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CMLL Review & Results (2/4/2019)

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CMLL Coverage

Joe Dinan brings you all the excitement of CMLL in his latest Results & Review!

Arena Puebla

Tigre Rojo Jr, Millenium, and King Jaguar vs Siky Ozama, Police Man, and Fuerza Chicana

Ozama and Rojo start the match out tying up and trying to get each other down. Rojo strikes first with a snapmare take over. Millenium comes in next with Police Man and Police Man gets him down and puts some holds on him. They re-engage a few times and go back to the ground exchanging holds. King Jaguar is in next with Chicana and they move fast exchanging moves, bypassing any grappling. Rojo comes in to hold Chicana but Jaguar ends up hitting Rojo, this prompts a come back. Ozama hits a cross body on Rojo and Chicana. He then throws Millenium in the air and drop kicks him for the pin. At the same time Police Man gets Rojo in a victory roll. First Fall: Siky Ozama pins Millenium with a drop kick.

Jaguar gets kicked to the outside immediately to start this round. Police Man and Chicana team up on Rojo briefly. Ozama comes in and lays Millenium with a running elbow. Now Rojo is getting teamed on in the ring. Jaguar re-enters but meets the same fate of being teamed on. So naturally Millenium comes in next to try his hand. He gets taken out by Police Man before Rojo comes back. He hits a hurricanrana on Chicana to change the momentum. Jaguar catches Ozama and holds him up, and then Rojo hits a springboard single leg drop kick, followed by a springboard splash by Millenium for the fall. Second Fall: Millenium pins Ozama with a springboard splash.

Police Man and Jaguar exchange chops to begin the round. Jaguar hits a hurricanrana to the outside on Police Man then feigns a dive but almost falls over trying. Millenium is in next with Chicana and Millenium uses his quickness to his advantage. He hits a hurricanrana on Chicana to the outside the poses. Rojo and Ozama square off next doing acrobatic spots. Rojo lands a drop kick then makes Ozama run into the corner then he hurricanrana’s him. Police Man and Chicana jump him after that. They attack Millenium and Jaguar but they reverse their irish whip and put them in a double submission. Ozama comes back in and Slams Rojo on Jaguar. Police Man then pins Jaguar with a small package. Ozama hits a top rope x factor on Rojo for the win. Third Fall: Siky Ozama pins Tigre Rojo with a top rope x factor

Winners: Siky Ozama, Police Man, and Fuerza Chicana

(Tag Team Tournament) El Audaz vs Arkalis vs Black Panther vs Stigma vs El Malayo vs El Perverso vs Tiger vs Polvora

So we start with a battle royal where the final two’s respective tag teams will compete last. So one representative from the team will compete in this battle royal. El Audaz vs Arkalis vs Black Panther vs Stigma vs El Malayo vs El Perverso vs Tiger vs Polvora. Christ did some of these line ups get changed. So everybody is brawling in the corner, ideally trying to throw the other guy over the top. Audaz back drops Tiger to the apron then kicks him off for the elimination. Black Panther then throws Audaz out. Malayo then gets Panther in the corner and flips him out. Polvora then back drops Stigma out. Malayo gets back dropped on the ramp by Arkalis for the elimination. Arkalis then back drops Polvora out. Arkalis and Perverso win the battle royal.

Winners: El Perverso and Arkalis

(Tag Team Tournament Match 1) Diamante Azul and Tiger vs El Audaz and Hechicero

Audaz and Tiger start out with some grappling. They do some transitions on the ground. They trade chops to the chest and then Tiger catches him with a super kick. Hechicero comes in and hits a spinning back breaker on Tiger. Azul comes in and hits multiple arm drags then a running elbow smash. Hechicero launches Audaz into Azul for a hurricanrana. Audaz hits one on Tiger as well and places him in the ropes. Hechicero hits knees on him while he’s tied in the ropes followed by Audaz hitting a 619. Hechicero flips up Tiger and Audaz kicks him for a two count. They try to whip Azul but he resists then clotheslines both. He presses Audaz and drops him on his knee. Azul throws Tiger into Hechicero for a drop kick. Audaz grabs Tiger from behind and Hechicero goes for a drop kick but Tiger moves. Azul then gets Hechicero in a torture rack. Tiger then power bombs Audaz for the win. Tiger power bombs El Audaz for the win.

Winners: Diamante Azul and Tiger

(Match 2) Shocker and Black Panther vs Euforia and Stigma

There is posturing to start until Stigma and Shocker finally get into the ring. They strike each other a few times, but Stigma hits a hurricanrana followed by a middle rope dive. Panther and Euforia go back and forth for a bit. Shocker is back in the ring with Stigma but Panther and Shocker do a few moves on him. Euforia tries to make a come back but Panther hits a drop kick on him and pins him. Shocker hits a spine buster on Stigma for the win. Shocker pins Stigma with a spine buster.

Winners: Shocker and Black Panther

(Match 3) Kraneo and El Malayo vs Stuka Jr and Polvora

Stuka and Polvora beat on Kraneo in the sitting area. Back in the ring Stuka and Malayo go back and forth until Kraneo comes in and splashes Stuka. Polvora breaks up the pin with a drop kick. Kraneo eventually splashes him then Stuka again. It’s like all he can do. But both Kraneo and Malayo end up on the outside and Polvora and Stuka both hit dives. Stuka tries to lift Kraneo in the ring like an idiot. Malayo kicks him. Malayo pins him but moves and Polvora hits Stuka with an elbow drop, then Malayo holds them down and Kraneo hits a top rope splash for the win. Kraneo pins both with a top rope splash.

Winners: Kraneo and El Malayo

(Match 4) El Valiente and El Perverso vs Vangellys and Arkalis

Arkalis and Valiente do some grappling to start the match. Vangellys comes in with Perverso but Vangellys wants Valiente. Valiente takes his legs out with a drop kick. Valiente slaps Arkalis’ chest multiple times. Perverso comes in and Arkalis hits a hurricanrana on him. Valiente and Arkalis brawl in the crowd. Vangellys works over Perverso in the ring. Valiente re-enters and they take on Vangellys and team up on Arkalis. A come back gets made and Arkalis hits a dive on Valiente to the outside and Vangellys works over Perverso hitting a spear for a two count. Vangellys goes to the top and Perverso throws him off for a 3 count.  They work on Arkalis and Valiente goes for a moonsault but Arkalis gets the feet up for a two count. They sell for a bit and then Valiente slams him in the corner and Perverso hits a splash for the win. Perverso pins Arkalis with a splash.

Winners: El Valiente and El Perverso

(Match 5) Diamante Azul and Tiger vs Shocker and Black Panther

Match starts with all of them brawling in the ring. Panther hits an inverted 619 on Azul. He goes for a dive but gets super kicked by Tiger. Tiger and Shocker strikes each other on the outside. After that, Tiger and Azul hit a double slam on Shocker, then get him in a double submission for the win. Azul and Tiger submit Shocker with a double submission.

Winners: Diamante Azul and Tiger

(Match 6) Kraneo and El Malayo vs El Valiente and El Perverso

Well hey, they start out brawling as well in this match. They take out Kraneo, then Valiente throws the midget Mije on Malayo. Valiente then hits a back drop on Kraneo. Valiente misses a corner attack so Malayo hits a back breaker on Perverso. Kraneo then hits a leg drop on Perverso. Valiente breaks it up with a drop kick to the butt. Kraneo then hits him with a corner hip attack for the pin and Malayo submits Perverso with an arm stretch. Malayo submits Perverso with an arm stretch.

Winners: Kraneo and El Malayo

(Finals) Diamante Azul and Tiger vs Kraneo and El Malayo

Match starts with Kraneo and Malayo getting the jump on them. Malayo works on Diamante Azul’s mask. They continue to get the upper hand on the team of Azul and Tiger. Azul makes a come back hitting knees to the back while Malayo is tied up in the ropes. Tiger then hits a back stabber. Kraneo splashes Tiger to stop the count. Azul hits a back breaker on Kraneo. Azul then body slams Kraneo and pins him. Tiger gets Malayo in a pinning combination for the win. Tiger pins Malayo with a pinning combination.

Winners: Diamante Azul and Tiger

(Light Weight Championship) Niebla Roja (Champion) vs Luciferno

They engage and grapple for a bit. They spend some time exchanging holds and submissions, trying to get the best position. Luciferno catches Roja with a power bomb for the first fall. First Fall: Luciferno pins Roja with a power bomb.

They start brawling in the crowd to start the next round. Luciferno gets Roja back in the ring and continues to work him over. Luciferno chases him through the crowd.  Roja hits a drop kick in the ring to make a come back. He hits a sit out slam the gets Luciferno in a pining combination for the fall. Second Fall: Roja pins Luciferno with a pinning combination.

They start the round by posturing to the crowd. Roja hits a hurricanrana to the outside, then hits a dive through the middle rope. When they get back in the ring they trade counters to moves Luciferno dodges a drop kick and then clotheslines Roja in the ropes. Luciferno continues to work him over until Roja punches him off the apron. Roja then hits a dive over the top rope. Roja hits a crossbody and they roll a few times after to try and get the pin. Luciferno hits a superplex off the top for a two count. They go back to the top and Roja fights off a face buster and hits a hurricanrana. Luciferno hits a styles clash on Roja for a two count. Roja then gets Luciferno in a stretch submission for the win. Third Fall: Niebla Roja submits Luciferno with a stretch submission.

Winner: Niebla Roja

Arena Mexico Tuesday

Sonic and Bengala vs El Cholo and Apocalipsis

Bengala starts with Apocalipsis and they grapple for a bit until Bengala gets him to the outside. Sonic and Cholo come in and start grappling too. Sonic gets him to the outside then poses to the crowd. Cholo hits a fall away slam on Sonic then Apocalipsis hits a sloppy swanton for the pin. Apocalipsis then hits a senton on Bengala and Cholo submits him with a neck crank. First Fall: Cholo submits Bengala with a neck crank.

Cholo works over Sonic to start the round. Bengala gets in and helps provide a come back. Bengala the slams Apocalipsis and Sonic hits a lionsault for the pin. Bengala then gets Cholo in a neck stretch submission. Second Fall: Bengala submits Cholo with a neck stretch. 

Bengala and Apocalipsis start out the final round and Bengala uses his quickness to his advantage. Sonic comes in with Cholo and gets the same result. Apocalipsis rolls into a sunset flip from Bengala and hits a drop kick. They go to the top and Bengala hits a hurricanrana followed by a splash from Sonic. Cholo breaks up the pin and gets Sonic in a Boston crab that Bengala breaks up. Sonic then gets Apocalipsis in a hurricanrana pin and pins him. Cholo then throws him up for a power bomb and pins Sonic. Bengala then gets a head scissors into an arm stretch for the win. Third Fall: Bengala submits Cholo with an arm stretch. 

Winners: Sonic and Bengala

Sanely, Mystique, and La Guerrera vs Tiffany, La Seductora, and La Metalica

Metalica and Guerrera start off with some grappling. They do some pretty acrobatic spots as well. Mystique comes in with Tiffany next and they do some grappling exchanges and transitions. They start to trade moves until Mystique hits an arm drag then drop kick. Seductora and Sanely go at it and Sanely gets the better of her. It ends up with all the women in the ring. Tiffany and Metalica go to the outside. Mystique and Guerrera get pulled out and then Seductora gets Sanely in a full nelson stretch. First Fall: Seductora submits Sanely with a full nelson stretch.

Guerrera gets teamed on to start this round off. They move their attack to Sanely. Sanely dodges an attack and her team makes a come back by hitting drop kicks. Mystique and Seductora trade strikes but Seductora hits a side walk slam then a drop kick. Guerrera comes in and Seductora kicks her. Guerrera gets in with Metalica and botches a couple of spots. But Metalica drop kicks her out. Sanely comes in with Tiffany and Tiffany shakes her by her hair then kicks her to her corner. Sanely knocks Seductora off the apron, then hits a splash off the apron. Tiffany gets Guerrera in a boston crab and then Metalica pins Mystique with a power bomb. Second Fall: Metalica pins Mystique with a power bomb.

Winners: Tiffany, La Seductora, and La Metalica

(Match Relampago) Super Astro Jr vs El Coyote

They engage and quickly grapple. Coyote gets the better of the exchanges, hitting a few arm drags. Coyote hits a flying elbow then hits a dive through the middle rope. Coyote brings him back in and works him over, hitting a fisherman’s suplex for a two count. Astro finally hits a hurricanrana and then feigns a dive. He catches Coyote circles the ring for a dive through the middle rope. Astro drop kicks Coyote off the apron then hits a moonsault off the top to the outside. Back in the ring Coyote counters a move into a power bomb then hits a senton for a two count. Astro kicks Coyote in the corner for a two count. Back on the top rope Astro hits a top rope victory roll for a two count. Back on the top rope Coyote hits a double arm suplex on Astro and pins him. Coyote pins Super Astro Jr with a double arm suplex off the top.

Winner: El Coyote

Rey Cometa, Triton, and Fuego vs El Sagrado, Misterioso, and Kawato San

Fuego starts out against Misterioso and we haven’t seen Fuego in some time. I think he’s been a little upset with his position on the card. They start wrestling on the ground. They go for a few minutes until Triton and Kawato join the fray. Triton gets him down into a stretch hold but Kawato quickly transitions out of it. Sagrado and Cometa come in next and they ramp up the speed a bit. Sagrado catches him and slams him stopping Cometa’s momentum. Only briefly though as Cometa gets up and hits a hurricanrana, then hits another one off the apron. Kawato and Fuego fight on the outside as does Triton and Misterioso. In the ring Sagrado reverses a DDT attempt into a suplex for the fall. First Fall: Sagrado pins Cometa with a suplex.

This round begins with Triton getting teamed on then taken out. They then beat on Fuego. They go to set up a triple team move on Rey Cometa but Fuego and Triton sneak behind the other two for school boys and Cometa gets Misterioso with a victory roll. Second Fall: Rey Cometa pins Misterioso with a victory roll.

Kawato and Triton exchange strikes to start the round. Triton gets Kawato to the outside and then hits a pose. Fuego is in next with Misterioso and Fuego uses his quickness and agility to get the advantage. Cometa comes in with Sagrado and the tale is the same, he uses his quickness to his advantage until he hits a sunset flip that Sagrado stops with an elbow. Kawato comes in and hits a german suplex on Cometa but Fuego breaks up the pin. Fuego and Kawato exchange school boys for two counts. Misterioso comes in and drop kicks Fuego to the outside then hits a pose. Kawato hits a unique underhook slam on Triton for the pin. Fuego tricks Sagrado to the outside and then hits an over the top rope dive on him. In the ring Cometa hits a tornado splash on Misterioso but Misterioso shakes it off and catches in him a neck breaker for the win. Third Fall: Misterioso pins Cometa with a neck breaker

Winners: El Sagrado, Misterioso, and Kawato

Blue Panther, Titan, and Soberano vs Shocker, Rey Bucanero (Nitro), and Hechicero

They all stare each other down in the ring to start the match. Panther starts out with Nitro and they start to do some wrestling. I’ve pointed it out before but he’s 58 years old and he moves really well. Shocker comes in during their exchange which causes everyone else to come in and posture. Hechicero comes in with Titan and works him over with holds and strikes. They start to grapple and while Hechicero has him in a hold he unties the mask. Shocker comes in with Soberano and uses his size to his advantage. Hechicero attacks Titan on the apron and they stomp out Soberano. Titan and Soberano get back in the ring and work a pinning combination on Nitro and Hechicero respectively for the pin. First Fall: Soberano pins Hechicero with a pinning combination.

Hechicero starts with Blue Panther and he puts Panther on the top. But Panther hits a hurricanrana. He goes for a dive but Shocker intercepts. Afterwards Shocker holds Soberano for a double team attack but Soberano moves and Hechicero kicks Shocker. Soberano then hits a head scissors on Shocker then an arm drag on Hechicero. Titan gets in with Nitro and he takes him out but Hechicero comes in and they strike each other. Titan then gains momentum and takes everyone out. Hechicero works over Blue Panther, then Shocker takes out Titan and Soberano. Sobernao tries to go for a sunset flip power bomb on Hechicero when he comes back in but it gets reversed into a power bomb for the pin. Shocker then suplexes Titan and then hits an elbow drop from the top rope for the fall. Second Fall: Shocker pins Titan with an elbow drop.

Hechicero and Soberano brawl up the ramp to start the round. They team up on Blue Panther and he tries to fight back but it doesn’t work so well. They take on Titan after Panther gets taken out. Soberano and Titan kick Hechicero and Nitro to the outside and then they hit dives. Panther and Shocker square off and Panther gets him in a Ki lock for the win. Third Fall: Blue Panther beats Shocker with a Ki Lock. 

Winners: Blue Panther, Titan, and Soberano

Volador Jr, Niebla Roja, and Angel de Oro vs Sanson, Cuatrero, and Forastero

Roja locks up with Forastero and starts to grapple. After a few minutes of grappling Roja hits an arm drag to the ramp and chases Forastero up the ramp where Sanson jumps him from behind. Cuatrero attacks Volador and Angel de Oro in the mean time. They kick Volador to the outside and team up on a returning Roja. After they take him out again Sanson taunts Volador to come in and it leads to Cuatrero submitting Volador with the inverted bear hug. First Fall: Cuatrero submits Volador with an inverted bear hug.

They continue teaming on Volador to start the round. They take him out and move to working over Angel de Oro. Roja tries hard to fight back but enjoys up getting stomped out. Volador dodges a double team attack and hits a hurricanrana on Sanson to the outside. Oro and Roja then come in and Roja flips Oro, then Oro launches Roja into a double drop kick on Forastero and Cuatrero. Then Oro and Roja hit dives through the middle rope on them. In the ring, Volador hits a super kick then back stabber on Sanson for the fall. Second Fall: Volador pins Sanson with a back stabber.

Cuatrero postures with Oro to start. He acts like he’s going to engage then runs away. So Oro takes out Forastero quick, then uses his agility to take out Sanson and Cuatrero. Roja comes in next and he goes chest to chest with Forastero. Forastero tags out to Cuatrero. He takes out Cuatrero then uses his agility to make Forastero hit Sanson by accident. Volador comes in hot as well taking Cuatrero out with a super kick, and then hitting a hurricanrana on Sanson followed by an over the top rope dive. In the ring, Oro hits a victory roll into a jumping leg drop on Cuatrero. Then he moves him close to the ropes and Niebla Roja on the top with Forastero, slams him on Cuatrero for the win. Third Fall: Niebla Roja slams Forastero off the top rope onto Cuatrero for the win.

Winners: Volador Jr, Angel de Oro, and Niebla Roja

Arena Mexico Friday

Star Jr and Robin vs Espanto Jr and Akuma

Star Jr and Akuma start out fighting for position, trying to take the other down. Espanto comes in to work over Star Jr. Robin comes in to take on Espanto quickly after and they start grappling on the ground. They hung Robin in the tree of woe and Mije hit a drop kick on him. Akuma gets Star Jr in a swing and Espanto hit him with a drop kick. Akuma hit a power bomb on Robin and then Espanto hit an elbow drop for the fall. First Fall: Espanto pins Robin with an elbow drop.

Mije hit a splash on Star Jr to start the round and Espanto and Akuma worked him over. They hang Robin in the tree of woe for a triple drop kick but Mije’s timing was off. Star Jr fights back against the double team, hitting a tornado dive on Espanto. Robin then hit a hurricanrana on Espanto. Robin hit a springboard hurricanrana on Akuma then Star hit a springboard frog splash for the pin. Star runs off Robin’s back and hit a drop kick on Espanto for the pin. Second Fall: Star Jr pins Espanto with a shot gun drop kick in the corner.

Star fights against the double team using his agility to hit head scissors on both guys, and then he hits a pose. Robin comes in and he takes out Espanto and Akuma and then poses. But when they get back in the ring, Espanto catches Star Jr with a canadian destroyer for the pin. Akuma hits Robin with a pop up power bomb for the win. Third Fall: Akuma pins Robin with a pop up power bomb.

Winners: Espanto Jr and Akuma

Kaho Kobayashi, Princesa Sugehit, and Lluvia vs Dalys, Amapola, and Reyna Isis

The women stare each other down to start the match, but the two who start the match are Lluvia and Dalys. They do some grappling but it’s not very fast. Lluvia hits a head scissors on Dalys which brings Kobayashi in to work with Dalys. Kobayashi starts out quick but Dalys evens it out. Kobayashi hits a missile drop kick, then a shining wizard which brings Isis is. Isis hits a drop kick on her which brings Sugehit in. Sugehit gets some offense in and then pulls at Isis’ mask. Isis then pulls at Sugehit’s hair. Sugehit then does a hair drag which brings Amapola in. Isis and Dalys try to team on Sugehit but she dodges the attack. Sugehit, Lluvia, and Kaho then team on Dalys a bit. Lluvia hits a shotgun drop kick on Dalys then Kaho came from behind and did a unique school boy pinning combination. First Fall: Kaho Kobayashi pinned Dalys with a school boy.

Amapola and Lluvia go back and forth to start this round. Lluvia gets taken out and then Sugehit gets teamed on briefly. Afterwards Dalys power bombs Kaho for the pin and then Amapola hit a face buster on Sugehit for the fall. Second Fall: Amapola pins Sugehit with a face buster.

They team up on Sugehit to start this round off. They take out Lluvia then team up on Kaho. A come back gets made and Lluvia hits a dive on Dalys on the outside and then Sugehit got Amapola in an arm lock for the submission and Kaho pins Isis with a pinning combination. Third Fall: Kaho Kobayashi pins Reyna Isis with a pinning combination.

Winners: Kaho Kobayashi, Princesa Sugehit, and Lluvia

Atlantis, Niebla Roja, and Atlantis Jr vs Villano IV, Mephisto, El Hijo del Villano III

Mephisto starts with Roja and they do some brief grappling until Villano III’s son squares off with Atlantis Jr. The son’s of the two father’s who had a great rivalry. They roll around and trade some pinning combinations. After they engage there’s a brawl and Atlantis Sr gets teamed up on. Hijo Villano hits a guillotine leg drop on Atlantis Jr. They beat on Atlantis then Hijo Villano hits a splash on Atlantis for the pin. First Fall: Hijo Del Villano III pins Atlantis with a splash off the top.

The round starts with Mephisto working over Atlantis. A power bomb gets hit on Roja and he kicks out. Atlantis Jr makes a come back drop kicking Villano III to the outside, then he hits an over the top rope dive. Roja then gets Mephisto in a stretch submission for the fall. Second Fall: Niebla Roja submitted Mephisto with a stretch submission.

Hijo Villano starts the round with Atlantis Jr and they get the crowd into it. Atlantis Jr hits a head scissors on Hijo Villano and then hit back breakers on Villano and Mephisto then kicks Villano IV to the outside. Atlantis then gets in with Mephisto and they trade strikes and then Atlantis hits a monkey flip. Hijo Villano gets in with Roja and taunts him but Roja gets him out with a basement drop kick. Roja takes out Mephisto and then hits an over the top rope dive on him and then in the ring Atlantis gets Villano IV in an abdominal stretch and Atlantis Jr gets Hijo Villano in the torture rack for the win. Third Fall: Atlantis Jr submits Hijo del Villano III with the torture rack.

Winners: Atlantis, Niebla Roja, and Atlantis Jr

Mistico, Volador Jr, and Flyer vs Ultimo Guerrero, Templario, and Euforia

Flyer starts out with Euforia and they get to the ground fast and trade submissions. Mistico comes in next with Templario and they go back and forth briefly. Volador comes in to work on Ultimo but he gets taken out quick. Mistico gets drop kicked off the apron. Templario and Euforia hit a press slam off the top on Flyer but the ref DQs them. I guess for excessive beating? Ref got tired of them being in the ring illegally? I don’t know. First Fall: Flyer wins by DQ I guess excessive beating against ref warning. 

Euforia hits a back breaker to start the round. They then do the Los Guerrero’s triple team spot against the barricade except on the ramp. They do it in the ring to Volador. Then they do it in the traditional spot on Flyer. They stand on Volador’s back for some team up move then Mistico does a hurricanrana off the top. Flyer gets thrown and launched into the ring but his leg gets caught up in the ropes and he really hurts his leg. He’s sliding away from the ring. Volador and Mistico then hit dives to opposite corners. Volador hits a top rope hurricanrana on Euforia for the pin. Mistico hits a canadian destroyer on Templario for the fall. Second Fall: Mistico pins Templario with a canadian destroyer.

They have real paramedics out there putting Flyer on the stretcher and he’s not selling this, he’s crying and Volador is walking to the back with him during the break to check on him with the paramedics. I mean the match is over so they’re going to the back anyway but he didn’t posture in the ring like Mistico did.

Winners: Mistico, Volador Jr, and Flyer

(First Phase of the Champion of the Universe Tournament) Caristico vs El Terrible vs Dragon Lee vs Cavernario vs El Valiente vs Gran Guerrero vs Stuka Jr vs Forastero

Champion of the Universe is a very strong honor. Match starts out with brawling. Everyone trying to eliminate each other. Stuka is the first eliminated in the battle royal. Terrible and Gran Guerrero get dumped out next. Valiente follows with Dragon Lee. Cavernario dumps Forastero out. The last two are Caristico and Cavernario. Match order was set by elimination.

Stuka Jr vs El Terrible

Terrible starts the match being physical with Stuka but Stuka dodges an attack to bring Terrible to the outside and then hits a dive through the middle rope. He then hits an asai moonsault. Back in the ring Stuka uses acrobatics to get Terrible in a pinning combination for a two. Stuka goes for a moonsault but Terrible gets the legs up, then he hits a top rope splash for the win. Terrible wins with a top rope splash.

Winner: Terrible

Gran Guerrero vs El Valiente

Gran attacks Valiente during his entrance to get the jump on him. Or to save time. Valiente dodges an attack and Guerrero falls out of the ring and Valiente hits a run up moonsault to the outside. Back in the ring they do some acrobatics and then Valiente hits an arm drag to the outside and then he hits a dive through the middle rope. A diving head butt it looked like on replay. Back in the ring Guerrero goes to the top and Valiente hits an arm drag. Guerrero lifts him, but Valiente reverses it into a lung blower for a 2. Guerrero hits a choke slam on Valiente for a two count. He then hits a sit out death valley driver from the top for the win. Gran Guerrero pins Valiente with a sit out death valley driver from the top.

Winner: Gran Guerrero

Dragon Lee vs Forastero

The match starts out really quick with Forastero hitting a dive on Lee. Forastero brings him back in the ring and hits the corner drop kick for a two count. Forastero rolls to the outside and Lee hits a dive over the top. Back in the ring Lee rolls into a drop kick. Forastero gets up and hits a sit out power bomb. Lee hits a snap german suplex into a knee, into his flip up sit out slam for the win. Dragon Lee wins with a flip up sit out slam.

Winner: Dragon Lee

Caristico vs Cavernario

Match starts out quick with some fighting on the apron. Cavernario kicks Caristico off and then hits a run up dive on him. Back in the ring Caristico hits a hurricanrana then a dive through the middle rope. Back in the ring again and Cavernario hits the arm ducked suplex for a two count. He hits the slingshot splash for two as well. Caristico hits a head scissors take over, then runs at Cavernario and he dodges. Cavernario runs at Caristico but he gets his feet up. Caristico then gets him in the Fujiwara arm bar for the win. Caristico submits Cavernario with a Fujiwara arm bar.

Winner: Caristico

El Terrible vs Gran Guerrero

Guerrero trips Terrible on the apron and then kicks him off to start. Then he hits an over the top rope dive. Guerrero smashes the barricade on Terrible and throws him back in the ring. Guerrero hits a power slam for a two count. Terrible finally gets him in the corner and strikes him multiple times. Guerrero hits the sit out death valley driver off the top but Terrible kicked out. Terrible then gets him in a leg lock for the win. El Terrible beats Gran Guerrero with a leg lock.

Winner: El Terrible

Dragon Lee vs Caristico

Dragon Lee starts out stomping Caristico and pulling his mask, then Caristico reverses him and pulls at Lee mask. Caristico gets Lee out of the ring, then hits a dive through the middle rope which sends Lee into the crowd. He brings him back in the ring for a two count. Lee hits a hurricanrana to the outside from the apron. They get back in the ring and Lee goes to the top but Caristico runs up and hits a Spanish fly. When then get back up Lee hits his flip up sit out slam for the win. Dragon Lee pins Caristico with a flip up sit out slam.

Winner: Dragon Lee

Dragon Lee vs El Terrible

Terrible comes out immediately and starts to work over Lee while he’s selling. Lee goes for his hurricanrana on the apron but Terrible hits a power bomb on the apron. Terrible works over Lee on the outside. Lee moves out of the way of a corner attack and then shotgun drop kicks Terrible out the ring then hits a dive through the middle rope. They get back in the ring and exchange strikes. Lee hits a sit out power bomb for a two count. Terrible hits a styles clash for a two count. They go to the top and fight and Lee hits the double stomp for a two count. Terrible hits a double power bomb but Lee kicks out. Terrible goes to the top but Lee runs up and hits an arm drag for a close two count. Lee goes for a roll up but Terrible sits on it and holds the ropes for the three. Terrible steals his mask after the match. Terrible wins with a pinning combination.

Winner: El Terrible

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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