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Mitchell’s WWE Monday Night Raw Results & Report! (2/4/19)

Stephanie McMahon returns to Raw, and invites The Man to stop by!



WWE Raw Cover image

Stephanie McMahon returns to Raw! And not only that, but she wants The Man, Becky Lynch, to make her own return. Will Becky oblige the former commissioner?



  • Ronda Rousey VS Liv Morgan w/ The Riott Squad; Rousey wins.
  • Ronda Rousey VS Sarah Logan w/ The Riott Squad; Rousey wins.
  • Raw Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Fatal 4 Way: Heavy Machinery VS Lucha House Party VS The Revival VS The B-Team; The Revival wins and will challenge Bobby Roode & Chad Gable for the titles.
  • WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Elimination Chamber Qualifier: Sasha Banks & Bayley VS Alicia Fox & Nikki Cross; Banks & Bayley win and enter the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Elimination Chamber match.
  • Elias VS Jeff Jarrett w/ Road Dogg; Elias wins.
  • Finn Balor VS Bobby Lashley w/ Lio Rush; changed to…
  • Finn Balor VS Lio Rush w/ Bobby Lashley; Finn wins.
  • EC3 VS Dean Ambrose; EC3 wins.
  • Braun Strowman & Kurt Angle VS Drew McIntyre & Baron Corbin; McIntyre & Corbin win, by disqualification.


Stephanie McMahon starts Raw in the ring!

And without further ado- Well, no ado at all, THE MAN is here! Becky Lynch is on Raw once again, per the invite of the Billion Dollar Queen. However, Becky’s leg isn’t feeling any better since last week, but she doesn’t let it bother her. Stephanie continues and introduces Becky as the winner of the Women’s Rumble! But as to why Stephanie wanted Becky to return, she brings up how Becky challenged Ronda Rousey for the Raw Women’s Championship face-to-face. The footage rolls as Ronda wants Becky at 100%. Becky may be The Man, but Ronda’s a household name and owns the ring when she walks in.

Stephanie was impressed to see Becky just smirk at an angry Ronda. Well why wouldn’t she be smiling? Becky has the fans as a reason, but that Rumble win and Wrestlemania main event are good reasons, too. Stephanie is definitely on Becky’s side after what Ronda has done to her. But Stephanie does point out the knee brace and bit of a hobble. Is Becky okay? Yeah, she’s fine. Really? Yes, really. Well okay, but Stephanie does want to show when that leg got hurt. The Women’s Rumble, Becky and Charlotte stare down but Nia Jax blasts Becky down. Becky shows heart and finishes the match to win it. That’s just what Becky does. But again, she refuses medical attention over that leg. Becky won the Rumble on one good leg and will fight that way, too. She doesn’t want doctors to come near her.

Yes, Stephanie knows about how the doctors sidelined her after the #FaceBreaker incident. She was there to see it all herself. But Stephanie can’t risk it if Becky isn’t cleared by the medical staff. Fans boo and Becky considers what Stephanie’s getting at. Becky sees what’s going on. Becky’s the glitch in the plan, “but here I am. And I’m not moving for anyone!” This is what Becky’s fought her whole life for! What does Stephanie know about struggle? Stephanie’s never had to fight for a thing in her life, has she?! No, because she’s Daddy’s Girl who’s never fought for a thing but is trying to stop Becky from fighting for everything! But Becky rose up, earned her place, and there is nothing Stephanie or any “stupid doctor” can do about it!

Stephanie admits Becky earned her way tot he top. But it is a liability to let Becky compete in her condition. The doctors will give her the OK and she can compete, unless the knee’s worse than Becky lets on. And whether Becky believes it or not, Stephanie cares about her. This is the biggest match in Mania history! Fans want that match of Ronda VS Becky! But Becky has to be cleared instead of thick-headed. Stephanie pleads with Becky. It’s not a trick, it’s not a game, it’s Becky’s well-being. Will Becky visit the doctors? Not at the expense of her moment. Then Stephanie will have to suspend her until she changes her mind. Becky warns Stephanie that if she says that again, she’s not gonna be responsible for her actions.

Why is this so hard for Becky? Don’t make Stephanie do this. Then don’t. Then will she go to the doctor? No. Then effective immediately, Becky is suspended. Becky knocks Stephanie off her feet! And rains down rights! And puts her in the Disarm-Her! But her bad leg gives out. Referees run in but Becky fights them off. And the same for security! Becky gets at Stephanie again but her bad leg helps Stephanie get away! Becky hobbles while Stephanie retreats with the officials. The Man has a bad knee but an even worse temper. She’s fighting through the pain, but will be fighting for the title after this?


Becky Lynch is being escorted from the arena.

The Man was suspended, so she has to go. But then along comes Ronda Rousey. The two stare down and Ronda says Becky tests Ronda’s professionalism every time they meet. Ronda will keep her temper in check, but what did Becky’s temper get her? A suspension and the main event being put on the line. Becky should rest up so she can take the whooping her “Woe is Me” ass can whine about later. Plus, she’d “snap that b*tch.” Becky just shrugs Ronda’s attitude off as she continues her exit. Will Becky be forced to recover because of this suspension?


Ronda Rousey VS Liv Morgan w/ The Riott Squad!

The Baddest Woman on the Planet is already riled up, but the Juvenile Delinquent and her friends are laughing it off. Will Liv be laughing after her run-in with Rowdy Ronda?

The bell rings but Liv bails out. The Squad is already trolling Ronda with this strategy, but Ronda stays in the ring and keeps her calm. Liv returns but then ducks back out. Fans boo but Liv laughs and skips about. Liv returns again, but then dodges to smile with her blue raspberry tongue. Liv and Ronda circle and Ronda catches Liv this time! Ronda throws Liv but Liv slips out of the ring. Sarah Logan distracts and Liv attacks, but Ronda swings on her. Liv goes Matrix but Ronda hammers her down! Ronda puts on the armbar, Liv taps! Ronda wins!

Winner: Ronda Rousey, by submission

The Baddest Woman made quick work of little Liv, but she looks eager for more. Does everyone have a problem with her? From the fans booing to the Squad glaring, Ronda is fed up with this. She dares Sarah to do something about it, and Sarah accepts the challenge!

Ronda Rousey VS Sarah Logan w/ The Riott Squad!

The Kentucky Viking steps up, but will she fare any better than Liv?

The bell rings, Sarah rushes and powers Ronda to a corner! Sarah rams her shoulder in over and over then lifts Ronda up. Ronda gets the armbar takedown! Sarah scrambles to a ropebreak and the Squad hurries to get her to safety. Fans boo and Ronda paces while we go to break.

Raw returns and Ronda has Sarah in a triangle! Sarah deadlifts Ronda up and buckle bombs her! Sarah’s free and Ronda’s got a scratch on her face. Ronda covers up as Sarah stomps, and Ronda fights back with hands and a judo throw. Ronda throws Sarah again and then hammers away! Then the ARMBAR! Sarah taps, Ronda wins again!

Winner: Ronda Rousey, by submission

That’s two fights in a row for two wins in a row. Ronda’s angry, but she won’t get satisfaction with Becky out of action. However, Squad Leader Ruby wants to see if she can capitalize by being Ronda’s third opponent tonight. She and Ronda stare down, but Ruby backs off. Will Becky be allowed to return so that she and Ronda can both get what they want at Wrestlemania?


Backstage interview with The Riott Squad.

Why did Ruby run away from Ronda? Ruby didn’t run from anything! Ruby has no doubt she can and will beat Ronda, but it will be for the Raw Women’s Championship! But she needed to be with her friends first. Ronda will have to wait, because the Squad’s bond can’t be broken. Ronda’s an opportunist, and knows nothing about that. If Becky doesn’t return, will Ruby get her title shot?


Backstage interview with Sasha Banks & Bayley.

The Boss & Hug Connection have their qualifier tonight, but will the losses against Ronda Rousey have any impact on that? Bayley keeps Sasha calm, and points out that each of them brought Ronda to her limits. These two are great alone, but together they’re the best. The tag title opportunity is a dream the WWE Universe willed into existence. Come Elimination Chamber, the #LegitHuggable duo will make history. But then Alicia Fox and Nikki Cross come by. They won’t let Banks and Bayley make it to the Chamber, because Foxy embraces chaos. Chaos doesn’t judge. Chaos is fair and square, and the #LegitHuggable friends will find out you don’t #CrossTheFox! Will crazy and crazier come out the winners tonight? Or will the Boss & Hug Connection take one step closer to history?


Raw Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Fatal 4 Way: Heavy Machinery VS Lucha House Party VS The Revival VS The B-Team!

Tucker Knight & Otis Dozovic, Lince Dorado & Gran Metalik, Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder, or Bo Dallas & Curt Axel. Which team will take the win to take on the GLORIOUS tag team champions, Bobby Roode & Chad Gable?

Curt Axel and Metalik start with the bell. Metalik kicks then rolls Axel, ONE! Axel backs off but comes back to throw a knee. He throws hands and gets the fans going on “B-Team! B-Team! GO GO GO!” Axel whips but Metalik handsprings back. Metalik kicks then runs the ropes. Lince tags in and Metalik dropkicks Axel down. Licne runs and gets a boost to missile dropkick Axel. Dash tags in but gets a huricanrana pin! TWO, and Lince arm-drags Dash around. Lince has Dash in the armlock while fans rally with “Lucha! Lucha!” Roode & Gable watch backstage as Dash pulls at Lince’s mask. Dash brings Lince around to whip but runs into a boot. Tucker tags in off Lince to waistlock slam Dash! And then again! He rolls to a cover, ONE!

Tucker squeezes Dash and fans cheer for the power of “Steaks and Weights!” Tucker and Dash go around and Tucker shifts to a headlock. Tag to Dozer! Heavy Machinery double whip and run Dash over with shoulders. Then, Boom Shaka Loo! Double headbutts! Cover, TWO! Dozer keeps on Dash with a spinning scoop slam, then brings him around for a whip to the corner. Tag to Tucker and Dozer whips Tucker in for a corner splash. Tucker feeds Dash to Dozer then dropkicks Dawson out. B-Team runs in but they get double scoops that send them right out of the ring! Lucha House Party runs in but are put on the apron. So Lince and Metalik Double ASAI onto everyone else!

Dawson runs into body shots, then Heavy Machinery march for the big belly sandwich! Belly bump celebration, but then they scoop Dawson to toss onto the pile! Heavy Machinery has control while we go to break.

Raw returns as Dawson brings up Metalik for a big back suplex. Cover, TWO! Metalik crawls but Dawson keeps on him. Tag to Dash and Dawson feeds Metalik to Dash’s knees. Dash toys with Metalik but Metalik CHOPS him back! Dash kicks low then scoops Metalik, tag to Dawson for a tag team gutbuster! Cover, TWO! Dawson keeps on Metalik with a chinlock. Fans rally with “Lucha! Lucha!” and Metalik feeds off the energy. Metalik fights with body shots and powers out of the headlock. Dawson blocks the boot and flips Metalik but Lince tags in. Lince kicks back then leaps with the crossbody! Lince hits Dash then boots Dawson, tilt-o-whirl headscissors! Dash returns, DROPSAULT! Cover, TWO! Lince keeps his focus but Dawson knees low. Dawson whips but Lince dodges, DOUBLE Golden Rewind for the Revival!

Lince fires up, aims but Dozer tags in! So Lince dropkicks him then DIVES onto Dash! Dash sends Lince into the barriers! Metalik runs in but into The B-Team’s back suplex to neckbreaker! Dozer bulldozes The B-Team! Dozer goes corner to corner to squash Bo! Bo is down, Dozer pumps it up, here comes the Caterpillar! Fans fire up as Dozer covers, but Axel saves Bo. Axel runs into Tucker’s trapped-arm overhead suplex! Dozer picks up Bo, Tucker runs but Dash dumps him out. Dozer slams Bo and hits Dash, but Dawson tags in. The Revival dump Dozer out! Bo runs in but into a school boy. Bo slips through to a cradle, TWO! Dash tags in, SHATTER MACHINE! Cover, The Revival win!

Winners: The Revival, Dash Wilder pinning; new #1 Contenders to the Raw Tag Team Championships

The #TopGuys get another shot! Will this opportunity be the one that gets them tag title gold?


Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder meet up backstage.

Ryder tells Hawkins not to worry about The Revival. They’ll get back at them next time. Next time? If anyone else was Ryder’s partner, Ryder would’ve been part of that match, and maybe even won. Hawkins is toxic bad luck. This reunion won’t work. It’s just one loss! No, it’s 250+ for Hawkins! Why does Ryder want to team with Hawkins anyway? Ryder points out that everyone got his name wrong. It was “Zackh”. How is that even possible? Zack’s been here 13 years and people forgot how to spell his name?! He’s at the bottom like Hawkins. So they’re both losers? Yes, but not for long. They started here together, Major Brothers, Edge Heads, youngest WWE tag team champions ever! The losing streak will lose with them together. Then maybe they can get the name right.


Superstars show support to Kurt Angle.

The Olympic Gold Medalist has something to say about his future with the WWE. What will he say live on television after the break?


Kurt Angle heads to the ring!

Portland greets Angle with the kind “You Suck!” chants, and Angle thanks them for the ovation. “Intensity, Integrity, and Intelligence.” Yes, Angle’s 3 I’s have been his way through both the good and the bad. Angle accomplished everything he’s wanted, from the European Championship to the WWE Hall of Fame. He tore the house down with Shawn Michaels. He sprayed the ring with milk. And he was even a Raw GM that gave everyone a chance to settle things in the ring. Angle even found the son he never knew he had. And best of all, the fans always reminded him, “You Suck!” So, thanks?

But lately, the 3 I’s were replaced by 3 D’s: Doubt, Defeat, and Depression. Angle’s return didn’t go the way he pictured, namely with Drew McIntyre and Baron Corbin. Angle wanted to show he still had it, and shut those two up for good. In his long career, Angle’s beaten the best, and yes he won the gold medal with a “broken freakin’ neck.” But there is one opponent he cannot defeat: Father Time. There comes a point in everyone’s career where- Baron Corbin interrupts!

Corbin wants Angle to wrap this up. Does Angle want everyone to feel sorry for him? Angle did this to himself. This speech should’ve been the Hall of Fame speech two years ago, and then no one sees Angle again. But no, Angle signed a contract to be a GM. And then instead of just making matches, he started getting in them. But look at him now. Angle is a “broken-down shadow of a man.” Well this old man will break Corbin’s ankle in two! Angle dares Corbin to get in the ring! But first, Drew McIntyre appears! I

t seems Angle can’t help himself. He’s accepted his fate, and yet he turns around wanting to fight the man who beat him last week. People used to look at Angle and saw a warrior. But McIntyre saw fear as Angle tapped out to his own ankle lock! McIntyre also thought he’d never see Angle again, yet Angle still showed up. Angle will keep showing up until someone does something “very drastic”. So Portland, shut up and get the cameras ready for the last time you see Angle in the WWE again. McIntyre and Corbin vow to put him down for good! These two flank the ring, but here comes BRAUN!

The Monster Among Men dislikes both McIntyre and Corbin, and throws hands with the Scottish Terminator! Angle throws hands with Corbin and clotheslines him out! Strowman throws an arm chair at Corbin! Corbin is surrounded so he runs to the ring. Corbin and McIntyre are in retreat! Strowman and Angle stand tall, will they be united against McIntyre & Corbin?


WWE and Raw celebrate Black History Month.

Superstars go to the National Civil Rights Museum to learn of all the powerful moments in the struggle for ethnic equality. Martin Luther King Jr. is an inspiration to all peoples, may his dream live forever.


The Architect is going to Wrestlemania!

Seth Rollins was able to #BurnItDown in the Men’s Rumble match and win it all, but he had to decide. Would he challenge the New Daniel Bryan for the newly redesigned WWE World Championship? Or would he challenge the reining, defending, undisputed Universal Champion, The Beast, Brock Lesnar? Rollins chose Lesnar by telling him to his face with a fight! But Lesnar would win that brawl and F5 Rollins onto that very title! Will Rollins recover and redesign his game plan in time for Wrestlemania?


WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Elimination Chamber Qualifier: Sasha Banks & Bayley VS Alicia Fox & Nikki Cross!

The two teams said their pieces earlier, but now it’s time to back up those words. Who will be the better combination and move on towards the Elimination Chamber’s historic match?

But as the teams make their entrances, Fox and Cross attack from behind! They hammer Bayley down and then drag Sasha out! Fans boo as the beating continues, but Bayley fights back! She knocks Foxy down then throws Crazy Cross to the ramp. Bayley goes back after Foxy but Cross comes back over. She and Foxy mug Bayley until more referees appear. But they can’t stop Fox and Cross from throwing Bayley into the LED wall! Then they stomp Sasha, and toss Bayley down the ramp! Will this keep the Boss & Hug Connection from competing? Will this crazy combination qualify by default?

Raw returns and this match IS still on! Bayley lariats Nikki down then covers, TWO! Bayley keeps on Cross in the corner with big shoulders. She lets up at 3 to snapmare and sliding lariat! Cover, TWO! Bayley drags Cross away but Cross pushes her away. Bayley still scoops and slams, covers, TWO! Cross hops on Bayley for a sleeper hold! Bayley backs up but Alicia tags in to also be a sleeper. Bayley throws her off and crossbodies them both! Cover on Alicia, TWO! Alicia throws forearms then whips Bayley to a corner. Alicia runs but is flapjack’d on buckles. Bayley hops up and hits a flying uppercut! Cover, TWO! Bayley keeps her cool and throws Alicia with a saido suplex! Cover but Cross breaks it. Bayley throws Cross with a saido!

Bayley puts Alicia on the apron and hotshots her back in! Cross drags Alicia out but Bayley pursues to fetch her. Bayley fights Cross off but walks into the scissor kick! Cover, TWO!! Bayley lives, and Sasha’s finally on the corner. Alicia wraps Bayley in a chinlock but fans rally up. Bayley endures and fights her way up. Alicia headbutts Bayley down then drags her over. Tag to Cross and the two put Bayley in the Tree of Woe! Cross stomps a mudhole into Bayley then tags to Alicia. Alicia kicks away on Bayley and Bayley falls out of the Tree. Alicia stomps Bayley more then tags Cross. Cross drags Bayley into a half nelson chinbar. Fans rally up again as Bayley endures. Bayley fights her way back up, but Cross clubs her down. Cross stomps Bayley then tags Alicia.

Alicia and Cross put Bayley back in the Tree, get their shots in then tag again. Cross stomps away but Bayley sits up to fight back! Cross tackles Bayley into a corner for shoulders. She backs off for a corner splash and bulldog! Cover, TWO! Bayley lives and frustrates Cross. Cross shoves Bayley out of the ring then leaps for a crossbody! Cross roars and slaps herself around while she stalks Bayley. Sasha saves Bayley and Cross runs into post! Alicia gets Cross back in to tag in while Bayley crawls over. Alicia stops Bayley but Bayley rolls her up! Bayley & Sasha win!!

Winners: Sasha Banks & Bayley, Bayley pinning; enter the Elimination Chamber Tag Match

The #LegitHuggable duo survive the chaos to qualify! Will Banks & Bayley win it all to make history?


Backstage interview with Apollo Crews.

Is he surprised to see Kurt Angle competing tonight? Apollo didn’t think that was Angle’s aim but he’s happy to see Angle’s trying again. But given his string of losses, is it wise for him to compete? It’s Kurt Angle! Even he has some off nights. Then even with Braun on his side, what are Angle’s chances tonight? Everyone has a chance of winning. But then Drake Maverick and Rezar come by. They don’t think Angle has a chance of winning, Apollo’s just fooling himself. Hey how does Rezar get his puppet to talk? Does he pull strings? Or put his hand up the- Rezar wants to fight but Maverick keeps the peace. Apollo’s just upset because his Olympic hero keeps letting everyone down. Will we be let down again with another Angle defeat?


Elias VS Jeff Jarrett w/ Road Dogg!

Oh you didn’t know~?! The Drifter has tried to differentiate himself from Double J since debuting in the WWE, but then Jarrett and the D O Double G would return to bring it all back. Elias got a smash hit off of both Roadie and Jarrett with his guitars last week, but now we settle things in a match! Will Double J #WalkWithElias?

Before the match, Road Dogg himself welcomes Portland to the Dogg House! “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages”, we proudly present the Road Dogg, Jessie James! Dogg may be bigger and grayer, but this isn’t about him. This is about the Hall of Famer’s return! Jeff Jarrett makes his entrance, armed with a guitar! “Howdy folks, Double J here!” Yes, J E Double F, J A Double R, E Double T makes a wrestling return to the WWE, but Dogg brings up the singing. Time to finish karaoke with the WWE Universe! But then Elias interrupts someone else for once! Jarrett, Dogg, that song no one knows the words hasn’t aged well. Just like them. That hurts. Does Jarrett even play guitar? Shouldn’t Dogg be on SmackDown tanking their ratings? Elias would rather watch another Maroon 5 performance than this.

Truth be told, Elias would’ve done the Super Bowl, but he made the mistake of turning that down for Portland, a city too insignificant to have a football team. Elias wanted to save the night with his own performance, but he remembered how ungrateful the WWE Universe is. You give him a standing ovation, nothing less! But no, Elias won’t sing tonight in Portland. As for Jarrett and Dogg, they can keep up the nostalgia act but it won’t change the truth: WWE stands for “Walk With Elias!” Jarrett has Elias wait. In the immortal words of a great rival, “Hey chico, don’t sing it. Bring it!” And if you ain’t down with that, they’ve got two words for ya! “SUCK IT!” Jarrett and Elias fight outside the ring!

Jarrett puts Elias in but the ref keeps them apart until the bell. The bell rings and the brawl is back on! Jarrett rocks Elias right out of the ring but Elias gets spooked by the Roadie. Elias gets in again but then right back out, and we go to break.

Raw returns and Elias throws Jarrett around the outside. Elias puts Jarrett in the ring and CHOPS him around. Elias whips but Jarrett boot shim away. Jarrett throws hands, whips and hip tosses Elias down! Jarrett clotheslines and whips again, but Elias dodges to hit a big knee strike! Elias grins as he mocks the strut. Then he tells Dogg to “Suck it!” Elias stomps Jarrett then drags him up for a whip. He elbows Jarrett then covers, TWO! Elias sits Jarrett up to tell him who’s better, then wraps on a chinlock. Fans rally for Double J and Jarrett powers up. Jarrett fights but Elias knees and suplexes Jarrett up and over! Cover, TWO! Elias trash talks Roadie but Jarrett hits Elias with body shots. Jarrett whips Elias but misses in the corner. Elias kicks Jarrett and rains down rights. Elias leaps for a big elbow drop, covers, TWO!

Fans rally but Elias puts Jarrett back in a chinlock. Jarrett fights out again but Elias reverses the whip. Elias puts Jarrett in a sleeper! Jarrett jawbreakers free! Elias kicks Road Dogg just because! Fans boo but Elias turns around to get punches from Jarrett! Jarrett has Elias reeling, then he whips for a big clothesline! Jarrett hits Elias with the straddle attack on the ropes. Double J struts, kicks, but Elias blocks. Jarrett enziguris! Dogg gets hit again, and Elias gets Jarrett with Drift Away! Cover, Elias wins!

Winner: Elias, by pinfall

The Drifter shows up the supposed greatest singer and greatest wrestler, but now Road Dogg gets Elias back for those sucker punches! He whips but Elias reverses, only for Dogg to come back with jabs! Dogg pops, locks and drops Elias! Dogg aims at Elias from across the way, and Jarrett has a guitar, too. Elias glares at Dogg, but Dogg tells him “Wait! Suck it!” Jarrett SMASHES Elias with the guitar! Ain’t he great? Jarrett may have lost this battle, but will he win the war on this Road to Wrestlemania?


Dana Brooke finds Natalya backstage.

The Total Package apologizes for the loss in their tag team match last week. It was their chance at the Women’s Tag Team Championships, so that makes her feel even worse. Natalya doesn’t respond. Is this because Dana said she’s better than Natty? Sorry but get over it! It was just something to pump them both up about it, y’know? Well, fine, silent treatment. Not even seeing she’s here. But Dana’s here. Dana is gonna make a match with Natty so they can prove Dana belongs! Oh, Natty had AirPods in her ears. Well, Natty’s in for quite the surprise. Will Dana prove she’s main roster material? Or will the Queen of Harts trump her efforts?


Backstage interview with Finn Balor.

After his match with Brock Lesnar and then the confrontation with Bobby Lashley, he really doesn’t look good. He’s medically cleared but at what point does he put pride aside for the sake of his health? Finn says the Irish are famously stubborn when wounded. He and Becky both. Finn’s elbow hurts from the Kimura. Finn’s ribs hurt from the beating. People told him to stay home, but Finn took the best punishments and got back up. Lashley sees him as an easy target, but Finn won’t be bullied. Finn won’t stop pushing forward, he’ll just take the fight to Lashley like he did Lesnar. And first chance he gets, he’ll even take that Intercontinental Championship.

Finn Balor VS Bobby Lashley w/ Lio Rush!

As Finn just said, he wants to take the fight to the bigger men. But the Hype Man of the Hour loves to remind us the Rocky Mountain Machine isn’t just a wrestler, he’s a fighter! Will Finn survive a fight with a fighter? Or will he be 0-2 against behemoths?

Lio has a mic and wants Finn to take a look at himself. He looks like he’s a mummy yet he thinks he has a chance against the Almighty? This isn’t David VS Goliath, this is Mouse VS Truck! Be real, Finn. Lashley curls dumbbells heavier than you! Finn shouldn’t even think about the IC title.

Lashley says Finn had his shot against Lesnar and couldn’t win. Lashley’s better than Lesnar. He can beat Lesnar in a wrestling match, in a fight, and in his sleep! Finn doesn’t deserve to be in a ring with him. Instead, Finn should fight people his own size. There’s no match with Lashley tonight, because Finn will take on Lio Rush. And maybe if Finn’s entertaining enough, he’ll get the title match he wants. The 24 Year Old Piece of Gold makes his Raw in-ring debut against the Extraordinary Man! Will Lashley see something he likes?

But before the bell, Lashley kicks Finn down low! Lashley puts Finn in the corner and rams his shoulders in! Then he clubs and stomps Finn down! Fans boo while Lashley and Lio fist bump. The referee checks on Finn, but Lio just heaps on the trash talk. Finn wants this match, the bell rings, Lio rushes right at him! Lio stomps and punches away in the corner but backs off at 4. Lashley cheers Lio on but Finn grabs Lio by the head! Finn puts Lio in the corner but Lio kicks the bad ribs! Lio keeps Finn down with elbows and a rain of right hands. Lio kicks Finn in the ribs again then eggs Finn on. Finn catches a kick to trip Lio! Finn stomps away on Lio now! Lio bails out but Finn fires up to wreck him with a dropkick!

Finn keeps moving, but Lashley trips him up and yanks him out! The referee reprimands Lashley and EJECTS him! The Rocky Mountain Machine has to leave, and now Lio will be alone with Finn! Fans taunt Lashley but Lio runs and DIVES onto Finn! Lio blasts Finn and has control while we go to break.

Raw returns and Lio has Finn in a standing abdominal stretch. Finn endures while Lio digs his knuckles in. Finn pops out and turns but Lio knees him low. Lio stalks Finn to a corner and rams his shoulder in. Lio tries a third time but gets a knee from Finn! Finn gets to the apron but Lio runs over, only to get a swing kick! Lio’s down, Finn climbs up! Fans fire up but Lio trips Finn up on the top rope. Lio climbs up to join Finn and throws forearms. Fans duel as Lio SUPER STEINERS Finn down! Cover, TWO!! Finn survives and frustrates Lio! Lio goes after Finn again, wanting another abdominal stretch. Finn resists as they’re in a half-mount version, but Finn powers up and out to put the stretch on Lio! Finn hammers away on Lio with forearms and body shots! Then the double stomps!

Finn grits his teeth as he gasps for air. Finn runs, slingblade to Lio! But the fall hurts Finn back, and he crawls to Lio. Finn drags Lio up, 1916 but the ribs give out! Small package, TWO! Lio kicks and enziguris, then runs, backwards springboard stunner! Lio heads up top now, Final Hour but he has to roll through! Finn shotgun dropkicks Lio down! Finn climbs again, with Portland fired up, COUP DE GRACE!! Cover, Finn wins!

Winner: Finn Balor, by pinfall

But here comes Lashley! Finn gets away from big bully Bobby, but will a win over Lio get Finn the title shot?


Paige is here!

“Did you miss me?” She’s just glad they remember her. But there’s a very special coming out, Fighting With My Family. It’s based on Paige’s life and her family, and everyone will surely find it interesting. The trailer rolls and the story of the game-changing Anti-Diva is coming to theaters soon.


It’s time for another Moment of Bliss!

Raw returns as The Goddess, Alexa Bliss, sits on her set. Her guest is a “man of mystery”, a future star of the main roster, THE EC3! The Top One Percent walks right out onto the stage and puts his name up on the titantron. EC3 sits with Alexa and she gets a good look at him. Is he ready for his Moment of Bliss? Just look at him! He’s young, good-looking, and he has a very large… bank account! But he’s playing hard to get between Raw and SmackDown. While he’s here in the flesh, she wants to know. Which brand does he choose? Fans hope he says Raw since he’s here, but someone interrupts. It’s Nia Jax! Tamina follows the Irresistible Force out and Nia answers this for everyone: “No one cares.” Wow, not a single episode without an interruption. Nia would say she’s sorry, but she’s not.

And who wants to see this weird blind date she’s working on. What should be the headline is Nia’s great week! Nia broke boundaries by “entering” the Men’s Rumble, and how the Samoan Dynasty is in that Women’s Tag Team Championship Chamber match. They did that by beating Alexa. Mickie took the pin. Well, this is now Nia’s Moment of Bliss, okay? The world is talking about Nia, wondering what’s next. And Nia might fill in for Becky at Mania. But the siren sounds and here comes Dean Ambrose!

The Moral Compass saunters out and Nia is upset over her interruption being interrupted. Ambrose apologizes to Alexa. He doesn’t want to be out here any more than Alexa wants him out here. But he just has something to say to Nia. Obviously Nia has a huge crush on him. She’s not the first woman to not know how to handle his “raw sexual magnetism.” She doesn’t now how to deal with that and that’s okay. Nia just has to forget about him and just stay far, far away.

As for Alexa, help him figure out who this is. That’s EC3. Ambrose swats the mic out of EC3’s hand! EC3 gets up and Ambrose says this will be his interview now. Who is he? What does EC3 stand for? Where were ECs 1 and 2? Who does his hair? Is he a Creed fan? He seems like one. Why does EC3 just lurk around like a mutant Chippendale instead of getting in the ring? Ambrose dares EC3 to answer, so EC3 punches Ambrose out! EC3 heads to the ring, will Ambrose be his first #VictoryAfterVictory?


EC3 VS Dean Ambrose!

Raw returns as the bell rings on this match, and EC3 tackles Ambrose off his feet! EC3 throws hands then puts Ambrose in a corner. He bumps him off one buckle, then another buckle, but Ambrose kenes low. Ambrose runs but into a leaping lariat! EC3 scoop slams Ambrose, then has the fans say his name! Elbow drop! EC3 stalks Ambrose to a corner but Ambrose kicks and throws EC3 to a post! Ambrose taunts EC3 as he rains down rights. Ambrose lets up at the count of 4 but comes back to stomp a mudhole into him. He stops at 4 again but drags EC3 up to reel him in for a lariat! Cover, TWO! Ambrose wraps EC3 up in a chinlock. They go around and Ambrose traps an arm in a hammerlock. Fans duel as EC3 powers up and out with a snapmare.

EC3 throws hands with Ambrose and backs Ambrose down. He whips and elbows Ambrose down then hits a forearm smash! EC3 whips, reels Ambrose in, STO DDT! Fans fire up with EC3 as he runs corner to corner, but misses in the corner! Ambrose has EC3 in a bomb but EC3 jackknifes! EC3 wins!!

Winner: EC3, by pinfall

The Top One Percent wins his in-ring debut! Is this the first of many victories for the Best Here, the Best There and the Best Anywhere?


Backstage interview with Kurt Angle.

What would it mean to him to defeat the two men who “embarrassed” him 1v1 before? Well Angle wasn’t expecting to compete, but he was thinking of retiring. But then something told him to fight, and so that’s what he’s doing. He’s not fighting alone, either. The Monster Among Men comes over. Strowman never met a portapotty, a limousine, a semi-truck or a WWE superstar he didn’t want to destroy. Angle’s just glad to have him on his team. Strowman is honored to tag with Angle, and promises both McIntyre and Corbin will #GetTheseHands. Oh it’s true. It’s damn true. Will the Olympian and the Monster make the Scottish Terminator and Lone Wolf pay?


Mojo Rawley talks to himself again.

From football to Wall Street to the WWE, “they” have always wanted “you” to be part of the team. But being part of a team hasn’t really worked out well, has it? Mojo laughs at himself, but then shouts “Forget the team!” Now, it’s all about you. Will Mojo make the most of being all alone with himself?


Braun Strowman & Kurt Angle VS Drew McIntyre & Baron Corbin!

McIntyre and Corbin are no strangers when it comes to working together, especially when it comes to beating down Strowman. Of course, those were in situations where they outnumbered the Monster Among Men. Now things are even, and both Strowman and Angle are after some retribution. Will McIntyre & Corbin #GetTheseHands and some broken ankles? Or will they find a way to turn things around and get the better of the Hall of Famer again?

The teams sort out, and we begin with Corbin and Angle. They tie up and Angle gets a German Suplex already! Angle goes for the ankle but McIntyre saves Corbin. Strowman comes around and bulldozes McIntyre! Corbin runs into another German Suplex! Angle wants the ankle but Corbin rolls and shoves him away. McIntyre gives Angle the Glasgow Kiss! Angle is down while we take one last break.

Raw returns again and Corbin rocks Angle with a right. Fans boo but Corbin soaks up the heat. Corbin rocks Angle again, then mocks the fans for booing. Angle gets up but Corbin’s on him with a half nelson chinbar. Angle endures and McIntyre trash talks from the ropes. Strowman and the fans rally up for Angle, and Angle feeds off the energy. Corbin knees low and tags in McIntyre. They stomp a mudhole into Angle together, but let up at 4. McIntyre brings Angle out to CHOP him off his feet. McIntyre drags Angle up but Angle counter punches! But McIntyre powers him back tot he corner, tags Corbin, and Corbin rams shoulders into Angle. Corbin throws a punch but Angle counter punches again! Corbin knees low and whips but Angle reverses. But Corbin slides out then in while McIntyre tags, Corbin hits Strowman!

Angle goes after Corbin but McIntyre boots Angle down. McIntyre rains down hands but Strowman barges in. The referee keeps Strowman back but McIntyre gets distracted as he eggs Strowman on. Angle gets the Angle Slam but McIntyre slips out! McIntyre steals the Angle Slam! McIntyre laughs as he steals the ankle lock again! Angle endures his own hold all over again, but he refuses to quit! Angle crawls, reaches, and fans reach a fever pitch as Angle rolls McIntyre off! McIntyre stops from getting too close to Strowman, but that allows Angle to slip past and tag Strowman in! The Monster rallies on McIntyre and Corbin! Strowman headbutts McIntyre then runs corner to corner for the splash! And a clubbing forearm!

Fans fire up all over again as Strowman stalks McIntyre. Strowman scoops but McIntyre slips out. McIntyre shoves Strowman and Corbin dumps Strowman out. Tag to Corbin, and he leaps on Strowman with ax handles! Corbin soaks up the heat as he throws Strowman into the post. Corbin puts Strowman into the other post, then rams him into barriers! He finally puts Strowman into the ring and keeps him from Angle. Tag to McIntyre and they mug Strowman in the corner. McIntyre drags Strowman up for a neckbreaker! Cover, ONE! McIntyre tags Corbin and they double back suplex Strowman! Cover, TWO! Corbin grows frustrated but he and McIntyre coordinate. Fans rally up while McIntyre tags in. They mug Strowman then stomp a mudhole. Tag to Corbin and they go to double front suplex, but Strowman counters with a double suplex of his own!

Fans fire up again, and Strowman crawls for Angle. Hot tag to the Olympian! Geramn Suplex for Corbin! German Suplex for McIntyre! Another for Corbin! Angle clotheslines McIntyre out, then goes after Corbin. Corbin backs angle to a corner but Angle boots him! ANGLE SLAM! Cover, but McIntyre breaks it! Strowman blasts McIntyre with a shoulder! Strowman glares at Corbin but the ref keeps him back. Corbin brings up this will be a disqualification, but Strowman doesn’t care! He throws Corbin out of the ring!

Winners: Drew McIntyre & Baron Corbin, by disqualification

Who cares about rules? Strowman wants revenge! He wrecks Corbin and McIntyre on the outside, then he lines up the shot. Strowman runs Corbin over! He runs at McIntyre, but McIntyre sends him into barriers! Then CLAYMORE sends him over! Strowman is down in the front row, and McIntyre targets Angle in the ring. McIntyre drags Angle out to ram him into barriers! Corbin comes back and they double whip Angle into steel steps! Corbin moves the top half of the steps and then puts the bottom half in the ring. McIntyre fetches Angle and brings him over. They double choke grip but Strowman makes the save!

Strowman Choke Slams McIntyre on the steel steps! Then the same for Corbin! Strowman and Angle may have lost the match but they don’t look like the losers. Will they get another chance to show Angle’s still got it? Or is this good-bye to Angle wrestling in the ring?



My Thoughts:

A rather… odd episode of Raw tonight. I would like everyone to know that as of last week’s SmackDown, I all but predicted the route they’re taking with Becky. Stephanie bringing up the bad knee and there being the seed planted of a “replacement” follows in what I had guessed, but I didn’t think it would be a Stone Cold style suspension on top of the bad leg. But as I said then, I’ll say now: even with Charlotte being the apparent substitute, Becky will get herself cleared and is still part of the match. I didn’t want the Triple Threat, as many fans also feel, but I guess I’m just that attuned to the WWE’s way of thinking.

Ronda herself is taking an interesting turn. She destroyed two-thirds of the Riott Squad in her “anger”, which kinda buries them just weeks before the Elimination Chamber tag match. But Ronda as a character almost went Heel getting upset that fans were booing. I wonder if that’s a sign of a real turn before Mania. Ruby plays it smart like any good Heel, but her line about Ronda not having friends might come back to haunt her once the MMA Horsewomen wrap things up in NXT. Whether Ronda takes her break right after Mania or not, if Shayna, Jessamyn and Marina show up, they can have a Six Woman Tag with The Squad to prove they’re Ronda’s friends. In fact, that might be a good way to get those three Horsewomen going on the path to the Horsewomen VS Horsewomen match.

Good on Heavy Machinery for being utility guys on both shows right now. But because Raw still has a hard time with their tag division, Tucker & Otis didn’t have as great a showing. But good for The Revival to get another shot, and I hope this time they get those titles. The Revival is already one foot out the door, or two since they’re a duo, but maybe a title run from Chamber to Mania to past Mania will keep them in WWE. Especially if they, Roode & Gable get to tear it up in a tag classic like back in NXT. Then in the Women’s Tag, it was odd that it was all put on Bayley to win the qualifier. I hope WWE isn’t backtracking to when those two were enemies, because WWE screwed that up. But at least #LegitHuggable made the predictable win better with that performance.

The Moment of Bliss segment was pretty funny, with Ambrose joking with Nia about a crush and then trolling EC3 with all those questions. I really do hope Ambrose leaving WWE for good is just a work. Fans in Portland really like Ambrose and I myself wouldn’t want him to just up and leave. Though, him against EC3 in a really sad match wasn’t how to use him or EC3. EC3 can drop great promos, but why is he being mute? Honestly, I thought there was going to be a tease of co-ed tag, Ambrose forced to work with EC3 to take on Samoan Dynasty. But again, I still don’t know if WWE would go into a full co-ed match so soon.

I’m surprised we got Elias VS Jarrett so soon. Elias wins despite Road Dogg being ringside, but clearly the guitar smash afterward means this is far from over. There might be a way to still put this for Mania if WWE waits to revisit it. I’m also surprised about getting Angle-Strowman teaming already, as I had expected last week but for Mania. But in similar fashion, the Heels win but there are extracurricular activities that make me think they’ll revisit this at Mania. If Angle is truly wrapping up wrestling, Mania is the better place for his final match where he wins rather than stands tall. That way everyone around the world watching Mania can celebrate his victorious retirement rather than just those who watched Raw tonight.

Seth Rollins has an apparent elbow injury, but everyone expects it to only be a month at most. Which is fine, Rollins doesn’t need a Chamber match, and there are ways to hype Rollins VS Lesnar with promos instead of punches. If Lesnar can take time off, so can Rollins. That way Rollins is 100% rested and he can truly #SlaytheBeast. Finn playing up not being 100% was pretty good, but there was perhaps a missed memo or two. Lashley said their match was for the title, but no one else did. Swerving for Lio VS Finn was great, though, I was hoping Lio would wrestle on Raw. The match would’ve been better if not for Lashley adding on, but it was still good. Finn wins but his title match isn’t official, so something else has to happen before Chamber if that’s when it happens.

My Score: 7.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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