Mitchell’s Ring of Honor Report! (12/23/17)

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- The Dawgs VS Simon Grimm & Flip Gordon; The Dawgs win.
- 10 Man Christmas Surprise Tag Team Match: Team Cody VS Team Dalton Castle; Team Castle wins.
ROH celebrates Christmas, but Cody doesn’t look happy.
Cody wants the fans to imagine his “burning excitement turn to a smoldering lull” when he learned about the randomized 10 Man Tag he and Dalton Castle are going to captain. The names of ROH stars are inside the gifts, so that means Cody can’t choose his own team. He’ll be surrounded by this “artificial, superficial, material holiday”. But with no way out of it, Cody chooses his first gift. That’s when Dalton comes by to asks who he got.
“None of your business,” Cody says with a scowl. Cody’s being a Grinch. Just make your pick, Castle. Castle does, and seems very pleased with who he got. Who will join the American Nightmare and the Peacock to wage war this holiday season?
The Dawgs VS Simon Grimm &
“Ho ho ho and a oh hell yeah!” Rhett Claus and Little Willie the Red Nosed Rein-dawg are here to spread Christmas cheer, but is their fun going to be ruined by another wrestler’s ROH debut?
The bell rings, Grimm and Ferrara start. However, Ferrara is a bit busy taking off the reindeer costume, so Grimm goes for a full nelson right away! Actually, Grimm is just zipping Ferrara back up. Ferrara gets upset, Grimm spins him around and flips his hood. Ferrara gets madder and runs at Grimm, but ends up in an arm wrench and elbow lock. Lil’ Willie wants to unzip, but Grimm keeps him zipped up. Ferrara gets even angier and swings on Grimm, but Grimm hits the arm-drag takedown into an armlock. Grimm stands Ferrara back up for an arm-wrench and wristlock takedown.
Grimm goes back to an armlock, Ferrara gets up and arm-drags out. Things speed up, Ferrara gets a wheelbarrow but Grimm stalls it, into a full-nelson drop down!
And the rear naked choke!
Ferrara flails, he elbows his way out and up. He reaches for Rhett, Grimm reels him in for a back suplex. Grimm fires up as he flexes, then covers, TWO. Tag to Flip, Grimm gives Ferrara a European Uppercut and Flip gives him a haymaker. Ferrara asks Flip to help take the costume off. Flip unzips Ferrara just enough to chop directly on chest! Flip chops and chops, then snapmares for a running kick and standing moonsault. TWO, Rhett Claus cheers on Lil’ Willie. Flip stands Ferrara up and rocks him with a forearm. Flip whips Ferrara corner to corner but is reversed, Ferrara runs in but gets a back elbow. Ferrara runs back in, Flip jumps up and over and handsprings to a dropkick. Cover, TWO, Flip dares Ferrara to tag Rhett. Ferrara crawls, Flip uses him as a step stool to forearm smash Rhett down!
Flip gives Ferrara a stiff knee to the face before going to the apron. Rhett swings but Flip cartwheels over to then mule kick, Rhett grabs that foot to trip Flip up. Flip hits apron and tumbles to the floor, Rhett rebounds off ropes to clothesline Flip into the barriers. The Big Dawg taunts while the Lil’ Dawg finally gets out of his costume, and we go to break.
ROH returns, The Dawgs still have control. Rhett backs Flip into his corner and tags in Ferrara. The Dawgs technically work together as Rhett stops Ferrara from whipping him into Flip and instead whips Ferrara into Flip. Ferrara gets upset, but Rhett still makes him into a human battering ram to boot Flip down. Then Rhett dumps Ferrar onto Flip for a splash, cover, TWO. Ferrara taunts Flip with barks, then stomps him down. Grimm and fans rally for Flip while Ferrara stands him up. Flip blocks the suplex, Ferrara gives body shots and tags in Rhett. The Dawgs double suplex Flip down, then take time taunting, and arguing. Rhett shoves Ferrara over, then uses a catapult to give Ferrara a boost into another splash.
Rhett covers, TWO. The Dawgs are frustrated, but Rhett keeps on Flip. Fans rally again, Flip feeds off that energy to get up and fight out. Rhett gives a body blow, Flip follows him on the run, Flip hits the Spring-Blade!
Both men are down, the fans rally as the two crawl for their corners. Rhett grabs Flip’s foot, but gets an enziguri. Ferrara tags in, Flip tags Grimm! Grimm rallies on Ferrara with big EuroUppers, one after another, and even against the ropes. Grimm runs rope to rope and clobbers Ferrara with a forearm smash before throwing him overhead! Ferrara tags Rhett back in, Grimm is ready, he turns Rhett around for a EuroUpper to the back of the head. Then, straitjacket hold to a wristlock spin-out boot! Grimm double underhooks, tiger bomb! Ferrara breaks the cover, Flip returns, Ferrara puts him on the apron. Flip swing-kicks Ferrara back then slingshots up, Ferrara shoves him down! Grimm runs Ferrara over with a clothesline. Rhett returns, grabs Grimm in the waistlock but standing switch to roll up, TWO, Grimm is sent into Ferrara’s package! Er, present.
Ferrara tags in, Rhett lifts Grimm and they hit Who Let the Dawgs Out!
The Dawgs win! And they ruin Christmas for Grimm & Gordon. Will Rhett & Willie ruin the New Year for other ROH tag teams, too?
The American Nightmare continues his Christmas Surprise selections.
This time, Cody looks much happier with his present.
“I’m getting greedy! Here we go.” Wait a minute. “Does this guy even work here?”
Cody continues selections after the commercial break.
Cody’s been a good boy, hasn’t he? He can turn this around. He thinks about going for the big stuff but realizes that could be a trick. Last year, Cody got Cheeseburger, he’s not falling for that again.
Cody goes with the smallest gift but, no, it doesn’t look good. Not a single one of his friends will be on his team.
Who did Cody get as teammates for Christmas? Can he still turn it into a winning hand?
The Peacock has his turn with the Christmas Surprise.
“One more gift.” Castle carefully considers his options and… “Well this certainly makes things interesting.”
Castle clearly likes what he got for Christmas. Is this going to turn out to be Cody’s own Nightmare Before Christmas?
ROH takes a look back on the Women of Honor in 2017.
First, the Exotic Goddess, Mandy Leon, graduates from the ROH dojo and joins the Gatekeeper, Kelly Klein, on excursion to Japan’s Stardom Wrestling. Within the WOH Division, Kelly Klein would go back and forth with The Virtuosa, Deonna Purrazzo. Controversy created personal grudges between the two women, and even a third woman as Karen Q made her WOH debut and found herself entangled in Klein’s and Purrazzo’s feud. Karen would take advantage of this and make a name for herself, at the expense of her friendship with Purrazzo. Karen Q and Deonna Purrazzo would wage their own war in a Street Fight, and things naturally got vicious. The Virtuosa would tough it out and make Karen tap out, establishing herself near the top of the WOH Division.
With 2018 coming, that means new women graduating the dojo. But biggest of all, a WOH Champion will finally be crowned! Who will climb the mountain to stand at the very top of this premier women’s wrestling division?
10 Man Christmas Surprise Tag Team Match: Team Cody VS Team Dalton Castle!
“In the spirit of the holiday,” Cody will give a gift to the loudest ROH fan in the building tonight. Everyone makes noise, Cody looks around, but it is tough to tell who is the loudest. “I’ve made my choice. Nobody gets it!” And he stomps on the gift!
Cody hates Christmas! Fans boo his lack of holiday spirit. Cody protests that he didn’t get to be with his friends on Christmas, so just go ahead and introduce his “team”. On Team American Nightmare, it’s Scorpio Sky, Josh “The Goods” Woods, Chris Sabin of the Motor City Machine Guns, and… Punishment Martinez!
With Cody’s team fully introduced, The Peacock finally makes his entrance.
And on his team: The Last Real Man, Silas Young; War Machine’s Hanson; The Octopus, Jonathan Gresham; and… THE VILLAIN, MARTY SCURLL!
What irony it is that Bullet Club members are on opposite teams. In fact, neither of them is very happy about this, especially Cody.
Marty wants to be on Team Cody but has no choice but to be Team Castle, the teams sort out and settle in while we go to break.
ROH returns and the match finally begins.
The Bullet Club isn’t the only stable stuck on opposite sides. Team Search & Destroy must face itself as The Octopus goes up against Chris Sabin to start this Christmas Surprise. They circle, tie up in a test of strength, and Gresham slips out and aruond but Sabin is right with him. Sabin goes for the throw but Gresham lands on his feet to wrench the arms. Gresham brings Sabin down but Sabin pops right back up to spin and roll, arm-drag to takedown. Gresham pops back up, Sabin kip-ups for another arm-drag. The fans applaud the stand-off but it’s only for a moment as Sabin runs and Gresham trips him up. Gresham runs, Sabin dodges, things speed up even more, Sabin stops himself and goes arm-drag for arm-drag with Gresham. Sabin pops out of a headscissors and the two stand-off again, “Bang Bang!”
Fans applaud and chant “Merry Christmas!” while the two shake hands in respect. Gresham tags Castle, Sabin tags Scorpio Sky, but then Silas tags himself in. Fans boo but a tag is a tag. Silas and Scorpio circle, tie up, Silas powers Scorpio to a neutral corner. The referee calls for the break, Silas tries a sucker punch but Scorpio ducks and gets around behind Silas. Silas swings but Scorpio dodges. Scorpio kicks, Silas blocks. Silas swings but Scorpio ducks to chop Silas. Silas dares Scorpio to “be a man!” Scorpio hits him with a forearm, so Silas hits back with his own. Silas gets running, Scorpio dodges and speeds things up. Dropkick drops Silas, but Silas gets up and dares Scorpio to try again. Scorpio runs in, but into Silas’ backbreaker and lariat! Silas drags Scorpio up but Scorpio gets away to tag in Cody, Castle tags himself in!
Team Captains finally enter, like a flashback to Final Battle. However, Cody swerves and tags out to The Goods. Mr. Top Prospect 2017 circles with The Peacock, Castle takes off the holiday sweater. Castle swings the sweater around and around and around, to then sling it at Cody’s team! Cody grabs a chair, but calms down as Castle and Woods start shoving. Woods puts Castle in a corner, Castle comes out with a waistlock to put Woods in the other corner. Fans applaud because Cody’s put on Castle’s sweater! And blows friendly kisses to The Villain across the way.
Scurll of course returns them, but then argues with his teammates. Castle is upset Cody is wearing his sweater, but this distraction allows Woods to get a waistlock slam on The Peacock. Castle gets up and Woods is ready for more, so Castle comes in and dumps Woods on his head! Woods gets up and gives Castle an arm-wrench takedown, then brings him up to his feet. Woods tries to gutwrench, Castle counters with his own gutwrench, waistlock again but standing switch, another standing switch, Castle bucks Woods off, Peacock Pose!
The fans applaud the charismatic Castle while we go to break.
ROH returns, and now the Monster and the War Beard have tagged in. Hanson and Martinez circle while fans–and Cody–rally. They run in and collide, but neither one goes down. They back up and collide again, but still neither falls down. Martinez kicks low, whips Hanson but Hanson cartwheels. Hanson swings but Martinez ducks the clothesline to run and hit a clothesline of his own. Hanson gets up, ducks the kick and runs Martinez over this time, but then Martinez gets up again. Martinez lifts Hanson and hits a back suplex, but then Hanson gets up and gives Martinez a back suplex of his own. Martinez stands up again, and the two behemoths stare down.
Cody is upset with Martinez, he throws Castle’s sweater at him. Martinez picks it up to throw it back at Cody. Martinez is the bigger man, why isn’t he finishing Hanson already? Well, if Cody is so fired, he should try it. Martinez tags Cody in! Marty mouths off at Hanson on the other end, so Hanson chops Marty for a tag! The Villain and the American Nightmare must face each other! But as Hanson and the fans say, “Rules is rules!” Hanson hip tosses Marty into the ring, he and Cody come face to face. Sabin starts a “FIGHT! FIGHT!” chant, the fans join in. Marty gets an idea, and Cody plays along: the two Bullet Club members give each other a Christmas One Sweet.
Castle doesn’t care for their friendship, he gets in and shoves Scurll into Cody! Cody gets mad, he thinks Marty did that himself. Marty takes offense and is ready to fight Cody for real. The two bark at each other as they circle around the ring, then run in, for a hug.
Fans applaud the power of their friendship, but the others on their teams feel let down. Therefore, the others get in and attack the man not on their team!
Fans boo, they were enjoying the friendly gesture. The referee tries to regain order but the other eight men decide instead to whip Cody and Marty at each other. Cody and Marty do-si-do and spin around, and end up on the same sides as their teams. The ten men stand against each other 5v5, but then Castle stops them all. “This is NOT the spirit! Everyone’s hitting each other, it’s CHRISTMAS for God’s sake.” That doesn’t seem to bother the others, because another brawl breaks out! Things spill out of the ring while fans chant “Merry Christmas! Ho ho ho!” The chaotic pairings soon regroup on one side, Castle runs but fakes them out. The Peacock struts!
Sabin sneaks in, mocking the strut, kicks Castle and throws him out to join the cluster. Sabin gives Castle a Penalty Kick from the apron then strikes his own pose, but The Villain knocks him down. Marty builds speed now, slips out to the apron and SUPERKICKS Sabin. Marty flaps his wings “woop woop” but Scorpio Sky knocks him off the apron now. Scorpio builds speed and FLIES!
Everyone topples down, the fans are thunderous. Gresham gets back in the ring and builds speed, but Woods follows to stop him with a kick. Woods lifts Gresham in a powerbomb, and throws him onto the others!
Silas drags Woods out and hammers away while Cody gets in the ring. The fans chant for Cody as he runs corner to corner to then jump and FLY!
The American Nightmare wipes everyone out, but now the Monster returns to the ring. Martinez runs, Martinez FLIES!
The fans are thunderous but this isn’t over! Hanson climbs up to the top rope, takes aim at the cluster, and JUMPS for a meteoric cannonball!!
The fans again chant “Merry Christmas! Ho ho ho!” as Hanson rises from the human wreckage. Marty even gets up and celebrates with him while we go to break.
ROH returns once more to find the teams have regrouped back in the ring. Scorpio Sky is in a corner, Marty coordinates a “choo choo” corner train. He whips Gresham in for the forearm smash, then Silas for another, then Castle for a third. Hanson goes in for the fourth, Marty runs in but gets a boot! The train goes around a second time, Gresham hitting, then Silas hitting, then Castle and Hanson. Marty tries again, but gets another boot! They go a third time, with success from Gresham, Silas, Castle and Hanson again, but still a big boot for Marty! The team doesn’t understand, they try and help the dazed Marty find his way, but he just flops like Flair.
Cody’s team returns to drag out the others, Scorpio gets out of the corner and regroups. They say it’s their turn, as they whip Scurll corner to corner. The train starts with Scorpio, Sabin, Woods and Martinez, who all hit. However, Cody hesitates; he and Scurll are still friends. His team encourage him, though, but he stops short. The others tell him to just do it, Martinez makes him run in, but Scurll dodges and Cody hits post. The teams regroup at their corners while fans rally. Marty and Cody crawl, tags to Scorpio and Castle. Castle blows up Cody’s corner but goes after Cody, not realizing he isn’t the legal man. Castle gives Cody a big single-leg suplex, but in comes Martinez. Martinez runs at Castle but is dumped back out. Sabin comes in, gets a waistlock, standing switch and German Suplex! Woods comes in, he gets a single-leg suplex! Legal man Scorpio comes in, runs to a corner and jumps, but Castle catches him for another overhead suplex! The fans are fired up and cheer Castle. Castle goes after Scorpio again, bringing him up into position, but Scorpio slips out in the spin. Scorpio sends Castle to a corner but Castle elbows back before hopping up. Scorpio jumps up to SUPER STEINER Castle down!
Castle rolls all the way out, Gresham comes in. Things speed up, Quebrada onto Scorpio then a DIVE onto Sabin! Gresham puts Sabin in the ring before climbing up. He jumps over Sabin as Sabin rushes in, but then runs back to try for the Octopus Stretch. Sabin counters with a modified torture rack slam! Gresham rolls out, Silas returns, he gives Sabin the full-nelson spin-out. Then, fireman’s carry and spin but Sabin slips out. Silas rolls him up, knee to the face, low DDT into the mat. Woods returns, Silas trash talks too much but still ducks the kick. Silas brings Woods up in the fireman’s but Woods slips down, and catches Silas in the saido suplex. Hanson returns and heel kicks Woods right down! Martinez returns and climbs to the top, to hit a flying heel kick!
Hanson stays in, Martinez whips him, Hanson hits the handspring back elbow! Cody returns, runs at Hanson, Hanson scoops but Cody slips out. Hanson runs and cartwheels to avoid Cody’s counter, so Cody cartwheels to void Hanson’s lariat. They both cartwheel, Cody spins Hanson around for Cross Rhodes!
Hanson rolls out, Castle returns, Cody wants another but Castle shoves him away. Cody springboards for the Beautiful Disaster Kick! Castle is out on his feet, Cody runs in but into BANGARANG!
Scorpio returns while Cody rolls out, takedown and roll to the jumping neckbreaker! Castle is dazed, but he still fights Scorpio off with a back elbow. Castle runs in but Scorpio boots him back, Scorpio runs into another BANGARANG!
Team Castle wins the Christmas bonus! The Peacock and his team will go home a little richer, will the New Year bring more success for each of them?
My Thoughts:
A fun Christmas episode for ROH, but this was clearly recorded before Final Battle yet meant to be considered after Final Battle. First, Cody’s hair isn’t bleached blonde like it was for Final Battle. Second, even though he is no longer ROH World Heavyweight Champion and Dalton Castle is, Cody still had the ROH WHC belt. Third, they don’t even refer to either man as the ROH WHC, as they probably didn’t even know which man was going to be champion at this time. Fourth, The Boys returned at Final Battle but were not present in this episode. Continuity aside, they managed to make this a great episode.
The Dawgs win a Christmas filler match, but great to see the man formerly known as Simon Gotch has found somewhere to be. Character/gimmick isn’t as important in ROH, so if Gotch/Grimm can keep up in the ring, he’ll definitely have a home here. Meanwhile, The Dawgs are slowly building wins and may one day be able to challenge for the ROH World Tag Team Championships, or at least be in a #1 contender’s match to put another team over. Then the 10 Man Tag was incredible, mostly for story. Cody and Castle were great in their selection promos, and Cody-Marty were great being reluctant opponents. In the end, Castle wins because whether it was before or after Final Battle, the Peacock needs to stay strong to be a believable ROH WHC.
My Score: 8.5/10
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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 2.6.2025
Can the Nemeths take the titles off of the IWCs favorite tag team Fraxiom?

Fandango (JDC) made an appearance on NXT television, Joe Hendry was in the Royal Rumble, and TNA got plenty of name drops between all of the WWE programming. So it’s nice to see this partnership is coming off very healthy early on.
Tessa Blanchard WILL NOT be in the Knockouts Battle Royal!
Watch #TNAiMPACT on TNA+:
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) February 7, 2025
- Tyson Dupont w/Wes Lee & Tyriek Igwe vs Ace Austin: Ace wins via The Fold – ** 3/4
- 10 Knockouts Battle Royale: Rosemary vs Jody Threat vs Dani Luna vs Ash by Elegance vs Heather by Elegance vs Tasha Steelz vs Alisha Edwards vs Jazz vs Savannah Evans vs Xia Brookside: Savannah Evans wins the title shot – ** 1/2
- The Hardy Boyz & Leon Slater vs The System: Jeff wins via Swanton Bomb – ***
- Matt Cardona vs Mike Santana: Santana wins via Spin the Block – ** 1/2
- NXT Tag Team Championships: Kaiba Boys (Nic & Ryan Nemeth) vs Fraxiom (c) : Fraxiom retains via Ryan is an Idiot – *** 1/2
Joe Hendry comes out to kick off the show with his concert, and he opens with a “We Are The Champions” parody of “Hendry Is The Champion”. Next song is “Joe Hendry Won the Belt” which is pretty solid and a little arrogant, but so is his entire shtick, then he calls the trope and starts up a song with “This Is The Part Where Somebody Cuts Me Off” and that Somebody…is SOMETHING, Jake SOMETHING. Jake says he talked to Santino for a title shot next week…okay.
There’s a backstage interview with Masha, and yeah…she sounds very lame when speaking English. The aura is gone, she’s still a great wrestler but hot damn are her promos like Chinese Water Torture.
Tyson Dupont w/Wes Lee & Tyriek Igwe vs Ace Austin
Collar and Elbow ties ups start things off slow until Tyson takes a cheap shot during a break and then runs Ace over off the ropes. Ace tries the Hip Toss but fails, Tyson counters with one of his own, Ace lands on his feet, rolls backwards, chops at the legs with some Sweep Kicks and then gets a quick 2 with a La Magistral. Ace keeps the strikes and Cradles flowing until Tyson sandbags him during an ill advised Suplex attempt, Ace tries something off the ropes to regain momentum but eats a Pop-Up Powerslam for two! Tyson with back to back Stinger Splashes, Whips Ace chest first into the corner, Ace bounces out and turns around to eats a Corkscrew European Uppercut for another near fall.
Tyson tries to take the fight out of Ace with the Full Nelson, but Ace is energized by the crowd. Ace uses the corner and his knees to break the Full Nelson, almost eats another Pop-Up but Full Extension Dropkick gives Ace new life. Rockstar Kick Combo, Russian Leg Sweep, Click Click Boom for two and Ace keeps chopping at the bigger man with Round Kicks to the lower body. Tyson goes for the Warrior Splash and MISSES! Ace turns that into a Fold off the ropes and wins!
Post match beating and The Rascalz show up for the save.
.@ManceWarner and @stephdelander have a target on @TheSamiCallihan!
Watch #TNAiMPACT on TNA+:
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) February 7, 2025
10 Knockouts Battle Royale: Rosemary vs Jody Threat vs Dani Luna vs Ash by Elegance vs Heather by Elegance vs Tasha Steelz vs Alisha Edwards vs Jazz vs Savannah Evans vs Xia Brookside
Lish decides to mouth off to Jazz immediately and eats The Clamp right off the bat and then hell breaks loose. Cora Jade is on commentary and she’s solid. Lish eliminates Tasha thinking she’s clever and then gets double teamed by Spitfire, so she gets dumped out after her betrayal. Elegance Clique was under the ring but Ash kept her nails visible so Dani pulls her out from under, and Heather was holding on, while Jody gets pulled from the other side. So Dani gets a goofy power spot, Heather gets eliminated, then Dani gets eliminated, Rosemary Spears Jody and eliminates her.
ASH tries to get her, Rosemary and Savannah to attack Jazz and Xia, but Ash doesn’t really attack and Xia and Jazz take control. Ash and Rosemary eliminate Jazz. Xia gets excited and eliminates Rosemary and Ash, Savannah tries to take advantage of the situation but the crowd is all for Xia. Xia manages to get Savannah over the rope to the apron, but Cora gets up off of commentary to distract Xia, Savannah tries a Chokebomb on the apron, Xia fights it off with biting the hand and then eats a headbutt from Savannah to eliminate Xia. So Savannah gets a title shot while Cora Jade mocks Xia for losing.
Eric comes out with the two jabronis and they look even lamer coming out in white hoodies. They look like AEW fans, not professional wrestlers. I love EY leading a group, be it World Elite, SAnitY, Violence by Design or whatever this will be known as…but these dudes are garbage. Steve Maclin interrupts the EY rant, so it should be interesting where Steve lands on this. Maclin asks a great question, why didn’t EY just tell him this was the plan when he knows he earned his trust. Maclin says “As long as they’re with you…I’m not”. So Maclin doesn’t declare himself an enemy, but he just says they’re not cool anymore. Oh and Josh’s music hits. I guess he hasn’t left yet.
Josh is a make-a-wish kid apparently, bald Canadian off, this is like Reptile vs Sub Zero, next week we get EY vs Josh as Josh’s Swan Song. Could be a solid match, so I’m not mad about it…I just hate the jabroni duo.
.@TheSamiCallihan is NOT in the mood for @FrankieKazarian! @milanmiracle
Watch #TNAiMPACT on TNA+:
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) February 7, 2025
The Hardy Boyz & Leon Slater vs The System
Leon and JDC start, things get a little weird but JDC tags out to Eddie, Leon has Arm Drags for all and tags in Matt for a little tandem Extreme Elbow into the hyperextended arm action, Matt tags in Jeff for more tandem Arm attacks on Eddie. More Hardy party, Eddie is eating boots like he’s Tony Atlas. Poetry in Motion the classic way, JDC finally gets sick of watching Eddie get dogwalked, but System is getting stacked up and English Poetry in Motion on JDC and Eddie, Moose got knocked off the apron and a commercial break.
Oh look, Moose had Leon in the corner but Leon was fighting out of it. The other System members try to do something but Leon is fighting them all off, looks to fly, but Lish jumps on the apron to block the dive. Leon jumps over Lish and Moose just catches him with an Apron Bomb. Leon beats the 10 count and Moose just jumps on him and tags in Eddie. Kobashi Chops from Eddie, blind tag from JDC, Rocket Launcher into the Forearm for the Slingshot Elbow and JDC tags in Moose to maintain the pressure.
Eddie tags in and wipes out the Hardys, Blue Thunder Bomb, Senton and Down and Dirty from The System, but the Hardys barely make the save to stop the pinfall. Leon counters JDC’s Brainbuster with a Small Package, Leg Lariat from Leon, simultaneous tag and it’s Jeff and Moose. Jawbreaker for Moose, Mule Kick for Eddie, Manhattan Drop on Moose, Jeff is rolling with the classics. He calls for the Twist, JDC and Eddie break it up so it turns into a schmoz as Leon just Slingshots himself into the System. Feint Kick rocks Moose, Hardys take out the others, Leon wanted to go for his Corner Jump but Moose cuts him off with a Pump Kick. Leon dodges the Lights Out as Moose Posts himself, Leon takes out the other members. Plot Twist from the Hardyz, Jeff lets Leon hit the Swanton 450 first, then Swanton Bomb gives Jeff another pinfall victory over Moose.
This better be leading towards a Jeff X Division Championship shot, because that’s two visible pinfalls now.
.@MustafaAli_X had words of wisdom for @TheJasonHotch, @TheJohnSkyler and @RealTSteelz!
Watch #TNAiMPACT on TNA+:
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) February 7, 2025
Matt Cardona vs Mike Santana
After the typical chicken shit powder into rope retreat, Santana hits a few Chops and starts movin, Cardona tries to powder again but Santana hits the dive to lay out Cardona. He throws Cardona back in the ring, Cardona powders again and trips up Santana on the apron to finally take advantage of things. There is a “We Want Chelsea” chant going as Cardona takes the advantage. Cardona is making more faces at the camera and crowd then connecting with moves that really matter. A few Irish Whips, a Rude Awakening, just very slow and boring since there’s no real tension in this match. Santana counters for a Cradle, Mule Kick after Cardona is back up, a little rope run into the Rolling Buck Fifty, but only for two.
Santana wants to Spin the Block and misses, Enzuigiri from Santana, Cardona tries to catch Santana off the ropes with Radio Silence but Santana turns it into a Spicolli Driver for two! A slow climb up the corner allows Cardona to crotch Santana into the seated position, ReBoot time, Tiger Driver for two. Radio Silence attempt, Santana catches him, Buckle Bomb, Guerrero Frog Splash, SPIN – THE – BLOCK! Santana wins.
NXT Tag Team Championships: Kaiba Boys (Nic & Ryan Nemeth) vs Fraxiom (c)
Little grounded Greco-Roman wrestling between Nic and Axiom, Frazer blind tag does take Nic by surprise as Frazer runs circles around Nic for a while before a Dropkick connects from Nic and tags in Ryan. Stereo Shot to Heart spot from the Nemeths. Ryan’s offense is purposely kinda corny, and it’s funny when Frazer finally bests him you just very audibly hear the “Oh Shit” and Fraxiom do a little tandem action rush, Locomotion Dives from Fraxiom, Nic counters Frazer, catches Axiom’s foot and then makes Axiom kick Frazer. Arianna is on commentary and its hilariously ditzy. She says something like “That’s really awkward, he kicked his friend…”, it’s so…adorable in a vapid way.
Back from commercial, Ryan is trying to fight back against Axiom, but a blind tag from Frazer, a Poison Rana into Double Superkicks and a Running Shooting Star is a very close two. Ryan slips a Suplex from Frazer for a Cradle, only two but it gives Ryan space to tag out and Frazer tags out so Nic is riding the hot tag, Stinger Splash into his 10 Shots to the Heart Elbow drops, but Axiom kicks out. Axiom goes for a desperation something and Nic connects with a FAMEasser for two! Enzuigiri from Ryan actually connects, Nic tries a quick pinfall but nope only 2. Ryan tags in and cuts off Axiom while pushing him back into the Kaiba corner.
Nic is trying to keep Axiom grounded, and tags back in Ryan, and its just classic isolation offense. Nothing flashy, oh, Ryan posts himself Nic blind tags but Axiom tags out. Rope Run Lariats, Slingblade, Frog Splash from Frazer but only two! Phoenix Splash attempt misses, Implant DDT from Nic for…two and a half. Nic tries to lift up Frazer, but the twisting Enzuigiri drops Nic and Frazer tags in Axiom. Axiom comes in deliberately, a few strikes, but Nic counters, Superkick on Axiom, Frazer slips and Nic Superkicks Frazer, Danger Zone and Hollywood Ending in stereo! 1-2-KICK OUT! Ryan tries to whip Nic at Axiom, but Axiom moves, Axiom dodges Ryan but then gets grabbed into an Implant DDT from Nic, Ryan tries something but Axiom and Frazer are rolling, Superplex, Golden Ratio, and Nic makes the save! Ryan is looking for something under the ring, Nic admonishes Mokuba for trying to use a chair, Axiom Dropkicks Ryan into Nic, Nic falls out, Ryan eats the finish and Fraxiom retain!
Overall Score: 6.5/10
Well…I can’t be too angry at all of this. Yes the Battle Royale was dumb and really just put a spotlight on how pathetic the Knockouts Division is right now, but Tessa’s promo was solid, Mance and Steph was a good promo, Hardyz was a good match, main event was a good match…and nothing was really offensive. Yes I hate the Jabroni Squad with EY now, but they didn’t talk, much like usual, they barely exist. Ace and Tyson had a decent opening match and I am a little interested in what Mustafa is building.
Also we get another Jeff Hardy pins Moose moment, so if this doesn’t turn into Jeff getting the X Division title shot then I’m gonna be Brooklyn confused. I have also finally figured out what Arianna Grace’s whole gimmick is, its just Ariana Grande’s character from Victorious and Sam & Cat. Since I didn’t really watch it closely (not really my generation, but AJ did have random Nickelodeon crap on growing up) it didn’t click until we’ve been hearing her talk more during the TNA commentary, and she does the same air headed, vapid yet adorable way of speaking and comes across with a measure of innocence.
But yeah, an okay show if you ignore the Knockouts. At least the NXT partnership will bolster the weakest part of TNA since NXT does truly have the most stacked women’s division at the moment.
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The Fallen Goddess returns!
The ROH Women’s World Champion, Athena, finally returns home! But who will be next to challenge The Minion Overlord’s Forever Reign?
- Blake Christian VS Adam Priest; Blake wins.
- Griff Garrison & Preston Vance w/ Cole Karter VS Eli Theseus & Gabriel Aeros; Griff & Vance win.
- Lee Johnson w/ EJ Nduka VS Jon Davis; Lee wins.
- ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Ground Match: Athena w/ Billie Starkz VS Carolina Cruz; Athena wins and denies Cruz a title match.
- Sammy Guevara VS Mansoor w/ Mason Madden; Sammy wins.
- ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Red Velvet VS Robyn Renegade; Velvet wins and retains the title.
- Fatal 4 Way Tag: The Outrunners VS The Dark Order VS Grizzled Young Veterans VS The Premier Athletes; The Outrunners win.
Blake Christian VS Adam Priest!
The “Vanilla Baby” is looking to keep his win streak alive, and maybe even go for some gold. But will Blake continue to act like he isn’t All Heat? Or will Priest pry the truth out of this Christian?
The Code of Honor is not upheld as Blake flips Priest off! The bell rings, and Priest takes that finger and bends it! The fans cheer as Priest waistlocks, but Blake switches. Blake half nelsons, snapmares, and then SLAPS Priest in the face! Blake eggs Priest on and Priest storms up, but Blake hits a headlock takeover. Priest fights to a headscissors and he squeezes tight. Blake kips free, arm-drags, then avoids Priest’s arm-drag! Blake lounges on the ropes, the ref reprimands and the fans boo, but Priest runs up. Blake BOOTS Priest, rolls him up, TWO! Blake whips Priest, Priest reverses to drop down then arm-drag!
Blake hits a headlock takeover, and he traps Blake’s arm. The fans cheer while Priest grinds Blake down. Blake headscissors, Priest kips free, and then Priest ducks a punch to SLAP Blake in return! The fans cheer and Priest storms up on Blake. Blake bails out, the fans chant, “Let’s Go, Blue Pants!” and Priest gives a thumbs up. Blake storms up but Priest catches him in the ropes! Priest UPPERCUTS Blake, whips, but Blake blocks! Priest tries again but Blake ROUNDHOUSES! Blake throws Priest into the ropes, then he hits a basement 619! The fans boo but Blake springboards to FLYING LARIAT Priest down!
Blake taunts the fans as they boo more, then Blake stalks Priest to the apron. Blake goes up a corner, but Priest anchors Blake’s legs! Blake CLAWS Priest’s face, then waits for Priest to crawl into the ring, GUILLOTINE LEG DROP! Cover, TWO! Priest survives and the fans fire up for him! Blake TOSSES Priest out to the floor, then hurries out to put him against railing. Blake grinds Priest’s head into the railing, then dares the fans to cheer Blue Pants now. Priest elbows free, but Blake hits low! Blake snap suplexes Priest to the floor! The fans rally but Blake stalks Priest. Blake fires haymakers, pushes Priest in, but fans continue to cheer on Blue Pants.
Blake wrenches an arm to top wristlock, then he throat chops! The fans boo, the ref checks Priest, but Blake was good at hiding that cheap shot. Blake whips, Priest reverses, and Priest ducks the kick to pump handle and SUPLEX! The fans fire up again while both men are down! Priest and Blake slowly rise, but Priest CHOPS first! And CHOPS again! And again! Priest whips, Blake slingshots in the ropes and slips around to waistlock. Blake ducks Priest’s elbow, but Priest catches him in a DDT! Cover, TWO! Blake survives and Priest can’t believe it! The fans chant, “That Was Three!” but Priest storms up on Blake.
Priest whips, Blake reverses, but Priest ducks ‘n’ dodges. Blake rolls off the back, and he SNAP POWERSLAMS Priest! The fans boo Blake and cheer for “Blue Pants,” but Blake runs in at the corner. Blake blocks Priest’s kick, puts him in ropes, and hits a SLIDING GERMAN! Blake climbs up, aims, and 450 DOUBLE STOMPS!! The fans boo but Blake isn’t done! He clamps on a facelock, then BRIDGES! It’s a bridging crossface! Priest TAPS, Blake wins!
Winner: Blake Christian, by submission
Blake served Priest a #VanillaChokeZero and clearly Priest can’t stand it! Blake doesn’t care if you don’t like the taste, will he still get win after win until he’s golden?
Griff Garrison & Preston Vance w/ Cole Karter VS Eli Theseus & Gabriel Aeros!
While the Ivy League MVP, Perro Peligroso & the Diamond in the Rough rejected Jacked Jameson, these three did seem to like his idea of a fighting fraternity. Will Griff & Vance keep their winning ways going? Or will The Parea show their power?
The Code of Honor is not kept as Griff & Vance slap away The Parea’s hands. The teams sort out, Griff starts against Eli, and the bell rings. Griff and Eli tie up, then Griff throws Eli right down! Eli gets up in a huff, circles with Griff, and they tie up again. Griff waistlocks, Eli reaches back to headlock, and Eli grinds the hold. Griff powers up and out but Eli goes up and over! Eli atomic drops, talks some smack, then wrenches. Tag to Aeros and they double whip. Aeros sends Eli in for a SPLASH! Then Eli gives Aeros a boost on the BACK ELBOW! Eli snapmares Griff while Aeros talks smack on Vance. Aeros then basement DROPKICKS Griff! Cover, ONE!
Aeros clamps onto Griff, wrenches the arm, then tags Eli. Aeros feeds Griff to Eli’s scoop and SLAM! Eli fires the fans up before doing a Greek two-step. But wait, Jacked Jameson appears? And he tells Eli to take this seriously, bro! Eli asks what Jameson is doing out here, as does the referee. Jameson argues with Aubrey but that lets Vance reach out and SLAP Eli! Griff then BOOTS Eli down! Griff rains down forearms on Eli, then TOSSES him tot he floor! Tag to Vance, then Griff BLASTS Aeros! Vance sends Eli into railing! And then more railing! And then even more railing! The fans are torn but Vance sends Eli back into railing!
Griff hops down and he helps Vance mug Eli! Aeros protests but Vance ROCKS Eli before he slides into the ring. Jameson gets a cheap shot in! Well, it’s clear he still wants to be part of the team. Eli drags himself into the ring but Vance is right on him! Vance suplexes, and he holds Eli up for a count of TEN before the SLAM! Vance taunts Aeros with his own two-step! Vance drags Eli up, bumps him off buckles, then tags Griff. Vance sends Griff in for a LARIAT! Griff CHOPS Eli, sits him down, then taunts Aeros. The refs tops Aeros, and that lets Vance CHOKE Eli! Griff CLUBS Eli, then he tags Vance.
The frat boys mug Eli and the fans rally up. Eli fires body shots but Vance CLUBS him down! Vance says he shut that down real quick. Vance scoops Eli to SLAM him, then says “SUCK IT!” Vance runs to then casually ELBOW DROP! Vance puts Eli in the corner, tags Griff, and the mugging continues. Griff scoops Eli to then flex with one arm! Griff SLAMS Eli, covers, TWO! Griff facelocks Eli to keep him down. The fans rally, Eli endures, and Aeros coaches Eli up. Eli fights up, fires body shots, then BACKDROPS free! The fans rally as Eli and Griff crawl, hot tags to Vance and Aeros! Aeros LARIATS Vance! And ELBOWS him!
Aeros bobs ‘n’ weaves to fire body shots! Vance blocks one but Aeros spins to BACK ELBOW! Griff runs up but Aeros dodges to DROPKICK! Aeros gets air, then he runs to BACK ELBOW Vance in the corner! Aeros fireman’s carries Vance, but Griff makes the save! Vance dodges Aeros, Griff ROLLING ELBOWS him! Vance DISCUS LARIATS Aeros down, then covers, the frat wins!
Winners: Griff Garrison & Preston Vance, by pinfall
Whether or not they needed the help, Jameson did play a part in this. And at least for now, they’re letting him flex with ’em. Will this new quartet soon take over ROH?
Backstage “interview” with Athena.
Since Lexy Nair was expelled from MIT, Billie Starkz must now stand in as the interviewer. She says The Fallen Goddess has called an Emergency MEM, and Athena finishes the line, “A Minion Empowerment Meeting.” Athena tells Billie to get it together! It is her job now! But hi, minions~! Forget this one, it is all about her! The Athena World Tour is over, but the Athena World Domination has just begun. Tonight will be no different than any other night of her dominating. Isn’t that right, Minion 400,237 & 3/4ths? Yeah! Tag match! They’ll do great! Uh, no, there is no “we” in this. In fact, Athena got that tag match cancelled.
Athena reminds Billie that Lexy being fired was pivotal in Billie’s development and she meant it. So tonight, Billie will sit there, watch Athena some broad in the face, and learn a lesson! Who is Athena? Tell ’em who she is, Billie! Uh, Athena is the Minion Overlord, American Joshi, the… There’s a whole list. Athena tells Billie to just sit there, shut up, and enjoy Athena’s show. Billie sighs and says, “Got it, boss.” As if Athena wasn’t awful to her before, will Billie ever get the respect she deserves?
ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Ground Match: Athena w/ Billie Starkz VS Carolina Cruz!
The Fallen Goddess is 61-0, and that includes never even letting one Proving Ground match reach the ten minute time limit! Will 2025 look no different than 2024, or even 2023? Or can Carolina get ROH under Cruz Control?
The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and Athena SHOTGUNS Cruz into a corner! Athena then runs up to back body block, then she goes side to side to forearm SMASH! The fans fire up as Athena whips Cruz to ropes, fireman’s carries, and WASTELAND SLAMS! The fans cheer and Athena tells Billie to pay attention. Athena puts Cruz on the ropes, CHOKES her with a cravat, but stops at 4. Billie says she doesn’t think Cruz can breath, and Athena frowns. Athena KICKS Cruz in the side, and she tells Billie this could be her. Billie says she’s been through this already. Cruz fires body shots!
Athena is more annoyed than anything, but then Cruz rolls her up! TWO, and Athena runs up to S T O! Athena rains down fists, HAMMERS away, but the ref counts. Athena shouts that Posey doesn’t tell her what to do! Cruz flounders while Posey cowers back. Athena CLUBS Cruz, UPPERCUTS her, then whips her to ropes. Cruz grabs ropes and BOOTS back! Athena runs up, Cruz slips around to spin and ROCK Athena! Athena swings, but Cruz slips around, BUBBA BOMB! Cover, ONE!! Athena is mad now, but Cruz fires up! Athena blocks the boot to body shot, slip under, and CHOKE SLAM! Athena sits Cruz up to DECK her! High stack cover, Athena wins!
Winner: Athena, by pinfall (denies Carolina Cruz a title opportunity)
The Fallen Goddess’ devastating right hand takes out another one, and then she expects Billie to add on! Billie says she was told to stay seated so she’s staying seated. Athena sets the belt down and drags Cruz over. Athena tells Billie to just shut up and watch. Athena lines up the shot, but Cruz fights back with body shots! Athena staggers away, Billie hurries off, and Athena SUPERKICKS Cruz! Billie tells Athena she’s done enough, but Athena SWINGS Cruz into the railing, and then does it again, and again, and again! Athena keeps going as she dribbles Cruz’s face off the side! Billie pulls Athena off Cruz but Athena shouts that Billie doesn’t tell her what to do!
Athena tells Billie to just sit down and watch! Billie takes her seat again, but now the ref tells Athena to stop. Athena seethes, but she decides to leave it at this. Athena tells Billie to follow her out, and the two leave. Will Billie ever get out from under Athena’s thumb? Will nothing end Athena’s reign of terror?
Sammy Guevara VS Mansoor w/ Mason Madden!
The Spanish God dealt with Aaron Solo last week, but the line of could-be contenders is long. Up next is the Sultan of Suave on behalf of MXM Collection. Will Mansoor be able to bring down this Son of Texas? Or will Sammy check another name off the list?
For the Code of Honor, Mansoor wants to touch fingertips with Sammy, so Sammy goes to accept. But then Mansoor flips him off! Was he watching Blake earlier? The bell rings, Sammy and Mansoor circle, and they tie up. They go around, Mansoor headlocks, but Sammy powers up and out, only for Mansoor to pull Sammy’s hair! Mansoor hits a headlock takeover, then he grinds Sammy down. Mason tries to start a chant of “Let’s Go, Mansoor! You’re the prettiest!” but for one, that’s a sloppy fit for the rhythm. Sammy powers up and back suplexes, but Mansoor lands out! Sammy runs, Mansoor follows then RUNS Sammy over!
The fans are torn but Mansoor then fakes the run to POSE! Mansoor runs for real, but Sammy is up, he hurdles then backflips over to RUN Mansoor over! Now Sammy hits a POSE! Mason is furious but the fans like it. Sammy then runs, but Mansoor stays low and hurdles. Mansoor backflips, but Sammy lets him FLOP! Sammy then runs to run Mansoor over again! Mansoor bails out, Sammy spins and poses, and Mansoor is furious! Mansoor rushes up but Sammy DROPKICKS him back down! Sammy then builds speed and FOSBURY FLOPS! Down goes Mansoor and the fans cheer. Sammy says hi to Luna & Mama Tay, then he CHOPS Mansoor!
Sammy puts Mansoor in, but Mansoor distracts the ref so Mason can anchor Sammy! Sammy kicks free but Mansoor anchors Sammy now! Mason poses while Mansoor trips Sammy up. Mansoor ties Sammy’s legs up in the ropes, for a FIGURE FOUR! The ref counts, Mansoor holds until 4, and Mason talks trash on Sammy. The fans boo but Mansoor drags Sammy from the ropes. Mansoor stomps the legs, then he YANKS one! Sammy writhes, Mansoor says that’s an excellent maneuver! Mansoor has Sammy’s leg for a KNEE JAMMER! Sammy writhes, Mansoor mocks his pain, and even hobbles before he POSES!
The fans boo but Mansoor drags Sammy up, only for Sammy to cradle! TWO, and Mansoor kicks the leg! Mansoor hits a FISHERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Mansoor isn’t quite perfect, but he grabs Sammy’s leg to turn him over, HALF CRAB! Sammy endures and the fans rally up! Sammy powers up, turns back over, and he kicks with his fere leg! Mansoor lets go and staggers away. Sammy rises, Mansoor runs up, but Sammy avoids the sweep to ENZIGIRI! Sammy goes to a corner, Mansoor runs up, but Sammy dodges! Mansoor bounces off buckles, into a torture rack! GO TO- NO! Mansoor blocks the knee and trips Sammy!
Mansoor laces up the legs, step over, STEP OVER SHARPSHOOTER! Sammy endures this innovation, but he fights his way to the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Mansoor lets go at 4, and he snarls as he storms up on Sammy in the corner. Mansoor stomps the leg, then fires forearms! Mansoor puts the bad leg around ropes and pulls! The ref counts, Mansoor stops at 4, and Mason chants, “Sammy Sucks! Sammy Sucks!” Fans instead chant “Mansoor Sucks! Mansoor Sucks!” But Mansoor then points out how he has Sammy’s legs open, a la The Natural! The ref says Mansoor can’t do this! Mansoor takes a deep breath, then runs up, but into a DROPKICK!
The fans fire up as Sammy JABS! JABS! JABS! Flip, flop, and fly, BIONIC ELBOW! The fans fire up and Sammy blocks a kick to DRAGON SCREW! Mansoor hobbles for real now, and Sammy KICKS out the leg! And then he KICKS the leg again! Sammy runs up but Mansoor KICKS the bad leg! Mansoor goes up, reels Sammy in, but Sammy fights to SUPER DRAGON SCREW! The ref checks Mansoor and Mason storms in! Sammy dodges and the leg lariat gets caught up on the ropes! The fans fire up as Sammy shakes the ropes, jamming up Mason’s runway! Sammy then CHOPS Mason down! But Mansoor rolls Sammy up! ONE, but Mansoor has the leg!
Sammy cradles, rolls through, and he steps through! FIGURE FOUR! Mansoor flails, Mansoor TAPS, Sammy wins!
Winner: Sammy Guevara, by submission
Mansoor tried to mock Dustin Rhodes, but Sammy showed MXM what he learned from The Natural! However, Mason is back! Sammy spots him so he backs up, only for Mansoor to CHOP BLOCK Sammy’s leg! The fans boo but MXM stomp away! Mansoor drags Sammy up, time to kill him fashionably! CENTERFOLD!! Mansoor covers, Mason counts it, and “three!” MXM declare themselves the ROH World Tag Team Champions, but will Dustin make sure he and Sammy humble them?
ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Red Velvet VS Robyn Renegade!
While waiting on LEGIT Leyla’s return, The Chef continues to cook opponent after opponent. Will she serve up another L here in Daily’s Place? Or will this Renegade run away with Red’s gold?
The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who has the sweeter Homecoming!
The Code of Honor is upheld, if just barely, and the bell rings. The two circle, tie up, and Velvet headlocks. Robyn powers up but Velvet thrashes! Robyn tries again, Velvet still holds on, so Robyn throws Velvet down by her hair! Robyn mocks the stir it up, then headlocks in return. Robyn gives Velvet a noogie, but Velvet stomps Robyn’s foot! Then the other foot! Then she throws Robyn down by her hair! Velvet eggs Robyn on and Robyn is upset about Velvet touching her hair. The two reset, feel things out, then Robyn rushes in! Velvet dodges, leaps, but Robyn catches her! Robyn pops Velvet around for a FALL AWAY SLAM!
Robyn kips up, the fans fire up, and Robyn again mocks the stir it up. Robyn runs at the corner, but Velvet ELBOWS her away! Velvet goes to another corner, Robyn runs up again, and Robyn blocks a boot, to then DECK Velvet! Velvet flounders against ropes and Robyn storms up on her. Robyn CHOKES Velvet, the ref counts and the fans boo. Robyn talks trash, then lets off at 4. Robyn stalks Velvet to a corner to CHOP! Velvet DOUBLE CHOPS! Robyn ROCKS Velvet, Velvet ROCKS Robyn, and Robyn CLUBS Velvet! Robyn whips corner to corner, but Velvet reverses! Robyn goes up and over, then DROPKICKS Velvet down!
Velvet bails out, the fans are torn but Robyn soaks up both cheers and jeers. Robyn eggs Velvet on, Velvet takes her time with that 20 count, but Robyn builds speed! But Velvet catches Robyn in the apron skirt! Velvet fires hands and a DOUBLE CHOP! The fans fire up and Velvet CHOPS Robyn down! The ring count restarts, but Velvet steps on Robyn to get on the apron. Robyn flops out of the apron skirt while Velvet leaves her behind. Robyn springs in at 10 of 20, so Velvet stomps away on her! Velvet “kicks dirt,” but Robyn rolls her up! TWO, and both women hurry up! Velvet CALF KICKS Robyn down! Cover, TWO!
Velvet is annoyed but she clamps onto Robyn with a chinlock. Velvet grinds Robyn down into a cover, TWO! Robyn stays in this but Velvet kneels on her for a sneaky choke! The ref sees it, though, and he counts. Velvet steps off at 4, then runs to DOUBLE KNEE Robyn against ropes! Velvet CHOKES Robyn now, then lets off to say she’s the champ because she’s gorgeous, smart and- Robyn rolls her up! Robyn puts her feet on the ropes! The ref sees that and stops the count! Velvet grins as she escapes that one, then she rolls Robyn up! But Velvet reaches out for the ropes, and the ref easily sees that! No count and Velvet apologizes.
Velvet lets Robyn up, but Robyn body shots! Robyn whips, Velvet reverses, but Robyn slips around. Robyn half nelsons for the FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Velvet survives and Robyn grows frustrated. Robyn drags Velvet up, reels her in, and lifts, but Velvet turns the back suplex into a crossbody! Cover, TWO! Robyn escapes, fires a body shot, then puts Velvet in the ropes! Robyn KNEES Velvet, then DOUBLE STOMPS her down! Velvet slumps out of the ropes, Robyn covers, TWO!! Velvet survives and Robyn is frustrated. Velvet flounders, Robyn brings her up, but Velvet swings! Robyn ducks that, waistlocks, then ducks an elbow, but Velvet hits a DDT!
Both women are down and the fans fire up! Velvet slowly rolls away, and a standing count starts. Both women sit up at 6, go forehead to forehead, then Robyn ROCKS Velvet! Velvet ROCKS Robyn, but Robyn DECKS Velvet! Robyn tells Velvet to stay down, then says Velvet is nothing! Velvet stands, Robyn grabs her by the hair, but Velvet ROCKS Robyn! The fans fire up as Velvet ROCKS Robyn again! Then Velvet fires body shots! Velvet has Robyn in the corner and treats her like a punching bag! The ref counts, Velvet HAMMERS Robyn down, then she tells Robyn to respect the champion! Velvet cools off, but Robyn BOOTS her!
Robyn pump handles Velvet and lifts, but Velvet slips through! Dragon sleeper, STRAIGHT OUT THE KITCHEN!! Cover, Velvet wins!
Winner: Red Velvet, by pinfall (still ROH Women’s World Television Champion)
Robyn brought the fire but she was still the one that got cooked! Velvet holds up her title, then leaves fans hanging on the high-fives. Will Velvet keep serving up those L’s forever?
Fatal 4 Way Tag: The Outrunners VS The Dark Order VS Grizzled Young Veterans VS The Premier Athletes!
While MXM Collection beat down Sammy, the chase for the ROH Tag Team Championships never ends. Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd, Evil Uno & Alex Reynolds, Zack Gibson & James Drake, or Tony Nese & Ariya Daivari, which duo will- Sigh, of course Mark Sterling has to cut off Bobby Cruise… “Everybody knows that we are The Premier Athletes, and this is Tony Nese & Ariya Daivari. Now folks, we’ve decided to let the people of Jacksonville take part in our pregame cheer. However, based on our history, I must inform you that if you get it incorrect, I will be suing every single one of you!
“So, when I say, ‘Athletes,’ you say, ‘Rule,’ nothing else! Hands in, boys. Ohhh… Athletes!” “SUCK!!” There’s no way Sterling has enough paper and ink to print out that many lawsuits. But will Nese & Daivari find a way to defy the odds? Or will another team be poised for a title opportunity?
The teams sort out, and in this kind of Fatal 4, only two teams are legal. Daivari starts against Truth, and the fans rally up. Truth and Daivari circle, tie up, and Daivari pulls hair to put Truth in the corner! Tag to Nese and the Premier Athletes mug Truth! The ref counts, Nese & Daivari let off to try again. “ATHLETES!” “SUCK!!” Jacksonville still won’t play along, but Truth CHOPS Nese! Truth fires off, but Nese shoves him back! Truth storms back up, but into a throat chop! The ref reprimands, but Nese hits Truth with the HOTSHOT BULLDOG! Truth staggers away, Reynolds tags in, and he WRECKS Nese with a dropkick!
Daivari runs up but Reynolds ROCKS him, then whips him into railing! Reynolds puts Nese in, goes up the corner, and he CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Nese scrambles, Gibson tags in, but Reynolds drop toeholds and basement dropkicks him! Tag to Uno and Dark Order whips Gibson to the corner. The fans chant “Athletes Suck!” but Sterling says no they don’t! Anyway, Uno sends Reynolds in and he LARIATS Gibson! Reynolds feeds Gibson to Uno’s JAWBREAKER, then Reynolds hits a BACKBREAKER! Feed to the DDT! Cover, Drake breaks it! The Premier Athletes storm in, too, but The Outrunners go after them!
The fans fire up as things turn into a brawl between all four teams! Uno has Drake, Reynolds has Gibson, Truth has Daivari and Turbo has Nese! The Dark Order and Outrunners coordinate, and they all climb up! They all rain down fists! The fans fire up as all four corners go up to TEN, for FORTY total! Then they send GYV and Premier Athletes into each other! The fans cheer as things settle back down, and Uno has Gibson. Uno bumps Gibson off buckles, then he tags Reynolds. Dark Order has Gibson, and Uno runs, only for Nese & Daivari to trip him! Reynolds is upset but Gibson KNEES him down! Nese tags in off Gibson, and Nese stomps Reynolds down.
Nese drags Reynolds up to TOSS him out, then Nese argues with the ref. That allows Mark Sterling and Josh Woods to mug Reynolds on the outside! The fans boo but Daivari puts Reynolds in. Nese covers, TWO! Reynolds toughs it out but Nese drags him up. The Outrunners get the fans to chant “ATHLETES SUCK!” again, but Daivari tags in. Daivari stomps away on Reynolds, drags him up, and says you’ll see who sucks! Daivari back suplexes, but Reynolds lands out! Uno tags in, and he fires off hands and CHOPS on the Athletes! But Daivari kicks low! Daivari and Nese whip Uno to the corner, then Daivari runs up, but into an ELBOW!
Nese runs up on Uno but he gets an ELBOW! Uno then grabs them both, bumps Daivari off the buckle, then bumps Nese off it! Uno alternates between them, Sterling protests, but then Uno gives them a meeting of the minds! The fans cheer and Uno whips Daivari. Daivari reverses, Truth tags in! Truth fires hands on Daivari! The fans fire up, Truth snapmares Daivari then runs to drop a knee! Truth brings Daivari up, whips, but Daivari reverses! Drake gets a cheap shot in, but Truth DECKS Drake! Daivari ROCKS Truth, but Gibson tags in! Gibson short arm LARIATS Truth! The fans boo, but Gibson hits a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO!
Gibson keeps Truth down with a chinlock, and he grinds Truth down. The fans rally as Truth endures. Truth fights up, fires body shots, but Gibson CLUBS Truth down! Gibson then DECKS Uno, talks trash on Turbo, and he brings Truth up. But Truth fires body shots! Truth reaches for Turbo but Gibson holds him back! Gibson tags Drake, GYV whips Truth to the corner! Drake back elbows, Gibson LARIATS, then Drake WHEEL KICKS! Cover, NEse & Daivari break it! They and GYV argue, but they’re letting Truth slip away! The fans fire up but Nese notices! Nese drags Truth back, but Truth BOOTS him into Gibson!
Drake and Daivari attack Truth, and they end up working together! Daivari puts Truth in a corner to CHOP! Then he and Drake double whip Truth to the other corner. Daivari runs up, Truth dodges the splash and then LARIATS Drake! The fans fire up as Truth crawls for his corner! Hot tag to Turbo! The fans fire up as Turbo fires haymaker after haymaker on GYV and the Athletes! Scoop SLAM for Gibson! Scoop SLAM for Drake! Turbo fires up again and the fans are with him! Truth joins in, and he says, “Turbo Floyd! You sonova b*tch!” They shake hands, and then DOUBLE ELBOW DROP on Drake!
The fans fire up with The Outrunners, but The Athletes attack! They POST the Outrunners, but then Reynolds fires off on them both! Reynolds tosses Nese & Daivari out, then builds speed, but Sterling stands in the way! Uno grabs those papers from Sterling, to THROW them at him! The fans fire up and Mr. Brodie would be proud! Uno then holds the ropes open. Reynolds builds speed to DIVE! Reynolds wipes out the whole Premier Athletes team! The fans fire up, but then GYV give Uno some MAYHEM IN MOTION! And they BLAST Reynolds off the apron! They clinch Turbo for the ENZIGIR, then the ASSISTED SLICED BREAD! Cover, Nese & Daivari break it!
The GYV and Premier Athletes argue, but then they realize, they should take Turbo out first! But Truth jumps in, so the Outrunners stand against everybody! The fans fire up as Truth & Turbo fire haymaker after haymaker! They DECK Nese, DECK Drake, DECK Daivari and DECK Gibson! Gibson gets up, but the Outrunners DOUBLE LARIAT him out! Drake runs up, but he misses the enzigiri! Scoop and TOTAL RECALL!! Cover, OUTRUNNERS WIN!
Winners: The Outrunners, by pinfall
The Youngest Men Alive keep their ROH win streak alive! They took down three top tier teams, but will they be THE team to win some tag team gold?
My Thoughts:
A really good episode of ROH here, clearly part of the AEW Homecoming visit, and was only an hour and 11 minutes. I’m rather surprised there was no ROH Rewind, but that’s either because they couldn’t find a match that best relates to what’s going on right now, or they don’t feel they need it to fill time anymore. Athena was back, and she of course talks down to Billie. I almost thought Billie was going to stand up to her again, and this story can’t go another year. I feel like they kept the ROH Women’s World Championship on Athena given she was going to Japan and would look stronger as champion at WrestleDynasty and the Stardom events, but she really should drop it to Billie at Supercard.
Good match from Blake VS Priest, and I like that the spirit of Blue Pants lives on. Like, Priest gets an introduction, so the fans either don’t listen or they just like that he wore blue pants. Good win for Blake, though, and Vanilla Choke Zero is both a hilarious and clever name, and also a great hold. Good stuff with this growing “fraternity faction” story, Jameson showing up and then helping out, not costing them, is some rather surprising stuff. They didn’t beat Jameson up so maybe Griff, Vance & Karter let him stay as their manager. Still a shame that the Iron Savages are no more, but TK wasn’t exactly building them, so what else was going to happen?
Lee got his win thanks to EJ, but not before Jon Davis had a good showing. Very good match from Sammy VS Mansoor, and while Sammy got a win, I feel like MXM will still get a title shot from what they did to Sammy. Very good Women’s TV title match, especially with a rare Heel VS Heel situation. But naturally Velvet got the win, she’s building momentum while waiting on Leyla. And the Fatal 4 Way was a lot of fun. With Outrunners being very popular, it made sense they’d win here, but I was honestly expecting GYV given they’re Heels and we’re still dealing with Face tag champs. Still good stuff for Turbo & Truth, they might just be in a holding pattern while the ROH and AEW tag title stories are all spoken for.
My Score: 8.6/10
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