadline. And Corbin will leave this place tonight in an ambulance with no opportunity to have the title to add to his lavish life! With his fancy cars and expensive watches! Oh, the things that Corbin cherishes in his life, as a materialistic SON OF A B*TCH!!

Fans fire up again and Corbin says if Dragunov thinks this is about materialism, that’s where he’s wrong. This is about vindication. Not for Dragunov but for Corbin. For Dragunov, this is another high-profile title match that Dragunov has to win to justify to his son why he is here. This is vindication for Corbin, because while all these fans will never admit it, Corbin has never stopped! Not through brand changes, not through COVID, not through the ups or the downs! Corbin has been a prominent figure on their screens for eight YEARS, and he is taking what is his.

Dragunov, Corbin sees the blood boiling. Dragunov is about to lose it, because his son misses him. And Dragunov misses his son even more! And Corbin can say that to Dragunov’s face because he is bad enough to say it. Corbin can walk down any street in the world and doesn’t have to look over his shoulder. Saturday, Dragunov will understand why! Dragunov says this is about his family? Then do something about it right now. Dragunov TOSSES the table! Yes, that’s it! Breathe the fire! You think that scares Corbin? Corbin has been through hell and back, and he always finds a way! And Saturday will be no different!

Corbin tells Dragunov he’ll help out. This is for family, right? Corbin stands the table up in the corner and tells Dragunov he gets a shot. Corbin will turn his back, Dragunov can do whatever he wants, for his family! Fans want Dragunov to do something, too, but Dragunov paces around in fury. Corbin says Saturday, he takes Dragunov’s only reason to be here. But oh, right. He’s a coward. He’ll find a way to stay. Dragunov turns Corbin around, to hug him? “The only one who can destroy the dragon is the dragon himself!” Corbin is confused as Dragunov pats him on the back and smiles. Corbin thought he was getting to Dragunov but now Dragunov has turned the tables.

Wait, the guys are still brawling! It’s just like the ladies from earlier! They’re all moving back down to ringside! And back into the ring! Dragunov and Corbin move aside for the chaos! Security gets thrown out, Trick CLUBS Bron, but Briggs fires off on Trick! Dijak CLOBBERS Bate, CLUBS Bron, but Bron TACKLES Dijak! Bate CLUBS Bron! Briggs and Trick keep going, Bate fires off on Bron, btu Bron knees Bate! Bron runs in, SPEAR on Trick AND Briggs THROUGH THE TABLE!! Bate then REBOUNDERS Dijak!! The Big Strong Boi is the last one standing, but will he be the Big Strong Iron Survivor?

My Thoughts:

An awesome NXT go-home episode, and all Deadline focused. Awesome Fatal 4 Way matches as the first and last matches tonight, and I certainly felt Fallon was winning the women’s Fatal 4. Roxie VS Kiana is happening as a grudge match at Deadline, but “steel cage” is totally code for “Izzi’s gonna help Kiana screw Roxie over.” Ghi quietly left NXT, so now Izzi gets to be the new sidekick as Kiana has moved away from her business office vignettes. And Thea has the Chase U story going right now, so Fallon gets through mostly by default. Thea suddenly crushing on Riley Osborne is an interesting detail but maybe Riley gets to represent Chase U in the Men’s Breakout Tournament.

Really good summit promo segment, though rather random. Great brawl, though, and really wild for it to even “ruin” Axiom VS Frazer. Axiom VS Frazer for the kickoff show is cool, really steps Deadline up a notch if WWE is giving it that treatment. And then the Men’s Fatal 4, a little surprised it isn’t Eddy going in given his promo just before the match. But I appreciate that per the Trick Melo Gang story, Melo VS King is happening while Trick is in the Iron Survivor match. Coffey always seems to lose the big ones, so no surprise there. So Bate winning out, I really dig that. Bate could win the whole thing and get a chance at being THE top champion in NXT as I felt he deserved long ago.

Great little match from Lola VS Tatum as part of Lola building momentum but also building Tatum’s new creepy persona. Guess Fyre & Dawn were right all along. Good long term story telling by HHHBK there. Great Mixed Sig with The Academy winning out. Gable beating Dar, that has to mean something for the following weeks. Deadline may be the last event of 2023 but that just means New Year’s Evil is the first one up for 2024. It’d be pretty cool if Gable won the Heritage Cup to start his 2024 since he doesn’t seem quite right for the Intercontinental Championship.

Great promo at the end of the show. The fans were loving both arguments, and honestly, so was I. Corbin was 100% right that, whether fans want to admit it or not, he has been solid his entire WWE run. But also, a very clever turn of events where Dragunov doesn’t demolish Corbin. Dragunov knew that’s what Corbin wanted, so he zigs instead of zags and creeps Corbin right out. This match is going to be insane, maybe the best match of either guy’s career, but I’d still give the win to Dragunov. It still feels like there’s a lot Dragunov can still do, such as face Iron Survivor Bate or the eventual Breakout winner.

But then, a bit of a bummer in the North American Championship scene. At first, Wes Lee with a walking cane seemed like a trick to lure Dom in. But given how emotional Wes was, and with Dragon Lee taking his place, that signified how legit this all is. That is a damn shame for Wes, he was finally getting going again and I was sure he was going to take the title off Dom this time. Dragon Lee being on SmackDown, Dom being on Raw, someone who isn’t full time NXT is going to be taking this title home, so I cannot be sure which way this goes.

Personally, put the title on Dragon. He can be on SmackDown with a midcard title since Logan Paul has the US Championship and won’t be around every week. And it can add to Judgment Day’s story of things falling apart with Dom’s title being the first casualty. But seriously, get the title off Dom already.

My Score: 9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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