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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (5/23/24)

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Will Daddy Magic & Cool Hand Ange never rise?

Matthew Menard & Angelo Parker got the band back together and want those ROH World Tag Team Championships! Will Mike Bennett stop them before they begin?


  • ROH World Television Championship Proving Ground: Kyle Fletcher VS London Lightning; Kyle wins and denies London a title match.
  • The Workhorsemen VS Spanish Announce Project; The Workhorsemen win.
  • Nyla Rose VS Riea von Slasher; Nyla wins.
  • Satnam Singh VS Jimmy Jacobs; Singh wins.
  • Shane Taylor Promotions VS Jon Cruz & Artemis Spencer; Shane Taylor Promotions win.
  • Matthew Menard VS Mike Bennett w/ Matt Taven; Menard wins.
  • 8 Man Tag: Lee Johnson, Action Andretti & Top Flight VS Cole Karter, Griff Garrison & The Premier Athletes w/Mark Sterling; Lee, Action & Top Flight win.


JD Drake speaks.

“Here I am again, just like I talked about the last time I was here: all by myself. Just because unfortunate circumstances happen doesn’t mean the work stops. So it’s time for me, I reckon, just like I said, to reach down, tighten up the bootstraps and get back to work. All by my lonesome.” But then Anthony Henry walks in! No more of that. Not today, not any day. They’ve been doing this since 2016, so they’ll keep doing this. So you know what time it is? Punch in, knock out! The Workhorsemen are riding together again, but will they get past the Spanish Announce Project?


ROH World Television Championship Proving Ground: Kyle Fletcher VS London Lightning!

The Aussie Arrow couldn’t help out Will Ospreay last night on Dynamite, but perhaps that was because Don Callis wanted him to be ready for tonight. Will Kyle prove he is The Protostar and the future of this business? Or will he be struck down by the Lightning?

The Code of Honor is not upheld as Kyle kicks the hand away, and the bell rings. The two circle, tie up, and go around. London wrenches but Kyle wrenches back. Kyle WRINGS the arm out, but London gets up fast. The fans taunt Kyle with “Your Hair’s Stupid!” Kyle just flips them off over his shoulder. The two tie up, Kyle gets around to waistlock and he SLAMS London down! Kyle flexes while London scrambles up. The two reset and feel things out, then tie up. London wrenches, Kyle spins and headlocks to hit the takeover! Kyle grinds but London endures. London fights up, powers out, then headlocks in return!

Kyle lifts, London fights the back suplex. Kyle powers through to back suplex but London lands on his feet! London ducks ‘n’ dodges then hurdles, to CROSSBODY! Cover, ONE!! Kyle is up but London ROCKS him with right hands! Kyle kicks low, ROCKS London back, and then whips. London reverses and JUMP KNEES! Kyle bails out, the fans rally for London, and London PLANCHAS! Direct hit, but Kyle manages to shrug off the impact! Kyle drags London back up to suplex and BRAINBUSTER to the floor! London writhes and Kyle smirks. Kyle soaks up the heat while the ring count climbs. Kyle leaves London behind at 10 of 20.

The fans rally for London, but we’re at 16! 17! London slowly rises at 18, staggers about, and slides in at 19.5! Kyle mockingly applauds, then he stomps London down! Then he KICKS London in the back! The fans rally, Kyle lines up a shot and BODY BLOWS! Kyle grinds his forearm into London, then CHOPS him! London staggers, but he comes back to kick! London CHOPS Kyle again and again and the fans fire up! London runs but Kyle ELBOWS him down! London writhes and the fans rally up, but Kyle grins as he stands over London. Kyle then scoops to SLAM! Kyle paces, the fans rally, and London staggers back up.

Kyle scoops and SLAMS again! Kyle mockingly applauds and waits on London. London stands, but into another scoop and SLAM! But London’s right up! London fires off haymakers but Kyle kicks low. Kyle whips, London ducks ‘n’ dodges ‘n’ dodges more to LARIAT! Then atomic drop! Kyle swings, but into another atomic drop! London SPLASHES in the corner, drop toeholds and gator rolls to a suplex! The fans fire up for London and he goes to a corner. London hops up, leaps, FALLING AX HANDLE! Cover, TWO! Kyle is still in this but London refocuses. London whips, but Kyle BOOTS him away!

Kyle runs at the corner, but Lnodon BOOTS back! London goes up, but Kyle GAMANGIRIS! London falls to the apron then the floor, but Kyle builds speed! Kyle DIVES and direct hit on London! Kyle puts London in, runs corner to corner, GAMANGIRI! And then suplex to the BRAINBUSTER!! Cover, TWO?!? London lives and Kyle argues the count! The ref says it was a fair count, two is two. The fans rally for London but London is in a daze. London sits up, but Kyle snarls. Kyle aims and KICKS! London falls over, but he sits up again. Kyle eggs London on, and KICKS again! London stays seated, so Kyle KICKS, but London blocks!

London ROCKS Kyle with forearm after forearm, but Kyle ROCKS him right back! London fires more forearms, but Kyle gives those all back! London ducks to fire another flurry! London runs, but Kyle BOOTS him! Kyle reels London in but London back drops! And sits on it! TWO!! Kyle swings, misses, London SPINEBUSTERS! London steps through and Canada goes wild for the SHARPSHOOTER! The fans are thunderous but Kyle endures and crawls his way over! ROPEBREAK! But London drags him back! We’re under 90 SECONDS! Kyle turns London to a cradle, TWO!! Both men stand up, SUPERKICK from Kyle!

Kyle reels London back in, for the PILEDRIVER!! Cover, Kyle wins!

Winner: Kyle Fletcher, by pinfall (denies London Lightning a title opportunity)

Literal last minute, but The Protostar puts this one away! Will Kyle Fletcher continue to prove he is the greatest ROH World Television Champion in history?


The Workhorsemen VS Spanish Announce Project!

We heard from JD Drake & Anthony Henry to start tonight, they’re both 100% and raring to go! But Angelico & Serpentico have been wanting after Cole Karter & Griff Garrison for one final fight. Who puts in the work and heads for the top?

The Code of Honor is upheld, teams sort out and we start with Scrap Metal and the South African Stud. They tie up, the fans rally, and Angelico wrenches to wristlock. JD endures, winds up, but Angelico catches him to a headlock. JD powers up and out, but Angelico rolls off JD’s back! JD hip tosses but Angelico makes it an arm-drag! JD runs up, RAMS Angelico, but Angelico rebounds and bypasses. JD blocks the hip toss to arm-drag for a cover! TWO, and JD sweeps to a cover! ONE, Angelico tries to sweep but JD’s too sturdy! JD kicks Angelico down, but Angelico avoids the senton! Angelico sweeps now, covers, ONE!

Both men stand up and the fans fire up! Angelico and JD reset, but then back up to their corners. The fans fire up as #SNAKEMAN and the Saint of Augusta tag in. Serpentico and Henry circle, tie up, and Henry wrenches. Serpentico rolls, wrenches, but Henry rolls and wrenches to slip around, spin Serpentico and snapmare him into a chinlock. The fans cheer the exchange, and Serpentico fights up. Serpentico pries free, wrenches Henry to a wristlock then snapmare, then ghost pin! TWO, and the two stand up. Serpentico  headlocks, Henry powers out, but Serpentico BOOTS him away! Then Serpentico goes up to RANA!

Things speed up, Henry turns arm-drag into takedown! Henry has a leg, Serpentico rolls and throws Henry, but Henry cartwheels through! Serpentico runs up, Henry drops down, arm-drags, but Serpentico arm-drags back! Henry hits a slick headlock takeover but Serpentico headscissors. Henry kips free, roles reverse as Serpentico hits the headlock takeover! Henry headscissors, Serpentico kips free, and both men handspring up! The fans fire up for the standoff! Serpentico nods, Henry is definitely 100%! They get all the fans fired up, then Henry BOOTS Serpentico! Henry mockingly gives a thumbs up to then give a thumbs down.

Henry runs up to forearm SMASH in the corner, tag to JD! LARAIT, NECK TWIST and slingshot SENTON! The Workhorsemen BLAST Angelico, then JD mocks the string tugging! JD drags Serpentico up but Serpentico CHOPS! JD doesn’t flinch, then he CHOPS Serpentico down! The fans “WOO~!” and even Henry checks on Serpentico. He’s okay! The fans want that “One More Time!” so JD stands Serpentico up in a corner, to JAB! JD shakes his head, he won’t do what the fans want. JD whips, then CHOPS after all! Serpentico sputters, JD tags Henry in, and Henry says he’s got one. Henry snapmares Serpentico to KICK him!

Tag to JD, and JD stomps Serpentico’s ribs. JD drags Serpentico up, CHOPS, but Serpentico DOUBLE CHOPS! And CHOPS! JD CHOPS, Serpentico CHOPS, repeat! Serpentico RODCKS Henry, ROCKS JD, then goes up to TORNADO DDT! The fans fire up while both men are down! JD and Serpentico crawl, hot tag to Henry! Henry gets Serpentico’s leg, but Serpentico BOOTS him away! Hot tag to Angelico! The fans fire up as Angelico rallies on the Workhorsemen! Henry gets around, JD runs up, but Angelico BOOTS JD and RAMS Henry into buckles! Angelico arm-drags Henry, then uses him as a step to FLYING LARIAT JD!

The fans fire up but Henry SOBATS! Angelico ROCKS Henry! Angelico then eggs Henry on, gets him for a strike fest, then fires up with the fans! Angelico whips, Henry reverses but Angelico rolls off Henry’s back! Henry jumps the sweep but the EDDY GORDO KICK hits! Cover, TWO! Angelico calls to Serpentico, ROCKS Henry, then tags in Serpentico. The fans rally as Angelico gets Henry up, BACK SUPLEX AX HANDLE COMBO! Then Angelico holds the ropes open so Serpentico can DIVE onto JD! Down goes JD at the ramp and the fans fire up! Angelico gets Henry up, clinches, FLATLINER! Serpentico goes up again, but GRIFF & KARTER are here!

The SAP get distracted by Maria’s baby boys, Henry trips Serpentico up! JD gets in to clinch and BELLY2BELLY Angelico right outta the ring! Henry runs to METEORA Serpentico! Feed to JD, WORKIN’ NINE TO FIVE! Cover, Workhorsemen win!

Winners: The Workhorsemen, by pinfall

Give the assist to Griff & Karter, and they mug Angelico! They know SAP wants revenge but they’re striking first! The fans boo, but now they beat up on Serpentico! Griff gets a chair! Karter drags Serpentico up, Griff takes aim, but Angelico anchors Karter! Serpentico mule kicks Griff! Serpentico gets the chair, but Griff dodges the chair shot! Only for Angelico to send him into steel steps! SAP stand tall tonight, will they be the ones on top at the end of this war?


Matthew Menard speaks.

“Now, a lot of you guys gotta be wondering, ‘Daddy Magic, this is a tag team situation, where’s your tag team partner?’ That is a great question. And the answer: I have no idea! I dunno if he’s got a Lamaze class, I dunno if he’s got a little morning sickness, NO idea what the problem is. But I’ll tell you this right now, what I do know, is that tonight, I got a gigantic opportunity in front of me. So Mike Bennett, you little Bean Town B*TCH! We’re in Canada tonight, baby! And I’ll tell ya this: Daddy Magic gets a win over you in the middle of that ring, Cool Hand Ange, Daddy Magic, we got a opportunity at the tag team championships. And THAT, that makes Daddy Magic’s nipples hard.”


ROH hears from Marina Shafir.

The Problem is back in the MMA gym, sharpening her skills. “My father was a calculated man. He taught me that in life, you’re gonna have a lot of problems. Some will be big, and others will be small. Some you’ll see coming, and others will sneak up right behind you. He showed me how problems are resilient, moldable, and relentless. So he taught me to become my own problem. And now, I’m gonna teach you.” Marina takes her son’s hand, and the next generation begins here. Will Marina be a Problem the rest of the ROH Women’s Division cannot solve?


Matthew Menard VS Mike Bennett w/ Matt Taven!

Daddy Magic spoke his mind earlier but now it’s time to take action! Will Menard win some golden tickets for him and Cool Hand Ange? Or will The Kingdom nip this challenge in the bud?

The Code of Honor is upheld, but Menard holds on at the bell. Bennett gets mad, kicks low, reels Menard in, but Menard back drops free! The fans fire up while Bennett bails out. Menard is fired up, too, but he waits on the “Beat Town B*tch!” Bennett says that’s unnecessary. Bennett slides in, he eggs Menard on but the fans are all behind “DADDY MAGIC!” Bennett frowns, especially as Menard revels in the cheers. Menard tells Taven to kiss his ass! The fans cheer that, and Menard circles with Bennett. They tie up, go around, and Bennett headlocks for the takeover. Bennett says kiss HIS ass! Menard endures the grind and fights up.

Menard powers up and out of the hold, but Bennett runs him over! Bennett flexes, the fans boo, then thinsg speed up. Menard sets up but Bennett reels him in! But Menard back drops after all! Then he clotheslines Bennett up and out! The fans fire up, Taven checks Bennett, and Menard storms out after Bennett to RAM him into the barriers! The fans fire up as Menard rains down fists against the barriers! The fans count to TEN, then Menard lets off to tell Taven off! But Bennett mule kicks! Menard sputters, Bennett whips, but Menard reverses and Bennett hits steel steps! Menard storms after Bennett, drags him up, and SMACKS him off the commentary desk!

Bennett staggers, Menard ROCKS him! And ROCKS him again! Taven talks trash and that distracts Menard, Bennett ROCKS him! Bennett whips, Menard reverses, but Bennett rebounds to CLOBBER Menard! Bennett says night night while relaxing on the apron. Then Bennett refreshes the count, gets Menard up and whips him into steel steps! Bennett takes a bow, blows kisses, then drags Menard up and into the ring. Cover, ONE! Menard is still in this but Bennett stays on him with a chinlock. The fans rally for “DADDY MAGIC!” and he fights up! Menard fires body shots and forearms! Menard runs, but Bennett DROPKICKS him down!

Taven applauds but the fans boo. Menard swipes at Taven, Bennett drags Menard up to CLUB him down. Bennett CLUBS Menard again, snapmares, then clamps on another chinlock. Menard endures, even as Bennett squeezes tight and leans on him. The fans rally, Menard fights up again and he throws body shots. Menard ROCKS Bennett, whips, but Bennett stops to KICK the back drop! Then ROLLING ELBOW, and Bennett reels Menard in! But again, back drop! Menard sits on the sunset, TWO!! Bennett finishes the sunset, ONE!! Menard hurries but Bennett gets him for a KIMURA! The fans rally as Menard endures the double wristlock!

Menard fights around, Bennett hooks a leg to slow him down. Menard gets the legs free, reaches out, and the fans continue to rally up! ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Bennett lets go, and Taven even tugs at the ropes! The ref reprimands Taven, Bennett looms over Menard and tells the fans to kiss his ass! Bennett stands Menard up, reels him in, but Menard fights the piledriver again! Bennett fires knee after knee, then tries once more! Menard fights it still, so Bennett gives him more knees! But Menard DUMPS Bennett up and out of the ring! Taven checks Bennett while the fans fire up! Menard catches his breath, heads out and he follows Bennett up the ramp.

Bennett mule kicks Menard again! Bennett reels Menard in one more time, but Menard back drops him onto the ramp! Bennett writhes and flounders his way back down the ramp and Taven says the piledriver is no longer worth it. Just finish Menard with some other move. Taven helps Bennett back to ringside and gets him in at 15 of 20. Menard hurries as Taven wants the count go go faster, and Menard storms in at 17! Bennett runs up to ROCK Menard! Menard ROCKS Bennett! The forearms go back and forth, harder and harder! The fans rally as they pick up speed, too! Menard fires a flurry and then he climbs up in a corner!

The fans fire up as Menard rains down fists! Menard goes all the way to TEN! Menard hops down, whips Bennett corner to corner, then runs up, but into an ELBOW! Bennett goes up, leaps, but Menard catches the dropkick! Menard turns Bennett, for the BOSTON CRAB! Bennett endures as Menard sits deep! Taven coaches Bennett, then gets on the apron! The ref reprimands, Menard swings but Taven gets away! But Bennett fireman’s carries, DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Menard survives and the fans fire up! Bennett and Taven are both shocked, but Bennett goes to a corner. Menard stands, Bennett runs in, but Menard KICKS him first!

Menard reels Bennett in, DDT! Cover, TWO! Bennett gets out of that, and Taven slides a tag title into the ring! The ref gets that belt outta there, but Taven slides in! Bennett grabs Menard with chicken wings, and Taven pours something out of a little bag! But Menard ducks, POCKET SAND goes into Bennett! Menard says here it comes! CUTTER for Taven! CUTTER for Bennett!! Cover, MENARD WINS!!

Winner: Matthew Menard, by pinfall

The Kingdom tried to get tricky, but they only messed themselves up! Menard wins big for him and Parker, but Taven CLOBBERS Menard! The fans boo as Taven stomps away! Bennett goes outside to grab the other tag title! Taven sets Menard up for the BELT SHOT!! They’re just lucky Parker is busy on his honeymoon with Ruby Soho. But will Menard & Parker ever rise to the occasion and take those titles from The Kingdom?


Backstage interview with Athena & Billie Starkz.

Lexy Nair is with the ROH Women’s World & ROH Women’s World Television Champions, and says this is an Emergency Minion Empowerment Meeting. Queen Aminata put her hands on Athena AGAIN! She has embarrassed MIT and this is ridiculous! Billie says hold on, boss, because Billie’s got something to say. “These girls wanna talk, talk, talk like it’s their show. This is MIT’s show! This is her show!” Lexy points to herself but Athena says Billie of course means Athena. Billie says if Aminata wants to throw hands, then catch some, too! Lexy says, “Baddest one hits first!”

Billie also tells Red Velvet that while she likes to talk, talk, talk, what has she really done since coming here? Athena says NOTHING. And they get it, they attacked the top of the food chain cuz they’re struggling to stay relevant. Well, Athena is glad they stepped up. Velvet & Aminata can call themselves whatever they want. They can say they’re juicy, say that they’re queens, but at the end of the day, they can never say that they are champions. Belt clink! So how about you stir that up, b*tch!? Let’s go. Athena & Billie head out, then they pull Lexy along. Will no one ever dethrone the Fallen Goddess and her protege?


8 Man Tag: Lee Johnson, Action Andretti & Top Flight VS Cole Karter, Griff Garrison & The Premier Athletes w/ Mark Sterling!

While Menard & Parker want after the tag titles, so do all eight of these men! Big Shotty joins up with The Sight to See & The Martin Brothers against Maria’s baby boys and Smart Mark’s stable, who will hit the mark and climb up the ROH ranks?

The teams sort out and Darius Martin starts against Ariya Daivari. They keep the Code of Honor juts barely, and the bell rings. They circle, tie up, and Darius headlocks. Darius hits the headlock takeover, Daivari fights up, and Daivari powers up and out. Darius rolls over the dropdown, keeps moving, and turns hip toss into backslide! TWO, but Darius wrenches to hook and roll for a cover, TWO! Daivari gets up but into an arm-drag! The fans rally, Daivari fights up and pulls hair! The ref reprimands but Daivari RAMS Darius into the corner. Daivari CHPOS, then tags Tony Nese. The Premier Athletes mug Darius, then Nese puts Darius in a corner.

Nese grinds a forearm into Darius’ face, the ref counts, and Nese lets off. Nese runs in, Darius goes up and over to DROPKICK! Darius storms up on Nese, tags Action, and they snapmare to then KICK, basement dropkick, and cover, TWO! Action stays cool but Sterling protests, there’s something in those boots! Action drags Nese up, but Nese pulls hair! Nese puts Action in the corner, smothers him, but lets off as the ref counts. Nese ELBOWS Action, whips corner to corner, but Action goes up and over. Action keeps moving, he ducks ‘n’ dodges, then tilt-o-whirls to RANA! Nese staggers up into a DROPKICK!

The fans fire up and Action runs, IMPLODER TORNILLO! Cover, TWO! The fans rally, Daivari coaches Nese, but Action brings Nese up. Nese gets free to throat chop! Nese ROCKS Action, bumps him off buckles then fires body shots! Tag to Karter and he brings Action around. Karter CLUBS Action, suplexes him, and holds him up! But Action slips free! Action waistlocks, Karter switches, but Action slides under, leaps over, tag to Lee! Big Shotty gets around to headlock, but Karter powers up and out. Lee goes up and over, shoots around again, shoves and hurdles, then drops to DROPKICK! Griff runs up, but Lee DROPKICKS him, too!

Nese runs in, Lee dodges and LARIATS! The fans fire up, Lee beats his chest, and he takes aim at everyone on the outside! Sterling freaks out, PLANCHA for Daivari! Lee turns around, Nese CLOBBERS him! Top Flight is kept back by the ref and Nese puts Lee in for Karter to stomp away! Karter drags Lee up, bumps him off buckles, then tags Griff. They mug Lee, then the Ivy League MVP scoops Lee for SLAM! Cover, ONE, but Griff clamps on a chinlock. The fans rally for “TOP FLIGHT! SHOTTY!” Tag to Nese, he and Griff mug Lee, then Nese CHOPS! Nese taunts Top Flight, but when did Dante grab Karter’s “I <3 Hot Moms” shirt?

Nese fires off on Lee, but Lee fires back! Daivari grabs Lee and Nese DROPKICKS! The ref reprimands but Daivari tags in. The Premier Athletes fires off hands on Lee! The ref reprimands, the fans boo, but Sterling tells the fans to shut up. Daivari scoops Lee, carries him around, then SLAMS him! Daivari stomps Lee, stays between him and Top Flight, then stomps him. Daivari spins Lee around, stomps him again, and Lee writhes. Tag to Griff, he and Daivari stomp Lee, then Griff shoves Dante! The ref keeps Dante back, Griff brings Lee up and over to his corner. Tag to Daivari, the mugging continues and Lee clutches his ribs.

Daivari snapmares Lee, then KNEES him in the back! Daivari clamps on a chinlock, then grinds Lee into the mat, The fans rally as Lee endures, but Sterling says to shut up! Lee fights up, fires body shots, but Daivari ROCKS him! Lee ROCKS Daivari, repeat! They go back and forth, faster and faster! Lee fires shot after shot, but Daivari blocks the kick! The ENZIGIRI hits! Both men are down, they crawl for the corners, hot tag to Nese! Nese STOMPS Lee first! Nese keeps Lee from Top Flight, taunts the fans, and suplexes, only for Lee to slip free! Lee hits a BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Both men are down and the fans fire back up!

Lee crawls, Sterling shouts for Nese to tag out! Hot tags to Griff and Dante! Angel Dorado goes up and over Griff, BLASTS the rest, then he fires off hands on Griff! The fans fire up as Dante hammers away on Griff! Dante roars, drags Griff up and whips, but Griff reverses. Griff runs in, Dante slips out, up and over, then GAMANGIRIS! Dante then goes up and up and springboard CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Dante takes off the shirt, uses it to block Karter’s boot, and LARIATS Karter down! Dante shows off the shirt, and says OLE as Griff runs in! Dante BLASTS Griff, then calls in Top Flight and Lee!

The fans fire up as all four men take aim, Dante and Action build speed, STEREO TOPES AND STEREO PLANCHAS!! Direct hits all around and the fans are thunderous! Dante gets Griff in, spins him and hits the INVERTED GUT WRENCH! Cover, Nese & Daivari break it! Everyone jumps in and it is a brawl! The Premier Athletes TOSS Darius, TOSS Lee, and stomp away on Action! They double whip Action, but he handsprings to DOUBLE BACK ELBOW! Action kips up and nods, but Karter storms up! Karter whips, Action goes to the apron then ROCKS Karter! Action goes up but Karter trips him up!

Action tumbles down, but Dante climbs! Griff runs up, Dante drops back to GAMANGIRI! Dante goes back up, aims, but Sterling gets on the apron! The ref argues with him, and Griff trips Dante up! Griff drags Dante down, Karter goes looking for something! Karter slips a chair into the ring! The chair is wedged into a corner, then Griff & Karter stomp on Dante. But here’s SERPENTICO! He undoes the chair and Sterling is furious! Karter storms out after Serpentico, but now Serpentico has that chair! Karter backs off, Griff turns around into a JUMP KNEE! Dante brings Griff around, half nelson for the SWINGING BOMB! Cover, Top Flight wins!

Winner: Lee Johnson, Action Andretti & Top Flight, by pinfall

Spanish Announce Project get their revenge already tonight as they make sure Maria’s baby boys get nothing! Will Big Shotty and the high-flyers be cruising towards title opportunities?

My Thoughts:

A very nice episode of ROH at just 69 minutes. Good squash wins in the middle of the episode, and very good promo from Athena & Billie to call out Aminata & Velvet, thereby setting up each of those title matches for… Wow, it’s probably gonna be Death Before Dishonor in two months? That’s Tony Khan’s pacing for ya. Great return from injury for Anthony Henry, but I do appreciate they protected SAP’s loss by having Karter & Griff interfere. Great 8 Man Tag main event to also flip things around so that SAP make sure Karter & Griff lose. SAP VS Griff & Karter needs to have its true blowoff once and for all, a ladder match for Serpentico’s mask. Next week can announce it, then the week after that it happens so that both teams move on for the summer.

Great promo from Menard to hype up the really good match between him and Bennett. Great win for Menard, he and Parker are surely getting their shot at the tag titles, but I don’t know if they can wait two months for Death Before Dishonor. They can have the tag title match in a couple weeks, Kingdom cheats to retain, tag title contender build in June to determine challenges for DBD. And great Proving Ground from Kyle and London, but of course Kyle wins. Kyle still has a part to play in this Don Callis story, here’s hoping he stays on Ospreay’s side and they become United Empire in AEW while for whatever reason, Cassidy joins Don Callis.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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