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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (6/3/19)

Is Paul Heyman pulling our legs?



WWE Raw Cover image

Is Raw going to be money?

The Beast now knows he has a FULL YEAR to wait, but his Advocate says the cash-in is NOW! Will Brock Lesnar really use Raw to regain a WWE championship?



  • Six Man Tag: Roman Reigns & The Usos VS Drew McIntyre & The Revival; McIntyre & The Revival win.
  • Lucha House Party VS ???; No Contest.
  • Charlotte Flair VS Lacey Evans; Flair wins, by disqualification.
  • Arm Wrestling: Braun Strowman VS Bobby Lashley; Strowman wins.
  • Peyton Royce w/ Billie Kay VS Nikki Cross w/ Alexa Bliss; Cross wins.
  • Ricochet VS Cesaro; Ricochet wins.


Raw is Roman’s Yard!

The Big Dog continues to be the Wild Card as he shows up in Texas! He has his eyes set on Super Showdown and a grudge match with Shane O’Mac, but tonight he and the #Bloodline will take on two #TopGuys and Shane’s “insurance policy.” Roman enters the ring and picks up a mic. But before he can speak, Shane appears! Fans boo as Shane gets his “proper introduction” as “The Best, in the WOOOOOOOOORLD~, SHAAANE! McMAAAHON!” That’s better. As for Roman, Shane is too excited to sleep. Super Showdown brings their showdown, and Shane shutting Roman up. Shane’s not just called Best in the World for fun. He’s like a fine wine: better with age.

And Shane promises to beat Roman from end to end of the ring, and hit a classic Coast2Coast. But then he’ll add on the triangle hold and make Roman tap out for the first time in his career. After Roman taps, Shane will hold on for much longer, tighten the triangle so tight Roman’s eyes bulge out, and then the last thing he hears is, “The winner, and Best in the World~!” “Oh shut up!” Roman would love for Shane to try and tap him out. If Shane puts that triangle, Roman will pick him up and bomb him through the mat! Shane doesn’t stand a chance with Roman. The only reason Shane is out here is because he has help, like Drew McIntyre. So after Super Showdown, Roman goes to Stomping Grounds to whoop on McIntyre!

But speaking of, here comes the Scottish Terminator! McIntyre says that he doesn’t like Texas’ attitude towards Shane. Show some damn respect for him! As for Roman, his mind is all over the place. Shane is 100% correct that he’ll beat Roman at Super Showdown. and McIntyre will decimate and end Roman at Stomping Grounds! But that’s the future. Worry about tonight. McIntyre has a great idea. They don’t need to wait, they’ll take Roman out now! But the Revival attack Roman from behind! Here come the Usos! The family fights of Dash & Dawson and take the ring! Shane has his men regroup as fans fire up for the Usos! Is the Six Man happening now?! It is!

Six Man Tag: Roman Reigns & The Usos VS Drew McIntyre & The Revival!

Why wait for later tonight when everyone is here right now?! Will the #Bloodline dominate the Terminator and #TopGuys to roll on towards Super Showdown? Or will Shane’s insurance policy do what Shane’s paying him to do?

The teams sort out and Dash Wilder starts against Jey Uso. Jey SUPERKICKS Dash right down! Then he hurries up top, but Scott Dawson saves Dash. Jey hops down and together with brother Jimmy, FLIES! The Usos wipe the Revival out and we go to break!

Raw returns and Dawson whips Jey corner to corner. Jey dodges and sends Dawson to buckles. Dash tags in and stops Jey, but Jey elbows free to hot tag Jimmy! Jimmy rallies on Dash and mule kicks to an uppercut! Dash swings but misses, but also escapes the Samoan Drop. But Jimmy comes back with the dragon whip! Jimmy fires up the fans and takes aim. But he has to hit McIntyre and Dawson first. Dash dropkicks Jimmy down! Dash stomps away on Jimmy then tags in McIntyre for even more stomps. McIntyre bumps Jimmy off buckles and CHOPS him! McIntyre facelocks and suplexes Jimmy hard! Cover, TWO!

McIntyre keeps Jimmy down and then puts on an armbar. He grinds his forearm into Jimmy’s face while The Revival mock the Longhorns fans. Jimmy endures and fans rally up. Jimmy fights his way up and headbutts, then whips, only for McIntyre to reverse. McIntyre smothers and belly2belly suplexes Jimmy down! Cover, but Roman breaks it! Roman and McIntyre glare but Dash and Dawson get away with mugging Jimmy! The ref tells Roman to go back to his corner while McIntyre tags in Dawson. McIntyre grinds his foot into Jimmy and Dawson stomps Jimmy out. Dawson cranks Jimmy’s neck but pulls on hair. The ref reprimands Dawson so he lets up, only to come back and stand Jimmy up. Jimmy uppercuts back! And CHOPS! Dawson staggers, but clotheslines Jimmy down! Cover, TWO!

Dawson taunts Jey before going back to Jimmy. He drags Jimmy up into a seated abdominal stretch. Jimmy endures and works his way up. Jimmy reaches and arm-drags Dawson off, only for Dawson to shove him. Dawson runs in but Jimmy starts fighting back! Jimmy back suplexes Dawson down! Fans rally up as Jimmy crawls. Dawson gets in and intercepts, BIG spinebuster! Cover, TWO! Jimmy survives but is isolated as we go to break.

Raw returns and Roman gives McIntyre the point blank lariats. Roman runs and BOOTS McIntyre down! The University of Texas fires up with Roman as he locks ‘n’ loads. Roman runs but McIntyre dodges for a Glasgow Kiss! But Jey tags in, Roman SUPERMAN PUNCHES McIntyre down! Jimmy SUPERKICKS Dawson but Dash clobbers Jimmy. SUPERMAN PUNCH for Dash! But Shane trips up Jey behind the ref’s back! Roman runs after Shane, and gets hands on him! But then gets a CLAYMORE from McIntyre! Jey flounders in the ring and McIntyre takes aim. The Revival give Jimmy SHATTER MACHINE! McIntyre runs, CLAYMORE for Jey! Cover, The Revival and McIntyre win!

Winners: Drew McIntyre & The Revival, McIntyre pinning

Shane helps his boys win, but now he wants to add insult to injury on Roman. He slaps Roman around, then has the Revival drag Roman up, for a SHATTER MACHINE! But Shane drags Roman up for McIntyre. CLAYMORE! Fans boo as Shane mockingly wonders if Roman’s okay. But this still isn’t enough for the Best in the World. The Revival drag Roman up, and feeds him to Shane’s SPEAR! Shane mocks the battle cry and then tells Roman that’s what he’s getting at Super Showdown. Will Shane return to the states still feeling like The Best in the World? Or will the Big Dog get back at him for everything he’s done?


Raw is Miz TV!

The Hollywood A-Lister is back and is going to be part of Super Showdown’s historically MASSIVE 50 Man Battle Royal! But for right now, he and the Most Must-See WWE Talk Show are here to discuss the looming Money in the Bank cash-in from Brock Lesnar. Therefore, his special guest is the Architect and the Beastslayer, WWE Universal Champion, Seth Rollins! Rollins makes his way out and Texas is ready to #BurnItDown! The remaining time on Raw could be the last few minutes in his reign, but Rollins shows no fear as he joins Miz in the ring.

Miz welcomes Rollins to Austin! Super Showdown has a WWE Universal Championship match of Rollins VS Baron Corbin, but… Rollins might not even be champion because Paul Heyman promised Lesnar would cash in tonight. What’s going on in Rollins’ mind? Rollins wants to back things up. First, this is assuming Lesnar even shows up to Raw, which assumes Heyman told the truth. Last time Heyman told the truth was… never! Rollins is prepared, but will believe it when he sees it. Miz commends that strong front, but he and Rollins both know what it is to be Mr. MITB. As of right now, it’s not just in the hands of a normal superstar, but one of the most dominant of all time, Brock Lesnar!

Rollins knows all that, but the truth is, if Lesnar showed up to cash in, Rollins would actually be relieved. Because Rollins can’t keep worrying on what might be. He knows what will be is Super Showdown’s Universal Championship match against Baron Corbin. No one here likes Corbin, nor on the planet Earth, but Corbin did win that Fatal 4 Way to be #1 Contender. If Rollins is the fighting champion he promised to be when he slayed the Beast, the he has to focus on the Lone Wolf’s head going into the mat. Fans support that with “Burn It Down!” But wait, someone is pulling into the arena. It’s Paul Heyman! And where Heyman goes, Lesnar follows! The Beast in the Bank IS on Raw, ready to cash in. Rollins is ready!

Heyman says “Here comes the pain!” But then Lesnar stops just before gorilla position and considers things. He’s headed for the locker rooms instead, to make Rollins wait a little longer. Fans still cheer for Rollins, but is Rollins’ night far from over?


Lucha House Party VS ???

Raw enters #LuchaTime as “Los Avengers” look to take down The Leviathan at Super Showdown! But before taking on Lars Sullivan, they will- Wait, is that Lars now?! Did he dismantle the team the Lucha House Party was supposed to face on his way here?! He rushes the ring and the fight is on! But Lars shoves Kalisto awya, then Lince Dorado. Gran Metalik also falls, but Kalisto kicks back! Kalisto springboards, but into a clothesline! Lars lariats Lince, and catches a flying Metalik!

Metalik is lifted high over head, but Kalisto dropkicks to save him! Metalik and Lince dropkick in turn, but it takes all three to send Lars out! Lars himself is surprised! The Mile High Monster roars, but he falls back to reconsider his strategy. Will Lucha House Party return from Super Showdown still standing? Or will they all suffer a Freak Accident?


The IIconics and Nikki Cross are backstage.

The Loony Lass looks a miniature pound puppy all sad to find someone to play with. But the WWE is not a dog park, and Cross has the wrong master in “that mutt”, Becky Lynch. Woof woof! But wait, Alexa Bliss returns! Don’t those two have a blooming onion to eat? No! But they have a match with Nikki tonight. And with Peyton’s “wifey” Billie ringside, it’ll be #IICONIC! Well that happened. Alexa’s gonna get a coffee. Does Nikki want one? Wait, really? Yeah. Alexa knows Becky and Nikki have been bonding, but Becky and Alexa don’t get along. Well, Alexa doesn’t get along with a lot of people. Maybe Nikki’s better off with the Raw Women’s Champion.

Nikki tells Alexa she’s not gonna judge the Goddess based on her past. Alexa has been so kind to Nikki. She’s been a friend. Well since they’re friends, don’t be shy to ask for a favor. Alexa will back her up against the IIconics. Time to throw some shrimps on the barbie! Will the Goddess be a good luck charm for Nikki against the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions?


The Man is here!

The Raw Women’s Champion holds her belt up high as she heads for the ring. But what is Becky going to say? Find out after the break!

Raw returns and Becky tells Austin, Texas, “The Man has been doing some thinking.” She wants to make some changes. Becky got home for the first time in 63 jam-packed days. She fought all over Europe, made appearances, switched brands, and won the main event of WrestleMania. Fans know “You Deserve It!” Becky appreciates the fans saying that, and says her dreams came true. She’s never been happier in her entire life. “But that’s when it hit me. Contentment is the worst thing that could happen to a fighter like me.” Content fighters get hurt, passed over or even beaten. Becky won’t let that be her. When Lacey Evans helped Charlotte Flair take that SmackDown Women’s Championship, Becky woke up.

When Becky gets pissed, and she is pissed, there is not a woman in this business that can stop her! So those who have wronged Becky, she will find them and will break her back trying and hands fighting. But speaking of Lacey, here she comes! The Sassy Southern Belle struts out with a mic and tells Becky, “You are just like a dog chasing a car.” And just like a dog, Becky wouldn’t know what to do with it. Lacey did everyone a favor. #BeckyTwoBelts shouldn’t represent the women of WWE. Becky mocks the Southern accent and then vows to rip Lacey’s arm out. Lacey says that while she’s blonde, don’t confuse her with Charlotte. Because Becky is not in Lacey’s head, and Lacey is not to be messed with.

While Becky beat Lacey, Lacey also points out Becky didn’t walk out a winner. Lacey promises to make her to be #BeckyNoBelts. Becky is not the right woman to represent Lacey’s division. Lacey vows to be the next Raw Women’s Champion, but here comes The Queen! Charlotte is the second Wild Card, dressed ready to go! Charlotte tells Becky to “please, please stop making excuses.” Becky still lost for #CharlotteNineTimes to become history. Yeah, but then what happened after? Charlotte lost the title, but- Lacey says Charlotte needs to stop embarrassing herself. Charlotte’s strutting like a peacock because she’s a daddy’s girl who needs attention.

Charlotte ignores Lacey and asks for someone to hold the ropes for her. But when no one does, Charlotte gets in on her own, and then brings up why she struts like a peacock. Because she’s halfway to beating her daddy’s championship reign record! And Lacey’s been here for four minutes, and all she’s done is make tea. Charlotte didn’t even need to take off her street clothes to leave Lacey laying. Lacey says Charlotte had nine reigns, but now she has zero belts. That’s yesterday’s news, and Lacey is the future face of the WWE. Charlotte can go back to SmackDown, or face a Woman’s Right. And Lacey shoves Charlotte right down! Charlotte keeps her composure, and Becky just sits back and watches as we get a Queen VS a Lady!

Charlotte Flair VS Lacey Evans!

Texas fires up as Charlotte and Lacey prepare to throw down. Charlotte puts her robe aside, and the bell rings. Charlotte goes right at Lacey with furious hands! They scrap and grapple but Lacey gets a ropebreak. Charlotte lets go long enough to come right back. Lacey turns things around and rams Charlotte with her shoulder. Charlotte facelocks and throws Lacey to then kick her against the ropes. Becky has a front row seat as Charlotte tosses Lacey out. Becky taunts the Model Soldier while fans “WOO~” for Charlotte.

Lacey gets up and tells fans to shut up. Lacey also declines Charlotte holding the ropes open for her. The ref has Charlotte step back and Lacey returns. The two circle and Charlotte get a takedown! Charlotte rains down forearms but Lacey turns things around. Lacey elbows but Charlotte tackles her. Charlotte has another facelock but Lacey has another ropebreak. Charlotte lets go at 4 and backs off. Lacey brushes herself off and Becky is rather amused. Charlotte and Lacey tie up again and Charlotte facelocks. Lacey switches and rains down forearms of her own. Lacey and Charlotte fight for control and Charlotte knees low. Charlotte bumps Lacey off buckles and Lacey bails out. The Queen has the Lady flustered as we go to break.

Raw returns and Charlotte has Lacey in another facelock. Charlotte waistlocks and throws Lacey around. Charlotte shifts to a wiastlock again but Lacey elbows out. Lacey gets a fireman’s carry takedown and cover, TWO! Lacey bumps Charlotte off buckles then again. Charlotte blocks and gives a bump back. Charlotte stomps away then grinds her boot into Lacey’s face. The ref counts and Charlotte stops at 4 to soak up the “WOO~!” Charlotte CHOPS away on Lacey, then CHOPS her all the way to another corner. Fans love the stylin’ and profilin’, but then Lacey throws Charlotte into buckles. Lacey stomps a mudhole into Charlotte, then walks it off for the swinging bronco buster! Cover, TWO!

Lacey grows annoyed but she keeps on Charlotte with a headlock. Fans cheer for Becky instead as Charlotte endures. Charlotte rolls Lacey up, TWO! Charlotte kicks Lacey right down! She paces and brings Lacey up, for an exploder! Charlotte kips up while Lacey crawls to the apron. Charlotte glares at Lacey, and runs in, only to get a knee. Lacey sweeps the legs then slingshots for the elbow, only for Charlotte to evade! Charlotte elbows Lacey from a corner, then gives her a backbreaker. Lacey staggers away, and Charlotte clotheslines her down! Charlotte grabs the leg, Figure Four but Lacey kicks Charlotte away! Lacey gets up, drags Charlotte out, neckbreaker! Somersault but gets boots! Charlotte and Lacey run at each other, double crossbodies!

Both women are down, and Becky pretends to be concerned. Fans rally but still want Becky more. Charlotte and Lacey each get up, but Becky yanks Charlotte out!!

Winner: Charlotte Flair, by disqualification

Becky helps the Queen but is really helping herself to Lacey! She gives Lacey the Man-Handle Slam! Becky raises her Raw Women’s Championship, but will she hold onto it while making Lacey pay?


Rey Mysterio is here!

The King of Lucha Libre finally got his Grand Slam with the WWE United States Championship! But his shoulder is in a sling because of what went down at the Money in the Bank PPV with Samoa Joe. Joe’s shoulders were way off the mat, and yet Joe lost. Joe brutally attacked Mysterio and injured that shoulder, meaning tonight, the title must be given up.

Mysterio is in the ring and sets it straight. He’s been a part of the WWE for a very long time, and wrestling is in his blood. Mysterio gets to share wrestling with his son, Dominique, because Dominique is training to be a wrestler in his own right. Dominique will surely carve a path, but Mysterio needs to set the right example, as both man and champion. Due to this shoulder injury, Mysterio must- But before he can say, Samoa Joe appears! Joe feels he perhaps came out too early. He apologizes, but Joe was hearing the word “Champion” and just took it as his cue. Joe wants Mysterio to continue. This is an important moment, but Joe wants an addendum to the speech. Let’s not ruin things with a lie. The fact is, Mysterio isn’t giving up because of injury, but because he never really won!

Mysterio wants Joe to get it right, too. This isn’t to have a moment or to pull some kind of trick. This is not the moment Mysterio wanted it to be. But Mysterio’s won championships his entire career. Through pain and injuries. Mysterio is man enough to do that, and man enough to do this. He asks for just a moment. Due to this injury from MITB, Mysterio is here to relinquish the WWE United States Championship. And yes, to Samoa Joe. Mysterio puts the belt down on the mat, but promises he’ll be back for it. Joe attacks Mysterio!! Coquina Clutch!! Mysterio did what Joe wanted, but Joe still makes him suffer for it! Joe picks up the title, and is the NEW WWE United States Champion! But will Joe prove he’s worthy of having it back?


Cesaro speaks.

“I’m gonna keep this short and sweet, because there’s enough people around here who like to hear themselves talk.” The Swiss Cyborg will let his actions speak for themselves, and he’ll do that in a rematch with Ricochet! Ricochet is a great talent but is naive if he thinks he’ll win again.

Ricochet responds.

“Cesaro’s actions have always spoken louder than his words, and he’s one of the most dynamic superstars in all of WWE.” But tonight is a preview of a rivalry that could go for a decade. The One and Only has already proven he can win once, so he’ll do his best to do it all again. Who wins this tiebreaker between King of Flight and Swiss Cyborg?


Arm Wrestling: Braun Strowman VS Bobby Lashley!

Before going to Super Showdown for a battle worthy of a Godzilla movie, the Monster Among Men and the Rocky Mountain Machine look to lock-up in a very different kind of wrestling match. Who proves they’ve got the strongest hands before someone #GetsTheseHands in Saudi Arabia?

Raw returns as Strowman loosens up. Lashley makes his entrance, and the two stand at the arm-wrestling table. Fans cheer for Lashley to “Get These Hands!” The referee has them put hands on the grip bars and elbows in the pads. Strowman is ready but Lashley SLAPS him! Lashley grins at the angered Strowman, and it takes an extra referee to keep them from throwing down. Strowman shouts for the table to be reset, and the refs do just that. Strowman wants Lashley to man up and do the arm wrestling, but Lashely just flexes at him. Lashley grips and locks up with Strowman, and we begin!

The two are so even to start, but Lashley loses grip. He claims it was Strowman’s fault, so Strowman chalks up his hand. Lashley also gets chalk on his hands and the two stare down. Strowman’s ready, Lashley joins him, and Texas fires up for a second try! The two are even again, and going back and forth! Strowman comes close but Lashley comes back. Strowman gives it another gas, and wins!

Winner: Braun Strowman

The Monster Among Men proves his arms are the strongest on Raw! But then Lashley blasts him with chalk! And with kicks and haymakers! Lashley is a sore loser as he shoves the table down, then shoves and scoops Strowman! Lashley steals the Monster Slam!! Strowman, blinded by dust and reeling from the impact, is furious as Lashley leaves. But who will be the dominant monster when the dust settles at Super Showdown?

Carmella looks for Truth backstage.

After Truth survived the golf course in a back-and-forth with Jinder Mahal, the hunt continues on Raw. Drake Maverick realizes that the key is following the FABULOUS Princess. He, EC3 and a referee are in pursuit, but where will they find Truth? Will the find Truth?


Peyton Royce w/ Billie Kay VS Nikki Cross w/ Alexa Bliss!

The crazy and the divine head to the ring together as Alexa keeps her promise to be by Nikki’s side. Will the Goddess’ support help Nikki get one over on one half of the Women’s Tag Team Champions?

Raw returns after the IIconics have made their entrance. The bell rings, and Peyton shows off the IIconics pose. Nikki turns Peyton around, but gets a heel kick! Peyton stomps Nikki to a corner then stomps her in the corner. The ref backs Peyton off but she kicks Nikki around more. Peyton throws hands and more stomps, then whips Nikki corner to corner. Nikki hits the buckles hard and Billie mocks her. Peyton grinds her boot into Nikki but lets up at 4. Nikki crawls but Peyton is on her, only to get a jawbreaker. Nikki rolls Peyton, TWO! Peyton runs Nikki over then covers, TWO! The IIconics grow annoyed but Alexa coaches Nikki up.

Peyton chokes Nikki on the ropes but lets up at 4. Nikki flounders to ropes but Peyton punches her around. Peyton throws Nikki tot he apron then throws knees. Peyton puts Nikki in the hanging motorcycle stretch. She lets go at 4, and mocks Nikki as she stalks her in the ring. Peyton toys with Nikki and whips her to a corner. Nikki dodges and hops on for a sleeper! Peyton flails and throws Nikki off to ram knees into her. Peyton puts Nikki in a seated abdominal stretch and Billie wants her to break those arms off. Nikki endures, bleeding from the mouth. Fans build to a rally, and Nikki fights her way up and out. But Peyton throws her by her hair! Peyton covers, TWO! The IIconics are growing further frustrated but Peyton stomps Nikki down.

Peyton toys with Nikki more. She drags Nikki back into the seated stretch and throws elbows. Nikki endures again, but fights her way up and out again. Peyton knees low then whips Nikki again. Nikki elbows out of the corner, then boots her back. Nikki throws hands and forearms, but Peyton shoves, only for Nikki to run her over! Alexa cheers Nikki as she fires up! Nikki runs corner to corner for a big splash and a bulldog! Cover, TWO! Nikki keeps going and climbs up top. Peyton stands and Nikki leaps for a crossbody, only to belly flop! Peyton is in a corner and Alexa is concerned. But then the staff brings coffee. The IIconics can’t believe Alexa is more into her coffee than this match. Peyton kicks the mug out of Alexa’s hands! And then kicks at Alexa! Billi shoves Alexa down ito her coffee puddle!

Alexa is embarrassed, but then Nikki gets Peyton with the Purge! Cover, Nikki wins!!

Winner: Nikki Cross, by pinfall

The IIconics’ ego got in the way! Nikki wins and is happy, but Alexa is still looking upset. Alexa gets angry, and goes right at the IIconics! She dropkicks Billie then drags her up, for the Bliss-DT! The Goddess shows her wild side now, and Nikki says they BOTH won! Will these two run wild with tag title gold in the near future?


Raw returns to Seth Rollins in the ring!

The Architect is back and says that when he won the WWE Universal Championship, he knew there’d be a target on his back. It’s what he signed up for because it’s what he wanted. Yet that’s not what is happening with Brock Lesnar. But speak of the Beast, here he comes! At least, we think so, because the music hit. Lesnar does not walk out on stage, and Rollins is sick of the games! Everyone here is sick of it! So Rollins speaks directly to Lesnar. “You used to be one of the most feared men on Planet Earth. Used to be.” Now Lesnar is just a shell of that. If there’s any shred of the true Beast in there, he better come out here and give Raw that cash-in, RIGHT NOW!!

Fans want to see it, but instead, Baron Corbin appears. Corbin tells Rollins, “You are all fired up tonight!” Too bad it’s for the wrong person. Rollins should forget about Lesnar and worry about Corbin. Rollins is in the ring, living a childhood dream, but Corbin is a dream crusher and vows to take that Universal Championship. To do that, Corbin has to win, and he doesn’t stand a chance. Corbin will pry this belt from Rollins’ cold, dead hands. Fine by Corbin! Corbin is the guy who retired Kurt Angle. And he’ll retire Rollins, too! Rollins hits Corbin with the mic! And then with fists! Corbin knees back and throws hands of his own! But Rollins throws hands again, then dodges to PELE him out of the ring!

Rollins DIVES on Corbin right away! Rollins is all fired up, but here comes the Beast! Raw might get that cash-in, after all! But then Corbin hits END OF DAYS! The distraction gives the Lone Wolf the opening he needs to leave Rollins down and out. But then, the music hits again. NOW the Beast wants his cash-in. He even has a steel chair just in case! Rollins is reeling as the #BrockParty looms closer. Lesnar low blows Rollins!! Payback for Wrestlemania, along with a chair shot! And another! And another! Lesnar bullies Rollins with a German Suplex! Lesnar tears off his shirt and Heyman shouts if this is the cash-in. Not yet! Another chair shot! And then he throws Rollins out of the ring.

Lesnar stalks Rollins around the ring to then lift him up for an F5 to the floor! Rollins is gasping while Lesnar is glaring. Now? No, not yet. Lesnar drags Rollins up again to put him in the ring. He stops Rollins from getting to the chair, to then pick it up and SMACK Rollins again! And again! And again!! Now?! Lesnar grins, because he gives Rollins another German Suplex! Heyman almost pleads with Lesnar to cash-in! But Lesnar says it’ll be Friday. What? But it was supposed to be tonight! No, Lesnar wants this for Super Showdown. Lesnar picks up the belt to toss it onto Rollins. And then he uses the briefcase as a weapon! Lesnar laughs as he goes back to the chair he’s already destroyed with Rollins’ body, to SMACK him again and again and again!

Lesnar and Heyman leave, with fans booing and jeering while The Beast just laughs and “listens to his boombox.” There is no cash-in tonight, but will Lesnar return to Raw next week as the WWE Universal Champion? As for Rollins, the medical team has to bring him to a backboard and stretcher. Can Rollins even make it to Super Showdown at this point?


Raw returns as Rollins is brought to the ambulance.

Becky Lynch is among those by Rollins’ side as they load him into the back. She also hops in to be with Rollins for the ride. Is the Architect going to be able to make it to Super Showdown for Lesnar’s wanted cash-in?


Raw presents a new episode of Firefly Fun House!

A very special edition, at that. Bray Wyatt has something super serious to talk to us about. He puts on a sweatband, because it’s time to exercise~!

When it comes to mind, body and spirit, to be at your best, you gotta look good and feel good. But wait, who is this piggy pigging out? Huskes the Pig Boy doesn’t take care of his body. The chocolate tastes so good~! He wants more. Oh, Huskes. No one is going tot ell you, but all this gluttony is going to bite you in your tail. Or he could be great. People will tell him he’s a genius, with the whole world in his hands. Really? Yes, really! Wink.

But omg, is that…! “The both of you better get your act together, or else… Or else…!” Yowie wowie! Hold on, Boss. They’ll get Huskes in shape. Here’s how! Shake them hips and let your backbone slip. Pull up your pants to do the Muscle Man dance! Just follow his voice, you don’t have a choice. Pull up your pants for the Muscle Man dance! Wiggle that behind and erase your mind. Pull up your pants and do the Muscle Man dance! Yeah, that’s it. Wow, Huskes. Are you ready for a night out on the town? Yes, he feels better already. Now remember, fireflies. He’ll always light the way. You just have to let him in. See you next time~!

Well. That was sure something.


Triple H returns to Raw!

The Game is in Texas and heads to the ring, with another showdown with Randy Orton at Super Showdown! HHH takes up the mic as fans chant for “NXT!” He appreciates that, but tonight is about him and Orton. And speaking of, The Viper appears! The Wild Card Rule makes this possible on Raw, and Orton strikes his signature pose in the ring. Orton picks up his own mic and stares down with HHH. Fans chant for “RKO!” but HHH talks first. It’s been awhile since they’ve stood in the same ring. They both know what this face-to-face is about: drumming up interest in a fight. Fans hope the two men will say things or even fight, all to drum up the interest. But these 20 years together, nothing either man can say is new.

So HHH won’t waste anyone’s time with this. He will just say this: it’s been awhile since they’ve seen each other in the ring. But don’t let the suit fool you, HHH is going to Jeddah to kick Orton’s ass. Orton doesn’t mind that, but he wants HHH to know he’s not Batista. Orton is still the Legend Killer. HHH knows that better than most. Orton will gladly beat HHH this Friday for another notch on Orton’s belt. HHH sees it’s interesting. Watching those recap packages of their 20 years together, those unspeakable things they’ve done to each other. But it’s what HHH said that rang true. Putting pressure on Orton would make him a diamond in this business. HHH isn’t blowing smoke when he says Orton is one of the best ever. Just like HHH knew he would be.

But here’s the catch. A lot of people have tried to put HHH down. They’re gone, he’s still here. And Orton will not be the one. HHH starts to leave but Orton says before he goes, “can you promise me something?” That Friday, before stepping into the ring, HHH retrieves his balls from Stephanie’s purse. Orton laughs as his own line, but even HHH has to give a smirk and a nod. HHH gets back in the ring and likes that idea. He will do that. But they’re just so big, and it’s a burden to carry them around. HHH will see if he can put them in the carry-on. It’s hard to carry that weight around. Not that Orton would know, since he’s never had any. See you in Jeddah.

HHH drops the mic having left Orton speechless. Which one of these two living legends comes back an even greater icon?


Backstage interview with Baron Corbin.

What does he have to say about what happened to Seth Rollins? We saw what happened, Rollins is in an ambulance. Corbin needs to get out of here. To celebrate! Lesnar just did Corbin a favor, so you’re now looking at the next WWE Universal Champion! Will Corbin cash-in on Lesnar’s hard work? Or is he just setting himself up to be the Beast’s prey at Super Showdown?


Ricochet VS Cesaro!

Here it is! The tiekbreaker of two of the most athletic and shockingly strong superstars today! Who wins big to perhaps put them in line for title shots on the Road to Stomping Grounds?

Raw returns as Cesaro makes his entrance. The bell rings and Ricochet runs right at Cesaro. Cesaro tosses Ricochet up but Ricochet lands on the buckles. Ricochet jumps back and lands on Cesaro’s shoulders, but Cesaro blocks the huricanrana! Cesaro lifts Ricochet up but Ricochet slips out, only to get run over. Things speed up and Ricochet gets caught into a tilt-o-whirl backbreaker! Cover, TWO! Cesaro throws European Uppercuts on Ricochet in the corner, then to his back. He grinds a boot into Ricochet’s head but lets up at 3. Cesaro stalks Ricochet and throws more EuroUppers. Ricochet falls back into a corner, and Cesaro stomps him more.

Cesaro drags Ricochet up and bumps him off buckles. Then he holds Ricochet up to put on a cobra clutch. Ricochet endures and fans build to a rally. Ricochet fights out and things speed up again, tilt-o-whirl flipping huricanrana! Cesaro is dizzy as he bails out of the ring, and Ricochet hurries after. Ricochet runs around the side, up onto the barriers, and gets another huricanrana! Fans fire up with Ricochet as he goes back to Cesaro. Ricochet drags Cesaro up but Cesaro elbows back hard. Cesaro pops Ricochet up tot he apron but gets a mule kick. Ricochet runs, moonsaults, and just topples Cesaro over! Both men are a bit dazed while we go to another break.

Raw returns again, and Cesaro has Ricochet in another chinlock. HE whips Ricochet but Ricochet sunset flips. Cesaro stays up and stands Ricochet up, but Ricochet pops up to another sunset flip! TWO, and Cesaro runs into a corner. Ricochet dodges to send Cesaro into a post! Cesaro falls back form the impact, and Ricochet hops up. Ricochet aims, but Cesaro uppercuts him down! Cesaro drags Ricochet up for a deadlift SUPERPLEX! Cover, TWO!! Ricochet lives and Cesaro is surprised. Cesaro stalks Ricochet as he rolls out of the ring. Cesaro again drags Ricochet up but Ricochet shoulders back. Ricochet punches and hotshots Cesaro away.

Ricochet goes for a repeat of last week, handstand to electric chair, but Cesaro is ready! Cesaro blocks and lifts, then blocks the sunset flip to flip Ricochet back! Time to go swinging! Around and around and around for about a dozen rotations! Ricochet is dizzy, and he staggers up into a BIG EuroUpper! Cover, TWO! Fans cheer while Cesaro drags Ricochet up again. Cesaro says Ricochet will never win, but he gets a big knee! And then a boot! Ricochet knees Cesaro back, then springboards, but is caught! Cesaro makes it a cover, TWO! Ricochet wheelbarrows to a victory roll, TWO! Ricochet runs, tilt-o-whirls and rolls up, with a bridge, Ricochet wins!!

Winner: Ricochet, by pinfall

The One and Only wins 2-1! But Cesaro blasts him from behind! Cesaro is a sore loser as he stomps Ricochet out. Fans boo as Cesaro goes for a ladder! Cesaro thinks not, and instead brings out a table! But wait, is that R-Truth!? Is that where the 24/7 Champion has been all Raw?! And here come the others! Ricochet wrecks Cesaro with a dropkick, all the way to the fans! Carmella helps Truth get going, but the roster is headed his way! Drake Maverick leads the charge with EC3 and others not far behind. They all swarm but Cedric Alexander FLIES onto them all! He wipes out everyone but Truth! And Maverick has him! Only to get a FABULOUS Kick!

But the chase continues! Alexander and Robert Roode are right on Truth’s heels, but they end up in the backstage area. Will Truth get to the end of Raw with the belt?


The Undertaker returns to Raw!

The Deadman is back again, because he prepares for a first-time-ever with GOLDBERG at Super Showdown! Taker goes to the ring, and fans give the Phenom a standing ovation. “Do you ever wonder what happens when you come face-to-face with death for the very first time?” Does the sky go dark? Does the ground rip open at your feet? Or do you choke at the stench of the souls already gone? Taker tells Goldberg that Friday, Super Showdown, all those answers will be questioned.

When they stand across the ring from each other, the smiling family man, with his wife and son watch on, must become the mythical icon once again! Because Taker promises this: if Goldberg is anything less, this first match will be Goldberg’s last. Taker will open the gates of Hell and unleash “an inhuman level of brutality” that Goldberg has never felt. “When the Reaper beckons, you answer his call.” Taker vows to take Goldberg’s soul for all eternity. Because Goldberg, you’re next!! Will this first-time be the last-time for these living legends?!



My Thoughts:

Well for a go-home, this was pretty par for the course. We got some fairly good action and last-minute progression for stories, but I felt like things started to drag somewhere. Again, the Wild Card Rule seems almost exclusive for the Shane VS Roman story, but at least we got it out early. I was surprised Texas was so strong behind Roman, but I suppose it’s helped by Shane being such a strong Heel. The Six Man Tag was really good, and it totally made sense for Shane to interfere and help his guys win. But obviously, with Shane standing tall here, there’s a good chance Roman wins at Super Showdown. This hopefully also keeps this story from bleeding into SmackDown, let SmackDown focus on Kofi, and even Finn VS Almas.

Obviously the Universal Championship and the Lesnar cash-in tease took up the majority of the night. Almost everyone knew Heyman talking about it on social media was just for hype, that we weren’t going to actually get the cash-in. But boy, the beating Lesnar put on Rollins was brutal, even for a Lesnar beating. I would think Rollins still makes it to Super Showdown, this is just for effective story making his match with Corbin seem more difficult. It was a good touch to have Becky by Rollins’ side, since a lot of fans already know about their real-life relationship. And the bottom line: I just hope something happens where Lesnar doesn’t come back with the belt. Otherwise, Vince is just undoing all the good he actually gave us going into Wrestlemania.

The arm wrestling match of Strowman VS Lashley was an interesting choice. I was surprised it actually went to a result, most of these I’ve seen end before an actual winner because the loser doesn’t want to actually lose. But Lashley being a sore loser was actually a good play for his Heel character, as was him showing off his strength by using Strowman’s finisher. Their match will be some good strength game stuff, but hopefully the winner of it gets to do something important going to Stomping Grounds. Mysterio giving up the belt because of injury was expected, but I’m really surprised he didn’t just say it was completely vacated. Joe is champion again, and perhaps Strowman is the contender coming out of Super Showdown so we finally get what was teased on the Superstar Shake-Up SmackDown.

The Raw Women’s Division didn’t get as much this week, though that’s partially because their build isn’t part of Super Showdown. Lacey held her own in that promo triple threat with Becky and Charlotte, but things seemed just a bit off in the match with Charlotte. At first it was scrappy in a good way, but after the commercial break, things were just kinda sloppy and mistimed. It was actually a good move, planned or not, for Becky to jump in. Fans were still loving her more just for being ringside than the other two in the match. Becky VS Lacey is surely happening at Stomping Grounds, and I’m pretty sure Becky wins that. The Women’s Tag Division is what’s really suffering, all because Vince chose to have Bayley & Banks lose to the IIconics, without a plan for the IIconics.

While Peyton & Billie are good as their characters and good enough int he ring, what’s the point of them winning if all they’re doing is losing? Granted, I like this growing pair of Nikki & Alexa, but what’s going to happen? Alexa either joins Bayely as a main roster Triple Crown winner and then… who knows, or they job to the champs who have been jobbing this whole time, for a rivalry of Alexa VS Nikki. If Vince had left those belts with Boss & Hug, we for one wouldn’t be wondering what Sasha is gonna do about WWE VS AEW, and they could have gone to TakeOver: XXV for a killer match! Ricochet VS Cesaro was a killer match, too, and I hope that line about a decade-long rivalry in the making comes true. And the match even gave us a great 24/7 Championship segue. Long live Truth as champion!

loved tonight’s Firefly Fun House! That meta was thick and juicy, something to sink your teeth into. “Huskes” was obviously a reference to Husky Harris, the original form of Bray Wyatt, in the same way his other puppets have been references to the original Bray Wyatt character. Devil puppet Vince and the song, solid gold ideas. This is all working out to make me want Bray’s in-ring return even more. I hope we get to Stomping Grounds and he just does something to someone, hopefully Rollins still as Universal Champion. Then the HHH and Orton face-to-face was fine, with good back and forth about their balls. And Undertaker closing was great, I just wish WWE and USA could still do the five-minute overrun because Taker almost got cut off. Hopefully Taker VS Goldberg works out, not sure how well either man can move.

My Score: 7.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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