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Mitchell’s NJPW Road to New Beginning Results & Report! (2/4/24)

Let the faction warfare begin!



United Empire VS Bullet Club War Dogs all over the road!

Before Will Ospreay’s final NJPW match, his United Empire look to defend their gold! Will Catch 2/2 still be IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions?


  • 10 Man Tag: Shota Umino, El Desperado, Togi Makabe, YOSHI-HASHI & Boltin Oleg VS The House of Torture; The House of Torture wins.
  • Six Man Tag: El Phantasmo, Hikuleo & Tomoaki Honma VS Bullet Club; Bullet Club wins.
  • 8 Man Tag: Hiroshi Tanahashi, Tomohiro Ishii, Ryusuke Taguchi & YOH VS TMDK; TMDK wins.
  • 10 Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Just5Guys; Just5Guys win.
  • Jeff Cobb Great-O-Khan VS Alex Coughlin; Khan wins.
  • HENARE VS Gabe Kidd; Double TKO Draw.
  • Callum Newman VS David Finlay; Finlay wins.
  • IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championships: Catch 2/2 VS Clark Connors & “Drilla” Dan Moloney; Connors & Moloney win and become the new IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions.


The War Dogs are attacking Jeff Cobb!

The show hasn’t even officially started, and the Imperial Unit has to fight off David Finlay, Alex Coughlin & Gabe Kidd! Young Lions rush in but they’re thrown away, and the Dogs keep on stomping! Finlay even CHOKES Cobb! Gedo grins as his pack of jackals keep Cobb down with fists! Fans boo but Finlay soaks it up and flips everyone off. The Rebel leads his gang away, will Cobb even be able to face Coughlin later tonight? Has Bullet Club already won the war with the United Empire?


Great-O-Khan VS Alex Coughlin!

Sadly no, Cobb was not medically cleared after the assault by the War Dogs. In his stead, the NEW KOPW Champion steps up. Can the Dominator avenge Cobb? Or will the Dreadnought bring down another soldier of the Empire?

The bell rings and the fans rally as the two circle. They feel things out, tie up and clinch, go around, and Khan goes for a leg. Coughlin blocks, they clinch again, go around, and Khan waistlocks. Coughlin wrenches free but Khan clinches again. Coughlin avoids a leg trip but Khan picks him up to RAM him into a corner! The ref counts the ropebreak, Khan lets off slowly, but then Mongolian Chops! The fans cheer, and Khan Mongolian Chops again! And then again! Khan brings Coughlin around, to CLUB him on the back. Fans fire up as Khan climbs, and he sits upon his throne! The ref counts and Coughlin flails but Khan says this is what he gets!

Khan then says here goes, and the fans count along with the hip drops! Khan gets all the way to nine but Coughlin slips out to YANK Khan down! Fans boo while Coughlin grumbles, “Chikusho! <Dammit!>” Coughlin stomps away on Khan’s leg then drops an elbow on it. Coughlin has a toehold but Khan fights up. Coughlin pushes him down and traps the leg, then pulls on Khan’s beard! The ref counts, Coughlin lets go and rolls Khan to tie up the legs. Khan endures the modified deathlock, grabs at Coughlin’s head, but Coughlin bridges up to then get around! Coughlin keeps on the legs, and then straitjackets Khan, for a BRIDGING BOW ‘N’ ARROW!

Khan endures being bent and twisted and the fans rally. Coughlin does a headstand! Then again, then rolls back to have the proper BOW ‘N’ ARROW! The fans cheer the feat of strength, but Khan endures and flails around. He pops free, but Coughlin rolls him into a double armlock! Coughlin traps one arm with his legs, then top wristlocks the other arm! Khan still endures, still fights around, and he reaches out with his legs. Coughlin pulls on the hold, but Khan makes it to the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer, Coughlin smothers Khan, but lets off at 4. Coughlin stomps Khan, drags him up by his hair, and reels him in.

Khan blocks the suplex but Coughlin throws body shots. Coughlin suplexes, but Khan fights that into a suplex in return! The fans fire up while both men are down! Khan rises and the fans rally. Khan storms up on Coughlin, hits a fireman’s carry takeover, then brings him up for a double wrist monkey flip! Then he brings Coughlin up but Coughlin blocks the hip toss! They both go around, fighting for control! Khan then reels Coughlin in for a SAYANAGI! Cover, TWO! So into the KATAGATAME! Coughlin endures the head ‘n’ arm triangle, the fans rally, and Khan leans his weight on the hold!

Khan drags Coughlin up, clinches, and hits a T-BONE SUPLEX! And back to KATAGATAME! The fans fire up, Coughlin endures, and Khan leans his weight on the hold! Coughlin reaches out with a foot for the ROPEBREAK! Khan lets off to scuff Coughlin. Khan hauls Coughlin up to a torture rack, but Coughlin fights free! GERMAN SUPLEX! Khan flounders and the fans rally up. Coughlin runs in to RAM Khan, UPPERCUT him, and CHOP! Fans cheer that one, and Coughlin brings Khan out to scoop. FALL AWAY SLAM! Coughlin hurries to cover, TWO! Khan is still in this and the fans rally up again!

Coughlin drags Khan up, winds up, and LARIATS Khan back down! Cover, TWO! Khan is showing his toughness and the fans rally up again. Coughlin and Khan both rise, and Coughlin hauls Khan up for a gut wrench! Khan fights the suplex to gut wrench back! GUT WRENCH PLEX! But Coughlin rises right up! He kicks low, and GUT WRENCH PLEXES in return! But then Khan rises! The fans fire up as Khan kicks, clinches and hits a BELLY2BELLY! But Coughlin is up to kick, clinch and OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY! Khan rises again?! He kicks low, gets around, and hits a BIG back suplex! But Coughlin is back up!

Coughlin reels Khan in for a BIG back suplex in return! And yet Khan rises! The fans fire up as Khan… FALLS! Khan was about to fire back but now Coughlin drags him back up! Coughlin fireman’s carries Khan around, DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Khan survives and the fans fire up! The ref checks and Khan is somehow still in this. The fans rally but it’s Coughlin who stands first. Coughlin brings Khan around, reels him in, but Khan BITES Coughlin’s hand! Coughlin SLAPS Khan! Khan roars and LARIATS! Khan hurries to scoop and T T D!! Cover, TWO!! Coughlin survives and Khan is exhausted!

The fans rally while both men are down, and Khan rises. The Monster Rage boils over! Khan drags Coughlin up, and clamps on the IRON CLAW! ELIM- NO, Coughlin pries the claw away! And he DECKS Khan with an elbow! Coughlin’s rage boils up, he suplexes, but Khan slips free! IRON CLAW SLEEPER, into F G O PLEX! But Coughlin rises up! Only to run into the ELIMINATOR!! Jackknife cover, Khan wins!!

Winner: Great-O-Khan, by pinfall

Even with only a moment’s notice to prepare, Khan avenges Cobb and proves that no one should underestimate the depth of the United Empire’s roster! Will Khan continue to prove this all through 2024 as the KOPW Champion?


HENARE VS Gabe Kidd!

Today’s singles series didn’t start as expected, but the Empire has the early lead thanks to Khan. Will the Face of Fury also avenge Jeff Cobb by taking down another War Dog? Or will Kidd show us he’s a true Madman?

The moment Henare’s in the ring, he and Kidd rush in to fire furious forearms! The ref rings the bell to get this on record as the shots just keep going! Kidd HEADBUTTS, but Henare HEADBUTTS! Henare whips, Kidd reverses and runs in to clothesline in the corner! Kidd runs, but Henare follows to SPLASH! Kidd shoves Henare, and the forearms fly again! The fans fire up with every shot, and Henare roars! Kidd eggs him on so Henare fires a flurry! Kidd BITES Henare’s forehead! The fans boo, the ref reprimands but Kidd tells them all off. Kidd runs, but Henare runs him over! The fans fire up and Henare snarls.

Henare sits Kidd up, runs, but Kidd ducks the Penalty Kick! Kidd CHOPS Henare, eggs him on, then dodges the haymaker to GERMAN SUPLEX! Henare is right up and he LARIATS Kidd down! The fans fire up, Henare spits blood from his cut lip, but that only makes him angrier. Kidd flops out of the ring, Henare paces around on the outside, then they both egg each other on. They both run in, DOUBLE LARIATS collide but neither falls! They fire forearms again and the fans rally back up. Kidd knees low, whips, and Henare hits railing! But Henare comes back to RAM Kidd, ROCKS him and whip him into railing!

Kidd comes back, they RAM shoulders, but Henare kicks. Henare whips., Kidd reverses, and Henare hits railing again! Only for Henare to run up and JUMP KICK! The fans fire up for Henare while both men are down on the outside! The ref checks both guys and they’re okay to continue. Henare storms over to Kidd, drags him up, and HEADBUTTS him down! Henare aims for the ring but Kidd CHOPS then RAMS Henare into railing! Kidd whips, Henare hits more railing! Kidd runs up to LARIAT Henare and himself right into the front row! The fans get a lot closer to the action than they thought they would!

The ref checks both men while fans move aside, and Kidd rises up. Henare is somehow okay to continue, and Kidd then drinks someone’s water! He SPITS it onto Henare! Fans boo, but Kidd drags Henare up to CLAW at the eyes! The ref reprimands but this is moving into the back! Kidd RAMS Henare into the railing, then hops over to get into Korakuen’s famous orange seats! Kidd ROCKS Henare, they go up the stands, and the fans cheer for getting a closer look now. Kidd brings Henare around, and suplexes! But Henare fights that, to suplex Kidd! Kidd fights that, to CHOP! And CHOP! And CHOP!

Henare staggers, Kidd eggs him on, pie faces him around, but Henare BODY BLOWS! Kidd drops to his knees but Henare still clutches his own shoulder. Henare then gets space, fires up, and the fans are with him! Kidd rises up, Henare runs in, but Kidd BOOTS him down! Kidd shouts, “I’m a MADMAN, y’know!” Fans boo but Kidd drags Henare up to SLAP him! Kidd then goes up, and has fans move aside from the stairway balcony!? Kidd hops up onto the ledge!! Fans freak out as he SUPER CROSSBODIES into a HAYMAKER!! Henare knocks Kidd out of the sky and all of Korakuen Hall is thunderous!

Henare roars as he rises up and the fans are with him! Henare drags Kidd up, HEADBUTTS him, and then brings him to the other side of the orange seats. The ref says get this back in the ring, so Henare headlocks Kidd and brings him down the bleachers. They return to ringside and fans cheer. Henare puts Kidd in the ring, Kidd flounders around and Henare aims from a corner. Kidd rises up, Henare runs in, but Kidd avoids the knee! But Henare ELBOWS him! Henare goes up, but Kidd SHOVES him out! Henare tumbles to apron then floor, and writhes clutching an arm! The ref checks, and Kidd mocks Shibata by sitting cross-legged.

Kidd goes out, and he whips Henare into more railing! Henare falls in a heap and Kidd storms over. Kidd drags Henare up, puts him back in the ring, and then he grabs the mic! Kidd tells the ref to move, and he says, “Antonio Inoki… dōitashimashite. <You’re welcome.>” Fans boo but Kidd says HE is the man now, HE runs NJPW now! Fans boo but then Kidd goes back to Henare. Kidd drags Henare up, puts him in a corner, and CHOPS! Kidd pie faces Henare around, eggs him on, then CHOPS! Henare just glares back! Kidd CHOPS again, but Henare eggs him on. Kidd CHOPS and CHOPS but Henare KICKS Kidd down!

The fans fire up as Kidd sputters and Henare just looms over him. Henare points to the lion symbol and says PROVE you run this! Kidd stands to CHOP, but Henare eggs him on. Kidd CHOPS again, and Henare felt that one! Kidd eggs him on now, so Henare KICKS! Kidd stays up this time but he grits his teeth and seethes. Kidd CHOPS, Henare growls, and Kidd even kneels to make it easier to kick him! Henare KICKS and Kidd falls over! Well, he asked for it! Henare then kneels and dares Kidd to do something. Kidd CHOPS, Henare headbutts the mat, and Kidd sits down. Kidd waits for it, so Henare KICKS him on the back!

Henare eggs Kidd on, so Kidd stands to SLAP him! Kidd puts Henare in a corner to MACHINE GUN CHOP! Kidd eggs Henare on, so Henare turns things around to MACHINE GUN KICK! Kidd MACHINE GUN CHOPS again, so Henare KICKS him! And KICKS him! And KICKS him! Kidd falls and the fans are thunderous! Henare stands Kidd up, but Kidd BITES Henare! Kidd whips, runs in, but into an ELBOW! Henare goes up, FLYING CHUCK! Kidd kips up!? Kidd BOOTS, runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, but Henare scoops him! BERSERKER BOMB!! The fans are thunderous again while both men are down!

Henare rises but Kidd sits there in a daze. The fans duel, Kidd flounders to a corner, and Henare roars! Henare runs in, and he SHINING WIZARDS! Henare shoves Kidd down, roars again, and then runs in to RAMPAGE SPEAR!! Cover, TWO?!? Kidd survives and the fans are thunderous! Henare himself is shocked, but he snarls and refocuses. Henare vows to end it, drags Kidd up, and we reach 15 minutes. Henare fisherman’s a leg, but Kidd fights free! To CHOP! Henare swings, Kidd ducks and SLAPS Henare on the back of the head! SAIDO!! Cover, TWO!! Henare survives and the fans are thunderous again!

The fans duel and Kidd flips them off, he doesn’t want their cheers. Kidd drags Henare up, reels him in, but Henare fights the piledriver! Kidd still tries but Henare powers up. So Kidd SLAPS him on the back of the head! And again! And again! Henare roars so Kidd SLAPS him on the face! Henare ELBOW JABS! Kidd CHOPS! Henare JUMP KNEES!! Kidd LARIATS!! Cover, ONE?!?!? Kidd hurries to run, but Henare LARIATS!! Cover, ONE?!?!? Both men are down after showing incredible grit and the fans are electric! A standing count begins while both men crawl to corners. Henare drags himself up at 7 of 10, Kidd follows.

Then they run in! DOUBLE LARIATS, but both men wobble. DOUBLE LARIATS again, and then Kidd fires palm strike after palm strike! But Henare URAKENS!! He got that from Eddie Kingston! Then the STREETS OF- NO, Kidd slips free to RIGHT KNUCKLE! And BRAINBUSTER! But that’s just the start! But then Henare fireman’s carries, DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!! Both men are down again and the fans are electric! Another standing count begins, both men stir at about 4 of 10. The count reaches 7!! 8!! Henare stops the ref at 9!! Henare and Kidd get up, and Kidd HEADBUTTS! Henare HEADBUTTS back!

Kidd flounders but he and Henare both growl at each other. Kidd comes back to HEADBUTT, but Henare shakes his head. Henare HEADBUTTS again! They both stand up, get forehead to forehead, then get fast ‘n’ furious with fists! Kidd fires off palm strikes, Henare fires off palm strikes! Kidd SLAPS! Henare SLAPS! DOUBLE SLAPS and both men are leaning on each other to stay up! The fans love it as Kidd gives more headbutts! Henare rebounds to RUNNING HEADBUTT!! Both men are down again! The fans rally as hard as they can, but we hit the 20 minute mark! Time’s running out as another standing count begins!

Henare and Kidd are still down at 5 of 10, and 7! 8!! 9!! DOUBLE COUNT-OUT!!!

Double TKO Draw

The fans are electric for a fight that went so hard, neither man could get back up! But that makes it 1-0-1, in favor of the United Empire! Can they still win the series in the next match?


Callum Newman VS David Finlay w/ Gedo!

It’s been a wild night already in the run-up to Will Ospreay’s final match with NJPW. So far, Khan has avenged Cobb and Henare fought Kidd to a draw. Can the Empire’s newest member find a way to bring down the War Dogs’ leader? Or will Finlay prove NJPW needs The Rebel?

Wait, Callum attacks Finlay first! The bell rings, Callum UPPERCUTS then runs to UPPERCUT again! Callum keeps going, and he UPPERCUTS again! The fans fire up with Callum roars! Callum goes back to Finlay, whips him to ropes, but Finlay reverses. Callum ducks ‘n’ dodges but Finlay bails out. Callum slides to stop himself, then alters course to PLANCHA! Finlay dodges again, to RAM Callum into railing! Finlay SMACKS Callum off the apron, then SMACKS him off it again! Finlay CLUBS Callum, then RAMS him back into railing! Finlay fires off shots, the ref reprimands him, but Finlay shoves the ref down!

Fans boo while Finlay says he doesn’t care about the rules. Finlay whips, but Callum stops from hitting railing! Callum ELBOWS Finlay, but then Finlay RAMS him into the railing! Finlay dumps Callum up and over, struggles to open the gate, and then SLAMS the gate into Callum! And then does it again! Callum flounders, Finlay stalks him, and Finlay drags Callum up to UPPERCUT! Callum staggers away, Finlay pursues, and Finlay shoves Callum in the ring. Gedo likes what he sees as Finlay drops an elbow on Callum! Finlay says this is too easy. Finlay takes off his shirt, throws it at Callum, then stomps away!

Finlay circles around Callum, Gedo taunts the “young boy,” and Finlay asks where Ospreay’s gone. Callum slaps Finlay from below! Finlay SLAPS Callum back down! Finlay then drags Callum up and whips him hard into a corner! Callum falls, Finlay sits him up and makes him look into the corner. He wants Callum to “tell Ospreay I’m the GOAT! Say it! Say it!” Finlay CHOKES Callum in the ropes as he shouts about being the best, but the ref counts and Finlay lets off at 4. The fans boo but Finlay soaks up the heat. Finlay goes back to Callum, drags him up and whips him hard into another corner! Callum falls back and Finlay says it’s too easy.

Finlay taunts Callum as a Young Boy, then turns him over for a BOSTON CRAB! Callum endures, the fans rally, and Callum reaches out! ROPEBREAK! Finlay shifts to just a half crab, but then lets off as the ref counts. Finlay says this is still too easy, then flexes. Finlay drags Callum up but Callum CHOPS! Finlay brushes that off and eggs Callum on. Callum swings, but into the IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Fans cheer and Finlay is surprised. Finlay says okay, that’s good fighting spirit. Finlay shoves Callum out, then goes out after him. Finlay stands Callum up, whips, but Callum LEAPS the railing!

Finlay hurries over but Callum kicks the railing into him! Callum then jumps up and over Finlay, to run and SHOTGUN Finlay through the gate! The fans fire up while Callum and Finlay are both down! Callum rises back up and he hurries to fetch Finlay. The ring count starts but Callum brings Finlay up to KICK him! Finlay hobbles his way back to the ring, and Callum ROCKS him again. We reach 10 of 20 but Callum shoves Finlay in. The fans cheer, Callum aims from a corner, and he runs corner to corner to DROPKICK Finlay again! Both men are back down but the fans rally back up.

Callum rises, he brings Finlay up and he fires forearms. Callum whips, Finlay reverses but Callum ducks ‘n’ dodges! Finlay dodges and runs, but into a SPANISH FLY! Cover, TWO!! The fans fire up as Callum busts out something from Ospreay’s playbook, and Callum storms up on Finlay. Callum chicken wings but Finlay powers him into a corner. Finlay fires off point-blank lariats again and again! The ref reprimands, Finlay brings Callum around to lift. Callum back drops free to sit on the cover! TWO, and Callum runs again! Tilt-o-whirl, into chicken wings! TIGER PLEX, with bridge! TWO!!

The fans fire up with Callum and he throws up the crown. Callum shouts Ospreay out, but Finlay SLAM DUNKS the Oscutter attempt! Finlay runs, to LARIAT Callum down! Cover, TWO! Callum is tougher than Finlay is giving him credit for and that annoys Finlay. Finlay drags Callum up, says him he has one last chance. Tell Finlay he is the man in New Japan! Say it! Callum SPITS at Finlay instead! Fans fire up but Finlay BOOTS Callum down, then rains down fists! The ref reprimands, he stops Finlay, and Finlay drags Callum back around. Finlay tells Ospreay to watch this as he CLUBS Callum down with a crossface forearm!

Finlay fires more crossface forearms, then lets the ref check. Callum is somehow still in this, so Finlay stands on him. Finlay drags Callum up, to POWERBOMB! Cocky cover, but then Finlay drags Callum up! The Rebel wants Ospreay to watch as he tortures Callum. Suplex to KNEE!! Cover, Finlay wins!

Winner: David Finlay, by pinfall

That was definitely #Overkill from Finlay, and he holds up his IWGP Global Heavyweight Championship. Finlay says that was just a fraction of what he’ll do to the cowardly Ospreay in their final showdown! Will nothing stop the War Dogs from tearing down the United Empire?


IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championships: Catch 2/2 VS Clark Connors & “Drilla” Dan Moloney!

The single series ended up tied at 1-1-1, proving nothing really. So now, it comes down to who brings home the gold! Will TJP & Francesco Akira keep the Empire strong going into the steel cage? Or will the WrestleKingdom 18 loss be avenged with a Full Clip?

During the War Dogs’ entrance, 100 Proof shows off he has a big can of salt to ward off the evil spirit that is “The Aswang.” as for TJP & Akira, they’ve brought back the black strap belts, not wanting to use Bullet Club’s white ones. TJP blows the salt away, showing it has no effect on the Filipino Vampire. The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who is bringing gold to Osaka!

The teams stare down, and Drilla is looking to light his cigarette off Nova Fireball. TJP swats the cig away, and the brawl is on! The bell rings, the War Dogs double whip but Catch 2/2 reverse to DOUBLE DROPKICK! The Dogs bail out but Catch 2/2 DOUBLE PLANCHA! Akira CHOPS Connors, TJP POSTS Drilla, then Catch 2/2 mugs Connors. TJP sends Connors into railing, Akira CHOPS Drilla, and TJP CHOKES Connors with a shirt! TJP lets off but Drilla turns things around on Akira. TJP gets a chair, but Connors ROCKS him first! Connors CLUBS TJP, Akira ROCKS Drilla! Connors POSTS TJP then grabs the chair!

Drilla sends Akira into railing while Connors JAMS TJP low! Red Shoes reprimands as Connors makes TJP take a seat. Connors then gets space, runs in, and GORES TJP off the chair! Fans boo but Connors soaks up the heat. Drilla gets a table! Akira CLUBS Drilla first, but Connors fires off on Akira! Connors whips, Akira reverses and Connors hits railing! Connors comes back, but into Catch 2/2’s ALLEY-OOP on the chair! The fans fire up as it seems Catch 2/2 are still on the same page. They then get Drilla in, to double whip, SOBAT, KICK, SWEEP, and SHOTGUN! The fans fire up as Drilla bails out and TJP pursues.

TJP CLUBS Drilla, sends him into railing, and he wants Akira to help out. TJP sets a table up against railing, Akira reluctantly joins in, and they get Drilla up. TJP lines up a shot, the fans clap along, “CATCH! NI NI!” But Connors CLOBBERS TJP! Drilla CHOPS Akira, Connors RAMS TJP into railing! Drilla sets Akira up now, and Connors runs in, GORE into the table! The table doesn’t break but Akira probably did! And then Drilla throws salt in to TJP’s eyes!! The fans boo as Drilla BOOTS the table, putting a hole through it! Connors whips Akira into the table and it completely breaks!! Fans boo but Connors soaks up the heat.

Drilla stomps TJP around, grinds forearms into his face and then runs to CLOBBER TJP! Fans rally for TJP but Drilla looms over him. Drilla scrapes TJP’s face, kicks him around, and soaks up the heat as the fans boo. Drilla drags TJP up, HEADBUTTS him back down, then stalks him to ropes. Drilla kicks TJP around, stands him back up, and bumps him off Connors’ boot. Tag to Connors, they stomp TJP more, and Connors CHOPS! Connors whips TJP corner to corner, then runs up to whip him back the other way! TJP tumble up and out! The War Dogs soak up the heat while Red Shoes checks TJP.

TJP is somehow okay to continue, and the fans rally up for him. TJP crawls as the ring count starts, and he manages to stand at 5 of 20. TJP rolls in at 8, but Connors is there to snap suplex! Cover, ONE! Connors clamps on with a chinlock and he grinds TJP down. The fans rally but Drilla says “F TJP!” The fans boo and rally harder for TJP. TJP fights up, pries free, rolls and reels Connors in for an IRON OCTOPUS! But Connors fights the hold, so TJP shifts around. Connors knees low to snap suplex again! Cover, ONE!! TJP is hanging tough but Connors drags him up. Connors bumps TJP off Drilla’s boot, then tags Drilla in.

Drilla talks trash, stands TJP, and CHOPS! Drilla BOOTS TJP, CHOPS him again, then stomps him down. Red Shoes reprimands but Drilla gets in his face. The fans boo Drilla but Drilla says “Suck it!” Drilla stands TJP up, bump him off buckles, then tags Connors. Drilla CHOPS TJP, then Connors CHOPS TJP! Connors stalks TJP as he scrambles around, then Connors BLASTS Akira off the apron! Connors drags TJP up, whips him to ropes, but TJP goes Spider-Man! TJP slides under Connors, blocks a kick and slips around to SAIDO! The fans fire up while both men are down! TJP and Connors crawl, hot tag to Akira!

Fans fire up as Akira ducks ‘n’ dodges then RANAS Connors! Connors goes to a corner, Akira says “IKU ZO! <LET’S GO!>” Akira runs corner to corner to clothesline Connors! Drilla gets in. Akira dodges him to UPPERCUT Connors! Then he ELBOWS Drilla! Then he sends Connors into Drilla, but Connors knees Akira. Connors whips, Akira holds ropes! Akira then DUMPS Connors out, builds speed and he FLIES to take out both Dogs! The fans fire up as Akira puts Connors in. Akira climbs, Connors stands, and Akira CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Connors hangs in there, but Akira stays fired up. The fans are with him as he brings Connors up.

Akira hooks Connors up, but Connors wrenches out to ROCK him! And ROCK him again, and again, and again! Akira ROUNDHOUSES back! Akira whips, Connors reverses and POUNCES! Both men are down, they both crawl, hot tags to Drilla and TJP! TJP climbs up to FLYING FOREARM Drilla! The fans fire up and TJP runs corner to corner to ELBOW Drilla, then sit him down! TJP scrubs Drilla’s face, then runs side to side for the BOOT WASH! The fans fire up as TJP drags Drilla up and puts him in the Tree of Woe! TJP climbs, the fans fire up, and Akira basement dropkicks Drilla, before TJP WOE STOMPS! Cover, TWO!

Drilal hangs in there, and Connors attacks! Connors UPPERCUTS Akira, then runs, but into a wheelbarrow! Connors fights that off, but TJP SUPERKICKS Connors! TJP sets up so Akira can step up, but Connors still SNAP POWERSLAMS him! And then Drilla SPINEBUSTERS TJP into the DOUBLE STOMPS! The Dogs coordinate and they drag Akira up. They mug Akira, then take aim from the corners. Akira stands, but TJP shoves him away! So the Dogs DOUBLE SPEAR TJP!! Cover, Akira breaks it!! The fans fire up as Akira fires forearms and CHOPS on the Dogs! Akira runs, but into a kitchen sink knee!

Drilla hauls Akira up with one arm, for DRILLA KILLA!!! Drilla and Connors fire up and they go back for TJP. Drilla pushes Red Shoes aside so he can suplex TJP. Connors is up top, but TJP RED MISTS Connors while he’s upside-down!! Then TJP cradles Drilla, TWO!!! Drilla escapes, Connors swings blindly but Drilla grabs TJP. TJP standing switches and feeds him to Connors’ GORE!! Connors realizes what happened, and then TJP JUMP SOBATS him out of the ring! The fans fire up as TJP and Drilla are both down! TJP rises, gets Drilla in a dragon sleeper and Akira is up top! DOUBLE STOMP FINAL CUT!!

Akira DIVES onto Connors, and they hit railing!! The fans fire up as Catch 2/2 coordinate! Drilla sits up, 2 BY- NO, Drilla ducks! TJP whips Akira back at Drilla, Drilla ducks, but now Catch 2/2 is back where they started! They steal the DOUBLE SPEAR!!! Cover, TWO?!?! Drilla survives and the fans fire up again! TJP coordinates with Akira, they’ll make the third time the charm! Akira climbs, TJP reels Drilla in, and they’re looking to steal another move! But Connors GORES TJP out of the suplex! Akira MISSILE DROPKICKS Connors, but Drilla LARIATS Akira down! The fans are thunderous as all four men are down!

Drilla goes to a corner, as does TJP. Akira sees Connors at the ropes, and runs in, only for Connors to dump him out! Connors runs in at TJP, but TJP goes up and over! TORNA- NO, Connors stops the DDT! TJP SUPERKICKS Connors, but Drilla SUPERKICKS TJP! Connors SUPERKICKS TJP! And now the Dogs are copying Catch 2/2! “WAR! I-NU!” They steal 2 BY 2!!! Cover, TWO?!!? TJP survives and the fans are thunderous again! Connors and Drilla fire each other up and they reload. Connors tags in then climbs while Drilla hauls TJP up. But TJP knees free! Akira returns and goes right up, SUPER STEINER on Connors!! OW, rough landing!

Drilla runs at TJP, but TJP goes up and over to TORNADO DDT!! Drilla flops out, Connors returns, but into the ALLEY-OOP!!! The fans clap along, “CATCH! NI NI!” But Drilla is back! Akira SHOTGUNS Drilla, TJP SLIDING KNEES Connors! Cover, TWO!!! TJP shrugs it off, he drags Connors up and tags Akira. Akira climbs, TJP Electric Chair Lifts, but Drilla has a FORK!! That scares Akira over what they did at New Years Dash! Connors then slips free of TJP, whips him, and Drilla SUPERKICKS! Connors hits NO CHASER!! Akira is afraid, but he still springboards, into a GORE!! Connors laughs as he and Drilla set up again.

Drilla and Connors run in, DOUBLE SPEAR on Akira!! Then they haul Akira up, Connors climbs, FULL CLIP!!! Cover, WAR DOGS WIN!!

Winners: Clark Connors & “Drilla” Moloney, by pinfall (NEW IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions)

Drilla used the trauma he inflicted on Akira just a month ago to screw him over here! The War Dogs finish the night on top, both in the match series and in the Junior Tag Division! And of course Finlay and Gedo return, Gedo bringing the white strap editions of the belts! Connors & Drilla ditch the “sloppy seconds” to get their babies, and Connors CLOBBERS TJP with his! The fans boo as the Dogs beat down TJP and Akira like they did Cobb at the start of the night! But here comes Khan and the Empire! UPPERCUT for Connors, haymakers for Drilla, and COBB is back!! Cobb may not have been cleared but he can still fight!

Fans fire up as Cobb and Khan fire off, but then Drilla CLOBBERS Khan with his belt! Cobb ROCKS Drilla, picks him up and SLAMS him down! But then Connors CLOBBERS Cobb with his belt! Finlay wants his guys to get Cobb up, so they do as told. And then SHILLELAGH to the bad leg!! The fans boo as Gedo sets Khan up, for a SHILLELAGH to the face! The War Dogs stand tall over the Empire, and then Finlay gets the mic. Finlay says, “Ladies and gentlemen, your NEW IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions of the World…! Drilla Moloney, ‘100 Proof’ Clark Connors, Bullet Club WAR DOGS!”

The fans boo more but the Dogs just soak it up. Finlay has a question: “How do you fight a man that’s looking to run? How do you fight a man that is so desperately trying to slip out the exit door? You drag that a-hole to Osaka and you lock him inside a steel cage!” And that is what Finlay plans to do next week. Ospreay will march his little Empire into Finlay’s cage, and each and every one of them is going to be carried out bloodied and broken. “You see, Billy Boy, I want you to play close attention. I don’t want to just destroy you, no, that’s not good enough. I want my creation to destroy your creation! I want my War Dogs to tear apart your Empire.”

Fans boo more but Finlay says he wants Ospreay to look and know that there is absolutely nothing he can do to save his boys! He wants Ospreay to know that everyone Ospreay cares about is gonna get their asses whooped and there is NOTHING he can do about it! And when Ospreay realizes that he cannot save his friends, that they’re all helpless because of Finlay, then and only then will he allow Ospreay to leave NJPW. “See you in Osaka, b*tch!” Gedo tells us all that on February 11th, we don’t just say goodbye to Ospreay, we say goodbye to the United Empire! And all of you will see then, this is by order of the War Dogs!

Fans boo but the Dogs soak it all up again. TJP is stirring, and Finlay says they still have work! Gedo CLUBS TJP as TJP shields Akira, so Finlay gets chairs! Connors helps out by moving TJP aside so Finlay can get Akira up! POWERBOMB onto the chairs!! Drilla pours out a beer on Akira, then the Dogs all Too Sweet. Again, is there nothing that can stop them from tearing down the Empire and ruling over all of NJPW?

My Thoughts:

A great event to act as the go-home to next week’s BIG Will Ospreay sendoff match. I really should’ve known they’d find a way to keep things even until the main event, but what an epic match out of Henare VS Kidd. Both guys looked amazing, Kidd is definitely being built as a top singles guy within the Bullet Club, so this definitely kept both guys strong towards a singles title. Khan “substituting” for Cobb was also good stuff, really good match with Coughlin, and good win. Great showing for Callum against Finlay but of course Finlay won. The tag title main event was awesome stuff, and the fear of the fork basically winning it for the War Dogs was clever stuff.

Good promo from Finlay closing out the show while calling out Ospreay. By go-home math, you would think the Empire wins out in the cage match. But at the same time, it is Ospreay’s last match as he leaves NJPW for AEW, so I can’t be sure who wins. Okada won the NEVER Openweight Six Man title match so he could have a happy goodbye last week, why can’t Ospreay do the same? He can win on his way out for a happy goodbye and hand over leadership of the Empire to Khan or Cobb.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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