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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (2/8/24)

ROH is TV Ready!



ROH Wrestling 2023

Is Dalton Castle’s “friend” ready for the spotlight?

Johnny TV has been denying Dalton Castle his grudge match, so a “friend” of The Peacock is getting that fight instead! Will they be #TVReady tonight?


  • The Workhorsemen VS Sayrus GT & Brillante RB; The Workhorsemen win.
  • Ethan Page VS Aaron Solo; Ethan wins.
  • Penta El Zero Miedo & El Hijo del Vikingo w/ Alex Abrahantes VS Jon Cruz & KM; Penta & Vikingo win.
  • Johnny TV w/ Taya Valkyrie VS Dalton Castle’s Friend; No Contest.
  • Billie Starkz VS Araya Thorn; Billie wins.
  • Four Corner Survival: Trish Adora VS Kiera Hogan VS Diamante VS Leyla Hirsch; Diamante wins.
  • 8 Man Tag: The Infantry & The Iron Savages w/ Jacked Jameson VS Shane Taylor Promotions, Griff Garrison & Cole Karter w/ Maria Kanellis; STP, Griff & Karter win.
  • Lee Johnson VS Gravity; Johnson wins.
  • Taya Valkyrie w/ Johnny TV VS Killa Kate; Taya wins.
  • Four Corner Survival: Jack Cartwheel VS AR Fox VS Willie Mack VS Komander; Komander wins.


The Workhorsemen VS Sayrus GT & Brillante RB!

Anthony Henry & JD Drake have been finding their footing in the ROH Tag Division but they still have a way to go before challenging The Kingdom. Will the Saint of August and Scrap Metal keep putting in the work? Or will they get caught sleeping by two young Tamaulipas luchadores?

The teams sort out and Henry starts against Brillante. They keep the Code of Honor, then circle. The fans rally up for Brillante and “LUCHA! LUCHA!” but Henry just smirks. They tie up, Henry chinbars and wrangles Brillante, then twists the wrist. Brillante kips up, Henry throws him down by his mask, and the ref reprimands. Brillante handsprings, wrenches and arm-drags, then RAMS Henry! Brillante runs to a corner, Henry follows, but Brillante goes up and over and handsprings away! Henry hits buckles, staggers away, then Brillante runs in, only for Henry to scoop and BACKBREAKER!

Fans boo but Henry snap suplexes Brillante down. Tag to JD, they each stomp Brillante, then JD drags Brillante up. JD suplexes, but Brillante slips free, hot tag to Sayrus! TORNILLO CROSSBODY! Sayrus ducks ‘n’ dodges to SUPERKICK! Henry runs in, dodges Sayrus and DROPKICKS Brillante! But Sayrus RANAS Henry for that! Henry bails out, Sayrus builds speed and he DIVES, but JD catches him! JD tosses Sayrus to the ropes for the HAYMAKER! Fans boo but JD storms into the ring while Henry DRIVE-BY KNEES Sayrus on railing! Fans boo as Henry drags Sayrus up and sends him to JD.

JD CHOPS Sayrus and Sayrus sits down in the corner. JD drags Sayrus up, the fans rally, and JD CHOPS again! JD brings Sayrus around, SPLASHES, then tags in Henry. Henry sends Sayrus into a shoulder, then ROCKS Sayrus into JD’s DDT! Henry stays between the luchadores, kicks at Brillante, then taunts him. The fans tell Henry off but he snapmares and KICKS Sayrus. Tag to JD, JD KICKS Sayrus, then brings him around. JD reels Sayrus in, hauls him up, but Sayrus slips fere! Hot tag to Brillante for the springboard MISSILE DROPKICK! Brillante runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, rolls off JD’s back but Henry tags in before the BELLY2BELLY!

Henry runs in to BOOT Sayrus down! JD CANNONBALLS Brillante, then Henry adds a METEORA! Then the WORKIN’ NINE TO FIVE!! Cover, The Workhorsemen win!

Winners: The Workhorsemen, by pinfall

Sayrus & Brillante couldn’t keep up with the grind, JD & Henry stand tall in Texas! Will they get their shot at Taven & Bennett soon enough?


Backstage interview with Jerry Lynn.

Lexi Nair is with the member of the board as they’re both outside the dressing room of “Dalton’s Friend.” Dalton Castle himself can be heard shouting at his friend, and they’re both hoping for a word. Jerry knocks on the door, and Castle opens it, wearing a boat captain’s hat…? Castle puts that away as he says hi and asks what’s up. Lexi and Jerry both say they want to talk to Castle’s “friend.” Oh, right, his friend. Yeah, uh, no… Wait, is that just the laundry room? No. Look, his friend is busy, okay? But Johnny TV & Taya Valkyrie walk over and laugh. Where’s Castle’s imaginary friend? Hey, he is real, okay? Johnny is just a wild pig of filth!

Johnny gets heated but Jerry keeps everyone calm. Jerry tells Castle he cannot interfere in the match tonight or he will be suspended. That’s fine by Castle, he won’t even be ringside. He’ll be watching the match backstage on the monitor, when his friend takes it to Johnny! Johnny says oh no no, Castle will see what happens when a TV wrestler takes a ham ‘n’ egger to Slam Town! Where is Slam Town? Castle doesn’t know, and he slips back inside the room. There are still no answers to who this “friend” is, or if they’re even real, but will Johnny TV prove himself right later tonight?


Ethan Page VS Aaron Solo!

All Ego wants Kyle Fletcher to be watching this, and to keep that ROH World Television Championship warm. Will Ethan continues to wear the purple ‘n’ pink for his daughter, will he be one step closer to wearing gold for her, too?

The Code of Honor is not upheld as Solo kicks the hand away, and then the bell rings. Solo talks trash, but Ethan DECKS him! Fans fire up and Ethan fires more hands! Ethan has Solo in a corner for stomps, then stomps even faster! Ethan lets off as the ref counts, makes Solo shake his hand, then climbs up the corner. Ethan has the fans get ready, but Solo slips away before even one punch! Ethan hurries after Solo, ROCKS him in another corner, then climbs up to rain down fists! Solo slips away at three, then hits back! Solo stomps Ethan to the corner then climbs up. Fans boo as Solo grins, but Ethan stops him before one!

Ethan carries Solo corner to corner to RAM him into buckles! Ethan CHOPS Solo down and the fans fire up! Ethan says now it’s happening! Ethan traps Solo’s arms in the ropes, then rains down fists! The fans count WAY past ten, all the way to TWENTY!! The fans fire up, Ethan whips corner to corner hard, then he cradles Solo for the COBRA BACK SUPLEX! The fans fire up and Ethan drags Solo back up. Ethan hoists Solo up but Solo slips free to waistlock. Ethan RAMS Solo into the buckles, snapmares him, then goes up the corner. But Solo SHORYUKENS! Solo goes up to CLUB away on Ethan, then climbs up.

Ethan throws body shots, shoves Solo away, but Solo YANKS Ethan down! Ethan hits buckles then the mat, but the fans rally up. Solo rains down fists, soaks up the heat, and then stomps Ethan. Solo talks trash on Ethan, throws down more fists, but the fans rally up. Ethan CHOPS, Solo kicks him down, then throws hands. Solo backs Ethan down to a corner, then whips corner to corner. BIG corner clothesline, and Solo reels Ethan in. Solo soaks up the heat, talks trash, but Ethan suplexes high and hard! The fans fire up, and Ethan runs in, but Solo avoids the splash! DREAMCAST KICK! Cover, TWO!

Solo is frustrated but the fans rally up. Solo clamps onto Ethan and squeezes tight. Ethan fights up, the fans rally, and Ethan throws body shots and elbows. Ethan is free but Solo headlocks again. Ethan elbows free, ROCKS Solo, then ROCKS him again! And again, and again, and again! Ethan whips, Solo reverses but Ethan LARIATS! The fans fire up again and Ethan runs up to forearm smash! Ethan keeps going, Solo dodges, but then Ethan scoops him! Solo slips free, shoves, but Ethan runs Solo over! The fans fire up more and Ethan deadlifts into the POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Solo survives and Ethan grits his teeth.

Ethan vows to end this and the fans fire up again. Ethan drags Solo up, reels him in, but Solo RAMS Ethan into the corner! Solo runs up but into an ELBOW! And ROUNDHOUSE! Ethan runs up, but Solo catches him! EXPLODER! Cover, TWO! Ethan is still in this and he goes to the apron. Solo argues with the ref about the count but the count was fair. Solo storms over, Ethan RAMS into him! HEAD- NO, Solo turns cutter into roll-up, but the ref sees his feet on the ropes! The ref shoves Solo’s feet away! Solo and the ref argue, but Ethan runs in to BOOT Solo down! “Now he’s done!” The fans fire up as Ethan Canadian Racks Solo, for the EGO’S EDGE!! Cover, Ethan wins!

Winner: Ethan Page, by pinfall

And the hot streak continues! Ethan shakes Solo’s hand then smiles. That makes a new six-in-a-row, is All Ego about to cash in and go after the Aussie Arrow? Or will the Aussie Arrow find Ethan first?


Lexi Nair talks with Billie Starkz.

Lexi is overly cheery as she says “Hey~, buddy~! Big match tonight!” Yeah, it’s super exciting. Yes, and Nyla Rose asked Lexi to give Billie this folder. Billie looks inside and sees Nyla is calling for a MEM!? Billie tells Lexi to tell Nyla that if she wants this Minion Empowerment Meeting, have her find Billie after her match. Lexi is stuck in the middle, but will the Native Beast indeed find Billie after the match?


Johnny TV w/ Taya Valkyrie VS Dalton Castle’s Friend!

It’s the moment of truth! Either this mystery man is real, or The Peacock is in real trouble for fibbing to Jerry Lynn! Wait, who is “El Hombre de Pavo Real de Montana?” Hold on, doesn’t that just translate to The Peacock Man of Montana?! And out walks someone who is clearly just Castle with a beard, glasses, beanie and winter jacket! Taya is confused, she isn’t sure if she should be mad or laughing. But will Castle’s insane “friend” still SMASH John TV’s face in?

Johnny gets a mic to say sorry, but we all know it’s YOU, Castle! There will be NO match tonight! Nice try, “Beardo Weirdo.” He and Taya go to leave but The Peacock Man says no no no! He isn’t Dalton Castle, he’s someone totally different! Taya says in Espanol that no disrespect, but he’s a dumbass! Uh, okay, yes, his name is Spanish, but that was to encourage everyone to learn Spanish. He even downloaded one of those apps, but who has the time? The glasses, beard and beanie come off, and Castle admits, it was him. It was him all along. He is sorry for the ruse. But it’s just that, he’s so exhausted!

The fans rally for Castle but Taya & Johnny tell them to shut up. Castle says he is too tired to chase Johnny, he just wants to fight. Johnny says no, Castle smells like cheese. See, Taya here is TV Ready. Johnny is of course TV Ready. But Castle is NOT TV Ready! Fans boo but Castle says, “I want to SMASH your face. I want to SMASH your face! I want to SMASH your face into a Picasso, I wanna Jackson Pollock your ribs, and I’m gonna kick you (Taya) in the Georgia O’Keefe!” Security stops Castle from going up the ramp as he asks why Johnny won’t fight him! The fans chant “Let Them Fight! Let Them Fight!”

Johnny says NO! Because Castle has NOTHING that Johnny wants! Fans boo but Castle asks what Johnny wants. What does he want? Anything! Say whatever it is! Security picks Castle up to put him back at the ring. Taya says if he means anything, then maybe… She and Johnny talk, and Johnny says if Castle wants to know what he wants… Yes! Everyone wants to know! Okay! Johnny will tell him! Next week. Fans boo as Mr. & Mrs. TV laugh and leave us on a cliffhanger. But just what will they demand of The Peacock in order for him to have this fight?


ROH hears from Shane Taylor Promotions.

Shane Taylor himself says, “In 1964, Sam Cooke, international singer, songwriter and music producer wrote A Change Is Gonna Come. And 60 years later, we’re still fighting for that change. My apologies to Mr. Cooke for the inaction of others, but in 2024, that change is here. And it starts with STP. So this goes out to anybody on the AEW or ROH roster. If you are tired of being second class, if you are tired of being overlooked, if you are tired of being underappreciated and underutilized, you can continue on the same career path that you’re on. Or you come fight with us and help us change this game. Rumble, bad man, rumble.”

STP has put out an open call to any who want to join up. Is this the start of STP running pro-wrestling?


Backstage interview with Maria Kanellis-Bennett.

At least, it’s supposed to be, but Lexi isn’t sure where she went. But then Maria walks over, thanks Lexi for meeting her back here, and says right this way. They have something to show everyone and it is amazing. Griff Garrison & Cole Karter are beating up on Serpentico!! They stomp away on him but then run away as Angelico rushes in! Angelico checks on his amigo, but then realizes that’s not his Serpentico. Karter & Griff beat Angelico down, then RAM him into the road case! And surprise, that was just some stage hand wearing the stolen mask! The REAL Serpentico rushes over and is furious!

#SNAKEMAN shouts after those “perros” (dogs), will Spanish Announce Project tener su venganza (have their revenge)?


Billie Starkz VS Araya Thorn!

The Top Minion is in a bad mood after the truly hostile takeover by Nyla Rose. But will she keep on winning towards the ROH Women’s Television Championship tournament? Or will all of this become too much of a distraction?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the fans rally up. The two circle, feel things out, and tie up. They go around, Billie waistlocks but Thorn fights the lift. Thorn wrenches free to wristlock, but Billie spins and wrenches back. Billie grinds the shoulder but Thorn rolls and wrenches back. Thorn wristlocks and then grinds the shoulder but Billie fights up. Billie slips through, wrenches, wristlocks, and then rolls with Thorn! Billie trips Thorn right to a toehold and fans applaud. Thorn endures, throws forearms, but Billie just glares. Fans fire up and Thorn apologizes but Billie punches away on the knee!

Thorn scrambles to the ROPEBREAK, Billie lets off to CLUB her! Billie whips but Thorn blocks to send Billie into the corner. Thorn runs up, blocks the boots but not the rebound ENZIGIRI! The fans rally for Billie and she flexes. Billie runs up to ELBOW Thorn low, then KNEE LIFT and LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Billie is frustrated but the fans rally up. Billie brings Thorn up but Thorn throws body shots. Billie CLUBS Thorn, THROWS her into buckles, then reels her in for a GERMAN SUPLEX! The fans fire up, Billie revels in it, and she builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit at the ramp and Billie roars! But here comes Nyla with a TABLE!!

Fans are torn as the Native Beast storms down the ramp! Billie is freaking out, she puts Thorn in and then says Nyla’s not supposed to be here! Nyla says carry on about your business, Billie. Thorn catches her for a cradle! TWO!! Billie wrenches, cravats to KNEE SMASH then HEEL KICK! Fans chant for the table as Nyla sets it up, so Billie puts Thorn in a half nelson chinbar and bends her back!! Thorn taps, Billie wins!

Winner: Billie Starkz, by submission

Billie sends a message to Nyla with her first submission victory in ROH, but Nyla gets a mic to “congratulate” her. Was her setting up the table distracting? Oops. But they’ve got business to attend to. Billie has been dodging Nyla for weeks now, so is Billie gonna be a good little minion? Or has she yee’d her last haw and Nyla has to put her through a table? “What say you, Minion?” Nyla tosses the mic right at Billie! Fans want table, and Billie says, “You’re full of surprises, Nyla. But I got a surprise for you.” ATHENA IS HERE?!? The fans fire up as The Fallen Goddess’s music hits, and Nyla looks to the ramp.

Wait! Athena slides in from the crowd side! Nyla turns around, and Athena BLASTS her down through the table!! The fans are thunderous as Texas’ Overlord is back in HER house! The ROH Women’s World Champion stands tall alongside HER Minion, will she make sure Nyla comes to understand that through violence and pain?


Four Corner Survival: Trish Adora VS Kiera Hogan VS Diamante VS Leyla Hirsch w/ Rachael Ellering!

The last time there was a Fatal 4 Way in this stacked ROH Women’s Division, the Cuban Diamond came out on top. But she, the AfroPunk and the Hottest Flame are gonna run it back, with a LEGIT fourth element in this one. Who makes one more big wave as the ROH Women’s Championship Tournament looms ever closer?

The Code of Honor is upheld by everyone but Diamante, then the bell rings. Diamante then storms up on Kiera, gets in her face about last time, and they start shoving. Then they fire forearms! Leyla and Adora waistlock one each, but Kiera and Diamante elbow free! Then Diamante knees Kiera low, whips then follows to run Kiera over. Things keep moving while Adora and Leyla bail out. Kiera drops down, hurdles, then DROPKICKS Diamante down! The fans fire up and Kiera kicks. Diamante ducks but the HEEL KICK comes back! Kiera eggs Diamante on, gets moving, and STEP-UP LEG DROPS! Cover, Aodra breaks it!

Adora pushes Diamante to a cover now, but Leyla breaks it! Leyla covers, Adora breaks it! Adora waistlocks, Leyla switches, but Adora goes to ropes. Adora bucks the O’Conner to then CLOBBER Leyla! The fans fire up again, but Diamante dumps Adora out. Kiera runs up but Leyla dodges to put her in a corner. Leyla ROCKS Kiera, sits her down, then runs in to SWINGING DROPKICK! Leyla drags Kiera to a cover, but Adora breaks it up again! And she runs Leyla over again! Diamante gets up but Adora runs her over, too! Kiera gest up, Adora runs her over, too! The fans fire up as Adora sets Kiera and Leyla up side-by-side.

Adora then brings Diamante over, suplexes and- NO, Diamante fights that to snap suplex Adora onto Kiera and Leyla! The fans fire up while Diamante has her pick. Diamante stomps Leyla, stomps Adora, then stomps Leyla again. Another stomp for Adora, then Diamante storms up on Kiera. Diamante stomps her, rains down fists, then lets off to headbutt the buckle! The fans fire up as Diamante bumps Kiera off buckles, then drags Leyla up. Diamante sends Leyla into Kiera, then CHOPS Adora! Diamante whips Adora into both Leyla and Kiera! Diamante takes aim, runs in, but Adora and Leyla move, and Kiera BOOTS Diamante!

Leyla ROCKS Diamante, Adora ROCKS Diamante, and Kiera ROCKS Diamante! They pinball Diamante around, then coordinate to TRIPLE DROPKICK! Diamante flops out of the ring and the fans fire up! Then Kiera SUPERKICKS Leyla! But Adora gets Kiera for a SWINGING BACKBREAKER! The fans fire up but Leyla then SAIDOS Adora! All four women are down all over ringside and Rachael coaches Leyla. Diamante returns to give Leyla SHIRANUI! Cover, TWO! Leyla survives and Diamante is furious! Diamante storms out and looks under the ring. Diamante brings out a chair! Fans fire up as we explore the No Disqualification aspect!

But Rachael stops Diamante! Fans are torn, but Leyla spins Diamante around. Diamante trips her, high stacks, and feet on the ropes! DIAMANTE WINS!!

Winner: Diamante, by pinfall

That’s two Fatal 4 Ways in a row for the Cuban Diamond, and she made sure it was on the LEGIT wrestler! Leyla and Rachael are both disappointed but perhaps for different reasons. How will this affect their friendship going into the title tournament?


8 Man Tag: The Infantry & The Iron Savages w/ Jacked Jameson VS Shane Taylor Promotions, Griff Garrison & Cole Karter w/ Maria Kanellis!

Captain Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo join forces with the beefy ‘n’ bulky, jacked ‘n’ juicy Bronson & Boulder against Big Bad Shaney T, #TAIGASTYLE and the Kingdom’s young knights who just beat down Angelico to stick it to Serpentico. Will The Infantry be sippin’ sauce with the Savages? Or will the STP recruiting pitch look even better after a big win alongside Maria’s baby boys?

The teams sort out and #BadNews&Tattoos starts against the Ivy League MVP. Bravo and Griff keep the Code of Honor and the bell rings. The two circle, the fans rally up, and join in on “OORAH!” Griff and Bravo tag up, Griff wrenches to wristlock. Bravo slips around to wrench back and ELBOW BREAKER! Tag to Dean, he goes up and AX HANDLES the arm. Dean wrenches, ELBOW BREAKERS, then tags Bravo back in. “OORAH!” BACKBREAKER to KNEE DROP! Cover, ONE!! Bravo stays on Griff to wrench and he tags in Bronson. Bronson takes the handoff to wrench, whip but Griff KICKS back!

Tag to Karter, and he doesn’t wanna tag Moriarty, so he runs into a back drop! Tag to Boulder and Bronson brings Karter up. Fans fire up, because it’s time to visit #TIDDYCITY!! But Maria says no, SHE has TIDDY CITY! She takes off the coat and the fans lose their minds! The Savages are drooling, but Griff & Karter run up! The Savages move and the boys stop from running into Maria! They apologize, but then Bronson SMACKS their heads together! And now, it’s a two-for-one, DOUBLE TIDDY CITY!! The fans fire up with the Savages and Karter sputters. Boulder choke grips, but Moriarty runs in! Boulder grabs him, too!

Karter & Moriarty break free, run, but into DOUBLE FLAPJACKS! The fans fire up as Boulder stomps around, then tags in Dean. Dean scoops Karter to SLAM him, then he says, “OORAH!” The fans join in, Dean runs, LEAPING ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! Karter is still in this but Dean clamps on with a facelock. Dean whips, Karter reverses and Griff gets a cheap shot in! Dean DECKS Griff, then dodges Karter to clothesline him up and out! The fans rally as Dean builds speed, and Dean DIVES! Direct hit on Karter and Karter hits the desk! But then Griff LARIATS Dean! Fans boo but Maria says, “How about that?!”

Griff puts Dean in, calls to Karter and tags him in. They stomp away, and then Moriarty intercepts Bronson! IRON OCTOPUS, and Shane runs in to KNEE Bronson down! Shane then BLASTS Boulder and Bravo! Moriarty fires up but fans boo. Karter brings Dean up to DROPKICK him back down! Cover, ONE!! Dean shows his grit but Karter brings him up to bump off buckles. Tag to Griff, they mug Dean and Griff UPPERCUTS Dean down. Fans boo but Griff taunts Bravo. Griff drags Dean up to scoop and SLAM! Then he KNEE DROPS! Cover, TWO! Griff clamps onto Dean again, tags in Karter, and they mug Dean some more.

Karter stomps Dean, but Dean throws body shots! Karter RAMS Dean into the corner, Moriarty tags in, and they mug Dean. Moriarty brings Dean out, but Dean JAWBREAKERS back! The fans rally, but Moriarty blocks Dean’s path! Griff & Karter get in to whip Dean back into the corner! Then Griff & Karter whip Moriarty in, only for Dean to TOSS him out! Dean BOOTS Karter, ELBOWS Shane, and BOOTS Griff! Shane holds onto Dean, the ref reprimands, but Dean breaks free to ENZIGIRI! Shane falls over, the fans fire up and Maria shouts for someone to do something! Bravo CHUGS Savage Sauce!!

Moriarty intercepts Dean, Dean dodges, hot tag to Bravo! Bravo rallies on Moriarty! Then he back drops Griff! Then he blocks a kick, slips around, JUMPING NECKBREAKER! Bravo is all fired up, but Shane runs in! Bravo DUMPS Shane out to then PLANCHA! Bravo keeps moving, he POUNCES Karter and SUPERKICKS Griff! Bravo slingshots in to FLATLINER Moriarty! Cover, TWO!! Moriarty survives but Bravo is still running at high octane! Bravo runs up on Moriarty but Moriarty dodges! Shane is back, he shoves Bravo down to KNEE him down! No more turbo Bravo, but then Dean JUMP KNEES Shane out of the ring!

The fans fire up but Moriarty BOOTS Dean! Bronson LARIATS Moriarty! Karter fireman’s carries Bronson!? Griff BLASTS Boulder and BOOT O’ DOOM for Bronson! Boulder runs in, Karter & Griff dodge him to double kick low. They reel Boulder in, but Boulder blocks the double suplex to DOUBLE SUPLEX Griff & Karter!! The fans are thunderous, Maria is freaking out, and Shane gets in because now we have some “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” Shane fires a forearm, Boulder fires one back! They go back and forth, the fans on Boulder’s side! Boulder fires up but Shane ROCKS Boulder! Shane runs up, into a fireman’s carry!?

Shane fights free, bobs ‘n’ weaves then HEADBUTTS! Then he reels Boulder in for an URENAGE!! Bravo returns, ROLLING ELBOW! Shane choke grips and TOSSES Bravo to a corner! Bravo dodges, runs back in, CARLIE CROSSOVER! Bravo says stay down, but Moriarty rolls him up, TWO!! DOUBLE DROPKICKS, but Moriarty’s hits cleaner! Then THE FANG!! Cover, STP & Maria’s boys win!

Winners: Shane Taylor Promotions, Griff Garrison & Cole Karter, by pinfall

As fired up as the #IronInfantry was, Taiga Style finishes this one. Griff & Karter are fired up, but STP doesn’t share credit. Will Shane & Moriarty be the ones heading after Maria’s other boys and those ROH World Tag Team Championships?

Wait! Serpentico attacks Karter & Griff on the ramp! He’s getting his revenge after all! Maria freaks out, she can’t do anything as Serpentico rains down fists on Griff, then rains down fists on Karter! But then Maria taunts him with the stolen mask! He grabs hold of it, they tug-o-war, and Serpentico wins! But then Griff TACKLES Serpentico! Maria’s boy smug Serpentico and they take that mask back! Maria says the green mask is HERS, but will vengeance belong to Spanish Announce Project?


Backstage interview with Leyla Hirsch & Rachael Ellering.

Lexi is with the LEGIT Friends of Strong Smile, and notes that was a tough loss in the Fatal 4. Leyla isn’t even sure what happened. Just that she took the loss. She asks Rachael what was going on, and Rachael apologizes. Leyla can handle business on her own, obviously, but when Diamante got the chair, Rachael thought she was helping. But then three seconds later, turns out not. Leyla says it’s fine, she’s just frustrated. The tournament is coming, she wanted momentum for it, but they’ll put this behind them. Like they said last time, Leyla’s got Rachael’s back, and Rachael has Leyla’s. They’re good, they fist bump, but will their bond break when push comes to shove?


Lee Johnson VS Gravity!

Speaking of Fatal 4 Ways, Big Shotty won his last time, and now he looks to continue on 1v1. Will Johnson keep his momentum going towards a title opportunity? Or will the Astronaut of Lucha liftoff towards the gold instead?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the fans rally up as the two circle. Johnson and Gravity feel things out, tie up, and are in a deadlock. Johnson wrenches to wristlock, but Gravity rolls, wrenches back and wristlocks in return. Johnson rolls, kips up, and wrenches to then headlock. Gravity throws body shots to power up and out, but Johnson runs him over! The fans are torn, but Johnson grins as he runs. Gravity stays low, then hurdles, then keeps moving to RANA! Fans fire up for “Lucha Libre!” as Johnson arm-drags! Gravity RANAS but Johnson handsprings through this time! Johnson wags his finger at Gravity but Gravity runs in!

Johnson hip tosses but Gravity handsprings through that! Gravity space walks and the fans fire up. They shake hands again, and then they reset. The fans applaud, the two circle, and the fans chant for “GRA-VI-TY! GRA-VI-TY!” Johnson nods, ties up with Gravity and waistlocks. Gravity switches, Johnson switches, repeat! They go around and around and around, and around and around, then Johnson ELBOWS Gravity. And ELBOWS him again! Johnson runs, but Gravity dropkicks the legs out! Fans fire up, Gravity springboards to SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Gravity keeps on Johnson with a whip but Johnson reverses.

Gravity handsprings, then arm-drags Johnson to a corner! Johnson staggers forward, into a DROPKICK! Gravity sees Johnson goes out, but fakes the plancha as Johnson moves. Gravity jumps up again but Johnson YANKS him down! Johnson drags Gravity off the ground, puts him in the ring, and then goes up a corner. The fans rally up, Johnson CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Gravity is still in this but Johnson keeps cool. The fans rally up again, and Johnson CHOPS Gravity! Gravity CHOPS back! Johnson CHOPS again! So Gravity CHOPS again! Gravity then blocks Johnson’s haymaker to fire forearms!

Gravity whips, Johnson reverses but Gravity dodges in the corner. Johnson hits buckles, Gravity runs in, ARABIAN PRESS ARM-DRAG! Johnson bails out, Gravity builds speed, and Gravity FLIES! Direct hit and down goes Johnson! The fans fire up again as Gravity drags Johnson up and puts him in. Gravity hurries up to the apron, RAMS into Johnson, and then slingshots to schoolboy! TWO!! But Gravity deadlifts Johnson to POWERBOMB!! High stack, TWO!?! Johnson survives and shocks everyone! The standing count starts while both men are down, but Gravity rises first. Gravity brings Johnson up to a fireman’s carry, but Johnson schoolboys that, TWO!

Gravity wheelbarrows to victory roll, TWO! Johnson ducks the lariat to dragon sleeper, and SAVING GRACE!! Cover, Johnson wins!

Winner: Lee Johnson, by pinfall

Another big win for Big Shotty, he is building momentum at just the right time! Will it finally lead him to a shot at championship gold?


Backstage interview with Dalton Castle.

Lexi finds herself by the “locker room” of Dalton’s “friend,” and of course finds The Peacock himself. She notes the cliffhanger Johnny TV left us with, what does Castle think Johnny wants in exchange for a match? Castle has no idea. No clue. What could it be? His wit? His worm farm that helps germinate his plant? Maybe it’s Castle’s blood? Does Johnny want buckets of Castle’s “perfect” blood?! And worst of all, Castle has to wait a week!? A WEEK!? Castle feels sick thinking about it but Lexi says he has to be patient. Castle is almost foaming at the mouth! Lexi wants to call a medic but Castle needs CHEESE!

Castle gets inside a dryer and says wake him up in a week! Lexi slams the door closed on Castle, will The Peacock last being driven crazy by his own obsession?


Four Corner Survival: Jack Cartwheel VS AR Fox VS Willie Mack VS Komander!

It’s another Fatal 4 Way that guarantees to be fast ‘n’ furious! And if everything is bigger in Texas, then will this be the biggest, the fastest, and the furious-est Fatal 4 main event in ROH history?

The Code of Honor is upheld by all, the bell rings, and the fans rally up. The four feel things out, then Jack throws hands on Mack! Komander joins in but Fox goes after Jack. Fox CLUBS Jack, Mack UPPERCUTS Komander. Fox and Mack coordinate, they whip Jack and Komander at each other but they stop themselves. They double mule kick Mack to a corner! Fox runs in, they both dodge, and Mack puts Fox on the apron. Komander dodges Mack, Jack goes Matrix to dodge, but then Fox DECKS Jack! Fox springboards, Mack gets under but then Fox goes Matrix to dodge Mack! Fox ENZIGIRIS Mack down and fans fire up!

Komander returns, Fox catches him, ROPE FLATLINER, then the SOMERSAULT NECKBREAKER! Cover, Jack breaks it! Jack CLUBS Fox but Fox kicks low. Fox whips, Jack goes up and over and keeps moving, but Fox puts Jack on the apron. Jack RAMS into Fox, slingshots but Fox goes out! Jack misses but then dodges the slingshot senton! FLAG POLE LEG SWEEP! Then Jack fires up for the slingshot, POMMEL ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! Jack cartwheels and the fans fire up! Jack storms up to CLUB Fox, but Fox kicks back. Jack throws hands, Fox kicks more, and Mack is back. Jack BLASTS Mack then has the fans rally up.

Jack feeds off the energy but then Mack DECKS him! Mack brings Jack up, Fox brawls with Komander outside,  and Mack CHOPS Jack! Jack sputters, Komander slides in and CLUBS Mack! Komander fires off kicks on Mack’s leg, then runs side to side to KICK that leg! Mack falls, Jack and Komander work together again to bring Mack up. They double whip, Mack breaks the line to DOUBLE LARIAT! Fans fire up with #MackTruck but Fox runs in, only for Mack to pop-up HAYMAKER! Mack mocks the wobble, but Jack CLUBS him into a headlock. Fans want tables but Jack throws elbows. Jack runs, into an EXPLODER!

Mack sees Komander on the apron. Mack runs in, Komander slides under but Mack turns him over. Komander slips back out to the apron, DUMPS Mack out, then springboards to ASAI MOONSAULT! Direct hit and the fans fire up! Komander gets Mack in the ring while fans rally for “LUCHA! LUCHA!” Komander goes up but Fox GAMANGIRIS him right down! Fox then goes up, aiming at Mack! But then he SUPER CANNONBALLS Komander and Jack first! Then he goes up, SWANTON onto knees! Mack then pops Fox up, SKY HIGH! Cover, Jack breaks it!! All four men are down around ringside and the fans rally up again.

The fans call for tables as Jack rises up. Fox sits up by the ropes, Mack goes out the other side. Jack pursues Mack, brings him up, and CLUBS him. Mack SMACKS Jack! Mack whips Jack, but Jack rebounds, cartwheels, holds ropes then DUMPS Mack back out! Fans rally as Jack fires up, but then he sees Fox standing in his way. They fire forearms back and forth and the fans fire up! Fox gets the edge, SOBATS, then he runs, but Komander is back to wheelbarrow and STOMP 182! LIONSAULT! Cover, Jack breaks it!! Komander seethes and he goes after Jack with forearms! Jack hits back, they go back and forth, and Komander CLUBS away!

Komander runs, but Jack catches the crossbody to a fireman’s carry! CARTWHEEL DEATH VALLEY! Fans fire up with Jack and he scoops Komander, for a CARTWHEEL POWERSLAM! Cover, Fox breaks it! Fox CLUBS Jack, throws forearms, then winds up, but Jack cartwheels to dodge! Fox goes Matrix again, but then Jack ducks the roundhouse! Fox slips out of the waistlock, but Jack backflips to waistlock again! Deadlift GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Fox escapes and Jack is shocked! Fox goes to a corner, Jack pulls off the armbands and fires back up. But Mack returns to FLY and take out Fox and Komander instead!!

The fans lose their minds over the Return of the Mack but Jack won’t be outdone! Jack goes up the corner, aims at all three, and the fans fire up for the ARIHARA CARTWHEEL!! The fans are thunderous as Jack puts Mack back in.
“This is Awesome!” as Jack climbs up again. Jack then hits the CARTWHEEL PRESS! Cover, but Fox is up top! Jack moves, 450 SPLASH on Mack! Cover, Jack RIPCORDS Fox to the CARTWHEEL DEATH VALLEY!! Fox is in the drop zone now and Jack goes up! But Komander 619s the legs out! And SPRINGBOARD DESTROYERS!!! Komander puts Jack in the drop zone, and goes back up!

Komander tightrope walks, CIELITO LINDO!!! Cover, Komander wins!!

Winner: Komander, by pinfall

This was indeed a Texas sized Fatal 4, and the fans cheer the AAA World Cruiserweight Champion’s victory! Will Komander look to take command of an ROH title soon enough?


Athena and friends regroup backstage.

Lexi and Billie give Athena a group hug, they’re so happy to have her back. She says she gets it, okay? The hugging stops, and Athena says that tonight went exactly as planned. Everything is back to normal, MIT is in full swing, and they even got Lexi a new hat to go with her new shirt. The shirt is “The Family” and it’s Athena, Billie & Lexi in anime style, the hat is the cowgirl hat Nyla was wearing earlier. But Athena has more: there’s Honey Jack, green apple Skittles and kittens, so go get the car. Lexi & Billie hurry away excitedly, and then Athena talks to Nyla through the camera.

“You think that you’re playing some type of game, but I’ve been here, I’ve done that. But I’ve never had someone disrespect me by coming into my house and putting me down. I know you’re new to ROH, but everything the light touches is MINE. And in my kingdom, you are nothing but a miniscule little ant. So, my show, my rules, my MIT! I am the Alpha, the Minion Overlord, your Forever ROH Champion, Nyla, and it’s about your ass bows down.” But then Nyla runs in and SPINEBUSTERS Athena through a catering table!! Nyla says, “Psych, you THOT.” Nyla then takes an orange and bites into it, peel and all!

Just when The Fallen Goddess got back up, the Native Beast throws her back down! When and where will these two forces of nature have it out in the ring?

My Thoughts:

A really good episode of ROH, even at an hour and 42 minutes. I ended up covering more of this show than I expected, too, but for one, that WWE press event got me hyped so I had to do something with all that energy. Also, this is how ROH should be doing episodes. So much was either story motivated or had story to motivate me to watch it. Really good showing from Aaron Solo but of course Ethan wins. It’d be fitting if Ethan confronted Kyle Fletcher for his ROH World Television Championship during a Don Callis Family segment, but that probably won’t happen since AEW hasn’t been trying that hard to include ROH in stuff outside of having ROH wrestlers job to AEW wrestlers.

I figured “Dalton Castle’s Friend” wasn’t a real person, but I didn’t think Castle would have that fake beard as his disguise. Especially after his alter ego’s name being in Espanol. Castle’s still hilarious in this story but I’d like if they just get to the match already. And what happened to what they were doing with Kiera going after Taya? Why wasn’t there a Mixed Tag build? Did the ROH Women’s Television Championship detour all things? We got another great Women’s Fatal 4 and a really good win for Diamante that also adds to the tension between Leyla and Rachael. Maybe Taya and Kiera meet in the opening round of the tournament, same as Leyla and Rachael.

Strong promo from Shane Taylor, and here’s hoping they add more members to the faction after all. Honestly, not sure why Johnson wasn’t added before, but he seems to be doing fine now after a really good match against Gravity. Great win for Johnson here, he might get a shot at the ROH TV Championship but I can’t be sure he wins it. And great 8 Man Tag tonight. Great teamwork from Infantry and Savages, but after that promo, of course STP wins it for their side. And great story stuff with Griff & Karter with SAP, that tag team grudge match should be a Tornado Tag or something. And awesome main event Fatal 4 and awesome win for Komander, though I’m not sure he’ll ever really get an ROH title to add to his AAA Cruiserweight Championship.

And really good stuff out of the story of Athena and Nyla Rose. Billie gets a good win tonight, and I actually like how they had Billie set Nyla up for Athena’s return better than my idea of it being during Nyla VS Billie. But with Athena having a promo to close out the night, I just felt Nyla’s retaliation coming. With all this table stuff, I have a feeling we’re getting no less than a No Disqualification match, maybe even just a plain Tables Match. All I know is, there’s gonna be a huge table spot in their title match that then leads to who wins.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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