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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (12/19/23)

Dragon Lee VS…?



NXT White 'n' Gold Era

Who from Gulak’s crew steps to the plate?

Drew Gulak and his No Quarter Catch Crew stepped to the NXT North American Championship Open Challenge, but who will actually face Dragon Lee?


  • Fallon Henley VS Tiffany Stratton; Fallon wins.
  • Men’s Breakout Tournament, Opening Round: Lexis King VS Dion Lennox; King wins and advances.
  • Thea Hail & Jacy Jayne VS Kiana James & Izzi Dame; Kiana & Izzi win.
  • NXT North American Championship Open Challenge: Dragon Lee VS ??? w/ The No Quarter Catch Crew; changed to…
  • NXT North American Championship Open Challenge Triple Threat: Dragon Lee VS Charlie Dempsey w/ The No Quarter Catch Crew VS Joe Coffey w/ Gallus; Dragon wins and retains the title.
  • Men’s Breakout Tournament, Opening Round: Tavion Heights VS Luca Crusifino; Heights wins and advances.
  • Nikkita Lyons VS Tatum Paxley; Lyons wins.
  • Hank ‘n’ Tank VS Gallus; Gallus wins.
  • Ilja Dragunov VS Ridge Holland; No Contest.


Fallon Henley VS Tiffany Stratton!

NXT Deadline was a wild night, but it wasn’t won by the Cowgirl nor the Wrestling Barbie. But it didn’t end the animosity between these two, either! Will Fallon go #YEEHAWB*TCH all over the Center of the NXT Universe? Or will NXT still run on Tiffy Time?

The bell ring, the shoving starts and fans fire up. Fallon waistlocks, Tiff elbows free and snapmares to run, but Fallon avoids the stomps to sunset flip! TWO, Tiff runs in but Fallon waistlocks. Fallon sits Tiff down but Tiff avoids the calf kick! Fans rally and duel as the two stare down. They storm up, knuckle lock, and Tiff kicks low! Tiff whips, Fallon reverses to ELBOW, snapmare, and CALF KICK! Fans fire up as Fallon runs, slides, but Tiff uses the apron skirt to catch Fallon! Fallon gets free fast and she ROCKS Tiff first! Fallon puts Tiff in, Tiff goes to a corner, and Fallon runs up to ELBOW! Tiff staggers, Fallon goes up, but Tiff SHOVES her down!

Tiff goes out after Fallon while fans boo. Tiff tells Fallon she’s a loser, SMACKS her off the apron, then puts her in the ring. Tiff drags Fallon up, bumps her off buckles again and again, then stalks her. Tiff talks trash, whips Fallon to a corner, and SPLASHES! Tiff whips corner to corner hard and Fallon bounces off buckles! The fans rally, Tiff CHOKES Fallon on ropes, but the ref counts. Tiff lets off to run side to side, HIP ATTACK! Fallon falls, Tiff covers, TWO! Tiff storms up on Fallon, pie faces her, and then stomps her. Tiff taunts Fallon but Fallon fires forearms! Tiff ROCKS Fallon back, but Fallon ROCKS Tiff!

Tiff whips Fallon to a corner, but Fallon dodges to then go up and rain down fists! Fans fire up as Fallon goes all the way to nine, but Tiff stops her! Only for Fallon to RANA free! And CHOP! Fans fire up, Fallon ducks ‘n’ dodges but into a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Fallon is still in this and Tiff is furious! Tiff drags Fallon up, fireman’s carry, but Fallon sunset flips! TWO, and Tiff high stacks! TWO and Fallon hast he sunset, FALLON WINS!!

Winner: Fallon Henley, by pinfall

Tiff gets caught, but she just DECKS Fallon! Tiff is a sore loser and she brings Fallon out to SMACK off the desk! And again, and again! Fans boo as Tiff dribbles Fallon! Tiff then THROWS Fallon into barriers! And drags Fallon by her hair! Tiff brings Fallon tot he back, throws her into a trash can and then throws things around! Tiff uses a mop to smother Fallon, calling her trash! Tiff DUMPS trash all over Fallon! Fans boo, the refs rush in, and Tiff says Fallon is in the trash where she belongs. But will Tiff come to regret making this personal?


Trick Melo Gang meets up backstage.

And Trick is all pumped up. Melo did his thing on SmackDown, and Melo is on to the US Championship contender semifinals. But Melo wants to talk about last week. He apologizes for what happened, that accidental title belt shot. But Dragunov, what he was doing, it- Trick says no need to apologize, they’re good. Accidents happen. But now Trick has a question for Melo. Trick was gonna ask last Tuesday, but he got hit in the head with the belt. Nah, just playing. But for real. Did Melo really see who attacked him? Does he really know it’s Dragunov? No, Melo got ambushed just like Trick. But Melo is just feeling it. The only one who could hit him that hard IS Ilja.

But Melo has something to ask Trick, too. It may be a long shot, but what if they made the NXT Championship match at New Year’s Evil into a Triple Threat? Trick asks why would they do that. Well, they don’t have to fight each other, but then it becomes Trick Melo Gang VS Dragunov, he isn’t making it through that, and they’ll both get revenge and take the title home with them. But Melo just said he doesn’t really know it was Dragunov because he didn’t see who it was. And plus, a Triple Threat? Trick won the Iron Survivor Challenge so that he could get the title shot. Yeah, no, Melo was just thinking, coming up with an idea. Doesn’t matter who wins, so long as they have it, right?

Trick says it does matter. When Melo won his titles, he won those 1v1. Now Trick gets his shot, and he wants it 1v1, just like Melo. Right, right. Melo just wants Dragunov to pay is all. That’s all good. Trick hopes Melo understands where he’s coming from. No, Melo does, he does. Trick’s gotta whoop dat trick. If they wanna do this, they gotta do this the right way. If Trick’s gonna beat Dragunov, he needs Melo to train him. Trick needs Melo by his side. Aight, Melo will help out. That’s what Trick’s talking about! Trick Melo Gang, baby! Trick heads out and Melo nods, will Trick be able to slay the Mad Dragon with help from HIM?


Ilja Dragunov is here!

The fans cheer as the NXT Champion heads to the ring and gets himself a mic. “I don’t know how I got caught up into this Trick & Melo saga. It almost feels like I’m the third wheel in some bad bromance movie. And this I did not have on my 2023 Bingo card. But what I did have was moving to America, chasing down and capturing the NXT Championship. This year, I showed the whole world who Ilja Dragunov truly is. A human who uses his body as a weapon. A human sacrifices himself . A human who puts every single gram of himself into this ring, just because this championship deserves it.” The fans cheer that.

And 2024 will start with an unpopular move as Dragunov defeats the fastest rising… Wait, Ridge Holland is here? Ridge interrupts but says he’s not here to cause problems or issues. For the past couple of weeks, he has bene struggling mentally. He needs to figure out who he is, where he’s going, and to rewrite his story. So here he is. Ridge Holland is back in NXT. Well welcome back. But what does he want? Ridge knows what it is to be seen a certain way. To be weighed down by stigma. Stigma? Yes, this situation with Trick & Melo. Fingers pointed at you from all directions. Ridge’s career to this point has been nothing but a series of unfortunate events.

One step forward, 10 steps back. Accident after injury, injury after accident. Ridge is here to prove himself! To redeem himself! Fans appreciate that. Ridge says Dragunov can help him not only prove himself, not only find redemption, but earn it. Ridge needs to prove he’s the kind of man who belongs in the main event. And that title right there, that makes Dragunov the measuring stick. So Ridge is honestly asking for a title match right now? Ridge has way too much respect for Dragunov and NXT just to walk in here and beg for anything, even a title shot.

But he needs to prove himself, so he’ll tell everyone back there that he’ll run through ever single one of them until he and Dragunov are having this moment again in the future. So listen to Ridge when he says, it will be inevitable, and it will be Ridge’s honor. This is the first chapter of the redemption story of Ridge Holland. Dragunov says he is tired of people getting in his face, threatening of him, questioning him, when he promised to bring unbridled passion as champion. So Ridge wants his chance at redemption? He wants to know where he stands? He won’t have to wait. He will find out where he stands, TONIGHT!

Fans cheer that! Ridge and Dragunov shake hands but also stare down. Will Yorkshire Grit make an impact in his full-time return to NXT?


Lexis King speaks.

“I’m already Breakout Star of the Year, and after I win this tournament, I’ll have the contract to prove it. So guys, excuse me while I take my first steps towards becoming a champion.” NXT’s Mad King took this moment away from Trey Bearhill, will he come to regret that move very quickly?


Trick finds Dragunov backstage.

And he asks what the hell. He thought it was the two of them at New Year’s Evil. Dragunov says Ridge will find out where he stands. He is the champion, Trick is the challenger, and so the champion dictates what the challenger does. Right, Dragunov is the champion. Until New Year’s Evil. Well, we’ll see. Dragunov looks to simply use Ridge as a tune-up, but will Trick be facing someone else in the New Year?


Men’s Breakout Tournament, Opening Round: Lexis King VS Dion Lennox!

The chairshot that changed the brackets pits the second generation superstar against a veritable Bruce Banner/Incredible Hulk. Will King be able to capitalize on his bold actions? Or will he get sacked out of the tournament by the former LA Ram?

The bell rings and the two circle. Fans boo King as he offers a handshake. Lennox slaps that aside so King kicks him low! And CHOPS! King headlocks, punches, then GRINDS Lennox’s face on the ropes! The ref reprimands, King lets off to clothesline and HCOP int he corner! King uses the ropes to get leverage for digging his boots in! The ref counts, King lets off, but Lennox fires off fists! King knees low, CLUBS Lennox then whips. Kitchen sink knee! And a KICK! King runs to BLINDSIDE LARIAT! Fans boo but King drags Lennox up just to push him around. Lennox snarls but King KICKS him! And KICKS him! Lennox fires up!

Fans fire up with Lennox, King pie face shim, but Lennox fires off the forearms! Lennox whips, King reverses but Lennox rolls him up! TWO, Lennox dodges to CLOBBER King! And LCOBBER him again! The fans fire up as Lennox DROPKICKS King! King staggers around, into a scoop and SLAM! The fans fire up with Lennox and he runs corner to corner, SPLASH! And then a clinch, for a NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! King survives but Lennox snarls. King bails out, grabs the contract and tries to run away with it! Lennox runs up, brings King back, and SMACKS him off the apron! The fans fire up as Lennox SMACKS King again!

Lennox slides in after King, whips, but King reverses to POST Lennox! Fans boo but King grins as he reels Lennox in. Crossarm and SWINGING NECKBREAKER! Cover, King wins!

Winner: Lexis King, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

The Drama King has his #Coronation, but he is far from the Breakout star. He has Riley Osborne in the next round, but wait! Trey Bearhill is here, with a chair of his own! King runs away to celebrate, but Bearhill dares him to come back! King says Bearhill hasn’t earned anything yet. Then will Bearhill just have to wait to get his claws into King after the tournament?


Eddy Thorpe speaks.

“This year has been a trial by fire for me in NXT. And it put me directly in the fight of my life against Dijak. Each battle has been grueling on me, and heart-wrenching on my family. But to keep true to myself, I fight through the pain and I move forward without fear. Dijak, the universe has pulled us back together to settle this. You took me out of action, and I took the Iron Survivor away from you. And it appears that the ropes can’t even contain us any longer. So I want a match where that isn’t a factor. No ropes, no excuses. What do you say, Dijak? Next week, let’s finish this once and for all, in NXT Underground! Hoka hey!”


Thea Hail & Jacy Jayne VS Kiana James & Izzi Dame!

Chase U has their backs against the wall, but there’s also love in the air. And that makes The Calculator and her new sidekick sick. Will Kiana & Izzi be the newest bullies on the block? Or will Thea & Jacy put them in their place?

NXT returns as Kiana & Izzi make their entrance. The fans boo, but the teams sort out. Thea starts against Izzi and fans rally behind Thea. Izzi storms up, Thea gets around to heaadlock and trash Izzi. Izzi powers up and out, Thea wheelbarrows and arm-drags! Thea is even surprised, and fans cheer her on. But Izzi DECKS Thea! Izzi blows a kiss to Riley in the student section, but Thea jumps on froa  THRASHING sleeper! Izzi backs upb ut Jacy tags in to CHOP BLOCK and KICK! And KICK again! Cover, ONE!! Izzi shows her toughness but Jacy taunts Kiana. Jacy CHOPS Izzi, CHOPS again, then eggs her on. But Izzi SHOVES Jacy to a corner!

Izzi runs in, Jacy dodges, and Jacy runs in to back body block! Jacy dodges Kiana’s cheap shot to DECK her! “SUCK IT!” Fans fire up, but Thea warns Jacy. Izzi runs in, Jacy gets around to crucifix but Izzi stays up. But Jacy swings, arm-drags, and covers, ONE! Izzy swings, Jacy slips around, backslide to a cradle, TWO! Izzi staggers up, Jacy kicks her low. Jacy whips, Izzi blocks and reverses, to LARIAT! Izzi talks trash, she tags Kiana, and Kiana stomps Jacy. Jacy tells Thea off then she brings Jacy up to knee low. And knee low again! And again! Jacy falls, fans boo, but Kiana runs to BOOT Jacy down! Cover, TWO!

Kiana drags Jacy up, taunts Thea, then whips Jacy to the corner. Kiana runs up to fire off hands and stomps, then tags Izzi. Izzi whips Kiana in to RAM Jacy in the corner! Kiana moves aside, Izzi reels Jacy in to fireman’s carry, and Izzi hits a FLAPJACK! Cover, TWO! Jacy hangs tough as a former tag team champion, but Izzi clamps on with a chinbar and armlock. The fans rally as Jacy fights up, and Jacy slips around to roll Izzi up! TWO, and Jacy ROCKS Izzi! Izzi scoops but Jacy slips free, DOUBLE LARIATS take them both down! Izzi crawls, hot tag to Kiana! Kiana drags Jacy from Jacy but Jacy hops and hops, hot tag to Thea!

Fans fire up as Thea rallies on Kiana! Thea runs to back body block Kiana! Thea waves to Riley, then clinches Kiana for an EXPLODER! The fans fire up as Thea SOMERSAULT SENTONS, then shakes the ropes! Springboard TRUST FALL! Thea fires up, stands Kiana up, but Kiana throat chops! The ref reprimands but Kiana hauls Thea up to scoop. Thea slips free, waistlocks but Izzi tags in before the O’Conner. Thea shifts to the KIMURA!! Kiana taps but Thea doesn’t know Izzi is legal! Izzi BOOTS Thea down!! Cover, Izzi & Kiana win!

Winners: Kiana James & Izzi Dame, by pinfall

Kiana’s new investment pays off, and it Izz what it Izz. Will Kiana & Izzi start building towards the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships?


The NXT Women’s Division watches backstage.

Arianna Grace admits, Izzi & Kiana make a great combination. But Roxanne Perez says she’s far from done with either of those two. Arianna says Roxie is still upset about Deadline. She understands, but Roxie needs to remember: it isn’t about wins and losses, but good sportsmanship, and how you play the game. Roxie wouldn’t want to fail at that too, would she? Actually, it IS about wins and losses. SLAP!! Roxie leaves Arianna crying, was that Arianna getting off easy?


Chase U plays a game of dice with Out The Mud.

Andre Chase rolls, and TEN! He’s on fire~! Bronco Nima isn’t sure whether to be impressed or upset that Chase is pulling this off. Duke Hudson says now that they’re up, they should go. No, Chase has the hot hand, he’s gotta keep going. Clack clack clack! EIGHT!! BOOM! Okay, okay, now let’s quit while we’re head. But Nima says Chase is a grown man. He can decide things for himself, can’t he? Y-Yeah, of course Chase can! In fact, doesn’t Chase tell Duke what to do? Duke gets heated but Chase calms him down. Scrypts says that this ain’t no bake sale or car wash. That’s a whole lotta money right there. He really should leave while he can.

But Chase says one more roll. Scrypts smiles, but then Chase has an idea. Or rather, a proposition for Scrypts. Okay, shoot. Next week, Duke & Chase VS Bronco & Lucien. If Chase U wins, Scrypts pays up double what Chase just won here. If Chase U loses, well, he walks away with what he came here with. Which wasn’t much… Scrypts says okay, but on one condition. When Chase U loses, OTM get a tag title shot. If Chase can swing that, wink wink. Yeah, Tony & Stacks aren’t gonna go for that. Chase tells Duke that they will. Because in walks Adrianna Rizzo. She sees Mr. Chase is making “wise” decisions again.

She calls The Don, and tells him that Mr. Chase is out here making promises. Chase says Tony knows he’s good for it. But The Done replies and she says okay, he is the boss. Tony has accepted the deal. Chase knew it! And so now, after next week, Chase U can pay in full. Chase drops the dice, and ends up with a SEVEN!? They would’ve won big already?! Well, luck aside, will Mr. Chase clean up his own mess? Or will he regret taking fate into his own hands?


The NXT Year End Awards are coming!

Vote on the superstars and moments you feel deserve recognition via WWE’s official website! The polls open tonight, 10 PM Eastern!


NXT North American Championship Open Challenge: Dragon Lee VS ??? w/ The No Quarter Catch Crew!

The Boy Wonder established his Open Challenge series last week, and Drew Gulak was more than happy to accept, on behalf of his entire team. The Philly Stretcher is playing shell games, but will Dragon Lee still win his own gamble?

Dragon watches Gulak and his goons closely, and it’s Charlie Dempsey stepping up! But wait, what is Gallus doing coming out here? Joe Coffey is dressed, and he didn’t hear a bell yet, so he’ll just get in on this while he can. Dempsey is upset, but the Iron King gets in. Joe tells Dragon has to decide between him or Dempsey. Dragon hears the fans, and he says it’ll be BOTH! TRIPLE THREAT!! The belt is raised along with the ante, who comes away now that the odds have drastic gone down?

NXT North American Championship Open Challenge Triple Threat: Dragon Lee VS Charlie Dempsey w/ The No Quarter Catch Crew VS Joe Coffey w/ Gallus!

The bell rings and the fans fire up! Dragon ROCKS Joe, dodges Dempsey and sends Dempsey into Joe! Roll up on Dempsey, ONE! Dempsey knees low, whips, but Dragon reverses. Dragon runs in, is put on the apron but he ROUNDHOUSES back! Dempsey staggers, Dragon SLINGSHOT RANAS! Dempsey hits buckles, fans fire up and Dragon runs back in. But Joe CLOBBERS him first! Joe whips Dragon in, Dempsey BOOTS him, then Joe scoops to BACKBREAKER! IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER for Dempsey! Joe goes up and up but Dempsey avoids the Vader Elbow! Dempsey waistlocks but Joe fights the lift!

Joe switches, Dempsey wrenches free but Joe HEADBUTTS! Dragon gets Joe but Joe ROCKS him first! Joe runs up but into a BOOT! Only for Gallus to grab at Dragon! So the ref EJECTS them! Wolfgang is furious but Markus drags him away. Now things are a bit more fair, and Joe runs into a SNAP GERMAN! SUPERKICK! Cover, Dempsey breaks it with a GUTWRENCH SUPLEX! Fans fire up while all three men are down, and NXT goes picture in picture.

Dragon writhes while Joe and Dempsey stir. Joe sits up, Dempsey follows, and they egg each other on. Joe shoves, Dempsey shoves, but Dragon is back up. So they DOUBLE ELBOW him down! Dempsey kicks low and HALF HATCH SUPLEXES Joe away! Dempsey drags Dragon up, wrenches and hammerlocks to wrangle Dragon. Dempsey goes after the other arm, throws down some elbows, then bends Dragon’s arm, and even the fingers! Dempsey twists the wrist, pushes the arm down, and even adds a leg for a modified Bow ‘n’ Arrow! But Joe is back to stomp Dempsey down! Joe stomps and stomps and stomps!

No Quarter protests but Joe whips Dragon to ropes. Dragon sunset flips, Joe rolls through and has the legs, BOSTON CRAB! Dempsey returns, and he has a GUILLOTINE on Dragon! Dragon endures, Joe lets go to get Dempsey with a SLEEPER! Joe thrashes Dempsey around, but Dragon is free to DRAGON SLEEPER Joe! Joe snapmares free, clinches, full nelsons, and SWINGS Dragon around! Dempsey runs up, Dragon BOOTS him and then drops down, victory roll! Dempsey breaks it! Dempsey KNEES Joe, drags Dragon up, and UPPERCUTS! Dragon goes to a corner, Dempsey fires off knee after knee!

Dempsey whips Dragon around into a corner, then UPPERCUTS! Dempsey facelocks and brings Dragon around in a cravat. Dragon endures the neck wrench, throws body shots and snapmares free. Dempsey staggers back up, runs to BOOT Dragon down, then drags Dragon back up. Dempsey whips Dragon to a corner, runs up and UPPERCUTS! Dempsey puts Dragon up top, NXT returns to single picture and Joe gets involved. Dempsey kicks Joe away, focuses on Dragon, but Joe still gets involved! TOWER OF DOOM!! The Superplex Powerbomb combo has the fans all fired up for “NXT! NXT!” Dempsey and Dragon writhe while Joe catches his breath.

Gulak is worried as Joe crawls after Dragon. Dempsey rises, but so does Joe. They work together to double whip Dragon, Dragon ducks ‘n’ dodges, and he uses Dempsey’s pop-up to RANA Joe! Fans fire up, Dragon dodges Dempsey and CLOBBERS him! Dragon has Dempsey in a corner, he JUMP KICKS and trips Joe, to COMBINACION DRAGON! Then Dragon aims, HYDRAULIC DROPKICK for Dempsey! HYDRAULIC DROPKICK for Joe! Cover on Joe, TWO! So Dragon drags Dempsey to a cover, TWO! Fans rally behind Dragon and he fires hands on Joe. Joe blocks the whip to reverse, then runs in. Dragon BOOTS Joe, then BOOTS Dempsey!

Dragon goes up and leaps, but the double DDT is blocked! DOUBLE NORTHERN LIGHTS! Dempsey covers, Joe drags him away! Joe covers, Dempsey stomps him! Joe stands, Dempsey UPPERCUTS, ROCKS, but Joe hits back! They brawl, Dempsey bridges to whip! Joe stops from hitting buckles, elbows Dempsey away, and goes up, up and CROSSBODIES into an UPPERCUT! Dempsey hauls Joe up, waistlocks, but Joe grabs ropes! Dragon is there to slingshot and sunset flip! Dempsey resists, Joe drags Dragon up! OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY GERMAN SUPLEX COMBO!! The fans fire up as all three men are down!

Dragon clutches his back, No Quarter coaches Dempsey, and “This is Awesome!” as Joe and Dempsey trade uppercuts! Dragon joins in with haymakers! Dempsey kicks, then he uses joe to kick off, TORNADO DDT on Dempsey! Dragon then staggers, runs in at Joe, but Joe pops him up for an UPPERCUT! Dempsey is up, Joe roars and runs in, GLASGOW SENDOFF sends Dragon into Dempsey! Dempsey falls out of the ring, Joe covers Dragon, TWO!! Dragon survives and Joe is frustrated. Joe drags Dragon up and to the top rope. Fans rally as Joe CHOPS, and CHOPS, and then climbs up.

The fans duel between Joe and Dragon, but Dragon trips Joe! Joe is in the Tree of Woe, so Joe gets WOE STOMPS!! Dragon then DIVES to take out Dempsey! Dragon brushes that off, gets right back in, and V-TRIGGER on Joe! Cover, TWO!! Joe survives and Gulak is relieved because it means Dempsey is still in this. Dragon keeps an eye on Dempsey, PLANCHA but into an UPPERCUT! Dempsey’s antiair pays off again, and he brawls with Dragon now. But Joe builds speed to FLY!! Direct hit on both men and all three are down at ringside! The fans are thunderous, and t hen Joe Gacy crawls out from under the ring!?

Gacy grins at Coffey, but then slithers back under. Coffey puts both Dempsey and Dragon in the ring, but Gacy drags Coffey down! Coffey can’t get away, Gacy brings him down into the Upside-Down! Dempsey runs in at Dragon, Dragon pops him up to SUPERKICK in the corner! Dempseys taggers, Dragon runs in, but Dempsey turns crossbody into FALL AWAY SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Dempsey hauls Dragon up to a full nelson, but Dragon breaks that! Dempsey still waistlocks to GERMAN SUPLEXE! Dragon lands on his feet! And dodges Dempsey to tilt-o-whirl, OPERACION DRAGON!! Cover, Dragon wins!!

Winner: Dragon Lee, by pinfall (still NXT North American Champion)

Coffey added to the mix certainly spiced this one up, but then Joe Gacy slithers back out from under the ring? What did he even do to Coffey while they were under there? And then No Quarter CLOBBERS Dragon! These sore losers want to beat Dragon down, but wait! THE LWO is here! Cruz Del Toro & Joaquin Wilde are back in NXT and they fire off fists! They TOSS Dempsey, clothesline Borne & Kemp out, then RANA Gulak! The fans are thunderous for LWO, and Dragon has some amigos of his own now! Will they humble No Quarter until they’re not even worth two cents?


Trick Melo Gang regroups backstage.

Trick still has no idea what Dragunov is thinking. Trick is supposed to be first to get his shot, and then Dragunov takes this match? With Ridge Holland?! And if Ridge wins, they probably make New Year’s Evil into a Triple Threat! Wow, really? Melo should’ve thought of that. Oh wait. But see, Trick’s gotta listen to Melo, Melo knows what he’s talking about. Trick says Dragunov can probably take Ridge. Dragunov’s been unbeatable, untouchable. But Trick is supposed to be the one to take him out. Trick is supposed to be the one that has done what no one else could, and take that title from Dragunov.

Melo tries not to be upset by that, but Trick asks if he gets what he’s saying. he does. That’s why they’re dawgs. Trick heads out and Melo is a bit frustrated. Will Trick stop worrying about Ridge and worry more about HIM?


Cora Jade walks into the women’s locker room.

“She’s baaack~!” Cora asks if they missed her, because she missed all of them. But don’t worry, the savior of the NXT Women’s Division is back. Who is she kidding? She’s the savior of ALL of NXT. And first thing’s first: pin the champion. Check. Secondly: reclaim HER locker. Check. She replaces the nametag on the wall, sorry not sorry to Karmen Petrovic. But feels good to be back. Cora also throws Karmen’s things on the floor and steps away. Gigi says some things never change. Karmen returns and asks if Cora really just did that. And disrespected her gi! Gigi says there’s only one way to deal with Cora. Karmen nods, understanding just what she has to do.


Men’s Breakout Tournament, Opening Round: Tavion Heights VS Luca Crusifino!

There’s one spot left in the semifinals, and it goes to the winner of this match! Will the World Wrestling Bronze Medalist look to go for gold? Or will the Legal Eagle OBJECT and win this one for himself?

The bell rings and the fans rally for Tavion. He and Luca tie up, Tavion trips Luca to a cover, ONE! They reset, tie up, and Tavion wrenches to a hammerlock. Luca rolls, slips around, wristlocks, and hammerlocks. Tavion switches that on to Luca, but Luca moves around. Luca elbows free, but Tavion ROCKS Luca! They clinch, Luca kicks low but Tavion shoves and scoops, tilt-o-whirl SLAM! Cover, TWO! Luca sputters but Tavion headlocks. Tavion spins and waistlocks, Luca grabs ropes and the ref counts. Luca stomps a foot! Then ELBOWS Tavion away! Luca runs up, clinches, and ROCKS Tavion!

Luca kicks the legs out and Tavion flounders. Fans boo but Luca CLUBS Tavion down! Luca eggs Tavion, throws hands, and has Tavion on the ropes. Luca whips, Tavion blocks to ROCK Luca! Luca ELBOWS Tavion then hits a NECKBREAKER! Cover, ONE!! Tavion is tough and Luca is frustrated. Luca whips, hip toss NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Tavion survives the Quick Draw but Luca CLUBS him down again. Luca fires hands at the ropes, then in a corner. Luca bumps Tavion off buckles, whips corner to corner, then storms up. Luca hip tosses, but Tavion handsprings through! Tavion hits a BIG Belly2Belly! Both men are down but Tavion rises first.

Fans rally up, Tavion fires hands and he DECKS Luca! And then whips to OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY! Then a HIGH ANGLE GERMAN! Luca kicks, Tavion blocks and slips under, T-BONE BELLY2BELLY! Fans fire up with Tavion and he runs, RUNNING BELLY2BELLY!! Cover, Tavion wins!

Winner: Tavion Heights, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

And with that, the field is set! Riley Osborne VS Lexi King, and Tavion Heights VS Oba Femi! Will Tavion reach the highest heights in NXT? Or will he be thrown far, far away from the finals?


NXT takes a closer look at the coming Women’s Championship match.

“Two women crossed an ocean to be in NXT. But both have chosen very different paths. Lyra Valkyria, NXT Women’s Champion, left her native Ireland to chase a dream. Her opponent at New Year’s Evil, the Iron Survivor, Blair Davenport, went from New Zealand to the UK to Japan and back again in her quest for glory. Somehow, they have never crossed swords before. Even in NXT UK, they looked set to collide, but an injury to Lyra meant the WWE Universe was denied a chance to witness these two battle.

“Each woman is the polar opposite of the other. Lyra doing everything she could to fairly claw her way to the top of NXT, doing things the right way, beating her hero, Becky Lynch, and earning the respect of The Man in the process. Blair chose the darker route, hiding in the shadows, picking off her rival with sneakily savage skullduggery. At Deadline, Blair Davenport showed that she is virtually untouchable by beating four other women. Not just by showcasing her skill and intelligence, but by showing she can and will do anything to succeed.

“Will Lyra Valkyria’s virtuous journey keep her on track as NXT Women’s Champion? Or will Blair Davenport’s trail of destruction lead her to championship gold? Their paths will finally cross at New Year’s Evil!”


Lyra Valkyria finishes watching the video package.

And Nikkita Lyons walks in. She didn’t have a problem with creepy Tatum before last week, but then Tatum had to go and put hands on her. Lyra has no idea what is going on with that girl’s brain. Lyons says she’ll take care of their freak problem tonight, but just so Lyra knows, Lyons came back for Blair, but also for the title. Lyra understands that, but will Lyons roar her way into the new year?


Backstage interview with The Meta Four.

Kelly Kincaid can tell they’re all in the holiday spirit, but Noam Dar wants her to listen. Jingle jingle! Ho ho ho, Kelly! Happy holidays! Now, what is Noam’s answer to Josh Briggs’ challenge? Well, this is the time of year that we should think about the less fortunate. And Dar is nothing if not a man of charity with a heart of gold. Noam Claus! Oh, these guys are the best, aren’t they, Kelly? That was rhetorical. But Briggs has a Christmas miracle coming his way, for Supernova 11, Father Christmas, will be defending his Heritage Cup against “that little drummer boy.” Okay? Thank you, bye-bye, Happy Festivus!

Dar gives Briggs what he wants, but will Briggs give Dar what he deserves in another Clothesline From Hell?


Nikkita Lyons VS Tatum Paxley!

NXT returns as Tatum makes her entrance. The bell rings and the two circle. The fans are on Lyons’ side, and she does the splits as Tatum goes for a leg! Lyons wags a finger, then KICKS Tatum! Tatum bails out, but Lyons storms out after her. Lyons CHOPS Tatum and Tatum sits down in front of the steps. Lyons runs up but Tatum moves, the chop hits the steps! Tatum then SLAMS the bad hand into the steel! Tatum slithers into the ring, waits on Lyons, and she stomps the bad hand! Tatum stands on the hand against ropes! The ref counts, Tatum lets off and laughs at Lyons’ pain. Tatum snapmares Lyons, then runs up to SLIDING FOREARM!

Lyons flounders, Tatum clamps onto her and smothers her into the mat. Tatum rolls, Gedo Clutch into a bridging cover! TWO, Lyons cradles, TWO! Tatum runs up to kick low! Tatum wrangles Lyons and stomps the bad hand! And stomps it again! Tatum laughs as she drops a knee on the bad arm! Tatum taunts the pain, then JUMP ELBOW DROPS! Cover, TWO! Lyons is still in this but Tatum goes after the bad arm. Tatum bends the fingers, Lyons fights around, then she rolls Tatum up! TWO!! Tatum runs up but into an EDDY GORDO KICK! Tatum returns again, into a drop toehold! Tatum flounders, Lyons runs corner to corner, and KICKS Tatum down!

Lyons KICKS again, then fires off shots with both hands! Lyons shakes and DECKS Tatum! Then Lyons SWINGING HIP ATTACKS! And GERMAN SUPLEXES! Tatum staggers up, Lyons roars and SPIN KICKS! Fans fire up for the SPLIT LEG DROP! Cover, Lyons wins!

Winner: Nikkita Lyons, by pinfall

Lyons fights through the pain and takes the win! Will this stop Tatum from stalking Lyra or only make the obsession grow? As for Nikkita, will 2024 be the Year of the Lion?


Hank ‘n’ Tank talk backstage.

All they wanted was a shot. All they wanted was a chance to prove themselves against the best, and dammit, they’ve got it! Now, they are underdogs who flip the script on Gallus! When that bell rings, body shots become knockouts! Slug fest! They hit first, and they hit last! Hank ‘n’ Tank are all fired up, but will it still be Gallus Boys On Top? We find out, after the break!


Fallon regroups with Briggs & Jensen.

The guys cannot believe Tiffany would say that stuff. Is she okay? Fallon is embarrassed, humiliated and pissed. Tiffany has had everything in her life handed to her on a silver platter. She doesn’t know what hard work means! What it means to get your hands dirty! The last thing we see in Tiff is a hard worker, and Fallon is NOT done with her! Fallon storms off, and Jensen says he’s never seen her that pissed. But hey, on a better note, Dar took Briggs’ challenge, Heritage Cup on the line next week! Briggs is ready to rock it. How many times has Jensen said 2023 is gonna be their year? Like, 2023 times!

And Briggs is feeling like he’s gonna end 2023 as the NEW Heritage Cup Champion. Jensen says Meta Four will be ringside, so he’ll make sure he and Fallon are there to support Briggs and make sure Meta Four doesn’t cheat him. Briggs says he appreciates that. But… He needs to do this on his own. What? Why? Briggs isn’t sure he can explain it or if Jensen would understand. But Briggs just feels he needs to ride solo here. Alright. Good luck then, man. They shake hands and Briggs heads out. What is happening to the trio that is Country Strong?


Hank ‘n’ Tank VS Gallus!

NXT returns as Gallus makes their entrance, and Joe has miraculously returned from under the ring. He’s still wary of where Gacy might be, but he stays ringside for Markus & Wolfgang. The teams sort out and Hank starts against Mark. The bell rings and Hank runs in to run Mark over! Hank wrenches, Mark tags Wolfgang but Hank is ready. Wolfgang headlocks, Hank powers out and RAMS shoulders! And then Hank wrenches, whips, but Wolfgang reverses. Hank anticipates the back drop to whip and RAM Wolfgang down! SENTON! Cover, ONE! Hank wrenches, tag to Tank, and Tank takes the handoff.

Wolfgang ROCKS Tank, tags Mark, then Mark runs in but into an arm-drag! Tank has an armlock, he wrenches and RAMS Mark down, and the fans fire up. Tank wrenches and runs Mark over again. Tank wrenches one more time, but Mark ROCKS him! Mark whips, Tank goes up and over and keeps moving to UPPERCUT Mark down! Fans fire up with Tank, he whips Mark to a corner and SPLASHES! Tag to Hank, they double whip and double shoulder! Wolfgang runs in but into DOUBLE ELBOWS! Hank ‘n’ Tank DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE Wolfgang up and out! Mark staggers up, into a headlock takeover from Hank!

Fans fire up, Mark fights up, and Mark powers out. Wolfgang tags in, waits and trips Hank up! Mark KNEES Hank out, then Wolfgang POSTS him! Fans boo and Tank coaches Hank up but Gallus stands tall. Hank flounders, Wolfgang gets Hank on the apron and CLUBS away on the arm! Wolfgang slides in, clamps onto the bad arm and he grinds the shoulder. Hank reaches out, fights Wolfgang, but Mark runs up on Tank! That distracts Tank and he misses the tag! Wolfgang whips Hank into the Gallus corner, Mark tags back in and the Gallus Boys mug Hank. Mark snapmares then covers, ONE! Hank is tough but Mark stomps him down.

Mark stays between Hank ‘n’ Tank, whips Hank back to the corner, then runs in, but into an elbow! Hank ROCKS Wolfgang, ROCKS Mark, repeat! But then Mark ROCKS Hank! Mark whips Hank to a corner, but Hank rebounds to POUNCE Mark! Fans fire up and Hank crawls! Wolfgang is down from that last forearm shot, but Mark anchors a foot! Mark drags Hank, but Hank BOOTS him away! Tank tags but nowhere near the corner! The ref reprimands and stops Tank, Mark GAMANGIRIS Hank down! Cover, Gallus wins!

Winner: Gallus, by pinfall

Tank’s emotions got the better of him, he forgot the tag team basics! Gallus Boys On Top, but Gacy is watching from the crowd. Will Gacy rediscover himself by tearing the Iron King down?


Dijak speaks.

“Eddy Thorpe. What’re you thinking, my friend? NXT Underground with those injured ribs? Every breath you take more painful than the last. I don’t have to remind you that I put you in the hospital last time after our Strap match, leathering you right in front of your family. Now you wanna face me in a match with barely any rules? Yeah, you cut me last week. And then what happened? I snapped the ring ropes and mercilessly drilled the buckle right into your ribcage! That internal wound opened right back up. What’re you gonna do when nothing and no one can save you? The last NXT of 2023 will be your last match ever! See you in the Underground.”


Tiffany Stratton speaks.

She takes in a deep breath and says, “It feels good to finally put you in your place, Fallon Henley, where you’re supposed to be: A servant in society. But I’m sure you’re used to that, serving people like me, waiting on people like me. A person like me wouldn’t even set foot in your trashy bar. A person like Tiffany Stratton doesn’t even belong on the same world as Fallon Henley. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: You will never be me. No matter how many classes you take, no matter how hard you work, no matter what clothes you wear, you will always be trash! Something that you’re very familiar with.

“And you like to work, right? So I’ll put you to work. You VS me at New Year’s Evil. And when I win, you will become my servant, just the way it’s supposed to be. Tootles.” Tiffany is raising the stakes, but will her pride come before her fall?

Ilja Dragunov VS Ridge Holland!

The title isn’t on the line, but the Mad Dragon is still taking a chance facing someone as big and strong as Yorkshire Grit ahead of his match with Trick Williams. Will Dragunov prove #UNBESIEGBAR is still head and shoulders above Ridge’s level? Or will this Brawling Brute prove he is worthy?

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Draugnov headlocks but Ridge power sup. Dragunov holds on, Ridge powers out and they RAM shoudlers! Dragunov runs to RAM Ridge again! And again! Ridge rebounds to CLOBBER Dragunov! Dragunov is right up and he fires a flurry of forearms! Dragunov whips, Ridge reverses, Dragunov ducks one lariat but not the SOUTHPAW! Ridge snarls, he drags Dragunov up, and he scoops. Dragunov silps free, waistlocks and lifts, but Ridge fights that with elbows. Ridge switches, Dragunov headlocks and CLUBS away. ridge whips, but the CONSTANTINE SPECIAL comes in!

Dragunov then CHOPS Ridge, CHPOS, and MACHINE GUN CHOPS! The fans fire up, Dragunov lets off, and he CHOP- NO, Ridge blocks! And HEADBUTTS! Dragunov flounders away, Ridge runs up, but Dragunov blocks a boot to HEADBUTT inr eturN! Dragunov reels Ridge in, but Ridge is pretty big! Dragunov almost has him but Ridge powers up to Alabama Lift! ALABAMA SLAM! Ridge drags Dragunov by his legs, but Dragunov boots him away! Dragunov then JUMP BOOTS! And GERMAN SUPLEXES! Dragunov holds on, Ridge throws elbows to fight, but Dragunov GERMAN SUPLEXES again! Fans fire up as Dragunov drags Ridge up again.

Ridge throws elbows, Dragunov CLUBS and CHOPS him! Ridge ROCKS Dragunov, but Dragunov springs up to PELE! And GERMAN SUPLEX! The fans fire up more as NXT goes picture in picture.

Dragunov roars, waits on Ridge, and then runs up to CLUB him back down! Dragunov stomps Ridge, stands him up and CHOPS! Ridge CHOPS back! Dragunov CLUBS Ridge, and Ridge drops to his knees. Dragunov storms up to DROPKICK Ridge to ropes. Dragunov stomps Ridge, storms around, then CLUBS Ridge back down. Dragunov clamps on with a chinlock, almost a Bully Choke, but Ridge endures. Ridge fights up, torture racks, but Dragunov slips free to ROUNDHOUSE! Ridge staggers to a corner, Dragunov ROCKS him! Ridge SHOVES Dragunov away, so Dragunov comes back with a JUMP KICK! Dragunov snapmares Ridge and SENTONS! Cover, TWO!

Ridge snarls but Dragunov keeps after him. Dragunov drags Ridge up but Ridge resists the suplex. Dragunov wrenches to waistlock, but Ridge resists another lift. Dragunov still hoists Ridge up for another GERMAN SUPLEX! NXT returns to single picture and the fans are thunderous! Dragunov dares Ridge to get up, then kicks him. Ridge rises, Dragunov kicks him more. Dragunov kicks again, then CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Ridge snarls and ROCKS Dragunov! And bumps him off buckles! Ridge KICKS then CLUBS Dragunov down! Ridge huffs and puffs and slaps some sense back into himself. Ridge runs up to SPLASH in the corner!

Dragunov staggers, Ridge runs in again to SPLASH in another corner! Then clinch for the EXPLODER! Dragunov flounders, Ridge hurries to cover, TWO! Ridge grows frustrated but the fans rally behind Dragunov. Dragunov rises, Ridge takes aim, and Ridge waistlocks to half nelson. Dragunov fights that, elbows Ridge, elbow shim again, then CLUBS him! Dragunov runs, CONSTAN- NO, Ridge KNEES Dragunov tot he apron! Ridge drags Dragunov up, for… No, Ridge reconsiders using Sheamus’ Beats of the Bodhrain, so Dragunov CHOPS him! And CLUBS away on him in the ropes! Dragunov’s own version of Bodhrain, but Ridge ROCKS Dragunov in return!

Ridge then suplexes Dragunov up and in, only for Dragunov to DDT counter!! Both men are down and the fans are thunderous again! Dragunov drags Ridge back up, reels him in, and tries to lift him! Ridge fights to Alabama Lift again, but Dragunov sunset flips! TWO, H-BOMB FOREARM!! Fans fire up and want that “One More Time!” Dragunov drags Ridge back up, reels him back in, but Ridge back drops free! Dragunov returns to ENZIGURI! Ridge returns to BOOT! Push to a cover, TWO!! Dragunov survives and Ridge is stunned! Ridge snarls while the fans rally up. Ridge deadlifts Dragunov into the suplex, but Dragunov throws knees!

Dragunov has a GUILLOTINE, but Ridge makes it a bearhug! So Dragunov throws headbutts! Ridge stays standing, and he facelocks Dragunov, for a PACKAGE DDT!! Both men are down but the ref checks Dragunov. That shot really did a number on Dragunov, the ref has Ridge stay back. Ridge and the fans all quiet down, and the ref calls in medics. Ridge feels awful, he can’t believe he’s done this again! Refs and medics all hurry in to check Dragunov, who can barely move that left arm. A stretcher is brought in, as well as back board and neck brace. The medics secure Dragunov and Ridge is beside himself.

The ref assures Ridge that this comes with the territory, but that doesn’t do much to help. Dragunov is carefully slid from ring to stretcher and strapped in, and fans applaud as Dragunov is able to respond. The stretcher leaves, and fans cheer Dragunov on, but was Trick perhaps right about Dragunov taking a risk too close to the New Year?

My Thoughts:

A great NXT here as a combination go-home to next week’s NXT After Christmas as well as setting up more stuff for New Year’s Evil the Tuesday after. And just to address the ending moment now, do not worry. Given NXT still records in batches, it was essentially spoiled last week that Dragunov needing medical attention is all part of story, as confirmed by Sean Ross Sapp & Corey Brennan of Fightful. Perhaps a little controversial to kayfabe Ridge Holland being legit dangerous, but we’ve had Pretty Deadly use Elton’s arm injury for some comedic drama, and Bryan Danielson in AEW used his concussion history to fake out Kazuchika Okada, blurring the lines is nothing new.

But it does play well with the story building with Trick Melo Gang. Melo keeps trying to deflect that Dragunov is the one who attacked them both but Trick still isn’t buying it. And Trick doesn’t mean to, but he’s saying stuff that is getting under Melo’s skin, so it is only a matter of time until Melo just snaps and goes after him in the open with a very “It was ME, Austin! It was me all along!” moment at like New Year’s Evil. Then that sets up Trick VS Melo for Vengeance Day 2024, title optional because the story alone is enough to eat that match up. At the same time, depending on how they play this Dragunov angle, Trick could end up champion and his first defense is an incredibly heated defense because it’s Melo.

Great stuff from Fallon and Tiffany to open the night, but they made sure this wasn’t the blowoff by having Fallon win with a roll-up rather than a finisher. And now we get a grudge match, Fallon fighting for her independence against Tiffany in a borrowed idea from NXT UK where Xia Brookside and Nina Samuels had that Loser Works for the Winner match. Good promos from Fallon and Tiff, and good promos to set up Dar VS Briggs for the Heritage Cup. I’m also a little surprised Briggs doesn’t want Jensen ringside, it just makes sense someone should be there to keep Meta Four from screwing Briggs over. While I like the idea of Briggs winning because he wallops Dar, I could see Jensen still showing up ringside, that costs Briggs, and Briggs gets mad at Jensen.

Great tag match from Thea & Jacy VS Kiana & Izzi, but of course the Heels win that. Chase U as a whole is going through hard times, and Thea’s partially distracted by Riley Osborne. And good bit of Roxie slapping Arianna for her stupid platitudes. Roxie VS Arianna is def happening, giving Roxie momentum into one more rematch with Kiana James. Good promo of Cora being so obnoxious and disrespectful, and now getting on Karmen’s bad side. Karmen probably won’t win, but she can have a great showing against Cora. And Lyons beats Tatum, of course, but it feels like Tatum isn’t going to leave Lyra alone. Great vignette to hype Lyra VS Blair, but with Lola Vice and her Breakout contract, who knows who comes away as champion there.

Great stuff in the Men’s Breakout Tournament. Lexis King of course wins his match, even with as good as Lennox looks and how well he moves. And naturally, Bearhill returns, wanting after King. A little hard to say a single chair shot kept Bearhill out of this whole tournament when he didn’t even need to wrestle last week, given he’s up and chasing King now. But Bearhill VS King is a given for whatever event you want after the tournament is over. Tavion Heights looked awesome against Crusifino and that is a great choice to move to the next round. King VS Riley will be good stuff but Heights VS Femi will be awesome stuff.

Good promo out of Chase, Duke, OTM and Rizzo. I didn’t think shooting dice would be Scrypts’ idea, but perhaps I should’ve figured that. And it could’ve been part of Scrypts’ plan all along to get Chase high on himself and make him offer a title opportunity. I’m leaning towards OTM winning out, setting up a title match for New Year’s Evil, making it an even more stacked episode. Dijak and Eddy Thorpe have really good promos, and an NXT Underground match between the two of them is going to be awesome stuff for next week. They’ve gone back and forth, but it really depends on what the winner is going to move on to after this.

And great stuff with the North American Championship tonight. I like that they made it a Triple Threat, that really upped the excitement and it also allowed Joe Gacy to get his story beat with Joe Coffey in smoothly. Gallus wins against Hank ‘n’ Tank but maybe Gacy joins them in a Six Man Tag for whatever reason? And LWO returning to back Dragon Lee up is great, I would think Dragon Lee joins the faction not so much to replace Santos but because he actually respects Rey Mysterio. A Six Man Tag of Dragon, Cruz & Wilde VS any three of No Quarter has to be happening before Gulak goes for a title shot himself.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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