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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (5/9/24)

Who really runs ROH?



The Minion models herself after her mentor!

The inaugural ROH Women’s Television Champion, Billie Starkz, looks to follow in Athena’s footsteps by crossing off challengers in The Proving Grounds! Will Dream Girl Ellie’s dreams be crushed?


  • Six Woman Tag: Diamante, Mercedes Martinez & Taya Valkyrie VS Abadon, Lady Frost & Leyla Hirsch; Diamante, Martinez & Taya win.
  • Anthony Ogogo w/ Shane Taylor VS Zicky Dice; Ogogo wins, by knockout.
  • Kiera Hogan VS Ashley D’Amboise; Kiera wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Lance Archer & The Righteous VS Parker Li, Tommy Mars & Nikki Eight; Archer & The Righteous win.
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship Proving Ground: Billie Starkz w/ Athena VS Dream Girl Ellie; Billie wins and denies Ellie a title match.
  • Griff Garrison & Cole Karter w/ Maria Kanellis VS Spanish Announce Project; SAP wins.


The Kingdom speak.

Matt Taven turns to Mike Bennett and says he was watching ROH the other day. And someone was wanting to say their name. Someone was putting The Kingdom’s name in their mouth! Someone doesn’t realize how in over their heads they are! Papa Magi, even in your home town, The Kingdom made you look like a Melvin! And now, Matt Menard wants to stand alongside a guy who didn’t even tell you he was gonna to retire? Taven tells Mike everything! When he leaves the locker room, when he takes a shower, when he uses the toilet! EVERYTHING! Why? Because they are a well-oiled machine, and the ROH World Tag Team Champions!

And these Melvins don’t even know who and what they are! Are they 2Point0? Jericho Appreciators? One wants a taste while the other was getting a taste so much, his girlfriend’s pregnant! These two DORKS don’t realize that this is The Kingdom! And they are Undisputed! And they are the best damn tag team in the world! So Cool Hand Ange, from one dad to a soon-to-be dad, Bennett prays to God that Angelo is a better dad than he is a wrestler. Because if he’s not, he should’ve just retired after all. Are Taven & Bennett looking to bury Menard & Parker once and for all? Or will Menard & Parker ever rise?


Six Woman Tag: Diamante, Mercedes Martinez & Taya Valkyrie VS Abadon, Lady Frost & Leyla Hirsch!

The Cuban Diamond and OG Badass team up with La Wera Loca once again against some familiar foes. Will Taya help Diamante & Martinez be #TVReady? Or will they fall to a #LEGIT trio here in Daily’s Place?

The teams sort out and Taya starts against Frost. The fans rally up as the two circle, and they tie up. Frost wrenches an arm to a wristlock, but Taya rolls and wrenches back. Taya YANKS the arm, YANKS it again, then CHOPS Frost against the ropes! Taya whips, Frost ducks ‘n’ rolls ‘n’ handsprings back to RANA! Taya tumbles, Frost brings her over, tag to the Living Dead Girl. Abadon & Frost double whip, drop toehold and SENTON! Cover, ONE! Taya is tougher than that but Abadon keeps on her with a facelock. Taya throws body shots, knees low, then tags to Diamante. Diamante runs up but into an arm-drag!

Diamante gets up, runs in again, but Abadon sidesteps and ELBOWS her down! Diamante gets up in a huff to SLAP Abadon! Abadon SHRIEKS and it scares Diamante! Diamante tags Martinez and she runs up, but Abadon dodges a boot! Martinez still LARIATS, then she rains down fists! Cover, TWO! Martinez stomps and taunts “Abby,” then drags her up, but Abadon BITES Martinez’s arm! The ref reprimands, but Abadon lets off. Leyla tags in, which annoys Abadon, but Leyla and Martinez circle. Martinez taunts Leyla over her height by kneeling for a moment. They circle more, tie up, and Leyla waistlocks.

Martinez runs to ropes, bucks Leyla away, but Leyla blocks the boot! Leyla trips Martinez then SHOTGUNS her down! Martinez staggers, tags Diamante, and Diamante runs in, into a SAIDO! Taya runs in, Leyla gets around, GERMAN SUPLEX! Martinez runs up to BLAST Frost, but Leyla waistlocks Martinez. The ref has to keep Frost and Abadon back, which lets Taya and Diamante mug Leyla! The fans boo, but Martinez stomps Leyla down. Martinez drags Leyla up, bumps her off buckles, then throws body shots. Tag to Taya, they mug Leyla, and Taya stomps some more. Taya tells Abadon to kiss this, then METEORA for Leyla!

Tag to Diamante, she covers, ONE! Diamante keeps on Leyla with a chinlock, and she even traps an arm. Diamante HAMMERS away with elbows, then traps the other arm so she can push on that neck wrench! The fans rally as Leyla endures, and Leyla fights up. Leyla throws body shots, but Diamante knees low! Diamante bumps Leyla off buckles, tags Martinez, and they mug Leyla some more. Martinez brings Leyla around to clinch and EXPLODER! Cover, TWO! Martinez keeps Leyla away from her corner, bumps her off buckles, and then tags Diamante. Diamante BLASTS Frost again, runs up, HYDRAULIC DROPKICK! Cover, TWO!

Leyla is tough and the fans rally up, but Diamante hits a snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Diamante drags Leyla up, brings her over, tag to Martinez. The mugging continues, and Martinez bumps Leyla off buckles. Martinez puts Leyla up top, UPPERCUTS, then taunts Frost. But Leyla BOOTS Martinez, and flips over to GERMAN SUPLEX! Both Martinez and Leyla are down as the fans fire up! Leyla and Martinez crawl, hot tag to Taya and she drags Leyla back! But Leyla rolls free, hot tag to Frost! Frost ducks ‘n’ dodges to CHOP, CHOP, CHOP and CHOP! Frost whips, Taya reverses, but Frost BOOTS her down! Frost handsprings to SHOTGUN!

The fans fire up with Frost, she STANDING MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! The fans rally, Frost brings Taya up but Taya ROCKS her! Taya fireman’s carries, Frost rolls free, SCREW HIGH KCIK! Taya drops to her knees, Frost goes up a corner! SPIN-CICLE! Cover, both Martinez & Diamante break it! But then both Abadon & Leyla rush in to CLOBBER them! Abadon whips Martinez, Martinez reverses but Abadon stops herself to DUMP Martinez out! Leyla DIVES onto Diamante! The fans fire up, Abadon CANNONBALLS Martinez to the floor! Frost brings Taya up, ducks a lariat, and ROUNDHOUSES! Taya falls, Frost puts her in the drop zone!

Frost goes up and up but Taya CLUBS a leg! Frost is stuck in ropes, Taya ENZIGIRIS! Abadon is sent into railing! Diamante tags in, she goes up after Frost! Diamante hops on, for a SUPER CODE RED!! Cover, Diamante’s team wins!

Winners: Diamante, Mercedes Martinez & Taya Valkyrie, by pinfall

As cool as Frost is, she melted in the Jacksonville heat! Diamante, Martinez & Taya have the momentum, will this bring them all to the gold?


Anthony Ogogo w/ Shane Taylor VS Zicky Dice!

The Gov’nah is back in action under Shane Taylor Promotions, but he’s already helped make an impact over the past few weeks. Will Zicky feel that impact first hand?

The bell rings and the Code of Honor is just barely upheld. The two circle, Zicky swings but Ogogo dodges. Ogogo rope-a-dopes and says this is too easy. Zicky rushes up but Ogogo puts him in a corner. Ogogo lets off as the ref counts, feints a punch so he can kick low! Ogogo headlocks, brings Zicky around, and he thrashes the hold. Zicky powers up, powers out and headlocks in return. Zicky grinds the hold, Ogogo powers up and out, but Zicky pulls hair and swivels the hips to keep the headlock! The fans cheer, but Ogogo rolls free! Then he LARIATS Zicky down! Zicky flounders, Ogogo bumps him off buckles and stomps a mudhole in!

The ref counts, Ogogo digs his boot in, but he lets off at 4. The fans rally up but Ogogo whips Zicky corner to corner. Zicky goes up and over, rolls and handsprings, but Ogogo RAMS him low! Ogogo runs to BOOT Zicky, then he winds up and RIGHT HAND!! The ref checks, Zicky is OUT! Ogogo wins!

Winner: Anthony Ogogo, by knockout

Well, first hand indeed! Zicky got knocked the heck out! But now Ogogo wants to talk. He gets a mic, and asks someone “get this piece of rubbish outta my ring!” The fans boo but Ogogo says if you have eyes, just look at him now! You are looking at the skull crackin’, jaw jackin’ Gov’nah of ROH! “And for all you spunk bubbles that’re new to the party, let me remind you how bad of a man I am. I’m a TEN TIME British Boxing Champion. I’m the former Junior Olympic Champion, former Junior World Champion. I am the former London 2012 Olympic medal winning boxer! Don’t you dare clap for me, ugly, or I’ll clap the ugly right off your face!”

Ogogo says he is the newest addition to Shane Taylor Promotions, the baddest team in pro-wrestling! Rumble, bad man, rumble! Ogogo and Shane lift their fists to the sky, but will those fists go through some faces as they go for championship gold?


Backstage interview with Rachael Ellering.

Arkady Aura is with the Queen of Strong Smile and says it’s been awhile since we’ve seen her. She last wrestled against Hikaru Shida, how is she feeling? Rachael says firstly, nice to meet Arkady. And to be honest, she’s been better. She thought 2024 was gonna have a hotter start, but it hasn’t. But smell that? Some desperation in the air. That can be a good thing. Desperate to prove she belongs, that she’s earned this spot. And this is where the best wrestle. There is nothing she loves more than pro-wrestling. But in steps Maria Kanellis. How’s it going, Rachael? Maria hears you’re desperate? Well, that’s probably because Rachael didn’t accept Maria’s help last time.

Maria just tried to help Rachael and Leyla, but they didn’t want it. Maria’s been doing this for a long time. She has only ever tried to help Women’s Wrestling. She opened her own promotion, thought it would help. But what she realized at the end of the day, Women’s Wrestling doesn’t sell tickets. And what Rachael has, well, isn’t gonna sell anything. Rachael is upset and offended, excuses herself before she storms off, and Maria says someone just can’t handle the truth. Is the First Lady of Wrestling going to tear down anyone that tries to stand against her? Will Rachael just have to show Maria she’s wrong about everything?


Backstage interview with Nick Comoroto.

Arkady is now with the reformed Freak Beast, and says that Jacoby Watts has been working to recruit him week after week. Has Comoroto made a decision? Comoroto says that he will be very honest right now, and speak from the heart. The words of Jacoby resonate with him very deeply. In a world surrounded by darkness, Jacoby is a beacon of light! His words are here to empower, and to show that they all control their own destinies. So Comoroto joining Watts was a no-brainer! Together, they can inspire this dark, dark world! And they can show that you here, and you watching at home, can rise above it all to forge your own path to greatness! Praise be to he!

Watts walks in and says praise be indeed! Comoroto is feeling it, and so can you. Will you join them in their crusade? Will you break free from the shackles of complacency and rise up to meet the challenges of today? The choice is yours. But remember, with Watts by your side, anything is possible. Praise be to he, and he is Jacoby Watts. Comoroto has bought in, but will they soon get all of ROH to join them?


ROH Women’s World Television Championship Proving Ground: Billie Starkz w/ Athena VS Dream Girl Ellie!

The Fallen Goddess’ influence has made Minion 400,237.75 into a real menace, but also into a champion. However, will Billie have to use the same shortcuts to keep the title as she did to take it? Or will Ellie make her own dreams come true?

The Code of Honor is upheld, though Billie has her fingers crossed behind her back. The bell rings, the two tie up, and the two go around. Ellie puts Billie in a corner, but lets off as the ref counts. Athena says to get back, and Billie says she will NOT take that disrespect! Athena says baddest one hits first. Billie and Ellie tie up again, and Billie pulls hair! The ref counts, Billie lets off, to then SLAP Ellie! Ellie shoves Billie, but Billie body shots, knees, and LARIATS! Billie flexes, Athena cheers, and fans are torn as Billie storms up on Ellie. Billie ROCKS Ellie, talks some smack, then puts some stank on it. Ellie pie faces Billie, so Billie CHOPS!

Billie snapmares and KICKS Ellie in the back! Billie grins and cheers herself a la Athena and Athena likes it. Billie stands Ellie up to ROCK her, then whips her to ropes. Ellie reverses, and she SHOTGUNS Billie down! Billie tumbles out of the ring and Athena tells her to get back in there. Ellie tells Athena to stay out of their match, but Athena says she doesn’t know who she’s talking to! Ellie drags Billie up, but Billie HOTSHOTS back! Athena says beat dat ass, and Billie throws Ellie down by her hair! Billie stomps away on Ellie, stalks her to ropes, and brings her up. Ellie throws body shots, then forearms!

The fans fire up, Ellie runs up, but Billie scoops Ellie, holds her, and then puts her in the Tree of Woe! Billie says Ellie is going on timeout! Billie stomps away on Ellie, the ref counts, and Billie says she knows the rules! Billie and the ref argue, and Billie sneaks mule kicks the entire time! The ref finally notices and reprimands, so Billie backs off. The fans rally and duel, Billie runs corner to corner, and she DROPKICKS Ellie down! Billie shouts, the fans cheer, and Billie drags Ellie up. Billie suplexes but Ellie fights free! Ellie bobs ‘n’ weaves ‘n’ ROCKS Billie! Ellie shrieks, runs, but into Billie’s HEEL KICK! And then OVERDRIVE BRAINBUSTER!! Cover, Billie wins!

Winner: Billie Starkz, by pinfall (denies Dream Girl Ellie a title opportunity)

Athena is proud of her Minion and celebrates with her as she crosses off a contender. But surely, Queen Aminata is still hot on their trail. Will Billie’s bad behavior catch up to her in the worst way?


The Premier Athletes speak.

Smart Mark Sterling tells Ariya Daivari, Tony Nese & Josh Woods that they’ve been doing a lot of talking about plans, from phase one to phase two. But he realized they haven’t been forthright with the fans. Time to start naming names! How about The Infantry? The Righteous? Spanish Announce Project? Point is, the Athletes want competition! In fact, Sterling knows what Daivari & Nese want. Daivari says Sterling’s right, there is something he and Nese want, and have wanted for a long time: The ROH World Tag Team Championships. Nese says to be honest, they couldn’t care less who The Kingdom are.

Sterling agrees there. ROH is a company built on technical wrestling. Bryan Danielson, Kyle O’Reilly, Katsuyori Shibata. But none of them are Josh Woods! Woods says he is undeniably one of the best technical wrestlers in the world. ROH Pure Champion, National Champion, and next up, ROH World Champion. Sterling says yes, because the Premier Athletes live by the three A’s: Anybody, Anytime, Anywhere! Because they ARE The Premier Athletes. But will it be straight A’s as these three look to test themselves against the roster?


Griff Garrison & Cole Karter w/ Maria Kanellis VS Spanish Announce Project!

Grudge match after grudge match, this is like a never-ending story! But as the ROH Tag Division is heating up, things are getting serious. Will Maria’s baby boys be primed to face her former team? Or will Angelico & Serpentico finally get even, and maybe even take back SNAKEMAN’s mask?

The Code of Honor is skipped as SAP attack at the ramp! The fans fire up, Angelico shoves Griff down the ramp, then Serpentico does the same to Karter. The brawling continues at ringside, and Angelico whips Griff into railing! Serpentico does the same to Karter! Angelico drags Griff up, Serpentico stands Karter up, and they each CHOP! Angelico puts Griff in, Serpentico stomps Karter, and the bell rings to make this official! Angelico stomps and JABS Griff, then tags Serpentico. Angelico wrenches and scoops Griff, BACKBREAKER! Serpentico runs, NECKBREAKER BACKBREAKER COMBO! Cover, TWO!

Serpentico keeps on Griff and tags in Angelico. Another wrench, then a BACK SUPLEX NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Maria is frustrated for her boys, Karter gets back on the apron, but Angelico DECKS him! Angelico then wrenches Griff’s arm, brings him over, and holds on even as Griff throws hands. Serpentico tags in, then climbs up, to DOUBLE STOMP the arm! Serpentico then sets up in another corner, Angelico wrenches and clinches, FLATLINER! Griff is in the drop zone as Serpentico goes up, but Karter YANKS Angelico down! Maria laughs as she taunts Serpentico with the stolen mask!

Karter grabs at Serpentico, but Serpentico kicks him away! Griff runs up, Serpentico leaps over, but turns around into a LARIAT! The fans boo and Serpentico flounders, but Griff gets Serpentico up. Griff TOSSES Serpentico, swings, but Serpentico GAMANGIRIS! Griff distracts the ref and Karter trips Serpentico up! Maria loves it as Karter THROWS Serpentico into railing! The fans boo but Maria says that was beautiful! Karter puts Serpentico in the ring, Griff looms over him, and Griff drags Serpentico up. Griff UPPERCUTS, UPPERCUTS again, and Serpentico falls. The fans rally for Serpentico as Griff whips, and Serpentico susnet flisp! TWO!

Serpentico ducks a lariat to roll Griff up, TWO! Griff scoops for a SIDEWALK SLAM! Cover, TWO! Maria is annoyed but Griff clamps onto Serpentico with a facelock. Karter tags in, Maria’s boys mug Serpentico, then Karter stomps a mudhole in! The fans boo but Karter lets off. Maria again taunts Serpentico, Griff CHOKES him, then Karter returns to stomp away! The fans boo more but Griff tags in. Serpentico flops out of the ring so Griff gets him up and puts him on the apron. Griff CLUBS Serpentico in the chest, then slides in to taunt Angelico with his own dance. But Serpentico CHOPS! And then he ELBOWS Karter!

Serpentico ROCKS Griff, ELBOWS Karter, BOOTS Griff away, then RANAS! The fans fire up, Serpentico CLOBBERS Griff, and both men are down! Maria freaks out, the fans rally up, but Griff grabs Serpentico’s foot! Serpentico kicks Griff away again! Hot tags to Karter and Angelico! The South African Stud rallies on Maria’s boys, but Karter gets around to full nelson. Angelico still BOOTS Griff away, backs Karter up into the corner, and arm-drags free! Angelico uses Karter as a step to FLYING AX HANDLE Griff! The fans fire up, but Karter ROCKS Angelico! Angelico ROCKS Karter! Angelico then ducks to fire off kicks and a KNEE!

The fans fire up with Angelico, he whips but Karter reverses. Angelico rolls off Karter’s back! Karter jumps the sweep but the EDDY GORDO KICK connects! Angelico jackknife bridges, Griff breaks it! Griff drags Angelico up to whip, but Angelico reverses to TOSS Griff! Serpentico returns, he builds speed and Angelico holds the way open! Serpentico DIVES to take out Griff! But Karter rolls Angelico up! TWO!! Angelico escapes, but Karter DROPKICKS! Karter grins as he says he’s gonna finish this! Karter fireman’s carries, but Angelico fights free! Angelico sits Karter down, steps over, LA MAGISTROL! SAP WINS!!

Winners: Spanish Announce Project, by pinfall

Karter apologizes to Maria but she’s furious! Maria throws the mask away in fury, so Serpentico finally gets it back! SAP celebrate, but then Griff BOOTS Serpentico down! Karter CLOBBERS Angelico, too! The fans boo as Maria’s boys are sore losers! But she’s not much better, she gives them a chair! They put that chair in a corner, but it won’t stay up. Maria has to take care of that herself, but then Serpentico fights back! He still holds onto the mask, but he’s sent into the chair!! The fans boo but Maria and her boys just soak it all up. And Maria takes the mask back…

Maria says it’s all hers! Will her boys soon take the ROH World Tag Team Championships for her, as well? Or can there be only one Kingdom in ROH?

My Thoughts:

A very good episode for ROH, again being just under an hour. Good stuff even in the matches I skipped, with a good showing from D’Amboise even in losing to Kiera, and well, of course The Murderhawk Monster and his team win another squash match. I’m hoping Lance Archer & The Righteous are given a real push to get a shot at the “unified” World Trios Championships. They probably won’t win, but they deserve a shot. Good promo from Comoroto and Watts, and so far it seems Watts’ false doctrine is working. Maybe Comoroto starts getting wins and they add another member to the group to “prove it’s working,” only for someone to ultimately stand in their way. It could even be Archer & The Righteous as The Righteous were about exposing lies and all that.

Good squash win by knockout for Ogogo, and a good promo from Ogogo right after to hype himself and Shane Taylor Promotions. Will they be getting in on the Trios Division? They’re a balanced trio with Ogogo as the speed, Shane as the strength and Lee Moriarty as the technical wrestler. And good promo from The Premier Athletes establishing that they’re right now focusing on the tag titles and the ROH World title. Woods VS Briscoe will be some really good stuff, but I sadly still don’t see any of them going as far as they hope.

Good opening Six Woman Tag, though I’m a little surprised the Heels won when both champs are currently Heels. Billie also had a good win over Dream Girl Ellie, but it’s just a matter of time before Queen Aminata decides which title she’s challenging for. Really good promo segment from Rachael and Maria, but wow, I’m really surprised Maria went and said Women’s Wrestling isn’t a draw. I suppose she having gone through the WWE Divas Era, and specifically the Playboy phase, then using that as a Heel, she’d of course insult the division overall, and then subtly insult Rachael’s physique. But you can bet Rachael will come back with a vengeance.

For that matter, was kinda hoping Rachael would show up at the end there when Maria’s boys were beating up on SAP. SAP won the match, but still didn’t get the mask back, that’s a bunch of bunk. Are we working towards a Mixed Six just to win the mask back? And good promo from The Kingdom to open, they responded to Menard & Parker so obviously, Menard & Parker are going to come out the #1 contenders and get their title shot at perhaps the next ROH specific PPV. I don’t think Menard & Parker win, but I’d love to see them give a great showing. But in relation to that, that match could help feed the Undisputed Kingdom’s story with Wardlow, where he almost messes things up, forcing the issue between him and Adam Cole while making Menard & Parker look good.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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