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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (1/4/24)




ROH Wrestling 2023

Will the Aussie Arrow ruin the Return of the Mack?

To start 2024 off strong, Kyle Fletcher has his first defense of the ROH World Television Championship against Willie Mack! Will Kyle survive the Mack Attack?


  • Serpentico w/ Angelico VS Griff Garrison w/ Cole Karter; Griff wins.
  • Lance Archer VS JP Harlow; Archer wins.
  • Dalton Castle w/ The Boys VS “Pretty” Peter Avalon; Castle wins.
  • Queen Aminata VS Maya World; Aminata wins.
  • Triple Threat Tag: The Infantry VS “The Boys,” Brandon & Brent Tate VS Shane Taylor Promotions; STP wins.
  • Red Velvet VS Alex Gracia; Velvet wins.
  • Leyla Hirsch & Rachael Ellering VS Mercedes Martinez & Diamante; Mercedes & Diamante win.
  • ROH World Television Championship: Kyle Fletcher VS Willie Mack; Kyle wins and retains the title.
  • Six Man Tag: The Workhorsemen & Gringo Loco VS El Hijo del Vikingo, Komander & Lee Johnson; Vikingo, Komander & Johnson win.


AEW shares footage from after Worlds End.

Eddie Kingston sat backstage after winning the AEW Continental Classic finals, having won the AEW Continental Crown Championship and retained the ROH World and NJPW Strong Openweight Championships. “I think the best part of this whole thing was, uh, I was in there with Mox, the brother that I chose, and his wife, Renee, the sister that I chose. And I’d never beat him, I’d never beat Bryan, and it’s just… It’s a very surreal moment, doing it in New York, in LI, Strong Island, what up? Y’know, being NJPW Strong Openweight Champion, and what those letters mean to me means a lot. ROH World Champion, my mentor, Homicide.

“And now, being the first ever Continental Crown Champion, having three titles like my heroes before me… If you would’ve told me about this three years ago, four years- When was the Pandemic, Dom? About what? Three, four years?” Dom says it was about three. Eddie says it was all before he came to AEW, he would’ve told them they were playing with his emotions. But yeah, four years almost. Can’t believe it. There are a lot of thank you’s, but not here. Maybe the Media Scrum if he goes. He just doesn’t like media. Eddie is clearly humbled by the moment, but how much more history will the Mad King make in the New Year?


Serpentico w/ Angelico VS Griff Garrison w/ Cole Karter!

Spanish Announce Project puts the blame on Maria Kanellis’ baby boys for losing the 8 Man Tag, but the Ivy League MVP promises to show who was the weak link. Will Griff get a big win to start off his 2024? Or will this be the Year of the #SNAKEMAN?

The Code of Honor is upheld with Serpentico making Griff do a secret handshake. The bell rings, the fans rally up, but Griff shoves Serpentico. Serpentico runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, then tilt-o-whirl RANAS! Griff ends up in a corner, Serpentico back elbows! Serpentico whips, Griff reverses but Serpentico BOOTS him, then RANAS again! Serpentico DROPKICKS Griff out and the fans fire up! Serpentico builds speed, but Karter is there to stop him. Fans boo the Diamond in the Rough but Angelico CHOP BLOCKS Karter! But Griff CLOBBERS Serpentico! Fans boo as Griff throws down fists.

Griff snarls as he paces around, then he drags Serpentico up. Griff TOSSES Serpentico out, distracts the ref, and Karter lurks. The fans rally for “AUBREY EDWARDS!” and she sees Karter. Karter backs off, Griff goes out to SMACK Serpentico off the apron. Griff puts Serpentico in, stares Angelico down, but Angelico tells him to chill. Griff slides in, but Serpentico cradles! TWO, and Griff runs up. Serpentico ELBOWS him away, runs up, but into a LARIAT! Fans boo but Griff just paces around and seethes. Griff storms up on Serpentico as the fans rally. Griff hits a BIG back suplex, but the fans just boo.

Griff soaks it up, shows off the abs, and he goes back for Serpentico. Griff hits another BIG back suplex! Griff flexes but fans boo even more. Griff drags Serpentico up but Serpentico is a ragdoll. Griff still powers Serpentico up, but Serpentico slips out of the back suplex! Serpentico kicks, Griff blocks, and Griff UPPERCUTS! Then the ATOMIC FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Serpentico survives and the fans fire up! Griff scowls, he drags Serpentico up and reels him in again. But Serpentico fights free to CHOP! Griff ROCKS Serpentico in return! Griff reels Serpentico in to torture rack, and he thrashes Serpentico!

Serpentico slips free, schoolboy and SUPERKICK! Serpentico then dodges, to mule kick, forearm and SUPERKICK again! Serpentico runs up, COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, TWO! Griff is still in it and Karter cheers. Serpentico hurries to get Griff up, snap suplexes him into the drop zone, and fans rally as Serpentico climbs! Serpentico is up top, but Karter lurks again! Karter distracts, Angelico argues with him, the ref reprimands everybody! Angelico and Karter back off, Griff runs in but Serpentico jumps up and over! ROLLING ELBOW! Serpentico runs, but Griff follows and ROLLING ELBOW of his own!

Griff hauls Serpentico back up, torture rack, the thrash, and the BOMB! Cover, Griff wins!

Winner: Griff Garrison, by pinfall

Fans boo but Griff mockingly keeps the Code of Honor. Then he throws Angelico’s hat away! But wherever Maria is, will she be proud of her boys holding it down without her?


Dalton Castle w/ The Boys VS “Pretty” Peter Avalon!

The Peacock missed out on a TNT Championship title shot, but he still wants to be the star of ROH Television! Will Castle prove himself worthy of the spotlight? Or will his New Year not be pretty?

Castle is so disheveled, he’s eating his lunch on the way to the ring! He shares with The Boys, and has nothing to say for his usual spin around with the camera… Castle still gets in the ring and Avalon has no idea what to make of this. Fans still cheer for Castle, so he hasn’t lost their support. The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the fans also cheer on The Boys. Avalon and Castle square up and tie up. Castle sloppily pushes Avalon to the corner, lets off, and then flexes. The fans cheer and Avalon comes back. They knuckle lock, clinch, and Castle puts Avalon in the corner. Avalon turns things around, they end up on ropes, and Castle gets away.

Avalon has no idea what to make of this, but he still kicks. Castle blocks, Avalon holds ropes, and the ref counts. Castle stops at 4, and Avalon shoves him! Castle snarls and the fans fire up! Castle runs in but Avalon sends him into buckles. Castle ELBOWS back, goes up, but Avalon uses the ref as a shield! Avalon SHOVES Castle to the floor! Avalon then goes out to CHOP Castle, and POST him! Fans boo but Avalon swaggers over. Avalon taunts Castle, drags him up, and puts him in the ring. Avalon storms up to CLUB Castle down. Avalon chinlocks and he drags Castle around. Castle throws body shots as the fans rally up.

Castle gets free, runs back in, but Avalon ELBOWS him down! Cover, TWO! Avalon looms over Castle, drags him up into a chinlock, but the fans rally with “Let’s Go, Dalton!” Castle endures, fights up, and he has Avalon as a backpack. Castle RAMS Avalon into buckles, RAMS him again, and is free. Avalon runs up, he dodges Castle and SUPERKICKS! Then Avalon fireman’s carries for the DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, TWO! The fans fire up but Avalon puts Castle in a drop zone. Avalon climbs, fans boo, but Castle slowly rolls away. Avalon is annoyed as Castle gets out of the ring. Avalon storms out after Castle, and throws the sandwich at him!

Avalon puts Castle in, storms back up the steps to go up the corner, but Castle slow rolls away again! Fans cheer as Castle gets out. Castle leans against the commentary desk but Avalon storms over. Avalon SMACKS Castle off the apron, SMACKS him off it again, and then puts him back in. Avalon flexes, fans boo, but Avalon storms in after Castle. Castle clinches to EXPLODER! Fans fire up as Castle still has fire inside! Castle hits another EXPLODER! Castle clinches and has the EXPLODER again! Fans fire up while Avalon staggers to his feet. Castle Alabama Lifts, spins, BANGA- NO, the fire fizzles out! Avalon sunset flips, TWO!!

Castle runs up to BOOT Avalon! Castle slaps himself to get back in this, but Avalon JAWBREAKERS, and DOUBLE KNEES Castle in the back! Cover, TWO!! Avalon is frustrated but he drags Castle back up. Avalon whips, Castle reverses but Avalon KICKS him! But Castle blocks the lariat to ELBOW! And Alabama Lift! BANGARANG! Cover, Castle wins!

Winner: Dalton Castle, by pinfall

Castle tells “John TV” that he’s coming! He’s coming for revenge! Will The Peacock prove he is the true star of ROH?


Backstage interview with Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky.

Lexi Nair is with the reunited Men of the Year, and says we haven’t seen this in well over a year. And Scorpio has helped Ethan win week after week? What brough tall this one? Scorpio says he has this one. By the way, like the jacket? Yes, nice color. Men of the Year Style. But anyway, Ethan is the most talented man on the ROH roster. And he’s one of Scorpio’s best friend. No, scratch that, he is Scorpio’s brother. And not literal, he means Ethan is his brotha. Know what he’s saying? Ethan supported Scorpio during his run so Scorpio is supporting Ethan in his. Right now, Scorpio will take a back seat, it is Ethan’s time.

Scorpio actually moves back and puts on an imaginary seatbelt, but Ethan says no, stand up with him because like Lexi said, it’s been a whole year since they’ve done this. But this is the type of friend Scorpio is. Ethan came here to ROH for competition, and once he digested that, he added more and more. Personal trainer, someone on his side there. His wife and family have always supported Ethan. And then here came Scorpio. Now Ethan is fully back, fully supported, fully motivated, and in incredible shape. This is the best Ethan Page ever! Ever! He is ready for anything and everything even more.

Because Scorpio looked him in the eyes after that brutal and bloody I Quit Match, and Scorpio told Ethan that Ethan Page will honor the promise to his daughter to bring home gold. Ethan believes every word Scorpio said, he trusts Scorpio with his life. So if Scorpio keeps his promise, then they will be unstoppable. And it’s a New Year, they’re Men of the Year, so let’s start this off right. 2024 will be the Year of the Men of the Year. All Ego & The Closer are ready to take over, will ROH soon belong to them?


Triple Threat Tag: The Infantry VS “The Boys,” Brandon & Brent Tate VS Shane Taylor Promotions!

With The Undisputed Kingdom the NEW ROH World Tag Team Champions, they’re finally on top of the ROH Tag Division again. But that just means a new chase begins! Who wins big to start off 2024 on the right track?

The Code of Honor is upheld, and in this Triple Threat, only two teams are legal at a time. The Infantry stands down, and #TAIGASTYLE Lee Moriarty starts against Brent(?) Tate. They circle, the fans rally for The Boys, and Brandon ties up with Lee. Lee CHOPS, CHOPS and then whips. Brent goes up and over, arm-drags and armlocks. Fans rally but Lee fights up. Brent wrenches, tags Brandon, and the Boys double whip. They drop, hurdle, and DROPKICK! Then The Boys BLAST Shane Taylor! Brandon brings Lee up but Lee throat chops! And kicks! Then he tags Captain Dean and tells him to get in there.

Dean kicks Brandon, JABS, JABS and JABS! Brandon falls over, Dean brings him up and whips him to the corner. Dena runs in to clothesline! Tag to Bravo, Dean bumps Brandon off buckles, and then he runs to BLAST Shane while Bravo runs in to BOOT Brandon! Bravo then suplexes to a FALCON ARROW SIDE SLAM! Cover, TWO! Bravo brings Brandon up, tags Dean, and the Infantry DOUBLE SUPLEXES! Brandon calls for Dalton but he’s not here. Dean says “OORAH!” and runs, but Shane drags him out to DECK him! Bravo runs up but Shane HEADBUTTS! Shane is a one man army and he storms up on The Boys!

Fans rally for The Boys, they dodge Shane and then ENZIGURI, ENZIGURI, and then DOUBLE JUMP KNEE! They double wrench, DOUBLE SOLE FOOD, and the Infantry is back to DOUBLE SUPERKICK Shane out! Fans fire up, The Infantry DECKS the Boys! They toss Brent out, get Brandon up, and T K O into the GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Dean keeps cool and he calls to Bravo. Dean drags Brandon up and tags Bravo. Bravo calls the shot, they have Brandon up, but Shane tags in before BOOT CAMP! Bravo covers but he’s not legal, and then Shane SPLASHES him and Brandon!

Lee DIVES onto Brent & Dean! Shane TOSSES Bravo, Lee gets in, and he runs in to BOOT Brandon! Feed to Shane for the tuck and MARCUS GARVY DRIVER!! Cover, STP wins!

Winners: Shane Taylor Promotions, by pinfall

Bad Boy Shaney T. and Moriarty show their teamwork, and Shane says it’s THEIR time! You can’t stop what you can’t see, will ROH belong to STP?


Backstage interview with Griff & Karter.

Lexi congratulates Griff on the big win, how is he feeling? Karter interrupts by saying tonight’s win is dedicated to Maria. They know she’s home with her “kids,” (he even does air quotes) and Karter just wants to say they love and miss Maria. Griff agrees, and says not to brag but- Serpentico says no no no no! He won’t let the controversy stand! And then Angelico CHOP BLOCKS Karter again! Griff turns around, and Serpentico CHOP BLOCKS him! Spanish Announce Project isn’t letting Griff & Karter stand! Will they get revenge in a tag match down the line?


Leyla Hirsch & Rachael Ellering VS Mercedes Martinez & Diamante!

The LEGIT One and the Queen of Strong Smile aren’t letting Maria Kanellis tear them apart, and they aren’t letting the bullies talk down to them! Will they take the fight to the OG Badass & Cuban Diamond? Or is this where age and experience beats youth and exuberance?

The Code of Honor is upheld, mostly, and the teams sort out. Rachael starts against Diamante and the two circle. They tie up, Diamante headlocks, but Rachael powers up to carry Diamante. Diamante thrashes, but Rachael steps through to wrench and snapmare. Then ghost pin, TWO! Diamante is up but Rachael clinches. Tag to Leyla, she waistlocks but Diamante fights the hold. Diamante elbows, switches, but Rachael tags in before the O’Conner! Leyla fights off the Chaos Theory, sweeps the legs, and Rachael SENTONS! Cover, TWO! Rachael brings Diamante up but Diamante ROCKS her! But Rachael runs Diamante over!

The fans rally, Rachael brings Diamante over, tag to Leyla. Leyla ROCKS Diamante, whips her to a corner, then runs in. Diamante puts Leyla on the apron, Leyla ROCKS her again, but Mercedes trips Leyla up! Fans boo but Mercedes puts Leyla in the ropes. Diamante has Leyla for a HOTSHOT NECKBREAKER! Tag to Mercedes, she has Leyla in ropes for a DRAPING ANARCHY! Cover, TWO!! Leyla survives, but that was the closest Leyla’s ever come to being pinned. Mercedes puts Leyla in the corner and stomps a mudhole! The ref backs Mercedes off but Diamante CHOKES Leyla! Mercedes even sucker punches Rachael!

Fans boo but Mercedes tags Diamante. They get Leyla up to stomp another mudhole in. Diamante brings Leyla around to snap suplex, then cover, TWO! Leyla hangs in there but Diamante stays on her with an armlock. Leyla throws forearms, but Diamante WRINGS her out! Diamante wags her finger, then throws down HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! Cover, TWO! Diamante is frustrated but Leyla pushes her. Diamante KICKS Leyla down, then bumps her off buckles. Diamante eggs Leyla on, bumps her off more buckles, then soaks up the heat. Diamante digs her boots in, the ref counts, but Diamante lets off at 4.

Diamante stomps Leyla, stomps a mudhole even, but lets off again. Diamante has Leyla up, bumps her off Mercedes’ knee, then tags Mercedes in. Fans rally for Leyla but Mercedes kicks her around. Leyla hits back, KICKS a leg, then CLUBS Mercedes! Mercedes UPPERCUTS in return! Mercedes bumps Leyla off buckles, CLUBS her on the back, then tags in Diamante. Diamante bumps Leyla off buckles, sits her down and goes corner to corner. Fans rally and Diamante runs in, but Leyla avoids the dropkick! Fans rally more, Leyla crawls, but Diamante grabs a leg! Leyla hops up, ELBOWS free, and then hops up and over to GERMAN SUPLEX!

Fans fire up while both women are down! Leyla and Diamante stir, Mercedes reaches out, and Mercedes tags in! Hot tag to Rachael! Rachael dodges Mercedes, ROCKS Diamante, but Mercedes UPPERCUTS! Mercedes fires shots but Rachael gives those back! Rachael runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges to UPPERCUT! And SLINGBLADE! Rachael BLASTS Diamante, too! Rachael clotheslines Mercedes, reels her in, AOI SHODO!! Cover, Diamante breaks it! Diamante wheelbarrows to STUNNER! But Leyla KNEES Diamante down! Leyla hauls Diamante up to JACKHAMMER! Mercedes is up, and she SPINEBUSTERS Leyla!

Fans boo but Mercedes takes a bow. Mercedes calls to Diamante, then she wheelbarrows Leyla. But Rachael CLOBBERS Diamante! Rachael then takes Leyla away from Mercedes, but Mercedes fires off forearms and CHOPS on Rachael! Diamante runs up to ASAI DDT! Mercedes fireman’s carries Rachael, tucks her, AIR RAID CRASH! Cover, Mercedes & Diamante win!

Winners: Mercedes Martinez & Diamante, by pinfall

The OG Badass and Cuban Diamond get the win, but Rachael has the moral victory of being a strong teammate. Leyla appreciates that and they shake hands. Will she and Leyla be able to rebound and prove they can be champions? Or will Mercedes & Diamante beat them to that, too?


ROH World Television Championship: Kyle Fletcher VS Willie Mack!

Speaking of champions, The Aussie Arrow won his first singles title in the first Survival of the Fittest to ever directly crown a champion. But will he make it through his first defense? Or will the Return of the Mack be a victorious one?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if Kyle continues to make history!

The Code of Honor is not upheld as Kyle kicks the hand away. The bell rings, the two circle, and the fans rally for Mack. They tie up, are in a deadlock, but Kyle pulls hair and puts Mack in a corner. Fans boo, the ref counts, and Kyle lets off. Kyle now offers the handshake, but then kicks Mack low! Kyle headlocks for the takeover and Mack is frustrated for falling that. Mack powers up, powers out, but Kyle RAMS Mack! Mack stays up, so Kyle headlocks. Mack blocks the takeover, brings Kyle up and powers out. Things speed up, Kyle hurdles but Mack leaps over! Mack counters a hip toss with an arm-drag!

Kyle staggers up, fans fire up, and Mack wheelbarrows to then arm-drag again! Kyle staggers back up, Mack ducks ‘n’ dodges and RANAS! Fans fire up as Mack continues to defy physics! Kyle goes to a corner, Mack runs up, but Kyle catches the crossbody!? Kyle defies belief as he swings and SIDE SLAMS Mack! Kyle goes to another corner, the fans rally for Mack, but then Kyle rains down fists from all sides! Mack guards but Kyle gets through to throw some heavy shots! Kyle soaks up the cheers and jeers, then stalks Mack to a corner. Kyle CHOPS Mack, fans “WOO~!” and Mack sputters. Kyle grinds forearms into Mack, then CHOPS again!

Mack turns things around to CHOP Kyle! Fans “WOO~!” as Mack stalks Kyle to a corner. Mack CHOPS again! Kyle sputters and sits down, but Mack stands him up. Fans want that “One More Time!” so Mack runs, but Kyle CLOBBERS him! Cover, TWO! Mack stays in this but Kyle stays focused. The fans rally for Mack and Kyle is confused. Kyle mocks them, goes back to Mack, and Kyle scoops to SLAM Mack! Kyle then drags Mack back up, scoops and SLAMS again! Fans are torn as Kyle drags Mack up again. Kyle scoops but he’s tiring out! Kyle then shifts to fire forearms on Mack, and he reels Mack in.

Kyle scoops, Mack slips free, runs and LARIATS! And WHEEL KICKS! Fans fire up with Mack as Kyle staggers around. Mack scoops for a SLAM of his own! Kyle goes to a corner, Mack runs up and CANNONBALLS! Fans fire up again, and Mack sets up to Mack-a-re-na~ STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Mack stalks Kyle to ropes as fans rally up. Mack whips but Kyle blocks. Mack tries again, Kyle still holds on, so Mack SLAPS Kyle! Mack whips, Kyle reverses and clinches, COBRA CLUTCH PLEX! Fans fire up, Kyle snarls and aims at Mack. Fans rally as Mack rises up, and Kyle runs in to HELLUVA KICK!

Kyle whips corner to corner, Mack goes up and over and handsprings! But into a CYCLONE KICK!! Kyle drags Mack back up, reels him in, and suplexes, for the BRAINBUSTER!! Cover, TWO?!? Mack survives and shocks everyone! Mack sputters and Kyle is still confused as to why fans are cheering for Mack. Kyle aims, runs, but Mack GAMANGIRIS first!! Kyle turns inside out and sits up in a daze! Mack has the fans with him as he rises again! Kyle flounders, Mack reels him in, but Kyle fights the driver! Mack still gets Kyle up, Canadian Rack, for the SPLASH MOUNTAIN!! Kyle flops from the buckle bomb, and Mack grabs the legs!

Mack ties up Kyle’s legs, TEXAS CLOVERLEAF here in the heart of Texas!! Kyle endures, fights around, and has the ROPEBREAK! Mack lets go in frustration and Kyle drags himself to a corner. Mack storms over, he gets the legs, but Kyle kicks him away. Mack runs back up, blocks a boot, but Kyle SUPERKICKS! Kyle hops up but Mack UPPERCUTS! Mack climbs while Kyle wobbles, and Mack brings Kyle up. But Kyle scoops Mack, SUPER MICHINOKU DRIVER!! Cover, TWO?!?! Mack survives again and the fans are thunderous! Kyle fires up, runs, BLINDSIDE CALF KICK! And then the hammerlock, the scoop, but Mack’s too much!

Kyle shifts position, lifts Mack up, for a PILEDRIVER!! Cover, Kyle wins!!

Winner: Kyle Fletcher, by pinfall (still ROH World Television Champion)

A powerful first title defense, and perhaps proof as to why Kyle Fletcher is the future! Is this truly just the beginning of a historic reign for Kyle Fletcher?


Backstage interview with Dalton Castle.

Lexi congratulates him on the win earlier tonight, and he has barely any energy to thank her for it. Lexi does want to bring things back to last week, Castle costing Johnny TV a match. That was surely in retaliation for Johnny costing Castle at Final Battle, so are they even now? Castle says no, they are NOT! Castle is exhausted! He hasn’t slept since Final Battle, as he worries about the state of ROH. Yes, fans want to see him win, so he digs deep and pulls it off. But there’s clearly something missing. John TV causing Castle to lose out on the ROH TV Championship has taken everything from Castle.

Castle has had this connection with the ROH viewers that nobody has had! And now, it’s like John has unplugged that connection. But then in walk Johnny TV & Taya Valkyrie. Johnny tells “Bland Man” that maybe if Castle kept sticking his feathers in the face of a guy who can do it better, maybe he’d sleep better at night instead of crying like a baby. Castle made Johnny look like an idiot in front of the one person he cares about, his beautiful wife, Taya! Castle says shut up! SHUT UP! Johnny took everything from Castle! Johnny says yeah, and he’ll keep taking!

Castle says Johnny screwed this all up! Castle will not rest until he has satisfaction! He wants to smash Johnny’s face in! Taya steps between them and has Lexi hold her sunglasses. Castle will NOT smash this beautiful face. Taya and Johnny make out right here. Ew. Taya says that face of Johnny’s is HERS, loser. A match with Johnny? In Castle’s dreams. If he can sleep. Johnny & Taya head out, Lexi says La Wera Loca sure is wild. Castle does not agree. But when and where will we see Castle and Johnny have it out once and for all?


Six Man Tag: The Workhorsemen & Gringo Loco VS El Hijo del Vikingo, Komander & Lee Johnson!

JD Drake & Anthony Henry join up with one Crazy White Boy to stand against the AAA Mega Champion, the AAA World Cruiserweight Champion, and Big Shotty! With this being a New Year, who gets into pole position in all the different title chases of 2024?

The fans rally for Vikingo while the trios sort out. Johnson and Henry start and they circle. They feel things out, then Henry kicks low. Henry headlocks, Johnson powers up and out, but Henry runs him over! Henry flexes, fans boo, and things speed up. Johnson hurdles, but Henry avoids the dropkick. Henry taunts Johnson, runs, but into a DROPKICK! And then another DROPKICKS! Johnson wrenches, but Henry whips and CLOBBERS him! Tag to Gringo Loco but Johnson tags in Komander. Fans fire up as these two circle, then things speed up. Komander goes up, Gringo sets him down and CHOPS!

Gringo goes to run but Komander trips him, handsprings over him, then comes back to tilt-o-whirl, and rebound off ropes to RANA! Fans fire up, Gringo runs up but Komander bumps him. Both men fake each other out, but Komander goes up and up. Electric Chair, but Gringo stops the Poison Rana, only to get a regular RANA! Komander runs up, Gringo pops him up but Komander headstands! Gringo runs back in, Komander dodges and bumps Gringo off buckles. Komander then double jumps to FLYING DRAGON RANA!! The fans are thunderous and Komander DROPKICKS Gringo! JD tags in, but so does Vikingo!

Fans fire up as Vikingo shows off with his springboard front flip entrance. JD says bet, and he somersaults! Fans cheer Vikingo more, but JD CHOPS him! JD eggs Vikingo on, so Vikingo winds up and CHOPS! JD swings, misses, and Vikingo mule kicks. JD grabs hair but Vikingo PELES! And SOBATS! Vikingo then whips, but JD reverses. Vikingo goes out, JD hits buckles, then Vikingo GAMANGIRIS! Vikingo double jumps for a FLYING ARM-DRAG! Fans fire up again, Vikingo and JD speed up, and JD RANAS?! JD says that’s right! Vikingo is just as surprised, but things keep moving as he ducks ‘n’ dodges and TORNILLO RANAS!

JD bails out, fans fire up and Vikingo builds speed. But Henry gets a cheap shot! Gringo BLASTS the corner, and Henry sends Vikingo for Gringo to send Vikingo out onto everyone else! Gringo then builds speed to FLY! Direct hit onto Komander, Vikingo & Johnson! Fans fire up, and JD gets Vikingo up to rebound off ropes to DECK him! JD then puts Vikingo back in, Henry is up top, and he FROG SPLASHES! JD covers, TWO! Fans rally up, JD brings Vikingo around, and JD shoves Vikingo to the corner. SPLASH, then a tag to Henry. Feed, RAM, FOREARM, DDT! Cover, TWO! Henry hauls Vikingo up and hits a BIG back suplex!

Tag to Gringo Loco and the fans rally up. Gringo brings Vikingo up to CHOP! Gringo whips, trophy lifts and then POWERSLAMS Vikingo! Cover, TWO! Vikingo hangs in there but he’s dazed. Gringo drags Vikingo over, tags in Henry, but fans rally up. Henry stomps Vikingo, mocks the fans, then brings Vikingo up. Vikingo throws body shots but Henry CLUBS him. Henry taunts the fans into rallying for Vikingo. Henry whips, Vikingo scarecrow rebounds to duck under! Vikingo keeps rolling, hot tag to Lee Johnson! Big Shotty dodges Henry to BLAST Gringo, then he LARIATS Henry! And LARIATS! And elbows, and NECKBREAKER!

Johnson kips up, the fans fire up, and tag to Komander. Johnson FLIES onto Henry, Komander springboards to DOUBLE CROSSBODY Gringo & JD! Komander knuckle locks them both, fires KICKS on them both, then runs up the ropes to ARABIAN PRESS DOUBLE ARM-DRAG! JD & Gringo tumble out, Johnson ROCKS JD and SUPERKICKS Gringo! Vikingo climbs up, Komander climbs up to join him, and they help each other to ARIHARA MOONSAULT! Down go Gringo and JD!! The fans are thunderous, Komander puts Henry in and Vikingo tags in.
“This is Awesome!” as Vikingo torture racks Henry, to BURNING HAMMER KNEE!!

Vikingo then has Henry in a corner, GAMANGIRIS, and he goes up, to DRAGON RAN- NO, Henry blocks to SITOUT BOMB!! Cover, TWO!!! Vikingo survives but Henry hurries up top! But Vikingo kips up to trip Henry up! Vikingo rolls, tags Komander, and they both hurry after Henry now. Komander climbs up to get Henry, Vikingo gives him an Electric Chair Lift, but then Gringo has them both in an Electric Chair! Fans fire up for this double decker, Gringo hits a DOUBLE SPINNING POWERBOMB!!! Fans lose thier minds, and Henry DOUBLE STOMPS Komander!! Cover, JOHNSON BREAKS IT!!

The fans fire up but Gringo tags back in. Gringo says he’s gonna kill this guy! Gringo CHOPS and CHOPS and SOBATS Komander, then runs, but into a SUPERKICK! Komander comes back, wheelbarrow and victory roll sunset flip! High stack, Komander’s team wins!!

Winners: El Hijo Del Vikingo, Komander & Lee Johnson, by pinfall

A hybrid lucha and technical move finishes this red hot main event! Vikingo and Komander have titles, will Big Shotty look to get one of his own? Is this just the beginning of a great 2024 for ROH?

My Thoughts:

Just over 90 minutes makes for a really good ROH, but yeah, I still skipped stuff. But when Lance Archer and Queen Aminata are advertised for matches but no given opponents, you know they’re winning. Still a great showing from Maya World against Aminata, even in losing. Red Velvet also got a good ROH debut tonight in a win over Alex Gracia. Aminata and Velvet might each have a chance getting at the ROH Women’s TV Championship since the AEW Women’s World and TBS Championship scenes are pretty full. Really good match from Leyla & Rachael VS Mercedes & Diamante, and I like how they kept Leyla & Rachael strong in defeat with that friendship sacrifice type move.

Good story stuff with Griff & Karter cheating to beat Serpentico but then SAP getting a quick revenge backstage. Then good match from Castle with Avalon. Castle playing all disheveled is hilarious stuff, really works for the story. Good promo with Johnny & Taya, and that grudge match has to be coming sooner rather than later. I almost didn’t cover the Triple Threat Tag, but then I figured with new tag champs, all tag stories would finally get going, and big win for Shane & Moriarty. And great promo from Ethan & Scorpio. I feel like Men of the Year really should start on like a Two Man Power Trip, where they get the tag titles as well as singles titles.

Great ROH World TV Championship title defense, which I would’ve made the actual main event, even though that Six Man Tag was great stuff, too. But the Six Man Tag was just kinda for the hell of it, even if there is history between Gringo and Komander. Card order stuff like this is always gonna hold ROH and Tony Khan back in my opinion, because it just doesn’t make sense! This was Kyle’s first defense of a singles title, he has been putting in great work all year, he should get the spotlight of the main event. And Mack’s just great anyway, so that spotlight would be good stuff for him, too.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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