New Japan Cup, day 2!
Another day of New Japan Cup, and this time with 3 Cup matches! Less undercard means a bigger focus on the tournament, so I'm always a...
Will the new wave get payback on the OG?
Will Bryan get back in the Fastlane?
The New Japan Cup returns!
The New Japan Cup tour officially starts today, even though we already got one upset! Who moves on to round 2!?
Will there still be a Double Champion?
Castle Attack set a low bar, but at least set up a historic main event with Desperado and Ibushi! New Japan Cup first round matches also...
Will KLR clear the Final Boss?
Tag titles are on the line!
Dynamite's headed for Revolution!
Tonight we know we're supposed to get an official number one contender for the X Division championship! Will it be Black Taurus, Ace Austin or Chris...
It's Dark Before the Crossroads!
The US Bracket Finals stand alone!
Will the world champion still be awesome?
Leading into March we learn of two fun produce shows and the lead in for Keiji Mutoh's first GHC Heavyweight title defense! Read along with Hisame's...