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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (5/2/24)

The Queen is chasing the crown!



Will the One and Only become the #1 contender?

Queen Aminata wants after Athena and the ROH Women’s World Championship, but she will still earn her way to a shot, starting with a match tonight!


  • The Infantry VS The Outrunners; The Infantry wins.
  • Nyla Rose VS Camron Branae; Nyla wins.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships Proving Grounds: The Undisputed Kingdom VS The Qrown; The Kingdom wins and denies The Qrown a title match.
  • Toa Liona VS Jimmy Wild; Liona wins.
  • Six Man Tag: The Dark Order VS Adam Priest, Zicky Dice & Sean Maluta; The Dark Order wins.
  • Aaron Solo VS Jon Cruz; Solo wins.
  • Queen Aminata VS Robyn Renegade; Aminata wins.


The Infantry VS The Outrunners!

Captain Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo have had it with Turbo Floyd & Truth Magnum! It’s one thing to use the same finishing move and rename it, but then The Outrunners’ new gear is camouflage, and they start using the Infantry’s catchphrases! Will Turbo & Truth get sent to Boot Camp? Or will Dean & Bravo be sent into Miami Overdrive?

Wait a minute, wait a minute. Who is this accompanying The Outrunners? Lazer Linda? So now they’re copying Infantry in having a female team member? Trish Adora steps into the ring to get a good look at Linda. Linda flexes on Adora, so Adora gives her a LARIAT TUBMAN! The Outrunners are upset but then Dean & Bravo storm up to throw hands! The ref reprimands but The Infantry keep throwing hands. Dean whips Truth and Bravo whips Turbo, but the Outrunners both reverse that. Dean and Bravo both dodge, then they both fake the Outrunners out! Those dropkicks get nothing, and then The Infantry DROPKICK The Outrunners!

The Outrunners bail out, The Infantry fire up and Daily’s Place fires up with them! The ref says they finally need to sort out, so Bravo falls back. Truth flounders in, the bell finally sounds, and Dean arm-drags Turbo around! Dean keeps Turbo from Truth, tags Bravo in, and then Dean wrenches while Bravo hops up. Bravo AX HANDLES Turbo’s arm, then brings him around to wrench. Tag to Dean, he goes up and AX HANDLES! Then the Infantry double whip, and double atomic drop, for a double HIP TOSS! The Infantry now mock The Outrunners, before the double FIST DROP! Turbo flounders away and tags in Truth!

Truth runs up, but into a DOUBLE HIP TOSS! Then another DOUBLE FIST DROP! Cover, TWO! Truth stays in this but Dean storms up on him. Turbo distracts the ref, Truth pokes Dean in the eye! Truth blames it on the sunset, then bumps Dean off buckles. Tag to Turbo and the Outrunners mug Dean. Tag back to Truth, he goes up, BACKBREAKER, and then Truth winds up! But Bravo sneaks behind enemy lines to get Dean outta there, Truth’s knee drop turns into an accidental atomic drop! The Infantry then get in and TOSS Turbo! Bravo aims to PLANCHA! Down goes Turbo and the fans fire up again!

Dean brings Truth up, throws hands, then tags in Bravo. Dean scoops Truth, Bravo goes up, and they hit the BACKBREAKER and “Grenade” KNEE DROP! The fans fire up more and Bravo brings Truth up. Truth throws a shot but Bravo hits back. Bravo whips, Truth reverses, but Bravo gets around! Turbo tags in before the O’Conner Roll! Turbo runs up but Bravo dodges him to SUPERKICK! Turbo ends up on ropes, and Bravo ROCKS Truth! Bravo whips, Truth reverses and Turbo BODY SHOTS! Turbo BLASTS Dean, gets Bravo, and sends him into Truth’s BOOTS! Bravo staggers, Turbo CLAWS him on the back!

Tag to Truth and the Outrunners mug Turbo. The fans are torn, but Truth CHOPS Bravo in a corner! Truth spins around while the fans “WOO~!” Truth then storms back up, whips corner to corner, but Bravo reverses. Bravo runs up, but slides under as Truth goes up! Bravo then trips Truth, and asks if he should. The fans say yes, so Bravo YANKS Truth backwards into the POST! Bravo high-fives fans, but then Turbo FLYING AX HANDLES off the apron! Dean protests but there’s nothing he can do as Turbo puts Bravo back in. Truth drags Bravo over, tags Turbo, and Turbo drops an elbow! Cover, TWO!

Turbo drags Bravo up, tags Truth back in, and they mug Bravo with a big kick! Bravo sputters while the Outrunners flex. Truth whips, Bravo sunset flips, but Truth flails! Truth reaches for the literal sunset but Bravo finishes the flip, TWO! Bravo reaches for Dean but Truth trips him up! Tag to Turbo, and he drops down into a CROSSFACE! Bravo endures, fights up, but Turbo tags Truth. The Infantry get Bravo up, but Bravo BOOTS Turbo away! Bravo ELBOWS Truth, then ROCKS Turbo! And repeat! And repeat! Bravo runs, but into the DOUBLE HIP TOSS! The Outrunners shake hands and flex, DOUBLE ELBOW DROP!

Turbo BLASTS Dean, Truth covers, but Dean gets back in to kick it! Truth is upset but he stomps Bravo. Truth whips Bravo to the corner, then he BLASTS Dean again! Truth runs at Bravo but Bravo slips out to the apron! Truth hits buckles, Turbo storms up but Bravo dodges by going back inside! Bravo then slips out the other side, and Truth runs into Turbo! Bravo slingshots in for a STUNNER! The fans fire up as Bravo crawls for his corner, but Turbo grabs a foot! Turbo drags Bravo up, back suplexes, but Bravo lands out! Bravo avoids both Outrunners to hot tag Dean! The fans fire up as The Captain rallies on The Outrunners!

Dean fires haymakers and LARIATS! Then a back drop for Truth! The fans fire up as Dean runs in to give Turbo a FLYING BACK ELBOW! Dean goes corner to corner, blocks Truth’s boots, and puts him in ropes for an ENZIGIRI! Truth flops down, Turbo takes a swing, but Dean slips around to DDT! Dean kips up, the fans fire up, and they join Dean in an “OORAH!” JUMP ELBOW DROP! Cover, Truth breaks it! Truth TOSSES Dean out, but Bravo runs up! CARLIE CROSSOVER! Down goes Truth, but Turbo CLUBS Bravo! BIG back suplex! But Dean’s up top! FLYING SPLASH! Cover, Truth runs in, but Dean moves! The AX HANDLE hits Turbo!

Truth panics and apologizes, but then sees Dean! Truth wants mercy, but then he goes to poke eyes! Dean blocks those, bends those fingers, but Turbo CLUBS Dean down! The Outrunners shift into gear, MIAMI OVER- NO, Dean slips around and the BOOT hits Truth! Tag to Bravo and they get Turbo, for BOOT CAMP! Cover, Infantry wins!

Winners: The Infantry, by pinfall

Often imitated, never duplicated! The one, true Russian Leg Sweep Boot combo shines through, and that’s no cap! Dean & Bravo finally settle things with Turbo & Truth, will they march forward to settle things with The Undisputed Kingdom next?


Matthew Menard & Angelo Parker speak.

Cool Hand Ange tells Daddy Magic that things have been rather weird lately, to say the least. Not too long ago, Parker was on Rampage, going to make an announcement he told no one about, and the truth is, he was ready to retire. He felt he didn’t have anything left to fight for. Then he got the biggest news of his entire life, he found out he’s gonna be a dad! And if that doesn’t light a fire under your ass, then what does? So now, Ruby Soho is going to be at home, being a mom to their child, and Parker had to think, “What’s next?” Then he realized, there is a hell of a lot to fight for now, isn’t there?

Menard says how ’bout it? Ruby’s at home, nesting. Cool Hand Ange has priorities in order and Menard loves it! And tell ya right now, Menard has a problem with The Undisputed Kingdom. The ROH World Tag Team Champions, right? So how about this? They get the van, they pack it up, and they start taking a road trip! Van, train, airplane, who cares?! They’re heading to a certain place called The Promised Land! So get ready, boys! No doubt! Ever-Rise, 2Point0, X-JAS, will the next titles Menard & Parker go by be ROH World Tag Team Champions?


ROH World Tag Team Championships Proving Grounds: The Undisputed Kingdom VS The Qrown!

Speaking of, Matt Taven & Mike Bennett are here to defend those titles! Or at least, make teams earn their way to a shot at the titles. Will The Kingdom check another team off the list? Or will Leonis & Maximus Khan be one step away from the crown?

The teams sort out, Bennett starts against Leonis, and the Code of Honor is kept. The bell rings, the fans rally up, and the two circle. They tie up, and the bigger Leonis powers Bennett to the corner. The ref counts, Leonis lets off, but Bennett kicks low! Bennett CHOPS, then brings Leonis around to ROCK him! Bennett stomps and CHOPS Leonis, then tags Taven. The Kingdom double whip, dropkick the legs out then Taven ELBOW DROPS! Cover, TWO! Taven throws down hands, stomps Leonis over and over, even at the ropes! Taven CHOKES Leonis, lets off, and the fans cheer as Taven tags Bennett.

Taven CHOPS Leonis, Bennett stomps and CHOPS, then ROCKS him again! And stomps, and ROCKS! Bennett ROCKS Leonis again, talks trash, then tags Taven. Taven CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! Taven then reels Leonis in, but Leonis throws body shots! Taven CLUBS Leonis down, tags Bennett, and they bring Leonis in. But Leonis powers out, ROCKS Taven, then ROCKS Bennett! Leonis throws haymakers, then an UPPERCUT for Bennett! Then Leonis catches Taven to OVERHEAD SUPLEX him away! Maximus reaches out but Bennett whips Leonis into a BOOT! Bennett FOREARMS, Taven LARIATS! Bennett covers, TWO!

The fans rally and Bennett stomps Leonis. Bennett CHOPS Leonis, tells him to get up, then brings him to a neutral corner. Bennett ROCKS Leonis, brings him over, and tags Taven. Taven fires up Daily’s Place before he swings, but Leonis dodges to CHOP! And CHOP! Taven knees low, tags Bennett, and The Kingdom double whip. Leonis holds ropes, KICKS Bennett, then TOSSES Taven! Bennett kicks Leonis first, then reels him in, but Leonis back drops free! Hot tag to Maximus! Maximus rallies on The Kingdom with big LARIATS! Bennett runs up, Maximus dodges then URENAGES! The fans fire up with Maximus and he brings Bennett up.

But Taven springboards, KICK OF THE KING! Bennett BLASTS Leonis, Taven goes up! HAIL MARY PILEDRIVER!! Cover, The Kingdom wins!

Winners: The Undisputed Kingdom, by pinfall (denies The Qrown a title opportunity)

Taven & Bennett just showed The Qrown aren’t #NeckStrong enough, and now The Kingdom is moving on. But will they soon cross paths with Menard & Parker?


JD Drake speaks.

“You ever been lost? Lord knows I have. I’ve been lost for the last month. In light of recent events, my brain’s been foggy, I haven’t been able to articulate words, I don’t know whether I’m coming or going. It’s showing up in my in-ring work, it’s showing up in my personal life at home. Hell, it’s showing in my bowling game at home, too. The other night during league, I asked myself, ‘Hey, where do I go from here?'” JD asked the lady cashier for change on $5, he only got back four bills. Three ones, and a $2! Yeah, a real $2, those still exists.

JD says his grandfather recently passed away, February of this year, God rest his soul, would put a $2 in every grandchild’s picture frame. JD once asked why he did that, he said it’s because they’re gonna need to talk to him one day, and this $2 was gonna be the message. Granddad would also say, when times get tough, you’ve got two choices: quit, or tighten your bootstraps up and get back to work. So while the Workhorsmen may not be a thing for the foreseeable future, time for JD to be a workhorse man. The Blue Collar Badass is gonna punch in, knockout, and give ROH a $2 ass kicking. Scrap Metal is ready to scrap, will he turn that $2 into championship gold?


The Iron Savages speak.

Bulk Bronson says, “Underappreciated. Underutilized. Undervalued. We, the Iron Savages, have been parading around like a circus act for an entire year, winning over the hearts of the ROH fans and keeping them all entertained.” Jacked Jameson asks, “Are we in any tournaments?” Bronson & Boulder both say, “No.” Are they on any PPVs? No. And y’know what? No more goofy savages, no more popping the crowd! Boulder says the adoration is not bringing them success. Time for the Iron Savages, yes, the Iron Savages, to live up to their potential! Jameson says frankly, fat morons and skinny idiots don’t deserve their entertainment.

They aren’t changing their game plan, it just means they’re done winning over “Low T losers!” They’re just gonna win. They’re sippin’ sauce, livin’ hoss, and EVERYBODY is going to #TiddyCity! Will these three start tearing their way through the ROH Tag & Trios Divisions until they’re sinking their teeth into titles?


Aaron Solo VS Jon Cruz!

Aaron is tired of riding solo and going nowhere, so in order to get back in the good graces of Johnny TV, he’s gotta get that W back! Or in this case, he just has to get wins period! Will he be able to do that here at Daily’s Place where he became All Elite? Or will Serpentico’s human friend get his own great homecoming win?

Cruz gets the fans fired up as he offers The Code of Honor. Solo takes it, the bell rings, and then Solo kicks low! Solo DECKS Cruz, has him in a corner, and bumps him off buckles. Solo stomps a mudhole in, digs his boots in and laughs, but lets off as the ref counts. Solo brings Cruz up, snap suplexes, then smiles as he soaks up the heat. Cruz flounders, the fans rally, but Solo throws hands. Solo whips, Cruz ducks ‘n’ dodges and RANAS! Solo flounders, Cruz keeps moving and he LARIATS! The fans fire up with Cruz and he brings Solo around. Cruz scoops to POWERSLAM, then fires up as he shakes the ropes!

The fans cheer as Cruz points to a corner. Cruz goes up, aims, and then FROG SPLASH FLOPS as Solo moves! GERMAN SUPLEX! Cruz springs up but Solo gives him the DREAMCAST KICK! Cover, Solo wins!

Winner: Aaron Solo, by pinfall

Solo makes sure Johnny TV saw that! There’s the first win, will he get more and more until he proves he’s TV Ready like Johnny & Taya?


Queen Aminata VS Robyn Renegade!

The One and Only African Woman Wrestler is an uncrowned queen here in ROH, but she is going to fight her way back up to her revenge! Will she be unstoppable as she chases down Athena and Billie Starkz? Or will this Renegade defy Aminata’s authority?

The Code of Honor is kept, the bell rings, and the fans rally for Aminata with “YES, QUEEN!” The two tie up, Aminata headlocks and she grinds Renegade. Renegade brings Aminata down, pops out the back and headlocks in return. Aminata endures, brings Renegade to her knee, and pops out the back to wrench, step over, and twerk attack! The fans cheer but Renegade is frustrated. Aminata hammerlocks, headlocks and hits the takeover. Renegade moves around, fights up, and powers up, only for Aminata to hold on tight. Aminata wrenches, Robyn breaks free and ENZIGIRIS! Then BACKSTABBER!

Aminata crawls, Robyn soaks up the heat and she kicks rocks before she runs up. Aminata puts Renegade on the apron, shoulders in but gets a DOUBLE STOMP for it! Renegade talks trash, kicks Aminata to the floor, then brings her back up to put her in the ring. Renegade brings Aminata up, reels her in, but Aminata turns things into a cradle! TWO, and Aminata runs up to LARIAT! Renegade gets up, Aminata LARIATS again! Renegade swings, but into a spin, snapmare, and PENALTY KICK! Back of the onion bag with that one! Aminata fires the fans up, runs side to side, and she DROPKICKS Renegade through ropes!

Aminata reminds us, she’s the one and only! But then we see Athena & Billie watching this backstage! Athena whispers something to Billie, perhaps some opening or weakness in Aminata’s game. Billie seems to concur while Aminata scuffs Renegade. Cover, TWO! Renegade holds on but Aminata brings her up. Alabama Lift, but Renegade sunset flips and high stacks! TWO, and Renegade swings, but into a wrench and facelock, snap suplex! Emphasis on the snap as Renegade flounders to a corner. The fans fire up and Aminata runs corner to corner, but Renegade ELBOWS back! Renegade runs in, gets around, half nelson FACEBUSTER!

Renegade sits Aminata up, runs and SHOTGUNS her down! Cover, TWO! Aminata is tougher than that but Renegade snarls. The fans taunt Renegade, “ROBYN SUCKS!” Renegade drags Aminata up, fireman’s carries, and swing into the DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, TWO! Aminata stays in this but clutches her neck and back. Robyn is frustrated, but she drags Aminata up. Robyn DOUBLE CHOPS! Aminata is annoyed, but Robyn pushes her around. Robyn winds up, Aminata BOOTS the lariat, then DOUBLE CHOPS in return! And CHOPS again! And waistlocks, to GERMAN SUPLEX!

Robyn ends up in the corner again, and Aminata runs up, SWEET HIP MUSIC! But Aminata goes side to side to add the BOOT WASH!! Aminata says it is done now! She drags Robyn back up to HEADBUTT, Alabama Lift, and AIR RAID CRASH! Cover, Aminata wins!

Winner: Queen Aminata, by pinfall

Athena & Billie are not happy with that result, they storm off. Aminata is not just ready, she is looking better than ever! Will not even The Fallen Goddess be able to deny The Queen her crown?

My Thoughts:

A very good episode of ROH, mostly because it was under an hour. Yes, I still skipped things but c’mon, it was obvious Nyla was going to win, as were Liona and The Dark Order. Great opener from Infantry VS Outrunners to settle their feud, and I love that the Outrunners went as far as to get a female member of the team to parody Adora, just as I was thinking they would. Great win for Infantry, they’ll definitely get back in the ROH Tag title conversation in time for the next ROH PPV. And very good Proving Ground match, good showing for The Qrown in their first ROH match. But even so, of course The Kingdom was winning.

As such, we got a really good promo from Menard & Parker. I really hope they get a strong showing here in ROH now that they’re teaming together again. And there’s still Maria wanting Griff & Karter going after the titles, there’s needs to be something big in the works for the ROH Tag Division. And really good promo from JD Drake. Granted, this is another case where Tony Khan does something in his booking/running of the company that kinda forces his talent into these worked shoot promos, what with Anthony Henry being released while he’s injured. But JD did a great job referencing that without having to say it, and I hope he gets going in the singles division.

Good promo from The Iron Savages to officially go Heel, but given the unified AEW & ROH Trios champs are also Heels, we aren’t seeing Bronson, Boulder & Jameson holding gold any time soon. Good match from Solo, but I was hoping he’d have to struggle a little longer before he could win and do what Johnny TV dared him to do. And then very good match from Aminata VS Robyn, especially with the detail of Athena & Billie watching. Aminata of course wins, and I would think she skips revenge on Billie to go right to the head of the snake. Aminata VS Athena will be a great match, and really should be the moment Athena passes on the torch as far as being ROH Women’s World Champion.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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