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CMLL Review & Results (2/18/2019)

Our Lucha expert Joe Dinan, is back at it with another week of CMLL analysis!



CMLL Coverage

Our Lucha expert Joe Dinan, is back at it with another week of CMLL analysis!

Arena Puebla

Sonic, Rey Samuray, and Hijo De Centella Roja vs Police Man, Espiritu Maligno, and Fuerza Chicana

Fuerza starts out with Sonic and they engage and begin to grapple. In next Police Man and Centella Roja come in and they go back and forth. Samuray comes in and monkey flips Maligno some. Samuray leaps to the ramp on Police Man and Sonic gets Maligno in a small package and Roja gets Chicana in a leg lock. First Fall: Centella Roja submits Fuerza Chicana with a leg lock.

Sonic works fast and out maneuvers Chicana and then does the same to Maligno. Samuray comes in and goes in and goes to the top for a move but falls off and Police Man stomps him on the outside. Afterwards, Sonic gets teamed on followed by Roja. Samuray removes his shirt to get pumped up but still gets teamed on. Maligno holds up Sonic and Chicana hits a code breaker for the fall. Second Fall: Fuerza Chicana pins Sonic with a code breaker.

They start the round teaming on Sonic. They continue to team on them for a few minutes until Sonic, Samuray, and Roja hit drop kicks and then go for dives but the others dodge it. Police Man then hits a face buster on Sonic in the ring for the win. Third Fall: Police Man pins Sonic with a face buster.

Winners: Police Man, Espiritu Maligno, and Fuerza Chicana

Lluvia, Princesa Sugehit, and La Vaquerita vs La Comandante, La Seductora, and La Metalica (Amapola)

Vaquerita comes out wearing glasses. Hopefully she isn’t wrestling in them. Seductora starts out with Lluvia and they lock up and do some slow grappling. Lluvia tags in Vaquerita and she comes in and takes out Seductora which brings in Amapola. Amapola takes her out and Sugehit comes in to take on her rival Amapola. She takes her out and Comandante comes in to work over Sugehit. Sugehit uses her speed while Comandante uses her size to take each other on. Sugehit gets Comandante in a roll up for the pin. The other girls get roll ups as well. First Fall: Princesa Sugehit pins Comandante with a roll up.

Vaquerita starts with Seductora but it soon goes to Vaquerita getting teamed on. Sugehit gets teamed on after and then naturally it goes to Lluvia. A plethora of teaming up. Comandante gives Sugehit a stink face and pins her. Well then. Second Fall: Comandante pins Sugehit with a stink face.

Seductora and Sugehit clash but not for long. Seductora takes out Lluvia then Vaquerita gets teamed on. Sugehit moves out of the way and Comandante runs into Seductora. Lluvia and Vaquerita run towards Seductora and Amapola. Lluvia gets caught in a submission and then Amapola hits a face buster on Vaquerita for the win. Third Fall: Amapola pins La Vaquerita with a face buster.

Winners: La Comandante, La Seductora, and Amapola

Fuego, Drone, and Guerrero Maya vs Okumura, El Sagrado, and Kawato San

Maya starts out with Okumura grappling on the ground. Afterwards Kawato and Fuego come in and do the same as the others except it is a more acrobatic display. Drone hits a head scissors on Sagrado and then hits a dive through the middle rope. In the ring Okumura hits a cutter on Maya for the pin. Kawato catches Fuego in a flying arm bar for the fall. First Fall: Kawato submits Fuego with a flying arm bar.

Drone gets teamed on to start this round off. Fuego gets taken out by Kawato with a drop kick. The technicos reverse the rudos into pinning combinations. Drone gets Okumura rolled up, and Fuego pins Kawato with a roll up and Maya gets Sagrado with a pin. Second Fall: Maya pins Sagrado with a roll up.

Maya and Okumura start this round striking each other. Maya goes wild, arm dragging Kawato to the outside and then he hit a bunch of back breakers on Sagrado. Fuego comes in and dodges a double team attack and then arm drags Sagrado to the outside. Drone hits a sliding dive under the ropes on Sagrado. Maya hits a power slam on Kawato but Okumura breaks the pin up. He hits a cross roads but Fuego breaks the pin up. Fuego hits a springboard splash and Sagrado stops the pin. Drone comes in and kicks Sagrado to the corner and hits knees to the corner on him. Fuego and Guerrero Maya hit dives through the middle rope on Kawato and Okumura. Drone slams Sagrado in the ring and goes for a moonsault. Sagrado gets his feet up and tries to lift Drone for a power bomb but he fell backwards and almost out of the ring. Luckily he didn’t kill drone. For the win. Third Fall: Sagrado pins Drone with a power bomb.

Winners: Okumura, El Sagrado, and Kawato San

Atlantis, Vangellys, and Atlantis Jr vs Villano IV, Ultimo Guerrero, and Hijo del Villano III

Atlantis squares off with Villano IV but instead Jr and Hijo Villano come in and do some impressive wrestling. After their display Atlantis comes in with Villano IV. Atlantis gets whipped into Villano’s corner and Guerrero attacks Vangellys and Jr. Vangellys got drop kicked off the apron by Ultimo. Hijo Villano drop kicks Atlantis Jr when he is hanging on the turnbuckle and he pins him. Ultimo then submits Vangellys with a leg lock. First Fall: Ultimo Guerrero submits Vangellys with a leg stretch.

Vangellys gets teamed on to start. Vangellys tries to fight back but he had no success until Atlantis and his son entered and took on Villano IV and Hijo. Atlantis gets Villano IV in an abdominal stretch and Atlantis Jr gets Hijo Villano in a torture rack. Second Fall: Atlantis Jr submits Hijo Villano III with a torture rack.

Vangellys and Ultimo strikes each other to begin the final round. Hijo Villano and Atlantis Jr come in next and Atlantis Jr whips Hijo to the corner and he does the Shawn Michaels flip ip but falls out of the ring. Not sure if that was supposed to happen. Villano IV comes in to cover for it. Atlantis then comes in and Hijo returns to the ring and wants to fight Atlantis Sr. Atlantis pushes Hijo into Villano IV and hits an arm drag. Villano IV tries to run into Atlantis but he dodges and hits Hijo. Jr then tosses Hijo to the outside and hits a dive through the middle rope. Atlantis Jr looks very impressive. Inside the ring, Ultimo Guerrero punts Vangellys in the groin for the DQ. Third Fall: Vangellys wins the fall by DQ.

Winners: Atlantis, Vangellys, and Atlantis Jr

Rush vs Cuatrero

Rush attacks Cuatrero during the introductions to get the advantage on Cuatrero. Rush then works him over on the outside. Cuatrero finally reverses Rush after taking a beating and hits a power bomb for the fall. First Fall: Cuatrero pins Rush with a power bomb.

Rush whips Cuatrero with the camera wires on the outside. I feel like all that does is remind fans of the LA Park feud. Rush plays with his mask on the turnbuckle and then stomps him in the corner. Rush hits the corner drop kick on Cuatrero for the fall. Second Fall: Rush pins Cuatrero with the corner drop kick.

Rush beats on Cuatrero on the ramp. Back in the ring Rush feigns going for the drop kick again, but lightly kicks Cuatrero and does his Los Ingobernables, fist to the sky pose. Tranquilo. Cuatrero finally turns the odds and gets Rush to the outside and hits a dive through the middle rope. He hits another then continues to work on Rush on the outside. Back in the ring Cuatrero works on Rush. They trade corner attacks and Rush ends up on top in the exchange. Rush argues with the ref and Cuatrero goes for a school boy that Rush rolls out of but Cuatrero hits a single leg code breaker. Rush gets Cuatrero to the top and hits a superplex for a two count. Rush misses a middle rope senton splash and Cuatrero hits a moonsault for a two count. A very slow two count. Rush gets Cuatrero down in the corner and goes for his drop kick but Cuatrero runs up and hits a spear, then a power bomb. The ref is about to count three but Rush grabs the refs hand before then. He then finally hits the corner drop kick on Cuatrero but he postures afterwards presumably protecting his finisher because Cuatrero kicks out. Rush gets him in a jay driller or Rush driver and drops Cuatrero right on his head for the win. Cuatrero stays down for a bit but then walks off to the back through the crowd. I presume he didn’t like being dropped on his head. Third Fall: Rush pins Cuatrero with a Rush driver.

Winner: Rush

Arena Mexico Tuesday

Fantasy and Shockercito vs Pequeno Olimpico and Pequeno Nitro

Fantasy and Olimpico grapple to start the match. Shockercito or Pequeno Shocker as they’re calling him now gets in with Nitro and they work a faster pace. Shockercito is really small. I wouldn’t be surprised if Chamuel of the midget division is as tall as him. Shocker gets him to the outside then poses. Olimpico then kicks him in the head and works him over. Shocker gets taken out and Fantasy gets teamed on. Olimpico gets Shocker in a camel clutch for the fall. First Fall: Olimpico submits Shocker with a camel clutch. 

Shocker and Fantasy essentially get worked over for most of this round. Just constant double teaming. Shocker finally hits a cross body to make a comeback. Fantasy hits a middle rope spanish fly on Olimipico for the pin. Shockercito submits Nitro with a straight arm bar. Second Fall: Shockercito submits Nitro with a straight arm bar.

Fantasy uses quickness to out move Nitro to start. Shocker then does this to Olimpico. Fantasy hits a few drop kicks on Olimpico followed by a top rope arm drag by Shocker. Shocker then  gets Olimpico in a torture rack for a submission. Fantasy gets Nitro in a body stretch for the win. Third Fall: Fantasy submits Nitro with a body stretch.

Winners: Fantasy and Shockercito

Electrico, Star Jr, and Astral vs Disturbio, Espanto Jr, and Difunto

Disturbio starts with Astral and they roll on the ground and go back and forth. Espanto comes in next with Star Jr and they posture a bit. Difunto and Electrico come in working a super fast pace. Difunto hits a swanton bomb on Electrico for a pin. Disturbio hits knees the corner on Astral for the fall. First Fall: Disturbio pins Astral with knees to the corner.

Astral gets teamed on to start the round. Espanto pulls at his mask. Astral makes a come back hitting a hurricanrana on Espanto and then Star Jr hits a drop kick to the corner on Disturbio for the fall. Second Fall: Disturbio gets pinned by a corner drop kick by Star Jr. 

Disturbio and Electrico go back and forth. Disturbio bites his nipple in the corner. Don’t let Jim Cornette see that. Electrico eventually head scissors him to the outside. Star and Espanto are in next. Star gets him to the outside then feigns a dive. Difunto is in next with Astral and he works over everyone. Star tricks Disturbio to dive on the ramp and then he hits an arm drag. Electrico hits an elbow drop on Espanto for the win. Third Fall: Electrico pins Espanto with an elbow drop.

Winners: Electrico, Star Jr, and Astral

Marcela, Kaho Kobayashi, and La Jarochita vs Amapola, Dalys, and La Metalica (Tiffany)

Dalys starts with Kobayashi and they go back and forth grappling. Amapola works over Jarochita next. Marcela comes in to take on Amapola. Marcela hits a back breaker and then a knee drop on Amapola bringing in Tiffany. She works with Tiffany until Tiffany  hits a spine buster. Marcela avoids a double team attack and Tiffany falls to the outside. Dalys gets thrown to the outside and Jarochita hits a dive through the middle rope. Kaho gets a roll up on Tiffany and Marcela hits a michinoku driver on Amapola for the pin. First Fall: Marcela pins Amapola with a michinoku driver.

Dalys works over Jarochita to start, then Marcela gets teamed on. Kaho Kobayashi gets drop kicked to the ramp. Jarochita whips Dalys into the barricade. Marcela and her team then team up on the rudos. Marcela hits a back breaker on Amapola. Then they go to hit dives but get pulled out of the ring. Dalys goes to power bomb Jarochita but she squirms out of it and Dalys removes her mask. Second Fall: Jarochita wins via mask removal, DQ.

Winners: Marcela, Kaho Kobayashi, and La Jarochita

(Match Relampago) Flyer vs Polvora

Polvora takes him down to start the match. They go back and forth and Flyer slides to the outside and Polvora pushes him into the barricade. Polvora brings him in the ring and works on taking his mask off. Flyer gets him to the outside and hits an asai moonsault. In the ring Flyer hits a sunset flip but Polvora rolls into it for a drop kick. Flyer ducks an attack then hits a super kick. Polvora hits a drop kick to the inner thigh on Flyer in the corner. Polvora goes to the top but Flyer kicks him and goes up and hits a Spanish fly for the win. Flyer pins Polvora with a Spanish Fly.

Winner: Flyer

Blue Panther, Stuka, and Esfinge vs Cavernario, Luciferno, and El Felino

Esfinge starts with Cavernario and they move fast going back and forth trading moves. They tie up again and do a test of strength. Luciferno comes in next with Blue Panther and they start grappling on the ground. Felino comes in next with Stuka and they work fast with Stuka hitting a hurricanrana on him to the outside. Luciferno then comes in but Stuka hits a back breaker. Cavernario comes in but Stuka rolls into a pinning combination for the fall. First Fall: Stuka pins Cavernario with a pinning combination.

Esfinge starts with Felino but the midget Zakarias with Felino distracts Esfinge and hits Esfinge. Esfinge ends up super kicking him. Panther comes in with Luciferno and Panther makes him fall outside the ring. Cavernario attacks him from behind and gets Panther on the top rope. Panther pulls him by his hair and hair drags him to the outside. Back in the ring Felino head butts Stuka and Cavernario hits a snap suplex. Felino nabs the pin. Luciferno hits a pop up power bomb on Esfinge for the fall. Second Fall: Luciferno pins Esfinge with a pop up power bomb.

Cavernario works over Stuka to start this round, trying to untie his mask. Esfinge makes a come back hitting a hurricanrana on Cavernario to the outside, then hit a middle rope dive . Felino falls to the outside and then Stuka hit a dive through the middle rope. Panther is left in the ring and he tries to get pinning combinations on Luciferno but he blocks it. Felino comes and attacks him from behind hitting a clothesline and Esfinge comes in to take him on hitting a springboard drop kick, then getting him in a cloverleaf submission. Cavernario comes in and hits a back breaker and goes for the slingshot splash but Esfinge gets the feet up. They team up to get Cavernario in a move but he rolls through and pins Esfinge when Panther and Stuka turn their backs. Cavernario then drop kicks Stuka to the outside and hits a twisting dive through the middle rope and in the ring Luciferno hits a Styles Clash on Panther for the win. Third Fall: Luciferno pins Blue Panther with a Styles Clash.

Winners: Cavernario, Luciferno, and El Felino

Atlantis, Volador Jr, and Diamante Azul vs Sanson, Cuatrero, and Forastero

Match starts with brawling. Azul and Volador get taken out and Atlantis gets teamed on. Volador gets kicked to the outside when he tries to make the save. Sanson hits Volador with a back breaker for the pin. Cuatrero launches Forastero into Diamante for the pin. First Fall: Forastero pins Diamante Azul by being launched into him.

Azul gets beat up on the outside to start this round. They go back in the ring to beat on Volador. Cuatrero holds up Atlantis and Forastero and Sanson hit double axe handles on Atlantis. They continue to beat on Atlantis. Azul comes from the ramp and hits a clothesline over the top rope to change the momentum. Volador pins Forastero off the clothesline. Azul rolls Cuatrero into a pin for Volador. Second Fall: Volador pins Cuatrero with a pinning combination.

Cuatrero and Azul go back and forth to start the round. Azul dodges a double team attack from Sanson and hits a flying elbow strike on Sanson. Azul hits a big hip toss on Forastero. Volador clears house hitting a hurricanrana on Cuatrero then posing in the ring. Volador hits a dive over the top to the outside and Azul hits a german suplex on Sanson for the win. Sanson sells his shoulder afterwards. They bring out a stretcher for him. I don’t know if it’s a work it didn’t look that bad but you could never know with moves around the neck area. Third Fall: Diamante Azul pins Sanson with a german suplex.

Winners: Atlantis, Volador Jr, and Diamante Azul

Arena Mexico Friday

Stigma and Pegasso vs Raziel and Cancerbero

Pegasso and Raziel start out grappling and fighting for position. Stigma comes in with Cancerbero and they lock up. Cancerbero tries to use his strength to his advantage. Pegasso and Raziel join them in the ring and Pegasso and Stigma hit hurricanranas for a two count. Pegasso gets launched into Cancerbero for a hurricanrana. Raziel catches him in a body stretch submission, however. Cancerbero then hits Stigma with a flapjack and gets Stigma in a stretch as well. First Fall: Cancerbero submits Stigma with a stretch.

Stigma gets double teamed to start this round out. After a few minutes of being beat on Stigma makes a come back and hits a hurricanrana for the pin on Raziel. Pegasso also hit one on Cancerbero and pinned him. Uneventful round. Second Fall: Pegasso pins Cancerbero with a hurricanrna

Pegasso starts this round off hot taking out Cancerbero and Raziel, then posing. Stigma gets in there with Cancerbero when the dust settles and Bero works him over for a little. Stigma then launches Pegasso and he hits a double arm drag on Raziel and Cancerbero. Then then work on Raziel. Pegasso slams Raziel and then hits a 450. The ref doesn’t pin and Cancerbero kicks Stigma to the outside. Pegasso goes for a corner attack but Cancerbero catches him and drops him. Raziel then launches Stigma in the air by his feet and Cancerbero hits a bulldog. Raziel then gets him in a surfboard stretch and Cancerbero hit a neck breaker during the move. Raziel pinned him. Cancerbero then held up Pegasso in a stretch submission and Raziel leg dropped him off the top rope for the win. Third Fall: Cancerbero pins Pegasso after a leg drop from Raziel.

Winners: Raziel and Cancerbero

Blue Panther Jr, Guerrero Maya, and Black Panther vs Virus, Okumura, and Tiger

Black Panther and Virus start out the match and they tie up and eventually go to the ground and grapple. Blue Panther and Tiger come in and they go to the ground as well and do some grappling and submission wrestling. Maya and Okumura come in and bypass the grappling for some moves. Maya arm drags Okumura out of the ring and Virus comes in and knocks Maya outside. Black Panther then hits a cross body on Virus which he kicks out of. Black Panther gets Virus to the outside and Tiger comes in and hits a DDT on him. Tiger then gets Blue Panther in a pinning combination for the pin. Okumura hits a slingblade on Maya then hits a cross roads for the fall. First Fall: Okumura pins Maya with a cross roads.

Black Panther gets worked over to start the round by Tiger but Blue Panther quickly makes his way in. Blue Panther gets worked over and taken out as well. Then they go to work over Maya. Tiger goes for his mask but then he hits a drop kick while he’s draped in the tree of woe. Blue Panther helps make a come back hitting a sunset flip on Tiger. Maya then hits a shoulder breaker on Virus for the pin. Second Fall: Guerrero Maya pins Virus with a shoulder breaker. 

Okumura and Blue Panther exchange strikes in the corner to begin this round. Blue Panther wins that battle which brings Tiger in and then they exchange strikes to the chest. Black Panther comes in with Tiger and gets him to the outside. Black Panther feigns a dive and Tiger moves away from it but Blue Panther hits him with a dive off the ramp. Maya then hit a head butt on Virus for a two count. Both Panthers get pinning combinations that get kicked out of. Virus hit a shotgun drop kick on Maya which should have been a 3 but the ref stopped counting. Tiger, Virus, and Okumura get pinning combinations all for a two count. After that cleared, Blue Panther hits a power bomb slam on Okumura and Tiger. They kick out. Maya then hits back breakers on Okumura and Tiger, then hits a dive through the middle rope on Virus. In the ring Black and Blue Panther get Okumura and Tiger in the same stretch submission for the win. Third Fall: Black and Blue Panther submits Tiger and Okumura with a stretch submission.

Winners: Blue Panther Jr, Guerrero Maya, and Black Panther

Titan, Triton, and Esfinge vs Vangellys, Templario, and Polvora

Polvora starts out with Esfinge and they grapple on the ground. Templario comes in next with Titan and they work quick doing some acrobatic things for a little until Triton and Vangellys enter. Triton kicks Vangellys and Titan hits a springboard splash. Polvora enters and Vangellys goes to the outside. Polvora whips Titan but Titan hits a dive through the middle rope on Vangellys. Back in the ring Esfinge gets Polvora in the ropes and Triton hits a guillotine leg drop for the pin and then Templario gets hit with a springboard splash by Esfinge. First Fall: Esfinge pins Templario with a springboard splash.

Round starts with Triton and Polvora going back and forth. Titan and Templario come in to do some acrobatic spots. Titan hits a spinning head scissors on Templario and Vangellys spears Titan afterwards. Triton then comes in to take on Vangellys but he gets caught with a northern lights suplex for the pin. Templario then hit a superplex on Esfinge and Titan got hit with a top rope face buster by Polvora off the top. Second Fall: Polvora pins Titan with a top rope face buster.

Triton gets teamed up on to start the round, then Vangellys takes Titan out with a shotgun drop kick. Esfinge then gets teamed up on. Titan and pals make a come back and it looks like Titan clearly punts Polvora in the groin in the corner but I guess it must have been inner thigh. Esfinge gets pulled to the outside but in response Titan and Triton hit dives over the top rope on Vangellys and Polvora. In the ring Esfinge gets Templario in a submission hold but Templario gets to the ropes. He gets up and hits a Gord buster but Titan comes in and breaks up the pin fall. Titan does a matrix spot and kicks Templario for a pin but Polvora breaks it up. Now the ref is trying his best to get control back. To the refs credit he’s probably the best official in CMLL by a country mile. Polvora hits a drop kick on Titan and then Triton breaks up the count. Triton slams Povlora and goes to the top and hits a frog splash for a pin that Vangellys breaks up. Vangellys hits a spinning wheel kick on Triton which Esfinge breaks up. Now Esfinge and Polvora are striking each other back and forth. Esfinge hits a shot gun drop kick on him then hits a dive over the top rope. Triton hits an arm drag on Templario then jumps up on the ropes and hits an asai moonsault. In the ring Titan gets Vangellys in a neck bridge pinning combination for the win. What a match. Third Fall: Titan pins Vangellys with a neck bridge pinning combination.

Winners: Titan, Triton, and Esfinge

Angel de Oro, Stuka, and Soberano vs Mephisto, Ephesto, and La Bestia del Ring

Stuka and Mephisto start the match off striking each other. Ephesto comes in soon to replace Mephisto and Soberano comes in with a cross body and hurricanrana on Ephesto. Bestia then kicks Soberano and in bounces Angel de Oro. They square off. Angel gets Bestia to the outside and then hits a dive through the middle rope. Everybody else comes in the ring however, and Stuka hits a swinging neck breaker on Mephisto for a pin and Soberano hits a tornado dive on Ephesto for the fall. First Fall: Soberano pins Ephesto with a tornado dive. 

Bestia doesn’t want to engage Oro in this round so Oro poses and tags in Soberano who gets in with Ephesto. Soberano hits an arm drag on the ramp on Ephesto and re-enters the ring and poses. Crowd is super hot tonight and the workers are working their ass off this whole show. Stuka comes in with Mephisto and they do some acrobatic spots until Stuka hits a hurricanrana on him to the outside. He then follows him out there and hits back breakers on all three of them and then gets back in the ring and poses. Oro wants Bestia to come in but Bestia doesn’t want to. Oro ends up getting teamed on by the Sons of Hell. Oro fights back and kicks one away and hits a hurricanrana on Ephesto then a head scissors on Mephisto then drop kicking Bestia to the outside. Stuka hits a middle rope dive and then Soberano hits a back flip over the top. Inside the ring Bestia and Oro fight which ends with Bestia kicking Oro in the groin. The ref tries to get him to stop but Bestia chops him. Second Fall: Angel de Oro wins via DQ.

Winners: Angel de Oro, Stuka, and Soberano

Caristico, Mistico, and Valiente vs Ultimo Guerrero, Euforia, and Gran Guerrero

Mistico starts the match out with Ultimo Guerrero and they stall for a little but do some ground grappling. Mistico knocks Guerrero to the outside then feigns a dive and hits a pose. Caristico makes his way in to take on Euforia to a chorus of cheers. They trade a few acrobatic spots and Gran Guerrero and Valiente make their way in. Valiente chases him to the outside but he gets jumped by Euforia and taken out. Mistico gets tripped on the apron and drop kicked off. In the ring Caristico gets teamed up on. Euforia gets Caristico in a crucifix position and Gran and Ultimo bulldog him down for a face buster, then Gran power bombs him. Mistico and Valiente get in the ring and all three are put into submissions by Los Guerrero’s for the fall. First Fall: Los Guerrero’s submit all three with a combined submission effort.

Valiente gets pressed slammed off the top rope to begin the round by Gran and Euforia. The Los Guerrero’s triple team spot is done on Mistico and Caristico on the outside. Euforia stands on Valiente’s back for a triple submission but Caristico comes off the top for a hurricanrana. Valiente then reverses them and Caristico launches Mistico in the ring for a hurricanrana. Then Mistico and Caristico hit stereo dives to the outside on Euforia and Gran Guerrero while in the ring Valiente submits Ultimo with a leg lock. Second Fall: Valiente submits Ultimo Guerrero with a leg stretch.

Valiente starts out hot in this round taking everyone out then posing. Mistico and Gran Guerrero pose to the crowd and both get booed. They like Caristico more. Gran goes to pull Mistico’s mask off and the crowd starts to cheer. Mistico runs off Gran’s chest and then hits a hurricanrana. He then hits a head scissors on Ultimo and Euforia. Ultimo launches him out of the ring but on the way down he hits a hurricanrana on Euforia on the outside of the ring. Caristico is in with Ultimo Guerrero now and he runs circles around him and takes him out with a hurricanrana .Gran launches Caristico into Euforia and he hits a hurricanrana. Caristico then gets a head scissors on Gran and then feigns a dive a hits a pose. Crowd goes crazy. Mistico comes back in and gets whipped onto the ramp. Euforia runs at Caristico in the corner and Caristico moves and he falls out of the ring. Valiente leaps up on the rope and does a moonsault to the outside on Gran. Caristico does a dive over the turnbuckle onto Euforia and then Mistico does a dive of his own. Crazy stuff going on here. I can barely keep up. Back in the ring Euforia hits a kind of face buster on Caristico bringing in Valiente who goes for a leg lock but Gran breaks it up and chokeslams him. Mistico comes back in to hit a hurricanrana pin but Gran kicks out. Caristico then hits a hurricanrana on Ultimo to the outside and then Valiente hits a brutal middle rope dive on him to the outside that made them crash into the barricade. In the ring Mistico and Caristico both do the head scissors into a Fujiwara arm bar on Gran and Euforia for the win. Tremendous match. Wow. Third Fall: Mistico and Caristico submit Gran Guerrero and Euforia with a Fujiwara arm bar.

Winners: Caristico, Mistico, and Valiente

(Champion of the Universe) El Terrible vs Niebla Roja

They start the match out tying up fighting for the first take down. Finally they get to the ground and Roja does some acrobatic spots to him. They get up and trade strikes. Roja runs at Terrible and Terrible slaps him. Roja back drops Terrible to the outside and then hits a crushing dive through the middle rope that sends Terrible into the crowd. They get back in the ring and Roja gets a couple of two count. Roja goes to run and Bestia distracts him which allows Terrible to grab Roja for a german suplex for the first fall. First Fall: El Terrible pins Niebla Roja with a german suplex.

Terrible beat Roja up a bit in between rounds and continues to work on Roja on the outside to start the second round. Terrible slams the barricade on Roja’s head. Back in the ring Roja catches some momentum and knocks Terrible to the outside and then hits a dive over the top rope laying out Terrible. Roja poses to the crowd for their admiration. Roja whips Terrible over the barricade and then leaps over the barricade for an attack. Crowd is very much behind Niebla Roja as you might expect. Back in the ring Roja hits a double underhook face buster which Terrible kicks out of. They trade strikes in the corner multiple times. Roja finally dodges one and throws Terrible in the air and kicks him in the face. Terrible kicks out. Arena is going crazy. Terrible dodges an attack and then hits a shotgun drop kick, sending Roja flying. Terrible sets him up in the corner and hits multiple strikes to the body and face on Roja. Terrible hits a Styles Clash on Roja but Roja kicks out. Both men lay their gassed out. Terrible goes to the top and Roja hits a arm drag, or some half way Spanish Fly for a two count. Roja hits a springboard splash and then goes for a lionsault but Terrible gets the legs up and goes for the pin. A very close two count. Terrible slams Roja and goes to the top again, and again Roja knocks him down. Roja goes for a hurricanrana but Terrible blocks him and goes for a power bomb but mid air Roja reverses to a hurricanrana for a two count. Roja goes to the top rope but Terrible gets up and crotches him. They fight a bit on the top rope and Roja gets the underhooks for his face buster but Terrible kicks out yet again. Roja sets him up in the corner and gives him a receipt for those strikes earlier. Roja again tries to go for a hurricanrana but this time Terrible hits a power bomb off the top. Roja kicks out however. Terrible runs at Roja in the corner but Roja moves and strikes Terrible. Roja gets an handle to the chest then rolls into his rocking boat stretch. Bestia distracts the ref which brings Oro in to confront him but the ref goes over to him and Bestia strikes Roja which allows Terrible to hit a power bomb then Styles Clash for the win. Second Fall: El Terrible pins Niebla Roja with a Styles Clash.

Oro is trying to chase down Bestia as the ring girls bring Terrible his Champion of the Universe belt. Oro gets the mic and he’s heated. He’s walking up the ramp to confront him. Now Roja has the mic. The mic is very poorly connected to the TV audio, as it’s echoing. But I did make out hair vs hair that Niebla Roja challenged Terrible too. I wonder if at their big March show they do a tag team Hair vs Hair involving Terrible and Bestia facing Oro and Roja. They set the seeds a little bit in the earlier match involving Roja and Oro for it to be a tag team.

Winner: El Terrible

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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (5/2/24)

The Queen is chasing the crown!



Will the One and Only become the #1 contender?

Queen Aminata wants after Athena and the ROH Women’s World Championship, but she will still earn her way to a shot, starting with a match tonight!


  • ROH World Tag Team Championships Proving Grounds: The Undisputed Kingdom VS The Qrown; wins and
  • Queen Aminata VS Robyn Renegade; wins.
  • Aaron Solo VS Jon Cruz; wins.
  • Nyla Rose VS ???
  • Toa Liona w/ The Mogul Embassy VS ???
  • Six Man Tag: The Dark Order VS ???
  • The Infantry VS The Outrunners; win(s).


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Rampage Results & Report! (5/1/24)

Jay White is on a Rampage!



Will Angel Dorado breathe with the Switchblade?

After battling in the Casino Gauntlet, and then over the Unified AEW & ROH Trios Championships, Jay White and Dante Martin are on a Rampage to go 1v1!


  • Jay White w/ The Gunns VS Dante Martin w/ Top Flight; White wins.
  • Rocky Romero VS Kyle O’Reilly; Kyle wins.
  • Konosuke Takeshita w/ Don Callis VS London Lightning; canceled due to time constraints.
  • AEW TBS Championship Manitoba Massacre: Willow Nightingale VS Skye Blue; Willow wins and retains the title.


Rampage opens with Kenny Omega down in the ring.

As seen in the closing moments of Dynamite, The Cleaner returned home, only to be betrayed by The Young Bucks as they continue to become tyrants of AEW. FTR is with Omega, as is a medic, given the vulnerable and life-threatening state of his diverticulitis. The Elite leave, and Omega is helped to a stretcher. The fans cheer in support of Omega as he’s wheeled out, will he be alright physically and emotionally?

Wait, as the stretcher reaches the ambulance backstage, The Elite return to attack FTR! Matt & Nick mug Dax while Okada & Jack are after Cash! Omega is powerless to help the guys who just helped him! Now Okada throws uppercuts into Dax while Jack THROWS Cash! Then Dax is sent crashing into railing! But then The Elite all surround Omega! Omega is writhing in pain while Matt says he loves Omega to death. But this is just business, Kenny. They’ve gotta change the world, right? The world needs them more than it needs him. They SHOVE the stretcher over!! Omega falls right off, and then Matt almost mockingly says for someone to check on him.

Medics hurry to help Omega but have to be careful. Have this new and downright evil Elite all but forced Omega into retirement?


Jay White w/ The Gunns VS Dante Martin w/ Top Flight!

Don’t adjust your screens or worry about your eyes, Bullet Club Gold is carrying three sets of belts. That’s because they’ve brought back the classic AEW World Trios Championship belts while still parading around with the hot pink Acclaimed trios belts and the ROH World Six Man belts. But all the hardware aside, this battle is because The Switchblade and Angel Dorado were part of the wild Casino Gauntlet, and they want to settle the score! Will Dante earn his trio a golden ticket back to a trios title match? Or will Winnipeg soon Breathe With The Switchblade?

The bell rings and Dante CLOBBERS White to a corner! Dante fires off forearms over and over and over, but the ref backs him off. White bails out but Dante pursues to CHOP! Dante CHOPS again, but White knees low! White CHOPS now, then brings Dante around. Dante blocks a chop to CHOP back! Dante puts White in the ring, runs up, but White knees low again. White stomps Dante in a corner, then JABS, JABS and CHOPS! The fans “WOO~” and White whips. Dante rolls off White’s back, ducks ‘n’ dodges to then flip and RANA! White bails out again but the fans fire up with Dante. Dante goes out after White again to CHOP!

White shoves Dante but Dante flips up and into the ring! Dante DECKS White off the apron, then DIVES! Down goes White and the fans fire up with Dante! Dante stalks White around the way, brings him around, but White knees low. White CLUBS Dante, whips, but Dante goes up and backflips off the apron! Dante then JUMP KNEES White down! The fans fire up and Dante puts White in the ring. Dante runs corner to corner, but White puts him on the apron. Dante GAMANGIRIS, springboards, but White YANKS him down! Dante hotshots off ropes, calls for the ref, and White says call it off! The ref checks on Dante and we go picture in picture.

White mockingly asks if Dante’s done while Dante checks his face. White brushes the ref aside, stands Dante up, and CHOPS him to the corner! White CHOPS again, and Dante sputters. White brings Dante up again, whips corner to corner, and Dante rebounds into a LARIAT! Cover, TWO! White keeps cool as he stomps Dante’s leg. White stomps and stomps, but Dante kicks at White from below! Dante goes to ropes but White gets the legs, ROPE GUILLOTINE! Cover, TWO! Dante is still in this and White is frustrated. White steps through to tie up the legs, into the INDIAN DEATHLOCK! Then White swags his way back into the MUTA LOCK!

Dante endures, flails, but White fishhooks the face! The ref reprimands, but then Dante CLAWS White’s face! White lets Dante go and protests, but the ref says he just did that to Dante! White goes back, Dante cradles, TWO! Dante victory rolls, TWO!! White escapes, kicks low, but Dante dodges the chop to CHOP! CHOP! And run, but into an UPPERCUT! White UPPERCUTS in a corner, reels Dante in and scoops, for a SHOULDER BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Dante survives again and White is growing frustrated. White clamps onto Dante and pulls hair to dig him into a knee! Then it’s a chinlock, and Dante endures.

Rampage returns to single picture, the fans rally and Dante fights up. Dante moves around but White CLUBS him! White snapmares and clamps on another chinlock. Dante endures again and the fans rally back up. Dante fights up again, throws body shots, but White CLUBS him! White keeps on the cravat, Dante throws hands, but White CHOPS! White snapmares but Dante rolls through and DROPKICKS! The fans fire up while both men are down! Dante pounds the mat while the ref starts a standing count. White and Dante rise, White runs up but Dante flips up and over! Dante CHOPS, CHOPS and CHOPS again!

Dante whips White, White reverses and runs in, but Dante slips out to go up and around! GAMANGIRI! Dante springboards and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! White survives but Dante throws off his elbow pads! Dante snarls and storms up on White. Dante gets a leg, stands White up, but White has ropes! The ref counts but Dante clotheslines White up and out! The fans fire up with Dante and he goes out after White. Dante puts White back in fast, and then storms up, only for White to clinch and URENAGE! Cover, TWO! Dante survives, White shakes his head, and White clamps on a SLEEPER!

White drags Dante up, for the SNAP- NO, Dante throws elbows! White CHOPS Dante, CHOPS him again, and CHOPS him again! White eggs Dante on but Dante fires forearms! Dante CHOPS, CHOPS and CHOPS! White CLAWS the eyes! The ref reprimands, White THROWS Dante out, but Dante is on the apron! White storms up, Dante HOTSHOTS him! Dante springboards again, to NOSEDIVE! Cover, TWO!! White survives and Dante can’t believe it! The fans fire up and Dante hurries to get White up! Waistlock, full nelson, but White slips free to SNAP SLEEPER SUPLEX!! Dante staggers, into the BLADERUNNER!! Cover, White wins!

Winner: Jay White, by pinfall

The Switchblade cuts down Dante, and he celebrates with all the gold! But then White then shows respect by helping Dante up. White says Dante has heart, and he raises Dante’s hand! The fans cheer, this is quite the surprise from Jay White. But then BRAINBUSTER for the hell of it!! Top Flight rushes the ring but White gets away! Will nothing stop The Bang Bang Gang from collecting belts and taking cheap shots here in AEW?


Backstage interview with Deonna Purrazzo.

Arkady Aura is with The Virtuosa, and notes that she attacked Thunder Rosa after losing the match to her last week. The question then is: Why? Deonna repeats, “Why?” Why what? She has a question for everyone else: When is enough enough? She’s not just some random girl who walked in and became All Elite. Deonna has been at this for 12 YEARS! She is a FIVE-TIME Women’s World Champion, and THE Virtuosa. And after last week, she’s starting to feel like herself. Time for the rest of the locker room to feel it, too. If Rosa doesn’t wanna heed Deonna’s advice, then they can make this personal!

Do you know what happens when you make things personal with a Jersey girl? Arkady does not. Then pray you never do. Deonna says vafanapoli with the hand gesture, will she stick it to La Mera Mera?


Rush speaks.

“For decades, my family has dominated Mexican lucha libre. The Munoz Dynasty is reflected in discipline. The discipline that my father taught us. And I became the first-ever Mexican ROH World Champion. Now, I am known as The Most Hated Man in Mexico. You will recognize that people like Rush is superior to you. And if there is a price to pay, you’re about to pay! I am El Toro Blanco, Rush, and you will put respect to my name. RESPECT, TO MY NAME!” The ungovernable is ready to take over, who will be gored by the Bull’s Horns?


Backstage interview with “Big Bill” Morrissey.

Renee Paquette is with the human skyscraper and says he made it abundantly clear that he’d like to be under Chris Jericho’s Learning Tree. Why at this point in his career does that feel like the right fit? Bill says that he believes, and always has believed, that he has all the tools necessary to make it to the top of this industry. The one thing that has always been missing is the proper guidance. Bill thinks Jericho is the guy to give him that guidance. Jericho is the guy to help him reach his full potential. Jericho is the guy that takes Bill to the Promised Land. Bill proclaims one more time, teach him, Learning Tree.

But speaking of, Jericho steps in! He waves hi to the camera and says he heard what Bill said. Jericho thanks Shibata for the match earlier tonight. Shibata is a great wrestler, he beat the crap outta Jericho, as shown by the red chest. But Jericho was able to retain the #ForTheWorld Championship, with the fans in his hometown cheering him on. It just gets louder and louder every single week. And Big Bill, the way you were cheering Jericho on, that made Jericho think and realize, Bill’s right. So Jericho would love to take Bill into the Jericho Vortex and make him a student of the Learning Tree, if Bill will have him.

Bill says Jericho will not regret this decision. This will be one of the best decisions Jericho has ever made, and Bill will not let him down. Jericho knows Bill won’t. Just like the fans never let Jericho down! And now with a “big redwood” by his side, Jericho knows The Learning Tree will hold onto the FTW Championship for a long time to come! Thanks, guys! Jericho waves bye and Bill is very excited, will these two really reach the top of AEW together?


Swerve Strickland speaks.

The AEW World Champion is backstage, icepack on his head after what The Patriarchy did to him during Dynamite. Swerve reminds Christian that Christian chose to team with him last year in Wembley Stadium because Christian knows what kind of man Swerve is. And so that means Christian’s forgotten something. Swerve is going to remind the whole family just who the hell Swerve is. Dynamite next week, they’ll have a little “talk.” And next time, Swerve won’t be alone. Swerve laughs sinisterly, is Captain Charisma going to regret stepping into Swerve’s House?


Rocky Romero VS Kyle O’Reilly!

This match was only just made earlier tonight, with Azucar wanting to strike out on his own from Best Friends. He and #CombatKyle both want to prove themselves worthy of championships, but who will be one step closer after tonight?

The bell rings and the two circle. The fans rally up, feel things out, and they knuckle lock. Kyle gets around to waistlock, Rocky switches but Kyle switches back. Rocky switches again, Kyle switches again, and he SLAMS Rocky down. Rocky slips free to waistlock Kyle, but Kyle moves around to switch with him. They both get back and Rocky gives some Latino Heat. The two reset, tie up, and Kyle wrenches to wristlock. Rocky wrenches, Kyle wrenches, repeat! They go back and forth, wrench for wrench, but then Rocky reaches back to to wrench. Kyle slips under to wrench, then he cranks the wristlock.

Rocky endures, fights up, and he rolls. Kyle still wrangles Rocky with a top wristlock and the fans applaud. Rocky kips up, breaks free, but Kyle avoids the dropkick! Rocky avoids the Penalty Kick, and the fans cheer the newest standoff. The two reset again, fist bump, and then tie up. Kyle headlocks, Rocky endures the grind then throws body shots. Rocky powers out, but Kyle avoids the arm-drag! Kyle trips Rocky, steps on him, but Rocky stays low. Kyle BOOTS Rocky on the return, but then Rocky RANAS! Rocky goes into the ARMBAR! Kyle fights around, slips out and has an ANKLE LOCK!

The fans fire up as Kyle brings Rocky around. Rocky hops, kicks, but Kyle ducks the enzigiri, only for the REWIND HEEL to hit! Kyle bails out, Rocky DIVES! Direct hit and Kyle hits railing! Rocky keeps moving, and he DIVES again! But Kyle catches Rocky to FALCON ARROW on the floor! And then ARMBAR! The ref counts, they’re on the outside as it is! Kyle lets go at 4, snarls, and Rampage goes picture in picture.

Kyle stomps Rocky, brings him up and puts him in, then brings him up. Kyle wrenches, CLUBS the arm, then hammerlocks. Kyle wrangles Rocky, KNEES him in the back, then throws down elbows! Kyle floats over to ELBOW and KNEE the other side! Kyle then runs to SLIDING KNEE! Rocky writhes and flounders to a corner but Kyle storms up on him. Kyle KICKS and KICKS, then wrenches for an ELBOW BREAKER! Kyle holds onto the arm to YANK it! Kyle wrenches again, but Rocky shoves him away. Rocky dodges Kyle to RUNNING SLICED BREAD! Cover, TWO! Kyle stays in this but Rocky’s right on him for a DOUBLE WRISTLOCK!

Kyle endures, fights around, but Rocky looks to drop into an  armbar! Kyle clasps hands to fight that, but Rocky breaks the grip! Kyle rolls back, Rocky stands up to keep the wristlock, and he keeps Kyle from ropes. Rocky knuckle locks, goes up the ropes, and then METEORAS the arm! Kyle writhes now and Rocky storms up. Rocky brings Kyle around to CHOP! Kyle staggers, Rocky grabs the bad arm, and hits an ELBOW BREAKER! Rocky repays Kyle from earlier, then CHOPS! Kyle fires a forearm! Rocky gives it back! Kyle fires another forearm, but Rocky wrenches to another ELBOW BREAKER! And then Rocky YANKS the arm!

Rocky YANKS the arm again, but Kyle fires more forearm shots! Kyle gets free of the wristlock, but runs into an UPPERCUT! Rocky runs, but Kyle KNEES him against ropes! Kyle WRINGS the arm, Rocky writhes, and Rampage returns to single picture. Kyle stands to KICK Rocky! Rocky KICKS back! They KICK and KICK, each going after the other’s arm! KICK, KICK, KICK and repeat! The fans fire up with every shot, but then Kyle wrenches for another ELBOW BREAKER! Rocky wrenches Kyle’s arm for an ELBOW BREAKER! They both fire forearms, but then Kyle fires off a strike fest! Rocky jumps the leg sweep to JUMP KNEE! Kyle yoyos and LARIATS!

The fans fire up while both men are down! The standing count starts, both men go to corners. Rocky and Kyle stand at 6 of 10, then Rocky runs up, but Kyle puts him up top! Kyle CLUBS Rocky, climbs up after him, but Rocky fires hands! Rocky cravats to then SUPER SLICED BREAD!! Cover, TWO!! Kyle survives and Rocky is beside himself! Rocky fires back up, and he KICKS Kyle’s arm! And KICKS! And KICKS, but Kyle blocks, KICKS, steps over, and KNEES Rocky, to then AX ‘N’ SMASH!! Cover, TWO!! Rocky survives but he is dazed! Rocky goes to ropes, Kyle runs up, but Rocky UPPERCUTS! And HAYMAKERS! And then runs, into a KIMURA!

Kyle has the body scissors, but Rocky reaches for ropes! Rocky drops as Kyle cranks the arm! Rocky slips through, and has the ARMBAR! Kyle fights to stack, pop free, and KNEEBAR! Rocky makes it a cover, TWO!! Both men get up, Kyle takes a swing but Rocky makes it a backslide! TWO, but Rocky goes for the KIMURA! Kyle fights up, even as Rocky cranks the arm! They go around and around and around, Kyle rolls, but Rocky drops onto the hold! But Kyle victory rolls with crossed legs! KYLE WINS!

Winner: Kyle O’Reilly, by pinfall

Even Rocky is shocked that he got caught! Kyle still shows Rocky respect, but will this momentum help Kyle go back for revenge on Roderick Strong? Or perhaps, given what we saw on Dynamite, is there a different title that’s caught Kyle’s eye?


BREAKING NEWS for Rampage!

Rampage is once again live on a Saturday to follow AEW Collision next week on May 11th, and it’s all on TBS! Make sure your DVRs catch this so you don’t miss another THREE HOUR BLOCK of All Elite Wrestling!


Backstage interview with The Outcasts.

Arkady is now with Saraya and Harley, and she says this wasn’t scheduled, the Outcasts demanded time to speak. With that, the floor is theirs. Saraya says how could they not talk after that “disastrous” performance by, um, Mariah… May, is it? Yeah, but Harley has another name for her: Tiny Storm. Saraya likes that, because losers breed losers! Saraya beat Storm, was the champ at the time, and then Storm has found this “illegitimate daughter” of sorts. Mariah’s quite the chip off the old… box. Harley tells “Tiny Storm” that since she enjoys quitting so much, how about she does it all again next Wednesday against… Oh, Harley!

Saraya likes that idea! Like they say, what’s old is new. Yeah, and what’s new is old! And what’s old can’t be new because it’s old. And new can’t be old because it’s new! Harley, stop already. But no need to keep their chins up and tits out, they’ve got that covered. The Outcasts head out, but will they remember to watch for the shoe?


Backstage interview with The Undisputed Kingdom.

Rampage returns and Arkady is with Matt Taven, Mike Bennett & Roderick Strong. Arkady notes that Roddy’s AEW International Championship will be on the line against Will Ospreay at Double or Nothing. Taven interrupts with, “Jeez, Not Lexy.” But she corrects him, that’s his nickname for Renee. Well, Arkady ain’t Renee either! But there are more pressing issues here! #NeckStrong has been back and trending for over a week now, and Taven finds it disrespectful that the guy wearing a neck brace (Tony Khan) is too hurt to travel. Meanwhile, Roddy, a wrestling legend, would take his neck brace off, win a match and do it again over and over!

Roddy is truly #NeckStrong! Roddy thanks Taven for that. As for “Billy Boy” Ospreay, he’s “retired” the Tiger Driver 91, aka Storm Driver 93. It’s just dead? Well, get ready to resurrect it, because he’s facing The Messiah of the Backbreaker! And the Assassin is gonna need every bullet in the chamber! And as we celebrate the five year anniversary of AEW, we look back to where it started, what has happened, and where it stands now. But where is AEW going from here? The Kingdom decides! At Double or Nothing, WILL Ospreay will fall to the Messiah of the Backbreaker! Roddy is ready, but will he see it isn’t Billy Boy, it’s #BillyGOAT?


AEW TBS Championship Manitoba Massacre: Willow Nightingale VS Skye Blue!

The Babe with the Power heard the challenge made, and then upped the ante on Skye! This is now Falls Count Anywhere and Anything Goes! However, the EVPs took offense to what Stokely Hathaway had to say about them, so he and Kris Statlander aren’t allowed anywhere near ringside! Will Willow still find a way to win? Or is Skye about to take her place against Mercedes Mone at Double or Nothing?

Well, Kris can’t be with Willow at ringside, but she does see her off at the ramp, and hands her a smiley face trash can lid. Willow storms to the ring but Skye rushes her first, kendo stick in hand! Trash can lid becomes shield, and then Willow JAMS Skye up! The bell rings, Willow SMACKS Skye on the back, then Willow SMACKS her again! Willow RAMS Skye into barriers, then gets space to run up and LARIAT her against the barriers! Willow dumps Skye over, storms out after her, and CLUBS her on the back. They go around the back of the floor seats, and Skye hits back! Willow runs up to ROCK Skye and SMACK her off more barriers!

Willow stalks Skye, brings her around to CLUB her again and again, then shoves her towards ringside. Willow pulls off protective padding from barriers, and SMACKS Skye off them! Willow then drags Skye up, but Skye HOTSHOTS Willow off the barriers! Willow flounders against a chair, and Skye climbs the barriers. Skye leaps, into a CHAIR SHOT! Skye falls in a heap, Willow covers, TWO! Willow huffs and puffs but goes looking under the ring. Willow brings out another chair, and another chair, and then goes back for Skye. Willow stomps Skye, grabs another chair, and she sits that up. Willow ROCKS Skye then makes her take a seat.

Willow CHOPS Skye, then goes to the apron! Willow aims, the fans fire up, and Willow CANNONBALLS but only gets chair! Skye avoids disaster, Willow crashes ‘n’ burns, and the fans go wild as Rampage goes picture in picture!

Willow writhes, we get an instant replay, and then we see Willow stagger around. She finds her trash can lid, storms up on Skye and SMACKS her! And SMACKS her again! Skye leans against the desk, ROCKS Willow in return, then CLUBS her on the back! Skye takes the lid to SMACK Willow! And SMACK her right in the head! Willow falls over, Skye covers, TWO! Skye is frustrated but she puts Willow back in the ring. Skye kicks Willow around, bumps her off buckles sand digs her boots in. Skye is a little bloody already but she doesn’t sweat it. Skye lets off, she and Willow trade shots, and then Skye HAMMERS away on Willow!

Skye grabs a chair, sets it up, and then CLUBS Willow. Skye brings Willow over, reels her in, but Willow fights the suplex! Willow fires body shots, then scoops Skye to SLAM her on the chair! Skye writhes, Willow hauls her up to TOSS her out, then goes out after her. Willow grabs another chair, puts that in the ring, then grabs yet another chair. Chair after chair is put in the ring, but Skye ROCKS Willow first! Skye CLUBS Willow, takes a chair and puts that in the ring. Skye follows Willow around the way, but Willow throws body shots! Skye SUPERKICKS her down! Skye leaves Willow behind to go looking under the ring.

Rampage returns to single picture and Winnipeg wants tables. Skye just adds another trash can lid to the equation instead. But Willow POUNCES Skye right down, PERIOD! Willow puts Skye in the ring, RAMS her into a corner, then takes a chair to wedge it in front of her! The fans fire up as Willow goes corner to corner, but Skye CHUCKS the chair at her! Then SUPERKICKS her down! Cover, TWO!! Skye pulls at her hair in frustration, then goes out to find a black bag! Jericho’s had pucks earlier tonight, this one looks a bit different. Yep, it’s THUMBTACKS! Skye drags Willow up, but Willow RAMS Skye into the corner!

Willow puts Skye up top, climbs up after her, but Skye slips under! Skye tucks Willow in to CHEEKY NANDOS! Skye gets under but Willow throws down hands! Skye grabs a chair to CHUCK it at Willow!! Willow wobbles, Skye goes up, but Willow fires body shots! SUPER FISHERMAN BUSTER onto the tacks!! Willow covers, TWO!! Willow ignores the pain and goes outside to fetch… a TABLE! The fans fire up as Willow sets that up on the outside, but Skye grabs a chair. Willow hurries in after Skye, but Skye JAMS her up! Skye hops on, CODE- NO, Willow pops free, kicks low, and SLAMS Skye onto that chair!

Willow goes up and up while Skye is down, MOONSAULT onto just chairs!! Skye avoids disaster again, then SUPERKICKS! Skye CLUBS Willow, BUZZSAWS her down, then goes outside. Skye looks under the ring, and she brings out a plank covered in barbed wire! The fans tell Skye she’s sick but she puts that right on top of the table. Willow ROCKS her first! Skye wobbles, Willow throws a shoulder, but into a KICK! Skye brings Willow to the apron, and fireman’s carries!? Willow fights free of that, and gut wrenches! BABE WITH THE POWER BOMB down through barbed wire and table!!! Cover, WILLOW WINS!

Winner: Willow Nightingale, by pinfall (still AEW TBS Champion)

The stakes were at their highest, and their most dangerous, but Willow comes out the winner! Kris & Stokely hurry to ringside to help her to her feet, and now it’s on to Double or Nothing! Will the CEO find out first hand why Willow is the Face of TBS?

My Thoughts:

A great Rampage right here. Now, doing three hours of AEW stuff on one night is always a lot, but following Dynamite on this night worked out great for Rampage. They got to have the bleed-over of the shocking segment with Kenny and The Elite, where The Elite did even more awful stuff for even more Heel Heat. As I said for the Dynamite article, Omega is surely in better health than his promo told us, and this is definitely also so he can take a few more weeks to get back in ring shape for whatever awesome matches are planned for the Summer. And then, great promo from Swerve to respond to what happened to him. He says he’s bringing people, is there going to be a Face turn for the rest of the Embassy? Kaun and Liona are pretty awesome in the ring, I think fans would like Face Gates of Agony.

But one drawback of Rampage being live after Dynamite tonight when things can go long, Konosuke got his squash match cut. Though, because it was obviously gonna be a squash match, nothing of importance was lost, Konosuke can just squash someone else next week and call out Moxley at the same time. Great match from White VS Dante, but I figured White would win. I did find it funny that Bullet Club Gold was going around with three belts just because they could. Honestly, they should dunk the hot pink belts in the trash in a reference to Alundra Blayze while also sticking it to Acclaimed, and then they just keep the black ‘n’ gold AEW belts and the silver ‘n’ black ROH belts.

Kyle VS Rocky was an awesome match, even for being “booked” the same night. Great quick pin win for Kyle, he’ll probably be primed for the TNT Championship on the other side of Double or Nothing. And really good promo from The Kingdom to call out Ospreay and hype up the International Championship match. Really good promo from Deonna Purrazzo to call out Rosa, they’ll clearly have a rematch post Double or Nothing, maybe make it a Submission Match or some other tough match. Really good promo for Saraya & Harley to call out Storm & Mariah, maybe we get a tag match of Outcasts VS #RoseGold, aka Mariah & Mina Shirakawa, adding to the mentor love triangle of Storm, Mariah and Mina.

And as with Dynamite, Rampage got to have the women in the main event and that’s great. As I’ve said, if they’re not gonna book more than one women’s match per show, make the one match they have matter. Willow and Skye went to some wild extremes, but Skye still needs to work on how she sneaks her blading and where. Another weaker forehead trickle here. But honestly, not even sure Skye needed to bleed from forehead with the tacks and barbed wire getting involved. Great win for Willow here, and so naturally Willow VS Mone is set, it wasn’t gonna be anything else.

My Score: 8.8/10

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