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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 6.6.2024

Jordynne Grace defends her title 3 days before her big NXT match against Roxanne Perez and the Digital Media Championship is on the line!



The 20th Anniversary of TNA iMPACT kicks off today with throwback graphics and OG Fox Sports Net theme song!

Coming off of destroying Stevie Turner on NXT, Jordynne will defend her Knockouts Championship against Allysin Kay. I really can’t see a world where Jordynne loses the title before the big showdown with Roxanne Perez; but weirder things have happened. We’ll also see Laredo Kid defend his Digital Media title against AJ Francis. Being totally honest, Francis is one of the few gimmicks that makes complete sense to hold the Digital Media title. So even though we all feel a certain way about his lack of wrestling ability…can’t really knock the fact that he would be a good fit.

Let’s see if TNA puts Laredo baby back in the corner after this three week pity title reign!


  • Jake Something vs Kon: Jake wins via Into the Void – * 1/2
  • Gisele Shaw vs Shazza McKenzie: Gisele wins via Denouement – **
  • Speedball Mountain (Trent Seven & Mike Bailey) vs Mustafa Ali & Campaign Singh: Trent wins via Birminghammer – ***
  • TNA Knockouts Championship: Jordynne Grace (c) vs Allysin Kay w/Marti Belle: Grace retains via Juggernaut Driver – ***
  • Digital Media Championship: Laredo Kid (c) vs AJ Francis w/Rich Swann: AJ Francis wins via Down Payment – ** 1/2 – TITLE CHANGE!!
  • Nic Nemeth vs Frankie Kazarian: Nic wins via Danger Zone – *** 1/2



Jake Something vs Kon

The match starts off with a typical big boy power stall, Kon gets a small advantage and starts jawing for no reason because we’re like 2 minutes into the match. So Jake fires up, they trade hamhocks, Jake drops Kon. Jake goes for hit Sitout Powerbomb, Kon counters, Jake catches him with a right Forearm and gets a near fall. Kon goozles Jake on his way getting up from the pinfall.Kon tries to set up the neck snap, Jake fights through, lands a headbutt and Into the Void.

Nothing match, but at least the right guy went over. Jesus Kon is trash. Kon attacks Jake after the match, but why? Oh no, we’re gonna get more of this garbage? Eric Young makes a save though…but I don’t like any of this.

I don’t want to admit it, but Xia’s role in this bride of Frankenstein thing is adorable right now. God…dammit.

Gisele Shaw vs Shazza McKenzie

Gisele comes out to new music, with new gear and Shazza is an veteran who most of us know and love. So while I don’t think any of us expect Shazza to win, it’s nice to see her getting exposure again. Gisele with some quick and intense action, the Diving Uppercuts, a Big Boot coming off the ropes and tries to connect with the Denouement, but Shazza powders and then picks Gisele’s leg and gets some offense in. Kicks to the head, a little arrogance, and Gisele makes her pay. Gisele grabs Shazza by the neck, connects with a few stiff strikes, Thrust Kick to the back of Shazza’s head and I think we’re seeing the savage side of Gisele to be what she taps into.

Oscutter into the Denouement, and Gisele gets the expected win, but definitely looks good while doing it.

Rosemary has an interesting promo about being left alone. Father James Mitchell and Havok are flashbacks haunting her or something. 

Santana and Maclin have a conversation and do exactly what I wanted them to do. A one and done team up to take out the Rascalz at Against All Odds.

Speedball Mountain (Trent Seven & Mike Bailey) vs Mustafa Ali & Campaign Singh

Seven and Ali almost start, but Ali does the typical heel thing and tags out before they touch. Awkward early spots where Trent tags out and looks to actually leave but Mike calls him back for a tandem move. Bailey then Dropkicks Singh back into his corner, tags in and catches Bailey’s foot, ripping off a Dragon Screw and taking control.

The heels isolate Bailey, a few quick tags, Ali takes out Seven so Bailey can’t tag out, tandem Side Slam with the Rolling Neckbreaker for an “In Ali We Trust” pose. Bailey scrambles to a tag after getting rocked for a while, Trent comes out hot, tries to hit a Birminghammer on Singh but Ali stops it. Trent does my favorite thing and he just smacks Ali every time he goes into lame NPC taunt dialogue. Car crash moment in the respect of everyone gets a move in before we end up back inside, Ali hits a Buckshot Lariat from the turnbuckle, misses the 450 and turns Ali inside out with the Seven Star Lariat!

Bailey Missile Dropkicks Singh, Side Kick from Bailey misses, Singh hits a Rolling Back Elbow, Bailey counters the Powerbomb attempt, Backflip Knees, connects with the Side Kick, Tornado Dragon set up but Ali cuts off Bailey. Secret Service interferes, Ali hits a Tornado DDT off one of his security guards, but European Uppercut keeps Ali on the outside, Singh eats another Seven Star Lariat, puts him up for the Birminghammer, Ali slides halfway into the ring…makes eye contact and slides back out. Trent stares down Ali and hits the Birminghammer for the win!

ASH by Elegance comes down to watch the title match after “emergency life threatening MINOR surgery”. 

TNA Knockouts Championship: Jordynne Grace (c) vs Allysin Kay w/Marti Belle

Jordynne comes out quick, peppering in Forearms, then an Uppercut and just keeping the pressure up from the bell. Allysin finally manages to stall Grace with a front Face Slam. Allysin kicks Jordynne to the outside, distracts the referee, Marti goes after Jordynne and then rolls her back in, but Jordynne grabs the rope to avoid any real pinfall. Allysin bounces Grace from corner to corner and works her over a bit before dumping her out again to Marti. Marti rolls her back in, Allysin tries the AK47, but Grace counters with the Back Body Drop.

After fighting through the ropes, Allysin charges and Jordynne catches her with the Slingshot Spear for a near fall. Marti again makes her presence felt, Allysin manages to snap of a Saito Suplex but her and Jordynne trade moments. Grace hits the Kinniku Buster for only 2! Marti tries to get involved again, Jordynne drags her into the ring, connects a Spinebuster but Allysin goes for the Small Package, but only 2! Grace tries the Kudome Valentine again but Allysin counters and connects a Reverse Piledriver for 2! Deadlift Ganso Bomb from Jordynne into the Juggernaut Driver for the win!

Digital Media Championship: Laredo Kid (c) vs AJ Francis w/Rich Swann

Laredo is running around, flipping, avoiding and AJ Francis looks like he needs a Cheezit flavored inhaler 50 seconds into the match. But then Laredo goes for a dive, AJ catches him and drops him spine first on the apron. AJ bends him backwards in the ropes, then shoves him into the ropes and starts Bear Pawing his face. AJ hits that Tennessee Whiskey Knee Wash. AJ poses with an influencer friend in the crowd, reinforcing my point in the beginning that Francis is perfect for this title.

So of course Laredo has to start some kind of comeback, AJ tries to lift him for a Backdrop but Laredo turns it into a Twisting DDT. Laredo levels Rich, Avalanche Neckbreaker on AJ and then a YOLO Senton onto Rich for insurance. Laredo dives again, AJ catches Laredo with his hand, DOWN PAYMENT! AJ Francis wins!

Nic Nemeth vs Frankie Kazarian

Deliberate slow start, Nic works on actual mat wrestling and trying to keep Kaz grounded, while Kaz is just trying to feel out how to adjust. Nic works both up, hits the Arm Wringer, but Kaz uses the ropes to flip through the Arm Wringer to undo it and then land a few quick shots on Nic to even the playing field. Scoop Slam into Guillotine Leg Drop from Kaz. Near Fall into Kaz talking a little smack, hitting the ropes and eating a Dropkick. Small back and forth, Nic charges and Kaz throws him over his shoulder to the outside.

Kaz works over Nic while on the outside, back into the ring, Guillotine Leg Drop again, but Nemeth isn’t close to done yet. Nic tries to fight back to his feet with rabbit punches, but a Snapmare into a smothering Front Facelock keeps Kaz in control util Nic refires! Nic tries to put a few things together but gets caught by the Side Russian Leg Sweep for 2! Kaz looks for the Chicken Wing, but Nic fights it off and they’re down with Nemeth in a Headlock. Breaking the grip, Nic finally drives an elbow into Kaz’s ribs, quick rope run but Kaz connects with a Knee Lift. Nic is dazed, Gutwrench Suplex from Kaz just tossed Nic across the ring.

Every time Nic puts something together, Kaz finds a way to get him back on the ground. Nic fires coming back off the commercial, hits the ropes and eats a Lariat. Chicken Wing attempt number 2, but Nic manages to barely fight it off and connect a desperation Uppercut. Kaz finally doesn’t have an immediate answer, misses his charge and posts himself, Implant DDT from Nic, Stinger Splash into a Rude Awakening and then the 10 Count Repeated Elbows, but Kaz Catches him in the Chicken Wing! Nic barely reaches the ropes after being the hold for a hot minute.

Fade to Black gets countered, and we transition into Locomotion pinfalls including a Wrestler’s Bridge Stalemate Spot followed by a Backslide Stalemate that Nic wins for 2. Sole Butt from Kaz, a few wild swings from both and then a  Superkick, Nic falls onto Kaz but only 2! Danger Zone attempt shrugged off, Nemeth tries to get Kaz off the ropes and puts himself in position to eat the Leg Drop into the Slingshot Cutter…but only 2! Nic with a slow combination, both are selling and trying to find a finish, back and forth, Headbutt from Nic…DANGER ZONE! Nic wins a solid match.

Eddie, Brian Myers and Alisha attack Nic, Ryan comes out to try and even the odds, but Moose comes out to keep The System on top. After Moose hits Lights Out on Ryan and Nic, Joe Hendry’s music hits and he has Sack of Shits for everyone! But Alisha hits him with Kendra and Moose connects with a Lights Out!

The System stands tall in the ring, but then we get a Matt Hardy vignette to go out to. You cannot break what is already BROKEN! I feel like I said that last week…so he’s inviting Moose to the Hardy Compound.

Overall Score: 6.75/10

This was a bit better than last week, overall the action was better and we got the garbage existence of Kon out of the way early. One main thing I will say, is if the rumors of EY going back to WWE are true, they’re gonna need to find someone else to do the Scott speech to the fans for the Babyface TNA “we love you” thing.

But aside from that being a bit cringe, the show was solid. Alisha’s new gimmick of insulting accents is great, Xia Brookside as cheerleading matchmaker….is the most sickeningly adorable I’ve ever seen her; and I’m sadly here for it. We are clear how much I dislike Xia right? Previous few iMPACT reviews, there’s probably a few Stardom reviews from years ago when me and my buddy Mathew Sarpraicone were covering the 5 Star Grand Prix and such. So maybe Matt Hardy isn’t the only one who’s Broken…sheesh.

ANYWAY, Jordynne’s match was solid, the tag match had a few hiccups but the finish sold the whole things with Ali literally standing down and watching Trent finish Singh, plus of course, the main event was pretty fantastic. Kaz and Nic seemed to have really good chemistry and the match was fun, back and forth, and admittedly, the finish wasn’t super obvious. Also not against Hendry inserting himself into the Main Event scene. Hendry vs Moose at Slammiversary could be cool. Having Joe defeat Moose in this new rebrand era where he is the “straw that stirs the drink”, would be a great way to solidify Hendry and use his burgeoning profile to potentially further the brand as well.

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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