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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (3/15/24)

The Role Model wants revenge!



Will Bayley avenge herself against Damage CTRL?

Before fighting Iyo Sky for the WWE Women’s Championship, Bayley is after Dakota’s head! Will Bayley get even with the snake, #CobraKai?


  • Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship Ladder Match Qualifier: LWO VS Legado Del Fantasma; Legado wins and advances to the next round.
  • Randy Orton VS Grayson Waller w/ Austin Theory; Orton wins.
  • Santos Escobar w/ Legado Del Fantasma VS Dragon Lee; Santos wins.
  • Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship Ladder Match Qualifier: New Catch Republic VS Pretty Deadly; New Catch Republic wins and advances to the next round.
  • Bayley VS Dakota Kai w/ Damage CTRL; Bayley wins, by disqualification.


The Rock is here!

The fans fire up as the Great One makes his entrance, and then the theme transforms into his Hollywood Rock remix. He goes right to the ring, where a chair, a table and a mic stand await. The fans cheer for “ROCKY! ROCKY!” and he smiles. The Rock picks up the mic, the fans chant even louder, and then The Rock says usually, every single week, he comes out here and he torches and scorches every city that he’s in. “But tonight, it’s different.” The fans cheer that! The Rock says this city is different. Years ago, when The Rock first started his wrestling career, he started right here in Memphis, Tennessee.

The fans continue to chant for “ROCKY! ROCKY!” and he says he started here, every Saturday morning on Channel 5, and every Monday night at the big top flea market. Does anyone here remember his name from back then? “Flex Cabana.” He doesn’t know what he was thinking but he went for it. This city is different, so The Rock will say it like this. He loves you, too, he appreciates that. This is how The Rock will say it. “FINALLY…! The Rock has come back… home!” The fans cheer for that! Memphis, The Rock is home, it has been years. Do they wanna have fun tonight? Well The Rock promises they’ll have some fun.

Memphis, home of the blues, of Elvis Presley, and of country. The Rock loves the blues and country, do they want a song? The fans cheer so The Rock says yeah, let’s sing a song. He has War & Treaty’s Max, as well as Memphis’ own Yella P. The Rock will sing a little song here tonight. Another fans shouts “I love you~” and The Rock thanks her for that. She sounds like someone The Rock could love: drunk ‘n’ horny. But The Rock will cover a lot of stuff, but what he’ll cover first is what will happen to Cody Rhodes & Seth Rollins at WrestleMania. Max strums the guitar, Yella P plays the harmonica, and The Rock gets into it.

“The Rock is gonna come lay the smacketh down on your blonde Cody ass and your best friend, the clown. I’m gonna whoop that ass and break your back. Or maybe I’ll just beat you with my fanny pack!” The Rock has the classic pic on the tron! “There’s gonna be so much drama. You’ll truly have no choice but cry to your mama.” Yeah, you know who he means. Mama Rhodes! Cody Rhodes’ mama! Rock is a mama’s boy. Any mama’s boys out there? Yella P confirms. Well here’s a little story about how Cody was born, it is historically accurate, as all of The Rock’s stories are.

“Dusty’s youngest son was just what he feared. He tried to raise him right but he turned out too weird.” STARDUST!? “That’s when Dusty said with total frustration, that drugs and cheap condoms were a bad combination! I know it keeps Cody awake to know he wasn’t planned, and he was a mistake. It’s okay, Cody, the important thing is you’re here now. And you’re not alone going into WrestleMania. You’ve got a tag team partner, that living embodiment of cringe, Seth Rollins. Got a little song for him, too.

“Cacklin’ and dancin’ is all that you do. No wonder that your wife is more popular than you. You’re so damn desperate to make them all cheer, but The Rock is gonna make that title disappear! You’re simply an embarrassment, son. Just like Ja Morant when he’s waving a gun. I love you, Ja!” The fans boo but The Rock says get well soon. But that should cover it. They got Cody, his family, Rollins… The Rock feels they must be leaving someone out. Oh yes, the Cody Crybabies! This one’s for all of you!

“You’re all so entitled, obnoxious and brash. Some of you have sex, but you have to pay cash. Your hero’s gonna bleed, and need some stiches. So whine about that, you crybaby b*tches! There’s some lines you just don’t cross. You all can kiss the ass of the Final Boss!” The Rock wants to do that again. “There’s some lines you just don’t cross. You all can kiss the ass of the Final Boss! We love you, Memphis!” The fans cheer The Rock concert’s return, and he says he liked it, too. And now The Rock wants to move things along. He wants to say something. They had fun, but here’s another kind of fun.

Last week on SmackDown, Cody Rhodes did something to The Rock. The world heard it, The Rock felt it, let’s take a look back. The Rock is of course referring to the slap Cody gave The Rock after being called “the mistake.” Fans in the present boo and The Rock smiles. Yeah, Cody finally manned up, grew a pair, and took a swing. Cody slapped the hell out of The Rock. But what’d The Rock do? He smiles. Then Cody went on Raw and The Rock and the world was waiting to hear the response to the biggest moment in Cody’s career. Was he gonna cut a passionate promo? What was he gonna do? How was Cody gonna respond to the moment that made him famous?

Cody talked about his mother, how he can’t hand the title to Dusty Rhodes but he sure can to Michelle Rubio. The Rock says Cody cried. By crying! He turned into a b*tch!? That’s how he responds!? Cody can’t handle the title to Daddy so he’ll hand it to Mommy~! You ain’t handing anybody anything! Cody, The Rock doesn’t wanna talk to you, but to one person, and that’s your mom! Mama Rhodes, The Rock knows you are watching and listening. You don’t know The Rock but you will in ways you wish you hadn’t. So Mama Rhodes, let The Rock break this down for you: Your son, Cody, took something from The Rock, and The Rock will make Cody pay, make the family pay, and make Mama pay.

WrestleMania Night One, Rock & Roman beat Cody and Seth, which brings them to Night Two, Bloodline Rules. Mama Rhodes, The Rock knows that you just can’t wait for Cody to #FinishTheStory. You want it so badly, to have the belt so bad, but that ain’t gonna happen. That belt stays around the waist of The Rock’s cousin, Roman Reigns.  And now, Mama Rhodes, you are gonna get a belt. But it’ll be The Rock’s belt. And it’ll be this belt here. Fans chant “WHOOP DAT TRICK!” as The Rock brings out a big Brahma bull weight belt. It’ll be something a lot like this. He’ll take this belt and beat Cody with it. The Rock will whip the piss out of Cody and make him bleed

The Rock will tear skin and flesh, whip Cody like a dog over and over again. And Cody’s blood will be on this belt. When The Rock is down whooping Cody and Roman is done beating Cody 1-2-3, The Rock will take this belt, soaked with Cody’s blood, and walk over to Mama Rhodes. Mama Rhodes needs to be in the front row so the world can see as The Rock walks over and hands this belt over. She will be crying like her son, and that is okay. Because then The Rock will whisper in her ear, with all the blood and tears on this belt, he will say, “Michelle… What can I say, except you’re welcome.” Fans are torn over the Moana reference.

The fans do still chant for “ROCKY! ROCKY!” and he says, “If you smell what The Final Boss is cooking.” The Rock flipped the switch from fun to frightening almost too easily. Will he and Roman Reigns write a tragic ending to Cody’s story?


Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship Ladder Match Qualifier: LWO VS Legado Del Fantasma!

Judgment Day isn’t happy that a Six Pack Ladder Match is how they’ll be defending these titles, but all the teams of Raw and SmackDown are sure for it! Will Cruz Del Toro & Joaquin Wilde have multiple tag title opportunities for WrestleMania Weekend? Or will Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo take this one for familia?

The teams sort out and Cruz starts against Humberto. They rush up, Cruz dodges to fire off haymakers and CHOPS! Cruz whips, Humberto reverses but Cruz slips free of the scoop. Humberto SUPERKICKS, tags Angel, and they set Cruz up for the LEAP FROG ATTACK! Humberto feeds Cruz to Angel so Angel can DECK him! Cover, TWO! Angel clamps onto Cruz, stands him up, and CHOPS him against ropes! The ref reprimands as Angel CHOKES Cruz, and Angel lets off to whip and mule kick! Cruz sputters, Angel brings him around and tags in Humberto. Legado mugs Cruz, then Humberto puts Cruz in an open corner.

Humberto whips corner to corner, Cruz slips out to the apron and Humberto hits buckles! Cruz GAMANGIRIS, springboards and FLYING RANAS! The fans fire up and Wilde tags in. LWO double whip Humberto to DOUBLE ELBOW, then they sit Humberto up for DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! Humberto bails out, Angel runs in but into DOUBLE DROPKICKS! The fans fire up as LWO builds speed, and they DOUBLE TOPE CONJILO! Direct hit at the ramp on both Angel and Humberto, and LWO points to the WrestleMania sign! Wilde puts Humberto in, covers, TWO! Wilde stays on Humberto with a whip and ELBOW, then elbow drop! Cover, TWO!

Wilde drags Humberto over to tag in Cruz. The LWO double whips again, to DOUBLE ELBOW, then they run, for the HIP TOSS SPLASH! Cruz adds a LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Memphis still fires up with LWO as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Cruz fights out of a chinlock. But Humberto CLUBS Cruz down, then drops an elbow! Cover, TWO! Humberto is frustrated but he drags Cruz around. Humberto CHOPS Cruz, but Cruz CHOPS Humberto! Humberto kicks and CLUBS and stomps away on Cruz! The ref reprimands, Humberto lets off, and he puts Cruz in the corner. Tag to Angel, Humberto whips Angel at Wilde for a SHOTGUN! Humberto puts Cruz up top, Angel GAMANGIRIS! Angel then tags Humberto back in, the cousins both go up, and they get Cruz up in a DOUBLE PRESS SLAM!! Cover, Wilde breaks it!!

The fans fire up as Wilde BLASTS Angel! But Humberto BOOTS Cruz! Cruz rolls Humberto up, TWO! Humberto runs up, Cruz ducks and shoves him, then SPANISH FLIES! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Cruz and Humberto crawl, hot tags to Angel and Wilde! Wilde goes right up to DOUBLE MISSILE DROPKICK! Atomic drop and KANGAROO KICK for Angel! NECKBREAKER for Humberto! The fans fire up with Wilde and he runs in to ELBOW Angel! Then he goes side to side, springboards, and RANAS to get Humberto! SUPERKICK on Angel and Wilde keeps moving! TORNADO DDT! Cover, Humberto breaks it!

Cruz goes up to springboard and MISSILE DROPKICK Humberto! Cruz builds speed and slides, but Humberto dodges to then RAM Cruz into barriers! But Wilde runs up, only for Angel to SUPERKICK! Tag to Humberto, feed and pop-up PUNT!! Cover, Legado wins!

Winners: Legado Del Fantasma, by pinfall (advance to the next round)

LWO tried but perhaps they were too greedy. Will Cruz & Wilde still have a shot at the NXT Tag Team Championships for Stand & Deliver? Santos Escobar is also in action tonight, will Legado own the night?


Onstage interview with LA Knight.

Kayla Braxton welcomes the Mega Star and says since Elimination Chamber, he has been on a quest to find AJ Styles. Has he had any luck? Knight asks for the mic so he can “cook” for a minute. Kayla obliges, and Knight tells Memphis, “LEMME TALK TO YA! AJ Styles…” Fans boo the Phenomenal One, and Knight brings up Styles saying Knight needs to be humbled. Now you’re talking his language. Now you’re saying what he wants to hear. Knight is right here, come on out to humble him! Fans echo “YEAH!” but nothing happens, and that’s what Knight figured. Another week Styles doesn’t show up, and why is that? Styles ain’t big enough for this ride.

“Napoleon Styles out here making empty threats,” acting like Knight ain’t looking for him. HUH!? Styles sees it fit to fly all the way to Australia, yet he can’t drive his keister over here to Memphis? And all the while, he says “X marks the spot, LA Knight marks the spot. NAH NAH! LA Knight spots the marks. And the biggest mark walking is AJ Styles, YEAH.” So with that in mind, if Styles doesn’t have enough tingle in his loins to come here to SmackDown, Knight knows where Styles won’t be able to help but show up. Knight wants Knight VS Styles at WRESTLEMANIA! The fans like the sound of that!

Knight tells Styles that Styles says Knight walks around like he owns the place. Knight might not own the place, but at WrestleMania, Knight will own Styles’ ass! That means Styles learns whose game this is, with everybody saying, “L! A! KNIGHT! YEAH!” But then Styles attacks from outta nowhere, with a chair! The fans boo as Styles then uses the chair to sit right on Knight’s neck! Styles picks up the mic to say, “I accept.” Refs and producers rush out here to get Styles to back off, but now the grudge match is set! Will the biggest WrestleMania ever also be the most phenomenal?


Logan Paul meets with Nick Aldis.

The United States Champion says hey to the SmackDown General Manager and asks, “What’s the plan?” Plan? Yeah, the punishment on Randy Orton. The chaos that happened last week. He slithered in, interrupted the biggest sponsorship moment in WWE history. He RKO’d Logan’s business partner right on the logo! What’s the plan? Aldis just smiles and Logan gets it. No dwelling on the past, right? But Orton should apologize, y’know? Not for Logan, he could care less. But for Aldis. Aldis could be in serious trouble. Think about the precedent it sets. The impact it could have on SmackDown and all of WWE.

Aldis says it’d set a great precedent if Logan requested that apology from Orton in person. Oh, Logan has to do it? Well it is Aldis’ job to make that happen. Is it? Yeah, it is. But of course, how can Aldis do his job when he can’t even find Logan an opponent for WrestleMania? Logan leaves with that, is he going to regret just about everything he just said to Aldis?


Backstage interview with Paul Heyman.

Kayla finds The Wise Man walking along with Solo Sikoa & Jimmy Uso, and startles him. She just wanted to ask if The Bloodline had a response to Jey Uso’s WrestleMania challenge to Jimmy. Jimmy says YES, there is a response! “Yeah! Little brother out there talking that big noise, huh? You forgot, didn’t you? You forgot that before The Right Hand Man, before you becoming a Main Eventer, before you becoming the longest reigning tag team champion in WWE, you was MY little brother! I raised you! Man, you followed me everywhere. I told you I got you. Last year at WrestleMania, it was me and you. This year at WrestleMania, it’s me VS you! Ey, Uce! Big Bruh got you! You want me? YEET!!”

Jimmy has spoken, and we have our Uso VS Uso match! Which side wins this Uso Civil War in the City of Brotherly Love?


Randy Orton VS Grayson Waller w/ Austin Theory!

The Viper not only took down KSI with an RKO last week, he and Kevin Owens humbled A-Town Down Under. But now the Aussie Icon wants his 1v1 in hopes of redeeming himself. Will Orton suffer the Grayson Waller Effect? Or will the Apex Predator be immune?

SmackDown returns and Orton makes his entrance. Orton does his pose a couple extra times just to get the fans more fired up. Waller gets impatient, and then out comes Logan Paul. Well, Aldis did tell him to get that apology in person, so maybe this is that. Waller blindsides Orton, the bell rings, and Waller climbs up to rain down fists! The fans boo but Waller wants Logan to see this. But Orton FLAPJACKS Waller off buckles! Orton climbs up and the fans fire up as Orton says these are for Logan, too! The fans count along, and Orton goes all the way to nine, but then Waller YANKS Orton down!

Waller DUMPS Orton out, goes out after him, but Orton kicks back! Orton SMACKS Waller off the desk, but Waller fights the back suplex! Waller hurries away into the ring but Orton drags him right back out! Orton TOSSES Waller into the timekeeper’s area! Orton glares at Theory, then looks Logan up and down. Waller SOMERSAULT COMPLETE SHOTS Orton on the desk! Theory says Waller’s the man but the fans boo, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Waller has a cravat on Orton to crank the neck. Orton endures, fights up, but Waller puts more pressure on the neck wrench. Logan confirms that he is demanding an apology here tonight, but Orton throws body shots. Waller fires knees in return! Waller whips, Orton comes back to LARIAT! The fans fire up as Orton rallies, then he dodges Waller to SNAP POWERSLAM! Orton sees Waller go to the apron and he brings Waller in through the ropes! The fans fire up but Waller steps in to DUMP Orton back out! Theory applauds but fans boo. Waller runs, slides, but into the DESK BACK SUPLEX!

The fans rally up as Orton agrees, he wants one more time! DESK BACK SUPLEX! Theory and Logan are both frustrated for Waller as Orton puts Waller in. Orton slides in, Waller crawls away and wants mercy. Theory gets on the apron but Orton sees him. Theory talks trash, Waller runs up, but Orton sends him into Theory! Down goes Theory, Waller is put in the ropes! The fans fire up and Logan gets mad as Orton laughs and hits the DRAPING DDT! The fans are thunderous as Orton tells Logan this is what he’s getting instead of an apology. Orton hears the voices, Waller rises up, but then Theory gets Waller outta there!

The fans boo but Orton drags Theory up into the ropes! DRAPING DDT for Theory! The fans are fired up, Waller somersaults in, into an RKO!! Logan is beside himself as Orton covers, and Orton wins!

Winner: Randy Orton, by pinfall

Orton blows a kiss to Logan as he stands tall over Logan’s little friends. But Theory CHOP BLOCKS Orton! Logan laughs as Theory DECKS Orton with a haymaker! Theory then sets Orton up for Logan as he slides in. The fans boo as Logan talks trash on Orton. Logan kisses Orton’s forehead, then loads up that heavy right. But here comes Kevin Owens! Logan is worried as KO BLASTS through Waller and gets in the ring! Kevin fires hands on Theory, Theory runs away, and then Logan falls back! The Maverick turns tail, Kevin helps Orton up, but Orton almost RKOs him!! Kevin is upset but Orton explains he thought it was-

THEORY RUNS UP! But into a STUNNER! And then an RKO!!! Kevin and Orton love the combo! Logan tries to play that off by saying he’s still US Champ, so none of this matters. But then Aldis walks out and “apologizes” for interrupting. But he wanted to follow-up on earlier. A couple of things. First, was Logan able to get that apology? No? Okay. Secondly, Aldis has determined Logan’s opponent for WrestleMania! Oh, sorry, he misspoke. He determined Logan’s opponents for Mania. Logan doesn’t like where this is going. Aldis says Logan will defend the title against Kevin Owens and Randy Orton in a Triple Threat!

Logan freaks out, but even Kevin and Randy are a little tentative about this. Will the Prizefighter or the Viper be the one to strike first and take that title from Logan?


Backstage interview with Damage CTRL.

Kayla is with Asuka, Kairi Sane, Iyo Sky & Dakota Kai ahead of Dakota’s match with Bayley. Bayley seems determined to take DMG CTRL down one by one before WrestleMania, so- Dakota stops Kayla there to say Bayley is not going to take them out and then make it to Mania! But they know Bayley is watching. Dakota tells Bayley that she will break her! And anyone who feels sorry for Bayley has lost their damn minds! DMG CTRL’s break-up is her doing! She was jealous of Iyo, threatened by Asuka & Kairi, and so in order for DMG CTRL to grow, they had to cut Bayley loose.

So this is a message not just to Bayley but to all the chicks in this locker room! DMG CTRL runs this! #CobraKai is ready to take a bite out of Bayley, but will Bayley still take the head off the snake?


Santos Escobar w/ Legado Del Fantasma VS Dragon Lee!

Angel & Humberto already did their Emperor of Lucha proud by moving forward in the tag team tournament. However, this battle is about the grudge growing between these two second-generation luchadores. Will Santos top off the night for Legado with one more big win? Or will the Boy Wonder avenge himself for all the blindsides and beatdowns at Legado’s hands?

The bell rings and the two rush in! Dragon CLOBBERS Santos, CLOBBERS him again, then fires off haymakers! Dragon whips, Escobar reverses but Dragon RANAS! Escobar bails out, Dragon builds speed and FLIES! Direct hit at the ramp and the fans fire up! Dragon pushes Escobar into the ring, hurries in after him, and then slips around the haymaker to reel Escobar in! Escobar fights the bomb, runs up in the corner, but Dragon pops him up to SUPERKICK him down! Escobar staggers, into an ENZIGIRI! Dragon brings Escobar around, reels him in again and the fans fire up for the SITOUT POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!

Escobar goes to a corner, Dragon runs in and JUMP KICKS! Leg sweep! But Angel runs up so Dragon has to SUPERKICK him first! Then COMBINACION DRAGON! The fans fire up, but now Humberto tries! Dragon FLYING RANAS Humberto onto Angel! Dragon returns to the ring, and into a fireman’s carry! PHANTOM DRIVER! Cover, Escobar wins!!

Winner: Santos Escobar, by pinfall

The king used his pawns to get the better of Dragon Lee, and now Legado beats him down again! But wait! Here comes Carlito! Caribbean Cool DECKS Humberto, CLOBBERS Angel, then runs after Santos! Santos runs away, so Angel gets the BACKSTABBER! Humberto runs up, into a SPINEBUSTER onto Angel! Santos CLOBBERS Carlito now that he has a clear shot! The fans boo as Santos says Carlito ruined his moment! Santos POSTS Carlito, but here comes REY MYSTERIO! The fans fire up as the LWO’s leader returns once again, and he storms right to the ring. Santos dares him to do something, but Rey says the same.

Santos swings, Rey dodges and fires off hands! Santos shoves but Rey rebounds to tilt-o-whirl RANA! Santos ends up on ropes! But then he bails out before Rey can connect with the 619! Rey gets the mic to ask why Santos is running away! Remember what Santos said? It was supposed to be them together as familia. Then he’ll get what he wants. Next week, 1v1, Rey VS Santos! And Rey promises that from the bottom of his heart, Rey WILL slap that stupid arrogant smile off Santos’ face! The fans like the sound of that! Will Santos finally pay for his betrayal?


Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship Ladder Match Qualifier: New Catch Republic VS Pretty Deadly!

Tyler Bate & Pete Dunne were cheated by The Judgment Day back at Elimination Chamber, so they’re right back in the mix with this qualifier. Will the Big Strong Boi & Bruiserweight take a big step towards redemption? Or will Kit Wilson & Elton Prince be saying #YESBOY to their own opportunity?

The bell rings, Bate and Kit tie up and Kit wrenches to a wristlock. Bate rolls, rolls and gets free. The fans rally, the two knuckle lock, and Bate rolls back to then trap Kit in a headscissor! Bate handstand walks to bring Kit over, then he goes up the corner to tag in Dunne. Bate RANAS Kit, then Dunne runs up to wrench and wristlock. Dunne bends the fingers, isolates the arm, and he STOMPS it! Kit shouts in pain but Dunne keeps him down to get the other arm! Kit shouts to Elton for help but Dunne bends the fingers again! And again! Kit writhes but Dunne isolates that arm to STMOP it, too! Elton reaches out but Dunne STOMPS Kit’s arm again!

Kit stands, Dunne runs up but Kit puts him on the apron. Dunne ROCKS Kit, CHOPS Elton, then catches Kit’s arm! Dunne bends the fingers again, but the ref counts. Dunne lets Kit go, and Elton trips Dunne up! Kit dropkicks Dunne, covers, TWO! Kit hammers away on Dunne, drags him over and tags in Elton. They mug Dunne in the corner, the fans boo and the ref counts. Pretty Deadly lets off to taunt Dunne, but Dunne CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Dunne fires forearms but Elton trips him with a single leg takedown! Elton rains down fists, then tags in Kit. Pretty Deadly gets Dunne up so they can mug him, but Dunne CHOPS again!

Dunne CHOPS and CHOPS then he BLASTS Elton! Dunne blocks Kit’s kick to DRAGON SCREW that leg! Kit writhes, hot tags to Elton and Bate! Bate rallies on Pretty Deadly, fires off UPPERCUTS on Elton and whips. Elton reverses but Bate tilt-o-whirls to RANA! The fans fire up as Bate then runs in to UPPERCUT Kit! Then he UPPERCUTS Elton! Back to Kit, then back to Elton! Bate pushes Elton down, Kit runs up, but Bate catches the leap! The fans fire up for the EXPLODER! Bate then RUNNING SHOOTING STARS Kit, and fireman’s carries Elton! AIRPLANE SPIN! The fans fire up as Bate goes around and around!

Bate keeps going and going and going, and gets about 20 rotations in before he finally stops! Bate and Elton are both very dizzy, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Bate kicks Kit away! Kit goes to a corner, and he runs up to UPPERCUT Bate down! Kit hurries to then bring Bate up and suplex, but Bate fights it! Bate suplexes Kit now, and gets him up and over! The fans fire up while both men are down! Kit and Bate crawl, hot tags to Elton and Dunne! Dunne ENZIGIRIS Elton, ENZIGIRIS Kit, then CLOBBERS Elton! Kit slides in but Dunne STMOPS the hands! Dunne then goes out to APRON X-PLE! Dunne hurries back in, dodges Elton and SNAP GERMAN SUPLEXES! Elton staggers up, X-PLEX into the ARMBAR! Elton flails and stacks Dunne, TWO!

Dunne lets Elton go, but then STOMPS the hands! And BUZZSAWS Elton down! Tag to Bate, they coordinate, TOP BINS in a corner! Dunne sets Elton up for Bate’s FLYING UPPERCUT! Cover, Kit breaks it! Dunne CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS Kit in return! Kit yoyos to LARIAT Dunne down! But Bate UPPERCUTS Kit! Elton runs up, Bate dodges, REBOUNDER into a BOOT! Elton tags Kit, they DOUBLE POST Bate & Dunne! Pretty Deadly then set Bate up for something new, ASSISTED WHEELBARROW BULLDOG! Cover, TWO!! Bate survives and Pretty Deadly is furious! Kit hammers away on Bate then tags in Elton!

Elton fires up, runs, but Bate says Bop up, and BANG! Then REBOUNDER and a tag! They get Elton up, BIRMINGHAMMER!! Cover, New Catch Republic wins!

Winners: New Catch Republic, by pinfall (advance to the next round)

A big win for British Strong Style, and now Bate & Dunne are one match away from going to WrestleMania! Will they be able to take down Legado to punch their ticket to Philadelphia?


Bayley VS Dakota Kai w/ Damage CTRL!

The Role Model brought #CobraKai and Iyo Sky back to the WWE, and there’s no denying that things soured at some point. But even so, DMG CTRL’s mutiny to excommunicate Bayley was brutal, and Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! Will Bayley unleash just some of that fury on Dakota before going for the Evil Genius? Or is her Road to WrestleMania about to hit an abrupt end?

The bell rings and Bayley TACKLES Dakota! The fans fire up as Bayley fires off fists, but Dakota bails out. DMG CTRL shields Dakota for a moment, but Bayley gets Dakota in the ring. The fans fire up with “WHOOP DAT TRICK!” as Bayley storms after Dakota, but Dakota SLAPS Bayley! Bayley is even angrier than she was before, and she picks Dakota up to RAM her into a corner! Bayley fires off fast hands, the ref counts, but Bayley lets off. Dakota is a bit worried, but Bayley just hammers away on her again! The ref counts, Kairi gets up, but Kairi also gets away before Bayley gets her. Dakota runs up but Bayley puts her on the apron!

Bayley ROCKS Dakota, slides out and trips Dakota up, so Dakota hits the apron! Bayley then has Dakota draped out, snap suplex to the floor! Bayley dares DMG CTRL to come get her but the ref has them stay back, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns as Dakota grinds Bayley down with a chinlock. The fans rally for Bayley as she fights up and throws body shots. Bayley is free, but Dakota gets around to roll her up! Bayley rolls through and KNEES Dakota down! The fans fire up but DMG CTRL is frustrated. Bayley goes to a corner, Dakota goes to the adjacent. But Asuka takes a swipe! The ref reprimands, Bayley still runs at Dakota, but Dakota DOUBLE STOMPS her down! Cover, TWO! Dakota drags Bayley onto ropes, CHOKES her, but lets off as the ref counts. But Asuka gets a cheap shot in! The fans boo, Dakota covers, TWO!

Dakota drags Bayley up, whips, but Bayley reverses to put Dakota in ropes! HOTSHOT STUNNER! Dakota flops around and Bayley goes up the corner! Dakota rises to GAMANGIRI first! Dakota then hurries up top, brings Bayley up, but Bayley resists! The fans rally as Bayley DECKS Dakota! Bayley adjusts, aims, and MACHO ELBOWS! Cover, TWO! Dakota survives and DMG CTRL is relieved. Bayley waits as Dakota rises, and she reels Dakota in! BAYLEY2- NO, Dakota slips free to waistlock! Bayley switches, but Dakota PELES her down! Dakota digs her boot into Bayley, then lets off so Kairi can go after Bayley! But Bayley turns that around on Kairi!

Iyo has to save Kairi from Bayley now, but Dakota runs side to side to BOOT WASH! Bayley staggers up, Dakota runs Around the World, but Bayley catches the boot for a RUNNING POWERBOMB!! Bayley rains down fists and the fans fire up again! Bayley TOSSES Dakota out, but Iyo gets in! Iyo aims with her belt, but then Asuka & Kairi run in! Bayley DECKS the Kabuki Warriors, then Iyo dares her to bring it! The fans fire up, but Dakota returns! Dakota anchors Bayley’s foot, Iyo CLOBBERS Bayley! The fans boo as DMG CTRL mugs Bayley!

Winner: Bayley, by disqualification

DMG CTRL gloats, but here comes NAOMI! Naomi runs up, ROUNDHOUSES Dakota, RAMS Kairi, and then gives Kairo a HEATSEEKER! Asuka runs up into a BOOT, and then a KNEE! Naomi fires off but Iyo SHOTGUNS Naomi down! DMG CTRL tosses Naomi out, they do NOT want to feel the glow. DMG CTRL mugs Bayley more, TRIPLE DROPKICKS! Iyo goes up, Bayley is set up like a hammock, OVER THE MOONSAULT!! Bayley has an ally out there after all, but is it not going to matter when DMG CTRL has control?

My Thoughts:

A great SmackDown here, and after waiting since Monday (and hearing The Rock dropped another social media promo), him opening with the return of The Rock Concert was a great move. The Rock gave us comedy but he also gave us serious and menacing, this build continues to be a lot of fun. Also a really good promo from LA Knight to bring out AJ Styles and make their match official, and an equally good promo from Jimmy to respond to Jey for their match. Each night probably gets one grudge match, maybe coordinating Jey VS Jimmy with Cody VS Roman on Night Two so that it fits into the overall Bloodline story.

Great stuff for Legado Del Fantasma tonight, but of course they were beating LWO in the tag match. We just saw Cruz & Wilde win their way into a tag title contender’s match on NXT, they weren’t going to get in on the Undisputed WWE tag title stuff, too. Dragon losing to Santos so quickly was a bit of a letdown to me, but it was at least highly protected with all those distractions going on. And while Carlito shows up just to get beat up, Rey showing up to give us Rey VS Santos next week is good stuff. I would think Rey wins that, but that probably depends on any WrestleMania plans for LWO and Legado.

Great tag team match for New Catch Republic VS Pretty Deadly, and with Legado waiting in the next round, of course NCR wins as Faces. Bate VS Dunne probably make it through Legado, too, again depending on WrestleMania plans for Legado. Authors of Pain, Street Profits, Good Brothers and A-Town Down Under are also part of this, and while AOP VS Profits can go either way, I would think Good Brothers lose. They’re already a big part of NXT’s tag title plans so Gallows & Anderson aren’t pulling double duty. Plus, Waller & Theory kinda need this win. Orton and Kevin got the better of those two again, and the Triple Threat I was sensing is now a reality.

And really good stuff with DMG CTRL’s story. Bayley getting a win by DQ seems a shame because she should be able to beat Dakota, but DMG CTRL wasn’t gonna let that happen. Naomi trying to make the save was a good touch per last week’s promo, but I suppose DMG CTRL was still going to stand tall when they still have the numbers advantage. As I said last week, Naomi probably ropes Bianca Belair into this story given Bianca’s past feud with DMG CTRL, Naomi & Bianca VS Kabuki Warriors for the tag titles would be a good addition to the Mania card.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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