Two title matches and Masha's first real challenge with Deonna Purrazzo! This could be one hell of a show!
Knockouts Tag Team Title Match and a first time ever Trio main eventing against VBD! Check out Impact!
Emergence is tomorrow! How does IMPACT finish setting things for that card?
With Emergence as next week, we get to see where the chips finally start falling. We know the World Title match. Does anything else get shaken...
Kushida makes his Impact debut (2015 was a GFW Amped taping, don't act like it counts)!
Motor City Showdown! Who gets #1 contender? Alex Shelley or Chris Sabin?
IMPACT has a lot of moving pieces. We need number 1 contenders for World and Tag belts. X Division has a fighting champion and the Knockouts...
The Go Home to Against All Odds with the main event of Battle of the Futures Redux! TNA vibes and hype in the Asylum!
So we know the main event should be pretty damn good. The big guns of Honor No More, against 3 beloved TNA originals. So can the...
Slammiversary is two weeks away and we still have a few things to flesh out for the show! We’re missing a few Ultimate X participants, Honor...
OLD TNA, a sprinkle of ROH and the current IMPACT roster makes for an interesting night! The Battle of Futures Past has to have most TNA...
With about a month to go before Slammiversary we at least know the main title match. We’ve got some Ultimate X to work out, house keeping...
A simple build only two weeks after Rebellion, but we’ve still got a solid card. Five title matches, a rematch for the Reina de Reinas championship,...
So we get to see what happens after Rebellion, most likely starting some of the build towards Slammiversary (arguably their second biggest PPV). Deonna lost the...
Rebellion is in 2 days, and you gotta wonder if this will just finish setting the table or if there will be any new wrinkles added....