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Mitchell’s NJPW Road to Sakura Genesis Results & Report! (3/31/24)

Rural Revitalization in Hamamatsu!



Can the Silverback put in the hard work?

Great-O-Khan defends the KOPW Championship against Tanga Loa, but in a rather … unique style. Will Loa survive the Rural Revitalization in Hamamatsu?


  • Jeff Cobb VS Shoma Kato; Cobb wins.
  • Intergalactic Jetsetters VS Bullet Club War Dogs; Jetsetters win.
  • 10 Man Tag: Just5Guys VS Tomohiro Ishii, Toru Yano, Tomoaki Honma, El Desperado & Boltin Oleg; Just5Guys win.
  • Hirooki Goto & Tiger Mask VS Chase Owens & Taiji Ishimori; Chase & Taiji win.
  • Six Man Tag: Shota Umino, YOH & Togi Makabe VS The House of Torture; House of Torture wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS The United Empire; LIJ wins.
  • Shingo Takagi & Tetsuya Naito VS EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi; Takagi & Naito win.
  • KOPW Championship Rural Revitalization Match: Great-O-Khan VS Tanga Loa; Khan wins and retains the title.


KOPW Championship Rural Revitalization Match: Great-O-Khan w/ The United Empire VS Tanga Loa w/ Jado!

The Dominator won this title by going fast and furious, but now he’s going to put his nose to the grindstone! Rural Revitalization is a best two out of three rounds match: a ten minute “most covers” match; a five minute eel eating contest; and if need be, a four corners strap match! Will the Silverback be able to survive a hard day’s work? Or will Khan hold onto the title in Hamamatsu?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who earns this title by the sweat of their brow!

Again, round one is most covers, so every count of a pin scores a point. The bell rings, we’re on the clock, and the two circle as the fans rally up. They tie up, are in a deadlock, then they break. They circle again, feel things out, and tie up again. They’re in another deadlock, but Loa uses his height for leverage to put Khan on ropes. Red Shoes calls the break, Loa lets off slowly, and the fans applaud the sportsmanship. The two circle again, tie up, and Khan pulls on an ear! Khan CLUBS that ear, but Loa gets in Khan’s face! Khan dares Loa to do something, so Loa fires a forearm! Khan gives it back, and the two go back and forth!

The fans rally as the forearms keep going, and even pick up speed! We’re already two minutes in but Loa unloads a flurry! Loa runs, but Khan RAMS him! Both men stagger but neither falls, and the fans rally up again. Khan runs, RAMS Loa, but Loa doesn’t fall! Loa runs, he RAMS Khan, but Khan doesn’t fall! Khan fires up, runs again, RAMS Loa, and Loa grits his teeth as he stays up. Loa gets in Khan’s face, they each dare the other to run, so they both run! They RAM shoulders and Khan staggers back! Loa runs up to clothesline Khan up and out! The fans rally, the Empire coaches Khan, but Loa goes out to fetch him.

Loa drags Khan up to SMACK him off the apron! Khan clutches his face but Loa talks trash with the Empire. Loa drags Khan up, CLUBS him on the neck, then brings Khan back up. Four minutes in, Loa whips but Khan reverses! Loa hits railing and tumbles up and over! Loa clutches a knee while the Empire coaches Khan. Khan goes out to No Man’s Land to get Loa! Khan stomps Loa, then uses railing to CHOKE him! Red Shoes reprimands, Khan lets off, and then he takes more railing to SLAM it onto Loa! Khan drags Loa up and we’re five minutes into this ten minute round as Khan puts him in the ring.

The fans rally as Khan drags Loa up, and hits Mongolian Chops! And more Mongolian Chops! But then Loa back elbows! Khan stops the hell stab to ELBOW and SAYANAGI! Cover, TWO! Khan has points on the board and the fans rally up. Khan drags Loa up, whips him to a corner, then runs in to clothesline! Khan turns Loa around and sits on his throne! The fans cheer, but then Loa slips out! Loa UPPERCUTS Khan down! The fans rally, Loa drags Khan up, and he fires point-blank clotheslines again and again in the corner! The fans cheer and count along, and Loa goes to TEN! Loa then whips corner ro corner to A-LIST LARIAT!

Khan falls, Loa goes up, and Khan stands for the CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Loa just tied this round up, with three minutes left! Loa scoops, but Khan slips free! Khan trips, waistlocks, and gator rolls to a bridging cover, TWO! That’s two more points! Khan trips to jackknife bridge, TWO! More points for Khan as he hurries to snap suplex! PANCAKE BRIDGE, TWO! Khan clamps on with a KATA GATAME! They didn’t discuss how submissions factor into this, but Khan is mostly just stalling to wear out the clock! Loa endures as Khan leans all his weight and even does a headstand! Khan thrashes Loa around but Loa keeps the shoulders up!

Loa reaches around as we drop under two minutes! Khan drags Loa from ropes, pushes on Loa, but Loa still avoids the cover. Loa fights around, ROPEBREAK! Khan holds on until Red Shoes counts, and Khan poses. Khan then drags Loa up, scoops, but Loa slips free! Khan still HELL STABS first! Loa stays up, Khan BOOTS him, but again Loa stays up! And LARIATS!! Cover, TWO! Loa gets points but he only has one minute to tie this up! Loa scoops, Khan slips free, but Loa PELES! Khan roars and rises, to then waistlock! Loa bucks the O’Conner, then SPEARS Khan down! Cover, FIVE!! Loa takes the lead!!

Loa clamps on the CROSSFACE!! Khan endures with just 30 seconds left! Khan has to get free or get a cover, but then we’re down to TEN seconds! Khan fights, moves, but time’s up! Loa takes the round!

Khan: 0; Loa: 1

Just as Khan had it in the bag, it slips through his fingers and the first round goes to Loa! Thee cornermen help both men refresh, and the ring crew helps bring in some tarps to set down. They’re setting the table for round two, the eel eating contest! Surely both men have worked up an appetite, but will Khan taste bitter defeat?

The table is ready, the unagi is served, and Khan gets his shirt back on so he can join Loa for the meal. Red Shoes helps with the soy sauce while both men bring out the chopsticks. The bell rings and they have five minutes to eat up! Loa and Khan seem to be enjoying the meal, at least. The fans rally as they dip, chew and swallow as fast as they can while still being safe. As we pass into the two minute mark, Khan appears to have a much better pace and much better appetite than Loa, having already cleared out a third of his plate compared to Loa maybe having cleared a fifth. But Loa won’t be deterred, he still has time as well as the first round in his pocket.

Khan takes a moment to stand and shake out his pants, trying to loosen them up so he can eat more. Loa soldiers on as Jado coaches him, but he is starting to feel stuffed. Khan has cleared about half his plate and looks to be hitting his stride. Two minutes left, the Empire cheers Khan on. Loa seems at a loss for words at how Khan is just putting these unagi away. Loa takes a deep breath, keeps going, and Khan again uses the shake technique. We’re at the one minute warning, and Khan’s lead is astounding! Loa is making some ground, and Khan is the first to drink some water, but Loa follows as we have 30 seconds!

The fans cheer as the countdown nears its end! TEN SECONDS! Khan chomps down a couple more, and that’s the round! Red Shoes and the refs examine the plates, counting each individual piece. Loa ate 34, but Khan ate 37! Khan wins the round!

Khan: 1; Loa: 1

Well, now that both men have had a good dinner break, and the score tied at a round apiece, it’s back to work! And that means putting on the strap! Though it really looks more like a rope. Either way, the goal is for each man to take their picture off the corners so note they’ve tagged them, and the first to get all four corners wins. The bell rings and the fans rally up! Khan and Loa each pull on the strap, the tug-o-war being rather even. Loa wants his red corner but Khan digs his heels in! Khan reaches for his blue corner, but now Loa digs his heels in! The fans rally as the two sit down with the tug-o-war, and Loa crawls his way around!

Loa reaches for an open white corner but Khan still tries for blue! They go back and forth, pulling and being pulled, and Khan stands back up. Khan tries to drag Loa along but Loa’s grapevining the rope! Loa reaches with his free arm but Khan keeps him back! Loa powers his way back, TAG! That’s one corner for Loa already, but still a long way to go. Khan gathers up slack to get closer to Loa and to keep him even further from the corner. Loa still digs his heels in but Khan roars as he drags Loa back! The fans rally, but those unagi might not be sitting well… Loa uses this opening to fight forward, but Khan still keeps him back!

Loa stands, pulls as hard as he can, and Khan loses grip! Loa falls back into the corner, but Khan runs up to tag, too! So then, both men score a corner? No, Red Shoes uses his discretion to say falling is not tagging, Khan has tied things up! But then Loa TAGS the corner after all! Loa takes the lead again, but Khan can still turn this around. The fans rally, Khan brings Loa up but Loa kicks. Khan blocks and is upset Loa was trying to hit him in the gut! Loa apologizes, Khan slowly lets him go, but then goes to kick! Loa blocks and is upset Khan was about to do the same! Khan apologizes, Loa lets him go, and the fans applaud.

Khan pulls on the rope, and the two both throw forearms! Loa gets the edge, then fireman’s carries! Khan panics but Loa is the one feeling the strain! Loa marches towards the blue corner but between Khan’s weight and the unagi, he’s a bit lethargic. Khan slips free, and uses the strap to CHOKE Loa! Legal in a strap match, after all! Loa endures, still reaches out, but he’s fading! Khan leans on Loa and grinds him to the mat! Khan then lets go, and he reaches for a corner. Khan ends up having to drag Loa along, and he TAGS the white corner! Now we’re all tied up at two apiece! Khan takes a moment to settle his stomach before standing again.

Khan goes for the blue corner but Loa anchors him using the strap! Khan frowns, storms up on Loa, and again uses the strap to CHOKE Loa! Loa is fading out again but the fans rally. Loa sits up but Khan stands on Loa’s shoulder blades! Khan pulls as hard as he can but Loa is still fighting! Khan drags Loa up and turns around, NECKBREAKER RACK! But Loa RAMS Khan into the corner! Khan is about to blow~! The fans freak out as Khan does his best to hold those 37 unagi potstickers in! Khan manages to breathe, but Loa is on him to fire forearms! Loa then whips corner to corner, but Khan reverses to IRON RIGHT the gut!

Loa drops to his knees, those 34 potstickers somehow staying inside! But Khan tags the other white corner, and now he takes the lead! Khan asks for help, The Empire gets him his shirt, and he uses that to wipe his mouth. Khan stomps Loa, but also has to drag him along. Loa resists so Khan rains down fists! Khan CHOKES Loa straight up, then stomps him some more. Khan reaches for the blue corner but Loa still holds him back! Khan kicks Loa around, stomps him again, then CHOKES him! Loa can only endure, but Khan lets up to stomp around. The fans rally, Loa rises, and Khan runs up, but Loa dodges the boot! STRAP LOW BLOW!

Khan gasps for air as he drops to his knees! Loa crawls over, reaches out, and he tags the white corner! We’re tied up again, and now it comes down to the blue corner! Loa is closer, but Khan hurries to grab the ropes on the opposite end! But Loa uses the strap to reel Khan in! Khan does the same to keep Loa from the corner! The fans rally, Khan scuffs Loa, but Loa still reaches out. Khan fires a forearm, but there’s not a lot behind it with the unagi weighing Khan down. Oh no, is Khan gonna puke after all? The fans rally as Loa comes back to forearm Khan. Not much behind that one, either, but both men still fall over.

Loa reaches out, Khan fires a forearm. Loa sits back up so he can fire a forearm back. Khan falls over but he still anchors Loa by holding ropes! Loa drags Khan up but Khan BITES Loa’s ear! A vicious attempt at dessert, but Loa throws hands! Loa gets Khan’s wrists, for KAMI- NO! Khan uses the strap to block! Then he IRON CLAWS, and has a leg, for a modified ELIMINATOR!! Khan crawls, the Empire and the fans all rally, Khan TAGS and WINS!

Winner: Great-O-Khan, 2-1 (still KOPW Champion)

Khan not only holds onto the title, but he holds in the potstickers! A valiant effort from the Silverback, but will it take even more intestinal fortitude to take this title from The Dominator?

Speaking of, Khan gets the mic to speak to the “peasants of Hamamatsu.” Khan says “only those who prepared the Hamamatsu dumplings today will be allowed at the table. We praise you for preparing such a delicacy.” The fans applaud that, and after Khan catches his breath again, he says, “Before you even start, you’re denied. Once you start, you’re halted. If you quit, you’re ridiculed. The only way is to persevere until you reach the end.” The fans applaud again, and Khan asks, “When you hear the words ‘pro-wrestling’ and ‘professional wrestler,’ what comes to mind? Antonio Inoki? Tiger Mask? Riki Choshu? The Three Musketeers?

“How long are we gonna talk about the past!? A new era is dawning!” The fans applaud that, too! Khan says he’ll make it so everyone thinks of HIM when they think of pro-wrestling! It starts in Japan, in all the small provinces. “But know this: The first step in Hamamatsu is a giant one.” The fans applaud again, and Khan likes that “Hamamatsu, the town of fine dumplings” feels the same. “Aren’t you proud of that association?” The fans applaud to confirm. Khan also brings up that there’s eels, mandarin oranges, strawberries, cedar, cypress, and Hamamatsu Castle! The fans applaud the many symbols of their region.

Khan says rest assured, while they rule KOPW and NJPW, when the Empire sees a crying child, they will offer them Hamamatsu dumplings, and make it more well-known than ever before! For this is the United Empire’s power! Callum Newman, Francesco Akira, TJP, Jeff Cobb and Great-O-Khan, “HAIL US, PEASANTS!” The fans cheer their Empire, will nothing stop them from conquering NJPW and the world?

My Thoughts:

Well, this time skipping matches isn’t really my fault. NJPW was unable to livestream from Hamamatsu, and I waited all day for the matches to be On Demand. They made sure the main event was uploaded first of all the matches, and I’m not going back to get the rest since they’re mostly tune-up filler anyway. But great stuff out of this Rural Revitalization match, I hope Khan suggests this one again next time. They weren’t quite as frantic going for pins in the first round but I suppose they were saving their energy for the final round since of course it was going to all three stipulations. And for a four corner style strap match, they were very creative in building the tension until the very end.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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