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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (12/7/23)

Time to qualify!



ROH Wrestling 2023

Who else will have their Final Battle?

The ROH World TV Championship Survival of the Fittest match still needs participants! That THREE qualifiers in one night! Who punches their tickets to Texas?


  • Billie Starkz VS Dani Mo; Billie wins.
  • Dalton Castle w/ The Boys VS Johnny TV; Castle wins.
  • Rachael Ellering w/ Leyla Hirsch & Maria Kanellis-Bennett VS Nikki Victory; Rachael wins.
  • The Workhorsemen VS The Infantry; The Workhorsemen win.
  • The Renegade Sisters VS Lady Frost & Trish Adora; Frost & Adora win.
  • ROH World TV Championship Survivor of the Fittest Qualifier: Josh Wood VS Lee Johnson; Johnson wins and advances to Final Battle.
  • The Righteous VS The Outrunners; The Righteous win.
  • ROH World TV Championship Survivor of the Fittest Qualifier: Lee Moriarty VS Tracy Williams; Moriarty wins and advances to Final Battle.
  • The Butcher & The Blade VS “The Boys,” Brandon & Brent Tate; Butcher & Blade win.
  • Angelico w/ Serpentico VS Christopher Daniels; Angelico wins.
  • ROH World TV Championship Survivor of the Fittest Qualifier: Kyle Fletcher VS Gravity; Fletcher wins and advances to Final Battle.


Billie Starkz VS Dani Mo!

After all the gaslighting, emotional abuse and disrespect, this minion had had enough! She threw The Fallen Goddess down then challenged her for the title! Will Billie be more than ready for her Final Battle?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings and the fans rally up. Billie and Dani circle, then they tie up and go around. Fans rally as Billie powers Dani back, but Dani powers Billie to another corner. Dani lets off with a pie face, but Billie runs up. Dani dodges and flexes, but Billie HEEL KICKS her down! Billie mocks Dani, then waistlocks to GERMAN SUPLEX! Dani flounders around, but Billie GERMAN SUPLEXES again! Billie snarls, goes up the corner, and SWANTON BOMBS! Cover, Billie wins!

Winner: Billie Starkz, by pinfall

Fast and furious, Billie is running full speed towards the Fallen Goddess! But speaking of, Athena BLINDSIDES Billie! Fans boo as the ROH Women’s World Champion TOSSES Billie out, then cheers herself on. Athena goes out, CLUBS Billie down, and shouts “You think this is a game?!” Athena whips, but Billie reverses and Athena hits railing! Billie reels Athena in to snap suplex to the floor! Refs and security rush out to stop this but she tells them to back off! Athena rises, runs in and SHOTGUNS Billie down! Athena tells security to back off, then she DECKS one! And CHOPS the other! Athena snap suplexes Billie into the POST!

Billie writhes and Athena says this is HER show! “YOU THINK THIS IS A GAME!?” The refs and more security finally back Athena down, but then she DECKS the guards! But Billie SPEARS Athena!! Refs and security separate them again, but fans want ot “LET THEM FIGHT!” Athena gest loose, and she CLOBBERS Billie! But Billie rises and throws hands! She DECKS a guard and then CLOBBERS Athean! Bilile hits refs, hits security, but so does Athena! Athena gets Billie for a POP-UP POWERBOMB to the floor! Athena puts Billie in the ring, has the belt set in place, and she tucks Billie’s arms! Athena is gonna use Billie’s own move! STAR TEN ONTO THE BELT!!

Athena then holds up the belt over Billie and shouts “This is MY show!!” Then she threatens to lash everyone with her normal belt! Athena is the doctor and Billie is her monster, will they destroy each other to finally settle this?


Wheeler Yuta & Bryan Danielson speak.

The Decoder says, “Final Battle is fast approaching. December 15th in Garland, Texas, and the Blackpool Combat Club is looking for a fight.” The American Dragon says that’s right. And listen real close because he can’t speak too loudly right now. Final Battle means so much to Bryan and his career. In fact, it’ll be 20 years this month, Final Battle 2003, the first and only time Bryan ever wrestled Jay Briscoe. Last year, Final Battle 2022 was Jay Briscoe’s last match ever. The greatest Dog Collar Match in wrestling history! So Bryan wants to make a challenge in honor of Jay Briscoe, a man we all loved. Bryan wants BCC VS FTR & Mark Briscoe. BCC will bring the fight just like Jay would’ve wanted. What will the Top Guys & Sussex County Chicken have to say to this Six Man Tag challenge?


Dalton Castle w/ The Boys VS Johnny TV!

The Peacock is in Final Battle’s ROH World TV Championship Survivor of the Fittest Match, because he wants to prove he is the star of ROH TV! But in steps the man of many names who claims he himself is the face of wrestling television! Will Johnny prove he is worthy of his own title opportunities? Or will he be more like a major side character in Castle’s story?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and fans rally for Castle. Castle and Johnny circle, then Johnny JABS Castle! Castle tumbles out of the ring, The Boys fan him off, and Castle keeps his cool, if only barely. Castle then gets fired up and storms in. He and Johnny tie up, Castle puts Johnny in the corner, and the ref counts. Johnny sucker punches Castle, then CARTWHEEL LARIATS! And then STANDING SHOOTING STARS! Cover, TWO! Castle bails out and the Boys fan him again. Castle storms around again, the fans rally behind him, and the ring count climbs. The fans get louder and Castle is feeling it! Castle runs around, the fans get even rowdier, and Castle gets in to waistlock!

Johnny bucks the O’Conner, but Castle spins him and LARIATS, KNEES and BASEMENT DDTS! Cover, TWO! Castle clamps onto Johnny with a waistlock and rolls him around. Fans rally, Johnny fights up, but Castle sends him into the corner! Castle ROCKS Johnny, the Boys fan as hard as they can, and Castle KNEES Johnny down! The fans fire up and Castle whips Johnny corner to corner. Johnny reverses, runs in, but Castle goes up and out! Castle ducks a lariat, but Johnny blocks Castle’s to throw him down on the apron! And then Johnny sits on the apron, to still SOMERSAULT SENTON! Johnny drags Castle up, puts him in the ring, and he pushes Castle to a cover. TWO, and fans rally up again.

Johnny cravats Castle for a neck wrench but Castle endures. The fans rally behind Castle, Castle fights up and throws hands. Castle runs, but Johnny kicks low! Johnny TOSSES Castle out but The Boys are there to help Castle back in! Johnny storms out to scare The Boys off, then goes back to Castle. Johnny kicks, TOSSES Castle out again, but The Boys hurry to get Castle back in. Johnny is annoyed but the fans rally behind The Boys. The Boys back off, Johnny storms up and he counters Castle’s elbow, but Castle sweeps the arm on the Eddy Gordo Kick! Johnny falls to the floor, Castle goes out after him, and RAMS him into steel steps!

Fans fire up, Castle drags Johnny up, and Castle puts him in the ring. Castle storms in, shoots around, and GERMAN SUPLEXES! Johnny staggers up, Castle gets around, to T-BONE SUPLEX! Fans fire up and Castle wants us to look into his eyes and see his soul! Johnny bails out, wants a timeout, but no such thing! Castle storms out, Johnny RAMS him into the apron! Johnny then slides in, builds speed, and Johnny FLIES but the Boys move Castle! Castle then BOOTS Johnny down! “I’m ALIVE!” Castle hugs his Boys and fans cheer! Castle drags Johnny up, puts him in, and Johnny staggers around. Castle blocks the lariat to BACK ELBOW, then he runs in to JUMP KNEE!

Castle keeps going, spinning clothesline! Whip and Alabama Lift! But wait, TAYA VALKYRIE is here?! Mrs. Nitro Mundo TV is here, and she sees The boys in her way. So La Wera Loca SPEARS them both! Johnny sunset flips to a cover, ONE!! But the SHINING WIZARD hits! Johnny drags Castle to a drop zone, goes to the corner, STARSHIP- NO, Castle moves and only Johnny feels the pain! But then Taya is there to stare Castle down! Castle is upset she touched his Boys, he tells her to get her face out of his face! Taya dares him to try something, and Castle storms back into the ring. Johnny runs up, FLYING CHUCK!! Taya says finish it!

But then here comes Kiera Hogan! Kiera TRIPS Taya! And Castle gets Johnny up, BANGARANG!! Cover, Castle wins!!

Winner: Dalton Castle, by pinfall

Just as it looked like Johnny was gonna steal the spotlight, the Hottest Flame countered Taya and Castle takes the win! The Peacock might very well be the best thing on ROH TV, will he fight all the way to being THE ROH World TV Champion?


Rachael Ellering w/ Leyla Hirsch & Maria Kanellis-Bennett VS Nikki Victory!

The Queen of Strong Smile and the First Lady of Wrestling were there for LEGIT Leyla, so now Leyla and Maria are going to be there for Rachael. Will this trio continue their success? Or will tonight be Nikki’s victory instead?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the two circle. They tie up, go around, and Rachael wrenches to wristlock. Nikki slips through to wrench and wristlock back, but Rachael m oves around. Rachael spins, slips in and wrenches Nikki to wrangle her. Maria applauds, but Nikki fights up. Rachael blocks the arm-drag, headlocks, but Nikki powers out, only for Rachael to run her over! Rachael runs, but then stops to turn dropdown into gut wrench! Nikki flails but Rachael carries her around. Then a standing GUT WRENCH SUPLEX sends Nikki flying! Maria says that is so good, and applauds again.

Rachael runs in at the corner, and she clotheslines Nikki! Rachael keeps going, and she UPPERCUTS Nikki down! Cover, TWO! Nikki survives but Rachael keeps cool. Maria coaches Rachael on, Rachael sighs, but then Nikki throws body shots and forearms! Rachael CLOBBERS Nikki, then CHOPS her down! Maria says Rachael’s so strong! Is Maria pouring it on a little thick? Rachael CHOPS Nikki down again, drags her up again, and CHOPS her down again! Fans cheer, Rachael drags Nikki up and fireman’s carries. But Nikki kicks and flails and shoves! Did Maria just trip Rachael up!?

Fans boo and Maria plays innocent, claiming she was just looking at the tron. But Nikki rolls Rachael up in the distraction! TWO, but Nikki STUNNERS! Rachael wobbles, Nikki runs in, but into the BOSS WOMAN SLAM! Cover, Rachael wins!

Winner: Rachael Ellering, by pinfall

Maria applauds for Rachael, still plays dumb about that trip, but Leyla is caught between the two. Is Maria going to ruin the budding friendship for her own gain? Or can Rachael get Leyla to see the truth before it’s too late?


Backstage interview with Athena.

Lexi Nair is with The Fallen Goddess, who is rather pleased with herself. Lexi asks what that was out there, and Athena asks what Lexi means by that. Billie betrayed them! She betrayed MIT, and all the minions out there! Bestie, admit that you liked it. She LOVED it, didn’t she? Y-Yes… And then the good news keeps pouring in! Because Athena just heard from Tony Khan that the ROH Women’s World Championship match will now main event Final Battle! And Athena didn’t forget Lexi! Valedictorian at MIT, Bestie to ALL Minions and Overlord! And Lexi will be the special guest ring announcer! How’s she feel? Oh, good… HELL YEAH! Let’s celebrate! T G I FRIDAYS, BAYBEE~! Athena is in a good mood now, but will that all be ruined in a week?


Backstage interview with Maria & Leyla. 

Lexi starts with introductions but then Rachael barges in and asks what the hell, Maria. Don’t play dumb! Maria tripped Rachael up! Maria continues to play dumb, Leyla believes Maria simply tripped the wrong person. She’s giving Maria the benefit of the doubt. Maria appreciates that, and says Rachael should try it, too. Leyla knows through this she’s been the hot head and all, but she sees that Rachael has Leyla’s back. Leyla gives Rachael her word she will have her back. They fist bump, will these two be a LEGIT duo?


ROH World TV Championship Survivor of the Fittest Qualifier: Josh Wood VS Lee Johnson!

The Technical Beast and Big Shotty want to go to Final Battle to battle over gold, so they have to go through each other to get there! Will Woods have the goods to go for a new belt? Or will this finally be Lee’s time?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the two circle. They tie up, Woods knuckle locks then goes for a leg. Lee gets around to a waistlock but Woods pushes up and slips around to a facelock. Lee goes for a leg, but Woods puts Lee on ropes. The ref counts, Woods lets off and Lee resets. Lee and Woods feel things out, knuckle lock, and Woods shoots in to half nelson, spin and carvat. Fans cheer the  technical exchange, and Lee spins through to headlock. Woods powers up and out then runs Lee over! Lee gets up, but Woods headlocks for a takeover. Lee headscissors, Woods kicks but can’t get free.

Woods kips free the next time, Lee headlocks but Woods stops the takeover! Woods back suplexes but Lee lands out and shoves, to then hurdle, drop and DROPKICK! Woods goes down and fans fire up! Woods staggers up, into an arm-drag! Lee grinds the arm and fans rally up again. Woods moves around, stands back up and he puts Lee on ropes. Woods then arm-drags free, to then hip toss Lee OUT of the ring! Fans boo but Woods storms out and tells the balding man to shut up. Woods stands Lee up but Lee throws hands! Woods knees low, brings Lee around, and scoops. Woods SWINGS Lee into railing! Lee writhes but Woods just grins.

Woods mocks the fans booing him, then he puts Lee in the ring. Woods stalks Lee, drags him up, and ROCKS him! Woods whips and kitchen sink knees Lee down! Cover, ONE!! Lee hangs tough and fans rally up. Woods snarls and stalks Lee to a corner. Woods brings Lee up, but Lee throws body shots! And a CHOP! Woods CHOPS back! Woods whips Lee back into the corner, but Lee ELBOWS him! And BOOTS him! Lee dodges, runs, and LARIATS! And another! Fans fire up as Lee then blocks a lariat, ELBOWS Woods and hits a NECKBREAKER! Lee kips up and fans fire up with him! Lee whips, Woods reverses, but Lee stops himself to ELBOW Woods again.

Lee goes up, QUEBRADA to EYE OF THE HURRICANE! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up as Lee punches some fire into himself. Woods rises, Lee runs in, and Lee CHOPS! Lee whips, runs in, and CHOPS again! Lee whips and runs in again, but Woods BOOTS him! And ROCKS him! Woods goes up the corner, but Lee GAMANGIRIS! Woods wobbles, Lee climbs, and Lee brings Woods up. Woods throws body shots to fight the suplex, to SUPER ANARCHY SUPLEX! Cover, TWO!! Lee survives and Woods is furious! Woods calls his shot, waistlocks, but Lee goes to the corner! O’Conner Roll, but Lee Victory Rolls! TWO! SUPERKICK!

Lee reels Woods in, fireman’s carries, but Woods fights free! Woods kicks low then KNEES hard! Gut wrench and deadlift for a POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Lee survives and Woods is furious again! Fans rally behind “SHOTTY! SHOTTY!” but Woods aims from a corner. Lee goes to the other corner, Woods runs in, but Lee dodges! Woods’ knee hits buckles! Lee SUPERKICKS Woods down! Fans fire up and Lee climbs! Lee aims, for the FROG SPLASH!! Cover, LEE WINS!!!

Winner: Lee Johnson, by pinfall (advances to Final Battle)

A big win for Big Shotty, perhaps his biggest yet! Is Final Battle going to be Lee’s biggest and best win yet?


ROH World TV Championship Survivor of the Fittest Qualifier: Lee Moriarty VS Tracy Williams! 

#TAIGASTYLE and #HOTSAUCE are like two sides of the same coin. They’re both gritty grapplers and savage strikers, but only the better man moves on to the title match. Who will grab up their ticket to Final Battle?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the two circle. Fans rally behind “LEE! LEE! LEE!” as he and Tracy tie up. Lee wrenches, hammerlocks, but Tracy headlocks. Lee pops out the back, Tracy switches, but Lee switches back. Tracy pries the hold, wrenches to a hammerlock then goes for the crossface! Lee switches out to clamp onto Tracy’s arm. Tracy turns that around to clamp onto Lee’s arm, but Lee whips him away. Tracy rolls over the dropdown, then ducks ‘n’ dodges lariats, to then catch Lee’s hurdle to a roll-up! TWO, Lee slips around to BORDER- NO, Tracy turns stretch into cradle, TWO! Fans cheer the technical exchange and the two reset.

They tie up, then Tracy CHOPS! Lee CHOPS, but Tracy CHOPS back! Lee CHOPS, Tracy CHOPS, and fans fire up with Lee! Lee CHOPS, but Tracy withstands it to then knuckle lock and CHOP, CHOP, CHOP! Tracy fires forearms in the corner, the ref counts, and Lee shoves Tracy away. Lee ELBOWS Tracy, goes to buckle bump, but Tracy blocks. Lee KICKS Tracy’s arms, then BOOTS him down! Lee stomps Tracy, drags him up and throws knees. Then SNAP HALF HATCH! Bridging cover, TWO! Lee shows off by keeping his bridge up. Lee then aims to stomp Tracy, and he top wristlocks to stretch that shoulder. Tracy fights up, spins through and throws body shots.

Lee shoves Tracy, BOOTS him, then sweeps the legs to basement dropkick! The fans cheer, Lee covers, TWO! Tracy is still in this but Lee holds onto an arm. Lee drags Tracy up, reels him in, but Tracy fights the suplex. Lee throws body shots, suplexes, but Tracy cradle counters! TWO! Lee gets up, Tracy runs in but into a clinch! BUCKLE SHOT! Lee then aims, Tracy rises, and Lee GAMAN- SPINEBUSTER! Tracy turns things around on Lee and fans rally up! Tracy rises, drags Lee up but Lee KICKS the bad arm! And KICKS it again! But Tracy blocks a kick to CHOP and CHOP and CHOP! Then SINGLE LEG SUPLEX! Tracy roars and fans fire up with him!

Tracy runs in to clothesline and CHOP in the corner! Tracy whips corner to corner, runs in, but Lee dodges! Lee runs in but into an ELBOW! Tracy goes up the corner, but Lee SLAPS him! Lee climbs up, but Tracy throws body shots and forearms! Tracy facelock, TOP ROPE DDT! And a LARIAT!! Cover, TWO!! Lee survives and shocks Tracy! Tracy growls and fans rally up again. Tracy storms around, brings Lee up, and reels him in, but Lee wrenches the bad arm! BORDER CITY STRETCH, but Tracy pops free to CROSSFACE!! Lee endures, pries at the fingers, and he bends them back! Lee stands, Tracy CHOPS him! And CHOPS him! And ROCKS him!

But Lee holds onto the fingers! SNAP!! Just like a Villain! And then an ENZIGURI! Lee reels Tracy in, suplex to FLATLINER! Cover, Lee wins!!

Winner: Lee Moriarty, by pinfall (advances to Final Battle)

Taiga Style sunk his “Fang” into Tracy, and now he’s feasting on that golden ticket! But will Lee satisfy his appetite by finally holding gold?


Backstage interview with Dalton Castle.

Lexi congratulates The Peacock on advancing to Final Battle, and he feels so great! Like he’s walking on air! Look at him! He’s not doing this wiggling, this is all on it’s own! This is his excitement! It’s happening! The viewers finally get what they deserve, and that is a champion who is made for TV! Look around. Who in this company is more made-for-TV than him? Who? Who? Ask him! He’s ready! Ask him! Oh, okay. Then who is more made for TV? Castle warms up his vocal chords but Johnny TV steps in. “You think you know TV, bland man?” Who? What?

Johnny says Castle’s like a stale wafer someone found in the couch while watching reruns of Seinfeld! Who’s The Boss? Three’s Company. 60 Minutes. Wheel of Fortune. Golden Girls. Jeopardy! REN & STIMPY! SIMPSONS! HEY, DUDE!! Yeah, Castle can do this all day! DAYS OF OUR LIVES! GENERAL HOSPITAL!! Taya steps in and says, “You think you can compare to Johnny TV? The only way you beat my husband is because you have an army! The Boys & Kiera Hogan? Hah! You will never be like my real-life action star.” Well, Johnny TV will never be ROH TV Champion!

Castle says he can feel his hands again. Lexi says Johnny & Taya do look good together. Yeah, Castle admits he can’t deny that. Johnny then throws out “In Living Colour” at Castle. Castle is still the one going to Final Battle, but will Johnny find a way to make himself the star of ROH his own way?


Backstage interview with Maria and her boys.

Lexi is with Maria, Griff Garrison and Cole Karter, and the last few weeks, it seems like they haven’t been on the same page. Is the chemistry still there? Griff says of course, but this isn’t a process that happens overnight. He and Cole started hanging out outside of wrestling, and he thinks they’re becoming bros now. They just ran into tough competition lately. They could change something, what do they think? Cole isn’t sure. It’s been four months, FOUR MONTHS, waiting on matching ring gear, and yet here we are, no hot moms–other than THE hot mom, Maria–and no new gear!

Cole asks what do they do? They’re stuck! Maria says maybe the change could be the music. Maria used to sing, maybe they can try something. She has the lyrics on her phone, borrows the mic, and sings a sample. “Uncorrupted fire, a hunger, a fearlessness, desire. But there’s jealousy on the other side, takes control of me, believe me. Young Blood’s got the fire! And you’re my baby boys, my baby boys, mama’s fire.” And then drum solo. She’ll work on this. Griff & Cole are stunned. That was beautiful! She’s a songbird… Will Maria’s song inspire Griff & Cole to reach that next level?


Tony Khan is in the ring! 

The owner, President & CEO of ROH thanks Erie, Pennsylvania for having him, and welcomes us back to ROH. Now, ahead of ROH Final Battle, he’d like to bring out two competitors for a contract signing for their huge match on December 15th in Dallas, Texas. First off, the most physically fit man in pro-wrestling, the Premier Athlete, Tony Nese! Nese makes his entrance, Mark Sterling by his side. They shake TK’s hand and Sterling even gives TK his card. And now, ladies and gentlemen, the pride of Canada, All Ego, Ethan Page! Fans cheer as Ethan makes his entrance and joins everyone in the ring.

Sterling checks over the contract, as he is a lawyer. TK reminds everyone, No Physicality Agreement. This is a rivalry that will be settled soon at Final Battle. The two of them have asked for this time to address each other and the fans here in Erie. And it is a unique situation given the animosity between them. It has been requested that this match be an I QUIT match. Fans like thet sound of that! Sterling says yes, he and Nese made sure to add their stipulation of I Quit, since Sterling is going to be handcuffed to the ring, all Jerry Lynn’s idea.

So Sterling & Nese feel it was very fitting that Ethan would quit to Nese, just like he’s quit everything else he’s ever done in his entire life. Sterling even has a visual aid to help. The first picture is Ethan’s physique the last few years, until he decided to get in shape. That much is very impressive, but we all know that in three months time, Ethan will look like that again when he quits his fitness journey. Just like he quit his tag teams, his vlogs, and every professional endeavor he’s ever embarked on. Fans boo but Ethan manages to smile through the insult. Nese signs his part, and the contract is brought to Ethan.

Ethan says before he signs, mind if he gets stuff off his chest, too? The fans cheer that! Nese wants Ethan to sign but Ethan says he’ll get to it. Ethan says when he decided to come to ROH, he had a goal in mind. Ethan wanted nothing more than to wear gold in ROH and honor the promise he made his daughter to become a champion here, so that he could represent TK, this brand, and this locker room as one of the faces of ROH! Fans cheer that, too! Ethan says Nese, “I honestly think the absolute world of you. I think you’re one of the best professional wrestlers going today, I really do. I would never, ever, ever, ever, ever say anything about losing to a performer like you.

“But when the two of you decided to derail my winning streak and take my opportunity from taking that TV title from Samoa Joe, you really proud of tha twin, Tony Nese? Because let me tell you. After Final Battle, after I sign this contract, after I make you say ‘I quit’ in the middle of the ring, I will be moving back on that path and making my way to gold in this company! But you, sir, will be finished with Ethan Page. And when you look left and when you look right, you will still be surrounded by idiots giving you bad advice. But make no mistake about it, Tony, when I win a championship, I’m gonna be adding to the legacy of ‘All Ego’ Ethan Page.

“You? All you’re gonna be able to do is thank Mark Sterling for your biggest victory in your career: beating Ethan Page one time. So please enjyo the next two weeks, because you can enjoy sharing the spotlight with All Ego Ethan Page. Because when I move away from you, so does that light, b*tch.” Ethan signs, hands the contract to TK, and fans fire up. But Nese tells Ethan that he better stay right there. Nese and Ethan both know that when Ethan says he’s on to bigger and better things, that is just Ethan’s stupid, delusional brain telling him lies! Because he IS a quitter, and he IS a loser!

And worst of all, Sterling came to Ethan with a solution and not a problem. Ethan created this problem! Sterling, out of the kindness of his heart, wanted to help Ethan. But Nese never wanted to. Because Ethan is just like all these losers in Pennsylvania! Ethan is beyond help! So Nese wants Ethan to listen. Nese will take one more stab at giving Ethan advice, so he better lean in. Ths is the most important advice of Ethan’s entire life: Make sure you always take your protein. Sterling opens his coffee cup to throw PROTEIN POWDER into Ethan’s eyes!! Nese attacks, fans boo, and then he clears the table! Sterling helps Nese put it in the corner!

Nese drags Ethan up, but Ethan fights back! Fans fire up as Ethan CLUBS away, but Sterling CHOP BLOCKS Ethan! Nese runs to PREMIER KNEE!! Fans boo but Nese gets the mic to say, “And Ethan Page, when you say ‘I quit,’ you’re also admitting that you are a fat loser, and that you don’t belong in MY ring!” Nese THROWS Ethan through the table!! Fans boo but Nese & Sterling soak it up. Sterling gives Ethan his card, but will Ethan give no quarter when that bell rings?


ROH World TV Championship Survivor of the Fittest Qualifier: Kyle Fletcher VS Gravity!

So far, we have The Peacock, Big Shotty and Taiga Style moving on to Final Battle, and the field is about to get a lot faster after this! Will the Aussie Arrow hit the mark? Or will the Astronaut of Lucha strap a rocket to his back and go to the moon?

The Code of Honor is not upheld as Kyle kicks Gravity’s hand away. The bell rings, the two circle, and they tie up. Kyle shoves Gravity down, then eggs him on. Gravity snarls and gets up to shove Kyle. They tie up again, Kyle puts Gravity on ropes, then lets off slowly. Kyle “apologizes,” but Gravity avoids his cheap shot! Gravity handsprings and arm-drags Kyle out of the ring! Fans fire up, Gravity builds speed and FLIES! Direct hit on Kyle and Gravity puts him in the ring. Gravity goes up, PLANCHA ARM-DRAGS, and then hurries up on Kyle to flip and wrench and hammerlock cradle! TWO!!

Kyle escapes, Gravity dodges and springboards, but Kyle catches him! SWINGING SIDE SLAM! Kyle practically slam dunks Gravity, and then he paces around. Cover, ONE!! Gravity hangs in there but Kyle looms over him. Kyle drags Gravity up, bumps him off buckles, but the fans rally up behind Gravity. Kyle grins and he CHOPS Gravity down! Kyle mocks the fans then springboard stomps away on Gravity again and again! Fans boo but Kyle drags Gravity to a cover. TWO, and Kyle is annoyed. Kyle paces while Gravity drags himself to ropes. Kyle drags Gravity up, reels him in, but Gravity CHOPS! Fans fire up as Gravity fires off forearms! Gravity runs, Kyle ROCKS him!

Kyle reels Gravity in, hoists him up, but Gravity SPIKE RANAS!! Cover, TWO!! Kyle survives, Gravity hurdles him and SPIN POWERSLAMS! Then a roll and STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Kyle is still in this but Gravity roars! Fans fire up with him, and Gravity watches Kyle go to a corner. Gravity CHOPS, whips, but Kyle reverses! Gravity goes up, Kyle catches him but Gravity RANAS again! Kyle goes to another corner, Gravity runs in but Kyle goes up and over! Gravity runs in, into a MICHINOKU DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Gravity survives and Kyle is seething! Fans rally but Kyle slaps Gravity around. Kyle eggs Gravity on, and Gravity CHOPS!

Gravity eggs Kyle on, so Kyle DECKS him! Gravity rises up to SOBAT! Front kick! Forearm! Gravity runs, into the CALF KICK! Kyle wrenches, hammerlocks, gut wrench, and GRIM- VICTORY ROLL! TWO!?! Kyle escapes to SUPERKICK! And then reset on the hammerlock and gut wrench, for the GRIMSTONE!! Cover, Kyle wins!

Winner: Kyle Fletcher, by pinfall (advances to Final Battle)

This was a fast and furious main event, and Fletcher does Don Callis proud. Will he then bring the ROH World TV Championship home to the Don Callis Family?

My Thoughts:

A very good ROH this week with just over two hours of action. Though, I don’t understand why they made the main event the shortest match of the Survival of the Fittest qualifiers. I suppose that makes it surprising, but not really as I figured Kyle was winning it. I would’ve made Woods VS Johnson the main event instead, finish with a match where the fans like the winner, and also how it was actually a little surprising Johnson won. I thought Woods was gonna shift over from the Pure Division with this, but seems not. Great opportunity for Johnson, though. And great win for Moriarty tonight, too, the two Lees can have great interaction that also ties into the Shane Taylor Promotions story that’s been developing.

Good story development with all of Maria’s stories, from her trying to sabotage Rachael to her mesmorizing Griff & Cole with her singing. Not 100% those lyrics work as a wrestling theme but it certainly tells the story of Maria wanting the best for them as a team. Maybe the theme song will “be the key” to them getting wins and heading for the tag titles so that one way or another The Kingdom gets those in the family. As for the women’s side, still thinking Maria should swerve even Leyla and bring The Renegades into the faction. Though, Renegades did lose to put-together team Frost & Adora… Maybe that’s all the more reason Robyn & Charlette accept Maria as their manager.

I know I skipped “filler” tonight, but I do regret skipping Daniels VS Angelico, if only for what happened after the match. Daniels got mad at Serpentico helping Angelico cheat the win, but that got him mugged 2v1, so in a great surprise, #OrangeHausen showed up! Cassidy & Danhausen are starting beef with Spanish Announce Project, it seems, so that’s good for ROH. Maybe they end up doing something for Final Battle to fill that card and give more people to watch/attend the event. No world title or tag titles given AEW based stories, so Final Battle has space for stuff.

But that does give a silver lining to other feuds. Great move to make Ethan VS Nese an I Quit match so that no amount of cheating from Sterling can actually cost Ethan the match. Good contract signing segment tonight, too, clever cup o’ powder move from Sterling. But of course, Nese standing tall, Ethan is definitely winning, as he should. And awesome that the Women’s World Championship is the main event in lieu of no men’s world title. That is going to be great for Billie, who did great in squashing Dani and great in brawling with Athena. Lexi as guest announcer, she is gonna have to choose who she screws over, if anyone at all, and that’s a fun little detail to that story.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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