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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (4/28/22)

Time to sign on the dotted line!



Jordan Devlin is getting his NXT UK Championship rematch!

Since an Empty Arena Match didn’t prove his point, the Irish Ace wants another go with Ilja Dragunov! Tonight, they’ll sign the contract for their NXT UK title rematch!


  • Wild Boar & Mark Andrews VS Symbiosis w/ Eddie Dennis; Boar & Andrews win.
  • Xia Brookside w/ Eliza Alexander VS Angel Hayze; Brookside wins.
  • Von Wagner VS Saxon Huxley; Wagner wins.


Wild Boar & Mark Andrews VS Symbiosis w/ Eddie Dennis!

Made enemies by the manipulative headmaster, but now united against against him, Boar and Andrews have a Cardiff connection! Will it help them get one step closer to the wily Welsh Dragon? Or will Tyson T-Bone and Primate play the perfect pawns in keeping them away?

Speaking of which, Dennis hides behind his henchmen, but Andrews and Boar just go after them all! Dennis scurries out of the ring while Andrews fires off on Primate and Boar throws hands on T-Bone! Things spill to the outside, the brawl continues, Primate shoves Andrews away then rushes in, only to get sent into barriers! Boar ROCKS T-Bone, then spots Dennis. Dennis runs to the backstage, T-Bone goes after Boar so Boar goes after him. Boar puts T-Bone in for Andrews. The bell rings, Andrews goes after T-Bone but T-Bone puts him in a corner. T-Bone runs in but only gets buckles! Andrews puts a leg on the ropes, then gives it a Tiger Feint Kick!

Andrews ENZIGURIS T-Bone, then hits a DRAPING DRAGON SCREW! T-Bone staggers away, but Andrews steps in to springboard dropkick the leg! Andrews keeps moving, but T-Bone catches the crossbody. T-Bone uses a FALL AWAY SLAM, but Andrews lands on his feet! Andrews dropkicks T-Bone again, and T-Bone staggers to the corner. Primate tags in and Dennis has returned to ringside, but Andrews dodges Primate to PELE! Andrews then clotheslines in the corner, tag to Boar. Fans rally, Boar wrenches and rams shoulders with Primate again and again! Fans fire up as Primate drops and Boar rains down on him!

Dennis protests but shuts up as Boar glares at him. Fans chant, “Shut Up, Eddie!” at Dennis, and Boar scoops Primate to SLAM him down! Tag to Andrews, and they coordinate, wheelbarrow SENTON, and then a regular SENTON! Cover, TWO! Andrews keeps on Primate with EuroUppers but Primate hits back. Tag to T-Bone, T-Bone runs into a basement dropkick! Andrews runs, tilt-o-whirls, but T-Bone blocks! T-Bone swings Andrews around for a FALL AWAY SLAM! Andrews couldn’t land safe outta that one, but he gets to ropes. T-Bone brings Andrews up to CLUB him! Tag to Primate and T-Bone holds Andrews out on the ropes, DRAPING AX HANDLE!

Primate roars at Boar while Andrews wobbles. Primate shoves, CLUBS and back suplexes! Cover, ONE! Fans rally for Andrews and Boar, but Primate stays between them. Primate CLUBS Andrews down, then drags Andrews over to the corner. He smacks Andrews off buckles, tags T-Bone, and Symbiosis double whips Andrews backwards into buckles, then throw him down for a DOUBLE STOMP! Dennis is pleased with his pack and T-Bone looms over Andrews. T-Bone stomps Andrews, CLUBS him, then drags him up to a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! T-Bone talks trash to Boar and the ref keeps him back, but Andrews fires off CHOP after CHOP!

T-Bone shoves Andrews, pops him up and FLAPJACKS! Andrews flounders on the mat but T-Bone covers, TWO! T-Bone sucker punches Boar! Tag to Primate, but Andrews avoids the ax handles! Andrews ROCKS Primate from the apron, ENZIGURIS T-Bone, then slides under Primate! Andrews hurries but Primate gets a foot! Andrews hops up, misses the enziguri as Primate ducks, but avoids Primate’s elbow drop! Hot tag to Boar! Fans fire up as Boar rallies on Primate, then CLOBBERS T-Bone! Primate run sin to whip but Boar reverses. Sunset flip but Boar rolls through, SEATED SENTON! Boar gets Primate back up, wrench and hammerlock, PEPSI TWIST!

T-Bone runs in as Boar covers, but Boar moves and the elbow drop hits Primate! Boar RAMS T-Bone outta the ring! Dennis checks on T-Bone but Boar sends Primate out, too! Boar is on the apron as Symbiosis regroups, CANNON-BOAR onto T-Bone! Dennis got himself and Primate clear, but Boar puts Primate in. Fans rally up, Boar runs corner to corner and he RAMS into Primate! Then HALF NELSON SUPLEX! Cover, TWO!! Primate survives but Boar is watching him. Primate gets to a corner, but Dennis has that dog collar! Boar runs him off, but turns around into a SPEAR from Primate! Primate BOOTS Andrews, hot tag to T-Bone!

Symbiosis coordinates, T-Bone scoops Boar while Primate climbs. But Boar slips off and shoves T-Bone into Primate! GERMAN SUPLEX for T-Bone! Fans fire up with Boar and he aims at a wobbly T-Bone! SPEAR into a corner! Then corner to corner for the CANNON-BOAR! Tag to Andrews and he goes right up, so he can FALL TO PIECES! Cover, Andrews & Boar win!

Winners: Wild Boar & Mark Andrews, by pinfall

Boar then DIVES onto Dennis! Boar rains down fists, Dennis scrambles away, but now Boar has that collar! They go around the back of the crowd, spill back to ringside, and then right back out! Dennis makes it backstage, but will Boar be the one putting a muzzle on him?


Robert Stone speaks.

“By now, you’ve heard the rumors, you’ve heard the whispers. And Mr. Stone is here to tell ya, they’re true. Von Wagner is here in NXT UK, and tonight, Saxon Huxley, you’re gonna find out why he is like no other athlete. And you’re also gonna find out why this is Von Wagner’s World, and you’re just living in it.” But will Wagner end up entering the Astral Plane with the wild and wooly Divine Beast?


NXT Media catches up to Moustache Mountain.

They pull up to the BT Sports Studio to park in their reserved spot, and the reporter asks Trent Seven & Tyler Bate about their tag title victory’s “nefarious means.” Bate is inclined to agree with that assessment, just from looking at the footage. Seven says they did talk about it, it’s water under the bridge, we’re moving on. It’s not cheating unless you get caught. Ha! Well, okay, technicalities. But a win is a win is a win, yeah? They will hold onto the NXT UK Tag Team Championships at any cost.

But now it is time that Sir Johnny Saint and Mr. Sidney Scala go get their heads together to find some reputable competition so Moustache Mountain can defend their titles. They move on, but will Seven regret being so cheeky as champion?


NXT UK Media catches up with Sid Scala.

They ask about tonight’s contract signing, and Sid says it is huge. Perhaps one of the biggest in brand history. But Dennis runs through the hall. Dennis wants Sid to do something about this! Didn’t he see Boar out there? Boar’s a danger to Dennis and everyone else! Sid has a solution. Dennis VS Boar, with Symbiosis banned from ringside. And one other thing: to make sure Dennis competes, it will be in a DOG COLLAR MATCH! Dennis is freaking out, but then Boar catches up to him! Dennis goes off running, Boar gives chase, and Sid has to go chase them both! Will Boar be able to control himself as he waits for his grudge match?


Xia Brookside w/ Eliza Alexander VS Angel Hayze!

Daddy’s Girl got herself a new friend, and her friend downright “battered” her opponent a couple weeks ago. In fact, it was Angel Hayze! Will Xia “batter” Angel just like #LizzyEvo did? Or will Hayze turn things around on Xia and give her a good battering?

The bell rings, fans taunt Xia and Lizzy, but Lizzy helps Xia tune it out. Xia and Hayze circle, Xia tells fans to shut up with the “Xia Sucks!” Xia and Hayze tie up, they go around, and Xia shoves Hayze away. Hayze shrugs that off and circles with Xia again. They tie up, Xia gets an arm, wrenches and YANKS the arm. Xia grinds the shoulder, YANKS the arm and twists the wrist. Hayze fights up, rolls, and wrenches to a wristlock back. Xia works on the hold, wrenches back to twist Hayze’s wrist, but Hayze rolls, kips up and wrenches back. Xia stomps Hayze’s foot, then wrenches to another wristlock.

Hayze uses ropes to flip through and WRING Xia out! Fans cheer but Xia is upset. Xia kicks her way up, pulls Hayze’s hair and puts her on the ropes. The ref counts, Xia lets off then KNEES Hayze low. Fans boo but Xia brings Hayze up to whip. Hayze goes up and over and eggs Xia on, to then kick low and HEEL KICK down! Hayze runs, and dropkicks Xia off her feet! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up and Hayze runs in at the corner. Xia BOOTS her down, then shrieks as she stomps Hayze. Eliza cheers Xia on while fans jeer, “You Suck!” Xia puts Hayze in the corner, wraps the arms around ropes and pulls!

The ref reprimands, Xia lets off and then she CLUBS Hayze. Fans sing, “Shame on Xia! Always cheating!” but Xia puts Hayze on ropes to CHOKE her! The ref counts, Xia lets off to then stomp Hayze down. Xia holds ropes as she stomps away on Hayze but the ref counts. Xia lets off at 4 and tells the ref to leave her alone. Xia drags Hayze up to hip drop her, then clamp on a CAMEL CLUTCH! Hayze endures as Xia sits deep on the hold. Hayze endures, fights free and fans rally. Xia elbows Hayze down then puts the Camel Clutch on again! Hayze endures, Xia thrashes her around, but Hayze fights up.

Hayze throws elbows, Xia CLUBS her, but Hayze still throws hands. Hayze shoves Xia away, then dodges to wrench an arm. Hayze throws forearms and elbows and she DECKS Xia! Xia gets up but Hayze CLOBBERS her! Fans rally, Hayze runs in to back body block! Hayze keeps moving, SLINGBLADE! Cover, TWO! Eliza is relieved but Hayze keeps her focus. Hayze aims from a corner and fans rally, SUPER- NO! Xia blocks, spins Hayze, but Hayze switches! O’Conner Roll, TWO! Eliza is there but Hayze DECKS her! Xia rolls Hayze and high stacks, Xia win!

Winner: Xia Brookside, by pinfall

It wasn’t a battering, but it was a win. Give the assist to Lizzy, though, who also goes after Hayze! They’re sore winners, but here comes AMALE! The French Hope runs off Xia and Eliza, but will she teach these bullies a lesson soon enough?


A-Kid goes to talk to Charlie Dempsey.

He wants to take advantage of Die Familie not being around. AK tells Dempsey that he, or perhaps they both, need a rematch. They need to set the record straight, and there’s something about Dempsey’s heritage that will make him say yes. Dempsey simply nods, will he and the Spanish Sensation have a clean second round?


Sid Scala speaks.

“NXT UK Universe, it is my pleasure to introduce the newest acquisition to our brand. He is a Pan-American Games Freestyle Greco Champion, a Freestyle National Champion, and a Division I National Qualifier at the University of Minnesota. Damon Kemp, welcome to NXT UK.” Kemp says hello and that it is an honor to be here in NXT UK. He is excited to learn about that nitty, gritty British style. Glad to hear that. They have a master of that style to help Kemp get settled. In comes Johnny Saint! Saint shakes Kemp’s hand and welcomes him aboard. Will Kemp learn much from the icons of the UK and become a technical master?


Von Wagner VS Saxon Huxley!

Among the many NXT USA stars visiting the UK is the Robert Stone Brand’s leading man! But Von already felt his star power was above signing autographs and taking pictures with fans, to the point that he even interrupted Saxon’s own signings. Will the “big stupid man” learn some humility? Or will NXT UK soon be part of Wagner’s World?

The bell rings and the two tie up right away. Von powers Saxon to ropes but the ref counts. Saxon shoves Von back but Von ROCKS Saxon. Saxon throws hands in return, but Von knees low! Von shoves, rams shoulders, but neither falls! They ram shoulders again, and again! Saxon rebounds to ram Von again, then he dodges, ducks and FLYING SHOULDER TACKLES! Saxon knees Von against ropes, whips and knees him again. Saxon whips, Von reverses, Saxon ducks but Von hits a FLYING KNEE! Von drops elbows on Saxon, headbutts him, then drops more elbows! Fans boo but Von drags Saxon up to BUTTERFLY SUPLEX!

Von roars and Saxon gets to a corner. Von storms over to throw point blank clotheslines and RAM his shoulder in. Von throws elbows, and reels Saxon in with a short arm LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Von runs to drop ax handles! Von clamps on a chinlock and he grinds Saxon down. Fans rally for “UK! UK!” as Saxon fights up. Saxon throws body shots but Von knees and CLUBS him down. Von clamps the chinlock back on but Saxon fights and claws at the hold. Fans rally, Saxon fight sup, and Saxon backs Von into buckles! Saxon is free, and he BOOTS Von! Saxon runs in to SPLASH, then he runs to LARIAT!

Von stays up so Saxon keeps hitting LARIAT after LARIAT! Von falls down, Saxon drops an elbow! Fans fire up with Saxon and he clotheslines Von in the corner! Saxon shoves Von away and goes up the corner. Von stands, for a FLYING LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Saxon stays fired up, and he scoops, but Von slips out! Von CLUBS Saxon on the back, CLUBS him in the chest, and with Saxon on his knees, Von runs, but into a THESZ PRESS! Fans fire up again and Saxon brings Von around to a fireman’s carry. Von fights free with elbows, then he whips Saxon. Saxon holds ropes and elbows back!

Saxon runs, but into a scoop! Pop-up to the fireman’s carry and DEATH VALLEY NECKBREAKER! Cover, Von wins!

Winner: Von Wagner, by pinfall

The Robert Stone Brand’s main man continues to win! Von gets a mic to tell Saxon, “You’re just the first man to fall. None of you have ever seen anything like me before. This is Von Wagner’s World, and you’re just living in it.” Will Wagner be unstoppable in his conquest of all things NXT?


Gallus holds a press conference.

Tensions are running high, and just from how they’re seated with Wolfgang in the middle, the Coffey Brothers are clearly still at odds. Wolfgang asks the flash photography to settle down. Wolfgang then welcomes everyone to this press conference and thanks them for coming. Today, Wolfgang puts the record straight. There have been many people online questioning Gallus. Wolfgang says Gallus is united, together and stronger than ever. Mark Coffey says Gallus is fine. Arguments between himself, Joe, and Wolfgang happen, it’s just what you see in every sport around the world. The difference is, cameras happened to catch this one. They were just having a bad day.

Joe says these things are just what happens, even in this group. They push each other. Mark and Joe are brothers, Wolfgang is like a brother. It’s always the belief of this team that Gallus Boys are on top. Joe, or rather all of Gallus, is not hungry. Gallus is starving for success. And that is what will happen. They do the triple handshake and pose for photos. Cheers, thanks for coming, they’ll be heading out. But is all this the truth? Is Gallus perfectly fine?


NXT UK welcomes a new star!

The masked man haunting, or rather hunting, Kenny Williams last week is known as Tiger Turan, aka Double T, hailing from the Himalayas, and he is making his in-ring debut next week!


NXT UK hears from Isla Dawn and Meiko Satomura.

The Wicked Witch says, “We have been living under Meiko Satomura’s rules for too long. But she is about to enter MY world.” The Final Boss says Isla’s mist was a big mistake. She is reaching her boiling point. Isla says this has been building to this one moment! Meiko says it ends in the World of Darkness! Isla says the darkness will smother Meiko, but Meiko says Isla is in for her hardest match yet. Isla says Meiko can scratch and claw all she wants. Meiko reminds Isla that Isla lost once before. Now Meiko is going to hunt Isla down. Isla vows to finally take the title, and asks if Meiko is afraid of the dark. Just what will we see once NXT UK enters the World of Darkness?


Lash Legend speaks.

“You okay, but you ain’t Lash Legend, okay?” She’s the one and only Lash Legend, emphasis on “legend.” And next week, she’s making her Supernova Sessions debut! What will Noam Dar have for his fellow talk show host in her first NXT UK appearance?


Sid Scala and Johnny Saint are in the ring.

Sid has the fans welcome the living legend and NXT UK General Manager, and fans cheer for “Johnny! Johnny!” Sid then says they’re here for a very special reason, and cause for celebration. For in two weeks, it will be NXT UK’s 200TH EPISODE!! And tonight, they sign the contract for that episode’s main event. It will be a rematch for THE NXT UK Championship. First the challenger, Jordan Devlin! The Irish Ace makes his way out and fans boo. Devlin takes a seat, and then Sid welcomes the champion, Ilja Dragunov! Fans cheer as their Czar of Unbesiegbar makes his way out with brand new music and a sharp suit.

Dragunov still conducts the music and the NXT UK fans, then he shakes hands with Saint and Sid before sitting down. Fans chant “UN BE SIEG BAR!” and Sid says it is time to sign. Devlin whistles, and then says someone should close a window. He hears the winds of change blowing through. Dragunov says to get his feet off the table and hold on about winds. Dragunov holds the title, he fought and suffered to make this brand strong. As for Devlin, he just belittles it with his attitude. Oh, he belittles the brand, does he? Devlin IS this brand. Don’t kid yourself, Dragunov, this brand is on Devlin’s back! Just open your eyes and shut your mouths!

Devlin wants Dragunov to look around at what’s causing this. Dragunov defended the title before without any of this. This signing, Sid and Saint, the camera and fans, they’re all here because of the big money match with Devlin, the Irish Ace! Oh, really? In fact, this title made Dragunov the person he is, and the title is defined by the man Dragunov is. Dragunov’s worst nightmare is to see someone like Devlin have the title. He will make sure to do everything he can to make sure that doesn’t happen. Devlin wants Dragunov to wrap his head around this: NXT UK Episode 200, Devlin IS walking out the NXT UK Champion and make Dragunov live that nightmare.

Dragunov says okay then. If Devlin is so confident, what if they raised the stakes again? Fans like the sound of that. They chant, “He Won’t Do It!” Devlin says he’s a gambling man and will hear Dragunov out. Dragunov says Devlin was right. If Devlin wins, he is champion. But Dragunov has a dream of an NXT UK without Devlin. So Dragunov’s stipulation is that the winner will not only be the champion, but the loser will LEAVE NXT UK! Fans chant, “Bye Bye, Devlin!” Devlin says when he takes the title, Dragunov won’t wanna show his face around here anyway. Challenge accepted! Sid and Saint talk it over real quick, and Sid makes it official! NXT UK title or bust!

Dragunov signs his part of the contract, and then passes it over to Devlin. After a moment of hesitation, Devlin signs his part. And so it is decided! Episode 200’s main event, Dragunov VS Devlin, for the NXT UK Championship! Both men stand, Dragunov holds up the title, but he avoids the sucker headbutt to give a headbutt! Dragunov then fires off forearms and knees, and then tosses the armchairs aside! Devlin gets up, he and Dragunov fire forearms! Devlin kicks low, gets Dragunov up, but Dragunov slips off the bomb to ENZIGURI! Dragunov then flips the table over and folds it up to prop in a corner! Fans fire up, Sid wants them to wait for Episode 200!

Dragunov throws Devlin towards the table, then aims from a corner! “UN! BE! SIEG!” But Devlin uses Sid as a shield!! Dragunov can’t attack the Assistant GM, and Devlin HEADBUTTS him after all! Devlin then uses DEVLINSIDE to send Dragunov through the table!! Fans boo but Devlin holds the belt up. Will Devlin sail into the future with those winds of change? Or will Dragunov banish him to NXT USA?

My Thoughts:

A great episode, and some great stuff as we head for episode 200. Very good opener with that tag match, and I figured Boar & Andrews would win. And I also felt that Dog Collar Match was coming, so they did a great job setting it up with the chase and the backstage promo. That could go either way, but as I don’t see Dennis moving on to a title scene, I bet Boar wins. And of titles, it’d probably be the Heritage Cup anyway. Dar having a talk show segment with Lash will be an interesting segment, surely to set up Lash’s NXT UK feud. Maybe Millie McKenzie since she’s number 2 Face? Great promo vignette out of Meiko and Isla, but still no explanation of what World of Darkness even entails. Can’t wait to see how that goes next week.

Good promo from Moustache Mountain, and them wanting new challengers already could be what bites them in the butt. No idea who it’ll be, though, with Pretty Deadly having moved to NXT USA. Maybe Gallus? Gallus had a good press conference promo, and I hope the Coffey Brothers try to have a match with Moustache Mountain and then one or both teams have the dysfunction throw things off. A little surprised A-Kid was still here to have an interaction with Dempsey, but maybe AK’s move to NXT USA isn’t happening now that Frazer is over there. And AK alluding to Dempsey’s “heritage,” I realize now is all a reference to Dempsey being William Regal’s son.

A good match from Xia and Hayze, and of course Xia gets a cheating win with Eliza’s help. Amale making the save also makes sense. I think we’ll be getting Xia & Eliza VS Hayze & Amale, then we’ll get Xia VS Amale in a tiebreaker. Good introduction to Damon Kemp since all he’s done is be on Level Up. Can’t wait to see Kemp get into the Heritage Cup Division, too. Maybe Kemp is the first Yankee to put his name on the Heritage Cup. Wagner sure ain’t the one. He has a good match with Saxon but only a decent promo after. He definitely needs Robert Stone for right now. I almost thought someone was gonna step up to Von during, but maybe Von runs into Dave Mastiff next time.

A decent video for “Tiger Turan,” and “Turan” implies Central Asia/Middle East despite the masked wrestler supposedly being from the Himalayas. I sure hope this is still Amir Jordan back for revenge in the only way he can since Amir Jordan was banished from NXT UK. And speaking of banishing superstars, quite the surprise for Dragunov VS Devlin to have a “Loser Leaves NXT UK” stipulation. That will mean this really can go either way because I can see either Dragunov or Devlin moving to NXT USA and being set up into the North American Championship scene. Just no name changes, please. Dragunov is already a stage name, and Jordan Devlin is too good to change since it works with his finisher’s name.

My Score: 8.3/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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