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Mitchell’s NJPW Best of the Super Juniors Results & Report! (5/22/24)

It’s a mix and match night!



A Block Round 7, but B Block Round 6!

It’s a little complicated, but A Block’s going again while B Block’s getting back up. Point is, Best of the Super Juniors 31 is in the home stretch!


  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: Titan VS Kosei Fujita; Titan wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 B Block: Robbie Eagles VS Dragon Dia; Eagles wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: BUSHI VS Yoshinobu Kanemaru; Bushi wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 B Block: KUSHIDA VS “Drilla” Dan Moloney; Drilla wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: Kevin Knight VS HAYATA; Hayata wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 B Block: Taiji Ishimori VS Ninja Mack; Taiji wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: El Desperado VS Clark Connors; Despe wins, by disqualification.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: TJP VS Blake Christian; TJP wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 B Block: DOUKI VS SHO; Sho wins.


Here are the current A Block standings!

El Desperado: 4-2, 8 points
Blake Christian: 4-2, 8 points
Clark Connors: 4-2, 8 points
Titan: 4-2, 8 points
Kevin Knight: 3-3, 6 points
HAYATA: 3-3, 6 points
Yoshinobu Kanemaru: 2-4, 4 points
BUSHI: 2-4, 4 points
TJP: 2-4, 4 points
Kosei Fujita: 2-4, 4 points


BREAKING NEWS for Francesco Akira!

As reported by NJPW just yesterday, The Nova Fireball’s knee injury has taken him out of the tournament. The remaining matches he was scheduled to have will now be scored as “loss by forfeit,” and the points have already been awarded. Therefore…

Here are the NEW B Block standings!

KUSHIDA: 4-1, 8 points
DOUKI: 4-2, 8 points
Hiromu Takahashi: 4-2, 8 points
Robbie Eagles: 4-2, 8 points
Taiji Ishimori: 3-2, 6 points
SHO: 3-3, 6 points
“Drilla” Moloney: 3-2, 6 points
Francesco Akira: 2-3, 4 points
Ninja Mack: 2-3, 4 points
Dragon Dia: 0-5, 0 points [ELIMINATED]


Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: Titan VS Kosei Fujita!

El Inmortal is still alive in the block, but the Ichiban Young Punk needs this win! The Mighty Don’t Kneel, but do they still fall short? Or will Fujita ruin Titan’s chances of returning to the finals?

The bell rings, they tie up, then break. They tie up again, Fujita wrenches and wrenches and wristlocks. Titan rolls, kips up, bridges back to handspring again, then he arm-drags free. Fujita runs up into a sweep, cover, ONE! Fujita sweeps to cover, ONE! Titan kips up again and the fans cheer. Titan and Fujita reset, tie up, and Titan trips Fujita. Titan runs, cartwheels over Fujita, then dodges him, Fujita stops himself, Titan runs in but Fujita puts him on the apron. Titan blocks a punch to GAMANGIRI! Titan springboards to CROSSBODY! The fans fire up and Titan DROPKICKS Fujita down!

Fujita bails out, Titan builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit and Young Lions keep Fujita from hitting the front row! Titan clutches his arm, it still beat up from last night. Titan roars and rises up, and the fans rally behind him. Titan drags Fujita up, puts him in the ring, and then covers, TWO! Fujita’s still in this and the fans applaud. Titan stomps Fujita, drags him up, and then fireman’s carries. Fujita fights free, fires a forearm, but Titan gives it back. They go back and forth, the fans rally up, and Fujita kicks low. Fujita throws forearms, but Titan SUPERKICKS! Fujita HEEL KICKS! Fujita runs, but Titan goes Matrix to dodge!

Titan then CALF KICKS and whips. Fujita reverses to LEG LARIAT! The fans fire up while both men are down! Fujita goes to ropes on one side, Titan goes to the other. Fujita runs in to STRADDLE ATTACK! Fujita keeps moving and he PENALTY KICKS! Cover, TWO! The fans fire up and Fujita drags Titan up. Fujita ROCKS Titan, whips, but Titan blocks. Fujita ROCKS Titan, whips him but Titan reverses to TORNADO DDT! The fans fire up again and rally as Titan pounds the mat. Titan roars and rises, then drags Fujita around to step through and deathlock! But Fujita rolls it back, slips free, and he hooks Titan up now! CROSS CAMEL!

Titan reaches out, but Fujita gets the arms! QUEEN ANGELITO, but Titan fights to the ROPEBREAK! The fans fire up and Fujita roars! Fujita goes to a corner, aims at Titan and runs in, but Titan BOOTS! Fujita blocks that to ROCK Titan with a forearm! Fujita runs but Titan follows! LOCO LARIAT! The fans fire up and Titan goes to the apron! Titan climbs the corner, DIVING- NO, Fujita avoids the stomps! Titan comes back, but Fujita GERMAN SUPLEXES! Fujita can’t keep the bridge because of the bad arm, but he just deadlifts Titan for another GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging this time, TWO! Titan survives but Fujita isn’t done!

Fujita waistlocks again, deadlifts again, but Titan fights the suplex with elbows! Titan runs, wheelbarrows, then rolls through to get the legs! Deathlock, JAVE INMORTAL!! Fujita endures, but now it’s the STRAITJACKET! Fujita quits, Titan wins!!

Winner: Titan, by submission (gains 2 points; Fujita earns 0)

Titan’s been on a roll with that devastating hold! Will El Inmortal return to the finals and take the trophy home? Will Fujita just have to settle to being a spoiler in these remaining rounds?


Best of the Super Juniors 31 B Block: Robbie Eagles VS Dragon Dia!

The Sniper of the Skies gets free points from Francesco Akira’s misfortune, but the Infinity Carat Diamond is out of luck. Will Dia shift into spoiler mode and ruin things for Robbie? Or will Eagles still fly high towards the top of the block?

The fans rally and duel already, and Eagles tries to figure out who is getting more. The bell rings, the two rush in, but then back off. Eagles has Dia take it easy, and they circle. Eagles gest a leg, trips Dia and rolls to get the RON MILLER SPECIAL! Dia gets the ROPEBREAK, the fans cheer and Eagles slowly lets off. Eagles slaps Dia around, whips but Dia blocks to CHOP! The fans cheer and Dia whips. Eagles blocks now, so Dia CHOPS again! Eagles drops to a knee, but Dia brings him up to whip. Eagles reverses to go up and around an darm-drag! Things speed up. Eagles hurdles but Dia hurdles back.

Dia runs, ducks the boot and tilt-o-whirl arm-drags! Then he DROPKICKS Eagles out! Eagles rewinds and RANAS! Dia runs up but into a WHEEL KICK! Eagles kips up, Dia bails out, and the fans rally up! Eagles builds speed but has to stop as Dia slides in! Dia fakes the plancha, mule kicks, then ASAI MOONSAULTS! Direct hit but Dia holds onto a knee. Dia shakes it out and fires up as he walks over. The fans applaud and Dia gets Eagles in the ring. Dia hops in, goes up, and aims for D D D- NO, Eagles moves, the leg jams, and then Eagles CHOP BLOCKS! Dia writhes and the fans duel a bit more as Eagles storms over to Dia.

Eagles and the fans get a “ROBBIE ROBBIE ROBBIE!” “OI OI OI!” going! “ROBBIE ROBBIE ROBBIE!” “OI OI OI!” “ROBBIE!” “OI!” “ROBBIE!” “OI!” “ROBBIE ROBBIE ROBBIE!” “OI OI OI!” The fans cheer and Eagles brings Dia around to step through and tie up the legs in a deathlock. Eagles then uses Dia as a skateboard! Eagles then SNAP LOCKS, and he lets Dia go. Dia clutches that leg, Eagles scuffs him and eggs him on. Dia CHOPS back, but Eagles eggs him on. Dia CHOPS again, so Eagles DRAGON SLEEPERS! Dia fights up, throws shots from below and gets free. But Eagles dropkicks the bad leg!

The fans rally as Dia crawls but Eagles is on him. Eagles sits Dia up to KICK! And KICK! And KICKS! Dia gets mad, Eagles pie faces and LEG LARIATS! Dia is folded up and the fans fire up. Eagles pounds the mat, the fans clap along, and he goes corner to corner, but Dia dodges the double knees! Dia goes to the apron, GAMANGIRIS, then avoids the low 619! Dia trips Eagles to slingshot TORNILLO SPLASH! The fans fire up and Eagles goes to ropes. Dia runs in to 619! Eagles staggers, Dia runs up to tilt-o-whirl and DEJA VU SPIKE! Eagles falls over, Dia STANDING MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO!

The fans fire up and Dia stands Eagles up. Dia runs, rolls, but no Reptilians here! Eagles rolls Dia to a schoolboy bridge, TWO! RON MILLER- BOOT! Dia is free to SOBAT, but Eagles blocks! Eagles reels Dia in, TURBO- NO, Dia goes up and around, MYSTERIO RANA! Cover, TWO!! Eagles survives but Dia goes to the corner! Dia runs back in, rolls and REPTILIAN- NO, Eagles fireman’s carries! But Dia fights it to the REPTILIAN KAI! Cover, TWO!! Eagles survives and the fans are thunderous! Dia roars, and he goes to the corner! Dia climbs, aims, and D D D D- NO! Eagles stops the 4DT, ties up the legs, and DOUBLE KNEE CRUSHERS!

Eagles SUPERKICKS Dia down, goes out then up, for the 450 onto legs! Dia writhes, Eagles steps through to RON MILLER SPECIAL!! Dia flails, reaches out, but Eagles drags him from ropes! Dia TAPS, Eagles wins!

Winner: Robbie Eagles, by submission (gains 2 points; Dia earns 0)

Dia still has the goose egg in his win column after being shot down by The Sniper! Will Dia ever get points on the board? Will Eagles be unstoppable on his rise to the top?


Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: BUSHI VS Yoshinobu Kanemaru!

This is truly a make or break moment for Black Mask and Heel Master. Only one man can stay alive in the block, who will do whatever it takes to win?

But as Bushi is introduced, Kanemaru attacks! The fans boo as Kanemaru stomps Bushi on the floor! Kanemaru drags Bushi up, POSTS Him, and Bushi falls in a heap. Kanemaru stomps Bushi, drags him up, puts him in the ring, and the bell rings. Kanemaru whips Bushi then dropkicks Bushi’s legs out. Kanemaru grabs the bad leg to SMASH the knee on the mat! Kanemaru then drags Bushi to the corner, and he SLAMS the leg into the post! The ref reprimands, Bushi flops out of the ring, and the fans rally up. Kanemaru stomps Bushi, leaves him behind, and the fans rally as Bushi sits up.

Bushi wants to get in the ring but Kanemaru is near the ropes. The ref has Kanemaru give Bushi space and Bushi slides in. Kanemaru goes right after Bushi with stomps! Kanemaru takes Bushi’s shirt away then stomps away some more. Kanemaru drags Bushi and drops an elbow on the knee! Kanemaru has the toehold, Bushi endures, and Bushi drags Kanemaru along to the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Kanemaru lets go at 4. Kanemaru stomps Bushi to a corner, then drags him up. Kanemaru whips corner to cornre but Bushi barely makes it. Kanemaru runs in but Bushi BOOTS him! And then PENDULUM- NO, Kanemaru stops the kicks!

Kanemaru drags Bushi in, whips him again, but Bushi holds ropes. Kanemaru runs in, Bushi puts him on the apron! Bushi dropkicks the legs out! The fans rally and Bushi WRECKS Kanemaru with another dropkick! The fans rally again, Bushi builds speed, but Kanemaru’s back to dropkick the legs out! Bushi bails out, Kanemaru pursues and he grabs the bad leg. Kanemaru SMASHES the knee on the floor! Kanemaru leaves Bushi behind and the ring count begins. Bushi is still down at 5 of 20, sits up at 8, and rises up at 11. Bushi shakes out the bad leg, hobbles around at 16, and slides in at 18! Kanemaru dropkicks the leg agian!

Kanemaru drags Bushi around, steps through, but Bushi kicks him away! Kanemaru kicks again but Bushi blocks, CLUBS the leg, then dropkicks it out! Bushi gets his own leg moving, runs, but Kanemaru uses the ref as a shield! Bushi moves him aside, Kanemaru blocks the kick! Kanemaru ducks the enzigiri, but not the REWIND HEEL! The fans fire up as Bushi runs up again. CODE- NO, Kanemaru stops the Code Breaker, and then THROWS Bushi at the ref! Kanemaru gets the leg and he SMASHES the knee! The fans boo but Kanemaru goes for his whiskey! Kanemaru doesn’t bother with a sip, he just takes aim! BOTTLE SMASH to the leg!

Kanemaru steps through, but gets BLACK MIST!! Kanemaru staggers around blind, and Bushi goes up! M X!! Cover, BUSHI WINS!

Winner: Bushi, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Kanemaru earns 0)

The Black Mask gets the better of the Heel Master, and now Kanemaru is DONE! With no chance at a top spot, will Kanemaru just have to settle for being a spoiler? Can Bushi make that dark horse run at the top a reality?


Best of the Super Juniors 31 B Block: KUSHIDA VS “Drilla” Dan Moloney!

The Timesplitter leads the block, but time could be running out. Plus, 44 Caliber is aiming for the kill, will he hit the mark? Or can Kushida avoid disaster and head Back to the Future?

Kushida’s on the corner for his introduction, but Drilla rushes him! Kushida jumps up an dover, rolls through and then dodges Drilla’s boot! Drilla fires haymakers, but so does Kushida! Kushida whips, Drilla reverses, and the bell rings right before Kushida FLYING FOREARMS Drilla! The fans are all fired up as Kushida dumps Drilla out, then runs. Drilla avoids the baseball slide, but Kushida keeps him from sliding away. Drilla keeps Kushida from sliding in, and spins him around, for a DRAPING DDT to the floor! The ref reprimands then checks Kushida. The fans rally up, Drilla finally takes his own vest off, and he looms over Kushida.

The ref wants this in the ring, Drilla mocks Kushida checking his watch, and Drilla leaves Kushida behind. Kushida grits his teeth as he clutches a shoulder, and the ring count climbs. Drilla paces, a wild dog behind the fence as it were. Kushida is still down at 10 of 20, even Drilla dares Kushida to get up. Kushida rises at 15 and slides in at 16. Drilla drags Kushida up for a NECKBREAKER! Cover, ONE!! Kushida is still in this and the fans applaud. Drilla digs a boot into Kushida’s neck and shoulder, and he pulls on Kushida’s head! The ref counts as Drilla claws at Kushida’s eyes! Drilla lets go at 4, and Kushida crawls.

Drilla stalks Kushida, drags him up and CLUBS him on the neck! Drilla stalks Kushida around, then CHOKES him on the ropes! The ref counts, Drilla lets off at 4, and Drilla backs the ref down to a corner. Drilla then goes back for Kushida, drags him up and hooks him up for a chinbar style abdominal stretch! Kushida endures, pries free and throws elbows. Kushida kicks but Drilla dodges! Drilla drops down for a headlock but Kushida headscissors for the cradle! TWO!! Drilla CLOBBERS Kushida! Kushida bails out, finally takes his own vest off, but Drilla is there to RAM him into the apron! Drilla UPPERCUTS Kushida, then follows him around the corner.

Drilla storms up on Kushida, UPPERCUTS again, but Kushida gets in Drilla’s face now. Drilla CHOPS, then KICKS, then he clamps on that chinbar! Kushida endures, the ref reprimands, and Drilla ELBOWS Kushida down. Drilla leaves Kushida behind again and demands a ring count. The count begins, Kushida stands at 3 and slides in at 4. The fans rally up but Drilla ROCKS Kushida with a right. Drilla mocks Kushida, Kushida snarls but Drilla fires more forearms! The fans rally, Kushida storms back up and fires forearms of his own! They go back and forth, Drilla pie faces Kushida, so Kushida fires a flurry!

But Drilla gets under, spins Kushida, but Kushida ducks to then get the arm! Drilla steps over and ENZIGIRIS! But the FASTBALL hits back! The fans fire up for the Masahiro Tanaka and we’re at the five minute mark. Kushida STOMPS Drilla’s hands! Kushida eggs Drilla on, baits him into an ELBOW, then goes up to QUEBRADA! Kushida then hurries back up, for a MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Drilla’s tough and the fans rally up, but Kushida clamps onto the fingers! Drilla breaks free but Kushida KICKS and KICKS and KICKS! Drilla falls and goes to a corner while the fans fire up again. Kushida powers up, runs in, and SHOTEIS!

Kushida puts Drilla up top, climbs, but Drilla slips under! CHOP to the leg! Drilla then drags Kushida off the corner into DRILLA- NO, Kushida slips free! But Drilla ducks the buzzsaw! Roll up, TWO! Kushida leaps on, but Drilla pushes the Hoverboard away. Kushida comes back to RAM that bad arm! Then he jumps on, HOVER- NO, SPINEBUSTER! And DOUBLE STOMP ELBOW DROP COMBO! Kushida flounders out of the ring and Drilla pursues. Kushida still wants the arm, but Drilla RAMS him into the apron! Drilla follows Kushida to the corner and grabs for him, but Kushida YANKS Drilla into the post first!

Kushida YANKS Drilla into the post again, and then goes up the corner! Kushida pulls Drilla’s arm into the crossbar! The ref counts, Kushida lets go, and Drilla drops back. The ring count starts, the fans rally, but both men are still outside at 10. Drilla drags himself up but the bad arm lets go of the ropes! Kushida is in at 15, Drilla rises at 17! Drilla shakes out the bad arm, and rolls in at 19! Kushida PENALTY KICKS the bad arm! Kushida whips then hip tosses! Cartwheel and DROPKICK! Drilla staggers, Kushida gest the arm, KIMURA! Drilla endures, fights up, but now it’s the HOVERBOARD!! Drilla flails, reaches out, tries to stack, TWO!!

Kushida lets Drilla go and Drilla CHOPS! Kushida PELES! Drilla wobbles, Kushida whips, but Drilla reverses. Kushida handsprings but into DRILLA KILLA!! Cover, DRILLA WINS!!

Winner: “Drilla” Moloney, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Kushida earns 0)

Kushida tried to make Drilla into a one-armed man, but it wasn’t enough to stop him! Is Kushida’s comeback running out of time? Will the Best of the Super Juniors end up being an Abunai Gaijin?


Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: Kevin Knight VS HAYATA!

The Jet is squarely in the middle of the block right alongside the GHC National Champion. But will Knight be able to take flight? Or will he be left in the Silence of Darkness?

The bell rings and the fans rally up as the two stare down. They slowly circle, Hayata avoids Knight’s leg pick, and the two tie up. They’re in a deadlock, but Knight wrenches then wristlocks. Hayata wrenches back, but Knight rolls handsprings, and wrenches gain. Knight snapmares then drops a knee on the arm! The fans cheer and Knight keeps on the armlock. Knight brings Hayata up, wrenches again, then cording holds. Hayata slips through, wrenches, but Knight slips through to headlock for the takeover. Hayata headscissors, Knight kips free and the fans cheer. The two reset, circle, and they tie up.

Hayata trips Knight, things speed up, and Knight hurdles, hurdles, then follows. Hayata sidesteps but Knight goes up and over. Knight then arm-drags Hayata, arm-drags again, then runs up and springboards to FLYING arm-drag! The fans fire up and Hayata bails out. Knight aims, but has to stop the plancha as Hayata moves aside. Knight lands on the apron, jumps again, but Hayata YANKS him down! The fans cheer and rally up while Hayata shakes out the arms. Hayata brings Knight up, POSTS him, then brings him back up. Hayata headlocks Knight, brings him around and POSTS him again! The fans are torn but Hayata stalks Knight.

The ring count starts, Hayata drags Knight up at 5 of 20, then into the ring at 7. The fans applaud, and Hayata stalks Knight more. Hayata stomps Knight, CLUBS him, then snapamres. Hayata runs to basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! Knight is still in this, the fans rally, but Hayata clamps on with a headlock. Hayata grinds Knight down but Knight endures. The fans rally as Knight fights up, only for Hayata to wrangle him back down! Knight pries at the hold, fights up, and throws body shots. Hayata CLAWS the eyes! The ref reprimands but Hayata whips Knight to ropes. Knight hurdles over the lariat to then PELE! The fans fire up while both men are down!

Knight crawls to a corner as the fans rally. Knight runs back in at Hayata, to STINGER SPLASH! Then a whip and DROPKICK! Hayata bails out again, and the fans fire up as Knight kips up! Knight builds speed, slides as Hayata moves, then goes to the corner for the PLANCHA! Direct hit and Knight shouts “TSUYOI~!” The fans cheer and even high-five Knight, and he gets Hayata up and in the ring. Knight aims, springboards, but Hayata dodges! Knight comes back, to SKY 2 HIGH! Cover, TWO! Hayata survives and the fans fire up again! Knight watches Hayata stir and the fans rally. Knight runs up, SATELLITE- NO, Hayata stops the DDT!

Knight kicks, whips, but Hayata reverses to arm-drag! And atomic drop! Hayata runs and BULLDOGS Knight down! The fans still rally, Hayata BASEMENT ENZIGIRIS! Cover, TWO! Knight survives and the fans cheer! Hayata gets annoyed but he and Knight slowly rise. Hayata goes to a corner, runs back in and SHOTGUNS Knight into the other corner! Knight slumps down and the fans rally up! Hayata brings Knight in, TORNADO- NO, Knight stops the DDT to put Hayata on the corner! CHOP and UPPER ROOM! Hayata writhes and the fans fire up! Knight gets Hayata up, fireman’s carries, but Hayata slips free to cradle! TWO!!

Hayata dodges Knight to slip around, sunset, then Oklahoma! TWO and Knight cradles, TWO!! Hayata escapes, Knight feints the superkick to ROUNDHOUSE! Knight resets, Hayata rises, and Knight runs up to SATELLITE- NO, still no DDT! Hayata gets Knight around for the 403 IMPACT!! Cover, Hayata wins!

Winner: Hayata, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Knight earns 0)

Both Jet Setters get grounded in the same round! Will all flights to the semifinals be grounded? Will the GHC National Champion prove he is the Best of the Super Juniors?


Best of the Super Juniors 31 B Block: Taiji Ishimori VS Ninja Mack!

Francesco Akira’s withdrawal ended up giving points to Hiromu, Douki, Eagles & Sho, and that ended up bumping The Bone Soldier down a couple spots! Will he take his frustrations out on the American Shinobi? Or will the Mack Attack only add to his misery?

The bell rings, Mack offers a handshake, but Taiji kicks it away. They tie up, go around, Mack goes for a leg but Taiji holds it off. They reset, feel things out, and clinch. They end up on ropes and the ref calls the break. Mack lets off clean and the fans applaud. The two reset and tie up again, and Taiji headlocks. Mack powers up to put Taiji on ropes then power out of the hold. Taiji runs Mack over and fans applaud. Things speed up, Mack drops then hurdles, but Taiji leaps over. Mack stands and strikes his fighting stance! Then finger gun to taunt Taiji! Taiji runs in, but into a drop toehold and LION’S BARRAGE!

Mack aims, Taiji avoids the falling chop, but then Mack FALLING CHOPS again! Taiji bails out, Mack builds speed and the fans rally for the handspring, but Taiji gets in to leap up, REVERSE SHOT! Mack bails out and Taiji builds speed to go up and GOLDEN TRIANGLE MOONSAULT! Direct hit on Mack and the fans fire up! The ref checks Mack, and Taiji unties the blue buckle pad! The Bullet Club Special is in effect, and Taiji goes out after Mack. Taiji CLUBS Mack, but Mack throws body shots. Taiji throws a body shot, then he POSTS Mack! The fans fire up and Taiji stalks Mack. Taiji puts Mack in the ring, covers, ONE!

The fans rally as Mack stays in this, but Taiji stays on him with a COBRA CLUTCH! Mack endures, fights up, and the fans rally. But Taiji wrangles Mack into an almost Koji Klutch variation! Mack scrambles and has the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer and the ref counts, Taiji lets go at 4. Mack sputters but Taiji brings him up to wrench and POST in the open corner! The ref reprimands but Taiji hammerlocks and scoops, for a SHOULDER BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Mack is still in this and the fans cheer. Taiji goes to the corner, takes aim, and the fans rally again. Taiji runs up, but Mack ELBOWs, CHOPS, CHOPS and CHOPS!

Mack CHOPS and CHOPS more, then fires up, but Taiji ELBOWS him! And CHOPS! And ripcords, tilt-o-whirls, LA MYSTICA! And then BONE LOCK!! Mack flails, reaches out, and the fans rally! Mack claws his way to the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer, Taiji lets off in frustration, and he stalks Mack. Mack throws a body shot but Taiji CLUBS him. Taiji whips, Mack blocks, but that hurts Mack’s arm! Taiji stomps Mack, whips, but Mack reverses and SNAP GERMANS! Taiji stands up into the SUPERKICK! Taiji bails out, Mack builds speed! The fans fire up for the SASUKE SPECIAL! Direct hit and the fans fire up again!

Mack drags Taiji up, puts him in as the ring count climbs, and the fans cheer. Cover, ONE!! Taiji is tougher than that and now he’s mad! But Mack KICKS! And KICKS! And KICKS! Taiji goes to ropes, Mack KICKS more and more! But Taiji blocks one! Mack swings hands but Taiji ducks them to CLUB the leg. Taiji whips, Mack reverses again and SCREW HIGH KICKS! Mack crawls to a cover, TWO! Taiji is still in this but Mack hurries to CHOP him! Mack says BANG then he goes up the corner! Mack’s up top, for the NINJA- FLOP!! Taiji avoids the senton and clamps on the BONE LOCK!! Mack scrambles, reaches out, but Taiji rolls him away from ropes!

Taiji hauls Mack up, for BLOODY CROSS!! Cover, Taiji wins!

Winner: Taiji Ishimori, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Mack earns 0)

Taiji just proved you don’t bring a ninja to a gun fight! Will all of the BOSJ be reborn? Can Mack keep from falling off before the end?


Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: El Desperado VS Clark Connors!

The Rogue Luchador has won two main events in a row, but he’s still only on par with 100 Proof. Desperado wants to be the Best of the Super Juniors so badly, he can almost taste it, but will there be No Chaser to go with it? Or can he make it three in a row overall to head for the top?

Connors isn’t playing around, he’s brought chairs with him to the ring! He takes a seat while waiting on Despe’s entrance, then he pushes the ref aside so he can send one over to Despe. The ref says no, this isn’t that kind of match, but Connors wants a shootout with Desperado. Despe keeps the ref from taking the chair, and says if that’s what Connors wants… Despe picks the chair up, the ref says no, this won’t be a match then! Connors and Despe swing! They clash, clash and CLASH! Both men drop the chairs from the recoil, and now the bell rings! The fists start flying and the fans fire up! Despe knees low, CLUBS Connors, then runs, but into a THESZ PRESS!

Connors rains down fists, but Despe turns it around to give it back! Connors CHOKES Despe from below, the ref reprimands, and Connors knees low at 4. Connors runs but Despe follows to ELBOW! Despe runs but Connors goes the other way! JEEP FLIPPER! Despe tumbles out of the ring, Connors goes out after him. Connors stomps Despe, drags him up, and UPPERCUTS! Connors SMACKS Desep off the apron, but Despe CHOPS him in return. Despe CHOPS again, Connors staggers into the crowd and ends up sitting on a woman’s lap! Despe storms up and Young Lions hurry in, Despe ROCKS Connors!

Connors staggers along, fans move aside, and Connors sits in a chair. Despe throws hands but Connors hits back! The Young Lions keep fans back as Connors whips Despe into the back wall! Connors CLUBS Despe, and now they move through the back of the crowd! Connors CHOPS, Despe hits back, but we can’t see too well because the cameramen can’t follow! They’re continuing along, and a cameraman is there as Connors sends Despe into the corner wall! Then Connors grabs a spare railing and THROWS it at Despe! The ref reprimands, Despe UPPERCUTS Connors, and Connors staggers down an aisle.

Connors topples some railings over then he stumbles into an open chair. The fans move aside, Connors kicks Despe, then ROCKS him! Despe ROCKS Connors back, and then Despe SMACKS Connors off a fan’s chair! The Young Lions usher the fans out of the way, and Despe brings Connors up, but Connors RAMS Despe into the apron! The ref finally starts a ring count, but Connors SMACKS Despe off the timekeeper’s table! We reach 10 of 20, Connors ROCKS Despe, then throws him in the ring. The fans applaud as Connors follows, but then Despe bails out the side. The fans fire up as Despe wants to keep fighting outside!

Connors shoves the ref aside, goes out after Despe, but Despe throws body shots! Despe CLUBS Connors, whips him, but Connors reverses to POST Despe! The fans fire up and Connors goes around the way. Connors grabs the chair from earlier, brings it over, and he takes aim! He SMACKS Despe on the back! The ref reprimands but Connors argues with him. Connors drags Despe up, brings him around, and headlock punches! Connors tells fans to move and the Young Lions hurry to get them out of the way! Connors brings Despe up and whips, but Despe reverses! FLAPJACK off the apron! But now Despe wants to go bowling!

Despe whips Connors and STRIKE! Right into the middle of the crowd! The fans fire up with Despe, but then Connors SPEARS! Both men are down and the fans fire up more! Connors rises first as the fans rally, and he snarls as he pulls up floor mats! Connors goes back for Despe, CLUBS him, then drags him up. The ref reprimands and says not to, but Connors reels Despe in. But Despe fights the suplex! The fans rally but Connors suplexes! Despe slips free! Now Despe BACK- NO, Connors fights off the back suplex with fists! Despe runs up, but into a SNAP POWERSLAM! Luckily for Despe, it was to the floor mats that were nearby!

Connors snarls as he rises up, storms his way over to Despe, and drags him back up. Connors CLUBS Despe, then snarls at the fans. He clears one of the spare commentary tables! Fans move aside and the ref reprimands, but Connors hauls Despe up. Despe throws body shots but Connors ROCKS him! Connors reels Despe in, throws up the Too Sweet, and lifts Despe to POWERBOMB him through the table!! The fans are thunderous while the ref checks on Despe. Connors roars and beats his chest and the fans fire up again. The ref reprimands Connors but he just looms over Despe. Connors drags Despe up and puts him in the ring.

The fans applaud and Connors slowly rolls in. Connors pushes Despe to a cover but the ref refuses after all the shenanigans! Connors glares at the ref, but the ref shoves Connors! The fans fire up for the ref, but Connors grabs him by the shirt! The ref warns Connors, Connors says he’s lucky he’s a ref! But Despe runs up to LARIAT Connors and himself outta the ring! The fans fire up and both men spot the chair! They both scramble over, Connors grabs the chair but Despe stands on Connors’ hand! The fans cheer and Despe ROCKS Connors! Then Despe grabs the chair to SMACK Connors on the back!

The fans fire up and Connors writhes, but Despe goes to get another chair! The ref reprimands. but then Despe JAMS Connors with the new chair! Despe wants fans to move aside again, then he puts the old chair on Connors’ face! Despe grabs his new chair, CON-CHAIR-TO, Despe Remix!! Connors sputters and then feels the pain in his nose! Despe stalks Connors, taunts him, drags him back up, and puts him in the ring. Despe grabs the chair and brings it in again, but the ref says no. Despe and the ref argue, and the ref takes the chair from Despe. SPEAR!! Connors gets Despe again and he drags Despe back up!

Connors reels Despe in, serves it up, NO CHASE- NO, Despe fights No Chaser, wrenches out, and LOCO MONO!! Connors wobbles, Despe reels him in, underhooks and PINCHE- NO, Connors fights free to wrench and short arm LARIAT! The fans are thunderous and Connors goes to a corner! Connors aims, barks, runs in, SPEAR!!! Cover, TWO?!?! Despe survives and shocks Connors! The fans are thunderous but Connors rains down fists! The ref reprimands as Connors hammers away! Despe punches back but Connors traps those arms to just throw down fists! The ref wants Connors to stop but Connors shoves him away!

Connors checks Despe, he seems pretty out of it. Connors drags Despe up, reels him in, and NO CHASER!! Cover, ROPEBREAK!!! Despe survives and the fans are thunderous! Connors is stunned, and then Despe flips him off! Connors rains down more fists of fury! The ref tries but Connors shoves the ref aside again! The ref counts, Connors won’t stop! THE REF CALLS IT!! DESPE WINS!

Winner: El Desperado, by disqualification (gains 2 points; Connors earns 0)

Connors’ rage costs him! He wouldn’t listen, and now Desperado comes away with the points! Connors is mad with Marty Asami, so he SPEARS Marty Asami down!!! Then he TOSSES Young Lions aside! Then he gives one a GERMAN SUPLEX! The fans boo but Connors shows no remorse as he’s the one standing tall. Then he SNATCHES Desperado’s mask!! Then he SLAPS Desperado on the face! Connors then drags Despe out of the ring, stands on his head, and taunts the fans. Connors grabs a piece of the broken table, SLAPS a Young Lion aside, then looms over Despe. Connors sits Despe up, and SMACKS him in the head with the wood!

Connors flips Despe off then throws up the Too Sweet. Connors may have lost this round, but he has Despe’s mask as his trophy. Will Connors be unstoppable in these remaining rounds? Taichi gets off commentary to help his old friend, but will The Rogue Luchador even be able to continue at this point?


Best of the Super Juniors 31 A Block: TJP VS Blake Christian!

This is a tale of two tides turning. Being on the hotseat lit a fire under The Public Enemy while All Heat has cooled off. Can TJP keep this historic comeback going? Or will the GCW Champion end the Cinderella story right here?

Blake mockingly puts up the crown, but TJP throws his shirt to the crowd as a free souvenir. TJP tells Blake to stop the crown, he’s not United Empire. The bell rings and the fans rally up. They circle, tie up, and TJP waistlocks. Blake goes for the arms but TJP headlocks. TJP wrenches, Blake rolls and cartwheels, then slips through to wrench back. Blake snapmares to chinlock but TJP slips right out to wristlock. The fans cheer the exchange, and Blake wrenches back. Blake wristlocks but TJP stays on his feet. Blake wrenches again, but TJP rolls, spins, cartwheels, and drops to TWIST SCISSORS, but Blake handsprings through!

The fans cheer and Blake smirks as he taunts the crown. TJP kicks low, whips, but Blake reverses. TJP handsprings over the dropdown then sidesteps, but Blake handsprings over the back drop! Blake whips, TJP RANAS, but Blake handsprings through! The fans cheer this exchange and Blake again mocks the crown. TJP runs up but Blake kicks low. Blake whips, TJP goes up, comes back, mule kicks, then bumps Blake off buckles. TJP throws knees, then he pushes Blake down. The fans fire up as TJP scrubs Blake’s face! But then Blake bails out and the fans boo. TJP smirks as Blake doesn’t want to be washed clean.

Blake mocks the fans cheering him and TJP on, then paces as the ring count climbs. Blake returns at 9 of 20, he and TJP circle and feel things out. They knuckle lock, then TJP rolls to trip Blake. TJP turns Blake over, hooks up the legs, and the fans rally as TJP messes with Blake’s hair. TJP grabs Blake’s arms to pull, pull and pull Blake into the ROMERO SPECIAL! Blake endures and the fans fire up! TJP brings Blake back for the ROMERO BRIDGE, but it’s a double cover? TWO as TJP lets Blake go! TJP double checks with Red Shoes while Blake goes to a corner. TJP accepts Red Shoes’ reasoning and runs in at Blake.

TJP blocks the boot but not the ENZIGIRI! Blake rolls back, TJP avoids his Pele and kicks low. TJP whips, Blake reverses but TJP goes Spiderman. Blake runs up, TJP ROCKS him, but Blake jumps up as TJP rams in! GUILLOTINE SPLASH! TJP flops to the floor, Blake builds speed and fans fire up for the FOSBURY FLOP! Direct hit and down goes TJP! Blake walks it off, then mocks the fans clapping. Blake flips them off, the fans boo, and Blake goes back for TJP. Red Shoes checks TJP, TJP clutches his side but seems otherwise okay. Blake puts TJP in, follows, but now it might be TJP’s arm that’s bothering him.

Red Shoes has Blake stay back so he can check TJP. That arm is really bothering TJP, so Blake shoves Red Shoes aside to RAM TJP into a corner! Blake wrenches the arm, hits an ELBOW BREAKER, then hits another ELBOW BREAKER! TJP drops back to a corner, Blake wraps the bad arm around ropes! Red Shoes counts, Blake YANKS the arm, and TJP staggers away. TJP leans on Red Shoes a moment, but Blake rolls under to then PELE the arm! TJP clutches the elbow as he drops to his knees but Blake smirks. Blake grabs the bad arm, hammerlocks it while he has TJP down, and then he drives his knee into the arm again and again!

Blake lets off, TJP clutches the arm, and Blake mocks the fans rallying for TJP. Blake then isolates the arm to drop a leg on it! Blake wrenches but TJP throws body shots. TJP ELBOWS free, Blake ends up in a corner, but Blake dodges TJP to then BOOT him! TJP flops over, Blake covers, TWO! The fans rally up but Blake puts on a body scissors! Blake grabs the bad arm, hammerlocks it and puts a lot of pressure on the hold. Blake then rolls things to a cover, TWO! Blake still has TJP’s arm, steps over, and claps with TJP’s hand. Blake makes TJP flip the fans off, then he BITES that finger! Red Shoes reprimands and Blake lets off.

Blake mocks the fans more, grabs TJP’s arms, and pulls back on a motorcycle stretch. TJP endures, the fans rally, and TJP fights up. TJP moves around, and flip kicks Blake away! Blake comes back, TJP ROUNDHOUSES! But Blake PELES! TJP goes to a corner, Blake runs up, but TJP goes up and over to TORNADO DDT! The fans fire up while both men are down! TJP rises up, storms up on Blake, and atomic drops! WHEEL KICK! Blake staggers to a corner, TJP whips corner to corner hard! TJP runs in to ELBOW! Blake sits down, and now TJP scrubs his face! The fans rally up and TJP goes side to side, BOOT WASH!

The fans cheer and want it again! TJP obliges, and he scrubs Blake more! TJP runs side to side for the second BOOT WASH! The fans fire up and TJP waits on Blake. Blake staggers up, TJP kicks low and reels him in. “ICHI!” Half Hatch! “NI!” Half Hatch! “SAN!” The hattrick is complete and the fans fire up! TJP goes up the corner, aims, MAMBA- NO, TJP has to bail out as Blake moves! Blake wheelbarrows, somersaults and SPLASH! Blake goes to the corner, takes aim, and he somersaults for the ARMBAR DDT! FUJIWARA ARMBAR! TJP endures, the fans fire up and TJP moves around! TJP rolls, but Blake wrenches!

Blake tries to wrangle TJP but TJP uses that to get Blake down! TJP has the stepover, but Blake fights forward! TJP still gets the arm for the PINOY STRETCH! Blake BITES TJP’s hand! Red Shoes reprimands but then Blake has the ROPEBREAK! TJP lets go one way or another, and Blake goes to the apron. TJP crawls out after Blake and the fans rally up. Blake stands, TJP ROCKS him with a forearm! Blake ROCKS TJP back! TJP and Blake trade haymakers, then TJP CHOPS! Blake kicks, TJP blocks but Blake ENZIGIRIS! Blake reels TJP in to WRING the arm into the apron! Blake gets back up, slashes his throat, and he drags TJP up!

Blake reels TJP in but TJP fights the lift! TJP then Alabama Lifts but Blake fights it! Blake BOOTS, but TJP BOOTS back! TJP grabs for an arm but Blake steps over and STUNNERS! TJP flops into the ring, and Blake takes aim. The fans fire up as Blake springboards, and TJP anchors him! Fireman’s carry, DETONATION KICK! Cover, TWO!! Blake survives but the fans rally for “T! J P! T! J P!” TJP aims, runs up, ONE BY- NO, Blake ducks! And ROUNDHOUSES! TJP JUMP SOBATS! Blake kips up to SUPERKICK! Both men fall and the fans are thunderous! The fans rally again and both men slowly sit up.

Blake finds TJP, throws a forearm, but TJP gives it back. Blake throws another, so TJP gives it back. They stand, and Blake fires a haymaker! TJP fires one back! Blake fires another haymaker, but TJP KICKS Blake’s leg! Blake KICKS TJP’s arm! TJP KICKS Blake’s leg again! Blake KICKS TJP’s arm again! TJP fires off a flurry of kicks, but Blake JUMP KNEES! Blake runs up but into a SUPERKICK! Blake swings, into the FINAL CUT! TJP aims from the corner! ONE BY- SPANISH FLY!! Blake roars and aims from the corner! STEP-UP STOMPS!! Cover, TWO?!? TJP survives and the fans are thunderous again!

Blake storms his way to the apron and slashes his throat. Blake springboards, 450- CUTTER!! ONE BY ONE!! Cover, TWO?!!? But TJP won’t stop there, he goes up a corner! MAMBA SPLASH!! Cover, TJP WINS!

Winner: TJP, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Blake earns 0)

That was a fiery battle, but TJP wins not just for him but for Francesco Akira! Will the Public Enemy conquer this tournament for The United Empire? Is Blake’s heat about to go cold?


Best of the Super Juniors 31 B Block: DOUKI VS SHO!

This one’s gonna be good! It was Wrestling Satsuma no Kuni when Japones Del Mal got his shot at the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship, only for the Murder Machine to cheat him out of it. But now, Douki is ahead in the block and could do some serious damage with a win here! Will Douki earn both points and a golden ticket tonight? Or will Sho stack the deck so high it’ll reach the sky?

Wait, Sho is running out here from the exit side while Douki’s music is playing? Sho drops off his stuff and then grabs a chair so he can then wait by the tunnel! But where’s Douki? Sho peeks through the curtain, nothing. Douki is running in from the exit and he CLOBBERS Sho from behind! The fans cheer as Douki gets the better of Sho! Douki drags Sho up, brings him to ringside, and POSTS him! The fans cheer more but Red Shoes reprimands. Douki drags Sho up and puts him in the ring. The bell rings, Douki storms in and he stomps Sho around. Douki drags Sho up again to whip to ropes. Sho reverses but Douki arm-drags!

Douki runs, arm-drags again, but Sho gets mad! Sho swings, Douki dodges, and Douki tilt-o-whirls to RANA! Sho tumbles out, Douki builds speed, and Douki WRECKS Katsuya Murashima! Sho used the Young Lion as a shield! Sho then RAMS Douki into the apron! Sho snarls, drags Murashima up, and puts Murashima in the ring? Red Shoes hurries to usher the Young Lion out, but Sho grabs the bell hammer! Sho HAMMERS Douki, HAMMERS him again, then digs the hammer into Douki’s ribs! Red Shoes finally sees, Sho stops, and Sho drags Douki up to bring around the way. Sho RAMS Douki into the apron!

Sho storms off to the back corner, and pushes through an exit, to bring a dumpster in!? Sho laughs as he then goes to fetch “the trash.” Sho stomps Douki, brings him over to the dumpster, and then knees low into Douki’s ribs. Sho scoops and DUMPS Douki into the dumpster! The fans boo but Sho leaves him behind. The ring count starts while fans rally up. Sho talks trash, the ring count is 10 of 20, an Douki’s still stuck! Douki drags himself up and out of the dumpster, but we’re already at 17! 18! Douki slides in at 19.9! The fans cheer but Sho digs his boots into Douki! Sho scrapes Douki to the apron, pulls a sleeve off a crossbar, then pulls Douki onto the bar!

Red Shoes reprimands Sho while Douki suffers, but Sho pulls harder! Red Shoes counts and Sho lets off at 4. Sho storms in to stomp Douki and talks trash. Sho drags Douki up but Douki fires forearms! Sho kicks low, then he suplexes Douki to hang him out to dry! Sho climbs up onto Douki, then drags him off the ropes in a Canadian Rack. GUT BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Sho is upset so he stands on Douki and pulls on the arms! Douki endures, the fans rally, but then Sho shifts to clamp on the inverted straitjacket! Douki endures, so Sho shifts to dig heels into ribs, and pulls on an arm and leg! Douki endures again, fights around, but Sho pulls!

Douki still fights with his free leg, ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer, Red Shoes counts, and Sho lets off. Sho stands on Douki, digs his heel in, but steps away to bring Douki up. Sho whips corner to corner, runs in, and RAMS into Douki! Sho then hauls Douki up onto the top rope, CLUBS him again and again, then goes corner to corner. Sho runs up to TOP SHELF KNEE! Douki falls, Sho covers, TWO! Douki is still in this and the fans fire up! Sho paces around Douki, talks trash, and digs his heels in again. Douki pushes Sho away, fires up and fires off forearms! Douki runs, but Sho kitchen sink knees! Sho drags Douki up, whips, and kitchen sink knees again!

Sho taunts Douki while the fans rally, and Sho whips Douki again. But Douki turns kitchen sink into roll up, TWO! Sho runs up to kick low! Sho runs but Douki FLYING HEADBUTTS! Both men are down and the fans fire up again! Douki and Sho go to corners, and then Douki runs in. Douki ELBOWS Sho, runs, but Sho dodges! Douki still hip tosses, RAMS, then springboards to FLYING ARM-DRAG! Sho bails out, Douki builds speed to WRECK Sho with the dropkick! The fans fire up, Douki stalks Sho, then he drags Sho up to headlock. Douki brings Sho to the dumpster! Sho fights free, reels Douki in, and lifts, but Douki fights the bomb!

Sho tries again but Douki throws hands! Douki RANAS Sho into the dumpster! The fans fire up and Sho struggles to get out of the mess! Douki rises and the fans cheer as he leaves Sho behind. Sho flounders out of the dumpster covered in paper and plastic. Sho throws that away, we’re at 12 of 20! Sho staggers his way over and slides in at 16! But Douki dodges him to then DDT! Cover, TWO! Sho stays in this but Douki stays on him with a Gory Especial! Sho fights free by bending fingers! Sho then CLUBS the arm, but Douki blocks the kick! Douki spins Sho back into the Gory Especial, for the DODON NO JUTSU!! Backslide cover, TWO!

The fans rally, Douki goes to the apron, and he takes aim as Sho rises. DAY- NO, Sho uses Red Shoes as as shield! Then he SPEARS! Both men are down again and the fans rally for Douki. Sho shakes his head, aims his bow, and he drags Douki up. Sho reels Douki in, double pump handle, but Douki flips through to ITALIAN STRETCH #32! But Sho steps on Douki’s neck! Douki lets go, Sho reels him in, STRAITJACKET PILEDRIVER! Cover, TWO! The fans fire up but Sho shakes his head. Sho calls his shot again, and he drags Douki up. Sho reels Douki in for a Canadian Rack, but Douki fights free of that! ITALIAN STRETCH!!

Sho endures, moves around, reaches out, but Douki rolls him away from ropes! ITALIAN STRETCH!! Sho endures again, kicks at Douki, steps on him again, but Douki pulls on the hold! Sho falls over and the fans fire up! Red Shoes checks Sho, Sho sputters, and someone rings the bell! YUJIRO TAKAHASHI!! Not this trick again! Taichi storms off of commentary, but Yujiro PIMP CANE SHOTS Taichi down! The fans boo but Sho keeps Red Shoes from seeing Yujiro get in the ring. Douki dodges Yujiro to then DROPKICK him out! But Sho sneaks up to LOW BLOW! Roll up, with tights! TWO!! Sho is furious but Douki survives!

Sho storms over to his ring, grabs his IWGP Junior Heavyweight title, but Red Shoes says don’t try it! Sho gives the belt over, but then he throws Douki into Red Shoes! Down goes the ref and the fans boo! Sho laughs and he goes for his Torture Tool! The fans boo but Douki has his PIPE! The fans fire up and Sho freaks out! They stand off, Sho takes a swing but Douki blocks! Douki powers Sho back, takes a swing, but Sho goes low! Sho grins, winds up, but Douki gets around! LOW BLOW!! Sho suffers a taste of his own medicine! The fans fire up as Douki now has his pipe! Douki uses the pipe to CHOKE Sho, then turn him for a Gory Especial! METAL DODON NO JUTSU!!

The fans fire up as Douki now calls for Red Shoes. Red Shoes returns, none the wiser, and Douki fires up! Douki drags Sho up, torture racks, and swings Sho for the MARISHITE! Cover, YUJIRO YANKS RED SHOES OUT!! The fans boo as Tokyo Pimp just won’t go away! Yujiro sneaks up on Douki, CANE SHOT! Taichi is up but Yujiro BOOTS him down! Yujiro sits Douki up for PIMP JUICE! Yujiro helps Sho crawl to the cover, then Yujiro fetches Red Shoes! Red Shoes sees the cover and counts, TWO?!?! Douki lives and the fans are thunderous! And Taichi throws Yujiro into the ring! Red Shoes is confused, but Taichi storms around.

Taichi takes a chair from a fan, threatens Yujiro, but Red Shoes stands in the way. Taichi drops the chair, pushes Red Shoes aside, and he blocks Yujiro’s kick! LOW BLOW!! And no problems since Yujiro isn’t in the match! Taichi then runs to AX BOMBER!! The fans fire up and Taichi calls to Douki! Douki rises while Taichi drags Yujiro out of the ring and away from ringside! The fans cheer as things are 1v1 again, and Douki aims from the apron. Sho flounders about, rises up, but runs up! Douki RAMS into Sho, then slingshots for DAYBREAK!! Cover, TWO!! Sho survives but Douki just fires up! The fans are with Douki as he rises!

Douki wheelbarrows Sho, full nelsons, SUPLEX DE LA- NO, Sho fights free and throws elbows! Sho runs up, but Douki blocks the kick! But wait, it really hurt! What’s in Sho’s boot?! Sho KICKS Douki again!! Douki writhes and clutches ribs, but Sho aims from a corner! Sho PUNTS Douki in the side!! Cover, TWO?!?! Douki survives, even with Sho’s clearly loaded boot! Sho drags Douki up and reels him in as we reach 20 minutes! Gut wrench, Canadian Rack, PIMP SLAM!! Cover, SHO WINS!

Winner: Sho, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Douki earns 0)

Surprise, surprise, all this cheating helps Sho win! Sho needs an icepack for his leg, because he loaded his kick pad with a big piece of metal! Will Douki ever get one over on this snake?

Speaking of, Sho slithers over to get the mic so he can say, “Everyone thought Douki would win! You were all cheering for him! You at home were, too! You’re welcome, all of you!” The fans boo but Sho continues by saying, “Different day, same result. The champion is on a different level. A different level to all of you! Even if a scrub makes it to the finals, he doesn’t need to be in the main event. I’m winning this comfortably. Besides, you Osaka folks don’t really know wrestling.” The fans boo again, but Sho says that even if it’s in Osaka-Jo, it doesn’t need to be the main event, that’s how easily he’s gonna win.

“I’m on a different level from every other Junior Heavyweight out there, especially those in this Super Juniors!” Sho drops the mic and leaves Douki behind, will he do this to everyone left in the block?


Here are the NEW A Block standings!

Titan: 5-2, 10 points
El Desperado: 5-2, 10 points
HAYATA: 4-3, 8 points
Blake Christian: 4-3, 8 points
Clark Connors: 4-3, 8 points
Kevin Knight: 3-4, 6 points
BUSHI: 3-4, 6 points
TJP: 3-4, 6 points
Kosei Fujita: 2-5, 4 points [ELIMINATED]
Yoshinobu Kanemaru: 2-5, 4 points [ELIMINATED]


Here are the EVEN NEWER B Block standings!

Robbie Eagles: 5-2, 10 points
“Drilla” Moloney: 4-2, 8 points
KUSHIDA: 4-2, 8 points
Hiromu Takahashi: 4-2, 8 points
Taiji Ishimori: 4-2, 8 points
SHO: 4-3, 8 points
DOUKI: 4-3, 8 points
Ninja Mack: 2-4, 4 points [ELIMINATED]
Francesco Akira: 2-3, 4 points [FORFEIT]
Dragon Dia: 0-6, 0 points [ELIMINATED]

My Thoughts:

Another great night for BOSJ, and things are starting to take shape here. As I said last time, a shame about Akira’s injury, I thought he could really get things going for himself. But B Block is now just a touch lopsided since the forfeited points put some people ahead of others with less matches. Eagles of course gets a win off Dia, Dia has been “struggling” this whole tournament. Hiromu got the bye this round, so he can’t really move in the block. Kushida may have lost but he’s still ahead of Hiromu because Kushida beat Hiromu in their match.

Great win for Drilla in that, though, and he’s getting going at the right time. Drilla has Taiji and Hiromu left, those are going to be critical matches. Sho of course has to cheat again to win out, but it makes Douki look great and has the fans on his side. Douki has the top two, Eagles and Kushida, and he’d need to pull off some ultimate underdog stuff to beat them both and take a spot from one of them.

Meanwhile, A Block is looking like a race to the top between Desperado and Titan. Despe beat Titan in their match from an earlier round, so if he and Titan both win out from here, they’re both going to the semifinals just like that. Despe has TJP next, and TJP is making a great comeback, while Titan has Kanemaru who isn’t even in the running anymore. But TJP and Kanemaru can both go for a spoiler, so those are going to be really good matches. In fact, Titan also has TJP to top this off, he’s in for two big fights in a row. Though, Connors did a lot of damage to Despe, that adds more pressure to whether Despe can get past TJP and then Hayata after that.

My Score: 8.9/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Collision Results & Report! (6/15/24)

Happy Anniversary, Collision!



Time sure flies when you’re having fun!

AEW Collision turns one year old tonight, and to “celebrate,” Thunder Rosa and Deonna Purrazzo battle under NO DISQUALIFICATIONS! What won’t these two do to settle the score?


  • 8 Man Tag: The Blackpool Combat Club VS Rocky Romero, Lio Rush & TMDK; The BCC wins.
  • No Disqualifications: Thunder Rosa VS Deonna Purrazzo; Deonna wins.
  • Hechicero w/ The Gates of Agony VS Dalton Castle; Hechicero wins.
  • TNT Championship Ladder Match Qualifier: Lee Moriarty VS Dante Martin; Dante wins and advances to Forbidden Door.
  • Kyle O’Reilly VS Anthony Henry; Kyle wins.
  • Six Man Tag: The Bang Bang Gang VS The House of Black; The House wins.


Christian Cage speaks.

“Welcome to Collision. Welcome to the one year anniversary of Collision. That’s right, it’s been 365 days since I singlehandedly put this show on the map when I won the TNT Championship int he very first episode, and went on a run with the TNT Championship that will never, ever be seen again. Now in the spirit of Christian Cage’s Collision, tonight, I guarantee you will see why AEW is where the best wrestle. And in the spirit of usual unpredictability, on the eve of the most important holiday of the year, Father’s Day, I guarantee you, Christian Cage’s Collision is going to end up being… very special.” Just what does The Patriarch have in mind for “his” show?


8 Man Tag: The Blackpool Combat Club VS Rocky Romero, Lio Rush & TMDK!

Jon Moxley is still IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, Wheeler Yuta is still ROH Pure Champion, and both Bryan Danielson & Claudio Castagnoli are still bad, bad men! The BCC is looking to still be the baddest group around, but will they be rolling on towards Forbidden Door? Or will Azucar, The Bad Child and the NEW Undisputed NJPW Tag Team Champions prove they’re just a little bit badder?

The teams sort out and The American Dragon starts against Lio. The fans rally for “B C C! B C C!” as Bryan and Lio circle. They feel things out, Lio ducks the roundhouse but Bryan blocks a kick! Bryan gets a SLEEPER, but Lio slips under to waistlock. Bryan switches, shoves, but Lio redirects! Bryan gets under the heel kick and the fans fire up for the standoff! Lio and Bryan reset, feel things out again, and knuckle lock. Bryan kicks low, brings Lio around to UPPERCUT, then UPPERCUTS again. Bryan whips, Lio reverses to then go up and RANA! Bryan gets up, but Lio runs to wheelbarrow. Bryan powers Lio to the corner, Yuta tags in!

The fans fire up for Yuta but Lio dodges to whip. Yuta whips, Lio reverses, Yuta goes up and over. Lio handsprings under ot kick and ENZIGIRI! Lio brings Yuta over, tag to Rocky, but Yuta gets loose. Rocky and Yuta trade forearms, the fans fire up, and then the CHOPS fly! CHOP after CHOP after CHOP and the fans fire up more! Yuta fires a flurry of forearms, then whips. Rocky slides under, kicks, Yuta ducks the enzigiri but not the HEEL KICK! Yuta rewinds to get around and GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Yuta floats to a facelock, tags Claudio, and the fans cheer as the Swiss Superman kicks low.

Claudio brings Rocky around to CHOP! Claudio whips, Rocky ducks ‘n’ dodges to jump up and RANA! Tag to Mikey Nicholls but Shane Haste jumps in, too! Shane BLASTS the BCC corner while Mikey whips Claudio to a corner. Mikey runs in to clothesline! Feed to Shane’s UPPERCUT and snapmare, then Mikey SLIDING LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Mikey keeps on Claudio and tags Shane. TMDK double whip but Claudio crisscrosses them! Then he runs to DOUBLE BULLDOG! The fans fire up with Claudio and he tags Bryan. Bryan goes up, Shane stands, into the MISSILE DROPKICK! The fans fire up with Bryan as Shane tumbles to a corner!

Bryan runs in to DROPKICK! Bryan keeps going but Shane FLYING ELBOWS! Shane storms around, goes after Bryan, but Bryan drags him into the LEBELL LCOK! Shanes’ team runs in but BCC intercepts! Moxley & Yuta TOSS out Mikey and Lio, but Claudio has Rocky in a COBRA TWIST! Shane endures, reaches out, ROPEBREAK! Bryan lets go while The BCC keeps beating on Mikey, Lio & Rocky! Moxley makes Rocky sit on the railing, Claudio BOOTS him down! Bryan KICKS Shane again and again, “YES! YES! YES!” Bryan winds up to BUZZ_ NO, Shane ducks to shove Bryan! Mikey trips Bryan, Shane basement dropkicks!

Mikey spins Bryan around to UPPERCUT! The ref reprimands, The BCC storms up, and Collision goes picture in picture.

The ref has everyone back off, but Rocky gets cheap shots on Bryan! The ref reprimands, Rocky backs off, and Shane drags Bryan in to stomp him down. Shane drags Bryan up, cravats, then tags in Lio. They mug Bryan, and Lio fires off at the ropes! Tag to Rocky, he adds on with KICKS! Rocky stomps Bryan down, tags Mikey, and they mug Bryan some. Mikey then CHOKES Bryan on the ropes! The ref counts, Mikey lets off, and Bryan sputters as he reaches out. Mikey drags Bryan up to tag in Rocky, and the mugging continues! The ref has to keep The BCC back and that lets the whole team beat up on Bryan!

Rocky taunts Yuta, goes back to Bryan, and brings Bryan around to snapmare. Rocky clamps on a chinlock and he grinds Bryan down. Bryan endures, fights up, but Rocky becomes a backpack! Bryan still reaches out, steps forward, but Rocky lets go to whip Bryan to a corner! Collision returns to single picture, Rocky runs up to clothesline! Rocky keeps going, TWO-EVER! Then THREE-EVER! Rocky hoists Bryan up top, climbs up after him, and goes to the very top. Rocky swivels them hips, but Bryan grabs Rocky for a SUPER ATOMIC DROP! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Rocky and Bryan crawl, hot tag to Shane and he BLASTS BCC!

Shane whips Bryan to a corner runs up, but Bryan dodges, hot tag to Claudio! Claudio BLASTS Lio, UPPERCUTRS Mikey, then UPPERCUTS Shane! Claudio fires off fast hands at the ropes, the ref backs him up, but Claudio jukes to UPPERCUT! The fans fire up, Claudio whips, and he back drops Shane hard! Claudio just keeps going, he UPPERCUTS Rocky on the outside! Claudio brings a chair around the way, sets it up, and then uses it to LAUNCH into Mikey! Claudio then returns to the ring, runs up and DOUBLE STOMPS Shane! The fans fire up and Claudio gets the legs! But Mikey gets in to LARIAT Claudio down!

The fans boo but Yuta DROPKICKS Mikey! Mikey tumbles out, Yuta DIVES onto him, but is THROWN into railing! Shane fireman’s carries Claudio, but Moxley’s in to CUTTER! Moxley shouts to Claudio and Claudio rises up! The fans are thunderous for the hot tag! Moxley gives Mikey a CUTTER! Moxley then runs in to clothesline at the corner! Moxley whips corner to corner, for another clothesline! Moxley goes up to rain down fists! The fans count along as fast as they can, Moxley goes right to TEN, then he reels Mikey in! Stalling PILEDRIVER!! Cover, TWO!! But Moxley clamps on with the SLEEPER!

Mikey fights up, pries free and elbows Moxley. Moxley BOOTS back! Mikey rebounds, Moxley dodges, DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down! Lio tags in and he goes up! FINAL HOUR!! Cover, TWO!! Moxley’s not done yet and Lio is shocked! Lio says no, now it’s time! Lio goes up top again, for another FINAL- NO, Moxley moves and Lio rolls through! Moxley BOOTS Lio down! Then Moxley underhooks, for PARADIGM- NO, Lio slips out! TMDK is in, URENAGE BOMB!! Bryan runs in, but into the scoop! Bryan slips free, shoves Mikey into Shane, then BUSAIKU KNEE! Shane DROPKICSK Bryan!

Yuta gives Shane an OLYMPIC SLAM! Rocky hits SLICED BREAD! Claudio SPINEBUSTERS for the GIANT SWING! Azucar goes around and around and around, and the fans count to TEN, but Claudio just picks up speed! Claudio TOSSES Rocky at 15! Lio leaps on for a SLEEPER! Claudio powers Lio around to TOSS into the DEATH RIDER!! Cover, BCC wins!

Winners: Blackpool Combat Club, by pinfall

The BCC defend homefield in AEW, and we’re just two weeks away from Forbidden Door! Moxley then gets the mic to say, “Tetsuya Naito of NJPW is a survivor, but The Forbidden Door is the final conflict. This is it. This is your last chance. I’m not coming to beat you,  Naito. I’m not coming to defend the IWGP Championship. I’m coming to Forbidden Door to put an end to Tetsuya Naito once and for all! Naito, I’m coning to Forbidden Door to finish you, to finish your career, to put you in a pine box, to put you in the ground, and to BURY your ass once and for all!!” A powerful ultimatum with still two weeks to go, will the Maniac also be the man that retires Naito?


Tony Schiavone is in the ring.

Youngstown, Ohio, please welcome The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn! The fans fire up as Max Caster, Anthony Bowens & Daddy Ass make their way to the ring. Schiavone lets Caster have the mic, and he says usually the Acclaimed comes out here with a rap, some punchlines, but tonight, if you didn’t see, but the “love” EVPs, the Young F’s…! Well, those guys issued a $5 THOUSAND FINE on them for disparaging company executives!? There was a tweet about it! Seems these EVPs are outta touch with the fans! Youngstown confirms!

Caster says the fans don’t want a couple of women’s business suit wearing a-holes! They want Platinum Max roasting everyone! They want Bowens & Billy hitting the scissor fingers, and you bet they want The Acclaimed to become the NEW AEW World Tag team Champions! And if Bowens was The Bucks, he wouldn’t focus the pettiness on raps and tweets, but on the fact that they will be face to face with The Acclaimed for the first time in four years. And this isn’t the same team they faced before in 2020. They are not an upstart! They have the same exact accolades as The Bucks do! Scissor King, Platinum Max, FORMER AEW World Tag Team Champions, FORMER AEW World Trios Champions, the WINNINGEST team in the history of AEW!!

And all they have to get the titles back is beat The Bucks twice. So do your worst! FINE them, but all they want is to get those titles back, get this company back, and prove that EVERYONE loves The Acclaimed! In fact, forget fines! Take those fines, stick ’em up your virgin asses, because everyone here is gonna kick it old school for you! YO! YO! YO! LISTEN~! But then someone says NOOOO~! And it’s Brandon Cutler! He tells The Acclaimed to listen! This one year anniversary of Collision is to be a night of praise for the EVPs! They’ve carried this show since day one! But these limp noodles use their public platform to disparage!

So if they want a fine? FINE! Here’s a $10 THOUSAND fine! Then it’ll be $15- Christopher Daniels comes out here to stop Cutler. The Acclaimed had Daniels’ back, so here’s some good news. Tony Khan has REVERSED the fines, they get their money back! And Cutler, we don’t need to hear any more from you. But Cutler shows his clipboard to Daniels. Daniels SMACKS Cutler with the clipboard! Then DECKS him with his fist! Daniels TOSSES Cutler in for The Acclaimed to handle! They trip him up, hold him open, and Bowens goes up to say, SCISSOR ME TIMBERS~! Cutler crawls away in shame, but will The Bucks make sure The Acclaimed pay for that on Wednesday?


No Disqualifications: Thunder Rosa VS Deonna Purrazzo!

La Mera Mera tried to be an ally to The Virtuosa against their common enemy, but the only thing they had in common was that they wanted to be the one to take down Toni Storm. That made them into enemies, and it has escalated to this! With nothing holding these two back, who stops at nothing to make sure the other regrets ever showing up in AEW?

Deonna doesn’t wait, she attacks while Rosa’s on the corner! The bell rings and Deonna puts Rosa in the Tree of Woe. Deonna runs in, but Rosa sits up! Deonna slides out of the ring, and Rosa CROSSBODIES down onto her! Rosa fires off hands, then POSTS Deonna! The fans rally behind Rosa and she CHOPS Deonna against the apron. Rosa SMACKS Deonna off the steel steps, then off them again, and then again! Rosa stands on Deonna, Deonna pushes her away, and Rosa starts bringing out stuff from under the ring! A chain, a trash can, and the lid! Rosa SMACKS Deonna with the lid! And then pushes the lid into Deonna with a boot!

The fans want tables but Rosa runs up first. Deonna dodges, Rosa dropkicks the steps! Deonna drags Rosa up, puts an arm between steps and post, then BOOTS the steps! Rosa falls back, clutching the elbow! Deonna snarls, goes looking under the ring, and she brings out a kendo stick! Deonna throws that all the way over the ring, but she gets some chairs. Deonna wedges a chair in a corner, then gets Rosa up. Rosa reverses the whip but Deonna stops herself! Deonna kicks and whips, but Rosa stops. Rosa ELBOWS Deonna, fireman’s carries, then DEATH VALLEY DRIVERS! Cover, TWO! Deonna stays in this but Rosa goes looking for more!

Rosa brings out a TABLE! Youngstown cheers as Rosa gets that big thing up, only for Deonna to DROPKICK it into her! The fans boo but Deonna soaks up the heat, and Collision goes picture in picture.

Deonna drags the table up for herself, and she puts that in the ring. Deonna drags Rosa up, wrenches, then kicks Rosa. Deonna hammerlocks an arm before she POSTS Rosa! And then she hammerlocks and POSTS Rosa again! Rosa clutches the side of her face, but there’s no blood, yet. Deonna gets Rosa in the ring, then drags her over to snapmare by the table. Deonna steps over Rosa to trap the arms, then turns her over so she can dribble Rosa’s head onto the wood! Deonna lets off and Rosa flops over. Cover, TWO! Rosa is tougher than that but Deonna keeps her cool as Collision goes to break.

Collision returns and the two fight over a chair. Deonna JAMS Rosa up, takes a swing, but Rosa dodges! Rosa BOOTS the chair into Deonna! Then Rosa grabs the chair to JAM Deonna, and SMACK her on the back! And SMACK her again! Rosa brings Deonna around, fireman’s carries, and SAMOAN DROPS her on the folded table! Cover, TWO! Deonna is still in this but Rosa drags her around to put in a corner. Rosa hoists Deonna up top, goes up after her, but Deonna fights with body shots! Rosa CLUBS Deonna in return, but Deonna slips under! Rosa rains down fists, so Deonna YANKS her into the buckle! CHEEKY NANDOS!

Rosa falls into the Tree of Woe, Deonna runs up and this time, she RAMS into Rosa! Rosa falls out of the Tree, Deonna covers, TWO!! Rosa survives that Spear of Woe or whatever you’d call it, and the fans rally up. Deonna drags Rosa up, slashes her throat, and then Gotch lifts, but Rosa fights that! Rosa wrenches out to FULL METAL DDT!! Cover, TWO!! Deonna survives hitting steel but Rosa won’t let up. Rosa brings Deonna over to a corner, and puts the trash can around her! The fans cheer as Rosa stomps away on Deonna! Deonna sits down, Rosa grabs the table and she brings that around. The fans cheer as it’s finally set up!

Rosa SMACKS the can with the chain! Then Rosa finishes setting the table up, to use it as a ramp! FLYING SHOTGUN into the trash can!! The fans are thunderous for that unique use of a table, and then Rosa covers Deonna, TWO!?!? Deonna survives the savage innovation, but Rosa won’t give up just yet. Rosa completely stands the table up now, but Deonna has a chair! She slide sit at Rosa, the table falls over, but Rosa JAMS Deonna up with it! Rosa reels Deonna in, underhooks, but Deonna fights the package to wrench out! Deonna reels Rosa in, for a KNEELING PILEDRIVER! Cover, TWO!!! Rosa lives and Deonna is stunned!

Deonna clamps onto the arm, FUJIWARA! Rosa reaches out, but ends up in the VENUS DE MILO!!! Rosa reaches with her legs, but Deonna HAMMERS away on her head! Deonna rolls past Rosa to then look around on the outside. She LOW BLOWS a staff member!? Just to CLOBBER Rosa with his camera!!! Deonna shows no mercy to anyone, and she puts Rosa in the ropes! MOTORCYCLE STRETCH IN THE ROPES! Rosa’s out cold, Deonna wins!!

Winner: Deonna Purrazzo, by referee stoppage

That camera shot might as well have been a knockout! But Deonna still gets the win either way. Is Deonna going to move on from Rosa once and for all to then go after a title? Or will Rosa’s revenge not die with one loss?


Hechicero w/ The Gates of Agony VS Dalton Castle

Now this is a unique match-up! The Alchemist of Lucha is taking on The Peacock, and… wait are those The Outrunners being Castle’s substitute Boys? Well, uh, Turbo & Truth aside, will Castle be too hot to handle even for the man that summons fire? Or will Hechicero turn this Forbidden Door appetizer into sweet, sweet victory?

The bell rings and the fans fire up as these two get face to face. Hechi shoves Castle, Castle gets serious. They feel things out, tie up, and Hechi facelocks. Castle still powers Hechi to ropes, the ref calls the break, and the two let off clean. Castle gets fired up and eggs Hechi on. Hechi CHOPS, so Castle UPPERCUTS! They fire back and forth, CHOP for forearm, then Castle fires off a flurry! Castle runs, but HEchi follows to CROSSBODY! Hechi slips right into a SLEEPER at the ropes! Hechi shoves Castle away, goes up, and MISSILE DROPKICKS! Cover, TWO! Hechi kicks Castle around and eggs him on.

Hechi CLUBS away on Castle, runs, but Castle wrenches to LARIAT, KNEE, and DDT! The fans fire up as Castle gets a wild look in the eyes. Castle clamps on a half nelson, then CLUBS away on Hechi to get him up. Hechi fights with elbows of his own, but runs into an Alabama Lift! Castle spins, BANGAAA- NO, Hechi slips free, pops Castle up, and has the COBRA CLUTCH STRAITJACKET! Castle flails, pushes back to a cover, TWO! Hechi keeps the body scissors, wants the rear naked choke but Castle rolls. Hechi drags Castle up but Castle arm-drags free! Hechi BOOTS back, swings, but Castle blocks to ELBOW!

Castle snarls, runs, but Hechi follows to LARIAT in the corner! Hechi fires fast hands and a CHOP! Castle sits down, Kaun & Liona like what they see. Hechi powers up but runs into a clinch! EXPLODER! Castle and Hechi both rise, and the fans fire up with Castle! Hechi swings, but into another lift! Hechi sunset flips, TWO!! Castle just manages to escape, and he BOOTS Hechi! Hechi goes to a corner, Castle runs in but Hechi dodge! SHINING WIZARD! Hechi keeps going, LA MYSTICA LEG DROP! Cover, Hechi wins!

Winner: Hechicero, by pinfall

That was some in-ring magic for sure! The Gates of Agony celebrate with their new ally, will they and The Machine, Brian Cage, soon take over AEW and CMLL? But then Hechi beats up on Castle, puts him in a corner, and Liona HIP ATTACKS! Kaun METEORAS! The fans boo, but The Outrunners run in! Only to get CLOBBERED by The Gates… Hechi then feeds Castle to the Gates for the LARIAT SANDWICH! And they CLOSE- NO! Daniel Garcia hurries out here, with a chair! He and Daddy Magic have Castle’s back as they run off Hechi & The Gates! Will even The Alchemist of Lucha fear Red Death?


Backstage interview with Dante Martin.

Arkady Aura is with Angel Dorado, as well as his teammates, Darius Martin & Action Andretti. She brings up Dante facing Lee Moriarty in the TNT Championship qualifier. However, everyone else is banned from ringside. Dante says that’s fine, because Top Flight is about friendly competition. He remembers a time when Lee Moriarty was once about that. Darius asks if Dante is running. He’s not. Is he scared? He’s not. Because this is one of the best high-fliers today! High-flying and redeye-ing! Action promises that at Forbidden Door, Dante will be the NEW TNT Champion! But in steps Lio Rush. He says what’s up, long time no see. Good to see he has some new friends.

Not sure if any of them knew this or not, but Lio and Action go way back. That’s true. So as far as Darius, nice to finally meet you. Darius knows who Lio is, and won’t shake his hand. Okay, that’s fine. Just wanted to wish Dante luck tonight. Maybe see them around. Lio heads out, Action says yeah, great seeing him again. Top Flight heads out, but will Dante book him and the boys some golden tickets to Long Island? Or will #TAIGASTYLE make sure Shane Taylor Promotions takes over New York?


The Patriarchy is in the ring.

And “Mother” Shayna Wayne asks for everyone’s attention. They boo her? They boo a mother?! How dare you! Shayna demands they all get on their feet right now and pay respect to “the greatest father to ever live,” THEIR Patriarch, Christian Cage. And with that, Captain Charisma makes his way out here. Christian takes the mic and sits in the fancy chair they have for him. “Well, I didn’t exactly have ‘spending the most important holiday of the year’ in The Rust Belt, but here we are.” The fans boo but Christian says Youngstown needs to sit down and shut their mouths while he conducts his business.

Now, he’d be remised if he didn’t acknowledge what today is. Today is the anniversary of his son, Nick Wayne’s biological father passing away. Christian says that can affect a child many different ways. You might wonder why the universe can be so cool. But in a strange way, Nick’s father dying was the best thing that could’ve ever happened to him, because it led him to Christian Cage. The fans boo but Christian says this veiled picture must of course be a gift for him. Did Nick commission this? Nick even has a card! Christian opens it up, and it says Happy Father’s Day. A homemade card from the heart? Should he read it?

“To Dad, You are the greatest TNT Champion in history,m and I can only dream of having half your tlanet, but I will keep striving to prove my worth. Love, Nick.” How thoughtful, Christian appreciates that. And uh, can we unveil the portrait now? Of course! The curtain is taken away, and it’s a failry impressive painting. Did Luchasaurus do this himself? Wow. Then uh, this is… Okay. But Nick’s card is unbelievable! He’s a wordsmith! It’s popping off the paeg! Christian has never been prouder, he will cherish this forever. And uh, Killswitch- The fans chant “LUCHASAURUS!” but he says shut up, he’s Killswitch! Killswitch, why can’t you be more like Nick?

Luchasaurus storms off! The fans cheer but Christian says he wasn’t excused! Get back in line! Christian has something important to say and everyone will want to hear this. Luchasaurus reluctantly stands back by the chair, and Christian says that’s a good looking guy in the picture either way. Now, it is no secret that Double Or Nothing was a couple weeks ago. And Christian clearly fell short in his quest to become AEW World Champion. But what you might not realize is that there is alternate footage clearly showing his shoulder was up! The EVPs want to do the right thing and show this footage, but he politely asked not to show it.

This family does not make excuses here! They just roll up their sleeves and get back to work! Christian vows to one day be World Champion, and that path starts with winning the Trios Championships! That’s right! Christian’s gift to his “sons” is that they will hold titles together. The fans still chant for Luchasaurus but Christian tells them to shut up! Now yes, it is uncommon for the father to give a gift to his children on Father’s Day, but that is what a good father would do. He would give anything to make his children smile. Hey, even Tony Khan’s dad gave him millions upon millions of dollars to start this company!

But here’s the thing, Tony Khan, this very instant, Christian Cage says this is HIS company! He is the greatest, most talked about and influential star in this sport! He will win every accolade until he goes down as THE greatest in history! So Tony, Christian is your father now. They are The Patriarchy, the next Trios Champions, the Faces of TNT, now and forever! Captain Charisma has spoken, but will his declaration become reality?


The Bang Bang Gang speaks.

Juice Robinson says it is the one-year anniversary of Collision, and they are the Collision Cowboys, the men who built this brick by brick! Juice broke his back carrying this place! Colten says that as such, they hold a lot of gold. There are a lot of teams gunning for them, but they can’t handle the pressure. House of Black tonight, and now The Patriarchy wants a shot? Yeah, it’s Father’s Day, but you don’t get special privilege. Get in line! Austin adds that House of Black, they’re not sure what’s going on, maybe they’ve been in the dark too long, but open your eyes, dilate the pupils, and uh, notice that Jay White isn’t here.

Tonight is NOT for the titles, but tonight is about proving whether or not if you can hang with the OGs! And if you’re not down with that, they’ve got two words for ya: GUNS UP!


TNT Championship Ladder Match Qualifier: Lee Moriarty VS Dante Martin!

As we heard from Dante, these two used to be friends, but ambition seems to have given #TAIGASTYLE a bit of a salty edge. Will Lee use that edge to clip Angel Dorado’s wings? Or will Dante prove that he not only does things the right way, but can win at the same time?

The bell rings, the fans rally as the two circle, and then Lee goes for a leg. Dante steps over, trips Lee, then speeds up. Lee drops, hurdles, but Dante stops to hurdle and drop. Lee handsprings, then shimmies and shakes. The fans cheer and the two reset. Dante and Lee feel things out, and the fans are behind Dante. Lee gives a testing kick, then the two knuckle lock. Lee wrenches, trips Dante, then GROUND DRAGON SCREWS! The fans are torn, but Lee drags Dante around by the leg< Dante kicks free, reaches up, and RANAS! The fans fire up, Dante speeds up, ducks ‘n’ dodges, then jumps to RANA again!

Lee flounders, Dante stays by ropes,. Lee runs up, Dante goes up and over! Lee tumbles out of the ring, Dante builds speed! Dante FLIES, but lands safe as Lee moves aside! Lee thinks he’s safe, but then Dante uses the corner to DROPKICK Lee down! Dante copies the shimmy and then drags Lee up. Dante CHOPS Lee against the railing! The fans fire up for that one, and Dante puts Lee in the ring. Dante then jumps right up to the apron, springboards, but Lee trips him up! Dante tumbles back down and Lee grins. Lee claps and the fans applaud, and Collision goes picture in picture.

Lee waits on Dante, and Dante slides back in. Lee stomps Dante at the ropes again and again and again! Dante writhes, Lee drags him up, then KNEES low. Lee fires m ore knees, then shoves Dante to RAM into him. Lee reels Dante in to HALF HATCH! Roll back and cover, TWO! Lee keeps on Dante with a hammerlock, then traps that arm to go after the other. Dante endures, even as Lee pushes on the arm. Lee twists the fingers and wrist to bend the arm, and then use it as a recliner! Dante endures as Lee gives a thumbs up. Lee then sits back up, to stomp the arm down! Dante writhes, Lee stomps him around, then Lee drags Dante up.

Lee fires more knees into Dante, shoves him, but Dante leaps up and over to sunset flip! TWO, and Lee ROCKS Dante with fast hands! Dante blocks a kick but not the KNEE! Dante sits down, Lee basement dropkicks! Cover, TWO! Lee is annoyed but he clamps onto the arm again. Dante endures, Lee bends the fingers and wrist, to JAM the fingers into the mat! Dante still endures, but Lee clamps on, chinbars, and pushes on the joint. The fans rally, Dante fights, but Lee throws knees to keep him down. Lee pulls on the chinbar but Dante powers up. Collision returns to single picture, and the fans rally as Dante pries free!

Dante arm-drags Lee away, Lee runs up, but Dante BOOTS him! ROLLING ELBOW! Dante ROCKS Lee again, whips, but the bad arm jams up! Lee whips Dante away, runs up, but Dante slips to the outside! Dante ROCKS Lee, springboards to go up and around, but Lee grabs a leg. Dante kicks him away, jumps again and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Lee survives but Dante stays focused. The fans fire up with Dante as he rises, and Dante reels Lee in. Lee fights the half nelson, so Dante CLUBS away! Lee wrenches free of the waistlock, brings Dante to a knee, and he SNAPS the fingers! What a villain!

Lee gets Dante’s arms tired up, clinches, YOYO URENAGE! Into the BORDER CITY STRETCH!! Dante endures, reaches out, and he crawls with the one free arm! Lee kicks at that arm, but Dante uses a leg for the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer as Lee lets off, and then Lee brings Dante up! Lee suplexes into a SLAM, then covers, TWO!! Dante escapes that deep tuck and Lee is frustrated. Lee kicks at Dante while they’re both down, then Lee rises up. Lee aims, Dante rises, and Lee runs up, but Dante ducks the kick! JUMP KNEE! Lee wobbles, but he BOOTS back! Lee runs up, into a KNEE from Dante!

Dante goes up, METEORA! Lee is down and the fans fire up as Dante climbs a corner! MAMBA SPLASH!! Cover, Dante wins!

Winner: Dante Martin, by pinfall (advances to Forbidden Door)

And with that, the fourth spot is filled! Dante joins Mark Briscoe, Konosuke Takeshita & Jack Perry, but wait! Shane Taylor & Anthony Ogogo show up to mug Dante! The fans boo as STP are sore losers! BODY SHOT from Ogogo! But here come Darius & Action! They fight with STP but that’s 3v2! Shane DECKS Darius, Ogogo GERMAN SUPLEXES Action! URENAGE for Darius! The fans boo more but STP doesn’t care. Lio Rush hurries out here, he asks what this is all about. Shane dares Lio to bring his little ass in here! Lio does, and he slips under Shane to shove Ogogo into him! Then he schoolboys Ogogo to SPIN KICK!

Shane whips Lio but Lio stops himself at the ropes! Lio eggs Shane on, then DUMPS him out! Lee runs up but Lio TOSSES Him out, and HANDSPRING KICKS Lee into Shane! Lio stands tall with Top Flight, and refs hurry out to stop this from getting any wilder. Will Shane Taylor make sure Lio meets his final hour soon enough? As for Dante and Top Flight, they nod respect to Lio, but still no handshakes. Will Lio just have to give them all time to trust him?


Hikaru Shida speaks.

“I have been in AEW since day one. I am a three-time world champion. I am the longest reigning AEW Women’s World Champion. And I am officially entering the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament. That tournament needs me. And Wembley Stadium needs me! And the Shining Samurai will go to Wembley Stadium to once again become Women’s Champion.” Will Shida shine all the way through the Summer to then go All In on an incredible fourth Women’s World Championship reign?


Kyle O’Reilly VS Anthony Henry!

The Violent Artist has been trying to do things on his own, but even now, Roderick Strong & The Kingdom tag along. They’re on commentary for this match, and BREAKING NEWS for Dynamite! It will be an “All-Star 8 Man” as Roderick Strong joins forces with Kyle Fletcher, Konosuke Takeshita and Zack Sabre Jr. VS Kyle O’Reilly, Orange Cassidy, Dante Martin & Mark Briscoe. Will the Savior of the Backbreaker still be able to support his “friend” here tonight knowing that now? Or will Roddy find himself rooting for the other guy?

The bell rings and the two circle. They feel things out, and tie up. Henry powers Kyle back but Kyle turns that around. They go around and around, Kyle waistlocks but Henry switches. Kyle switches and drags Henry down Henry blocks one kick but has to duck the other! The fans cheer as Henry backs off, and the two reset. Kyle and Henry feel things out, knuckle lock, and go shoulder to shoulder. They go around, Henry throws Kyle down but Kyle has the leg guard up. Kyle kicks one knuckle lock apart to trip Henry up. Henry uses a leg guard now, but Kyle stands. Henry uses body scissors to climb up and go for the arm!

Kyle moves around, back drops and ARMBAR! Henry scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Kyle lets go, KICKS at Henry, then wrenches to an ELBOW BREAKER! This relentless Kyle is the kind Roddy likes. Kyle wrenches, whips, but Henry holds ropes! Kyle KICKS the leg, then hooks it. Henry turns that around to RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Henry traps Kyle’s head to NECK TWIST! Henry holds on, grabs an arm, then gives some kicks. Kyle just gets mad! The fans rally for Kyle and Roddy also coaches Kyle. Kyle stands, Henry KICKS, but Kyle ROCKS Henry. They fire off forearms, henry fires a strike fest!

Kyle blocks a kick, gives a strike fest in return, then SWEEPS the legs! The fans fire up as Henry flounders to a corner. Kyle runs up to forearm SMASH! Then wrench and ELOBW BREAKER, to a KNEE, to a suplex and FALCON ARROW into the ARMBAR! Henry TAPS, Kyle wins!

Winner: Kyle O’Reilly, by submission

Roddy says that’s because of his presence! Roddy says Kyle is clearly missing something, or someone, to help him get that edge. Will Kyle show Roddy plenty of that “edge” this Wednesday?


Six Man Tag: The Bang Bang Gang VS The House of Black!

We heard from Rock Hard Juice Robinson, Fully Cocked Colten, and… Austin earlier tonight, but now is time to put up or shut up! Malakai, Brody & Buddy have been World Trios Champions before, but will they get one step closer to becoming Unified AEW & ROH World Trios Champions? Or will the House fold when facing the Collision Cowboys in their house?

The trios sort out, but then they all step to each other. The fans taunt the “ASS~ BOYS~!” but we get Juice and The Dark Father. Juice and Malakai circle, then tie up. Malakai headlocks, Juice powers out but Malakai runs him over! Cover, ONE and Juice arm-drags! Malakai headscissors, Juice kips free, but Malakai avoids the arm-drag to sit down. The fans fire up, so Juice lifts a leg a la dogs. Malakai stands up to KICK Juice down! Juice scrambles away, Austin tags in. Austin is all fired up, but then Brody tags in! Austin turns around and tags Colten! Colten says that’s fine, he can bark it up. Brody swings, Colten bobs ‘n’ weaves and ROCKS-

Er, well, no, Brody doesn’t seem too bothered. Brody runs Colten over, he runs Austin over, then runs them both over! The Gunns stagger up, Brody runs up to DOUBLE LRIAT them out! Juice runs in but Brody TOSSES him out onto The Gunns! The fans fire up as The House stands together, they all build speed, but the Bang Bang Gang gets in to say BANG! So the House DECKS them all! The House tosses everyone out and the brawl is on as Collision goes picture in picture!

Brody is after Juice, Malakai TOSSES Austin, and Buddy CHOPS Colten. Malakai BOOTS Austin into the crowd! Brody sits Juice in a corner to CHOP! Malakai joins in to mug Juice, and Buddy KNEES Colten. Brody brings Juice around to whip hard into railing! Austin returns but Malakai KNEES him down. Brody CLUBS Austin, the fans fire up, and Brody CHOPS Austin. Buddy brings Colten over to join in, and he UPPERCUTS Colten into a seat. Brody herds Austin and Juice that way, the Bang Bang Gang all take seats, and Malakai KICKS away on them all! The fans hoot and bark with Brody as he runs in, to TRIPLE CROSSBODY!

The fans cheer and high-five Brody as The Bang Bang Gang all slumps down. Brody drags Colten up to put him in, and then stalks Colten to his empty corner. Brody grins at Colten’s fear, and Collision goes to break.

Collision returns again and Buddy tags Malakai. They mug Colten, then Malakai wrenches to tag Buddy. Buddy climbs up to DOUBLE STOMP Colten’s arm! Buddy taunts Austin, goes back to Colten and wrenches. Tag to Malakai and he KNEES the arm! Malakai wrenches but Colten throws him down by his hair! Tag to Austin and Austin stomps away on Malakai! The ref counts, Austin lets off, but Malakai BOOTS him! Austin runs up to CLOBBER Malakai! Austin throws hands, then tags in Colten. They whip Malakai, to BODY SHOT, KNEE LIFT, and DROPKICK! Juice tags in to SENTON! Cover, TWO!

Juice stands on Malakai, the Gunns YANK Buddy & Brody down! Juice whips Malakai hard into the corner! Juice stomps away on Malakai, argues with the ref, then drags Malakai back up. Juice snap suplexes, covers, TWO! Malakai is still in this and Juice is frustrated. Juice stands Malakai up to bump him off buckles, then he tags Austin in. They mug Malakai, Austin asks “Who’s the Ass Boy now?” “YOU!!” Austin frowns, then fires hands on Malakai. Tag to Colten, he stomps away on Malakai. The ref counts, Colten ROCKS Malakai but the fans rally up. Juice tags in, he stomps at Malakai, then eggs him on.

Juice HEADBUTTS, but Malakai ROCKS Juice, DECKS the Gunns, then fires off on Juice! Juice blocks a kick, to LEG LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Malakai is still in this and Juice is upset with the ref’s count! Juice clamps onto Malakai for a chinlock but Malakai endures. Malakai fights up as the fans rally, and Malakai KICKS the bad leg! Juice THROAT CHOPS back! Malakai falls into a corner, Juice goes corner to corner, CANNONBALL only gets buckles! Malakai crawls, as does Juice, hot tag to Colten! He CLOBBERS Malakai, then whips him away. Colten runs up, but only gets buckles! Austin tags in, grabs Malakai’s foot, but Malakai BOOTS him into Colten!

Hot tag to Buddy! The fans fire up as the Aussie Juggernaut fires off strikes and a BOOT to Austin! POP-UP KNEE for Colten! Austin runs up, into a tilt-o-whirl and LAWN DART into Colten! Buddy reels Austin in for the JACKHAMMER! Cover, Juice breaks it! The fans boo but Juice hurries to BLAST Brody! Juice goes back to Buddy to whip, but Buddy lands safe on the apron! Buddy GAMANGIRIS Juice, bumps him off buckles, then BOOTS him away! Buddy goes up, Juice staggers around, into the METEORA! Cover, TWO! Buddy’s bad knee is bothering him, but he hobbles up to tag in Brody. Brody storms in and the fans fire up as we go picture in picture again.

Buddy has medics check his knee, he may have taken himself out when he hit Juice. Brody does his best to focus on the match, and he puts Austin in a corner. Buddy is in some serious pain, though. Brody runs up to CLOBBER Austin in the corner! Brody hoots and barks and gets the fans back into this. Brody roars, runs, but Colten saves his brother! The Bang Bang Gang regroups on the outside, the medics are still checking on Buddy but it isn’t looking good. This is basically 3v2 now. Juice & The Gunns strategize, knowing they have the advantage now. The ref has Bang Bang Gang settle down a minute while Buddy is helped to the back.

The fans applaud as Buddy is doing his best to walk on the good leg, and Collision returns to single picture. But the Gunns jump on Brody, they and Juice mug him, and Malakai tries to help but is sent back out! The fans chant “YOU SUCK!” but the Bang Bang Gang doesn’t care! Tag to Colten and he stomps away on Brody. The ref counts, Colten tags Austin back in, and now Austin stomps Brody. Tag to Juice, he gets some stomps in! The fans still taunt the “ASS~ BOYS~!” but Juice blows boogers onto Brody! Then Juice CANNONBALLS! Direct hit and Juice covers, TWO! Brody stays in this and the fans fire up!

Austin tags in, then he tags Colten. The Gunns get Brody up, whip him to ropes, but Brody denies the 3:10 with a LARIAT! And another LARIAT! Juice runs up, but into a BOSS MAN SLAM! Brody is down and the fans fire up! Brody crawls, the fans hoot and bark, hot tag to Malakai! Malakai breaks through Colten’s lariat to BOOT Austin! Malakai dodges Colten, DECKS Austin, then ELBOWS Colten! A strike fest and a LEG SEWEP for Austin! SLIDING KNEE! The fans fire up, but Juice takes the QUEBRADA for Colten! Malakai still ROUNDHOUSES Colten and GERMAN SUPLEXES! Bridging cover, TWO!!

Malakai snarls and the fans fire up! Colten rises, distracts the ref with talk of injury, and Juice grabs a leg! Malakai kicks Juice away, but Colten runs up, FLYING FOREARM! Cover, TWO!! Colten’s shot doesn’t finish this but he tags to Austin. The Gunns get Malakai up, double whip, 3:10- NO, Malakai BOOTS Colten, BOOTS Austin, but Juice HOTSHOTS! FAMOUSER from Austin! Cover, TWO!! Malakai survives and Austin is stunned! The Gunns reload, call their shot, and they coordinate with Juice! Juice goes up, but Brody is back! The Gunns dodge him, 3:10 TO YUMA!!! But they have to get Malakai down!

Austin turns Malakai, Juice finally aims, but PAC is here?! The Bastard spooks Juice, trips him up, then flips off Austin! Austin swings on Pac, but turns around into THE END!!! Cover, The House wins!!

Winners: The House of Black, by pinfall

The Bastard told The Bang Bang Gang that he was not going to let what they did to Death Triangle slide! The House still gets the win, even with Buddy going down with a bad knee. But then The Patriarchy has to come in via the tron to ruin all the fun. Christian Cage says congratulations to The House. Congratulations on becoming the #1 contenders to the World Trios Championships. The only problem is, they’re not a trio anymore. The Patriarchy reveals they took out Buddy!! The Patriarchy leaves Buddy down and out, right as Malakai & Brody rush to the back! Will Christian Cage stoop to new lows just so he and his “sons” can rise up the ranks?

My Thoughts:

A great Collision for the anniversary episode, and I appreciate it was more rock, less talk. The only real talky stuff was everything Christian Cage did, but even that wasn’t so bad because he didn’t take forever getting to the point. He takes credit for all the good Collision content, heavily favors Nick Wayne over Killswitchasaurus, and then tries to hide his failure at Double Or Nothing by going for the trios titles, which he can totally just use Nick and Luchasaurus to win for him when the time comes. Really good promo from Bang Bang Gang in response, and great main event between Bang Bang Gang and House of Black.

If Buddy isn’t actually hurt, he was doing amazing acting tonight. And with how Christian “attacked” Buddy, it seems the story is the same either way: The House will need a new third man to challenge Jay White & The Gunns. Pac showed up to stick it to the Bang Bang Gang, so maybe The Bastard becomes an honorary member of The House of Black just to take the titles. And honestly, what better feud than Christian “Greatest Father Ever” Cage and “The Bastard” Pac, with how “bastard” also has the old definition of “a fatherless child.” And honestly, when is Luchasaurus going to break away from Christian? Should happen during the trios title match.

Really good 8 Man Tag, but I should’ve figured BCC would win, and that Moxley would again tell Naito that he’s done after Forbidden Door. It’s the same thing he’s been saying all week since Dominion last Sunday, he’ll probably keep saying it for those who weren’t paying attention, and I am starting to think that’s just because he’s going to lose in Long Island so Naito can have finish his last run with the world title. And good integration as Lio says hey to Dante before Dante has his match with Lee. Great win for Dante, and I figured he would because you need a true high-flyer in a ladder match. Lio helping fight off Shane Taylor Promotions is also interesting, can’t wait to see which way this splits. Could someone be leaving Top Flight to join STP?

Kyle VS Henry was a strange filler-not-filler, because at least we got the news of an 8 Man Tag happening for Dynamite. It’ll be a great match, with some Forbidden Door build involved as Cassidy will be facing Zack Sabre Jr. and now we’ll be seeing Mark Briscoe, Dante Martin, and Konosuke Takeshita in the ladder match. With that, feels like one of the Kyles takes a loss. Either Roddy purposefully costs O’Reilly or accidentally costs Fletcher. I’m thinking the former so that Roddy can insist O’Reilly still needs him to be relevant. Then they can take that feud through the Summer, maybe even into the Men’s Owen Hart Cup.

Really good promo from Shida, and she’ll be a great part of the Women’s Owen Hart Cup. Probably won’t win it, though, with the potential story of Mariah May challenging Toni Storm, or with Willow looking to go back-to-back. Very good match from Hechicero VS Dalton Castle, and it was a rather clever move that The Outrunners were the pseudo-boys that failed to save Castle while Garcia & Menard succeeded. Add Angelo Parker to that and you’ve got an 8 Man Tag right there of Garcia, Menard, Parker & Castle VS Hechicero & The Cage of Agony. Very good No DQ match from Deonna VS Rosa, but as I said earlier in the week, I figured Deonna would win. She’s a Heel, the current champions are Faces, she will make a good challenger to maybe the TBS Championship for All In.

And a great promo from The Acclaimed to call out The Bucks for their continued abuses of power. Cutler being the scrub that takes beatings on behalf of The EVPs is a pretty silly recurring gag, but Daniels getting in on the fun was good stuff. The Acclaimed surely do find a way to win the Title Eliminator in order to force a title match that The Bucks probably cheat to win. This probably still leads to Acclaimed helping Swerve for Blood & Guts, as I sensed on Wednesday.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE Clash at the Castle Results & Report! (6/15/24)

Scotland goes for gold!



Will Drew McIntyre finally have his moment?

The Scottish Warrior won then lost the World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania, but redemption could be at hand here in Glasgow! Will today be Damian Priest’s judgment day?


  • Undisputed WWE Championship I Quit Match: Cody Rhodes VS AJ Styles; Cody wins and retains the title.
  • WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Triple Threat: Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill VS Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark VS Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn; Fyre & Dawn win and become the new WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions.
  • WWE Intercontinental Championship: Sami Zayn VS Chad Gable w/ Otis & Maxxine Dupri; Sami wins and retains the title.
  • WWE Women’s Championship: Bayley VS Piper Niven w/ Chelsea Green; Bayley wins and retains the title.
  • WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Damian Priest VS Drew McIntyre; Priest wins and retains the title.


It’s the Clash at the Castle Countdown Show!

Join Michael Cole, Kevin Owens & Big E in discussing, analyzing and predicting all the action going down in Glasgow!


Exclusive interview with Drew McIntyre.

Jackie Redmond sat down with The Scottish Warrior, she asked how he’s doing. Marvelous! Medically cleared in time for Clash at the Castle. How much does this event mean to him? Well, it wasn’t a thing growing up. There were no PLE’s in Scotland. It was all about making it to WrestleMania, did it. Won, that was cool. Won it again before getting screwed over, but main eventing the first PLE in Scotland? Beyond a dream come true. Then what does Scotland mean to him? McIntyre will sum it up with lyrics, Caledonia. Poetic name for Scotland. “Scotland, let me tell you that I love you, I think about you all the time. Caledonia, you’re calling, now I’m coming home.”

So when you think of Glasgow, what memories come to mind? What lessons did he learn before traveling the world? He spent four years there, at university. He can’t really talk about those lessons, not PG. But what he can share is to speak your mind, be passionate. If someone goes too far and runs their mouth, give them a “kiss” between the eyes. AKA the Glasgow Kiss. That tracks. And this isn’t his first Clash at the Castle. He was at the first, in Cardiff, and it didn’t go his way. Could he take us back to that night and how that felt?

McIntyre never felt that kind of emotion from a crowd. They were 100% in his corner, his family and friends were there, but “The Elders” had Solo Sikoa screw him over. That was a shot through Drew’s heart, through his family’s heart, through The UK’s heart, and he can’t let that happen again. Is he over that yet? Nope, absolutely not. Will he ever be? Nope. He didn’t think about it, pushed it down, but things flare it up. Ten months, still waiting for an apology, but people have such short term memory. Trauma doesn’t go away easily.

There is a lot the last year that has upset him, yet Drew’s renewed with the WWE? Why is it important to be here even though he gets upset? To be honest, he was thinking of taking time off. He was at the end of his contact, he’d just lost his sister in law, his wife’s sister, and she was struggling, the family was struggling. He went home to a wedding, got to see people he hadn’t gotten to see in so long. He wanted to think what was best for his future. But he and his wife talked, and they both agreed that it wasn’t time to walk away. You don’t walk away from the table when you’re on a heater. So they wanted to figure out what’d work for his career.

Thankfully, WWE was on the same page, they’ve gotten a situation figured out so McIntyre can give as much as he can to both family and career. He’s so obsessive with this business that it’s good to have that balance. Jackie likes that saying, “you don’t walk away when you’re on a heater.” WWE right now definitely feels like it has the heat, so what does he make of the state of the company? Everyone top to bottom is killing it, even interviewers like Jackie. We haven’t had a roster this talented in the ring and people who have found themselves. The matches are on a different level, just look at the numbers. BILLION dollar contracts!

Now it is up to the roster to get it done. The only thing that needs improving is the World Heavyweight Championship, and that means taking it from Damian Priest. More of this interview to come later on in the Countdown.


Backstage interview with The Alpha Academy.

Cathy Kelley is with Chad Gable, Otis & Maxxine Dupri ahead of Gable’s Intercontinental Championship match with Sami Zayn. Gable, in Montreal, you came up short- Er, didn’t win… So how is tonight going to differ? Gable says tonight, the family is in line. They are taking orders the right way. So you will see a whole different game play out tonight. They’re here, they know the plan, and they will help him win HIS championship, no matter what. Then Maxxine, you’re in a boot, how are you feeling physically and emotionally? Gable says she’s fine! Right? Tell her! She’s fine! Don’t worry about that.

What matters is that Sami’s reign ends tonight, at the hands of Gable’s family, Maxxine, Otis and- Wait, where’s Tozawa? Otis, you were supposed to keep track of him. Tozawa’s gonna pay for this on Monday. Gable storms off, Otis & Maxxine follow, but will this really go how Gable wants?


Backstage interview with Bayley.

Cathy Kelley is with the WWE Women’s Champion and “Michael Cole’s favorite,” and wishes her a happy birthday! Bayley thanks Cathy, and Cathy figures the celebration should be after Clash and a win tonight. Is Bayley concerned about Piper’s hometown advantage? Bayley knows how important it is to be in front of your hometown, and she has respect for Piper. Piper laid the foundation for how WWE is even here right now. But she is also the same person that has been attacking Bayley for the last month, and ran Bayley into the wall last night. Bayley is a champion who fights for what she believes in. So sorry, but she has to beat Piper in front of her loved ones tonight.

Cathy says they were going to send this back to Cole but she’ll let Bayley do the honors. Oh, of course. “Dear Michael Cole, back to you, you idiot!” Will The Role Model give herself the best birthday present possible by getting passed Piper Niven to head for SummerSlam?


Chelsea Green joins the panel.

She doesn’t like Cole telling everyone she’s the sidekick and valet to Piper. They’re like chocolate & vanilla. Okay, but what is all this “we” stuff? Sorry, does Cole not have experience in healthy relationships? They are going to win the title. Kevin Owens says there was a time when he won the Universal Championship with the help of a Canadian from Winnipeg, and they tried to say “they” won the titles, but that didn’t end well. Big E does bring up when Leyla & Michelle McCool did that as #LeyCool. Yes, and so it will not end terribly because it won’t end, Chelsea and Piper will be together forever.

Then how does Piper feel about her chances tonight? Oh, Miss P was born ready, so she is super confident, and she also has Chelsea in her corner so she’s absolutely ready. Then with all this pressure, can Piper pull it off? Big E says yes. Chelsea may have… unenviable qualities, but she is in Piper’s corner, and that support has helped Piper feel confident. Yes, Chelsea has feeling Piper feeling confident and pretty and rich and skinny and tanned, just like Chelsea, and that is why Piper will win. Okay, then can Chelsea go and help Piper get ready? Chelsea says Cole will be hearing from her later. But will the Hot Mess help Piper take the title from Bayley tonight?


Exclusive interview with Drew McIntyre, part 2.

What does McIntyre say to certain critics who look at his actions and his words, and says he’s a hypocrite? Well a lot of people have done that. Number one is Michael Cole. Using Cole’s position of power in a way that is irresponsible. He was shouting McIntyre’s praises during Pandemic Era, and while Cole said it was all McIntyre, McIntyre said that was a team effort. But McIntyre doesn’t like certain people. If that makes him a bad guy, then say hello to the bad guy. Speaking of Pandemic Era, he won the title, but no fans. And then this year, he wins in Philadelphia, but loses it right away. Has any of this made him bitter?

No, those didn’t make him bitter. It made him stronger. Others would’ve broken apart, fallen down the card, left the company, but not him. He wants the ball in his hands, the company on his back, and he can carry them both. He has then, he will now, he’s still that same guy. And this time, in Scotland, it will be absolutely perfect and all worth it. Then in order to do that, he must beat Damian Priest. What does he think of Priest? McIntyres’ seen Priest’s evolution since NXT. He knows Priest’s backstory, his struggle, and Drew respects that journey and that talent. But in some ways, Priest is just playing champion, trying to find his role.

Priest is trying to get the buzz, the cheap pop, he’s focused on the wrong things. McIntyre tried to say that but Priest just shrugged it off, tried to be Mr. Machismo. McIntyre was just trying to help. Priest has hit his potential. McIntyre has been doing this for 20 YEARS, and that will show tonight. McIntyre’s mind reads 10 miles long, Priest’s is more like a notepad. Then finish this thought: Priest VS McIntyre, for the World Heavyweight Championship at Clash at the Castle, will be… Epic. The Scots are proud of their own, and one of their own will win.

Jackie thanks McIntyre for his time, they shake hands, and he says no real need to thank him. Warrior physically, warrior mentally. But will McIntyre be champion both physically and mentally?


A fight’s coming to Scotland.

The Scottish Warrior said he told us it was. A good ol’ square go. A waylay. Sorry, that’s the Scottish way of saying, “A beating.” Brutal. Unflinching. Ferocious. Never ever underestimate your opponent. It’ll be the last thing you remember. The Scots are known for their temper, so let’s make a deal. You bring the crazy, they will bring the fight. This is Clash at the Castle, and this is gonna be good!


Undisputed WWE Championship I Quit Match: Cody Rhodes VS AJ Styles!

The American Nightmare had respect for The Phenomenal One, which is why he gave it his all back at Backlash in France. But when Styles pulled a Mark Henry style trap, the respect went out the window, and the rulebook has gone out with it! Both men can do whatever they want to the other in an effort to get those dreaded two words out of them, but who will give in and give up in Glasgow?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and so are the stakes, all just to see who is undisputed!

The ref reminds everyone the rules: no pins, no submissions, no ring counts, no disqualifications. The fans already sing “CODY! CODY RHOOODES~!” like they did just last night. The bell rings and the fans are thunderous! Cody and Styles approach, Cody kicks then RHODES UPPERCUTS! Cody fires off hands, whips Styles hard into buckles, and Styles falls back! The fans are thunderous again and Cody gets Styles up to bump him off buckles. Cody ROCKS Styles, but has to shake out that beat up h and. Cody whips, Styles reverses then runs in. Cody goes up and over, to SNAP POWERSLAM! The fans continue to sing as Cody rises up.

Styles rises, Cody springboards, BEAUTIFUL- ATOMIC DROP! Styles CHOPS, CHOPS and bumps Cody off buckles. Styles CHOPS again, then bumps him off buckles. The fans boo but Styles CHOPS again! Styles whips corner to corner hard and Cody staggers back. Cody drops to his knees, the fans taunt Styles, but Styles storms up on Cody. Styles scoops, Cody slips free to JAB, JAB and JAB! Flip, flop, fly, BIONIC ELBOW! Styles staggers to ropes, Cody pats the mat and the fans fire up. Cody runs, and he DROPKICKS Styles out of the ring! The ref checks but Styles says get outta his face. Cody shrugs and looks under the ring.

The fans fire up, because Cody brings out a TABLE! Cody puts that aside real quick to stomp Styles down, then he gets a second table! The fans are loving this even more, and Cody sets up that second table first. Cody sees Styles go around the way, so he pursues! Cody whips Styles into and over the steps! Styles doesn’t stop here, so Cody gets him up to whip him into and over barriers! The fans fire up with Cody as he goes up onto the barrier, then AX HANDLES Styles down! The fans are even closer to the action as Cody throws hands on Styles! Styles hits back, they go to the back section but Cody throws more hands!

Cody SMACKS Styles with someone’s drink! The fans cheer more, and Cody ROCKS Styles again. Cody CLAWS Styles’ back, then whips, but Styles reverses to send Cody into railing! Styles KICKS Cody, brings him around, and whips him into the fire exit door! The fans fire up as this goes backstage, and Cody brawls with Styles in the hallway! Cody SMACKS Styles off a wall, fires more hands, then ROCKS him again. They go further back, end up by the tech area, and Cody SMACKS Styles off a trunk. Styles ROCKS Cody, then CHOKES Cody with a cable! Cody endures, throws elbows, and then shoves him into another wall.

The brawl goes off into another part of the backstage area, and they reappear by the bleachers! The fans fire up as the brawl goes back down the runway! Cody climbs up on Styles to rain down fists! Fans count, Cody stops at eight to CLAW Styles’ face! Styles staggers away, the fans stay fired up as Cody CLUBS Styles on the back. Cody brings Styles around but Styles blocks the bump to ROCK Cody! The fans chant “AJ SUCKS! AJ SUCKS!” but Styles gets in the ring. Cody trips Styles, steps through, FIGURE FOUR! Styles endures while the fans “WOO~!” Styles refuses to give up, and he drags himself around. Cody pushes on the leglock but Styles still endures!

Cody thrashes around, the fans are thunderous, but Styles goes to the ropes. The ropebreak won’t save him, but they do force Cody to let go from being scraped off. Styles rests on the apron but the fans continue to sing. Cody storms up on Styles, brings him up, but Styles fights the suplex! Styles then suplexes Cody and himself up and out of the ring and to the floor! A rough landing but the fans fire up again. Both men rise, and Styles fireman’s carries! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER on the desk! Cody writhes, Styles has a sinister grin, and he drags Cody off the desk, to suplex and BRAINBUSTER on the desk!!

Styles shouts, “Ask the champ now!” The ref asks, but Cody says NO! Soo Styles BOPS Cody with the mic! And TOSSES Cody into the timekeeper’s area! Cody may have even hit the ring bell! Styles finds Mama Rhodes and talks trash to her! She gives it right back that he’s all bark and no bite! Styles stalks Cody, who is busted open! Styles DECKS Cody, then throws down more fists! Styles says, “We’ve got a bleeder!” Styles drags Cody up and into the ring, then stalks him. Cody sits up, Styles soaks up the heat, but Cody fires body shots! Styles DECKS Cody, then stomps him! Styles says he’s gonna hurt everyone’s hero!

The fans boo but Styles drags Cody up. Styles fireman’s carries, USHIGOROSHI! Cody writhes, the ref checks, but Cody says “Absolutely NOT!” Styles rains down fists on Cody, going right for that bloody forehead! Cody still says NO! Styles sighs, stalks Cody, and brings him up. Cody fires body shots! Cody ROCKS Styles, ROLLING ELBOWS, then runs, but into a DROPKICK! Cody falls and bails out while fans boo Styles. Styles grins, goes out after Cody, and SMACKS him off steel steps! Cody falls back but the fans tell Styles off. Styles soaks it up and throws the top steps away. Styles then drags Cody up to the base, like he did a couple weeks ago!

The fans boo as Styles reels Cody in, but Cody back drops free! The fans cheer and Cody rests for a moment. Cody then goes into the ring, rises up, and fires himself back up. The fans continue to sing as Styles gets in, and Cody ROCKS him! And ROCKS him again! And again! Cody fires off more shots, then roars, but Styles fires off the Phenomenal Blitz! Cody ducks the lariat to BEAUTIFUL DISASTER KICK! The fans are thunderous again as both men are down! Cody roars, the fans cheer, and Cody grabs Styles for a dragon sleeper! But Styles KNEES free, then PELES! Cody wobbles, Styles reels him in, DDT right at center!

Cody sputters, but he still tells the ref, “NO!” The fans cheer so Styles fishhooks the mouth! Styles adds on a chinlock and says he will make Cody quit! Styles ELBOWS Cody in the head, then he goes out to search under the ring. Styles finds a chair, slides that in, and stalks Cody. The fans want tables but Styles KICKS Cody down. Styles then puts the chair around Cody’s head! Styles CHOKES Cody, throws down fists, then goes to the ropes. KNEE DROP on the chair!! Cody sputters, but how can he say the words when he can’t speak!? Cody still manages a “No!” and Styles is furious. Styles goes out again, and he finds a kendo stick!

Styles brings the stick in to SMACK Cody in the ribs! And SMACK him on the shoulder! And the leg! Styles says he’s gonna hurt Cody unless he quits. Styles SMACKS and SMACKS and SMACKS Cody, even while he’s down! Cody tries to sit up but Styles SMACKS him down again! Styles tells Cody to say it, but Cody shouts “HELL NO!” Styles is beside himself, and the fans continue to sing for “CODY! CODY RHOOODES~!” Styles takes off a belt to LASH Cody with it over and over and over again! Cody writhes, Styles says he’ll keep doing it unless he says those words! Styles then straps the belt around Cody’s head to pull him back!

Ironically, the blood makes the belt slip off, so Styles LASHES Cody with it. The fans tell Styles he messed up, but Styles goes for the STF! Styles wants Cody to say it, but even with Styles’ hands in his face, Cody says “NO!” The fans rally as hard as they can, and Cody pries at the hold! But is he fading out?! Blood loss, oxygen loss, Styles lets go! Styles thinks this is enough but this is an I Quit match. See Roman Reigns VS Jey Uso during Thunderdome Era. Styles is furious and says fine, he’ll wake Cody back up. Cody grabs some water, takes a swig, and brings the bottle in to splash Cody with it. Cody does wake up, and fans cheer for “H 2 O!”

Styles goes out, and he fetches a mysterious black bag! Styles says he knows what we’re thinking, but this is even better. Not tacks, but CUFFS! Styles grabs one hand and cuffs it, then gets the other! The fans say Styles is a “KINKY BASTARD!” but Cody’s hands are trapped behind him! Styles SMACKS away with the kendo stick, with no arms to guard! The ref checks with Cody, but Cody again says “NO!” Styles tells Mama Rhodes this is HER fault. Styles says Cody gets this from her! Mama Rhodes still says he’s all talk. Styles gets in her face, so she SLAPS him! And SLAPS him again!! AND AGAIN! That’s three!!

Styles grabs a chair!! Mama dares him to try! Styles backs off, but goes back to Cody, to SMACK him on the back! And again! Cody’s gotten his hands in front of him but now his back is the target! And wait, there’s more chain in the bag?! Styles wraps that chain around his arm, then goes to the apron. Styles aims, springboards in, but Cody has the chair! Cody CHUCKS it at Styles, Styles falls back and through the table!! A phenomenal crash and burn! Cody hurries to find the keys for the cuffs. Ah yes, right by the bag. The fans know “This is Awesome!” and Cody is free! Cody fires himself up and the fans are with him!

Styles crawls back into the ring, Cody CLOBBERS him with the cuffs! Styles is busted open, he runs in, but Cody dodges! Styles hits buckles, staggers, and Cody THROAT CHOPS! Then he fishhooks Styles, before a CODY CUTTER! The fans fire up again and the fans are electric!! Cody says Styles is gonna say it! CROSS RHODES!! But Cody isn’t done there, and the fans want him to keep going! Cody drags Styles back up, CROSS RHODES!! But the fans want that “One More Time! One More Time!” So Cody grabs the chair, places that down, and FULL METAL CROSS RHODES!! Styles sputters and fans chant “You Deserve It!”

Cody doesn’t want the ref to check just yet, he has more in mind. Cody has the chair, but then thinks of something else. Cody grabs the cuffs, and he puts them on Styles! The fans fire up as Cody drags Styles over, and cuffs him to the ropes! Styles can’t go anywhere now! Cody has a chair, and tells Styles to say it or else! JAM to the leg! SMACK to the back! SMACK to the front! And again, and again, and again! Cody tees off on Styles until he slumps down! The cuff keeps that one arm up, but Cody SMASHES Styles’ leg! The fans are thunderous, but Styles says “I… SCREW YOU, CODY RHODES!” The fans boo, but Cody can feel he’s close.

Cody JAMS Styles rather low with the chair, then goes out to grab the steel steps. Cody gets those steps in the ring with a toss, and Styles has moved to a corner. Cody lifts the steps back up, and holds them high over head! Styles says okay, okay! STYLES QUITS! CODY WINS!!

Winner: Cody Rhodes (still Undisputed WWE Champion)

Even Cody’s a bit surprised it ended there. Cody asks if Mama says this is good, and she says do it! STEEL STEP ATTACK! “WHOA~ OH~!” Cody made sure Styles was humbled, and Cody stands tall on the steps. Cody holds up the title, proving he doesn’t quit, he gets even! Will anyone be able to stop The American Nightmare now?

But wait! Solo Sikoa walks out on stage? He applauds Cody’s win, then smiles at him before staring him down. And then TAMA & LOA ATTACK! The fans boo as The Bloodline goes after Cody while he’s vulnerable! BUT HERE COMES ORTON! The Viper AND Kevin Owens go after The Bloodline, clearly nothing being over from last night! Now the numbers are even and the fans fire up! This brawl goes up and down the runway, then to the back! Will Nick Aldis have to figure this out for next Friday Night SmackDown?


WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Triple Threat: Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill VS Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark VS Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn!

The StrongEST Duo has looked near unstoppable in their relatively short reign, but here in Glasgow, it’s bubble bubble, double the trouble! The Queen of Spades & Hunter were very close, while we’ve seen The Wicked Witches of Scotland hold titles before. Will Bianca & Jade be the ones that weather the storm? Or will there be new champions one way or another?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who defies the odds!

This kind of Triple Threat allows one member of each team active at a time, tagging only to their partners. The teams sort out, and we start with Shayna, Isla and Bianca. Shayna shoves Bianca, fires off on Isla but Bianca fires off on them both! DORPKICK for Shayna, but Isla whips. Bianca reverses to TOSS Isla but Shayna BOOTS Bianca! Shayna whips, Bianca goes up and over, then she runs in to RAM into Shayna. Bianca goes up, rains down fists, and the fans count all the way to TEN! Then Bianca goes to 13, before she flips up and over Isla! Isla runs into Shayna, Bianca scoops for a BACKBREAKER! Shayna back suplexes, Bianca lands out!

Bianca O’Conner Rolls, TWO! Bianca goes up, says kiss this, and then flips up and over Shayna. Bianca then gets Shayna for a BIG back suplex! Bianca runs, handsprings and MOONSAULTS! Cover, Isla breaks it! Bianca BOOTS Isla away but Alba tags in! The fans fire up as Zoey tags in as well, and then Jade tags in! The fresh members all run up, Jade dodges but gets pinballed between kicks! She fires off but gets more kicks for it! Zoey wrenches to a wristlock, Alba fires body shots! They both wristlock Jade and work to power her down! Jade bridges all the way back! The fans rally, and Jade fights her way back up!

Alba & Zoey push but Jade SHOVES them both away! Then DOUBLE LARIATS! Jade DECKS Isla for good measure! Jade THRWOS Alba to a corner, SPLASHES Zoey, then SPLASHES Alba! Another SPLASH for Zoey, then a short arm LARIAT! Alba BOOTS back, goes up, but Jade ROCKS Alba! Jade then trophy lifts Alba, fireman’s carries, and Zoey runs up! Jade catches her, too! FALL AWAY SAMOAN DROP COMBO! And a kip up on top! The fans are thunderous and Jade drags Alba up. Tag to Bianca, the champs have Alba for a double whip. They double hip toss into a DOUBLE SLAM! Isla runs up, into a scoop and SLAM!

Bianca and Jade coordinate, handspring and DOMINATOR SLAM! Zoey & Shayna run up, the champs dodge to DOUBLE BOOT! Then DOUBLE STALLING SUPLEXES! The fans cheer as we get a double kip up! Wakanda Forever, Black Girl Magic! The fans cheer as things cool off. The contenders all talk it out, and then Alba & Shayna run in. Bianca fires off on them but that’s 2v1! The contenders POST Bianca and she slumps down! Then the rest go after Jade! Jade fights them off but Shayna CLUBS her down! Fyre DIVES onto her! The fans fire up and then Shayna & Zoey DOUBLE SUPLEX Jade to the floor!

Isla runs up, METEORA onto Jade! The fans fire up for the lasses, then Shayna goes after Bianca. Shayna sits Bianca down, she tags ZOey and Fyre tags Isla. Isla HIP ATTACKS and says kiss that! Isla snapmares Bianca so Zoey can BOOT! Tag back to Shayna, Isla drags Bianca up, but then Zoey & Shayna sucker punch the lasses! The fans boo but this was gonna happen eventually. Shayna kicks Isla around, whips her to a corner, then runs in to KNEE! Tag to Zoey, Shayna sweeps the legs and Zoey slingshot SENTONS! Bianca is back up but Zoey LARIATS her down! Zoey tags Shayna back in. Shayna has Isla up and kicks a leg.

The fans rally for Isla but Shayna fires hands! Shayna whips, Isla reverses but Shayna dodges! Zoey sneaks a tag, Shayna sets Isla up, MISSILE DROPKICK! GUT WRENCH SLAM! Cover, TWO! Isla survives and the fans fire up! Shayna tags in, she and Zoey set Isla up. But Isla back drops Zoey away! Isla ROCKS Shayna, ELBOWS Zoey, hot tag to Fyre! Fyre dodges to fire forearms and SUPERKICKS! Wrench for Shayna, kick off Bianca, TORNADO DDT! The fans fire up with Fyre as she TOSSES Zoey out! Then she DUMPS Shayna out to join her! The former NXT UK Women’s Champion has everyone fired up as she goes up and up and ESCALARA CANNONBALLS!!

Fyre rises and the fans are with her! Fyre puts Shayna in, goes up a corner, and leaps again, MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, Bianca breaks it! Fyre stomps Bianca, drags her up, and TOSSES her out! Tag to Isla and they focus on Shayna. Isla reels Shayna in, but Shayna switches around to shove Isla into Fyre! Zoey CLUBS Fyre, goes up after her, and the two brawl! Shayna adds on, she and Zoey go up to grab Fyre. But Isla adds on! TOWER OF DOOM!! Shayna and Fyre writhe, but Zoey is still up top! Bianca ROCKS Zoey, goes up after her, but Zoey resists the lift! Bianca still powers through, to SUPERPLEX!

Both women have a rough landing and the ref checks. All five are down, but JADE rises up! The fans fire up as she calls to Bianca! Bianca hurries, hot tag to Jade! Jade springboards, but slips! She hurries back up to fire hands, then snap suplexes Shayna! Zoey runs up, into a SPINEBUSTER! SPINEBUSTER for Isla! Fyre leaps, but rana becomes a BOOT BOMB COMBO! But Shayna still KNEES the cover apart! KIRAFUDA KLUTCH!! Jade is fading, is she tapping? The ref might’ve missed that! Shayna clamps on even tighter, Jade is still shaking but she rises back up! Only to fade back out! The ref checks on Jade as the fans rally again!

Bianca is up top though! 450 SPLASH onto them both!! Shayna writhes from the impact, but Zoey is back to springboard! Bianca BODIES her! Shayna is up, Bianca ducks a kick to shove her! Jade ELBOWS Shayna, BOOTS her to Bianca, then they get Shayna up! DDT to the STORM PLEX!! But Isla drags Jade off the cover! GERMAN SUPLEX!! Cover on Shayna, ISLA & ALBA WIN!!!

Winners: Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn, by pinfall (NEW WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions)

In a Triple Threat, it isn’t about doing the most damage, it’s about hitting at the right time! Scotland cheers for THEIR WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, will this celebration last all night long?


WWE Intercontinental Championship: Sami Zayn VS Chad Gable w/ Otis & Maxxine Dupri!

The Great Liberator didn’t realize how deeply selfish “Master Gable” could be, but those true colors showed when Sami retained the title in Montreal. Things have gotten very personal, but can Sami show The Academy that they don’t need Gable’s abusive coaching? Or will The Academy do whatever it takes to finally bring Gable gold?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we’ll see just what it takes to win the big one!

There’s QR Code creepiness, something about we were told to prepare, and then the bell rings. The fans sing “OLE~ OLE OLE OLE~!” for Sami as he circles with Gable. The two tie up, go around, and end up on ropes. They go along the ropes, off the ropes, back on the ropes, then in a corner. Sami has Gable, the ref counts, and Sami lets off slowly. The fans sing for Sami with a different song, “Sami, Sami Zayn! Sami Zayn! Sami, Sami Zayn! LALALALA!” Gable and Sami reset, tie up again, and are in a deadlock. Sami uses his height, but Gable puts Sami in the corner. Sami turns it around, but Gable turns it back around.

The ref counts, Gable grinds his forearms in, but lets off at 4. The fans boo, the two reset, and feel things out. They tie up, Gable waistlocks, but Sami wrenches to a wristlock. Gable rolls, spins, and headlocks. Fans chant for Otis but Sami endures the headlock grind. Gable hits the takeover, Sami headscissors, but Gable kips free. Roles reverses, Sami hits the takeover and Gable headscissors, but now Sami kips free. The fans rally while Maxxine looks worried. Gable and Sami feel things out, tie up, and Gable headlocks. Sami powers up and out, drops down, then hurdles. Sami arm-drags Gable, arm-drags again, but Gable avoids the third! AKNLE LOCK!

Sami scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Gable lets off slowly, the fans chant “YOU SUCK!” Gable gives a shove as he lets off, and Sami storms up. Gable gets around, goes back to the headlock, but Sami powers out. Sami drops down, then TOSSES Gable up and out! The fans fire up as Sami builds speed, but Gable moves, so Sami Arabian Presses back in! The fans cheer as Sami eggs Gable on. Gable talks with Otis & Maxxine, and tells them to remember what he said. Gable storms up to the apron, then backs down. Sami rushes out, but Gable slides in! The fans cheer for Sami and Otis as they lock eyes! Sami tells Otis he doesn’t need Gable and Gable knows it.

Sami then goes back to Gable in the ring, and the two reset. They feel things out, Sami asks why Gable’s like this. Gable SLAPS! So Sami SLAPS! Gable swings, Sami ducks then SLAPS! Sami hits a takeover but Gable slips out to have the ANKLE LOCK! Sami gets the ROPEBREAK, but Gable KICKS the arm! Gable goes after the arm with knee drop after knee drop, then he SLAMS the arm on the mat. The fans taunt Gable, Sami shakes out his bad arm and goes to a corner. Gable wraps the arms around ropes, then CHOPS! Gable CHOPS again, then pulls on the arm! The ref counts, Gable lets off at 4, and Sami clutches the elbow.

Gable drags Sami up, hammerlocks that arm, then NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Sami is still in this but he shakes the arm out more. Gable storms around, drags Sami up by his arm and has a KEYLOCK! Sami endures, the fans rally, and Maxxine is even more worried than before. Sami fights up, claws at Gable’s face and throws body shots. Sami CLUBS Gable, whips him, but Gable reverses. Gable runs in but is put on the apron! Gable HOTSHOTS the bad arm! Sami falls down and the fans rally for Otis! Gable makes sure Otis has his eyes on the prize, then goes back into the ring.

Gable CHOPS Sami in a corner, climbs up and rains down fists! The fans taunt Gable as he pie faces Sami again and again. Gable CHOPS, ROCKS and fires off on Sami in the corner! The ref counts, Gable lets off and Sami sits down. Gable tells The Academy to watch, and then he runs in. Sami ELBOWS Gable! And BOOTS him! Sami goes up, leaps, AX HANDLE! The fans fire up as Sami goes up again, to AX HANDLE! The fans fire up more, and Sami CHOPS away on Gable! Sami rains down fists, the ref counts, so Sami lets off at 4. Sami shakes out the bad arm, drags Gable up and whips, but Gable reverses! Sami goes up and over, then clotheslines Gable up and out!

The fans fire up again and Sami goes to the apron. Sami mule kicks Gable, then ARABIAN PRESS SAULTS! Direct hit and down goes Gable! The fans fire up with Sami even more, and Sami drags Gable into the ring. Sami climbs up, leaps, but into a DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! The fans rally again but Gable waistlocks and deadlifts! Sami fights with elbows, switches, but Gable fires more elbows! Gable runs, but into a scoop and MICHINOKU DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Sami managed that with one arm but it wasn’t enough to stop Gable! Sami rises, brings Gable around, but Gable fights the back suplex! Sami CLUBS Gable, tries again, but Gable goes for the bad arm!

Sami stays on his feet as they goa round, but Gable reels him in! POWERBOMB! Gable goes to a corner, DIVING HEADBUTT!! Cover, TWO!! Sami survives and Gable is beside himself! Gable drags Sami up, Sami throws elbows, but Gable still GERMAN SUPLEXES! And then GERMAN SUPLEXES again! Gable holds on, but Sami fights with elbows again! Sami switches, and he GERMAN SUPLEXES! Sami drags Gable up, to GERMAN SUPLEX again! Gable fights with elbows, switches, but Sami switches! They switch and switch and switch and then HALF ‘N’ HALF from Sami! Cover, TWO!! Gable survives and Sami is beside himself!

“This is Awesome!” as Sami and Gable both slowly rise. Gable and Sami grab each other by the hair, Sami HEADBUTTS! Gable fires a haymaker! They stand, the hands still fly, and Gable gets the edge! Sami fires back in kind! Gable fires another string of forearms but Sami gives back boxing elbows! But Gable grabs the arm! Takedown and CROSSFACE!! Sami endures and the fans rally up! Sami fights up, throws Gable off, and now has the CROSSFACE for his own!! Gable endures, the fans chant at him to tap, but Gable fights around! Gable grabs a leg, ANKLE LOCK!! Sami endures, reaches out, and the fans rally up!

Sami crawls forward, Gable tells fans to shut up, and Gable leans on the leg! Sami still fights, reaches out, and powers his way forward, but Gable drags Sami back! But Sami rolls to a somersault clutch, TWO!! Gable escapes and he storms back up on Sami! Gable gives crossface forearm after forearm! The fans sing for Sami but Gable nods to Otis. Gable goes out and he grabs the belt! The fans boo, the ref tells Gable to put that back. Gable says okay, okay, and he lets Maxxine hold the belt. Gable storms in, drags Sami up, and puts Sami on ropes. Gable CHOKES Sami, lets off, and this is the opening for The Academy!

The fans say don’t, and Maxxine hesitates! Maxxine can’t bring herself to do it! Gable gets mad at her now! Gable tells her to get over here! Maxxine steps forward, and Gable says they have talked about this over and over again. Sami goes to a corner, and he gears up! Sami runs in, Gable moves! Sami avoids hitting Maxxine! O’Conner, CHAOS THEORY!! Bridging cover, TWO!!! Sami escapes and Gable can’t believe it!! Gable is blaming Maxxine!? She almost got hit in all that! She apologizes all the same but Gable gets in her face! Maxxine pleads with Gable, but HERE COMES OTIS! Otis won’t let Gable get at Maxxine anymore!

The fans are thunderous as Otis is standing up to mean Gable, but then Sami FLIES! Gable pulls Otis into the way! Otis is down, Gable goes up! MOONSAULT onto Sami AND Otis!! Gable puts Sami in, having used his pawns! Gable goes up again, for a MOONSAULT, but Sami moves! CORNER EXPLODER! The fans are thunderous as Sami goes corner to corner and back again! But Gable bails out in time! The fans boo but Sami hobbles out after Gable. Sami SMACKS Gable off the desk, then whips again, but Gable reverses! Sami goes up, but Gable YANKS him down! ANKLE LOCK!! Sami flails, the ref reprimands, and Sami rolls to throw Gable, into Maxxine!!

Otis sees that, and is PISSED! The fans are thunderous and Gable says that wasn’t his fault! That was Sami’s! They gotta beat Sami! Gable slips into the ring, and he tells Otis to finish Sami! Otis hesitates, he knows Sami couldn’t have done that on purpose. And yet… Maxxine calls to Otis and tells him not to! But her leg gives out and so Otis goes to her side. The fans cheer as Otis does the right thing and gets Maxxine outta there. Gable is furious but Otis ignores his shouting. Gable is all alone, for a HELLUVA KICK!! Cover, Sami wins!!

Winner: Sami Zayn, by pinfall (still WWE Intercontinental Champion)

Gable’s grudge has pushed away everyone close to him, he only has himself to blame. And in the end, justice is served as Sami stands tall with the title! What is next for both of them now that this trilogy is over?


Backstage interview with Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn.

Cathy Kelley is with the NEW Women’s Tag Team Champions, and knows they are emotional after their big win. A career highlight to say the least, what does this mean to them? It means so much! They promised to win out, and they did. Those other four had zero chance when these two had ALL of Scotland behind them. And she means ALL of Scotland. No way were they letting anyone down tonight. And they plan on keeping these belts for a long, long time.


WWE Women’s Championship: Bayley VS Piper Niven w/ Chelsea Green!

The Role Model’s road back to the top this year started with the Royal Rumble, and ended with her dethroning Iyo Sky at WrestleMania 40. However, the Scottish Bonecrusher has been walking a much longer, much harder road just to get this moment. Will Piper add to Scotland’s wins tonight in front of her own friends and family? Or will Bayley show that not every hometown hero gets a happy ending?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who’s really the face of this women’s division!

The bell rings and the fans still sing for Bayley while she circles with Piper. They step up, the fans fire up more, and then Bayley shoves Piper. Piper fires off and Bayley hits back! The fans cheer, Bayley headlocks, but Piper powers out to run Bayley over! Bayley flounders to a corner, Chelsea talks smack, and Bayley gets back up. Bayley goes for a leg but Piper scoops Bayley to SLAM her! Bayley bails out, Piper distracts the ref, and Chelsea SLAPS Bayley! Chelsea talks more smack but Bayley storms up on her! Piper goes out to get in Bayley’s way, so Bayley fires forearms! Piper throws hands, then HEADBUTTS Bayley down!

The fans rally for Piper, she puts Bayley in, but Bayley comes back to waistlock. Piper runs to buck the O’Coner, then runs, but Bayley avoids the splash! Piper sits up, Bayley fires hands! Bayley CLUBS Piper, CLUBS her again, then CLUBS again! Bayley runs but Chelsea swipes at her! So Bayley STOMPS Chelsea’s hand! Chelsea protests to the ref but the ref says she shouldn’t be on the apron. Chelsea gets all mad at the ref, pushing and pulling at him, so the ref EJECTS Chelsea! The fans love that! Chelsea is furious but the fans sing “Hey Hey Hey~, Goodbye~!” Piper is upset but she runs up on Bayley. Bayley gets around, roll up, TWO!

Bayley SHOTGUNS Piper down and Piper goes to a corner. Bayley storms up, brings Piper out, but Piper scoops! Bayley slips to the apron, RAMS into Piper, then reels her into the ropes. Piper throws body shots in return, then HOTSHOTS Bayley! Bayley falls to the floor, the fans fire up, and Piper goes out to the apron. Piper lines up a shot, to CANNONBALL! The fans fire up with Piper and this Scottish steamroller storms back over to Bayley. Piper puts Bayley in, lines up another one, and KICKS Bayley in the side. Bayley flounders, but Piper SENTONS! Cover, TWO! Bayley survives but Piper keeps her cool.

Piper looms over Bayley, Bayley fires body shots and forearms! Piper HEADBUTTS Bayley right down! Piper steadies herself, then she storms back up on Bayley. Bayley rises but Piper whips her to a corner. Piper runs up to SPLASH! Piper whips corner to corner, runs in and hits a BACK ELBOW! And a LARIAT! Bayley slumps in the corner, Piper whips her corner to corner again. Bayley manages to slips out and Piper hits buckles! Bayley bumps Piper off buckles, fires some HEADBUTTS in return, but Piper SMACKS Bayley off the corner! The fans rally up, Piper drags Bayley up, and suplexes her back in hard! Cover, TWO!

Bayley survives again but Piper seethes. Piper kicks Bayley around, drags her up, and the fans sing for Piper now. Piper reels Bayley in, suplexes, but Bayley fights that to a DDT! Piper tumbles out of the ring and the fans rally up again. Bayley builds speed and DIVES! Piper staggers then drops to a knee, but Bayley gets her up. Piper RAMS Bayley into the apron! Bayley slumps down again, Piper puts her in the ring, but Bayley gets Piper in the ropes! Piper still RAMS Bayley into a corner! Piper CLUBS Bayley, but Bayley powers Piper through ropes! Bayley kicks away on Piper, lets off as the ref counts, and then goes up for a GUILLOTINE HOTSHOT!

Piper flounders in the ropes, Bayley goes up again! GUILLOTINE ELBOW DROP! Piper falls into the ring, Bayley goes back up! CANNONBALL! Bayley pushes Piper into the drop zone, goes back up, and MACHO ELBOWS! Cover, TWO!! Piper survives and the fans fire up! Both women slowly rise, Piper staggers to a corner. Bayley runs corner to corner, but into an URENAGE! Piper then SENTONS again! Cover, TWO!! Bayley survives another flattening and Piper is beside herself! The fans fire up again and Piper rises. Piper drags Bayley into a drop zone, goes up the corner and has Glasgow behind her! But Bayley gets up first!

Bayley follows Piper up, CLUBS away, but Piper hits with elbows! Bayley falls back, Piper adjusts, but Bayley returns! SUPER BAYLEY2BELLY!! But both women are down and here comes NACHO CHELSEA! The ref knows it’s still THE Chelsea, but he misses Bayley make the cover! The ref sees it now, counts, TWO!! Bayley WRECKS Chelsea with a dropkick, then throws her into barriers! Bayley hurries to get Piper up, hooks her in, but Piper wrenches free! Scoop and PIPER VIPER DRIVER!! Cover, TWO?!?! Bayley shocks everyone but the fans are thunderous! Piper drags Bayley back to a drop zone and she goes up top!

But Bayley DRPOKICKS the legs out! Piper stumbles out, Bayley runs in, but into a SCRAPBUSTER to the floor!! The fans rally even harder as Piper gets Bayley back in the ring. Piper storms in after Bayley, to SENTON FLOP as Bayley moves! Bayley hurries to hook Piper up but Piper powers out to HEADBUTT! Bayley runs up, tilt-o-whirl, CRUCIFIX DRIVER!! Cover, BAYLEY WINS!!

Winner: Bayley, by pinfall (still WWE Women’s Champion)

Scotland can’t believe that Piper couldn’t pull it off! They’ve gone 1-1 tonight, will Drew McIntyre help them get back up? As for Bayley, she’s gonna head for SummerSlam now, will Nia Jax succeed where Piper failed?


WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Damian Priest VS Drew McIntyre!

This is the moment of truth. The Punisher being Senor Money in the Bank took this title at WrestleMania 40 after The Scottish Warrior took his eye off the ball. But now, in his home country, McIntyre could have his fairytale ending, the perfect moment he could never have even dreamed of. And best of all, Judgment Day is banned from ringside, so it will be all about champion VS challenger! Will Priest prove he doesn’t need pawns to stay on the throne? Or will McIntyre finally make this HIS kingdom?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is truly championship material!

The bell rings and the fans are already singing for “OH~, Drew McIntyre~!” Priest and McIntyre stare down, the fans change up the song, and the two tie up. They’re in a deadlock, go back and forth, and then McIntyre puts Priest in a corner. McIntyre then THROWS Priest away! The fans fire up as McIntyre flexes! Priest brushes that off, gets up, but McIntyre LARIATS! And LARIATS! Then dodges to clothesline Priest up and out! McIntyre builds speed to FLY! Direct hit and down goes Priest in a heap! The fans are thunderous as McIntyre rises up! McIntyre stands Priest up to CHOP, then clinches. Priest CLAWS the eyes!

Priest POSTS McIntyre, then brings him around to RAM into the barriers! The fans still rally for McIntyre but Priest soaks up the heat. Priest puts McIntyre in the ring, storms up the ropes, and FLYING FOREARMS! McIntyre staggers while Priest swaggers. Priest taunts the fans that this is their guy, then runs up to STINGER- NO! McIntyre catches Priest and brings him out! Priest throws elbows, but McIntyre CHOPS! And ROCKS! McIntyre whips, Priest reverses and ROKCS McIntyre! Priest runs, but into a SPINEBUSTER! Jackknife bridge, TWO! Priest stays in this but McIntyre stays focused.

McIntyre looms over Priest, brings him up, and CHOPS! Priest is stinging but McIntyre ROCKS him! The fans continue to swing, but Priest clinches for a FLATLINER! McIntyre flounders to a corner, but Priest runs corner to corner, STINGER SPLASH! Priest brings McIntyre in to suplex, BROKEN ARROW! Cover, TWO! McIntyre stays in this and Priest is annoyed. Priest drags McIntyre up but McIntyre CHOPS! Priest knees low, ROCKS him with a right, then runs up on McIntyre, but McIntyre BOOTS! McIntyre goes up and out?! Priest gets under the leap, McIntyre rolls through, and then he scoops! MICHINOKU DRIVER! Cover, TWO!

Priest stays in this but McIntyre keeps calm. McIntyre watches Priest rise, then reels him in to underhook! But Priest fights free of Future Shock and bails out! The fans boo but McIntyre storms out after Priest! And SMACKS him off the desk! And then throws him into the hydration station! The fans cheer that, then McIntyre CHOPS! Priest leans against the steel steps but McIntyre promises more. McIntyre puts Priest in the ring, ROCKS him, and ROCKS him again! GLASGOW- ROUNDHOUSE! Priest intercepts the kiss with a foot! Priest runs and LEAPS, but the ropes trip him up! Priest is stuck, so McIntyre fires off stomps!

The fans cheer as McIntyre is all fired up! The ref works to free Priest but McIntyre makes sure Cole knows how he feels. McIntyre goes up the apron, wonders what’s wrong, and steps inside. He can’t win the title like this! McIntyre drags Priest up, undoes the rope tangle, then CHOPS! Priest sits down, McIntyre drags him back up. Deadlift suplex! Cover, TWO! Priest stays in this, but McIntyre stays on him. McIntyre pulls on the ponytail, then CHOPS! Priest hobbles, McIntyre whips, but Priest holds ropes! Priest BOOTS back, shakes out the legs, then LARIATS! Priest snarls and brings down the straps, but fans boo.

Priest says he’ll end this now, and waits on McIntyre to stand. But McIntyre blocks the choke grip! McIntyre swings, Priest dodges, but then McIntyre POSTS him! Underhooks, FUTURE SHOCK! Cover, TWO!! Priest survives but the fans fire up for McIntyre. McIntyre watches Priest sit back up then go to a corner. McIntyre runs up to CHOP! McIntyre whips corner to corner, but Priest BOOTS McIntyre down! Priest hobbles a bit more, shakes the bad leg out, then tells off the fans. Priest climbs a corner, but McIntyre rises to ROCK him first! And CHOP! The fans “WOO~!” and McIntyre climbs up to get Priest.

McIntyre fires hands, then tells Priest up his! But Priest slips out of the fireman’s carry to CLUB McIntyre! Priest gets the crucifix, and on one leg, RAZOR’S EDGE!! Cover, TWO!! Priest is beside himself but the fans cheer as McIntyre stays in this! Priest shakes out the bad leg, eggs McIntyre on, and McIntyre says UP YOURS! They throw hands back and forth, the fans all cheering when McIntyre hits but booing Priest. The two stand, still throw shots, and they pick up speed! It’s a scrap and the fans love it! McIntyre gets the edge with those windmill shots, but Priest ROCKS McIntyre right back! McIntyre staggers, but ROCKS Priest!

Priest wobbles, but he ROCKS McIntyre again! Then he KICKS, KICKS, and ROLLING- GLASGOW KISS!! But Priest ROUNDHOUSES! The bad leg limits him a bit, but he ROLLING ROUNDHOUSES! McIntyre stays on his feet, eggs Priest on, then ducks a kick to hit a NECKBREAKER! The fans fire up while both men are down! McIntyre builds up energy, and the fans can feel it! KIP UP! The Hydro reaches a new level as McIntyre shakes the ropes! But Priest bails out, even before the countdown! McIntyre storms over, but Priest trips him! Priest drags McIntyre out, but get a GLASGOW KISS! McIntyre runs up, CLAYMORE!! Priest goes through barriers!!

The fans are losing their minds, and McIntyre drags Priest up from the wreckage. The ring count is climbing, but McIntyre pushes Priest in at 5 of 10. McIntyre says let’s try this again. McIntyre aims from a corner, “THREE! TWO! ONE!” CLAY- HCOKE GRIPO! SOUTH OF HEAVEN!!! But Priest can’t cover!! He has to crawl over, covers, TWO!!! McIntyre survives because of the delay and the fans are loving it! Priest is frustrated, but “This is Awesome!” Priest drags himself up with ropes, then he storms after McIntyre. Priest hoists McIntyre up top, CHOPS, then CHOPS again! Priest climbs, but McIntyre CHOPS back!

McIntyre HEADBUTTS Priest away, adjusts, but Priest GAMANGIRIS! The bad leg makes that tricky, but then he tells the ref to back off. Priest goes up, to SUPER STEINER!! Priest hobbles, into a CLAYMORE!!! Cover, TWO?!?! Priest survives and no one can believe it, least of all McIntyre! The fans rally up, they want McIntyre to hit another one! McIntyre nods and he rises up again. McIntyre stands Priest up, then OVERHEAD SUPLEXES! Priest flounders, McIntyre hurries after him and stands him back up. McIntyre CHOPS, Priest wobbles, and another clinch! Priest fights with fists, but McIntyre RAMS him into a corner!

The ref avoids getting hit but now he’s hobbling! Priest BELL CLAPS, gets around, but McIntyre SHOVES Priest into the ref!! CLAY- POWERBOMB!! Priest choke grips, SOUTH OF- NO, McIntyre slips free! CLAYMORE!!! Cover, but there’s no ref to count!! McIntyre would’ve won by now, twice over! Wait, a second ref slides in, but stops?!? THAT’S CM PUNK!!!!! He says deuces, Drew! McIntyre says you son of a… McIntyre grabs Punk by the THROAT, but Punk LOW BLOWS McIntyre!! Punk bails outta there while fans boo! Priest is up, the other ref is up, choke grip! SOUTH OF HEAVEN!!!! Cover, Priest wins!

Winner: Damian Priest, by pinfall (still WWE World Heavyweight Champion)

McIntyre claimed it was Punk’s fault at WrestleMania, but he can definitely blame Punk this time! Will Punk pay dearly for this? Priest survives thanks to the Second City Saint, but now The King of the Ring, Gunther, will be coming for him at SummerSlam. Will Priest definitely need some back up against Der Ring General? Or will they #ALLRISE in The Land?

My Thoughts:

An awesome Clash at the Castle, even if the Glasgow crowd wasn’t all that happy in the end. The moment Alba & Isla won the tag titles, I had a bad feeling McIntyre wasn’t going to win his match. That was an awesome match, but Priest getting stuck in the ropes was a scary moment. Hopefully he’s okay, that definitely had to suck. But a very clever move to have a ref spot and CM Punk to be the second ref. And they framed the shot so perfect to be a plot twist for us watching at home. Again, the crowd wasn’t happy about it but that’s just good storytelling for this ongoing McIntyre VS Punk feud. If McIntyre doesn’t give Punk like three Claymores before winning at SummerSlam, it won’t be enough payback.

But what a great moment for Alba & Isla to win here. The Women’s Tag Triple Threat was maybe a little too fast and too furious as Jade did botch that springboard attack, but she didn’t let it bother her. And then great use of the Triple Threat format for Alba & Isla to snipe the win, this can definitely turn into a feud between the Raw teams while Jade & Bianca maybe have to fight back up on SmackDown, or maybe even fall apart as a team. Really, anything can happen now. And as great as Piper was tonight, for the same reasons as McIntyre not winning, Piper did not win because Bayley is getting on that underdog Face champ track again, heading for SummerSlam and Nia Jax at full speed.

Great stuff in the Intercontinental Championship. It wasn’t quite how I saw it going, but Otis coming so close to hitting Gable was really good, and Otis rising above to worry more about Maxxine than anything else was a good move. Gable loses again, surely won’t get another title shot, but might end up having a match with Otis to kinda determine if Otis breaks free or is forever under Gable’s command. Sami can face just about anyone between here and SummerSlam, but I’m thinking it’s either Bron Breakker or Ilja Dragunov given how those two are bringing the intensity, which Sami can certainly match when he really wants to.

And then that I Quit match, as an opener that was like, 40 minutes I think, that was some great stuff. Naturally Cody found a way to bleed, and they got Mama Rhodes in on the action in a great way. But I do feel Styles giving up to the steel steps being brought in was a bit anticlimactic and abrupt. Maybe they realized they were going long and didn’t want to take the entire first hour just to get all the plot points in. But as great as Styles is, of course Cody was retaining here. Maybe, just maybe, Styles tries to win MITB for that one last chance, but he’ll have to qualify first so we’ll see how that goes. Meanwhile, Bloodline making their presence known, you can bet we’ll get a Six Man Tag of Solo, Tama & Loa VS Cody, Randy & Kevin, and we probably get Solo VS Cody for MITB.

My Score: 9/10

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