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Mitchell’s NJPW New Year Dash Results & Report! (1/5/24)

Happy New Year Dash!



NJPW New Year Dash 2020

Will 2024 be Mighty?

NJPW keeps the momentum from WrestleKingdom 18 going with a star-studded New Year Dash! Okada, Ishii, Moxley and Bryan, on the same team?!


  • Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Ryusuke Taguchi; changed to…
  • NJPW World Television Championship: Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Ryusuke Taguchi; Tanahashi wins and retains the title.
  • Bishamon VS Kaito Kiyomiya & Ryohei Oiwa; Bishamon wins.
  • Young Lion Sendoff: El Phantasmo & Hikuleo VS Yuto Nakashima & Oskar Leube; ELP & Leo win.
  • 12 Man Tag: Tama Tonga, Shota Umino, Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma, El Desperado & Master Wato VS The House of Torture; Tama, Shota, Makabe, Honma, Desperado & Wato win.
  • 10 Man Tag: The United Empire VS Bullet Club War Dogs; No Contest.
  • 10 Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Just5Guys; Just5Guys win.
  • KOPW Championship 10 Minute Scramble Fatal 4 Way: Toru Yano VS VS Great-O-Khan VS YOH VS Taiji Ishimori; Ishimori wins and is the provisional 2024 KOPW Champion.
  • 8 Man Tag: Kazuchika Okada, Tomohiro Ishii, Jon Moxley & Bryan Danielson VS TMDK; TMDK wins.


Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Ryusuke Taguchi!

The Ace of the Universe and new President of NJPW is also the NEW NJPW World Television Champion. After winning the title off Zack Sabre Jr, Tanahashi promised to lead by example in the New Year. Will he do so right off the bat tonight?

Before the bell, Taguchi gets the mic. “President. January 4th is done, today is January 5th. This is the day to show NJPW what’s next. Straight from the opening match, we need to show NJPW. So New Year Dah, January 5th, 2024, let’s do it 1v1 for that title, the NJPW World Television Championship! Thank you very much.” The fans cheer that! Taguchi gets the fans to chant “SACHOU! SACHOU! <President! President!>” Tanahashi is handed the mic, and Tanahashi says let’s do it then! Taguchi’s all fired up now, but will the Funky Weapon end “Season Two” with the very first episode?

NJPW World Television Championship: Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Ryusuke Taguchi!

The bell rings and we’re on the clock! The two circle and the fans rally up. Tanahashi and Taguchi feel things out, Taguchi toying around with how he goes high then low with the call. Tanahashi is a little annoyed and the two reset. They circle, tie up collar ‘n’ elbow, and Taguchi headlocks. Tanahashi throws body shots, slips out the back to headlock, but Taguchi slips out to headlock back. The fans cheer and Taguchi grinds the hold. Tanahashi throws body shots, powers out, and things speed up as he bypasses Taguchi again and again to keep him running the ropes. The fans rally up as Taguchi just keeps going and going and going!

Taguchi starts slowing down as he tires out! He swings, Tanahashi dodges, then Tanahashi catches Taguchi for a GROUND COBRA! TWO!! Taguchi escapes and flounders to a corner. Tanahashi stomps and SPANKS the Funky Weapon! The ref counts, Tanahashi lets off, and Tanahashi calls his shot. Tanahashi brings Taguchi around, but Taguchi CHOPS! He has life after all! Tanahashi fires his strike fest and Taguchi sits down. Tanahashi gives Taguchi a point-blank Hip Attack! Fans are torn as Tanahashi uses that to mock Taguchi. Tanahashi runs, but Taguchi somersaults to ROLLING HIP ATTACK!

Fans fire up and Tanahashi bails out. Taguchi goes up and up and TRIANGLE PLANCHAS! Direct hit and the fans fire up! Taguchi hurries to his feet, the fans rally behind him, and Taguchi drags Tanahashi up. Taguchi puts Tanahashi in, brings him around, and snap suplexes! Uno Amigo, but then Tanahashi TWIST ‘N’ SHOUTS! But Taguchi DOS AMIGOS right back! TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Tanahashi blocks the third amigo! The fans rally up as Taguchi keeps trying, and he completes THREE AMIGOS! Both men are down and the fans fire up again! Taguchi kips up! Taguchi then goes to a corner and calls upon the powers of Strong Style!

Taguchi aims at Tanahashi, “SACHOU~! ORYA~!” BUM-A-YE!! Cover, TWO!! But into OH MY GAH ANKLE!! Tanahashi endures, Taguchi thrashes the hold, but Tanahashi fights up. Taguchi chicken wings, but Tanahashi drops! So Taguchi drops on Tanahashi! TWO!! We hit five minutes, Taguchi runs up but Tanahashi gets around to O’Conner Roll BRIDGE! Cover, TWO!! Taguchi has a GEDO CLUTCH! TWO!! Both men rise up, Taguchi runs in, sunset flips, and PANTSES Tanahashi!! Cover, TWO!! Tanahashi has the cover, AND WINS!!

Winner: Hiroshi Tanahashi, by pinfall (still NJPW World Television Champion)

Tanahashi ends up impersonating Taguchi without meaning to on that one! But the President of the Universe holds onto his title by the seat of his pants, will this be the kind of wild excitement “season two” brings to NJPW World?


There’s a video message on the tron?

Even President Tanahashi is surprised by this. A car pulls up and a man puts on a martial arts ghi. The man trains hard in the gym. The car door opens, and flip-flops step out? That man is MATT RIDDLE!! “Konichiwa, NJPW. My name is Matthew Riddle, the King of Bros, and I got my eyes set on Tanahashi-san, the Ace of NJPW. I’ll see you soon, bro.” Fans are excited for this coming battle, but what is Tanahashi’s response? He gets back in the ring and gets the mic to say, “Anytime, anywhere, I’ll do it. But uh, I have no idea who that guy is, so I’ll have to do some research.” The Ace plays this diplomatically, but will he be very familiar with The Bro very soon?


After the Young Lion Sendoff…

Yuto Nakashima & Oskar Leube were impressive tonight, but they could not best the dual IWGP Heavyweight & NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions. But the champions show respect to these two by helping them up. Yuto and Oskar are each going to depart on excursion, so the champions want them to go knowing they have the respect of their senpai. And in a show of respect back, Yuto & Oskar deeply bow dogeza style. How much will young Yuto & Oskar grow while away from their home here in NJPW?

But wait, CHASE OWENS attacks the champs?! He LOW BLOWS ELP and hits the JEWEL HEIST!! Leo gets back up but Chase runs away! Chase gets a mic to say, “Congratulations on your IWGP Heavyweight title win last night, WrestleKingdom. Enjoy ’em now, because as of now, I officially challenge you for the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team titles. And my partner? A man you two both know very well. My partner… KENTA!” Fans can’t believe it but then Leo tells Chase, “WE ACCEPT! And bring Kenta!”

The Headbanga & Young Guerrilla still owe the Crown Jewel AND the Fang Revived for their part in kicking Guerrillas of Destiny out of Bullet Club. Will this finally be the revenge they’ve wanted? Or will Bullet Club take the titles and be the 101st team to hold them?


12 Man Tag: Tama Tonga, Shota Umino, Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma, El Desperado & Master Wato VS The House of Torture!

Now this is a massive match! The Good Bad Guy just took back the NEVER Openweight Championship from Shingo Takagi last night, but he’s already shifting gears. He teams with the Roughneck, the Unchained Gorilla, Everybody’s Kokeshi, the NEW IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion and the Way to the Grandmaster to take on their common enemies! Will this veritable Avengers ensemble be victorious? Or will Evil, Yujiro Takahashi, Sho, Dick Togo, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Ren Narita ruin everyone’s 2024 already?

Tensions are running high as the ring fills up, and it’s Desperado and Kanemaru who spark the massive brawl! Fans fire up as Tama’s team takes it to the House! The bell rings to get his on record as everyone but Kanemaru and Desperado spill out to the floor! Kanemaru whips Desperado to a corner, but Desperado goes up and over. We’re watching commentary introductions as things speed up, and Desperado arm-drags Kanemaru out! Then Desperado builds speed, only for Kanemaru to move. Desperado eggs Kanemaru on but Sho attacks from behind! Fans boo as this goes just like backstage last night!

Sho & Kanemaru double whip, but Desperado BOOTS Sho and runs Kanemaru over! Wato runs in to RANA Sho! Fans fire up, Desperado CLUBS Kanemaru, and he UPPERRCUTS Kanemaru to the corner. Tag to Honma and fans rally up. Honma brings Kanemaru around to fire forearms, then he whips. Kanemaru reverses, runs in, but Honma BOOTS! Kanemaru mule kicks in return! Kanemaru claws eyes, runs, but Honma runs him over! Fans fire up for the FALLING- NO, Kanemaru avoids the kokeshi! The House BLASTS Tama’s team off the apron! Dick stomps Honma around, and Yujiro POSTS Desperado!

Kanemaru & Dick DOUBLE SUPLEX Honma, then Kanemaru covers. TWO, but Kanemaru tags in Evil. The King of Darkness storms up and drags Honma around. Then he BLASTS Tama just because! Evil drags Honma up, whips him and SURPRISE~! The blue buckle pad is gone! The fans boo as the House Special comes into play. Tag to Yujiro and he drags Honma up. Tokyo Pimp RAMS Honma into the bare buckles! Fans boo but Yujiro snapmares Honma to cover. Wait, that’s a choke! The ref counts, Yujiro lets go at 4, and smirks as he brings Honma up. Yujiro stands Honma up against ropes, to BOOT!

Fans rally for Honma but Yujiro shoves him down to cover. TWO, and fans cheer! Yujiro kicks Honma around, eggs him on, but Honma growls. Yujiro CLUBS Honma, but Honma growls more! Honma counter punches, and counter punches, and then swings, but Yujiro claws eyes! Fans boo, but Honma catches Yujiro to a spin and DDT! The fans rally as Honma crawls, hot tag to Makabe! Makabe rallies, BLASTS the House, but Yujiro kicks low. Yujiro runs, but Makabe CLOBBERS him! Fans fire up and Makabe runs in to SPLASH at the corner! Makabe climbs up, but Evil attacks! So Tama attacks Evil! Tama whips Evil to a corner to SPLASH!

The guerrilla and the Gorilla climb up, and they rain down fists on Evil & Yujiro! They go all the way to TEN, laugh, and then send Evil out! Makabe reels Yujiro in but Yujiro fights the Northern Lights. Makabe CLUBS Yujiro, runs, but Yujiro catches him into a REVERSE DDT! Yujiro and Makabe stand back up, and Yujiro whips Makabe to a corner. Yujiro runs in to BOOT, then he runs. He ducks one lariat, but not the SOUTHPAW! The fans fire up while both men are down! Makabe and Yujiro crawl, hot tags to Shota and #SouledOut Narita! Shota SHOTGUNS Narita,  and BLASTS Dick! Fans fire up and Shota runs to UPPERCUT Narita!

Shota whips corner to corner, runs in again, but Narita BOOTS him! Narita runs but into a scoop DROP, and then the SHOTGUN! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up for Shota as he drags Narita into a cravat neck wrench! Narita endures, flails, but Shota keep shim from ropes, to throw HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! Shota uses what Jon Moxley’s taught him, and tells Narita he ain’t getting off that easy! MORE HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! Then Shota drags Narita up, kicks and underhooks, but Narita shoots around to SLEEPER! Shota throws Narita off, kicks low, and TORNADO- NO, Narita shoves Shota away.

Shota runs back up but Narita sends him to ropes, where Dick gets a cheap shot in! Then Narita JUMPING STOMPS Shota down! Tag to Dick and then the House BLASTS the corner! Yujiro & Evil whip Shota to a corner, Dick runs in to elbow! Sho runs in to forearm! Yujiro BOOTS, Kanemaru elbows, and Evil clotheslines! Then FISHERMAN BUSTER! Dick covers, TWO! Fans rally for Shota but Evil distracts the ref. Dick uses the SPOILER CHOKER on Shota! But Tama CLUBS Dick and throws him out! GUN- NO, Evil blocks, clinches, EVERY- NO, Tama slips free to TONGAN TWIST! But Kanemaru dropkicks Tama’s legs out!

Desperado runs in, he dodges Kanemaru’s low dropkick, and Desperado reels him in for a BIG back suplex! Sho runs up to SPEAR Desperado! Wato baits Sho in, shoulders him away then SPRINGBOARD UPPERCUTS! But Dick DECKS Wato! Dick storms back up on Shota, reels him in, but Shota fights free. Dick pokes Shota’s eyes! Dick runs, into a POP-UP UPPERCUT! PARADIGM SHIFT! Cover, Shota’s team wins!

Winners: Tama Tonga, Shota Umino, Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma, El Desperado & Master Wato, by pinfall

But Narita CHOKES Shota with the push-up bar! The fans boo but Narita grins as he chokes out his rival! Then he CLOBBERS Shota with it!! Desperado grabs at Narita, also pissed over Narita leaving Team Strong Style behind! But Kanemaru CRACKS Desperado with the whiskey bottle! Kanemaru hits Wato, too! Sho has his Torture Tool, and he CLOBBERS Wato with it! Sho CHOKES Desperado with the wrench, Kanemaru grabs the IWGP Junior Heavyweight title, and CLOBBERS Desperado with it! But then Tama storms up, only for Evil to LOW BLOW! EVERYTHING IS EVIL!! Fans boo as the House stands tall!

Evil drags Tama up so that Yujiro can handcuff the Good Bad Guy! Evil has scissors!! HE CUTS TAMA’S HAIR!! The fans boo as Evil shows off his trophy, and then holds up the NEVER Openweight title. Fans tell the House to go home already, but Evil rubs the belt and the hair in Tama’s face. Kanemaru does the same to Desperado with the Junior Heavyweight title. Evil tells everybody to shut up, and Kanemaru pours whiskey all over Desperado. The House stands together in the ring to soak up all the heat. Will there be no stopping them from making 2024 the Year of Evil?


After the 10 Man Tag, United Empire VS Bullet Club War Dogs…

Things were chaotic before the bell and only got worse during the match, so the whole thing was thrown out. But that only made things wilder, with the United Empire finally standing tall after Will Ospreay POWERBOMBS Gedo through a table!! After making sure a bloodied Francesco Akira is alright, Ospreay then gets the mic. “OI OI OI!! Bullet Club, you bunch of soft pricks! We are still standing!” Fans cheer that! Ospreay says it seems Bullet Club wants a fight. “February the 11 is my last match with NJPW. And I will fight side by side with my brothers, the men that got me to the dance! The men that made Will Ospreay!

“My five VS your five, and I’ll let you pick the rules! See you in Osaka, b*tch!!” The fans are all fired up now, but David Finlay makes sure to grab the mic so Ospreay doesn’t have the last word. The fans boo but Finlay tells them all to simmer down while he’s talking. Ospreay must be really, really, REALLY stupid if he’s letting Finlay pick the rules. How about they do this with NO rules? NO DISQUALIFICATIONS! NO ESCAPE! Because Ospreay’s last NJPW match, his last match of his CAREER, ends in a STEEL CAGE!! A 10 Man Steel Cage match!? The War Dogs are looking to put the United Empire down, but will this not be the end of Ospreay?


After the 10 Man Tag, LIJ VS J5G…

Taka Michinoku pulled off the win for his team, hitting Bushi with the Michinoku Driver 2.0. The tensions were still high as the two teams stared down, and Sanada gets the mic. Sanada has everyone calm down, and he says that everyone here feels like still fighting. So in that case, how about we make things interesting? Fans like the sound of that. Sanada proposes an idea to Naito. It’s only right here, right now, that they can fight on the frontlines. So how about they have a rematch from WrestleKingdom? The fans rally behind Naito for that one. Naito tips his cap to Sanada, and then steps away.

Sanada picks up the mic again to then say he has one more thing to say. The winner of this match, J5G, would like to ask LIJ to take their leave. LIJ reluctantly leaves, following Naito out of the arena. Taka then takes the mic and the fans cheer. Taka notes that Just4Guys formed just a year ago, and then moved up to Just5Guys soon after. They’re together now, and they stand here just as they started, with no championships. But! In 2024, NJPW and all of Japan, maybe even the WORLD of wrestling, will be moved and changed by Just5Guys! The fans cheer that, AND OFF COME TAICHI’S PANTS! But what will their first move in the New Year be?


KOPW Championship 10 Minute Scramble Fatal 4 Way: Toru Yano VS VS Great-O-Khan VS YOH VS Taiji Ishimori!

The Clown Prince of NJPW has been KOPW Champion before, and even two whole years! The Dominator has come close before but Mr. Direct Drive and The Bone Soldier are now in the mix! Who will start off this year’s KOPW chase with the cerulean blue around their waist?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who starts on the road to be King of Pro-Wrestling!

The bell rings and we’re on the clock! Yano, Yoh & Ishimori all attack Khan! They throw Khan out and celebrate, then Yoh & Yano kick Ishimori! Chaos whips Taiji to a corner, then Yoh sends Yano in. Taiji dodges, whips Yoh, and then BOOTS him! But Yano shoves Yoh into Taiji, then rolls up Yoh! ROPEBREAK!! Yoh barely saves himself in time, and Taiji runs up. Yano CLAWS Taiji’s eyes then runs. But Yoh & Taiji DOUBLE DROPKICK him! Taiji throws up the Too Sweet, and Yoh returns it? But that’s a fake-out so Yoh can try and eat Taiji’s hand! Taiji kicks Yoh low and wipes his hand off on Yoh’s back.

Taiji whips, Yoh reverses and then he avoids the handspring! Things speed up, Yoh drop toeholds but Taiji avoids the basement dropkick to roll up. TWO, Yoh has the sunset! TWO, Taiji sits on it! TWO, Yoh has it! TWO and Taiji cradles, TWO!! Fans fire up, Yoh blocks a haymaker but Taiji blocks the backslide. So Khan trips them both, rolls them, DOUBLE CRADLE! But Yano breaks it up! Khan UPPERCUTS Yano, stomps him and whips him corner to corner, but Yano reverses. Yano unties a buckle pad! Fans cheer, but Khan storms up to waistlock! Yano flails, fights the lift, but Khan shifts to a roll-up, TWO!!

Yano stagger sup, ducks the haymaker and SLAPS Khan! Then Yano grabs hair. Khan breaks free to Mongolian Chop! And Mongolian Chop! Khan whips, Yano reverses, but Khan reverses back and Yano hits bare buckles! Khan Mongolian Chops! And UPPERCUTS! Yano falls back and the fans rally up. Khan drags Yano up, to push him into the bare buckles and CLUB him on the back. Fans fire up as Khan hops up, to sit on his throne! But Yoh is back, and he SMACKS Khan with the buckle pad! Taiji YANKS Yoh down, then climbs up to CLUB Khan! SUPER STEINER! Taiji covers, Yoh breaks it! Yoh SUPERKICKS Yano and rolls him up! Yoh scores!

King of the Mountain: Yoh

Mr. Direct Drive wears the proverbial crown but we still have over six minutes left! Taiji JUMP KNEES Yoh, POSTS him, then drags him back to hammerlock and scoop. SHOULDER BUSTER! Taiji then aims from the corner, Yoh rises, and the fans rally up. Taiji runs in, but Yoh SUPERKICKS! Both men are down and Khan hurries to capitalize! He covers Taiji, TWO! Khan covers Yoh now, TWO! Khan is frustrated but he hurries to get Yoh up. Khan TOSSES Yoh out, then goes back to Taiji. Khan drags Taiji up to a torture rack, but Taiji slips free! Taiji kicks a leg, sunset flips, but Khan stays up! Khan drags Taiji right up!

But Taiji pokes Khan in the eyes! Taiji runs, into a lift! Khan TOSSES Taiji out! We’re under five minutes, Yano rolls Khan up! TWO, but Yano hits M U! Cover, TWO!! Khan escapes but Yano runs. Khan gets around, IRON CLAW SLEEPER! Yano fades fast and Khan has the body scissors! Yano flails but Khan smothers him! The ref checks, Khan lets Yano go to then drag him up and reel him in. Scoop and T T D!! Cover, TWO?!? Khan is furious so he clamps on the HEAD ‘N’ ARM TRIANGLE! Yano endures the Katagatami, but Khan leans on the hold! Khan makes it a cover, TWO!!! Yano survives but he’s not free from the hold!

Khan squeezes tight and Yano is fading out! Khan covers, TWO?!? Yano survives and we’re under three minutes! Khan clamps on with the IRON CLAW, then he drags Yano up. ELIMINATOR! Cover, Yoh SUPERKICKS Khan down! Yoh is holding onto the crown! Yoh tunes up, fans fire up, and Yoh SUPER- NO, Khan blocks it! And hooks Yoh up, MIST CLUTCH ELIMINATOR!!! Cover, Khan takes the crown!

King of the Mountain: Khan

We’re under two minutes as two men are on the board! Can anyone score in the time left? Khan goes for another cover on Yoh, and gets another three-count! Too bad this isn’t about points scored. But Khan is too busy gloating and Yoh rolls him up! TWO!!! Khan escapes, then he drags Yoh up. But Taiji is lurking! He shoves the ref into Khan, LOW BLOWS, and he rolls Khan up! Taiji scores!

King of the Mountain: Taiji

We’re under a minute and Taiji plays keep away! Khan panics, so he tries to cover Yoh on the outside! This isn’t Falls Count Anywhere! And now we’re under 30 seconds! Khan hurries to put Yano in and covers, but Taiji breaks it! Then Taiji runs away again!

Khan gives chase but Taiji runs away to the crowd! TEN SECONDS! Khan chases Taiji but he can’t catch up, and time is up! Taiji wins!!

Winner: Taiji Ishimori (KOPW 2024 Champion, provisional)

The Bone Soldier Reborn outsmarts Khan and quite literally runs away with the title! And then he has to keep running because Khan is giving chase, armed with part of the railing! Will Khan get his iron claw on that title one way or another? Or will the KOPW be #REBORN?


BREAKING NEWS for Battle in the Valley!

NJPW’s return to California is going to be big, because the main event will be Kazuchika Okada VS Will Ospreay! The potentially last time we’ll see Rainmaker VS Aerial Assassin, who wins big in just one week?


8 Man Tag: Kazuchika Okada, Tomohiro Ishii, Jon Moxley & Bryan Danielson VS TMDK!

The Rainmaker defeated the American Dragon in an incredible match just last night, and both have found a mutual respect for each other. They also bring in the Stone Pitbull and Maniac to make quite the quartet! Will this fantastic four be victorious? Or will they see that The Mighty Don’t Kneel?

The teams sort out and Bryan steps up against Zack Sabre Jr! Fans fire up as we get to see this rivalry reignite! These two circle, feel things out, and then break. They go around, Bryan hits an ARMBAR TAKEDOWN! ZSJ shifts, laces legs, he and Bryan roll and ZSJ has the heel hook! Bryan sits up to have a cover but he instead wants an arm! ZSJ spins and slips free, and fans cheer this incredible opening exchange! Bryan smirks as he and ZSJ reset and feel things out again. They knuckle lock, go shoulder to shoulder, then ZSJ puts Bryan in a straitjacket stretch. But Bryan switches that right onto ZSJ!

Bryan brings ZSJ to his knees, drops back, but ZSJ uses that to go up and over and put the straitjacket back on Bryan! Fans cheer as Bryan stands up and they go around. Bryan arm-drags free, but keeps the straitjacket, only for ZSJ to spin and untie the straitjacket. They’re back to the test of strength, but Bryan KICKS a leg! ZSJ drops, rolls, and that puts pressure on Bryan’s wrists! Bryan endures but ZSJ KICKS him! They turn things and turn things, and Bryan KICKS! ZSJ KICKS! They KICK and KICK and KICK back and forth, the fans firing up with each shot! Bryan gets the edge but ZSJ rolls and wrangles Bryan.

Bryan kips up and wrenches to WRING ZSJ out. ZSJ BOOTS Bryan away, then ducks the Buzzsaw! Fans fire up the standoff! ZSJ and Bryan then back away, tag to Mikey Nicholls and Okada. Fans rally for Okada as he and Mad Mikey circle. They tie up, Okada headlocks but Mikey powers up and out. Okada RAMS Mikey but Mikey stays up. Mikey eggs Okada on, Okada runs, and they RAM shoulders again. Mikey runs now, and he runs Okada over! Things speed up, Okada hurdles then drop toeholds. Okada drops an elbow on Mikey’s back! Okada’s team BLASTS TMDK! Okada whips Mikey to a corner, then sends Moxley in to forearm!

Okada then sends Ishii to clothesline! And he sends Bryan to DROPKICK! Okada BACK ELBOWS Mikey, then runs to run Mikey over! Fans fire up as the dream quartet stands tall! Okada waits on Mikey to stand, and Alabama Lifts. Mikey CLUBS free, blocks the clothesline, and hits a BIG back suplex! Tag to Shane Haste and he stomps Okada around. Shane KICKS Okada, shakes out the leg, and then bumps Okada off buckles. Shane RAMS into Okada, CHOPS him, then tags ZSJ. ZSJ wrenches Okada’s bad arm, and again, and then steps over it. ZSJ looks right at Bryan as he takes advantage of all the damage Bryan did!

ZSJ has the DISARMER, then traps Okada’s arm in a hammerlock, and uses his legs to TWIST! Okada writhes, ZSJ drags Okada to the Mighty corner, and tags in Kosei Fujita. Ichiban Sweet Boy CLUBS Okada’s bad arm, then wrenches it for an ARM CODE BREAKER! Fans cheer and Fujita looms over Okada. Fujita scuffs Okada and kicks him around. Fans know that’s just asking for trouble! Okada stands up and ROCKS Fujita! Fujita wobbles but he shakes his head. Fujita fires forearm after forearm on Okada, but Okada knees low! Okada runs, but Fujita CHOPS! Okada is stinging from that one, but he still BOOTS Fujita down!

The fans rally up as Okada and Fujita are down. Okada and Fujita crawl, hot tag to Mikey! Mikey BLASTS Okada’s corner, then runs up. Mikey SWATS the lariat, back suplexes, but Okada lands out of it. Mikey elbows Okada, runs, but into the FLAPJACK! Fans fire up as both men are down again! Okada crawls, hot tag to Moxley! The Maniac hits a CUTTER on Mikey, then BLASTS the TMDK corner! Moxley sends Shane into railing! Fujita whips but Moxley reverses to send him into railing! Moxley storms back in, Mikey boots him but Moxley just grins. Moxley ROCKS Mikey, climbs up and rains down fists!

Fans fire up as Moxley goes to nine, then BITES Mikey! Red Shoes reprimands, Moxley lets off to put Mikey up top. Moxley CHOPS Mikey, climbs up, and CLAWS Mikey’s back! Then Moxley brings Mikey up to SUPERPLEX! And he keeps going! PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO! Moxley stays focused and he ties up the legs. TEXAS CLOVERHOLD! Mikey endures but Shane storms in. Shane throws forearms but Moxley eggs him on. Shane runs, so Moxley ROCKS him! But that means Mikey’s free! Mikey CLUBS Moxley, Shane LARIATS, and TMDK combine for the BACK SUPLEX NECKBREAKER COMBO! Mikey covers, TWO!

Mikey tags Shane in and they get Moxley up. Shane BLASTS Bryan, then helps Mikey in- NO, Moxley fights out of Highway to Hell to DOUBLE DDT! The fans fire up and Moxley reaches out! Hot tag to Ishii! The Stone Pitbull runs as the fans fire up, and Ishii clotheslines Shane in the corner! Then a whip, but Shane reverses. Ishii comes back to run Shane over! Ishii DECKS Fujita for good measure! Ishii hauls Shane up, but Shane fights the lift with elbows. Shane whips, Ishii reverses to SAIDO! Cover, TWO! Shane hangs tough but Ishii drags him up. Ishii reels Shane in but ZSJ storms up to get a SLEEPER!

Bryan storms in to get a SLEEPER on ZSJ! ZSJ still holds onto Ishii, though! Red Shoes reprimands, ZSJ lets go of Ishii and he bends Bryan’s arm! ZSJ slips around, Bryan slips around, repeat! They go back and forth, until Bryan runs to TOSS ZSJ out! Bryan goes out to FLYING KNEE ZSJ down from the apron! The fans fire up again and Ishii storms up on Shane. Shane throws a forearm, Ishii doesn’t budge! Ishii ROCKS Shane, whips, but Shane reverses to SAIDO! Fujita BLASTS Okada off the apron, and Mikey hauls Ishii up. TMDK whips Ishii to a corner, Fujita runs up to CHOP! Shane runs up to UPPERCUT!

Mikey fireman’s carries, Fujita & Shane coordinate, DOUBLE HIGHWAY TO HELL!! Cover, Okada breaks it! Okada BOOTS Mikey, Fujita kicks Okada. Fujita runs, into Okada’s DROPKICK! Okada dodges Shane to Alabama Lift, and REVERSE NECKBREAKER! Fans fire up and Ishii roars! Ishii runs as Shane rises, but Shane BOOTS the lariat! And BOOTS Ishii! Ishii roars but Shane ROUNDHOUSES! Shane calls his shot, and FALCON ARROWS! Cover, TWO!! Ishii survives and fans fire up! Shane calls in Mikey and they get Ishii up. Mikey scoops, but Ishii fights free! Ishii shoves Mikey into Shane, and Moxley’s back! DOUBLE GERMAN SUPLEXES!

The fans fire up, Okada and Bryan storm in at the same time as ZSJ. ZSJ UPPERCUTS Okada, UPPERCUTS Bryan, repeat! But Okada UPPERCUTS ZSJ, then Bryan UPPERCUTS ZSJ! Okada spins ZSJ around to DDT, Bryan PENALTY KICKS ZSJ! Okada and Bryan clear the ring, Ishii feeds Shane to a ROLLING ELBOW from Moxley! Moxley has a SLEEPER, then feeds Shane to Ishii’s LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Moxley PLANCHAS but Mikey DECKS him outta the sky! Ishii suplexes Shane but Fujita makes the save! ENZIGURI! Fujita DROPKICKS Okada down, too! Fans fire up as Fujita FLIES out onto Okada!

The fans are thunderous and ZSJ scoops Ishii! Ishii slips free, feed to Bryan! Bryan has the SLEEPER, he holds ZSJ down, and Ishii HEADBUTTS Shane! Ishii hauls Shane up, but Shane suplexes Ishii! All to get him up for Mikey! ZSJ slips around to get Bryan in an IRON OCTOPUS! Ishii takes the TANK BUSTER!! Cover, TMDK WINS!!!

Winners: TMDK, by pinfall

The Dream Quartet got caught off-guard by the MIGHTY quartet! ZSJ literally kicks Bryan out of the ring, and Okada even seems confused as to how this happened! Is this an ill-omen for how 2024 is gonna go for Okada, Ishii, Bryan & Moxley?

ZSJ gets the mic to tell Bryan, “Choto matte. <Wait a moment.>” ZSJ wants to do this one more time! He wants his rematch, d*ckhead! If Bryan can see him! Bryan throws his icepack at ZSJ but ZSJ punts it back. ZSJ tells Bryan that next time, he’ll #JustTapOut! Fans cheer the prospect of seeing those two go another round. Fujita then gets to talk, and he says he is no longer just TMDK’s Young Boy, but a full-fledged member of TMDK! Fans cheer that! Fujita then says he, Shane & Mikey are gonna go for the NEVER Openweight Six Man titles!! Okada holds up the belts and says Fujita’s nowhere near ready to challenge his Dream Trio!

Okada storms off, Fujita calls out Tanahashi on commentary even! The Ace President always treated TMDK like kids, so just wait and see what these kids do to you! Fans cheer the bravado, and Tanahashi even stands up from commentary to nod. When and where will TMDK get all these dream matches?

My Thoughts:

Wow, what an awesome New Year Dash! Probably one of the best they’ve ever done. I wish I’d had more time to actually watch all the matches, because clearly NJPW wants to make NYD must-watch on a level almost similar to WrestleKingdom. Great surprise that Taguchi made his match with Tanahashi into a title match, even though he still lost. And truly a surprise that Matt Riddle is in NJPW now. I do appreciate Tanahashi kinda throwing some shade at Riddle, acting like he doesn’t know about Riddle at all. Tanahashi VS Riddle, even in just a 15 minute NJPW World TV Championship match, will be awesome stuff.

I skimmed the matches I didn’t cover, so Bishamon VS the NOAH boys was still good stuff, and the Young Lion Sendoff was really great stuff. That shows promise for what NJPW expects out of the big ‘n’ tall combo that is Nakashima and Oskar. I’m curious as to where those two are going for excursion. Maybe it’ll be ROH. NJPW and ROH have had a partnership in that regard even before AEW showed up, and I think big guys like Oskar and Nakashima can do good stuff on ROH.

I covered the 12 Man Tag mostly because it was 12 men, all of House of Torture against various Faces. Great win for the Faces, but of course the House had to stand tall. Evil seems to be shifting away from the world title since he failed to steal it from Naito, so maybe Evil is going to try and take the NEVER Openweight title from Tama. I wish I had covered that first 10 Man Tag because that got wild. Akira does a SUPER Crossbody off the upper deck to wipe everybody out, and then he gets jammed with a fork to get bloody. That was after Gabe Kidd hit bare buckles and ended up bloody the old fashioned way, too. And now we’re counting down the days Ospreay has in NJPW before he’s in AEW full-time, and a 10 Man Cage match is going to be a wild finish to Ospreay’s NJPW run.

Good 10 Man from LIJ VS J5G, and great surprise that Taka wins it for the team. Of course Sanada wants his rematch and of course Naito holds his tongue. But their rematch, should it happen, will be a lot of fun. Great Fatal 4 Way scramble for the KOPW, that was a lot of fun, even though Khan pinning Yoh twice was kinda silly when it wasn’t an Iron Man match. Though I guess they didn’t wanna do that, because then it’s just like NXT’s Iron Survivor and that’d be weird. Ishimori winning this one was a good move, as Yano would be too obvious and we get to see Khan and Yoh in the chase pretty much all year.

And then, a great 8 Man Tag main event. I did not think Okada’s team was losing, but what a great way then to tease Bryan VS ZSJ round 2 and the NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Championship match. Fujita stepping up is great, too, he is proving himself a big part of this new generation. With Tanahashi being NJPW World TV Champion and President, I feel like this should be the moment he, Okada & Ishii drop the NEVER titles and we see Okada figure out what else to do in his already illustrious NJPW career. Ishii will be fine, he is always solid.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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