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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (6/6/24)

Who’s the star of ROH TV?



The Peacock goes after The Protostar!

Dalton Castle was in that Survival of the Fittest with Kyle Fletcher but got screwed over, so he finally gets a 1v1 shot at the ROH World TV Championship! Will The Peacock finally take over ROH TV?


  • Queen Aminata VS Mazzerati; Aminata wins.
  • Marina Shafir VS Amira; Shafir wins.
  • ROH World Television Championship: Kyle Fletcher VS Dalton Castle; Kyle wins and retains the title.
  • Jacoby Watts & Nick Comoroto VS The Infantry w/ Trish Adora; The Infantry wins.
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship Proving Grounds: Billie Starkz VS Zamaya; Billie wins and denies Zamaya a title match.
  • Trios Triple Threat: The Dark Order VS Johnny TV, Cole Karter & Griff Garrison VS The Iron Savages; The Dark Order wins.


Queen Aminata VS Mazzerati!

The One and Only African Woman in Wrestling is chasing the ROH Women’s World Championship, and she’s looking to keep up the momentum. Will she still be primed to challenge Athena? Or will she be run over by a #FemaleWithAttitude?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the two circle. The fans rally up, the two tie up, and Aminata powers Mazzerati back to a corner. The ref counts, Aminata lets off, and the two reset. They circle, the fans rally, and the two tie up. Aminata powers Mazzerati back again, but Mazzerati turns it around to put Aminata in the corner. The ref counts and Mazzerati lets off with a push. The fans still rally behind Aminata as she storms back up. They tie up, Aminata waistlocks and she SLAMS Mazzerati! Aminata scuffs Mazzerati, gets her up and snap suplexes! Emphasis on snap! Mazzerati flounders, Aminata storms up and brings her around.

Aminata suplexes, but Mazzerati avoids the gourd buster! Aminata runs up but into a SOBAT! Leg scissor roll, but Aminata ducks the buzzsaw! GERMAN SUPLEX! Mazzerati flounders and the fans rally up. Aminata sees Mazzerati on ropes and she runs in, BOOT WASH! Mazzerati flops to the apron and Aminata waits for her to sit back up. Aminata says one more time, and she runs side to side. BOOT WASH!! Aminata hopes Athena saw that. Aminata goes out and the fans rally up again. Mazzerati dangles, but Aminata DROPKICKS her down! “That’s what I do.” Aminata references the World’s Strongest Man as she gets Mazzerati back in.

The fans fire up and Aminata says hold on, fans, she’s on this. Aminata storms back in, Mazzerati fires off forearms and backhands! Aminata just DOUBLE CHOPS her down! Aminata hauls Mazzerati up to Alabama Lift, and AIR RAID CRASH! Cover, Aminata wins!

Winner: Queen Aminata, by pinfall

The Queen brushes herself off, she’s looking clean going towards the title! Will she be the one to finally knock The Fallen Goddess off her throne?


Backstage interview with Dalton Castle.

Lexy Nair is with The Peacock, who looks like he’s about to explode. She asks him about his ROH World Television Championship match with Kyle Fletcher. Castle finally breathes as he says sorry. What? Well, he says his therapist feels it is best to just get it all out. So he is sorry, he was just so focused on Johnny TV the last few months that he didn’t consider what he was putting Lexy through. That is not him. He was running hot and his is cool, because he is right where he needs to be. He is going for the ROH World TV Championship. But then Johnny TV & Taya Valkyrie barge in, accusing Castle of stealing Johnny’s sunglasses!

Give ’em back, you sticky fingered filcher! Or was it Lexy? Castle says their fight is over, he has no qualm with them. Wait, is that the right word? Qualm? Qualm. Quaaaaalm. Yes, fine, that’s the word! But Johnny wants his sunglasses! Castle says he did not take Johnny’s sunglasses, he is not mad with Johnny, but this is a major distraction ahead of his title match. Castle is gonna beat Kyle Fletcher, take the title, and then he’s got some big plans. Oh, really? Well, Johnny has even bigger plans! Yeah but Castle’s are big. How big? Like… this big? Footlong? Taya says she’s seen bigger. Show ’em, Johnny! He gestures that his plans are TWICE as big!

Castle says it gets bigger! So does Johnny’s! They go full wingspan, then go the full interview area! Those are really big. Huge even. But will any of these big plans work out? Or is this a case of overcompensating?


ROH World Television Championship: Kyle Fletcher VS Dalton Castle!

The Protostar promises to be the best to ever hold this title, and that would include beating former champions like The Peacock. Will the Aussie Arrow topple Dalton Castle? Or will we have a new star of ROH TV?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who shines in the spotlight!

Kyle hears the fans rallying for Castle, and he paces around. The Code of Honor is not upheld as Kyle kicks Castle’s hand away, and the bell rings. The two circle, feel things out, and they knuckle lock. Castle puts Kyle on ropes, but he lets off cleanly. The fans continue to rally as the two reset and circle. They feel things out to another knuckle lock, then Castle waistlocks. Kyle grabs ropes, the ref counts, and Castle lets go at 4. Kyle then shoves Castle! Castle runs up to put Kyle on ropes! Kyle flails out to the apron and Castle lets off, shouting “I don’t like being pushed!” Kyle stays cool while Castle gets all riled up.

Kyle fist bumps a few fans but leaves one guy hanging before going back to the ring. The ref has Castle stay back, the fans rally up, and Kyle takes his time on the outside. But Castle chases him! Kyle slips back into the ring, Castle slides back in, and Castle ducks a lariat to spin, LARIAT, KNEE and DDT! Kyle scrambles outside and the fans fire up! Kyle is frustrated but Castle waits on him this time. The ring count starts, Kyle stands at 4 of 20, but then Castle goes out. Kyle leads Castle on another chase, but Castle blocks the haymaker to ROCK Kyle! Castle runs in, is put on the apron, and Kyle runs to CALF KICK Castle down!

Kyle flexes and talks trash while the fans are torn. Kyle grins then goes out after Castle, to BOOT him against railing! Castle slumps halfway into the front row, then staggers back. Kyle brings Castle around to run and RAM into railing! Kyle flexes, the fans are torn, but he fist bumps the same lady from before. Kyle goes back to Castle while the fans rally up. Kyle puts Castle in the ring, but then Castle kicks back! Kyle goes for the bad arm, Castle powers him to ropes, and the ref calls the break. Kyle lets off, but then HOTSHOTS the bad arm! Castle falls, Kyle storms back in, and Kyle snarls as he stomps Castle down!

Castle writhes, Kyle paces, then Kyle stomps him again! Castle goes to a corner, Kyle runs up to body shot! Kyle grins as he grinds a forearm into Castle’s face, then CHOPS! The fans still rally for Castle but Kyle talks smack on those fans. Kyle says deuces, but Castle CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS again! Castle swings, Kyle dodges to MACHINE GUN CHOP! And he stomps a mudhole in! The ref counts, Kyle lets off to talk more trash on fans. Kyle snarls, has a cut on his eyebrow but ignores it as he brings Castle up. Castle flops, but he throws body shots! Kyle eggs him on, Castle throws in a shoulder, but Kyle gut wrenches!

But Castle fights to somersault clutch! TWO!! Kyle escapes, swings, Castle ducks ‘n’ dodges, but so does Kyle! DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down! The fans fire up as Castle is clutching his bad arm. Castle grits his teeth, he isn’t done yet! Kyle sits up and shakes out the stars while fans do their best to fan Castle off. Kyle drags Castle up but Castle uses that to it an EXPLODER! Castle roars as he rises and the fans are with him! Castle bocks a boot, reels Kyle in, EXPLODER! The fans fire up more and Castle stalks Kyle to ropes! Castle waistlocks, but Kyle elbows free! Castle shoves Kyle to ropes but Kyle ELBOWS back!

Kyle storms up, but Castle Alabama Lifts! BANGA- NO, Kyle grabs ropes! Castle lets Kyle go and Kyle BOOTS back! Kyle goes up and aims, FLYING- NO, Castle catches Kyle for a GERMAN SUPLEX! The fans fire up and Castle is feeling it! Castle storms back up on Kyle, then drags him up. Castle reels Kyle back into the Alabama but Kyle fights back! Kyle CLUBS Castle with elbows and gets free. Kyle goes to a corner, Castle rises and runs in. Kyle dodges, comes back, but Castle goes for the Alabama! Kyle gets free to the apron and he ROCKS Castle! Kyle goes up and up, but Castle trips him up! The fans fire up as Kyle is stuck on the top rope!

Castle goes to the apron, runs in, JUMPING KNEE! Kyle flops all the way to the floor! The fans fire up and high-five with Castle before he goes back to Kyle. Castle says this is his! But he swings into a half nelson! HALF ‘N’ HALF to the floor! The ring count is climbing while Castle writhes! Kyle leaves him behind, and we’re at 10 of 20! Castle rises, drags himself up, and the fans rally behind him. Castle drags himself in at 13 of 20, but Kyle snarls and runs up, BOOT!! Then suplex, BRAINBUSTER!! Cover, TWO!! Castle shocks Kyle and then Kyle shouts in anger! The fans fire up as Castle flails and reaches out for Kyle.

Kyle says this is The Peacock, huh? Kyle takes aim and then reels Castle in. But Castle fights the lift! Alabama Lift! But Kyle fights that! Castle still tries, but Kyle fights again! They go back and forth, and Castle spins! But Kyle sunset flips through! TWO!! Castle escapes, Kyle reels him back in, but into an Alabama Lift! Kyle sunset flips, Castle sits on it, TWO!!! Kyle escapes, and SUPERKICKS! Castle blocks the lariat to ELBOW! Castle runs, but Kyle CALF KICKS again! Kyle roars, runs, and CALF KICK again!! Then the lift, but Castle trips! JACKKNIFE BRIDGE, TWO!!! Kyle escapes, spins Castle, and has the PILEDRIVER!! Cover, KYLE WINS!

Winner: Kyle Fletcher, by pinfall (still ROH World Television Champion)

The Peacock put everything he had into this, but it was not enough to break the Aussie Arrow! Will the Protostar prove he is THE star of ROH Television?


Jacoby Watts & Nick Comoroto VS The Infantry w/ Trish Adora!

While HE has been trying to help the Wrecking Ball change his ways for the better, HE hasn’t been so much a partner as a glorified manager. But will HE, Jacoby, have no choice but to help Comoroto tonight? Or will it be back to Boot Camp for the both of them?

The Code of Honor is honored and Comoroto starts against Carlie Bravo. The fans rally as the two circle, and Bravo gets an “OORAH!” from the fans. Bravo and Comoroto tie up, and Comoroto powers Bravo to a corner. The ref counts. Comoroto lets off with a pat to Bravo’s head. Bravo says no he did not! Bravo and Comoroto reset, tie up, and Bravo headlocks. Comoroto powers up to lift Bravo with one hand! Comoroto powers out but Captain Shawn Dean tags in. Bravo BOOTS Comoroto, Comoroto takes a swing on Dean but Dean dodges! The Infantry then DOUBLE HIP TOSS Comoroto! DOUBLE FIST DROP! Dean covers, ONE!!

Dean hurries up, dodges Comoroto, then eggs Comoroto on. Comoroto runs in, Dean dumps him out! But Comoroto powers up to skin the cat! The fans cheer that freakish athleticism, but Dean DROPKICKS Comoroto down! The fans fire up, Dean stomps Comoroto to a corner. Dean runs corner to corner but Jacoby is in the way! Dean swings on Jacoby, but Comoroto CLOBBERS Dean! Cover, ONE, but Comoroto rains down fists! Comoroto dribbles Dean off the mat, then cheers on Jacoby. Comoroto brings Dean up, and hits a BIG back suplex! Comoroto gives thumbs up to Jacoby, and then he hoists Dean up. Dean slips free, hot tag to Bravo!

Comoroto runs up, Bravo GAMANGIRIS! Bravo goes up to CROSSBODY! A rough landing but he still takes Comoroto down! Bravo then dodges Comoroto to JUMP KNEE! Bravo brings Comoroto around, tag during the TORNADO DDT! Dean says it’s time, and they get Comoroto up! “OORAH!” Bravo runs but Jacoby gets a cheap shot in! So now he chooses to do something? He gets a DOUBLE SUPERKICK for it that sends his sunglasses flying! The fans fire up but Comoroto is upset what they did to his mentor! Comoroto DOUBLE LARIATS The Infantry! Comoroto makes sure Jacoby is okay, then asks for guidance.

The Infantry DOUBLE SUPERKICK Comoroto! Then Bravo hits a SCISSOR KICK, and Dean hits the FLYING SPLASH! Cover, The Infantry wins!

Winners: The Infantry, by pinfall

Comoroto almost unleashed the Freak Beast, but Jacoby was a distraction! What will it take for this team to actually feel like a team? As for The Infantry, will Dean & Bravo march their way to a rematch with The Kingdom?


Lee Johnson speaks.

“Now here we are again. Another win streak with absolutely nothing to show for it. Fletcher. I saw your match tonight. And that was a really nice win, by the way. But seeing as I’m on a nice little win streak, seeing as you have something that I want, what do you say? One more match, mee and you, for that TV-” But then in steps Fletcher. He was just ready to leave here and he couldn’t help but hear what must be Big Shotty with Kyle’s name in his mouth, again. Feels like deja vu. How long ago was it that they were last standing here? It took two short months for Lee to forget what happens when you disrespect The Protostar!

And as far as the challenge goes, Kyle has beat Lee twice in the past six months. So Lee can get his ass to the back of the line! Lee says Kyle might be right about that, but Lee thinks he can beat Kyle twice in one night! So what does Kyle say? Two Outta Three Falls! Oh, Lee thinks he can take this? Well, Kyle has been getting bored with the level of competition around here. So purely just to test himself, Kyle accepts. And then he will prove who he says he is, and why Lee will always be who he is. Kyle pushes past Lee to leave, but Lee has his shot. Can Big Shotty shoot down the Aussie Arrow twice in one night to finally have some gold?


ROH Women’s World Television Championship Proving Grounds: Billie Starkz VS Zamaya!

Athena’s Minion is following in her footsteps, undefeated since the start of the tournament that ultimately crowned her the inaugural ROH Women’s World TV Champion! Will she stay spotless going into the Summer? Or will she fall at the feet of The Mighty One?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and Billie “kicks dirt” at Zamaya. Zamaya eggs Billie on, the two tie up, and Billie waistlocks. Zamaya breaks that, but Billie trips her to throw her down! Billie slaps around Zamaya’s Bull Nakano hair then scuffs her. Billie reels Zamaya in but Zamaya fights the suplex! Billie CLUBS away on Zamaya, but Zamaya wrenches out. Billie whips Zamaya to a corner, Zamaya comes back but Billie spins her to a cravat and KNEE SMASH! The fans rally while Billie grins, and she drags Zamaya up. Billie half nelsons, then fishhooks towards the chicken wing. But Zamaya fires off elbows and gets free!

Billie still gets around again, and she GERMAN SUPLEXES! Billie roars while Zamaya staggers to a corner. Billie storms up to stomp Zamaya, tells the ref to leave her alone, and she “kicks dirt” again. Billie goes corner to corner but Zamaya moves, so Billie stops on the attack. Billie is mad with the ref, goes out after Zamaya, but Zamaya ROCKS her! And ROCKS her again! Zamaya whips Billie, Billie reverses and Zamaya hits barriers! Billie sends Zamaya back into barriers, then snarls as she storms around. Billie stomps away on Zamaya, drags her up, and puts her in the ring. The fans rally as Billie storms after Zamaya again.

Billie grins, brings Zamaya up, but Zamaya fights the suplex to shove and throat chop! But then Billie gets Zamaya with a FLATLINER to ropes! Zamaya staggers, Billie hits a NECKBREAKER off her knee! Zamaya staggers up, into the HEEL KICK! Billie then goes up the corner, aims and SWANTON BOMBS! Cover, Billie wins!

Winner: Billie Starkz, by pinfall (denies Zamaya a title opportunity)

That makes 10-0 for Billie, and she crosses off another contender. But wait! Red Velvet slips into the ring! The fans fire up as The Chef rushes up, but Billie runs away! Billie denies Red Velvet her revenge for last week’s ambush, but Velvet says Billie must be scared. And then wait! Aminata sneaks up behind Billie on the ramp! Billie turns around, and Aminata THROWS her into the ring! Velvet gets on Billie with furious fists! The fans fire up but Billie turns things around! It is a scrap but Velvet’s hands hit harder! Billie gets up, swings, but Velvet SPINEBUSTERS! The refs rush in to stop this but Aminata says keep on cooking, Velvet!

The refs finally separate the two and Billie hurries away. Aminata stands with Velvet, when and where will Velvet get her shot at Billie’s gold?


Trios Triple Threat: The Dark Order VS Johnny TV, Cole Karter & Griff Garrison VS The Iron Savages!

Now this is a BIG match right here! The AEW and ROH World Trios titles are unified so everyone’s aiming for The Bang Bang Gang! Will Evil Uno, Alex Reynolds & John Silver finally make good on their resurgence? Will Taya’s man help Maria’s boys be #TVReady? Or will Jacked Jameson, Bulk Bronson & Beefcake Boulder make good on their promise to take what they want?

As the Savages make their entrance, Jameson has the mic to tell the “nerd in the back” to shut the music off so he can talk, or else they’re going to #TiddyCity! Jameson then tells the fans to shut up. Las Vegas used to be a cool city full of cool people, the OG Tiddy City! But now Vegas is full of soft wussies like these fans who are too scared to get a dance from a lady, because they’re all nervous little virgins! That includes Bobby Cruz! What? But he’s a father… Jameson says they’ll bring Sin City to the world! They’re sippin’ sauce, livin’ hoss, and yes, taken everyone to TIDDY CITY! But then The Dark Order make their entrance and Vegas fires up!

Vegas loves “JOHNNY HUNGY!” as the teams sort out. There are only two teams legal at once, and Jacked Jameson steps up to Silver just to show who’s really freakin’ jacked! But the fans still like Silver better! The Code of Honor is skipped since we’re getting this pose off and the bell rings. Jameson flexes, the fans boo. Silver flexes, the fans cheer. Jameson gets fed up, kicks low, then whips Silver to ropes. Silver ducks ‘n’ dodges then UPPERCUTS Jameson down! The fans fire up while Jameson scrambles away, tag to Bronson! Bronson runs up but Silver trips him into buckles! Tag to Uno and he brings Bronson up to CHOP!

Uno CLUBS Bronson, headlocks, but Bronson powers out. Bronson drops to then CLOBBER Uno! Bronson mocks the Dark Order claw, then CLUBS Uno! Tag to Boulder, and Bronson says it’s time to go to TIDDY CITY~! But Uno turns things around, Bronson is sent into that hairy valley! Then Uno shoves Bronson into Boulder, who staggers into a tag from Johnny. Uno says wait, then he DUMPS Boulder out! Johnny runs, slides under Uno and then DIVES onto the Savages! Karter & Griff CLOBBER Uno! They now mock the Dark Order claw while Johnny drags Uno out. Johnny kicks Uno, kisses Taya, and the fans boo.

Johnny brings Uno around, MOONLIGHT DRIVE on the floor! Johnny puts Uno back in, covers, but Silver breaks it! Johnny JUMP KICKS Silver away! Johnny stalks Uno to the corner, fires body shots, then tags in Griff. They mug Uno, Griff stomps in a mudhole, then he tags Johnny back in. Johnny ROCKS Uno, BOOTS him, then CHOKES him on ropes! The ref counts, Taya mocks Uno, and Karter gets a cheap shot! Johnny tags Karter in, they mug Uno, and Karter fires body shot after body shot. Karter ROCKS Uno, tags Griff, and they mug Uno. Griff CLUBS Uno, tags Karter, but Uno fights them off with forearms!

The fans rally, Uno heads for his corner but Karter & Griff get him first. They whip, he wrenches but they both break free. Uno blocks Karter’s kick, hands it to Griff, and then hits a NECKBREAKER on Karter! Uno then dodges Griff, hot tag to Reynolds! Reynolds dodges Griff to BOOT Johnny! Reynolds dodges Griff, LARIATS Karter, then swings on Griff. Griff gets around to waistlock but Reynolds bucks the O’Conner to BOOT Griff down! The fans fire up as Reynolds underhooks Griff, but Johnny hits a FLYING CHUCK! Karter fireman’s carries, Griff runs up, BOOT O’ DOOM! Cover, Bronson breaks it!

Johnny runs up but Bronson runs Johnny over! Griff BOOTS Bronson but Boulder tags in to BOOT Griff! But Karter KNEES Boulder! Jameson LARIATS Karter! Jameson flexes, ducks the Shining Wizard, but the BLINDSIDE WIZARD hits! Johnny drags Griff & Karter up, and they flex! They’re mocking the Savages now, but then Boulder TRIPLE CROSSBODIES!! The fans rally up as Bronson & Boulder get Karter into position. Bronson goes up, Boulder lifts him, but Reynolds springboards in to ELECTRIC CHAIR CUTTER!! The fans fire up and Reynolds hot tags Silver! Boulder runs up, into a drop toehold! Silver & Uno BOOT GAMANGIRI COMBO!

Silver hoists Boulder up to GERMAN SUPLEX!! The fans are thunderous but Jameson tags in! Silver dodges, Uno gets in and says STOP! Then he DECKS Jameson! Uno BLASTS Johnny, Reynolds BLASTS Karter and Silver BLASTS Griff! The fans fire up for The Dark Order, Reynolds drags Jameson up. Uno helps lift Jameson and Silver runs, PENDULUM BOMB! Cover, Dark Order wins!

Winners: The Dark Order, by pinfall

Vegas is all about the Numbers, and it was 1-2-3 for Uno, Tres & Quatro! Will they finally take over the Trios Division? Or will they fail to bring down The Bang Bang Gang?

My Thoughts:

A very good night for ROH at exactly an hour long. Great win for Aminata to open the night, and good appearance by her and Velvet after Billie won hers. We’re still doing the slow burn to Aminata VS Athena and Velvet VS Billie but those are the obvious title matches and will be great stuff. Shafir of course gets a win and she could be lurking in the background, waiting for a title shot after the Aminata-Velvet VS Athena-Billie stuff settles. And while the Trios Triple Threat was a fairly fun main event, I wouldn’t have made it the main event, the ROH World TV Championship was a better match. But great win for The Dark Order, I really do hope they make something of their revitalization after months of not doing anything.

Really good tag match from The Infantry VS Comoroto & Jacoby, but of course it’s another case of Jacoby somehow, someway, not tagging in. He did do a bit more this time, and a cheap shot that basically gets him knocked out was a clever way to cost the team. And then back to the ROH World TV Championship, another really fun promo from Castle with Johnny & Taya before the match, the match itself was great, and I should’ve figured Kyle would retain. It seems they had the TV title match be early in the show so we could also get Kyle and Lee in a promo together instead of waiting on that. But hey, a Best 2 Out of 3 Falls is going to be awesome stuff, and this might be where Lee gets the win to take the title, it really depends on where the Don Callis Family story is going.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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