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Andrew’s IMPACT Results & Match Ratings: 4.28.2022



So we get to see what happens after Rebellion, most likely starting some of the build towards Slammiversary (arguably their second biggest PPV). Deonna lost the AAA championship, Josh Alexander is the new World Champion and a few days ago we learned the IInspiration are taking time away from wrestling. Not sure if they’re gonna say goodbye during these tapings, or if we should consider them completely gone already.

Only one way to find out!


  • Heath & Rhino vs The Briscoes: Mark wins via Froggy Bow – ***
  • Bhupinder Gujjar vs VSK: Gujjar wins via Gargoyle Spear – ** 1/4
  • Honor No More (Eddie Edwards, Matt Taven & Mike Bennett w/ Maria & Kenny King) vs Speedball Mike Bailey & MCMG: Edwards wins via Double Superkick Die Hard Driver – *** 3/4
  • Decay (Havok & Rosemary) vs Savannah Evans & Tasha Steelz: Decay win via Tandem Backbreaker/Spear – **
  • IMPACT World Championship: Moose vs Josh Alexander (c): Josh retains via C4 Spike – **** 1/4


VBD kick off the show adjusting the narrative a little that they ran through 7 other teams and the tag team dominance is a permanent picture. Rhino and Heath interrupt, Rhino grabs the mic claiming unfinished business and how they didn’t get a fair shake at vengeance. Rhino tries to hype up the crowd…and we hear “Reach for the sky boys!” DEM BOYS is back in IMPACT. 

The crowd is pretty hot for The Briscoes, Heath tries to play the babyface angle of “You’re great, but we’re the front of the line”, Eric Young basically tells them this is for you four to figure out and we’ll take the winner. Simple logic, but the match checks out. Rhino’s voice has cracked more than Peter Brady during this segment though. SO that’s a little awkward, but its a pretty cool matchup.

Heath & Rhino vs The Briscoes

Heath and Mark start, then tags in Jay for the Yakuza Kick Facewash, a little corner tandem splash and then Jay with the tope, and Mark with the Corckscrew Moonsault. Sussex County Chicken flying dirty! This feels more like a tornado match, but it’s pretty cool and fast so far.

Things go back in, Mark is still lighting up Heath, Jay gets tagged in and Rhino finally trips up Jay from outside and accept the heel role in the match. After the commercial Heath is stomping on Jay, and we see the change in momentum. Jay fights from underneath, Rhino tries to grab the dreads, Jay lands the kick to have Rhino stumble back, Jay stumbles forward and Mark takes the hot tag. Mark crazy offense, Tandem Football Tackle from the Briscoes for a nearfall while Heath comes in to break it up and Brian Hebner has a stroke or something and forgets how to count before Heath makes contact.

Neckbreaker into Froggy Bow on Rhino and DEM BOYS WIN! Damn good for an opening TV match.

Bhupinder Gujjar vs VSK

VSK goes for a heel Brian Myers gimmick of throwing the jacket in Gujjar’s face before attacking him as the bell rings. A few cheap shots and then Gujjar comes off the ropes with Twisting Uppercut. Some intensity and big moves send VSK to powder and he eats a Dive but baits Gujjar into chasing into the ropes, VSK throats him and then hits the Step Through DDT.

Gujjar tries to fight back, but an STO from VSK keeps Gujjar down. VSK really stays on Gujjar. A few peppered Headlock Punches while Gujjar is down but Gujjar finally fires up. Ripcord Knee, Samoan Drop, Kip Up into the Ultimate Warrior rope shake. VSK tries for a cheap Roll-Up with tights, but Gujjar kicks out. Catches VSK mid air, turns it into a Powerslam Driver. Gargoyle Spear, and the match is over.

That spear still looks a little dumb, Shera and Raj come down to intimidate/offer alliance to Gujjar. Gujjar openly denies it, gets in Shera’s face and Shera decides to manhandle VSK and hit an Attitude Adjustment as Gujjar and Shera scream at cheap other. 

There’s a promo of Steve Maclin talking about how D’Amore is going to handpick the World Title contender for Under Siege…and for my money; it’s gonna be Tomohiro Ishii. Let’s see if they announce it after the main event.

Honor No More (Eddie Edwards, Matt Taven & Mike Bennett w/ Maria & Kenny King) vs Speedball Mike Bailey & MCMG

Speedball and Eddie look to start, but then OGK mug him, MCMG try to even the odds but OGK is in control, then we see a Triple Team Assisted Pop-Up Running Powerbomb between OGK and Eddie. Speedball slides in and takes out all three with some impressive offense. Kenny King baits Speedball, Speedball misses the Front Snapkick and gets hung up in the ropes. Big shmoz on the outside that gets punctuated with Taven holding down the middle rope and Eddie hits a big Dive. Commercial happens, Eddie and Speedball are in the ring, Eddie wipes out MCMG before Speedball can start any type of comeback for a tag. Tiger Driver attempt into a block and Moonsault Knees. Sabin comes in and we get some cool signatures. Taven with the Middle Rope Triangle Kick, MCMG with the Tandem Cravat Sliding Kick. Square off, even stevens, Speedball and Bennett get tagged in.

Bennett tries a Powerbomb, Sole Butt, Axe Kick, Buzzsaw, Twisting Shooting Star from Speedball. Eddie and Taven try to get involved, MCMG block, Sabin and Shelley both set up the Cravat and Speedball knows his role, hits the ropes for the Double Foot Sliding Kick. MCMG Yakuza, Enzuigiri in the corner, Speedball with the Spinning Tornado kick in the corner, Looks for Ultima Weapon but Kenny and Maria get involved. Lost of action, Speedball stays perched looking for an opportunity, gets crotched, Eddie grabs him for the Die Hard Driver, OGK with a Double Superkick, drops Bailey with the Die Hard Driver and Honor No More win!

Bullet Club interrupts the celebration and the good old fashion TNA donnybrook. Magic Killer on Kenny King, I guess…OH MY GOD, THEY MAGIC KILLED KENNY! You Bastards!

Viva la Wera Loca enters the bulding. She gives her speech about knowing who she is and feeling like her creativity was held captive. Which I’m not sure if it’s directly a shot at WWE or if it’s more the reference to when John E. Bravo said she was going to prison in New York for a few years. Maybe a little of both, but at least there’s a chance it’s more word play than the cheap shot. Deonna sneak attacks Taya and slaps on the Fujiwara Armbar. 

Havok and Rosemary ominously approach the ring. Purrazzo powders, and Rosemary has history with “The Valkyrie” so not sure where the interaction is going. Oh but Tasha’s music hits and apparently Tasha and Savannah vs Decay is the next match. So Rosemary indirectly saved Taya maybe? Is this just a precursor to a 6 woman tag in the future. 

Decay (Havok & Rosemary) vs Savannah Evans & Tasha Steelz

So all four get in each other’s face and I’m pretty sure the match doesn’t even start before they start to brawl. Rosemary and Havok beat Tasha and Savannah with one another. Then they reset back to the ring, the bell rings and Havok starts beating the hell out of Tasha. Havok screams at Savannah saying she’s next, Rosemary gets tagged in and Tasha is still getting destroyed.

After the nearfall, Rosemary picks her up and then Tasha just falls back selling being completely rocked and Savannah tags in. Rosemary takes it right at her, goes for the Upside Down, but Savannah turns around fights through and grabs Rosemary by the throat to counter the move.

Rosemary starts to get worked over before biting Savannah’s face to counter the Fireman’s Carry. Havok comes in and starts beating the hell out of everything that moves. Havok dodges Savannah’s kick and lights her up. Tasha tries to grab the belt and distract the ref, but Rosemary takes out Tasha, Havok hits the Backbreaker, Rosemary hits the Spear and Decay win after the tandem attack.

IMPACT World Championship: Moose vs Josh Alexander (c)

After the introductions and bell, Moose attacks immediately. Moose has Josh in the corner, Josh counters for some chops but Moose just imposes his size advantage. Josh keeps trying to stick and move but Moose lands some big moves until Josh manages to counter some offense with a Vertical Suplex. Josh rolls through, Moose kicks off, Ankle Lock attempt but Moose fights it off. Josh goes to the top turnbuckle and Moose just swats him and Josh tumbles to the outside.

Commercial break, and Moose is in charge. Taking things to the outside, Moose tries a Pump Kick, but Josh catches the kick, props it on the apron and fires off 3 big chops. Moose is back on balance, Josh turns to charge back and eats the Pump Kick into the Apron Powerbomb. Josh has been on the receiving end of this match so far.

Again Josh keeps trying to stay resilient but Moose is just pummeling him. Big haymakers and a Chin Lock keeps Josh in place. Josh breaks the Chin lock and they start the Japanese Fighting Spirit spot. Moose is getting the best of the early exchanges and starts pissing off Josh. Firing up, Paint Brush flurry, Moose tries to fight through and Josh hits 3 running Big Boots. Three German Suplexes, C4 Spike attempt, Moose fights off, Ankle Lock gets kicked away but Josh turns it into a Sharpshooter (only calling it that since Josh is Canadian). Moose manages to get to the ropes.

A few strikes and a C4 Spike attempt again before Fighting Spirit number 2, Josh drops his straps ala Kurt Angle and they slug it out. Moose gets the best, tries to capitalize but Josh counters with the Victory Roll into the Ankle Lock and Moose kicks him off again before landing a huge Uranage. After a little bit of selling from both of them, Moose hits the Buckle Bomb. That didn’t help him last match, so Moose sets up the Lights Out and then rethinks it. Not sure if cocky or just knowing it will take another; Josh flips through the Powerbomb, and lights up Moose. Hits a Ganso Bomb, rolls him back to his feet and hits the C4 Spike. Josh retains!

After winning, Josh can enjoy it for a moment and then the Stone Pitbull’s music hits! Tomohiro Ishii is the handpicked opponent at Under Siege in 2 weeks!

Overall Score: 8.5/10

Well hot damn, this was a great spicy episode after a PPV. Debut of The Briscoes in a barn burner, fantastic 6 man match and a main event that may not have been as good as their first one, but still damn good time constraints considered.

Even goofy segments like All About Me actually highlighted a little better understanding of Gisele’s character. And I mean, she felt more natural with it. Maclin being a little delusional is great, he might try to challenge Ishii before Under Siege and that would be a damn good match. Plus we got a possible hint or at least a MacGuffin that Ace has an invite to Best of Super Juniors.

This set up really well off of Rebellion, Under Siege is obviously a speed bump on the way to Slammiversary, but it’s shaping up to be a sleeper hit. Nice work all around!

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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