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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (1/25/24)

ROH is about to get spooky!



ROH Wrestling 2023

Something wicked this way comes!

With the ROH Women’s Television Championship still on the horizon, Abadon has come to strike fear into the hearts of ROH’s Women’s Division!


  • The Righteous VS Camaro Jackson & Anaya; The Righteous win.
  • Nyla Rose VS Laynie Luck; Nyla wins.
  • Zak Knight VS Aaron Solo; Zak wins.
  • Spanish Announce Project VS Griff Garrison & Cole Karter w/ Maria Kanellis-Bennett; Griff & Karter win.
  • Willie Mack & Blake Christian VS The Outrunners; Mack & Blake win.
  • Six Woman Tag: Diamante, Leila Grey & Taya Valkyrie w/ Johnny TV VS Kiera Hogan, Lady Frost & Trish Adora; Diamante, Leila & Taya win.
  • Six Man Tag: The Infantry & Lee Johnson VS The Iron Savages & Jacked Jameson; The Infantry & Johnson win.
  • Red Velvet VS Heather Reckless; Velvet wins.
  • Billie Starkz VS Tootie Lynn; Billie wins.
  • Ethan Page VS Kody Lane; Ethan wins.
  • Abadon VS Robyn Renegade; Abadon wins.
  • Jack Cartwheel VS Jon Cruz; Cartwheel wins.
  • Anthony Henry VS Action Andretti; Andretti wins.
  • Four Corner Survival: Slim J VS JD Drake VS Josh Woods VS Rocky Romero; Rocky wins.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships Proving Ground Match: The Undisputed Kingdom VS Gravity & Gringo Loco; The Undisputed Kingdom wins and denies Gravity & Gringo a title opportunity.


Spanish Announce Project VS Griff Garrison & Cole Karter w/ Maria Kanellis-Bennett!

Angelico & Serpentico were just trying to be good amigos to Maria’s “baby boys,” but they were the ones blamed for the loss in that 8 Man Tag a month ago. They’ve gone back and forth in singles matches, but will SAP finish this off 2v2? Or will the Ivy League MVP & Diamond in the Rough make Maria proud?

The Code of Honor is skipped as the tension rises, and the teams sort out. Fans rally as Angelico and Griff start and circle. They feel things out, tie up, and Griff kicks to wrench and wristlock. Maria cheers but she’s the only one. Angelico powers the hold around, spins Griff and wristlocks back. Fans cheer now, but Griff rolls, wrenches and wristlocks. Maria cheers again but Angelico spins, cording holds then wristlocks again. Fans cheer but Griff ROCKS Angelico with a forearm. Griff wrenches to wristlock, but Angelico rolls, trips Griff with legs, and then has a modified STF! Griff scrambles, Karter makes the save, and fans boo.

Maria argues with the ref about the legality of that save but Karter coaches Griff up. Griff slides back in and resets with Angelico. They tie up, Griff headlocks, but Angelico endures the grind. Angelico powers up and out but Griff runs him over. Griff keeps moving, he runs over Angelico again! Angelico gets up, side steps, but Griff counters hip toss to a hip toss! Griff flexes while fans boo but he drags Angelico up. Griff UPPERCUTS Angelico to the corner, tags Karter, and Karter stomps a mudhole. The ref counts, Karter lets off, then he stands Angelico up to ROCK with a right hand. Karter wrenches and ROCKS Angelico again.

Fans rally but Karter fires hands, then stomps another mudhole in! The ref counts, Karter backs off, and then he stands Angelico up. Karter whips but Angelico avoids the dropkick! Fans cheer, Maria is concerned, but Angelico wrenches Karter. Fans chant “SI! SI! SI!” Tag to Serpentico and he goes up, and he DOUBLE STOMPS the arm! Serpentico CHOPS Karter in the corner, wrenches and whips, but Karter reverses. Karter runs in, Serpentico BOOTS him, then RANAS! Serpentico ELBOWS Karter down, then kips up! Griff runs in but Serpentico sends him out! Serpentico builds speed and he DIVES! Direct hit on both Griff & Karter!

Serpentico puts Karter in but Maria runs up? Serpentico sees her and she stops to play innocent, only for Griff to RAM Serpentico into steel steps! Fans boo, Griff puts Serpentico in the ring, Karter covers, TWO! Fans cheer but Karter rains down fists! Karter lets off to glare at Angelico, then he drags Serpentico up. Karter puts Serpentico in a corner, CHOPS him, then brings him over to bump off buckles. Tag to Griff, Karter stands Serpentico up and they mug him. Maria applauds but again, she’s the only one. Griff scoops Serpentico to SLAM, and then KNEE DROP! Cover, TWO! Griff then clamps onto Serpentico with a chinlock.

Fans rally as Serpentico endures, and he fights up to throw body shots! Griff shoves and ELBOWS Serpentico down! Griff drags Serpentico up, tags in Karter and they mug Serpentico again. Karter brings Serpentico around, fans boo while he CLUBS Serpentico down. Serpentico throws body shots as he fights up, but Karter knees low. Karter suplexes, Serpentico slips free to JAWBREAKER! Hot tag to Angelico! Angelico rallies on Maria’s baby boys with big LARIATS! Griff spins Angelico, Karter runs in but Angelico BOOTS him! Angelico arm-drags free, then uses Griff as a step to LEAPING LARIAT Karter!

Fans fire up with the South African Stud, but Griff ROCKS him! Angelico ROCKS Griff back! Angelico then baits Griff in for a strike fest! Fans fire up with Angelico and he whips. Griff reverses but Angelico rolls off Griff’s back! Griff jumps the sweep but the EDDY GORDO KICK hits! Cover, TWO! Fans rally as Angelico ties up the legs! DEATHLOCK! Griff endures while he keeps his shoulders up, and Karter pushes ropes closer! ROPEBREAK! Fans boo but Angelico has no choice but to let go. Griff distracts the ref, Karter SUCKER PUNCHES Angelico! Griff runs up to BOOT Angelico down!

Serpentico returns to mule kick, forearm and SUPERKICK! Serpentico runs, COMPLETE SHOT on Griff! Karter storms in to JUMP KNEE Serpentico, then SPINEBUSTER! Angelico sweeps, Karter jumps it, EDDY GORDO KICK hits again! All four men are down and the fans fire up! Maria coaches her boys, but Angelico crawls, hot tag to Serpentico! Fans fire up as #SNAKEMAN BOOTS Griff from the corner! Serpentico goes up while Griff is down, but Karter sends Angelico into barriers! Griff gets under Serpentico’s leap, but Serpentico ROLLING ELBOWS! Then he ducks Griff’s shot, dodges the splash, and rolls Griff, to then CUTTER!! Cover, TWO!!

Griff survives because Serpentico isn’t a Viper. Maria is there to taunt him, too. Serpentico glares at Maria as she creeps up the apron. Serpentico dodges Griff! Griff almost runs into Maria, Serpentico rolls him up! TWO! SUPERKICK from Serpentico! But Maria anchors a foot! Serpentico gets free, Griff LARIATS!! Griff hauls Serpentico over, tags Karter and Karter climbs, scoop SLAM! Maria says no, don’t just beat SAP! HURT SAP! They say okay, and Griff stands Serpentico up. Karter runs in but Serpentico ducks and the forearm hits Griff!! Roll-up, TWO!!! Karter escapes and Maria is furious!

Serpentico drags Karter up, the ref reprimands Maria, but Karter SNATCHES Serpentico’s mask! BLINDSIDE ROLLING ELBOW from Griff!!! Cover, Maria’s boys win!!

Winners: Griff Garrison & Cole Karter, by pinfall

Then to add insult to injury, they mug Serpentico! Angelico runs in to shield his amigo, but they just stomp him out! Fans boo as Griff shows off the trophy that is Serpentico’s mask! Karter even puts it on to wear it out! Will nothing stop The Kingdom from ruling over both AEW and ROH?


Six Woman Tag: Diamante, Leila Grey & Taya Valkyrie w/ Johnny TV VS Kiera Hogan, Lady Frost & Trish Adora!

The ROH Women’s Television Championship Tournament is still being put together, so there’s still time to make an impression. Will the Cuban Diamond, Last Baddie Standing & La Wera Loca or the Hottest Flame, Coolest Wrestler & AfroPunk be the ones that make that good impression?

The trios sort out, and Taya starts against Keira. The Code of Honor is upheld somewhat sarcastically by Taya, and the bell rings. They circle, tie up, and Taya SHOVES Kiera down. Fans rally up as Kiera gets up in a huff. Taya runs in, Kiera goes up and over then ducks ‘n’ dodges. Kiera bobs ‘n’ weaves, then SLAPS Taya! Taya storms up but into a drop toehold! Taya ends up on ropes, Kiera runs to HIP ATTACK! Kiera YANKS the ropes to snap Taya back. Taya ducks the buzzsaw but not the HEEL KICK! Kiera runs to step up, but Taya dodges the leg drop! Taya KNEES Kiera down, then drags her to her corner.

Tag to Leila and Taya bumps Kiera off buckles. Leila brings Kiera out but Keira ROCKS her! And ROCKS again! Keira whips Leila to the corner, runs up to UPPERCUT, then tag to Adora. Adora wrenches and wristlocks Leila, keeps her from ropes, but Leila rolls. Adora rolls with her! Leila fights up, fires forearms, but Adora facelocks. Tag to Frost and they double whip. Frost DISCUS LARIATS and fans fire up! Leila flounders, tag to Diamante and Diamante shoves Frost. Frost shoves bakc, so Diamante ROCKS her! Diamante whips, Frost ducks ‘n’ tilto-whirls to sunset flip, TWO! Frost then wrenches to arm-drag and toehold!

Diamante kicks Frost away, runs up, but Frost goes out and around. Diamante still ROCKS Frost first! Diamante has Frost in the ropes for the HOTSHOT NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Diamante rains down fists but the fans rally for Frost. Diamante DECKS Adora for good measure before she bumps Frost off buckles. Tag to Leila and she fires forearms. Leila brings Frost around, whips her to ropes then SLINGBLADES! Fans rally, Leila tags Taya, and Leila snap suplexes so Taya can basement dropkick! Fans cheer, Taya clamps on a chinlock and taunts Frost’s team by holding out a hand. Frost crawls but Taya ties up the legs!

Taya has a modified STF but Frost still fights forward, ROPEBREAK! Taya lets go, fans rally up, and Frost dodges Taya to then elbow, ROUNDHOUSE, and hurries for her corner! Hot tag to Adora, hot tag to Leila! Adora dodges Leila to fire off forearms! Adora DECKS Leila and fans fire up! Leila staggers up, into a SWINGING BACKBREAKER! Adora then BOOTS Leila down! And SENTONS! Cover, Diamante breaks it! Diamante drags Leila to safety, then tags herself in. Diamante runs up to ROCK Adora! Adora ROCKS Diamante! Diamante and Adora go forearm for forearm and the fans fire up!

The forearms fly faster, Diamante gets the edge and ROUNDHOUSES! But then Adora ducks the buzzsaw to BASEMENT GERMAN! Bridging cover, Taya breaks it! Kiera ROCKS Taya with forearms now! Taya ROCKS and knees Kiera in return! Taya whips Kiera but Kiera holds ropes! Kiera dumps Taya out, then builds speed to DIVE! Down goes Taya at the ramp! The fans fire up for Kiera but Diamante runs up to ROCK Adora! Aodra ROCKS Diamante back and the forearms fly again! Diamante UPPERCUTS, then STANDING SHIRANUI! Cover, Frost breaks it! Leila runs in to kick and whip, but Frost tosses Leila out!

Frost runs up to DECK Leila! Kiera coordinates with Frost and Frost goes up, to ARIHARA MOONSAULT onto Taya and JOHNNY! Mr. & Mrs. TV take the shot, and Adora scoops Diamante! Diamante fights free, dragon sleepers, TWISTING DDT! Cover, Diamante’s team wins!

Winners: Diamante, Leila Grey & Taya Valkyrie, by pinfall

Shots fired and it’s the Cuban Diamond who shines in the spotlight! Will she be the one to get that gold? Or will another break through in the ROH Women’s Television Championship Tournament?


Backstage interview with Leyla Hirsch & Rachael Ellering.

Lexi Nair is with the LEGIT Friends of Strong Smile and notes that they have gotten on the same page lately. How are they feeling as a team? Leyla is feeling great, and feels they’ve been killing it as a tag team. They’ve got their chemistry in the ring, but also outside the ring. Rachael agrees, they’ve been going out to eat together. Check that off the chemistry list. And movie night with the girls? Check it off the list. They even attempted to join a book club. It didn’t go well, but the effort counts, and they’re feeling real good. Lexi loves to hear it.

Now, to the ROH Women’s TV Championship tournament. How do they feel entering as individuals? Leyla feels great and confident, and knows Rachael will also do great. Have you seen that Boss Woman Slam? It is devastating! Rachael admits that yeah, it is good stuff. But best suplexes in the division? That’s all Leyla. The only chance anyone has at beating Leyla is if they’ve been keeping an extra close eye on her. There’s a tense stare down between the friends, and Leyla breaks the silence by saying both are going to do great, and Leyla’s getting hungry. She wants to get sushi, what about Rachael?

Rachael agrees, sushi sounds great. Extra wasabi for her. Too spicy for Leyla, but sure. They head out together, but when only one woman can be the inaugural Women’s TV Champion, will this friendship survive?


Six Man Tag: The Infantry & Lee Johnson VS The Iron Savages & Jacked Jameson!

Captain Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo have some reinforcements in #BigShotty as they prepare to take on the jacked ‘n’ juicy Dirty Bulk Bronson, Beefcake Boulder, and their Savage leader. Will Johnson help Dean & Bravo send the Iron Savages to Boot Camp? Or will we all be sipping the Savage Sauce in St. Louis?

The trios sort out, Bronson and Johnson start and they keep the Code of Honor. The bell rings, the two circle, and Carlie gets St. Louis fired up. Bronson and Johnson finally tie up, Bronson headlocks, but Johnson powers up. Bronson holds on tight, grinds the hold, then he wrenches to YANK the arm. And again! And again! Bronson straight arm levers but Johnson slips free. Bronson blocks the arm-drag, though, then whips and runs Johnson over. Bronson drags Johnson up to bump off buckles and he tags in Jameson. Jameson brings Johnson around but Johnson DROPKICKS him! Johnson then wrenches and brings Jameson over, tag to Bravo.

Bravo goes up to AX HANDLE! Bravo wrenches the arm, ELBOW BREAKER, tag to Dean. Dean goes up to AX HANDLE! Fans rally and Dean wrenches to tag Bravo back in. Bravo goes up, Dean scoops, BACKBREAKER to FOREARM DROP! Cover, TWO! Bravo keeps on Jameson and tags Dean back in. The Infantry double whip, but Boulder sneaks a tag. Infantry DOUBLE HIP TOSS, but Boulder storms in! Infantry dodge but Boulder still clips Bravo! Dean fires forearms, but Boulder shoves him away! Dean comes back, but into a FLAPJACK! Boulder then storms around and fans fire up!

Boulder tags Bronson and Bronson gets Dean up. “It’s time for TIDDY CITY!” Bronson smothers Dean into Boulder’s boulders, then throws him down! Cover, TWO! Bronson drags Dean up, bumps him off buckles, then tags in Jameson. Jameson scoops Dean to RAM him into the corner! Jameson then runs to CLOBBER Dean out of the Tree of Woe! Then HIP DROP! Tag to Bronson, he goes up and he HIP DROPS! Bronson then BLASTS Johnson off the apron! Tag back to Jameson and he goes up, to HIP DROP into knees! Bronson tags in to stop Dean, then he runs in, into a BOOT! Dean ELBOWS Boulder then hurries forward.

Bronson keeps Dean back and throws him down, but Dean avoids the elbow drop! Dean then JUMP KNEES Boulder, RAMS into Bronson, and slingshots up and over! Dean hot tags Bravo! Fans fire up as Bad News & Tattoos JABS away on Bronson! Bravo whips, Bronson reverses but Bravo FLYING UPPERCUTS! Bravo bobs ‘n’ weaves as Boulder swings, then GUILLOTINE LEG DROPS! Bravo goes to a corner and shouts, “OO-RAH!” The fans echo “OO-RAH!” and Bravo runs corner to corner. Bravo hits the Carlie Crossover and ROCKS Bronson! Fans fire up and Bravo fireman’s carries, but Bronson’s so bulky!

Fans fire up as Bravo manages the T K O!! Cover, TWO!! Bronson survives but Bravo tags Johnson! Johnson stands Bronson up but Bronson ELBOWS! Tag to Jameson and he climbs, but Johnson avoids the ax handles! Johnson spins Jameson around, dragon sleeper, SAVING GRACE! Cover, Johnson & The Infantry win!

Winners: The Infantry & Lee Johnson, by pinfall

Big Shotty hits the shot that finishes this one! Will this trio be the one taking aim at the ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championships?


Nyla Rose looks through someone’s ring gear?

The Native Beast can’t make heads or tails of it. Are these shorts? Pants? Shants? Nah, they’re trash. She throws them in the trash! Lexi walks in and asks what’s going on. Nyla says she’s getting a jump on Spring Cleaning! But these are Athena’s gear! Oh, well Nyla would hope so, her name’s on the butt. Lexi says Nyla can’t throw these away! Watch her! But these were handmade! Oh, true, Nyla does like that red one, she’ll keep that for herself. Who does Nyla think she is!? Oh, who does Nyla think she is? Allow her to tell us exactly who she thinks she is.

Nyla brings Lexi in close as she says she “thinks” she’s the one who won a Casino Battle Royal and eliminated a lot of other women to earn her right to face Riho on the first-ever AEW Dynamite to crown the first-ever AEW Women’s World Champion. Nyla “thinks” she’s the one who became the second-ever AEW Women’s World Champion. And Nyla “thinks” she’s the one who got rid of Lexi’s former boss by putting her through a door. “PIPPIN!” Nyla throws the rest of the gear away. So that makes Nyla the new Minion Overlord, which makes Lexi one of Nyla’s Minions, which makes Billie Starkz one of Nyla’s Minions.

So they will do what Nyla says, when she says it. That is why she is here sending a message: Wrap it up, toss it out, and put it in the bin. Athena is not coming back. Is this really the best way to get Billie to cooperate? Oh, Lexi, you’re so funny. Billie is going to cooperate, as will Lexi, because Nyla is the NEW Minion Overlord. So grab the camera, Minion. What? Yeah, grab the camera. Grab the camera, Lexi Nair! GRAB! THE! CAMERA! Put it on your shoulder! And you, cameraman, c’mere! He tries to explain that the camera is expensive equipment, Lexi isn’t really qualified. Oh? Is the cameraman qualified to operate a phone?

Nyla shoves the phone into the guy’s hand and says they’re doing the Ceiling Fan Challenge! GET ON THE TABLE! HURRY UP! The cameraman stands up, he says it isn’t safe. Nyla says right, it isn’t. POWERBOMB through a table!! “Was that message loud and clear, Billie Starkz? FALL IN LINE, OR FALL DOWN! Like your oh so precious Fallen Goddess!” Nyla laughs as she storms off, what is to become of the ROH Women’s Division with the Native Beast doing whatever she wants?


Billie Starkz VS Tootie Lynn!

Judging from the smile on her face, Billie doesn’t realize what Nyla has been doing and saying tonight. Will that help Billie keep her focus on her match? Or will things just go from bad to worse tonight?

The Code of Honor is upheld and the bell rings. St. Louis rallies up for their won as Tootie and Billie tie up. Billie wrenches, wristlocks, but Tootie reaches out. Billie keeps Tootie from ropes, they clinch, and then end up on ropes. The ref counts, Billie lets off but then whips. Tootie holds ropes to stop herself, then BOOTS Billie away! Tootie runs up, but into a pop-up and LARIAT! Billie then bumps Tootie off buckles, fires forearms, and she snapmares to KICK Tootie! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up but Billie brings Tootie up. Billie whips but Tootie stops herself. Tootie then RANAS Billie away! Fans fire up and Tootie waistlocks.

Billie fights the lift to victory roll and AKNLE LOCK! Tootie endures so Billie SMASHES the leg! Billie stomps Tootie, talks trash on her, and fans boo. Billie huffs and puffs and she ROCKS Tootie! Tootie falls over, Billie stalks her, and Billie mocks the fans rallying for Tootie. Tootie throws body shots, but Billie sweeps the legs! Billie then AX HANDLES Tootie down! Cover, TWO! Billie argues with the ref and throws a fit, just like Athena. Billie storms back up to Tootie, whips her to a corner, but Tootie goes up and over! Tootie then KICKS, KICKS and KICKS! Fans fire up for Tootie but Billie blocks to KNEE and HEEL KICK!

Tootie falls, Billie drags her to a drop zone, then Billie goes up. Billie is up top, to SWANTON BOMB! Cover, Billie wins!

Winner: Billie Starkz, by pinfall

Billie smiles as she slays “The Little Blue Dragon.” But will that smile turn into a frown after learning what Nyla’s been up top?


Ethan Page VS Kody Lane!

All Ego wants after the ROH World Television Championship, so he’s fighting his way up to earn his shot. Will he keep going towards keeping that promise to his daughter? Or will Kody show he’s #AlwaysReady for an opportunity?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and Ethan circles with Kody. They tie up, go around, and Ethan headlocks. Kody powers up and out, things speed up, and Kody hurdles. Kody runs now but Ethan back drops him! Fans fire up with Ethan and he runs corner to corner, but Kody RAMS into him! Kody then JUMP STOMPS! Ethan staggers, Kody runs up but Ethan ROCKS Kody first! Ethan runs, but into a DROPKICK! Ethan ends up in a corner, Kody runs up but Ethan puts him on the apron. Ethan POSTS Kody, swings on him, but Kody ducks to DECK Ethan! Kody slingshots, but onto Ethan’s KNEES! Ethan runs up to run Kody over!

Fans fire up again and Ethan drags Kody up. Canadian Rack but Kody slips free! Kody kicks, Ethan blocks but Kody BOOTS Ethan down! Kody kips up and fans fire up as he points to a corner. Kody runs, top rope springboards but Ethan dodges it! Canadian Rack, EGO’S EDGE! Cover, Ethan wins!

Winner: Ethan Page, by pinfall

Kody went big but it cost him against a veteran like Ethan! Ethan keeps the Code of Honor with Kody, will All Ego continue on towards the ROH World TV Championship?


Backstage interview with Jerry Lynn.

Lexi is with a member of the Board of Directors and is glad to have this moment to talk. But then wait! Dalton Castle rushes a door! Johnny TV laughs from behind it, this is continuing from where last week left off! Lexi and Jerry walk over to calm Castle down, and Castle says he’s gonna smash Johnny’s face! NO, Castle, you can’t do this! Do you wanna get suspended? NO, he wants to SMASH Johnny’s face! Castle keeps rushing the door but Jerry pulls him aside. Jerry tells Castle to pull himself together but Castle says YOU pull yourself together! Jerry tells Castle to snap out of it, and then SLAPS him!

Johnny walks out into the hall and says Castle can’t have a match with Johnny until he’s “TV ready.” Now, if you’ll excuse Johnny, he’s gotta split. And then he does the splits! And then someone tows Johnny away! Oh, it’s Taya. She laughs at “Loser” Castle, and then leaves. Castle is fuming and he storms off, will Jerry have to use his authority to settle this?


Abadon VS Robyn Renegade!

The Living Dead Girl may have missed out on the AEW Women’s World Championship, and the AEW TBS Championship, but perhaps third time is the charm! Will Abadon get in on the ROH Women’s Television Championship Tournament? Or will even she fail to bring down this Renegade?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and Robyn talks trash. Abadon reels her in, so Robyn pushes her. Robyn says Abadon’s nothing, then she pie faces her! Abadon HEADBUTTS Robyn down! Abadon fires off fists, Robyn gets away, but Abadon storms up on her. Robyn throat chops, whips, but Abadon reverses. Abadon runs in to clothesline, and clothesline, and clothesline! Abadon sits Robyn down, goes corner to corner and METEORAS! Fans rally up, Abadon pushes Robyn out, to run and BASEMENT CODE BREAKER! Cover, TWO! Robyn pushes Abadon away but Abadon whips. Robyn reverses, runs in, but is put on the apron.

Robyn counter punches Abadon, then RAMS into her! Robyn drags Abadon into the ropes to BOOT her down! Robyn pushes Abadon in, covers, TWO! Fans rally but Robyn rains down fists! Robyn drags Abadon up, whips her to a corner, but Abadon ELBOWS back! Abadon sends Robyn in, but Robyn slips out to the apron! Abadon hits buckles, Robyn slingshots in to atomic FACEBUSTER into buckles! Then BACKSTABBER! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up as Abadon survives and rises up! Robyn seethes, slaps Abadon around and talks more trash. Robyn keeps talking trash but Abadon says ROBYN is nothing! Then Abadon BITES Robyn’s arm!

Fans fire up, Abadon lets off to LARIAT! And LARIAT! Abadon runs, tilt-o-whirls and RANAS! Then CUTTER! Cover, TWO! Robyn survives but Abadon stands Robyn up. Abadon whips, pops Robyn up but Robyn slips away. Robyn manages a fireman’s carry, for a WIDOWMAKER! Cover, TWO!! Robyn is frustrated but she pushes Abadon around. Robyn drags Abadon up, clinches, but Abadon arm-drags free! Abadon then SUPERKICKS and Robyn falls to her knees! Abadon hooks Robyn up, for BLACK DAHLIA!! Cover, Abadon wins!

Winner: Abadon, by pinfall

Spooky, scary and victorious, Abadon shrieks into the night! Will ROH soon become a Ring of Horrors with the Living Dead Girl haunting the division?


Four Corner Survival: Slim J VS JD Drake VS Josh Woods w/ Mark Sterling VS Rocky Romero!

There are many titles to chase in ROH, the world title chief among them. Will the Trustbuster’s OG, the Workhorseman’s Scrap Metal, Smart Mark’s Technical Beast or Best Friend’s Azucar make big strides in heading for The Mad King, Eddie Kingston?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and then Woods and Slim go after Rocky and JD! Woods ROCKS Rocky and sends him out, but JD doesn’t budge as Slim J fires off shots! JD then ROCKS Slim J in return! JD TOSSES Slim J, then he stares down Woods. Fans rally up with “Beat That Meat!” JD says okay, and he dares Woods to try. Woods fires a forearm, but JD fires it back! JD eggs Woods on so Woods fires again! Woods eggs JD on, JD ROCKS him! Woods ROCKS JD! JD ROCKS Woods again! The fans chant “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” with every shot! Woods CHOPS, but JD just stares him down!

JD winds up to CHOP back! Woods fires up and eggs JD on! JD swings, Woods gets under and he GERMAN SUPLEXES! Woods storms around but JD rises! JD clinches to EXPLODER! Fans fire up and Sterling coaches Woods. JD runs up but Woods sends him out! JD lands on his feet to drag Woods out, and they both ROCK the other! Rocky and Slim both DIVE to take the big men down! Fans fire up with Rocky, then he fires off hands with Slim J! Rocky CHOPS then whips, but Slim reverses to send Rocky in. Rocky keeps moving, he slides under, ducks ‘n’ dodges, then goes Spider-Man!

Slim runs in but Rocky sends him out! Fans rally up, Rocky builds speed, and he DIVES, but into Woods’ arms! Woods carries Rocky around to then EXPLODER to the floor! Sterling fires up, JD BOOTS Slim, but Woods CLUBS JD! Woods ROCKS JD in the back, he and Slim then double whip JD into steel steps! Woods then brings Rocky around, puts him in for Slim, and Slim CLUBS Rocky on the back! Slim snapmares Rocky, runs, and BASEMENT BLOCKBUSTERS! Woods storms in, he drags Rocky up to whip him to a corner. Woods then DECKS Rocky! Woods and Slim drag Rocky up and Woods fireman’s carries.

Rocky slips free, he sends Woods into Slim! Rocky UPPERCUTS Woods, rolls him up, but Slim breaks it up! Slim stomps away on Rocky, covers, but Rocky has the ropes! Slim lets off, then whips and LARIATS Rocky down! Slim WRECKS JD with a dropkick to keep him out! Woods hauls Rocky up, he and Slim double back suplex, but Rocky lands out! Rocky dodges Woods to RANA Slim! Then Rocky spins Woods around, uses Slim to kick off, TORNADO DDT! Fans fire up while all four men are down! JD slides back into the ring, and he CHOPS Slim in a corner! Clothesline on Woods in a corner!

Slim runs in but JD sends him into Woods! JD back drops Slim, then sends Woods into Slim! NECKBREAKER DDT COMBO! Fans fire up with JD but Rocky runs up to CHOP! JD doesn’t flinch and Rocky apologizes. JD CHOPS Rocky, whips him, but Rocky ducks ‘n’ dodges to RANA! JD bails out and Rocky goes up! Fans fire up as Rocky aims, SUPE CROSSBODY takes everybody down! The fans fire up from that “sugar high crash,” and Rocky puts Slim back in. Rocky aims, runs up, but Slim slips free of Sliced Bread! Slim blocks a kick, ducks the enzigiri but not the HEEL KICK! Slim falls, Rocky covers, but Woods deadlifts Rocky away! GERMAN SUPLEX!

Woods runs up to KNEE Rocky down! Woods hauls Rocky back up, fireman’s carries, GRIT YOUR TEETH! Rocky falls out but JD returns, JD clinches to BELLY2BELLY Woods! JD runs corner to corner, CANNONBALL! JD drags Woods to a drop zone, goes up top, and fans fire up for the SCRAP METAL SAULT! Cover, but Slim SPLASHES it apart!! Fans fire up and Slim takes aim, ENZIGIRI! Slim goes up a corner, SKYWALKER PELE!! Rocky returns, to serve SLICED BREAD!! Cover, Rocky wins!!

Winner: Rocky Romero, by pinfall

Fans fire up with Azucar, he is ready to bring some heat to a title scene! Will Rocky be going after Eddie Kingston and that Continental Triple Crown?


ROH World Tag Team Championships Proving Ground Match: The Undisputed Kingdom VS Gravity & Gringo Loco!

Matt Taven & Mike Bennett got through their first defense with these titles, and are now looking for more competition. Will they get more than what they bargained for in the Astronaut of Lucha and the Crazy White Boy? Or will they be undisputed in ten minutes or less?

The teams sort out and Taven starts against Gringo. They keep the Code of Honor, the bell rings, and then Taven kicks low! Taven fires off haymakers, whips corner to corner, but Gringo reverses. Taven goes up and over, keeps moving, slides under the hurdle, then DROPKICKS Gringo! Because “IIIIII’M Matt Taven!” Taven CHOPS Gringo, whips, but Gringo reverses. Taven cartwheels over, keeps moving, sidesteps and springboards to FLYING ARM-DRAG! Fans fire up, but then Gringo DROPKICKS Taven! Gringo CHOPS, whips, but Taven reverses. Gringo stops himself to STANDING MOONSAULT!

Fans rally, Gringo drags Taven over to tag in Gravity. Gravity fires off forearms, then CHOPS! Fans rally behind Gravity as he whips, but Taven reverses. Gravity handsprings, Taven blocks the back elbow but Gravity uses that to arm-drag! Taven ends up in a corner, Gravity drop toeholds him, then steps over an arm to La Magistrol! TWO! Taven escapes but Gravity stays on him. Tag to Gringo, they bring Taven around and double whip him to an open corner. Gringo runs in to forearm! Gravity runs in to clothesline! Gringo gives Gravity a boost, FLYING RANA! Taven bails out and Bennett storms in, into DOUBLE SUPERKICKS!

Fans fire up as The Kingdom regroups outside, but Gringo coordinates with Gravity! Gringo holds the ropes down so Gravity can FLY! Direct hit and down goes The Kingdom! Gringo builds speed now, and he FLIES out onto everyone! Fans fire up as Gringo & Gravity get up, and Gravity space walks. Gravity whips Taven but Taven goes up the steps to hit a KICK OF THE KING! Gringo whips Bennett but he stops himself from hitting railing! Bennett then fireman’s carries Gringo to DEATH VALLEY DRIVER on the ramp! Gringo writhes, sits up, into JUST THE TIP of the knee! Taven drags Gringo up and throws him into the ring.

Taven covers, feet on the ropes! The ref sees that because it was so obvious! Taven argues with the ref, then drags Gringo up. Gringo throws body shots, haymakers, but Taven shoves him. Taven storms up to knee low, then whips. Gringo reverses but Taven hits a BLOCKBUSTER! Hot tag to Bennett and he storms up on Gringo. Bennett drags Gringo up, runs, and LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Gringo is hanging in there but Bennett DECKS Gravity! Fans boo but Bennett tells them to shut up. Bennett CHOPS Gringo, ROCKS him, and CHOPS again! Bennett stomps Gringo, tags Taven, and The Kingdom double whip.

Bennett hits a SPINEBUSTER, Taven hits a LIONSAULT but onto knees! Taven hurries to tag Bennett and Bennett grabs Gringo’s leg. Gringo ENZUGIRIS, hot tag to Gravity! He DOUBLE CROSSBODIES The Kingdom! But then The Kingdom kick low, double whip, but Gravity reverses to send Bennett away! Gravity ELBOWS Taven, runs up on Bennett, but Bennett hip tosses Gravity at ropes. Gravity uses that to rebound, he RANAS Taven away! Fans fire up and Gravity hurdles Bennett, to SNAP POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Bennett staggers up, runs in at Gravity, but Gravity rolls Bennett up, TWO!

Gravity deadlifts Bennett to POWERBOMB him! Gravity drags Bennett into a drop zone, tags in Gringo, and Gringo climbs! Gravity helps Gringo balance, for the SWITCHFOOT MOONSAULT! Cover, Taven breaks it! Gravity runs up to whip but Taven reverses, and he TOSSES Gravity out! Taven says Gravity’s a Melvin, and he AX HANDLES Gravity down, then sends him into steel steps! Bennett whips, Gringo goes up and up, but leaps into a SUPERKICK! Taven climbs, Bennett reels Gringo in! HAIL MARY PILEDRIVER!! Cover, The Kingdom wins!

Winner: The Undisputed Kingdom, by pinfall (denies Gringo Loco & Gravity a title match)

With only a minute to spare, Taven & Bennett finish this one off! No gold for Gringo & Gravity, but will there be even more gold in the future for The Undisputed Kingdom?

My Thoughts:

ROH really needs to sort itself out. The streaming player says one runtime, but then the On Demand upload is a very different runtime, and much longer. I thought this was gonna be an hour and 45 minutes, but then another half hour magically appeared to make it two hours and 15 minutes. And guess what? That half hour was unadvertised filler. Even so, I will say Zak Knight VS Aaron Solo was a solid match that showed Zak could deal with an actual challenge. And really good promo from Nyla before Billie got a good win. Billie has to confront Nyla next week to get this story really going, and to give Athena her moment to return.

Honestly, even other matches meant to build story (or at least momentum) felt like filler. Ethan got a decent match out of Kody Lane but it went quick because duh, Ethan was gonna win. Abadon got a good match out of Robyn Renegade but it was also on the shorter side, because duh, Abadon was gonna win. What would’ve been good for Ethan is if Kyle Fletcher walked out to kinda look Ethan over and then maybe brush him off. And then not just with Abadon but with all of the ROH Women’s Division midcard, we need Tony Khan to officially announce the tournament bracket already and get us on the road to inaugural Women’s TV Champion already.

In relation to that, really good Six Woman Tag with the Heels winning, making Taya and Diamante strong choices for that tournament. Leila Grey only just got back into ROH action, she needs a minute to get going. And good promo from Rachael Ellering and Leyla Hirsch to play up how this title is definitely getting in the way of their friendship. As such, that match-up needs to be saved for semifinals at the earliest. Depending on who they want to be the inaugural ROH Women’s Television Champion, it’d make sense if both of them lose out and have to mend the friendship, but we’d get a great match from them if only one could make it to the finals.

Really good Fatal 4, but all this filler took time away from that match being great. Good win for Rocky, though, I wouldn’t mind seeing him get his own shot at the ROH World TV Championship or even the Continental Triple Crown. Heck, Revolution will probably get a Continental Triple Crown match on the card, Eddie VS Rocky would be some solid stuff. And really good Proving Ground tag match, but I should’ve figured The Kingdom weren’t losing or even owing a title shot. And that means these Proving Ground matches are getting old because Tony Khan isn’t even letting someone last the ten minutes. Let someone last the ten minutes, then have them lose the actual title match after like 15 to 20 minutes of the challenger(s) showing their full skills.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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