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Mitchell’s WWE 205 Live Results & Report! (6/18/19)

Who moves on to Stomping Grounds?!



205 Live = Cruiserweight Division

Just who is challenging for the Cruiserweight Championship?

Drake Maverick tried to determine a #1 Contender, but an unclear finish complicates things! Now the 205 Live GM must choose the Cruiserweight Champion’s challenger! Will Tony Nese be facing Akira Tozawa, Drew Gulak, or both at WWE Stomping Grounds?



  • Lucha House Party VS The Singh Brothers; The Singh Brothers win.
  • THE Brian Kendrick VS Russ Taylor; Kendrick wins.
  • Oney Lorcan VS Ariya Daivari; Lorcan wins, by disqualification.


Drake Maverick addresses the State of the Cruiserweight Contenders.

Last week’s Fatal 4 Way was an incredible match, but it ended with some controversy and confusion. A double cover between Akira Tozawa and Drew Gulak ended in a three count, and there was much discussion between the two referees and Maverick himself. And after a week of reviewing the footage, a final decision has been made: it was a draw! That means this Sunday, Tony Nese defends his Cruiserweight Championship in a Triple Threat! But there’s still plenty of action to look forward to tonight!

The Lucha House Part return to 205 Live to settle the score with the “Boscar winning” Samir & Sunil Singh. The Bollywood Boys swear they won Best Actors, but they want to be the best team in the Cruiserweight Division. #LightsCameraAndBollywoodAction, but will they lose when it’s #LuchaTime? Plus, the Persian Lion and Boston Brawler go one more round because their grudge has not been settled! Ariya Daivari lost one contender’s match and got a lot of stitches for it, but he cost Oney Lorcan in last week’s contender’s match. Who will cost the other more after they go head-to-head and punch for punch as tonight’s main event?


Lucha House Party VS The Singh Brothers!

Lince Dorado and Gran Metalik step up for #LuchaTime to show the Bollywood Boys that winning against a Slow White Cow and the Great Grandson of The Red Crab is nothing like facing a Golden Lynx and the King of the Ropes! Will the fiesta be the Summer blockbuster? Or will those “Boscars” motivate Samir & Sunil to become the brightest stars on 205 Live?

The teams sort out, and Lince starts with Samir. Kalisto rallies the fans with the matracas rattle and chants of “Lucha! Lucha!” Samir and Lince circle, and Lince dodges Samir’s rush. Lince throws haymakers and body shots, then headlocks. Samir powers out but gets run over! Lince runs, handsprings and springboards, but Samir gets clear to SLAP Lince. Samir dances too much and gets a CHOP! Lince CHOPS Samir to the corner then tags Metalik. Lince whips Metalik so that Metalik can whip Lince so that Lince can whip Metalik into Samir for a big clotheslnie! Metalik feeds Samir to Lince’s CHOP, then they combine for a slightly mistimed Wheelbarrow Bulldog. Cover, TWO!

Samir bails out but Metalik sees Sunil coming. Metalik dropkicks Sunil down and out, then has Lince come in. They both run to corners, but fake the Singh Brothers out with double backflips back into the ring! The Singh Brothers regroup and Metalik eggs Samir on. Samir tags Sunil in instead. Metalik kicks Sunil and tags Lince. They double whip Sunil for double hip tosses! Then Metalik becomes a human weapon, wheelbarrow leg drop! Lince hits the planking splash! Cover, TWO! Sunil survives and throws hands with Lince. Lince CHOPS Sunil down then puts him in a corner for buckle bumps. Lince whips Sunil corner to corner hard, then climbs up top! He leaps at Sunil for a big crossbody! Cover, TWO!

Lince watches Sunil in the corner, but still misses. Sunil runs into boots, but then Samir distracts Lince as he hops up. This allows Sunil to yank Lince off the top! Lince hits buckles as he falls, then Sunil tags Samir. The Singh Brothers stomp Lince out then Samir rains down rights. Samir lets up at the ref’s orders, but he brags with a swivel of the hips. Samir drags Lince up for a haymaker, then stomps him in the Bollywood corner. Tag to Sunil, and the brothers dance before stomping Lince more. The ref reprimands them but Sunil tags Samir. Samir drags Lince up for more clubbing forearms. Lince fights back but Samir kicks him down. Samir wraps on a chinlock and grinds Lince down.

Fans rally as Kalisto spins the matracas. Lince stands up and fights back, but Samir wrangles him back down. Lince pulls hair and that gets Samir to let go. Samir comes back to whip Lince hard into the corner. But Lince fights back! Sunil hits the steps and Samir runs into elbows and boots. Lince hurries, dodges Samir and sends Samir out of the ring! But Samir trips Metalik before the tag! Kalisto protests but Lince CHOPS Samir for Metalik. Sunil tags in and Samir whips Lince. The Singh Brothers combine, SUPERKICK to Russian Leg Sweep! Cover, but Metalik breaks the pin! Sunil drags Lince and tags Samir, and the brothers stomp Lince down. Samir toys with Lince and swivels those hips again.

Lince hits back with body shots but Samir clubs him down. Samir whips Lince but Lince handsprings to a Golden Rewind! Lince is dizzy but fans rally up. Lince and Samir crawl, hot tags to Sunil and Metalik! Metalik springboards up over Sunil but keeps moving. Sunil dodges Metalik’s handspring, but Metalik CHOPS him back. Metalik sees Samir coming and mule kicks him. Metalik uses the corner to acrobatically leap and dropkick Samir down! Sunil misses an elbow, Metalik runs onto the ropes and dropkicks Sunil down! Tag to Lince and he gives Metalik a boost for another dropkick! Sunil bails to the outside, Lince helps Metalik FLY onto Sunil!! Metalik puts Sunil in, Lince hits the Golden Shooting Star! Cover, but Samir breaks it!

Metalik springboards to drop an elbow on Samir! Lince and Sunil are left alone, but Sunil elbows Lince down. Sunil grabs a pinata, but Kalisto stops him from using Penelop as a weapon. But the pinata breaks! That’s not right. Sunil rolls Lince, holding tights!! The Singh Brothers win!!

Winners: The Singh Brothers, Sunil by pinfall

The Bollywood Boys ruin the fiesta but start their own party. Will Samir & Sunil celebrate all the way to a second “Boscar” win?


Noam Dar relaxes.

The Scottish Supernova sips a drink and reads a book, but notices the camera. “Hello, hello, hello!” Now, ever since that “unprovoked and digusting attack by Drew Gulak,” Dar has been staying on the sunny Spanish isle of Magaluf, rehabing and enjoying some “me time.” The lovely nurses have assured him that he’ll be more than fit and ready to “blast off again.” That is, only if Drake Maverick greatly improves the working conditions on 205 Live, and meets the very, very, very high standards of Mr. Supernova 11. Until then, Dar is staying-

Wait, THE Brian Kendrick is in Magaluf, too? What? Dar’s not- Oh, okay…! What a good friend Kendrick is to come all this way. Yes, the Man with a Plan is obviously a very good friend to check on that bum knee. Kendrick would love to stay and chat, but he has to catch a private jet to make it to California in time for his match in two minutes. Well, Dar can stay on Fantasy Island as long as he wants, but he’ll have to compete some time if he wants after the Cruiserweight Championship.


THE Brian Kendrick VS Russ Taylor!

The former Cruiserweight Champion doesn’t mind that his good pal, Akira Tozawa, is competing for the title instead of him. But he won’t want to stay out of the title scene for long. Will the Man with a Plan come up with a plan to get back in the race?

The bell rings and California cheers for one of their own. Kendrick offers Russ a handshake, but Russ isn’t so sure. He perhaps is familiar with Kendrick’s history. Russ slaps the hand away, but Kendrick gets mad! Kendrick intimidates Russ to a corner, but backs off. The two circle but now Russ offers a handshake with a snarky grin. Kendrick slaps that away and again shouts at Russ. Russ gets to the corner and Kendrick backs off, to give Kendrick a BIG sucker punch! Kendrick staggers away, but comes back with a dropkick! Kendrick throws furious hands in the corner, lets up, but comes back to throw more hands. He walks off his anger to then drag Russ up for a whip corner to corner. Russ hits buckles hard and Kendrick hits him with a forearm smash.

Kendrick rallies with more forearms, then roars as he throws big hands on Russ against ropes. Kendrick whips but Russ reverses, but Kendrick slides under to calf kick Russ down! Russ scrambles away but gets another calf kick! Kendrick grabs Russ for Sliced Bread! Cover, Kendrick wins!

Winner: THE Brian Kendrick, by pinfall

The veteran from Venice Beach snaps back to winning ways against the upstart Russ Taylor. Will Kendrick continue winning all the way back to another Cruiserweight Championship opportunity?


Backstage interview with Jack Gallagher.

The Extraordinary Gentleman lost to Chad Gable in Gable’s Cruiserweight Division debut, by a count-out. What is next for Gallagher in 205 Live? Well it was certainly bittersweet to lose even in his best effort. While Gallagher does not question the legitimacy of Gable’s win, he does hope Gable agrees that they need to settle things. In the meantime- Mr. & Mrs. Kanellis interrupt. Mike says Gallagher should be ashamed of his loss, because he was given a golden opportunity, but blew it. And he blew it because Gallagher couldn’t even get in the ring. That’s embarrassing. Almost as embarrassing as having a GM skipping work just to get one over on the WWE 24/7 Champion. It sounds funny, but Mike isn’t laughing anymore.

The problem here is guys like Gallagher are just dead weight. And that’s why WWE Executives worked so hard to keep people like Mike and Maria, because the WWE needs them. And if they decide to stay on 205 Live, Mike is done with being overlooked! Mike is done with the show being overlooked just because people like Gallagher keep dropping the ball. Gallagher responds by telling them they’re right. He’s been in a slump but he has an idea on how to get out of it. Gallagher gives Mike a golden opportunity to get a black eye in front of his wife. Mike would love to see him try. Gentleman VS Opportunist of Love, will this match happen with Maverick focused on his own matters?


Oney Lorcan VS Ariya Daivari!

The Persian Lion wants to make this match eye for an eye and ear for an ear, but he’ll have to go toe to toe and punch for punch with the Boston Brawler to do it! Will Daivari get even with the Fury of 205 Live? Or will he just get stitches on the other ear?

The bell rings and Daivari takes too long taking off his fancy shirt because Lorcan blasts him with a running European Uppercut! Lorcan keeps on Daivari with fast hands and feet in the corner! The ref counts and Lorcan lets up, but he doesn’t let Daivari get away. Lorcan CHOPS Daivari over and over in the corner, then rams an elbow in. Lorcan runs corner to corner to ram another elbow into Daivari, then keeps going. Daivari bails out and looks to retreat through the crowd! But Lorcan pursues and drags Daivari back to the ring! Daivari scrambles back out but Lorcan glares. Lorcan drags Daivari from the front row again and puts him back in. Daivari kicks Lorcan low then runs, but into Lorcan’s dropkick!

Lorcan rains down rights on Daivari, then clobbers him with clotheslines and elbows! Daivari is dazed but Lorcan looms behind him. Lorcan waistlocks but Daivari fights out. Daivari runs but Lorcan follows, only to get a SUPERKICK! Lorcan ends up in a corner and Daivari runs in, only to get an elbow. Lorcan hops up but Daivari stops him witha CHOP! Daivari CHOPS more, then climbs up to join Lorcan. Daivari goes after the arm, for a SUPER armbar DDT! Lorcan writhes as he clutches that arm. He gets to a corner and the ref checks on him. Lorcan won’t let this stop him, but Daivari brags to the fans, “Who’s the man now?!” Daivari goes after Lorcan and stomps him down. The ref backs Daivari off and Lorcan gets to a different corner.

Daivari is right on Lorcan and that bad arm with a shoulder breaker. Daivari snapmares then drops knees on Lorcan’s arm. Fans boo but Daivari soaks it up. Daivari sits Lorcan up for a keylock and thrashes him around. Lorcan endures and fans build to a rally. Daivari talks trash in Farsi but Lorcan powers up off the fan energy. Lorcan fights out with body shots but Daivari clubs him back. Daivari scoops but Lorcan slips out. Lorcan wants the Half ‘n’ Half but Daivari slips through to hammerlock and throw Lorcan into buckles! Lorcan clutches his arm again, but Daivari is right on him in the corner. Daivari drags Lorcna up by his ears, then wrenches through to another hammerlock. He throws Lorcan into buckles again! Fans boo but Daivari tells them to shut up.

Daivari stomps Lorcan then drags him up by his beard. Lorcan CHOPS Daivari back! Daivari stomps Lorcan down again, then snapmares Lorcan back to a keylock. Lorcan endures again, and fans rally up. Lorcan powers up again, pries at the hold, and fights back with body shots. Daivari knees low then whips, but Lorcan holds ropes to deny the dropkick! Lorcan rolls Daivari to his feet, but Daivari arm-drags the Half ‘n’ Half away. Daivari kicks but Lorcan blocks it! Lorcan grits his teeth with wild eyes to spin Daivari. Daivari dodges and gets the Million Dollar Dream! Lorcan endures Daivari’s hold as Daivari drags him down to the mat!

Fans rally and Lorcan keeps reaching. But Lorcan starts to fade! He fights to stay awake, and gets his second wind! Lorcan powers back to his feet, and powers Daivari into buckles! Daivari holds on so Lorcan tries again in another corner. Daivari still holds on, so Lorcan rams Daivari again! Lorcan is free, and throws haymakers! He rocks Daivari but Daivari swings back. Lorcan blocks but with his bad hand! Lorcan reels back and Daivari reels him in for an armbar code breaker! Daivari runs in for a BIG clothesline in the corner! Daivari hoists Lorcan up, cross-armdrag bomb, the Iconoclasm! Cover, TWO!! Lorcan lives and Daivari can’t believe it! Daivari keeps his focus as he drags Lorcan to a drop zone. Daivari climbs up top, leaps, but his Persian Splash FLOPS!

Fans rally up for Lorcan as Daivari clutches his ribs. Lorcan grits his teeth and runs corner to corner, for a back elbow! He keeps moving and hits another! And then the running Blockbuster! Cover, TWO!! Daivari lives but Lorcan doesn’t let that deter him! Lorcan ignores his arm’s pain as he grits his teeth again. Fans fire up and give Lorcan power! Lorcan CHOPS Daivari, and again! Another CHOP, but Daivari kicks back! Daivari CHOPS Lorcan then throws ofrearms, and repeat! Lorcan grabs Daivari for blunt EuroUppers! Lorcan runs for another! Daivari staggers, but SUPERKICKS Lorcan back!

Daivari wrenches the arm but Lorcan blocks the shoulder breaker into a Half ‘n’ Half! But Daivari slumps out of the ring! Lorcan doesn’t care, he FLIES onto Daivari! The Fury of 205 Live has reached his fever pitch! Lorcan drags Daivari up but Daivari JABS him with a chair!

Winner: Oney Lorcan, by disqualification

The Persian Lion resorts to cutting his losses with that chair shot. But Daivari doesn’t care, this isn’t about wins or losses, but about hurting Lorcan! He throws Lorcan over the announce desk! The ref reprimands Daivari but Daivari doesn’t care what he says. Daivari goes to Lorcan on the other side of the desk and puts him on top to rain down angry rights. Fans boo and jeer but Daivari doesn’t care about them, either. Daivari drags Lorcan off the desk and brings him around to throw into steel steps! Lorcan hits the steel with knees and still flies over the top! Daivari gets in Lorcan’s face with trash talk, then drags him up for even more brutality. They go up the ramp, and Daivari throws Lorcan into the LED boards!

More referees rush out to stop this, but Daivari drags Lorcan back up. LION LARIAT!! Daivari glares daggers into Lorcan even as Lorcan is down and out. Is the Persian Lion satisfied with what he’s done to the Boston Brawler? Will Lorcan be able to come back for payback?


The Cruiserweight Champion and his challengers speak on the coming Triple Threat.

Tony Nese starts by saying that his start in 205 Live is nothing to brag about. Nese stacked the odds against himself, and made a promise to his family to make it. And now he is THE Cruiserweight Champion. Now, for the first time in Nese’s reign, he defends against not just the determined Akira Tozawa but the sadistic submission specialist in Drew Gulak. The odds are against Nese, how he doesn’t have to lose the match to lose the title, but Nese will say the same thing he said back at Wrestlemania: “You can take your odds and shove ’em!” He is not going to give this title up that easily. Gulak and Tozawa will have to beat him and only him for it! At Stomping Grounds, Nese will fight to the very end because he is the Premier Athlete, and your WWE Cruiserweight Champion.

Akira Tozawa knows Tony Nese is tough and Drew Gulak is dangerous, but the Stamina Monster is tenacious. The Triple Threat means Tozawa must beat two men. When he does, he’ll become two-time WWE Cruiserweight Champion. As for Drew Gulak, “Terror never sleeps. Terror waits patiently, and then strikes without hesitation or remorse.” For too long, the Cruiserweight Crusader was too concerned with “the betterment of this wretched place.” All Gulak needed to do was look inward. “There is no hope for a better 205 Live, only a better Drew Gulak.” And the best version of Gulak isn’t one who worries about rules or order, but about pain and punishment! You can call Gulak cold, vicious and sadistic, but after Stomping Grounds, you will also call him champion. Just who comes away with the Cruiserweight title in this tough, tenacious and terrifying Triple Threat?!



My Thoughts:

What a great go-home for 205 Live! And I’m really excited to see another big match for the Cruiserweight Championship. I was a little worried they were going to make a 1v1 match of Gulak VS Tozawa, winner is the true contender, but a Triple Threat will definitely give this belt the match it deserves, and one that makes Stomping Grounds more interesting to watch. I really can’t be sure if Nese comes away with the belt now. Tozawa probably isn’t winning, but this is a big opportunity for Gulak to win it off of Tozawa so that he and Nese can take that Cruiserweight title to Extreme Rules or even Summerslam.

Meanwhile, the action we got tonight really was good stuff. Lucha House Party and the Singh Brothers have a great match, and it was a good choice for the Singhs to win. This prolongs the feud and will surely escalate things to a Tornado/No Disqualifications tag like most tag feuds build to on 205 Live. If only we had Cruiserweight Tag titles… The coming Jack Gallagher VS Mike Kanellis will be a great match, but Mike almost went Face by simply saying he is going to help put 205 Live on the map. All these guys deserve more attention, this show deserves more attention, and if Mike & Maria are the ones to help do it, more power to them. That main event was incredible, even with Daivari getting disqualified. His beating on Lorcan was a nice touch, though. I hope these guys go No DQ in the next one.

My Score: 8.3/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Dynamite Results & Report! (5/1/24)

Kenny Omega returns!



What will The Cleaner have to say to The Elite?

Finally, Kenny Omega returns to AEW! But given how his friends, The Young Bucks, gave Tony Khan a piledriver, will his homecoming be a dour one?


  • Samoa Joe VS Isiah Kassidy; wins.
  • Claudio Castagnoli VS Brian Cage; wins.
  • Serena Deeb VS Mariah May w/ Toni Storm & Luther; wins.
  • FTW Championship: Chris Jericho VS Katsuyori Shibata; wins and
  • AEW TNT Championship: Adam “Edge” Copeland VS ??? w/ The House of Black; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (4/30/24)

Spring Breakin’ is almost over!



NXT is making history tonight!

NXT returns to the Underground, and for the first time, it’s ladies night as Natalya takes on Lola Vice! Will the Queen of Harts triumph? Or is Lola gonna sink The BOAT?


  • NXT North American Championship: Oba Femi VS Ivar; Oba wins and retains the title.
  • Thea Hail w/ Chase U & Fallon Henley VS Jacy Jayne w/ Jazmyn Nyx; Thea wins.
  • Tyriek Igwe & Tyson Dupont VS The Good Brothers; The Good Brothers win.
  • Shawn Spears VS Ridge Holland; Ridge wins.
  • NXT Tag Team Championships: Axiom & Nathan Frazer VS The Authors of Pain; Axiom & Frazer win and retain the titles.
  • NXT Underground: Natalya w/ Karmen Petrovic VS Lola Vice w/ Shayna Baszler; Lola wins.


Trick Williams is here!

The NXT faithful go nuts for the NEW NXT Champion walking out to the ring. “WHOOP DAT TRICK!” echoes out and Booker T gets his “Aw yeah man!” while Trick gets the mic. Trick shouts out Booker with “I like it!” Trick says he loves the juice in here! And check it out, let’s get to business. He talked about this, he dreamt about this, he prayed for this, and they all wanted this! Trick IS the new NXT Champion! The fans chant “You Deserve It!” and Trick says there are a lot of people he helped him get here, who he could thank right now, but there is one person he’ll focus on tonight. That is Ilja Dragunov.

As everyone knows, Trick and Dragunov have gone to war multiple times, Dragunov pushed Trick to levels he didn’t know he had. Trick looks into the camera to tell Dragunov, “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and my career. Straight up. Thank you for everything you did for NXT, and I think I speak on behalf of everybody when I say, Dragunov, do your thing, dog. Raw just got a good one.” The fans cheer for Dragunov and Trick says as for NXT, they’re entering a new era! And he’s been thinking for a long long time. Let’s call this the Whoop Dat Era! The fans work out the “WHOOP DAT ERA!” chant.

Trick guarantees in this era, they will continue to break records and make history. Wait, here comes Meta Four… Lash Legend lets out a long SKRRRR~, then says congrats to Tricky. She just had to come out here and let him know, he did his thang! And oh, guess what? What? Trick is now the NEW NXT Champion. Let’s talk about it~! Trick helps the lady out as Lash joins Trick in the ring, and she fans herself with a big manila folder. Lash says Trick is a gentleman. And not only that, but the hottest superstar here in NXT. So she knows he’s feeling himself and has the entire NXT & WWE Universe behind him.

Okay, whoa, whoa, hold on now, Miss Legend. Let’s not act like last time they met, she didn’t try and smack him. Now, he’s got gold on his waist and she wants a taste? The fans fire up but Lash tells Trick to not even go there. Oh no, he knows her type! She thinks Trick his little Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, huh? She wants to take the gold wrapping off to get at the chocolate inside, don’t she? The fans fire up for that, too! Lash tells Mr. Trick that he should know, she don’t like Reese’s, she likes KitKats. The fans chant “He’s Got Bars!” and he says he’ll break her off a piece. Lash fans herself off again and tells Trick to wait a minute! That’s enough!

This is Trick’s problem. He’s go this head in the clouds, not focused, but she’s got something for him right here. The envelope? Does Meta Four want something autographed? Lash sighs and says close. What is in the envelope is the truth. Well, stop playing, what’s in it? Fans chant “Who’s Your Daddy!” Lash tells Trick that all jokes aside, he should enjoy his title run while he can. Because soon, it will come all crashing down. Then things will get really, really hot. Lash has given the champ an ultimatum, but just what is she playing at?


Arianna Grace and Gigi Dolin are out to dinner.

The Pageant Queen says this is their formal Spring Breakin’ dinner, and Gigi will learn fine dining etiquette. Good, cuz Gigi is starving! Arianna says when they dine out, they don’t talk like that. They are filling their stomachs. “Giorgina” must remember, they’re ladies. Well, we aren’t gonna see that tonight with NXT Underground. Natalya and Lola Vice are gonna beat the living crap outta each other! Flying kicks from all angles! Giorgina, please, your voice travels. Now, when drinking, you take a small sip. They sip, but Gigi makes it a chug. Feel the water lower your temperature. Gigi burps and says that’s good water.

Arianna is so appalled! The last thing she’ll allow is Gigi to become a savage! Well, a savage could become the new NXT North American Champion as Ivar challenges Oba Femi in a big hoss fight! Big, meaty men slappin’ meat! Arianna says while waiting for appetizers, what do they do if there are invited guests? Duh, take ’em out! Send ’em back where they came from! Absolutely not! Combat never solves anything. Use words, not fists. Well, tell that to Nathan Frazer & Axiom as they stand their ground against the Authors of Pain. But them putting up a fight may not matter if AOP gets their way.

Arianna says on to silverware. Start outward and move inward. Never cut with a fork, and when you do cut, only take what you need. Cutting food like stabbing someone in the back. Gigi really hopes Thea Hail serves Jacy Jayne a cold dish of revenge! More positively, they have a new NXT Champion and the brand is on fire. Let’s toast to our new champion, Trick Williams, the amazing opportunities for this roster, and Arianna for guiding Gigi on to be a true beauty pageant queen! Gigi chugs again and finishes her glass. Don’t do it, Gigi. Don’t! BURP! Gigi’s feeling good, but who will be feeling worse for wear after tonight’s brutal Spring Breakin’ finale?


NXT North American Championship: Oba Femi VS Ivar!

Just as Gigi said, The Ruler must turn away the Viking Raider’s invasion! Oba and Trick exchange a look as they pass by on the ramp. Will they both still reign after tonight? Or is Ivar going to bring Ragnarök to NXT?

NXT returns and Ivar makes his entrance. The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who stands atop the mountain!

The bell rings, they start shoving, and fans chant ‘MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” Oba RAMS Ivar, Ivar comes back to RAM Oba! Oba rebounds to BOOT Ivar, CLUB him, and whip him to ropes. Ivar ducks ‘n’ dodges to run Oba over! Oba gets right up but Ivar clotheslines Oba up and out! Ivar then goes to the apron, runs and CANNONBALLS! The fans fire up already and Ivar gets Oba back in! Ivar goes up the corner, and he FLYING- NO, Oba gets under, Ivar rolls through and comes back. Scoop and SPINNING POWERSLAM! Cover, ONE!! Oba grits his teeth as he powers through the pain, but Ivar is on him.

Ivar grinds forearms in Oba’s face, fires elbows over and over in the corner, but Oba shoves him away. Ivar comes back, but into an URENAGE BACKBREAKER! The fans fire up and Oba storms up on Ivar. Oba puts Ivar in a corner, fires body shots, then whips corner to corner hard! Ivar tumbles out of the ring and Oba storms after him. Oba CLUBS Ivar, ROCKS him, then whips, but Ivar reverses! Oba hits steel steps and the fans are torn as Ivar refreshes the ring count. Ivar runs to SPLASH Oba through barriers!! The fans lose their minds as Ivar roars, and NXT goes picture in picture!

Ivar storms around, drags Oba out of the wreckage, then ROCKS him! Oba staggers, Ivar CLUBS him, then ROCKS him again. Oba hits back, Ivar UPPERCTS and then refreshes the count. Ivar storms up but Oba hits low! Oba CLUBS Ivar, puts him in the ring, and then storms after him. Oba fires forearms in the corner, then RAMS into him! Oba whips Ivar corner to corner hard and Ivar falls! Oba snarls, storms up and ELBOW DROPS! Then ELBOW DROP! Then ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! Oba clamps onto Ivar with a chinlock and grinds him down. Ivar endures, fights around, but Oba thrashes him.

Ivar stands, JAWBREAKERS free, but Oba kicks back! Oba UPPERCUTS, clinches, but Ivar throws elbows! Oba still hits an URENAGE BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Ivar survives another one of those, but Oba stalks him to a corner. Oba drags Ivar up, throws hands, then snapmares Ivar to drop a KNEE! Cover, TWO! Ivar goes to ropes, Oba storms after him, and Oba clamps on a chinlock. Oba thrashes Ivar around again, but Ivar pries at the hold. Oba squeezes tight but Ivar stands again, for another JAWBREAKER! Oba comes back to LARIAT! Oba huffs and puffs and goes up a corner, only for Ivar to CHOP him!

NXT returns to single picture as Ivar CLUBS Oba, climbs up after him, and throws hands. Oba hits back, and both big men throw big hands! Ivar HEADBUTTS, HEADBUTTS and HEADBUTTS! Oba falls to apron then to floor, and Ivar climbs to the very top!? SUPER CANNONBALL!! The fans go nuts again while both behemoths are down! They cheer “NXT! NXT!” for giving this as just an opener! Ivar rises, and the count rises, too! Both Ivar and Oba get in the ring, and they start throwing big hands! The fans chant “MEATE! MEAT! MEAT!” with every shot! Ivar gets the edge, whips, but Oba reverses! Ivar rolls off Oba’s back!

Ivar takes a second to steady himself, and he kicks Oba first! Ivar runs, springboards, but Oba catches him for a SLAM! Both men stand, Oba ROLLING ELBOWS! Cover, TWO!! Ivar’s still in this and Oba is growing frustrated. Oba and Ivar rise again and the fans rally up. Oba runs corner to corner to UPPERCUT in the corner! And he goes again for another UPPERCUT! Oba keeps going, and he UPPERCUTS again! But then Ivar LEG LARIATS! Cover, TWO!! Oba gets outta that one and Ivar grows frustrated. The fans rally, Ivar goes to a corner, and Ivar climbs again! But Oba CLUBS Ivar first! Then he torture racks Ivar!!

Oba roars for the RACK SLAM!! Cover, TWO!! Ivar survives being shellshocked, and “This is Awesome!” Oba and Ivar rise, and Ivar just HEEL KICKS outta nowhere! Then HEEL KICKS again! Ivar climbs a corner, and DOOMSAULTS!! But Oba sputters away! Ivar crawls after him to cover, ROPEBREAK!! Oba survives by a literal foot and Ivar can’t believe it! Ivar storms around, goes to a corner, “This is Awesome!” as he aims. Oba rises, staggers, runs up, but into a SEATED SENTON! Ivar roars, goes back up, and the fans fire up with him! But Oba rises to Electric Chair Lift!! Ivar freaks out as Oba hits the CHAIR DROP!!

Oba roars with new life, for the POP-UP POWERBOMB!! Cover, Oba wins!

Winner: Oba Femi, by pinfall (still NXT North American Champion)

Kaiju have nothing on these men! But wait! WES LEE! The fans go nuts, because the Cardiac Kid is back! And he leaps from barrier to apron! That leg is all better, and he’s looking to take back the title he never lost! Will Wes’ David take down Oba’s Goliath? Or will nothing stop Oba from throwing Wes right back out of NXT?


Thea Hail, Chase U and Fallon Henley head for gorilla.

Thea is all fired up to finally kick Jacy Jayne’s toxic ass! Fallon will be out there with her, right? The Cowgirl says sorry, but no. She can’t get in Thea’s way anymore, because it just feels like everyone else is right. Fallon just keeps getting in other people’s business, meddling where she shouldn’t, and then, Kiana James and Blair Davenport get drafted instead of her, what good is she? Thea tells Fallon not to think like that. She’s perfect the way she is! Don’t let bullies like Jaida Parker get in her head! Please be out there for her against Jacy? The others say how can Fallon say no to Thea? Okay, okay, Fallon will be with her.

The music hits, and it’s go time! They come out from the Student Section with everyone throwing up the U~! Will Thea finally put Jacy in her place? Or will the mean girls continue to get their way?

Thea Hail w/ Chase U & Fallon Henley VS Jacy Jayne w/ Jazmyn Nyx!

The bell rings and Jacy talks trash on Thea. Thea gives it right back, and Jacy SLAPS her! So Thea SLAPS back! Jacy TACKLES Thea, rains down fists, and the fans boo. Thea turns things around to rain down fists on Jacy! The fans fire up but Jacy dumps Thea out. Jacy builds speed, slides, but Thea dodges! Thea runs, and she DIVES! Direct hit on Jacy, and Thea rains down fists! Thea puts Jacy in, goes up a corner, and CROSSBODY FLOPS as Jacy moves! Jacy comes back to SENTON! The fans boo and Jacy frowns as NXT goes picture in picture.

Jacy goes back to Thea, drags her up and whips her to a corner. Jacy runs in to back body block! Jacy stomps a mudhole in, lets off at the ref’s count, then digs her boot in! The ref counts again, Jacy lets off and taunts Chase U. Jacy then CANNONBALLS! Jacy drags Thea to a cover, TWO! Thea is still in this but Jacy still taunts Chase U. Jacy KICKS Thea in the side, rains down fists, then soaks up the heat. Jacy tells Chase U they’re all losers, then goes back to Thea. Jacy sits Thea up but Thea throws body shots! Jacy knees Thea low! Jacy whips, Thea KICKS back, then Thea rolls Jacy up, TWO! Jacy stands and ELBOWS Thea down!

Jacy sits Thea up to KICK her in the back! Thea writhes, Jacy paces around, and Jacy soaks up more heat. Jacy drags Thea up to SUPERKICK back down! Thea flounders, Jacy covers, TWO! Jacy is frustrated now but she rains down HAMMERING elbows! Jacy puts on a body scissor squeeze, but Thea endures. Jacy rolls Thea to a cover, TWO! Jacy keeps on the squeeze but Thea still endures, even as Jacy pulls her hair. Thea pries at the scissors, pushes back to cover, TWO! Jacy lets Thea go and Thea ELBOWS her back! Thea CLUBS Jacy over and over but Jacy body shots her down! Thea sits up, and Jacy ELBOWS her into another body scissor squeeze!

Thea endures all over again, but she goes right back after the feet. She pushes back for a cover as NXT returns to single picture, TWO as Jacy lets her go! Jacy stands back up, knees low, then fireman’s carries. Thea fights free, but Jacy dodges a lariat! Jacy mule kicks, throws Thea by her hair, then runs, but Thea avoids the senton! Thea hurries to SOMERSAULT SENTON, and she shakes the ropes! IMPLODER- NECKBREAKER! Jacy catches Thea, covers, TWO! Thea survives but Jacy brings Thea up. Jacy bumps Thea off buckles again and again and again, all the way down to the bottom rope!

The fans rally for Thea but Jacy goes corner to corner, to CANNONBALL only buckles! Thea avoids Jacy, blocks a kick, and then HEADBUTTS!! Both women fall and the fans fire up again! Thea and Jacy stir, and the fans rally behind Thea! Thea rises while Jazmyn panics! Jacy ROCKS Thea but Thea ROCKS Jacy! Thea gets shot after shot in, then she CLOBBERS Jacy! And CLOBBERS her again! Mule kick to the leg, then a run and ROLLING NECKBREAKER! The fans fire up with Thea as she scoops to MICHINOKU DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Jacy survives but Thea has a wild look in her eyes!

The fans rally as Thea RAMS Jacy into a corner! Thea runs in to back body block! Thea keeps moving, but Jacy catches her, rolls her, CRADLE! TWO!! Thea escapes, Jacy SUPERKICKS! Thea flops right outta the ring! Jazmyn looks around, takes a swing, but Thea dodges the haymaker! Jazmyn comes back but Fallon pushes Thea aside to take Jazmyn’s WHEEL KICK! The Cowgirl bites the bullet, Thea hurries into the ring! Jacy runs and spins, but Thea spins around to KIMURA!!! Jacy falls into the body scissors, and TAPS! THEA WINS!!

Winner: Thea Hail, by submission

Oh HAIL Yeah!! The fiery underdog finally gets even with that toxic Jacy! Fallon is on her feet, but gets bumped into by Mr. Chase during all the celebration. Thea says c’mon, Fallon, let’s go party! Fallon DECKS Thea instead!! Fans can’t believe it! Fallon just helped Thea, and then turns on her over what? A misunderstanding? Feeling like she’s only second best? Even Jacy is surprised, has Fallon been a little toxic all along?


NXT Media interviews Tyriek Igwe & Tyson Dupont.

They make their NXT TV debut, but how’d they meet? Tyriek says he and “The Brick” Tyson met in junior college, competing against each. Tyson Dupont is THE strongest man in NXT, and that’s saying something with all the strong men in NXT. Tyson moved to the States from Haiti when he was just 9 years old, and he’s been chasing greatness ever since. Tyson has gone viral over his hammer throws. But don’t let his smile fool you, either. Tyson says Tyriek is the smartest guy he knows, and proudly calls himself a nerd. Tyriek says of course he’s a nerd! But when he’s not clean ‘n’ jerking weights, he’s hitting the books, studying medicine and anatomy! Tyriek finds the human body’s musculature fascinating.

But now, they will push themselves and each other while they push their way up the ranks. We see Ty & Ty debut tonight, will this soon be NXTy?


Natalya and Karmen warm up.

The Queen of Harts is looking good, and throws some hands. Looking good, but now to block kicks. Karmen kicks, Natty uses her shin to check. Okay, roundhouses now. Get that arm up! Good block each time. Karmen is sure Natty is ready, and Natty vows to break Lola Vice. But who will stand tall when there’s no ropes and no holding back in the Underground?


Tyriek Igwe & Tyson Dupont VS The Good Brothers!

We just heard from the newest duo that’s Leveled Up, and they’ve definitely been impressive. However, they’re up against Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson, who have held tag titles everywhere they’ve ever been! Will the NXT TV debut be ruined? Or will it be Just Too Sweet?

The teams sort out and Tyriek starts against The Machine Gun. The fans rally and the two tie up. Karl powers Tyriek back but Tyriek shoves Karl back! Tyriek runs up to RAM into him, and Tyson tags in. Tyson has Tyriek send him in to STINGER SPLASH! The fans fire up and Tyson brings Karl around to whip and run him over! Tag to Tyriek, they get Karl up and double whip, to then DOUBLE SHOULDER TACKLE! Ty & Ty are fired up, Tyriek clamps onto Karl’s arm. Karl fires hands but Tyriek gives it back! Tyriek headlocks, tags Tyson, and they mug Karl with forearm sand uppercuts! Then a BOOT, leading to Tyson’s SPLASH! Cover, TWO!

Tyson stays cool as he drags Karl up. Tyson tags Tyriek back in, they mug Karl, then Tyriek headlocks. Karl powers Him to the OC corner, tags in Gallows, and now the Good Brothers mug Tyriek! Gallows UPPERCUTS, he bumps Tyriek off buckles, then taunts Tyson. But Tyriek turns things around to fire off fast hands and knees! Tyriek lets off, but Gallows kicks a leg out! Gallows HAMMERS down elbows, then clamps on a chinlock! The fans rally, Tyriek endures, and Tyriek fights up. Tyriek fireman’s carries with that squat, but Gallows slips free! Tyriek dodges the haymaker, hot tags to Karl and Tyson!

Tyson rallies on the Good Brothers with big shoulder tackles, and then a SPLASH for Gallows in the corner! Tyson runs Karl over, then DROPKICKS him down! Karl goes to a corner, BOOTS back, runs up, but Tyson catches him for a scoop and SIDEWALK SLAM! The fans fire up as Tyson runs and UPPERCUTS Karl down! Tyson fires up, kips up, and the fans fire up with him! Tyson tags Tyriek, and they get Karl up. Gallows runs in, Tyriek gets him first! Ty & Ty DOUBLE SPINEBUSTER Gallows! Karl returns, he mule kicks Tyriek and whips. Tyriek reverses, runs in, but Karl POSTS Him! Karl then hits his own SPINEBUSTER!

Tag to Gallows, he runs past Tyriek to BOOT Tyson! The Good Brothers drag Tyriek up for MAGIC KILLER!! Cover, Good Brothers win!

Winners: The Good Brothers, by pinfall

The Machine Gun & Big LG shoot down these #TYgers on their debut night! Is that prove that The OC are up next for those NXT Tag Team Championships?


Ava Raine walks ‘n’ talks on the phone.

She tells Adam Pearce that she knows tonight is a big night after a crazy weekend with the Draft. But she has to go now, she has a big announcement. She says bye, hangs up, and is headed to gorilla. What news is the NXT General Manager about to drop on the world?


NXT recaps the WWE Draft.

Electric energy, a night that could change lives, and even HHH’s own favorite part of this. Carmelo Hayes to SmackDown, he made big moves night one. Bron Breakker moved to Raw, and Kiana James herself was chosen to Raw. a moment she’ll remember forever. Then Ilja Dragunov was chosen just last night to go to Raw, as was Lyra Valkyria. SmackDown then took Blair Davenport, and this moment is everything she’s ever wanted. Dijak is also on his way back to Raw via the supplemental rounds. Even the coaches had goosebumps, seeing those they helped here going on to Raw and SmackDown is their WrestleMania moment. The future of WWE has never been better!


Ava Raine is in the ring.

Fans cheer as the NXT GM is here, and Ava has the mic to say that as GM, nothing makes her prouder than when our NXT superstars finally get to showcase their talents on Raw & SmackDown. And they will be dearly missed, but NXT has to keep pushing forward. And she can’t help but wonder, who will step up to take their place? Because coming up is a massive opportunity on Sunday, June 9th, NXT Battleground in the UFC Apex. There, we will crown the INAUGURAL NXT Women’s North American Champion! And that champion will be crowned the same way as the men’s: IN A LADDER MATCH!

Beginning next week, our women’s division will compete in a combine, and the 12 that impress the most will then have qualifying matches. The six winners then move on to the title match! Ava’s said it once, she’ll say it again, the NXT Women’s Division is the BEST division in ALL of professional wrestling. Battleground is just another chance to showcase that. But then here comes Jaida Parker. She says that is big news! But if you want to see your next history maker, Jaida is her. Go ahead, have this combine, but she’ll demolish every woman in that locker room! And she promises us, she won’t even break a sweat. She’ll be the only one climbing the ladder and-

Sol Ruca is here! And she wants Jaida to hold on just one second. There’s one thing Miss Parker isn’t missing: confidence. Just look at her! But y’know, there is one thing that she won’t have: the NXT Women’s North American Championship! But you’ll find Sol at the top of the leaderboards, and on top of the ladder in Vegas. Jaida says don’t play. Wait, wait, Arianna Grace is coming out here? And she tells the ladies to keep their decorum. Why must they be so aggressive? And really, Ava? A ladder match? Bodies flying from all over, all at different heights? Why can’t they just decide it by simply- Getting interrupted by MIA YIM!!

Jaida and Sol are actually excited to see the Head Baddie In Charge back in NXT! And she tells “Princess” Arianna to hold up. Did someone say ladders? The fans cheer for “MICHIN! MICHIN!” Mia says she’s got unfinished business back in her old stomping grounds. Now, ever since Ava announced the Women’s NA Title, it has been the talk of the whole WWE. And best believe, she wants in on this! Arianna says O M Goodness! It is so nice to meet you, Mia! She’s Arianna Grace, and it deeply pains her to have to relay this unfortunate news. But Mia is disqualified- MIA DECKS ARIANNA! Sol and Jaida fire off, and then ALL the women of the roster rush out!

The fans go wild for the free for all, but refs rush in to stop this! Arianna says this is a a mad house! A MAD HOUSE! But who out of this chaos will be the deserving dozen that then fight for those six golden tickets to Las Vegas?


Nathan Frazer & Axiom warm up backstage.

And in walks The Street Profits to say what up! Whoa, Axiom looking focused! Really, Tez? How can you tell? Axiom says they have to stay focused, because tonight they are the underdog champions against AOP. Ford & Dawkins know what that’s like. AOP are large boulders that run into you. The Profits have been facing those boys from NXT all the way to WrestleMania. It’s gonna hurt, boys. Ford says Dawks is right. Tonight may hurt, but guess what? Axiom & Frazer will show the world why they belong. AOP has every advantage but one: they don’t have the heart! Just like the Profits were talking about, just always remember…

They huddle up, and Ford says, “Never slow down.” The champs like that! Ford says he watches the product! They all shake hands and hug it out. Will the Profits be right that Axiom & Frazer will use the powers of heart and speed to overcome any obstacle? Or will Akam & Rezar write the Final Chapter on this underdog story?


Shayna Baszler helps Lola Vice prepare.

The Mayor of Vice City fires off on the heavy bag. She says when those lights dim, Natty’s lights go out! Shayna says that’s right, but Natty is a vet. She knows her submissions, so get that ground work in. Lola says who needs that when you’ve got the fastest hands in NXT? She fires off to show off, but does the Queen of Spades have a point about the Queen of Harts? Or will Lola turn NXT Underground from a marathon into a sprint?


Shawn Spears VS Ridge Holland!

The Chair Man is still convinced he can painfully drag the “truth” out of anyone, and he’s been working on Yorkshire Grit for weeks now. Will Ridge make Shawn regret ever coming back to NXT? Or will the truth be revealed through this violence?

The bell rings and Spears runs up, only to back away fast. The two circle, feel things out, then Spears dodges a haymaker to JAB! Spears eggs Ridge on, dodges him and JABS! Then CHOPS! Ridge is furious, he storms up on Spears but Spears bails out. Ridge seethes, Spears grinds, but then Ridge calms down, saying he’s smarter than Spears gives him credit. Ridge is emotionally in control as NXT goes picture in picture.

Spears is clearly surprised and annoyed, but he still goads Ridge. Ridge goes out after Spears after all, they go back into the ring, then Spears ducks ‘n’ dodges. But Ridge CLOBBERS Spears first! Ridge grins as he CHOPS Spears in a corner! Then Ridge follows spears to another corner to UPPERCUT! Spears kicks back, bumps Ridge off buckles then CHOPS! Ridge just snarls at him! Ridge puts Spears in the corner, fires off forearms and UPPERCUTS, then CHOPS! Spears staggers away, but comes back to fire forearms! Spears CHOPS, and CHOPS, then whips. Ridge KNEES Spears back, and Spears staggers around the ring.

Ridge runs up to clothesline Spears up and out! Ridge huffs and puffs, Spears staggers around the outside, and Ridge goes out again. Ridge runs in around the way, but is sent into steel steps! Spears gets the better of Ridge this time, and he brings down a kneepad! Spears KNEES Ridge again and again, right into the steel! Spears lets off as the ref counts, and Spears tells him to hold on. Spears puts Ridge in the ring, bring shim around, and GOURD BUSTERS! Then BASEMENT CODE BREAKER! Cover, TWO! Spears sighs and tells Ridge off, then scrapes his laces off Ridge’s face! Spears stands Ridge up to CHOP, Ridge drops to his knees!

Spears sits Ridge up to CHOP again, then he scrapes laces off Ridge’s face again. Ridge pounds the mat in frustration, but Spears stands him up. Spears DROPKICKS Ridge down, then soaks up the heat. Spears paces, he hears the fans rallying up, and Ridge rises. Ridge fires body shots, NXT returns to single picture, and Spears mule kicks! Ridge blocks, scoops, but Spears slips free. Spears waistlocks, Ridge elbows him then whips, but Spears wrenches and turns Ridge for a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Spears is upset with the ref, but then he sits Ridge up for crossface forearms! Spears then clamps on a CAMEL CLUTCH!

Ridge endures, pries at the hold, and he rises up! The fans rally, Ridge opens the chinlock, but Spears CLUBS him in the back! Spears reels Ridge in for a GUILLOTINE! Ridge endures the squeeze and drops to his knees. But then Ridge gets a second wind to pick Spears up! Spears holds on, Ridge lifts again but Spears thrashes the hold! Ridge powers up again and he puts Spears on the apron! Spears ROCKS Ridge first, then goes up a corner! But Ridge grabs Spears first! Ridge brings Spears off the corner in a trophy lift, and DROPS him! Fans fire up and Ridge runs back in to RAM Spears into the corner!

Ridge RAMS Spears again and again and again! Ridge reels Spears in, Spears ducks the one lariat but not the SOUTHPAW! Ridge then scoops for a SWINGING SIDE SLAM! Ridge roars, the fans rally, and Spears goes to the apron. Ridge stands Spears up, brings him in through ropes, and UPPERCUTS, forearms, repeat! QR code and Ridge fires off knee after knee! Ridge runs side to side to BOOT Spears down! Spears flounders, fans are torn, but Ridge brings Spears up. Fireman’s carry and CORNER DEATH VALLEY! Payback from weeks ago! And then another lift, ELEVATED DDT! #Redemption! Cover, Ridge wins!

Winner: Ridge Holland, by pinfall

Yorkshire Grit took it to another level, and that brought him a victory of vindication! Is Ridge on his way to redemption? Or is this still a moral victory for The Chair Man?


Roxanne Perez shouts at Ava Raine.

Why was she not drafted!? She’s the TWO-TIME champion! The greatest Women’s Champion in NXT! Ava says it wasn’t on her. But Roxie still blames her! She has this weird vendetta against Roxie so Ava must’ve told the other GMs not to draft her! Ava tells Roxie to calm down. If she listened to half the things going on while she complains, she would’ve known that champions, i.e. Roxie herself, are protected. No one was taking you anyway! Roxie won’t let Ava play stupid, but Ava reminds Roxie that she wanted this meeting to tell her what was next. Roxie says she’s not gonna listen to it! Roxie storms off, and Ava tells whoever is in her office that they’ll have to try again later. But just who IS inside Ava’s office?


Josh Briggs finds Ivar in Medical.

Briggs says Oba’s a beast, ain’t he? Briggs said he’s the only man who can beat Oba. And now that he’s all healed up, Oba’s all his. But hey, Ivar, thanks for softening the guy up. Right, sure. But Ivar lets Briggs know that Ivar’s not done with Oba. Wes Lee walks in to check on Ivar. Ivar’s fine. Good, good. Wes says kudos to both Ivar and Briggs for taking Oba to his limits trying to take Wes’s title. But now that Wes is cleared, he’s gonna get that belt back. Hold on there, Wes. Cleared or not, you don’t just hop back in. This isn’t five months ago. Wes knows the drill: just pack your bags and leave, like he always does.

Wes says that was way disrespectful outta nowhere. But he’s not leaving this time. And he isn’t cutting to get a title match, he’ll just beat Briggs for it. Briggs says we’ll just see if that back is healed. And Ivar says he’s not done with Oba. Both big men head out, and Wes says that’s good to know. The Cardiac Kid is seeing the North American Championship has become a land of giants, but will his giant heart be more than enough to see him through?


The Final Testament speaks.

Paul Ellering tells the WWE wrestling divisions, “You are all living on borrowed time. The Authors of Pain, the Final Testament, we are coming for all the titles. You saw what we did Friday. That was just the beginning. NXT, get ready.” The mastermind leads his monsters to gorilla, will they manhandle and maul Axiom & Frazer until there’s nothing left but the gold?


The D’Angelo Family is on the road.

The Don knows he pinned “Charlie the Chocolate Factory” in that ring, and Luca Crusifino says now, No Quarter Catch Crew owes him double. Tony agrees, and says they’ll take what Charlie cares about most: The Heritage Cup. Luca, get on the horn with Ava and set this up. Luca’s on it. Tony tells Rizzo and she’ll talk to her interior decorator, “Tall Face” Danielle. She’s real good with that feng shui stuff. They’ll have a nice spot picked out at the restaurant. Does Stacks need to handle anything? Tony says yeah, Stacks can gather up footage of all the Heritage Cup matches he can. Tony needs to research all the ins and outs.

Stacks says he’ll get on that, and Tony says he’ll make that Charlie kid pay up. Will The Don be able to beat Charlie Dempsey at his own game and take the trophy home to the D’Angelo Family?


NXT Tag Team Championships: Axiom & Nathan Frazer VS The Authors of Pain!

The Undeniable Hard-Hitting Truths just got these belts off The Wolf Dogs, and their first defense is a big one! Will their Cinderella story continue through to the Summer? Or will the Authors turn this from inspirational story to horrible tragedy?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who triumphs between these superheroes and supervillains!

The teams sort out, but then they just throw hands! The fans fire up as AOP shove Axiom & Frazer! Axiom dodges Rezar to SUPERKICK him! Frazer dodges Akam, he and Axiom DOUBLE SUPERKICK! Then DOUBLE SUPERKICK again! Then Frazer sends Axiom at Rezar for a DROPKICK! AOP regroup outside, Frazer DIVES onto Akam! Axiom DIVES onto Rezar! And repeat! Down goes Akam! Down goes Rezar! The fans fire up as Frazer & Axiom regroup in the ring! Ellering & Kross coach AOP, Akam gets back in, and the bell finally rings to make this official! Akam CLOBBERS Frazer! Then Akam hauls Frazer up to EXPLODER!

Frazer writhes, Akam storms around, and then he tags Rezar. Scarlett says this is what happens, and Rezar stomps Frazer down. Frazer sputters, Rezar taunts Axiom, then Rezar goes back to drag Frazer up. Frazer fires body shots but Rezar CLUBS him down! The fans boo but Rezar storms up on Frazer in a corner. Rezar fires knees, then THROWS Frazer across the ring! The fans boo but Rezar soaks it up. Rezar drags Frazer up but Frazer fires hands! Rezar CLUBS Frazer, then looms over him. Frazer stands, Rezar CLUBS him, then tags Akam. AOP mug Frazer with knee after knee in the corner! Akam covers, TWO!

Akam keeps on Frazer, smothering him then clamping on a neck wrench. The fans rally, Frazer fights up but Akam CLUBS him down! Tag to Rezar and the mugging continues! Rezar stands Frazer up but Frazer throws body shots. Rezar CLUBS Frazer, turns him around and waistlocks, then talks trash while he carries Frazer, before the GERMAN SUPLEX! The fans boo but AOP soaks it all up, and NXT goes picture in picture.

Rezar drags Frazer up, pushes him down, then bends him back! Rezar shoves Frazer down, talks trash, then bends him again before he CLUBS Frazer down. Rezar spins Frazer around for another waistlock, lift, and GERMAN SUPELX! But Frazer lands on his feet! Frazer BOOTS Rezar, dodges him, and hot tags Axiom! They fire off on Rezar from all sides, then DROPKICK! Rezar stays up so Axiom goes up, leaps, into a HAYMAKER! Rezar swats Axiom like a fly, then brings him to the corner. Tag to Akam and then Rezar scoops Axiom. Akam goes up, STOMP SIDEWALK SLAM COMBO! Cover, TWO!

Akam clamps onto Axiom, HAMMERs away on his head, then lets off to loom over him. Axiom flounders, but Akam stands him up. Axiom fires hands, runs, but gets run over! Akam soaks up more heat, stalks Axiom to the ropes, then stands on him while he tags Rezar. The mugging continues, and Rezar taunts Frazer. Rezar puts Axiom on ropes, CHOKEs him, but lets off at 4, just to CHOKE him on the lower rope! The ref counts, Rezar CLUBS away on Axiom, but he lets off at 4. Scarlett & Kross are amused as Rezar stalks Axiom. Tag to Akam, the AOP mug Axiom more, and Akam taunts Frazer to save Axiom.

Akam CLUBS Axiom, drags him back up, and then DECKS him! Tag to Rezar, the mugging continues, and Rezar DECKS Axiom again. NXT returns to single picture while AOP soak up the heat. Axiom flounders to the corner, Rezar talks smack and then runs in at the corner, but Axiom dodge! Rezar’s boto gets caught up on the ropes, Akam tags in! Akam gets Axiom, back suplexes, but Axiom lands out! Axiom dodges, hot tag to Frazer! Frazer fires running forearm after running forearm! Frazer keeps moving but Akam scoops him! Frazer slips free, dodges in the corner, then HOTSHOTS Akam off ropes!

Frazer springboards in to AX HANDLE! Then he SUPERKICKS Rezar! Frazer fires off on Akam in a corner but Akam shoves him back! Frazer comes back, leaps, SATELLITE DDTS!! Cover, TWO! Akam survives but Frazer snarls. Frazer builds speed and he DIVES, but Rezar catches him! Fans freak out, but then Axiom DIVES, only for Rezar to throw Frazer at him!! Rezar calls to Akam, Akam tags him in, and AOP get Frazer up! POP-UP KNEE!! Cover, TWO!! Frazer lives and that frustrates the AOP! Rezar HAMMERS away on Frazer, he tags Akam in and they look to end this! They get Frazer up and Rezar runs, but Axiom DUMPS him out!!

Frazer gets free to ENZIGIRI! Tag to Axiom and DOUBLE GIRI COMBO! They then hoist Akam up top, but Akam fights them off! Axiom GAMANGIRIS back! Axiom climbs, but then Kross distracts the ref! Scarlett anchors Akam to help him fight the superplex! Akam SHOVES Axiom down, but AHA! The ref catches Scarlett red handed! The ref EJECTS Kross, Scarlett AND Ellering!! The fans fire up as now things are a little bit better for Axiom & Frazer! AOP still get Axiom up, but WAIT! NEW CATCH REPUBLIC is here! Tyler Bate & Pete Dunne bait Rezar into a DOUBLE GIRI of their own! And Frazer SUPERKICKS Akam!

Axiom rolls Akam up, the ref counts, AXIOM & FRAZER WIN!!

Winners: Axiom & Nathan Frazer, by pinfall (still NXT Tag Team Champions)

AOP is furious! Bate & Dunne stick it to them for what happened on Friday, and that lets Axiom & Frazer hold onto the gold! The Final Testament and the New Catch Republic are both going to Raw via the Draft, will their feud only fire up from here?


Thea Hail is now in medical.

She’s in tears as she asks Mr. Chase, Duke & Riley why Fallon would hit her like that. Why do people keep turning on Thea like this? She doesn’t understand! They all comfort her, and then Ridge asks what’s up. Thea’s fine, she’s a tough kid. Ridge says yeah, can’t trust anybody in this business, huh? Chase congratulates Ridge on his big win tonight against Spears. Ridge has been battling his own demons, Chase can relate. How is Ridge? Ridge is doing good, he appreciates Chase asking. Just trying to get wins and do things the right way. Yeah, one day at a time, man. That’s all they can ask for. They fist bump on it and Ridge heads out.

Thea is FURIOUS with Fallon, but Chase has her calm down. From one former friend to another, is Thea just gonna have to tap them all out?


NXT Media catches up with the Meta Four.

Lash has regrouped with Jakara, Dar & Oro as she’s asked about what she was telling Trick. Jakara says listen, she said what she said, okay? Dar says the Legend tells no lies. But Trickster, if you want to know the truth, then next week, be their guest on Supernova Sessions. They will tell all! Buh-bye! Meta Four heads out, and now we see Kelani Jordan following Fallon. Kelani wants to know what that was out there. That’s not her! Fallon says she doesn’t wanna talk about this. But it is time for Fallon to put herself first. What? Fallon storms off, is she going into business for herself from now on?


Malik Blade meets with Edris Enofe.

Malik is so worried! Is he okay? Good, good, he was worried. A mirror breaking, that’s seven YEARS bad luck! Yeah, but Edris is cool. He’s chill. That was all plastic and stuff, that’s not the same as a glass mirror. They’re fine! Malik says this is a tale as old as time: you break a mirror, you’re cooked! Brinley Reece walks in and asks if they’re still worried about that mirror situation. But she figured they’d need cheering up, so- No no no, no more workouts. Brin says no, they’re trying a different method! She brought kittens~! Malik is all for that! But Edris says they’re BLACK CATS!! That’s more bad luck!! Oh…! Oops. Is the bad juju turning into a downright curse?


NXT Underground: Natalya w/ Karmen Petrovic VS Lola Vice w/ Shayna Baszler!

Let’s get ready to rumble! The Queen of Harts looked to humble the Mayor of Vice City, but didn’t realize how big that ego really was. But will training with the real-life Beatrix Kiddo help Natty make more history? Or will Lola be the Latina iceberg that sinks The Boat?

The introductions are made, as will history, because there’s nothing holding back the best and the baddest!

The bell rings and the fans fire up as the two feel things out. Lola JABS, KICKS, and KICKS, but Natty checks! Then Natty blocks, to RAM Lola right off the ring! They fall on the NXT prospects at ringside, then Natty rains down fists! Natty gets Lola up and, uh, on the ring, then storms up again. But Lola BODY BLOWS! Lola KNEES, fires LIGHTNING KICKS, but Natty blocks to CHOP! And TAKEDOWN, into a top wristlock! Lola scrambles around, but Natty keeps after the key lock. Lola shifts around, has a top mount, then a JUJIGATAMI! Natty fights out of the head ‘n’ arm triangle to waistlock and SLAM!

Natty keeps on Lola with hammering fists, but Lola body scissors. Natty breaks that squeeze to CLUB away on Lola! This is the ground game Shayna told Lola about! Natty shifts to have a KNEEBAR!! Lola endures, reaches out but there’s no ropes for breaks! Lola powers up, pushes back and she STOMPS Natty! Then KICKS her! And KICKS again! And AX KICKS! Lola CLUBS Natty, throws body shots, and Shayna says keep on her! Lola mule kicks Natty and Natty flounders. Natty sits up, Lola KICKS and CLUBS and CLUBS her again! Lola runs up to HIP ATTACK Natty into more prospects! The fans fire up while NXT goes picture in picture!

Lola shakes out her bad leg while glaring down at Natty. Lola then hops down to fetch Natty, bring her around, and CHOPS her against the apron! Natty sputters, Lola talks trash, but Natty fires hands! Lola bobs ‘n’ weaves, she and Natty fire shots, clinch, then Natty CLUBS away! Lola sends Natty into steel steps! Natty falls over, clutching her own leg. Lola storms up, Shayna coaches her to keep on Natty, and Lola puts Natty back on the ring. Lola storms up on Natty but Natty fires hands! They brawl, Natty has the edge, but Lola trips Natty up! Lola rains down forearms, then goes to ARMBAR! Natty shifts around to fight that, clasping hands together!

Natty moves, there’s no pins in the underground but she still stacks Lola. Lola just powers through to get Natty back in the ARMBAR! Natty endures, moves around, and pops out the back to HAMMER away on Lola! Lola staggers up, Natty ROCKS her! Natty storms around, brings Lola back up, and snap suplexes her back down! Lola flounders, Natty kicks her, then stands her up for another snap suplex! Lola sputters, Natty goes after her and wants that key lock! NXT returns to single picture and the fans fire up! Lola powers Natty down to CLUB her, then she gets away. Natty pursues but Lola mule kicks her!

Lola has Natty on the outside, but Natty snap suplexes to the floor! The fans are thunderous as Natty KICKS Lola! Shayna looks worried, but Natty hoists Lola up to snap suplex again! Karmen cheers Natty on, as do the fans, and Natty brings Lola up. Natty goes up onto the desk! But Lola SWEEPS the legs, and Natty crashes down! Natty takes out a monitor, but Lola puts her back on the ring. Natty still trips Lola and fires more fists! The fans fire up, but Lola POSTS Natty!! Lola grits her teeth, KICKS Natty, then brings her back up. Lola drags Natty by the arm to KICK! And KICK! And KICK! The fans rally for Natty but Lola clamps on a cravat!

Natty endures, Lola lets her go to KICK! And KICK! And KICK! Natty falls over, but Lola drags her into a TRIANGLE! Shayna says good, keep the squeeze! Natty endures, even as Lola adds elbow shots! Natty fires body shots in return, finds some space to get free, and she CLUBS Lola in the chest! And again! And then she fires haymakers! The fans duel but the Natty side is stronger! Natty SLAPS and CLUBS Lola, but Lola gets a GUILLOTINE!! Shayna says that’s it! Squeeze her now! Natty endures, fights up, and then SPINEBUSTERS! But Lola gets the GUILLOTINE again!!

Lola squeezes as tight as she can, both with the facelock and the body scissors, but Natty drags her off the ring to SPINEBUSTER to the floor!! Natty is free and the fans fire up! Natty catches her breath while Lola writhes, and both women rise up. Natty puts Lola back on the ring but Lola BOOTS her away! Natty grabs Lola’s leg to SLAM it into the post! And then she SLAPS Lola, grabs the leg, and copies Uncle Bret with the HANGING LEGLOCK!! Lola endures, but there’s nothing she can do to get free! Shayna protests, but Karmen JUMPS onto Shayna for a SLEEPER! Shayna staggers forward and bumps into Natty, making her release the hold!

Karmen and Shayna flounder away, Natty sits up and hurries after Lola. They’re back to the center of the ring, and Natty stomps Lola! Natty then goes Hart style, only for Shayna to get after her! Natty SMACKS Shayna first! Natty TOSSES Shayna onto the prospects!! But Lola takes aim! Only for Natty to block a kick! Natty trips Lola, steps through, and has the SHARPSHOOTER!!! Lola endures as the fans are thunderously shouting! Lola crawls, grabs at prospects, but that won’t save her! Natty drags Lola back to the deep waters! Lola endures but there’s no escaping! Shayna grabs Karmen for the KIRAFUDA KLUTCH!!!

The fans freak out as The Queen of Spades makes the Queen of Harts choose: her friend or her victory! Natty is conflicted, so she lets Lola go! Natty fires off on Shayna, RAMS her into barriers, then hammers away! Shayna gets what she deserves, but then comes back for more! Natty BOOTS her away, so Lola can URAKEN!! Lola RAINS down hammering hands, the ref stops it! Lola wins by knockout!!

Winner: Lola Vice, by knockout

The fans boo because Lola makes history with a huge ass…terisk! Lola celebrates all the same, will she ever be humbled?


Roxanne and Ava finish watching the match.

Roxie says that’s awesome stuff out there, though maybe a bit sarcastically. Roxie says neither of those two can touch her, so why is she even here? Because when Roxie claimed she didn’t have time for Ava, what Ava was going to tell her, is that they’ve found her next opponent, for next week. Next week!? Roxie just defended this LAST week! And Ava has an entire combine to worry about so- Ava stops Roxie there, she doesn’t need Roxie again telling Ava how to do her job. So next week, Roxie defends her title against… Chelsea Green! The Hot Mess says Ava is SO much smarter than Pea-Brain Pearce and Sir Nicholas The Nasty.

In fact, that lovely piece of gold is going to look lovely in Chelsea’s jewelry box. Roxie stops Chelsea from touching the belt then storms off. Chelsea again says Ava is the best, and is gonna love it here on NXT. But seriously, Chelsea Green for Roxie’s first opponent? Is Roxie supposed to be intimidated or insulted?

My Thoughts:

An awesome NXT to not just move on from the WWE Draft but also to wrap Spring Breakin’. Great promo segment with Trick and Lash, clearly everyone loves the *ahem* sexual tension there. But also nice bit of intrigue thrown into what is clearly just Meta Four trying to get Dar a match with Trick for the title at Battleground or something. And a good promo from Arianna & Gigi to hype up tonight’s card. I can see why they didn’t open the show with it, though, as it was a little too cheesy. And some of Gigi’s delivery on the lines were more script reading than organic. Also, I always took Gigi as the atypical hot girl, not a slob burping everywhere, that was just a weird choice.

Anyway, awesome opening match in Oba VS Ivar, that was some top tier Meat Mania action, and a great win for Oba. Wes returning was great stuff, too, but the fans being that fired up kinda ruined the audio of Fallon talking with Thea just behind the bleachers. Good promo from Briggs and Ivar with Wes, and despite the clear physical disadvantage, Wes is of course going to find a way to win and be the #1 contender. Though at the same time, why not have Wes just move up to the top title already? I feel like the only right ending to this is Wes becoming #1 contender, only to lose to Oba in the title match.

Thea VS Jacy was good stuff, and a great win for Thea. But since they planted seeds of Fallon turning with Stand & Deliver, here it is! She’s felt unappreciated, unaccomplished and all that, she’s going Heel and is certainly getting in on the NXT Women’s North American Championship. I would think so is Thea, and then the four we saw talk it out in that promo, too. I said just last week that Sol is a strong Face choice for first Women’s NA Champ, but honestly so is Thea. Mia getting in on this is good stuff, she’ll be a solid part of the ladder match but I don’t see her winning it. She might end up in a quick feud with Arianna Grace or something, though.

Good promo from Tyriek & Tyson, but rather surprising their NXT TV debut was a loss. Granted, The Good Brothers are a team that can’t afford to lose when they came to NXT to be a strong force in the tag division, but I didn’t think WWE would move away from the tradition of a debut win. I’m sure Tyson & Tyriek will come back and “figure it out” next week, the NXT Tag Division is just that strong. Also funny little promo from Malik, Edris & Brin with the black cats adding more bad luck. And great promo from the Profits and great assist from New Catch Republic to help Axiom & Frazer. It is for the best that AOP didn’t just win the tag titles their first try, and surely AOP VS NCR will be a big part of giving Awesome Truth some new challengers.

Good stuff from Ridge VS Spears, though the live crowd is starting to sour on this whole Ridge redemption thing with that sabbatical fake-out. He and Spears should just become a Heel tag team with Ridge giving into the darkness so that he can be cheered alongside Spears, who the fans still love. And good promo from The D’Angelo Family to make it clear we’ll get Tony D’Angelo VS Charlie Dempsey for the Heritage Cup. If Tony wins the Cup, I hope he wins via a knockout punch. It hasn’t happened since the inaugural Heritage Cup tournament in NXT UK, and there needs to be something like that to really shake up the Heritage Cup Division.

And really good stuff in the NXT Underground story. Good promos from both sides, and I do like that Shayna was right, Lola was gonna lose because she didn’t work on her ground game as much as she should have. But at the same time, Shayna made sure Lola won, so if Lola gets in on the Women’s North American Championship stuff, I would hope Shayna expects a shot at the belt as a favor. And speaking of title shots, good promos from Roxie and Ava, but like, even in kayfabe, Chelsea Green is not someone Roxie should really be worried about. Chelsea struggles to do her part in tag matches when it’s like her and Piper against Kayden & Katana.

Roxie should definitely retain against Chelsea, only for Ava to reveal Battleground will be Roxie VS GIULIA! We saw the new signee from Stardom at Stand & Deliver, Battleground in Vegas would be the perfect place for Giulia to have her first match and win the title right off Roxie, allowing Roxie to go to RawDown like she wants anyway.

My Score: 8.9/10

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