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Mitchell’s AEW Dynamite Results & Report! (5/22/24)

Roll the dice!



It’s a risky gamble before Double or Nothing!

Double or Nothing is on Sunday, so Dynamite sets the table! Will AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland use Nick Wayne to send a message to Christian Cage?


  • Will Ospreay & Orange Cassidy VS Trent Beretta & Roderick Strong w/ The Undisputed Kingdom; Trent & Roddy win.
  • FTW Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat: Hook VS Katsuyori Shibata VS Bryan Keith; Hook AND Shibata win and will both challenge Chris Jericho for the title at Double or Nothing.
  • Konosuke Takeshita w/ Don Callis VS Matt Sydal; Takeshita wins.
  • Swerve Strickland VS Nick Wayne; Swerve wins.
  • Malakai Black VS Kyle O’Reilly; Malakai wins.
  • Toni Storm & Mariah May w/ Luther VS The Outcasts w/ Zak Knight; Storm & Mariah win.
  • Bryan Danielson VS Satnam Singh w/ Team Triple J; Bryan wins, by disqualification.


Will Ospreay & Orange Cassidy VS Trent Beretta & Roderick Strong w/ The Undisputed Kingdom!

Don Callis is on commentary as “both his guys” are teaming up as an unlikely duo against another unlikely duo! Will the Aerial Assassin get help from the former International Champion in gaining momentum for his match with the current International Champion? Or will it be #JustTrent and the Savior of the Backbreaker standing tall tonight?

The teams sort out and Ospreay starts against Roddy, but then Cassidy and Trent rush each other on the outside! Ospreay sees that and is distracted, so Roddy CLUBS Ospreay! The fans fire up as there is brawling in and out of the ring! Roddy ROCKS Ospreay, CLUBS him, then whips. Ospreay ducks ‘n’ dodges to tilt-o-whirl RANA! Then Ospreay PLANCHAS Trent! Cassidy goes up to CROSSBODY Roddy! Cassidy then DIVES onto Trent and they hit the desk! PIP PIP CHEERIO for Roddy! Cover, TWO! Ospreay keeps on Roddy but Roddy fights the underhooks! Bennett gets on the apron, Taven throws in a belt, but Ospreay kicks that belt back out.

The ref reprimands The Kingdom but Roddy clinches to an IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! Roddy tags in Trent and Trent storms up on Ospreay. Trent drags Ospreay up, CHOPS him, then stalks him to a corner. Trent stomps Ospreay, brings him up to ROCK him, but Ospreay ROCKS Trent back! Ospreay fires more forearms, then runs, but Trent CLOBBERS him! Trent tags Roddy, Roddy pushes Ospreay down and rains down fists! Roddy stomps Ospreay, drags him up, but the fans rally up. Roddy stomps Ospreay, fires body shots and a CHOP, then keeps on him with a clinch, Ospreay ROCKS Roddy in return!

Ospreay fires more shots but Roddy DROPKICKS! Cover, ONE!! Roddy clamps onto Ospreay with a chinlock and he grinds Ospreay down. Ospreay endures, the fans rally, and Ospreay fights up. Ospreay throws body shots then ROCKS Roddy! Roddy knees low, fireman’s carries, but Ospreay slips free to shove and back drop! The fans fire up while Roddy flounders around! Both men crawl, hot tag to Cassidy! Cassidy goes up, Roddy gets under the jump, but Cassidy just BLASTS Trent! Cassidy runs, tilt-o-whirl, but Roddy stops the DD! Roddy sends Cassidy to the corner, but Cassidy goes up and out!

Roddy runs in but Cassidy bumps him off buckles! Then he goes side to side to bump Roddy off more buckles! And then back the other way! The fans fire up, Cassidy climbs, but Trent YANKS Cassidy down! Cassidy is stuck up top, Roddy goes up after him! GUTBUSTER on the top buckle! Then Trent drags Cassidy from the corner! The fans boo as Trent hauls Cassidy up, but Ospreay makes the save! Ospreay sends Trent into barriers! Roddy WRECKS Ospreay with a dropkick! Then he gives Cassidy an APRON BACK SUPLEX, and Trent SPEARS Cassidy down! The fans boo as Trent & Roddy stand tall, but Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Trent flexes, Roddy drags Cassidy up, and Roddy ROCKS Cassidy. Roddy puts Cassidy in, stomps up and stomps on him in a corner, then brings him over to bump off buckles. Tag to Trent, but Cassidy fires off forearms! Trent knees low, Cassidy sits down, and Trent stomps him at the ropes. The ref counts, Trent lets off at 4, and The Kingdom taunts Cassidy. Trent gets Cassidy’s legs to ROPE GUILLOTINE! Cassidy sputters and falls out of the ring, The Kingdom taunting him. Trent distracts the ref and The Kingdom stomps away on Cassidy! Roddy then drags Cassidy up to put him in the ring. Trent covers, TWO!

Trent is annoyed but he drags Cassidy up to tag in Roddy. They mug Cassidy, Roddy CHOPS Cassidy, then Roddy clamps on with a chinlock. Cassidy fights up but Roddy CHOPS him again! Cassidy grits his teeth, stands up, but Roddy CHOPS him down! Roddy soaks up the heat, then drags Cassidy up to pull on his arms. Cassidy endures the motorcycle stretch, fights up, and he works to put his hands in pockets! Roddy turns him around to CHOP! Dynamite returns to single picture, Cassidy puts his hands up, and then in his pockets! Roddy swings, misses, but he reels Cassidy in. Cassidy rebounds to SHOTGUN!

Cassidy works his way over, kips up, and hot tags to Trent and Ospreay! Ospreay rallies on Trent with haymakers! Ospreay whips, Trent reveres but Ospreay ducks ‘n’ dodges to FLYING FOREARM! Roddy runs back in to knee low! Roddy & Trent double whip, but Ospreay handsprings to DOUBLE PELE! The fans fire up, Ospreay covers Trent, TWO! The fans fire up and Ospreay has Trent in a corner. Ospreay runs in but Trent dodges! TORNADO- NO, Ospreay stops the DDT to suplex. Trent slips free, to HALF ‘N’ HALF! Trent tags Roddy, Roddy runs in to KNEE Ospreay! Then back suplex, but Ospreay sunset flips it! TWO!!

Roddy runs up but into a CHOP! Ospreay runs, into a kitchen sink knee! Roddy goes side to side to forearm again and again and again! Then the atomic SLAM! Cover, TWO! Ospreay is still in this and Roddy is frustrated. The fans rally, Roddy drags Ospreay up, and Roddy reels Ospreay in to suplex. Ospreay slips free, ducks Roddy’s knee, and tucks him in! CHEEKY NANDOS! Tag to Cassidy, and Ospreay Electric Chairs Roddy for the POWERBOMB! Then Ospreay goes up, gives Cassidy a thumbs up, and then hits the LEAP OF FAITH! Cassidy’s turn, he LAZY ELBOWS! Cover, TWO!! Roddy is still in this but Cassidy throws off his elbow pad!

Cassidy aims in a corner, but Trent grabs his foot! Cassidy kicks Trent away, Roddy runs up, but Cassidy BOOTS him! Cassidy goes up, but Roddy GAMANGIRIS! Roddy then goes up after Cassidy, but Cassidy fights the suplex! The fans rally, Ospreay joins in and he knocks Roddy down! Trent gets up to get Ospreay, SUPER GERMAN SUPLEX! But Ospreay lands on his feet! The fans are thunderous, and Ospreay BOOTS Trent into the DEEP IMPACT! Roddy CHOPS Ospreay, ROCKS Cassidy, then KNEES Ospreay. Roddy runs, into the TIGER WALL KICK and ENZIGIRI! Tilt-o-whirl DDT from Cassidy!

Cassidy covers, and Ospreay keeps Trent back, but Trent powers through to break it up! All four men are down and the fans fire up again! Trent rises first, “This is Awesome!” as he rips at a buckle pad. The ref says stop it, and then Cassidy mule kicks Trent! SICK KICK from Roddy! The Kingdom distracts the ref, Callis hops off commentary to anchor Cassidy! Roddy can’t suplex him like that! Roddy gets mad at Callis, Callis hurries away, END OF- STUN DOG MILLIONAIRE! OSCUTTER!! But as the ref checks Roddy, The Kingdom run in! Ospreay dumps them both out! And then builds speed to FLY! Down go Taven & Bennett!

The fans are thunderous but WARDLOW CLOBBERS OSPREAY! The fans boo as the War Machine comes outta nowhere! ORANGE P- NO, Roddy ducks and Trent’s BUSAIKU KNEE hits! END OF HEARTACHE!! Cover, Roddy & Trent win!

Winners: Trent Beretta & Roderick Strong, by pinfall

The Kingdom’s numbers are just too much, and now they’re beating down Cassidy & Ospreay! Callis is furious, but then where’s his family!? Trent DECKS Cassidy, Roddy grabs the International title belt! BELT SHOT to Ospreay! Trent won’t let Callis get close, either! SNAKE BITE on Cassidy! Ospreay is busted open! Roddy tells Ospreay he will never have this title! Then Roddy drags Ospreay up, reels him in, and hits END OF HEARTACHE!! Ospreay flounders and writhes, and Roddy paints himself with Ospreay’s blood. Is nothing going to stop The Undisputed Kingdom from conquering AEW?


The Young Bucks speak.

Matthew & Nicholas Jackson want their own Elite security to get a good look at who they’re looking for. Nick then says, “Hey, Darby Allin, ya p*ick! You attacked The Elite unprovoked last week, so guess what? You’re barred this week.” Matt adds that in the interest of having the safest locker room in the business, sorry, no Darby allowed tonight. Matt tells the security to be very careful, Darby is resilient. He broke his foot, practically got Final Destination’d by a bus, and he’s still standing, and out for blood! Do NOT let this man in the building! What’re they doing still standing here? Get to your positions! And tuck your shirts in!

In walks Sonjay Dutt and he wants to commend these two for the great job they’ve been doing, and for knowing how to take care of problems. Darby won’t be an issue tonight. Last Saturday, they took care of two more problems in FTR thanks to The Righteous & Lance Archer. And tonight, it all comes to a head. Sonjay’s Indian Giant destroys the American Dragon. Matt says if Satnam beats Bryan, cool. But if he hurts Bryan, great. Alright, so long as the money’s in the envelope with a few rupees, because tonight, Satnam breaks Bryan like a pencil! HAHAHAHAHA! Sonjay heads out, Matt tells everyone to keep the energy up, next segment! Can he get some water? Thanks.


Bullet Club Gold is here!

Bakersfield, California fires up as The Bang Bang Gang brings their gold to the ring in a little black wagon. Granted, they don’t need all nine belts, just the one set that represents the Unified AEW & ROH World Trios Championships. Though, they do like to mix and match as they hold one each. Jay White gets the mic and hushes the crowd before saying, “Well, well, well, look at you! The greatest three man team in the game is here!” Fully Cocked Colten Gunn! Switchblade Jay White! And… Austin! THE Unified Trios Champions, the Bang Bang Gang! And White knows what they want. Guns up for the Bakersfield Gold Members~!

But y’know, on that note, White thinks there might be one very special little gold member out there walking around feeling confused, asking himself how he ended up in the situation he’s in. How he ended up burning int he spotlight at the feet of the Bang Bang Gang! That one little gold member is… Pac? Puck? Pock? Pack, but without K. Oh. Okay, okay, Pack. Let White tell him how you ended up here! You made three big mistakes! One: when the Bang Bang Gang is walking down the halls, you run, scatter, turn the other way. What’d Pac do? Looked at them with… that face.

Mistake two: When Bang Bang Gang handled Bang Bang Gang business in this ring with “Azucar” Rocky Romero, one little Bastard decided to stick his ugly bastard nose where it doesn’t belong. Mistake three and biggest of all, Pack, is questioning them. He asked, begged, pleaded for them to make him care, so they gave him what he asked for. But see as the- WAIT! Pac is on the tron! And he tells the Bang Bang Toy Guns that this is what he’s talking about! They warmed him up a bit. And he can’t even be made at them. Like they said, he provoked them first. But gentlemen, three on one? That’s not exactly fair now, is it?

So allow Pac to introduce them to his amigos. His hermanos! His LUCHA BROTHERS! The fans fire up as Penta El Zero Miedo, Rey Fenix y The Bastard, Pac, all stand as one! Death Triangle is reunited! White & The Gunns get ready, but Pac TACKLES White while the Lucha Bros DOUBLE SUPERKICK the Ass Boys! Pac throws adown fists, the others brawl, and the fans fire up! Pac ROCKS Colten, ROCKS Austin, but White knees low! White puts Pac in a corner but Pac dodges to stomp away! Death Triangle stomps away on the whole Bang Bang Gang! They then SUPERKICK everyone out! The fans are fired up but the Bang Bang Gang is in retreat!

Pac gets a mic to tell the boys, “You think you’re hard? Well this Sunday, Double or Nothing, AEW Unified Trios Championships! You think you’re hard? I guess we’ll find out.” Death Triangle wants gold again, will they take it from the Switchblade and his boys?


Chris Jericho is here!

The Learning Tree makes his way out, “Big Bill” Morrissey right behind him, because Jericho is joining commentary for what’s up next.

FTW Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat: Hook VS Katsuyori Shibata VS Bryan Keith!

While the Cold-Hearted Handsome Devil wants payback on The Learning Tree, so does The Wrestler! They and The Bounty Hunter fought and won last Saturday on Collision, and now they all fight for a chance to go Double or Nothing with Jericho! Will wins big to then go after Jericho “For The World?”

The bell rings and Keith BOOTS Hook right down! Keith runs up on Shibata, Shibata dodges to CHOP! And CHOP! And CHOP int he corner! Hook storms up to fire hands on Keith! Shibata pushes Hook aside to CHOP, CHOP and CHOP! Hook pushes Shibata, the rivals stare down, but Keith RAMS Hook into Shibata! Keith then fires forearms on Hook. Keith runs, but into a SAYANAGI! Hook shoots around, REDRUM, but Shibata gets Hook in a SLEEPER! Keith DOUBLE JAWBREAKERS free! All three men stagger to their feet, and Hook clinches Shibata for an EXPLODER! Shibata comes back to BELLY2BELLY Hook!

Keith gives Shibata an EXPLODER! Hook gives Keith an EXPLODER! Shibata hits an STO on Hook! All three men are down again and the fans fire up! Keith, Hook and Shibata slowly sit up as Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Shibata runs up on Keith, throws him down, and has a HEEL HOOK! Shibata endures, crawls back, and has the ROPEBREAK! Shibata doesn’t have to but he does let off given the hold won’t count for anything now. Shibata drags Keith back, steps through, and FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCKS! Keith fights it, but Shibata clamps it on tight! But then Hook throws down forearms on Shibata! Shibata lets Keith go, crawls to a corner, and Hook drags Shibata up. Hook throws knees into Shibata, then brings him out of the corner to TOSS him out of the ring! Hook then goes for Keith, but Keith wrenches to a HOOK KICK!

Hook falls, Keith goes to a corner, and Keith huffs and puffs. Keith drops a knee on Hook’s head, covers, TWO! Keith huffs ‘n’ puffs more, and he CLUBS Hook to ropes. Keith CHOPS, then follows Hook around the way. Keith CHOPS again, then clinches, but Hook fights the exploder! Hook slips around but now Keith fights the exploder! Keith fires down elbows, but Hook still lifts! Keith fires down more elbows, but Hook tries again! EXPLODER! Both men are down, the fans fire up, and Hook rises. Hook stalks Keith, but Keith avoids the crossface forearms! Hook turns around, Keith KNEES him down!

Keith drags Hook up, underhooks, and Dynamite returns to single picture as Keith hits the TIGER DRIVER! Cover, Shibata breaks it! The fans rally, Shibata kicks and bumps Keith off buckles. Shibata BOOTS Hook in a corner, then runs to BOOT Keith! Shibata rains down forearms on Keith, then runs to BOOT Hook! Shibata HYDRAULIC DROPKICKS Keith! Shibata drags Keith up for a HALF HATCH! Cover, Hook breaks it! Hook knees low, clinches, T BONE SUPLEX! Shibata goes to a corner, Hook grabs Keith. Hook clamps on the REDRUM! But Keith RAMS Hook into a corner! Hook goes up and he goes for a HANGING REDRUM!

Keith RIDING HEADBUTTS! The fans fire up with Keith and he goes up, reels Hook in, DIAMOND DUST! PENALTY KICK from Shibata! Shibata gets Keith up, fireman’s carries, and USHIGOROSHI! Shibata stares Jericho down before putting on the FIGURE FOUR, with HEEL HOOK!! Keith endures, Hook gets in! REDRUM on Keith!!! Keith endures double submissions, he TAPS!! Then who wins?!? The ref has the two men let off of Keith, and declares they BOTH win?!

Winners: Hook & Katsuyori Shibata, by submission (both challenge Chris Jericho for the title)

The fans don’t want a draw, they want Hook and Shibata to fight it out! But Jericho gets on the mic and says yeah, he agrees! Hi, Bakersfield! He just wants to get camera time, right? But Rick Knox, what an interesting call. Two winners, two contenders, makes his job a little harder at Double or Nothing. But such is life, huh? Just gotta say, Hook and Shibata, he’s proud of you both for everything they’ve picked up from The Learning Tree and the Jericho Vortex. But he’s gotta warn you, as the longest reigning For The World Champion in history at over 33 days, he’s just getting started.

So even though it’ll be the first-ever Triple Threat “For The World” Rules match, he’ll walk out of Vegas the winner. Thanks, everybody! But he’s not losing to anyone ever, okay? Thanks, guys! Tony Khan texts Tony Schiavone, and it is official! The first ever FTW Triple Threat, will going Double or Nothing only guarantee Jericho loses?


Konosuke Takeshita w/ Don Callis VS Matt Sydal!

The Alpha wants to be IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, but he’s only getting a Title Eliminator match at Double or Nothing. Will the Zen Assassin simply be used as a warm-up and a warning for Jon Moxley?

The bell rings, Takeshita knees Sydal low then CLUBS him down! Takeshita brings Sydal up to CLAW Sydal’s face, then lets off as the ref reprimands. Takeshita drags Sydal up, and throat chops him! The ref reprimands, the fans boo, but Takeshita deadlift suplexes Sydal for a BRAINBUSTER! Takeshita stands up, snarls, and he  stomps Sydal around. Takeshita gives taunting kicks as Sydal sits up, and then Takeshita stands him up. BLUE- RANA! Sydal dropkicks the legs out, then BASEMENT DDTS! Sydal hurries to the apron, then the corner! Sydal goes up, leaps over Takeshita, then keeps going, but into the BLUE THUNDER BOMB!

Takeshita and Callis agree, time to break Sydal! Takeshita stands Sydal up, winds up, ALPHA FOREARM! Cover, Takeshita wins!

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita, by pinfall

Takeshita made quick work out of Matt Sydal, but then offers a handshake, The Code of Honor if you will. Sydal accepts it, but then Takeshita ripcord deadlifts Sydal into a HIGH ANGLE GERMAN!! No honor, no respect, and the fans boo! But Callis loves it! Takeshita stomps away on Sydal, but then here comes Moxley! The Maniac was gonna be here either way, and Takeshita wants to know where he’s coming from! Moxley slips in from the crowd, has a mic, and he steps up to Takeshita. Then he DECKS Takeshita with the mic! The fans cheer Moxley on as he paces around. Moxley kneels and tells Takeshita he’ll see him at Double or Nothing.

Takeshita sent a message with his win over Sydal, Moxley just sent his response! Will this Title Eliminator turn into a slobberknocker?


The Young Bucks speak, again.

Nick tells Darby Allin, “you stupid idiot,” that they know he’s watching from somewhere in Bakersfield. They saw him on the travel list, but again, he is banned from the arena! The tech staff is given wanted posters of Darby just so they know, and Matt says it’s time to actually run this show. But sitting at gorilla, right in their spot, is Swerve Strickland! The Realest asks, “What up, turds?” Oh, sorry, is this one of their seats? Matt says it’s fine, he’s the champ, he can make himself at home. Good to see him, by the way. Also, has he seen Darby? He’s banned from the building. Swerve takes a copy of the poster, crumples it up, throws it away, and says no, he has not.

Anyway, hit his music, his match is up next. Matt says yes, of course. Someone do it! Is it this idiot’s job over here? Press the buttons! The music gets going, and Bakersfield is now “Whose House?” “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” But will Nick Wayne simply be Christian Cage’s sacrificial pawn in this game he’s playing?

Swerve Strickland VS Nick Wayne!

The bell rings and Nick throws his shirt at Swerve. Swerve takes that shirt, rubs his junk on it, then throws it back. The two step up, the fans rally for Swerve, and then Nick bails out. Swerve is annoyed, storms out after Nick, but Nick slides back in. Swerve sighs, slides back in, but Nick slides back out. Nick plays cat ‘n’ mouse with Swerve as he again slides in just as Swerve slides out. Swerve feints the slide, and now he has Nick! The fans fire up as Swerve fires off body shots! Swerve whips Nick right into barriers! Nick sputters, Swerve says if Nick wants a father, Swerve will be that father. Swerve takes off his regular belt to SPANK Nick with it!

Swerve gives Nick a good lashing, Nick hobbles away, and the ref reprimands. But the fans want that “ONE MORE TIME!” So Swerve winds up and LASHES Nick’s butt! Nick falls over, Swerve puts his belt back on, and the fans chant, “Thank You, Swerve!” Swerve leaves Nick behind to uncover a crossbar! Swerve brings Nick over but Nick fights back! Nick body shots, but then Swerve back drops Nick into the ring! Swerve then steps in to dropkick Nick down! The fans cheer and Swerve pushes Nick around. Nick goes to a corner, Swerve runs up but Nick puts Swerve on the apron! Nick blocks a shot, and bumps Swerve off the exposed crossbar!

Swerve staggers, Nick triangle jump DROPKICKS him down! Swerve staggers away again, and Nick goes to the apron. PENALTY KICK! Then ASAI MOONSAULT, but Swerve catches Nick! But Nick swings to DDT Swerve on the floor! Both men writhe, and Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Nick drags Swerve up and RAMS him into barriers! Swerve falls in a heap, Nick soaks up the heat, and then Nick stalks Swerve into the ring. Nick clamps onto Swerve, then KNEES him in the back! Swerve staggers up, Nick kick shim down! Nick puts Swerve on ropes to CHOKE him! The ref counts, Nick lets off at 4 and soaks up more heat. Nick then stalks Swerve, snapmares him, and scrapes his soles off Swerve’s face! Nick swaggers as he soaks up heat, but Swerve gets up to fireman’s carry! Nick flails to get free, and he CLAWS Swerve’s face! Swerve goes to a corner, Nick is on him with a snapmare and KICK!

Swerve grits his teeth, Nick eggs him on, and Swerve stands. Swerve snapmares and KICKS Nick! Swerve frowns as Nick stands back up, and the two get forehead to forehead. Nick CLAWS Swerve’s face again! The ref reprimands, Nick lets off, and he kicks Swerve. Swerve hits back, but Nick mule kicks! Swerve goes to a corner, Nick CLAWS at his face again! The ref counts, Nick lets off at 4, and Nick soaks up more heat. Nick taunts Swerve, avoids the kick, then taunts Swerve more. Swerve swings blind as Nick taunts him, JABS him, and repeat. Swerve runs up, misses again and Nick JABS! Nick still taunts Swerve, but Swerve ROCKS him!

Dynamite returns to single picture as Swerve CHOPS Nick, then UPPERCUTS in the corner! Swerve snapmare, gator rolls, and deadlift suplexes, but Nick knees free! Nick then TOSSES Swerve out, goes up and out to the apron, then ASAI- NO, Swerve anchors him on the corner! APRON BACK SUPLEX! Nick falls to the floor and the fans fire up! The ring count starts, Swerve slides in at 4 of 10, and then goes back out to the apron. Swerve aims as Nick sits up, and the fans fire up for the KILL STOMPS to the floor!! The fans are thunderous as Swerve drags Nick up and puts him in the ring. Swerve says this is what Nick wanted!

Swerve goes up the corner, Nick eggs Swerve on! KILL- BOOTS from below! Nick somersault clutches, TWO! Swerve gets out, runs in, but into buckles! Roll up, feet on ropes! TWO!! Nick SUPERKICKS! Then somersault and CODE RED!! Cover, TWO!! Nick is beside himself and Swerve scowls as he sits up. The fans fire up for Swerve but Nick says he’s gonna take Swerve’s House! HOUSE- NO, Swerve blocks the call! Swerve slips around to get a BACKBREAKER, then a power lift into a POWERSLAM! The fans are thunderous again and Swerve drags Nick up. Swerve says, “I am sorry.” But then HOUSE CALL!! Cover, Swerve wins!

Winner: Swerve Strickland, by pinfall

The Realest apologized for his past with Nick Wayne, but that didn’t mean he was gonna show mercy. But then LUCHASAURUS ATTACKS! The monster now called Killswitch takes Swerve out and of course The Patriarch & Mother Shayna are here. Luchasaurus CHOKES Swerve while Christian checks on his favorite son. But Swerve LOW BLOWS the dinosaur and DUMPS him out! Christian doesn’t know until he turns around! Christian wants Swerve to hold on, but then he runs away! Swerve pursues, HOUSE CALL drive-by for Luchasaurus! Swerve chase Christian right up the ramp and backstage!

Cameras follow as we go through gorilla, then to the hallways! Christian tries to block the path as he hurries for the parking lot! Christian finds the rental, throws the valet out, and then drives off, leaving his “family” behind! But then someone pulls up in front of him! It’s PRINCE NANA! Nana was waiting in the parking lot for this! Swerve grabs at Christian, they brawl through the car window, and Swerve drags Christian out! Then he throws Christian into the production truck trailer! And then back into the rental! Swerve beats down on Christian but Christian gets loose. Christian is going up the rental? Swerve pursues, Christian kicks at him!

Both men get on the roof of the car and the brawl continues! Swerve kicks low, DDT onto the roof! Christian sputters, flounders to the hood, and Nana has a chair! Nana hands it to Swerve and Swerve takes aim! But Christian moves before the Car-Chair-To! Christian runs away, but he better be heading to Las Vegas. Will Double or Nothing be the end of The Patriarchy?



This Friday before Double or Nothing, Rampage will be at a special start time of 6:30 PM Eastern! Make sure your DVR is ready for this special edition!


Malakai Black VS Kyle O’Reilly!

Speaking of Double or Nothing, before the Dark Father brings out the darkness inside Adam “Edge” Copeland, he must settle things with #CombatKyle. Will Malakai simply use Kyle to sharpen his edge before he becomes the Face of TNT? Or will this not be The End of Kyle O’Reilly?

The bell rings and the two stare down. The fans rally up, the two slowly approach, then feel things out. They test the waters with kicks and jabs. They go around, Kyle keeps looking for an opening but Malakai clinches him. They go to ropes, Malakai turns things around on Kyle, but he lets off cleanly. The fans cheer, the two reset, and they feel things out again. Each man still tests the waters, and Kyle shoots in for a leg. Malakai fights it, Kyle goes for an arm but Malakai arm-drags free. They start throwing kicks but also guarding! Kyle BOOTS, Malakai BOOTS, and both men ELBOW JAB! Both men KNEE low! Both men back down and the fans fire up!

Malakai snarls, he headlocks Kyle, but Kyle powers out. Malakai runs him over, covers, ONE! Kyle goes for legs, Malakai blocks and throws more knees. Malakai shoves Kyle then sweeps the legs. Malakai runs and springboards, but Kyle kicks Malakai’s legs out! The fans fire up as Kyle storms up on Malakai. Kyle KICKS, SLAPS, and KNEES, but Malakai sweeps the legs again! The fans fire up, Malakai drags Kyle up, and KICKS him now! Kyle hobbles, goes to kick but Malakai blocks and KICKS back! Kyle fires a forearm, Malakai grabs the leg to then JUMP KNEE! Kyle tumbles out of the ring and the fans fire up! Malakai paces while Kyle is dazed, but Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Kyle sits up, shakes out the stars, but Malakai goes out to KICK! Kyle staggers away, Malakai KICKS him against barriers. Kyle KICKS back, KICKS again, but Malakai puts the leg on barriers! Malakai KICKS the leg and Kyle falls back! Malakai drags Kyle up, KICKS him against the apron, then KICKS him again. Malakai puts Kyle against barriers and KICKS! Kyle slumps down and Malakai paces. Malakai drags Kyle up but Kyle fires forearms and KICKS in return! Malakai BOOTS Kyle away! Kyle checks his chin, Malakai puts him in the ring. Malakai storms up but Kyle KICKS! Malakai KNEES low! Then Malakai grabs a leg to DRAGON SCREW! Cover, TWO!

Kyle grits his teeth as he toughs it out, but Malakai stomps him down. Malakai looms over Kyle, Kyle kicks at him from below. Malakai grabs the leg, and has a KNEE LOCK! Kyle endures as Malakai pulls on the leg! Kyle reaches out, fights with his free leg, and Malakai lets go. Kyle stands, hobbles, but Malakai blocks his kick! DRAGON- NO, Kyle sits down on the leg whip to have an ARMBAR! Malakai clasps hands, fights around, but Kyle pulls on the grip! Dynamite returns to single picture, Malakai hooks Kyle for a waistlock, but Kyle fights up. Kyle pries at the hold, wrenches out with a double wristlock, but Malakai KICKS the bad leg!

Kyle staggers back, yoyos int he ropes, but Malakai blocks the lariat and ELBOWS Kyle! Malakai reels Kyle in to suplex, Kyle knees free then fires more knees! Kyle fires off a strike fest, then WRINGS Malakai’s arm out! Malakai staggers away but the fans fire up! Kyle runs in to FOREARM SMASH! Kyle wrenches for an ELBOW BREAKER! But Malakai ROCKS Kyle! Kyle blocks a kick to KNEE and SNAP GERMAN! AX and SMASH! Cover, TWO! The fans fire up while Kyle grits his teeth in frustration. “This is Awesome!” as Kyle rises up. Kyle storms over to Malakai to KICK the bad arm! And KICK! And KICK! And KICK!

Kyle snarls as Malakai stands, so the KICKS keep coming! Malakai ROCKS Kyle, Kyle ROCKS Malakai! The forearms go back and forth, then Kyle KNEES low! Malakai fires a body shot, Kyle fires a one-two! Malakai gives that one-two back, so Kyle kick-kicks! Malakai fires off a flurry of his own, but Kyle fires forearms !Malakai blocks a kick, Kyle slips free, double leg takedown! GROUND ‘N’ POUND, then ARMBAR! Malakai fights it with a strong S grip, but Kyle gets the leg! ANKLE LOCK! Malakai endures and scrambles around while the fans fire up! Malakai reaches out, fights up, and Kyle shifts his grip.

Malakai ELBOWS Kyle, KNEES him, then suplexes, BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Kyle survives and Malakai is beside himself! Malakai storms over to Kyle, gets a leg, but Kyle steps over to KNEE! AX and- ELBOW from Malakai! Kyle stays up, DOUBLE ROUNDHOUSES hit! Both men wobble, Kyle ROLLING ELBOWS! Malakai feints then THE END!! Cover, Malakai wins!

Winner: Malakai Black, by pinfall

Kyle got caught by that change in flow, and he just faded to Black! But wait! The lights all turn red! Malakai looks around in confusion, but this can only mean one thing. BLOOD FROM ABOVE?! It’s like something outta Carrie! Malakai is not just drenched, he’s fumbling around from how slick the canvas is! And then, on the tron, walking down the steps… is EDGE! “Malakai. Malakai~! Up here. Be careful what you wish for.” Edge grins and he has fangs! “See you soon.” Is Malakai going to regret bringing out that side of The Rated R Superstar?


Toni Storm & Mariah May w/ Luther VS The Outcasts w/ Zak Knight!

The Leading Lady and her understudy have had just about enough of Saraya & Harley trying to troll there way to the spotlight, and now look to finally end this farce! But given she’s still parading around in Serena Deeb’s banner, will the AEW Women’s World Champion be ready for The Professor’s test this Sunday? Or will the madness truly go off the rails this close to Double or Nothing?

The teams sort out and Harley starts against Mariah, a partial rematch from last Saturday. The irony that Mariah’s Toni cosplay is also a Harley Quinn cosplay but Harley Cameron is in all black. The two tie up, Mariah waistlocks, but Harley reaches back, headlocks, and grinds. Mariah powers up and out, drops down, Harley rolls and kicks low! Harley clinches but Mariah ROCKS her! Mariah whips, Harley goes up and out, then ducks Mariah to RAM into her! Harley ROUNDHOUSES Mariah away, goes up and in, then talks trash on Storm. Harley runs but Mariah follows, trips Harley, then keeps moving to SHOTGUN!

Mariah smiles and the fans fire up as she paces around. Mariah gets Harley up, scoops, and SPIN-OUT SIDEWALK SLAMS! Then Mariah fireman’s carries, but Harley slips free to tag Saraya. Mariah waits on Saraya and the two circle. But then Saraya backs away to ropes for defense, she wants the REAL Toni Storm! The fans fire up, and Mariah tags Toni! The two former friends circle now, and Saraya ROCKS Storm! Storm ROCKS Saraya, repeat! The fans fire up as they go back and forth, and are definitely on Storm’s side. Saraya kicks low, whips, but Storm reverses and hits a THESZ PRESS! Storm rains down fists, then tags Mariah.

Storm scoop SLAMS Saraya, then Mariah offers herself up. Storm scoops Mariah to SLAM her onto Saraya! Cover, ONE! Saraya is tougher than that, but Mariah tags Storm back in. Mariah now scoops, but Storm is a bit sturdier. So Storm scoops Mariah to SLAM her on Saraya again! ELBOW DROP, cover, TWO! Tag back to Mariah, she brings Saraya up and fires forearms. Mariah snapmares Saraya, runs and KNEES Saraya down! Saraya flounders, has the ref check her, and Harley runs in to CLOBBER Mariah! Toni storms in but the ref stops her, completely missing the crazy one going after Mariah! Saraya has Harley slip away and she stomps Mariah now.

Saraya does jumping jacks to show off her cardio, and then she HEADBUTTS Mariah as Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Saraya stalks Mariah to ropes, puts her through them, and then steps onto the apron to fire off knee after knee! The ref reprimands and counts, Saraya lets off, and then she steps back inside. Harley storms right up to AX KICK Mariah down! The ref reprimands and Saraya just shrugs. Saraya drags Mariah around, whips her to the corner, then tags in Harley. They mug Mariah, Harley stomps away, then stands her up. Harley digs her boot in, lets off at 4, and then Saraya CHOKES Mariah while Harley argues with the ref! Luther protests, Storm is furious, but the Outcasts get away with that. Harley covers, TWO!

Harley stays between Mariah and Storm and drags her up. Harley bumps Mariah off buckles, tags Saraya, and they mug Mariah some more. Saraya TOSSES Mariah out, storms out after her, then drags Mariah up to RAMS her into barriers! Saraya taunts the fans, soaks up the heat, and blows a mocking kiss to Storm. Saraya digs her boots into Mariah, the ref reprimands, but Saraya drags Mariah up and into the ring. Saraya keeps Mariah from Storm, tags in Harley, and Harley RAMS Mariah into the corner! Harley then brings Mariah around for a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Harley argues the count as Dynamite returns to single picture,

The fans rally, Harley drags Mariah up, but Mariah ROCKS Harley! And ROCKS her again! And again, and again and again! The fans fire up as Mariah just hammers away! Harley shoves Mariah away, brings her around, then JAWBREAKER! Harley runs up, Mariah dodges, and DOUBLE FACEBUSTERS collide! Mariah crawls hot tag to Storm! Storm CLOBBERS Harley, BLASTS Saraya, then goes up and over Harley! Storm runs back at the corner, blocks Harley’s boots, and puts her in ropes for a DRAPING BACKSTABBER! Saraya returns but into JAB after JAB! Saraya falls, Harley returns, but Storm HEADBUTTS!

The fans fire up as Storm poses! Storm then runs to SPLASH Harley in a corner! Harley sits down, Saraya runs in, but Storm drop toeholds Saraya into Harley’s hips! Storm laughs at them, then she drags Harley up for a SKY HIGH! Cover, but Saraya BOOTS it apart! Mariah returns, dodges the haymaker to HEADBUTT a la Storm! Mentor and protege help each other up, pose for a close up, then they each get an Outcast. “This is Awesome!” as they put Harley & Saraya up top! They each climb up, CLUB away, then coordinate. But Harley & Saraya each SMACK Storm & Mariah off buckles! STEREO SUPER SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMBS!! The Outcasts double cover, TWO!!!

Saraya & Harley coordinate now, they get Storm & Mariah in corners to stomp mudholes in! The ref counts, Saraya & Harley let off to coordinate again. They both storm back up for more, but Storm & Harley put a stop to that! They set those boots down, to plant some wet ones on their enemies! Consider their fates sealed with a kiss, because now we get STORM ZERO and MAYDAY!! Harley is then fed to a STORM ZERO!! Cover, Storm & Mariah win!

Winners: Toni Storm & Mariah May, by pinfall

This dynamic duo dominates, and now they again adorn Storm with Deeb’s banner. But wait, Serena Deeb is here! She SMACKS Luther down with a chair!! Then she JAMS Mariah, and HEADBUTTS Storm! The fans are torn as Deeb grins. Deeb brings out a SHOE! HIGH HEEL TO THE FACE!! Deeb grins as she watches Storm crawl, then she picks the chair back up. Deeb uses the chair to take a seat on Storm’s back, and then pulls on a leg! FULL METAL HALF CRAB! Storm taps out, not that this is a legitimate hold in any way! The ref reprimands, other refs rush out to tell Deeb to stop, but Deeb only lets go when she says!

Deeb has just made Storm suffer, and she takes her banner back. Will she also take that AEW Women’s World Championship when she and Storm go Double or Nothing?


BREAKING NEWS for next week’s Dynamite!

No matter what happens at Double or Nothing, there will be an AEW World Championship #1 Contender’s Casino Gauntlet match! The winner will receive their shot at the title at Forbidden Door in New York!


The Bang Bang Gang regroups backstage.

They have their wagon of gold and are laughing off that surprise from earlier. Jay White’s pretty sure he knows what Death Triangle wants! They want Bang Bang Gang’s loot! They want Bang Bang Gang’s gold~! You want the gold? This is who you bring? The Lucha Bros? When White already has THE GREATEST brother tag team behind him? Colten says it’s just as White says, The Gunns ARE the best brother tag team in the world. And if you wanna shot at the titles, you gotta earn it! So how about a Gunn fight in the Collision Corral. Penta & Fenix are brothers, but so are The Gunns! Penta & Fenix are former AEW World Tag Team Champions, but so are The Gunns!

And Austin says don’t worry, they won’t be hard to find. Just walk into town, look above the saloon doors, and you won’t see “Cero Miedo,” it’ll say GUNNS UP! The Bang Bang Gang is locked and loaded, will Death Triangle win the right to fight for the gold?


Bryan Danielson VS Satnam Singh w/ Sonjay Dutt!

The American Dragon always fights against corporate corruption, that’s why he’s standing up against The Elite alongside Team AEW this Sunday! But The EVPs have been doing everything they can to make Anarchy in the Arena a foregone conclusion. Will the One in a Billion be just the thing to ruin Double or Nothing? Or will Bryan prove everyone’s the same size when down on the ground?

As the two get in the ring, Satnam gets right in Bryan’s face. Well, Satnam’s chest does, as he’s quite literally head and shoulders above Bryan. Satnam goes to pie face Bryan but Bryan pushes that big hand away. The bell rings, the fans fire up with “YES! YES! YES!” and the two circle. Satnam puts Bryan in a corner, but Bryan dodges the chop to KCIK, KICK and KICK! “YES! YES! YES!” Bryan climbs up to fire hands but Satnam shoves him away! Satnam BOOTS Bryan down and the fans boo. Satnam stands Bryan up to bump off buckles, then stalks him to another corner. Satnam winds up to CHOP!

Bryan sputters and falls over, and Satnam soaks up the heat. Satnam drags Bryan up, suplexes, and holds Bryan up! Then the SLAM! The fans boo more while Bryan flops out of the ring. Satnam goes out after him, then RAMS him into steel steps! Sonjay clears the desk of the drinks, the action figures, the hood, everything, but then the whole thing falls apart! Satnam kicks the steel steps aside, drags Bryan over. The fans tell Sonjay how he messed that one up, but Satnam still lifts Bryan. Bryan goes to the apron! Bryan KICKS Satnam, and KICKS and KICKS! Bryan gets space, runs up, and FLYING KNEES!

Satnam staggers but stays up, so Bryan resets! FLYING KNEE again! Satnam staggers and takes a seat in the corner of the barriers! Bryan runs in to DROPKICK Satnam down! The fans fire up and Bryan rises. The fans want that again, so Bryan runs back in, only for Satnam to get up and catch him! APRON CHOKE SLAM! Bryan writhes, Sonjay is all fired up, but the fans boo. Satnam shoves Bryan into the ring, Sonjay and the rest of Team Triple J applaud, then mockingly say “YES! YES! YES!” Satnam steps in for a cocky cover, TWO! Bryan is still in this, but Sonjay pulls at a buckle pad. Satnam YANKS it right off!

Satnam storms up on Bryan, drags him up but the ref won’t let him use the bare buckle! Sonjay argues with the ref, so Bryan LOW BLOWS Satnam! Now that Satnam’s cut down to size, Bryan runs and BUSAIKU KNEES!! Satnam even hits the bare buckle! Bryan keeps moving, but Satnam still grabs him! So Bryan KICKS at the legs! And CLAWS at the eyes! And KICKS at the chest! “YES! YES! YES!” Then BUZZSAW! Satnam stays up!? This is a sturdy tree! He CHOPS Bryan, and then he looms over Bryan. Satnam hauls Bryan up, suplexes, but Bryan slips free! HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! Satnam drops to his knees as Bryan keeps going!

Bryan then shifts to the omoplata, and puts on the biggest LEBELL LOCK ever!!! Satnam endures, TRIPLE J ATTACKS!

Winner: Bryan Danielson, by disqualification

The fans boo but The Bucks said themselves that this wasn’t about getting the win but about inflicting damage! Jeff Jarrett runs the ref off while Lehtal drags Bryan up. Jarrett gets his guitar, but Bryan slips free! Jarrett avoids hitting Lethal, but then Bryan dodge shim again! BUSAIKU KNEE for Lethal! BUSAIKU KNEE for Jarrett! Sonjay tries to sneak in, but Bryan has the guitar! Sonjay clubs Bryan, but it was weak! Bryan swings, Sonjay dodges, and Satnam PUNCHES through the guitar!! The mugging continues, then Satnam hits a SPLASH in the corner! The fans boo, but now The Bucks make their way out here!

Matthew & Nicholas step out of the Codyvator and they have that envelope! That’s the payment for this hit job on Bryan! Jarrett CHOKES Bryan, then rains down fists! Sonjay receives the payment, and it looks good to him. The Bucks have Jarrett stand down, he did great. They shake hands, then The Bucks get to stomp Bryan! The fans boo as the EVPs drag Bryan to center, sit him up, and give him an E V P- NO! Bryan avoids the knees and they hit each other! Bryan KICKS and KICKS and KICKS! “YES! YES! YES!” Bryan fires hands on Matt, “YES! YES! YES!” But here comes The Rainmaker! Bryan is ready for Okada, but then JACK PERRY ATTACKS FROM BEHIND!

The fans boo as Scapegoat takes down Bryan, and now The Elite all mug him! Ripcord, RAINMAKER LARIAT!! This isn’t over, either, as they drag Bryan out of the ring and up the ramp! And surprise! There’s a table waiting! But wait, who is this pulling up to the arena? It’s DRABY ALLIN! He fist bumps Tony Khan, who drove him here!! TK can travel now!? Darby storms into the ring, armed with some kind of airsoft gun! The Elite is freaking out, but here he comes! That’s not an airsoft gun, that’s a FLAMETHROWER!! The Elite freaks out even more, and then Bryan finally gets to fight back! He fires off KICKS on Nick, then TOSSES Nick down through the table!!

The fans are going nuts, and Anarchy in the Arena is only going to be crazier! Will nothing stop the revolution against The Elite’s “revolution?”

My Thoughts:

An awesome episode of Dynamite as the go-home to Double or Nothing. For one, that was a wild way to end the show. I should’ve figured Bryan would win against Satnam, and making it by disqualification technically protects Satnam’s first singles loss. Satnam did have a great showing otherwise. The Bucks had good promos with how they banned Darby from the arena all night, which naturally meant he was showing up at the end there. Great surprise that it was Tony Khan who got him there, and then that flamethrower gun was a wild move, too. Nick ended up with serious road rash from that table crash but I would think he’s okay. But unless The Elite turns things around on Saturday, the go-home math says The Elite wins Anarchy in the Arena.

Great opening tag match from Ospreay & Cassidy VS Trent & Roddy, and I like the subtle details of Callis wanting to help Cassidy more than Ospreay. Trent & Roddy win here because there’s a very good chance Ospreay takes the title and Cassidy gets revenge on Trent. Takeshita squashing Sydal so hard was a little surprising, but Moxley getting the better of Takeshita was not. As I’ve said on the other articles, Takeshita is surely getting a win off Moxley since it’s just a Title Eliminator, and there’s a very good chance we get Moxley VS Takeshita at Forbidden Door. As such, Moxley should definitely beat Evil at NJPW Dominion in early June.

Very good tag match from Storm & Mariah VS Saraya & Harley, with a great win for Storm & Mariah but then great ambush by Deeb. Deeb stands tall, so it feels like Storm wins at Double or Nothing, maybe with help from Mariah and Mina Shirakawa to get us towards mentor VS mentor for the heart and mind of Mariah. Really good stuff out of Bang Bang Gang and Death Triangle, but Bang Bang Gang needing a backstage promo to establish they aren’t just giving up a title match was redundant. Have them say all that from the stage so that it saves time. But given that we’re getting Penta & Fenix VS Gunns, I would think Death Triangle is earning that match. Who knows how the title match goes, but it seems like a shame if Pac loses another PPV title match.

Great match from Malakai VS Kyle, a lot more than I was expecting to get as the go-home. And then what a wild mind game move from Edge, that “blood” hit so fast and hard! Brood Edge is making his AEW debut, but I can’t be sure on the math. Malakai won a match but Edge basically stood tall with that blood prank. Great Triple Threat from Hook, Shibata & Keith, but I’m rather surprised by how they did the finish. Could just be coincidental, but it was a little too much like what we saw last night on NXT with a double pin finish to make a title match into another Triple Threat. Pretty sure Hook and Shibata are now going to cancel out and Jericho retains.

Great match from Swerve VS Nick Wayne, great win for Swerve, and great segue right into that attack and chase scene. Great return for Nana there, but Christian running away muddies the math. I don’t think Swerve is losing, so something must happen on Collision to turn things around in Christian’s favor.

My Score: 8.9/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Collision Results & Report! (6/15/24)

Happy Anniversary, Collision!



Time sure flies when you’re having fun!

AEW Collision turns one year old tonight, and to “celebrate,” Thunder Rosa and Deonna Purrazzo battle under NO DISQUALIFICATIONS! What won’t these two do to settle the score?


  • 8 Man Tag: The Blackpool Combat Club VS Rocky Romero, Lio Rush & TMDK; The BCC wins.
  • No Disqualifications: Thunder Rosa VS Deonna Purrazzo; Deonna wins.
  • Hechicero w/ The Gates of Agony VS Dalton Castle; Hechicero wins.
  • TNT Championship Ladder Match Qualifier: Lee Moriarty VS Dante Martin; Dante wins and advances to Forbidden Door.
  • Kyle O’Reilly VS Anthony Henry; Kyle wins.
  • Six Man Tag: The Bang Bang Gang VS The House of Black; The House wins.


Christian Cage speaks.

“Welcome to Collision. Welcome to the one year anniversary of Collision. That’s right, it’s been 365 days since I singlehandedly put this show on the map when I won the TNT Championship int he very first episode, and went on a run with the TNT Championship that will never, ever be seen again. Now in the spirit of Christian Cage’s Collision, tonight, I guarantee you will see why AEW is where the best wrestle. And in the spirit of usual unpredictability, on the eve of the most important holiday of the year, Father’s Day, I guarantee you, Christian Cage’s Collision is going to end up being… very special.” Just what does The Patriarch have in mind for “his” show?


8 Man Tag: The Blackpool Combat Club VS Rocky Romero, Lio Rush & TMDK!

Jon Moxley is still IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, Wheeler Yuta is still ROH Pure Champion, and both Bryan Danielson & Claudio Castagnoli are still bad, bad men! The BCC is looking to still be the baddest group around, but will they be rolling on towards Forbidden Door? Or will Azucar, The Bad Child and the NEW Undisputed NJPW Tag Team Champions prove they’re just a little bit badder?

The teams sort out and The American Dragon starts against Lio. The fans rally for “B C C! B C C!” as Bryan and Lio circle. They feel things out, Lio ducks the roundhouse but Bryan blocks a kick! Bryan gets a SLEEPER, but Lio slips under to waistlock. Bryan switches, shoves, but Lio redirects! Bryan gets under the heel kick and the fans fire up for the standoff! Lio and Bryan reset, feel things out again, and knuckle lock. Bryan kicks low, brings Lio around to UPPERCUT, then UPPERCUTS again. Bryan whips, Lio reverses to then go up and RANA! Bryan gets up, but Lio runs to wheelbarrow. Bryan powers Lio to the corner, Yuta tags in!

The fans fire up for Yuta but Lio dodges to whip. Yuta whips, Lio reverses, Yuta goes up and over. Lio handsprings under ot kick and ENZIGIRI! Lio brings Yuta over, tag to Rocky, but Yuta gets loose. Rocky and Yuta trade forearms, the fans fire up, and then the CHOPS fly! CHOP after CHOP after CHOP and the fans fire up more! Yuta fires a flurry of forearms, then whips. Rocky slides under, kicks, Yuta ducks the enzigiri but not the HEEL KICK! Yuta rewinds to get around and GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Yuta floats to a facelock, tags Claudio, and the fans cheer as the Swiss Superman kicks low.

Claudio brings Rocky around to CHOP! Claudio whips, Rocky ducks ‘n’ dodges to jump up and RANA! Tag to Mikey Nicholls but Shane Haste jumps in, too! Shane BLASTS the BCC corner while Mikey whips Claudio to a corner. Mikey runs in to clothesline! Feed to Shane’s UPPERCUT and snapmare, then Mikey SLIDING LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Mikey keeps on Claudio and tags Shane. TMDK double whip but Claudio crisscrosses them! Then he runs to DOUBLE BULLDOG! The fans fire up with Claudio and he tags Bryan. Bryan goes up, Shane stands, into the MISSILE DROPKICK! The fans fire up with Bryan as Shane tumbles to a corner!

Bryan runs in to DROPKICK! Bryan keeps going but Shane FLYING ELBOWS! Shane storms around, goes after Bryan, but Bryan drags him into the LEBELL LCOK! Shanes’ team runs in but BCC intercepts! Moxley & Yuta TOSS out Mikey and Lio, but Claudio has Rocky in a COBRA TWIST! Shane endures, reaches out, ROPEBREAK! Bryan lets go while The BCC keeps beating on Mikey, Lio & Rocky! Moxley makes Rocky sit on the railing, Claudio BOOTS him down! Bryan KICKS Shane again and again, “YES! YES! YES!” Bryan winds up to BUZZ_ NO, Shane ducks to shove Bryan! Mikey trips Bryan, Shane basement dropkicks!

Mikey spins Bryan around to UPPERCUT! The ref reprimands, The BCC storms up, and Collision goes picture in picture.

The ref has everyone back off, but Rocky gets cheap shots on Bryan! The ref reprimands, Rocky backs off, and Shane drags Bryan in to stomp him down. Shane drags Bryan up, cravats, then tags in Lio. They mug Bryan, and Lio fires off at the ropes! Tag to Rocky, he adds on with KICKS! Rocky stomps Bryan down, tags Mikey, and they mug Bryan some. Mikey then CHOKES Bryan on the ropes! The ref counts, Mikey lets off, and Bryan sputters as he reaches out. Mikey drags Bryan up to tag in Rocky, and the mugging continues! The ref has to keep The BCC back and that lets the whole team beat up on Bryan!

Rocky taunts Yuta, goes back to Bryan, and brings Bryan around to snapmare. Rocky clamps on a chinlock and he grinds Bryan down. Bryan endures, fights up, but Rocky becomes a backpack! Bryan still reaches out, steps forward, but Rocky lets go to whip Bryan to a corner! Collision returns to single picture, Rocky runs up to clothesline! Rocky keeps going, TWO-EVER! Then THREE-EVER! Rocky hoists Bryan up top, climbs up after him, and goes to the very top. Rocky swivels them hips, but Bryan grabs Rocky for a SUPER ATOMIC DROP! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Rocky and Bryan crawl, hot tag to Shane and he BLASTS BCC!

Shane whips Bryan to a corner runs up, but Bryan dodges, hot tag to Claudio! Claudio BLASTS Lio, UPPERCUTRS Mikey, then UPPERCUTS Shane! Claudio fires off fast hands at the ropes, the ref backs him up, but Claudio jukes to UPPERCUT! The fans fire up, Claudio whips, and he back drops Shane hard! Claudio just keeps going, he UPPERCUTS Rocky on the outside! Claudio brings a chair around the way, sets it up, and then uses it to LAUNCH into Mikey! Claudio then returns to the ring, runs up and DOUBLE STOMPS Shane! The fans fire up and Claudio gets the legs! But Mikey gets in to LARIAT Claudio down!

The fans boo but Yuta DROPKICKS Mikey! Mikey tumbles out, Yuta DIVES onto him, but is THROWN into railing! Shane fireman’s carries Claudio, but Moxley’s in to CUTTER! Moxley shouts to Claudio and Claudio rises up! The fans are thunderous for the hot tag! Moxley gives Mikey a CUTTER! Moxley then runs in to clothesline at the corner! Moxley whips corner to corner, for another clothesline! Moxley goes up to rain down fists! The fans count along as fast as they can, Moxley goes right to TEN, then he reels Mikey in! Stalling PILEDRIVER!! Cover, TWO!! But Moxley clamps on with the SLEEPER!

Mikey fights up, pries free and elbows Moxley. Moxley BOOTS back! Mikey rebounds, Moxley dodges, DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down! Lio tags in and he goes up! FINAL HOUR!! Cover, TWO!! Moxley’s not done yet and Lio is shocked! Lio says no, now it’s time! Lio goes up top again, for another FINAL- NO, Moxley moves and Lio rolls through! Moxley BOOTS Lio down! Then Moxley underhooks, for PARADIGM- NO, Lio slips out! TMDK is in, URENAGE BOMB!! Bryan runs in, but into the scoop! Bryan slips free, shoves Mikey into Shane, then BUSAIKU KNEE! Shane DROPKICSK Bryan!

Yuta gives Shane an OLYMPIC SLAM! Rocky hits SLICED BREAD! Claudio SPINEBUSTERS for the GIANT SWING! Azucar goes around and around and around, and the fans count to TEN, but Claudio just picks up speed! Claudio TOSSES Rocky at 15! Lio leaps on for a SLEEPER! Claudio powers Lio around to TOSS into the DEATH RIDER!! Cover, BCC wins!

Winners: Blackpool Combat Club, by pinfall

The BCC defend homefield in AEW, and we’re just two weeks away from Forbidden Door! Moxley then gets the mic to say, “Tetsuya Naito of NJPW is a survivor, but The Forbidden Door is the final conflict. This is it. This is your last chance. I’m not coming to beat you,  Naito. I’m not coming to defend the IWGP Championship. I’m coming to Forbidden Door to put an end to Tetsuya Naito once and for all! Naito, I’m coning to Forbidden Door to finish you, to finish your career, to put you in a pine box, to put you in the ground, and to BURY your ass once and for all!!” A powerful ultimatum with still two weeks to go, will the Maniac also be the man that retires Naito?


Tony Schiavone is in the ring.

Youngstown, Ohio, please welcome The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn! The fans fire up as Max Caster, Anthony Bowens & Daddy Ass make their way to the ring. Schiavone lets Caster have the mic, and he says usually the Acclaimed comes out here with a rap, some punchlines, but tonight, if you didn’t see, but the “love” EVPs, the Young F’s…! Well, those guys issued a $5 THOUSAND FINE on them for disparaging company executives!? There was a tweet about it! Seems these EVPs are outta touch with the fans! Youngstown confirms!

Caster says the fans don’t want a couple of women’s business suit wearing a-holes! They want Platinum Max roasting everyone! They want Bowens & Billy hitting the scissor fingers, and you bet they want The Acclaimed to become the NEW AEW World Tag team Champions! And if Bowens was The Bucks, he wouldn’t focus the pettiness on raps and tweets, but on the fact that they will be face to face with The Acclaimed for the first time in four years. And this isn’t the same team they faced before in 2020. They are not an upstart! They have the same exact accolades as The Bucks do! Scissor King, Platinum Max, FORMER AEW World Tag Team Champions, FORMER AEW World Trios Champions, the WINNINGEST team in the history of AEW!!

And all they have to get the titles back is beat The Bucks twice. So do your worst! FINE them, but all they want is to get those titles back, get this company back, and prove that EVERYONE loves The Acclaimed! In fact, forget fines! Take those fines, stick ’em up your virgin asses, because everyone here is gonna kick it old school for you! YO! YO! YO! LISTEN~! But then someone says NOOOO~! And it’s Brandon Cutler! He tells The Acclaimed to listen! This one year anniversary of Collision is to be a night of praise for the EVPs! They’ve carried this show since day one! But these limp noodles use their public platform to disparage!

So if they want a fine? FINE! Here’s a $10 THOUSAND fine! Then it’ll be $15- Christopher Daniels comes out here to stop Cutler. The Acclaimed had Daniels’ back, so here’s some good news. Tony Khan has REVERSED the fines, they get their money back! And Cutler, we don’t need to hear any more from you. But Cutler shows his clipboard to Daniels. Daniels SMACKS Cutler with the clipboard! Then DECKS him with his fist! Daniels TOSSES Cutler in for The Acclaimed to handle! They trip him up, hold him open, and Bowens goes up to say, SCISSOR ME TIMBERS~! Cutler crawls away in shame, but will The Bucks make sure The Acclaimed pay for that on Wednesday?


No Disqualifications: Thunder Rosa VS Deonna Purrazzo!

La Mera Mera tried to be an ally to The Virtuosa against their common enemy, but the only thing they had in common was that they wanted to be the one to take down Toni Storm. That made them into enemies, and it has escalated to this! With nothing holding these two back, who stops at nothing to make sure the other regrets ever showing up in AEW?

Deonna doesn’t wait, she attacks while Rosa’s on the corner! The bell rings and Deonna puts Rosa in the Tree of Woe. Deonna runs in, but Rosa sits up! Deonna slides out of the ring, and Rosa CROSSBODIES down onto her! Rosa fires off hands, then POSTS Deonna! The fans rally behind Rosa and she CHOPS Deonna against the apron. Rosa SMACKS Deonna off the steel steps, then off them again, and then again! Rosa stands on Deonna, Deonna pushes her away, and Rosa starts bringing out stuff from under the ring! A chain, a trash can, and the lid! Rosa SMACKS Deonna with the lid! And then pushes the lid into Deonna with a boot!

The fans want tables but Rosa runs up first. Deonna dodges, Rosa dropkicks the steps! Deonna drags Rosa up, puts an arm between steps and post, then BOOTS the steps! Rosa falls back, clutching the elbow! Deonna snarls, goes looking under the ring, and she brings out a kendo stick! Deonna throws that all the way over the ring, but she gets some chairs. Deonna wedges a chair in a corner, then gets Rosa up. Rosa reverses the whip but Deonna stops herself! Deonna kicks and whips, but Rosa stops. Rosa ELBOWS Deonna, fireman’s carries, then DEATH VALLEY DRIVERS! Cover, TWO! Deonna stays in this but Rosa goes looking for more!

Rosa brings out a TABLE! Youngstown cheers as Rosa gets that big thing up, only for Deonna to DROPKICK it into her! The fans boo but Deonna soaks up the heat, and Collision goes picture in picture.

Deonna drags the table up for herself, and she puts that in the ring. Deonna drags Rosa up, wrenches, then kicks Rosa. Deonna hammerlocks an arm before she POSTS Rosa! And then she hammerlocks and POSTS Rosa again! Rosa clutches the side of her face, but there’s no blood, yet. Deonna gets Rosa in the ring, then drags her over to snapmare by the table. Deonna steps over Rosa to trap the arms, then turns her over so she can dribble Rosa’s head onto the wood! Deonna lets off and Rosa flops over. Cover, TWO! Rosa is tougher than that but Deonna keeps her cool as Collision goes to break.

Collision returns and the two fight over a chair. Deonna JAMS Rosa up, takes a swing, but Rosa dodges! Rosa BOOTS the chair into Deonna! Then Rosa grabs the chair to JAM Deonna, and SMACK her on the back! And SMACK her again! Rosa brings Deonna around, fireman’s carries, and SAMOAN DROPS her on the folded table! Cover, TWO! Deonna is still in this but Rosa drags her around to put in a corner. Rosa hoists Deonna up top, goes up after her, but Deonna fights with body shots! Rosa CLUBS Deonna in return, but Deonna slips under! Rosa rains down fists, so Deonna YANKS her into the buckle! CHEEKY NANDOS!

Rosa falls into the Tree of Woe, Deonna runs up and this time, she RAMS into Rosa! Rosa falls out of the Tree, Deonna covers, TWO!! Rosa survives that Spear of Woe or whatever you’d call it, and the fans rally up. Deonna drags Rosa up, slashes her throat, and then Gotch lifts, but Rosa fights that! Rosa wrenches out to FULL METAL DDT!! Cover, TWO!! Deonna survives hitting steel but Rosa won’t let up. Rosa brings Deonna over to a corner, and puts the trash can around her! The fans cheer as Rosa stomps away on Deonna! Deonna sits down, Rosa grabs the table and she brings that around. The fans cheer as it’s finally set up!

Rosa SMACKS the can with the chain! Then Rosa finishes setting the table up, to use it as a ramp! FLYING SHOTGUN into the trash can!! The fans are thunderous for that unique use of a table, and then Rosa covers Deonna, TWO!?!? Deonna survives the savage innovation, but Rosa won’t give up just yet. Rosa completely stands the table up now, but Deonna has a chair! She slide sit at Rosa, the table falls over, but Rosa JAMS Deonna up with it! Rosa reels Deonna in, underhooks, but Deonna fights the package to wrench out! Deonna reels Rosa in, for a KNEELING PILEDRIVER! Cover, TWO!!! Rosa lives and Deonna is stunned!

Deonna clamps onto the arm, FUJIWARA! Rosa reaches out, but ends up in the VENUS DE MILO!!! Rosa reaches with her legs, but Deonna HAMMERS away on her head! Deonna rolls past Rosa to then look around on the outside. She LOW BLOWS a staff member!? Just to CLOBBER Rosa with his camera!!! Deonna shows no mercy to anyone, and she puts Rosa in the ropes! MOTORCYCLE STRETCH IN THE ROPES! Rosa’s out cold, Deonna wins!!

Winner: Deonna Purrazzo, by referee stoppage

That camera shot might as well have been a knockout! But Deonna still gets the win either way. Is Deonna going to move on from Rosa once and for all to then go after a title? Or will Rosa’s revenge not die with one loss?


Hechicero w/ The Gates of Agony VS Dalton Castle

Now this is a unique match-up! The Alchemist of Lucha is taking on The Peacock, and… wait are those The Outrunners being Castle’s substitute Boys? Well, uh, Turbo & Truth aside, will Castle be too hot to handle even for the man that summons fire? Or will Hechicero turn this Forbidden Door appetizer into sweet, sweet victory?

The bell rings and the fans fire up as these two get face to face. Hechi shoves Castle, Castle gets serious. They feel things out, tie up, and Hechi facelocks. Castle still powers Hechi to ropes, the ref calls the break, and the two let off clean. Castle gets fired up and eggs Hechi on. Hechi CHOPS, so Castle UPPERCUTS! They fire back and forth, CHOP for forearm, then Castle fires off a flurry! Castle runs, but HEchi follows to CROSSBODY! Hechi slips right into a SLEEPER at the ropes! Hechi shoves Castle away, goes up, and MISSILE DROPKICKS! Cover, TWO! Hechi kicks Castle around and eggs him on.

Hechi CLUBS away on Castle, runs, but Castle wrenches to LARIAT, KNEE, and DDT! The fans fire up as Castle gets a wild look in the eyes. Castle clamps on a half nelson, then CLUBS away on Hechi to get him up. Hechi fights with elbows of his own, but runs into an Alabama Lift! Castle spins, BANGAAA- NO, Hechi slips free, pops Castle up, and has the COBRA CLUTCH STRAITJACKET! Castle flails, pushes back to a cover, TWO! Hechi keeps the body scissors, wants the rear naked choke but Castle rolls. Hechi drags Castle up but Castle arm-drags free! Hechi BOOTS back, swings, but Castle blocks to ELBOW!

Castle snarls, runs, but Hechi follows to LARIAT in the corner! Hechi fires fast hands and a CHOP! Castle sits down, Kaun & Liona like what they see. Hechi powers up but runs into a clinch! EXPLODER! Castle and Hechi both rise, and the fans fire up with Castle! Hechi swings, but into another lift! Hechi sunset flips, TWO!! Castle just manages to escape, and he BOOTS Hechi! Hechi goes to a corner, Castle runs in but Hechi dodge! SHINING WIZARD! Hechi keeps going, LA MYSTICA LEG DROP! Cover, Hechi wins!

Winner: Hechicero, by pinfall

That was some in-ring magic for sure! The Gates of Agony celebrate with their new ally, will they and The Machine, Brian Cage, soon take over AEW and CMLL? But then Hechi beats up on Castle, puts him in a corner, and Liona HIP ATTACKS! Kaun METEORAS! The fans boo, but The Outrunners run in! Only to get CLOBBERED by The Gates… Hechi then feeds Castle to the Gates for the LARIAT SANDWICH! And they CLOSE- NO! Daniel Garcia hurries out here, with a chair! He and Daddy Magic have Castle’s back as they run off Hechi & The Gates! Will even The Alchemist of Lucha fear Red Death?


Backstage interview with Dante Martin.

Arkady Aura is with Angel Dorado, as well as his teammates, Darius Martin & Action Andretti. She brings up Dante facing Lee Moriarty in the TNT Championship qualifier. However, everyone else is banned from ringside. Dante says that’s fine, because Top Flight is about friendly competition. He remembers a time when Lee Moriarty was once about that. Darius asks if Dante is running. He’s not. Is he scared? He’s not. Because this is one of the best high-fliers today! High-flying and redeye-ing! Action promises that at Forbidden Door, Dante will be the NEW TNT Champion! But in steps Lio Rush. He says what’s up, long time no see. Good to see he has some new friends.

Not sure if any of them knew this or not, but Lio and Action go way back. That’s true. So as far as Darius, nice to finally meet you. Darius knows who Lio is, and won’t shake his hand. Okay, that’s fine. Just wanted to wish Dante luck tonight. Maybe see them around. Lio heads out, Action says yeah, great seeing him again. Top Flight heads out, but will Dante book him and the boys some golden tickets to Long Island? Or will #TAIGASTYLE make sure Shane Taylor Promotions takes over New York?


The Patriarchy is in the ring.

And “Mother” Shayna Wayne asks for everyone’s attention. They boo her? They boo a mother?! How dare you! Shayna demands they all get on their feet right now and pay respect to “the greatest father to ever live,” THEIR Patriarch, Christian Cage. And with that, Captain Charisma makes his way out here. Christian takes the mic and sits in the fancy chair they have for him. “Well, I didn’t exactly have ‘spending the most important holiday of the year’ in The Rust Belt, but here we are.” The fans boo but Christian says Youngstown needs to sit down and shut their mouths while he conducts his business.

Now, he’d be remised if he didn’t acknowledge what today is. Today is the anniversary of his son, Nick Wayne’s biological father passing away. Christian says that can affect a child many different ways. You might wonder why the universe can be so cool. But in a strange way, Nick’s father dying was the best thing that could’ve ever happened to him, because it led him to Christian Cage. The fans boo but Christian says this veiled picture must of course be a gift for him. Did Nick commission this? Nick even has a card! Christian opens it up, and it says Happy Father’s Day. A homemade card from the heart? Should he read it?

“To Dad, You are the greatest TNT Champion in history,m and I can only dream of having half your tlanet, but I will keep striving to prove my worth. Love, Nick.” How thoughtful, Christian appreciates that. And uh, can we unveil the portrait now? Of course! The curtain is taken away, and it’s a failry impressive painting. Did Luchasaurus do this himself? Wow. Then uh, this is… Okay. But Nick’s card is unbelievable! He’s a wordsmith! It’s popping off the paeg! Christian has never been prouder, he will cherish this forever. And uh, Killswitch- The fans chant “LUCHASAURUS!” but he says shut up, he’s Killswitch! Killswitch, why can’t you be more like Nick?

Luchasaurus storms off! The fans cheer but Christian says he wasn’t excused! Get back in line! Christian has something important to say and everyone will want to hear this. Luchasaurus reluctantly stands back by the chair, and Christian says that’s a good looking guy in the picture either way. Now, it is no secret that Double Or Nothing was a couple weeks ago. And Christian clearly fell short in his quest to become AEW World Champion. But what you might not realize is that there is alternate footage clearly showing his shoulder was up! The EVPs want to do the right thing and show this footage, but he politely asked not to show it.

This family does not make excuses here! They just roll up their sleeves and get back to work! Christian vows to one day be World Champion, and that path starts with winning the Trios Championships! That’s right! Christian’s gift to his “sons” is that they will hold titles together. The fans still chant for Luchasaurus but Christian tells them to shut up! Now yes, it is uncommon for the father to give a gift to his children on Father’s Day, but that is what a good father would do. He would give anything to make his children smile. Hey, even Tony Khan’s dad gave him millions upon millions of dollars to start this company!

But here’s the thing, Tony Khan, this very instant, Christian Cage says this is HIS company! He is the greatest, most talked about and influential star in this sport! He will win every accolade until he goes down as THE greatest in history! So Tony, Christian is your father now. They are The Patriarchy, the next Trios Champions, the Faces of TNT, now and forever! Captain Charisma has spoken, but will his declaration become reality?


The Bang Bang Gang speaks.

Juice Robinson says it is the one-year anniversary of Collision, and they are the Collision Cowboys, the men who built this brick by brick! Juice broke his back carrying this place! Colten says that as such, they hold a lot of gold. There are a lot of teams gunning for them, but they can’t handle the pressure. House of Black tonight, and now The Patriarchy wants a shot? Yeah, it’s Father’s Day, but you don’t get special privilege. Get in line! Austin adds that House of Black, they’re not sure what’s going on, maybe they’ve been in the dark too long, but open your eyes, dilate the pupils, and uh, notice that Jay White isn’t here.

Tonight is NOT for the titles, but tonight is about proving whether or not if you can hang with the OGs! And if you’re not down with that, they’ve got two words for ya: GUNS UP!


TNT Championship Ladder Match Qualifier: Lee Moriarty VS Dante Martin!

As we heard from Dante, these two used to be friends, but ambition seems to have given #TAIGASTYLE a bit of a salty edge. Will Lee use that edge to clip Angel Dorado’s wings? Or will Dante prove that he not only does things the right way, but can win at the same time?

The bell rings, the fans rally as the two circle, and then Lee goes for a leg. Dante steps over, trips Lee, then speeds up. Lee drops, hurdles, but Dante stops to hurdle and drop. Lee handsprings, then shimmies and shakes. The fans cheer and the two reset. Dante and Lee feel things out, and the fans are behind Dante. Lee gives a testing kick, then the two knuckle lock. Lee wrenches, trips Dante, then GROUND DRAGON SCREWS! The fans are torn, but Lee drags Dante around by the leg< Dante kicks free, reaches up, and RANAS! The fans fire up, Dante speeds up, ducks ‘n’ dodges, then jumps to RANA again!

Lee flounders, Dante stays by ropes,. Lee runs up, Dante goes up and over! Lee tumbles out of the ring, Dante builds speed! Dante FLIES, but lands safe as Lee moves aside! Lee thinks he’s safe, but then Dante uses the corner to DROPKICK Lee down! Dante copies the shimmy and then drags Lee up. Dante CHOPS Lee against the railing! The fans fire up for that one, and Dante puts Lee in the ring. Dante then jumps right up to the apron, springboards, but Lee trips him up! Dante tumbles back down and Lee grins. Lee claps and the fans applaud, and Collision goes picture in picture.

Lee waits on Dante, and Dante slides back in. Lee stomps Dante at the ropes again and again and again! Dante writhes, Lee drags him up, then KNEES low. Lee fires m ore knees, then shoves Dante to RAM into him. Lee reels Dante in to HALF HATCH! Roll back and cover, TWO! Lee keeps on Dante with a hammerlock, then traps that arm to go after the other. Dante endures, even as Lee pushes on the arm. Lee twists the fingers and wrist to bend the arm, and then use it as a recliner! Dante endures as Lee gives a thumbs up. Lee then sits back up, to stomp the arm down! Dante writhes, Lee stomps him around, then Lee drags Dante up.

Lee fires more knees into Dante, shoves him, but Dante leaps up and over to sunset flip! TWO, and Lee ROCKS Dante with fast hands! Dante blocks a kick but not the KNEE! Dante sits down, Lee basement dropkicks! Cover, TWO! Lee is annoyed but he clamps onto the arm again. Dante endures, Lee bends the fingers and wrist, to JAM the fingers into the mat! Dante still endures, but Lee clamps on, chinbars, and pushes on the joint. The fans rally, Dante fights, but Lee throws knees to keep him down. Lee pulls on the chinbar but Dante powers up. Collision returns to single picture, and the fans rally as Dante pries free!

Dante arm-drags Lee away, Lee runs up, but Dante BOOTS him! ROLLING ELBOW! Dante ROCKS Lee again, whips, but the bad arm jams up! Lee whips Dante away, runs up, but Dante slips to the outside! Dante ROCKS Lee, springboards to go up and around, but Lee grabs a leg. Dante kicks him away, jumps again and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Lee survives but Dante stays focused. The fans fire up with Dante as he rises, and Dante reels Lee in. Lee fights the half nelson, so Dante CLUBS away! Lee wrenches free of the waistlock, brings Dante to a knee, and he SNAPS the fingers! What a villain!

Lee gets Dante’s arms tired up, clinches, YOYO URENAGE! Into the BORDER CITY STRETCH!! Dante endures, reaches out, and he crawls with the one free arm! Lee kicks at that arm, but Dante uses a leg for the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer as Lee lets off, and then Lee brings Dante up! Lee suplexes into a SLAM, then covers, TWO!! Dante escapes that deep tuck and Lee is frustrated. Lee kicks at Dante while they’re both down, then Lee rises up. Lee aims, Dante rises, and Lee runs up, but Dante ducks the kick! JUMP KNEE! Lee wobbles, but he BOOTS back! Lee runs up, into a KNEE from Dante!

Dante goes up, METEORA! Lee is down and the fans fire up as Dante climbs a corner! MAMBA SPLASH!! Cover, Dante wins!

Winner: Dante Martin, by pinfall (advances to Forbidden Door)

And with that, the fourth spot is filled! Dante joins Mark Briscoe, Konosuke Takeshita & Jack Perry, but wait! Shane Taylor & Anthony Ogogo show up to mug Dante! The fans boo as STP are sore losers! BODY SHOT from Ogogo! But here come Darius & Action! They fight with STP but that’s 3v2! Shane DECKS Darius, Ogogo GERMAN SUPLEXES Action! URENAGE for Darius! The fans boo more but STP doesn’t care. Lio Rush hurries out here, he asks what this is all about. Shane dares Lio to bring his little ass in here! Lio does, and he slips under Shane to shove Ogogo into him! Then he schoolboys Ogogo to SPIN KICK!

Shane whips Lio but Lio stops himself at the ropes! Lio eggs Shane on, then DUMPS him out! Lee runs up but Lio TOSSES Him out, and HANDSPRING KICKS Lee into Shane! Lio stands tall with Top Flight, and refs hurry out to stop this from getting any wilder. Will Shane Taylor make sure Lio meets his final hour soon enough? As for Dante and Top Flight, they nod respect to Lio, but still no handshakes. Will Lio just have to give them all time to trust him?


Hikaru Shida speaks.

“I have been in AEW since day one. I am a three-time world champion. I am the longest reigning AEW Women’s World Champion. And I am officially entering the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament. That tournament needs me. And Wembley Stadium needs me! And the Shining Samurai will go to Wembley Stadium to once again become Women’s Champion.” Will Shida shine all the way through the Summer to then go All In on an incredible fourth Women’s World Championship reign?


Kyle O’Reilly VS Anthony Henry!

The Violent Artist has been trying to do things on his own, but even now, Roderick Strong & The Kingdom tag along. They’re on commentary for this match, and BREAKING NEWS for Dynamite! It will be an “All-Star 8 Man” as Roderick Strong joins forces with Kyle Fletcher, Konosuke Takeshita and Zack Sabre Jr. VS Kyle O’Reilly, Orange Cassidy, Dante Martin & Mark Briscoe. Will the Savior of the Backbreaker still be able to support his “friend” here tonight knowing that now? Or will Roddy find himself rooting for the other guy?

The bell rings and the two circle. They feel things out, and tie up. Henry powers Kyle back but Kyle turns that around. They go around and around, Kyle waistlocks but Henry switches. Kyle switches and drags Henry down Henry blocks one kick but has to duck the other! The fans cheer as Henry backs off, and the two reset. Kyle and Henry feel things out, knuckle lock, and go shoulder to shoulder. They go around, Henry throws Kyle down but Kyle has the leg guard up. Kyle kicks one knuckle lock apart to trip Henry up. Henry uses a leg guard now, but Kyle stands. Henry uses body scissors to climb up and go for the arm!

Kyle moves around, back drops and ARMBAR! Henry scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Kyle lets go, KICKS at Henry, then wrenches to an ELBOW BREAKER! This relentless Kyle is the kind Roddy likes. Kyle wrenches, whips, but Henry holds ropes! Kyle KICKS the leg, then hooks it. Henry turns that around to RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Henry traps Kyle’s head to NECK TWIST! Henry holds on, grabs an arm, then gives some kicks. Kyle just gets mad! The fans rally for Kyle and Roddy also coaches Kyle. Kyle stands, Henry KICKS, but Kyle ROCKS Henry. They fire off forearms, henry fires a strike fest!

Kyle blocks a kick, gives a strike fest in return, then SWEEPS the legs! The fans fire up as Henry flounders to a corner. Kyle runs up to forearm SMASH! Then wrench and ELOBW BREAKER, to a KNEE, to a suplex and FALCON ARROW into the ARMBAR! Henry TAPS, Kyle wins!

Winner: Kyle O’Reilly, by submission

Roddy says that’s because of his presence! Roddy says Kyle is clearly missing something, or someone, to help him get that edge. Will Kyle show Roddy plenty of that “edge” this Wednesday?


Six Man Tag: The Bang Bang Gang VS The House of Black!

We heard from Rock Hard Juice Robinson, Fully Cocked Colten, and… Austin earlier tonight, but now is time to put up or shut up! Malakai, Brody & Buddy have been World Trios Champions before, but will they get one step closer to becoming Unified AEW & ROH World Trios Champions? Or will the House fold when facing the Collision Cowboys in their house?

The trios sort out, but then they all step to each other. The fans taunt the “ASS~ BOYS~!” but we get Juice and The Dark Father. Juice and Malakai circle, then tie up. Malakai headlocks, Juice powers out but Malakai runs him over! Cover, ONE and Juice arm-drags! Malakai headscissors, Juice kips free, but Malakai avoids the arm-drag to sit down. The fans fire up, so Juice lifts a leg a la dogs. Malakai stands up to KICK Juice down! Juice scrambles away, Austin tags in. Austin is all fired up, but then Brody tags in! Austin turns around and tags Colten! Colten says that’s fine, he can bark it up. Brody swings, Colten bobs ‘n’ weaves and ROCKS-

Er, well, no, Brody doesn’t seem too bothered. Brody runs Colten over, he runs Austin over, then runs them both over! The Gunns stagger up, Brody runs up to DOUBLE LRIAT them out! Juice runs in but Brody TOSSES him out onto The Gunns! The fans fire up as The House stands together, they all build speed, but the Bang Bang Gang gets in to say BANG! So the House DECKS them all! The House tosses everyone out and the brawl is on as Collision goes picture in picture!

Brody is after Juice, Malakai TOSSES Austin, and Buddy CHOPS Colten. Malakai BOOTS Austin into the crowd! Brody sits Juice in a corner to CHOP! Malakai joins in to mug Juice, and Buddy KNEES Colten. Brody brings Juice around to whip hard into railing! Austin returns but Malakai KNEES him down. Brody CLUBS Austin, the fans fire up, and Brody CHOPS Austin. Buddy brings Colten over to join in, and he UPPERCUTS Colten into a seat. Brody herds Austin and Juice that way, the Bang Bang Gang all take seats, and Malakai KICKS away on them all! The fans hoot and bark with Brody as he runs in, to TRIPLE CROSSBODY!

The fans cheer and high-five Brody as The Bang Bang Gang all slumps down. Brody drags Colten up to put him in, and then stalks Colten to his empty corner. Brody grins at Colten’s fear, and Collision goes to break.

Collision returns again and Buddy tags Malakai. They mug Colten, then Malakai wrenches to tag Buddy. Buddy climbs up to DOUBLE STOMP Colten’s arm! Buddy taunts Austin, goes back to Colten and wrenches. Tag to Malakai and he KNEES the arm! Malakai wrenches but Colten throws him down by his hair! Tag to Austin and Austin stomps away on Malakai! The ref counts, Austin lets off, but Malakai BOOTS him! Austin runs up to CLOBBER Malakai! Austin throws hands, then tags in Colten. They whip Malakai, to BODY SHOT, KNEE LIFT, and DROPKICK! Juice tags in to SENTON! Cover, TWO!

Juice stands on Malakai, the Gunns YANK Buddy & Brody down! Juice whips Malakai hard into the corner! Juice stomps away on Malakai, argues with the ref, then drags Malakai back up. Juice snap suplexes, covers, TWO! Malakai is still in this and Juice is frustrated. Juice stands Malakai up to bump him off buckles, then he tags Austin in. They mug Malakai, Austin asks “Who’s the Ass Boy now?” “YOU!!” Austin frowns, then fires hands on Malakai. Tag to Colten, he stomps away on Malakai. The ref counts, Colten ROCKS Malakai but the fans rally up. Juice tags in, he stomps at Malakai, then eggs him on.

Juice HEADBUTTS, but Malakai ROCKS Juice, DECKS the Gunns, then fires off on Juice! Juice blocks a kick, to LEG LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Malakai is still in this and Juice is upset with the ref’s count! Juice clamps onto Malakai for a chinlock but Malakai endures. Malakai fights up as the fans rally, and Malakai KICKS the bad leg! Juice THROAT CHOPS back! Malakai falls into a corner, Juice goes corner to corner, CANNONBALL only gets buckles! Malakai crawls, as does Juice, hot tag to Colten! He CLOBBERS Malakai, then whips him away. Colten runs up, but only gets buckles! Austin tags in, grabs Malakai’s foot, but Malakai BOOTS him into Colten!

Hot tag to Buddy! The fans fire up as the Aussie Juggernaut fires off strikes and a BOOT to Austin! POP-UP KNEE for Colten! Austin runs up, into a tilt-o-whirl and LAWN DART into Colten! Buddy reels Austin in for the JACKHAMMER! Cover, Juice breaks it! The fans boo but Juice hurries to BLAST Brody! Juice goes back to Buddy to whip, but Buddy lands safe on the apron! Buddy GAMANGIRIS Juice, bumps him off buckles, then BOOTS him away! Buddy goes up, Juice staggers around, into the METEORA! Cover, TWO! Buddy’s bad knee is bothering him, but he hobbles up to tag in Brody. Brody storms in and the fans fire up as we go picture in picture again.

Buddy has medics check his knee, he may have taken himself out when he hit Juice. Brody does his best to focus on the match, and he puts Austin in a corner. Buddy is in some serious pain, though. Brody runs up to CLOBBER Austin in the corner! Brody hoots and barks and gets the fans back into this. Brody roars, runs, but Colten saves his brother! The Bang Bang Gang regroups on the outside, the medics are still checking on Buddy but it isn’t looking good. This is basically 3v2 now. Juice & The Gunns strategize, knowing they have the advantage now. The ref has Bang Bang Gang settle down a minute while Buddy is helped to the back.

The fans applaud as Buddy is doing his best to walk on the good leg, and Collision returns to single picture. But the Gunns jump on Brody, they and Juice mug him, and Malakai tries to help but is sent back out! The fans chant “YOU SUCK!” but the Bang Bang Gang doesn’t care! Tag to Colten and he stomps away on Brody. The ref counts, Colten tags Austin back in, and now Austin stomps Brody. Tag to Juice, he gets some stomps in! The fans still taunt the “ASS~ BOYS~!” but Juice blows boogers onto Brody! Then Juice CANNONBALLS! Direct hit and Juice covers, TWO! Brody stays in this and the fans fire up!

Austin tags in, then he tags Colten. The Gunns get Brody up, whip him to ropes, but Brody denies the 3:10 with a LARIAT! And another LARIAT! Juice runs up, but into a BOSS MAN SLAM! Brody is down and the fans fire up! Brody crawls, the fans hoot and bark, hot tag to Malakai! Malakai breaks through Colten’s lariat to BOOT Austin! Malakai dodges Colten, DECKS Austin, then ELBOWS Colten! A strike fest and a LEG SEWEP for Austin! SLIDING KNEE! The fans fire up, but Juice takes the QUEBRADA for Colten! Malakai still ROUNDHOUSES Colten and GERMAN SUPLEXES! Bridging cover, TWO!!

Malakai snarls and the fans fire up! Colten rises, distracts the ref with talk of injury, and Juice grabs a leg! Malakai kicks Juice away, but Colten runs up, FLYING FOREARM! Cover, TWO!! Colten’s shot doesn’t finish this but he tags to Austin. The Gunns get Malakai up, double whip, 3:10- NO, Malakai BOOTS Colten, BOOTS Austin, but Juice HOTSHOTS! FAMOUSER from Austin! Cover, TWO!! Malakai survives and Austin is stunned! The Gunns reload, call their shot, and they coordinate with Juice! Juice goes up, but Brody is back! The Gunns dodge him, 3:10 TO YUMA!!! But they have to get Malakai down!

Austin turns Malakai, Juice finally aims, but PAC is here?! The Bastard spooks Juice, trips him up, then flips off Austin! Austin swings on Pac, but turns around into THE END!!! Cover, The House wins!!

Winners: The House of Black, by pinfall

The Bastard told The Bang Bang Gang that he was not going to let what they did to Death Triangle slide! The House still gets the win, even with Buddy going down with a bad knee. But then The Patriarchy has to come in via the tron to ruin all the fun. Christian Cage says congratulations to The House. Congratulations on becoming the #1 contenders to the World Trios Championships. The only problem is, they’re not a trio anymore. The Patriarchy reveals they took out Buddy!! The Patriarchy leaves Buddy down and out, right as Malakai & Brody rush to the back! Will Christian Cage stoop to new lows just so he and his “sons” can rise up the ranks?

My Thoughts:

A great Collision for the anniversary episode, and I appreciate it was more rock, less talk. The only real talky stuff was everything Christian Cage did, but even that wasn’t so bad because he didn’t take forever getting to the point. He takes credit for all the good Collision content, heavily favors Nick Wayne over Killswitchasaurus, and then tries to hide his failure at Double Or Nothing by going for the trios titles, which he can totally just use Nick and Luchasaurus to win for him when the time comes. Really good promo from Bang Bang Gang in response, and great main event between Bang Bang Gang and House of Black.

If Buddy isn’t actually hurt, he was doing amazing acting tonight. And with how Christian “attacked” Buddy, it seems the story is the same either way: The House will need a new third man to challenge Jay White & The Gunns. Pac showed up to stick it to the Bang Bang Gang, so maybe The Bastard becomes an honorary member of The House of Black just to take the titles. And honestly, what better feud than Christian “Greatest Father Ever” Cage and “The Bastard” Pac, with how “bastard” also has the old definition of “a fatherless child.” And honestly, when is Luchasaurus going to break away from Christian? Should happen during the trios title match.

Really good 8 Man Tag, but I should’ve figured BCC would win, and that Moxley would again tell Naito that he’s done after Forbidden Door. It’s the same thing he’s been saying all week since Dominion last Sunday, he’ll probably keep saying it for those who weren’t paying attention, and I am starting to think that’s just because he’s going to lose in Long Island so Naito can have finish his last run with the world title. And good integration as Lio says hey to Dante before Dante has his match with Lee. Great win for Dante, and I figured he would because you need a true high-flyer in a ladder match. Lio helping fight off Shane Taylor Promotions is also interesting, can’t wait to see which way this splits. Could someone be leaving Top Flight to join STP?

Kyle VS Henry was a strange filler-not-filler, because at least we got the news of an 8 Man Tag happening for Dynamite. It’ll be a great match, with some Forbidden Door build involved as Cassidy will be facing Zack Sabre Jr. and now we’ll be seeing Mark Briscoe, Dante Martin, and Konosuke Takeshita in the ladder match. With that, feels like one of the Kyles takes a loss. Either Roddy purposefully costs O’Reilly or accidentally costs Fletcher. I’m thinking the former so that Roddy can insist O’Reilly still needs him to be relevant. Then they can take that feud through the Summer, maybe even into the Men’s Owen Hart Cup.

Really good promo from Shida, and she’ll be a great part of the Women’s Owen Hart Cup. Probably won’t win it, though, with the potential story of Mariah May challenging Toni Storm, or with Willow looking to go back-to-back. Very good match from Hechicero VS Dalton Castle, and it was a rather clever move that The Outrunners were the pseudo-boys that failed to save Castle while Garcia & Menard succeeded. Add Angelo Parker to that and you’ve got an 8 Man Tag right there of Garcia, Menard, Parker & Castle VS Hechicero & The Cage of Agony. Very good No DQ match from Deonna VS Rosa, but as I said earlier in the week, I figured Deonna would win. She’s a Heel, the current champions are Faces, she will make a good challenger to maybe the TBS Championship for All In.

And a great promo from The Acclaimed to call out The Bucks for their continued abuses of power. Cutler being the scrub that takes beatings on behalf of The EVPs is a pretty silly recurring gag, but Daniels getting in on the fun was good stuff. The Acclaimed surely do find a way to win the Title Eliminator in order to force a title match that The Bucks probably cheat to win. This probably still leads to Acclaimed helping Swerve for Blood & Guts, as I sensed on Wednesday.

My Score: 8.8/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Rampage Results & Report! (6/14/24)

Toni Storm is on a Rampage!



The Leading Lady “rehearses” for The Forbidden Door.

The AEW Women’s World Champion knows Mina Shirakawa wants her spotlight, but Toni Storm must first test her mettle against “Titanium” Alex Windsor!


  • Toni Storm w/ Mariah May & Luther VS Alex Windsor; Storm wins.
  • Six Man Tag: The Cage of Agony VS Solomon Tupu, Jay Marston & Kevin Gutierrez; The Cage of Agony wins.
  • Rocky Romero VS Shota Umino; Shota wins.
  • Satnam Singh w/ Sonjay Dutt & Jay Lethal VS Rosario Grillo; Satnam wins.
  • PAC VS Jay Lethal w/ Sonjay Dutt & Satnam Singh; Pac wins.


Toni Storm w/ Mariah May & Luther VS Alex Windsor!

The Leading Lady knows her beloved, budding protege’s past partner is coming for her prized possession, but she is looking to send a message tonight. Will Mina Shirakawa hear that message loud and clear? Or will Titanium Alex be nobody’s tune-up?

Speaking of, Alex doesn’t even wait for the bell, she goes after Toni the moment she’s in a corner! The fans boo but the bell rings and the ref reprimands. Alex fires off haymakers on Storm, then bumps her off buckles. Windsor soaks up the heat, whips Storm back in, then runs up to CHOP! Windsor soaks up more heat, then runs back in, but into a THESZ PRESS! Storm rains down fast hands, then fires up! The fans are with her and Storm gives Windsor a point-blank HIP ATTACK! And then another! And then another! Storm winds up, the fans fire up, and BOOM, another hip attack! Windsor tumbles out while the fans cheer.

Storm runs side to side to HIP ATTACK Windsor off the apron! Storm calls Mariah over, nuzzles her, then goes after Windsor. Storm CLUBS Windsor, drags her up, then reels her in. Windsor fights the suplex, throws body shots, and then swings, but Storm DECKS her first! Storm goes to the ring but Windsor gets her for a wheelbarrow! Windsor SMASHES Storm off the apron! Windsor KICKS Storm, gets her back up, and hits an APRON BACK SUPLEX! Storm flounders, Mariah is concerned but Windsor gets in her way. Windsor CLUBS Storm, HAMMERS away, then soaks up the heat. Windsor slides into the ring and Mariah checks on Storm.

Windsor taunts Storm, then goes back out to fetch her. But now Luther stands in Windsor’s way to keep her from getting at Mariah. Windsor drags Storm up, whips her, and POSTS her! Storm staggers around, Windsor runs up to CLUB her again, then throws body shots! Windsor CLUBS Storm, soaks up more heat, but Storm RAMS Windsor into barriers! The fans fire up as Storm rolls into the ring. The fans rally as Windsor drags Storm to a corner, to SLAM the legs into the post! And again! And again! And again! The ref reprimands, but Windsor YANKS Storm out to CLUB her down. Windsor rolls into the ring while fans rally behind Storm.

Luther & Mariah check on Storm, but Windsor goes out again. Luther says to stay back, but Windsor SHOVES Luther into Mariah, which sends Mariah into Storm! The fans boo but Windsor stomps away on Storm, and Rampage goes picture in picture.

Windsor drags Storm up and ROCKS her with a forearm! Storm sputters and staggers around the way, but Windsor stalks after her. Windsor has Storm against barriers to CLAW the eyes! Windsor puts Storm in the ring, drags her to a cover, TWO! Storm is tougher than that, and Mariah scowls at Windsor. Windsor fires forearms on Storm, ROCKS her, then whips Storm to ropes to run her over! Cover, TWO! Windsor grows frustrated but she drags Storm up for a cravat. Storm endures the neck wrench, but Windsor throws in knee after knee!  Storm throws body shots but Windsor whips her to a corner.

Windsor runs in but Storm dodges! Rampage returns to single picture as Storm blocks boots, puts Windsor in ropes and hits a DRAPING BACKSTABBER! Windsor writhes, Storm goes to the far end, and the fans fire up for the close up! Storm runs in to SWEET HIP MUSIC! And then the fisherman SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Not quite perfect but Storm storms around. She drags Windsor up and reels her in, but Windsor wrenches out to HEADBUTT! Storm HEADBUTTS back! Storm runs, but Windsor clothesline at ropes! And again! And then a RIGHT ANGLE SLAM! Cover, TWO! Storm survives and the fans rally up!

Windsor drags Storm up but Storm drags her into a cradle! TWO, SHINING WINDSOR! Cover, TWO!! The fans rally for Storm again but Windsor snarls. Windsor storms up on Storm, drags her up, short arm- NO, Storm dodges the lariat, runs, and smothers the pop-up to STORM ZERO!! Cover, Storm wins!

Winner: Toni Storm, by pinfall

Storm breaks through Iron Will Windsor, and revels in the praise of her adoring public. She also holds Mariah close, but will she still have both once she passes through The Forbidden Door? Or will the Fighting Gravure Idol steal more than just the spotlight?


Backstage interview with Harley Cameron.

Arkady Aura is with The Outcasts’ crazier component, and says she’s a bit surprised to see Harley without Saraya, considering the big win last week. Yeah, yeah, who cares? Saraya is not here as a form of protest! All these women are all declaring for the Women’s Owen Hart Tournament. Oh~, declaring~! What are we? Royal subjects? Oh, a royal decree from the king! Or maybe we’re more old Southern women, “Oh, I do declare!” The only one who should be declaring anything is Saraya. Because the winner gets a world title shot at All In. And who was it that won last year at Wembley Stadium? Saraya! What a declaration!

And with that said, Saraya’s done it before, and she will do it again. And now Harley declares this interview over, goodbye. Then from Harley’s mouth to the world’s ears, will Saraya make sure she is the one crowned the 2024 Queen of Harts before crowning herself champion once again?


AEW hears from Thunder Rosa and Deonna Purrazzo.

La Mera Mera tells “Deonna, you might’ve been a little bit busy, but there were some flashing news. Saturday is the one-year anniversary of Collision. And as a tradition, Thunder Rosa always likes to pick a fight. And who else than you?” But The Virtuosa asks back, what does Rosa not understand here? Rosa’s selfishness has forced Deonna to embrace her own. But La Mera Mera isn’t owed anything. From where Deonna comes from, those who want respect must show respect. And those who refuse get respect beaten into them. Saturday Night Collision, Rosa VS Deonna, NO DISQUALIFICATIONS! And Deonna asks what Rosa thinks happens when her head collides with a chair.

Rosa says nothing will stop her from showing Deonna the real respect of a warrior. No disqualifications, no problems. Happy Anniversary, Collision! But who will celebrate by standing over the other’s battered body?


Six Man Tag: The Cage of Agony VS Solomon Tupu, Jay Marston & Kevin Gutierrez!

Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona have broken away from Swerve’s House to do things their way. So far, so good, for them. But will their opponents wish it’d been another three sent into The Cage of Agony?

The trios sort out, Tupu starts against Kaun, and the two circle. Liona distracts Tupu and Kaun DROPKICKS Tupu into the corner! Kaun CHOPS, then fires off forearms! The ref counts, Kaun bumps Tupu off buckles to then fire off more forearms. Kaun CHOPS, the ref has him back off, and Kaun runs in. Tupu goes up and over, keeps moving, and Gutierrez tags in. Kaun CLOBBERS Tupu but Gutierrez kicks low! Gutierrez whips but Kaun reverses. Gutierrez ducks ‘n’ dodges, but Liona sneaks a tag. Gutierrez hurdles but turns around into a BOOT! Liona CLOBBERS Gutierrez! Liona looms over Gutierrez, drags him up, then BODY SHOTS!

Liona BODY SHOTS again, and again! Gutierrez falls, but Liona drags him up again, to LARIAT! The fans rally as Liona drags Gutierrez over and tags in The Machine. Gutierrez fires haymakers on Liona, but they do nothing! Liona SPINEBUSTERS Gutierrez! Cage smirks, Marston tags in, and Marston ducks ‘n’ dodges, but runs into a BIG back drop! Cage drags Marston up, reels him in, puts one out, an d gives Marston a POWERBOMB! Cage then tags to Kaun, Liona steps in with him. Tupu runs in, dodges The Gates, but Cage SUPERKICKS him! Then the Gates get Tupu up to CLOSE THE GATES!

Cage drags Marston over, and the trio TRIPLE SLAMS him! Kaun covers, The Cage of Agony wins!

Winners: The Cage of Agony, by pinfall

This dangerous trio is only more dangerous now that they’re the ones in charge! Will they be right on the heels of the Unified AEW & ROH World Trios Champions?


Rocky Romero VS Shota Umino!

It’s another Forbidden Door appetizer as Azucar “welcomes” The Roughneck back to AEW! #SHOOTER has learned a lot from Jon Moxley over the past four years, will he show all those lessons have paid off? Or will Rocky make it clear Shota’s still got a lot to learn?

The bell rings and the two shake hands to show there’s sportsmanship here. The fans cheer, the two tie up, and Shota wrenches to a wristlock. Rocky rolls, slips around, facelocks and cravats. Shota swim moves to wrench and wrangle Rocky to the mat. Rocky stands, Shota wrenches and wristlocks, but Rocky pulls hair. The ref reprimands, but Rocky wrenches through to an IRON OCTOPUS! Shota endures, powers out and throws Rocky down. Shota has the toehold, then digs a knee into the knee. Rocky turns over, stands up, clinches, and they end up on ropes. The ref counts, Rocky slowly lets off, and then CHOPS!

Shota just stares Rocky down! The fans fire up, and Shota winds up to CHOPS! Rocky staggers and sputters, Shota fires forearms! Shota spins, Rocky ducks the elbow, but runs into a scoop and DROP! Then a basement dropkick! The fans cheer and Shota does a dance similar to Mercedes Mone’s! Shota stomps Rocky around, CLUBS him, then stalks him to ropes. Shota CLUBS Rocky again, but Rocky grits his teeth. Shota ROCKS Rocky against ropes, then has him in a corner. Shota stomps and UPPERCUTS, then he stalks Rocky. Shota stomps Rocky, UPPERCUTS again, then whips to ropes. Rocky holds ropes to BOOT back!

Shota runs up but Rocky DUMPS Shota out! Rocky builds speed and DIVES! Shota’s head hits the desk and the ref checks him out while Rampage goes picture in picture.

It seems Shota is okay so the ref goes back to the ring. Rocky stands, fires up, and gives us some Latino Heat. Rocky puts Shota in the ring, drops a knee into the back, then stomps Shota before dropping a knee on the chest! Cover, TWO! Shota toughs it out but Rocky drags him up. Rocky KICKS the bad arm, wrenches it, then hits an ELBOW BREAKER! Shota goes to ropes, Rocky puts him through ropes, to KICK again! Rocky goes up a corner, gives some more Latino Heat, then MISSILE DROPKICKS! Shota flounders, Rocky covers, TWO! Rocky argues the count but the count was fair, so Rocky clamps onto Shota with a cobra clutch!

Rocky thrashes Shota around but Shota endures. Shota fights up, throws elbows, but Rocky CLUBS him on the back. Rocky TOSSES Shota out, then aims from the apron! CROSSBODY, but Shota catches him! Shota pops Rocky up but Rocky slips free, so Shota SHOTGUNS him down! Both men are on the floor on the outside and the fans rally up. Shota rises up, fetches Rocky, and puts him in the ring. But Rocky DROPKICKS Shota back! Shota is down in the corner and Rampage goes to break.

Rampage returns and Rocky clotheslines Shota in a corner! Rocky keeps going, and clotheslines again! Then he keeps going, but Shota DROPKICKS him down! The fans fire up and Shota pounds the mat. The fans rally behind Shota and he aims at Rocky at the ropes. Slingshot, APRON DDT! The fans fire up again as Rocky flops to the floor! Shota puts Rocky in, then goes up a corner. Shota aims as Rocky flounders, MISSILE DROPKICK! Shota hurries to clinch, EXPLODER! Cover, TWO! Rocky survives but Shota stays focused. Shota waits on Rocky to rise up, then runs in, IGNIT- NO, Rocky makes it a backslide!

Shota rolls through the cover, blocks a kick, ducks the enzigiri, but not the REWIND HEEL! Shota staggers to a corner, Rocky runs in. Shota dodges, runs in, but Rocky UPPERCUTS! Rocky goes up and up and TORNADO DDTS! Rocky pounds the mat, the fans rally behind him now, and he aims from a corner. Shota rises, Rocky runs in, SLICED BREAD!! Cover, TWO!! Shota survives and Rocky roars! The fans are torn as Rocky drags Shota up. Rocky fires forearms, but Shota just eggs him on! The fans like that, so Rocky fires more forearms! Shota roars, but Rocky UPPERCUTS! And cravat, for the SLICED- NO, Shota poops free!

Shota POP-KNEES, then IGNITION!! Cover, TWO!! Rocky survives but Shota takes aim from the corner now! A shoutout to Ospreay here with his BLAZE BLADE!! And then PARADIGM SHIFT!! Cover, Shota wins!

Winner: Shota Umino, by pinfall

The Roughneck does indeed prove that what he learned from his senpai, his upperclassmen, have indeed made him into a great wrestler! But will he become one of the greatest wrestlers as he continues to battle all around the world?


Satnam Singh w/ Sonjay Dutt & Jay Lethal VS Rosario Grillo!

The One in a Billion is a big, big man, but he still has a lot to prove if he wants to be the best of the best. Will he finally start building on a win streak? Or will Rosario overcome this mountain of a man?

The bell rings, and Satnam offers a handshake? Rosario takes it, but Satnam won’t let go! Rosario kicks and kicks and CHPOS and CHOPS, but Satnam’s grip is too strong! And speaking of, he grabs Rosario by the neck, to PO-UP BEARHUG!! Satnam ragdolls Rosario! Rosario is OUT, Satnam wins!

Winner: Satnam Singh, by pinfall

Satnam TOSSES Rosario aside, having made quick work of the mere mortal. Sonjay Dutt gets in the ring with a mic to say, “Hey hey hey hey hey! Bubba (Jay Lethal), tell ’em, what’re you gonna do?” Lethal takes the mic to say ladies and gentlemen, Satnam Singh is on a freakin’ roll! Satnam just squashed Grillo in record time, and Lethal is so impressed that not only will he beat his opponent tonight, but he and Sonjay have a little side bet that Lethal can do it even faster than what Satnam just did. Satnam chuckles and Lethal says he’s done waiting! Bring that poor shmuck out here! Did Lethal not read the match card? Lethal’s up against THE BASTARD!!

Fans fire up as Pac makes his entrance out here. Pac already said he was in a bad mood on Dynamite, and surely Lethal taking him lightly isn’t helping things. Will Pac make sure Sonjay wins that side bet with Lethal?

PAC VS Jay Lethal w/ Sonjay Dutt & Satnam Singh!

The bell rings, Pac dodges Lethal to flying-mare! Pac has the headlock, Lethal puts him in a corner, and the ref counts. Pac lets go but Lethal stomps a mudhole! The ref counts, Lethal stops and walks it off. Sonjay knows he’s already won the side bet but he still wants Lethal to win the match. Lethal tosses Pac out, but Pac lands on the apron. Pac RAMS into Lethal, slingshots up and over, then comes back, only for Lethal to hip toss! Lethal cartwheels but Pac kips up! Pac SUPERKICKS Lethal, Lethal bails out, so Pac runs to FLY! Direct hit and Pac stares through the camera into the souls of the AEW roster!

Pac drags Lethal up, but he’s wary of Satnam. Pac puts Lethal in, goes up, and fans chant “HE’S OUR BASTARD!” Lethal rises, but Sonjay distracts the ref! Pac hops down, BOOTS Lethal, but Satnam trips Pac! And YANKS him out! The ref saw that one! The fans cheer as the ref EJECTS Satnam! Team Triple J is freaking out, but Lethal rains down fists on Pac. The ref counts, Lethal lets off but the fans sing ‘Hey hey hey! Goodbye~!” to Satnam. Lethal whips Pac hard into railing, then RAMS him into the POST! Lethal then runs to DROPKICK Pac down! Sonjay mockingly asks if Pac’s hurt, but the ref tells him to back off!

Lethal tells Sonjay to cool it so he doesn’t get kicked out. Lethal drags Pac up and into the ring while Sonjay mouths off to fans. Lethal drags Pac up, but Pac fires body shots. Lethal TOSSES Pac out, builds speed, and Lethal fakes the dive to Fargo Strut instead. The fans “WOO~” with Lethal and he smiles. Sonjay says Lethal’s the man! Lethal then goes out to fetch Pac, but Pac whips! Lethal reverses, Pac hits steel steps! Sonjay mocks Pac again with a fake apology, and Rampage goes picture in picture.

Lethal leaves Pac behind, and he counts along with the ring count. Pac is still down at 5 of 10, but he drags himself up with the apron. Pac flounders in at 8, but Lethal stomps him down! Lethal drags Pac up, bumps him off buckles, then stomps a mudhole. Lethal RAMS Pac into the corner, snapmares him into a chinlock, and he grinds Pac down. Pac endures, pries at the hold, and fights up. The fans rally as Pac breaks free! Pac ROCKS Lethal, CHOPS him, then CHOPS, CHOPS and CHOPS again! Pac whips Lethal, Lethal reverses then TOSSES Pac out! Lethal wants the ring count again, but that’s just all distraction so Sonjay can stomp away!

The fans boo and try to point Sonjay out, but he scurries away. Lethal gets the ref to finally count, and then joins in. Pac is still down at 5, drags himself over, and Lethal grows anxious. Pac rises up and drags himself in at 9! Lethal runs to ELBOW DROP! Cover, ROPEBREAK! Pac survives by a literal foot but Lethal drops elbow after elbow on that leg! Lethal just keeps going with elbow after elbow, then soaks up some heat before dropping a knee on the knee! Cover, TWO! Pac toughs it out but Lethal covers again, TWO! Lethal argues the count, the ref says it is a fair count, so Lethal drags Pac around by the leg.

Lethal stomps away on Pac’s leg, and Rampage returns to single picture as Lethal steps through. Pac kicks but Lethal blocks that, and now Lethal steps through on that leg. Pac kicks again, Lethal blocks again, but then Pac kicks Lethal away! Lethal comes back, trips Pac, and steps through, but into a cradle counter! TWO!! Lethal escapes, gets around, back suplex! Pac lands out, so Lethal handsprings, but Pac SHOTGUNS Lethal while he’s upside-down! The fans fire up while both men are down! Sonjay coaches Lethal but the fans rally for Pac. A standing count starts, Pac drags himself up with ropes to stand at 5.

Pac storms up, blocks a shot to ROCK Lethal! Pac ROCKS Lethal again and again, then SOBATS! KICKS! SOBATS! Pac runs, to SHOTGUN BOOT! Lethal is dazed and Sonjay is worried as Pac goes up a corner. Pac watches like a hawk, to MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Lethal stays in this and Sonjay coaches him again. The fans rally for Pac as he watches Lethal rise again. Pac waistlocks but Lethal fights the lift. Lethal trips Pac, powers through, but Pac kicks and kicks and kicks! Lethal lets go, but he KICKS Pac’s leg out! Lethal drags Pac up, for a SHIN BREAKER! Then DRAGON SCREW! Then Lethal steps through, for the FIGURE FOUR!!

Pac endures, Sonjay tells him to quit, but the shoulders are down! ONE as Pac tilts to the side! Pac reaches out for ropes but Lethal thrashes and pulls on that leg! Pac fights over to the ROPEBREAK! Lethal lets go, the ref checks with Pac, but Pac says he’s still in this. Lethal rains down fists, then goes to a corner. The fans boo as Lethal climbs, and Lethal calls his shot. But Pac goes up to get a leg! Lethal CLUBS away on Pac, then drags him up top. Lethal reels Pac in, but Pac fights the lift! Pac back drops Lethal away! The fans fire up and Pac adjusts. Sonjay stresses out as Pac aims, but Sonjay gets on the apron!

Pac hops down, runs up and BOOTS Sonjay down! The fans cheer, but Lethal is lurking! Lethal runs in, Pac dodges, but Lethal switches to SNAP GERMAN! Lethal handsprings, but Pac sidesteps to run! But Lethal still hits a CUTTER! But that wasn’t lethal enough, so Lethal handsprings again! LETHAL- NO, Pac dodges to LARIAT!! And then, BRUTALIZER!! Lethal is caught, he QUITS, Pac wins!!

Winner: Pac, by submission

Pac makes Lethal suffer a few seconds longer before letting go. That’s what Lethal gets for calling The Bastard a shmuck! Pac is going to be in the Men’s Owen Hart Tournament, will he win it all to go All In for the AEW World Championship?

My Thoughts:

A great Rampage here, even with an extra squash match for the fun of it. Cage of Agony are definitely rolling, not sure they’ll be going for the trios titles while a Heel faction like Bang Bang Gang has them, but Cage, Kaun & Liona would definitely be a tough challenge for them. And I really liked that they segued from Satnam’s squash win to Lethal’s great main event with Pac. Great win for Pac to build momentum towards the Owen Hart Cup, I do like the possibility of Pac being in the main event of All In. Whether Pac is facing Ospreay or Swerve for the world title, he’ll give us great promos in the build and an awesome match in Wembley.

Great match from Rocky and Shota, and a great win for Shota. There might be something in the works for Forbidden Door, but I don’t see Shota getting in on title stories in AEW. Really good promo from Deonna and Rosa, and their No DQ match is going to be awesome stuff. That match can really go either way, but something tells me that Deonna wins. As it stands, we’ve got two Face champions in the Women’s Division, and that won’t change after Forbidden Door, so Deonna is a very strong Heel to go after Storm or Mone. And speaking of, great opener out of Storm VS Windsor, which I clearly thought was gonna be the main event but oh well. Still a good showing for Windsor and a good win for Storm, and Storm has momentum going to Forbidden Door, though she surely isn’t losing.

My Score: 8.7/10

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